HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-05-22, Page 8_ _- - I .1 - __,:v1.11l-1l.!111W,,_�,7 "" -77- ";,,-vvw%=RPW--7�-'�,W'NJPW�w�-- ", I _1 . �� " � __,.9,71r, - ,-"4r-___,
. . 1�. WFF-.7-F--#r, "I "I I ,4MF;qM:�;-, XMNqAFW
, .."., .�, "'W"r"llow"
R, . I � . 1 -FWJF"a7e`-77`rV7
P"14 � TPF CLIFTON IqZW =.& . %
." !� �_6-.' `,-;�ii!-�- , , � _ ; __ I I - I 111.1 I . 11 . .. Ir I .. I � I 11� I Jill � 1!11 !11:, I:: :t _0 _1-1 ww"101 III 11 . ''''. ; _ . Roil 22ad 108,
., -1 _. I I.. -11. Al � , i � 01111111110:01 I
. . 11, , " I I :11 11:111.1 0=_,�.....�.� -
. UAI) TO Q I VE I ITI, - N. isa Mcijay, -_ MINI= "MIF I "Ra 1: I
lim-M,."".�,l,z" _1 1__ 11114. _ ... e .1.1 .... �1 -11-- - , ;, , P Who WAS Inelittioned I* . A 1044010 1414MID.- Last weck, I "=:1::";11:1 . 11-1-
-tu-u*#'1XtW , 5,'VIN 11 "Mit Week's fa-- while Sonic children -Were playing In, .1 I L
. . . 10 I 0,*.�, � sue, as behig ill in Tarrytown, Now houspyard, in a 11 i - � . 11 �. I I.,
. ,V A to -VI -A Wherein NV416 an I I ' " '____`;
n`111 VIRWAY, NAT .22'ad, 10W. York. returned ht nie oil: Saturday opexx A.,linharrel, olle of the little ones,
I. - , � - - -1.;=_�_=�_:��__�= ,:,� to Seaforth. %Vc, are sorry to learn toj,)pled into It. Arlothel. brave little , * ,
QSUNN1R:*L11N[K1 W , !�)&iL iorsq, . . that oil nevount of ill bealtJ1, site bos fe low, bn Seeing the
. . I A.VVIdent ran, to S.
� . w slits licading eost ton -try to 91VO 111) 110P Post- Ills plavinate a -ist ne id b : .
I All Notleut) 'lull foll" It ne'"'81 - - is s" it e. 81 y very Wall, Decoration I ..
. cents 4 Ple to eveky Wertlon. tion in an educational Institution of great (4orts, sueceedcd in Pulling the - . ,
IvelLeaq-,in oil lines a* Qr"orie% x,vo-re, that town, and couto bouto for a rest. victim out. The, cries of the child I .
No better time. than now to order. your Ntattwaniltivllj seeds. , DATB CHANGE'D.-TI ate of the PrOlIght tile mother to band and on be. I .
- , . , T. O'Nk M. ISunday School Association and Unral Aug told what bad happened, the � .
summer millinery. The stocks are at their lVoont(ot -A 1; .1 od Ila N�. Bute led AttraotiVe Patteri2s. *and
kp,)' . Deesmal Illeeting has bCell. chauf inother said, "Why did volt not run I
li,tO"11)1(k,L,P"-,�l.,Bl��,,s- . ed .
'hid to thellthor .1110. "he , .
best, new goods have just been. opened up� S-.Ilelqlf�f'itl�,09--AtC,.Wil8iit fic-rol, froux the . ,� fox' AnO ?"and Ill this n6bfe cool-headed I al i , .1
'C t1ii ta ('ar, '%lit � 27 -D`9* order of service will. Ile vorninnuion .11, le thought-
t�b. ii� t wol-�cih P.m littlo fellow's reply,shows �il I lowing .
lloiylia�'; ,h, . . prices.,
I 0,11 t 3, O'cl , 1; P.m. 1�10 morning, .I lueetilig of the 8, S. A � So young,. "Pleim ula"Ill � . � I I
and the assortment is larger and more varied At i4 iiiii J4 �,( fillness of ollo
, . I
. ' . . ), VA I fj ...." JVPP, 11 in tho afterijooln till 5, and tbeilashort She would have, drowned," ,V,,ery few .
than it will be even in a delz� or two. We I a s!oin (if tll(. Dvallery will bovolidil,'t older people filac-od Ill suell. it trying I A more - than usuall - �,
w I ses. -
0, po'gitioll,well (I have, Shown such valor, . � . � y lar e assort ,
re making a special display of model hats, . . I ow *WM ed. aud ,It full kwoll-Kolig servii,et will I), 9 � �
a: . - I . . heltlat 11hrlit volnnlenclllfr�at 8. ABANDNOWASSUR13D.-O * M
. . SP ZAYINTOr TRIIJ74vi - There is a law r) ,� I wing clot of papers representing the choice -
exemplifying the -newest styles for summer - i,-guiating, tlitk spra filig ()f t LOOK OUT volt JIDI Oneof otir . to the, liberality of Our collnelland Vitt- I . . I
� 0XC I Ill!
-ally obstyl-4A vi -4: That
is not gellei, 0 a
I ' N wes'NvIllch I , ;YN4 r.aports th-li a new bill)(- Zensa band for, the town is ilowassllr� of Canadian and American productions
wear, and invite you to come and see them. lit) slyra-villE4 ol,*tr(%-,.H k to))�� dolle mi- 9,111-0 118 - being w(li-loed oil unwar till. '11"lle colunlittee that Nvasappoluted . . .
111(irell-tuts throilghout the Colin I recentW to solicit subscriptions from 0-
� ,
No n,-eJ to buy unless you wish.. . tit the blossoni is gone. Tbe too early Irl -111 enters t ho st oro, (I(spl t, a gov. out. eitt�,oills report that Over $I(X) ias ill. so far as our taste is ed ated to se -
spraying of trees is the cause of great erillnent badge, '111d, siatvs Illat Ile � IS bolo'll 1)1-0 08(id front this Source it J . � I I uc, .
. 14101-tality alliongr boom, all't We Will ill thosevret Hcrylee alld oil tho look- � With over $200 Ili sight tile liantl will .
A Good Shirt Waist Por $1.25.. sure thatall th,it is uocv.s.,ary 10 ill 6"' lect them. . , - I . . � . �
.d to tit(, Illaiter ()tit fox- coutiterfelt inoney, fro, 1()()ks now "oallvadiuth0l`� practice Work, . . . . � I I
havoattentioli c,tib uude�
'11 -vi. tliv vasb boxalld 111varlaWy filid'; I 1. thell. able -leader. It Mr Vall, of . � I 1,
I .
