HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-07-03, Page 19 , I IF I k ­ "a ,. NU --A, 3., - ­ .. -7- 1': - I 11 . I - - - - - - - - - - - ­ . 1. ­ 1. i— 1. - . . I . I f"%% - I I GoderIch . Doings on our National DAY it. Ilearo a good name 14ditional Local, N(k)!V$. - - . 0 0 0 0 4 + + I 0 1 - A - - -.-- . Folxw4L, OPmmNa­ThefCrmq1 open- . - . 1 . . — . I I .1 . I T T v . Ing of the immense factory of the God- I'leatwAs Plentiful Oub"rilational Many words of praise 4ad letters of I 11 . S methIng holift -Dominion Day lhst Wednes- commendation have appeared in the ' AGNEW WON I I erloh Organ Com 4imited, took r THE TIEL-The . . . Pany r day. rhetownontsideoftbelio 11 TO Jolt PUBLIC. different papers of the county but final round for the golf club prize, for place last Saturday Afternoon when I rseful Mayor Lewis, in the presence of the Freen was. very quiet, and was . ue I . tbeseare the latest taken' from the the lowest number of shots in a nine . I . - town council, the officers andollrectors 'ke it atlying. owns I _. , Expositor of Just week, and which wa hold .-oatest,was played on Saturday . I You can get Your savings and earn. , Of he co,,n Any, and a number.of pro- and cities OWerW Inrivaoltions, 4n the . . I consider is worthy of republishing.- between Dr, Agnew and T, Jackson, RE' ".... you mit out tip s openedthevalve that -ly morning trains conveyed dozens "Some days aga when on my way froin who tied at I Inge oared for and paid back tO n 'en eat tile competition lield by the . I I Commencing with the issue of Zurich to New Harnburg via Clinton, . club three'weeks ago I I I , - It was A Close 0 put in motion tile massive drivewheel from town to Stratford, London and . July, 10, the copies of' the New having it few hours to walt over in that game and tile ,scores ,were low, the I . of tlle ower, pl Corliss Hilgine and Seaforth, At the former place Were Elra and News :Record usually I . , . made t e G derich Organ - Factory , races, Caledonia games at the Forest - town for trian - connection, I avitilcKi round bellig made in 05and 03 respec- I S .. .On Demand . ;11 i City, And field games at the latter delivered by carrier to town inyself of the opportunity to visit tile tively, The prize a golf club therefor . lk". . and we will Pay . YOU I fair the a Mli a. humming line of industry. place I subscribers, will be distributed. ' Houso of Refuge. Although I ha,ve passes to Dr Agnew. Miss Jacksozj Pan- ... "I . No many of the NE W BRA readers a through the Post Oflice. This. a - long had a d(sire to make this visit, wits the winner of the ladles ; she was I , .. I I . privilege of caring fOr YOur mOuQy- brief review of the history of what is O=nfle lacrosge teazzi played -will enable our readers to - : . this is the first' Opportunity I have presented with it'golf stick . . . . . . , . . 4 : today mmight industrial institution the m4tch in ,the Morning at Thr.o. I . . , I I . n Dollar will give You an 110- Seaforth, but they did not lia,ve the . cure'their papers earlier . had of doing so. I iiiet .'Kr French, - .. 1 1 , , _ count with us at Exeter, Hensall, will be interes . In 1889 some of Clin- snap which was theirs wherl that club by the other method., . the manager, at the station, and he RAN UP ACTAINS A SNAG.- - Clinton or Zurich branches. toli'S enterprising citizens conceived played here a week ago, thpugh they . R HOLMES kindly volunteered.to drive me there.. Messrs Sawer, of Mitcliell,, ud Hew1tt7 I . the idea that there ,was room for , won just the same, 'the $eore this time . W. J. M ITORELL I - I I 1, Green 0 " another organ. factoryanda joint stock . . . . . was very Much surprised oil reach of Guelph, tw6 crack bowlerivivere, in . I . THE soVEREIGN being.5-1. Ano'Cher lively, but rough ' - . . I .. .. ing the institution to see such a com. town over Monday night, and enjoyed . ,. I i ' . company was .-orgamized among' the game wits played ifi.the afternoon, be- 60p@@@@94"W9"96696" fortable buildin i and such heat, well it gallie on Our green. Tuesday morn- - - . - 11 o, . .. . BANK 0F. CANADA ' citizens of Goderich. D R Menzies, tween the Hurons of Seaforthand St, kept grounds Ciere is tin appearance lug Jaicob went around town looking .. . . . I . . Clinton,assumed the management,and Marys team, which ended in a tie, to -----" ­­ ------ - '---M , of cleatilines and comfort about. the for a gent to Play 9. game of singles, - . after 3 years of struggle against keen . A111 Sawer wits idle,, Vva R. P. - Re'AA-4 W. Brydone, H. T. Rance . be played off at Stratford"at .tin early Penruliker . institution, both inside and ont,whidi I iting for a train, e1rie's , competition the , company closed its . I . to accommodate the . . . . doors,'having lost fifteen thousand dol- date, : John Crooks assisted the Hull- not only stamps the Management ai§ 8o gentleman, I . I I .. Solicitor, Manager, Clinton. ons,' and aided materially in the splen- NOTE9 :-JAS. Jewell, Jr., returned thorough and officient, but creates in offered to play a game . It, was not Frossoription Drug Store, Olintpo, . larA in the venture. In February, 1892, fr -in Detroit last Saturday, where he one's mind a feeling of thankfulness long before, Air Sit i's 4ad his niann . I . ­ - - - - I . we . . the factory was taken over by Alex did game put up by them. successfully underwent -ab operation that the unfortunate people confined beaten 22 to 5 and 20 to 5, We must ____ , . . I . I i . ! Saundersi. the present manager, Tas A Those. in . Attendance at Stratford for the removal of his left eye. Nor, there can be so well provided for, and say, however, that Wm_Taylor made . I ... — 9 _ Mackay a . ndJas Clark. That no mis- races, (among them.being Messrs Far- niati Snyder wits hoine from,01inton a pride in our country for having mnre than tile majoiritr of, bowlers . . I I . I 1 *4 . . I . Stanley. take was made. in-se.lecting Alex Saun- ran and Macpherson,) report it good:. several days last -week, Suffering from _ . wbo have played ,sing es .,,-with Mr, . . day's meet with fast time made. . Made ,such provision... I wa:s Much le N.B,— - I . . AN lNovATION.