HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-05-01, Page 2r
N I ,
ft* 9RA
May lot, INS
___._______ - - - , , , , � ., _ , -, - ;;Wvwr��VVF�_,,.=�.,; - 11 11 - 11 11 "'. .1.111-1-Z: I . I
T--,-. - � - � . 7 �- I I - - 11 I - - . �. I - � - �_ - '-q,'! '_ I — ... . . I I . — . .1 __ _ __.____ ,- �______ ��.
11 - — ,- ww�
, —
� - _____t _�_ - . - -1 - . -__--11__ __ -r. , _ ___._ - .- -_ 1- I � mr—, 4 , ,
. ,
� � I I
� . .,,or&
� INUStuslAtevs Mtn
� .
� VRIDAY, WAY lht,[,NO3-
� 1,� "Zz ". , 1, 1, ;;�,� �---__- -11-'. --.-- . . - �=-.�-_Z;;7-L,= Z"r
� , 'There is a vei y interesting qu"tlou .
.IDT veracity between Mr Crossin and Ift ,
. *0,.mey. Crossin told his story aud
AU,$,,edwlthlt; (huney told his and
'i I . �Xotout to Buffalo. t
. I
" .
. Ws is but a sample of what iniglA
. I I U. done in almost, every town or town.
" '
I mbiplitOntario, anditisapartofthe
L Q .
. ,*r9rk the Children's Aid Societyof
. I
: X -mon. will be glad to assist in, where
. �
I 4epses are brought to their notice. 'Pile
*Mcers of the Society in Goderich in- I
.. , I
-otecolrespoildence and co-operatiou
.. I jEmm friends of children in every pitrt,
I L ,01thiscounty. Addre� a James M itch-
, . *A I
, president, or Mrs James Clark, sec.
1 . �:Wtlmry- .
Z I �
L .
� I
" I 'The Standard Oil Company has just
. I 410clared a quarterly dividend of 2U per
1. . vmL As the capital stock of the
� � . wouipany is $I(X),000,W), the quarter's
� L iffividend is $90,000,0W. John I).
. L
. Mockefeller, who owns $40,000,000 of
. , Oe Stanaard Oil Company stock, re-
�� I Aodvesjust $8,0(s).000, ninting his in-
. vAnne from this source almig for the
I L current quarter $88,888.88 jwr day. If
the Standard )11 Company CoilLillUeS
1�1 2* pay dividends at this rate for the
, -zemainder of the year Mr Rockefeller's
� I I - income from tl�e company for the 12
1 .
� =onths will reach $32,000,(M.
I I I i
. I
. � .
Many remarkable inventions and
Parlialuentary. Pentillings,
A Popular -kmlDri10a11CQns111 ht
Properties Forlsole or tow I
6. D. . McTgg i i ,
"K At"If "UR -11 or,
to Xr 44s. Ne*40
Canada. Sayli He Knows
j3A I Ir
(Successor , �
For Sale I
�(By tlloTiditor)� .
(This was intended for publicat Ion
of Remarkable Cures
. I I
------- I . ALBERT
r ,
Office -Elliott BILck, formbilly 01W
two weeUsag
,19 ut'Was uniatentl oual-
ly oinitted note.).
Wrought by
TwoArstol ass 0orep In Searle's Block. Ap-
,vl;r to - W. 0,SOARLE. ,ft
(;eneral Danktaa Boalliess
� .
by XT Scott, I . I
. .
transACt9d *
. -_ I
Farm for Sale.
The adjoianuient over the Faster Paine's, 6lery CompoUnd
holidays gave Ontario'. Quebee tin 4 .r
I . . . � ,
. .
. ... ........ . � _. . I 4
24 arithile inewbers aii opportunity to
, spend a'couple of days tit their own
The Great Spring Modidne.
, , -
-- '
The west half of lot,2i, ftyflold Con God-
township. cantaixiing 100 d
Notes issued. Interestaiiowea on
. . BAF=STER, sowclTou, NoTir-Ir .
deposits. I
. firesides. Notwithstanding the at-
tractions of Ottawa, during a parliatt
. - .
erloh acres o
land., is offered for sale on easy torms! gj d
I .
I i r
-ETO. . .
�ry session, membepa have no
menta I
� r
The claim that Paine's C
....., elory Coin.
is the only medicine in
barn.1log house, plenty of water anl) eMAII,
010101trd. powtloular to
IJOIIP�lvipl,ii,epsAt'�011�.UU4% A
— ttttt`t`y_ — I
I rehict afice in getting home whenevor
i -
'und ,
flieworld for, the cure. of rheumatism,
. I
. .