A -It coln.,;, NviliCh. ll(� Ila$ spentsoven Years ,Ili . e 0 �
. 11w� %'Hle ,A�rt --vai0i; we are sobinq for Ono tltitltli(�illoll'.41]tl'.-,�.,I or liptlovallt, %vill fra, or flvt) count-ir. Gruelph, who I
Dollarand a quaiter ure extra good value. Thbre (Io.11wirtqprayiligat the pImpi.l. tilliv. 41(conlIscates." Tho wl;o1v thing is a leadev of tile LN11111"al'y Band ill that Harmonious. conj uring of color and a
111le RF.vt,ral stvb-s each of which is naky, Better C I I .it NO B . IN T011i', TA I ',L !,,,- (,(;III- rl"IlId. - . PI Ice. Ile. Is a thbrou"ll nulSiclan"tild ' .
, . , �
I wing th.. 11T. ,)Ili 111 devote Ills- entire tljil(. to his fay.
. lilel ,it, or L Inouth, Pie STOCK 8111PUBNTS. - Last Thurs- W! marvellous diversity of de I
- � . s li,y n s Q at
1� lidgitig by -tile Grand Trunk Hallway purpose runii- tlay Cant olon & J%,alliN s orIlePro1'Qssl(?1l- 1101)";-posesstarting - . �
%% Ilists WA lif-"'Or hail sit the wice, and i hippecladoub- Iii'luilsic, etc.,. and we .
. ilig ,111 expross froll ' itheron Alond ! . show the clearness of the art*st'and the
Nk.qv thev an. seffii,g, e(111111 value N ilot in td,.Vn, 04tvatfuo!tl it) Tor- lo ileck (it' h0qs allil',, ,to I), class in vio
ftyl bes1leak. fox, bull a,wel I
' onto, leltill, ,� I lie forouir eity at 7.:,O it., to "oront 6. V. M11-;(l`ll. Conlell Ac 1111, 11. : come onthe part
T! -0 fiZ iS J) -J fm L, hUd tit! MZ -i, HtO ill �t'DCli. . in. ,ftisnol,knowyet, wht-ther they * ter, anti IN"Its011, U)'t'll, (itlell sont Out , of tooso who aro thinking Of taking
. . ' . - lessons, oil allyof the instruments of down-to-dato features of the good& *
, purpose runaing oilL' 110NN' Oiu'l.y 11101'li- 'a 1, ad of export. gliXiiiikod C11114, It. .;. � . I
. . . � .
Laiie'.:i A hite uintilin k,bi,t.wai-,',.; ar,tole. from gocil cint%lity . . llig 6tral ford tralix III tillit, to. col,liv,vt "IN'silliolls it -NI I * )Ped hols to Col -I which lie 1.4 inaster of. - The Bandt'Ooln . . � � � . . .. . I
4 Z Oil 8 All I . . . . .
in ;slifke, oew fill b!t.oVt.R, li,t.-k 1 oi-L- -1. 'rUnt ()f M"ir rn-tte rows of � . with -this train or licit.; but is -to liv lin,,wooil Tuesday � Will Ile locate(I Ili the Victoria 131 1 . . . . I . �. . I . .
. �
0 . - Air- D. �'orr6s',er Ing ' .' '
' .
tur!kintl em -it id,r, and insertion, or fine titc-los rind Voilenoleatifle 1�,( -V.l tho'y Can -sce 1.11vir Nvay shippP(I.lwo'eal,g ilf pxl)()I,t (.attle, '18 I and rioxtThursd4yevetp ourcitizens
�)ed th, ', � , 11 pleased with 011r,dibplay this yearllanj.
in&-rdori, hi Ideri bittoup, Olt 8 Z38 OULI , Xtra Vt%lite at Q,ktill. .... 1. 1 2131 ( ir to do so'.. 'It is that part, ( i th�o� (Ij(lalso,11,1. 13(kifl oil Tuesday. Beat, 111MY ]'five. tile pleasuro.kif lj§tenill� to. , . , I I q .
. . . � � I . I Buffalo. division froll) Stratford CO livo wvl�dit, is doniauding 4c up, anoll the first effiirts, of 011riton's'liaild foV . 'aow we ask'youto, view thein.,- . . I., -;4.'. 1, . I
Bette, Waists . . ,. Goidericlithat upm the � (t�ti-a ,i,wni- poi. t s.,)...,,, 1903.. We hope it 1 . �
10 to �5.70. . � i All$ Collie to Stay. � .. . � .. . .". 1.�_ - e�'
� .. . niodatioti, its Stratkord has al'i-vaoly a - A . : 'A SAD DI&I ATH. -Two weeks ago . . . .1 . I!, I llk,��., I.,
.. . Vital. O'clock seivielci and the present . N HX-0UR*11ON TO THP1, F ALLS. . I - � I
Nev, r have we sho wn such a big aos,)rtment -Last year the citizons'Of I t.hij neigh- Wednesday, . there left here for''the - . .�,. 1-0 .
I Connection bur Own local makes with . ,�,t� . 0 .
. .1 : ";:'_ . . ,.
Howev, r, if rpil Wit" I'll ex- formerly reshledoin the 10th, brflullett, I I �..
of hai)dsomo white waists as we do to-olmy. * It is to - - in 1hat city at 8,40. - borho0wnre not favo West Air aw! Mrs Win R Wilite, who I THE W. D& FAIR , ,�, . .
I %
I a�leoll` (� �� I . . I
�ou is to be benefitted by the cliangrv,. -a ar I d 11
. ollil- �twslon to the Falls, blit NN I
be a white soason, aad we are prepared for it with. - hour, f r % to le'orn that on June l2ih,the ,9 where Alr Waite owns 4 farm,'in Search . I � I � � � .1 .
, it will either inc in lon'get s 0 of seaforth,purpose . _ F. of betterproipects. After arrivingat , I I I - I I
11 collection of white waists that woulddd credit to a ourpr�senfstaff, or it night. an runningtne, G000l Winnipeg, Mrs Wtlite decided to qO 0 1 . .1. .
shift, I . . 11 d1l'y for all An-tiolAs betweelt StrAford and Dakota to' visit- with some rblatives, I -_ . I . . .
store many t1m,is the size of this. Of ,he best. ones : . .put on. . I .� - Gooleyieli. 'Excursiondrsway . have tI . . ._-_ .
.. )e while her husband went throu ,I to �, �� --.-*- . i
V6 ado not 811 )w ni ire than two or tfiree of a pattern, ;_ IMPROVING THR DlV181ON&:%- ,r A-Tontana, 'where lie purposed esta )IIsh. ' . .
I ?I'Llvilegk of st�p hig Over ilight, and
- . . �. urn 11 11111 111110 Saturda;�. We - �
ample values: . . I I During th, past w,,ek or tw(), 1111illy , , � � .1 '. 'jig a sheep ranrli. Before getting far *66G*"G08"8200**9"2 Q""" -
Ifere are some 9, . � noticeable changep'liave. been iiia&� ,tN 0 I.Ot le, Ailed lyllitt the rate will be
I .. .. with n tile town in connection with yet,. I , . oil his road he found t1lat a slight Coldj� . . I . - . HHH"M
. . . . . . which: lie. fia(l oil leavill (11; + .. . . .