---Two of Our`r,TRcti' der as manager is evidenced by the A severe Attack of inflammatory rheu- stniCk with the remarkably cleanly Srwer. . . . . . I .1 . ,. . ,nil- The - Stratford mixed brought up Matism ' The' masons Are At present appearance of the whole establishmbn t THE FIRST MOVE MADE Try Awisept e' Fjot .? 1. Cal farmers have Added to their", present-tirofitablean'd successful busi- . ' . fort ,and convenience by placing *3 fourrinksof jollylon greenbowlerq world the foundation'tif Atli., 9 OPP s- ness. On.Oct8,1902the factory,was Durin ite thFir beautiful kesidences a mail entirely consumed by Tire' efitadling from Mitchell; and ha5 it not been for brose Vanoxtone's new barp, offiside, and was led to wonder bow 'the past,weeka, number of, dplegatiolis Powaer for sore feet. , -. , I The first mail that arrived th mes with Clinton, the holiday I . . Mrs.French, the matron, could, with from this nl Aghborhood we I I . I was considerable loss upon the owners. , reln tollah I (1, .V . . . I ineir; would. have been rather flat. . -Rev H A Shaw preacb6ii the immense crowd of -people she 'had -with representatives of the . - R, re 0.9 0.4 0 # 6 . . . . . . . .. "I . box. The next The citize'as of Goderich,realizing*that t 0 6111, CHURCH . I I . 1 , - - an almanac forty years old. Those who witnew-d the e gameg hw- his farewell Sermon- here n Stroday to Provido and'eare for,keeo tho house the, bm ir(Ng .of, the road to .0odorloh, I . wits this poem : --- it .would be a serious calamity to'. the 0 _____f . , W , nesd - . '. . * . ,I . tA ay*for insuch shape. Indeeol,'it - Vcjjltl ----- - interests of the town to lose . so vata- ever, had 4sadtich Am as though the;y. eyelling; be loft 0, be Tile 1yoposition. Is this, that if the -well and favorably knbwn by all, hav- . NOTHS.-A Gordon and wife, Ash .'able an industry voted a loan of $25,000 had gone to any of the otitside'attract: Xi pen,'Aiis, now fharg& Thqse xii- .(IMP'llt f,0'9EW Wheth,eir the inside or counties between - Guelph and- our . I . : I - ' ' . . I :lig Occupied the position as book keep- field,visited at Thos Baird s the first of . ions . Clinton. was fortutiate'.116w, t C Ep . the dl Wl'ae"W the institution. , . _ _, the weekand returned home on Tues- to assist lit rebuilding.. Before commen- ., tro annual eleoti6n of officers f6r . . is the. county town will furnish the right of er for Several of our merchants; , We . Waltor Moffatt, son of John ing the erectibn'ofth6 hintience struc- ever, ill. the results, Tor she lost oil the worth League was held last T irsday bestand most skilfully looked after, the 0. P. R. will build the road, bbspeak foi- her the same- pleasantries;i. I as Cleanliness a id order seems to pre- believe* the represent, tives of the " . day. pneilmonla ture, in order to insvire as great ,% de totals of'both morning andafternoon evening. Rev Mr Yelland, t e new . 7ey I . .thas wits a characteristic o her nature- " - ; Moffatt, has been ill with - - A to gree of'perfection as possible.Mr Satin- ganies, in- the. former. by 2, and the. pastor, will occupy the pulp t here valleverywhere .about. the late, -in county agread to the proposition; those dur mar years. of weuded life With. * . next Sunday. morning, I . fact, I.feel that I cannot say o much from this end I . after the measles ; we are please to . hear he is recovering,, miss Mary Gil. ders, the general manager, accompan- afternoon by 11 points*, The. Mitchell . I I . - .. . to Move the matter in berlh",g,sbany. - . - . I , . . I . Mour is visiting at ayfleld this week. led byJas Robertson, the superinten-- boys ,seemect to more than enjoy thdih- 131D FAAEWELL-Before. 't . in praise of Alt, and Mrs French L fol" trying to get 'this request t . . I . .. . beir re- their e , , , hrougb 1, ... .. . . . . . . . A,Iex Thompson, who has been off dent,'visited the -principal factories of -selves. Of course we. tried- to give. moval from arlidn st us, it nurnber of xcelleut, managen dnt of this in- 'Huroll And Perth, the rest of the way . them ever thing desirable - to. Assist stitution,and I arki sure the .eou R1611'$0110MEXAMINATIONS. - ' - . ; ork for a few days is able to begin the. chief industrial centres of, Canad it the young people ofl3enmiller a. poioit. -h ate in 1 ty to be undertaken by counties interest- -The high scho:I examinations tire . I I . The new iron bridge on con 2 and the United States and was there-. them in their ..frolics, and sent theni: :xnent assembled,at the home of'Rev 13. aut aritles ase 14irtun. , having Ad. W., Dollerty.,and D. Caritelon - . . - I - . ' ' . . again. _ ' their services and they would only be il tile illodel. sehoo# , .. .. now Completed. The bottom of . the by enabled tc; obtain ,ideas of great im home on the 4.30 in good trim, ,svith. A Shaw .on Friday -evenirig last. and , were Olinfon's, representativest PoNy In pro e 9 I . .. . . ' . - . . , . ... . . ' . lotsof praise resting on Clinton bow- acting justly and in . the interests of buUdin- . , rholle &] (' , X -ondidtitt's twk.. - hill has been filled tip thr0e feet And portarice, and to improve upon metli I Made a. presentation - of a Stud I . . I ,,I F. .., lerg. for the royal :ieception -tendered And parlor tabl. Y amp the people if. they recognized'' ' Q-4 - agoodcoatof ravel,whichadds ods thatthak were.