HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-05-22, Page 7-9 JFr V.F,?—. T- 7— 7— ----%W1—W'FF11WW I . . ....... T.,�--wwFor _.,.."
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I . I � .N. , _M, .. __ I __ I - - 1. 1. � ''I'll I.— """Nolk I
� if,.M.H I ri �, . - . - __... 1-1 I'M " ,-,-- . I.., I,---- "! t !I � ,-- I , I 11 I..
. Sm " ............... . . . . . . . . I'll, I
. � . . � I I I : JOT A C0140 I An Athletk F41aicy. 1. '. ".. .
's - I , I '' - . 1=KRUCIATING LUMBAGO
� I At 1 %
. . .. � UTTLED IN THE MONEYS Commenting On the recent defo avwf I NO I I
I � , , , tu . . o. I of
r '.I
, . I -_ , ARE L 11
. I � I �, . � Walter' X. Travis, the golf cbs,ns- . '
. . . . 0t . A . eon James,
� .. . I I 1, f,0111111� or V . . i AVT IT TURNCD TO PROP$. w York 1%kening Post" says. PERMANENTO' CU
I I , I _ 1 " RED*
.1 I . I & . - , I I "With all friendly feeling for Mir. Travis, :.� 'O -11 " � - I
. .. .. �- � ! . IM WAS amm Im most. golfers will rejoice in We defeat. It 'P. 0 J
.. I . . ' Is o n 1;-r . I . 1'. . � 1, � OR ( � I
ad,tIc human nature to wish to see a .
. � tr n of invincibility brol and for
I �.. �� 11 -1 ,.. :1 I , , �' DOAN'S KIDNE Y three years .Vast. Mr. Travis. ho'nal been in- a 'A severe cVfe Which proves the power of Dr. Pitchees, " ' '
. - I 11 I I 11 vincible. Ui was god is the finest ex- micko,che Kidney Tablets to core so thot you stay cured,
. I �� .1 . . . I . - � ;i PILLS# am of what ,Are called the older p . I I
. �., . �� �f "' . I ers!llhat 14, those who had reachedill'uyii. .
. I ,, I .� . . I ; ." . � li I Roall of This Wonilqrful Cure. maturity before handling the driver or There Am very few people in RaveloC14 Out., or vloini
I*--% I Oft . ; It May Do You or- 7our "ends I I
. � I I I 000'r , r Some the Iron. It was felt, .and justif, that Who do not, knoir 'Mr. William Rwynoldis,. th . opular 0. r. t �
. I 0 r, :i 4 . � 9. p . .
... _a_ I -- . Qoo4 to Know About It. the younger pla,y.ers, who. had earned O*V4% brakesman, whose picture Appears Aem I
.. I I . _ � I - their full swings during the flexible per- I
% . I I _A___:, -_ . Emith. . severe attao
I I I 1 -7 . . 311se Agnes Creelman, Upper iod of I)Oyhood, 'must very soon assert I . About two years ago he was laid up with a � kof
. � � I ) I ' � I . lumbago, which cattood. him oxcruciatifig pain, s
. .WaARMXR'$ HOMES . Private I)aIrying, . Seld, IT,$,, writes. -About 1p months I � o that to sto,op .
I I I . . I .. � ,. . n m their s erfority, This has been done . over or turn . . .
. b Mr. ames, a Western player, - But . He heard of Dr, Pitcher a Backache Kidney Tablets bei
I "I - . 1 There is no question :but ago I caught cold, It settled I y kid" I - . , in W was Agony, L
private .,neys, and Anally turned into Dropsy .M .
. I IF11FA loven 014 81maliest of Ith"011% MAY . I , U 9r. Travis has not fallen before demon- I's
, . I pe . I . butterin4king, intelligently and skilfully face, limbs, and feet were ver,y mucK �� ldd remedy for such complaints. as his. He took ,,%
, figade'. . strating the hollowness of several ath: I— I 1 Tit lets.ana they cured him. Sinci.'then Mr.' ,W�y '
- conducted, can be madc, and is made, bloated, and it I pressed my.finger on I letie fallacies. It Is often said that Atit . 11 . I ' � �nolols lias hAA
. . . I W,s often see In the Papers almost - . them it would make a -white Impressloi . . I . no return of. his old trouble, and has rocommen-'ed Dr. Pitcher'4
. ,
more reinunciative, than the factory . .I letIoAlly, it iff Ail up with a man i�yond, Tablets to many men'ou the road, such as fiv,-men, engineers,r '
.. I.Ing artlelos on farm life and farm, . that would last fully a minute before,
Some e,n,. .ble advic br . �_yqoq. I wish to silo v- thirty who has not previously been '
, . how luxur- systein.. This, is beiii � r v n by nuin the flesh'regained its natural culor. I An . conauctors, and fellow-brakc9men, all. of'whom, from the nature of their occupatiOT4
. I- ,e , �4 P U C '
I lotio q_y t 11011111 crous exaluples about us. The reason was advised to try DOAN'S KIDNEY athlete. Proverbs to this effect aboutid. , le, allif, in every ju#A,Wq, t l;ij fs 1
" .he aiiiallest fartaOrts, are liable to b4d backa; and kidney troub I . -be T% A hw*�
- wmen passing throUgh tO, in, ' - It is said, toi, example, that a man, may proved ol.'40041, � . .
l - ,,#14is gud his lia-, the willing- for this is ,not far to seek. In the PILLS, and before I had .used ha If a box ride beyond -thirty, but never acquires "a '
"ag period. Pelts -`o Isvoric. One of thF, gredteot dan- factory systeul, the cost o'i handling the I ,could notice &it impromnent, and the seat," and In general the Imin of thirty . . 1. STATF-MENTMAY 31st. 1900- .
. 'The Painful and annoying s' -1eris.t9 our peap'e and thewathlug peo- milk -6r ,erc�*ini, and of making ana sell- one box. completely cured me, 'I have I as a beginner Ili sports has about the con- This I-, what Mr. William' I ReynoldF; had to say about Dr. Pitches . Backeahit .
toms experienced by most Wo M,P' �,le all over our faiv Inntl to day, lies 4n ing the product,',.$ paid for at the fac- never been troubled li-ItIr it sime, thanks sideration.that Dr, Johnson gave to the Kidney T4hIets on May 31st, 1900, just after he was cured -. - I I I
I men - ilways wanting to, gritgp the world and tor!. In private uairying ,ill the la- to DOAN'S XIDNLEY PILLS. - preaching womin. Mr. Travis, by learn- 411 bail lumbago so bad whell I got Dr. Pitcher's Backache Xiducy Tablets frous
-at this p�rlod of life are easily over- give not�ilug in return. but "I t Mid hardly move, It was most painful to turn in ..
F all
.,. P'lulf
& 'I ,d detail involved in the making , Price 50c. per box, or a -boxes for $1.25, Ing a very difficult game, beyoud.the. fa- - A. C. Denikei the driiggisb, hat I 09
come by Lydia )am's J� am a farmer's wife, and was a -far- and sellhigIs done by the pat -ties car� all dealers, or The Doan Kidney PiU.00,, tal year,.and by carrying off for three bed,. ThOrq ivas a dull nagging aching in 1, -
. 1 k, Vegetable Compound. It is espe- mor's daughter at a time When luxuries tying oil ttie business, and is just that Toronto, OAL- .. . years xtinning !Ile chamlilonship honors stoop . - 16 sm,all. of my back contW-.-,zMv,'and to
� Wally designed to meet the needs .were rare things, w -ben a. barrel of ap- much addeu to the receipts for the . . t ,lot or assume arl'upright position after sitting was extremely painful., "this ;was .
I I . . . -4 .
V , . I . . . I against. all-c6luen, has done much' 0, the only time I suill8red that way -, iny case .was becoming ebronie., and the
I JLfr Woman 8 -system at the trying 9 was doled (.')ut to no. one by one-, product, Forther than tnat, where the . . I _ ... ......" . __ commend himself to Ilia contemporaries mmodies tl�4 forinc�ly. gave me relief did. not helo me now in the leo,st. * I found. .
