HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-05-08, Page 2I I I ­ . ---" ­�- -T'�—,-.--,-V—,­T— .3, r. _�, 4" . I I . . 77 . � I , . - I I 1 .2 . � . . . I ­ _­­ -11.1 . =Z1 MVT0X­=W U&I * I : I �__­­��­­� __,i ­ , _- I Usy 8th I $04, I ,�__­_-'­ ,__ 1, ..", - I - . I . . � ,_, ­ Z��_ ­'�— � 4��4�—_-��- __4� 77;��--�'��'i---���—;�;,!,��W��W;W7 ­�.,;_�=_ __ I. ­ I .��Z4��Z�-'r�,---�—.T;*---4,.����,�::,;----- .---- . , . . 09 — - I I 111.1 - . I I !!11 — -_ —_ � _��_ ­ �_' ­�.­�_ �� �0;w - -_ . _ I I �� � . . . . . . . . 1-711--mmm 11 .11 - I . I - �` ___ - ___ �`��._ � , �W_ _��­­�;�­'­'�� I .__-,-__-WW HL � - 2 * . ., . T 4 fj6j' . . [ Properties for Sale or totet � a' � -art � r,413Y 119ATTIIE 4 � U#041111*0 ft-,,�V* � . be 1$xtske4 11,4r4 . . =M=gW,M1r# � I 14 ., �, I . At . I � I I - . . Bustenes$ . � . , "_ I I v 0 i MeTogg . � 0%coesPor to xx Jos. seotQ . . 4 " 04 40thort. X Grol**# cof 0soor Qf phys.101W to For Sale 014331f, � ,- , - . � . I FRIDAY, . NJ AY Ist, 1003. I ; I Tho fjiniths"" Institutl , I RRI RAURISUR, ECJ,lQlT0R,jkN0 I __ I I __ ­­­ --..-,-- Me that, more varieties of VOISOAOUS ria, IA dewl V the efrect of A1�6h,ot r- . , . ' ' �. __1 . . �. : '0� ""' So rea 1-1 4�_U , , , - 9UNT(W. . . of% waakeaY4 U .84mals RT ST, 11 OUNTON I f : ro foundluAvizonA thAn in any , . , a , . . 0 first 4se ai6rks Ap , I 4 slcck, formerly oven 1:"(4' 1 � I -1w, they pasa are y, sadness, aolemizl�y, � ,1� 'Geperal 80VIVIng .1101#140101t I , * , . P A_Z , f in x1oation through which VIA" I Verswulull-MA., , . , " �JjOOAY4 that tbii� succest4va . Tile el'oss-petition al"ItiliNt M. S. 51a. � . other pa The ot , atousness. .rt of the XTnitv4 States, , 101T, I AQle, the defeated Llboral caudidatt, I,, I best. authority on Arizona ""' be- - I 11 I.. — _ by NVITC-411.1 I . . . lieved to be Orstbam Peck, . whol""Ibeelt a�4 4 sup oid.1 toxication which e4dal tranoacttd �Orivy ,XQ XRrilo- : I . . I I I Jennox, will be, heard at Toronto on The man who is subject d I . Form For Sale, � � � I 4tudying them for years, In Oath. lto;bblts are ver,v curious whiA � I.. - ) JKay 15. The original petition a, f(Ho other MIQIX in the United Ststea I vader the Influence of NOTES DISCOUNTED ; ,e,&ll)st - to biliousUess cannot liquor, and at , .. 1, . . 'TGOarscallen,tho Conso, Joso much of P. natural brooding -ground drunken kaugo,roo Is brutAlli aggressive, The W09t half of lot 24, B&I God� W. Bltymxv, . , , , I ric nship,coutalung 00 oores,4 xood I 1 .4 vative niew- ,attend to busiUe$S — I ClIeld Cost Notes, 14046a. , Interest allowed on I 134RUISTER, ! 1, . 4 . 19'resh a . e P, p p tion 0 130DICITOR, $QTA R*r . 4e for the rattlesnake As is Southern Ari- , ,4r tablets ar re Am Ia". ad a 0 ored for sale on e4of t deposits. , . L . . r for that ridt g, has already been biliousness demand$,all A'O M , "'., be so I e-rimo, l44 I ,. ,r Peck, "The rocks of dlacovered V * French selentistf, says barn alfenty of wa or an# 0 4 . sed. '.The cross-peti- . the in 117 A& %�d foothills are of a the "Medical Times -11 -"It w rob rtt.,P ork on al , . . i � zon � 11 - pv"101 RITC, " I . L� . 11 . 04 while . a or . 141catiou to I . . -beard and disinis Quill . t- OLINTG$ . I his attention. 13iliotis, J. F. TWALL. Clint A J- P, TINDALL. , . . I .1, tion therefore is not of Inuch julpert- . I I . . heaVy yellow and gray color and the investigating acetylene 'that he disoov- t �� . _ i � ­ ----. � � . I " . I . � -1-1-W � I � . I . . I ance. t ness arises from the re. soil Is so like 06 hues of a rattler that I ered that he could combine certain ollem, — � . .. � � BAN] � I I t I - I tention of waste, and v, onalco ca I 11 1�,Elt, � � I . n move elowly Along and, bard- � Jioals into a tablet whichi on being , For S41e 0�\to lRent"'! . — . � ly be perceived b a person ility feet, I dro I . � , � re � ., I Iped Into water, dissolved anid gave . I - . VL1 TON,. OWT CONVEYANO'Elts, Cox ", foreign matter in the, Ivy air.and the v4rroj forh .pure oxygen. These tablets will, . XISS ONIM 4 Loot 29, con. 2 1 X Real , 11 , I i I ,18tarlan containing Igo. acres Estate and Insurance I I ' .�, ,. . The Rqekslide at Frank s�ystem, natures drain. eanify earth Ana the Immense quantity be exceedinoy useful in a. closed oax- In 900 state 0 cultivation for Palo or to rent I l?VIv#Ajef1 0 __ , . Uoue� to lea , , . . of small birds and ground squirrels in the riage, A submarine boat, P. inine, for Win. of years, at Y, to JNO. McGni�Gou, Qua to Joan n, mortgages A* � i 3 age being clog or any , on Promises or MR84 AlcGUROOR, 2� cou,,H, ? 0.1p, UOALB, I 11 � . Eighty Three People Killed . - . ,ged. mountain canyons and brush all cont; whero else where the air has Inoom; R. S..TuoUersolith, So%fortb, , bout current ratev I 1� J09N RIQDOUT i �: . .: - bino to make life for rattlesnakes In this vitiated." : Feb, I-01 � P. o. I . . � . I I . . i . .. . I � General Bsuking business trailopotea �, .9 I . I ­ _�_ -_ �1. 1. I.. " The I nagination falls to depict the . . 11 � I region one of rare ease and comfort� While rrofessor Ourmingliam lately ex. I I . - I . � I ;utereqt allowsa on depoolts, CHARL98 8RACIE". I .. I . . There are literally tena of thousands of pressed the, li.elief that there " no � ' I I. I. I awful ruin which has clutched in its I . - I was . Sale notes bought, . B41TISter . Solicitor Notar ,. . : destructive Maw` the lives and houies � rAttlers In the. oago brusIN and chaparral authenticated Instancer of any litiman 4 For Sale �y 444 C04V07,0111169, �. I, . , . . . " , 'A ... b b, I Alone . I . . -_ ,� n , , I I I 1. I the edge of, Southern Arizona I � �', -AQf83 eople at Frank, N.W.T. Whole being Over excee(Ung the height of eight . . I . I - . . ­ . P ' 0111100--OPPOSItO V0140r4e 110tel ." . - -,. �... were buried under a groat wasi,es. They grow to enormous size, feet, An. officer who took Part in the Del- Comfortable honso and lot, on Albe Sc, Goderielli . . " - �1� & W, I L-,,-,, . ffferve.slceht .. Clinton, for sole cheap, lot * %are rAouso ; �_,. � . _ lu inercy their lives I � � , . - . .1 1, .V - and it Is common -to resA of the capture Iti Durbar declares -that the Maharajah a . P T1101OLSONSUANK I . . Of rattlesnakes, five And six feet long, ' siltll� I fOlramallfaintly. Ap iy at NFOV, EPA . . . I ,- I .; white sepulua_ . of IC041imir ,ha4 Ila 0 co I . * . I �,. , . . were taken instantly, Fall- . with fourteen and fifteen rattles. I �- his retirlue. 4 giant I . 