HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-05-29, Page 1n1v I 11 * 10- r_ I XwEnA, thelest Wall psper, la "the oonuty of fLaroa, will be 99'llb as a I �_ _ �- '' - ___ 11 - W trial a ab soripblou too t') I r, t ) " T ! 1. ) I !;, t, t U s --I a V ;!;r, I D.) 1, fo,r L - 5D3 . . I 11 - I - I I I.. T--_- 17-- 1 1 ­­­� ,__.;.�_�_4� ___ , ___ ______=T . —;� I: . . , ACL � . I �".., . � 0 1 ) , � . 1 � ... _ � . . � , , I I 11 1.� 11 ?�l,,.i� I , . . a I ,- � , " "­_ - 60" � . .... 1, I I 0. 0 � 1 1 ... �Jfi.��_.� � ­­ 11 , �. � . . - , � - -_ � ­ ­ �, ... I I � . - T - ,� I - 11 . I - - " __ - ., , what Opp$ T91"r li-abel, Say - -­ � 11 ., I ... 11, I - , I., I . I . .. . .� d" � . 11`116 "bel, TOX " � , , . . ;. . . . 41�' I I � . � ,<1 � , 11 . I F"� ---------- �� . 1� �� ,�, 1� � � . I 1. � .. t`4� A ; Ir"."IF I , I "I �� I ... . I I , W#"9"TW1fflW.m--, , ; - _ �� I'll . � 1. I I.' 1� I I I., .1. as" W �"- - W -,w . . e 4,, "I' on'.... ew, , 1, .10 ... . . I I � ... � ­.,..,­'_. �.. _. -1-1-11, . . . . I "... i"_ I _. ­ � I ____ . ''i" I. � .1 . .. . .,l . .. I 17,- I. . _­ 11 __ . I . . I , 1STX&18HR#FDI866 . I � I .. 1. . . . I . . It ".,q . L. I I . , � . - "'W", ju:%dyllotso 4WBI _T - Q11AXOPub I,, OLTNTON. ONTARIO. MAY I - 190'.36 � � 41"PI - - - 1. __.. __. P. _1 � . .11.111,11.11 . I—— . __ . I . . � I � . 11,11ill whounotsopwt,g ��;_I.� _; . I.. I I 1''.. � 1. ­.- IL, .1 I . .1 � .- . , . ... . we4 I , , . �.. ­_ � i� :1=111, _. I- I 1. ­ 11 ��- --- " �_ 'I'll -l!= 'a'-wo . , I � , ­ ".. . I .. I .. . -1 , �; . . ... . . .. -1 I o �_ . . Nolmesville. � . Golf , now file Holiday was SpenA, LOCAL NOTES, — ' . I I I I — . � I - , . . Po'ULTA'Y.- Mr Har Dominion I I . I .. The Last of otor Oommerdid _T, Y -T- -1 - � - �_� HUNDREDSOF - Poultry Superintendent, Ilade a visit . The Clinton Of club, have arranged - Mr H Plumsteel had the misfortune 0f+#�10i#+#,+ 7.�, . 11 _ . to'the E xpetrimental. Poultry Stati the following andicap match to be A more Weill day could not have to lose. a $20U horse one day last week, Reviow, , , ... . . 0" 3r1a dawned 9 - .. bore ou-Tliursday,alid wa (,Tell on their links,Wednesda n th�han that which favot Early June will ' nn y ,r� I 8 inuch pleas- trJune _ witness the� war. . I ed us 0 "go U Many of our towns, WORKMEN ed at the excellent niauu�er in which afternoon And evening,for t to lady n t e 25 riage of a, number of ollutoulans. J. Q STBIVEINSON ' Find their employingint within ten1min. . Mr 14ford Is conducting the same. it members -tiidTlAiirt;d,i,y,Junettli,afte'L,. eople left to visit friends over the � I SVKA golidayon Saturday, but the ma' it Word has ust been received by Airs Furniture eat, I . . . . utaR walk of tbie bank. Tbeycould all has already done noon and evening,gentlemournombers. . j91%, Emmerton a ating that a brother bad dealer, is one of the Oldest, I . . I have a savings no0ount without any - the poultry bushiesulach to stimulate All members. are requested to make , ,who had counted on spending th i established !a, bowyj, opoullig it 10 18,,):1, � � Alltyj I , . 11 s in this lbc� Intention known to the Seely, died tit Newcastle, Ile keeps . . trouble. 11 and waity visitors come to getpointers their' out of town did not Away till Mon. I � -1 well -selected stock of every, which time they playl afternoon or day morning. Mite ell, with its cele- The Grand Trunk Railway ar . I Come in and see us any 'toe e,mak- thing In thefurniture line, and safis, V00' V R day,at noon or whenever . . and see the work that is being carried evening, but.as many .is possible tire bration, drew many to see t iterits to have veryr0asonableA He alsodoes ait sorts on. MrUlford is N 'horse iug arrangen � , I I most obliging and racei;, while others- friends of ' a free lib, Of picture franiffig'and upholstering. . convenient. asked to play during the afternoon, its the lit. rary on their trains. courteouls"to all,and will glaill , cropse boys -went to , � One of the peculiar characteristics of All avall"le information toyfurrilsh the evenings ave,harollf long ,,,,oughto . the same, place to Oantelon Bros have sent out the this business is that it has passed down anyone � ) h'I's do soule cheering for them, A do7,en Wlshiiig the same, Some. people have play the required num )er of be- . . Past week over 5000. lbs of butter and through three generations. A full I � . The Sovereign the idea that it is run for the benefit of fore daxk, And each match inust be Jlr- wore were attracted there by it'll Invit- W dozen of e s. . Stock Of funeral supplies, embalming � TREES' . I ished on the dates above mentioned. atiou from the bowling club of that- I .99 the "Grits," but this is absurdity. ,It is The ladies ar t I R holes (onr,o tow'), and taking all attr, Mr R. Brigham is lying at death's (lone and funerals attended anywhero I being conducted for the. entire coin- i , actions to- in the county-. - . �N[r 8tevellson igan ex. % munity, and Air Elford will v f . e i"'y 15eaforth Bank o Cana& Araund the co4iZe! , ill theo nion are to gether drew it large crowd.' . door having received a stroke of par� president of tile Ontario, 114tilealiners ' - readily furnish information foiiz ot its play nine holes, 'Ll"o golf clubs are drew others, its did also Hensall, while 41yals on Wedues�laly­ We have, all the req . the to be offered as a prize, one to the lady "'any of the other surrounding places One of our young ba,ch6lor, enter, Association and is now one orit.9 0=14- . . ul" . 11 k' the round tn the least number lent their magnetic influence. , Illor and, a . Stone Clinton Branch. " most pronounced Conservative its for. liters, He isr a town connel Sites Such at; Blue those of .his Own political faith, and Ills Even tained 1), number of his friendsto.a hop man Who lias always ovince � d a lively . I. �. . those who stopped tit home re ort an tit Bayfield last Friday evening. interest it) educational niattev.4-in I . S Infes and one -to the gentleman Ili . ofm iro , Paris GAre - Albert Street visitors are as many, of -one political the least number of strokes. These : enjogble day, and of all our citizens it I � . party as the other, There are no pol- . Mr J.Killougb, who, recently went fac or�thln � Can e truly said they rolverelic0d tile, I g, tendingto-proinoto the , ,—.