HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-05-08, Page 11W
a .
. Farm Hell).
if farmers who are needing hired
help, will Send their names to me at
Ottawa, stating whether they want
single or married men, H nglish, ,Irish
or Scotch, if they have any preference,
the length of time they will ongage
them, wages they are willing to pay,
(with board, of courge)and allow me to
use my judgment in making a choicei
I will meet some of the Incoming emi-
grants at Montreal, and do My best to
get the help they require. Of course I
cannot guarantee men,but my Services -1
are at the disposalof all who wislithein
in this connection. . . �
M. P. West Huron,
'J%"%Ab,-W%l%,%0%.,l&%,4&%V%� - __�_ - _,
Find their employment within terilmiti-
utso walk of this bank. Tliloycould all
have a savinga a0conat wilhoqt any
trouble. I � I .
I Come in and see as any
I day,at noon or whenever .
convenient. . � . I .. .
. The Sovereign -
I Bank of' Canadal
Olinton Branch. 0
� Albert Street I 111
H T RANcE, Hanaier.' I
V- - - - - - �
-% . q*4%"q&o1&
Senforth. : :.,
Elliott, town treasurer, sent to Mr
Dick this weel�, the ten the usand d&
lars which the town agreed to loan
him in connection w,th the woolen:
ac or . n ea Se 9 . .
belivares, as is usual, t e council have
. purchased them wit ' one . which-.
to. the credit of the sin ing. fund,
in the bank and replace a' oney so
taken by the debentures. In this way
the town *ill be saved a 'out'$100 a
year with� interest. . �
DF,sTH on, IlExny NlOkl,R�Henry
Nickle, a respected resident -of Sea -
forth, died at his, residence,'Noilth
Main street, on Tuesday of laA Week,
at the age of 70 years. 'The deceased
had been.in failing health all , winter,
although�he had' always -.been able to
be up and about the holislb, and a few
days before his deAth he appeared in
better hoalth than usual. On the day
before his death he Seemed about as
usual, but the following in rning took
a decided change for the vvorsb And
passeclaway in a couple of hours. Mr
Nickle was a native of the Maritime
=ces, but early in -life came. to
o. He came to Seaforth. about
seven yearsa 0 fro.m. Kincardine, and
had It - - - - - - Tlic ted a'clothes (Jeaning
and dyeing business. He ,was quiet,
industrious man, and a bonstant m6m'-
. bar of the Methodist church. l He
J leaves &:widow, who is an invalia, And
a familv of five children. the oldest
I only 16 years of age. The remains:
were interred in � the Maitlandbank
cometery.- The deceased has several
relations and one son residing' in
. Clinton. . . I
I I . - I .. I �,� . I
. � Hallett � Auburn. . .T��-� - ++4 1 1 I—
. . . 0 0, i 0 41 4 11- i ! I i A i. i i i i i i i +,++++++++ 0 4 0 f 11 0 . 4 # 4 4 +++++++++++-+++++ 4 0 0 + # +., - + #I 44 4 + It ky T �T,.,W,
� - . . . � 4 +4� . A.
I Ouit Sicx,-MrJ`ohn,LittIe and old- NOTES -Norman Beavex,,has gone to . I. .1 - - . I . . .. I . I . . .
est damufliter are confined to bed with his home in another part of thecount I . . 0, * - 1. � SHEEP 1,
I*py I -
grip land eurlsy, They have been Lorne Sorlingeonx afid family recellipy
quite SIOXT-ut, at present �iro on the inoved. into the house of R. Medd. Jr. I ..... " I
, -
Illond. . . The Union choir class has resume I ,a . County �Com_merctal Centre.S10, . . I �
P911SONAL --Mrs Langle � !a, Vol . . . . ;
pof N ga ractice, under the leadership of Mr -1 . � � . .
F alls, spent last week wit - her twole, ethbridge. TLe village lilts under- . . � . I
Mr Edmund Crawfordi con., 8 -, she gone vaab improvement in the Shade +++++++++-+++ 0 # ! # 0 4 ++++ ++ ++++++ ++++++++++++. 1. i i ! i 4 # 0 0 i ; i ++-+-+++ �� "I I I �
returned on Monday, . Mrs, Ed Harri- tree line latkily.: The*reivains of the - . +++++�, DIP, SAO '
,son who. has been recuperating in late Mrs Goo. Young were followed by - ======W=;__ . I . 11 - .1 I . - . I
. I I . I
. �
health at her hoine Ili Saitford since � a largo crowd to Colborne eemetery oy . Btacelteld . full line of optical goods, Stock -own allowed oil deposits of $1 alid. upward,a p : .
her late illness and affiletion !a the Wednesday of last week. La grippe is . 1. ors, try his 141 wrlad Stock'Food; Bibly -loll capital paid lip of $2,. 111 Sllelef) DIPS We ltaVe ;
(� 3 af, Mr D. Uclatbsit, V, S., has the repi The Bank h, I � I
loss of her two children a , short still king with soule, while meas el . of being a thorouthly� Up-to-date Cream Equivafent; Poii try x oods, etc. Oq),(X)O, a resarve l'und of $l,6W,(X)0, � the r6ilowing "
While agoi returned last Thursday ford a testing thne to others. John tat'011 . I
of nd he is a ly assisted by stock of wall paper, as well its with total .assets of over $20,000,(,10(1 .
Mr Murr ver student, P I. 11rupplies. , I There is no institution in Oanad.i that . r
. much benefittod by the change. . Wilson, sr., has had. a severe attack veterinary, a , 11 43,
� NOTES Lor, ay, a cR� ost- selloo a . Little's sheep vivo.
-A. Webster has sold his in- grippe James Carter lilts his motb . . . . .. reralatle - so, . . I
terest. in the home farm to hisbrother, andotbers, asguests J'as Carterlutd office in connection. . . J. &'O. J. McDONN1?4LL enjoys 'greater confidence, or whose Miller's All . I . �
James, and left on Wedtitisday f,)r theMisf ktuile to lose,la 050 cow, after . . . . � . . . . local ruariageniont is wore prudent and . I I �
. I
. D,LX0N1,S ROTE L Are hardware,and furniture dealers, $a.-Rclous, ' � I . . ... . Empire .149 1. I :
Manitoba, where lie, intends mitking wintering hei, lie' will feel the loss in- I . . 4 40 . I
his holne fit futare. M;ss E. Cart trhas. deed RevJ`no_ Young,ofHatuilton, Chas Wilson runs this well-appoirxj� and t1ioy carry an up-to-date stock ot ' BLYTR WOOLLEoN MILLS Ja;'bolated - I I
ta,1c.en 41 position with Miss M. Sill Is' assisted at the burial sery ad hZe. Rivery a'e('_!bmrxiodation pro- each. In the hardware line they keep ,. I .1. I- 11 Perfect ' lk" ' ' . I I . . �
Clinton. John 3�213b' aunt, Mrs Qeo Young; her datightlev. VI(led for gnests,. The bar is well everytIling..paints, oils, stoves, Its well. Robertson & Henderson are the pro- I I and others. . - � 1,
dressmaker of —_ ,
loll Moulla v'to'accept a position its fira� ' Mrs'rlios. Anderson, of the Soo, lilts Stocked with wines and liquors, and a as Portland cement, etc. The finest I prietors of these iiiillq, Their goods . � . ... .