" I .
they can without interfering' with
� their dutles. The only ones. who gen- ,
nottralgia, nervous and blood diseases
is fully borpe by the strong ana
. . I
.For Sale or to Rent. :
r .
- -RIDOUT 4 HAIX . -
erally.stay throughout the sessi(ni, are
. , i
those front the far western. prov hi(.es,,,
convincing letters of testimony re-
. . __
. .
. r �
Real &late and Insurance . r
thedistalice being such that they cati-
howc. But they I
Celyed constantly. bythe pro etors of
_ "I so
the medicine. NXhing el
pley, containing 100 acres
Lot 29,00n.2 % , .
in geod state ol a tivatloh for sale. Or to ran$
—_ . .
to. loan on mortgages at
funds I
mono) to. Ilia . I
. —
not conveniently go
would be v ad to do so if they could.
g like
hits ever possessed anytbin the
for term of years, qV,y to JNO. McGHLOOR, ,Private
on promises or MI MeORROOR, 2 ooa..H.
beat current ratell
I notice a paragraph floating around, '
pretending to show the number of ,
power of Palue's Celery Compound to
restoreahealthy nervous tone to the
It. $_ Tuckersinith, 156.fortb, V. 0.
Feb. 7—tf. .
General Banking business tranavoted
' . I
parliament ary absentees, talwit from .
entire body and to tborouglily clense
. .
;uteresli I si
. SaIs
For Sale
the Toronto Star, as follows - 11 When , the blood, making it impossible for
notes bought
� I I
Barrister Solicitor Nota.ry and Canv,eysva *-
I I 11
tile first vote WAS taken, 00,out of 214
members,vvere absent, . and. this is no '
these 'stay
rheumatism, neuralgia and other
troubles to find a, lodgement in the
system. Ministels, professional nion,
I . I
. . —_ I
Comfortable house. and lot, on Albert.
oflice--Opposite Colborne Motel
I . I
. fioderich I
unusual occurr6ice; -away
members should attend- to their duties
generally, news aper well, I public
lot i Acre, BS1,
Clinton, for sale cheap, �Ou;a
- suitable for small family. Apply at NEW ERA
I .
. . .
I . I . .
I orresign." A
went of the facts. There area few ,-wbosedii-ilyoutlo,yofvitftlity,
officials and all wor1l;ers, Yuen
office. . . I . .
I . I . I
Incorporated Ii Act Farliambut 1855-
. �y. . . I
� __ � .
. -ely, of Cameron Bolt. a Cameron .
f4yme e*
. .
� — —.'. I .
I Good House for Sale,
absentees at all times,, but out of tho of hard, tr ipg anxious work,
I 60 whose votes were not recorded. halt cessive, fitil renewed nerve strength
. . I
. .
I CAPITAL $210,00,000
. I
of them might have been in the House
and vitality in Paine's Celery Com-
. . __ . I .1 .
� �
BEBTFUND $2,250,000 � .
00148—HAWWOU St OPPOSKO C01bOX118.130111 .. .
* . .
"when the Vote was taken. but because
. .
they, were l'paired" Willi. some other .
pound. General . Win W Henry,
A.Iffericall Consul in thecUy ofQuebec,
For solo a'frame house an VIctolis 8'reet,
lot 1224, story one half—spit Able for Drains ry
WM, moLsoN KAoi?mcitsoij, President
. GODERIOB, ONT . . . .
. . I � __T
I . . . I 2.1, . . .
member, they could not vote. The '
number recorded in - a vote is not tit I
says - � . � .
� .
*Alt' Ives me great pleasure to in,
Citie's Celery Compound, both
family qualuracre lot, with stable,
hard 4�di bape
i�ofty,ater-, beaTh g fruit *race. Pro-
y will be sold on reujrvl,i.ble terms. AV,)l
JAMES ELLIOT, Gen. Manager.
N otee discounted, collections made, drafts
I .
any timQ an, exact indication of the
numberof members present, -though ,
on. account of the results obtained
FRA84U,Ail�a Qroig,or
Nov. 21-1m. . . ...E.
issued, sterling anaAmerican exchange
bought . and sold., Xitterest allowed On
Ofit--C-lser 118111111111011, St. and the 4q11l&r' . . .
. the pu lie nil bt t ink so..' It the vote
,, from personal use of the remedy and
I I . � � ___
deFosits , SavmG BANx.tm-Interest al lowed
, � , 1� �
. . I Goderlcll� Ont. .
should hi pen to, be an impoiptarib one,
the nu ber of "pairs" are announced.
