HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-06-19, Page 3.- �- _ .- . - - __ .. - � ­ . . - _.. _ __ ­ . ­­ . - . . - I . .­ , � , .ONW&".AhLkALoAL._&__;i.� .!io%o�,-__,_,�,� �.A._,iA_1_-_-_"Zii&�A.ii,__ ?. '. . _900111O. -AA-, ,A ........ ,,.,,,, . -.1 ­ � -;,�A_Awhi&­��:i;,Aub ..L.A16'.­ __�.A­­Wk. �.& � ALL&—, ­ I Imp ;�,­A­V­AA I . � . . V � . . . I . L'' I . , . I I I L I 4 . N — . I . .. I � � I - - , . � . . I .1 ,_, , � , , '� I' � 4 s .'�, �. � I I I I 11 � I I . - I .I- - I.. - A __'. - _.__ ., " I - I I I I 1� " . . I . - I ). ! I .. . � . ­ ­ -1 - .... . � ,, _. , , , , - - ". I � . TU Ill 11 -, " I I I 1 - I .1 _­_ -1 11 .. � I � . WATM IXF =At' I \ . ...."..''.;1-1 .11" - _11-1.1 "I .. WoRk"Oppa"" I 11 . -.I- 11 - � - I . ­ 1. - - - ­­ I � - _ � � -1 - . J00-.11*0 1*000 A - . - -_ -_ - � I I. .;�* . a ­­ , - , � I... I �. I I . - 11 , I I 0.."i I . - � �-. �. ­­ ON ,. . *%va , - -.­ -T-1 Ir -0 '".: I "'O. _= �1 ­ , - . 1. "No- _ p 4o"111 - �001004 --- !! . -o. I., I -1.11. I I =:� Ow � I I . I � . Ourch Atteaftlia). yand A prest4y.,enture of 4 -doubt. lt I I I 1 1100MM11- 0 1. , , for -woks rot, We or 01,0, � -, , ' , I ., .., ##**#* ", in I ,, - 0 .1 -"4* -0 - ` * — , , mid 5e lateres 31 to 114"thia queo. ,Q*J a ,� - %, AtTageart _10-00'", 1 411y Mr John Ji4u,Oord, ro*4 at the So tiou of future punis moot dlscusp4�d b . : I .Vo --,O9 !"" . . is ­� 10 . VAWATI I M_" 10th MS. . S. Convention, h . , 11 .. � eld, in olluton' *u4aQembla0eof,&agIicv4 divines. 1 004FIV POW .8410, . ANNIOR 11, . *40�* - - �- - , . last Thursday. A conclude my fit -at be4id therefore witll, , ok ff"Che ALBERT on ou 194==== I . , W , I , WX ,%~. , Reoplo who talk about the � dMug this thought; that modern hi , P 0 . 0 . . �bt pgeac ,. ug �,.. 917two frot We" st Ap ,3944%X .Otg ftek,'(Orogorly 00610, . I Finding that papora for this ="tiug �axfir -4uee4 a, fes, lessue" 9 oro%rraft floalwal - := V b , VW Ure will have an Idea what it Is like , _ W , o odand � fites, 0 ''. . - - i0sh"" r I T . W Wer's conspicuous by their paucity ifi of 10 Word, and therefore to it in Lack, 'of AP . . I . I I Xp gootarn ontArio- And quet%c� when ,number,. that parish after parish had part 1q, traceable the Aoa.&tteudauce at - �� I I I trox .. . : I X*XXZ" ZXW � . � . . - t . � � I .. I respectfully decltn,ad with ticauko ; for Church. I � . Iran" For $$ties . . � I . We te.0 them that up to Saturday Imt want of soluething bette I Itt glodotis to feel right la NOT1311 D-LOCOUNV41) . � . . � , r, I voluuteer. 4 1 mentioned Modern JAving. As . I � WtAwahad notttve VQlauteo rato this edtoingko all feft it . , Us wast It of lot 2% Asysold, C'm 004 Woo DATOONA4 ._..I. I . , ,, Atf�6rnpt. I was another Cause for [ thaswigrai . A Not" J04"t1l. 10wast allowed 64 , r .. I- 1. , , = � . , I *0440n, And, ead of Modern IAVA'119 I . . 4*10" - - - I ­� I RAT -4 1 14 A blot upon .our da�apry, A, - tw—rewLyfor-wink- I.W.- It , cw."--,K- - � . P1491 Al '"491411AT9%, .4 . the whole ,"Mberkx section, . digg:rkee, Under the h 0.1 ... I w- , � the thotight, tile very lde�, that. in this -64 .0ut how 40*41%, goet does, �;;Z At W .. _40)1*4111 . r . ! great deal'Is. of necessity lucludetl. We: I,, r -1--000-olo"" rivalm .0 ,_ I 'was., in Similar straits � Otchalir Im. =70 12"t - 11 - . . . . 0 . large populouti ruriil deanery there - I 11 R&JIT9 - I are living t0447 at a piwe that would , pick bpa,cwbot. lack oroppo- !I pt— 411VI I I , I I � I - 0 were not church members to lie found have faralytted our granilfathero. e , � tite,,disa I WAWA Jo IN TAISVAL-� .1 . I i : Monut"turers all over the Dominion ,who would ta . . ven, _Xroeiiblo taste in Ae I I I 11 � I '­­.­�� e --w - I . I ke s4ftlent, interest in it no our fatlxers.� The enormous. . . I . I I . 4 . I were never busier than they are tt;oo rhu=lb Al4t4r0t 40 to stir tbeals.elves- strides everyt te po - 01Q%th--41kes6',Ar6 the UX444 ,� For ftle w to Rent. IDANSMU, 21000T & HAW I . L _ot I . � 4 Aay, and the demand for skilled labo Oufticleub!Y Into Activity to the degree 25 yearsare almost. incom morning feelings , of vao4t . . — . 1. I . r =at requisite to write a.sho . I I lirchensible. . li'9629.0033.2 Stanley pontainjag 1,00 nor " � - I - 0411ift"No ONT . I 0ONVIRTANCICIRS, 00MM0,010MM I I , ,rt pan- .EVQry Path of life Is pursued At high . people n gfo I - #,refiul livers. . - -eye , - )1. L11, . Iteal jr4taxt000p I is so great that men ", nuot be gc* to the Annual meeting. I vras p6t ressure, I come not w4ere you turn, i In goo4statoo eviltiva on for sale 'or Milk . I . - ne! Tall'"'41106 I . . . , fortorm0frearals 14 JNO.'. . I's — 3 W J9, , � ManufActurars say it is only throwing here is. at wondrous change, and, This inowni g 11 ph ,tNVytQJN0., .E � . Asked to do anything,possibly my jittp- f) to lnes$ r tows or I -me , I orkriv funds loan " PA . , all in:, Joes, .A 1� ,1404.1 I , 100rVii" M . I ers ha 110. too mud Of a lieuigevent the direction, of killped and pressure., OR-31.NRok 7mIM,S0*fD11rr1? , - - beat our 0.11L IlAxa, - - , ^ . � 1. xqQney away to advertise for hand reputation to make them desiratile,but ()tie. would think that t.i . eo that the Qrgand.gfAigestion 't,' .- . . JOHN RWOU2, . , I . . $1 ,seeing we. eners 1% a phas , f are not working properly. Xab. Tw;tf. Oro I , . �m-l. . � - for they cannot possibly be had. , 1.1y u4ept, a volunteor things would hardly be so far reaching, . eaneral BAnking business tratiorood I - . . . . I - I . ;W, two piessedmenjet we in. as to , They nee4 a tabic. Take a . � - ;ngoras* allowe CHAR1490, . interfere, with Animal life. And . I . .4 on. deppdto, . � .o dulge the.foud, tli hint, hope,that � yet it does, Agricit rs I I � For Sale BOO., It 111, . , Barrister Solicitor NQtW and Convoyano 0 1 . Rad the judges brpug4t Wh verdict ough f . , . Itural pu ulta feel - no as bo lit, I altilo' being voluntary; the � tempoonful of -_ . . I . ' = refore X07, it; arid the farmer's ambil I I 1. . . .� - . , Oomfortablebouse and lot, on Albert St., � .. . I I -1 I I I .— � condemulug the Govej�nineut and Mr MAY be graciously xeceived produce (to Animal, scientific I I Sale cheap, Rare House, . 