HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-05-29, Page 3)[6) swit. too. ,
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I. I . I 111. MIR o"m"IRI � I---- . . � . - 71 1 --- 141�1012= .
I ' 41T"bVt"y on , 4*1114-19411my "Of , - 7' , 11 . 1-6 �_!! .1.. .1, -1 F ". . =111::111:1111 =11� �::11 !1s1W,FW*"4,,NM,1,0 J
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As,,UwrqUqg ,Ja,A"J I 1, _� I. __ .- -1 :W-- ��- _ .1 , �, _ -L& nqmtk W
J J!" "`!!�t` "no S,C.1 TT f S -1 _ .. T, .r� I � 1'�r. I g royb _J1 I
. - , , . iller's Grip 0�der (AIM. 14ZOW - ._ 4 "' 'tu 1"AU%W=
ereetion"OU , The V ar=eothof,016 Pro.sby 1, . _ 111ii*ao , _V I
'11019 94 V, , L'�", 4allf teryofrailtlatlawos eldInwingbol"', - �� , \ 1�.. ". 4 M lown A P Reokle. XWW Wmauradfie"Atbottopj5% OU4 '..
resicip I 0V1m_qP0A1.;�J9VX_i1l0P* - - Tuisday. Tile meotin nwe I % 9 . AT � . ,�504 . 12 , �
- - .- -1 r, , 4N , _! ,bg.—� �, t
- ,-,
� 314011410ither - ':%0*TrF"br rok � , Sold �)r , XM'
And *1 1'rd6va there Ike soon 44 com. P. I V w1r=Arn � .
% was,well atteu. , -4 A)b," " I *�,' 40 -- Independence datrao Attlasly ceie. i9him I
� � 'b 16460011. Vir -4,4w - . lig., 1 r
plet'vil, ' , . _ ded and consider4le uolilesstransact� . ,I s4f,r , , loo*.0seAt bmte4 throughout ftOn$* Wk#r4M00,ft,#1U�ft=1t01% ,, I
511 , ed. RevAsPerrig,Wingliam, West, XR. A x. �A l4, V 'i� -, , . W ;F.q I ON*
I .Nut. .. � 1`0, . I -Ma. A C kt, Uri�t,vitic, N.S", , tiler a W Powders, for sallow xftt"A , 0314 4 J011,
' W; litxl4ersp�n4 that fteas. .Cr1(;b, of f . , . , , N. I M Orin ; . . I )
Bluevale -Malcolm,Teepwoter; MCR lite$,—, s, 4 ction. man on the raifivad'. I __ I � , A I
. � , W.Tites, � , �_ � _ � .. I 4
and MISS, Smie Roej of , I CralkilVO4, And MrMa �01 wa* ex .1 to *4 � - � _W. 11.11'- .
Grey'AOwuph I Old OIL' y6uug. Sold, boy U P I 00 1 I - :
. L 4 � w !, Inev % , Itorts of weatliqr, my 0. . �' , -, 1 1 , —"..'..., I I
.Ox t . , I _! ! 4! .;'
Biussels 0, _W s6ott$ )1�rnvjlaioa. . 4 the , .y IRMOM,
I It erev4it4c
. � I in jl$alth
. mar, W—ill re , 14�lth ed, 41444 I became a vi4tini ot _""W"M_ � �
presqatthe PWre4 iyt At . .
I 48,90onWectpesda 'of this week in means of life and of. the en- 'meetiuvf the 00 eral . i ly e' , rt( )t 4 Thomas Connell, blaa _4
Sea -th. 4, man,,, ,Oing,plles. Thouggh listono While e . ksml.,L., . , oft _ , ,�. -Rm 'm
. , _ M ; - P�Mqnlswft ,!!! I , 'i
ti , "'r I
fox ay t oy * enjoy , # , 1� I ��
11 , ( -live mo . le )c gaged aWeing a I
, ,
. bapp� and prosperous yearg in. their Joyment of'life of thousands 91. held In , anconve I � v treated 'no- 'or I i�qrse, C70Z%4 IS 70JRV<�. 8rXQ:E?,3�)o, , ,
, annual meeting of t e , altiand -4 s- - they only grov worse ,dropped 4'eait n I I
.e hoihe, 2 miles South of men, women pil��!�i i
comf4rtabl I .1 was forced to 01, � A London desp��eh s"*Lord .
Brusliels, ;? . . . byterfal Missionary Socle,tzr was also VC ity. . 'Strath- I I
, and .children. libld In Wingliam. on Tues ay. Alarge 44' work and go, home, MY, con4 intends to visit Mon eal, d I
The residence of M,r John Role To the men Scott's EmUll number of dele&ateo were I I sufferings could scarcely be: Jilly tX . uring , erythint
� ,, t6n, presefitfrom and August, v I g New'," Everything Fresb,
� i - � I described, I could not Wa4c The Deseron E . . .
concession 4, Howlck� was the seene.of Sion gives the /, flesh and thedifferentsocletibs inthePresbytery, I., . I -
a very large and happy gatherin Afternoon and evening sessions were I . or lie down, and � to X1111" , .
1, �, , .while the have, - V Uom,rn a 4, Sarsapar I ,
Wednesday of thi 9 on, strength so 'necesWy for the held. Rev. Mr Mitchell, a returned rest of the family slept I � bought the Basterbrook im, I 4T . , 00JR104" . ilia I
s week, Nearly two Tweed for- $10,000, . I
hundred guests gathered to. witness Cure of zon e Missionary from Ronan, and M rsColin would be groaning Witlit I - a �
I I �. � Mae otrougast blood purMev on the %rket
cerein I . . e M, , per b aie $LO(�
. ony ar, . , �
repairing o body losses from - "The second dQctor'tor4 boy of Ottawa, picked up ahvq� I .
congr '1116 . _ both sessions The d -
. . the luarri ' and ,extend Fletcher delivered able Addresses At .. excruciating paills, I Russell P kers an eleven -year-old
. atulatfuls to a hap couple — ,elegates were en . electric
I Miss Jessie, daughter of Aply Rolston an wasting disease, . tertmine4to 'dinuerand tea In the me the piles would bave to Wire and was killed, I coulbe's Baking Powder.
and Mr David -Lougheed, bakers Of' church by the members of tho Wing- be burned with ,a rqd.bot � . �
Wingham, .. .or women Scott's Eniql�, . Iron, but I could not t , hill The Grand Trunk Rallvm7 are mak. The purest ;aad best - per 11). 25o.
. , . barn, society, Mr. rvlcl,e ,k Ing arrangements to ha,ve, a, free lib. . 1
Wednesday of last week Xi sion does this, and more. it ., . I _'. 144 of undergoing-sucll an oper-. Vary on their trains. ,
ss Minnie , is , � atioU, so ho'gave me a box of salve, for whiQh . JIM Iteemed ThiS Week.
daughter of Jas and Mrs Dudley. Brua, a inOSt Sustaining food and 4ill it' he charged . . The best cure for Eczema is Mill I
. sels South, was ioined in matrimony . , 08014 To London , me. two dollars, but � er,q Hollebore .