..- M 41� Wa's . " ' . % . I .
% tho.. railroad 15roperty. Bach wile or . SONS OP BNGLAND SERVICE � Adually-'growlug worso, and by' the
Waists at i ovil. walsts,al 1.15 . . 'whistle post has hada nice V , t� - 0 , .
. I . . . 6, 9LI�el'tN-6v.Otl;()Calg-tt-yli,tdto i ---
. <1 - . � I littlesoold-d - T�i�tt;j)tir(�,yP,zi�,Y.11,,h.1i).(Ig tl:eS.* .til Tim -e "almd Money. ,S&,V'ed,. " .
., . . ind placed around, iti. tholl,nuotlit�r 14,1 n gi ancl, j.fi I 11 _ .rus of _; . give u
Shirt Wni--ie rn-ke.e frn-n fine Mov . . Wilthon �)v Vie' o , i, �'My, the reinlibider of his journey aw I . I - 1.
white muslin ii'ain ba�,,k Shirt waists made from fine - . , . . � � . . . . . .1 ... . I I .
. . tierofsuoue, and -&-coat of jvbit(�-Jmillt stultlavthe!Ath, are voquested. to jn�iet &,dodtim,-'s aid�. A telegrain was receiv- .1 . . . . I
I .
with t wo clusters of iihrrow white muslin, two wide _' ' applied on it. The b4die fixing is being A till(i'101�-roiom at., -2.30- p. Ill. and. ed here a fe,w dayR Ago, giating that, lie . I . - . .
.. 11 ..
tuckq, newrs, a�cicve, tucked plants down the back now doine'to the rail- rests, wherevci� they . �van (I,er:',iv:fl Inarch io - St.. Paul's had passed away. Ilia b . Buyin,s 'your Shoes ai, ' 11 . 1.
cuff, botion- lild,len front sleeve. plair. cuffo, two box . arefound. The old s , �ur line on the &!, I I ody will be I . . .
nf . ,nat','c astels ultucke 9 . I �A�l 1(v church. whore divine service brought horne for burial ,-.vlli('!h is ex- I . . - . .� - � . I . I . I .1.
wile . I �
I , - ve -is I" (") � . I
. pleats and two wide tuck' ' � . . L' If '& 13 n bo the Y_ 11, i bo'ell (, _t , ildw!ted by We rector, Rev. pected to arrive liere wialiii the course- . . . . . I '
-a in , clown the fiont. . � torn tip We learn that intorlm-kilig- '. I int�, conimexic-Ing ht 3 olc5lock.- of a week.. - About 18 months ago he I
. .- 150 Ite'rilate rows of.fine Hspr- ., � I .
an 1 i ,ws of Va)encienur ,. Fionti of , (�'u'
'. I I .
Ee,, i ,n, at � mob ........... switches are to replace tb,.� old ones, . The' brethren .(jf ilitanding visitin,g. - was"miarriedto his sorrowingwife,wild . . . . � , .
tion and wide tacks very fine �.,and t ps ill' A was a Miss Wallace. H . TAYLOR&SONIS ` . I
' , , . . ISO l0aires a . I � �.. . . I I . . � . I
I . .
-... � ... " 2-25 will be torn up, and another built lovel ciffloution will be til -ken tip on behalf of mother, now Mrs Chase IGLovett, and . . - I . . I I . I .. .
Wai%ts at 116,5 garment, each ... � . I ft hat the Present high plat or il Ind e zisked to note the hour . , . .
I . . .
. .
' . ,with the rails, so as to prov6,lt 1) Issen- -the ' ("]ill lvon's Ilospitalt .:'lorontd. ,some half -broth rsandsistolrstomourn, WHY. ?&&Be3auee we have the best assortment to choose from . , land most likely I.. . . . I
Waii imailp of fine white Waists ai, 2 90 . gers from fallhig1n betwLeii There is Fver 7. dy invited, . - - ,.1 his loss. Dr Neu . I
.ves, rows of . . . . also Some . talk of - remodelling the'. . 1. . I . I .. direct . .
mu;14i), new itle, : . I � Is011 Ball is kill uncle of to have juat-the kind you are looking for. . We buy in .large quantities, direct I .
I I ID UP. . I deceased. Further. particulars- will be from the maker, ancl-take adVan'tige of all the cash aiscounto,'-:%nd .are in a .. , . ..
I ,
, � � . freivilt Sheds, - so as to Save the Second 'NVILL B10, LA' I Litst,mo-litt!ZY amiounced later, position to'gile,you any kind I
VieLing and insertion dqwn Laodies'waista, made'from fi�ie I I I . -, . .
the o -i -Ode of afed-,<tuoikea . hitnolling of fre!4,ht; tills will ji�, dollp (,,!%,(,hiny,,i-vl�-jil6.th(�literosse boys were . , I . . I . . . of footwear,at ROOK BOTTOM PR10ES*
. . � I. . . . . I
. . "I . . �
mnsliti,entfregarment tuok- : , ' eitlierb�' extendifig theoldshea (ilit Out, prli�A!8illg, Harvey Dolierty� bad. LTOENRiD RROPLE.' OR THE I . See our Menlo' Pine Sboes...Uox Calf or Doingoila, Kid, genuine I I I �
, ,
cuff z, H lelvii buttons, front ed and bemstitched through.' . to the.eage of the'p,atrorill, an(] build. , the mislicl-tuile; ' 0 , ist - of licensed auoi7! Goo I dVearwelts, King's orMoPhorson's make, or the PEERLESS'At 00.00,' , - .
ofaltPrnst rowsolius,rion .. whild'running for the QOUNTY. The If ..
wand tuvicitig,two rows of in out, ont. in the noweitstyle, * . stall doorsi or else by,, tearing up- .bill], ti) stumble, a�A I* tioneerband ped -lax -6 havf.,just been is- .4 . a. I
I . n tho fall his, 3.25 atid $3.80. There ar' . .
J Isertion and tbree clusters of bompleat down the front, , . Ing platform and -runnin",4- another bare knee callie-ill contaqt'v�,ith astone supol by,thi . . I . , I a no better v%I a�e in the obunty. ' . 4 . . : ,
I . . the �� county. troinitire" . Wni. . . I I I I � .
hidden 6attons, very sWish . sourlin , . I . . .. . � � I . . I . -
tucks down the back .. . : eto thoi,doors of the frelght-shed. inflicting Aos6riousgashkist below the Holnies. Re.4deuts Of! onii county may . � We haveall the latest styles'in Ladles' Fine Allorots and Oxftrds,' . I .. �
,each.. 115 1 � - garment, each ............ �%90 � ' * . * . �. .1 I kuped Le e. . 1, . .
I - . 1. . I vb n them * So trouble to show. . .