111corporated by Act Parliament 1656, , M- Gs CAMERON - . I I , , � eight feet ton Inches high. "I know," �_ . . , .. , . -_ , , A reporter to the i;lobe ways : ., S all io . "Hog -nose snakes arc quite plentiful �e writes, "it � 'ble, but 1. . . formerly of Cameron lrolt a camoron . . �,t_ If I . I I . . . soun4s 1110redi . . . . � .. ey. I OU Call, auY two miles square i.. in the mountainou parts of Arizona. have &ctuall,y seen him; and no I Goo4 Ifouselor Sale,. - OAPITAL $2,500,000 BARRISTER Awo SOLJOITOR, , -, � �, ong, I � . I � I : VILY I . -_ . - ..- ,..., : , ` br9 k.q, lumble to the height of -')Qs to the robt of the After.411 the talk 08out serpents hissing, overgrown slip of a man, bal I . . UBSTFUJ41) ' rXIC Eon - . . 1. � _1 the higlip4t buildings in thobe blocksa 6 t excellently ale a frame house on Victoria Street, L' $2,250,QO.O offtee-koculton St Opposite Ceiba ey4s I ,.).,., 1 .1�1,4 and eradicates � this is the only speel.wert of the oplildlati. 11 tioned A .. ­ mass ot stone its teanister. would throw trol .L_ . I I Pilo ,, though rather on the broad lot 12 ,star .one half—sulto,ble for ordinary READ OFFICE, MONTUEAL I . GODEP.10H. ONT I I . . . . family Wbich I have ever beard utter � a VW0,". . . I Ia. 11 . IJbitee-quarteratka lot, with stable. WU, Hopsox NAcimanson, Prooident I __________i____ - � - . I . . . � ­ . ,', �:, . it from a dray. Upon this mass throw esuades 54uad� � V an Poft,Aater, bearing fruit trees, Pm- JAmics ELLio2,, Gen. Monager. , I . . ` �11_ another 50 feet higher. and you have � . The March "Magazine of Art" has An art mill, be sold on rearowl ble terms. A D I ,�� tile stomach and bowels, . . "Msul� writers on reptiles in America interesting account of Bertram Hiles; the 0.4 el'if Notes discounted, collections made, 0K1NS'0H&GARRQW . . I,, an idea of what the prairie to the east A R . 'drafts . . � /� say that thunder snakes are common in ,, ov , .21 Im. I . BE ,A1huU4dZ,orJAS,$C 1V � issued, sterling and American . exchpipga � BAURXMU$, SOLICITOUS, ET0, ' -1 , .1 � Clinton � , 1. . in a genV I , 4)fthis little town looks like. Then 1;�b tinsifteut arniless Artist, with Several reproductions' � : I ? :1 . . U � .. .. . Texas, Now Mexico and Arizona. They of his bought .and sold. IntereO allowed on Office—Voruer Iffoukuton st. au'd Me 0 . " I .. fto-n the sideof the great Till Co Voun. works --one in color. lar, Riles, it. . —. -- -'!--- . . qvX&V- . I I �: 1-1 I tain collies ruaring . ill it uontinuous manner,. .into healthy Are really uncommon in the territories. seems, nourished. the deSire to become all , . ' . . degasi.ts Savkxe BAN.s:—Interees allowed . - . Ggittrivii, Out. - . . . . . They are a prairie reptile and are often Farm for �34141 - o . . I � . . I . , stream huge rocks, follo,vol hy it ,�,wat action, Abbe , Aears artist from his early childhood, At eight' . . I . Ia sum of $1 and ap, computed alialf year. H.:L. Dicklusqu CRAS. � . - � 7 � � 7"s c . eneguntered D7 rairie travelers, espe. I � . — � .. 11 IV., Money aaysnobd to farmrs on the I GA"ow, 1,,L D - . . cloud OF white dust - Iiw,-6­AIC1.` Tile . I F v to of a— however he -as ele rived � . . . I . Ji . . 11 I , � . � . �, 4" the bile from the system - ciully bofore ar, after thunderstorms, I I I r � rocks ranged in size from :w applo to S . - of both his arms Ina tramear accident ,;�o. Flashes 'of lightning And claps of thun, l,stol 1. , � I t . a monster the size of all 8 -room house, -1 in nature #.a ,Own wayl . ,_ , At. Sf, . But this did not cause him �i�` . The flow has levelled hills and thrown . . aer) whigh pqo torrifying 40 bipeds, and lo wbandon his Intention, and he decided t�.: � - aside the river channel. Two and on bringing health, . -h rm 4 r ;;,. 0- a.clear , rkupeds, Seem'to havi 'u . A 0 to 11,1111 ;.. k t . It by.lettaTing t9 draw wM. 11ij . . " -half miles of the new spur built into , I , I ele ,pembers ol ,he ophidian tainily. ,4�1­ fr­% +he aate of �.;. , )lead, a clean' stoma , t;-. the French inine is buried. T-*N,o miles �, 01 !�qoiltll, �A six , Wfieu'elftr alhunderstUM c4lUes lip thehe I �, 11 , of the inain iiut; of the Crow's Nest and energy foi,work. � tnakes come OrMyling out of holes, froirt Due accident .1;; �Q,�C-q-uh'e'd'Su011 1110,11V , ' ,A,i:-" _ �' -, . . ty in tFdo oxt aordinar I.."t. Itailway is covered, . . I. Ind rocks -and. ro"tten stumps and �11- r .y metbod of work ,!� ­-iiQ--1­______ . ,, " . ' LN - 11. bell . $at lie cokild accomVlish . with ea. se most' ,� There are inam, theories as to tiv- I joy the fun while it lasts, � I ��� . NNW- I . . cause �,f the sl (1e; soine declare that - ... - _ OMMMUMP . , I f7he coach -whip -ig rei.naritable for its' thinp.that we do, wlt4 our han4s... - . I . I . , .. I I . an earthquake shook tile illount,alli ­­ I—. �.."�-.-,�.�...,---�=--"M!"-mm'�-- I 'tremendous length and sinprising'speed. .. Var0ni lidleveg that at- Some futUV6. . �, �1 sufficiently to start the ro ks: Others . I . . It is crearn ox clay colored, yej �Iualt time --- whe . NvIll itot - fix a date for it -7 11 ''I say that the (putlity -of ttic Pock being with emery, rdvolving -at high Speed. . ,, baLked prairie c . avail� I I . . . . like the llarla� iver whlj!� wireless telegraphy Nvill. becanie - -at t f 111st weck - hand process per- h , I Alanost tile Illile, tile lie, Slitting This isa, . 7. it- glidoo, is very. long and its scales are able for douleatic- and office we, t: us , . I I I .�Zl caused fhle sdow to inelt ,Ind the wat- formed bya, press th �� cutters being as arranged in such A. manner that they performing. the. ftthatiolis now Allotted . , . - , � , er working through, slacked the linie, -sharp at ra,ziors, ale. the pen At this'. closely resemble' the plaited L leather. Of t I the'telephone. He Ila& already ulade L ; � , ATI, n others hold to the gas theory. stage is _e x ceedlngl�r. hard, The pen Is A whip. Not enaowed'ilkitli pois"'on, It P_%.irlments , which 'convince him that it ' 1. ­ he catastrophe occurred at -1 15.a pliwed in pos tion by rueans ot guides I . . . . ; , . Coloringand VarnishinF-Thapen§*, has tremendous poWdr of constriction, it Will be. possible, with the, aid 'of slu'lli m., when the town wits aslee and I . for . . . -es, I of his sending ap-, 1:1, the having been poislied to;t )fight silver . I., happened so quickly that nont, Pa . ms its body into �oi)s wbich,are cap- models, or nura4tui ' . ; , ,,� 1000 town hihabitants saw it ocent, volor are placed, Ili ii�n I -on bylinder able -df crushing sheel)i dogs and coyotes, I p4ratus, as now.erected. on a gigantic* . ' . though they were wakened by tile and kept. revolving over at I gas or chat. r- I . . lifornia Ili. 1890 acale 4t Poldhil.and elsewhere, to trdits- �.