HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-05-29, Page 7tiLL I . . I I � � I I . �
I , I
I __ uq 29th 1"t . I . �_ . . TIM oLnvrjb B14W $94' I I
I.. ____ I . �;
-.-- . . I I., ... . ' � � .1. 1. .. . . . . - . 7 I .
. . �T , 1�1 .7 . . 4 I . I I . � I I . a . 0 jd , ! . 1 1. - P � 0 - . , , " i i , , ___ _ , , * - I - I - . , - _ � - . . � _ I- - - - I -0, . � ., _ ___ __ - � � I 'i
., 4 , ,_ , ' . � - . .. I . , , , , 1 4 � - ft � , I . I I � ; I .. -
I . , I . rn-1 preli -- -4 - 41--vanta � # I ,- ii � . 11 1. 1. I � 1.11-111 1-1 � ; __ I . . ===t
" . I eff ort.�,c . I .� � - ,�, , I , i , � � 1i i _,)� � 11 > � I
.; . I WY 144ke t l0lore ratrora-410-sf, row, engago ull"Sul Ce ,a 11111n,"loa r4efq . 1 i .
. tleawAsoDirected I I !,&lc!rn!hat are bminar liatto ed than 011 oll e f fill , \ :
� 4,14 ,h 10 , � 11 I , 1� :1 2
. I . . L Afems to be a general dislike among � - -i " �,__
. . 01 , " . 100 , , - . .- I
Sixteen Dorset krado lambs, 4(vide4 ABSOLUTE � ' . farmers to study up, engage In, and -_ -_ - .. I-.. � �. I I . .11 ;; � I .. I . I., I I
.. A WXLh=0WW 01TIZEN OF EVER-TON9 ONT.,VSEW Into t*o ".ual lots., were uspd for the S., I continuously attend to the details 0 1
1 �, , ' " I third test, which w , " t I business, or'tQ take up. any line of ef. --- iiiiiiii;siitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijilili"flliltliti[iiiij,,I, . ,
, fis undertaken , to, I fo!t calling for attention to the little - I I A W -as,
- study the comiparatAve merits of ,Well- TV , 9%,T I
� balanced jujid bpdly-balanried rationse.. i things involved in, its successful issue. I .
Z %OV Thoy .seem to overlook the fact, well I �11 � , .
I � I , ( , I
, .
. PAINES CEL"RY OfIMPOUND I The test was divided into thre! periods, . ECUM 11 If.) uno h � S, E11:41 .
I . - � of four wiprkA. each. The grain ratio , n . tersitpoil in business circles, that sue. , . " ,
, ... ... 11 11, �11 . of lot No, I consisted of unground corn f . I
, , : . ces's everywhere is �
01 and bran, and that of lot No. 2 of un . "--Nmr* - tontion to drUils individually small, but - 11, 111.1 11 I - ,�
L - 'Genuirse . I tant in their combinations. No.. �� - ____ . . . . . . �.___� �_,
� � -_ � --- __�, .
araligbt Baek e. Perfect Realik From Wh2t PrO111111(j,C ground corn, oats And barley and bran., . I I .
0 t � I 4 . I . =1 is this more imjpbrta!�t than on I THAT THE
� � the proportion in each case varying in the farm. It especially applies to the I -
� to be a Fatal Te . the different periods, . - .
'ralluatlell. Both lots were business of private dairying. Hence, I
� �, . - i�-, . - � . fed Corn fodder, and in addition lot No. Carter'.s I though there is money in it, yet there FAC -SIMILE' , I �
I .
. . 1. � � ... ... a was fed sliced. mangel wurzcjs and is widespread,reluctance to engage in ,
. I �
I - . . rrrots on alternate days. At the bboj ' -
g f silftlJOLIVerp , I
r, nning of the trial the average we . 'M the business. r ' I "I'll, ........ ...... I I
. Thoussildofestimabl. -olminent follows ; - vi I a The question of available .help o SIGNATURE
.eand px . Of the lambs Ili the two lots was 93 and A -bao p dairy enterprise is.no more an shr3lati dod andRe ' .
people uninfluenced by fiewspapernot- 'Al have suffered froin nervousness, 0 riv""' I - �gula- I
Ices or � -t; weakness daily gain of the lambs in I . this business 111lig the S an4pwijs or I -QF-
even'tbe advice ot friends,have. rundown system and heai o,6.9 pounds respectively. The average b,tacle in the way in
is sOM,e.HeVyen-directad way, used' for p, than in .any other. it has been. learn- - .. �, I
I , long time Velia often spells of ot No. ii Must Pear Signature of I - - ---
� ftinds VeleOl d6mgoi�nd, and saved unconsciousne�,$Woul come over me, Was 143 pounds, and of those. in lot No. I " . ed that men 4nd'boys can make bt* . . . �,; 'I., I
� thernselyes from su erm and. do . 2 (fed the better balanced ration) 2 . . ter and cheese and carr Ou - - 1. . ��w�ui I I - -----..do �
. - ath. and last for an hour Or more each time. is 5.1 ;I . t the de- - 7 � - 11?r'_"_ . I
� 'WAUld toll%eiwentbatt ousandsbiii� When consciousness returned, I would poun, i be- 0, l y P
%0( , tile cost of a pound of gall ee
"� S
40 "Ozt tails as well.as wornen. . There are al -
i MR I I
-dened anO oilpressed with physical ag- find myself ex, Ing 7.17 cents and 6.92 cents respect- ./. Itod Zer ways boys growing up and young men I . I
� re
,hausted and quite siclutt . FromoltesDigestion,C rful- 41�:
, tonto - - i4ei ively. On an aver, I , -�, X',�/,
. _ ,q 3j�udent,sleeplessand the sto ch. I doctored long without age the lambs in lot . . I seeking employment. Wotk of iny 0,
WWI: in it ' kind ne - ness and lRest.Contains neither .
�'. . thismon of May, could bear, any good results. Itheilb- ilypolu- No. i ate 1.9 poill"Is of grain and r.8 5" Fic-Sla;l1a Wrapper Below. ver sliould be drudgery and
that mysterig.ho whisper,"Man I Wo-
Mended with Paine's0elervC(impound,
. .
pounds of corn fodder per bead a day-,
man I Paine?a Celery Compound ill
banish thy disease and give unto Xhoo
find soon became a new man. I am
feeling splendid just ilowand its strong
while those Ili lot No. 2 ate 2.1. pounds
. of grain, 1,7 Pounds of corn fodder
perfect health and life which lead
to happineqs and con6entailent.11
as ever before in 'my ljfe� tha
I I ... nks, to
your great 'medicine, I advise all peo-
and 4,9 Pounds Of foots. Shortly after
the test the hanills were slaughtered, tile
Take courage afflicted one ; though
physicians have pronounced you I , neur-
ple All sick p90 0 to use 6e great
compound th.ar, Vi cl such a grand -work
� I
average net Profit on . tire two lots be -
in 9 34 and 49 cents respectively. The
able, let us assure you of positive aid
rind cure The virtues of Pitine's Celery
forme." I
If you are -in need of free medical ad-
, Ithor
at believes that "tile finished pro -
duct resulting froul feeding
will give you, in as large a
measure, the saind blessed results that
vice, write to CoDsulti Physichill'is
Department, The Welll�119 Richardson
grain and roots was superior to tIl-,it
'were experienced byXrT. Simons, of
Everton, Ont., who gratfully writes as
Co., Lim, Montreal, Quo. All - corres,
poliderice is sacredly confidential. '
from feeding, coin and bran without
. roo.ts. A diet of grains with roots add -
. I .