� �
Mrine of change of life. . lvhoen we received our education In, the selling is dir;!6t to consumers, iis-in - - , . . I -even to those who by no itie4lis covet though, thtit, as soon as I started taking Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablets, they ,
It is no exaggeration to state that old log schoolhouse, with slabs for a many. cases can casily be arranged, lni,prov�4t Jltwau oncits. . � distinction on the lirks. It is a, comfort he'.ped me at once, They have reinoyed'the. whole, trouble. I have neltber painnor
� Mrs. I"inkham. has over 5000 letters seat and another with the swooth side the profits of the.grucO- ;ire also se- . A 'ward coneorui,ig this stra,jig '01 to have those wretched proverbs about. lameness now. .1 cannot say too much for them, and I heartily recommend them.", .
. ,&a the, following proving the great 'Ju*ned up served -as a desk, when the cured . . . I . I
�, r . . , by the dairyinan making . the 'Pekino may not be out of piace for thi the. thlrticth ycAr.dNproyed,11 . . - . . � . (Signed) � Wj�. Rm�zioms. , .
. V*altle of her medicine at such ti' , Indian's wigwairt was not a curiosityj product. All this adds a considerable Information ot'tho,;e who wotild thlub ,. . . . . . I . . . . I .
mes. and I ran many a day all the way to figure to what is paid at the factory . that they are 'a "new thing.,, Such IS � I I ,, .0 I . . . . ., . STATEME14T MARCH 29th, 1902. � � I I
"% wish to thank Mrs. Pinkham. for I . . I .1 � . - � . . .
h t her imedicine has done for me. school for fear I nilght meet tho dusky to the farmcr whQ mak,cs the tuilk, , not.'tbe case;. they are- an. "old thing,l . Irish Politics. When otir repreFentativo called on Mr. Reynolds, recently, he did not hesitate. to. ' '
ail lible, was change of life. . wia I . I — . , I
� �' ]W�y tro, his tmm�; on I sat So private dairyi,,ng can still be Com- the foundatiou being laid years ago I - . , ' ,,speak in flio highest, ternis of Dr. Pitcher*R Backache Kidney Tablets, and the Perm". �
I 1.1 Four, occupant On ,
K,eara ago my health began to fail,'MY night after night ,filling the old candle arended to all �micrs wherd liberal , Crom the purest of pure Peklus obtain. The tragic, times in Ireland, when tiout iroAhev hadniade in his case. Saidlie, "I have never had any return of thits I
a, began to grow dizzy, my eyes moulds that we might hAve,the where- � receipts and prompt payment are - ,k. able,aud Improved from year.to yeal peasant was at open war with landlord Itimbago ilt)(f Molney tintible which attacked me so seXerely in the spring of 190.
admed me, and at times it seemed withal to light us through another- neccssit,y�or arc the leading motive for ,�Aon t e most Important lines, namoR and all were at W4r with English 'rule, t)r. 1%��(!ber's Kidney Tablets made a ccimpOte and thorough cure flien, and I It - , -
as . . ., � . ava - ,
. , back would fall me, had terrible year's evellings;- tit(, wildl strawberries - effort. . . � . _. -1-1- are relieved li�ir�n� gboq, stories. .A* never -been 4otheml since." . I I......, . . . . .
I . . % ILI), . . .1 __: .
s across the Icidneys. ' Hot flashes of the fields and the blackberries of the , But notwithstanding the greater: re- I , I . Mr. Alielinel . mgh says in Ills . . � .. I . 11 I
I I I .. .. . _. - . -1 . . w. . . . .1 . .
11 A. Coromto-'and the wild plum& er6 our 1� , , ... I I book, O'Lish -Life and Charticter," the : 1. � � . � . I ... . I 11 .
w very frequent . and trying. . w ta ipts from . Private dairy busintss,.1 . - ,')N OF A. C. DENWE, DRUGGI$.T.
. . I ..
, there is on the , ,. . I I " , felirial, Celt is whillisical even in tinle Tir" A. 0. D-Ilike, P1lnl._B.:, the:well.k own druggist and,olitician of Harelcd�; .
I n Ise'd me to' try Lydia, . '.. ;. ,me
fr, d adv fruit, which were often -put up in maple a standing'reluctaiice . . . I I . .
. E. Pinkham's Vegetable Oom., sugar .for the next winter's. Supplies; part of farmers, 'even those,'who. are , N. .�. . .. of trouble, 1. I I . . . . n .
. � . �
. .
.. .:., . I � -w Iio I � .
� - ,.who sold'Mr, R( -v 44bt ,Tablet.�,writes:- . I � .1 . . 1
4 I . I � Wh Mr. A. J.-Ball'bur, the grqsent. 14 I am U0qllL"A,i,;4 yd th Mr. N�'m. Reynolds, brakesman ow th'a C. P. X, and know' I
d. I have taken six bottles of it therefore I think I can titioroughly ap.' in pressing need'of its advantages, to 4� i . . , , rrem On , . . . I . I
and am to -day free from those troublm preclate the tliftys of to -day, and I engage in such a line*,6f. effort. There f , - ier, was Chief Secretary. for Ire- that aboup two years ago'be suffered greatly from luniliago and kidney trouble. Ife -
, 4(' , . . .
I cannot speak in high enouglh terms wish to indicate home Ql! the things thtit seems to �be a .general dislike among ! . A . . . land, .he met Father Healy A a dinner Ina-.1vioeu Dr. Pitubier*H Davloache Kfolney Tablets fi i hey'w'ere
. �, V . . . . . I (
i3f the medicine. I recommend it to all -study'up, engage in, and I . � . 1;,"', , . in Dublin. . . � . om me, and claims that t �
caA be raised onau ordinary farm, farmers. to I I .��,N * . % . "Tell me,'Filthor ITchly," said Air. Bill. - tile -weaus of curing him, wid'I believe this to be the case. I, underistAnd from him
I � .. . .
, ,
and wish every suffering wontan would - with the tare that .can -be given by the. ,continuously 'a.ttenld to the details .of 1 *. A., �_ Unit Ance Dr. Pitcher's Tablots cured him he baq had no return of the trouble." �
. . . . I I �, . W tnt . four, "I's it true the people .of Ireland, , . .. -
" . '. . 1 ss or to take ill r , .- - � I . . I (Signtd) ,,. A C. D=Nuix.
give it a trial. -BELLA. Ross, 88 Mont- family. . . I . btisine ) any� line .of 0- .. ,&�n3�_ I hate me'as iruich n the Nationalist . .1 . . I . I
. clair Ave., Rosliudale, Mass. - 16000 for- In the first place, with an ordinary I,, fort calling for attentioA to the -little I., . " .. � , I , a I 11 . . oil . . - '
felt If Original of aboue letter proul"gr gilnuhW&O . hings'Involved in its 4ticcessful issne. I .... � newqPaIlers represent?" . .. .., Dr. Pitcher's.8a ache Kidney Tablets are 50a. a bottle or $-for $1.25, li.t.-alli
I .
I I . .
=020101t be prodwed. . hot hed, which anyone can Wifid, ydu - t . - / .W_.� 4"Hate youl" 'replied the pri-st. "It dr,4-1- ts or by mail. T _Torouto,.Ont., 7 � - . - . .
� can have.'tbe most, fleli-rous va�15.hiiI,. They seern .to o�crlook,fhe fact- Well - -I'. , . . nis I . . _hO'D9rZinaP!WIxarQ9., . .11 . � . . .. 1. . . .
. . . I N -, :7,4 I-" � . I they hated evil iis't4ey,liate,you, Mr - - . � I ,� I . .1 . . I. .� .
. understood in-businesi cii-06' that su& ) . � . � I
. and lettuce for ths taWc u. -� Ell a,,; na r , - � 11 , T3 i* s 4: 1 T. ;1 . �
� � I
___ . . __ . _M._�=_ - a, on,, Illy ocei. pit on wou d. e gone. --� - .-
gus t(id "spinadi are I cady, OfteiltimeS, ,.ccsk c��erywhcrc is' dependent on at- f '' - T�__ __ - =0 � Yet it wits Xr. Balfour who. 0A few' I , I .. I —1 . I . . . . .- . . . I . I
. . tention. to dgUils individually small, but —_ . * . �
. . If one Is niar a sn"al) town. ihe purplus I , I years later liar], or-complished much .to. . I . . �
I-- - ___ — ' - - ' . _:_.�; F , . . . .