, , - I good... My experience with Dr. Chd,,i,(l me 110 Compound Iron Pills, TO dooes, �5q, I �
with Abraham Seveneapipers, of LIS, tonic for the special trials that e's Oink. Sold by R . . I - . I
- . , I meat is that the first application did we move P Reekie, �
towel. The epremomy was performed Women haVe to bear.. As stated in the NewspaVers some good than did the two doctors, and fluarty � . . Parts Green, . Suprewa Bab� Powdtzr,
era, 11i'lle a o'the regular camp will co Sir Thos Shaughnessy b .
by Rev 114r Sevenerpip t 3 es,xs any U4. a $300,000 ; otated Taleura�
� In Wallace � To m 0 Carp ,me man. Since being cured I workeN during the hotel at Victoria, B. Ci.. promised .� I
I . brother of the groom. Miss Sibula I - children Scott's E ' ul-' Ing's Heights London on the otil made me as well and free from 'I that the 0, P. R. will bu as � I I Nenneu&'B
Forbes, of Leadbury, cousin of the , , Of June next. For & while it good deal I Blue Stone, I.Se0ley.'s American ' 'FU930'.
. . .
-smaid arid Daniel I . . I gth . .
bride, was bridi, Sion gives - ,vyinter in the lumber woods, and bad no retum � � Po
�. . food and stren I Ot uncertainty prevailed as,to whether of my old trouble. Dr. Chase's Admiral Melville, U., & navy, Says
Patrick, of Listowel, was the grooms- for growth Of flesh and bone Niagara,'or London would .claim the worth one luuldre4 dollars a O'lita"T"" tliattonfQrton, German battleships � I Vbotou�raphie Supplies, ,
. I visit of the red coats this year, but box to me, . I
* A' man. . . . and blood. For .pale girls, 0 � . I .1 are superior to those of l4k,.Qw'ln country, .
I . . , ol.Peters,D,O.C.,has received 0.11 I - -
% Last Tuesday Mrs 0 A Deadman at- for thin and sickly boys Scott% ders from military headquarters ��., I I .. 11 11111�wwlm� Mr John MucLaren, of Brock -011e. He 8 . agovita ,
teu*aed the Women's Missionary Con- I at died at ]Kamloops, B Cos. as the result. e Q!oMbev eheWlSt awi Dr .
, : vention in Wiligharn; when their con- (Emulsion is a zreat h6lp, Ottawa saying that the camp wotild 41 "1VA40h_'1LtZt "FaSUil- of an accident, -his horse falling upon - �!_ - . I .1 . I � I . . .
. � . - be here on June Oth. - This with the. � I - - . �. I ------ I - . .
. .
: vey"I'lee wasaboutready for the load Send for free sample. fact that contracts for c4nip supplies The moonlight fell full Upon the green. him. I . I I --. . I . I . . . . � . I - , � . . - _ 0 _�_. � % I
t_ . tolt"Itfor home after the evening $COTT & 5OWNS, Chervilats, . were to be at once let, settles the ques- sward of - the park at paim Beach, Thq *t, A, Beattle & Co,.'s blockat St. Marys . I . . I � . .
.. .service, Mrs Deadman.was starting to Torofito, I . 1. Ontario. tion beyond all doubt, What corps � . - was damaged by fire, The I oss o .
. I descend th ft, however, * . ii -the 01inton Sash'Door,,and � .
I . .. o stairway in the Presby- 50c. and $1.0.q. all drugalsts. . will come here was not stated in or- , and the Beattie stock of dry goods' will be . t �
[ - torian church leading to the bqsement. � . . moonlight sumtained no seriouq injuries. $4raj()00� I .. ..a. V . .
Z . . -_ ders, but it is thought that the usual mig nut A; a -
As . She tripped on the top step and fell - � .. . � number of about two thousand red Two.figures glit have -been seen sitting ' ton the I Bli. otory . � . 1. .
" headlong down the stairs. On ex- Mani large e ill a, secluded nook. They were ceonov C Sta�e the opening of navigat . . A . . .
I . .
amination it was found that the A . , x0arsiongarties boo'& ed coats will pitch, their tents .,on the knizi anaditai Northern has shipped three " . I � I .
I .f lit from nited States poin s to Kingston ReigUts. . . . ng space in a railifully evident man- million bushels of grain from its lake . . ,
( .
� . 1. side of her face was bruised consic er- have been refused b tile St � . . I I ber,.. The voice of tile youth rose And elevators, . � .. . .. . . S. S. Vo ',)PC, R - .- PROPRIETOR I � �
� ably and her arin badly strained. SteNm boat Co's bed k se e Lawrence I . music of the sea, and finally I � . � 9�
an xcursions aye Grand Tranws Golden 4ubll(�e. staggered to its.f.eet arid remarked- Harry E, Little went to sleep on the � , . . I
Miss Simpson, Seaforth, has, a real not permitted - to land at Canadian . . General Buildex and Contractor. .- ' ' I .
. I .
.�,-) curiosity in the shape of a 8 . f ports on Sunday. ., I I . . .. . .. . .. . I I .. I . "Winsome damsel., A' arn In.: love. I belt of tin engine in the stre'et railway� . I This fac . tory is the latgem I . � � . .1 i
I . I , Gorse, or better known As - W I no,',* . , . I 2 I have arrived at this conclusion not bast- pow�r house -at Windsor; th-� en ills in h i coanty. and bas the Very hteab.jMprovrd
, I . � .
. I Saturday weekivas. the golden ubl- hi ftery, omptible of (10,44 wocK on �Lje abortest notice. .
. D. . . '. Ily,.but after careful'introspection and was,,tartedandbo*ttsfat4llycitisied a 11 . 'NV,A ealry an � exten -10 I
Although a curiosity here it is commOrl' '. GET III . in n ario. f, w-. vq& .
. OF THAT COTTGH lea of milroadin'.J 'O t ' - ?iftY experimentation.- Sir"Oe first I met YOU. A large new. barn on 'the faxim P.- and feliable stooLl and F,repired P146S, and giye vatimatos-for andb4ild bllo.;, I a& ..
in Scotland, where. it grows on the Before thesurnmercoines, Dr. Wood ago, May f, 853,the first passen- ee of,buillinge 6n abort notibe, art.1 ou jhe,ulq�est pricao, All work is. su'pe N+; * .
moors. A couple of years:'ago berets- Nor*a - years I,have. been troubled, ray mo.st almniing. cupied by W Crupp;, in, Bast Zorra, -hanioal way ana vatij , I
. . .,. Pine Syrup conqRers Coughs g.er train was iiin on the first railway ,, . ed, in a i3a.o. I .
ter and mother were in the bldcountry . I symptom being an Aching void. To I .1 %ct, on giiar&L, teed.--: VVO sell All kind i of in� - . �
,Qolds, kore Throat, Hoarseness, Brokil' in the province; from Toronto to Aur, -night Mear Woodstock, was struzk by -lightn- � I I . terior mad exterior mat . er�al, I I . . I . .