- — . itics in this,. as,should be Apparent to p"'es; are donated by the,eiub ,and tire into business at Exator,'thinks of te- t 0 w'n' s n orests, I 0 . —----I , . n T RANCE, No nager. Alls. As. day which is. called ,,Victoria,"' Re- . . . ' --I--* I , , everybody.. Theestablishmeat of the 'lot to. cost less than two (1011 ,orts of till happ' turning to toft, ,is lie prefers resid- - AV, T`AYLOR & SON -R.'P., Rige xe many as P eiilngs�that itire o .in- . station has beetia most advantageous lossible tire r6quested to turn f , * once. . , thing for. this section of the country, out and tako part in these Tuatches as to.rost, to our readers will be found be- . herei ' I I � I � I X. .6 . �� -W%0%'%4&ql,%Al-� , able firm wasestablished - - . %0%1%1`%lqW%ft -ill(! no this is only a forerunner to otbe� low: - . I . My H 0 Bell, of Wiggliam, is push- This old roll, P Prescription Drug ls!ore, Clinton, I , one -knows it better than the 1 ,94 yeam ago. They carry without, A . � I - tit duLlng . . ' he staxted this doubt one of the largest stocks of boots .. . 111. . - � . � sprin as ____�_ . GoderlichTownbh1p. farmers of the immediate neighbat atches that are.tp .be played AT MITCHELL. inghiscottages that* . � The tbree, Anks of Clinton bo I to ereot, and 11 the roof On ,and shoes outside of t1lel, cities. . Their ....— ANNivERSARY - Anniversary ser- hood. brr Hare took it number of photo the summer. * wi e*rs ,f ' . vices of Sharon Methodist churQh viewsofthevarious buildings, which . I handicall who Went to Mitchell on Monday oir an one at ready, / . � . goods are from the best houses in (!an. . 1, ... .- I will be held on Sunday ,next, whell will be published in. UW report, I 0 E Dowding ..... ........ scratch invitation extonded theni by the -club The regfilar session of the -town ,Ida and the United States &till t�ieir , I N,Bc— . . L I Rev Dr Stewart, of Clinion will preach . . . . I ...... ;­ 1. 5 of that town, felt fully repaid by. the council will met in the. council dbam� prices are within reach of everyone s ' . . CELEBRATED His 88TIi-One of those 3 .GD MoTaggart, .......... ­ ... P.... 8 royal welcome that they, received ber on Monday evening next, June ,ket, book. Inaddition . a vLry . just received a fresh . Ist line to . morning andevening. A iawn social unique O.Vents, knoy 4, R Brewer .... I..... I ............. � 8 The public school board meets on, supoilor stock of boots and sho, w.. they . I will be held the followin . Mond, _yn .as it. -birthday. --dile the guests of the Mitchell Bowl- SUPfily PE Helleb !p ay rth, on ( . , � I I . . Orel. . t party wits celebrated on the 25 5 WBrydone ...... 1 ) ing Club. The best a arently was �hllrsday evening." also carr� trunks and valises. Ordereil . I . I At 'Win Currie's, th con., a � , .... , , , , * , , ­:: � �el. work aspecialty. Repairing of till kinds I evening. the Hats of the well known Jervis farih,. a G Ziegler .......... � ............ 10 none too, gobil for the ` 'linton' boys, An assistant has been added to, . . . I 4 0 4 4 4 0 Fi i'l i I , - good ng pr6vided con- 7 M D MeTaggart .................. 10. I . 'I prosram is bei: . whentbe owner, "Grandpa" Jervis, and they gotitall without a cent of staff of th the of boots and �ho.es,pronil)tly,llc-,Itl),.,Ill(I . I sting of music, sin Ing and recita- celebrated the 8 Tor Rance . _1 I e Colle date lust e, hose payer, toys find founcy goods, crocker3r ary Of his 88th . ................. � i ... 12. expense, 'Illecontest that wits plityAd time will be given to t e I lai. class, satisfactory executed. Mr1wobTaylor and glasswaxe. He I tions and several spealers are expect' birthday. � His ot'bhniludiiveenr,sgi-andehi,dr'e'n 9 N Fair , ....... _12 in the morning was close throughout, ical master, Mr, Stod . .- is.thepresentproprieLorof thisbusiness. f I s� sole it ent hero. - , ed to be present. Refreshments will . 1,:,�:::: ........... v ....... 12: althoughplany on bothsid6s had not who , . . 061,160 sents a number of fire,li- paints. He is,one S1i6rWIn7 . illiamor . I- � be served to till in attendance, and hnd great-grand-obildren, to the num- :10 . C Tisdal . so degree is now P A.. t, - , ., � fe Or the celebrated , W other delicacies can be had on tIV -1, I - ' this se, I of Bayfield's most . ' ,,ber of'about 05, met, and after *ishing 11 8 3ackson ........... ..'..'. 1. 1. - ­ 112 bowled it ball previousIT ison, I . I and acci=insuranee voinpailieS so � 1. . grounds, fop a small fee. bit appy I returns, - enjoyea. 12 F Chant . " , c X.- The post nuptial reception o f Mrs that iiu,� -Ig a�ljy infol.111" joll esteemed citizens. . � . . I . . ­ ... I.... I.... .I..." 12' There were also two rin �s from Gode * .;One NvIL11tit at I . � p . . . Plenty �f . then in baseball-, tug of war and. 13 F McPherson, . ..................... 12 ich present,but they fell victim's -to the Jas McRae *111. be -hold on Wednes� -a ne has 6illy to .eon- . �COMMHROTAL HO . I I . ,= It, r 0 , . in regavol to the �, 1 . 1, T11U1. , . � room for all. 14 P17'air. I � day and Thursday, June Srd and 4tb, stilt llim. I , I . . . �_ I . PERSONAL. --Mr and Mrs Jas Li other games, The married men were . .....'..'.....12- houid rinks, .while Olinton, won -out by . I . . 1. . I .. ... - , -. I Harry , .. v6r- too tuany for t � he young men, as they 15. Rev H X *A'Vri g"h't*., " * �.'.... I .. I 1.15 0 1 . I . . when Mrs McRae will be 114t, Hom&' � . 