1 knowledge of the remarkable cures. it
i Vas erformed. I believe it has no
� . �
. , I
I � Farm.for Salef .
on sum of $1 and ap, . computed, Shall! year-
IV, money advanced to farwra on their
. . I �
H.:jj. DickfAson CHAR, GARRO*. UL D I I I
. . 1� .
so as t . account. for the unrecorded
members, but many totes ate not
equallin curing diseases of the nervous
system and building up those who a,"
. . — . .
I Lot. $1, Concession 8, H, R S_ 103 acres,
a" endure
own )totes, with one or In ,on
on morteage required. ,
. 9
BARIusTERs, SoLlorrons,
strictly on party lines, and the'same
I . I
' I
A firs.11
'weak and out has cured
of health. - It
I �everal friends mine of rheumatism
ochool house on rei?ilses: within ve minutike
walk of ohurch- t miles from 014 ton and 0
, ra_�'__ __ __ 6od
"" � '� _; ' �t ,00d'.
' "_�g "
8 � ' i4a6g
, , .
1 jarewort' Managers
' k1*04
. . .
attentiou is not paid to'th al
The Fillanee Minister, on. Mr'
in its worst forins, and I have no
in" a 0 '��r 1 'ild
d t' I`t Ir. I
b a 9�0. 'r
Y,wn I
or. r
a 0 ' 4"�w.
, .
, . . . 01111111761k,
. �
OMee*. North st., next door to signsa e m . - .
. .
Fielding, announced several days ago
hesitancy in recomineriding,. it to ,ill
-with disease. '
kb h t a a� R t. Ill Ina
, is. UWI _
.a rl !I. had
it r ..at - , at W dt �
7U' 0 Th
. under h t - 28.
� .. � .. � . .- . I .
I . . .
� Private F.undk to lend at lowept.rates - .. I . . I I
I -
of interest. : . .
� - speech Would be delivt,
that his budget
I elZed.on Thursday, Some members
. .afflicted that � I .
I . � I
I �, . . . �. . . .1 .
0, I L rR C�
� he. ...a VV ly W ,
Cli.h . P. O.A. . W,H1 0 E . list I_ f ,
� to A �
Ho mlie Klkde Bread,
,,- . . .
weeks ago made tip their minds that
no general revision of the duty ached-
N ew� from Iffeotland.
I �, I � . I I
' Gen.nine home mAde broad, 'eometiiing'
. � 4
. ...
� .
. .
I I . Merlical. . - �... � - . o . . .
. . -
. . . .
I ., '
. .
. ules was -possible. this season ..The
. I
. Crieff voltin . teeko are to dotit the kilt.
' - - I . � . . . �
I .__ .
new, made from choice. firii� ,class family
I 41k
. .
- - - � � � � I .1 I � I .1 - . .
I I I I . I . ,
. .
I I movelties will be shown and exploited � . . . - I Government, it is rumored, prefers to - I . . 11 . I rhe subscriberoffers for sale thatchoice.farm, nour, prepared in exam y a Same way -8 wm.. GU14N - M.".�- . , ,
L , Fair to be held . . . I . .1 77 leavethingsastilloyare- Nevertheless ,The mortality in Duji,dee front can, an the lilaron road, Tuckersinith, Just cast. -of . orail'ar home made bread, bakscl, twice a . � 0, � ' f . .
- I at the coming World's . .1 . I cer hats nearly trebled in 2-5 years. - Clinton, at esent Occupied by Mr Fisher. It week 'y and Thursdayt full weight �,L. B. C1. P.4 S. Edlubmgh, .
ariff deputations are still supaggling . I . � I I I
I I t . . . I col 1% ' 'nag I . Oftlae--Oncarlo Street, Clinton. Night. oiW-. I . .
, in St Louis next year. One of the I Boy's Reformation asIBts of I acres, more or less, with good wo ponia. , . � . . �
. into the Capital every. few -days look, I London and Inglis are abont. to erect frame hod6e,bank barn',iflo,windmill and small . . . Pit front door of office ov residence. Itattdit- I
' ' i
, I I mtost remarkable aniong.the novelties . — , ' ' ' I ing for,bettdr" treatment to this indus, 2i blocks of buildings in,Cdlatbridge. � .9rchard. Plenty of6water. Anexcellentfarm . . .
I .. J ' . . . . . I I - Sold at same price, as' the . bl�rr Street. . , '. . ,. . .1 . : . .