I . . I- .. .
ed, notwithstanding its greater co0,
. 11 -
- - - -
may. be more.. economical whell f,ltte`1*1- 1
I never should be looked upon such
Upluui,morptliae nor Mmeral,
is ON �:*. J -*E I .,
light by young people proPerly brought
)NOT C 0 T X C.
I .
1L." We listened to a valuable paper
. . ___
�� , . .
read before a .subordinate grange
meeting a few days ago by Mrs. F. H,
AX;r11071,07d1VrX4?4yr11P17=1 ?
� .
'r ...... 7t
. . . ,
,� WRAPPK� .
Herrick, . a woninn of- culture and of
1*11411 $0.4- . .
. .
. education, calling , t
, attention to be op-
. I .ArAkana, �. �
and over thaii it will to provide
I - full �
. . .
1� 1.
portunitics for proritablc employment
levAerld sqf& - .
* tiom. A herd -of milch cows was ox.a
� �osed *for� three days' to a cold taint,
s , . * I . . .
or for business enteprise right.here in
, ,
� ft, -j, -,,.,,t1,&,
are usually about one hundred and
� . . .
!I, � I . � . .
one's own Ywinity i-istead of flocking -
to �ci �
7','.� J�ed -
one rod sqdare. � , - - . .. - -
I. '
the ties for positions as type-
. Qw�*d,Fqgyp -
� . . . �
, Thl'-great Chicago � packing firms
. I . ' . .
i� :130TTEE 0I".
or shop girls. , In this busi-
Uh4ry1VAAk Tfuslar
guids of.*the d
system and its pro ucts..,
: . I
ness of blittuniaking and cliceseriml,-
I: .
. .
Ing is opportunity for young men or
young women - - - ;� 4. 1, -� A
-AperfectIlemedy forConstipa,-
. * 0 a t t, I
! �
h , 111101:6
. I _. . . . Ang Aamus than a diet more restricted i 1. . I . . 11 an It V�L, VU, ULLUM. .!_J arritwea, ; .
0 __ .: , - MAWR GICK H&i.0A,QJAr1, I find employment or engage -in business W&jRS,C0nVUl.j' 11
' - � . .. I - I PW
. . � . -)� A&" - - I � . � - even . more � ioris,Rwerlsh. � !:.i, I I I.
� I - . as to the. grain factors. composil,ig. it,.1 - . � . quite as . profitable and - I
0 , . � . in.spite of 'the greater relative cheap7 _ . FLRSSal,1L,_,ZSe3L**,�ZL,�!.,R - Ai .
. rica . , , rec -ness of the letter. . , �_, _. __- healthful than .the sedentary employ- . . . I; �"-'4'
. , 1. . - _" -_ - .
rt - I � ,ment "of the 6iti6s. These opporturn-' Tac 5 ' '.1 .__� �
I I . I . ( , 4 . - tile ration coin -Value to r -e sor , I ir�ile 5id,,n0tUE`Q- r r ' * i UAN I V A
... . . " . . In this 6xperhnem - of sucri .hen% that we a' - ties and -many others connected. with I I I - 1� I . I I
. & . I.:- � ,posed.of . bran, Corti, - oats,'and' 'barley, rY to give theni'up; but we cannot lif-, . - , !I. . . --W .
AW- .. - f eld" roots and- Corn fodder was niore ford to disregard tile caution�of the farm' are 'Ovcrloq�ed by parents, . . . . . 42te11,90E-;",V- 11 . I . . .. . . I .
I , , . Dr., .of cours&, as 'a fesult are -not" - .�
I ....
. . ll� :7 � I saiisfactbry .than oi e coniIiosed- �oi , Edw,a dekloorte' tile able veterinarian . . anti, . . NE il -�j . . - Castorlo, is pat up 13% one-sho b.-Itijiorly, - it .
.. . I , r ' sepn by the xisink- generation. We, . �� Ill �
�, -c , � of I ot"it � , . .1. � 1. _1111s nct soIJ ia bulk, 'Dnalt allow suycao to oill - ,
I I - I I I I �_ I �.j.� :4 � .. '.. , , . .
bran. corn'and' clitijodder onlv." . r e ry"Gentlenian, who states , ne�, iv, �,.��, I , .- I .. � . 'ing 0180 OR tLO P16S or proiniza tharit
.1 . � d in culti ate ,.,ore faith ill' our -1 . I . 11 i , ` , on
� -, . . . . .. . I V,at oats ill tile h . I .1. , .� �7 , .., t1i I
� I I itill will so injure and own state, 'more ! -a for outdooi life.' 1� - �k- , � _.. 1i i � Y,-,, Y. ,
I . . I � . jinfl-, ' .. ...) A,;.;�� I . � , , I . t tl.4-i is � N
. knie the lining of the cro I , . . . , just so goodt' and "will answer every pur,
. .. , . P Of m,)re respect f6r the farm, that We '4--n:__ n_ pose.', 4a, 9) th t ot 04-8.T-0.�Ji-I-A, .
_____Z__.;,t.. ... I
1� . . WIS fowls as to' cause - It offer - , nd - � 4- . '. ; . " a . I .
I . � I How Much to Feed jEro . �Qatll. It is safer, in i.3, see ,the orspno-inities I .s 1 1. I � ... 4 . i .,� -YOU 9. .., . . .
, I - ; _ ." I . : I therefore., to feed o-.ts ground or hull- 'th- compensations within reach'of in- I I I . � . 7�0 fae- �
, There is Continually coming from, all � ed, � 1;4
I - , , . , I oats un be a ! 'rXACT rf�,:,?)r -.,7-..- - .1 I . I 1 .6..----O
. . 1- -
� I , : . � � . Hullec btained at tel' 'I, � . . I , . I
. I sides the' .ligent and Well -directed cibor. - I I : I , , I- , .* I a Is 01
I I ; ��i I OV027 1
'. .4 � inquiry. as to, the proper ' 'about $-- per ioo.11�7.*.' 'Aq it will take * *Maine ,Fatmer., * . . . , � 11. . , 'a-, - . .. '.' -'er-,"t;-�, 4Aym;die .
I ... ZVI amount by.weight or measure to feed .four' bushels by. in-asure. to'. produce - .1 - . .. I . - . . _ . 1. . . ,,, . . . wrac ilof.
4 . I . . . . . ke MIME ri,,-, , , - "7"' - - , � 1:1 Ili il . I �
. . ,-"Plw
. I . . fowls- per day. . To answer this - quiis,� "pa lbs' of hulled oa'a. 411c. cost is. about 7`_ . I . .,- __ . , I . : , � . �77__T - . .
