HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-06-26, Page 1F011r-F0R-R"%W­— ----F­r--­F­TFW-MV" � ThO NXW BRA* the bast'looal W45TRE9rk­F=1�sVAbJ - 1. . I I � I I ­ I— r ­..­­��--­ . I - ========I--.:= "r . I I . I ,�' . . . � C1T,.TVrVnW C%1A4A)0T1-% I '' I I . 111. I . I - �J I . * I :HUNDRA408 OF t . I I ! WORIKIIEN Filkatbeiremplo, exatwithiat,entatia, utes wal,4 Q1 tilip Tal , I . Pink, whqyqqqld All have a ofiviagi %cloolaut irithout azj� trouble. . comb in And sea no %Ay I asy,at noon or whQue ver o0fivenient. The Soverebm I c:R-ol,Im. * Bank of Canada Clintou Branch. I I Albert Street B T RANcE, Manager. I . . I � I . . . 1 .4 . 4 0 y X"11 MU 4 1. � . 1� . . 0 .. - . I IN ! I 11 111 ==,� - . - ­ 0- I NMI 1�1 11 11 I I �N.nl , I-- � I � - - . I . . - I I I . . . . . 0 I In 114,rAu - - I , I I il 4 , - . . MU"44 mow A , � I I � - I . !! I - ::,I 1:1=�, � i,:� :.= �. 1- I -1 11 i:�I!, 1: = 110NI 0 . — . x4hrW4, --- T llaoude0gro � -- . . � - � - �� I !lZ I . . ) - ---, ------- I ­ ­ ", - ,. , .­ .- - - 11.1 I . - ­­ I ;'� � -1 1" . DBATH.--Mrs 0 A Barberreceivedthel I (btandeftforlm6wee1c. I .1 I'll$ . I ­ Udi nal't. ocal News . WLINu ,ruo*. i3ritton " 1*0�", — I , -6 I I do LA lV N 00 . --- has real tied the positi(sal Ov 11-tir.1-0.� T! T i,U Ir r T 7, sad news on recefitlyof the6ath of her NQTES.­� Tile funeral of the. late I . I . care, !. ....... ....... ­­ ....... - - brother, Andrew. Hackett, Aslafleld. It Ste , , . I V Al , I . . an Qray,o.was, largely attended ; 01.0 . tker, The President to endeavoring I'll I . is OMY 4 few Weeks ago almherfatiler 'thevearers'*01*0 J. T ­ , TO TR PUB P*J8TPONED­W0 are asked. to An. to secure the services of A capable MA , ... I . r bled, -D60110'ad -VA$ aravolmied. last blob, J, Kirkeolifiell, 'aMb1yu,T- Littte, . .. I � - 110W in Mr Britton's, place, tj,rood wages INK! I 11 .. , rus, W. niles,j COIIIIisOn,E . � uOuuce that Owing, to the unsettled . "KAnd leaves a, Widow (and three Lear. Mi � , onditlon, oftba wiather, will Ile raid to the right liers,90n; There . II-en by his first war finished �.. � ­ ar y a ave been held, this even, I Ki&connell, has . � the garden ire I clailt . I - ire I I Barber also la� -riage.) Mrs raising his barn, ;Jt is now ready for .. I Ing sho"M )a no difficulty In tills �I%tter, , . a A sister W,hQ is very ill, the foundation., Mr$ Barkwell, , wh . it a ), tin er he Auspices of the for tile Work is pleasant And the pay PUIR, I: , . I Deceased has on been ill a few hour$ has been a 0 Commencing with the issue of . A I a) . PAIll'.9 chur, is sure. � I , : I . � . A, an his. sudden an ending a few days with . ) e I dla hits . . . : . . . I - I' I , t , It h raft y d e Gu Id with choler, � July JO, the copies of the 1 w . . . RIS ; , 4 sad friends at STo 01 oatDoned, A (late , BRED BY LOCAL Ujil,N, -Almiongst . I death is a severe ph6ok to - tochalib.,b4sreturnedhome. . al ndeflnito his Ulan 114.4 and News Record usuldly Vill Ile .%nil tie later, . The Cottage pra Will . Oil e the,starters in the isoveral racles'lleld at I Orth l4st ivvlcks WO laotipe',the friends, . He was 47 years of age, er areetim will be delivered by carrier to town TORONTO VISMIBITION PRIZ1,14 f . I I � . 1711ye laclol at Mr Tamb yn's on P ' 'Subscribers, will be distributed . I I T, Sea . funeral took phice,on Friday at 2.80. in , Mrs Hilef, IAAS reltur aineaX even- � home U$T.­A.S. In, . �iny iniportant chAnges nam, � - I through the Post Office. This _ -t Ar. . I I . , @a of -IvO 110racs t"At were former- ,. I I 'if V Visiting in Huron, Loolialsh Una . will enable our rea have been ma ly owned by well-katolyn local lovers of .. I 'earlow. � Kine4rdine. . Kr and del's to pro� de in the Prize List of I .1 MAUMEJ)�-Difrjn MrsJ D Ainslie cure their papers Toronto Exhibitio . If, to be held � horses.' in r,bo.2,*,)0 rave ­Luoy,,1 . I . I g, the - pa earlier than 11 I . froall brown Ware, now Owned by a "I .. . I one o!'(u., youn , .at week. Are visiting, friends here for .a short � by the other method, . ligust thtoseptarillerl2th, ijiteij� - W.Kilaltz, I . . ri.'r., , ,i, ladies,>1140, Maud, time,, . I 0 ding,exhlbitors are advised to Study of Rxetei�, wl"s bred liy "I.,W. VAX -ran, Youngest &ughbor QfAIrSJOS. , -T . I R HOLrylift's . the list Careful 00pips can be hadon arid Afterwards sold to tile late Isaac lay'. was Illarvied to till Tows NOTES be lawn social" at the par- W, J, A] ITOHELL Rattenbury, w ..", +U , "I Ebell . . its entered therein - tb6 7,11 Rose, - sonage on Tuesday Iflight, was cousid- d4PPlication to �O. Ora-, Mana, r, In- .one was-,F1yIjl,, $1d,,, tb4 I - ezer, Rev Dr. Um, o GoolevloilX u I , Per- orably Spoiled by the wet weather, Nr I I strial Hxhibitloar, Toronto, at. other , a winner GRItNo � . forming the Ceremony, We Wish Amos Watson wits called ho e 0 gM1,101pogi --- ,6I,---- I 91 . _ , . of tile 230 race; 'Was brag by W.- Doh- — - I I them a long, ha m al � I . I 10-wlwlx�w A GRADUATING RROITAL­Miss erlY. The time in tills I ------ �,- �,� .i, wedded life. ' ppy And prosperous. Saturday, owing to his father being , Harloelk . . � alf, 9-0 ast race was I I � . I . � . I very sick. Mr Geo Jobnston has Com- . Carol Newcombe, of Clinton, 304. They were both* sired I . brilliant gra gave it by Goo, I , ' NOTES- Misses Jelaxile and Jessie menced to mend the' . WRDI)IMG - BRLT,8---The f6llowing, . duating reef tal Ias.t ifight I Whitelyhorso, (1youngt$Idney" R, R Ree i , , , . Green, of Port Huron, are speradmo age. There are someways of the Vill- VOM the New Richmond Record, re. fit the Conservatory of Music. The . . .1 their holidays - of tile pupils of fers to 1ho Wedding of a former liar, graduate, who is a)?upil of 0188. 