. W—eo swell burying ground, s '; I have often -_ -----.-----..r ,War( - - Ilia . 0 ... CURE . I
I can.bo ea 113, disiiO.-ifu0i ('Z � important in their combinations.' No- - Heland. KENDALL'S �:."N , _;
� ,
id Drid . , . Ahis rnore iffipb.rtant � than on , C . .. the pacification of theold reliable rented * for 8 . . . . . I
I iwbich is now the subject of lekialation $Old $50 worth'of cabliago, and usually �J where is . I � � .. .. .M,;*_.'.�._ ..'_ � . ,name became ait:uil!igly prorninent ln ' a' a anes. splint&. I .. I . � . .
I .. I . . . =. etc., an . I or o L One .. It orksthota Mft . .
' the farm, It especially.ippjies to the . . I Irish familiek A g-crtleman diivjno, into , ut.ble; , t � I .
Un the English Parliam.ent, is the resting tell a sufficient quantity of'strawberries business. of Private dairying, . RePice, ' - sui-orloir., site rR-,�W growth,: eirli , Q e toN% . 11 rJ . � .. . annu.a Y, ur . not . . 10% I I I I I , I . . . I
� IrSoe of Mine, Creswell, so often- ifq buy the fruit I tatinot grow. Straw-. . . . �F I I . I .1 We.41pert, County: �'Ta�yoi . . . I .
. ,4 men- . . . I . . . I
' toned by the Charks IL dramatists, who berries three timea a day for weeks, though theYOA� money in it, yet ikere.', nd prolific layers. 11 you havO,pokinj I . . : . . . - ..
. . . ; lvas'latbppedby a 'pig w1ileli-rhiiAn front I I. �
'died in Bridewell Prison, and left :eI0 with delicious eream� and sugar�the � Is widespread. reluctdncc t6 engage in. I hich will Areas twelve to. fourleca . 'of his, hili-, A!, �1,N;;r,,,mt. shon' ' I � � 11 !� I I I I
. 1, . . - I tod . � . .
, . I . � . I
. the business .. . . pounds Per pair at ten 'weeks ,old, a'ad across. Cie ditell 6 a 1,�iv xvLo . .
gi?rft sennon to be prea;ched at her funer. very. thought makes' one .long for . . . I . I *1 " � I I I .. . . was I .. I . I . . . I
. '. . . . I
'. .
spring. *Then bomef raspberries, cur-. . �� ; � . .
W on condition that nothing should be a 'h and fifty to one Illin. , wilt(.1kif . . I .11 �: -
The- q*uistion. of av 'liable elp 'for �. .1 . - . - I . � � � . . � � - .
. ., lay. one hundi6d. . ig tlle�. 11'1_'� 1,�,;111',Ii - , . I � - - LiQ
I . - terpri�se is n6 rubman dred. . - ' `Arrahj- �Nlivk,.wl�l' ve . stir .-,% r, If? ' . 11 ,� . I . . .1.
Q4 of her but wh_a,t was weil. The rants, gooseberries, cherries, Vapea; , private of ' airy en ' ' .and sixty eggs a season, bp-lrx, . I . I . , . I I . . . . � . I .
then there Is the honey of which a- good e way In 11,en you don"11 - ,Don? t * y O see , Al - J,1!11(,A * f&li;6A' - . , . . ,
stly r got out of the difficulty rather . . obstacle. in.' th " i this business' laing early I* December, -i I -0111P,-, '. I . P . ,,, �_ 1'� I I � I.,
siur� than ill It thdr. � It. has been-. lealln'1 tin roveineut; but if '-ot.*. a %valy ?'3 . � . I . . . � .
by sa7ingz "All that I shall sm .part 1,� stored for wiliter..aud thii a y, 0 . , ineed any P . ". .. . A., 2VIC:KOW'.3�T �
� b L" , " , . , " . . .
y It a ake but- , ,bave not, then the 136� , . ,Li ii k -f, I 11 hts I . . . . � . - , . I
III is this: She was barn well, she plus sold. to pay the ,expenses. - These nien nd'bovs'can ni .1 I praved P0d*.-,-an1 , : 1, ': Y L,Ae-11 a0, ., , , ;.. 11. '. . . . . . -1. I . -.1 .
I . �' . � . 59AM PAV I - . .. ...
.. - I I 'a . �L I (� viii�,* b, n6t out'the '.
ed well and she died well; for she wa4 are what'may be called .the lUxUrles;.] ,t�r ., hd checse, and �arry 0111 the, de-. .what you want, and wlAat. you , nillis' asketi Ow 01 nit -i :0 r f it, a n (I foinid � FE , FAININ I I HarneA ' , i - . - I - L : . I
. . I - . � I li- -, � -a Af 9.: Tyle.-IFIRTEN, ill Td, - :1 , .
. with the name Oi 'Creswell, she lived the tails'afiL.w.ell'aS women, . There 'are 41- kave to bring the niosL stitIsfitiAory ,a �Allnt ill gratiul(IO r�)..'wir. Laifour,- Vlb() ) I � nl(g',V I t . . .
I . n there are the eggs and poultry, the L I L . I I I � .. . , I I . �
Clerkenwell and she died in' Bffde- surplus from which, will net a nice lit- owing ill) aild' .,. aults,. I I . -I)MIll L11V 111:4-4, �' ', t i ' --flior % , 11 .1 . 11 Tru al 'Autijuns d��, : . - , . . - �
. I . L young men , , S � L � ,:. 1% - , , , _�,_,�". I 11tid e nQ .Ill. t'. ,o ( . ' , L�
well.11 . . . tle amount' for some member of the: - =n1�YSngr,0y,,nt, - AVoik of 'any I _ I . pi", 'tI,e �cas"Jift ll,iii, givelli �.,J;_- a;L,..;_l I . lia� � -w i �e.rytbjnou ,,, , 4 .06t,ok.1 I . . . �
. . 'L L 9 .1 P L . '� I I , , I L . . I . L I . . . � . . !L�- , %k �, I il'. Lt'eq de- G6od ii d Obeli .
l I kind never should be drudgery .. and ' . . . hITTIO ills. . . . . . . . n I
. � It has been said (if the Southern dar- family who will care for tbem-perhgo,. 'I ., Itertility s'n(l PrmI1uei'-.r1 "'IftIrf.'r. 1. "' , . , , '. ' ' ' . . V ; I . . . . . . - L' .,. .. � . ." :
never should be looked tip'on in'such . I - - I _ , .L. ' .. . : . . ,L . t Y. I .
always a cleat idea reaching into the hundizeds it good care .. . ' .:. _ I i -, �t -If it pit etis .a 8% p6d a:1 1, - ... I
Ik" that he has not , . .. I ... . � 1. . It iber.O'ls one thing rio� v:thart .n -a'- - ' . .. I : . I .. . . � . .
1. 1. . L light fly youbg .people properly beought I � . %)"I'., 119t lk)11�, ._J('f, - Q,l'. I �, �% '. - Li .� 1. I I 'L , . I I .
. is to property rights, but on some points Its taken. - . . i �W_ * I r : . enters this problem it u _ _' tll.(, - � . . .
. I _ . . L . . oQier tbat , , . -4 I . " '
I I It appears that he is not in 'the least ' _�_ L . . I I . 1, . up. -Ke. listened to a valuable pi�ei I I p . I . Sit - %nrell ill 01i; vtlL�(,�Ii,; " , . C4 I -let twul and I ill due you
, . 1,. . . . - I . - . W L
� ,
+- L . I ,� : . � . . . A .L,.,. a, subordinate ,grange :wOrk. �Work, study, ithilik' _-- _ I , I ..; , dui,"*kll1c1lt.. of . I.. . L
. L . , . , ., I
8 awl ' royal : l,daO .1 . ,,%,-.i � , ': .,. . . .. -1 .' � . . .