- , - . .� --* �,_ __ I � . . . . .... I � I equal to its increased feeding value. - , - An. InterestinlK Experiment. , '. . . I . . � . . . . . . � . � . I . I
- . . . , ti6n properly One iflust. consider tha . hull' . . . I . . I . . I . . . I ... I 1, . ... .
� � . . ". � � I
. , � . . .1 . .. . 11 .. � t The I (if * tlie.oa,t ba's - no food value � An farmer using chemicals for f er- - . � . . . I I
. , , .
How to Breed Corr. . . It takes lrore to ,'sustain a Biahnia for tile hen -in fact, the less roug i or I y . . . . I I - ___ . I I . I � ; .
..� . I I ilizz, . . . . % . I .
i Forth6Stock�lalf'' - ` - I � r . I ti - ti- un - a 'sin, le ex erinient ' � - .
In breeding corn, a small field (us-
� . � I . . . .. .,.. . 1.
I . .
. th . an a Bantam, and that a ino I rca �
will natur�lly-eat more than a - Leg-
. Indigettfible lood the hell Must -grind
up the -better for her.. If for. ilo,other
I .. It, . J, . .
at small cost which will'be of 1te
I .
t3ally an acre in size is used,' a
The val,tie of, shelter an;d comfort
1. . .
horn; or, ,in. othqi' Words, It will take
'reason than this, liulled.oats A'
. . ould be
the whole sea,;on. through, .and at the
vriter in the May Cosmopolitan. The
Jor.dattle is cle.inonstrated. in an ex-�
. � .. . .
- .
, more, to maintain a .fQWl of five p6unds
wcd in place of bats in the hull.-
C unti.y..0entleman.' . .
� Isam iniotmation that
'g time will convey *
iiiind is prepared and the seed -bed
p'eriment made- b the Arizona sta-'�
--- - _. ` I - .y . , , � - :,,
and over thaii it will to provide
I - full �
. . . - � .
. .
. may. be of� gre.
at vallic in'finither crop
ireated as for the ordinary field. They.
* tiom. A herd -of milch cows was ox.a
� �osed *for� three days' to a cold taint,
for those.. of smaller size. Also, the
filore,adtive a f6wl may be -the more*
I . . - . . .
. .11 . '' ' ' I
. � For the. Farmer. , ,
. . ,
-ping. . Ili thelield to be Planted to po-�
, tatoes, stake, out three Plots. cach just,
are usually about one hundred and
at -the �nd of which time the flow of
energy.will be exp�nded, aria this must
. . � . I
. ' . . . I . . . ,
one rod sqdare. � , - - . .. - -
I. '
twenty hills long and thirty rows -wide;
milk had decreased just one half, not- -
withstanding that the cattle [must
be prbvided foi In.the- food supply, as
be -the other.'Paints of'solift and
� . . . �
, Thl'-great Chicago � packing firms
. I . ' . .
. . il . 1 I .... .
�pl()tl,.(;po II,,,j1,,IIl;(1,Aja.. . 1. !
1. .
- Ur - 011)q
Each row is planted from a separ are
. ,
penly fed. At was li� month. beforellie I
guids of.*the d
system and its pro ucts..,
taken hold of � the poulirr
' I . . I I
' �. . 1. I I -a
- Oub'21- -Ir-,; -1.111, -
. , drfi,�ti�tolood!::::::.',,.-.,,-, .,
tar. The barren stalk % poor stalks
I . I
as much milk as befo re the
� -fo.r� a hen .,,and
The�.-axerpige needed
eg �
g. .business along, with tllcl*r
I .
, , - ".1
- � �!.VA� 4).,"Irito ., . ,
� I ;I I ..
and all undesirable stalks, . such a s
,&6*.�.gave , .
I . . . I . . .
exposure.! , , . . . . ,., . .. ,
. . . .
:. . . . ...., . .
. . I . � I . . .
is about four - d
per ay of� �11
. .
kinds -combinOEthe smaller birds lit- '
- � .
and. pork. � I
. I . : ,
.. . ;
. . . �
�:�. �
I illuru ;I
" , -
I . "Plot S. 17 -se lll�rglln�ofllv ........... je *.fl UA
Suckers, are removed before the tassel
. . � , . . .
most of the sickness of horses ' is, -,
tle' less -those larger medium or I
. . . .
Trichilipsis- is .evidently -a very rare
. I th"lon UIUUU ... t...,.. I A �
. . , ..
� � A,, I k;z, , , lfltto� ..... 8 .
ppears. The field is protected of ISO-
sated, so that no mixture can take
. -
caused'by poor food I or by, impr9per
average a little ninre. . Of this, two..
thirds should be kindt.
.. �
disease. . R . eplyi . ng to a question in.the
I . �_ . - .
I., .
' . � ... -1 . I s . Y ihr-1u,,,,ll . - .
Watch. tj ic groiNtli. OP el
place from other var ieties or fr . om any
. .. .. .
feedip, or, wawrimg� -The..utmost re-
. .g. . .
. . .
grain of some or :
- it s product's,'the respineat, from one-
. British Hous�.' of Comnions, Mr.'
. . Hq,I1-..
.% . I .
. � . .
I the se-,.�,)11, .')Wi at' ITRTNT.��t ' coll%ntr�
I .
source. In- the fall these rows are
is -ed in
.gularity should 1o&q;xqr.�J giving
fiturth; to'thrie '
e-fo6rths -of an * ounce
bury said that Dutch and Danish pork
carc,'k.11y tile 3 i-;,;'un:'1L,;1, 1);Ot. Th.e .
li,usked separately, and the seed for ihe
horses their Water afM hicals,. Only
per. day. - Meat. for the lien is like ..
, had reten'tly been, coindenilwd, ill. Sn"I'll.
. � .. .. .. �I, 41- %jjjurl�
res1:1" v.-il! �'-- '-, . I .
year's crop is selected -,from the.-
AW giving the highest yields per acre,
swee et, sound .oats, . corn or; hay should
be given-thent.' Whia.t.bran two or
for tli h ' " i e - bi
ie . orse; it giv g etter returns
than any of theisame '
.field- Market, as tlhfit for.food. nluinl��
onfacco I i . . -
oii of,'tuberculosis, but a case
.ate -of".pota"41'. added, tb tlic crop pr)-
, . - I 11 I i ,
ullc:' 1. , Ij�., i.. "... "", .!!�- n.,:id f)'lo".
composition, with the least bar-
. ,
,three times ..a week o every. day' is
.other'food cof n -.l
ponei ts by analysis. The protein ift
of trichinosis had n6t- been dk�c . overecl.
I � ..
'last 't *
11hate ill 'a siulllarilualule�r ai d it will .
. I .
ten st Iks, tile bes . It . type. in
excelln o thm., ' WK'teir them jour
- . . fi inics
or ve. It day.
miaatlis mor .1
. e.useful to the:lien than is-
fo the
. r. . wenty years. . ... I '.
.' � . I ,. , I . �
-how wilether a'210 JAVW'fnUCk1 411;il. ill -
,1� ". I. .
'ire ; 1.1 I.% I I I ': (:,.-, . .
way the yield per A the var-
cre of
iety is increased, the quality improved
a .A change in,ra-
. .