n ing ,c print laOt night's I . . .. . .. . , .. . . . I
. and they got some seed and planted it chitis, &lid all diseases. of the, th�oat Ora. It was kiiownas the.Ontario,Sim, , the throbbing of that -vacuum' has bee ' I * , � storm. and� . . . I I . . I
intli6irgarden. This isthesecondyearla and lungs. . . so strong Wit Lhave been able, to.loca.te burned to he Lground., . . I . �, * . 11
. grow, Ir and it lonks as healthy as, if . 11, . . 11 . . . coe & Huron Railway audshortly after It in my heart." . I I. Luniber, Littlk, S hi wr�lest. Ll i ,9 S -as -
� grown on its native he . . . was extended to Barrie, And then to The Voice of th� youth Daniel MaLa I nu �4, lWors,, Blind& Etc ,
. ,ath.- It has a choked ughlin, ' of Stratfork I . . . . . . . ,� I I.! ,
I . Thos Connell,- blacksm itkofAlliston Collingwood. The firstbrideaudg wit'll bhd to hewellis arm- alnputated as a � Agent for th3 CilebrAte I 64.t%V 11i,t, S j fl a.
yellow flower, and the stalk is covered I room mingled emotion and tobacco, both of � )I.,, 0 715 it, in i nufaakar cd
I while shoeing a, horse, d,ropp' to tra*el-by rail in i0ritlino 'were. -Mr 1, . result Of gettin it 6auylit .
I with green leaves and s ,slikethorlis. . . ed dead, which he had been swallow I , in a -carder .. at levatatloo. IvAll api gal pricii -%al, etmaiioes b0siq j)Liaing yottv Ord' - ,
I I . ipg right . . . on, � I
. pul . I . . . . -- . I - - And Mrs Alex. McOracken,Newmarkef, at the Perth 11ax mil . He had � his � . .. .1 I .. . .1 . .. . . . I . � �. . ..
� Alex McDonald;con7,Turnberry,met. I FOUND AT LA,$T. ' . They still reside there, and will cele- along. Spreading a handkerchief. upon other arm incapacitated a year ago, . � . . . . 1. . . I I ... I . . .
� with a serious loss on Al orlday week, btate their golden jubilee on July 4th ' ,the gro,und,., he fell. upon his knees' say, - . - . I I 1 . I .
. I � __________�, , � ___t_.._W___ 0 1
. A liver pill that is small -arld sure; My Howie, who was the conductor. on impetuosity th ,, or -. More trouble was recoyded in the To- - - . � ' � . �_.F_, .
, when his barnsf were destroyed by fire.' n in a e last bond Of . I . I I . . - I . i
� ' . connection ronto building trade recently,when the I . . . � I
I ., The fire is supposed to bavestartednear .thatact6. gently, quickly and thor- that:train, still resides in Toronto, All between his' suspenders and I . * . . '
the straw stack and froin'tht re to the I oughly, that does not' gripe. Ls,ka� the other members of the,crew On, the his sky-blue trousers. - . . . bricklayers, who returned to-wo,rk on .
. . - ,
_ I . . . . I - Monday, a �
Tath- qn1te work, rafkAsing to . . . I .
I I . I - -irest of maidsl" he pleaded, b , supplie with material -A'�-om - no' ' I
main barn. and spread to the log barn "ver Pills possess these qualitie% And first train ate dead:. . I .."Oh, fa .
and implementshed, all the area shre cure foi - My . .11 I . . . I . a 11- WI-Indow Shades I �. I .
buildings Consti ' . er Complaint" . � I . . . - .. . "enter no,vi into that emPtineis 4nd'M.l uniohlaborers. . ,, , - . . ,� I . .. I . I . �,
being completely destebyed. The, log pation, Sick Headache, etc.., , I . . . - I w - . .!t with thy light rind la;vender perfume.1.0 � . I . - - 0 1. I . I j, AND a , . . .
. . . . . I � . . . -1he fair: st of maids smiled sadly and. ' . I
barn was Almost full of hay and all the " I I . � : 1. I I *,L e That h&A4 'stuff ; no wonder peqVle .
I Chas, H. Flotchc.. I . I V ot pro er y K , , , *
. I
: - I—. ''... . . - . . . I
. - . � - � I � � . . . , . . , 'Peak. Her mind was Wandoring.do, ared as itis in �4TIie D � . � . . ta' a
implements except one plow were ma, -The6xplosionof agaso.fineautomobil �.Oonainp,Cu:,'���.'.Z,.,W'2.4,s 1!-.!,-,-,r'* � Signature abrupfl�.,. Her face -wore that - f-ar-away s4y,that about Owl Liver Oil, for it *.,k; � I . .
der cover in the shed and they were all tank injured 20 people tin New York, e . � . .. I. . " of . I . tpression -so chain �iistic of Pike's nut it, is real fQod'when I . . . I �
burned. The harness and five calves in I - I I . *n' p T t e u Pole -,s;' �
' � , I '
I .
" "' - -'� � ' - I 1. I'll''... �,.:. '� I.. - I I . . . .
the main bw-m were also burned. - The ' There -is no forril'of, kidney .trouble, ' . I . . .,. I the dirri corridors of memory arid had 810n, R,tid nothing mill,add 8ol:t4`jV,�4 . : ' . - , . I I .
four horses were taken ouf. � �. I. . . . .. . . 11 .. .� I . . . .. .. . , . I . . I . - one of the most udeful .
. I . ... filorna, backache down to - Brigh I . � far to go, . Her.. ,silence had -the delicate asf4stasitwill, * - - . I . �
I 1�j . . .e. . Us dis- Vnien Baby was aick,.we jave her castoria, . I . � � I . � This store i's headque rtere for Housefuinialitugs. I
A doublet wedding took place ab. ase,,that Doan'.s Kidney Pills will �ot , I � . . . odor of pepsin. gum. The'youth pressed. * E V Tafiquay, yho esi,�� , - artiolesi6thoWindow Shade. Wehaveeuadespf all sizes, and eyery imavinr
I . relieve or cure. If you' a . When sbe -%vas a,Child;, she cricd ior,Castoriq. . -ed across
James'Chureb, Dundas, on May � 12th, to troubled . . � .. � .� . . . .her for -an answer until h1a.arm, 4ched the border frona -Letellier, Manitoba, . able, colo�, Shades plain,and ef,torated, Sbadep with 16�e or - friiige �lto a larae. , - - '
I I .