041"-oppoaltoo colibevat lWatel . und t left owallfamili. lot 44E" Tuj0X0L80NSRA1V]K . .4r the alrounistiniceo the sub- reared,.f6d, and put through,_as, Clinton' for Appty . . qederlolq Stratton, the Mail and its followers . . Bul 1! . ;a � I .. I . ject of "Ohill-6h Attiln4ance," upon sayin is'.0 completion, atthe earliest I Oak,: � . . � .1 JIL AM . . . . � . � r g would have said all sorts of kind which touttike, ] I ....-. 1-1 1 1. - I . . * . I . _ - . I . � . I . ,, . � I , a few remarks; with ,.be I poSsi Is moment of his life; so that the I Inoo . rpore,ted by �:4qt Parliament 1$6$. . . I � that reatest return. in monledvaluec4li' I Good House for Sale., . . . � � things about them. But because they .expectation. that the' discussion the , Abb�, . M. 0, CAMERON , my rein,trks m',ty engender will I " e received intollis hand a,t the, earliest I . I I � - . . I � fOrtnerly of 0exatilrow Halt 4 Pamerou � . I I � I �) I f . , . 7 : went by the evidenro and exonerated %opreksout possible moment. Speed and pres rvescen � � AL , " $2,500,009 , 'RRIST14W A . ' . forth trutli tbat'we need at I I 'Are 1900 It . % frame bopse on Victoi is. Street, CAPIT BA ND SOLICITOR, . . . I X,,, r aying mean I time; - A -110W. we to sayliere'that wh ffl . , � . . . . I lot 1224, story one.half-w�pultable for ordln I I�EST F(TNI) $2,250,000 0 . I , Stratton they aro al On I ill, farming I The meohauic� tlie..Work- I . h U a . . I I spe4k of clergy and laity I do not of ul , . I buee-Quarternore lot, wit 0 blrl I . . st opposite Colboraevou I . , . I things. . on in shop, an bililding;9, in op6u air' r all '-F0ftNN'dtIsr,bearingfr=t 4--reeo, Pro- READ OFFICE. M01qTREAL .1 � . 4 . , neeessity na, ean those. in - rt . 00DICRIOR, QXT .. � . thisroorn, nor I care not Where You go it is the ! : . Ill be sold on reasonable terms. A Wif, UOLSOx XAoPAZAsOK,, President ., . L 1. I . . aCr4I&,orJAS,SC T,. . . I I . I Ill this -rural disbviet, nor in this coun- one story, the Ill I Salt V11 I f I I . � i. , 11 t., deznaehin�.) I .. . JANIS BLUM, Gen. Manager. .. . Telabig es possible in half ' � . AUR.All 'OARROW - rgoa I , s Without entering into it general try. I Suppose it. wilt not be 4issuted t .21 1 1 Olinton DICKI 08C N Ao I ,tte eryi driven at, i a glass of water as - ,.,.-- -I - ]Notes discounted, '001lectione made, draf*4 I I _* I � discussion of electrical matters, we for a moment i;hat church a speed, many duplicatedat a great ex- . . � � issued, sterling, and Americaa eiebangs BASRISTLTIREJ, SOLICIToUs, =0, - . I is on the wane, Not only ir pense foi, fear a solitary hov -soon as you rise-youllf be 'Farm, For Sale, . think ally section of tbecountry which l ir should I - . bought and sold. Interest All 0111ce-Vernernamiltonst.an4t4o mqp#,r . . . �� co"I'lluillon but all around is "W"IN& L11.10 , tie lost, if Ono broke down, turni I I ._.rea to do justice to a goo . . r - .. . � . I . I Owed on 1. . 11 I . lig the � 4 � 4 - . I deposits 130n4a '.0mix-Intereat allQw,ed , . � opposes the construction (if electric same Story, people do not attend . I I I . Qo4ertekp 011t. . . . man intoa mere part � breakfast, .a for sale that choice farm ou-sum of $1 and rp conapplea shelf year- R,' , b . Dlokineort CxtAg� 0A"Q ' . I , of a. complex I'lle subscriber ozer ' . , , obui ch as formerly. It is patent. to group of machinery; to stich An extent � . on the AUurou road, Tnckeramit�,Just east Of Iy. Mono� advan . . W. LL 1) . I . , railroads Is Standing in its own light. the most oy.divary observer, Oltutou, at % I ced to farwro on their . I I , I . _.... . The d that to -day a trade its Such is no longer Abbey's Effervescent Salt r0seut occupied by r Fisher, it . . �:, � They are of great service, very con- wheii fatlier, mother Mud Con . own notes, with one or more endorsers I . . . sidere �� consistsofl acres,moreor less, with good . . � I �'. -1 d it to be learned -Bricks, stone, mortarp cleanses the bowels and in. frame house,bank barn,eilo,windmill and small. on mortgage re .a . PR0UDFP0"r & HAV8, . . , - - . . : �, ,�vehient, fill "it, loing4elt want," and a high And holy privilege, to say noth- , all machine.. made, machine mixed, . . . orchard. . Plenty of wit r. An dxc ,gaire I . BARAIRTERB, SOL101TORS, NOTARME1 FV)37, , I testines, invigorate$ the fag. In a splendid loegli ellent farm U00, Ali*Wers Nauagere . -PIROOTORD IN TnE WAZUTam-.COtr1t,r, &o. . � ing of Christian duty., to attend the ma,chin . Vorterms )I to . , . . * -,-( ry section wilepe ervice'of God in Hi's sanctuary is PASL v hoisted, and all that is left � MCI I Ono - . . I . � . : belp to improve e s ` *' for the'llian to do is to place into posit� . --� t;�RTHUR Coy lut . . . - 0110ce. North ot,, AeXg do to Sign" 0 . . I � . . � I I . � ged out stomac a . . Clinton Wr I � � tbeyareitood, 9 heir ccat toitbelndiv� and gone in a terrIbloul gises ,the t. pi ,,h nd ener . ' . I . I , .. ... - � . I . . ... . . ,Private Funds to),ena a I g, lowest rates , � . . . ­ �ly . . . ifous, e and Lot ior ", - - . . . � . of intereeb.. . I I . I I , ' At tacd With blocks and rows plow, steatm. scraper, keam shovel, tell, . � .J ,.,. 11 easure; anct we Ion; turn to the'llavvy, and the stoaa:n or 'd. liver.. - . � W formar 19, rel(tt I ,re tue to . , . . . . � (ye 4 1 po'hing"its I . . .ba.le. . � .. .1 � ' At all Druggists, - I . I Well Class . W. PRLU02106T. - � I of, anipty eW9, corresponding ludiltox- tk�jr story, pafttill9i groaning,, pulting, ,. . I I I . 1, , I .� . . I � . R, 0 HATS 'I",,;: � )Ce,l1)J*arcd with ihe advali'ag(s, oll04 tO Mi . .1 . I I - . . . . � - I - - . '. . i , . igim thingS, equivalent de. sW6R,till ,'Moving hoilsilu4s -of cub, . � . . . The pro rty of the late Jas. Turnbull, Sit- . . ­­ .1 I ;. __. . , , . 0 . ilatedatt e, Corner of Victori% and Marie, Sts, lerina . . 1. . . ­�;, � - ,,,Iel�t)IlQt'(;txxiroli.finanoes, -aixd4llol�e It. I t Merchnitt. T -al I . I . . - .11 .��,:, � t lat yards W..Ore it used to be tells. In the . - liton; Is offered for Be, e., chen), There Is a . . - I I .1 MeOical. . . .1 I - . i 11 . Any sequoutially follow ill the traft), office the same story - one' Ion . .. ­­­­ — . toll'o story frame dwelling house, cont4lainR 12 ". ' � ,. I I - . . . �, ,'. 