nian on,the G T R from London. S. gone back to her b6ni �. : I good table t et. . I �.. . . stock of furniture outside Of the cities. ,",a Made front. the finest Canadian I � I
I . . .. Undertaking in all its brancliesand andli"Pol"t0d materials. Thoy do lilt .
lam Iliac- 'Fina - Oil Wednesday at about 480 � e . R., P. Re-ekie is I , , *
McCoolhashadanhydrauliqr , . embalming done on the must scientiLle anne . . . .. - 41 �
. . AM ERIOAN HOTEL extellSiv(3 trilde ill 6we (IS, 41, Is- .
ed in Ills spring to force -the water to & in the fire bell- gav - wAriling aua I telry principles. . . I I . ; . I
-irns. 1) Prior has near- Soon tin old lafidmark, the Mauchestor Is ill Dealt and comfortable hos I . . � yarns. etc. Their. bu8hie-;s steaday I,,-. Pros ' t* D ' , .
his houseand 1), I . . creases eacli-year They Ship exten- .,orlp ion � rag. i3tore"ClIntwil, , � , -
. . . I
eted the brick, Work of tboad- 'Flour Mill, was seell'iA flamos A, U. of which N ra� P, 11. Murray is the pro- JR. RICXARD & 00. . . alvely-i. 4xid ii,re algo in the ont7me t — . . . " ,
'y cont . lullis, of the Soo, and John, .of Buffix- p0etress. 11,'verything thoroughly -up. . . � 'win � -_ Z --- - - I
ditio, tPol W lit McCool's house.' Thosi - 6- . of a good local trade. The e.S I s .. � .
Notb, of Al oina, Called on relativoi' 10. were the OWneLs The willer, Mr to-lato Good accoruntodation. Our Thd ablowiis."orlb of the Oldest as,%jell I ��� , .. � `
. as one of tbo largest stores here,, with ralike.anionir-the beat here. , � P. S,- --Sweet Pea ancl
and friends fore last week.. A. Carter :Toins, wus . running night and day, to old friend "Tont". Jones is in'charge. it trade K.early increasing. . Every- ' I . � . .. . 14 .. . I .1 I . I
d a Kemptinanure Spread- overtake both chopping and grinding, Heated with hot itir, and there At, in . I . Dtt. �IILNk "I Nasturtium.seed by the - -
c : -thing in t e, line of drygoods, grocer. _ I
has purcham � , . ... , . I .
er, and after giving it a fair .triid has. lille looking 4fteil the clevatoll caters throughout the house. Splen . - .
I ml , i )c,hoti�se,fLiL,nisliings,.w�i,llgAp6r; etc, . I .11 selected stock of drugs ounoe�or pound, � %
found it to work satisfactorily. �1011tlliza the place ffi' flailnes. M, y un- didsamplo rooms, aud fine rooms'.111% I( lCoeps n wt� I
. . .. rletory medicines, one ol the . I �
.. $CHOOL, REPORT.-TIL0. followl&s P a le froul time rear of bar,to Sample the liquid elixit. Their trade is. an enormous one, and . .. . . I . . I I
ilovements haa been in, . � au`,LN'�,Ipo ably in W"t ' On, . .
, - . � ''. fin ck,� prob, er-11, . .
the sb4nding.of the sebolars ofS,S.. 6. to time in the plant,, bu,, all is now a . . — . . they are about to* give away a. hand- . + - '11,
, , I . . some, Reintzinanpiatio to the hold' f tarto. There. is no wore important # 0 0 #4 4 4 0. #?# 0 4 0 4 4 4.- -4+4 '
, . . I . - - _ . . .
5, f6r the month of April, based on comp!eto ruin" 'rho village Electric . .1 . . er 0 -t, _ . ,
written -work, attendance and general Ipight plant, � run in .this connection. I . . lKippen . the lrwky ticket. . Two dollaws'. Worch .profession. than that of the (Irligii" '
. . . ski thorollith. l6owledge�IS Granted 8.11 Rpp'ealsi ' '. �,
. of goods wil ' require.4 - . - . .. .. . I .
oficiency :-.: Sr V- Robort Vodden ; . also went -up It !a all blaze ly, chaefor conducts the hot I I ontitte, y lt� , I 11 � .
pr ppdsed the . ]lent S _ou to aticket
� e. Ycla should get one before they ax� of the qualities of the drLW delbit ib% .
8r, IV - Mabel Browif, Sadin AlcCool, startedfrorn alantern Theinilliv;ls. bere,andhortins 4 firkit-class house . I -- , F'rescriptions eatefull� collipoundod. ,�`Oxp, WoWr11y--OTI193S MORE � .
John Vodden, Harry McCool, Willh�ul .a lar e building. about forty years pid" He can,say -what very. few hotelnZ All gone, , I .. 1. I A flnek lkine ut *optical goods, e5renigrlit. . WORTHY -AND ,STILL SOME. .
, I . � .
Snell;JrIV AIabltiIAfb0ooI,I34ssieMa1r, and clid. quite a lark; e busi ness. . can. and that is thaf he'has taken out , THE QUEEN'S HOTEL . . . Lested.free. Or .1111no is nio.14t h- apst'. WORT4Y . ,
John Wallace, Ella Webb, Gertle Vod- ' ...: , .- I � I . .. - . I . . ifily � — . . . .
__ __,_,=" his 30th license, Henry is Well liked esteunied a,- n, citiz,en . .1. .. . . .
. . I .
don, Frank Hibberp, Elsie Brown ; Sn - ,..- . - Lo-nd I esboro i:- .: - bythe public., .. . I Is run by Dr. Blackall.. .There are . . . I I . - .1 .Curtown fithers hold one of t6lowt
. � .
I.1- Ernest Lee; Sr,11 -' Mabel. Lee, '- , , �.va I -Lw Mx I -.i . Y -Tho past Spring. . . � I . '. : .� . . I ver ' y fe ' w hotols'thic equal of this one I - ,"J.1l. 011.ELLUW� . . I .. lai ge-heallted Seas ons on Monday ev- .
. 11 . I HENRY BALFOUR � Ittiucloubtladly.-does ,byall odds the I ening. last, �. and 'suopeedea .. in sayinpM ,
DellagcOool. .Ernest Yodden, Oi'vgl fi,as brought about inany deaths in our , ' . . . . I .. . ... Keepg a-very'fine stock of'up-to-ditte
vi -lie Leo; leading cominiat-cial trade here. Dr . f - abide for spacuil. pui�posus, on. e �xldit
- �
Ra soni Arma-ail McCooL Ohl , midkt, *land the latest to have. paid Xeepa one, of the largest' general , Blackall. makes 'aniodel laudlor4, and uruittive .here. Without Airilitare ions,, enou,�,-Il money to..Stitisfy, tlxe:-� ..'