* found -to be not . . a,' accompallied,b the . their ,&])DI'LN'G.Bl OA'UTY-TheW!iagham matriculation, 27 for junior leaving, . ':. '. them.. The rinks' . . I 8ervioes a little More handsomely than T111M9 Makes the f011.,wing flattering. eg-iVIleflOrt to the travelf, quite perfect... Tile factory is E shape, I , 'with s.,ore, 'axos as follow ug. address - . .. for senior leaving, I for honor matrlctz - ers. I . . . i . . I . . p I .- , I I and ea tends along Cambria streeth-om. follows :, ­ - . . ' . 1. I they now do, -It is also vdry- gratify- remarks about our A. Tils store in tllklt latloii and scholarship, 0 ftir'commer. , ' ­' . I . . We read of men of wit and fame . .. . . . . . DEAR AR1141) )it-R88HAw,-Uio0n the occast . -- East street to Newlate street, with. a, , *MITCH14LL - , . I CLINTON I.. oil ing to. every person. -With .hunian ib- place : -"OOOP6r & Co.% are - making cial diplointi and.1 for comiliereiiti . In almost every nation, . 3 . . . IR - of r6ur regretted departure from amOt gat Us, sti b§ t I 'ng their' ' . I . Spec- . The are getting wiser all the timb, iving.98 feet on Has street and a wing Hodge . . Curti we,f,hQy0uug. eorlo of the Bommillerappoint- hat the poor and nnferfiina.te, rapidprogress in bringi store ialist.' They bag-trt Jvne 29th And, will . . Hinds . . . Hilton 11 . I -at our hearty ap. who, are unable to help tb6-ibs lves, . tip, to tile ideal of a uWl July 13th. *Pkincipal - - ' rn every generation. 98 feet on Newgate. street, andcontains Slothetlan f . - . ' RaItten bury - . ment, hereby qss re to eXplfe . neat and conveni-, continue ., . 55,000 square feet,of floor Spud which cult,_' ( J preclation.of your povices rendered during tire so .well and ab.7comfortably cared ent book, stationery And faboy good. I j,ough is.the presiding-exaniiiier. - 1. ' . - .' You talk of railway system and telephome ........ skip -I haton kil .-10 you,' pastorate of three' y ar-j, We take this . . . . I . Wm never thought the time would come ke industrial' estab. . 2ndgame-17 ' . 'a" . . . I . .. i And men of great estate, Makes it. a lar .. . . " i . 94-6 18 Opportanitrof thanking ,in for the interest for as:they are at this institution, and, store. They have mAde many. Changes ..,..' ..' .. . . .. , . . I . I . . . To see a post office aL the gate. lishment. The base'll . xent-has Cent I ent , Hurd . . I I . . . . .Agnew . - . . . . .1 . you. have taken In Us, for blahelp you ha ve,gjv I am surd th'a't any person visiting this :'auaaaaea much stock sinco.-they Pur-' . GETTING NEA11-Dr Tetinent V ' ' - ** .1 . . stewait, .. I .. liarland . I . . an us in dur Ch-Istian training and. f(.r the tip- Place will, agree wi.th me thAt , there. is 'bilased the' Ross , stdoik'fbtir I . , '- . floor throughout - and the, line,' Dougherty '. . Shaw . Ilfbirig of our mindo -to h her ' . months S., "Government inspector, '-was in . _', ; . , Messrs Innes and Pearson are broad-minded Hit . , . and holler no bett4r spenfi mobey thAli - that- agro, the mostreeent being- tl.e addition' RiDley Satur4ay, where he had again . - &n d men well filled to the pate; [men, shaft ,which is.-- in: the basement' - tott... . .. skip ls Hoiver ..... _ *s1olp-17 thin a.- You have imptiesse upon our minds . _ Thinir of a plan to bent,if can- r6sts on cement pier.S,9e6uriizg positive I ilnd..game-32 . . ' 2nd.game-12 trutffis we sliall never fokgoit-, and -through whi6, goes to stil5port the House of of seveval'shipments .of fancy china- been -called, .o*in to.afroshoutbreak . I. . Stal - Rml? n ­.. olzibings , - your example and teaching we:hsve )olarhold Refuge, ' By giving, these feii , line . s an . . ware of -the bette ,-grades and a stock of hog obolerd. 6fore roturnhig he . I ' I This mail boxfIxed at lho.ugate. . regidity and smooth runnin g macbin7.. R,167 . . .. . '...,%Iseman I . . inany Masons that will en%ble us'to lead hoilier I ii _ t . I 'Their neighbors are a little slow er room is divided S%wyer , .. ' ' Armstrong ..:' I I iiisertio, imt Editor, you.will grea, ordered the & trliotiiin of 195. hugs, . two'apartizients, each. Apartment: I ' -lik6lives.- Throdghyourin .. , tly' of. stithdard dress pfitternsii 'The store I I I . ,nty The .machine. Alidmore Christ L, . I t, , Of falling into line, Anderson ..'..sldp- 21'Spauldiug _ '.i,kip-9 Attl2weatalitY our Epwdith 1oague, which I, L . 0 Pay a Just . . ., L . L . ., I. 01 ige me And enable M t' * .Is bvilliantly ''glitbil with inearld. Which, with .the number slau lit d ' . . . separatedby a fik6proof.. wall. The bawar . Fair :, -orgat Ned, I . . I -ie ago because of tile giseare( . 'ai s " . An -L therefore, often miss the mail : . . 2nd game -11 . I 12 . nd.'9a-,,­II, .now I'n A flonrishinir cor.'dition, was tribute to a Nvortliv'institution.*.alid to es= clusters all as' Soon "as other some tin 3e 11 . L - i1i tot getting there In timd'. , LMarka . .. . L and, Ili every other go7d work connected with 'equallydeservingp'eo- I I - the.persons contemplated -L 6l'Anges are -ing , " . I I . These two the L loglans are good men, Case room- and Action room, .which are ­ I Wiftse . I J . q in . zT,tade it' will bt Able totatto S50 meantime I , above the machine room,4re Also s ' . . Fair . I . . L .1 bile church youhAv.- given us Your valuable L d, . off. Air ind , the in-anag -will: coixlp6re- f i,abbr , with ;city the residents of the district are, For both home and state. . . . P .... vice and assiskince. .- WhEst we are oorrynat er I -VO I . watch- . 1. . -, A nd when I h ev want to get the news . aratdd by A fireproof w all;'. The'ma!t DBa inhyir - .. sllp--15 Jackson . . - - - - §14-18 the parting, yet we arol glad that we can ever itnt.l. 11-latrOn Of the Huron House of stores, 1) . . . . . . Ing closely for it fresh cutbieak. - . . . I . . . d e . . . I . . , I I . - lates design ; many of - . . - d, in spirit and that- our work snail re- Refuge. .Yours truly, . . . I They slip out to the gate. , . 