. I I Ail, Ile -was claui cfi�O lbe 'doc- hav � their Choice of 31 Wielders of thd 1 s)24 will be pleased to ha, you call a d. see! '
I . !' ' DAOWT48D XT ,'4AW,41&-Th1oiuqs . tor*.;, Mime ,V0101.0 t1irec, 9titelles". . I ., .. . I t . I .
Arnold,'of 8t. Thomh I . all -on 0.00 so. . I I � I :
' � 8 w opeg' sterr'd ,were : hanimer tit bales, or may have c, d . . I . . I �.. . I . . . I . . .
,�. � 1. I � I . . I . . � I .. � I .
Our Dona' r Wrapper. . . I ` - " h rioullay inserted to clr;i,%v the edges - togethev. - th�ul 27 p6d1ars. Their names . are :_ I ...- . � ...� . . . . I . . �. . I . I . � . 1. I I � �.
. . . �. I at the Rattefibury ."I'louse -on ' This. is a veiy unfortunate aodid , ontfor X,,Ouis Rashko 'Skil, H . ..- . I I . . I . . .
. I . . � . .. � � . � , . . p enry Ilayd'en,- J. . 11 . . . I .. - . � .. _. . . .. . . . I . "
. 1. iveek, fujil left for G(Aorich ibe:shilio' lllluasiciallableto%l�ty him It f r .I,. Harnwell, J its T Roiss Ralff Mussaiel - ... . � 11 I �.. I . , . . . I . I . . . � . . . .. . . I .. 1, . , . :
. . .. . . � I . I . .
� . I . I. . . I ,
. I
I The wr,pper we are sellinig, fora, Jollar bill da, e for.8arnia, wacR : Nve.(Iks agid then have a stiff leg. P140is laern, A J 0onitice, H'G� Mulhoillandi . I � 11 . I I � I ... I .. . I � � . .
d y tio. take .passag .� I
. . . . . . . �
: row 3 . '. I . rr . . 1. . . . I .. .
is a big dollar's worth. There is not' Indc 41. .,Use I qd . on AVeaiiesdak 'afternoon. a g6od liex�o.sse player and ii&vi - that. John J. O'Connor, Thos: AV.'allaca, I I - I . I .
. . . . . , Jacob . . I ' - . .. � * . .
� 1. .. - . . .1 . . I I , - . h . . I . .. I I . .
While near the freight shed at.tho th6 club has join ed tile Junior C, L. 'A. yliffe'-wRAPhale WJMIIIeri Geo � ..� I I.., I . . . I . e.010_41eli,able.' . � I . �.. � . . I
Wasting time making them up whea .'y6tt .. . . Y1 . . . . ..1. . . . . . . , . .,. . . . ,.., I . 11 � I . . 11
n . . .1'. .. 61an ' b-gy '' "' dock in 'Sarnia. :he. AN"hs it impetiltly , they-wilIlose.a. valuable melnbe.. . Beatty, Anthony. McDoinald, W .VMC_: I . I .. . I I . I � . I . � . .. I � 1. . I '.. I . I 1. I .11 . . .
. ' '' -fl by heart trouble, ',In fell.int . .. . I I . . . � .
I D littl,)'. - seiv . . . ,. .. I ,a6J,eb,ElW1A Mitilro ' ' _. I �. �. .1 . . . . �
them as go. -A as thi6 .0 read to weak, for s I S : 6 I - - * , ;. �. . . .1 � . �Ox ,ahk Mitch - el 'e, Bert MeEwen, . . ., I I � I " . � . . � . I . .. � �... I . . .. . . ..
. . y .. I . � .. . . tIw:w;1t'(-0. In :20. lllhlut�es th" bod-v ; . - tA'A; 1� 'BOWLING, -The" 'grounds . 11 Will Bashfield, J..,,L' I - " �'' .' - - . , . . � , . I . � . . . . I I
11101le V. . . w is: i�� ciover( , ,,d blit'the vifil spark:)�hd wel%� oppyled ' rdy, G FW cPhe i, Robt Clarli, .Fred , I I I , . . , ,
. � . . . . .. :. . I . � fo'r play on Sat ur(Tay last. , . . . I . . .. - -01int -:" . .. 11 . ... .� .
fied. , Uo WILS- Of lbatily -I)Ilyt;iql!(�, (if BY It blii-ious eainQidancc� this-.-.%,a� 'the Morgan, Walter Innes, . I I ylor,& . on on . .
. .� .1 . , cisgulan, Fred T . W. . T& I 8 . I
L-ii1i TES �VRAPPBRS froin _f- lt'y�Oity dark prin*q, red . I , .. eatle,111111v (1011 li� 6 . . . . ... . . .. I I �. ! . . I . .. . I I I .
. . . - lennor� *and whi in sa-ri:iP'da,Y'as.I,tSt Yeal'. In -1001 thefifst Q'Gorihan, R61A 'fl,o 'well. The auc- . I . . . '. 1. . . 11 . . _. . I I . .. � .: , _ --71
. till). wai appointing a' entsfor th-e , . R� 0 .taken ag one . I . . . I � .
or blut� ground with white pattern, wru,sta Itiwd, six inih trill, �, '. 1: � I'll n alub was pl,,Lyed on May-1223rcf,, in 1902 loneers -.itre `:-.rhos Gundry, W 0 , .h. . . . I I . -
_ I . . . . I . I .. .
. I ' 1. I I ,� . I . I I . I . ... I . . I
, . , , 'Ile ();'Acloset*patent for:rrivaterosi- ,�'*� ' . I I ��
fa3t crilors, all Biz!s, yery speni%l Y.A."la %t each.... ... I.... . . � - 4... t, 0 ) 0', . I . I .
I � . . . . lay. 11th. The groifild I.,; in fair condi- ,Cutkj'e;,',Tiis.Stti,nl�-k,,FSSe6tt, Henry - � ! . +. .,
. 1,
� -n - *�, basieso _� ,Dome .... �
. * A ' hoild 'bCst *Orrk . I ,
. I . . .. . . . I.. I : .. dence t � - _1 . inquest- was tion, the lack of rain aird properwa.t6r T *I1lce,-Tbos,0amerouj- Henry Bos. � . . . . . ~ 0 . . : : I :,
I - I . I I . - . I
I . . _ ` I . . . . . � . , . .. . .777 ! . I . . . . -
, .1 I .
. I
Tivo Better Lines. q . . . Thurs'd%y Mr .Arnold:*ivas wel utable. .The -senberrj,Thos� New: ou,J G� MeTAffellael - -1 I . . . . 1. . - . .: . . . . I . , 1, . .
� I . � .. . � . I I- ad- -, hig faci litiOs ,li6in- accou .1 � 9. .11 . . . . . . . . :.. . �: .�, I I �. .,:, �. , .. .. .� . I I .
� I . . . .
. .1 � � . .. � qualtited with � Rev '0 3� R. Gunne; of , club fs -in -a ,nost iYotirishir lition, John O' ceefe-John Gill, Henry Bro . . I . I .... ., , o
'. I .. 1p� C()tl( . WIT . .11 -11 . .., .. " � .... .. . - . . .. � . . ... I. .. I ....� � . I ..