Jr yi, -Mary'J`ackson,SAmmy Appleby, atur�lls delAwag Mr, Elijah. ToNvil. .Stores lit the coutiby. Ills stock is wel! . he flag completely renovated the house, there wotild be ver,y little housekee. - -ust generous citizen of town. . .1. I .
. .
r . ' ] . I
,,OZ n. . oa . I
siwBr6wn, Charlie Voddeu, Sep- send, a highly -respected old farnier, selected,.and cove'rg every branch of. re�p-yp 'eclanct repainted the I ing Par or and b'drown suites, e.tc. TheAlayor (lid notappeartorelisk,
i.-ing Wallace, Wesley Hoggart, Lily the' retail trade One reason of his .� e bax, ))lit Undertalking in till its branches. E rxi- - .
I ..., , . who is known to many in this sootion . I . in.i anew nletalcelling, added a, bvill- . thethought of sucliliberalit-koattig.c. ':
, i
(.11ockerline. Etlith Hobbs, I.t@en- Little;. of the country, soineffine ago he inov-, 841306 -as is that ,'lie ays the hfghLst some navy sideboard., The sitting baluilng doae oil theinostscientific arto.'his. co4espondents, ahiltrie& ::
Bohraiin Snell,- PtIl -06ra Mcclocil, ed6ffthe,bld farm on the, � price for progluco.- and the.pub- repapered.. principle's Healso hand es the,,Domi 9 - :'
, , lith. and marklit rooths have alsq_'all -been is best to, side track, the kenerosibr:
RicbaildVodden-Sr Pt 1_� H ,dxia Webb, Bottled in our village, �- .Last Winter he lie Juivie,confidelice in,lital. Seeds- New iroubedstends, put iii,.andnew lulon. and Thomas organs,'good,high- that Was be�ng- displayed by our ma " .::
FloyC6]e, Wesf�.Y'Co�kerlin'e, Addle field akid garden -kept in stbck.� PDA6 grade instruments, 'wartituted for rQ . . I I& I
bad 4n Attack Of. Pleuro-pilcurno.lia, I . . caa-pets added.. The best table in the I liatilmons council. However;.W= - i
Little,blay ip1o�y;J`1.PtI--EIvaMc-. - . . nection.. ..' .. . 1. ars, sold on -easy terms. William' leaveoii�.rtiaders to betheJudgeof".'
- � And thou0i he hai � not becil confined office In colt I ..-n- . . ..
06 I far ��odd6nj Mar � .. . I I .1 town,,while in his w'ine . eollar you will KZiving gachinds,* etc Ills buslin cgs. I .
. ,-,rb, Mair, to Ili -hon, yet lilts never - . . . . - i ' find one of the best. seleQtea sto.,ks of I ,what oar'goveraing body is doin. fb&-. . ,
. �, y a beTsince t � . . I.. . r—ft 1. * -is
� Bt�a Brown.., I Average attendance.20, n, self. Last � I I . .' .� . yearly iner"sing.... . � . .9 I I I
enrolled attendafiqe' 41,'-A.. F, jck4ws, . ; feltlike his forme I . week. - I ' � I .. 'Hensall I . . I tiny: hotel .in the t ounty, All'a the . I .. I . . .. . . the toWn!s best weal. . . I
, 1.
, 1. , . . p .1. . he eontr4cied - a :chill kind gradually. , I . . I . . I . � I gablat proprietor' is wilin . Ing golden , . , I . . I I . � . There *eve no absentees, And,the%-, %
.teacher.. . I I . , . I I F . . w morge iintil: the denth Summons G. -F. Youngblut.keepg one, of the 002WHERCIAL HOTHL. - .
. NAI�ROW. ESCAP0, FROM% LOSING A gre opinions for the'. way in *blcb, lie con- . I Mayor, and Clork were in 'their places. �
. - hoes . ducts the hou§e..The ieeu's_iS,t1Ao* MV Ji'G. r4filigh, theWoll knbwn and ' . . I
-M-7hilb M -r Will Rile . was busi- cattle, oil Friday thus �obink attafflict best selected stocks of boots and's olls� � J After rdad ng and qo4firming the MUIL� .
-m y inthese-parts, kiad-hesellsveryr sp�qbt6stay .athere, 82' ling i popUlful, b6fe',J-4a,11, this 'ufes,� the May -
HAND . edwife-of it husband with paralYsis . tab n . htt,§ conducted . or c4led ou a; deputAtiort ,
I lyeng,,6ged.in'i-i7litiilg*thi�b,%rii of the. . �00 I roun Colborne and-. ,
I , &lid - n1u6 . children .of A, , lovin�; onably... I All the � latest styles, He necticlift, � ' - - I - . I I hoilhofoi-the past ten years. The. that was present f '.
farm of. l.Llh6s Co e, Oth con.,' Thursday, There, are five. ,sons and makes a specialty'. of-repairipg.,.� Wye.. �. . . I I I . , . .. . �.. i - . . tablb iq not ei6elled ty any in tllo� Goderich townshi� - ? .
I .. - I I " ), to thellilatter of ..
he came within -all ace.: of -losing big "It I . ill? � ns" . ... 1006fti - I t,�,-!.-.' I coillity. He is� adding &,new , . .
ll=1 A chainwhich was being used fouVr(lialghters, several of, -whom: ate him a call . whol wanting b g 1; . . . I � . � - � . . 1 .4 . . , - brfe,X agsistance ' putthig down the hiil�,, -
in ;oil, of Clfi�ton, is.a , � , � . I . . � . . I I 11 -
. . . -11�th , ' . ,.. I Inesvih
- . 1 Itto , ro4r 9f. tlw,houn, �bis, .10441 I ie� bridg
%roi fIrried . Mrs 114�, . . . . . I . . Add, 11 �to, 019 "_ t. g"
in swinging and to place so : A. go'BIRIFIM. . . - _a over the.,
sister of dec . . . I Sea on, .%ud next year he intends ei,60t
. a barn, .eased. . The funeral Was - . I .
as to Jack it up for the''b4ilding of Mr J. S. :Gtioldet�- has *Succeeded to .. aiait,14ild . w,- B.. r,,6rst6r; D, Snyder ,,
. . . . .
a larqely littonded on Monday,, the re- .... - X�06s ,A.' ottletully assorted stock of ow brick -cin tb6,site of tbliTront . and D. Oantel ycem,. ,
stone! foundation,, under it,' - became. . the Substantial buiffiiiss of Thos. Sobtti. 111911''ll -
fasteried in 91 board that was being .us . intandbeing interred in .the E benOzet - sink'e and d6uhlia- � harness, whipg� ,He keeps the, finkist line 'of boots aud of th - o houte, Travellers . al.wairs, 'find And each spoke of the benefits, tq.bige
� emete' R v Kenned�, of Londes-- frunks,.valises, etc. Herdakesasped- � - .