� I - . .., I �. �
when Mis _ with any kind f kidney- complaints whie"'. she b eenme Mica, che clunz to Castoria. with the . exertion. .. . . e was e,ouyicted,for practicing . , .4 . t Of mri6in iioles I � . . . . . I
s Alma'Margeuretta* Wood- do I ., . �. q � . . ... . - .. 1 � ' where h' . asortmon
co give, Doan's Kidney P�Ijs a trial.. . Whenslidhad Children,sht�avethq:�Castori'g.- �� : Finally,,after.,qomulting ber' MeA11*1Q illegally, will' probably".be. I 0"t" Sol . q
0a, Wingham, was married -C6 Alfred - � I I . � . , nintobook: i - � A-11 ohr goodS U. , " i d at Dnces.loiv.as.tbe� iiatity
0 W Hardistry, Montreal, and her sis- 1. .,.. I . —, . .11 � � . I I .:. : : . . � . . . I . � Aa in-k-uft .-16--p-, 1, - - .: . ' . ., I .. . -.- - . — � - '. . _. � - I
ter Miss Sarah Louise � . � . . I... . .� .. . Ay . .. . . 1. 1. 1. I extradited; As one of hiapat'-ents is in . I .` . � � I . . r
. L b . , , . , I . * . I , . ,
Woodcock, to I Lor&Uosebery, says that - .. � . . .. � L , ..� "At present I wri hearb,f - owever, . .1 � I I vill Ormitil, , �'. p, ..' '. I., . I . .. . .. � I I I I
. . the Liberal . 0 . . . . I ree. H a 'Serious condition.... . - I . . I .. . � ,.'a . Z ., - ... .. .. , � .
.. .
11 . I I . . . . . I I . I I . I � 'r. . , .1 !, . . .. 1. . . I .1 . I .. I I
. � I . . ' . I I
� .
.,; . . W.ebste In- .., I , i '' I I : - ' . '
� �
I Win M Daws6n9- Toronto. The cere- . 0 rkdiisofilblyb�undt freetrade.' �_Tfte� . prtd din-Th;int ! Partnei., .: �from next Monday, 'until. theli'' I -. x" ain . . . . I . .,
P tyls! . -0 a 0 .. Jimmy Brown Is scheAuled for two weeks The body of Hope, . I
, *
monies were perforimed by A H IrVin . , . , . . � .. I . . .
. I � . �_ . . 1. ;, .6 — '. I . . ,- . cT I . . I am I DUL-agiu eem sing , .1 . . . . . " .
rect3r, and Rev F Daltry Woodatoof, . I . I . _m_-�-_ . . . . ent, who h � *
� 1. I . . thine." � -, .. . . I . .. . � .. .� . I . 0 . � CRELLIM - 0
Trinity chtirch,Brockville, uncle of -the , W hiiieVer. there Are sickly, ' Rmithers had- returned tioin business, - I '. It , from. .,. . ia si ce, ood ' I 1-1 , I � . 0 .-.V.g . #L.Mr��- -
e &I en. bi,4 dinner-, ari�d iead, hilf through �. the y ora her ips eeii fo In . . . . ere. - , ...... - : ___!, - I .
I . peopl ' As the fa,taf�l words fell fir , . . 6 ,
,o river ne .11 � . . . I . . I
their father, Thos. � Woodcock, Wing lburb s Heart tina Nerve. pills uth caught'f1ein befior6 -they hit . is,' I ate I Usk . . . . I . . 11
- i� , ged ner;, Pe Oing pitpei before he notic* . , , ng". but., sq#le .
brides. The brides. were given awili by with. wpak hearts'and deran t I the
� W , is .1 . I .
. ves '4 I . . 1,� �v ed that ; tho'ground, and' pressed them�' . ,. P . C . . .
- white . . T ' f" - I ,fe 11 ...to - UA one , . . . �_
. ham, and wore dresses &like of 1,ili bet . . .1 . fo .. , pockp '. . air � � -
Mind tin effeetual medicine. - seareely-ipok,eii.for-th6 oit.' . b6somi The maid leaned overand plant- ,, lid' , In is .- I ... I.,
_411 - - . D%'_,�sse satin from Llberty's,Londoni.' boy, * . restore 'enfeebled, enervated, � . kwo hours. *. . . . .. 1. I . . . 1. .. See that the Druggist.9"I'ves you the. , cleaft. � , W n I . le . 1�
I . . . . ; . 1111 a coyty. re- . .1 �
Mrs Grec exhansted ddvitalizedior dVei.-Work6d , "What's the ed a,kisi on hii youthful brow,' ight- arrlicle* the soothing, -he ful MR � �
-. myoung . I ),tter, iny d6ar?" be, . 1, ri . . � cc
il,Hamilton, -A Ziman 'Men and *6hien to vigorqus'health. -mouired, vilrin 'the f 11ci teeth as she did so. . -' . I Piffikillor that wits lu. . .1 I ,.. �.. I . I , . �at'l I
. I Xbt daw.fied -upon . . xn�, : , I. . . .. I . .. 1. . : . I I .. .. . .
. I ,�... %
, . s y 1. ! I - I I .. . .1 . . .. . . I I . I �.. r
26 years of tge, died un6 . . . I I !no ltne-1111 regulating their hearts do as to fly before you were 15orn. There' is - ' '' , I . .. . . . .. .
� r distressing . . . I . I , Y P', .
N circumstances Thursday, at the ho I .11A - ,"Whut 'fitake . . . . . . , I , ' . . �. . . . . . ... . . . .. .. �.
use, A 10 -'cent argument oftel -ends in -a . k1ght?,,., . I ou.86,'clui6t to- , run neck and neck', and eo*bJru`Ug ,eir but one . . . . -oider �6 61, I .0 we avb'on hand at - very reasonip'ble � pricep; such '
, -
Of her mother. She had.a number of $10quarrel'. ,,� . . . . . I 1� . . ` �. - .. thou*hts -into one idea, they wan ,th I .Painkiller, Perry, Davis'.. No * in P �
1J bad teeth that bad to b6 extracted arid , � . .. .. .. : 7 ,_*:.,.. .'9'm.thin-kiii9;" keplle4l the ii4y. .. ' out into - .1 I dered: upright dealer: offers . slibotitntes. - ,. . goods so -Wash tu6s, W ab bo.irds, Wringers, Clothes '
. . . I . - , . . , the colds inifeeling viorld, and . .. . � I . . tin I .
wox Id not go -through the ordeal witli- - For' 61161@rp morbus, cholera "What 41soutiv, .1 . I :. I . � I . 1. . kinds of soap-Peavink?, es; and pins""seventeen . ,
' infhllt�, .. � . - Fhob and shoulders'bad)y out And - , &8bilig 8 da, Ammonia and Glllewa.Lyq.� Also* - �
Oltananaesthetic. Dr. Thompson um, cramps,colicidiairlioea; dys , "Why I -am, - ' ri,, I naught: cftld'be. .heard' In'' the'�Alm_ . . ' . Brooms, Bruqbes and W ' . O' , _: . I ' ..� . I . �. .. I "
ad- put .� I I J a Pa� ner in your firm- ictared, atmosphere save the strident bx�uiseds- two finers 'broken and' some . L . , is s. I . i I I .. . -1 . : �- 1,
istered chlorform, and the 'dentist- an "y -Lan not?". - , . U, . ' . . . ., ' . I . - I
I - --
min : d.summer complaint, Dr Fowl I $I . I . . . I . . . . 'intern'alinjiiries. Were, sustained by. ' � . ,,,, Then-vben�oik'haveeleanedup w 11ded, W 1) Ralser,'Window I I
er's . M"Yes'. I 81 , a . 7 - YOU " 111 � : L I I
. 4 xtract Of Wild Stra*berryl ' ,,A 0.80 )s * . - 9"60 61 the.-dyapeptic toy.alligator, . . , � Irt j4U . . � .
started to dra,w the teeth. -fore he ,E I 11 Rp '80. . . . "Judge,ps , . � . . George Brown An. emplo'ye of the ... � o ailno, Carpets, Ana oil oloth 1. - : . , I . , .