I lhazy. An old colored L * - erwir d .. .. , . . read , before , , . Oil this the AF,tnr Lilly;1T," Nv.(,),(� 111,11-11illo at , . � 11
man in the days - . . vq.ra. I F.. H .41opendis OuAhO$e. , . - , , . I . . . . . . . ... . I . .... . L, .
e of his m%s- . . fiieetin g a -f6v days -ago by Af rs. , . ':. a, beginmer tbere who catalo"llkL, 01-061; jL : COMPIO . t - . � � I
- rbelo' de wa-b" was given on' , There are h numberof ways ;: .1 thorough tillagg Is. a p-ime fw.t6r, , . 0( . .11 I. .1 . . 1, .
. I . of Pr6' Ilerrick, a woman' ofcu)tur`e and of; . . ' )jnQ 6f L t'l'� � . 0 curoi'for� Done Spain. � . � . . . - . . I
. .
4eeis cast-off hats, -which be wore with tecting corn from. the. depredations of - ' ' F. iny success has,lieen ii�akle lit. da,JLN.", " roots under **LLtLt0." 1311t 0 4 . . . . ussell, �ianit . olm, Jan. 20, SM.' .. ;. I . . I . �'. I I . - � . .1 . � ,
- ' - .t�,` ., , L - . . . . . ,, I
educaf h call ing4attchtio� to'the* .. I 11. 1. � ., I '' 11"i-IT1101"; C-l"W"I'S ' . I I It .. . .. I . � .
e One Sunday his masteT met crows, - One of the simplest, Is to coat-. . 0P_ J Good cows. and liberal feed are - '-.� - -11', I I 0 :(' ' , Dr. R 1. Kendalt Co.. Cendernen ,' I had ,to treat' a youn - ,� *,,� \.% . . .
I rt �p ,� a,l1'03* .. . L .1. . .;
, ' 1;!Ca, .t 111111111ill :". . ars agowhich had 4 Bone E avin all '. P , — � � , " n, _ L � . ..
,:t pride. P utnt,c, for proritable employnient die jutit ',I �i , , -- %, I .. 9 * L _ L
0 sa Mall, ve 1,; :)'�vl horse of Ailne four Y. �;K , i�,.� � 1
!;_4 "(1jy Swul en; So t"Id . t �, _.;. � , ': I . L .
coming home from a carilp-meeting the Efeeds %th tar. Plaoe a lialf bush- always, 1`61lowed bY' P rel.: I I � got kicked on rise same leir and was very b [ft . . . �., .
, �. I _., - . . I . .
. . . �' 0 U, %, �,U.11�.,'l %k,.:;o I.t. not, 'J'A 0.1 4 7 ml-, that I bad to bathe at in warru water then applied Kendalft ' , �, '.',, . r .
,* a or for btisine4 enterprige right hene'in -e 1. , a ' " ' ' " I' ` I ff��!.I-�_--t�- --I . .
a pouring rain, bareheaded faxtd hol& el of seed basket agol pour on hot .ones oWn vicinity instead of L flocking . I '.When. 11 stafted, inAll bnsl 1,-b�- � b,��,.I�. -1, . . . . .1 , ,.", % . -
._ L . . . L .: .
. .1101 t - �/, t -_ - ----,I- ,; % ��., I . L . . I I
I . -the . water enough ,to molatela and he,,vt a N . .. a I I tlio� intricacif,§,of - work 'was cata. Spavin Cure. I lukd Typhoid Favor the same uInter and on) ,I - �,._ , . . . . I . I
pg ale hat, under his coat. Later on . 111, d cf ' " 1, I � � I." 'So L .
. I bria and a mul bottios to care is leg ,�jtji veq - , .... . I . .,
. . to. the citics for pwitions. as - type- : L a�ttudylnig, the feeding and ,a.kia 1.',,� 1' PUI*4. .. 16gaino a set of :%,vorlss . gaye Me Nonadirs'spavin Cure hatra change, and it only too . �=---� - . 1% ,� , . .
- jocosely: ",Why. ' I ap L C, . I I and it did so completely h slim treatinta . . I. . . - . .,.,� . I � I
niastar questioned him . the seedalk then ImmedAl and ,value .of the , d!Ck;;-cLt, 1d, �; I . I.. . I
ate Y - Ply TL writers 6 lb '" that you would never nowthathe � , ,., - N , . . . . � I.
. .. I I . 1. . 1) a spavin ; 4 as gone lame, since. - � n!,�_-_ � .. .. . I I I � �L
. .
didn't you wear y6ur hat, JeLrry?' Did I tar and stir the . _at. *for Ole wiwo: � . . . I I. .� , -
. pint of pine or 'e . oa . r shop kirls. , In .this bu�iw,. 1� : grn.lm I soon learned , . . , it never h �, r . . ... . I
. 1. . .L nc��% of butterinaking' and 'cheesemak-� I 1"'�_- �d,NIil1,OuJ,ibvi-IN-." - L. .. . I V cry truty yours$ GED. S. HARRIS. . . . A .. . �
.. I I . 1, . . . _ "7 . �. L
. . .e .. I
feel the need of epoling your head?". wllolb� rapidly for some, time, .' Every toli Of. corn fed out i. got, $0 W01thl w ` , . �7:7`7' '7 _o . __�'! .0 .." 1.
. I ,
4!O, -ing, is opportunity for young 'mel'i -or . . . I .1.*."!f0.o1l flte, 1-1,4,-;,4�;) . " . " I .. Such. indqrsements as the, oibovis ate a i � mirantee of meriL L I . , .[�_ , % . I . - J� . I .V , .k I s ... � - . �
I L,:L, ;,% ) 'A�0,4';.,�ig _'� � f '
u see it's. like dis, s%h/` responded ortility 'to put: to Wilt k iii my s6il.r .Prioeji; 01Z for $6. Asa.linlipentforf;imilyuteiitbasno . ' . ::'elmo - �-�oi, . . % L ' .1
� c -f ke% 1q; -N - A�-. .
I seed.wIll-thus become created,and if a n.. t6 . remain it I brati and . I Tlv�t Jk olip of tho hi0-Ari`_11lk 'L \\� ' .
I I .young wolne it I . L . 11 . . � �. ' "L "I
Jerry. "My head Lis Yours, but My hat I " ' -slak6d lime is theh i - . 1. .'horts double and col *',).T!-9cod il�16; -tit ,� ..'11-111115 (11 ':�'. and , w("r . one . , ';�, '&;.', ,,� . I � I " L. - �L. . L ._ I .
quantity of air ali find eniploynient or enga4c In business ' � ,!1. jIbl' �,.� � I it li.d % -.�� .r 'r77`� 1. . :' ; ht � 1, I .� � .. L . .
. I
,te 4, Prof * ., n' ,
ne, and n4chelly I feels like 'taking pit t dr� *and easily �ble - - . I *, '. �_ ,q
" � 7 11, . , ,
is mi i , d, It will relider I L q1 inore .than thred fluies as - much. .tvl.i i4 �, a4 allifloi ig -aa t1it; result U.R-P.J. KkNUALL*U0.,FN05I5UK0 FALLUilit. ' , 4; . . ... , ' I t� , . . . .
. I . I .and even more ` . .1.11 t, . .. % Thia i� I . . ._ I . I .
- ,�
. ewe 0 ' L 't 4 )LOUX (� I ' .. . . I . . , ,..,L,�, , � , e.". 11. 1. . .L. .. I :
. .
The crows *111 pull up - tho �11e, 0 .. . .' I . . . . __�. . ,� -w� I �,4 � , , %, I , �.. . . _. ': ' � , � I t , " L..
b It, sill -11 handled. , al butter paid all. grain 'bills and, a is#, I alvlaxiatij'. iiie�qpiriu�'e.a, and I . � .. , , L 1�' I
thful than, tfic- sedentary employ-, � . —, , _. :, ,� I- ,
. . . .
I . .. . . . . . .