12n gain -9 1 , 2nd gime­*5, be unite . I . . . . I . I I . -inery is. all the - ' - - - 7 . . - . . _ . i . ch I , ­ - - FA ' ' I 1. . I - T . he lat I e I Mrs 1. , , , t . . 1. I . . . . . u In milid . -&a a token of our . Your almanne, that went astray. he ina -hiles having been constructed ..' . . m ! . I ,main and keep yo . 11 I - UIL-k -RE -tNION*..--A reunion . -:0BITUARYNOTICE - . 124 love we ask you to R, cep this study lainp for. - , . I D S P UST, ZUr . Hasbeengoingslon longtime, .specit hing ' . 1. . I ... .: %. . I . , -tribers 61 the E mmejtbfi: famffj . . 11, 'B'. 9vam;, whose death, was notiedd% - . Thir y-four years it -has. teen on the way, My for this firm. The- FiDis , . Mitohe!ll§ majority, for both ginies 13 Mr -Ahav , and tb is table for. Ars Shojw, hoping - - ., .1. 1 . ofino: . I . -.1 4 9 — - , .. I 'r room is dividedAnto four apartm . , 11 q , I 'Wits held at the -hike near Kineardine iii.laft week's issue,.was,ozle 6f the old. I It a dated eighteen sixty nine. . ents ; . Th.e Gun' Club ruet -%Atfi.several dis- thslthrmlghtlhemydu may0yeirremailober the - . . . . .; I Poor old book had wandered far . I appoin nients midst. . 4-ur .. . I . . . I 'I -sdAy. Party- persons by the' ile§identsof G.ide.rich toxnWp, and . . . I Filling and Shellacing koom, Varnish , t through,out the day. . assooiatiorie fi.rmed whil t in Our . dsboro. . I on 'hut I . I . I . prayers and good wishes gomith y ou and y n.". I - . O'er forest laud and lake. , -room, Rubbing roor . .. . , -namet. of Emmetton, c6lisposed. the .wellknown .to wirmy of.o.urreade's. . '. . I . mandStock room. While -they were'counting on 12 of the family.. , liopin that, yon, may be long silidW I A., Succmss,.- rfifiq rain didn't pqjl , ' , , . . . .1 The Filling roomi:s ZxM. ft., Rubbing BrAniford club. and the'same number -he serilee o our MasQrlwe look foirw4r_d iq r- I I But it never found itsewuer, , in -t 7 8 Par I arid a, very happy*day Was spent She,,was b6rn : in 1814 in the neighbo ' I __ . 1. M. _.... - .1 the .' ociftl at the" parSonagb last week., the I . room.-48:v_ffft­., N-va-r-ni-61i ro-om-48x48 f . t., from-Goderich I" " ' * wheu we shall -be a uniced ban'et"at , - , I . Till it arrived just at hia gate. , , on y six came from the .the time. . .. . ., asyour.correspolident. imagined. A- zcityall regreted ,whom the wantle of hood-ofLondoti,-'Iie.i-f,-ttli-f rb6ilig- . . I gaze on these b,3xes in wonder, CIvist'i; right hand I . night ciused. a dispersion of a gathei- late C. G ',Spar. hig.- fier ''later youth I . I and -stock room 48x48 ft. Each apart- latter place, and. nothing was heard I - iguedvil behalf of the young people, ' large number of out pe ere pres- ' . They are a very good scheme; ' fireproof walls froni -Brantford.: Starting to iain to- z : -Lucy- moitkoNa ent,and had on the -,vhC)Te1aeilwljoyi1b16' ering, some uf whom Wilf probably was spery n e,,ir 6 f, Alwrys. In 1956 she . 1,; , They'll by handed down in history . ment is separated -by . 1. .: . . I WIXLL ' i _ - -nevermeet, again under afmilar c1r. was mirr-l-led to Renzi I _Evails, and. . , Dated nineteen hundred and three. - . tiine . $Z)13:w"'.i e6eive(!,,-asi'd,-Ii .1 I . . . and equiped with.. Wilcox ,li.outomatie wards'evening made the grass so -wet : . . , , . ! . FLO GLE , all the, . 25 .1 . . . I . P P . fireproof d6ors. T he -' qui . , LLA HEDDLE cuinstances After a few ye, - I pment ,of -hat it was viWy. undesirable for tile . . ,, I evening been fair the alliatint would . . , Mr. Aild Mrs J. Ernmer- It's' r, esk elq 6e i 6 London ' ­­ Bayffeld I this department, As - under the carrying out ot the: evening's 9'rogratil On behalf of hims6lf aild-Mrs Shaw , have rea4ffied $100. - Still, v% - reckon ton, of town, .were present at this and Blansbard tow.tiships. cAmewith - . "' MIGHT HAvE BEEN FATAL. gement of 0, M48ezzo, formerly as well " illtQnded, The ban. .turned ,Mr,Shavv madeA feelin,t and ap- -i 111011lorable affair, atwb6se 14ther's' it -i herfandly in 1 09 10 f116-01dlldount- , I -A Sad, manA . priate reply,, = w : t oil I, ,social a , aicoe s. '. . I. ... , I I . I I . i of Clinton. After the'factory had.been . out, - however, And marched . to the TrO. he re - I I . ­ . .. . . , . . . 11 -was held. Duria the.daya photo of-'eastle farm on the Rtirox, Roix(I , Here . .. - der ,of the evet.ing, was Spell t ` . . , , I . a 1v !ih h ,1 . . , ' accident, which might have terminat- formall ccompmn -. .Park, where a mus! ",­ Program n . . t in - . t, all present,' besi es the' IN. h6use, shelivediintil. 1WI. when . er. I ed fatally, happened in Ryari's bush, tbperied,the Mayor,.a , . wim Mal N(J'.VES.-. cotage Prayer mee ings' I . , . I ,, . . - - led by t dAldermen,oltizens and press ven, There was a -fair turnout, but , games and other amusEillients, ­ werorlield on Thursday evening. At 9. in which Air. E merton's' father litisban I .ishe took tip 'her rvai;dence in "7 1 . pn Varna road, on Wednesda ev_n- I -litatives made an I inspe . c ton,of . t e I I I . .: . . . . ' I 11: ing Jos Archer was drawing logs for repres U I . crowd was it little dishppointed in. - 1, 1. I . I % I I ­ MoVittie?s,'andon Friday.evening at sCill resid" and has done so, for 'Holmesville., . A few m6riths, after the 11 , I . * ' the prenliseS,after which fheyadjourn I - the sham battle although the boys'did .: I . . .. I .1 . _ ver 75 years,, and we are told: this- death of her husband. ill 18f)S. she . .1 Mr Mustard,and was in the act of load- .. thebesttli'ey' oiould with I the I I I . . I . Drucelleld. . . 1). Hoggart'%. 'Mrs Rob6rts arid, her O' . ing when the accident took place. He ed to tlie offie s where congratulatory Affair,. twosons and daughter, -who mme to house of ma1iYS,e:-:ils is still lti a prf ct 'went*t6. Ilve.with her soils In Galt and - ., . I - addresses were . I . )resen .. _ re-apening of the thesL) parts rubout eight weeks ,%go State of preft7lVMlOn. . . I . .1 . : Toropt.a. Though neveu verystrong . . ot one log on the trucks and was tell to Mr Saun- alld -6 lively fracas took pla'ce jilst the RE-(;PE-,4iN,c+ -The' . . I . . . . 