1. It Is gamb Ing doubt alsout th a? Well, let iu��, labor-savingeontri � . fa, ma;n I' Th . -s faitliful- r000ls oomptlaini; a, double pdrlotj two dining ilo_� Pa WELLS . WHO OUI�04 111111.1 - i . � . ; I ,,, ,'.� — . . e crying need of t o -day I roomsands bedrooms.therals also. asmall barno I . I - ,: I ' ft give You some actuat figures which � I has to (10 is to think, press a button, ue�,s lit the pulpit, Let your % oice 6 th,re a- a some bearing- fruit trees on, the lot. I .RENSALLe I I . Z, P- C. P. 4 94 . - . 1� �i�' �J Lu MAh: d's� ebut-ch wants toyo- lia,ve' . . I lil.U.911, .., � I i, , . � g br,liered froni the records pf this Anil a] I is. done ,,is if by miracle. The. l4tr,l on Ill Ii, "He th A, lbelieveth. aW For particulars, apply to, JAB SCOTT. L4ave vQur. order for a Spring or Summer I Oftoo-onoarit, Street, Clinton. ' , ''tAip the co ifitIvneo i f tI)e I)iil)li(:, it vtrlsb Otiring�a- period of thirty years. merchant sits a,, his desk, and by 6ne . . . -BArrister, Clinton. suit. Night, call . �� � , . I is baptize(t �%Qll bes:tvad;" btit,as high, 90- 81- - .1 All'the newest tweeds, and orodke at front door pf'oflice or residenop, , F,,ttan. � . I Betwe(�ii,187u and 1873th6 congregar movement of his -hand . i 9 . I . W, , . -:,',­wUl express in no unmistakable terms pradLically p 's — - bury street. . . . -i I I :1, � ,, tioii.usticlt(intimbera-ii�tivei-ageof-180- himself into. communication, and thu, - .as 0ear, .is trun) pet-tringned, complete , -, I . ,. . to makii seleatioite from. . . . . . I ___. . . I I . _m I I I . . I I � I �:1, it-' the Divine ittterance, "And he tbat Farm For Sale. . .. . I - . . �,. ,,, I its disapproval of t ie StUck gan,I)IIng IOU in the morning and 140450, in the instantaneous with the Whole busili. bolloyeth not sliall be damned," .. . I I � . Workmanship Unexcelled � DR' WM. � , I .. . __ evei 'n-., -4. -adual cham e set in af-. e3s I . __ . I I GRAHAM- I ... . , , .� �'A 'w nich has been going on so loag in �% , gi 2 wo I I -an�l as he does so his, only . . 1. - . 1. , . . .. .. . . . Lot. 12; Bayfiald Lou., (koderich tp., 113. acro ­ I I I . 'bleentiato of the ROJFai College of phraltilau , . �� I I - it changed wonder'is what .he. would d . . . . - I . � ,� , ".. ' '� . o withoiAt. , ' M cl, ared.balance hardwood,wit - . 810V#40 -date stock of . Loudou, KnClatid.. ning and it, and howqver was business e . . � ,� b. s�!Ualrtjve olpan- . . . hatti - - , . . I � I ;,Toro Acio and whiell is responsible for round tordU-140 in the Illor ver con- . . 'r Childir 111. Ity ofeudur on it) od state of atior , , . OfficeandUesidelles- - - . . I . :'11 ' . lfo:i li � , � , In thd Capps . . .1 . . . I . . , 170-180 in the evening,. and. -this condi. ducted, before it. was invented. Does '� � . . ttiLvener�Atailwko.+,,andeousidembletaIX '- "- I � . . . _.. � . JORN TEDPenn's notige � I . . . I . - � . . . plowingdone. Comfortable brick lie .. v Karon fA . . I . �,"��"." the downfall of the Allies concern, tio'n of things has nover-sincei changed, he - city, q � I I , hmT . - . ' ,'� I burn withatabling utid6rueatli.cMvinusbo,,d"'.".g'd' ___� . 94 � . . . . . � . . . � ' to its -, smaller congregations in the morn al in,ts in a -on are, . other cutbuildings.;. about � chard, t I - . - - � . DRq J - W SHAW. � 1,_,� With ille, consequent suffering" ,need ..to visit a distant - it as , ,", , , ,,, �. Ing often as not means tw'o' , -h StnntLd, Nreakly childi, those War ted'.1 . .- - I . � ,,,% .. * 41 I . j;,' "irictillis, There is -no distinction be- and larger in'the evening. L0118and , t os- them -no goodobecatise mostly Winter fruit, weU*atered--4ievarf1%Ii_ I , - � , r � . . I I sleeping, car,, one .tb rAv- whose food do . . . I. � I �,� L, is 1.47 - 1. ._i6id back in his own offico. the , .Seven miles . as a And women to pari for . . � r �' ,op Ing sl)rWg cretk and two wells PAYSICIAN SUAGRON . 1, tween couitnuit ovi�ryday gaunWing, Xmas da, Irom, 1873,1883, aver, olQ, dli� do net digest it properly� - Kee . from Olinton, and thr Young pre I . , : . . I . .. .. 180 1892 - " �' lit I . . day aft6r. The education of th tile * iiiia,s I eAive , ns righ-, And it . aefrom. Bayfleld. Posses. good situation . 9 Apply to '. , I . . , A.:,ocuchour etc., cffies and . residence 0 . . . ,1 '' ,iuid dealing in '�oinargins," hilt the " t � - 4 young. grmv III) strb I 1) gr (11-191, aftwatunytime,reasobable teria. .A- 11 fcr. . . .1 11 - tarlo St., 0 Posits sugliob church, formerly 00 . . . � " ��!.. I Go. 4. . iine lines-4nd. What is tile , - healthy, -and further particulars to CHJ pt - On-io .bv ro Appleton, Clinton Out. - . . .... � I � �", � ,,I . " I8'A;3"*'-� � " 98-8 .IO -9 along the s ,will .21 . d t. . . . � � � d y 1882 L07 � *8y ' St. - - � . . chArchi as it, whole, has not raised. its .1, .1 J&4,1892 ,I � I U6. . Consequence, Nothing. less, than that ..I,t Will ilot ca ise 'Jilother, much trolll�le �.Dayka.stf., Godp,rich. . . . I I . . L. I 1 .., MiMlltloh ' ' . . � __ . I ! . � . . .. . .. . I I �,' 11 �- � I YoIce against it, pre � . . � J. - 1898-1i)02 " '79-26%lois , outraged nature , callb aloud for . a halt, while it 1. 1. � I I -he w6ak. � . I . . . . BUM- " . * .. .� . ' . . . . .. 11 ;1 suinably because Whit Sa day I -j7,4882.' 11 ... 161 , . I , is owing up. . It is't � , - ness , . I . � . DR. C.'WO.THOMPSON .1 . ,�� ; . . ,... f6r essatidii for sleep,.for rest,' and it . children � F, . � � .. . , - , . - , Phystoian, jsuneon"Uto. '' � . :�,' , AT Ames, wbo was one of it-, leading . :1 ' '1813-1892 149 . . .. c � t 16, pimy children, that wear � . . I office � to' HCUL ' : - � � : ., eollep, .. �. - � � . .,. . r ' ��o is 336figure.of Speech to say that many, I the inotbeto out caring foi- them day- I I . I .1 r l . 1883-1-902 ' .It ' 141-is,%IQ . - . . .. I � .. I � . - I . I .. , . IS 1.9'0 lange special attention given to diseaseapf the I . ..., � . � - I , ' ) and night. , -A)fthl ' * I d when orihand .,' Va. ]Mr. Thiroat and Nose, - �; : 4JJQll " .nost, people to -I&*, after six days . 