1 . .kes ,. I .. � at their home jn'Loya.f. No 8 school tiving the entrance this lookyworl 16A A ,it 11 I I . Mr Barron, AWARDI�,DIIR3000-Tb� G. T R has Prescription Dr- At- ni. , I . . -mmong thoso 0 JSII`" ly, a LA Ittoresb 18 inesident of the I . . - I a 01). � onservil'bory usic succeeded in settling anothere,00,1111. . Who 0. -k in the excur- week, - Dr c0allurn hits bad a visit to her friendal)el-e: Tbelfarlarriageof Club, Ili the excellent pro � . . . qr Summer Clubbing Rales sion to Guelph ail *Satiardeby were Ur froinhisfather,for afewdays, The Miss Margaret Ge,fieva, Parsons And ramme that arose out of the terrible calaonity I----- . � I I - . given by her, ,as assiste by Mr I ill fated elress At WaXi . . --. � , . tile w � 11 . NEW 13RA and New York Weekly yount Mrs A. Johnston. ino. 1q laid -down -Around bere, mving to so Charles Percy, A, L. 0. M., in terfor . Witness . .............. .......... . New Richmond Nt,. B. Oluirph at 4 p rn I L I I. WT. .- 1. Ar and Gordon fall whiiat and 116y'are very much Mr Edward Makin, which occurred In stead on Dee, 20, It Is t at of iVV and — and Mrs R.- 9� young, 9 that lwfel tile' . , )bas Me I ,ted the audience. ' — � . . 1. , Fisher, Mr. llr,%In- Potatoes are very scaice. oil June loth, 'if V WA ' I Nzw BRA and Sabbath Reading ....... $1.75 Johns on, Ed .9( - Mile 110,01, , Which deligh , V - H' Cole of Michigan, (who tire I . " i one of tile prettleat m ISO . . ..:., " 10 Phee, Will and Warner -M . . � . NEW BELA and both of the above . , alter, Col. here now and ,in- -Hoore -was accom�' 1� .0111wown to ;�any of . out- citizens . I f that woulol . bo. Stine. weddin Wa$ . Katharine NEW BRA and Family Herold an .200 Vtircoe, Major Young, and. Capt,.Var�'.brougbt ill wouldflid, ready gs this neighborhood Ws pallist, . . I . ana3vere on their way home from vis, .d - sale, alid, ever seen ri-ie obill,ch WAS tastily � �� Try Ani i lleptic * F,,ot * ' Weekly Star to end of 1903 and to coe returned from Londo'll last Week, thanks too, The Farmer's I � INSTALLATION. �-The installatiou iting relatives in . tbose,vvhn subariba before July l5bb, 'Istitlite, do'-on%te,d for the ocoasiora in white town when theacci. NtW11] r.1,1111.1-11W'1,�k ................... i ­ 700 MratiolMrs Wan;I Culaningfiameand t.*.p.toGueIph,OnSattfrday last, Was of the A. F. & A. Al. officers took dent lia, "ji.ed-) P000 is the douipen- Powder for sore feet. ' . I - home lost wee . efore the entrance of the. 011 WedlIpsoilly.evellialF W, . I � . . ) , -very well patronized -here; therelvere 'leg sus .W e I arbld, returned k ce sation t ey .receive, for injar - . , . d son ft and green. B x1l" tll -y Mail and Snip re , IT. haw to end of year, with preloniumal ........ Doo, -fter A two weeks' , bridal couple tb eorganist. M lag Bovura,-- aot,lb Master of -Ceremonies and 4 - 0 + *+++++++- I it visit with frlbnd� 89 tickets Sold,;'thab was less than the .its 2 . Wiled andishock from the terrible ex- 0 4 6 0 - plikyed Gustav Lange's sweet inst4l Ing officers, After this core,, PeVlel'Oe they passed through The HE ��KES AN' INTEREST IN , , I . in London, Potrolea, Saginaw and oth- . Year before, there.are several ivilo, go O'Cole"' III I . Stanley. . . every year or . "Thine'Own" At 'four W' 1 ­% -----------� , every other+ year. Do '61claoil- IaO'nY Was Over lunch -Nvas served !it co"Vt Ili's sustained an agreenlebt be� THE WORK- It is Withrleasure tha � . er points. . . � I I � . ,k, tween the wId6W of the Lite W. Br6c , . t, � � '. clock, t;'the strains of the Lobengrial thelodgerooni, ,jgbod fraternaltlna�, we notice our esteeinec friend and ' . .Porter's Bill g Dif � �re : - killed Ili the Wanstead wreek, and tile 1:: bas gone to Dryden, Ont., this week, I I . . I Jalifleson's. on July I Ist ; the Auburn best man, Prof. L. A Test, - of Purd tie, - Those installed citizeii'Mr John Raltsfol.,ol, has been, - NOTES.- Mrs Peter Campbell, sr,, I . I not forget tile IfAwn social at My A.. -weddin treb, the ,groom And his being spent We .L to attend the marriage of her eldest PospoNEi> -Tile Arden party undejo Brass Baud ivill be there, . LA W, M., A. Ji Holloway. S G- T, R-, by which $1800 goes to, his eleated. to'.soch -tons in. I . rge -entered by the right aisleq- then tile W - %V. P� 0 honorary po It' I son. Donald. Mr J,61m Moffatt and the 411OPicas of Bettel Sunday school, quamtitles. -.of pressed hay have b auldlaill'. J, W., W. bOwns" so,i Wixlfer Brock, and -$3700.,to the .the Anglican e . sk � eel' ushers, Messrs Bert Bailey. and Arett. " .184, D., 4V 1�0 . burchsgift, such as re, I � unced fr in M hol, d frorn the bdse line to the station . , . orman. Centiedy; X. D., G, Bruest la all. , , . I . . presentativ'o to the.General Synod, of I � 0 ly a Arnett, went down _ tile Centre. Aisle 01 . AIr Ed Glen and wife took in the farm- whi6h was anno haill PC W $5500 I' . . ' ' - I &WA, 3, Stevenson; G, $., D, B THE, TR SECOND APPT' 3ARANCE. Canada, Provincial Synod, an'd alson, . I - last, on -Mr'Alex Cox7a'l . AT" Wilt- and took� their - places at -the sides Of Kennedy; ZT, S., J. H. Xeri; orgarlist -The Second open' air band concert p ex:6cutilre, . era' excursion to the model farm, pight this Nie�k and last. MrWilli H mes; r, G., Guelph last Saturday. A. McDougall bas been posporte'd until Friday . son is having a stoub, foundation built tile altfkr. They were followed by tile Aace- on the coininittee.or . ev(XI - I , . M a . . L - and two sons were visa Ing old friends ang. Ji1ne 23th. E,�erxbody *Invited,- under big house. Miss Belle Kirk- bridesma A . J" :Paisley;. auditors, P.M. Me eall, was held on Thursday cveiiing last. the Dloceseofl-luron. Alorif,withLial, . , . �- . loll Miss Ruth Taylor, a Cousin 1) .. . I - connel alorth of tho villa is on the of tri e, Viii Tier; ttiistees,- W, J. Paisley. 