-tiQn is. always helpful and vegetables
, any. other kir id. might cite'a flock.,
of liens wli'oge living for . I
a whole win.-
� .. .1 .1. . ..
curallio"which is-desffilotive (�f
.,:!�'�� .1 I � . P.
. .
. - , . .... . � ,
_And the type preserved.and �*developed.
-yy this
. . -
. � Will, aid:materially in keeping ' '. con-
ditiotli. -1 � .. .1 . . .. W. .
ter'was mostly of meat; in. fact, they
had all tfie�-
,.The . '.
rhubarb, bibcrpate� as� an.adult, and in .
. . .
.. % L - it C ` ,
_ : �H�-- ,V,� 1 1. , I
. - 1� . i
plan,we are able.t6 give per.
sonal attention and direct selection
. . I.. . . .... . . � . I
, , .
Would .6"t .6f it
- . - ' all �Wint6F .
long.� -It Was boile,l meat, and'. the.'
tpringAeposits i's eggs iii.certai n coin-
. I I .
.. . .
. .
. The following I interesting exPeri-
� 1. . � . � . .
the individual stalk and ear, which
, . 11
txRerirneints in'Vattening- Lambs, .'
i. . .
only 4Ahier food they had - much of, the,
mon species of dock, especially. curry
�dock_�_X .11 ..., I
umex crispus. From the
ments were tri*cd lait-year at all Eh `
I 1 .6
lish larnil sche'bl,i I . .. ..
would be impossible in a large field.
Corn produces a crop every year, a
. ,
. Ili "TheE*perimeni ..
, Station � Re- i:
. .
tinie. ag grotlnd o.
w, ilts and -corn- mixed,
w4h the g6up from *thii boiled meat,
- ,ds-,
covering of the-brcc,liu." babits:of thh
I . ... - , . ' � -. , * . . -
First series -,Ey,, s ed in little-
�s pre CEV ,
single seed producing a return of over
cord U
. nited � States -Department oi
t . I �
Agriculturej A. : C.� T u e, director, an
These- bem would go and help.thm-
. .. 1, I . ...
to th ' I
and had --one full
cilrculio ,
u , it .seems ,evident that - the best
tvay to prevdqt-. I its ra-va&s'is to I:lcstroy
- . .' I .
water. mittk as, f6flows.- Add to: mry-.
, I I
� .
a thousandfold. From this great num-
bet of offspring, in
. .. . . _56v
abstract. is Prof. I Thos, .
, -es .meat,
letd.- of .the ..rhaill no.6n. This
the do k p -s .on which it develops.
gallon Of .
. walWl 1hret-qUarters of a .
varying size, shape,
4 . � .
publi,shed of
. . I .
.at . 1 ,
I- ..; . 4 U. I ,was
If -thesce are pulled tin - roots and all.
hound of fre,li lim- shke 11 ;.A
. 1. ___ , i. . .. .
. . . .
� I I
. .. . I Ilk. .''�� �\ . . I i , . .
� . � ,�,..,"" " , \� 4�1 , . . .
.;;..:_ ___ - . . . \ �\' I I
..�� - r
�t"N,�. I .
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[&-�i4HE� -J��4 � �,,, - -- �
. .. � -- . , , N 1-1 - � I
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I I I _ � - ,,w��.-Qi , -1. � � . .
. i. . I ;=�,.:. . . -..,� "),. .&',�j . ,. , I .
't'. - , ..
. . _�_� , , �
1. . . 1.
1� .Z1___-.1 .- P� ;. I 1��* '11:. -.I.,
. I . ) _
. -M-1-.- � - .
It V%M"N" , N
. .* `1 � � . � , , - . , 1
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I .11. 1�, � , , , � - Z
. ---0;44 - ., k, I , � . . . , I I .
rl*�r ,11 , � ,
I ��,`qrt��,"._.., H ... � . , 1.
. ,
I . .
� I I , . I , � . .
. - "-.. eM H i ,� 0 1 .
. - . - 1-1 - '. " .1 N14 r - . . I
. !! . . . . . --- 4, . � ", I 1%, I - I � . .
I 1, " % ... � , - : . � I I'� , .
I . rts-i, . �; , . .. 11 . .1
. ". - i. , , . , .
. . . .
i I "I �.. --A. t�d i .1 . . . ,�. ,. . .
-__-z * I . t ! ..
. .? . j I . ... PN .
. I I,.. - . I . . �. . I .. . . .�.: ..
. ��, �,. � 1. , .. . I .
. - I � ' 't , :' ,_=-7 . �
.( . ... , , " - ', t� . . . ,
� . .
.0 4. ig"t I
',Ie,mxN, 41 11 , ,,,, ,,��, I . , . .
, . .
� - ".,4:, A- i1s) I . -
.. . . . . . . . I .. I I , % I : - , .... -, - , . . �
. . � . I? .
.11 . I .,� 1:1, - , � .
:f?.--., - , -- . . --- . . " .. . * ,.-.. �
. �_ ,-n,� . : . � : i , . . - . I
', . , - ;. . , . . U : . . . .:.: " .
. .� .1 . . � I . . .. :,.
� , ., v A4491� ". . .. . .. .. .. ". I � . , .
. .. , . e; . . ... I', . . . .. ... . . . , . .w. ,
- � . I . . . �. I � . . . I 1
. � . .. . '
. . ' *
.1 :
. Ca.11,'aiid. exandige . - - -- -':' 11.
. .. 1. . I . .. :� .. ... �
I � I I . i t .
. Out stockothigh art pianoo at lot,' 1. I
. ' . . I . �
. eat a . age d , eb I i.gus� and -cobta . ining � finest ,so*. . . 1. I . I.,
lion� puroh%sab% for money. Sesourverk , . I �
:hiteat et.% I,'.o6f.j4we6t-tOned organs, at. Wgit : - .- � �. 1,�
, ' . . I
prides. Idatrd6ments, rented. tnmd'o'r Imo' .. I � . �
paired: - Gratimplibussand'mulaib in. �ffiz- . - ". I .. . ...
iety'st. r I. ... I . . I .1 . � . . I . .. .. I I . . .
. . .
. . . .
I . , .
I. lr e. ROARE"S'.: , � .1 I - . ,
. �, _ ... . � I �.. I - I -
I . " ., . . . -
. - . . _
I . . al � . �.
I I �:.,. . MU C.Ianlpilirluni. , - - . -
, .. . ... � , � . P 11 .1 . .
. . . I : . . . _ I. . .� . - - ''.
� I . I .
1 .-
. . I 1. , � .
�. . . I
. �
. e yet men L 4t. all could . notl fol I .1 . � I "I , . . - . . . i . .1 . . . - .. . . - -
color and compos tion, a selection can. Shaw`s:rdPbrt of three explarilnents �_, late i I ' . . � .1 �___ , . . ___. ... � - RA_ F-1 ITE � . ' � . -.