I ry. - o, � .. . � es here. - as well as grooeries ;Zv,t_ everythillg to tbeirtitste their, Evert- d6dv6dby the town, in. the wayof
ad to hold it Ile stpgped Up to fix it, - jalty of ru ber bar . ness. Rep . airing sho school books, v . . - . would co I
. I . �
al '� torb, kind. Rev Manning, of Olintou, I . 6nd a.full I'lille of thin1W bosy and homelike. ,. Good � -' extra busicie6s me t1lifs,
and �had c 9" of. .the chaitt . . . , th,tt
� Mr. - Townsend ..was . a, 'done, . . ... . .1 .. - ". I 11
. . . .
I In. lolat'xig' . . . . ..- � . 'y clbt[iing,- -trunks,' etc. Mr . . . . .
.�� loilloreh . .� 1� � . I way, if the hill. -WAS !a,& more braver -
when the bo�id'snapped, A kice. of it, 'ofr . or ' ling in coqnbction.: , -
thorough, Englishman. having been. . . . I . ,. �'. . - I . .. . I
flying within close proxinity ofXr DR McDIARMID � - . Gouldell comes. front :Melbourne, Out , . . -1-1 ..'rt.r.r.- : '.' . . sible condition ft the farmers, wittv,
��. born kit Norfolk -'and came -to this. ', ., , ,�. , I I . . . iund comes. highly recorni ' 1 ' 1: . . . .. ... . . . . .. .1 4.1_1;. I;-, , 1. .A ". .V1:,. - qViley all 6ck-�, "
Orawford's-headi'who was� assisting colitltiry whIl his parents first settling Is onei.of the oldest modleal practit- . . hendO 4s,% I . I *�
. . .
.and the -chain suddenly Wenf, unto Mr ' business � . 1 . .; � St* Nugusithe' ' ... - 1 l-�io�vvtl'eldollte(sl oir protlub.6 ;'- "
at Brampton and then moved, ' ' t I loners in town, And ,he keeps agood . Man, I I � I . . I . I I . I that ,Clinton. buyer6 alo- ,
� _ ,. I '. I � , . I . I
Rilleys', hand, and : in' tightenlrig,.up u ��.Iln 0 . . . I as . proprie -ary.. - - . , . � . . . the best prices -for. rain;. etc'. he �
drew across the back of it, 'kem . .Hullett Where he has vosidefever stock of drugs, as wel "t . � . WRLL LAID -'The cholce4b of weglb- . �
oving since.' He was riOt ,an old. man -and midibinj�a. . All proscriptions. 01refully : - I Jolax X. PtRau , � etclidnotfavor the:R.. 0.1.� oongrega- County Couli�il wilt, )e asked to fv�e
� . . . . . I . .
every particle of flesh to the bones, I., . I . . .. . I .
� . for -this reason, his death is all"the. ,filled' . . .. . I . . . �. . . Is .a. first . class veterin ally. surgeon. tion.ill.the laying -of -.the corner stone, $500, (iodeilich Township has piomise ' ', �
that form the support of the hand. : It ' - ..' ' ' . ' � . and runs all up-to-date livery. i6od ceremonies'of their -new edlfic6 on Sun- $300, and if Colborne -gives. 4200,,an&. . 1
. more to.be regi,etted,. and the sym. . . � GE, Q. -C. PH . � . - . b Clinton $100, enough:--nione
*as A painful affair and Mr Riley suf- asla',gly ' in : .. 1. TTY -'. - � � � riks And attentive drivers'.: . 4, . dtty.. Afternoon last, - Ne�6rtlielegs a . ,y:will. be.. -
. .. .
. fered extroxille ag,ony from the ,Ljuryll, pathy of the neighborsw. , - v 111. . .. 'ALI, L . E I � . . leafed Assembly came to" forthcoming to, Put the h 1.1 Ili, fir6t .: , 1,
He WAS taken to the ,doctor' and. had ov, lence,. - wh i6h was comfor ing�- to Runs tl�e only �abklng house here, GHT - � . lar e and intei
11 . .. . . . IX M60R . - .1 I- -listened. to the sacred classcondition, and Clinton would
I I it dressed-, and will in consequence be' -the, bereaved ones. . � . - � ... -13;1 I- and he enjoys .a g6od tradeishipping � . ., .1 I getTer, and, t 0 � -, Nvii) il -r -by I it. - , - I . .L bw . - .
I I p N6TEs'-MIssM.try Townsend is very t6all paits of the.country, Heak6 Runsit; ch6pping, 'mill at this .point, rites' of that ancioxi , hu'r h' bolmy bb( . . . . , , _
L I 0 .
'her L8110p7 �'t,
laid up for some time ftom'his labors. .nunoobjo'. and 'enjoys, a good trade. H �L " $lpu �,_s gritnted by our Council, OIX: .
. . I 1111� . .
I i I . . 4tions runs. a but(. , e - also laid Upon 'the uplifti; g -of th-,'.. same JhkIt.
... ill at present through extra ev'er L e r. . I the other-
.1 s . 1. IL .1 .. - . I . H* bacanitild-h. t)uirhtL handles thebel brated Exeter Ron o blessing of the stone that colt- the 'understanding . I
, I
.. . . . P I �1_r ". I I .1 and grief on' account . of her father's IS , ams arc, much s, 0. . . . . . . .. And th 'Bishop 14'. P. (JoUneilS Also : pay the SUMS L they are ' , L .
. . . envill e .. . . sickness and death. Word wag'recoiv- after. . . . . . I . . .. .. o .. I . R. R. DOUGLAS' - - - Wiled its documents * askedfor, I I.. .:�. . L 11
� . .
' '
I NOTES,- -Very fewattended.quarter- old b�r Jd tashanithathis nophow',-Arch , ' � . - : RlOr.TAI:�'r ..�r. I I .. ,:�, I . �8, .. '. I . . . . . her I e, MaRVAY. Was pres6itt -together with' , � , . . '
ly services lit I Bethel.LSundji.y morning, McQularrie, formerly of this. place, *as I . . .. . . . . Ian:�baker hnd confectiolier. Fath�,rs McMenamin 'of Lucan, Me— The street.'coninvittee reconix6eirde&
it being such a disagreeable da , Mr do%d. Chas Cr,%w-f`&A'g youngest'ahild * Paker and � voilty:vx4 ,le'r,,fiaridles the .and does a good trade, , lee eream ar 0dim loll of Ashfield, Pinsolmeault of thattlieClerk 15� instructo&t-O_.asc6r- .,
I .'a �`
. . celebriteil I'artiell-Doan Steam bread, .Iors in c6rinecticlix, as well, as Clinton and their own respected pas- tain the price of oetnexit; to order a cat , ,
. . . 1 7 1_.