'D, ' ith appre� .1 I and acquaintances here; Afr McDougall it good time is e4p I . I . I e I bride, who was and tile- streets: were lined W we notice the name of 4ii Viand Wr . I . . was formerly a resident qf Stanle NOTES I �*l . .age- I 4 ' B. Kennedy, A. J,'Holloway was ar,- cl4tive listeners Who'adraired the rou� 01aaaXenkins. Other'Inei el -sof the ; sick list at present, VIdding Bells dahitygown ,of g'Veen , n le, U " _ .yand -Mrs 0 M. Potter and child- are , I pointed 'delegate -to Grand - Lcolge - ditiou of the several piece executive, whose nitmes are fainiliaV, to - � Goderich township. but is fit present ren'feturned home. on Thursday -to ring on the east iide- of .the carrieda large bunch" I S, e t which meets in Toronto on Silly 15, �s: given by; us, we notice Judge . living in Detroit.. Mich, Mr J. Wylie last, villagg, Oil July Ist, , I . 1, and mh . er i ' , :e - I Holt - alcol the ex� ­; after a three wQek's visit with friends . . . peas idbu hair . ,1 thVill, Considerable improvement -in ofailby, - - . . . * . g Avae noticeable,. and I I Rey W Craig. ... I . I 1, is visiting this week among relatives in Oxford 0 Miss Loura Banis . . , ' -- " � .. I came the . bride, who in " e a. eauti ul LOS I ES A190T their playin ' pastor of StPaul's. . . I * " :. and acquaintances here. Mr Peter ter, of Detroit, is visiting In the'n6igh- . Bennallier . . I I .. . EIRR $160 - .Deep that steady. *progress is wade,'In:the .-.FI4,'LL A VICTIIA-& well ka , . . picture,in her, linging %W11- of white mystery Surrounds thd dia4pe'a . as - in the past., week, Irishman of town, who tbok in the. "', ' . own I " , - Campbell, dentist, of Chica o, and borlatiod. Miss Ruby, Sterling is home c a, taffeta silk, on Enuday nightof a cash box contain- wili,li'lt should, 'We see noreason why trip to Detroit Wednesd;%y weak " . NOTES. -Mr .and Mrs Walden Fishei crepe de che rance next few'.'weeks 8,r�( . I . I , PASSJ4 - . : wife are visiting at the home Of Mrs P. on a Visit froni Detroit, Quite-anum- 3 visiting Mr and M H , F label,, ,.with train and- veil. - iier only orna- Ing $400 from the UnionHouse, Toron-- Clintoa band should not hold its.owil ed through &,.I unrXiviable situation oil .. � Campbell at present. Miss Brown, Of ber from our burg -took in the, cheap .Mrs Ed Walters andlon"Trai-ola; of ment was a pearl necklace,- the gift df to The box was takell from the safe. . Bl):tb, has returned to her home, after .excursion to Detroit last'week. M- Collin Wood, are visiting ,fier parents, the gro'orn; she carried an Armful of ,w' With the b6st. of --tho'babols 'in this the rather. unpleasant )a . 11� a visit to the Graham home. I � "' MranW Mis H.Fishev. Miss mal..y hich stands Ili the sittiug.�room, allot county, kind be a�ble 1wa short time to ..The boathad havolly 16 t sage cloNvn.. �'... . the harbor - - . - borhood, Wearoplease tonotetliat by Rev alin to the grant which Is given before . anally of the Passengers . be- - -1 . R Ivison'llas been visl1in inthe neigh- P',nk lit Fiance roges After the core. the theft is believed to have been the 14y ch I . �- . ,� , Snyder is not improving as quickly as thony. which ,was perrortned ivork of a, clever Sneak thelf - who wait- . - - . , , � . ' Brucefleld 'her mailyfrierds 'would -,via b . , I � ,�7 Clio government tO- military hands, caine'seaSiCk. This 1rishman 'w Miss Eiiiiiia Pickarc I . Thas so'far ree6v-' b,but hope M11 Weston, the bridal part ed arou.nd.till he got a favorable oppor- I I as fit - I SERVIcEs.- The I she will soon be aroulad'agn ty: left the fell We think should ..be passed the height of ,his. Ice enteptaini. . . - � . ' ­ I from the , a- . Directly' afterthe weddifigs James McGuire (Who 'is A forimer pib� ­ Offier coinittrymen 'with, big 1,�it.-.HT3� � �; , . a repeatpart in the.last'pie washanging 6n fl�r ' - Brucefteld Methodist Church will be Hospital, on Thursday last, JohhA troit and Guelph -excuiosiong We are , r6ceptiOn was 'held at, the home of the prietor of the Clarendon Hotel). r,epoX t. 1 9 , '� i�- g ng I . .. I RE -OPENING re- ered.fman-her recent illness, that she. in, Quite. churi-li to tile 1111181c,61' M6nd0IeSOhn*S t1wity to OerpiAttafe the robbery., Mr around... 2pue, it misunderstA . , - , opening services in connection with the was able. to VAurn, boni6 a,tatunberfroin, here. took in the'D juareb" iad'irn . I . . (, alls'd . all .116 was. wn"th.- I . .. I � sorry " ' .SOX)10,606fusion, but a 11 but his listeners nol(i.�ecj Ile was tl-,r.�.-Ing - ' an undayed With friends - 'U'll -bur village blacksmith, briold's ujrielew W. W. Boland, At six ed the ease:to the oltce, and, although. occur in the best, of musical, Oro . , A held on Sunday and Monday, June 28 . d Leslie Cox's S to le. this I %t e to and 29. There will be three services in.Colborile. recently, Fred Pickard . 314mes.,14well, jr , Went to Detroit last o'clock the 'bride � and - groom led the evc ry el" waa:fol� 01 . I . aniza- tale, Alld b6forb they bad Mine- to MIE , , , R ved, tb6 detectives. tionq' . . . I .. -10.30 a.m., 3 paij,,And ' . � �. 7.1 . I .. I � I .