07ei ThVIor ct Son's sture suitable 'for .1�)er.S W4�ljlso olie of iis wealth TriuIty SaLday:165,was-5, ISO, � . Itay I The best eqnipped Business and Sh I .. - . � �i I , . � . - - " � � Is$3-IM2 � , It' l4r. . .1, , . I . � . , " . � it - ,Work of to-d4y.'s work, 'are assf�tgg�a ; -B t6y'§.0wit, Tablets are -used The -an, purpose. . . . College in Can%da. . Reduced tuition.rates, � I 'Office and . Residence . . . I I � I ,,icst. . I � Soul �, . . , I�JT_RK)9, .11 �., 181-2741%fos's n,f A 1� I .1 . , �pply * to . .. � . ' - I I � * . . I � � . I out as a. g�uer�tti6n bivek. they wou�.J , promote di estiol�, - tll�v:-giv , brio , K 21,, if. Mice, .A . ;. If, KA14NINO Clinton.,' Write us - regardita ' g our courses, of study, Albert mfirict,2 Isiocks Noith O � ... . '. . � � . . I . - ' � -'Tt,j churc4i cannot aftord to winkat Th� ul*Ad of ni�r��-' be to � have been fit the end of .12. That is 11 till'al. sleep'. they .1ceep liaby _�_ - - � . . and, proqpec4� of securing situations fov , . I . .fRatteaboary � . . I I . . Oapor Will ght . . I � I . . . . I ... 1. make an attempt at -least to give Soule one phase. 'Another . is the. servii-it a .1 choeihiL They -ar,6 good,for'older - . .graduates. Catalogue senthes, Adare � . ­ � ..''.. . . �. - � � . . � ' , f I I . . . I . . I � � . . I . Be: - W. Rmnin �Sail P I . �.­­ . . . i I . � . 1. ­ . . . I . 9. . 'th , N.D. _Cx. . - , ,,his sort of gambling, and ivilat is ab7o reasons for *this condition of, affairs, 'givlquestioh. -.Time was ivIlen-doilies-t effildrcit, too, and cu�e MlLthell� millorl . � . kilo it ("y � , - ,G p I 1. . . . I ."­�1UrPrlslllg1Bthefact that while the spid if in so,*dolng I tictually e .ailinaiit's. Tt coAsonly 25 cents to � —, . . . ... , . , . . � .1 �_ . xposeany -tic servIttits were, Lobtain.,ble by uio!,t . . . . . � ... j, no, memair, ]EP1q. . � I .��--Toflonto police pretenh.toprosecute real reacons, the remedy. may suggeO� � people, if not all, - � I pi,ove the truth of these st4tements_! Private taids t o ioan at 4% p .. . . I . I PHTSICI�au& StRG I . . . I '. I . . - ' * To -day Iiie.,I,i,)t; . . I . W. 'r cent and up-. . � Dept s10)) - Confederation Life B141gi' , � . I � . . f I . I. . . . I , - , � . itself.' . .1 would .name -two I easolls: .. ,toll you they'are -practically unobtaiu- I itlit] vou'will be thankful -afterwards. I . wnvo . . . . . MI) . ONn. . . ... I .. � . ..... . , , . . OFFION-Main Siree I . . . , .. . . . I . . I _ . . . I . ,:. , ti.Bayfleld, for " . I , ,gamblers, their actions ouly relate to . I .1 - . merly, . . . I . , . , � . I I Mo4erni)reachillg. .1. able, except to* th I I, Mrs W;mhikvild 8 weeiiy,Carleton, W.S., .1 ... . I . .Torolito. Okite , ... . , , . I I . .. . I e very wefilthy,�ankl . . . . I . , . , : : : . � I.. I . -1. I 000 op . : . . . . . . . .. . . - th:� s,r- say, III lave 'iveu,g . ,. . . , . I . ,-o % . . . I . 1, �, i& poor devil who runs a skin . .2. M Iving.. . . �: ...' consequeutly the time, When I * ky little ones I . . . For. 8 Ie , - . 1. I . . . npied b.y I)r. ilailias . . , game . . . a . I . . ­ . . .1 � . . I . , 'I: � Modern- preaching - � 1 name At Vant.or servailfs , stopped � ',it lle�.�;o *, � B,tby's -Own'I ets,a:ud-atamoie than � . I I . I I ... :.. � . . : ., - - , .. .. . I, , * &I , .-�­" ..:,.. .:*. * � .. I � . . . . I . . fl . . _ vM, .. 11 . , , . . - I . . . . 1�� -mod- .the morning, and .father tvad filo"ho-TI , pleased'with'the results ' I can recom-� . '. The ViOrrty of Jas .Ferguson on High St.j . . - � I ..� . � I ..': Dtto a - . . :,,,9penly, while more respectable mem- ,first in order, becausp'l: consider . I I , , , , - I I �, �bers of the comillunity are allowed -to orn living -4a laj' ; Clinton. I I . . . .1 - . . - .ERk,EbT HOLME4 : �,; .. . traceable to: mod- atidehildrign were,able togel;to.tlie mend,thern. to every mother," 'ThaVE pyly to - . . ... 4 70 1 . . . . . I � couductwhat is, alillost il)var ably ly K r90 . ., , , OTT . . . . . . . I . .. � . DEN .. ,. �, L .1 I ein, preaching.90T.116 '.p 6t ONFper .in church, andthe servants In the even, t 110' wAy ill) moth6rs, .who have used -_ . I � JAMES Be . . � ,� . � . � .. �... . , . 91 .� . . TIST, . . . ... I ' . I � I I � I I I . I � . , . � 9 . '. I. i . Barrister, �Ijnto ' . . . . . . � I . I - '.. ." Just -as great it skin gaine. . :,, . . ' lhatl� . . I MI � ( 1109eyaor to.Dr.,V. 0 Bruce . - 7 ' .� his day wrote : . � lug, or'.-ir�ce versa, is at an'elld, .ind it tile Tableti'talic. " T 9 the way you . 1. . - __" M .-'-- I .". � .. .11 . ,r I . . I ... i", . .I "When nations:ar� � to 0.01sh in .their Ispractically-impossible for pavolit's will t4lk if you will, try them when , i * '6 * . .... - . * . . . sl)icfalist lircrown"and lbrIdge-worit I % " , m �_-ft�_ — , . .;__ . ... . i Th ro-bl-c' n0s, 116 ,Sal �. - . L. 1). S._�-Oraduate Royal College Us Ql.�Bur. � � I : .. ., ,�, I ;. . I ainis 1. . , - � to��ether w3h. childielitoatwilil, tile yotiv little. ones are ailing. .- You can . I .1 . 4111 r . e. ., � q w, . ­ : . .1. .:1 I U . I . 11� . et t * I . A.. I , � . . . . I 1, I, &OnFi Of 00OHO, TOVOMLtO I . , -1 : I t ill ,. - C'Iu4ch- Separation is the consekl1letlee, I I I . . onor ars, I . , ris I tii'e ch r9h the leprosy begins.,' e aliltits, frolla any dealipr, . — . . D.'D. 8----mMrst,.oIaiis 9 date Of r* L fraitibition ?!,enifixi�6nt 91� , - , � I . DO , ' ;,. . I . � � AVhat do.1 mean by modern preaeh-' and that has this bad featt pecially , thev w ill be sent by mail ilt 25.e' a box Two thoro-bred Short-hord bullsi of good, It pay�,to.go -to the -b 's . . , . . tAIDeliartibeit of Toronto - UwV6rsl&..1.­ . �f. . - pedigree, are oftered for a4le on reas6nible - . . I . I ff . n . . att6utIOaVF"&Id to preservati . . . . I . . . _ L ­ . . ' Thursdh6y, Apr A was .a . I I . Isit- - Sayll tvag . � -We have frequently called' attention ' . modern then,.Seir, ttruis. one to rad, 2i months old the other' A , . I . It by ivriti the rAl illianiBI 'Mediolne . I - L -'s . . . . . . ' 'V es ,ct . .'�Ilcd a' 'a teathi - il v I I Ing? - Veiff ' I � 6iiactertze . A Me - . I roan, 10 ni,nths oldi : I . 