'AM PUMP W ORKs woveme! Darrah -bas Inacle great hu- - 24th in , almost rit'it away'with the young itten, 10 J A. McNevin ................. - I . . . . to her friends. . I ... . STE j . .. � -nts to this hotel in a year,. H6 : ermorv, Set -forth, spent the 5p ints with an extra r I nk. . . I . . . . Goderich township, the guests of the ..175 D vids n ... rrho� ipsog . , I � . . - . . . I's latter's parents, e and all. ,One young man, who by 17 Dr Agnew ..... i,_....... _.. ' . Ali, Steohen8on,who is tho-proprietor �' repappred ' and rapaintied it , Mr and Mrs Robt, * , . ....15..' Hill -PIS � bliss A14bel Kerr, who has Won at- throu, hout,added a new bar and fitteol 0 Mrs Doerr and Miss.Tennle , Forrester skip I� DoaKhertk ski . p 19 . I . the businesi, having Marshall. 'Zolp, Way is quite a bit like his dad, 18. HOBv . . ' . . wtReMEM .. 140dko . tending Mrs 0 flelyar for some tittie. of these Nvorks, is a. ractical man -at jip tl,lerbar. and fitted it tip in Juxurinast, - , ew. or ........................ 15 , B,ydone* . Marshall, visited at the latter's sister, while trying to la�d a largefish . Slipped' 19. WTisdall_ ' .. ... . 115 � : . . . I I 11 her profbsslonal capad,ity as . nurso . Ead soifte 13ye'ars style. He is now putting down a new . 7 . . . � I experi6tice. ifito the creek and had to ;a it, his -20 .tJj�kson4...-.'.-.-.-,::::': 1:1: ....... I.-) , Little . . Sutherl.%4d . left oil Monday to look afte'x it pa ent, Mrs Jas Livermore, Seaforth, last . . . . .. SpeciiiIattention is -given eloinent sidewall, tit the front and side �- Saturday. I . tlivil-fished out but without further 21 Jos Scott .......................... 20 ., Hiltbn ' . Williams at Parkhill, Airs H61yar, .bQing oil, the -to manufacturing wood pumps, cisteriis In. shap than it . goodduckluk, � ,,Grand- 22 A R Johnson .................... 15 Arinstrong * ' Sa�Aper.- - , . wash tubg, eto., tprning Out - a VerN, of tlle house arld, he Intends pLittinf lip Combe . skip. 13 Sinith , sk.1p IS-' fair way to, rocovery� I a verandtth to run from front all it ong QUITE ILL. -The many friendsbf Mr , . . ( . Jeptha Holland, will regret to learn pa" has been on the old pl4ce'for about 23. A Porter .......................... �20 wiltse . I � . .1 DrAtkinsou . . I , ' . .. �. large supply to rueet. the local demand. one side. When he has this eompleteit 581ears, and he thiuk6 of .It a.. 21 , NV J Ross ........ ' :,20 Farran ' � - , D � Brown W that he is seriously Ill at the home of I . I q home. I . I The marriage is announced of Grace, One specialty is the Stephenson patent. be . . ov Willi4o Hamilton unip, which is ivire bound and,:very ill have ,in ideal simuniii resort. Afterenjoying a sumptuous,supper, �Ll meosuley' �' ' hotel. t Thetable isa ood one, while ncer of the* . WJackrion ship 24 W J Thom peon A 10 of Belleirille J� to Aeiiry Raps. his son, George, with ca . �. ­ . ­........' ' . daughter of- Mrs * 25 WJackson._ ._... ­­... 20 As Pal R] . stomach, Slight hopes are entertained the paxty sepai-aied for theirdifferelit '26 Dr Shaw ..... 1-1.1. . � ..... :: '';20 1 �, . - . , -_ . Ponton, Rurable withsteel And bramlinedcylill- i-afids of 41 l liquots and, - 1 49 . 1 44 ton, to John Ransford,' of Staple- derv.* He also runs it first. class repair t1lobest, b I neis .. rvi I -, - I . . . . .. I "gars tire to lie, had In the bar, . Good, for his recovery. I homes, hopink.-that Mr Je is may be 27 E J Howard- .. - - .'- -'-� ............. 20 1 ford, son of . . 23 E M McLean....'..: ... � I . I take y.14co in B61loville,- Tues-. shop. . He has the latestapprov d. in,,- I stablin,; ),In -- . . . spaied:to enjoy theold place Jor many ........ ' Cllnton�6.points up- � ... 1. I . day Juna.10t, I. . . ' e c . . I , eution, . years yet. ,, 1 . . I . I - ' I . . ell ,y fp.r. ketfing up stocr�. His bus- . , jll.ef . . The handicap!�hown ilbIb,� is intend I . . . �Inex , * 1. . I Tuckersmith. I . I I I I . . ' In'the morning shortly after ten . . . , . , . . . . . 1. � * NOTE ed to mean- that each, player is allowed Clinton tW,blv Mt 0 , 0 Rance is offerinshis lots on inesa Inoreaties each. -year, owing to all . . I - ­ ,,, S. -Rev Mi Ifulisor wa� e lined up for a friendly . .1 " . .1 .�� NOTES-MiSseS P. Allin and A. Biir- 8 -UumbI6 to deduct, the handicap , op osite. :his gain - Mitchell 'club.. . Tbdre' JosephStreet, next to D . Mae - It I . . I .1 to take his 6wa,workon Sunday,,which, ,e with the pher-'. ,sis =gtv- ng good satisfaiitiori.- T-Txd .' -1 'THEY 'V-XUI W., IT ... We pu&- I name from C46 score whole. P - . , I OW nett spent Sunday last with friends. . . y. known. 011,01* e lish belbw two Versions. ottlie -Hough � . was a g, nod attendance at th6gatne,and souls, for sale on Saturday next,-, at . ��011tj th ' -1 . I . I � I. . . .. . W. Moore visited last w I eek at is supplied for.him- by R Holmes tind 'The lady ' 2 p.m. Here -are. three go6d, buildlRg . , .1 . . . I . here. wl� , uienibbvs-will be ­06uped county-,, Rev J _ . the 33rd band 'of Seaforth enlivened . . I .. 1. . 1. I . . . I CUP ma tch that was to have been pliy- W. Townsend's. Fr�d Johns, Algoma, . . Greene; Mr Hussej. expects to . into two classes And the names posted tbe� .proceedings with gdool i . , lots that can be had for about , halt . . . take'his work next Sunday; as usual. on the ground - the 'da;y befil � . MUSIC. SEA'LEY .4 TURjgER' is visiting relatives in this part, before: Will MfOld and Wife, 46dericho spent I 1`8 the Though -the town club.iias weak in � their value, Be sure, and attend if .. � I : . . . 6dherereqe`ntly,but owning to 9, gamey. I . . I �1�)t .on the p(trt oftlid 8e,�forth. club, going to Manitoba to reside b . . : I . I . . . -you tire thinking b . , Are ptacti�ai mt� tiny . Misses ,Sunday here. Mr� Howell, of Brant- mat h. ' ' close playing. 'and coinbin-ation, 'and '' I . f Wildin' - - achiiilstt; of ill. I iiipped in the bud, 'It. Aid not. � d, is visiting - Pairs will be picke4'th6day before the, only succeeded Ili getting two goals to , . since uilizo ,-,-,!,About &Amen. of - th6. . Al. and Pcarl Cantelon and Miss Nellie for , . . I . gq , ye4rsexperience, imol-they.have, " I Clinton, spent Monda ' . I - b, . er � *'mother, Mrs ,niatch ' dwillbepostoolonthegrounds. ::Xessrs X.'E Swartz', of Wi 00 � = Holmes, of . . I a,r , . lighain, is; estab'lisliingbet,e;-btiilt,iiottg �payt_ � (loderich C011egi-kris i�,hoolecl. y . Holtries.: '� � . . I . . -Mit6l e"I's six within"the.time yettlie. away in the west,, He took vdth. hiin' ing trade They repair lim- � visiting friends here. MrH&rr!6,.of . - . --�­ - , .0 ' ' ' - down to . . I . .. . .