Be . S& "Well,anyll * � . . . . . .. is. � . s: . I 11 �
was through the do6tor-becamealarined safe and sure cure thathas, been a' f Mon-, - 4 . " ,
prompt . I '
� . t,
- � .. I. - _'T I , pop- -ly-in ow,Aad put a lot o . . % W. aterous E 0 pany. at:Brant- '- . . rhIS 1� �Iie ilac, e to 98t ithems Our. PrIces -are r1q'ht. - I . . 111.
. .
. . � . � . ' Ilb wards of.10 hpt,- - ' oish O "o,roiluce.-Anyquantity of Butter arid. Eggs wanted ; , ,'�.
. ava - .�O it for tn4 didii t heT,11:: � ': . I . Dgme" m .
at her condition,and tried every means rlar1l. rite -for' ftearly� 60. Y�ars. .. I P , . ford,ina-fa ack 0 . ,
, ., . , .. . .'--'-- - ' - . . . . I _
I I ,
go ,� � . � T , . .. . . . . . �- � . . .
: , ,. . . . 1. I I � . I . I ntly, . kn* , - a, I . I � - . I . . .
, oWledged . � . . '. . . I
in vaill ,.It is - ifficnIt'to'det6rmine Srulthers. t . ..", I ., . I . . I . . — . . earing Dow. 'Is does not dg- . I . 1. . . . I � . . . . . � , . 1.1 I
- qf bringing her to' but]his efforts were ' * ' . "Y-y,,yes, . re ucta . lie Etig ishroan Imp .
: , ,I,. . ____T I --- --' afid-. fol"Tr7la.RfilSt '. �
I sOr ()Mob .
- In ten minutes aftertba cli'lor- . Often a � I . . � . . � . . .� �. I it Sikna . . 4 . . I .". . .. . ., .. � . I . . . 1: � ''. . . . .
I Oform had been admin . 8 an unpuderic4 - "Arid. y& you 0411 .it ,joh War ,betweeh t laystokills Opifina-laden.tin . , .
istered the wo-' where frankness end ' d ' ' I .edicin6s" . . - . , .1 � . - . ..
. .
. . . .1 I : * . . n Smith�is he $coWb And the. Bn,, may check cou ' : ' � I I . I . � �,
man was dead. . � � ..bpgibs.* .... . � �. - V . , . .. .. glish is on on�e more, this ti word . A : � ghifig, but thi5 cold stays� i Londeohoro. Emporitim. ,". , I . : : - AD. - .
. . . I . . me 0 Do not' trifle; when -you begin to : ' .:'May 15 !Oft- - * - - " - , - , . . .
. Brucefield I I . . h ,. I I . ..� . .. :. I . -1 1. .. 1. R. AX811
' ' I . . .
. now has a telephone ser- ORDINA-11Y COAN I I "Wily not?" - . ! - . .� .And long baws Are not .the implemerif.d .cough takb Allen's Lunf Balsams free I ... .. . . I .. I. I . .. . . .. I.. .. . I.. . . . . 1..� 1. 1.
-'004'111 And -XOt lo�ly Ago the pul)li V Drs- from -opium, full-bf heo, lng,j)ower. . P. 13.�D6 not foiget Dutch Sets,.Seed Corn, �VrAngoldp'Turnii?, And-Carrok .. . �
vice is full operation. The poles have . . " -it—TRES, AR, E "Fauty alludinig'to me at of vengemic6sbut the- pens'of autli ' I . . . . . , I
been planted out to the first colicessibli . - - � ` DANGER0:[1$, - '. -'. .-Ole pained voice gf the,littl�,wo�uan . ea ,on OUOT-he Uri- � . . . .etc . Also fenod wire� .. . ., . R, A. � I : ., ..... 1. I �
. � I ... . . I . h I how- greadi she, felt th . t" aroused mu . owing a . . � I � 1. . � .. I � I . � 1. . I . .
. .of Stanley, wheretheliolil'ill-the'llne . do' ' ' , I owe( 1pbakaWe S�� ' Mr Oraharni of Ga!6, wis sh i ' I � I �.. , � I � . I . --.1 . .
between Olin 13 ause "they contain vLcids, but . 0 insult, I .ch r6sent- . I
Putfixin's, Co , rfi 'Ex .1001 customer the nierits of his fire -crackers -_ _� - - -_ I I I
� ondon, and in tractor., is entirely 'I don't -like its arid, what's., more,. I* at inlong'th�A-A��llers,in Oalkloniu I . 1: �, I 1. . . ____ = ,
. this Way get connection -with the � . , 16il't think les. tight." . . I by its unjust. criticislij.of . the - Scdteh by 11,%hiting one when it fell ia , . I . I .. I I .. . 1. I I . . .. .
Out- veg:etabW jn� n3position, It.. . .. . . - .... .. to 01. I ., � '' .,.�. 1:
- . bunc of giarit biaekers. An ex I - , . .
side world. The People of, the village fectly p&Inles *eo . , . . .
.is ll�r peqple� A counter.. . . I . I . . �
"Ao cure. ,tsked the. -wretalli m . I. : Peared I - Aligu fo . .
. I. e , � "What would 0 . -thrust.haa ad .. . .
, � .ts, safe,-audts�ur -1 u suggest, - ent- w a'P- slorw whicli caused it big fire lid ed: .
supplied the poles and the company ." - I . I 1. , . . th , . : .
- . I I I An, . rom the �en of .4 MoNjill, ) I i.; ,1 1� �.
P __ . . . 911voll , I 1. elifitle this mag of $ wa's - .1r, I � .�. �
,laced them and strung the wires. ,. . I . . �. I ul ,� �� -1 1, � .9 and da' e to, the extent 1 .61 . . . . I
The central office has been located Jn . I � . . . .... . . I . -why �40_ Wo. rsinftherq, ," d."The 1�gregious .P,n liph.11 This result. I .. . .. . I I I . I I , , ..". 1.
. El dll!' �. I . , 4 * .1 . . , .. . . t'. .
. � .: . I I is made up .of qcathip,g- iforly, sarcasm, I I . I I 1. . . � . 1 � . . .
.'.� � . ., J i . � -AG .. ,
usbaA . . . . .. . eARRIA Es..
. the post office and Miss McIntosh - h46- AdMitional Local New�_ , ."But' I . . I 11 .: I. . I. I . . .. . . -.1 - , � . �4�"., .