-what wits 0 - iwitter, he: SAYS, ., 1, held on Sunday retur�hed home: on "Wl6djf�bilay, Afte -week to -have an operation pisrforrhed Way to the dining rocim,wbere covers' -failed to get any trace of the cash box I ie .. . r , I . .101, I 8, Rev R A Miller, pa,stor,will tpke the sp�ndljf a week. in Galt 4nd other; for the removal of his1eft,eye,'which, were laid for thirty, to, partake of a or contents Mr � DhATH" OF A-VILL' "well boys I guess I'll .have to' let .her r ' , ,.BOWERS.- ". . . . . , I MeGaile's safe -,*"a There'piasi%ed- out fr6m this. lli oital . go, e was'lil.this'act .when. a' I -ening services, and Points &St. �Xabe].Johnsonretiai!hed 11 Y lurfeb'i' furralsbed.liv C0.erer robbed of .$600 �under si I . ex- . ady I I morning and ei W, he got hurt some time ago; the oliera� Ida! t , . . H Rev Mr Sawers, Presbyterian Minister, lzomelast,week, after spending'some Von was parfoxImed:st milar eirounam istence4bout, ' friend carbe Almig; and :Of LO11rSeL, re- , Iccessffilly said Welgle of La Fayette. I The tables sttnce§ about 4, year ago. - ..' .. I . . � . . Eve. o'clock WColuesd " . - . . Brucefield, will Rnach iia the after- time visiting Ili . and around -Mitchel. he * return in it fe' I' a, L. were prWded - over by ,Vlss6s Ruth - '. . I .1 . '. afternoon the life, of Will B . ow ay Xnarked,` I�Why, Mr — are you sick ?11 I I , ex ' ' 2' t . , I ors, At noon. On Afnuola,y evening a, lawn Miss XCDI?u "'all' Seaforth-, 'is visiting Tobb,Vt"t"i's6a'(t)'.pre,enti,,,Ldispose.. 9 Bailey And Jes, "Hi6ft. .At seven HA.T SHAM BATTL'R--,A nove'l' �tlld rgsidence Of Mrg Beacon) Vibtorla �"Wcll, do Yow suppose f'd . . f I ra sie 0- '. T be doin- I return, "' . , social will be held on the lawn of Mrs . Mr -1 Mr David Lindsay , ie Years he'llaa bee . n � at 11 liot'. A. -S. Gledhill last week from clock thei haf St. r flieuly fly this for flan," cayne, this I . � IPY .colt�le left'fbr La. Fay-, experiencewas lenderOd the soldiers . , . III �hniall a ... ery. , : h lbh. P re I wrilleIndultyi ' With all the - 18 still in v - �peudifig A, rbaple of ette, where hey wil beat home after their. shat� battI.Q. P ,' 4d pi. McNevin, opposite the church, Straw . poor . ea a Detroit, .after fi Yliting"that dread ivgue consump. I�Atyy.rlsspolzise, . linpleas- ' .-I A. l; *of 'Julyl5at,3286krAnt'St Tliebridewas . ' "' king,, canip... adl;'got'its hold on his tha,t� .present time *eri lovirl, P riday lasv . 7, It If antn"..s thtit wivs being, exliExienced' I berries, ice cream and cake will be . Ith Val � I Burke is'4t the weeks wl atives tli&e. An , n9ef6m.. b,.e. tion, G1 le anallefell a Aerved from 7 to 9 o'clock. . h ..,little hope .of recover men commenced wor *5ge Vill . earthly,tem frotli'litornin `-, A good *it y. , T.'r I -k oil tiie bri it fo * 6r Huronite, � being .a daughter I'L'the desife of. the attacking coln- victim to gg7l�ea,jovial laugh came I program has b en prepared. I John Blair.has been seriously. i. here oll Mond. t;they-are-at prds-. of Arthur Pars 'n',3,, of Ont,, panles to:'Capture the -red,pubb. the . -its ravages� PRI( Inally aring,this reply. . 11 . The Clin- ill w1th . I . arl6ck, ,. e WAS of a qlfiet,� inoffen � . ., . , ton Band will be Is, pleurisyAnd pneurnoipa, but entworking 0 "'Mao I 11-.I _present auddiscourse "Xrlea,�6 n he � . 7 , ceineiitabutmentsi -andhas been. a very. su-cess!ul-and. vQh11IteeXs� came In too close fitige,tind Siva disposition, respected'hy, all.who . 11110 PE NL8 RU;LIEVRD­�-It I 'L a, I. 1. . �- I . . I , ; ; I I I , may Sweet MUSIC. Admission 10c. - we are pleased'W state is abI6 -to be' � CHUR6H.-A -Millian. preached' ac_ �opfjiar school teacher in Xavkson. InAllYwere plugg6d in,, the .'face, With kneiv. him, who regret his early de- said that the parson'want after one of � , � _ . --- - - . . . Around again. Mr Fred Xorff�fi land cept bl - last Sunda� morning.' � 'Rev.' owalsbip for fopr ye4rs. The. groom � tin ivadsv Private Carrick of Wing- ' "parturel N life.,, He, .bad followed the of his . ' . . . . tolay Off last'wee 011 * health, - 1a LAW will preach his far is a Ptiratte graduate of 1901, and is am was one of the mufort ­ I I a -.-fe� ,pArishiqrers `at: the Stuad`X�," . but is on the road is--weeki ' SOffion bri.cJunday evening h xt. He now a mern . . months of his,death, -in the, . . * *I, oently. bub: � - Dungannon A 9 61 . I k'olyint . ewell bar of the - P rd ui;ate ones o0clapa, ton of painter till within. * School,cimven'tion, -held e - DEATH --- Mrs Wall Mallon 11, of ,- .1 . . al��m V I e . ­ . . . u ue faculty,. to receive injury in thfs qway� and � the latter'&e6fleinau fill quest! '' b- - . . %. . � . I � I � . meantime', on go , �.. . I�lg ,it . week whei, .Ili Lo-lj.� ,� . I-- , . 'A'number from here took .quicker than '.shot 6n reC61v* assisting it the Qu6en'b hotel,, I consoLation, last' Dungannon, mother of MA . . - - lebxesi�ex Week.forRIppeh,. his new .-NoTBiS­ . � Jonesb,- . - I eld of 1&�t . . . . . �., � . larged tbe'ri)an, with his b, one , it is.',wa; a he had nothing to be --* - 5oseph - . -.0oderilch Toww4iip. . 11 I . or.. . . . .. in the ekcursio.nAo- Guelph onSatlar- cl . in all ill don. , He was staniding: ot - fir. a ay . . ,,, Stothers, ofBlyth,died at her home . . � . � . I .. . , . . . -- - -- - - 'I i . ., It w ., , ; . I . .1 ' ay. * - takinit effeef I -sing.ivitli othera, % h a a mean- .. . . . dak,.and report a pleasant a - er. . �� e -in Dungannon ast Sunday. ' . T Aqd', le conVei .. I On April . MAttRIED-M-is'sE.ditliisecovd:d,Liiqh-,. ' Mr , foolisrl,act wa In ' "a al`jyl� UO -I ans behind him. -the er-ricaT- -'s it - � . I ter of Willis B . � . I .8ayflold, . .. - - arid -Urs � Cumming5. of .0moladville, . � g that so'nie of the Sol- and sister, 1) e. r of e rank 4p�edxip to � . , life part ­ spent Monday with, Miss Be I - mixing anks With. som vin A frien ell, of the Bayfield lf�e,- . a Helen, to mourn the loss o 17th last MrsUallough and her aged I diers, two brotliora, E d. and Ray, I ner celebrat�d their diamond was boun,i ill holy wed)ock on Sa.'pr-; N6TES.' -The Foresters' Society ber6 . a Nellans. I . their bl, e f a 10 9 d and said, I'vvIld i's that mail ?I, -� weddin and one .,week after d& We6 . Mlss,.Perris, Manit6ba,-is't 01Vbiidges.tIiiiy had been using . at-jthel brother.,, The funeral will be held Fri- !,J­.