- .. I -­ :_ I - . . . Each,play6r is . keep his or her, o large numb6r that were present prar a number of pneumatic tired buggies, . 1. yth ... g in Glint6n:on Saturday to Aeo the. Hough �; . I ponent'ssoor6,siidtt7re-tobehttnded o. the 11no'of manhiher3� and have - tw6x- Brampton, is vieffing his sister, Mrs G,,- ' .�' . . . . . r, nounced 41; a good game, and ever. cTip 6011te.4t between the Seaf' th"'n ' . , . . . I I .. I . . y 4nd seven horses, amongst.the num- b r . . 0'Brien. Miss T. Curmingbame, - of. I ' .. 1 . I tho'Sec'y, of the club,"initiated- -a - the in, ' I colled faoiliti6s* for,doing repftitlinq of . . .. 'at . I ell of the way was. challenged by bur ber being that. well: knovV ' - t were.dis-. - . � . I -t a d Colborne, is S .... I . Mullett , . rclusion of the match. ` , . . � � n race horse 'all kinds, � cheaply �and: s'disfactoril Clinton 061legia to teats it o i ;yepding a few days with . I - I cor . . . . . town bbys.-'Thoselakitig part in the John Storm. Mr Swartz-inten Y' a ol ed,,, together _�)vith ' tho'cr6wd -A very. uiei'Wed- ' Strokes sire to be counted (not holes) , ' . -ds to Thei - also 'do all sorts of black sthith yg �i her cousin, ll� iss P. Natt. *J. E. B6111 QUIET WEDDING m Ol'nton Were ; Fred'.Joh�,n,� take in the6ircuit races in'Manitoba.' Nvor ,and have.achleved -a-sple4idld . ad gathered to witiiess th6 . . . . hasraised both his barns, readyfor ding. was celebrated Ili � �Antou_on but the hurhber of strokes for each hole. gAine fro - Johnson, point ; , . , . - - Dun"Op, as- must be shown on'a score -e�rd. . . I , . Mr .�� MeBvien has made n; beautiful name as first class horseshoe�s. Agents stone stabling beneath. A. Coseni, of Weanedday by Rev JX. . . ston� bill , W match. Theteauis Ilued up but ex ' . . White -fly c p - - -T' McKenzip,'Ist def. :: set of'harness,­ cost . . . for bicycles' of all kinds. 1311cycl i ception was, taken to � two S"f,o � rth. I �' Wingham, called on friends here on tor of the Baptist church, wl - llag� . Th" ladibs are to play 5 lid ' ' "' ' Ing $40. for. Dr . � es re- � Monday. Miss 0. Johns entertain . . . 108 � (once 1 W Millel, 2nai'.0. Porterl 2rd; W . Arm- ' I I— players oil the ground,fliat they were - I � ea'a, 0, Tabb, a'prosperous yoqu arnier.of around) ahol the g.eatlilmen 0 holes. - ., " 6n re, 0 1 . I 13lackall. What.� '*ith . Zil . rilred -, and, litcy"61d, -)61' Ift ' 'bf * ' 11 , , . 9 . . - 0 etak011 McKay; -2nd; C6uph, . � .. ... I ii'F. iat6 and flic . ku ing of I � . . 1. . -c t ; Sboppard,1-sthoilie- the ele ce iin St Ck. WWW'e"e"think., A.. . W., number of young pen le from the Mill Co strong, 9" not i-egitlar futtend,ints ut'th� � ooileg�; - iss 1 We, - A balljoing into waier maj b qivvriage which he 1iii;-,recently,pur -i lbdrne tolknship, took Vi H " - J MeNenzie,lst; P a 1413 based' ,And­iiO* the, . harness, .w'e in t� g Jn a bic�,cls . I , . . " daughter of Mr Witnter, of the base *outand ropped'overthesbouldorwith outside; R Chowen, iiiside. , In 0 nou 'it to by66 (Berlin) -of ffie-W.es6ern Assbci - road and � %onda3F evening. I 0 , Sinve (1, ( , f 'I .Secretaxy For- . DOINGS OF THE STdRM -On Tuesda�. line, Rullott, to be �his life compii�nioit. the loss -of one stroke. (6fie to . drop it � . 1. . . ex . I . I � . :: -2' '� I . �. I . 11 ­ . . . I . should'very much like to'see: the -nags" give, them a cAll... ­ .1 .. -, . I 'I. 1% , . afternoon,- while Tuckersmith Counci.1 The event took plam'iit the 'residence.. and One to play it.)' . I . . I I I . . I _ � . . . . I a ., � thAt will be"hitclied up.to*thi . sturnout . :1 , .. tion was 41,116%ved that players. -must 1. - . � . . �, AT SEAFORTH, . 11 . . , RUMBALL & MdMATH :. . have lition -in atbendance- since the first, , , , - was in session in the Red Tavern, be- of thei, officiating iiiinister We Wish � The above rule is alsiballowed if - the, I . . �. - - ... I , . ... ­ - - . .1 . I . .. . 1. . . . . . Maily of tll� Ili the golf . Carrla'ge builders, have be in a y. Consequently there. wag, - low Brucefield, lightning struck the them much',joy. - , ' ball is underneath the ff,nob ose ipt.iaro,sted Mrs Archibald leavesfor Ottawandki; � I ell ' bus!- o"'An" 1, . . I . . . . . running elub 'went t;6 Seaforth, where- wreturn w6ek,where she -will keep honed for 4er. -ness here for.upWArdi of. three: Years" no' play and Clinton still holds the cup., buildin going down the chimney, . alorik-the east side'of tll� links'ally 13AII _' _b 9 . � , brother,' 9 H Coats, editor Labor Gaz the senioirlixem erofthe firm having - I and ruSelly shocked our worthy coun- CROSSED THE BAR-Ohe b one,at lying'withiii .it foot ,,f either sld�e must - Match WAS '"Play;ed - -by � our elub with.. ' � ' � Sis,md. -"The Glollegiafo�lnstltute. cillors. On Wednesday the wind took ho. slow,pace,' has 6ur towfislip bden be,play .. that town, It was Clinton's,'firilt game � 6tto, during the. suminer, 7. At' Ki gs- been in blisinessf6r ov6r4O years. They' football team received A doubie tarn- , - . , - ed. f. , , . I 1. .. 11-,` n dow.non-Stiturday. Otith4tdayth � off a rtion of the roof of Tur- giving -til -e�identstothei - Ifalmll bvloA,:l 1�athor 1-ilay I;c drop-- away from home, and of course could. move, a; su-11mer resort near tha,t ity." have the rbputatiori�of, turnhig out .It � lay � tltgirech�o carrying it acros . .of death. -, The last one to be . ped (over tb(i - Our friend Bob should get c Were scheduled ..t.o play Clinton Ool-, ner's e S the, apgol , ? her sturdy �x . shoulder) with thii loss of . not expeetto win, and'had 16 not been s6nl.6.6ther very fine li'lie of buggies, wagons, cut-. , I . . ' road and into G. Crich's field. . ' stntimoned.