� I . . , town, and --had arran�ed' it inee1ing , rr IX s.-Vourof the , . . .1 . � . .
For 25 and'50 cent- More we'llave wrappar . consistin,l'of'42-f, ember Jois C16wan XM Ohqrles, 0 W: Wilson, I - . . I . .1 - - I . I . . 1. .. �
. a ".. ,.. .� with him at' the Ritttenbuiiy 11ciftse, d"brigade of.1aS6 year drop )ed, out., 'Tas J'oue§,�Aloix McH%veii, Alex I -.Kelly, - , .. � .-I � . � . . . ;� . % .. . 1. . I I . � .. .... .. . .�. .� . , I
. � . - , , � . � ., .. . I.. , . . � .. . . � . . 11 ,. I.. . , - !, . .
,ire e,sily worth the cliffereap T-hq ' 'tiline. being busy thatclay, � O' It 'line 'new members bav:,e teen se-. Th6s Browni John- Kbok,,D. DiAlusoh, I I . . : 7 ."4*_ 1- . I I
that , ,'e in pride.,. . Y,: � bnt*Afr e, , b .
I . . didnbtget.tosee hiw'-and'%"S.gr6at cured to fill u) the-gdp3. 'Agoodsea: E, . Ray, . . . i, .1 .� .. ..��, . .1 . . N . 1. I w ��� ... .� .., � I
are well made from pod materials., cost less"min-3 I so ,-on pic Sohn'Pur�ii;'W'lli Snell Th � U. . . . .... . . I . I . .11 . . � . . � � . . . . I I I . I . . � .. . I
. y I ly surpri d I king, u 0 Thursday's. 1. soh is looke& forward td, and, it is - iix 11,5d- Boss6nberi�Y,B- 8 PhillipeiL Barton, . . _ . . . - '. , I .1 :- .. __1 .
% . � . '. . . � , .. . I �
t1lan you could buy tha m%terial for ,,A,,- -�- ._.- (r,�)';, it.. - - paper, to readof his uh,ortlinatedpath. . pec'tlo.cl.t'litttniiiilytrdphie.5 will. adorn () Hatuiltah; J H Havill � Jos White, 1 .*. I . I . - � I , . I
- : . I � . )` , I I I
. I . . . I .- S - I �. 11 � I . .1 I . . . . I . , �,
. I . . . . I . . .� the iaebo&rds.of the Winnors;- to . . . . � .1 . .1 . . . . . . . . . . I
niale up: � � � . D �., . .; . . . �, - � I . .. I � . . . .- . � , , � .. .
I .1 .. � . lie � Heriy F Kip . I
. I . . . . .
. _. .. I ' I I- . I � . . '. I I .
.. list pointed at with�prcip4 e and baAr I . . . . I , . I .
I . . . . 1. . . OUR 2'NTARTKHTS-Duvinr� the pt I . , rid t B '0 . . _ .", . ,. . . . .. I . I .
,. . I . _T �Je 0. . he news of �'the death. �_2 * I . 1. . 111�� . �._ a . . .
. .. . I � - week Own tlio posteritV��.' . . . . . . , . . . . . I .
At 1.70 . . . . I., . the bottorii. has fall&h..Iont of the ' ed d . � KILLRD.-T , I . I � . . , . I
' . .pig�markpt, ;I ,e,* -' ; : ' h ad their Sit of'afiimiier -Sideti� of, Clinton; and . 71 - - *.. . . ... � . I . . I.. . .
I . . I . nd buyer.wil: yo-ay."ary av6 ht ..�.� - A ... .
� ke H . .
At 1 25 . I I . areln the past,,. why son of Al �' . . . .: I � I I . . . ., � .1 � , . . .
I , .. rs Gagenjo-bas been -rec6iv- � . . - - � - . . . , . I ._ . . ;.,
. I * , " ; The natlu the future ? . - . I . . I . . .
. . .
� . . abow q . qiiota,tio0s., . . '. ., . � . . � . I .
I I I , , , it inakill" .. . . I . I � . t . .� . I �
' ' , I . � I . _, . ... . .. . I . 1-1 . � :. . . , .�` .
This is a good wrapper and � � ,: , f6i,eipi market is. . .�, ad. ,
1. weak- in this, product. . '. - , .., . I . A-tel6grain b0e'the sad intel!4�_ 1. : I � . I . ,
, I ,
- . . : . . . .1 . � 1� I ....: 1. . I . I . 1.
. _ � . . . . . . I . I . . I . I � � ... .
appers, made from good . - .1 )wn. ' MTORT .. HAVE, PROVEb . 8 ' ' ence oil Thnn , . I. I ..... , . MY HE' , . � , I � I , '.
Wr one of our best sellers. it is - . . . ' whli!h necessarily offects . our ( I . 3day of last: w6bk- . to his ' ` : z FOR . . . .
. P�'I"- motIfer,statiligAA lief soni James . _1. .� I I . . .1 X � . ... .
quality , dark prints,. fast made from goicia quality ' , . I(,s'this--%v-'Aave'su6ii Viren phek- * *OUS - - v6ry stiange, and imlooked . e I . . � � I .
. � . .. . . ., Bpsi( A . . . . . I . � . '. . . I : . �
colors, waists lizied, yoke . prints,comes inseveral pat- � , . .-ilig. hi.4titution '00stO 111j. -.,vithill the' f ! aceldent b,uliiienecl to Mr John hall -been. 6ow,'n'ed atAshland,Wisecin' . I . � . ' . ' . I I
terns, fast ciolors,voke trim. '� . ' )asf, VVZO!, and the oleniaudsr�:of- these� 01 sin-, Where lie haol been employed ford- i..'_ .. � . I . . . .. I . I
. I
trimmed with fancy braid . mod with fancy briiiii, ruffi 9 ' �. 7 , halve be -ii throwif back in -the market Belloin Monday afternoon..%last, He' Ing logs. down a Stream for1he I),tst 12 . .. . I . , I .. I. ! .. ..
I I . . . . .
4' I .1 � . . .
. .
and frilling, 12 inch frill at . . . had-taken-lifi; young. driver out for *' � . , I . I .
bottom, wrapper that will iover the ell t1d, nd 12,1... . . . . ' lo.wing three,.inore chiltipes .'for the - feed of N.rass diondt'he bbiilev Years.. From'What eari be.learned.tp It .. 1� . . " . -�, ..,D. -A Y- . � I � . .' -
d :.. . . '. I .. .
.. . Arol near 44t6�,itll;olildiLpk�t�,,,rth,�ti, am,which' V � . � . � I . 1. 1. .. I
on t or, a I I , , I
wear well ........... .... 1,25. inch trill At be n2,, walat I . oth(�r.con�sumers to get- thdi� 'sup ,s, his i-cisi ence, and bad sitt down while . . I � � - . . , - .. .. . . . : .% *
, goo `1i value At 1. .. I 1�140 ., , . ", . ' I ' ' ' ' 1, I � . . I . . I .