. : :� I., . I r4 the prsdoibi 'Arld, Ill i ' It' I " d6ote'a t . . .-. � . - . . .. w . . � . , .. . 'A, .
I .. � I . I . I . .. 70U are u nitrif . criffelimi, . ypiver lelaill, I , RepOrts from the randhing eoUli ry : �. 1: , .7'. :., . . I . . �, . . .
.been placed in -. f . . . . ,— .� � .. 1. . I 1 .. I I I . . - *.. S. . f . 11 I .� , . , , . . . .1 . I
,, .
. .. . � . , . I
Brucefield has enjoyed for . . i 1,941rist the English . people ILIA, gom.o � � kic the , 'iar,dageg M1 Sto' ck .6,664- ' .
charge. Although Dartners' exclaimed W-ilther.; "alld would. .of. i about MacLeod -A 1, Lethbridge are t :.
efficien yearsamost LEFT1FOR I Lherefore have'no�right . I thch, customs .tin I.— that tile c itintry 'is: - e!.Kperje"ei i . We have -a choice vol
� t telegraph servide,theteleph,pne Mi Tff1@ WEST�-Charles to go fifst.10. . �, [a -ffistitutio4s. ng , . . 1440n; of.(,
will bean additional. convenience . Ine, yil�o �as . been' -mine'lloaV, of th'WOV11 About �ohn-,.Snflthe , In. brief, X� WO�st Jilizzard-in years, and thab,a foot -R-ub,b6r tiraNkes, Riibbbr .tije to� buigie. 89 '.Mikadoeis . �
. en.?,, � I's ,and Wife, - bleNeill $,ayef'E;ngla,nd is . .1 . 11 * I . . ,
the business men in the village an t to the Queen's botel,for the past 16 1 � . � . . decadent. Her men of business Are 1qv �,,airts! Itisfeared `� . - it�d I '
. . . .il. of snow adval's in" I . . . . � 11 .
years. 8� I inary ,ugglips. Also, niark4,, and Inmber ,�% - ',:� �
d he "Perfectly ' -so - ' orl b: * ' "' .
surrounding Country. , 11 With a short Interval, 'has related the ridiculous; my deir lie .boys," her Journalists there' Will be heowy lo SeS In C41-Ves and . . . I gone, . .
. Smithers; 1q#v . , Mid , - Are tied t' . . � . . . I I
I bo , . apron -strings; ' . � 9 young cattle.. . I � � � .,: � ': Wo t , you t, . 11 I - ' . ". . 1. � I . I
— . : I use, and this week _left,With Mrs e.'riever heard of suoh. a -ller.eMployed men are ser- . I . .. I . inviw AM, I I . . ... �. I
I ei It's Absurd, ajid___..;_Py , I . At burns: *1 bh eczema, and . . . I I. I .. I I . . ..I- ." . A .. 16 to.- . I . . . . � 1. . . I .... 11.1
thing in my. lif . I . Ate slaves; her women,,Are as horfieiy'as� . A skin th. ' .
. . �. I . . . :, .
Tendency of catarrh is to Sprehil, Milne for 'the. -*est'... The� ivill en . . IfOh-I ,Of coursei anyt] * . . D611 Qilikote's'duenni, and w I is covered "th ' ' a I . . I . on i ana lnspe6t . *1' . . .
*1 'Just a slight matter dtfirst,andbeeause route, spend a 'short time in Detr'oit� I . I . ung ith .no' re. . wX , erup ions that dis- .1.1'. . A160filrin- pr . ' ' I. I .. , � 1. . . ., I
I - � . I
, � . � Itt
11 ,e '. � . K VMPUY 14010d.to. . I - � I I
I . . � - . I . . � � .. . . .. . . . � . . .. . . - I I I
. I go n with eormixissioned Offl- th litly. with Weaver's ' . . . . . I . I . I . , � . .. 1. I :.. , . � I.
811111 .ff. cers, kno*ing weil,how, .to. , I�ut 'ItIffils, - external, rem�d Ro . I .1
brings forth a dangerous harvest-, Con. was air attentive - b6st, and had every to .be -'C�o., Ali; I , tell , to climb the so.' r, � . I . .
ed ; but the ieed sqwn . , son, Dr. Milne' Iest is ridiculo that 1 - sug' deeming - qUlities -of mindj her army is Ch a thin' fluid, way be made . . .
slight, neglect � and Visit their � who lives us 4r absurd " Interrupted I weightea down I
near,Jackson; Michigan. My Millie Mrs� Smitheri kqnyhows. i'm not I sm and
deat . . hat c 0 o d be used'in conj � w . � mbAll-&.M, CMAtlb " ` - I I
arvest An I do, my dexit') . ' y U. �Jal littiders but Understandiik , itl . . I � . . . I gRu,r6n,.Stre.et,.'enntqn. ,
. 'ttioll, which is the b 1! 1141W � onger� so I cm
Better spend A few. rnoraen�'f thihg�'gPick and span ab.6utbispre- 11rot,
. . ts I 01 Ali - caring as notbin Ws�bvq?b 8,yrup., , unction. —_ . I �. �� � . . �. I.. �
all mises',while .the iruests fared , "I don't k V.,Wb&t yon O& i `mueh'0o Chow, to, i I � . � , * . — , . .
each day inhaling Cat,arrhozolu.., q, , � . lid ,to an- d ,9 sesig I , . ., - I I
, tuously at Mrs -Milne'atable.. T ey ered 14e'li a.. kqje; her e .. . . . .. I I ! �., I � mx� . __ .11 . . :
aromatic antiseptic that reli"�s at sw at I I We woman', 'Obut I now . clergy. areu,debaged crea� . Mr.Toseph .b1gn6y,' a Crium . . .1 I I . __!_!� �i - �—
rented the Qu the poor wh . n will doL-4nA that. is ,tures,.dialling up to a gluttonous p li'll mw I tin milk-, �. . I . I . I . .. . . I.. �.. ." . .. .� � . . I. ..� 1. . .
I -re- Stateof My'Milne's he'a'glth? ke , U, W116-VOis dommitted for .trial Oil . I a . .
once, clears the nasal passage$, and . een's owin n . 42P it �� ". 1", � .�. � .
stores lost sense of ta- and" the . Pabulum: containing no ingr u 61 A -charge of mdaulting Governor . I
ellefit him, . . ) I . I . . politiclang ton and Turnkoi Poole 'at London; � . . ; .
. I I � L . . 1. .
the change of air will b , -u .
,one ,,,at ern with the hope . in.. , � 4 some way out of . I -.BOS- , wosgons, A# 4i
ste and smell.: west . � edlenti
She immediate effect of Catarilloz trip ts taken t 1, , Ille U. 'all tb&. mon's " he . true religion 017 ethics; h6r' I Fb I.
I is magical, so prampt prid efficient, � . . I it. I , . are wire-putiele her t I . , I . .. . . a . " -,
. , �. I N. . L
. I . .