11 .. . . . I , I . . : K ran � . .. . � I preacUjil-, as;' ping of.: the - shi6qth ();V- that tfie.:childivn. left. to 11' I C , I . .re 2 , . . _d- ,� . I , old on � . . � �� to the fact that no matter how desir . i ake, thelil to ot:",n�. , .). o lit' '_� .." - cord day at%ho 7 _ I 0 *vex W'. Tiylor &.go" all oe at "'.. t1wes beb . I In y - b , �2 wralws. I I LVille' � . ­ . - . . . . . 2d CUMING Londeaboto . . 1. . � .Z . . &,r'-Pro;heiy 11ilt6mS sniooth thingsi What are .the ineviteible conie'queLices . � ­ . Jon I :, . � � �" .4ble . . . . . iftellces t f, � Yonih � Jan: 16, - if. .. I . . .Con is, Hullott. . - The Canad-a Bh9inegs . Col . . : '. . . .. � I I . . � � �, . al iitive or ros�' It is the'Aigle of cry' "F e, .peace, of all this P . ik graduallly�(t)oi�itily'iin� , .., '. . - 1� . . . . � . .. .. . . � .; . I . , � 'I'L . and benefic . I prollit : I Ing., . eac I I . . "emin, . .. I . , I . . lege., . . . . i I I . I I �:,tiletive legis ation iray be when th6rb is -peace." The' old yvay re�p,t(i)b 6 in� Its gri'l,d11tj0Jj)'JJ'hjJilJj� ' ..' ' � �- � � . .. I . . . . ... .I... I ,— . . � I I . , . . . I I - I , it would no sire r1i . I . . . I . 11 I . � - , I � C 111111HRA, :1 . *:_:­. . . I � -, � - . . . -1. ., . . . � I ., I I , , of.prilaching, .tbellidliig awa* of noth � .See . I Int e -of Stock. ,.; . I . . . . . , � . tbaserVices o r often think of the old home town; prqcm: ut, . I .� . . bR.AGNEVV' ..... .1 . be hieff . . � f God'shotls-'-t I . . I . .1 . , 1_ I ective unless backed by- public ing, the pl,tin . . I I ,. 1. . . . Six, oallis for'rdfioe hat# in a single diy. � . - I .- 1. ` I , �� - . . unvarnished statement �radually incieasing � bujiffet-olice, less The little village4hin-e I was-bor'n,' I . � __ .. DE 1718i� P'LliviO.N. , . . ­ . ., " . I - , . I . - 'i , " opinion. Furtber, tbattiieexception� teffingsinners that if -they 4id'nob re- inte'reit in things roll 'itlos'. , f,tmily T)le adil and theicreek whore. 1 used to The subscriber haeforietvice on lot 04 Rur. ' . a, , __ I . .. I.. . A . , one.of these from Chiongo. one fro!;. me � - � , . . � 1.1� � . . ,. ' � I . . I Be I . , ing rli . � . I :11 pent, and be.�converted notIling ,could �PrAyers pass xivdy, wld, � 1play, on Road. the large Inagroved YorkL,bli a' .. . tDbA and the other font froth leading. bus! � ' Oface aNjo iking , . oto- Studio . . , 11 Af ellaracter of this forin of legisIxtion i;ave Lhcui.fro. -tie aujongst '. - - ' - * - - � , 04kLodgeGaisty No 06. Tormssi at. am ness houses in the dity.'Positions at 445. to . I . . : , � � A , emanded very strong opinion in its . In the wrath ofAlinighty thing that werr%o thoii folioi�s ill tile -Wh6rel'siat'on the bank mootevery � ' th privilege of returning, necess * . �. . I ..� Offloo 1166ra-9 to 6 eviFry . day ' (I ' I I , God, is not generally heard to�day. . T train -private r6a4W,; .-of I .' . . :* � I ! ".."�11'1 heiti..1io,'. 060. p4i mouth. sm getting. quite common. son : . . I I . .. -1 . t, Q od's NVytd, � � . r, ishing, fishing. [day-, O" one ofthe fluest, animals of -his k recent call offered I 8.4tufdaY until 10 P. in. Bianch-01cps' . , have called it, �olol fashioned, and it. is' then paoses priva. o ... . � I .. - y tio t rio- Ini oveyou h ' ' favor in order for it to be effqptivii, In I ,.. . . I . retook with the. .- .$80 - per mont 'for 6 . in -Manchester Dpi3gannon, B yth and � �1, .boy I t prayeil, and the 'And 1 I ' . . . . I. 1. I . .. . -� t. , . A., I BBUTV oil Q. first p or.. ' ' , . . , "., , _ - o I . . I � old-fashioned. -When 1 ,was a end Is not Aifftetil� t I be, I . ! G. � orAch P. ( -olive stenogri It � . I . . . - .. 11Y thoughts go back to the mill- . � . .. I - I � � . : .I) � .- - ... . ... . . . I . . . . I . - �'Iocal el�.ction .contest in the I - , . - - . , - . : I � the- last . 0 forsoe.- Let mi Bayfleld, . , . . . . , 7 . . . . I . it.brte of the most not. ,tee . itc s as. they twe. . _Atioild the best. 111,1111,11,111,1111,illillillim. . . , � . I . well remember I be honest and r ' ''f � t , I [yard hill, I . Cos it n6t pay to - . .1 � I . . I -West Riding of Huron, it will be. re- ed preachers of the day,jrivariAbty in. POssiblyJ have ovdrdra%�- . I I . � I ..­ - . . ­ . 1. . I I .. I . afthe-picture ''And � th.c winter evenings, when -all was Thoro.-Bred AU11SA College re-opens.i.itat AI -ter. *bn Tuesday . � , ' - ' I . . .. * , :'ia� o troduced the ending of his serm6b .by, Jor some t f yw.i., Ifere )n. th�-se quiet -, � I. . . � . . , I. or, Sale. . . . . , embered that Rev Air Ch wn, of , . .. . �-: *ill, . _ � I .; 1, '. , . 1. � April 14. NOW is the - beisi time to., enter. Vebbtmarv-1 , . � gs,?1,vase­& .. are' c6lin'trN, 4)nrts, fasbil us-in-w6l,ethin"s Except for' the whistle and laughte�v * pour y.o I I — . .. ,. . . For catalogue address, . '� � . . � � �. I .�. . . . . I �11....� .. i., . .. . I ... . � . � . . thi h ' AIld now to'you th4t j ': .� I . 6 . I . I I ung thoro-lited Dilibain bulls, bred � . I)r I.. ' * I , I. 1:1., .. , . - I . - �. �, I I r, -� . ­ ­. .. I .,: Tolonto, addressed several meetings th d's " -As wchild I was' dobbt� than �'. eltess do n6t reaciv u's liore ft's' .. , - : � . '-. [and nolse, . from prize winnink aiiiinalso, are ofrared 'for I- I . . I I ,. . I . �. I ,I I .�. i , . , . . P . I r . r . I . . I . . . . , - 4'11ie]kl�'. as. in the -eit�, cioutres, ., Now. � That leapt froi a co " I , . .. . . .DR. J.r.FR REMAN#,­ , ,*r ':.: .. ". .., . . :ill the riding, ilgaifist the present go,."Iess'weary, and -this always Was a sure, . . K616chlan, &, C16. , , , �. - . � - latisic,-new boi) - t its,. ar ; - Coas 11: the hearts of -it kore, 'sale- Aged from 12 to 16 months, red I I. ri - * ... 'Chath : , ..� .. I I �1'k.vmnient,iv�iug tile temperance d4n the relief of the end was near. But 1, 8 q 1� 014 �,to 4 _ �: . Ong, .coastiRg,,, .[ofb ys, . allgoodpromisin . . q :,r . r . . . c . aw oftt�g b iYETERINAfty SuitGE .1_, . ". - .. I guos- it Sh6wed - s , It A- .. . . . I I . � . I -0 ,.., . . 651tuima% ' . . - � 11 . 'r . .. . . , . OF � � . . I . . et. n else, it plainly Londoher'or New Yaker.r 8ut-visit . . RE 88RT 3RICH, Seatoith r 0 . . . . . . V. 1. � � . I HAS. , ,, . . r ! - I . . . .. I - b ember of. t . ' . - ofr .the'S'.L." 1, r r . , r . . I .. . al-Aso6oftm. - ­ ali, � . eab 'cities ofthe 'I Jan IG tf� . . . . .. N -H ' i . 