-�R­7­w�` canieth� reply,. " Where � P I she .sllp� C y. k.:.to *Will Powell. RevMj � will Attend Ili a body dIvin4 service in . I - he gliest of: butts; and Xnaby - % day 'from the -A,indertaking - rbiirtis� of is he from P " Wa's-his next interio-a- . I ,unn . - hetuncle R - Ferris, Miss Jernie Hast. vere'shot bffjor ­-.'­�­ n - ); � ped f�nyfell to the ground, receiving .. e;.of Clinton, performed the rilar-' St Aridrew*s oillurch oil Sund�y,� Mr , Hoover-& Ball injuries which v, blanks i�tthijj ilacomfortable distmice � -�pl I' A ..tie kf1is ", . confined he; to hex bed riage clakeynorik. . Tbli courll' were tin. - 'of 1)6troA, Who N -is ;Visiting 'in the : . , - .. . J inteVmen1f6.tq1X0 ace 1. "I"' --� wag, b wer.' ;, . , - 4 -v � a few Illornents. his was,too .Much � etery. , . . "I ; cq4t'iivir�6'1 tbt,­ .. - - . . attended 'They -,Ijave�taken.iiot .vil.age last .week, hits. returried. tober liji6, actual 8v.ajfifr THEDETR T!A hate . . ever since and which ended in death on 0 Ohattack, Defroit,was'suddenly called ' 'I' ­ ­ of 6ach-.othe)?� T In Olinton'cdm '. . ;heir - back to Bayfleld on account; of hWittle, I � , We I Sunday. Mrs-Mallough was a, pioneer abode in Detroit, wbere b1i r Poviell hits girl takilif dangerously ill ; silo is iiij- b-O"Oe", Bert -A] en, Who liai J) a * 1 i e to .Suit inany of - OIT.:TAIP -By BOAT.--- meditatloia drolled c lit, ,t�II`(;" ­.- I . I I I our V-6111fitpers. ­ . . I . I .. fheGre�ljoujaaafterlaylng in harb to llsten.fZ th I t "I � of Huron county and the funeral on secured � 9, ' . - . I -Ne* -OntaVio fo't the past two inbliths,. . . . I . I or ' e preaching tha maij ir, ,.. , I . Tuesday wits very largely attended. wislathem aple,tgant'and:prospe 8ion,of the,QiXe6n'dHoteIandis�, IlIg'Soine . - . at Gbaerldla. from' Ii.15 Tuesday eve inthe.habit, of igfenlng.j9-.­.;It was . . . . Position in a factory. W6 P"OvIng-', r Biggart has *taken posses- returned home 4onday, brin I .' rous r '' LAOROSSI,i-�-At'�the preaent. time tillolaybreak nex . The bereaved relatives have the JoutIneythrough Ike, *� I . . . . 1. ... , Ing for�.uwmervisltors, .. . """. 'fine. samples. of the game 16 bc,,lia,i I " . I I t Worningstarted out too -go6d it joke td.let go, so Mr Laity- .. ' � . . . tlaem� Miss KaggileNeilarisspelitSt ' . there 1.4 no game 'that is absoxbfne� so on a very Ventorepohle - trip to pick up lunitedupliis preacher,�ajid tolel -him ' ' sympathy of a -large circle Of friends. � dATH1-3RZNQ*­=A,. jem�'Of theyou% �: N6t`ES---Vr 'Archer, (the .I- . do I Qrt of day' under.* * in.- niuch 4ttentioly. as lacrossd ill '. this assen ers'it,kinbarcline, -but owing the yarn. - Thg'redtor beganto fe6l the ' ' — . . I I . the parental roof, .;Miss. coariby. OnThiii�sda,y.eveiiitig,l,jtiv6n- i * . wbosellilsll�'bp IS given-elsewherp,)-is I � � 6alled on friend' oliallamOst-Impossibility-of entering burden. greater 'flaart lie c6illd bear ' ''I ' ople o;f tile Bityfield, line were invite -, -0oulter, of Morris f, 11, Vbifil hospitality I a � -Ile: ame,was played oil the rearea;tIOn ail 091obtliarbor-with a 72 f -an I d - weekly told his' friend th' I Kingsbrildge . rocenioy the prove , . of progressing favorablyunder the super-- herd1ast weiek, Mr and Mrs NcHwing, . I I oot boatq at. he I . NOTES -Jos, Dalton, last Thulsda Joselih Riclia;rdson's family. � on Aved-. vision of. Di% ,1141-nith; 'Mrs Ohas'Johrf- -of Palmerst6n. were tile guest J?larl! betwebn Seafoxth's 'youn r diLiring Such A, sea the'y had to abaudon. would never have olamj3 to ,�- y - . I , raised a hew barn, 515 f6et sq U nesday evelfhae last, it Iiiiiij the do- iton, of Stanley, gave 'a party tO the. Watt lffgtwe� . $.of -tOhn 13,14yers and Ulinton's.. So f" 9' the 4ntry,. 'le, i had - ' , re - ek, . * �� - . 1, Al . 4S , vIng 10 disappoint6-cf, h6kno-mi he' -v,0oijId ,have bten held ` their. , -and A fe 1, n .. . I . - successful game, Wssetagers on dock, I - Id. Mackintosh, Detroit, is visitiri7ar�una . 0Qon of . inniiiii gajfleri�jg to Methodist ch@r. w tr endi 0 . ,.. . . . . . , . . b66if the town'smost . . . . , . . She ' AkVive.d� responsible forwhat he E al .', � : .' ,� I .here.. .,)The college , boys are hothefor feast Oil ripe'strawberriesi; ' ich Tuesday eve4ing,4litie 22 - Miss Mar,v - � � . . 7— . - an'd the. Visiting clulf no d6ubt return- tack in CToderich about I li�ur:later. I , BANKING OHA� I N ' ' - I . . . I I . . � Velkna - :�. . ' ­, . the summer vacation. Th The. even - Parsons, has . I... ed hom6 f6eling-thatsiach wasthe case Ther Kincardille"Pftssengers who. were , � . . We note ari . W , '"Ve , . ere was a In abundance, i2g . -returned. frioni, harvisit, . � . . GF,.- , nge in'Bankinq, - c . soon was a' to St. MaVys. Mrs A. Dunlop. had t , * -NOT,RS.