-across thebar, never to re-. I owi st-roke, t,olfe t I . for their littlewhirlwindplayer,Xiistek felloves qister to. keep. house pelli.nan- ters, etc. , And in painting And[ trim- legiate Ifistitate* tdant, Ili that to,Wn,.'. . . . . �. . ,. . I , re .. . . . � .; . I 0 drop it and ,another' I 0 y . '. . � . . . 'in Ahe '011 I - . - ... � � . . turn until the reialrrdction morni was B. Brewer, Would have. been unmerei- .tit! . for him * irling they �Afiu6t be eicelle( f'r the, W111411.01L`11), and we I I . to Oily iti) the )),ill - in list 'be dropped. ­ .1 . . �. I I. ' � I . � . I I Mattliew, Hasselwood, who 'pa§Sed fully beaten; Who made:10out of . I I 6drifidelit that ffxey wxmid, carry bacl Londesboro I . �*b6rti it ivas.thought, loist. .., . . . .the 11 . The Hdase'of Refuge'dbinmitto6'Will county. They . always keep a. good. . ' ­ , � holes 6cored-by.0Ifntbn,l1.Mr-P- Fair meethere at 10' a.'. ni on Tuesday . 'th'thein the coveted prize. But the, away on Monday, 'at the good ,age of Ptdrs.are not allowed -to* pass each intil, - stock of buggies, 6tc.j on band And. can "I' NOTES -Wm. Wallace, while work- 93 years and 8 months., He was born otber.;withpdli. the 'e*ont0nt 6' Ing the other shot. - It was .an 18 next,'tii'aeal with niatt�ri. pe'rtai-hing, be relied upon to give � the , public b6stlaid schemes,of even Collegians , for the G. T. R. one day Itiat week, f .'those ­ . . .the � . near Duffield; Yorkshire, England, .I -or twi6e what the-iiame to the institution, and the probabilities. be tres u.can . sometimes come'to naught. , Tlie. ild' �h , a din no case' *hen - on - th� . S, u .never make . a . � IM the misfortune to have a stick -of fo� a long time -after re"hinginanhool P ,ball n . hold contest are they. will . reco:tumend, to - the Its. Yo I I .first h clubs played for on Saturday. - .-Sea;- : set -back , -came 'Saturday morningi � timber fall on his foO6,.breaking two was super bGi � . � mistake ift getting any work or order- � . 20ting -eon.: They, must -wait until - . of a v. kind "TV I interidiint.,of'a largefarm.'' Ose a .. . I � forth Wins. by 8 ,holes. The,following Council t 1 hen ,Mr Fors'-th, of Berlin,� the heail , . pad Jia-ve holed- out.' . I .. - I . .. he enlargethent of the House; tne a buggy.. or. vehicle . ,n r ... I . . 'Y : I ;. I ,;� . .10 . .�. . I . .... pit . - p�oposed some time ago, and ,vvhich I . re,. . . I . sh o . football assool . . .. When'- driving off, a, second pair must ..Coleffiafi....�'. 0 . I. . e I . � - toes; he now goes around on crutches. H& came to :this country about fifty. , gco�e §peaks-forltself' I. f the iationi ro- Frederick Richards alsomet*ithan . ears. Ago, and settled in ChingtiaconsY, e ahead h6ve playe . I - . . . . . I . . I fused to issue 0'eitifiba-t6s; for A'coupleF accident; but . -not start until-flibs d I . . 0. urgently needed.' . . . , '. . '- � �' DR. EVANS, V. S. , .., , . . . of th� pliiyers- even though they were � I not so seridus. Mr W. Rel bountyi,but'litter. on came to'Oliu� I . Pearce-,-. ; , 10 . McTaggArt, M .0' . � . _ I .. . 1. 1. . . - their Second stroke - I , " . I Ouresteeinedtownsm - S,,o t, - Sticcoilsor to Dr. Ball. . 'Dr.. 'Evaj.s' Certified toby the principal' as .bona; - R. Lough, of Clinton, occupied tlie put- . ton and'rented- thii lite, Joseph'White- ' . .. I . . . - �. .. I .. . Fox .....:.:,�".. 0 'BieWo-r,'B.-...10, - . an James . . I . . . . . I I . . . I .. Sr.; our old ex-scho-ol. teach � gits of Burns and Knox churches last head's farm,on the �Ilas.6 line,!for a'f " I , + 4 4 I Sfevell.4* . 0, ... I - .Will be I , cour8e of Audybas placed , Illin thor-7 fide students oftlid s6hool. They Went ` .. � .1 . I � _� 0 - '95 y6ars of ago it he lives tmtil.-Tuesw lay, for Rev Mr Hamilton; Rev . - eW_ ... . � im r a '... a . & ler9 _ , , un years. Possessing.11, little 'Ais: . . :,."`:., JM.L, , : ... I . . I Mr' urns) �, of : , - ique - . I , , Gregg ... . . 0: . Ouqh)y up4o-date. Since coming here to. Clinton,.- however, - with th�Anteltl . . .1. . I . Kennedy will occu B on - he dedidedto purchase ? - . . I . '. F � i'. . . . . . - I I 1-1. '. 1. . ., day next. 'He is quit� sniart 'for a about a. month- ago,. he has, had. some tJoTl of playing the game under pro. ,- -,vorld's goods, . . . . 1. ' . .,� I I . . ­. � , , y CORNE'R-STONV, LATMd-The corner ; " . I I : . I.. , I 1.1%. '=I, _ IS e'&r7 itic6essful oliekations.. He�keeps, - libli- test if necessary.; And bere-thesecond .. Sunday morning, and & Mr Hanifl-, goine land fol� himself, 'getting the Son- � . ' '" . ,: . 19 . , �. n'of his age, ; Mi Sebtb in' hii ton the Londesboro Methodist.chfiroh', kins ' iaiim in, .Hullett ,and twb'stutill' stone laydn�- of- the "new Veihodi�i . ' . . I . � .. .. . ly days lived 7 nillips' ft!brri .his schobl. self v�ell p6ited by means . of! .medical- trouble arose. The referise.,followoot . -_ ­ ' these charlps are on account ofthe -farms'belonging td. the late * James ebuicb, at Nile Will be. held'6n June ' I AT CLINTON. � ' *. ' ** .: . and�used to,'mak6 the trip morning. .journals and also by attending the M.V'Forsyth's loitil. an&inailo . laws,unto � I - Stavely. .It waa here that lie settled., . . � . 'eve-ni'm - H given More I .1 illnessof Mrs Hamilton. .The light- 16th at 2.M p in "Four stones will ..be . While many.