1� . I in * produced'. ' n June, before. they ha�e gone to 'let it stand'for, twent -four hours, .then .� , . -
be made which will develop any feat- -lour, btit it more eggs tha ,- . , � 'y . I , , � .
fattening 14' bs.'tor - 'arket . I . I . _ .w)--_. I . MA1111'" "' AN.B.0 . . .. . I
in in made at : wthave. ever known focome'fro seedi and 1),urn.cd, a k0at nan.y Qf,tht,. our off and. use the. clear liquid. Thr . ee 11 ., I � , , . I . PM � ft_ . ..
ure of the seed or plant. By contin- the,Minnosota .Ex eriment Station'. It . v- - ,� saine nti in "the ,: insects will be destroyed. - : � � . .., . . . _p , __ * * . . . � "I'll, : "I . I . . � , , . I . .
. . . .. I .
, , , . 14RN U11 .% . . . . . I � ... - ! - "
. .Weeks oft e in - . . .. . I .
can be fixed in the tharacteristics of . the first-exporlinent'die.r I merits . T . night.-to'be tbr6wn . . . . . . . . . ,. 1, � . . p # � I I .� A FREE. . I I. .,tt, 1, ill" ENTS . . I . . . I
ued selection, these valuable attributes . P mber' of 'liens - 'abbut-5oo. . � I . j -been �'�i. ' . I FA �
. clative, . he last feed at er th eggs have. , , I in I I
I I . . I I .. .. .. I I .
the Plant, and the us im- of feeding ian e Is into. -the litter for -thein to scratch for ' I � . Ore, I . ?".0 . . 1..� . .1.11 . � .
* ' ' Xeeping. Out Apple TreA,Bordm add stifficient fresh. litne 16 make -the' ur owd selection) to every sujlt� , .. .. - , I � . . . ;
'r , I . . I I I -_ . I . _�_! ,,, , , . .. . .
I . . I . �
, ,
0 il`, -th��s,.werc' .'studied with one. �Ioj , . . . I water r cl Y. I e 9 . i . . , - 1_e�i 1h I . � . 1 .
. �. I 11. I . - � 11
efuln�ss and 4 I 9 ynbs.and rangte-wd �should'a�verage abbui two to -twom and, �� ' have'sp�nt'-mu6h time and money and ' - - Th great 6bject- i' to "I scrllloe� only 50 cents a year. I ,,,-..d��f�- -7.-.. PA � .
portance,of the crop increased. T I . . * . '� 1. ... .
n food I . 11 . O', . . . . :
I . O . � I ,;/�� ,]-�b�w , "' 6.1. � I
ong sha "S i ... . .1,,R --- , `e *.'� " � I
, of one-half ounces of .mhx6d'. grain for. ge soon as laid, not'tw - Ort A* ' . , Iiiii . .
�', �
. t the .eggs. as 4��',
1 _
. . ... . . __ _- ,,, �; .. . ,
ab e, . . . , . I.. I
. .
-have been tryllljg to get a young, Orchard started..: 1� ,or e 0 e'. , ! - - , . . .
lustrate the point : We twenty wethers ' , en. If we.. mix our grs�'l ' I . days " rdr Th� � eggs -Wcro� ,_ � ,_
� ,
and f'ur lots' coijitain- e4ch .h . thre N5 un ,L , �t, .
n .. . . , ,
by selecting ears having I ks. . .. . I 11.111 .. .. , . I I � ;
- "
Ing thirty lknib4 eacli.� jhe� Weithers .'of' the . small grains, this - *should be. .'Many of the treesj planted originally. . taken ,bn May 2i -akid opened .oil Nov� ,�, I . . I . I , I "� . . : , " , , , .
to increase the length of the sh I .1 . . 1. . . . I . . . , '. .jb� .
ank ):. .. I I.. . . . I . �, I.: ;1, &11. . � I . ,
1. � " �: .1 . . -
. ... . . A 1- "4H .
nearly two feet in five years'..selection. (lot. -I 'I:he - -...about-en6ugh, as the'average gbds;'b.ut some fourteellyear') ago'died, afild, I�uii- iz' . Result - All pu'fectly fiegh. '- I I , 1. - I *,AMA . . ,
�,, . . . �.
No, ,i were IN I e r , ino gra.des. I I .1 . I I � . I N . . I . . ,�,�,� -4� � ,� � I I .. .
- . d: ., - * I - . . . .. , . -1 1. - . .
-stalks, we lambs. in lots. N6s� 2, 3 an y f6ruily the cause of death was. i orerpi I. . I �. 1. - __ - --- . I I .. .
By selecting.ears with tall Of, all things see to 'it''that the' have b - -- -- Second series Make linite-water as . I , . � - . . . -,
� 1. I . I - I .
r some. I and.add one 6u Ce o , , � ; . . I : ..... , � �,, ,,, � . S .. . .
have been able to� increase 'the height respdctively Cotswold, Oxf 4 were enough fully to "tisfy them, fo * ' . . above I ri f crearxi, -of I . . . . . . . . I I At 0, I ..., , � ,�, . 1.
. ord,- Down . the" Worlmig would'.work close -to ,the ..' . . ' - � F , , jf*. . " ., "... .
- . hens' will.tat i . I . - I ... . A LADIES. MAGAZINEO. I I _-'S. I I . � t.i.;
of the stalk almost three feet. in five .and 'Shropshire je 1 16 F much more than.bthers. .. tartar .and five'otilices of common. salt. . , . I. . - , , . I . I I ., � . " � .
. I
. � grades. Tho ii t ! .or green food -in..� Winter nothihg is : ground, ana, often Cut the. 'tree' trun.k Eggs thken'June 9, -opeiled -Nov. i2,. '. r `asi;.. : � . ,�. I " 11 _ .. �� � , .
cays. By selecting ear -No. 5 were. . . . � . imvi i beautiful colorea vlaten't isi . �_ '11�� � - � I
K s from plants blood. essentially of MerinO biti r than..alfalfa. The liens love the . off'so that a Mud. would -blow thli..tree 'Result : All perfectly fresh. , ' , . , as ;ons'- dressmaking .gcononlias .,fancy I r 1- .1 ,. I 1, ,.. . -14 . V, . .�. .. I
C I 4 ' ,
aving wide leaves, we have been able The t6t'began oil October . - . ., .1 I work; household. Hills;, Action, etc.. blJo. I 11 "I - * "I .
leaves of this kinil of clover. Tile. -spite of the'fact that .1 -Third- series T" 'one. gallon of hot I 1:dibvi.t,*-d � --- V1151 . .. :1... _ - . ,,, , I., - I
I �
3i and. covered ei over., This in � . a or,, asend.1% for latest a"
. - 0 nw, zed d for Aerms. _1, .. I I . .
wa �
to increase the average width of'the gliteen weeksi. being i I .. . I . t : , 1 7 . . . . . . . . . . . " '' _.
manner of curing and its natural green , ,hull * .. I und of ".water-glosi" . 01-=J_.1.%.._ . � a., ..-,. . ;� . -,a* !'' I
leaf, and by selecting ears from stalks dividedint6t five peridds, the. laist.cov- tint attract I tied the borers. iaitliftilly 1: every. water add one po - . tylgh, Reliable, 81 Is. IVI).tdb , 4 e I K�- . . . s .