1'10t �5-4t:h obn, Tuckeramithi . . , I r . I . . I +'k 1 4- 'had beendir- . celltrp�,�, 'visit the gr and l'ofteil " r � _ r tie , tion as the Isasis olfhisai-gitnient. W.e . r v6d. thabt e r er ,� ,he *eterina.xy Media - ni preft think - . , ,, . 00 . . -L � . . . � r � I fLondon end dinburgh, and Orads. .. 11 , _ h' - r arks -to unconverted world and then, ilild for your, ,. . I . Ateof a , r.. .11horight,then, as we illinkstill, that ng his �p . -selves . I . I . I (t1le:A.Val,(IoZ . - .. . ,� :- . a OntArl eterl _ - I Opp . . . I I . . 11wil"'.:1-1 Women �Ip.to that . bintl And how niany tlious�and!�� tons of th 11 c Can &I".0 r I . I I .. r . T DI SUB 'kgoolleee, . . . I � hisa � 0'us- And,t& games of,ball, and tile r�cjlig` I 1't;b11Iwl5,t,A I I rS62S (A .Al. .� I t . I r I AwimAr. . . , . . I . .1 � r . . I .1 . . . I . L' , , . .. rginnents were unsound, but we. - in I hQse days rauds,�aye;let-t etruthbekno ,. I . oy. ' A�ents; boo - copers, . 'r . - . 1. I � . .1 1 I r. � r . . I . . . there was no.uncert&in. I h wn, how .. . r � , ' kradcs.of abili r r ... . . . I . . . . ,,,jund, as to Lthe . I . � - [we " bud, I clarka,farmerlssoni,1% era,macba fcs;phyL r . . , . I . I . . . ­didnocthink that i1h. ullowil,wolild " IneSSag6r delivered. many millions r there .are, . *110. to, -day. Amd*th . DO YOU KN '.� , . . r: .. I . . . I L I . r 6 things that "Oedid A6 -ori the r slyJanso preachers Stu cutat mar and . . r . I . ' I I I , . . . I Behold I set before thee this day life are a . .. w . OW . � . . e for � r . - 21 .. r, ,� bous, -L '. ." - - 1 . 11 *torheconie. Practic- Playini. hide�and-go-seok, round'- the - we $2,M per annurn.. a . , I . . . .. 1, .� 11 I . ­ . -1 . I .. . 11 - - . I 1. . I . -.riaftito! his own statements, bitt lie hits a irreligious as it's possibi .1 � (night grow dark, single women'. 8;#d .vido*v.- Pos I a -are ..1. . - . . I I : r I . . . I . and death, bI L . .. I : . L' r blitiaellah� , , essing and cursing, there. men and women . - . I ,rch from $466 t') . . . - . � . . I I . . . 'r . . . , dotie so and Nve coillillend him for his .fore chose life that ye inay live," The ally actually living'without God in e r hilre paid several canvassers W., -weekly fov . L . I � � . _____­� . . I � r e,0 110'er' He at I r4sent h the po- love ofood �Was preached,, the atone. w6rld ... . . I ... A. - L .'Hi Ing, Se6kiliLg. - flhtacksmith shog. I to fully'alid'We. will give you& I . . � th at in our Sch oo I L I . . ,.... 1: i. . .. . .1 . � ... . . I . � . olds . . r . I . . . . .. I � - - . .1 . . . .1 year I aft'.. .. . I ,.r' . .. '� I . I I .. rr I . I . I . I .. L ..:. 0�,- Los- FISHER#- 'r . ,: I ' I.. . . . . r 11 : L . I I . I . I r I I . . . . . . . L I � . ipent.the,01hristof God made for. all Ibi6isa larg6 subject an4l know I ,bal'I" �tor. . . I . '�1051i_M --eeretarYofTenlpera SJUS upontlie.Loj6S, e'o I 't L IM RR . �;_ �.: nce and r ADLEY-GARRE rSOX-Co. Ltd . . . CL$X"l� r ' r I '. - I -proolsinied, av In y one . Its ai�d'the by, A.g. 22!id - .� , r ' r L _ I . I , s was h ,hed upon it. These &re'L AI�4 we knew all the pai. � ' k -�Atford. . We. employ tWetVe tistleber I 01JT'j r . I r . I . , many rother phases Of . . I I � . [ways andLout ' . L .. . 0 . ,. ... . 1. .�! � . I L , Velteral Alitat orr04 . , ...... ; ..;. I _ - 4kal Reform for the Methodist church� lNever was . ai. fuller freer, completero thisquestion. I . .and U6�eL Lone huadred typewrii� . Xi�r4t,iLlie Assurarlee Coo .. L .. , . And- knew ' ' , r I . I L ' I . . . . I . . , - 11 r. , i 61jr tor Sale. . 'ill maollinen. , � P011,0109 on 0,11 tile latest approved illinsowith ­ �.. L � I � " , *alii,ida, (a position he is ein' ently more all embraciliff far reaching, gos� It 19 -indeed far reaching. Inthe a .. ­ , r *here the pickets were oft' I , � , , 'it -1P0 Lc . th 10 one Privileges And Options = rildyaritageoUS to r . ' � Of 6 110A r' I . It lgi 4 fatt,ind . Lj�j 114tialiffed t fili­ - of . L 1 204803 ' I . - - - c .. ...... .... ""' f--' ­ "' ' ' ­ ... � . th,ngS I' WoUIdL .And.knew. .*,heu,,.the-�ear�liest--appl'6s� - ,&.Newcombe flishuttle carpet -loomin. first- - ,-.--duce.the-heit.resutts,.-�We .- ­­ 11 r I . I . I . ln__.� , pelproclaimed.to .,Iying'r -,.l)Ljjt 'me All6tt . [the folio ( . 0% :, this In . . r ,4on , _tIle, .ii -ed to Wer I c4nnot; speak .ei . , I why vve, pro.. 6 0 on general prin, dusequences o neglect or refugal Were man I 8.dch'ad-tfiii - I . . I . not, � � 94! _Aklmdtleo� d.-__...-.; ............ r--_ ­ I ' cAnnot­- "' ­­ ­ . " r . do an' . . _ . . . . , . . . I . L (were ripe class repair can be bough-, for about son on the . begin to autiply the demand: for. . , . I .1 r a . . . I 1. . cip! ') din an address at as fullyi as P,IaiulY, .&S-liumistAkably growingo increasin dis" t for 9,11 And knew of the pools . where the best, . I : . L I � ­ . the Mont. 'to my respec L . I dollor This Is a gooA ,chance to gat'a loora rAdUltes, .E, I ' � "re81:0(inference last week, is reported announced, t:Chei:16in . .,mind lies authority, Pa� fand-governmetital, . chesp: Also one light de'we, rat wago.:� for We . I Out X War at any'- M ' , 11 . . � c; in . . a c this in -large measure L due to the mod : Us boys, Us boy, I;. [fish would bite; L cheap. Wallpap�ro hung for loo'a toilLwan . tisr, Vorl, _._AR,RJAG:E r' .. , , 6. I eo 8 ., r ern .. � . . ­ . . . ­ I . . . s�nd coiling..Apply G P - TS,oar, Queen an . �s fc . r Catologu .0. - . . . I � . . I . Lio.=S] . @&� r ' . , L ' . "; I follows : . r reacli'll I sl : in , ern Idiotic fallacy of Oassing a law to . I I r . . . . I OT rprifides d .. . . ..,. I . . I . ,,, .. 6 Ut L I 0. . I . 1. . . . . I , , r, L I ' reviewing ' od' . I t� 6 ut 068i ili' L P,rlght, LVer que ,&lid my thoughts go back to I .. a Streets. . .. . . * . . L . . . . I t . L.. ISSUISO By � - . . . I . � ' � r" I "A' I - the Ontario situation, that is . , 8 shoul e ) 01 I - make;o ? eople. d K otion- I . .., . I . the old `.' - " I . - �. r _._� _ r I . L I .. . 1. . . . � . . . . . . r '1:1413 DID NOT ENDORSE THE DEMAND . 1. . ether it is . .L [home town, , CiemitralJousinegs, College J. .18 " - . . To the little villa e'where I Was born, . . � . r 1. .