1. . . : from Englam' . I. .1... Tir . ­ .. in heaffli, 64 I . I . g hall, no ser4ong+lness'. .. Standing astride another *placing the cersbyMayor L&i is,Alcle.'i-ii ,%i)Tholill)- satrid'. At tbesilooting coin petitibn in. Methodist church on Sabbath last wits i, - to make t ,.eir hotiye-in I . " . son, ibnooij, -the followhig I . iada, -got tilved, paolked up . thleir TRANC 1,': EXAMS .-The R,b" until within it month of hei 41eath. and . - . chain under it when the log left the Wir Lewitt, manager of the Gd(lero- ;the - Aftc, * scores , :a success. There were. three ser-4ce.4 ()at 1 * I , -tions that w as ll,cld then, although confined to 'her- bed, - - * ' trucks,rolled down the steep skids and ich Knitting' Co-, -and Jns Mitche% will give outt readers a kood'Idea, cifthe -held, an(Lall were -well attended, es- h4gage.ftnd stairted Tor England* on' 'trance examir . - George Brogden li; last week-hadthle- following' presid1mg ber demise- came very unevIiected"y. The factory *starts under -'the' most .keen competitimi that was witnessed pecially the tifternoon One, when. the Don.,inion Day. ' .. . .14'....-I. -caught Alt AuLliler's left leg between : . I . . , examin rs,: Clivton. Messrs Houston. its -tin favorable 'au .S ' ein on, .by those who participated: . '. - . I -was crowded. The edifice has -visiting his brothm. at Mitchell for the Shem, -a., woman, of all unhss;hi. - ,. 0 S, striashing it badly. Re. . sp Ce I . . . . . ehiatch . d'L I SevAirthi:-Moissrs. Rogers dispositilooCbut one whose,Cbris.tiano,' . . . , ­ neat the time, and . I .. . I I . . a . OUF as the. hitnol, not only from all parts of Iana- Events- 1 2' B'4. 5 4'-Twalo . beer) tastefully repaint6d and papei?ed,. holidays. The Public. schools 'Closed an T; flowinif rapidly from the- da, but from knflandi H,1.1roP,l;AuStra-. No'of birds -40 0-10,16 90 10' 7' " 17 , , . * - Monday, :6ning: Raspberries- and Shi Iing.IAW,­l`,,Wil19lia11l, Messils, Lbaritefe'r'-wds -deep and real.. A faith I -11, 1". . ... abdtlie roof reshingled, On here on Tue6dayev ' lia an . d , , , -15 P .: . '­_ - :Watters.arf Bailey ;. Ford-wicli. Prin- f -wife -ioth i ,or, _. . I I . Isu . " " d t awberries. . I .ul ,and.'ir -; a good ii ei 0.1b I 3outh A fica, ' Our cotrespon Hovey .... .. 10 1 OU - 3 _=Inili i, very succesSful:k4rden paxty aie'coming in,. Atli S r will . .6 `P I I I . , . li2ed hat help must soon an. w ' " ; Oatitelon..... 9 4 01018 0-42 .. 1. attended by many from the O nilt. ­S ,Smltb- .§hjpl)ed two cl ill Hartley; Wroxeter, rinc'Ptt,, ever ready* to 'show li6sp'tality,,slie. , - ' . : . I ef t , - . rocii'm . He calleil to .his horses dent had * bitervie with 'the - 3111113,, rrelahil ...... 7 4 412 . I0 7"40 . I o . soon 9 day. Ft Al. Man& ' Bro.ck -,. wits ioved,and stecmed notaloneby, I w ch caine to him, and by i. ,=eat ef- ager. -Do you,think you will . e a!,I*e Mss­, ... 0 0 61119 -8 40, .'..... : , - surroundii-ig village§. ­'Oviwl $40 .was carloads of cattle 611 Tues, Mvs_ , B. ack,; Myth, k; . . . I I I . ' . . Brussels, inspector -Robb. - The boards, ! ­ . . 11 'Vill. Riley starto d CA Saturday even- : . Frole ' ILStri e -,"-,.%f tb occupy ail the nrp.h-ii, ,-.'., -Iji ' ,(,1a1lll_ Jackson .. . .6 .5 7' . ­ .. L v - ,her own. ,fazlAlk_ bift by a!iir4e-d . fort he managed to r t d 'I Wp, - 4,"bereplied" " m ... - 6 15 .5 .8 11 6-4 . .. lehll bd, .. : . I . I . ing last Tool- the Sopi to visit her broth-, f9f EntMnae Exam ers for. SeaforW - ­ , , .Y11 , col, -, Graha, . . I . offrl6nds. Her -family, consisted- of . I tbeni and directed 41'eill to the road, wC May. Anrvish . .. 5 7 5 19'12 5-47 I.- , - '. ­ - ANNNUA,L MESTING'wA imioli ineetin, . ers And,fidends; she went to Goderich ,,lidiiffiliated centre6are Messrs Rogers .fonr sons And. .one, davighter who died, . . -here Harry Peck ",as within chIl, OtAtiii*6sa,rb,ntir for.s.o5iiietiine to Astcr_,_.... 4, 5;__ I ' -5 4$ . . . . . . I.. of she divectors of,the-South-Huronaill alXdf6ok he boat there, .1 . . I tin infa, and; an adopted daughter, . . . N,% ance. corne, .but 'in the Course of a few ,D,,,h,ek1 ) . I . . . I , t I . I . I ., 8 I hillifiglaw, and Miss Annie Kill6ran I Alt licyl . I . . . . . . . . :.. for Clinton and centreg; Messrs Hous' an (juic v came to his assist, 'I ­,; 5 1 ; 1 7 5 612 . Tuokel smith Branch AgrIcaltural. So- . I .11 . - 11 -sS.T. Nftireft;. o"Olintion; the.sens- . , T einjure wan 11 011011 llolm ; . 1%i. . , 0 8 . I . I . . I . to Miss Killorala 'ar.v Per ival J.. of Mi ri dos , m ,, . . . 1. was at once put irito months we, will b, ve little * .. . 613 . I 1. .. . I I . cieties,waslield in,13racell6lolonPrida n, Lough And -Robb. n A Ali . I . , " room," 116w many inen do vo ex ( , ­ Y Do-.itrwioN . D.67- Ariother year for C . . -7r ; ' was appointed by Seaforth Roman. . a bu brought in haste to the vill- - ot Watson ... .­ 5 14 4 " ' 1. -Itkst week, when the prize list for the, '-On 1' Do Won of Canada has.' . Win. .E of W& * teaching, Staff of Galt- . y I t--C-ni-I ­?" IIAV.ilwrstiu t- in __ '- 4 . I r reea * nil . I I . . . . I I .. a, e, t.1i o t Drraqter;. ­ - -5-8- . - _ t L6 Separate S'chool,, Board.- At 0e)Ilegiat taken to his boarding house, - - -,-.-- unton-show, ter-be.hold-t-h-is-fall.-i-n--.Sea- se, -, -anti, , ' --no-w-iri on ,3 th- Catholl e histita te, Epb S. of Olin tor ' i IJV%ve fifty, and-befo" . li&-. , Rotlavio - " 3 .3 a I . ''. .. _P4 . _NVO--avo . 1 7 11 " . I., -we will Ii. I . - .1% . --r- -1 --Wver----- ere he still lies, and, is likely to r6- we T 'l , ,Nfoilvor..: ,.: _- 7 1 6 I . . f6rth,.;was carbfully -revised, se,o,eral ear; we are. getting to be-& Ood-sized. 