� When was Ili Low.or Ci . �, I deafening tumult enal fire until the tint regoired is'pro_ I was told' by it Mexican lieon that lie mit messages from the Interior of - rooms , . �, � ,.� 4 There were sonie marvellous oseapps duced. They axe then iminorsed-in a bad a, ten -year-old boy sqvieexed lo'death -which can be receivM iwotlier,rdoins in' . , � , . In one he ue 7 o cupants, were kilied. bath of shellac varnish,. being after- by it coach.wliip %-Jew years'before. The .the same city., - or in neighboring towns, . , ; ave it, haby . diree wards dried and-stoved I � I � loan said that on Another occasion his ]!he walls of the houseS will -form no ob- _: None were found s, . acle, but one of the chief problems; will I " itionths o!d. tvh � was round hk'a crev Examination"'EvL-ry *pen pimaink wife was attacked byweoitch-Whip which st ' , " icker than be that of a -proper attuning of.tho in� ,,;� 4 . ice 100yards from where tho lvmse ti.rough Perry &Oo'sfaetdrylsmost, threw its colh - about. her. qui � , stood. nalred. 11,1. alikillitt, �-n I cr , cm-efully exit] Illued.before b6lng'bo she could 4ae�. She y i ng wed , was too frightened strunients, to &event in'terfererice. of :,� -with exp.).,ure. A man and wife. we.re and should th - least fitult' be to'uad* to do more than Scream and fall.tothe �Iwaves, and toseduro'privacy for the Mee- , . I , I killed in bvd And their 1) iby of soven with it. it is at Once rejected lb is ground, wheti lisr daiigliter ealne. rua� �ages.. I 11 .. .� � .. . . ,� . . 1-1 � months which lay between its parouts thus Owl: tile firm liai attained oucli ning I up and qlalckly' released her by. 1� .1 � . I : I - ... . I I I '. , 1; . was, unhurt One house, in wfiichi� world-wide roptitatinn 'for.excellence merely -unwrapping .the snakels , tad. ' - - ' . .Poor Lo.Snatched'Baldhead.ed.'. L�l 11 1, Ulan, wife and this,- children wore :tlid vinitormity of qu.illty.. �. . ' .Strange as .thfs ulay' skem, it'is a 'very . �: ...� . . 1. . . . . �. 1_. . I .1 '' I � I . . ' ' �.�: .sleeping wits overturned three tiiiws. - . I -1 . I I . easy way to'. release A, victiln. in the . � I . 1;12� yet the occupant,s were practically un- .- , I - . ' � Dr. David St�trr. Jordan, president of' ­ - . I , . . - - 61, � " I . . . I I . . 1. . L I coach -Whip, isnake's grasp, foi wliile the e Leland Stanford, Jr, Viiiveisity, Vho . I .. . I I - -An.jured. The staNes of the Cahad t- Literary Notes, � ��... . reptile3s:conitActing powers are abno'r* linareeekly discovered a numbloi. of.fiew I I, American Coal & oke Co heldfifty . � - .�. �. , . ina-l', A* child may unwrap the coil b b 's ,i a � '41, � ill Ole 8114ains a �Ra, -, horses; a tiiiy tea rier pup was,the onl . .� Y ,e'� variete *61,h I .. . . . ': i . � . I 1: Kinnihe atAhe iail," . � , , , U * IS- a, great , 1. . , .vaii, and tile Phi)ppincs� . �-, creature Saved: the -irnmense building I There. -are some *e`Xcelle.rat storie's "Do -yoir believe that Snakes have the ort w as N, tious iw- I . ., in i�p am yell its it conscien . 28 covered b I I 11, �v [if ty fek of rock. the Alay Canadian Magazitia;the.antli- -Power to chariii animA10'. . . . � It is doubiftil ..if niany of the bodies I � ff . . � liyologist, .�, AS nvigbt be expeeted, he * . I ors relmesented being W. A. Frasei. � Ves here is a�certaln'pow6r to file- asce. Me 1no,st Approved . of irlodern 'rods I . -will ever be, re overed, as soLne were Theodure Roberts, Mark' -Sivicetta 1�1'elna,te Inta snakels. eyes.and inovements. , and flies in fisting. . . - ..., - - � L I .. . . I',, buried fully it litindred feet deop. Tile Wade And Albertr R. Carnun. . The t I saw',6nly the. other day ti, typi6al-Illus. 'T . -have ii*t Some - fishermen, even - . � total IOSS is eStinliLtOdat ov r o e 6iiil- latter's new serial story,. tr iion 'of the -power of a. sniake'to. faa� - �) . , lion dolars The Goveinment has - nai, . The� Pension- a _mon .professional SpOrtsialeti, who el". �11 tAtken charge of affair-;. res, commences in. this iisue. 'Ail' cinate� - Over in the liftie woods I Saw a fer ollfavhionW metbods,"'imid Dr. Ylrr- , I - , , illustrated ailticle oil "A. Shanghal ground s rrel fascinated. by a black dan "and'though the. ancient ,story 'of, , Season" affords 41, ' -picture of. ui orked t njue darted. the'farmor's boy' whb'c(Ctehes'AA with.ao ph r 8 q . � striking e n,ke. Th6 f * I __ the, 008111OP01itan .life - Of a Ohlijese "It of the, snake's mouth alinost as, r#gu-. bent pill fagened -to a - pi�ce of twine ­ , . .. coast -city, where all nationalities are. larly and rapWly as tile needle -of a. ",Ile,re fuli-riggea sports; from. tffih'e city ,, I . lk, , I., . 'E. Maitrice Saulth.giVes . Sewing machine rises and filIg, . -Th4. fall to get a bite. b, iy4thi- � % How Peiii are Made. represented I orders on the n I :, . . a pen -picture of the char'nis of Musko'L I squirrel seemed� to -watch it, epellboun& '=I, .1,'fiavo actupilli witn�ssed'liidtancea :4 — ka, with niany new and _. interesting The Snake crept slowly nearer. , When - 'o,f ' S�aacc6ss . with 'back -number , outnts , �,,� photo, * � �ol_ Metallic ons were made in sinall .,p,apim There. is a readable .the gopher-ailake was within -two or where modern appli;4�c'ce, failed.to land , I ,P,�­ - ysl Mnag I 0r three, ffichei from the squirrel it .gave a bile gafiie� . � � .. I I .1 , . � Y: quantities 9efore the Nineteenth Cen chara4evsketch of Mr Ha, 1. � ". . I .11 of . "� tary, but the pen as we know it now , the Q.T.R., and anotherof the late : threw.1hree c6ils about � the' "Onb.day in Wifornitt'l-bud had a re - I ,),_A -thy. leapand . - I I . 'Iton I . 1-1 1, was really invented by Jaziles Perry ,4cCai X,L, McDougalb .squirrel. Instantly the Spell was gone. , �mrksble run:of luck, ,and. that night as ��­ . - Aitditor­(-�eneral of Canada,- describes . � � , the f6iinder of the firin of Perry & Co.. soillo of his 11,1i . Thefascination or,,charm there bad been - -we sat',aroinial blie eamp-Are f � 600k ocba,� . . Ltd., who produced tin article sitnilar t4l,., title ,'. Qque �experiences, under' I over th I e. little - , Aon to say that my -success . was . , . - I to that in use .it the present dav, ;Lnd A. llartee of - ,I,. Ve animal was no doubt brok due to: �� - Audit " This issue, we are � lea it O *. en the very moment.Aht eerpent's,coils' %e-6uperior tie� Of -files. 