I L ' When Lord Beaconsfield. waft at the plantstp oat the seed, but coming'in ment: of I the. cities. These opportuni- - st be ". . . . . . . I 11 .1 . . L . X. . .� ��.. - 1: . .
. i ew I m1i, ,on fbi iead: I I . I , , :�,,�,�',
. Mr" contact with the tarred. geed, they tire . I fert L11gL'PoW_ ' 4 1 1 ' - L- . . I I � , 7�� ,__"4. L '( �, "� . ''. , L L' i - . �
-height of his fame, one of hi.s most . � ties and niany .()tllerg connected.,Witli I x6ad to success, as the iliz;, I'Lead-See Metsyllurgy.". �4j -=11 I L . . . -1 . .. . , . t, , . F 1, .. . ... . . I . I . . . I
dent supporters in the House of Com- ' . ! - , �� , ; � . I - ! ,� ,"'. � -.4. A'.� / * L .. _
I I although out.of ilght, .'Was In 014 T "Lead-KindlyLialit." '. ! ' I - "t - ,, -� ;* . I I
I . I . I I thoroughly disgusted with its'flavor, the farm are overtooked by parents, .L or, . . PA f 1rum A. . �.. .- ... . J . I 1. . i .
anons I . . ,.",,�. . .. .
n 7, � - . �_11�.. 114". 1 , 4 , I . .
19 it'dthe , remidilder' .. . . . - - .1 - .. AIRE -I.;, �r..__ ,- .� .1i . �
asked as a a' lial favor that Ito ' :oil, -to. sho%� itself -in crops In duq- ', aLead-Poiso . ,
� � , wIl -be L untouolled ' .and-, of course, as a. rcs'ilt am not . eason. I cin uov�-mauqi,e 3 ' I . . . nkng." . .. I I '�:Z Q.4 .91 . I' $;election) to' eve . . , I . �. .
. .
. L 'otfi- - - itietch white' . ' 1 .1 . ... . � . . . . (�o I ry vhs�- I I P 5. - , I , . . . , .. .. I . I
might bring his son to Downing street, I , * M . , Acres of . . 1. . .1 .. . . . . .0ai . . . I a , . I . I . I
, , . OiLty 90 cents'a, .. V I . 1".. . . .
. I e ' r. ' . . ., I . .
suit that "the greatest -man -of the age'? xn ef .- -Way - ' Is -to: seen by'the rising g meration. �or% where'i few years ago -could bartw I I . L : .: ,, . I I .. I I � I .111.071 , > L 6 1 o:,il ''ir . . .. .
. I L
twine zigzag aicrosd the -field. The eirows. need to . cultivate. more faith in ' out ,, , . 11 . I I I . I . - --- ,(�, !*, � . . L I . . L 1. � . .1 I
. -w,ould give the ;4oy some wise maxim or. will - IT. dress. One. I.Iiiiii some 'phosphate, I . I 1; I I... :, . .. I I I :.L " �Mc 11 . 1. I . I.- I . . .. .. ,. I 1. I
- ,
word not. touch the'planti-fduced in on own s#te,'more 16ye for outdoor. life, � zi . . --- -----�- . . . . .. I . t ... .�. I � . � . . I I � . . I . !
. � . . so pef:iOre.� The corn inostl - --- I— I . I . . . . . . . . . 1. I . I I . . . � ... .1 I : I . I , ..
of counsel which might in after I . .900 Ibs or US 4ft % L I . I . ..
. ... . . I I . 11 . . . .. . . . �. . .
. . . . * ' les it 16,,.as my experience ha.'i UN . . . 'L �: L - , L . . . .
years be the troaqijre and guide, of his two sides or within an .an I : *Other . . r the Farin, .that we joes into the st I * , , . . .
� , gio. . .more .,respect .. fo '
, . I ' : . . � . ., - . I
I life. Lord Bea,conslield, old and gouty, 'wayff follow- " .., .1 Tnay see the.oi)Portuniti . 16ffe'rs'and '* 1.1 - . 1101 Z, I 11- l ft�, � ' -L' . . I I _1 -Call itud Oxamline: - . . . . . � -
. '- . . . I . . "uslit me it 16 mr, 1-mv .. I I . ;
. - . I -with a..i - worth . the. comperisations' within reach'L of in-� . X I wor " inore,that.way, . I . � .. _ 1: . . . . L
i0oaned, but consented. The proud, pa a Employ. a Man dollaed .. . I A: . . L ee �J . . I . . � . � . 11 1. .. .. 1: . I . . 11 I
L 'field till - the tini 'telligent ' and, ,'well-direCted , tabor.. - ' . (R'.;I�r';��.%q� ': kj J . .4% 1 ..P�. . . - . I.. . I . I
, connection with Ifie dairy I it . . L.. L. . N I
. of shot ta . stay . ila. the 6 . 11L ' L - - � - . to 44P�F; . . L , . Old stock of high art pianos L . . I . ..
9 Auly produced youing hopeful, whom t9e ' , ... iiwlne.to take the milk afkd always fe0d I . .4 o.. - W � . ,. - 0 Oi4st . .
Fretemn statesman thns Addressed: "My for ,a few da,ya, and, 66 crows (.which ,Maine tarmer .L L. . . I . ,. �4 , I- . ... M62lit grain L L . . I .�. . . . . _ , ". . C. . . �Iy . - . L O -and o taining -fluest sc- 1. I . I
to pastures. neVr. - L " - .. �- . with it, is it; pays ' 1 call illol . . I � *,.J I ; L . . �. . I . I I afoaseddaigisi I .;
, . .
are loft) willfile6itt-nip- , ' " L � ' ' ' - ' . . jikniCi6 Lapp �ik, _ . .1, . . , , ; A 1ADirs, MAGAZINE* � L L L .
." - -* . ,See our V(. L .
. I . I I. 0 . I . I I I . . .4".. 4 .R. ..'. . I � .'.i i., _to - tioni 'pui6limable . fornioneyo .ry , , .
. , , , , . . . . 111il' ;fnl'�L�'.Ci�'- _J" L 4,,. �......', ,. ' est L ,. ..
who - As soon ,as c6rA Is, plituted, take a � — .-. � . . klc�u ' 9m.r.b1autiluf golored phaes. Jpasat I %test a -torkedvigalis" at. 'b I ..
dear young friend, whatever.you do 'III . .. , L 01 . I
� . . . L. - giit: a small. Profit on pork and'olss a4 ; . 1� - - ' L ' � A - .11 . L
'T . ��' ""' L _', ,' '- ' 1, ' �. - for, ?M �Lljjj (:,) . f..1,Qns. dressmaki, � . . 1.
jefter life, mind that you never ask L Woo IoTast price, they. hive. sold , nnv �kilnleti tkaNL... 1'i,11%,j� (i_'11 ''.� , . . , ng tcon.rhihs -, fi.cy .tyles of sweet .1
I *ivte the 'Letters 'af Junius,' or on , busli.61 of- corn, Put 'It'. into'somie vessel ., .- __.. � : I I'.. 1. � .7 " . . L , . . . . I wort I Jk!!Xohg1d bligs, Action wo sub. L . prices. InAriiiements rented. tuiled or re- . . .
L . Vue bedding freely to take up' the lj.qu.4- la,,, kl�,i%v it, 'ill'ev.c:,11,",.�t- I I It' ,� I , �6- tre . i;tvaioepy, paired - . 11 Gramophonea and music -in, var-, . ' '.,� ,
tell side of Whitehall Charlea-L.was � (not- iron), ' ' 'L . . I To..Sult 110,k. I . . . I . , . ,:" . r -%%!l.'L0!llS , - r, 7
. I . , L �. ft
. , "i WAMt#' , *nil or$ernt. . L
. ' iaud'forL the comfort' ot, &4io L.SUIM&I'S, Wi I tho.ie ()f� 11 �!,:",.; ("' �-. !� ��,! , - '. I ,:, I . . L . t � 0: , , . I I I . .