7WiugWrp­ the CWer6:_W_Wr6re_,0, - _a_n&-&T66i;9­eW— , dr-klg'gis aiid c . of the. year ave on6-1111 IN , . , , . . . Brussels 30 and at Clinton 00. There-: of -the Ontario 061lege. of Pharniacyi' . - niain for some time to c6me. The doc- . McDermott, , ,8 1.2 15. . important addit ons'and changes hav- T)6y, And will soon be a full grown . I tors are doing their utmost for Mr Ar- abdfifty." Have your cust iners . t Downs.. ... 3, 1 , ­ 1. I . 1, I -beenmade, Nearly twice asmuch . glan. . Domil I ) ' I( .7 stilts of tile Entrance examinations *T iA6, 'The fifixeral, wits held on - * you Si "Well, I suppose Kanavagh.. .3 I . .. I . I ing i6h Day passe 6 ulet Oro . oo cher.; but at best he will be laid off -ed in,'IlAzes this . ,,, , July 20th. Saturday,. frotruthe residencoi of S. T.. I noe the fire 0" . 1110ney will be offet , business ,*eiit on a 411 , tin - I way. be ,expected about some have,.but our principhl custoni'- In the team match 5 men .each w.rre tyear as was offered at the Scaforth ' . work for several weeks He is an en , . I , . ly ing; when- . ne .1 .. , , - -1 Are placing, picked from the two teallis present, .- til = arly everybody The JuniorLetivii,iff examination will Mnrch, Rev Mr Manninj ,coniluctilov I , , ergetic and industrious youn man ers have walted for us an showlast,year. Tber&,,Nyillillso be ,it ,started to travel west,, and rigs Might e6inmence Thurs ay .morning, .- Tvily the krvices, six 61d acquaintances Wa: . 9 I . , , . . ail(] in this:affair displayed great nerve their orders." 'W.ill vou have niuch. i'vith 15 birdslier man -. Olin Lou got 52 Cod list cifs ecialAttractio — 6vided. ii, tile nori%, south. .2hol, at 8.45 a. in, I . . . . .be soen'.conxing froi I . . I .1 I . . . . her,tbrest.in Clinton cemetery- they. , .. . . I - . I , In.. . and endurance.. A couple of yPars ago difficulty in , securfii meii. for - kour and G6derieh,30.- The former winning fly. the local3iredtors, -and."t'14V Horti- - 'astl ,all(I all fall in.line in.tfia ' ' wcwe Messrs Wris"1140-thol, Wm'0 .. lie bad an ai,rn broken. factory " "Well, I Suppose we May shots;asthefollowinqwIll sho%__. and e. * . cultural So6ciety will Also have aninter- westerll,journey. Whey, lioweveri.on- GOOD-BYH.-The Retv.,Dr' C k, telon, D, Cook,,T. M-urclij. .J. L. Cour;- 1, 1 . 1 . . I . . atthO start, but All of our old eni]?IOY-. , hoolerich -McIvor 7, Watson 0, Rong-. 11 . g is , ay, it nile wbo has been paAtor of the m8thoodoist :'i-,; . &lid Win. Murch., , W& ext -end Our ' I ., estin a' A 0 the wh6le;wd y llali'ii, i ., to',th6 home,of Mr 'I - n mc P v nt: will preach' . I 1. . i0th few exce , ons.' vie 7, Xavauagh 5, McDermott 8, total 7 Ne ,.. . . .. . I I I . ; xe. forthcoming show ivill i)e rthur'Jamlesm. . . 1. I . . ee§ are returning S , . I where tho Knox .ehurch here for four .years, sympathy. *. - . . . . . I P-olborne Of course help is Scarce, Imt weptit'not So 'Clinton - Ireland 11, Rots, 11, tl,,,e best oud.i nostAttractive'ever li 611d' .0613gregs,tion werer having it lawn mon next Su tiday, evel)*- . . I I I . . ,.., — I - - " .1 I pate Much diffl. Morrish 8, Ball 11, Grallairn 11, total. 52. _ , U . - I ... .. bed .antici cultyin securing i 6. The Drand his family . I . . CmuRcii. Rev Mr Shaw Preac I 0 to wly everything . I . I . I - on the Splendid new. rounds of the, 0 * cial. It is needless' w# . - k4ummerhiil.' . - . . I . I successful. Thewoatfi- , June 28th. I . . I all the help we,neod., .1 i I . I branch Society,, The ( ates fixed are N,vas grand arid t 'Seff -119i - , I . . I .. .. r . cot; -lonz­,The following fs - .. - ' ' Tho oi& AW . riolay, September 24tb, -was,-,tea,ther Strange at the beginni ' ty, t le .W , . his farewell sermon in the , Bethel . Hollinesville 11 leave W"alaceburf for Clintori church last Sunday afternoon. The I . . . I Or Ont. . , oil Wednesdi ' , first of July. . .)u . . I ExrA1rrs.-­The, poultry th I "g Rev Di, 06oki diii-itig the whole of - the, tbp report of th6 standing of the' iday School will cele- . Godt-rich Towni hip , : '' PouLTuy ,ind . . I , I I , Eva.igelical Stir , .1 . I . . , of the liffair. but fhe rain seemed to ministry , in Wallaceburg of'U. S. 8, No. 4,QodCrivh and I ICA . " I . . . . station at this place, e(Aiducte,d by, Mi . f,bu,r years , , , brate childven'sday *next Sunday ; an I NOTE Idered so success NOTES -Frank O'Neil, of 111oosejaw, knowthattlie'social wouldbespolled. failcoltodo-hisduty, dotho for tb I . , interesting prograin will be rendered ss. -Last Sunday evephig, while F red 1,011ford, is consi it camp d iwn, so it passed Away to hal's r;0ver e months of May p:nd June. It 14. ,. I . . Mr Mr Nelson Yeo and his Sister, fill that witen experts -wish to visit Ank. Mau.,'is visiting in .this neighborhool-1; if ter's will, earnestly, Advance His based on. the regular bi-monthly ,test - * in the evening, consisting of Music, , experimental stations,- they aro I he wag -fortnerly one of our tradesmen, wards the . east*. for. this the People Has aininations and the names are in or- I . i Minnie, were driving along the Bay. of the Misses L. And 1. .JACk_ cause faitbitilly, preach the gospel of ex. . . recitations, dialogue$, etc ; it Collection field line their sDititoid driver. Shied ,,it brought here. This weelc Mr Brown, and has a. flourishing harness -making were. thankful. - . I will be taken for thp missionary cause. an 141,tiglishman interested in,poultry business in.. Moosojaw. Out- 'Village S011, (if (Ilinton, ,filad Miss Jones and Christ And' therefore- gain the - well derofmerit:' Sr4-Melvitil-Till,caryk soine object oil the, side. of - thb road, took jn kt in .tile. -ovening's- wishes of the people The Dr -Was Draper ; ,Jr 4 .Earnest Challenger, . . . . Rev T. C. Meckel, of Readir;g, Pal, ditching them and throwing both* Ua roduction, came- hereo accorwomiliod. was very quiet on flie first, .Mr Stew-' . Mr. Zeigler . . I . I also a favorite 'among the people- on Clifford Lobb ; Si- 3- Bella Ball, - Eddib, I . general missionat7 secretary of the O'ecuphlats out. The linrae ran a short . t Mr F C Hate, chief of the P 1.11 try art and daiighter Margaret, of Brook- PrO9v . 