---'N.'PukAy. And R I' ' ' 'for the boys walloped. the - eaAll witg on Q16 bOaf iver6 lafidedi and-arrange� whieh'took- lage last week barn burned on the 12th concess- on on pleasant 'one, and will.not be for- h - wan PSSP . important cha . irel6s �- � Monday. The masons started work gotten b thbae,jWhij p nlisfGibulle to'81ip and w'renob ber Seaforth, visited'at their homes over tilean,'gettifig Wt one. oall - The well. Were pimsent., - y n -ten,: the ments made. for taking them. to their known and � ighlk ieipected Private I . � YM ... I .. , , , 1�6 ' - inton, I �t . . I 9­11obt. Cluff, B. line, ba ankle badly. Fred Bright 8niftliis Sunday.,. MV and Mrs.W I ol"Roch- 11 '0j. destination by'livery rig6, at t.he;­�61;'� � Baziklng� fi,�m of Messrs. MAO& � on the R 0. church this week, , . NOTE score being 0 to I in - di E". a &V . - I . I s. had visiting hfs broillerl. Dr. Smith. Mrs oister,:Are vi§iting Rev M r%�idsoja at The low� playerg Were Seale, Mi Pealse Of the �0111P-Axly.' The -th0 ' X-thur & I I a slight attack of .. palpitatlim .of the W w . . .. . IFFoltnesiville. heart Edward""Tise'lias, invested in a � ,,C111 Br6rAoja, ho hits been on the the Inanse' bliss. Nellie Burnside*. is Graham;. A Carrick D Dowzer, G. on, Wedi3esday " Nvea - Co.,HensallihAvedispbsed of their busi- ' . Illorniall was very un4 liess to the Soveieign Bank of Canada - I , , I labor'saving- fria-li It list� - is. recovering. .Fred Wallis visiting her Aunt, Mrs: (1,00per, George. Cook, M..Chowen, NK Gibalis,.,;A, Mlt� POPitiolls for tljej� De Volt -trip,. but and this Bank is -now open,�-d,for busi- BOUGHT A MELOTTII—We ine knbiin as a man- , kind famil�r, of the 800, Are visiting his town. - Miss 1,6ttl� 11obertsoli, Bruce� cliell, E.' Sheppaxd, B. Johnston, D,. About 1000 brhved the'lowering clouds I havejust .ure spreader; he­-inforins us that it - learned that W. B. Forster, Presiden . arimts in 'Goderich Township.., MI�s flold,spents few days here-with-hei 06rrester.� On Friday'a nijx6d!:'�Jub and"liv - ness ln.Macarthur & 06's office. ' The- � I 1. . � I . t works iWell and..'saVOsa'gooddea.lof - . , Of ` ,ely sea.. The., officers ,of the fri ds of'Measrs, . the Holmesville Butter Fa,ctory, has rajuscle� Maitland. Johnson %right has resigned -her position aa Sister, Miss Naude. - Mrs Eol.'Reid, (if t composed ,of half. '0111'e'Strathdonas boat f6elasolisappointed over the if." ell Ma6arthur and, Ar;. - purchased for himself a Melotte cream move far , ound so , is ablc� to . teacheir in tile - public -sebool here;; she Bayfield, was the guest of ber father, and the otherst6wil boys�44 - VS A the pagsou nold %Vill be pleasoolto learn thatthese, ' . . separator. from the agent, W. H. Lobb, I well Oil big w6ciden leg . , rove ill) to of afti a el' th6mselves,. gentlemen have- been al)p6inted Man-' . . , 'Ind in &'clo;e fagt,:game only hopit . that 1. er fie intends 96ifIgAo'. tl4inilton in the fall -MrB.driliides Joseph V6sterliAs gone Wingham. t . Clinton, it lawfing the largest poptly I fakesarlde -011 lah, to 1'estarne hersttxdi�s, Vey J G, Yeb. to. Manitoba to take . &.� look at the lost. to tliat� town by if, score of 3 to 2. next year. - - . � twlil''be'theirs era of the ffengall and Zurich Bran - Capacity -wheal, And- andlesitouite ea�ily.`.Miss ' . .. 81 of any hand sepazator used in the % � landIeAvesnekt-Thursdivyfo ' --new 01111tty; It la� likes it he Will take, tip a , IvIrPrankFair was referee; , , , . ,Mie Of the Sovereign -Bank,res , ectlVe- ,- Mar . r his . � . BOWLING ITEMS ... Laa't' S C . y -Halliday 6pent Saturday ind, . ' . ati'Vd&Y ly, and will continue to serve�'t 6. pub-: I Gunty of Huron. Sp charge db Berimiller, Rev Mr Snail, of 101116steAd. , Miss J. Poster, is c6nflned, , . I I . 6W6 iinks of. the Bowling Club. went. If I - h' R , ­� be his sue ; . 'WEDDED, -.The home to Gue on the e3, ctirsion and bad a Bank of Canada in;ve ajs6� I I I _p49,1- with the � Morrigou.fan�jlv­ of, I Da�,vn-M!IIg,. Kent Cd;, Will ;O bed Mrs.Shbre ' it At present -very HAPPILY to in t Is capacii;K, The Sdv6reign � . � I � � I -E, nest Alcolymott �na-' Edith , 6111 � ' c6i� 2, 8tanley. - Alex. Welgh andNel. . - p of. Afr and Mrs. Bdw ard. BaoiV, Wood�, game With the Guelph b. This is BROKE HIS LEG -Jack I son, V66 were" in 331ybh on Thursday eossor,' flitgh Hard , 0 . G oclorich, � OWA acquired,, � �.L I McLeod And Miss Ja )aVidson . tire . trying ille E flt�ajj6e - stock,. Was the soene of a quiet; but an ideal vla6e, to Ban,kin busineasofMessrsSrieII&Co.1 11 - . . 0 glitL -6to; f�r they know- At Zuric -find Dash vooc I ..., - bath ,School and . -, were pnite -in arria e,on , I .1 l' . WtOdOAt UP rightand OlItertaill has been af, .. .v while com Anif Friday, a6 clelega,t6a froth the Bab, 116 Mars 'a '' of o erieh, , exaln. this Wee ;at, Aa�fiqld; We Wisfi, R,flotCy weddil,l '...their el I N I it was tbro wil from his horse township It I ,f, dest dau er to ,% lid Xos Sueli � . ets of London . � EPWorth Leiig'he o the evening of une , At th etho. them. success. .. .. :. . ­'� IE 11 .Baer, havin b' �u Ili the. best of Sty . Ing tip the stre f t �s Maude A, ary 4 a Cole's Netbodist'Church, � . . . ' I pointed manager for tile .. ace; ev Mr . . WEVID1110--4, quiet . wediling took r JnAlTiAge to tOuIS touse, better green inC&,n6j1.%, keen to pt , , . These inoires are . the I I Oal '. 'fjr� Perdue has returned homo, from Bruce .Yelliind erforariedt ecore Oil '-.'­ - 'atthe residence 6FNr . an . larlies aker.at Bickerton'& The ay many d6litmunteatioris that have been I . � r lay nior.Ang I"t. Miss Mainle dist p&r�o go of, t IS, -united in -le. Thore'is no in that se,c job Tbeanimal becarn na , frightened at the cars, and a ipped on Mines. whei6 Shp has been vi ibi b , p I . . sin on, and of -4 good draw. . the pavement. Mr McLeod was sev . - . si in 0 -1 � ­ . � , place d:Mra ceremony Was perforined by Rev 8: Clinton play- received at the Read Offilce of the Bank 11 . . erely -shaken up besides receiving a cousin, Chas. Donaldson. 