. t _ . . . P .
having narrow leaves, we have bpen . ering two weeks and: all the others. four . . ,and Please .the fancy of - . I I � when cool k* is rekdy for .use. ' Eggs t . dottantical andeTso utely � . i . 1. .... 11 I . . I
weeks'each. Uncut h,'jy the, hen; and the beriefit gained from ,� -year, cufting� the holes out untjl 'I . ... � I ,.. __ .. . . .
. . . L , .
able to decrease the width of the leaf. . I I , Cut. sorghum . , , . ; ,taken May 27 and opened:Nov i2. Re-. - t-Fit.tifte Paptlir PatternL . . .. . . , . : . ftr . " . .. �. � . .
. �1 � _. .- - ___ lit I . . its. use is Nitell worth, its. cost,. even if, ,reached evet woAn, but"many would * - *1 � . .r , .. - W I . . . I ,
and differe mixtures o 1. .. . Y' . sult :..All peifectly fresh, A few were, . � I AT06 . . .1. r �
_.. __ - ----- - -ground corn and . I we must buy if in -bales. .. .. '... - ". escape me; , - , .� : r I . ktpt in the mjrxture for one to three ' me 9W I r litteribury ... . 1'r .A . .
I . , - oil, cake. were fed For liens, tile feedir,4 value of al- �' I tried winding .the 'trunks with Wire i - Result :r Fresh, but air . C A . � . .
1 Considering tile test,,As a .,vilUle, . ' r than I 1 s I only. ,"JLOO
I I the W ek r. I I . , .
.1 I- wethets coi - ' * .falfa,is ,�,,catdr orred clover, as cloth; -1 painted,the trunks, �and'the lost . . ' the 6thers.' ,r I , 1$"AM . � . ... . . . MINTON.. - ' I ,i I I
. lquilled two patit - spacein eggs largei than in I. . . ., . � '. . . I.
r . " ' ''
c .to r _Vggs smeared -light�; . ,
. and 1.5. 1)(Jllll(ls Oi coaes '.(is 6f 91"i" they '64 ,eat the leaves and not the cotntinu& Last year I tried the p6n I t . , 4 r * �
I head a (1, tdcr 'Per sterns, Th.ey � gain I m6ra' tha' double of rtying p4pers about the trees,' Com- . Fourth, ser es-�- .. I ,Du . I . Ditis6t lm�otveirs.' Warkwanshir I .�
� .
�y, 4J)d the lanibs oil .,in Aver- n . . ' � ly wifh-v�seline,' Taken MaY l4s OPOn- . , . . I � . a . n . .- . . �
I tfie benefit from this that can come - mon newspapers are 'as good as ai .. . jklm I a.matorift guaranteed. I I I
. - - I . .. � I -_ _ -_ - s . I ,. 11 I
I 11 ,age'i.5 pounds of.gr'aill and 1,11?1-nnid of f am the Clove ' ly' ed -Nov.:' ig, Result, . Musty flavorit.' , ' - I . 1. I
7 1 - i . ' 'close to th ,though nof. bad. '' - - . .. . : ftms Allowed sod Perf6ratlooll lillow ". � , '. I . ..
. coarse fodder,: At the beg I jing of r r, . As a nutriti .g - else. I ,began 4� 1
ive;t is , thin -
r oil an � . . . - v . .
� I .
r . 4 . tile trial tile- Wethe"S 'Vj.C'jgjICd .. . of - double value 'compared With cl(*er ground, pressing ih6 .paper well into One impo'rtant factor in all egg Pre - . I . Itle'llastlea mod Sewlne Lhwu I .JAS .1. G I'XfA IN. I .1 . . I
. . . � . r.... ,,, Ift - 1. j , I. 11 I.. � . . . ... - ,'' . _
. ., . . . average! 100.8 P -1:1,1S aiiiii tile lambs.. bay, and its protein value is fully� dou-' I the 'ex d winding it'around un- ..serving is to keeP'tliem -in a cool place I 4: 91 is cm eA1k4r,;41r,y it .. . . . . . I _
.4 i . ble. that. of clover- This should'be Weil lered sonic two feet of the I . I I I . 3&14 * " � '. I . . . I . �
06 til I had c'oavll .. .Z
, 1) )tlllrl"- T1 I C WN', . as fterstor swifim , ::, . , -1 I .
1� . 1), � . - . . . . .
. . . .
. . I - . I . r .
. � V", �; - - -4, wd-cggg, _2qLqjthe_r ..wiliLef. . . 0 X. "FiR -11 . --- I . . .1 . . . I
tile .1alubs . ) p.wlll'��: in tile - ats are the Papers tightly,at -the top, and bot- �:- I - t 11.1�331PITMMY V' st 31skSil" oft YORN .: , - . .
2 11"Mer . . r, , . , I I .
I age d,;LiIV' gain I twi o * I fastened 'until required,.,. .' ' . . , r ' `1�
ll - of ti -c' - Considered -by -all who look' for- fresh- trunk. - Than.' with ;ne, . . TYX XodAl ,
, _�L Co..
�Neflm , ,'uii.d, and of I " � .
I I Case . � re r -Squadron. r I ... 6 :
(.1-1) I : the allmunts r,jlj&III,r.*frjjnl..2 NVith ___1r - I : torn ,S6 that the moth coul&flot gain , . ,�% _,_� _ _: __�� . r
j . ' N( r ., . .JUL . . - I . 0 ' r Of the I sev6n:.'Vnited states .1 battleships . ., I . .- � . . .� . I . I . �. r
I .5 to :-,.s with !(" � . , � I entrance at* either.'place. This was I __�'. - . -----..:- � . . . .
)' _� �.()s. 3 and 4. I � composing. the 'Nort.h Atlantic squadron, r .
__Ii�__�, I In the case of the wethers the . done in'the month 6f May, which is as: I I
I I .
. co9f of I I . . I I I 'rthe work should be deferred, recently under orders to proceed to the 50'YEARS . .1 I
.1 . late as . . I
!,� a Pound of gratin Was 4. 9 cents, and I;! . I Azores,,four have. been dto;4bled. The.in-, 111 eor EXPERIEN& I . - I I
. .1 I 11.�_ . ; the case of tt ?I 6 amount var, r I . . . .since the m6th,begins its inischlef soon . 1 41, Z �'� -� - I . I
- . . . I diana, was found unfit for duty, tile Mao- It R I �� ;_ .,t�. r _C.;, � . . . %. r
. ' . 11 . . . I 111fitil fall, when . - W_ - 4,1* 4;4-kTq , - . .
, I . after -that. Tile papers, were. left on salebuiet a, was discovered to need a coni- `e* ,I 71 nprxx
1 ied from 3.6 cents With Okford,gradci I 4�A , , 0 "_�, �",, .1 �*,Ws � 1,
. ! to 4.07 with ,tile Merino grades, aver- ' were all taken off .t . . 6 t� � 4 , I . I I
�� I � , � , - .
. �' eA r :0.'k H�l ' . r I
. I The- average profit .. I I . . for the Winter. they that time I ni,a e - . ! I . r W�. i 4 .4 . 'N '. �!.. .�' r . I
I aging s.8z r cents. r 90 r . , At . d Plato overhauling, the bursting a 12-inah , '� 0 1
- per lamb w - a edreftil examination for borersi and gun crippled the lowit, and the turret of F.; ' ' I ' !* .1) '. .