1 bad u4ed. - i 1� whose patekits. taken out in theearly note, opens the 21st volu -were about the, squirrel, for iAe A'imal.' , . " 'You '.�nuy flatter yburself" on. the ' n . , . 'I, � part of the Nlrio6eenth Century. were .t. * 0'- an , ce -., gave thfee convulsiv6,1 I errified1chIrps and -ought Ili to,d4y,l said, an the first, patents of importance fo ional a�hievende'nt in this coun . - . . Aring you've bi . . . 11 . " . r . ... I . . . . ,� realized that its.d6uth moment had come,* Ad fio4erman who had joined our partyi. . , i. . metal�ic pens. I Uppincott',s' Magazine ee s. 'I' a "T.beliete Inipli6itly -that ,all. snakes *� 'but let me tell you, docitor, that I 'saw � .": . His invention has been immortalized kepoitation 'for publishing'.& Atron ' ,. have a certain dpgre6-41 power, to faseln-. &. Diggeiladian catch. more fish in an ,, by Tom Hood - in his ­ Nhinis and Ud- !)rIKbt novel each month, b�, reAe &is their: victims io dexth. �Black snakes, liour,in-this stream Ulan You've landed , , � I � . , . . . k 1p I , dities" : � i ng in. the 111ay number -,in unusual , I gopher snakes And racers, hit�v'i the power., ill da .with your flue.flipei.a.' - � 11 I I . "In times bygone,' wnen each nian cut good one by Ue6rge Gibbs. This f to a large degree. :-Rattleartakes' have the 11 I%Iat 1*4t 'did he - ussi?' T asked. � called"'The Loveof.-Monslenri"-andi �. �. hi,; (Itiill , I mo,Cfascinatirig. .power' niong all tlle�- ' ".'Live grawbopper4,1 replied ",tbel old ", With little PerrVilill skill, I 3 well writte And fascinatirig 'tale.. � . .,�L I 13 poisonous Serpeuts�� in" the soutb-w"sit. . 636p, 'but 16"didh% impaW them. From . I What hor.-id, awk'ward, bungling tools "Tile Sorrow of it, Setter `by Cy War-,' The indicati I ons of. charming e Ids - *ead .11y jduck.a hW'r,, I it of � at huntl �amqug poi7 � . . I . oftrade Mail, is. pathetic tale'. � ng an(, MUe, would istolea � dog's old a e, Other good stories &I�6,' 6onioud snakes are deceiving sometinlea. 'It-b1nd'thb strugiling insect to . I Appeared the writing instruments � by Seninas, 116falius, I iolsonoils ahikes fang their prey. once the. hoc4c'. Almost, upoa the instant thal ": home made." 1 �,(2 RUIA'K. Tyboutj . . 'd bait. u 14 1 Clifford floward, sllontg6lilery.,Corse only., The poison does pot: kill tat once. �%J. -stt ek t1ho Witter a .11sh would ,� - -at J 1he victim flutters to a. brancAj it ma', '10ap for litt., Afterla'tiding-blux the1u­ The chief centre of penmaking . Jerome Case Bull,. Francii; Lygdo, Dr: -1. . " .. I . y . :1 the present time is in Birmingham, C. C. Al�b6tt, 'BMS Qirnfiin; etc, The I., be, or runs A short.dists.nee and Atops., lion would ofilinly repeat the , �erforin- where Perry & Co.'s factory is situat. "walnuts and wine" departr , The inake watches It.' The poison 1-Aoes .ince of - Snatching -a lairfrom - Efs head, � I ed. Thi, is the largest pen factory in tll(� 6 nent shows its de4dly work, and the bird falls. Any- X.n .,7��.a Zola. -W I . ,Xhilal-ationof springinitsman . 1 iio� grasshopper to t y . 0��ffix . .. .. I I I .. . . one wh' . . I the world. employing tipwards o, w(m) pa,res of sparkling hunior. _ o.comes up, not having seen the , :_ M - . I ' I'll , I hand3 and produ�ing consider,l bi v over .. . .'� . 1. ... I : ' lit -be dily. deceived int "'I bemme fascinated,' continued the -_ . . I , httack, mig. , rea I 0 aarrator. 'After the Tndifai -had landed .1 a tA)n of pens daily. I . . Imagining thit it wag th n6e of.tlls-� ' A high grade pen has to pass through Weed a on I h,4 Righ, and not the p6ison 0 � t a quick succession a iniglity string of . � ways - , snake Malt" ised he . . cal � I I agreatnumber of processes, and tile I 1. ..1. . . victim to *faw� . . I � . . . -.41mon. trout he suddenly stopped. ` . I . ; . I : . . I I I I . . . I ere is nothinginuch it . . . , - .. , ! '.I I , it, � following short account may be of ;n- Th' . P I I , �hlled 6 him: to. go, on wiN`the exqi in , , . terest. lore imil tiy �� . I I I ?port, but the merely Smiled 'grimly ang or slovenly looking than L bi, Vill It " , I Pal le I Raw Material-Tbe sheet steel is cut Way grown _lP with foulweeds, . T, - " '' � It W&S All Right, . � Mnt,ds,'-gn-�flea,',tlyto�hii3hts(II , ' ­ , ' : : into stid. a of a convenient length and it is not only iinsightly i . ut I - I ...I., 1. .', . I., . . . , . " � 'Wh At W" theintAter *with hi0ewito, I I I . I ' . but it is.eqnall" I ... . . . . .1 I I Width, and then rolled cold to the ex- inj Urions to. adjoial . y I � . a a great . ldm" . I asked,": said -Dr. Jordan. - ,' -, arv, according to the . ng pro I. .11 I . perties. The . . � . act gauge ne ess, statutes make . " 'He -had. p1lieXed it b Id I replilei the pen to be, manufactured. rovislon for keeping . e s ke it was more th .n evident . old man,!' . . . . I .A I . 1, . .. , I . , , the road clean i the overseers of high- I A$, t e oung playwright, whose naute , . . . . . .� � . : . f that I I 1, . Outting the Blank -This is a mech- "VaYswouldonly avail. therilseiv.es of oveU, 0 WAS a, 'household word in two , ,, 4. . .1 .. . ., . .. .1 . � � s I . , anicaloperatioril and iseffectedwith tile Powers the law, gives them. As the i continents, was, in ore � than, over before, � - ' .1 . . I I I ­ . '' I ' , I thsaid of a screw press,inwhicha weed season ivill-800n be'6n, we give in hii career, carried away by the tide . ' I . � . Tot ( v P � ,si C�eld In One DAY/ I pair of tools Corresponding with the below the laiv on the subject, with.the of a 'true inspi,ration. . .. . . ' . shape of tbe pen have been fixed. On hope that pathmastiq,s and road - over. . . . . . I , . . I ­� I . .. . . I.. . H a lever the screw descends, secis wil.l. ln,oflt by the, inform, "Can it b - i4anager, � ' '' I . � I pu� �lig ation , � e possible)l gold. the I I . I . � . ,' � . ciciviraff tile. punch into the I ed, which givem. 