. "We have a b y' of twel.ve in the try. and that. There may be a few I . I I . I In a splendid lodislity. For to ..
�1�, I - An -underground cable tot Scotland is . I ,rms tp .Oto ..
* ARTHU C 0 Cpy iinton. - . regularbakers loaf. , . . . I .
. . , I . I
. .
-wMbe the slot ma�hine for taking ,'all nimor.( ,hanges in the tit � I . . .. 1. I . . DR WM.'GRAMAM
� . gaol here, convicted �of �te ng, what riff, but on the � I . I
I -
�., . Photographs. In this machine you would you advise ?" was the message whole even this is. iinprobable. . .Hon -; to becompleted as. soon as. possible. . . I.... I .. ....... 0. _., . ,Try 'it .you will, P refer it to . Any Licentiate �fthe Royal College of, Physician .. , . .
. . . '. . . I I . . . .
. . . .
� , - I mtsind on a platform and drop a coin in received 'by wire fi-cim One of. our M r Tarte, I 1111lisraper,aa a:; tillltlmui�','j � 6.nl the 13thult, the .herring catch in FarmT for Sale. -, - - otbor - I : �. . I I London, Eugland. - , a
I ' . . I I I �
i , coun%judges. The .ansA�er sent back has it that the ( l- - - - - , , T be -iner'eased 'the Fortli W" 15,000 orapsj�bort of last . 1. . . . -_ . � . I a- . . . .. .� I . . . ..
�,� -Me slot as in all other ,slop urtchines, was ' a - �. I . . " - . 7 J. A. King ,. -City.Bakexy' Office.ind Resideno * . . I ,
I elay' action- and write partieu- it, woollens,. steel i�nil white cotton, � year' i � � I . .. I . Lot 7, con. 3, Colborne, containing 50 acres of '. . I !l. . . . I I JOHN TEDFOADIS 3116usei Buren St, . �', . I
� I I le 1 lso i hat'a duty of 12 lr2 The Blairgown . e,'U. F. Presbytery is land in good cultivatiol, , 20 acres fait plowing,15 . .. - . - . . . . � � .
), When you pull a lever until the coin lars." Tile particulars can . tit due tvid 1, belbwe4 I .
. I �
- - .police standpoint ill be' . acres in grass, 5 acres fa I. wheat On premises . ___ , I I . . . I I .
1�, , . time, and from A "' .. imposed. on barbed I .arL,allgip�,.a ladie's' mission ambfig the js I9 itury frame house and twoIramo barns -in - . I - I . . . I . DR. di W. SHAW. . I
, . .
I 1 I appears behind a small circular .glass. � they were serious enouall to wartant a "-I ' ent W . . . . . go x%alp,, alsoa, goodwellandyoung bearing . � .
wire . duty ha,ving existed up to, berry I � .
I this t PICKers. , , . 2 . . . I I I ' - ' I .
; � a tube I loug term -in. the Reforkliatork." 'The 890 ' , Wartc . . PBYSIOXAN� SURGEON
. _
� " On the side of the case hangs . - I need juot say that.Thave no orchar , arm Vell fenced and well watered. d % . � � . . . I . �
I judge. however, had beeri, studying . official knowledge -on. this subje(-t,. for. The Into Miss Cilrti*eV, of CralgO,blis Possession may*be had.Mar. ]St. IM, For fur- - , . . . . . '' . A.lecuclieur ate cffice and ' residence 0 - .: �
�_ * 1i[ke a receiver of a telvphone and oil . . .. , , I - tario, St., oppobite..English. church;
I -saving Work, - a a4d chav� ther particulars ap& to . I , young me i and.women to prepare or D, formerlyoa,�., . . . I
. .
� When I nixtern methods in child � I if I had, .I- would not �fnilkd it public. - ;30 _01 - -iou I 1%, . . I MRS R.. � WDIEN or R. JEWEL�L t , .� . . I aqviodbv r.Applatqii, Clintonont, . . . -
" the end of it is -it, push and readily con§ented ' to tr4nsfer the . I may also.be compl4t6hr in error.',' eft over '"' r .t 'elIg . 1. Sept. 18-tf �, ,� 1. � 'Som to, Goder 0 . . Apply tO . � ' ".* . . . � .. . I . ..
I bottoin. I . e ur 0 es. . . - . , job go d Situations, . I .. . I I
I . . I p � - . I - . .. . . , Dominion , I... I . . . ' I �
I � 7_-7____.. , .