I . lined, extra d . , . . I f rbul, what it wits previous, .It is, llki4y ,. I is placed lit thei I iver to keep the, logs I .-*4 . 11 . . ... I I . .. .
. I , thehorseivaseitting. Ifivasworking .- : . - t . .. . .. I
. . . . . , . . � . - e a.iie'ShoWin -� ha s. foie the, h6li- * ... .... I ....
each ....... � ...... �. .. �.,.. % 1 50 , .. . .that $5,56w ill be. the ru inff 11111ce . bcm lts'way t6wards from passibg down Ille: Stream till tile � .9 SOM6, nb��
. 1. , Mr..Boll,froin the end . 11 . . .
. � . I
� . . . .1.
� we . ldng. :.Thb' En,lish beef market .-of ajobg�-tie linL�, and w*hcqi. quite lie * I ' ' ' " f his ' '. ' ' .
I � I . I I . . f( 6 'k Spring of eacl� yoar;has. to be �- - d. ' 'B'eing a
.... blown tip !� � . � &Y.. . on e of . ihe -�* ' I- .
. I �
I . . . . I 9 , ap , ass, . . . gents or t. i secti, for on . I I . ..! . � .,
. ' . , by olyilaluitb t I . . I . .
. , . as been le . -I ' b ' . 111 '. :.r, �.�� - , I
. I .
Hot Weather eorsels. . � . . . I . . �h� , st�oiag�r �Iduriner the A tn . libil, it is thong -,lit that 'h lee lizzilig a permit the raft to p. le'adingi New York h�A concerns, we, are -, in I . I . . I., 1. I -
. . Tam plu&+ '. .
. . . : . . , -and - to.2a out. . He -svil� out ill widsti. d ' coiletaint � - . . I
401 .1 . I . I . I . � I . I . ' �il about, Or gometbing % rribving ill " the thid,.Wh6tl from soylic'un, . Iccountithl ' ' toU. I. . , . .. . . .. . . ..
. , . . . repo . . III, r,ga f ' ' ed'hiiii. - Atarin I . I I 't *th'ACME ...... 11 .. I I . :.,�
0 1L r corset stock. includes such , . . . time -advances of fron7 I I, ?) ;U ell- Wj h ' * Pi trket,� which sets the'st �
rted, this �stiuiflatjng- ont- loca 0"'' . . . . . .
- ` mai.itkefs , 'shiiiiiie,xits , , " ,ndis righteu, y'ra;te, lie caitse the stuff. explooledbefore lie had wo , . . . .Yles: of %all . . . 'I
welF hnd*n ' and, making.. more ( enly.raisQ,ol his head. aiid stru6k. . :. , �. ... I I � : I
. ; . . . .
makes as Cl ompton s B & I and W. - B. the ,p,o I.. I%btivo, Tile lairib ui�trkee is', It thin'- , out with Ills fol . time to get *bry fat, wway. 0 I Au�erica. . Fashimi-Is fatesit.-And inaost fav6red, shapes.. ''. 1. - , , ,,, ,..,.
Whether . I I ' I .
pular- - not -to be -t1ii6light of lit tl .. r) .0 foot, which callie I'll � lie wasbIown'tci1fjjeiCe,s or tiltubledinto . H, . 1. - - . .... I � .. 1.� I �. i , . � ... I ...,
. � 10 proselit ' con t,a t. Aql�h Air Bell's IWt. check and I aro here ,and a st6ok,to ' 6 tb is nq:eqti
Ameri can coreet. We bbow a big asaortme,nt of the":. . . . -thoi.water� and drown6d,: or killed . I � . . 06lee't. fr m ,at al- - - - I
. . thna Owing to t le 8 -by. . 11 . l I . .
..... � . * I ' mrcity� of thOn in* nose. Tircring the flesh Slightly , aind -into the - wateri' I . I - . . .. . . . .. �. I ,� I . .; I . . ,. .. .: � ...
. I Our neighborhood..'.Tho wheat ' oatb.' callsin a perfuse fipw I ind fell unty. .. I 1. . .� . .. I . I .., . � � I I I _.
I . . I ' " I . . . .
, spee 1. . :Will never be known unless the bod is N . - I - .1 . I � . � . 1. . . I . 11 . ,r. I " I .
new ki les, ql!d bave cor"Is that are' made ,� �of Mom! from, !the ex0osion . . ed'in.'the.Co,
rep r , . . I I .. � . 1. . . I I . .
. I qt as.' bis'nose, as cailled. and found,'which t1w, Search for a wook ixi :* I . . I
iall for slight, mc-.diu and hay inarkvt is ril-ted. ) ter The, doctor w, � . . I . :. . :. o
. . . . - . 1:
I :� New.'Rrd Eati. $1.50 $2 00 $2.7501, . I 11 � � ..
, , 0 11:.N
a"' . . nipply andfarinprs belli; bit -1 , . He was. , we I a I
y m or full figur(,S, at each price", -the- Seil'�bnadv;lnces owhily ton, liiiilte(1 dressed t4ewounil, butwe are pleased falled t reveal. K"Is �
e h sy. wit .1 -to fearn that butskle. of ,a slightinitrilig btlift Inall. -of about 32 -years. of ,,tire I - I . . . I I I . .1 . . . �. . . .., I . I .
from 50c to $2,00. The values are the bestw* . astron,�; . I � -1 , . ". I I .
..' . their farni labors, 70c to lle, is 'cluotca -of his fade nothiok Serious Is antlepat- . . . :till- H. , " - , . . I . . . . . I . � � � � .
married, and was hoine On two . "� I " - . I I I 1 .� . I . . . .
� . . .
. - . . .. �
been stile to find. For the hot w(-fahe We have 9 ' � f6r the to�ulcir. hovy $8 to $10,an o -cell very linfortun- &.vigiF . . $1 50', $2'00 . . . .
,r . a ats ed. NIr,13ellbitsb I . .New S6ft Hats $3.00, 0 1 # * . . . .
y a � . I.. I .
.� � I *28cup, corn,smidis (1hotool frolu.,00c . ate of late, having hardly got'Oveii 'Ills 1,eav,s ago. A sister'of cleceased'; li,rilw. " � . . . � . I . . . . . . . . .. . I
new torsei that is bound to be a favolite, and, k. 9a trolt,is 6xliooted home, this wee : -4 . * . . � � .. .,. � . . . . . � .. '. f
. . . .
. .