Nelson XcOlaAy i§ improving, Ile hav� -is veri sick. ' Mrs A, Woodinan. is via- ms.' - Meals served at till: h1u0punroY . a f6ii-indh tilft ' ,
, I I
I �'i
I ,
� 1. Rvki,rkthitg in the line, too I I . , tor Father , Hanlon.' -The excellent of sewer )e, and that
- With in attack of tLyA L itifig this week -at TI s.'.8ampsor0g., *of 1) . I . I 11
. ing been laid lip the hast iiiade pil: L
� , al�try and. confectionery. � Restp.u. Public.libraily in connection I , , , - of the bhur6h ,perforinedL Ql6ir. he laid.filom 'the north- side* of. Huron .
. pho.'d Lv_-r. ,- Henry Fisher - rdturned- . Q, Ofour'p.eoplewent to tfie�yvestl rant in L Mealp�.at all hours.. , . I , . , choir . LV. . " L. � . . -troy bar- �,.,
. I t oule � , . -
to Benutiller oh'Monday. Mrs T. -Van- 6n Tuesday; Mr Griog,-who has been . 1;� . conyied,tlon..L . . . G. H. B a E ,,�E ging -the street from the 8alyittloii A
. . ; part of the ser ice in Sing
atone hag recovered from a, seve � re. at- inanager for blijaij6Wmerchants here ;.. :� :7". , � w I . . � . .. ,. .. . . , I - rdly to t d in Ire :
. rL4.11abONOREM ,, - ' ,' - Operates a 100-bari�l roller millh Masses etc,,� Bishop L McEvay. *itb ,a packs. eastwa . he. r& 'h ady �.
. I le ry'' I dh tu . . ore beitutiftil engraved, solid silv in, and that Huron street. bo'graded, I.
� tack of grip'. Little Miss Ethel Stokes , hag completed his t6rixi and retfirlied . - Oonducts a .first, class jew stbre w i rns out' the finest product of and the- holes filled uji- with, gr . .. L
. . F� s I L the gift of the contractor,. 1�1 _,CtrOr"811 .001, . I .. �
. L .
has -been spending a few wiaikg with. to his li,iine in M6imtF6rrest this, we'ek. herei; and ciarrips a tockli. He modern ixtilling. He .'ships -all to,th6 . ' . . I . ,
.. . -_ ____ __ _ !-- __2 . .ea Report 440.i)ted" L I . � I . �
her grandparents, Mr 4nd Mrs Heddle. Win, Riley; wlxen� moving a barn. last �tVk=1'a,01JU.:1 11 market. , His principixtbitifid Cooper, laid. the, stone well. And true, . "ft. . L. -
I . u. -Y -V& � ter . ill wat
Miss, Becky,Snyder haks been -very, Mck I rt with, a - chain. . ,.. ., .,.q� .. x , rie 'be al�. is the Favorite. Mill feed,ot all kijud*,'I-� invoking'all. that, was good and true' The fire' at ex'. toniml ee, re-�. I I
.... I . .1, . wiaek,gothishand:hu . . graving:.. His yealrs of I . � I . . . 'L . .; ;,;�, 44, 7111'a � 4 -le- f, 4' . L , . . portQd thitt the * onalite was in bad :
. I . L . I . .1 11
Blyth. wtull gripi .:. . . I F . . L. . . . Abstiolluescame,-back.front yvidw- ify him as an expert. . tical 00 a; '. . L: ; lf,u HILT.ON - I il 11 L I I . . L . . LL,
. . I . . ibt t . . I I . L Seuter spape, bilt wag b8lb 4ttendeff to..
- ,
� . � (Intendect for laat'week,j. � , . - _ Church to s�Ay,*itll: It i - daught�r 4xi,. ees tdf' L. I . - � ... . .. . . . trowel was this. - "Fire ktO %Rt'L. L ' I '.
'7 Paid Maedel returned home th .village— .. - . or . . I . I . : � . ;boile,: alid Rev F P McEvay D', ,'D. Bishop of , i - ,
CHuncU-Assistod by the choir of: ', N6T1D48i- 0 . . .1: I . Conducts a.first-clais drug i k, petition, . signlo(fby' W_ Wheatley .
. _ _ , I meai- -th( - 30.6the ' - as Ing the
St Paul's church Clinton the youn . � L I . __ __ . . I . V71 DAY.W. * : aying.the and rs, k' .council 'to, � �
f � 6-6 i3aturamy,evening;,'he had been' in. . I . I . . . . ; , ,keeps.a,fiAll, line of proprietory. Loadoli, on � 6ccassion of I .
. L; I Bay . ,
� Ee lea society of the anglican churc � , W-trblt -for . two weeks undorgoin,g . . field'4 , I I . Davis& Davis the full *slue ,of , ,
L . _ . � Conditots A �011 64'ailpl�ed groo'eryi,kz cine,' 0efumery, etc. Medical pres - cotner stone atSt Augustine,May 3rd,
eloTa very successful entertainment treatment for his eyes,whidhare muclx � ' 14LA . .Aq4;uratdlv bomnound0, 1 !1903, by S S C � contractor. The FbIlle"ir hollse't-hat had -to be ,destroyed
NoTns,-Rev J. McNeil, is to conduct.' 'thi's point, Allpurb fresh goods, criptions " 1. ooper I 11 account Of il
. on Wednesday evening. The attend- better. - ReV'J` G Burn, of the Evangel- anniversary 'services tit Grand Bend 1�'as b . uilt'up his good trade by a Act ,9cfiool b6olcg, �tnd school sup�116!5. . 0,.[ atone 11al(I 011t thoreonA cross under 0114 I ijurles. received, Was OIL
. I
ancewasnotaslarge as might;Lbave: i6a,I_bhU,,h, - next Stmday-,Rev -Mr Carriere will take His trA, 1w-st A,�gugbiu . 9 � granted $80. in colinponsatio, -
0eached his farewell ser . Ii I - I . .. L 4
L . business principles, do f� one N. W-Telbgri It and Canadian E xpress 1.� which We 4 wove, 0011upol-k ., Poti n I I . � .