-, as '.18.cellts and Per wether 11 the Maine -has been shaken . I . - - �,
Ir, ,,, - ,s (;11 ,
r , �
31tC lit,. . rr 'al. I . .. Mej<0'Wj",Q_ r I
..�10 e I �� I and many of 4, ��`- " , 2 A. ,
. t to ., .15,
. fact is ed olit tha Was ll;gjllv glatified�ta find vqy`feW) bar boiler tubes have burst. Naturalli ,e',�'.. � . . . . . . . �
a Ile I . I , . ., ..'�: " � r
0 , point : ,.�_*." r i' . " . - , . I
. I �;V,` .,� .1i. I . ' r I . .
Mrs. Laura L. Barnes, Wa he tigh the wethers cunsurtle 11 - . and I thin'k. theSer had made their. 6ri- these occurrences have caused anxiety in ;0A R. , 4W .
'r, �
ington, D. C., Ladies Auxiliary to ,; Cent more feed than the lam r tr.11IC'e pre%-ious jor tile tillle of , �.. , . .. . ,. -,�T..Ns , Ing r
,I bs, their ' . � puttin the Navy Do artment and misgivings w , . , .. r "... . .1farv,
I . E . ,: , '�, .: .1r, r . � � .. ... bought put the 110neds I
icrease la weight was but . I . . �� . I oil the.papers. So well pleased am I ave a . 0. � � , � . : _bdainelIll Of A, MoBRIDN,, is go -
Burnside Post, No. 4, 0. A. Roo �5.4 per cent. - .. ,. .. , .. I nited. It te ' are bound to � V", 1, " I �.� - , "... .....1. � I
� . I I r. . , , . . . . %,,,ith th� result df this attempt to keep I y they ill, havej to take MUCh 00-' A,lvdtlo I,,`t, ;` ',� �jtt"(('Ij *rzI(j aCifer1j)fjoll Mqr Ing to sell Tranks,'ValisesDuateks � . .
. I I
,greater. . According to*.,the author, I On cao.philonophically. similar experl- (411irkly. jj�,,.-�iw,, wit, (�, 1 -ion rr -() wlie,:. r, l. i
while tile differen Cc ' ' . .r . '4 . I I I � . . out theborers that I.shall. put .the � Ruvo,and everythingin crinubetion .
recommends Lydia &Pinkhamfs in relative adapta- � ''To the Wer E. on a f&I n to the lot of'tha greater, � invo-wrin 14 tw, 1,r. - I, -; 110-11-fo-111,11allen- I
. ' same plan in operation thiA year- . .. I --4' I '- TI` (""(""'-o"""I'll, J �'th the tra'de- Good and Chea' .
Inlity for fattening Of the lambs of the r IR 40 Opur. LI0II8AtrtU;' f. wi I . 11 ps . �
feat, It, . r limand". � plul,itti iaitcln -i,,.,ti, M :;i W, a. riceive r . �
Vegetable Compound, , ,.different lots "was not very,g� ary DySpeptic. , L, ViIlccjlt,*i14 NewYork T ibune'Var- Ill . onto are expensive a sont.froo, 4wost i;.wneyfurvc� uri-n98"'Lehl.3.
' ' . mer r, - ' . I W. . - . speattlitattGo, wit"v, a- �w-`cr(-- 111tue Ligi t Harness `4 8jecialt.ji ' .
. I I
. " In diseases that come to women only, I was the lowest in the lambs of the We Ask this Question: - . r . _nn�_!_ . �
as a rule, the doctor is called in, some� M e I, I lito des�j� , . . . I . . I . I
hogrsa value Of a . L . . I � � . . - . . I . 'O' . . .
In. cc() I . Private Dairying. * jU It '
times several doctors, but still matters test tile . ' . . MILIDD 14AN"S - SCRI05,Ix -rideTkall, . Call and deal ana I will use you,
go from bad to worse; but I have ration Of Corti and bran with' and with. t yoll relllft ! There is, jin .. uestiol, . .. .. I �, I . I I � AhiLndaomcly,,sikiqir,,tf(�dNvt�ol,ii, i.nroast or- wall . . . 11 . � . .,' 'r .
out ., I I.-ut , Terink $3 a . .
.Its Wag tested With S,Xtee . .1. q .. private Dulation of re V 11I.Itill, i-)tirlial . .
ne,lfer known of a ease of female weak. it bar_ My d6n' I -A - f I . ,na,Pl. P,,idloyallrowadealers. . 'r . I .1
ness which was �. I .. . butterinaking, intelligmilly and skilfully 111URT AND NERNE Ir .. , I. I 1. ... . . . I
I . . . . .
not helped *bell let lambs, divided into two equal lots, ' . CID all be made, ..-id is made, . I ep,30113.iroadway. I . . . . . ...
Lydia E. Plulcham's . nducted, d ' Vrk New YcO . . r.
Vegetable the lalubs iti,the two lot weights that,weight at. the - bit" of . more remunerative than the factoi� I . *110reii , q- - ;',' 4,.. %Vashingtnit. r- Q . � . . r
Clibmpouiftd wis vised faithfuFly, Fov respectively, go potmds An,1 88 pounZ I . � 1. . - I I . . . . FILLS � I . - I. E. & T. Hardy., & Co. .
. � r 1. - I
. � "......
r . . � . . .
I . . . I I . . .
young women who are atib*t to each. The test covered three periods the Stomach? . - 11 system. This -is bting proN en by nUnl-. i . . Make Weak Hearts Stranit. . I I . I . ' . , . 1, .
headaches, backkehe, Irregular or pain, of twenty-eight diys, Throts b .. � . :91 , so, Advortiobig, Correapondenee an
ful perjoag,lana nervous dUseelm due r . trolls, examples about us'. 'rho reason , f.r * .,+.O .V%r';�, ,:%V',.;""Q "�X�"
_* *.'-�,- " , ""U. prel r
, "'� ' '
. � I ..P)..' V: " .' it- t" �Y�" I . .,
to test lot No. j was fed britrig,611t 'In I . for this is not far to. seek. In the , Shak Nerves Fs' 0 . � . " 11 ro�, rj ' 0 Enquiry Agents,
the severe strain on and cor I I I I : , Makle I y . . I I . . r kt( . . .
the system by in different mixtures, and lot No. :2 - ' , � factory systein..the cost of bandling tile J. . . " A. 1) - _ . . , . I
- � ,r, - , '� " * , "., *��,f,,,� . ',,, r r .
I I , �,.,� I
some Or'ganic troubles and for women Why don't you kegulate t1lat . I I .. ,� , �'j _ , So .
r ,
yeaft bralio corwand, Oats,, both lots re6eiv. 1. I I THEY *CUAK- V. . ", 'J - � eet St., V., adono, 2,liallands. . . I
ofadvanced in the most txyitg � Ing clover hay : milk or creani, And of inakiiij au�d sell. . I . ,V, ��111�4 � I 0 '. - � :
, . ' I I I �," � " . , I , ,?� , , r, .;
" - * �. . I I .