� . of our citizens.were ell- and 'r. - . e has i 'Western Medical Association, where* 'himself. He refused to. call out the during the thunderstorm* On.' �(ivm fiirig until..his. death. He is sur- Jaid­'6neon behalf-ofNile.congrega-� ' Liberal v.ot.ei in his, life time. than tiny-. the Vets meel, together to. discuss �. and teams and allow the game to proceed I . , I joy-hig james and celebrations at other, - . t1911lay, struck the barn cff- H, M. ' eat by a � I . tion by W. 0. Myers, of 8 mat in the couEtty, never. havin 811011, oving wife'and eleven chil- aginaw, places, many stopted home and foun4 * 'I, wissr exchange views on Veterinar�nlatters. tinder prothst, .but calml�. gave'the I I I , I .. . west of the village, but did little � dren, h( Mich. and� of4bo, firm of Poug? dolan election since he had a vo, e. - . He.come � � . . . T e funeral was hold from his ass & plent to, enjoy't emselves -withi In' - . .... . . here highl recommended gainetoOlintom And'berethe ' , y � � . mat- � I en up ter rested, and our boya returned home Lyon, north of the villa e, wais killed Young man of sterling character, bus- d�oveoveT..,to,baven;.Iittle*tun on the were making a tour 'of, the western 'I ".1tak I ling, "'. injury; a cow belonging to la,te residen6e, lot 13, con. 10, on Well- Ydrk�;. Mr,blyersism the Afternoon t-lYth's basebal team-. ffHarvey.Day. a d:' . S .Joseph Lacey 06, N ew. is n' Reuben Graham as afirst class mam'gehl . *his e.sidenee in t besday, and was largely attefided, in- . . . , r he house formerly oc- without the cup. but With a fee ' " in the open field. The Alorresters a;t- terriaentb6ina made at Burns'cemet inesis ability, and devotion to, the calkise diamond -,vith.Cflrit6n's-gre6n ni' part of the provivee, for horses, last cupibd'by'JacobMi11dr' Queeh' stie6t; - thatlhey1adb&i gold-iiiiiek6d;., The. tended the funeral of W. R. Waite on , 1-1. . ery.. . I ne. It I I l I ., . . . . * I . of,Ood.' He is Well known in0aron, . , � .. . .. matt6rhasbeen: tested" Expositoir., ' wa.an amusing' ;imelthr6aghout and ek, -and succeeded in, pickino',. up. :',RII)OUT & HALE. ' I . Monday afternoon, in a body. . e IS ' a .. , .1 �. . I I . I . ..pro . - . I . . for sorine tim -in Clill- had mairy toect. -T 'e, - PRETTi-HOME WEDbIN`4-A'very twbe good: drivin mares, One from � . -A . . I , bavirig resided it )rs, and' it did their . ' T46 parade of the Walter L Mein pi . etty h6the'Wedding transpired At 'ton; holding positions ..of 'honor and . hearts good fo -see some -of Clintoril's I Berlin, Paris ana. flamilton. .The The. man Who* does ndt.carry any, in'.� � -t normous Sh6ws,� combined with the . , StanleY. . . .. ..theresidenbe of Thomas -06asinson , trust Ili- the Ratteribliry street church. old.tinne.: crack, bafte-ball'players once horiies ie e t d th -at-rive Mon- surance is certainly not using. his Ab . il- ,1111 I & . , l W r expec e. � and * I ry .spectacle, Sa Age , NoTm�-Urs Wm Glen spentthe.boli- Wednibsolay when his- eldest daughter, HiEFhas been' * ab Intimate and loved, morio taking their 'place on. the geld dayo but'�ip ,till Wednesda had t ities in the proper way. . Fire's break v � morriage to friend of the present pastor of Nile for . � Miss,bizzie, was united lit 'r6 , it , outh Africa, is one bf th�, features of, days in London with her brothel,, t. has, What with a little stiffness. f in old .gat lit � an appearance, mltlg'�thioir out in"ansuispected -Ai4itbics, as the 19antid exhibition that sh6ula' � . Stewart. Miss Ella Graham Is With - Tuckbrtmith. ' f N"Oiks- One' stone is on. ageo lack of, pradtise And some new uyers quite knxiousabout them. 1 Pen I not be overlooked. Rven though . . George Brownleei 'of a number o lo,of Clinton knoii full -v�ellt and this 91 h,6r sister, Mrs. John Stewart, ,whot has The,ttibiont. was waited on by his broW. behalf -of Nile trustee lJoAvd, . and rules made it a little difficult .for them, . . . ,theTusiness that, has taken. years to yOTA . . been sick for some time. A Nott . and ' .1 I os. H.., and Miss Clara Youn' ;be laid -by William . I will' From, the Globe of Wednesday we build.up.may � be wiped out: of exist- do not intendto v.isit I the showo you I . " � I ' 9- . Doherty, " of the todo-'gooV aying, but�oevertheless notice the name of H. Beattie, Clinton, should. at lemt see this- parade -an& � . days with Hugh Mat' altentled :the'bride, who was, well known firm'.of 11oherty k Co, of �, I an innings to spare. �Be- as oigposing I . ence. Your insurancegives you 0, fresh family spent the holi - I .. ;he argument of. iippeal,' start � without which you would- prac- iyethe little ones a chance to see it. -� McConnel in Ha.y. Mrs Hugh McGreg- dressed in - pure white, ,and carried a Clinton. whose musical instruintents; low love tippendthe players,'places on: at t e court of appeal held in Toronto,'. Ceroiismuch-46 interesbAhera anit , . Or,sr.,isimprovitigin health, and is beautiful boquet of white flowbrs.'. She. arb-to be found and. -prized almost. the field, gild scores. made : - � . I I 'tically. 46 out of business. Ridout &I . . I � � abl *iis'given 'away by her fa - wher I 1. . Tuesday in reference *to a'cA yatitsl6lf, and Jt 'is A refreshing do-, . Is to sit up. Jos Dunbar, Ashfield,is . th6, and bee, ever.' you,,go, Mr Doherty has I , .. 00, Of Hale represent some of the -best. comn � . n ­ CLWTO.N � * ` ' BLItTlIt' -' - damages from Sap osed negligbnce' panles., They . � spending a few- weeks With friends and 'the twainixere madb one,,by Rev jr. - C.' 'and continues astanditrilbearer '' . It AB ' RA18 It _--als&do.all sorts of con- , Partur6 - fr6ni the old-timeifarados' -. on, the part of defeno: aht in a fGvnibr Will acquaintances herp; heWngoodhealth Dunlop, the Baptist pastbr, of Clinton. in Methodism� has 4 loyal heartand 8 Cola p�­.4..'.. -.2 2. AlSil.00n,�,;�.;.,00 I F, .veyancing, . Both are highly esteemed ,.given by teitted oxhibltion�, 6ho * R in . ' I . . in Goderich.on:June 8bb, . . for a man of his- age. Mrs Thos Me_ The bilde's borne was nbneto6 largefoi hiving thought, word and deed for the Wlaarlandl,f..i ... I I ...... ol o Action, ;whekeby th6 plaintiffliad been citizens.ofthe town. - . . . . I I .� Dr Shaw c f. a .... 2 2 J Sinia .......... 0.'1 given 01200 damages.. Judgement 1!0� . - , . Donald, Lordon,,,and her sister, Miss the number of gii6iits w1twiverepresent Master's' service ,everywhere, but is , Agnew I b .... *1 4 A Stuld ......... a 0 . . I . CLINTON. SHOW CASE � �VORKS� �80me Amusing,eiperlences are* re. Anderson, Ki pen, made a fe front all over tlie count - ecially known ,And betoved in Wes- Rd", Solinson a ...... 2 2 served. I .. E I . I . . . I lated a) islimen who came calls on frienTE here, during the first Ing piesenti and the gi ts were numer. cop church. Clinton. A stone on' be- Lou Doherty a 6, 0 0 . 8Dt,8w,,a,,T.P,;S ....... 