,r , pour, on L water enough 'to L . , . , : V . , ,oit�.St ,
� ' ' Ill . 1! ..at= ty , . . . 'L , , . ." .
headed. For if you do either of those cover the: corn, ah& pour it .09, into a Cover tbe�bolt 'in of, tlie barrel 'vrith : . 11.�b, JZ�1, . � .
G I *1 �'J, . . . . . . . , . � I
i � . . JIL; thus . . . q, , . .. prefor otrtw for the fortility-lit. it. -J, , ,i;.Leka,;iw, loss, of flesh, dry, -har�h kin, dd- . - . sty L ISU, P-ta, . ... . I . . . I I
411ings you will be eonsidered abore, and tin -pa measuring it; th6n take" h 01 Of Lhree In,hQp, %A! , . I .
r . rlli`6 Salt -i-O L t d del)� .V. Saadord, In Mrm and Rome. ' " '. I W? k bdullately . , - .. . . I
4 tyluvjuigai atiol
. -P . . . ih thetirine; s�'elliiig 6ftI1�fUULAlldIL,' P' . - 1#1116 ftyar, pattorns., , . . I .
1that Is something too dreadful for you 50 cents' worth 'of strychnine and stl 10 be kept,in Ickie, tbs� , .. . I : 1. ... I . I , )O ill, . ... ar Oct I .. e,.'110ARE'5,. I .1 L I . .
r Pa-k'tbe perit . . I . . . I . L . . . .
I . - I ' L I . litl:ss add ,�,�*rL�tiell'softlioniu,,;cle.5,weariiit:, I - - - ,- . I . .. I .
. - - I . : , I 10&ft. I . . .
tit vour tender ave to concelvaP. . It into theLW&ter. Until well mixed.. skin side next t64 the wood, as soli'd y , SI - and d6pondoncy are �sywptoms of kidney t . I . ,. .L .1� I :.
� � . I I voui the. water back .on tho corn and, I . mplified Oratorloar . . i . � . . I Music Emporluiflas .. . . . 1.
. I . �
. '� r", . I I I . di'nisei.. and call for . .
I 9 �� .010o,;. and spritilkle, each, -layer .. 1. . I . . I r "' '' . . .. I
I . - . . let It stand 24 hours, stirria ' oc�asloc.-! liberally.with salt, �ffiaka I .. I I � The new minis the mrst caluidems .. - I.. . prompt treatment inordir "LL, ' 11 - - - - I . � I - .� I
� � , . . . a briko w tU in BanburX, W" �:Mlulltiftg� the organist.'. . . . . 11 - . . 1.�. � �. .1 . . . . . ... . .. .. . . .. . . 1. 1� '.
. Mly. Sbw.this evenly, over four or, five I . I ]RA44M �-. I , .
A Sporty .King. � . fialt and soft water to cover tho m6*L os to J;lie moile to"be, sung Oil. his first , - I . to preveriv senous rcsulO. 'i , . � . I I - . .
� � . ". o . I r e needed for I rger.terri- . . . . . � MKS. W. NVILXINS, , 1P ..1W M I I .1. :, k .. ' " . I ... I . . �
ac es (mol: -tit uiiu k: '. ��uu�d " ' . ". .. . ., � I Hardy & VO4y, � . I
I ;�' Among the King of Pqrtugal's VaXled , *ay Is of coursae not to bei Doll -andfakim, adding tik ' 114 . � I 1. . , 11 &T ,��- � ..:
I tom o`fA1IA`A*tle,.: . I . . � r''
, Usten is an English Passion for sport of u � dise, Ived at thO� bet, gy. .the hymn-tunei/l said � :. ,, flenry :St.', Belleville, 1K . . I . � , . . . . I .
. .
tor. .
v)., his I , 'shee i hav eso to : 1311 0 . � . . . . ,X - - - - =, , , ..
, tried f7 d liesidiii' .11 the L I 'Ont.� states:--r"IAu1Tered* - " - . . . .. . . .
I he,,,; or P . 0 atc. tit fr;eq,u6*0y to Prevent the salt flam: -' . 1. I , . ,
Sal kinds, and It ls,know'n that once even, . I . Pieso, Ailvertisi]ng, 13orrespondenoa:- aa - 1, ,
, the fteld. . I.. . I . I I . - als; � organist,, whose daily '6,acupatibn virsit I .. AN IT Allowud,gd Poirforgits dow I . . 11 . I .. � � '' I . : . !
. I I socroh,lug on. Whenthe *at*r�h" that 61 plumber and iceman for thi At- kl-%- a griatileal,With paintin .. � .Eiiquiry: Agents, .. . � .. :,.
*ben Duke of Braganza, he entered the �. . 1. ' � BAStIND SSWINO I& - .. I I , * - , , /_ . . I � . .
. . The use ,of. steel 'trap , put a hen's . solve t ,Wilrl VGIUQTG� this ways ave two . . the gmall of the - back i . I . .1 . .
',*Ing to face a bull "with. pbint - I ap an I d All 'the salt -1 . lage, qiho al h selections. . causid by kidney trouble. . 0*'to and IS oerits GS9166he higir, , , * ' ; ':
s unbated," .r d'coviie traps,V tI1 kettle:'frolii thiii'llfe,;sad when p9rfedt;. ,from -the JoIr; lioO2 real classicAl musici , I 2. v , . ,
ogg heareach t . : ..A.& 14W lborn, Sol In nearly every ir ; so P191111; 8t. .L,mdon, gnglikndi,
� � �., a .
that is to saY not parldeil, im is genorally � . . � . . . .. .
I I . . . I I
-41ingul4liod ,grass or leaves. . . . . . brine. -over the lueiit� generally Whe�cver �, I stooped .I �" WV. W by MAUI imal , 6 . . . I
. .
the vise in Portugni .as di . ' lrft 0Ae ,.of . Handel's or'. � again . - I
. .1 I - risii , Eati
xr6m Spaln. One Of 1110 hLolies of tiv, . A way that will not hurt tho'crowi � i6 board.;W tit: Inside the 1*'rrel, - aydn's oiatorlob,.' �. . . . .. , 1could scarcely . ;" clici.. , . I imatbe and advice grgfli� - . . ...
I . .
I court had dared the Dul(n to fore a bull � to. to Aet Up a. Volt 6 or 8'feet high; at- - wAk � a i I*- so It Will be convenient . . !. th�'p.aioi%awire so,great. : I 1 3�1 1 5-147,West ;313t 61, Itw VORP, - * - - , .i. I � I
� . -the - . _7= . i,e '6 . . _---W--�-- - --^- ii I
with Ills borns urigivirtled. rind so )m en- . . "Why, that is good neows"', said . - The betwue ow . I . I I I aginadlan t"IfAst.ne'so gk'sierial.ty � .
I tach 1 strong .cord ' to' tl�p lipper : to lift;, thU with a welght.will keep tha I I I , I i , . I
tered the arena in the Spanisli manner- ... minister,who was no mean iThisiciiin and' , ,. . . . .
every one know who a fresh I had , ilkins , I I .. I . . .
Incognito, though end two or three feet lou;to this fast4d . an e4t under.the brine. When . M . Wi tevere that ititflected . I � . -_ I . . I .. . I
- - "butl general health, and.Iwasbecc I . . I I
a, cultivated talite And tai., - -
. . I I I; you find the Musle rather-diffioult- . I . . .1 11 ., .
'the bold banderillo was. Unfortimately I a g6od-sized piece Of sheet tin. Wind suppl�r Is o1a li6 pickled take,out, the 61c] ! don, )mingve mu%c . . . I � . I . . .
efore the bull could chargO again he I M. . . .. Liver Pills, I can say that my frouble.hiii . OSQUare' � d-ealting
n for -the barricade, and cleared it'Irk a I %mom so It th 06le is set Alightl'y V6rk as &t firtit -then the old,, Bail' I "Well, t4ey areult untrained foi P1 peared. I can .speak in the "S *ck
, - .
bound, Just a momAnt or two before ko k4ne, adding stilt, If it i entirely disap, - OL , 'a L , ric - 47ul -, .
he Duke slipped atid fell, but starting up, . 'apd 'air -will kl: p the - tin Ili otidA p6rk,',=&p"r off t1te brine, pack the for untrained Angers?" . tin down. Since using Dr. Chase's Zidnty- , " ,
. the leaning). The flasheg and- bangs *of the' and sklin d t�aiu Ism' iiLid the organist, ;�th some 0 ur* V IeY OWP 10.