'Geo lludic , . I , . . . 1. Wan, Clark on'Wednesday last,,when W. FaIlls, of OM *ere'& littlb handicapped owing to -requestini that brilpilebois be open ed. in � . . ,. I I was carried to the , ere cap .. � . Tuckersuilth.' I— - '. thelro'eldeA daughter; Miss MAXT-Ellen, dist church iti.the presence. of 0, few I point, but sust';alued a better y these loca 'ities And with offices at Hen - ken He- bad 6; barn , mis'ed 'on Mondk)r week; . , . tile College AN;O. Metbo­ thewcondition6 and were defeated If 6 1 . bro c al A - Oliver*Griq . became the bride of We'lin,qton Joliti- -immediate friends, iind tile parlor iv�as -tion . bli�q f D, Zorich, Cj?editoii . tifins,. the, forme -ide was beautifu ly . a n in waiting to coming tile . g and John T)e.ihl , - � VOPllta- Sall, Exeter, Clinto spe 1 1 r tr - � 9 it year ago when they and Dashwood, they Are !it 6. positiom , , gold e , h e, and sent th Goderich on r?s side being victors.' X,OThS,- Some of the farriiors' svives. �ton. The bi �ttlred tifstefully decorated for tile occAsion. were defeated by somethinI, ove to give the gublic, an excelleilt,serviee. . - , We Are extremely sbrry to lea,rif of complain bitterly that their hen roosts in white-, the ceremony was peri r a stretcher. . I formed with marguerites.and ferns. Tile bridd forty. However wher . With the a love purchases comes sev- � -he accident which happened to jos, a,tO o�olock, by Rev Mr-DavidsOn. Mr WAS, becomingly -,ittired in white or- Clinton,, they will meet. with the visits ) . OL t arobeing seriously fleipleted blychicken ) � . Archer while in the ,bush recently,- a thieves, OnsundayrastTurneessab- and -Mrs Johnston will 11 ft the andlo-with insertion, And her sistnr, fate. , The two rinks same ,eral Changes of clerks. Lorne Scott, * � Some of the log rolleol Olt, his -leg; or bath School held itd Annual 'tFlower homestead, Front'road. VQ&eo wish :Vvere, W, Tier, J Scott, who has bee the able account- - - breakirIft. it so badly that it I lid W Jackson Sk, newspaper corresp6n I ushing � �bd Sundak;ll Mr I . Ess May Ba- r, siblilaribr attired, wits Fair, D Forrester it 1. I drq d n I4 I � orga 4 I and IV e of *h te Ill n .1 f n - Ad b ,I. .. I I - I I - I coming to theconclusi6al - . . . a Vd, ly ant here, having picked tip the systent ' dents are now � .18 feared Greene addressed the them much jOY.'. � bridesmaid, Both cariled' beautiful score I-t.,to at r which I haye held all along, to the ef- amputAtion may be necessary.- Mr children, and Mrs Greene also gave . A0011>BNT6.' G elph'; E Howa very rapidly, ]lag been transferred to . I fect that an election will not be held and Mrs Geo. Steep bavo gpile to the . then . i a short talk. T. O'Brien 'bivent Ing -3 Oe Archer, while draw. booluets of ' carnations. The groom'. . Wiseman, B Gibbin , W P S aukung the new.branch at Hbns�ll; MZI� Me- w I , 4 logs one da'Y'last week, met with Was supported by Geu Bickell. The skip, s6ore 20 to .14 9 I Arthur is retained as manager; �:9 . a " 8, is this wbek with frilends 1 ccident whi�h it -is feared rhay cost bride received fOrty beautiful presents, - SthttfolId � turnament and two �r. this fall. There never was the slighte t Soo; we hope the trip way I %�ye. bell. few dA 11 , an a uelpb, nesdwy 0 I indication'of it,so that there c oft to them. Warwick - C, le iettirned Stratfor I- Tile M is6es' . McGre 0 was Annot be I r, of him his leg-, one of the' logs slid oil tq amonj them being a beflatifill Ihinp, .: Viliks 'visited -that .ClAsS16 city for. Arnold,whoivas accotifitant .for Mr, � ,nesday, After spending � rs W. his le it, he the gi t of t1.1c grociansman, a. -tait, set gall, 4 - . .1 rthur, in his priVato bank, is . I to-Torojito on T Stanley, a ent Sunday with III I breaking find crushing 1 . MCA that the re listribution bill will 'be held adersi . . 1, . .1 . . &190 . n the farm..'Ourre. (Irloh, A arge number of the f&�mer.s was a.* one At the tilife, but managed to front his eznployer�, a Marble clock, 1. 6.'O. V. DrS givena PlAce with the SovereignBank . any less now. 'I They Assert, however, a few days o Ta 0 will be sor�ry,to, 'hear of the, illness of from this vicinity too in the l6xcuf� fra6blmself, the. gift of the bride's shop Illates. The � TRIOT, MEETING- and he goes to Zurich to occupy 6 like . ! I ver until another session, which may John Peak, of Sta Sion to Guelp k moulib &horse, and get. I I Last Prik eveping'.4 meeting Of PoAtilmln at the new-br4neh there. -Tot- �be amang the probabilities. pley; helanow & , h oil. Saturday. I to I , . Onothing 4.1 j, . �. . . � I 1. m. neighbor's, who tpok him to a d6c- wedoli Supper W Itintil served on � ­." Ir . LA. on .1 A is certain, the Conservative members son of Th of the Redistribution Cornmittee have daying at triedto ostpone action on the bill,and _ very littyle headway.bas been made Belleville considering its provisions, . I fit - ters, Mime - Cooper is Ao� ..",� .. , !1008, and � " , - � . I � 11 I . re 's I t . . 441-- AIL, Iset tr"I't . 411 -- jr,. Arb Ao J. GRIGG the r holl [Scientific Ilewele, rand few Jusf Optician WIlI now I MCI tkip eL1XT0Xt1a.0NT PIA( 430460-­�'i"­­ Ipc 'Mr,theM.�.W"""!,I���ia""J�,,�,�.,.