4hat your Pla.y, 'haa already, -matured T, . I . I .. . I I . . ... I . *Wev W2, section 0 of t1h ' , I I I I . . . . . , I Van ' Revised e, Why, when w�* parteia, a - , last Tgko.Laxative Brotno Quinine Tablets I cuts wich a - � cissor-like action it � k ?atutes of Oritari says ' "It evening you could thilik of � I from the strip of steel. shall be the dutyof the overseerof hifil- I - ompaIlly , All d)rdggiate rifund the maoucy if it faile Z, , . , . , nothilvand , " Marking the Name -This is done by ways In any municipality I now—ft . . I . . . � to cure; X W. Grqve's signature is . means of a punch fivea in the h,inimer .. . . tose"hAt 110 "Now," burst, forth the enthusiastic, each bo �# 1 � . provisrons Of this Act, telating to nox- I ' lxi 950, - , . .� .1 .. -.1 1. . of a stamp, worked by the foot. The ioug wee.rls,are carried out witilintheir artist, "it Ia fin0hed-it is complete I , I .. 1p. I . ." . blanks are rapidly introduced between ros �, i Listen while I tell you," .. . - . .. . .1 - � . pec'iyehighwaYdivisions,by.etit6ib � The' face of the'llianager Allowed a - .. I 1. 11 . . � I 1. I � I I ., gaides flxed on fhe bed of the Stamp, 01, ing,or c , . �� I . , . n.oi doc;troyi ausingtobeci I and as soon as the bammer has fallen roper tinie, i trace of , disappointihenC Ire moved. � 4 Mathmetleall Probf6m.. 7 down oi, destroyed af the'p, I . . 1. . . ­ . l the old blank is thrown out and a new- to prevent the ri oiling of th 'i I I , e seed, all 1 uneasilt In -his seat. .. I .1 I I . , . one introduced. � "Don t be too ­Sure,�"- he muttered. 1.�­_i% _ . the hO*IC TS growlilgonthelligh-- ' We all like to plitzle Onr brains over . Pierring-The- t0oIS­`-fbr -this- opera,-_-W&ys,_Or_j,o,ad_ _�'Mm_�pnthusjaam way have misled. - . tion are of a delicate character. allowanowt-withhr-th6tH thin s Which give certain Atid strange . , I Tile respeptiVe (livisiol)s, subb work -to be I you. But g6-6i'li- ' ­ - , . . I blanks are fed by hand, its Above ex- rosti ts, but Which wcFc4nnot explain. . I PerfOV1110d its Part of the ordinarystat. '�Listefi) thct7. The plot 1 Ball I It to ft plained, and actuated tqr a etv's a� puzzle which puzzle$ every - This is a. most screw 'Ito labor, or to be paid , nothing. I stole it from the Ortuch. odyi.- Take the number of your living mportant pro- able rate by the treasurer Of And then I fixed it u1i to suit myself. press: f0t Ot a reason- , . cess. impartitif to the p14 the required the muni- rothors double the amount, ndd, to!, it . %,ality, as the council of th First, theft,'We Itaie. tin -op6ling ollor.Us. ree, multiply the result by five, aitil lasticityi it a so enables it'to hold ink a e Intinicit: J �,f inaydir6cb," sectioli 10, u Thegirls will com.e.out in sdme� brand- it the number -of living sisters,'inul-' -The blanks Sda ion 4i says * ,4r,4Vbry,OV I Annealing or Softening I ergaer of new. color scheme which. your deal aler - tiply'the result by ten, tlxdn add -to it , uptonow are moderately hard,and highways who refuses or neglects to can Put his inlrial -on Ininigillately, Wen ' the number of deaths of brothers, sub - I before raising. it is necessary to soften discharge the ClUtleg imposed upon him some vaudeville speolah , ies Wilf be In- I str4ct 150 from the result. The right � . them by heating to a dull red, and al- by this Actl'shall, upon conviction be troduced. The scene will -be laid -Well, I hand fi Ure will. be the number of lowing them to gradually cool. ' lia4lel;o, 9 line of tiot less than $16 or osy on Brbadwa� At midnight, or 'on deaths Xle middle'figure the numbor of naising-The operator, .Sitting in more than $20. Noxious weeds iiftclud,o � o6ie uninhabi , . front.of a screw pressr. places One '.td Island-tliat doesn't livin sister$, and the left the number _ Of Onnada, thiStlesi exe edaisy, wild oats, s, matter. And Aetclg a .new topical songi � of living brothers, I the soft blanks on a die to whi 11 ragweed. mnd� burdoTll ., entitled .' - . t. - I . . suides are affixed to keep it in Posit- � I..., 1. I[. ----- . �_ I .1 113ut I 04n: . " . .. . . ! ,, § �! , ,! ... ! _1 � - 4 - � 1611:4hel" moving the handle . . 60t iivallow t�,Afljr , I 11 - I. - I of tile , I I press, the screw descends, forcing it . A IIIOSS1119'to Children. .*Ili the lad3t iet chipple niindollne, the '. state Of Ohio, olty ot I oledo, as , punch atla,*hed to the bolt, which iistar, Is Just gaveal from -orb, well, some I ' . Imem County. I . � one, and every girl Ili the chorus4ppegra I - Prank .1. Chesney makes oath that . shapes the blank into the form of apen Strong *01?da, but truthful, and the I I he is senior partner of thefirm of V. 0. � ! Hardening The pen is now too soft, experience of 4 mother who line thor., In pea-green tlghts.'� . and is hardened bv heating, and t Ou I Tile manit Oheshq&Co., doing bushiess in the I hell %,%tested thevalue of 13aby's Own ,get grasped the great nilul imm whilst hot in oil, after Tit le . Givin h . � I city of oledo, counf ersin 3' tile Italia, I . _� and states afore - I I , .1 . I 'I hay I h h y 11 w I. I11 b b I th I to 11, I 9 %bx . . , W.e.rience vrith I i attia, an Jirm w 11 Pay the I which it Is thoroughly cleansed frorn the use of this r,dedici eo 0 'Grand I" -lie tried. 1189ri 1. mv &r&nd f . � al!greaae. of Vourchu,X S- wrlWs: 60 IrKtay DO y ,hell you ,pola I w0A -suill of one hundrea,dolla �11 4 c TMperin Baby's Own TX 991 have used I ,ou khow, u and every case of cat4rrh tho, cannot � I 'fl -The pens it e now hard. , ietg'and flnd them 9, , a raid you were going. to pro ffe Some- I g t I ,�_.�,__hut too brit Is foi use, and in order to blessing to children, atid I &In not ,gat�. thin entirely too gabd for Too pull!fe )e Mired by the 11130 of Rall's catarth . . ___.- -1 '�,:�_ ��_­­ . * 11 -ir-e-OTM, 9'_d6A-cT;-1hW It-L-pli-tee-dVir i8fftf&�'l Va-TI-I --yj--­-� -- - -­�- �, -, - ­,*­�­._­ plkre " I ,a -W.&O a. � . 60 r6ft-A -me Ouse a W4 I ,­ --- _F0ftnh4,,,6h0n0y�,_, - . an iron cylinder, and kept revolving the time," These Tablets cure 411 the . I � . I : , over a gas or obarcoal fli4 until they Minor trftblos of babyhood and child I . . . I Sworn to before me arid subscribed 1, ac uIre a proper temper I hood. The t 4 in my presence, this Oth day of Decem. � 1'. I ... �filg art, prompt and effectiv,; rl�% will n4 oe g,o*in In connection ber, A, D. 1880. . I Cur -Aft* soakina in diluted hl their Rotron anA tip. a. I . , Lat 31, Concession 8, ]ff. R S,, 103 hares; 00hQ0I hQUsQ on Premises � Within five ralnuttp walk of church- 5 miles froni Clinton and a miles froin Seaforthi large frame houw, good orchard, mostly winter fruit, 2 good we a and cistorn, 0 barno, one 48x66, with stt,uo stablin underneath, the other 28xgo Arivip ,g Plied xn§ .hen house - ApPly 0 WMVIREb CRIOW, Clinton F, Os � August I-tf. pm�a"­.­.