I. new
1. ) ,
� I �
I . I
g on the Pole are better than ,wUl take It ,up, anA pmIr It,hot over the resentment.- "And b,4!des that, where acted in my case." . . .
Infuriated animal splinceroid the wood- L tin ot,rikin , highest terms of this medicine iron! the. Way. it � .
v ,
.,, ork with..hls horns. titry,Gentleniiii. West Neyet Put cold brine. on. old . the music's difilcult. I alter it toi 16M. I - Tur'n over a'ad Larg.e:, Business . : ,
.. I
� .. . I � - . 1. . . I To pr6teetyou against imitations the portialt. . . . � I I I . . I . I . � :
10ork Unless wlin o- strike out all Ole cedenzas and. trills and 1. I ,
. '�,.;_ *. I � � - I . and IlIgn.atureof Dr. A, W. Chase, the fainOut Another. oar ,,Itqd p tth 'at xt,r% $ liandird GtAnulated ,and Yellow Sugars.' sallin't tu ,
I � I . flisk af� lemar It, . . . , and where. t.bd tune receipt book author, are on every �O% ofilis Barrel Lots Nes th,in wilf)Iqlasle prices, eqnstly.low pillaeo in 100 Me .,or S -10i4% . .
___..._,__ __ ----.,-. �i�_. .1 � , .11 � �. . Wateirin 111att;Z\ I I. � � 1, tbings of that ki�d, I . I . , , .
. .
'. . Pro . ri, made . Omit . sins not Never 1"ve�.Oork. -floating,. sa.it- *111 ,runs too.low or too high I dither set.it remediti; . �. ,, I � � � �. . � � 1. . 1, . :. .1 .
e y butter ViAt In a Ye"', shelt flnle� re'..') 11., vv "o np or down an Octave. - Or it I can't do . . �. . . . . . . Tsio slnrl (loft e4. W� I- 44 in 11111,14Y Pull Ilsvor, Oui'25i To% !snow tha talk ot Va I .
I *ore 1hait 15 per cent. of moisture, and Jilideil the iwlu4IAArk4'oW,r the brine every , ha�c "sm quit singing it'nol I .. ., r � . . . �. . . . I couimunity, I.. I . � . . .. 1. . . I I I ... . I . . . . .
131/2 per e6bit, Is UQArer the proper few day, 1, * . . - . . . . .1.
. . 1.
I � .
CONSUMPTION, 01, ift r -a. 4 W.*#, In ' I j� voX hanittil-n. stop.,nnd lili.ly - ,' --;;- - r , �---- 11MINWOMMOM . .
I . 11 cluantity.'. , Apythfitle. m6re 4han that V4rrd an4 IXOLL%, 10 " . 6. It I . . . .
. should le considered as.hot haVinS , . r . 1. . I �e tounF'etill it gets into their 'range . . I � .1 . U'. CA14NED GOODS,-TomAto.sR Corn,�Pe�ss, � Roast Beef, Cornotil Beef, %fokell Soup -
. � - , - - . . 11 I �. I .
. I .1 again. Itlg'eftsy enough when you know 7 ;1., .- --, ,and Lanch Torione. -
., I I ," W, , � �, I I . O' � . .. . ,
" I
Proven' to d- and Curedil ,boeu 'Worked -suffidletitly; and' is unfit , e���, - t4 - do." ' , . . A . . � IL . . � . I I .. .--__�_. - I ..
__ . — --.----- I � . kol# . . . � . . . . . � I" & ." , I .
It wi - . . . , , I r 4i �.
. Pour marvelous fret remodles for all for i;IIfpptuj 'pr long keeping. I � I 11 i .. � - . .--...* o, 11 n - I . . I : c4okitia Pro;: 6 ;:und for 20co . I I I
. ilave st standard for ou,, m!lk, which dia... .1 I I � - � :_ . . .. It . 41 . 1. ., . . I - I IL - _ . . . �
suff6rers teading this paper. Now . . . .- .. .11 * . .
. � '.. 1� ... _1 1_1� ,
. .-
ittire-ti)rTuber�u)43il6oC6nsutup-h - clareg that it sliall have a .certain . I I �11i.-,, :. , , I li'' � . � I I � . . I f %. A 3wl, ,,, � I I 7. --� ;,Z Dilll�,',r'.ii! 71,11let set�I limn .s. Glo,a)wsro, and Favoly China. Five Ursteii, now P&
': ii�f tatal-gol4d"r-of.buttar- fat, - �, I , ?. ,x #..
. 11 1, To Come .to canada� , � - �.i� , , � , , .I -0upo, :Saudero and Ames,
1, 1, ,,, ,� �. .
. ,iftiblft ____1 . I 1,11 N e., ii ,? i . . arns 4041 Imest dekilgill b) Dinner, Tea, Toilet Sete,
. . AGN&T � This froin The Cati,idfnii allette 14.661% I 4' ig .. ir�;� _g. Imputted direeb, frein the Pottory in Rn4land�-qelllq from 10% to 20y, .
. tIon, Weak Lungs, Catarrh, ' *.11 . .I; �Iill
We m4y also demand thit there shall I . _k Pot � I , ", " ` I � I - . ..�.i, I
, . . .
, '�" " " " *!', ; , . -,�:_ ..- .., �-.:-',�-! V .; ...11 .. 11 ., . 1. . . . � . than regular 060ft. .. 41WAYFI 0, PI . O%ahke td'i I 0*� OU*,i
and I A , I rundown systatu. be a, certain amodnt of butter fat in -ou .' . slow us� L '"talulY wOrt1ry---at-=eIIL10!l-�-W4 1ope- �- A90'.* -i ' A, ,,, ,,, . Ie0A . I ooda, I I
I # . . . 1'.1 cr, P the Canadian Qolrernm6n't may have. 61 I — iot throjo , ucrsft.�-. ` I I � �
I butter, 16t leoa ft�ah 86 per estA. � U � `,the most columon of I voiltbs' ip
is ptchably, I Onts P9314 ,, _Wi� .
-1 taw stialirlit ,7,or4# to sa�r oa the sfibjeat' 1 25fach menthiir V0661rai U60141alorillf n; -,An Rrtra, early seed PbsaIoes for Sale,' WANTED.--QQodbhftOr 4ad aggs�111,041311 or irlAd.
I � . large drops of moisture appe4r wlien all ailments, - Wliou vrkleded it i J iBVdryXno,ath,iiiqiudi*dg6vied6kdfhfgh I . . .
I FREEM of the attlow of the, Adcor& r tit ihil 010 i i -uwigv�(!�l . . I I I I
I d inptruhiienful tiew Music 6A.0'riontli, 18
the bujt,ir�,15 cut it Indicates 10uMel6lat , becomes 44rofflc, . und frequently, .LI)10 05.111 AII&A 50 a 00101catil 0 Mu, I I . . .
DO you cough ? ) '01ii ;.1.(l,,:dD, I
f I dAY On COndltlbft V' his enligtittl6n 10 ' A" 10 0 1 , 5 6f 0 Ub 201% Al ... No* 'IN: . 01i
� . Worklng,40d thbilgliAt Mdy;be alfiright I lead$ to he Mhorrhoidd onA otliersert 130loY In iietting free a bVigi.Ar the'dther a It ,I I I i. W-� 1AW * atola I I.. I
ll Do your lungs pain you ? . In flavor while new it winoilliekly logo fous C0110eqiXotictdi , I : Cana.4a. This � may. seem amusing In ork I Z., Ut 11 A or till.61 Iftli* ot Ali*. I I .. . .1 . I � . I � I
Is your tbroat sore and inflamed? that, Ilaxor and almost as qofe.kly ae- .1 V16W Of tho Ptrong,a9lt;tt9 to 40) 1 � $)Cut I Ill oripi 41i%khoet i I � ! -, - 1. I - . 1. 1. . . . I *=*iw
I I I . , .. I _qcxudir "to ,'Con a f Z I ___ � , a A
Aw - —_
: M� cluirii, anbth6k, Vjiloh Is not'so plessaut � . , I 06Norf��V%0114 . Oftmi7al. Immigrants ft9m %!i1Tan;T,, ', ut.' " " , ,V �, I � ,,,, .. I I I I % ... ..� � I . . .