I , , , . L L , I A �,il _ _I , , . I I 1 $W oxi &6- 1 . 11 '4 1
been owing to a down pour of -rain Mon oil Suagary evooli.ing ra t it b - his work At B ft Id of the best:here. And extendslor many p May 3rd I ter this part. of the
. VTE V. . , f t' I
a L - r a ; ' oln tSL P'A'ltic.-On Sunday. miles in t I . I . . . � I , ess ics had 6liaed the , o - "I to �
about commencement time, howeve -9' -THE L,&TE 7T o J. T. uA
a, lovel� dvenhigthe church was erowd7 o the country. ' . . . I 1. . at !in r, ive cerenl y 1Z Aftlervag allowda 1,
. I
by all., The ed to t e doors;, both My and Mrs,Burn morning . last, At her home, on the4 - . . .A. McPUPDRSON' ' - � . ' 1 .Keeps one of the fines'tsto6ks of h - , All retire to the� old church close a,t count Of last'Lytar's merchaniVs water -
tood time was enjoyed . in* front - road, Stanley , there. passed . " Horse' ' -supplies' fall" hand and listened to F ather McMona,o . that W, asn't collected. '� . ' .
fo owing numbers were, on the pro- Will be uch� missed in Colborne AS. I , � I I ne69 here. men a 0 bill I i. .
of:,1&S,T. .
aincs. Parks at .:, L X6eo,
't 6; . ;L . .
gram: -Hunting song, by a quartette, away 'the soul . Wo'l ec d ek ` kinds. *His.hand-inadlb harness:h, . . . inthe L
I . they�. were both *erk- -highly esteemed Sol " te stp. of tweeds I Is a min deliver an eloquent address, on Some Alterations were made 1.
solo Mr Edinunds ;,duet, Bettie K4n- by old attild I the',%We, of 84 � yearp and . IOL months. wor�teds;. etc.; and he en oyj6 a good great demand He 'also .keeps. a few . tbd be ar and upon .
Young. . A; Courtice, of . , ., I I . ,it - 11hou art. FAL . Street watering �rrahgem6nto.L lit,
nedy and Clara Oopp; flube solo,* Raw- Mrs 4rke was oiie 6f the pioneers of a ?I M Me sets of fact r ' It' a e 0 , e
Holmesville, reached in,theBenmiller. Stanley to*nsh! traae-as a merchant ,t i or'' r o y., arness *of, -good, make- this took I- will build my church". He 'I c f th merchants hafin ,, to raise' � .
. church last A-abbath Morning. The 1 ,, hay 200 and the town $200 a,S ormerly, .
old Blackstone, Clinton; duet, Misses . I ;t , Ing settled with. Pherson Ships a lot of ordere& clothinj which.he, is sollinj cheap. Repairinir said there were two roasohs why he 911 �
I .
� West and Hamilton ; solo, C H Dowd- Benwiller and Bethel ]Leagues Wdreex-, her husband on t e Goslien line neatly toL different parts of Manitoba. Any� done. , � � ' I I I ' . 1. I .: 111. should feel honored to -day first, th . -
in . ' I . L at $300. will come out of the general furi&. �
C1g kftei..cIear.ihg and 'thing'y&ou got there is of the best. ; ., � -L of the town and $I00 from the -mot- ',
I, Clinton; address Rev C R Gunne, tended 412 Invitation to visit 11olmes, 60 .years ago. -� .
ton; Swing chorus, ladies of St or . . .. � I�jRANK MRhCALF, .. while he waspast6r of this church the
ville'Letigne on Monday evening, 'the, niakiug comfortable a good f in they -, - ' - -. J. P, WELLS ;', . L ' . � . . . . . . collgregatiofi conceived the idea of chants', the latter sum to. be collected. - '
I . I . . I . . I .
. . I
Paul't, Clinton. The young ladies 27th; both Leagues were well repre. retired to a smaller place near BaY4 . . . . The; reliable jeweler; keeps 6 splendid building a now. church, from a aug es, by the chief. ' I � . �.. 1. L �., .
W he had thrown out l i ab .
then entertained theii visitors tha. A where thq halve.taken - life more Has been in business hapeforona stock 161 WA L I
. , all P1
sented And all had an ebjoyable tiffie ,, . fleb . tehe8l block�sjewelryl 'Sta- tion which - T The band -will come in for a shaie of � .
nice luncheon, during which they keep the visith-Leagues furnished'thepko- easily for the last 20 .years. Slid WAS year, and his. trade has in creased in .tionery, s�hoolbooks, it)"'?, etc ', time, and'wAs pleased to know :the gratuitous. contributions to receive, :
them &=Used by singi.ig songs. The a iliercharif tW lltlnloir� '$100 oil c6odit .
gram and otmebvj.116 Leaj�ue '-ki#d friend And, good neighbor, as that time. He is, Ilor, Ubpairitif jewelry,, watches, etc, very
atherin r u 11,80, all. , meaville Wag 1 , , I hk of tweeds, w , , "s btiOln&ss is yearly in_L took raof,2i,d1yb.kJca,!sehe wa� 0 ion that they give week#- .
ed P, very dainty lunch,, l provi& I beatified by. the large atteadan"ce and keeps a ood stoc or. reasonab e. f . beirigasked todeliver the abiclu ly"00noortSi to be applied oil bAndmao:-'
feel ng he, t Clinton and Blyth 6on_ . . as . I ed by or, . . .
roll - gathered to sliaw stOdg. Ile i 14 forthki -occasion. Tho-'speAer then ter's salary. I . . I
gre 't t ns Lengkileis theLeague to visit if ), on Tuesdivy, who � t .�ats and caps; The creasing. Be I Telepliond qxchange i � J . . .
were brought closer in d enjoy- I - flilpst of suits and reasonable ill, price, 6onnection, Personally, . a a',man
. ,6 ,P io Nospend a pleasant an their last tribute of respect, Her home I . � . . I . entered info tho tradit*.ft of the The date. of the Court Of RQV1gJ*r,
xii'me't by their visit than horetom w"IT eveiiin had always a guest.chimber ready -,tnd , I . ., . . ' I . , . . I . stating - I I I
. I ab g� � . , , J. 4. STEVENSON I held in hiqu..16stoom'. , L .. Churchi the grounds on Which was set d6wn'f6r the 26th of May .
* _
. fore. . ... __ _ _ __ � . I P, sent at the table f6r the milli ter of I I I . JAUES MCMUROHIP, theystooklas, a, religious. sect. The, ' The following accounts were ;Jrhorox .'�
. is
*I . . I . I . , At Helena . i . Gold And -in, - the earl� 'days when. K"Ps a 'welf I seloAlsd stock of fine � I I . . ll�. . , I . .1 oso collection of the day �a iounted I '
'Uelborn I . I . a- 1s the .proprietor of It. pri in d J, Wh atley, .3 months' salax�y. i
0 jewelry,' CIOOI?,, watches, etc. ,I St vat/a bank 0 eS L Sit 'Otions of $100 - Wm Coa6� i
CRURCIa -The Quarterly sex -vice held, � CHURCH. ---� Rei S M whaleyo B, -A,j churchserVities were rare the minister tionery, schoo 8 p glioa, etc.. Spectac. at this point, and'does a, genetat bank- :to $380 besid bacri M; kobi Welsh,j $02.50.
not being yet able tb take his -work, it on his -vound.s made it his regular `-free,. Mr Steven.. .Ing business. Money1cianed on advan-
. 'ad- read T* place, After 58'yocars of� mar- t as 'the agenef Fk5krulers! sale notes Holmes M. P., and $25 froth 9 G Cam. W Irwixi seeds, etc, $1.47; Davis &. . -
at Bethel appointment on Sunday last will be taken by MrS.Beokkitt, a gi . . I es-, e esi t teste from the Bishop, $25 from Robert 1 87.50; N. Robson, $35; 0 Crich, $20 50-.
was well -attended, considering the K to
uato of. Queen's, who -is Welland -&Vor- tied . eandrearingsik children, ,this 8011 a SO t of tho'bell tageoUS L terms
. official. L - Telephone Co. He is cler t of the town bought and collected_ Drafts'issued eron. Letters.ofregretweroread from R6wland, �2.55; F Evans, $5.30; J mill,`.