. HAVE DECIDEri ON THEIR SITE ; And her fiction writersare a a result 6f - the enio'rdbd 'searching ' ' We have theAluest stock to select fjo * I I 11.1.
Cure is* . poets died' 10 . 9
. eertain and permanent if .you For a moment he felt like �Wwing, ago� ,;nA has entered suit' or"$2 OW damageg% as ' , M, � All the latest styles - ..
. lid Jim tkeheweiii colors. -,.
sizes 25c.,at Druggists of, Poison & Co., de�endent t� tear his ,halr, Only In glossing over the vulgar andpre. which he receive&, - . I . � - - -_ for, flrstw.Olaao mate I ..
Or4er of. OddfQlaws in Ontario have' OColirred to him.1 sc the Imanuf I.. . . I " I . . . via and Workmanship , -
"nvicee areas 'Owa I ..
" "'
use CAtaki-bozone. Price $1.. . Small� -Th6 members: of th& In 11.6 U "e' .. . 0 as ban be found
b den atin 11010M YCUb d see US. .
Kingston, Ont, I - i,)g Pu 110'. A AOture to, An-undIscerw. " 'L I 1. : . . 11 . " . I I � . I.. . ..
thin thepast few days; though their , ' 0 % L 7,4180 uy call an s
. wi I L s I. , I . . . handle th Canadian Steel '
. I . C � a it therso" 'said - he. . lid so on through the list L. I , � ,tL Field Pence, alread*'Wo
. I treasurer, MrMW ovinack, anda �pecjal. And F%nJ16 11 � 11, . IqVtijo . L ' ' ' . ' '' ' ", toot fro . in 6 . otoeo rodepek, dsy, is a Cher% strong. fenne. L Ven, any falmer I ` I
oil stove, fire ,did committeeo purchased a piece of pro- . . � L I the Englishmen abroad well described . a Cold in 0ne Olty., , L . I " . �, I .1. L
. Startirgrom an -;- 21!t__._ 7_0_0 of'sUNeOti to the last, "The Bell(iVed"- ,. I . I . . .
� I . . . . L . . :L. . I .
Ir considel-a le dam erty !t11 of 6&kville� on the. �' .__� . 11 . .
. age to the ware, net nor I L ..--- I in the itony. of the 'author us fallo,wo; . I I. . . . . . . 40 � I
house at the rear lake Xre road' .. . . . I "'He dro nd blessings as .he Make Laxative Brom ' LGeo. Lkvi 9 Isaac, Stroet, "Clintor , -�
shop Of Davies' butdhdr. ' , for *bich $7 WO will I . w .. . L . 1, . S - 7-
. I . I I .. a Quilaine Tablets I . . I
at Oshawa, . L 'd * On as th6 title of the I . . WAlks. 0 $miles benignity and graclous� All druggists refund the money it it fails 1. 11 -
. be pal us t, as so
. . . - - . .
. . .
— .__._� .. 1. -teen proven. The desire of .. � . I . : ness and ll,am-$!ad-to-06e-y4tli-all-lboking. to cure, E.W. Groie!s eignsture to on ��_ . 1. - — -P, , �
many yearsvvill then' be � . I .. . I .1 I .. . . . . . . I
HOW TO GET UP AN Ai;P TE the order for L I I I The Change Too Muth..'' ... I SO -Well;) L -And I befora )din rims one in each. .0 , L . . L
Distaste for food often . . . , i. "n box,.25o' . .. : . 11 .11 . L : - — _ . .
d, a -sulist4ntial structure � Re.*aa a, wealthy city'mani He had I 0 Is the most popular , r , . . � I -_
ETI realized, alm I .. I . � . . . .. . . . . . 00MONOW
I . . I I
I . .1
. � . . . . . . . . I
, . . . , . , I
. I . ..
. H ... . it e. and I 11 I . I .
s of the s be knoNvil as tile when lie was Aeizv,d with strange symp. n's
general weaknes, th ;t' liars, just got.down w hi's c6tintry. home -Of th S. 106tA06111 And all the : I " .
and fevers, and it is associated, wil .
follows Grip costing many thousands of do man, F. .
lj�_ I I _ plush , 'Wh
I 2rsteln, T I *Ill lie ei-ecteil, to . 'ple shall rejoic , .
impart a real zest for foo . a d - O'. oddfollows, ome, .111 'which aged .. I . I . I 11811111"--Ood blesshiml , VL.y, Me 2ng- The Department 4 Trade and Com. . . ,
" give menib �rs of the order, widows of d6, Joins, . and he at ,one tete r piled to I I . 1, I .. . I
power to the stomach to diiefst And as cease( Q ig a L � . .11 I . . merce i6informed that the �, Canadian .NeL . I I L I I
,of , of. medi. . I . . . . . ed �, I I . I . . I I
. .1 . -,-. f. ' . . * . . I .
9tartlijig 'ills. .deceased, m0mbets will be taken cines hurriedly o.beyed tile summons , WL , I .many eiiquires fromallover Australia .&..A- . .. . L .
zone. This is a new and. 4 erro- ' The man I I issioner has 'receiv
similate, no remedy can equal r and orphan , I i�*- .- I Trade 06mm
I members, . 'an. W
, I 'care of, I. � . Childt'ela ills city Pll�SiCl regar4ing Canadian lands for settlers. 1. � , I 11
cOverY- It strikes at tile r000t of the . I I . �. L And; aft�r a half-bour's investigation: - � Edison a ay of. Working. � I . .
. I
disease and by removing the cause, BE CAREPUL WHAT aid : I I . . . � . I . . �,-_ L � . I .. , I c . . - . .1. . . t,
cures q uickly and perm . . YOU SIGN. - ,q ,, Itis significant that Australia's loss Pa u"wns . . .
anentl . L , Thomas A.. Edison lei. said I to last season through drought was. . . � . . . . �
y enable ge. ' teAd i books outside of - his tectin . _. . I
. zone Will quick]. -Not, &'Week passes without news ' It1g the suddeti And awful chail ll"tt . . . . . . .,
oil to eat and from � fast $50-OKOW, I .,
. Prious c thiiLiliping and the bang- reading, Unleag it. Is mentioned to him . . I _,_ - L
- All 3ruggists and trouble throligh endorsing a note for -a ing of the roads,; 5,nu hear no factory I -_ 11 � I
digest anything some one who ig in s You miss th , 111, Union fbn I All -W-001 Qarp 8 250 "
medicine dealers sell r 6y his wtfo or tome friend. Then lid, siltil, -- I , �,,1,106,.,Wo L . I -00 I I et I
. 4 errozone. . . . relative or friend, 'Through, misfor- whistles; you get no smell of factory lowu.a.rid reads Undl he ha� finished Ik. � -!!-- --i L �. . . . - . I 0 . $1, . 4 . I . �
. . . I I 11 1. I L. . I f
Two lady temperance w6 .6 "wilk waggons pound along hd evening, saya 'the New York - I . . 1. .