4111, 1. I . account of his genial -a fspositi6n, inak- TPar(Itillar, Grant Archer ; Jr 3 -Bella. " ''I - distiince And was stoppcd.- MiN's- Yeo DPyivision Ottawa, solely to examine . .. tilig Trion I I Evangelical Association, will preach in lyn, Are guests 'of Mrs Wolf. Misses I , ds - for I it) jsWff wherever lie, Draper, Win Sinalair,' Annie Miller, * the Evangelical,,eburch, next Tuesday, . re . _ ' . . weived slight injuries, but we trast into the Methods pursaled. And to judge 150.11 and Whinie O'Neil, Clintonj -Os- - . weS. Mrs - 06ok - and their- -lovilig P31sie Lobb, Myrtle-114 aeoin, Asa Mair# t service will begin ,it not s' rious'. Nelson escaped unhurt. Of the results, . I 4A _. . I itea in the village this week. Mrs . I . htnilly, Miss Alta . Lind anol- Mascer StanIz Chti,lletiget,,I-lo-. tti-tIF4trqul)ar. ' , J "! Vl o' sharp. John Dtirst, Who was I vr. The following is a -r6p . - ' earlow. .1 I I ., . 8, ) 111p-",-; .A od maxim to follow is. not put too . Rpror, -O-vt .A rmstvong, "Porilwicli, visited in o4v * , .: fi dd, are also esteamed:vcry- high.. Sr2- owardH1II,Ty1iim1eHasom,1'red , ' XOTB'14,'-Mig. t .'it delegafe to the conntyS.S. conventi .n gol. confidence in even the. quitest -Of the P i * of S' S., No, 3, -based on villa e this week. Dr. Corey And wifd., I I ; ."dark Ro6ertso,, has " 11 ' I " (!`* has proved'hoirself to be Lobb.; Jr 2 -Fein Beacorn, 011ie LOW I , - re4ut4r1tY- 90( , . I . The Misses Green warthy lady and , I has made Mary Smith, 1431dred McBrien, . James . -y interesting re- horse, *AIr and -Mrs George Ccop in it ,oini West Lorne to Iy- IN" atBlyth, gave a ver little, .11016 A 'deportment and gen- Oi ,, nall, Dak visi e(I bk week df rettipt c(I fonle fi a verV ,dr tha home of. his sister, Mrs ChAll 9D8 Spend the holidays. Tort on S11TICI&Y afternoon. Mr and ll d a little gathering'.'on Thurs(ay eralproficiency; Sr,TV,HvaIenaMo W many Triellils in WhIlaceburg, They Lovett ;'SV Pt 2 -Annie Soli S Isle .. Mrs Rodgers is visithig Ili London. . r rt Rtolij, 'kftev, .. . . ­ .. I Mrs 1, 8 Wvber, of Heidelberg, Spent Carthay,' Sie Wlllisl ms, 41gercoli - X5 r1th them th6 well wishes. of Farquhar -, Jr Pt 2 Alt, I ie, 3 w " Lobb, lit . 0 . xcursion S , thein Miller, Vera,,Lobb, ' - e , 0 . (Rev) A 15 (Irischler. "Late hours" to Guelph. M -s Jolin Alkenhead hits , Ts A Henderson and Mas*tvrAIfrC'(I` i r 1 " y "` ,,, L", "' their 'Challenger 4ttame vie '. r t 1- evenin last, it being the - advent of it IV two f weeks at their 1101110". , 1, y everaldilyswith theirdaughter, Mrs I - Yeru I 0 " , , Ild" " 11'r I lied Aunt Dorfis, "are t Burnett, of Goderich, spent A. ri rtutcois lipenvisiting herson Louis, in Detroit. Young,of llariiilton,are visiting frien6s. )I '11, . - ecor -a jen, - says our esteei tentiary Sund.-ky under the parental roof bn the, 001clouil0loward Trewarth Rensall football clab Plated A friondly here; the former leaves this u,ock for '111 " 11 1 I - 111, I ve in PiAnk Lot) , Jr tI Chr,, qg nin of their Youngest' child. Willson, AY111leA -Piqkard, OsearTeb, tickets were sold here fbr the e miss 14"vi V butt, Morence Lavisi Jr. TV, George i;. ( v es 9 alia St Cp I lioe l - ;, (11, 'I r work ittiol lit onof o apt. to Imul either to the peni a township, da Elliller,- Sr. ITT, Leila Ford, . - tile Al"Ster, 8 vineyard-wall"calinrg Bert Beac , FAnn Ovett. era a 7 con. A nifinbal? from thl , I ,in ex it ,to h6r I wother in . I . . - '37. - R. 0, I I a attended the funeral on Tuesday of Potter 'larlee I3ad6ur,'A1yr- game with our team as Frida even- Cie 01%, .or niatflinony ;" think of this yolin Xuriell-W! 1801V O _ "tended vis, . . atteridance. ,I f, men. Mr ity d Mrs I S. K. Welier, 01 the late lamented John'Peck of Staii tle Connell, Pearl Huller, John Dem Ing, which resulted in -it tic. 1-1. Afisses Paince Albert, Sasic. Mrii Robt braji- Ne"vs' . . . 1. . ... .1 . — I 11 I ­ Pn .--.-... :- .--;., -.- ...--;!!!! — giiests of Rev A I) f Yorktown, N. W. T. is visit- . W10,I)DING 13MILLS. -A vory pvetty -­ - -*---- I . - Berlin, are the - -ale- Soy, Hitta Colclogh, Arthur Sturdy, Lizz ie and, Grace Swan,'Mitclicll, vl, ..- tinall, 0 - ' Tyndit), is y t( oik place' at the honio . .. . . . I V$41110#11 , . b Lavis, Lulu Mill. ited it, the vi C .1une wedding ,7,ew I .", I I , .e,4'. 1;-1.#, v- I ,, _I -r. ' 1 ing friends -110 atloq indor the, pltr - - au& " , GriochIc ley. The Ist of July wits duly c Minnie Sturdy, ri, it 11a i last wnol , Charles re. .Miss A. -go crowd , . . . bratedatDayfield by a 'a 'r , V - ----- . , holland, May McOartney; Jr. 111. Pearl Mustard preae ed in Dtiff's church, Spending bet vac f MrJ NV. 11ill;sirlion his eldest d. - .'R T. - If. , . . ­ I - ­ breathing thebalmy ail-, which comes n .social is being All- o -, . .1 . %) Nk , t . : I I I : I 1 -4 . , , * - , , , - - I 11 I a 0 - , 11 - 1 T_v_a1P__ i , , P -U ! I , , , . , 1, , 1' . . V , I 1 I .. . - - , , h I` lit It I * 'I - . 'I. I - lu , r . , OW(I h;'i 1 -.1 r b! ". . , hV, I it p I Mondur- i;e t etid nd ed 0 lef b H OM 7_______ 1 . sser, Clarence I urdy, M01(iHop, on"the vast, -two 8 1&atlls. entalroof,,, -A law ter, Mabel Beatrice, wits united In . 1 , .- *:­P 'T ' . . ritlifed for, to bo, hold at tlle 11MA0. of nvirriago to Afr.W. J, Pliunt9teel, 'Ibe ­ I . _, - from La e Huron. mv Rmllolle .