����* , ��". co"M , 4 oilo" , . I � � I . I 0 Clinton nosplual., AMOS, 68, 0014, igat-preselitholi. hOW000 9 astudontoftbe Institute, J, Reid andsis- .a Eva and Ida� of Stanley, at Ge6rgeBurnett'fl Geo, brially,engAped watcbin�. his has not lost it swarm its y , at., w1ell posted it! -bee cul6ire. I . ­ - And Will preach hisfaro. wlnOn next Stinday. in oole$s I, Miss ftenvea, or'GodericIli is est of MISS Alillira Steep, 4Lt f. writing Albort Anderson still i1cs the StIodie, With no change !,better. Geo,ege cantelon is tile L posSeSSOV of a dandy driver ho pnrcha6ed from I ' 1. j. Curry. Y Al I'ller narrowly escaped Aoct - I tst Week, tl$k�� the bitrat bg of ail it he had in his possq-�aion; part M, film in the bronst, leavin a Lck. illark; we understand 610 WAS Wox'se fli&ft tha Stroke, IT HIS V, 00'r -While ttimining a At had 3ohn Middleton, - I flio 11111111151,01411nel to savor an I. . . - - . . . . . . — . , . ., * I � . St Helen$ I L . . ­CHUROU.-Calvin church Was ,well I . � . . the On. I ,mr i.-mimeriorcus worlt in Dungannon and Port Albert, Don't f6cgot the Mission Band .lawn Social on the manse grounds this (V viday) ev,claing. . NOTES -A number froin, this Vicing took in the boat �trj to Detroit-,: by arl 400011 . ats, Some likewetroit'lletter than thetviii over, as tile I)Oat WAS - -�toss 149f - 0. A. Tebbutt is presidin Zu. tranco H'itamination in 'Dullealinon, tills wMt, Mr Morriah, (if Westfield, �I)erforming similar work here, A. 14P. lacl)oftal J the, po ular And efficient teacher of- 8, S. Wo. 14, 4yasI)een olfi- paged by the trustee boatid of the �,nb- 10 9011001 here, to succeed 0. A, leb. butt, Afte" summer vacation -, his many . . frivilds will WISIX hilil every suedoss Ill his'now sphero. The sociAl under the, . , allSOCOS Of the 0. 0. F,, held oil the lawn of.W. S. MtCrostlo on Vrid,ty evening last, was, 4), good Success; Luck. now brasa band enlive the proceed Inge, filling the air wl �Ij. lifelodiflug Stra no-, (Adl soemned to I - � 1�lgo freely In strowbetri'es, ote, roceeds amounted to about $25, ' I I - I I . � , I . . I . I . ,,&�.&":;�.,^ ...... .... , ­ ,��-�,­t tort lie still lies in Bafteld Mis Ralph tables ( ecotated I � vin an � Stevenson , . , hite, ter,' find her sis- MP a I Se I . 0 P wir - Ing .to real a at ­ of , . I ter, Mrs Wm, Hart, we,.e drivi 0 t, .1 the stAtion last Satu dp� morning, when their horse took frighbw throw WE, Xxow HEnX0T­--­MISS stio. I ing them out-, they' were slightly ,In. XOWcojjib� alFondon, Ontax-jo, ont. J who formeft, lived in Clinton, Ont.:, jured, and the buggy' Was smashed to �leces. !.' 0 � ­ was t,f have een married to Riclaal,,d � I � � RallSOMe, and left her employment to . � I in -;i ira *�11�000ft .. do 80 A DetrOit . Paper says: "A church Wedding had been Arranged I _ rimnal Som.­T- 1-1 McCourt has sold for Thursda eveninf � At the Cass I big ICO acre farm, through the -agenoly Avenue M. i IF )ut it IS under. Of 0 8 Maguit,e, to Ifugh, McLean, for stood that the groom -t VIM 1 . ,., I I I . I - deftly stricken O -be. was sud- 1. I . � . 0- , , , I tI With, stage -fright, and ­­ , ­­�. ,, ­ I , . , . 4�01 11affle of Richard Ransome is now . I . .1 I - I . 'I Conspicuous in, the 164, strav *%%'TTT'r 13, T* T% rM � . - . 6d or.1 V V UVJ.,J'"A'V,LV.l2v 1V I,,; now probable that the 10anadian. Pit- � Cific Raflway� will extend the Guel la, ,� . Ily JunctiorallailwaytoGoddrich,' Re W11610 Init,tter Was discussed in I treat between o, debutation coln.,dA it is the extension Will soft be builto Mi Dellstates, with confidence, the,t the extension would Ile commenced within ayear. Tlieloeo,idii�eet-orsai,eoxpect. ed totake the initiative tftasolertaining what the several munlelgallties Will do betWeen Guelphaiacl Go orich, � -r -.6"b" � . ,.: eA .La 'Colta it. TI I by *.the tie all the more 11party, and Lt ored to Witt lero forceA to �V,V,11, was nelct at Hensall. "Ae , vaentatives from Goder- ich. Olintont Instill, Exeter atiol Ltic. I a . n lodges werd -present, Wes. Moore find 11, B, Chant Were Clinton's dole - gates. and if, report of the jneetln�, WAS submitted to the local loolge oil ,tzcs- (lay evening 'by NJ? Moore. Repoits fV6111 tile different lodges were gent in, and progress W'As -staniped *oil tbein all, in,putilbors as Well its finances. the Majority of thol lodges owning theIV Own rooms, and nice.littipbanitae-� 1� it Oil noulats to 111001; all denland"t , Of t reported 10 I'M caudldate�'sfiiel last ill�,etinr. , 13roxotty. of Honsall, N) as . .( AP�Pk)ln ed District Deputy; WQ& 1,C- ceived tile 1101billati011, Out de(dined to ­­­ "I . - .1 . ­ rettirn to thar '-'-- W0r tielf. as a Word of itig I M Hawke, who jilln, need the nuptial unawAre - of Clio .()OM all a we conduct. Miss been -,faine � on the veT110 el, A soon prop I as 8 10 Vero _cp she coalton- . ­ I- ­­ - . I . . man ence , I xansome. upto a W490MVI(531011 AS So ( 0011 ospitall".-S �t� 4 " was Ilighl Col - 111)11111 it., After The bjislne�qj WAS disposed of, t berhy About lVi adp mercial, where Mine ot-ved till it, Ill ce little V wall had beon. sit I'late, pro.grain WAS � y good Club s Avere to th0*,,'oNr,by C11 ber of niiisioiat sclecti ta, told an enfovithU ti' 41-01080 Alic men in att 84.111. � - . I l.­--AJW A, Vance Dunlop, of town, takes junior clerkship At the branch hero, - The . business in town lids rown ail rapidly, � thatitillanotherclerT.Is ex acted, t* soon odettily a place behind t90 railing. . . . !%,at degree, I t I I . . I ". Ited for Its I , if tile even. , I ­'!, collipany, .. . I I Mica to the . I , 4 cost Black. I ... I After tile 11 " fled, an ap. 11 I . ­.. ... 11 a 0 - , . order, an(t - I M Ill refer. - V011 Ivill, never revet It, M qieakers A No matter bow many photoo you Itivo of , 8 weroXso � the baby, I I 0 Was Spent You will b6ploaged with' onepholfoll -ot 'conlingto- abildren. w0tak6thowin a: Aullabor of the gentle. differont Poses. . � . hove about 9011014 - Photo - soto#; , , I ,I& 1W