� - . O ". lubit, I � j iquity;. and the un i le. e er al. right, and then never putting it into I COWS C0,0011 Re. I pwn& . . . I u - .fill "CINton. . I . , � , I k6R. X3111RDIATE PROAUCTi6M - OP THE .cousequeneea of sin u e ented, unf6r. force, theiell," eii4endering And I think of tt faces I used -to See; . � . ot Com . . . � I .,- �. ' 00*10 _y most suc� � L"160'Favorite, I I * 'Conas &Gerratd.sts, oranto ___---7-7-- " . - . . I . _rWXlAXT'8 LIQUOR LAW, because given, the &Wff punis went, thj3 . gessfully.contempt for law and order; And1wouderif the arethinkingof r . � . '.. . I -I - . _....."L - , 11 I I . ... i'l � thit law will be Of little use.. The aread doom that I . 16. tbo' only-.1safe. rolid-bld. � . . . . .. 11 NSIX Issued by the na I . , . , awaits the $inner dy- in other words, attempting to shift M� Une. . 4reffulator. on which, Woman 11 * W. If. Shaw, Principal dot Igilaidat his Residence JUAlry. Chui�eh hdd not yet produced the large . I (Mo - .. 7 M AARI-AGN Lion . I I . . I " I . O'blid -opinion on which alone a pro- Ing in his sibs, a . I .. cah� depend, "in the. AOUR, . I I I . I . Clinton. - . # strie, . . � - .. r , re passed by, or, Lit the the responsibility of parents onto the LOND9sudlto, MrisIm. � . and time of I . . . I xe - .. 11-lblt6r%lawean be based." best indirectly inferentially alluded to, shoul4ers of & -policeman, , I� -could . . . I . I � I . . ... . I . Prepared In - two __ d . . . . . 1. � � . . I . % -YAMES Scoft, ... � 1. . . , I . . eft.og " SA . � ­ ` ' .. OtrOlikth. No, 1 an r I Andthe consequence Is that-. wenr Lire speak Of the complete change that has - . .1 I . 71 r - , 11 I . I I I . ,d No, % . w.7 v w,�awooqw . � . , . � I I ,:$ . gkpwing up' all.around us with a grad. come over society with regard to Sat� � I . . . . I � NO. 1.�Vor ordinary casea I . . I . ­� I I � g.' . . . . o . �W_this is far more sensible talk . I .r " 'i , I � e. � . . I r � 14, A" lot of the unreasonal - _, urday nitht. A property k . Qedeirlch � . to by far the, -best. d,DIMM. I 1 il"29 ;, 't I � � )Ie senti "ally ir'oteaing fearlessness of God. ept Sivtur� , . . ISSUDIR OF kMIAGE-LICIES89A -1 4(, , .. . r I I � yul K , Tun, LATn MARGARgTMoDai�iLD - ­ 3nedleltio'known. I .1 . vowit,1600srequired � . .The feature of -to -day, there Is.n0fe&r da ig L means the pre araflon for 0, The funeral of Miss McDon . oil .special cnsee�10. clqreW -Now is the time to vubsMbe I - , . � r ,, r , � *ePt$ a4vance3 by some who have of God I When did anybody listening properly kept Sunday, Tou,wholl . aid, who - 60. . r r . . .1 . I strongo broo dollars Oer boTi. I � r � � I . . . I _�_� I , . I . . . . . � avO died at Clinton on Sunday,. took ,place ruggist for.Voeitto . . � . . " to me last hear a sermon upon eternal - remember Tuesday aft4ornoon from the residence 4 Cotton ItOot' � . " ., � . ' )Aol�6`2641 than judgment, and who I pdAfsed the'luerIA.ian of life, SAffles--itak your d . . know nothing about the � . .,Punishment?, villen didyou last in yoAr childlibod. what it used to be., ,h - 100 -pound. Ta%e no other , I.N.R.-M0,44, . fi. L6 : ­ . I . I 4oa�nily , hearit. O.-O...,.,.O..O..O.-*.-*.-*.-.W..e...O.,.%%.,- . MACPHERSON . . . " �,_ 4..�, * Broken of? Anil yet. 41t4e fear of the.. Oollaplir,6 � that mentor -dity,4 Of et 00phew, Daniel Graham, Cale� so all VIlls, mixtures and imitations gta #1 I ; . I . A . . ,, � ­ I 1, , . . � terrace. Rev J Rainiltotl con. * -* . � I RAj "r., - ( Irboomblended. r -s-, , - . . I . � . . . 40.8 . I difficulties that present them- ord is the beginning of wisdom.os Pos- The streets p'&6ked., wit a perambulw donla daneproupi -No, 1 and NO. 2. are sold an4 A X ,INS7a I I . , � , 'PrtW ift r . � 'K with to all drug at# In the Doo, , ,-!-. - r , . - , he proper enforcement of .slbly,o nay probably at one stagej God, ting6rowd stores. .kept open tothe duptiA th6pervice and the pall -bear. MaInlon of Can . Mail to Any 4dolregi r .1, - ` , 'i rr" ______-� . . . I . . . . . . � .f 1, . � , ers ­ � cry acts. * rd momet T. Ord0j, '!�, Aeclde,tig, r1ate a . , 'bit it# �S&fibath pre- MUM All I's McDonald I)an r Mo. 'AUM*&' r m ' iAY SJ,00j�; 'o hi a$ a, God of justice, as a God & wrath, last p6ssibie, W60 Ntormau MeLeodo Willi&m an reoelpt at rice and - I ., : er.V T nre . -, " . r . - ,*VeB to t M 21, The kvolty. Bak tour 2 -cent posts& -60 . �rp '. Was hel up And *orAn,e17,,A to the exclum ng .un on , we Q016 Vottioanjo, . . . . MA61 0L1Rfg,V . . � . XT&Y, a0d 3 ohn. Murray. . . vwdsori Os&; I � . . I . .1 - I . . I . : Vaoty loned words, condemn- sion of all else, ')3ut yorily ,)-day we heeded,�ex Oded,arelictofoldto " X_ Utaurult . . . . .. " � paration' A thl th �ht of, u(i. bbl'kul, Z!, . . : ,, impasil . gey- k4% 4 f- - on d ' . . : � � , , iti need a little 09 it Man and' lsrl_i� barleT11 . krAt McDondld wa6 born in Soot- . . ' I ,g�.,the only government that e womengo n the past I I could., isfor land jjixty_n1n Nol and No* 2 are sold ill 011 to b - . . . . . . I ver th church, or not, as they please, to be You to the inrush of immorality in- the (Jan _ 6V , go and came to �1! Ln q ,. ­ JOHN: Wit. YIW . '.*MdoranytbIng to further theteril- brief, t .. 11 shape of im ab0Ut_tT10eayeA no 13. Combes, R, P. Reeki go .0 .. I I . I osumul) all'i few words, every ova, plays, Impure'litera, ar 1851# accom. -_ . I . llotlkstm ,one doeth that Which Is right, In his remind you o Ruj� �d !rher mother* and & brother,. Hovey and V. W. Watts, Drufggista . LZU, - - Verazibe cause, tend to alienate the tuft, I couls r6AN4 f �o always keep oil hand a large . � . 1. I.. . X and well assorted 040ok of goods to A -Mt tar the JEANcak I I ' I fl, 11 off Shoot orfathet,Malc6lm McDonald hav�- I X" . . _wn* FMO � AgetWAS , . own e Os,, 'because blicY, have not the Of this, the decreasing bfa rate,. the 06, of Mtoohistek4 Snflandg qmpathles of people , . 