38 20 ::Mrs Diusley, of Wingham, . lust Ire manufacturers here of. what. , out in Rev BArr'Is `colony for sattle- - w short ,1, fierrly 100 be t , leyf. *:. Black ...... 7. i'A 0 . s - Silent Sales of the week. J. Aikenhead, London, .bus and costly,which sh6ws the esteem hal of Nile Stibbati) sehoOI will be - 0 R DowdIr;a.r If () 2 week. vented her hotel property to Mr. . is . known a . men, cosy ment in the, North-West Territ6ries, in which sne was held. In the mapriagi laid by Charles Girvin, of Nile, w N Bluett 2 b ........ 0 0 UpAuter ........ 0 0 corner, Seats, g spent his holidays with his 'parents. e hoa HArniswongllb 0 0 McDonald ..... 2. 2 � F red Orr-, clerk lit the queen's hotel, .rills, and Ili fact Hundreds.of tents had been erected sa - A Forsyth and daughter, Mrs Chesney, of Miss Cousins the township, I yal -heart and generousIand have' ' ' I- 2.3 4 5 6 7, 8_9 1 of ther same to"wn: and his.-brotlier, Mr everything in. that line for beaht- ternporarr quArtes at Saskatoon as the . oses One a . . ' ales were calling on their relations and ac- - , ladies in muchtodo ,with the eroetionof I Orr, of Torofito. The Messrs Orr will of its most valuable youn , lhoh , clinton�a 0 02 0 1 8 0 1 x-il . ifying your hornosi The Silent 'S - town con d. not accomodate atenth � of. church and st A the new church.. Bro. Giritin Is a man Blyth ��O A 1 0 Q 2,1 1 -I- 9 . men make a very handsom6 ornament them. A* sbo* st rm shortIv after unintances on Monday. t -Kenzie. orthecere- . 1. � take possession of the hotel on the Ist . ly.olb, 0 ucknow,visited John -Moffatt thefirst. mony it reanired itbout three hours for'. Whose presence isunlinspiration in the - . Our shooting club was iwt idle on ofAugust.: Mi-sDinsleywill'continue for any store, and they practical 'their arrival gave the .Ouglishmen the . L of the week I o are pleased to note Irdltopaita eoftheweddingfeast,that school. And * church; he holds various the 25th, and. many took nAvantage of to rbsido iii Winglialia and will n ove for the merchant what in some .cases first, taste of a Western Winter. - olio, that Mrs J�bn . offwt bag rettirlied had been prepared. The rest of the offices in tile., church, . and is a mc-mber I the "day to get in so'rhe practice for the fo w house on Patrick streetp the clerk has � failed to do -sell. his of 'the Now Coldnistsi Walking into , . goods. . Th are. all finished in a supm .One of the local stores said, llfty,, g Was asseil in -joyous r different competitions they purpose 1111, - evehm nipth � bf the building . corn ittee W Qni In, otedi � - , . home from the Clinton Hospital, and I mi - � Then one no . - . g,. ere . , . . le1yery reasonable in price. �Uistel� Clinkskill. --,vhich would o' seems much improved in health. .then ?c and. room left.for their will be lairl on behalf of Nile Howorth attending during the coming Summer. orb style tin . h - Tolin Joynt, of Lneki The CountyP athers will meetin ses- Write or see Mr Yohn Carter when yow! :q I orne iii-Tuckersmith amidat, the best League IW , now , blank. good scores were made and the . advise a follow to Wi to keep his laet ___ - Z I - - e - - , MrJovnt is well' known at home ,an nj . I iT�_-_ ' wishes -of th�t.larg'gatherihlk , . -- ly 6 . une 2nd'. Two, . . � I I cl - da,y was thor6ugh oyed b; all. - - sion at God6luh on J want anything in these lines. 'A; a Pair of moccaseris or a pair -of . . # I . .1.1.1 . . ' * be has had the -The only accidents to mar the day items of interest are to come till for � .. I Il- I Warr ' . I I I I I abroaa in Methodism, their Approval or reledtion. Isi, 'rhat I . Snowshoes?.' � � . . . . I I . I .. I . . . hotor.of.belng selected hild attending -which are slight. happened during the of the acceptance oil ro�usal of t Aeld I I I . I G, . I . our Genteral Ootiferevceg,, a man of in BO' -, - ' I Auburn. ' - - Clinton and Blyth Baseball game,- count,y's share of the Ontario Govern- 1. . _­ I � I I I I I . Ill 11 t.r . - - _. Have . LAwr; SOCIAL "" It.has �een tegrity and business abllity,. but abovo� When H ,d Johnston, while running -to merit's Good Roads Moveinent,and 2nd Henry Drehniann conducts - a wer' - . . . jt,_ ­., I I . . I ... . -16wn social Will 1) - Xln that of the 'extension of our House of hant tailoring iastAblisliffient here and I, I . . . I . ,N"� .�.*% , Perfect Sight aunbun I till A Man. of. God; deeply devoted to catch it foul ball, -tri .. � _� . , ced that* .pped on a yout a ji� ,.� Between perfdct *lot . e held on s cause in all departments. A spec- his wayithrowin him on his shoulder, RelVe ,stioris tire Jct e!)sA good stock of twelids,worsteds, � - . %'j,"") -,N% ) 17 . , I "it .. �11 .. .�, 0 , I-` ­ -,�',', ,�, , � , . . I and partial blindness . . -4 � .., � . I the Presbyterian manse lawn oil Well,, : fal feature Op the I occasion Will 'be the sustaining a fr" are of the sam He interest to our county and s -a cutter there are few his . .1 - &,l!pli,.��k-1 . 1. I.- i are many deiirce � I " ­%,,�, , L . i3rd., under � Doherty Quartette, ''now so famous did not give up, howliver, till theeg'ame shou I ­ vl!.,�. �4 nesday even:n next, June , I of 't,l Both.of these que e�c Ives eat- i -Z"r, , the auspiceaof-that. church. Supper ldredelve tue fullost consideration equal. ills- work lilvarlably g t �i!e._ :,--h . W . IlloolnIK. Modern . . !...,:-, I/ t I leg U 'will be served and ic for their musical renditions, which to .was finished, when it beg& ' - I 4� . I � e cream and other &in e � ­ 1, . , . mention assuri,s 6 musical n to on the part of out representatives. isfaction. . Try hill) for your It xt Suit, I ­­­ - I g ,, , ,� :111.1 .. one* on ,, _;l `P- �' �' 9. � -, ., �. �� '. , . . , 1-4 i��j,� 1, .'ji_ love per ct V1910 feat. Added him, so bad that he was compolleg to . Mr BY Gibbings has been elected. : AL33ION HOTEL. . . I .1.111 .11. I �- � " I . � I hn a a r 1.�, I q # 1 , �. refreshments can bebad on tbcgrounds�,, to this th6Auburn Band, Tvndal Broq , -seek a doctor's aid. The other Wits A . . I A-'?, 'l:!,:..4 lv�`��!. I If � ,,-' lilwove I r � . representative * t_ -4- . 