­ ­­... ­.. � . L I * I , � . . .Fant For Sale. � . . . . _. . I ' . The'subocilber offekj3 for Palo that choice farin I on the ILuron rood; TiwIterarnith, Just eapt'of Clint -on, at Present �bocuptGd by Mr Vishor. .It consists of.150 acres, more or 46se, with good . frame holneis,bank bhru,9iIo,W1ndinJl1 and small 0`rchard- Plenty of water. An excellent farm W a splendid 1pealt ter"as N I to 1. � . I . t.WTVA 00 0 M.Clinton. I . I , ___ __ � . I I . , I � I . Farin ,for, Sale. , � . . � . I. I I __ . �. . , . Lat 7,con, 8, Colborn6,'containtn 60 aores of I land III good cultiviLtior 20 acres fall plowiff,15 , acres In grass, 6 Acres fail wheat - 0 1 ,%%."," sell is 1� story frame house and two fra. ,b .0 in go V�j.)air, also, a good well and youn b or ! orchar . Farm well fenced and well w.t.,� Possession way be had Mar. lat. IW% For fur. . .ther particulars k . - URI$ R , .PBUtDOEX or U, JEWELL ,Sept, 18 tf - Box 50, Goderich � � llw_ . — I . I flouseAnd Lot loi �Sale. . I 1. I . . . . – , .1 I . . . . . The pro rty of the late Jos, Turiibull, Sit uated at ttal Corner of Victoria, and Maria St6 -Clinton, is offerod-for Sa e. cheap.. T,bere is � . t.wol�toritrimlodw,allingbolise�o.ontainingl2 . * I c.ona prising a double � pulor, �two dining roonis.and u bedrourne,ther6lealso asinallbarn . . thi-ra'are some baiTIUS, frilit-trCeS an the lot. - For ,at�;,rttcularg, apply to JAB SCOTT. . . . . . Barrister, ("linton. . � . . ., . ; , � . . I I . ... . � .. � I 1. .. I . . iartill For Sale.'.:.. . . r . . .,� ..... I __ . ... I I I . I , , ,. . Lot � 12, Bayfield cou.,Gctderfelitp�, 11B acro clvared.balante hardwoodmith 4 tar I . ,loquan Mty of cedar on it) * in good state of cult vatihr. avout five acres fall wheat,and considerable fat Plow% done.. Comfortable brick house. Ia 8 * 'r � ,varnW 11UPD11129underneath riving-shed2d ot or o ! uil a; ab4 e acre orchard I'mosti inter f t , well waterbal-:Lneverfail- q ing s I croo and We VP6118 * Seven 3hiles Tkoul ntonau three from Ildyfield. Posses . Sion atiLn' I -0,teasonab term, App for turt) er pa tic lars, to . . If ist. Pavt at., all. �. . ." I I .. . I — I . I - . I'll- . . I . .. - House lor $ale or to WaL: . . . . I � . . +1 .. — . . � . . - . . � I . . . . . 1. A conifortible cottage eonte6l, ijig I room$, � W4h',vb6d1-fiid,7bird i;;leolt. Vater, quarter Wre 10' '" ithbo4ringh-ulDtTabs,good otablo� - 11, beoliher sold or rented on vervireasonable tbrnis, L ,a rlwmu. . Feb� 27-1m.. - .. .. i L. I . . . . . . . . . . . � .+ . . . ., I 1L. ..;. . -Office-to Rent '- , - I ­ .. - . . I _ . ., . L I _ L. I : 1. OVer Tay] )r* At Rows store suitable ,for ' '' ' - any purpcoe.' Apply to .11 L ., I - �L. 21 . , tf. Ml % A. K, VAN:RING Ulliton. . I. .. . I I . . . . . L . . .- I — I I . , 1, . L . . I. , , I , , , , . . . I I.. .:L. .. . ., AlojilDy. � 1. � I . - . I ... L .. , . 1 , . I . L � .. — , . , p . I Private lunds. to lea t 4% ' - no g i3or cent and up- Wa�dg �. ,L L. : " � � 'i? , , I � — ..W . I, DONE. . . . .. I ".. . � ., , , . I . I . I I L .1. , . 'For Sale - L + . . . , . , L. I .. � � : . 11 Tb, . .. t , .7- . ' I ' ' ' 6, ' r'T O' Jas Farguoo2i oii High ,-�t " 1 riton!"Ja � . . 0 V 20 py . y t %A34ES SCOTT - ' - , . I . I . . . L I . I 1, , . Barris.ter 611siton, , I 1.1 I . . L I . . I . . . . L - . I L III - i - . oro bred Bulls. for, �'*Fafe.,' . I . ,. - . — . , . . . . Two th6ra-brad bhort-horb bulls, Of good I gedigre%ara otroren for Palo on reasonable '� Prins, ne is,red,21 %noutlis old,'tho other roan, low, nthO old. ... . . . I 11011bi OTIM3WG tondesboro . ... . Jftjl� 161 tfi.+-,. � , 1_.:,._"-1:1 I ., -Coh48,-Rtillet.t., I . . * . . I * i . . , . . - t ].i � ,. . I . ­. ,. . ..".. ::, , , . . L � _ . . . I . The- subsarlb6i It as for Service on lot 94. a r on Roo' d. thd lar1rd Tinproved Ybrkthire'BaR OakLodge Gaiety No 2706, Terms $1 at thmn . of service with privilege of ratiirnfug If necess ary. This It one of the finest aninliRls of.his class In Ontario, Improve Your atockwIth the best ' . I A_,1EBBUTT, Gloftribb, P. 0. I Pes 12-LoItf, . I . ., . . . I - L I I . ..,.. .1, . I L, . � .. I . Thoro-18red UU118 L lof ,'Salle,. . .1 . . � . .. , I . I . � . .. . __ . , ,rour you% thoro-brtal, rfuthqIjibulfg, bred frora prige w nuing aWmals, are ofrerea for Bale Aired from 12 to 16 Months, red In color, 411good promisilutI11114% , I J , B BERT M1011,8eafortlIP0 lot 95. Uli con, Tilektromith, H itla. . ion is tf - � I . .. L 1. . I . . 1, . . _ I . . . I , . . I . . Venersd Foh! lland-ftnted-'_ . L .. . . I . A good fetietts' &rm band vraptod at on6e e Mstred, otis6to live in, BteadY egloyment. Rdasotrablowaileg. Apply to, ward. 8�� WISE, Ilth con.,, lot'41, - Goderich town. ship, N4 off the BVileld Line, a* Address 91111toll P. O" J�r Ia tf L I . .. I . % . . ' I Vetan glive Positiom to persons of all - grades of'. abillby. Aeprits. b a alarks,faranotla soils, Ia era" Iftooban cs, p Stefano, preadbeft, - 96UNIC'M i inar, to 933 single womon 4 . Ido a." oal 1 US aft L worth froto � t4 2. . e L at, TI . 6' hay* AsP6r I e.o J& r LLL yes"ripid Perm &I W to full Sin L I . . I _­ � 1- THE, l5AT16L9Y.i0AURVTS0X ()*, Ltd, Ahit, 22nd' . . k %ntfotdo � . 1- . 1. I I c4rpet Loom to . r Sale, I I . ; . � . . , _ , . A NowcorAbo fly shottlt okrodt loom fit first- alao roTgIr can 66 b6uilh% for about We ou the dollar. hiA 19 'a J;ood L clionea to gUa 10602 � obei%% Also one I ght dox*o Yet wago r' 'L 84.16 Cheap. wall 01113.0rf hubA for 100 It "ll-WAll Wid Wittig. 4%i� Y G V XTS.Por. Q94M Atid - � �- � ��.­=:­.�,_ ____X_VA"80"-t_11q*a1_ � I . I . . . - . . . - I . I own notes, with one or more londorsers . . . I . . . onmortgage required. . . , PROUPF06T &. HAY$,. - . . . 0ARRISUr . . PROOT , SOLICITORS, NOTARIES ftI341 . I . 1.19040o. .Brewer# 31smager, its XN TAX P4AltXTIMJtL COUNT, &O, I I I . . ,� I. 011utaxi 0MC16: North st" Itext 410or to J$19AM11 0 nk . . I . . . . L . I . I . I I � ,Private Funds to lead at lov�-00tratqW I . . .L . of Interest. I I ]RoMeMadeBread W, P1tf,VDVQ0T. , - I I., ax; HATS . � . I . � . . I I " . I . . I . � . . oww"EMNIMOM I L . Genuine home maae:be(A4, domethilig . now, made from tboloe;, Arai class . .L ..... . - mor, i0a, I. - . . -1 f& Wily '" , . . � flour, prepared in exactly the same Way aw. . .. I I I ordinary home made bi6ad,, baked twice a , . WN. CWU.14N,A-D-9 , , ,.. , - . I I , '. . !� . L. I week, Monamy and Thuredsy',. fall w� jqht. . 