� I � 11; j6 to 12c. . ., '.N w raw. I � . . .... 1;
. .. ,. I to.$1.10;.,I)(Y�1,1,ls".Wllite. front, $1.70 to Itist itedident, Which h0 red6ived while wl 1. X, 'q 'e' '-,5t . Ha.ts . I
ready very popu!ar. . . I .. ,:. . ...... -_ , I - -it sohiething il ore I . � 50cot $1'.00t.$1.50 .. "
1. , . . $1.00,buttor,13c to 15 , 'ell it is lloped th, .! � . . � . . . . , . ;
. . )c,, egg I otit.driVing, '. . ,'� , - I definifte can, 15o leaviled of tlli8� sor' . . . � I I I . I , .
I . - ; . � . I . ..: .. .. � ".. . . .. � � . .1 . . .:: . . 11. ': . ,�.. . .. 1. . . . . ., row,- . .. 1 I . . .. - � . I .... 1. . . I., I . , .. I �'. . I
Summer Corsets, . . . . .. . ., .. � . . . , ... . .
. I 1. . . . . ' . t "I ,:... . . .
made from good quality strong Batiatili fill and unexpecte.(I de,,tfll, Soln(� yk, ps I.., B,oys'Stra'w Ha, * .25 ). �.O . , . ..: .
. ..� - ,. F OOT BA 1,L -MATO 11, - The football _uri INTERP's, 4 - (if �Irs - s . c c and 75c ". -' . . � .. . .
. V TO RrIPLE' ,N lillother se . . � . I I
white only, wojist band, well boned, new full hip, nicely trimmed. I I Ar agol, )n N G.I�cn, David . . . I � ^_.. . . I I .. I '.
ee n � , 0 I . . I.: . '' . � . . I ... ..: -
I . . . I . I
- match ao1vvvthsLd'foi,, Saturihty did not Two m tings hhvoi bc6 hOld ill'tOlvxi by halue, was suddenly killed in It rail- I � I .. I .
with lace slid baby ribbon,a corset that will bo'cool and wear',oeli, - - - . nil-iterialize. but tbi-oil,;11 no fault. 0o t,he � . � . - I . .. . I ... . . I . . . I . . . .. . I . . , . I., I
per pair ................................... 11-1 ... 6 ........... k7 recently, the lair, one on Wednesday roadavicidentat Port Huron,. while oil - - ,.�,, � �_., �._.._ , .1 --. . I I .. __ I . .. . . . . .. .. I
* ,
. . .
.d 50c, local pt ' ., .: .. . . I
. I. I . . . . , rtyel:s. 111c.8eaforLb ciub-has a, - week,,* to promote file ihterests a . 0 - , I . I . * , 1. , � . . , I I I . . I ., .. ; .. � . -
0 - . I � . .. � : r..:. . . opiltati3n for I I " , -Of last . :Ills Way h'oinc t' be inarried. - Th , I . .. . I I .. I � � I I . . - , , � � . . . � I I � . .
. . . � . I r I ) ilf.1119 men ,%vh6 are qt rifle shooting. CApt',.Combepre- poor iii0ther is' heart -broken overthis �, I � ' % , . I I . i . .. . I . �.. �'. .
I I not eligible in tlj(i; fough Cillp tpatffips slilocUthe Auboxin; Clinton. and Godor- . I I .. . I .. . .
I � I . . , . last Itiniontable affidr, and -regrets atel I - , I ew, .. . . : :. "I., 1. . ... . I 1. 1. 1. k , 11
I � . 1. I 1. I and andeavored tci.do 30'shturday lit . ich tPwaship* assd6ationi;'beirig well'. . lleard� oil all sides in 'this heo hour- of P "Ill,# . � 61 . . � I . . ... . � ... �. .. .. ,.
I �
- - ' . . I I . .., �. . � I . . . � .
. represented,'. The object 6f the iiifttl . �. r ': � .. .� . . . . . .
I -
I . � t 6 lo� I aIq Were at� hon'e this tinid a'uoi . affliptioni :, , . . . . � , . I ... . ... . M I = AV . * -.I . I . . . : - . .11 I . .,:. r I : . . . I .
.. ,
arose ings'was to Create a funil'to secure.& . I . I . - - - I .''
- -S', , 1 . -
Slack eat StoCkVa : t��X
K, .. buld- not allow it., The trouble I
. "" , . I
� 16,im ; . . .
1 .61010 . . I , - . . . I ... I . . . �
. .,. Dygr two I)I ors, Tfa�% ,it drug clerk-, tro y, valqdd'at $?�5, to ))a dompeted. HAD A GOOD TIM &-A. cdfiti�gent, ill we ... � . . I I
. ' ' ; I I "If . Is d t . . .
I Have �,OU seen: tlIe" 9 and, ) a Id, a. medi'val til Cut, 'for y tllb copfity assoelatlonb� oil the of Royal.Temp!,alis from Loya : . . . .
. . . ' � . . . . I � . . . . . . . .
I .
. Th ough tfiese ineli'may, be 1�t . I - . � . . . . . : . - . I ..
new black cat.stockin oiodloot� Govenimentrangeq at Goderich, which cil, Clinton, vaid a, fraternalyv(ils�itltli; 11A I " I I I I .
� . p for. 1W � . � . . . . . I
igible to -are, 4ow u nde The I.Tution Council, Seaforth, oil Uoinday , I . � . I
* e , Ne neckwear V,,.me to ho,nd this wbek Noveb� . A
No bett r - ba][111,111YOrs tbeY Were not I U"b U248'! � of Prection , I
I . , '
I I spring. e stock-. , play on the lloigb', Cup team as was I rangs will 400, 5Q0 Itha 700 ,evening, - t btisisting. of Mrs.' F. AV,. � q . I .
� ing?. for boys and girls, are I clearly Shown by therst"cretarY ,of 'the'$ yar sf, seven shotsat each'Tange, with Watts,' TvIrs � Lavis) AlrS Balley. And I - ities tbatwgre'. shcwn f6r.the, first lime. Vot'very, many I . . . � . �
. . . I -r to 4. 11 .1 - . .. � - . .
. . W. i. A. �efusing registor them 'its- "one'sighting shot, Ali, eKeoutive coln. Misses Annie lrvliig,� Ida Ross; DOI V I
i made. OVer in Wiseonoin 9tv It The t, . � of Any'one kind. Those who � see them. first will got . . . .
I �� kefereq refused to let thesii Anittee,- Comprised of. the captains of Vantelon, Beatrice Green, I , , i! . . . I
11 11. i f .1 I
� .. two In lay 4114 called the galue. I e.1ch association, was appointed: to Lizzle Tro.whilt, Gertle Sage,'Laura' .the. choice..Come in Saturday and havo'a look at thin :- . :1 .'
, - . I
. ' ; �. . . .
,;- the home of tbe, black - cats, *hail te,1110190aforth team refused J-� 81tpt. George. ,Olson, T1,411niti, Lityle, . ,%-'and Andrews, I . � I I .. I
_ BLACK CAT BRAND over 700 people eD , I . � , � . . . . � . .1 I . . I I . .. . .