. %"P- weather. The board met at ably knowg hera; Mr Beckett took as is the first, time death It I Ighly ostebined. . to all parts Interest:alltiwed on de- Ron Geo WR,oss and others for -their er,427.50; Albert Seeley, $9.15; 101111L
'a3;L"e their'llome. Theftuieral service was E in Ability to attend. The At bibles plac. West, $0.25; Treas.F ire Co., $3; G T R* ,
Benmiller on Monday at 2. 80 p. m. the basis of his4iddress Matt. O' as .entered L And, is most Ill
- Shinday - held on Tuesday, the Rev Mr Jennings - GROUGH SCOTT � . - of Xtw . 200; 0 Carter, $15; Tlios McKenzie, -
There was a large representatioli. Fi,l, will alsolake the wdrk neXt L, calts. When, you -*out money .or
1, Hen bricumbent of Runs a first-class rocor herei And . I I * Elt,&, Clinton ,, Titness , W ingham ; $1421;.JGritn6s,$l.00iACousi'zis 9,75',
I 8R�. . . y -__ ;_ - QUEEN's HOTEL � . - � -Sbar, Goderich; coins of W Steep, $2.L.Harlana Broa, woo ,16c
.r -enj - a_,4v__gpod �Jl Iho . - I — C.. - .- I ..
n , were v - O& ry F ishe ' - . . L . . alve nione to in ed In the stone were copies
ato_ to_ - L '� t9 aft t�, of Sigliql and .
Ii h Munt` ,q-.)(�(-fi-t-ifi.-Ilift,Ooil-,.'t%gttl,,,C;--A.N-(-,11.PiA-Pl,-t,-AL%ted.I)mMav-Rtzia!Ddan.11- Ling a�, _ 19
"s' or'f clton� �V� ., Joy _.t _Hb keeps - .. _
.... L
W no, ted Ill God! Btiyfleld, presiding, a�-
his many friends will wish Ill L 7, vest, go there. ,
... " � �rx Wg' in- have �eil to know Itev MI. NVLhAvy ts improv- 8011fortli, .t foin fiavc-4 fitiest line of goods sba the market;. in ISL on_e_'df"_th_e__!�o_s_t kno W -n hotels, in t a prosen day� 6witviolm 6f--.-bh6 -s-cuak..-$2.-J;�int�e-L-t4ht,$76-64�woo&, '-
Jj4i'trf .tl "ot,
ce lent lot 0 offi,iols. . log 11 lid tru, 0 lVil. sol) ' 11 'I)L 185 'Ipto .
.in I Sit, .
an e, .. ____ 1. 'it, 11 I al' �)).,jbilj([L tj) llloltrn fier, loss her agod - the line fof groceries, crockery and this part cf. the country, and enjoysa church, Hurons,parliamentarylL repre4 fOl'balf, T,?O;l ,1,$5 .32. Alobe -
. I
.1 . . VWr I .. . : . . 111101)"tIld litid Alrow son -4 and* three . -good table is set. slentatives, and Reeves, the naine, of Settles, hall, licenses, etc, $42.80 -,
Nile I I I glasswai-6. Produce of all kinds taken patronage. A . i!04r- .
. essrs N' Thow and Robt do, 'it Mmi- in exchange f6e, gbodg. All kinds of 110hoo(rtlaost"of wines, liquors And I a., the, King, Popej Governor-General, 14 � I
071,,ff. .-�'kf ughters; Georgatind.John, i 1 cemetery, $5; total, $47.80.
LAID ON. THE 25TH -1t is thought itoba" lJoV.T. F., sit Walb,oebur , . "W" - Promlers Laurier and Ross, and,, the I 'L . ..
. McGuire w6r0aill NVIlighnnion Saffir. I ; -T�fi's gar4en secils, as well as good potatoes. The house is being repapered re I I � * �0 ! � , -
I .
that the corner stone of the new 114 eth. . day, �', isseq I acJ)()uil:f(J, of Lucknow � 11,14.111iott, of Go.derich townsh pi and . - .. . . �' r . I painto ' d.throughout., Afrs F. Mason is contractor. Winghani 'Was well, to- " ' , Go I derIch Township .. �
odist church at Nile will be laid: 6n ,(I, jql,' C and &. L
worethoguests of thtlir fric! sa - Mary, and Kate at hours. I . W. J. MILtEl - \
and will be an event of ' "a Malnip Miftero,ovei, . .�_ . � . . . . I .\ . t I I
.May 25th, , , proprietress'i7while Masohl4ros, Man. ,esented At tho gathering
Sunday. .11 . n � E' from Clinton nllm� THE IJ'L._*An &fflilb6od home 1S th.4%6. L
. Elton, -Varoa. � � Has the R est. blackaduth' shop in age the house. Good -stabling Ill colt er . � Father Hanlon and
small importance. It is expected them son of -Win Sheriff, lef t oil 'Monday fast PAItu, Wl"LL - 'I'lie congregation of St. Western Ontario., It was' built Spec- nection., � . his noble blind of workers have, every of Win Munnin a at the present time.
.. church wQI cost about $5,000 and It is for London,, whore he flag secured it John's olmr, It, Variut,. Mot at the resi- iall for hi , an as anolithiefloora R STORE L L reason to be proud - and'thankiltil . for One of the Ichilven was taken doWit �
, I . .
anticipated that it will all be provided , good situation, We trtist he, will be dcnee Of L L Boa.tbV on Friday evening an t0or4e of the am e. 9 a hojSe_ i TBE, GRE, AT, OAS tlie Success, that has attended - the with A severe type of measles. and it
for, by subscription. or otherwise at , itesuccessful'as Ill($, boyafrom liore lastjo bid goodbve toNlrand,Nlra shoer heis not excelle , Heturnsout MrD.' McBeth conducts this well building lip to l;Its wesent sthge, an � d of Was t1otIongL before three children and.
the time of the op6ning. .. Mal I . . I L I t�eL finest the luother Were S r e e W a
. I . ,. ve boen! ..: _ � - L . L ,� Jag, Atinstrofig 'and family, w -on tile cibout t enty bu gios it ionth, and known store;l A full stock of staples, what promises to )e one of t I k n.. Ith th .