.. in p4ditidn, The aver- ,variable appetite�, and eoix1ition.the Ing the �roduct, i's paid for at tile fac- Wersitutualli .-. eleoplasonogs*_ Palpitation 611 : - I , L I 1 4
time of life, it serves to cotreot ever . . , Estimates and advice gratis,
r age. Amdutit of grain eaten. a head daily, organs . �,_ - - � � I I 11 11 . � . I
trouble atlo'test.p re a healtliy kotion . digeati*6 so that it vW not tory, 'In private tiairying all -the la- this Hisaft-Noevous Ptostration-raint - . . .
, , 11 � . .
. .
n e body. I by ., all the lambs in, both . lots. bar and -detail involved in ,tile making "d r'Dlgq. Spolls - Bran rag - After � 1�";" . . I 1. r r
" I ! , . an"Adtall flus:10611i a 906tialt
11 Lydia VX,W�kOhmli;Vid was r.5 pounds, and the hay S Pound. be necessary to starVa the Stomach and selling is done by the parties Car- SfiedtSaf La(Ilippo--Anforals-And all m6latbal noombbrolilpL . . I . r r
I ' I .
' getable Thet average daily gain a head d distiess after eathij ' ryllig on the business, and is just'that ,Trouble* Atising. ftom a Run-down Sys- 1 25 (!ellts pays for 'broo I . I r I .. '! I
- ?
compoiind Is a hollseb6ld reliance . , Loch tnoziiborroobivL,ithoometaicitit)LNrr.,Ln r . .
the lambs fed bran and corn was .1, every niontl0nalu,ding arpiet,('S L
In my home, and I would not be with- and of those fed much added to the receipts for jh,o tojjL r r - of bigh-claim Vocal i . .
out it. In all my experience with this oats in addition Y,S the 1tat step is to ieg�latO thO product. Further than that, where the and in,Wa4t'11tA.3l0`zv n-.nnio oitch niontly, is ,�� - r. LL 11 r .. I .. .1 I
Pptiti&j ill* cost Of 9. Dound of gain ill bovrolfj. . . pfe(w N all; alut n cortilloat'a of moiall r, .. - I
L Minee1q; whioi ait,tIq tho privilogo of Club Room inetil4h,iil .1. . r 'L I 1. 1. I
found noWng to equal it and al. Ing 8.62 and 6,28 cents. . r many cages call easily be arranged, Ont,, liall to hity about them.,, -X was Writ ulty. aritt of buyinglit6rataro, M118jo Lot Jan. . I S.
medicinet'wMah dovers years, I have the jWo cases bet I . selling is direct to consumers, as Ili � Read what T. L. Poster, ' 5,�c,*tliii,q,,,i-tiitioritsofatiydt-,ae%�ir,tionitt%vliolc.alo
ways recommend it." - Mus. rAlatu D. At the Close. of the test the lambs Were For thi's purposo I the profits of the- grom are also se- I greatly troubled With palpitation of the Prices, Ravillit 7011 from 20,4e to cm,/ Oft Tout tilt- -
. sold tot, glaughter, tile ,let profit a la 011am. Don't failtojoin ittorwo,yot1will got louch LIPPINCE.
BAXIMIS, 007 8ec6nd St.,,Xo E., Wash, mh I cured by the dairyinag making the heart, a sudden blindness would,como )n6y'swottit. XVTVAr,L1TJ;T4 I . � I . r .
ill the two lots being $1,83 DI _ PLroluct, - � All .. v�-I'MI'l-ll.tnilooll'!"Um,,Dol)t, Xl60X1#6&o&,#1?1y6
ingf,oh, D. C.-ssoddArfolt-1 3 this,adds. a. -Consider ble J, 11 MONTHLY'
Ortior"t ttiVel r . and $t.97 r . to Whaf is a over me and: -flo4LtI,-,9._s eeks,'beforo'bly . , ' MAOAZINE
abilios litter pploolng gefikinen6is bollon6r1be pritdsiod� 10-1 y. As pointed out by the au. Burdock wood Bitters, Hgure paid at the factory OyeaL' eftuped ' int, grear 'ifloonjim ........... . . � L . . LV L113011ARV . L
. Such testimoity should -be tw-� . thor"Itliql1artibS fed oatil it' a(-jdIt;e)jj to r I 1 to tilt farmer who makes tilt milk. Often I would, have -to p0p for Itt-oll.01, r'.. I I . . . A, FAMI I.
cepted all women " conviije. Corti and )ran gaiticd 36 Iler c�llt. more . has ;io, Equtd. i S6 private dairying can stil I and my ,norve.,4 ,tr, Ili ft f0tril'Ift f-o-li- I - ___ _., �_ .1 -1- The Best In Current Moto , - .
_. 11111enee I lillot yd 11, in weight (luting the test than the I tended to all tarmers where liberal timn. I tnok M11-Rtl`RVl8 10"APT Al.iD . I
In .
TO * � Ili .e o b r Co po d pr t , 1 1 sessal f -- 01re NOVELIS VICARLY
. Children 0% or - .
- �, others, although they tonstufted , It Aets Promptly and efeettudlY I receipt's and prompt Payment art ti, I X)FR09 I)ILl"O .ara tb�ey lt,ave ll�-vvd ti rLr . L I %jww
i Ud,r th t& r ' &fjL
stathid it a, 1!4BM,A Vh` � ""'
. L 61 I cally the Saint amount of teed, 0 and "rmfinollitly aures allderange. - necessity or are the leading motive for blessit)" to me. T n1--, � -1 lv"I. I WANV Sk., - STOAlrtt AND .
19 1, , f t profitbn thtse lanills wag 616o greate al6tilts of dipstiolft, It r i tffort. rdond tlipm to 01 nufterows fen (I(,"' PAPERS ON TIM MLY TOPICS
edy ... All 6 r, CALSTORIA111 )2.80.io L L
vVion1094, ! 11th6ugh their ration wa ctlreSDYS' ; But notwitligtan ding the greater re, i and nerve trn;il,le. I I
n6LlVC 9 Somewhat � � . I t ft VtAfj 1'r 25 &rdi A 660Y
k- " " , , , -, ... .. ---1
II.L. rL, . 11 -.1-11-r" � ---1- ... � -.....1.1'.. . I 11 filore 6Xpe . The co 1101$14 And 6.e -1!tjf'-.jary 0jjUfj83 10A., eeipts from. private dairy business, ' k.1 ' f A r $ I .!,., " *
I �
. It. �_��L _
_ _"
- - licluaion is . do sov", PC? bov. or a .1 .- " NO 10ONTINUM6 6TORlItS I �
11.1 - ' therefore drawti thAt "With prices In lug to it, I there Is a standing reluctance Oil the dettlers or Tile T. Alilbucit 0 I 1.1in1led, UbSeflbg forL the.V"j," ]EIRAJ I Aftoly'NUmath 66MOUte IN PI'llitV
XOW 'i's the filmoto, alubwelbe part� of farniers, a S
., . reason Rule bo, an 0 brkft . I L' ... L " L 'L
. . 1_ .0., ,.Lqrp, qati "1114 0 . von, thwe who ao . Torolito, (),ut, . im WIF rrr ... I . 1. . LL
. . � I . I Is � I'll I ii