4. X..V. Iii, -as. 'Jeal.ftburab , . . . I . . I * . : we POU134; '. . �. . . . . . . 'Of"Zodn.b.rit, Street, Clinton. Night "ll, . L I I � at fro or of office or -residence, Ratf6p­ - � . . Solffi a� Iiiame prlefA as'the bury Street. I . �, , . . . , ., )regularbakeris loaf, . - I.. .., ..'­. � � .. I I I I . . , I I I . I -efer- it - to ' & . DR WW GRAHAM' L L Try.* it YC.jU .Will p� . I 0 . I oth:er. . 1. . . . Lloontia6tis.of the. Itoyal College at Pilo letan - - , I . . . . London, England. . . . . . . .. I � . � J. A, Kinwo .: L C1 ty ftkelY 0 . d. . I . 6� , Moo an Rooldence- . . . . . . I . . . .. . .. JOINN TEDFORD'S Roaft, Uuroa-,St,� .1 . .. a . I . . . I � I .. . I I . ___ --- I I ­_ - . - _ . 1. . ' , ' L . .. , . - . '. . DR- J- Wq SHAW � . . . . ,.." , .. -:. I . . . . . .. Wantedi . , PAYSICIAN. SUR02039 . I . . I . . Ajocuolisur etc., offige sud roldence 0 , I I I . Young me a and wemento prepare for torte f3t., 0 osita English church, formerly ovrv� . . good situational. Apply to - . . . Quvied bvqlr. Apple.torf, Clinton Dzit. . . ... I I I . . . - . . . . - � I I . . . , . � .. - . L .. .; , _ . U Ominion . . . I . : I . . 'BU. ­ i. DiR.- c. w. *ni OMPSON . I . . . I I .. �.. . . . siness, - L . .1 ;,. Physician'. Surgeon'. Ifto. , L I I . * , . 1. 1. . . I L :, qllb� , I � . .. .. opecial attention kiven to diseases of the " - - r . I � � . . . . W , . L�� � Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose., ' , L . .. . The best 6quip'lisd B asiness and Shorthand - - Oines, snal'Residence � -7 . . . . , - . ' . . I I. L . Irt . I . . I .. . . . 10olloge in Canada. .-Aeduced tuition tates. -Albe : it ' 9 ,. I f Write us regarding our.courses .of study, — � % .L .1 I . . : . " I ,. I I and Prospects �of securing situationi for 0. .W. . I. I I , X I)i CJL . . I L . ... L g;aduat a. Catalogue sent free. .Address � Manning SMIth, . I., ,... .- ' - -1 - . .e . . � � . I . .. I . . . . � . . ., I . . . . . . I .: I I . . .. . I ; . . . . I . .. I , . .. . Ffi'X$l0iAN & SURGEON.' - .1 I 11 .. I I 1. . '' : , 1 . . I . I . . . . .. .. 4. 11. AICJVAV,� I . .. . - . I. L . . , . .. I OFFIOE-Main Street, Bayffeld, fotmirly I j, - - . - . . Dept `U! Confederation Life Bldg. - - - I I . ' . . . L ' . . I . - , . I . . . . . . I.. ... � . Toronto Ont. . I . occupied by Dr. PAllister.' , . . . . I I . I I I - . . . . I . 11 I . I . . - . . I . . � . . .. . . . , I . I 4 I . �. . . . 7 �. dw . . . � . .. 1. . I I . . I � I . .. . � � . . .. . I . ­ I 1, L. - I �� 0--, Q. . .&RNIEST.- tibLMtS, : �1, m ' A - . I . L . I . � . � . .... �_6­ - .� . . . . � � - , . . DENTIST,, I . .... . I . . , I . � .. - . :. . . . .. . .. . .1 . (SiaccesBor to,l)i. T..' 6, j3ruce - % . I . I . . . I I ... . . I . 1. . . I I .. 1, L . . rspeciallst in Crown anil Bridge Work .- - ' . L. . . . I . . - L. I)AS,-7-Graduate Royal 0011080 Dental Sur, - . : , - . . .1 . . _,veons of Ontario, Torollto,,� . I . L . I I e' ' :. ' ])..D; Si��First-olaos 11onor.grkduate 'of, Den�,, 1�1_ .. : . I I . . . �� �_ . itment of Toronto - Uuiveralty, I . , . tat I)epar - -It"Y8 t Ao the best... ­ - I S Octal at4rition said to preservatiov of 4 . ' . I o'. go L . Mldr..'. teeth, - V I ill visit Bayhold mdry', ' ' . , - " , . V I - . I .. I I Monday. , : :� 1. . .. ... ' " I . ' I . I I ' . ­ - . 1. Thursday, April"-2ndiwas a 101flico ever W. 'Xil-lor & kFc Xt's a I ( 6 1�i r4 . I . record da�, at the. ' � . . . .. I . I . I . . �� . . . � . � . L.. . I I I . . - . .'' . . . � I . . - � . T& Cano da Busines:8 C.01lege, . ,L � �. . . Uft. �AQNEW , . ­ , :: ..L .. 11 I 'L � :. . . . . . I I I I . ­ . .. . � . � . . . L I . � ' . . . . ': . . � ()R;1T`]R.;1M4' ' ' . .11 . . . . L I :�. % DENTIST.,,. -OLINTIx�.. . � . ­ . . I Sij'U&II B for office'lielp in I a Single L daylL . .. . * a. .. . - - .. . . I..: . . . . L. . on@&ihessfr6m.Qhib&'9O,. one flom, Mani I . Offi0e & joining, Photo Studio: . , L . . . ofa�,�e llotir�, L, , : ., . . _9 to L6 eT-(jjy. day. all& L . toba. an4L the"other four from leading bilai- . . . . ness houses in'the city. Positions at $45. Ltd Saturday until 10 . , � .. Lm( . P m. Bi anch ofdce�s ' E 660. per )n ' th ari g$ttJin0L quite common. In Manchester.- Dagannov, .Blyth and,. - - ' ' 4 recent call offered $80 per -mouth for a Pay#eld. ' : L ; I.. . . . . I . . . , I . . . L L - . . I .� firBt-claso. stexiographei,. , I . . . __ I I . L ' L LL .. , I — , . . I . .. . L . ... � ; . I , 0 0,- I . L ** -Does it not Pa;i to: attend tM, best. - � .. . . . . I : .. I . * .. .. I 1. , - *.. ... . . . . . . ... . Colleg . . . . . L I . .I.- Vetermaxv .... I ,��. � . e re�opens after Easter -on Tuosd&YL � L ., .m , 1. � . April i4, Now Wthe .� 1. _ � I .. . . . I ".. . . . I . . Veit - time to'dnt6r.' � :. .. I . � I . L I . I �. , . , �.. . . V , . � I . ' . . i ­ . *­: .. .or catalogue address * * - ' '', I R " L ' ' ' ' . . I .. . L . , I . ­L*DR J.L 1FJ EE MAN, - - L . .; .''.. .. � I I . I., . . I . . _ 1. . . A'XcLaehlall k. 0O.", - - - I I - I . * I I'll : . . .... I I 'VETETj1XA.ftV SURGEOF . . .... . L I.. . , . , .. L. '­ I ..'' . . .. I AL - . ' . 1% _ _: .�': " ., - ,� I . . ... .. . . ­ I I ft'ath W.Ont� , . 11 Wsidlig,r at the Veterinary Atedic S$oe &*. L . ­ . . . . 11. . . 1. , .. 1. . .. 1. alA I _ , . I . L L. . . - tI0Ds*ofL6indo1I find Edinburgh,- alid'Grada. ' " ' - ­. ..: . ... .. � L' ... I .. I L'' I &to of the 04tario Veterinory Colloje,, - , -. �. ... � ****' ' � 'XRXAT D189ASES 0V ALI, ANIMALS � . . . ******#****.*****" . I .. I . - . . � 11 . . . . . . 'L . . . I I . I 1. 11 . . L . I . � . . . ­ 11 .. . I .. . 1. I I . �_ ,% . I . . _ . I . .1 . . . . . , .. ­�� I _ '. Xiscella ' 1. 1. , L ceritral . 11 ". . . neous. ... . . . . . . � .. 1. . I L- � L- ­ � 'L .. ­;. . I L I .. I 1, 1. . .._—. . . . I . I . . 11 L . I . . . L I I I I ' I., ' L ' ; - � 100 - Li, FISHIERo. - .. , I Meat.Market. I . I I . PPVTON '-- bl�T,, *' . . I .. . .. . . L L . . .. . . Ge110rjtIAgextorJ7t-q1e ' . � � . .. �. . I biltolierin,., L . . I ,1'81 Life Assnrajnde tj�o. ,� I .. . .. L Having ptlrciase4 ibe -Policies On all the latest tjr,prO'ved plans,with . : busWose:of F. RLJEL Powell I ans: , re .privileges and optiong naost, advaritag6ono to' . , pi%rAd to"Ittrui ah Abe p6op] R fladIfistared. Annuities' issued.* I . . .1: , IA L ' �­7�_._,.