- I - . . I., I . ____�.___ , P.Vboftll(�ir (I(JI)arture for flj(J'N'ortll� L oft 1)ardly EARIppl e delivard. clothing, groceria 11ts, MrPets, etc, chur(-Tiesintliecotii-ityotifurott. We 641110'41seitoe,. Mr Muntilligs has the -
I � � - . "', I . ' d atyl MrXc shallnowlook 'forward to the 'time s�mpitthyof thowhole community. -
. . Tuck�rsinith.' , 'West -After 'sucadixify so a tittie lit . . . 1OHN WRISAILLHA - Allinew.iin . ts'h" g 0 0 a a �
. . , � .1 . . I �
. .
I il, XOT9S.-Chdff Layton is ke busy music and social chat, an address was I , I . I -riotor of a flrgb class .. �rone . -
erecting the OY616ne and !t( .
X - ondon' react oul%zin); the departing ones, Js the prop
. . I fences, oseph Ctich has completed an .and then t e congregation - resented al store, and he carries an up-to.dat6
I 0) � �, in gonions'dovice, for getting. posts. Ur and Mrs Armstrong ivitt a hana- .stock of fine g i Dods, He has, by fair
W -- dealing d good values, built
- N 011711wit.The services at Ahna, kind some thaptle - clook. as, a token of is- �
Turner's were very acceptably. taliten by toona. Mr Avnistront taken by our. up"IX SPI b. Try, him who
I Q_ �(
I Airs Hall, of Clintons in the absence of prise, thanked them eelingly. "God �ott witnt bargains. ' Ra j6 a.Man herd.
10 tlo�) /� Rev Mr Green, who, we understand, be with you till wo niect again"' was lit high esteem in the community, .. �
. . . WAS called to Vallarton, Nextsunday sting, after which A bountiful to )asb , JOHN MOAUTRUR .
. I � a L, a Oak at
, . N � Will be the regular uarterly service was served by the ladies, . The gat'Ll'or- Keeps well solect d t of It d
� � I � and the quatterly.of cial board wiff Ing disperAod in the wee sma) hours, _*
- / , I I I , .. Ma . . . - . . I . I ware, and his business is steadilv in
vr- 7 � I . -_.__-_.1.-... _.. � --- -_ IMUEMCSYNXIef . 1ULAM011Aki, "�.. -- "-I —
% - IV . __ . I - 'It,"" 3""", to, oils,
I . . . . 1. XCRIll XOTL'S,-The choose and butter f4c- accOMIXIOdAtO le trA ell Pain
. . I OP. ,,,at, -
I � bory made their first lob of butter ,oil .1 yishes, I,amp goods,.eutlory, Port
. Assus6mvxl! RUTtIlMs-The follow� Tuesdai, Mr Xennedy,thebuttermak? lit ( etc. Repairing, of all
. ' . 361 h
... , I � I I Ing figures are gleaned from the as. or Mr onnedy, ,arrived on Monday. � to, roofing and eave-
Inds of P
� . 1, . I mentroll for this townahipfor this %e and Blanche TobbiAt, who have troughtfig. �
ear, There tire 8,17 names entered on been sick
'�i� �) I L are recovering, Gea 11uller, 8, T. HOPPUR, Dxttrawav6ii
To make Lifelike PletUreg he roll! PoPulation, 2,401; tbore ave Wficl has een sick with the measles for
, 707 childron bot*A eon the ages of 6,anci aonlo, time, is slowly getting better. . Li'�orywhere, this business is of such
( Is the Object of every, ,00a &ot6- 2i, No. of &ore-, 52,144, cleared, 4g,142,. Mrs Z Yates And son, of St, Mar so a, character and loxteni; As to claim a,
1 or, we go futtheir. WJ insist total tissessed value of real Pilo, oftyl a )en6 saturd& and Sunday with All, Prominent, position in the town's com-
96 till o OAE shalt be sup6tiot in $2,010,400', orsonal, $3,18ft taxagle in- 1. Amess, Jor, , rs morce, Everything In the line of drugs
� i , t g#fibiShJxl#4ndxn0UAt,, come, $0r; d&ya of stattite labor, 9, 101' n Witter and G,,AMoss and patent medicines kept in stock, as
. - .1 11 . so -11's" -*;... I wheeled to 86M#,vysonSaturd4y. Miss
. , dm� there are 7#312 cattle IM shop, 0,018 Pot Baker, -of Clinton, Was the guest, well as a,high grado atook of pprfaftles,
I mily roolpe
� I yo. ho, h aftaI7 aboam engines- 0I Utos U 11 Willson on Tueodar Dvlen� I Pi-dNoriptions and fa . 0 eave.
1161V 0 - Photo - stago, , 1T_Z01r11c14V161r66 u6toeboirt'h1a, doxios the you, lm fulir alia Aftutatoly 001apoulidod" A
I I � I . . I
. I .
. . .
I . � .
. -, � � � . .� �..�" I - , All- -A _—L, i .;:,_, �---L--..,-,�-1,�--..,..t,A.M...I
I . 1. _. .i- I - ._". ,__.L__. .... i.Mg,�Affi& �-_-__. — ,kL—fl. .4"
- -
181ness on
shed. it y
you tire &I
best vahi
U- A— y . . I . .
� , Jr. G. MOSIER . ;-
is a, deal r in .heavy aud Shelf hard.-
arey � A. 9, oils, etc , is well as house
't ,
Mills * a of all kinds, Farmers
a, n ti � waing should not fail to
� , A I sorts of I
. . �,
1) , ,op&jring of
bA re . ,
.a a man nignty esteemea. . �
,6�Wthe most creditable and In-
iting hiabotlea of steadr. r rogrosal
ananefalway is jtl�iato t)o: auk
xmilton of CanAda, The branch
was started some five years ago
a now, under the man& ement 01
,,, Scott a man well andloi)m
"I to tte busliless Wotl(I llore,., I
tal banking busInoss'tmnoa4t#4,
ke ftyfoo dopatment latev*t is
when f tl�shalt, be! finished and.the doors
thrown open for public worshi p when
a still more soleturt coremoltial opening
service will be hold.. ,
. . .... Suin.taerhill, , 1,
Scud6r, Ruroitlr. -The following is
the r6 ort of Like, standing of the pupils
of U. 'N. S. No. 4,00dorich and Hullobt, ,
That; � I I I I
11 11 .
vaalsh;.no Point* ,
I .
In your,ealle perhaps 10i the
sight of those eyes of your$.
If they tarel attention g1ve It
to them at oneell I
lu Sonuilenger �
(,a.- Jr 8: Matia,
- - .
No olikirge fat tooting, I " ,.,4
Arillic, Sinclair,
. . .
, Draper . Sr 2
y Challongel
--.';,— .--1l-___*%.1�-1
lair, 110�iQ- -
Sinclair, 110-
. � � .
"orn BP , I
� "hoom,
S0464106 lyelweltr
P,ovott ; Vt 2 -
. Amlit 60tw4t.
I Amahar, 041 -
ft mait. Lbag
4161100*0 loaf*