Doy6u spit upXhlek . I , T fth"T,,�"";. . � .
* , t I I a �toft ie Al. ... !�Ilt "10 � - . , , , ,
a I , h&ppf Y, stearris C aw !� T'_I.,# I 11
11 . Does your hea actle? to tfie tafte. It the drops have a Wtky Is OvItZ0,151V I 4110re to 1, I we a .1 , . I 10 * I
. I 111hOY loArry 11lidoisir4blis to Oanada *Altv;. a , I 0 441 _ o i ) 11
. .. . th", � . i �
! Is your appdtite bail ? . color It to even,wor94 than when tbe . . . I . - I.. . mity I)b tutifalled to- bring th6rh balair " .1 � � I , � I Z . , '' . - 11 I I I
M - again at t Or- own 'expetigO. Canada, . . ' ,� . . 11 .
. go no intetition 'of 'bilcoming a dum In I I . I . . I . .1 ughs ir6, Common . . - . -
I . 4 Are your lufigs defteate ? . I Buttot, may haft the ,biitt - . " , , N 01% , I& L14 ' I . I
inoilathiia ,looks like pure,'cIeeA`*4t;,t. . co I .
Are you losfog flesh ? 0 1 ��
I - e,%��4! I Ro 1. und for otim1fials, British or 6tt � . � . I . . �� I
I . ...
I .
. Are you pafe and thin P vaqlfed out of It., Who" this- to - doud ' "t— - I 1.2,86 I . . . I I � I � . � C�', .� I . 1. 1. . .. .. I . � . I . � I . . I . .
1� Do you lack statnitih ? the witer ohould be afterwards worked ' 'I, P ; � , I _. I _ :1 I I . I I - ,.,-- -_ . . .
I I , , . I . I - I . , � I I I VieS, oopm to cornis 6w ho partiefilar reagom . .
. , . .. I I , 11 .. I . .
These symptoms are proof theit Y69 out Of it. I T,kal4zls ... A Big Arrriy.��,. I !60TIT * i
lbave' in your body the seeds of the . ost , I .- . . - I �
F � , Irnp,sAlble to tell hoW. they viers caughtj and oit en hard to go
m I I . ! I � . . 'I I J buring the 13erlod extending from - the I ;;t", .. 0 . wid of thein, � . . .
Ova , . , ." I �, .,. . U . ; , S
dangerous malady that has aver d ii'. - � 11 . ; ,
Wed t ' 1 first Of MAY 11"W'SdOtIftibLir oVOr 4r%* L .. , � They yield f'o n6no 6f the old totshloned ronio foe Witt are oftein.
-consumption; Laying hens requito more food than 'his * Remedy' ,' I I . , , . I ao beruflelal. 4 . ...
. he earth I . I ? 11 � , � I
� , those that do not lay. Remember this 't 6 not a putgativef ] then *111 be under military, training at P , , � I
_.._._.1`-1-_ _VA% tanytiog,f'O,tCj4tWi.�attlligi;y . , I 'kh6 pro ,
_ _�tttfl Will J0 t6f all MdNTHLY 'MAGAZiNt ! Nether dot hey always w6ar t4,&A tmany people ex eettherivill.
� '* mv __ __ _ fid,AW-morp of the kind of feed that , but by mild a4ion upon thb or 19 the varlouq camP% In 33001n, 11 - I
1� , 00, i you iiia 81&, Fj wiftl � I Pima eggs. __,_�',____ . _ ___., ____ - _restorea their luituritt fuuOtCo, . I sent drill 180asoin is tho wirst of oons6'. I I I ,A rAMILY �110AAIRY. � I Irtaw6ek,fimptill have Ittancl. in two weeks,inay 9# It Is worse,.
I I ; I i I ,. 11 I . 11 I I
I FAKE TRIAL TREATMENT ta, thus eptirel Avoidi'lig the I Ill, I t1lAen4UO fill Don't wait any longer. 11, Is time to take ar g000 cotiAh pal*tur.
, Tt kes from 46veft t6 fifteen patifidsi : folloWin, t iod 108. PrIoir to the graiid
stid the Pour Free Oreptkrations wilt be forwarded you t6 use '6f 04 a'tf' , ! maneouvrop oil Salisbury Plain In, Sep- "he ust 'in Coneot Literature Compolund Syrupi. White Pine and T4r to the best, and the boat
ist,onct, with tgmodbta direptibils for we, . of bonty to Make ti, pound of comb. ;� _1 I . 11 L I .
�i leh, if,:4'keu. fr6rtutilt e '.. . .
�, � *hi I tit tembor thfi'year, the lot, 9nd and Ird Ite- I - : value, .
I I Thagldcui"syat6hilisaS,o.git%v6ttird(tirConsump- . -keepers 1'� ,O ar I gulail ArinY Vo"s will be exercised Ina 1: I iric� Nbuki;w YgAiiLv ".. .
- ung w(y foundation. riv 13 # , I doilendelitly at AWo,r,41irif. .0;1ilfmburY Plain, I -ttr ox bottle, 82 Mies, 95e, �
, . , Thla Alitiva why the best bee
,I toil, thAt viost hioldipus iseas�j And for all L ' k I almosi lilwqs� ha , f 11 I .. ekil:AND . VA .
�rorubleii And Disorder%, e0mvicadd bx Lose of * . ,J And tho Curragh tit vvy,y imliortant work, VIANV SH . fitblif W . r r L . I.
- 666w," 1 It , I
. 11cart TroilbleO, I Itry I , � I 1. . I 11) 'conIf4pqrns alid motors *111 0API01S ON TI MtW to logo$ I .. I
. Fleshi,Cought, Catarrh, Ast th4p Drol chitia and itick h" n6thIng t6 do with 061f, W111011 Mott . I
0060119, 000a h0nisitt attention ta' . r figure. Sandwiched in with the tral"IM.- J .1
,�' . I I . � . . 9
Simply write to the 11. A. Sloeurri theftneoil I . ROVETO blgpeaglog chemisto (1,111400.
companyo Limited, 79 Writ Statt WtO 11101110-93 13 What COU11W In Cie fall, Tht . rift. Tablets of the, ri%ulars the milltlit slid volun- 19415 , 20 C -ft, A 001*� I
JaUfdfito, I �
I tivInq &6t offidd Ail ftpooss addregs, An the free lagy man Is- uII1utkZu* lebrg *111 60mmy 06 great ilouth6ru , P , NO 46141rINU9 D' STOAlego . I
InedleiftiN (th6 Sl&dhl Ctire) Will he 1prorfigly 116rit, ,, . - . � r for 25 Ci6tits I %, k'Amnitist gtotinds botweoii ShorTlellftil MA I i AVchy 14UM 6*14 COIN P1,919 I ti 11toolit Lop, I ... .I..... ,11 "I'll ..... . ..... .... ' "I'll, 1. .1r'';��".-..."..",M","-L",,.. .
P400hil in 01611dit Afthig SWUM'01 aff Offdf tit I . . . , SAIIAlbury WItIl, Aosarlv J0,04 A'-. i em is i ,, I , 101.11 L I . , I ___ ___________ r , I- WON"
,Ainedan JiApem �Mll, 01casd itail for somplas td I . . �. . . . ........ .. L . ... .. . ..... .. ..... . � . I ...... �, " .' ; . ----..---
1"W1sRP711W"!?".__,_.. _ . _Vrql�w-rw� - �RR-OT—Owo,r.-Wwwqm;wqmk;--v�w-pwr-w."" — '_M_�
- I . . .11.1 .. I I -_. I _ . 'L ' .