___7_ . . - nd I -, .. . todwith 'All kinds of Fresh A . . . .1. _� I I L I Cured _ Xe&tg ".L' Sin .. .1 ­'., 1. I ­ I . ., L. .. I _1L I . � . . I I � _ . SeLge'L bolbglift, L . � L lard, livii . er and, . e , ggs always kqp on � �tx 110E X I , .. ,:� . .. . .. .. . * . AIR RIAGE L I S$S, .. I . hand. , � . . .. .. ­ . . .., .L . I . .1 . I I 11 . . I . . . . I . . I I 1. . . . . . . . I I I . . . . I .. . I . , � ... I . . I .. . -ISSUED By " . . ­ - � , - L . L . 0 . � I . . . . . .. I I. . . . . . - � I R. "11481mons & .S611. A. A to I : ( Jfifttej#.� L , 11 I 11 . 1. . . . .. . I . ....- I . . I . ni.b a 211 ''' I . .. . .. . 'T � elthous 76. I . ­ I I . I ., ... . � I �,_­ . . I .. . . . �Ld 0 64 OF I - I I . . .'.�.r I . � ! L 1. . . I ,. . . I . . . ,�_.W_ - ' . . . I . r % . JM"JUAJa.JL XaCENigg - f6su'ed - by the Ujl,- ' . .. 'If Ordt re delivered promptly to all ' dersigned at his Ito . : 1, parts of I I � heLl;own'. � . , 1. , " �� ton.. , . aidercl, J(Pjy,jt,*9 , ,. . . I I I . . . � ,, r 1 . r . 1. ' . . . L * " .1. . � ,., .. I 1 . r '. � I . . r, . I . �AXE1§ ge()M SR.. . ,-� .t, I . .N. B.—Pereons hhVing hogs for' � I I I . r I I .. I . I . I . L . . .shipment, will confer a -favor,. be... I . I . . . I . aving 'word at iho.:Pbop, ... JAJUS IDAUP14MU L0XJ)ftE0Ro .. ". . L : I I r 11913WIR or 1 -40 . ,_. L ` J-_8 . . . L 1. . 11ARIAGIR J,lCJJNr4R0, , .,� qrlww - - - - -- L- - 06*046010 . . I . No witalefisearequired , . . . r I , r. . . .L. . I .. L 1. .. ­ . - I.. I . I I --M�'. . . .. . . ' � . ' ' L � L . . . r . I . - I . ., I . . . I fie�, L,'1101"1119 r . L . . . . .. -.804.4-.1-IM0.0.6 0, ## # . . ... . — .�:_._JftJ90.N .. * . 4& . I .. . , s I . I I . . r . �: . .4. INS'URAME . , .. . . . I . L. . j- I r I * I L . I . I %'f. L I I ''. L . T� �_. T Fire n Jiro, --t_ . . . . . - Tht-Noverlty . - '* Aceldeal, T-1 . � _r t)yp"Ok __ ?4AORAY BL COR CLn;T0X: 0 IV T �. I - I .4 ... I . . I Iy_-_ . .1 . � I'll . -_1 ,I ­ . . .. I I L T '. ----------­� - —­ , - , , -, "\ ... ** 0 a I' L ' , . .. . . � !-*&na..Rst.r& . I . I I . . I X "I. � .11 .. _ .. - - - .: . .1 T � _ 0 , , . . VNI . I 40N N. W. YR!Z) . . ? , I . . * i,: We always keep oil hand a large . 40 � #r Al 0 or' POLMESVILLE, .. . I - and well assorted stock of good _* r ut t t 0 3[Af1cftsTj;.q . . - . . * 0 ") I Aflfti . Ay. -choose from I I . . I Of U" of -U-n-tabstst, Ebtland, =*O' Ass" ' . . ., . 1 T Podurft, are rat6d at $14;90,00 BIB ft-da'Aro . -1 4 I RMLor MUTUAL INsuitAlleg'00: Alob the ']do. - T Oil A), I? � Mixed aindy from 7o to Joe Ver lb, # P Wig kidke ,%nd town olaff"A o � � . . _J_ 44. V . . L ## lewil9b .-AU0. !?Ira WbPOAV takeu by, . I . , -01i llonwbonn lea i X nuo t 09 U611 060110finfeb-. - I . 6 $t per, lb, I - - r6V1r#40r1ktid. 1461107 t6 bo.b&d frd& 41 or-. . . 1, L . X e0gittv, 8606). 'Init to matur 'L I t L I., . L ID&I 46 of 14008*1 I.- I I - hift I 11)"til "kalloll � ,.* V103Y 0140aoliiak and oreard 111 mail I 4 H6161devilit, " . ?. 20o *o.254,por lb, � 4-14 ... . ! . _ _ . .t, I . . 0 , . . I '. L. I I _? '_­ � . "i..6��_,.�.�... . L. ' . r '. "F Figs &�d D1080, . T � . 020 . QN - . . I . I 'Wexiatin Navol snd Ueabla or. * Me _11ILL01P ANT , X- afigealgoto80operdoz, . - . ; L I VAL JU 4 . . , r " , k 6 I � I . T . - I I I I I I- I i - I.' I - , - I I , � , Lemons 260 per dog . 44 I .. UNSURANCE 00 7 1 ? - - . . X rAftland Iso - " 4 . 7-0, Don't forget t t I . I,ATZD ,TdVm p1toplERTIt. hialg ths� place for *-* ONLY Mbtf,Rt , V �$, - . . . %I) kinds of eakto, lisetry, etc, 1_4 .. . 4 . I . "If* . I 010IMPA. I ff, o4g4f,S Sg& X r 8046teaboprool ' 4 A,gold line of Jupe W L aento ,X,1146ti P, () *.* Thomo . � -W-esidenj � ald P. ' r ��'t -- - I o b, a oo o,, a I W, sys � o i - h a n d,r ­ : . , k660-Vict 44 L _,�;. . 'HAM 866Y�Tfda& seaMpth P 04 Thbi. , ' , �ftg - 'tot'd _&r. - 0.1 ?- L Jq&lJI M ---_LbA60,.. ­bli --- -, ., , L r I 'more byall"a Alwavo ib 6110 " own lbe%Uty. � , h JaQ?1&1W1;. , _ . r � 11 f esuaran UOU U0 ith the Bmsyels flax tnill' this year, -_--fl A, W, Gleason, , M01411"d C"Atorta allwgYi beatit the ftnattim 4 w � . I 01M sulphuric acid, the pens arb placed in 000titill no 0 , �, I X . W - VTOM 1. , Pi06 Ov harmful drng, owing to the difficaRk of s6curing the ,S) � -k I- I Notary Public. -of Chas. (1, oetchot. . ": I aadors Ili, ' Un#, +' YsP"dfadt Seatorta Jrohb 0. a . 0 I I two or three Iron cylinders containin' Thoy alAXays do good", they cannot 08- nebessaty hands to -care tot the crop, _"11 I I 0# r , Vvint" . , I r I I lirdo. 1. 0 -a" rep , 'e, int L . -_ 60 soaf0ttht John" . I fino stone and Witter, op Bile sand art sibIX do harm. .? .% . , XMI.N.TZ! Or. t. I ',?,#A", 866611ft0d r . en . - , U235 'wk ff, I '� "I - 11 ood.naturi , , thy Afa-dagerffogg han it staft of mon fit. Hall's Catarrh Oure is 1*1 rove.ved for several hours, K 1, chililren are to Und in all hoinftr �Vhere t4ken (A's � Al �_. "Ir � .1 on'tho'blood , 114 DARTUPF � 4 , - _rm liken froni these orl WOVIc yet In serut6hing, loat, e&es orop. nidly, C'M acts directly ti y . , 0 , or 64k P 0. howsw F 6; , i�t 0 , Mors th6Y 4110 .U&%� OVa T016ts 4r# .. wheat ftby WAs qIck, *,, pve het, CA'PtoHa. 4 I r AZ . I twed', ,You �xjl Wo Arb sotry4he will is rit)r to ruo as ' and toutous au%146es (7 the igystom.. . .j� - I . I ., . 1114diftil 1.10 _ r 1 I 1. V .1 , . . "a .86 0 X _ ,.r , heAd ablots, from any druggist ;; tho Aft Industry haA I%eu of no� send for toatimDA10,180 free, , * , . . a , % quitobtight, And smooth. t et I -.&, 1�ox. by .Writi" Wheft obe wd& a diilldli Ato M&I lb'r aast&IA. if, -,moot of J, . X0014 I �, Il'ut n . 6 . GrItiding-Thh; hk a peobeag patform 9 Inall AtZ ,oe*4 small V, 466. 1 '), dft ng finozoial Value "Brusiels 6,14 we hopo . A .J. Molloy & 06,j Toledo, 0� ' Whed the beeftie Miss, she olang to Coitforld ,Q I I , ____ fttt" ' A41 'bdt to thO Dr Willi4wh' Xedlolno . bh0Lr"UMptI0;ft 6f th Wotk Moy. W , , - 0mith 1Wk k ftbi.IlgItIlliah I JOd b1f 0 h4lad oil I A %obo or low rt Jft6$gk* W 0 1 , '6- ,Sold bWPA150. tho boott Whe,hjh61kAACAiidt*aAhtg&vtjh, . .4 � 1 4", " I W, Y" - , no I 11 A; hSURV o., , � 0f4t44*1t1t16 ""Od Co's Jumok,61146, ont. . I . . I t4%CA*W4:. f . I A1&�&._&_JL­&.�1A_1&L. I rr I r I P"dy. X, - ­...,.�� ho"S X" , . r I . '�. 1W__V,WV1V .-7.- allt 4M � Ot* I . . . . r . I I . �. ) I :'. 1% � I � � . I I � � , .. 1. 1 Jil"j—�­4111.1 1. r ­­.­,­. 1__.C� ­A___...A_ ­-­ ­ - -,- - �., wmil� V", I . ­ ,. , . , , . . L� I �_, .. -,-,---, � ­ *g&,,& I I , " . I --figimm .. __ 060AM"�� 1, - . 04w� �� - ;�6.a - " .,..L�� ,-A=,:V.�,_ 6imm .