CW090 Rockford Hosiery Co. are I a t 80 the decusion Was given in favor ' Laftliwaite Goolorich P O., wao'612- 8adioii`3th?linF,,'W.lulAe 0oodwin, Sybil I - - NeW'B6ws and Strings at 25c,' ''. .. I � I . . . . . �
KEN0511A. WIS. . of ailliton and the Cup remains. �: I . 9 . .
Ima , ' .
�We I -poulted s6cretary treasurer, The c6n. CQuftice,' A ice, Burnett, Willie Kin 14 � I . � . � , .
I ,
: I
I -.1
- .�
t I I . I
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bulgy all the timo king I understand Secretary Forsyth, 6f the I ditions in the' competiti6lis tire (1) that Frank - Andrews, Will -F hiker, Ed .. K . . � . I . I
.F, I I . � . ..
I . . . ..
_ . . , . . I .. . I . , ...
. . . . � . I � .
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black cat stockings Do you think they W. 11'. A. upholds the actlon of the I each association, be charged a fee of $5, Walsh, Will. Kemp T. Halo,' James , New' four-in-hiands at 50c. - . . . .. 11 I I . I I .
Fou"d employ that many pe � le if -the -stock- ' I rpe,feree Ili the mattek I'll SPItii of the ? (2) that the cup. be Competed , for. an� Ford, John G.Vooper, Will Townsoind, r' I .. 1. . I . I . I . . I � I � I I
I op � � . PrOtCStS of the '80aforthites. Thd I nvally,.(3 tbat, the cup become the pro- I George Ballay, Silas Andrews, Russell .:1 . . . . . . . . � . . �. � . . � . I I . . � . . I I . 111. .. . . I P . I 1.
. - �
11 gs Tore not good? ' 6'. . . I I I referee, AV G ,Oultes,of Whigham, is an 11 pe OP the ,association wiqning it Andrews, 11". W. Watts, Waite Town. I ' ___ . I . ... I . I � 11
. . _ rtY A, . . . I 11
'ball. man. and thor- ree im s. ill,41jece qibli. - - , . I . . I
� I experienced foot- 1 tb t . 0 s Send, Hartley Watts. The meeting, I . I � . . . :. I I
I 8 , � . . . I I rch-, af- I . I .. I.. . . . 1 . . I .,
d 40c. . � � .... * . I � I
. . .
. . . 1� . I I
, bave'ud interests in-eitlier team, HOME C6MR1,118' FESTIVAL, he 'ter the regular business, the followin 7hose I 1. . .
� . .
Y linderstalids his bu ines�, 110 � . l,s heldin t6 Aletbodist, Chu .
I � .1 I -T g N . - . � . . . I I I I . . I
.,Aftp .1 I tZ1119111111IL19 'be Wits appollated by 11' C. t* . pro ram wits reudered. by the visitors ., . I I
Black Cat Stockings at 25e, 85e an W
-_q6-66ef^IqVU%A:�.6 1. . 211 - _ city of Toroutois alkinpranInteresin- I . . .
. I . 1. Wl 0881,Vright, preslifeut of thb W,'P. A. i � a . iress, by Select' Councillor Watts, 1% . . I . 1. : I .1 .
New Parasols. ,,epArture in Horse Shows and is hoIx-
. 1, . I I and In lix-teacher -of'Seaf6rtil. Coll. I .1 ga n6vol forin of equine Exhibition Obairnian; Solo. Mra,Bailey; 1,The Holy . - ,
Tnst"tho visitors had very. little to .In th C -t 90 , $10AW 00 SUN,* . ,
. e open air, dit1hoUttriloon. of July . ,I Y, Velonding to oncoro, "SaVeAlle . . . .. . . I
Our new parasol stock is liero. - Nobb Obj(iet Lot lblSadeplorable. state of 1 3rd in connection With the ,Old *Rouie BOY, reci ation- in character, T. Hale; I I . . I ..
Y . affairs when teachers will uphold. their gathering -which the Board of1rade of $010, Miss GVeen, "Watch . While' I
handles, mounted On strorig frames With toplil tb . upils lit such .4cheines, , h Tb * ose suits vre sWmaking to order fole $10.00
at I The spect& ) at city as arranged. Instead of ex- 816ON" Violin s6lo, Miss Olson, 1,81inplo I & . I
U a I tending, a Show over one Week ii) M4(14 "VIrs .
Will Dot cut or turn rusty. A big 4880twent and Tors were disappointed fil.not seenlig 0onfession," instrumental mMloy, I each are a Bargain. There is not a doubt of 1hat, 11U ,
� t . i ..
. . . I , 941110 liftOr hav 119 paid tile adwission , ision Square it will all be done. in one.. Watts, 141ss Timing, Hartley Watts, olikly reason we Eave for selfing them at so low a
. , I , it was illipossiblo to r0ttli'll the I hour of a. Sunny Summer afterhoon, - Will, Townsend, Walter Tommend, I I -
good values. Judge us by these. . . . foo, but, I 1, I I
I 11 ";,as it wolildhavebeenfm ossible I The beautiful Qtteen's Park and .- 6ni- Frank Andrews. they res, 30nded to a .. priee . j8,tbgt W16 haVe too heaVy il Woollen stook '
Our Special at 98c. . I '. I . � i 1tn()1li(.1hu9lliSh b0twcOn those wrio had �.versllty oval in Toronto furnish road;. hearty encore; 41hlogtio, Lilly 11eid and I aud
> This line is extra good value, and in fact is eaql'ly woktb till (It hose who, hall n bt paid the gates way around adjoining Circles of over, Goo. Balley -True Courage," vocal must reduce it. That is Why we Are.making � suilto At
t $1.25. The band lea are pretty designs in fAn6g Dresden, or unt. hav1ii,- been left unattenclea while the' I , . .
er mountin he. I two miles and on these will be ranged solo�Anriol`.ving, I'The\)�ettercamo I .
I bral wood with SilV argWv -.116 Over t, , $10A tbat sold at $14.00, $15.00 and $16.00. We
,,'I"".f" q
- 1he iOP IF A= and strong, inc +�111 Ills ping oft upwitrdsof500-horses And earriaq�s,. at lit t;" I
. - . , I_-- ___.s _,kSf�p2e!itl.-vequest\Mi�sli?vitig , In .OD hla+ ,all whA 13116
. willnotout andwillholilt+. Ile I bI I I ,..,., " �fArl 'a +1k. 1-�.-__ I - A- _____ -A . -1. -4 . ___ --,I - .1 W - . - - - 'A Ati3vin -I il"W, i� a� 0
I I . .. or wall. The frame is strong, .
�il ribs hollow, rods steel, and have Potent rubbers. - Taking it. All
1. round it is the beat parasol value we eyetsold, each.. 4 4.. $1, ........ 98c, 1
tl . .
i no RUA0 � . . 1p
, Hadfia . I.
oluet, & -e . " %;. a gVV lum as It
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Lif-0181 you rsidilefvl)pti'ce.Coireilamr,(Iiseeth,g,E , ,
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