1, "'? � . . An excellent program is in" course of of V -crack Mr John McKenzie Ot over !.7 , _� VA i .. ­� %�� A, N1, �, 1, . "! . � I n Isall Old est � I ­ - , , , - I I I I pre aration, which will be rendo' ,arlow; Nile choir anil orchestra, bad No 83 L 0. 0, P. to the Grand Lodge ablislied hotel receiving -V , - '-'! " � \­ ­\!��.% �,%,�'�:!­ .�, ­,, ,. � , .: I ;.,.� V4 will interispersewitli-Musid. Address. the back of his hand by A I Crosse a large share of the comthordial trade. .. . ." , ?� : � ; I -ft.,o, -1 . . I .. ihag evening'. A.- bod time is pr . of Ontario, wbi �_ -._'14 - �, � . _-, , . 11 ... I .., .;.� , , I "� � . . ­, . , i,,P­­�2. .Il. ,; 6. . 4 tend. . J . . o er 7,a,c Is * - � . . during th6 socatill, week of At -,,�,!�!� _." .!'., " -, k; I I I ell all those ivh % . OIni8* es are expected from Messrs Soynt, stick, while playing. at bliteliell.11 ch, meets in Hamilton Goold large salnV,le rooms anol a splon. !�' "'" '; ,1� .t�­ X so ,_ �­ . _ ­ Girvin D, h 't' MY arge - . I b , ers. Revs, Harri , I . 1 ust- did table. The wilroonis tire till I j�z" .r1ZV,'.-,­1­1,.- , "I"., , ­ .".I. , . . . ,V . 11111�.,� ff.;.�14 ". I � Messrs 11 B Chant And Wesley oore - ntilitted 'The 1) , I'll'. "Ill I . NOTES. - Geo,Lemp is Suffer � of Lucknow, M , ,13.A., St.Helens, . W( ' and well vo estof liquors I 1.� I 1'..'.-�,".'!, ;` . - . lug from Dr Daniels, of Godorich, and . Benmiller _ appointed dolegatba toffurondistrict l' I the repli) ts of a runaway accjdent�, The . rs . d * firs. Good stabling In Cornice. --1. 11 "? - , . , " .�_., . f . . R, Ifolines, 1W. p., Moss I '. . I . . 14 . ,--- . R. McLe 1. 0. 0. P.. meetrin5 to be held Ili '�' " I . � . � ftuleril of the late R. Waite to Ball's , an, M. 0. - TAA-MEltiVING-On Monday evenin -b. tion. Irs Elliott-, is the proprieftess. _. L , I . ,... -V I Cameron, M P.P., and.T&m6s Mite Hensall on the evening of June 10t .. t _ " � . ...... ­;.­­ .. � cemetery on Moriday was attended by ,bell. a, most successfultba-mOetin washela , , , 7, ­ " . . %.;. � I _d--'.' �,` � , . , . .; ; . . " . I Dr. DAhlela, ethodist 4'.;F,�":, , , , '._!.Z�� _. . I I an exceedingly large atherin f as Chairman of the Db§- in connection With the V Mr W �Ior has been el�eted Grand' Ml$$ MARTIN I ­ . IV I � L . - Lodge Representative for his mother , ­, ­� . �. I .11 , . . V �, - 'N I , Iq Ives and friends, A Elidt A- 0 ve' tri6b had consented to conduct all core. churehhere, Tea was servedfv=5 t. �. 1! . , I i klespeler, nionfes. After the laying of the wri. to 8, after which a' oodl,ro LO . Ldmn,, No 70. It you al�o looking for bargains in �4 -.,... - ..%'.."'.. � . .� visited the village recently, .Our jqTam,was d90 . dry oodslgroceries, wall li,pevl con- .-", _ .1 ., 'T . 11 I .. , ..%, r � 1. . &7 , , I . . .,:_.'' :,. '­'� ; Su r . BIC I _� '. , I , �9.' . _f. � � i teachers attended the Convention hold nor Stones and the program, a given liA 'the Chu'rat mg those ':40 L Fisher General ,Agent ,of fc neryor fruits ol On in sea- . ". , . -.11. - in Clinton on 10riday and Saturday Will, be served by tile ladies Niel who took Partin tho'saine Were Revs. F oderid Life Assurance Company, re- son you sbould give Miss)4artift A -call. _", �� I&A Week. Miss Hill.del and frie'n of Admissiorr to supper, 25c. 1 e0efroam, - Mr Small, of Auburn,, G. A. Gifford. of turned oil Saturday -from Wrouto She also kee s a good stook of china, . ds lemonade" ete., may A, Family Crol"Pli.qk. I . . ��. ". ­ - Wpre guests of Thos Uiddel and wifeon be had at the. Winnive W G. Gifford, of Clinton, where he has been for the past few glAsswave, e[ot, Proolude taken in ex- . � �Sund&Y, - 8 - R**ed-Y1 Lmdibmt- -- "W'd S, -10" _ Wgpldtardd--� - . . I . I . .standg, - � All possibla ,Will be-doneto an W7.1: GRQd, of Vietorly. Univer, weeks. The qrowing work of this change, CoutrAl agency BoAlTelepligno We mako,ii, buishieso of 441 I the villa makeoverypersoh en'lo'Ohnself, And sity, Toronto. The pastor, Rev X A. Company in this part of Ontario has exchange., . . makis a featum of art &qtooapho, We � . . Rov.�.T Catic on Sail"My And Morl(*Y" to make the occasion f e most, festal, ishaw, and the people have reason to, ,necessitated inore assistance ,in the . . . stvily the stringenwit of � geollipa and the � , dwell left for his home this I - - , " � T' , n,. -'- h e.�__ _--t N E-- ­ ra ill I I , I'. AC ibut )Opu dar I I �i � . , \. " I . 11 I . . I - - I T; , �'�-fl`i , ,_ 0; � .. 'I, .. I � " � I - P", -,*- r, I i I %ill il -1 ;. F'I�z, ��%Vt If -..,.Iq , R 0- J I � ;, 1� N, g,�;�;, . _� - , L, .P.,." - ,�; A Vfi �31 A, J. G '114 . week- 0. B9. Small is making vast'im. th . R16%A and enjoyable ever hold tit Nile. All be pleased wi the result of the W&. General work and with that, ob'ect In . G. It. HE VMOX . roding of Irldivianalo and our work to ihk :I " � . ; I lklentlab ,ktwelor provements In his barn. Rev A Mae. heartily. Invited. Surrounding mints. itteothig, MrShaw has litbored among, view W 8 P Isher, of Dundurb, A W. Keeps 9, full selecte4 stock of drng8) ilott that inatteen linIFw4da ildsougul. I I hutch Toronto, a . I Millan, St Bhoch's c ters Of till d0nominAtiotis rordially in- his people here three years, and the T., ba,s come east to take t -0 altioll orfamery and patent medioineM Med- opon om g6th. Jeav all ii4lp , illam op"ila, lbed to be present and oceopy a seat warm place he ocouples in their hearts of District Agent, He st I feal rescriptions and family receipts t` � foxwer pastor here, will preach in 'V the Pl&tLf0rM. � it keCol shis . � .. ... - upon _ M, X. Wilson a I to testimony 6's 0 his faithful- Interest in the taneh and ,and h6ft has eme'Elly And accurittel compounded, 0 , GLUSIVA "Ira k ItAft ly S ,. ft$W a �*" : . KnoX ehu oh A We0k'rOM$6Ad4y' ' tOr', It, 9011WAlb, geoy,. BUilding vZinl` Bettis tin tho dischargo of his dUde#4,_ In Ar4lubolvitj no 4166 caries 4. fulrotook of Wall JUVII . . . . I I . � . . I I . .. I I I . �, . I L � . I % I