(,016, Hu ?otter, John St I "; : ofSeaforth .engine works spent the rtney,, . ?" _ . , -, '.... . rtle Trewartha, Clifford McCa , W : , " , - _", I I .. I 11 . . W& Y01,111g; under the, Auspices. of the Officiating (Jel"gV1111111 was PeV DV Gif- , " . . . Ist fit his hoiric oil tha 11tyrield Line, Mv 11, Char io Lavis, Lorne Jervis, I - . . . "Y.'.P. S; C. E,, on 1. 0 , 11 . I . Homer Call colon, Limle Badour, Frank "IdIlett .: ­ . . the Ov011'ing Of 111-ily ford, The briffiltelim-usaild wvderbln I 1. . , . - I - held in I I I . . ,. - -1 WVD6IV(4,- The -hoine of -Mr -,VilliAln ; pb, 11, I *W m:6ixoo+ _- 01, molynnion YJ , I(), (;'ominnnion services were I Aved 0;tbt, , . . . JTT ;L 8 Nhpolean Gravel),, inarch were pl. by Jklls s , -4 . - and Mr.,; I-Fenry Oakvs, eon 16, was tho Ay A ve" the ehurelk her(, last SAbbittli;: twOlV0 Twitellell, It .n. I . . . Norman' M iller, Percy Munnings, -Al. pretty,wP(It1h.)g wits colebrated in this I embers wore added to, the ivoll-' ion(I of the bride. ' Tl , - . . . . " I I I I I I . -1 . % scona of.a very pretty but quiet ,w,ed: bort Proctor, H rnest T-luller, Stirling township, The oung ladywho Mills I neW n . I I I . . bride, who was given aivity In' her 5 I I . . . . . . ding on NVellnewlay evening, 'June 21_ beirlpsey; Pt. 1. Blanche Hps0r, Blia gives up single lilessednes" NVaq sfiss I I . flttber woie,it hanit,onw whitesd k -or- ­ . I I '' . , . 11 / I when the'r eldest daughter, Laiini, V- s Colclongh, Lulu Willson, Lorne Me- ,81asant secon . Tucker gandy.an(I carried it lio(III(A (if NvIlite . . , . I . o . . I b.- ,-A % 161 ILI M 4: 11k .11 V dmightexxof Win. Drum- slinlitho. J-.1 nil I ,,, I T ­'. I J.. f"ol, 11:2:1 , , , , p 7 /. W ..(...., I., $ 61 . 111 ..... 0 11 - " t__ . "w I ­ , . . g ... Q .. ' Ao J& GRI G Se,jentlfie jeweler and $ Optician . I O'N''. VUNTO, # 1, T I . i I ­ .'-- . -.&" I - - , vvmane w r v o RN 'IS0111, a Cartne 71 , Delbert Untler, Lottie Lavis. ley, &nil the fortunate young mail to . URTAIR. . 0115. " 11 11 I .. - . . . 11 I Prosperous yonng fariner of (locterich N W, XWONVAUTRA, TCACbCr. get this eharmiti their stand Auldell all ,101(111 ot, roses. - towliship. . 11%e wedding inarch ,was 0 . ­.- — . - q br, ide was Thomas A Goon CAm,%-Robt Chafter,ot. ffie NJ! s Tna, sister ar U10 0111(le, I gowlicil ­ I played by Miss QOod I will, of 011intoll, Harlock I . Dodds, of Afeliallop. The cereniony Mill vo!ld, niade ail hy C11 ( rtnutpurchase ill pifik ana whito The litinge was i I I . I was performed by 11evJ. A. 1-Titinilton,, at the 1,(%ccn t s.11e of - 1, iortborn C,tttle il I eousin. of tile bride, Rev J Rosser, of Myrus -Many of the people from in tho open air, the bride and grooni At TT;inill ton, These cattle were from bpalitiflilly olveorated.with rows,ferils, . ... .1 1 41 , 1101UNIsville, performed the Ceremony thfs.vibinity Attended tl.l(, funeral of . standinirr unassisted in front of a pretty tht hords of floll, J611 14)rvdell Ilon, tiliti gtiei,ites ,iii(lor,tng( l)lo 4cioriis, Ar -1 1. .-" I ill t1le.prese'llev, of aboutseventy intilyl- &to friends and rolatiVeq of the. youn oou .le. They were uliattoti&d, M115, i the )ride wasgoiven away 1) 'her fa -VA. er. Tho,bride. was drosse7in ,vhit(, Con ora,tulations ov(q, Uley retired to the Willing room, wholle a choiee and I 811111 )tllons quppf. r wao parfitken of. Thelligh estepin"in whieb tile young I couple wom hold was shown by tho , m1wevollA andn'soful nresent4received, . Nr And IX home on t townshi sea of 11TO, L11 tiand con , u Joy Ile. theirs MrsJoslinA Pollard, of Wi4ton, on Siludayafternoon. Anumbor of tho farillers have o-ollillionce(I having - this week. Mr X Taylor's had,Ids barn raised oil Saturday Afternoon , it, Wits comyleted withoutany Accidents which , ; the Contractor ., Mr s lt)le 1W have one of tile finest ,,, ;t1(,C)"r VVni'llifor ";Itn"011n I township. A number of t ey,,Illt!,,(,,Ii(,opleatteii(l( dtlielliti)(Ion Aicnic on Tizowlity. Miss Ida Mc. pitdden, of Wilitfirop, s lent Sunday with ftiends In the Jago, Major . Anderson,of'Senforth wasthe pest of Aft Allen over Sunaity. , , I ,*I%e - # back -ground of ever&eens and flooiVekl% NIV 0 E(Iward.8 and other well known tektho Congratulations Were. oVer All I ... I . .1 .. I N only the iinInediaA',e relatives. of tile brec(lers of lesser notb. TvIi, Charter's 1, .pafred' to the.dillifig rooln all(l par- . I . . I coneerned Were presentut the ur(qlase 19 a b(latitiftil helfer from the took of a Sumptuous repast, 'Xillner- I I "I % , - . . 011s Anil Costly gift S wevo recolved from , . .1 ,40 = , TI I wishes of the Plerd of Ron- Mr Edwards" . 41 a 0 . . I Ar anol. nehr,, which show the high os" The Baby. . . I I . na'lly friend leofoti le 'newly,Wedded I t ) ii, ( N0TVS-W(,.Nf0 orsl14aginaW,Nt1­h,, toom whic )with them to their honlein ill 41 11101yoling people were Ile bein -Iluniste "' Oil Will ilever regret 'it. 'I 11 - ,V.g A, guest al 4 ott's last week, lie bel& Mrand'Mrsl A will take f arill. I , op, where the groom hall ft line W, 9 ill) their abo(lo on Orehard Grove farm F &ion his way to lav the cornell . I 10 11 I... " U., . V 1+ .*, *,f . 11( JarBrileefle , and left. town aiiii(Ist No mitter how niabytillotca vou hh*6 of . I I 1-141 ­­. ­­ _. , I Rev Dr Stewart Officiated at tho Base line Baptist church last Sundq afteritoon, Ard'his gospel messa e wal listen6d to with much attentiontythi i large obngregation tliatwas Present, 4 , . AP " U r ; 11 miss Htwtry. wito a a, picnic At Bayfleld on to topic wastakensuilda; tr Olement and a good 4Z 'on oil the "Love, 41 a Shower of 111ce., lilesgage" of collgrAtil- latioil, and the best wlsho q of the, -, nulnerous frimids. The VrIole will lie Inissed in '011tario street eircles'. where Alto was ail active 1116111bef" (to well as it teacher hi tholf%inolhy Sobool, sho Iff the baby, 1 You will lid pkama with out photo$ of cluldfen. Wotalootbentin it nat4b4le q1 different poisag. . 4,9J & : 11013ry,18,- P1,144- ft416. 4 .