- � tulie, sickness or rascality tile maker s1noke; n I per yard
rkcxts. had. ,ofthe note h,,ts failed to ineet L it, and I . I I . I - . ' ..
nine Kingston hotelkeepeps'in. I court tile burden falls u I at s o'clock in the inorhini; there are "Times 11 he happened to be unusually , '
. - There -is a,flue, _pon tile endorser, Ing to t 'ed,with some "problems", ikild w4 I I ,. 0 01 ' '. ' I I
for violation of the liquor license a no gangs' of boys playi o ball in . sugros; . . L .
Heart bg Was Postponed. liality ,Of bravery in front'of your house; tile' �houts and ttervously pacing up And (10)�j his I � '. . � . �
. 11 1. I "', the Way, some ol these. men face the shrieks and screams 9f street peddlers 6rgry. . - 111 . J I . .
L in no longer reach your cars, , .1 .,and I . L
Ou Otu&tion and work out the last dollar . 0 1 I I Clo'ths- , I I
RES ' PAIN IN , ,ord6rfb save their bd?36r, b(ItL the To divert his thoughta his Wife d&xfte . . ". .1. , , , . I . . .
0 ' ' I . � � L.' �'� L I .
I BACK . "You go to, bed to alcep, atid Your in Wid plolged. u the first book she saw. s . \.. L 1 - . '.
. Makes life miserable for Man wife alld childreii MAY suffer, long be- sleep not broken� bi ' piano across (t, hupf 'O I , � , -
be cured? Ye ' y- 0A11 16 fore thd debt is satl@led, - It *is 'hard ,elied. Lf e "The Count o M()bt* ... ,.. , I MS L' . I
d6o or a row Driabo, I . 1. . . . ___ . . �
So 3), & night. x6rVilinp , for some men to refuse this endorse- the r is a hL t I . .f olh2t4 6piftiolas oftoadilit phystelaug. . . I
! i oid A, dance.'next '.
Nves a Coinplete knockout to pain in between �Joafers at ,oa, gatr , � - , Lino' e_ U , � I 11
1 he back because it is stroll �J merit for a, friendt Yet it is alWays ,a 0, T ere ' go R&vc, YOU ever read Qla st4Ty 110 r� I have been prescribiltif Pilekone for . . I I .� .
. I 901?i wore thing to do. are no coal � . ,
aill-suban- I . .
, ther roweily extant, sttiko most of our frfonds t hs .
penetrating, krlore highly P risk W -bills or gas,bills during the said Mrs, FAkonlil her-husbaud. � .
. .e Wish that & da�,_Jlo Callq from � .
ing than an oudiln ,attack of pen pttlsy In grocefs, butchers He stopped iod looked at the title. external and Internal M es, , I can 1,6- 'All Voldt .
- Wlie ,Ight SOU , A a L
'One drop of Ke 0 i ey_ and bakers. You have lost the nd commend It very big 'Y' 7 W J XXT- . � . . . . .
.0ter pain tban"five drops of ttkly, - are called to endorse notes or I .
rviline has mote POWeV In sign o( tramears and Are engints, and there "No, I rteV& bo#,6. Is it good?* CRELL M. 1). . . I . . . . . .
.. I Mm. Sal$" Asoulled 111m; that It W" I . 1, � � . . �
remed ,an ts tr e 1 r0l other contracts With strangers. I � are lio Getoan bands or hand organs. "All ri ht. I gueim lql read It, noW,11 Pri - sale by druggists, of. - I As . . .
when ou've ' fh y0a want ... . I I It is too good a thing, it is too soft )Md W191n !,we jilinuto t&e, uproillehk;� by m 00 $1,00. Vo! Lace clirt
I . our money I , , . . .. ,. Ld , I . all 60 roeeipt of Price. I e
. I -
back I it is no so. ruggists sell N - I I I R! �!! � 1 . aud gentle and peaceful, . jrhattloer It Waj� had been forgottelt,,imil. , . \ I L, . ains Oh n1le . Curtain% I
viline. er , P.1111, "I *111 send you an wivil with'(6oki WIT, 8!91t0N6, MandfAtitill-169 011em �L . A � .
I '06va tb y6U thab 04- li"OW" ftbtbrlyed In bumasle, st, tiondon, Orititrio, I I TainefAry %Ijurtain$ at al
I . .1. . 'm ae's 014moilf is acertma Meft to ound on it, six tin hotft With At he gaigh#4 the bo " ("t
' , . I PH from
1 -.4-4 1 1168 .2i'd. abAmite cuft for omit boysto toot 'am, a barrel of fireworks 6f day I 6k ht gfle'ed't ntlx -_ . . . 1 .. 1. ! a * I ..
and eirary foM.af itthing, . Re In Ills 0,nd on 16okin -"�
M R Miller has 011teved. the field AS. _ Q I bl"al igatid pr6titill I I if 6dt th6mi. .. I I W4611 I It was Ave .00doeg . 150". to $6.00 Per pair. .
with three tkippers, to expl . I
Conservative dawdidate for iqladat6ne the r4anuf4ititurorla littv"'guarantepa jt,n&1,"t',6b2 and It yoti Jw6vide yatirMj *M g I . I I I . .
Manitoba In oppogition to Mr. Wilao I OAIAIN Ift thd [WIT trees arid ask your holgh., , J �4g Ji6rfl JUd aL fiddle morldn&,� , I I 1 F4114 I . L. . I . I .
the (jonvt,;b1on now nee. . . Jay wirlaWhMtheythilakofft, yoliftyluseltatid I bo'oner 94 ha, laid doWn ihe book . f-ounty. auetfoneisro - 60A*-#fQ ,' I
.1 . 1�
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I bmsis &1ft the ,
. t. k 6111, 3116117 ba6k if not ourea. 000 & ji6x, ab thfalwk"666 %ollot WM f4dually 140 , I - ,
"! !! ! � ! - i!.''. , 1! , ! 1 ... I ... : .0( , , tobto; Ila r, #Ad you it , 6 L OU11. *A' the fqgottoi wlptoblenk0, 1"ped . � , "
ps rrid I � I 'tc k. *I) O.&W-9 &So2w
0`12116ft or hMA1VSof(h:SA1rZ8 & Co,T0 I d It fitid t
I a 6 his mind, itkid, patting on Nis Hats, Ittvig problitta An6*lon60t,s t1661496 ter I -L 426 0
Is your YIAW6 ft 4)uk sub joix —_116t ? Dirt ChasWa ointmont ttr I tk 711"W' Yotr $X heap of goo(L_ 0 welit to his l,tbOr&tOfy and worked the dogn'y OtHUroh, 1 sollolt A, "hare of tile , I . L
I sorlipaon list P e� 11 Liifto t- I 6. - ..: O"A41*1 , Without food or 6164% tot sal". DOtesitithishodbimail# 10h4nim, W6 . L ' ___ . I �
. ., .it! I ... I , �1.111. .1 . L I
.1 I , ,�i�rveroftfillntktvlvw. pha,rg"Jte"�"00* -,,-,. .- --
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