0 4 hose �fsstda , . . ? Choose from. '. . . I - , who tire suppor. feaLv 0 ,God before them. potgo itkg died in Scotland. Till a , . . seourity ire tatti , � bM seven 6-0 L, #_* it I 40,00, - Also sM . ,. . � ,tt,ng looseness of the marriage uniou; but , 9 It* I L _ o ot this PrInciple, though they are entirely the apostolic Admonitlions, or 'I ht " a o she 90 :_ -1 . - $004600, X_ Mixed esuay fxom 7o to ioc par lb, K=0? Mi"" briftAXft 06. All al . � *4 he _AA%".9 you have heard enough from, me, t . � o I liv . . I . I I ., aoad, tva. 0: thank you for the. patient he efift ="Okic , but & Wr herrMn-Dito4tehr. . . lie. . "Knowing therefore the terrors of the c . ' 04 �itfomistsj and such should be c 9 r0o-ort3, fakest by . arin �rft We death she, I 1103*44" loot 0 $1 par lb. . . � a ""'its Lao�a 06 . . o 4 60 Money to be b d � UM' do Lot us all be lair and eaIl, Jo0d we persuade m6n,1­0 ,.� 4 went to Algoma for . o ib�' _n , fi ur God is a ve accorded me* . I ha, 6 start� the , I I ;; trm � 910 and three to live with her brother, .. I- � a 99 �. . I 0 Am N .11,10" 4 . � � . , . . . � OP sumin . re,' "Itisa feArfillthing trolling, Take UpMethreAd I "A" I �0,.10 . . V Abbolatea and () a ��� a. ."", - . I , �Wi, ." Since n she a . 11 , 0ognizing certain taote that- to- 14 &-the h4aft .of the I -v- 11 had beou a V ident o ' , . . resIA .0 6 dar wil I ., . , __ 1, Ing .us have -some ideau as to the romed Godet, ch, liv] . . .. . 1. I �. I � I . . , . . 0010 ., ,fh6he , .hgwith MV,Gr " �' I 0 266 per 16, , . I I ­ I 1. I "Aittit"V& ffted Would I be going out of m this state of things, ()h&ng6 6001 I . . , . I— � . I I . I . , , yet ever stri�fag for - I ". y . . last fall When She sidiffo-red "a I I . ,� . . Way -if I -suggesteas, reason for this. You .cannot, As well tr 0 out-. I � ingstaitoatoo, . . - . , - I . � I , I . - 1. I I -1" 1� 11 I 4, , I I - I . 1, I 11 I. IPM117 li d d C .Lm Nov I I I � I - �1 I I i I . i I I I ) I I - I :I . ! .1 . I I I I I I I I t_ . I - 1 4 � . I t' I Z:41 I .1 1 1 16 I. 1�; . i _* .4 ha : - I bo ! i lei : 1n, 11 1'�i I ty , k4 1, 1L. i I - . since been in 'the h4w# At olintouw I I I WM10 "w, I . , , I McKILLoP monu tho attainment of a definite *9041, And Ati not men's minds more. or logs at lid to stop Ni6&[Lrr,1 -d I 01 In getting up, frovi U, OhAlro' he Ya MeatMarket .. d- may feel called upon to sea 6h f%is question P Are there not a c ailge the couldil ars a CA t, . .. :... ., .. I , 4.1, � I . . I . . tons of, m e I 61 I Mexican Vital wia 'Ueao�. ce, I I 'I,' VIRE - - - 'I' I of opinions p Is not .the andinakeplapple, go Blow,- 0 HerbrotherinAlgowk survives her, fraving tktokaiod ihe butotiorld. . I tAgeti 16o to 50D per doz. . � 40 of our pre-coheeived ArIfe varlot , 10 I . S . g0 AbWe I 0 1 1 "I bablaw? Powell I ans erit'. I . . MI, MANCE CO, bel of literal fire and brimstone, a be. done. Onethingalone 1know0fegn ' i , � r -.,,* r4�� - 10 V. 11. . I . 11 i'VitWO) Mi Mf Ohown has done,tbe lief thb& . obtaln'samall credencelft these be, clone, aid that - comes under the � Pitted 0"fornish *136 peo� a of I I Unions 256 par doz, . ]PAP,Ul"d I& -­`- I , . . lit I . LA"D I 11 allids first he Of . r e It 11 I . tooh ana I I Duatfor otthiNio the Place tot . '051.14 ZVOW P"P,t­ 141M allAda a6fookao otstry, ato I . "' r - A I OATABUH-Itgoas to over 86`0696* 'bolooa, . . go Will only telld i-Aore effectu&lli days P Time was, When niOn's r A4 ray pa_pa -1 t, t Wlay CATARRUIOZONVI OTIRVI$ tali With a Were made up on this subject and the obiLlIge its tons, And let us see 111P _y affect. cured, Maim. 14wirild-thoultimiate accomplifflim t, W ot 0 91 16to �"Zotuts . P, ,,.I",- . � en very la;rgd 111001'itY 'Were Z 0, -unit the f4ithfill proolat , of the 1 �OfthA4tb and kille the �crms that keeps � lard, bulter aa4 e0s al*ayo'keot bg , ­""� . mills whole no I �� Do MdUail, Prealdento iti . 1041 t the 011ject temperance Workers have NOW men's minda aro-ungettled. TZ ttutli Of 4160aged 4on ition hatid. . � . - - 0, 11, Tho , . AM Will hAY6 its true effeet, - I . Catarrh. . � A do lhio of Ifilym I of it -0 611d Pt"Ot- V1.90-Vtoold l 61d]K�0,*"Thoka � � . In ilev'. . . nuct a few, who i3till hold to the old be. : . . )!Of :6t Aft Actual eternity 112 4dtU&I fire : - . I � but the majbrl�y Are largely dividea . I � I# . Ctitt A told in I on � e Dayb betwetu annihiliation at death hope I , � I for the wieked after this,1110e,condition. � *4 ONW11*11" Al fimnottodi� # etc) Oct etc, I golne. I times envy t 6 Romanist who believ. 11 !r&k* U*Afl*6 AtOWID Quialaa Tablibiff Ing as ho does In the iftfabibility of 4 1 1 00goloto titt"d ill# tioasy If It fifills ptobotmeem6ilt made b � % the church .1. , �� , , 114 We ato'Wo ligbAutb is 0.0 ex cathedra on & point 0 418put . , , 12600 tflim, bag fiubjadti oettiod, Mi b .. , .. I "I � .. � I .1 I . - I I _ I . � . \V t I . to for A n101ntub hold back the 3 of truth, .that God's love is In- - that great as Is a mother's love I's love for the eloving Alaill Cre4. Is far Ipgator—but, lot nob the .. 6 incur LIM by omitting any one no mat r how oniall" liewo se�m- - ' - unim trh i4i -o- �J;Zt i6;`ab­1 e " , ,.,, h.pzt::t, 'o V ,,B ,"� I , to wh., is i� ., . "� .,. "" I .b, to .., C�giie, ,he I to p.�la,., . . .0 � I � - I ;., I 11 I 't6ne never Irritates but stimi 10 mucous lining of the nosee t Ild lungs to normal action, And' to nosal passages ftee from Off( Ischarges, - 04tafrhozoua contal - trigerous, drugs or 6 � laws. and I ghtfullyl simple to st4tothboono Is an Absolutely C( "'I"or aliv, form, of oatakrh ADZ rdollo, . small Alzi r -mall gbft& ()Off 060 ftt ,,", - es I I I . . 1 U., ]PItalmous, a Soil# , - . fobsodo SIVY0,74 on h.air. 'a 0oo-iW.Ao . I Pat S I . I . -, I Sslilmord- by-oteri olwiys in NO . Ve 10 . , ltph6aa, to'. .. I . I . . . .. . , . lmd6ro'lik line, �0' leo in Oram d6livatod " ptly to all 0 0,00 64tho 10*111 . . . . ,k . . . I _11ARTLIFF Ift le ;0i , 110 � i, � X, V.--porsove havlog h6ge tot blif mbut, will oonfor %, favor bo I= AV Nora 60 tho shop., , , \ d66604of lot a, moolky lititon . .. - . I , �, . A� w # 0o 0,644464044,44.4 05. -1-8111, - 066Y-Tteas 86aforth p.. O.. W 0, Iobssa#oo_JP#& J)Itgagor. to 1119P.A. . so I 4041141 I . I .1% I Dlh%6T*ho � V& .0. rsr�"& Sw - thr". P O MI, 61 , %th 061in Go Okw , k *6 aleo Sesforth" orok Nij Jt A , r�V*1111, 80664*00d. 00 .,Ld. hoinas rrgso , 0 ax 11 ''XI - 400dr, I., =4116 Are #1 � .1 I ONOU . - fu *11" WA&.`e.&%Wa1f.,'0 6 V , P Allwo , . I , , � I I I` % . - .1 . mks,"