� guardian hip of f he lad to tfie Super- �ertll ii;' � thilro will be X "b p �t -'. � t � �
n this button it bell rilig One thing, .is c I 0 0 p ; SUPP . ., . , .: ... - 0--W-� THOMPSON .
I rs � . I An utbl-6 k f Oi6onin osect - .F . i . . * * I . . .
1� Tou press o . dtendent of Neglected Children; theve -debate.,:�A '16 to ri ef, , � Lug of ti .- meat � - House a d, Lot 1or* Sliile.- - , . - 1, S , i.., I . ... .... D R , � .!... I , . . . .
; and you sit still until it s -)s ringing. I Mg, budget Ink.:, list of . a , 10111, e eat rfni6 . . 0 , . . I . : ; .. P yBiclan, §urgeon.; Eta. I
.. , a � . . '.
, tol 'hildrou's Aid -society organ-. . Ineulbers tire, anxious to 'li'&Ve their ,c , . tj . . , . . h , - ' ' .
. , b6ing no C � pet. . . . . . . . . . 11 . � I .. . I . . . ., . BUS I . I - as I . � .
. I . . . .. .
, � ,�, . I � I . I It ., f . 11 �s oc jlrj 6 � In litfed 1797 (il I ie first Thelpro rtyof the late Jas.''Turmbull, Sit- . ' eollege.. �. � . . . .
Ina fewseconds the picture drops izedinth, district Theboy,(ameto views -on.,the fiscW question taken - . - . , . . . -,!-, . . I I I . . spedifittention gi�en to diseas ,of the , I.. . :., �
- A ,�Soh6" p6nD7, e ... : � I � . . Eye, Far, Throat and'Vose. . I
:�,�� ,out. The finished photograj)h is in a the city utidelt the closeaurveillance of down by the shorth.sud wrl ers o - - I ,to, . � ,�- .. � .
I the local'�onstable, and was duly haij& . t is fully ek,6ected thAtt I" e .,.�em,y 7tever minted) -svt a liated at t a Cornerof Victoria ond Maria Sts,' , . .
, � . . Parliament,. - I �rega' Copp . I ( , is offered for Sa e. 6heap. . There is a The best equippedBusiness and shorthand * . � I. : Officil'ind Residence- . , a., .
�� ,:� I trame about an inch in diameter and edover, 6%Vol],'. be,kvas*asked..4'wheje . -Ali- lfi6lding Will I ltmemthed ..,.' emculk?. . , �ft in Canada. . ! Reduced tulition ist6s, AAbirt atteet.2 Blocks Nbirth of Rattembury- . '.: .
11 - . ... � I be able to announce a - , � , , . - t14:t.0t:ry frame dwellin .
� . . a . )I house; containing 12 "'. I �
I xnay be used for a locket. . . - do you th nk yo -u 'Are going now � Dams coin pri4ing a'doub a parlor, twoldinin� 8 'r6jaraing 0 of studY, . . . ,.
, ��
I 1 ?"' handsome sprplus - p6�sibly twelve or - , A special collection taken in. Hast, . r ' - s ISO me, b � a or courses . . � . "
", I - I . as It rn
11 . . - . rooms anit elled,rioma,,the at a ' -situations 'for: tig Slflith� XD. �: WL '. . ..
. -eplied with- - urteen :million and 'a reduction of ",wto6d,paiish church, P�llokshaws, o ther6 To r it trees on the lot' its of' securing i ,G.:W. I.Inni I
, . d I � '-The Reforthatory." ho i . .fo � - ' . t a t, ,oine earIn; �u and prospei CataloPue son - . . I 1: I . I I �
I , � . There are sump. pub ic men in Canada 1, out it suitle" that . beiug thti onlyptia- ate. that '. " . For.par oullaril appl. JAS SCOTT_ -graduates.- t f ree. Address I . � . . I
tlie, debt; in fact some anticip, clear off Z?b, realized z5l, .. . vt I 0 � . I I �
, . . .
11, - lshmenthe�couldcoriciilive6f- Hewas tile budget,- in so far as. it relates to the, I . . . � �; 11 Oct. 81. . . % . I . Barris.tert ( lintob,'. . . . �.. I I I . . . . PHTSICIAN & SURGEON. � ' � - .
; . -to-day who have more glitter and pol- . . Mrs Wfli.Brab4er, Ormlstonjias en- I I 1. . . . . - I . . � . � . . . I I . ..
l, i� , . . _. . . . . . o I . .J. B. filie)KAY, �. ' - . ' B . . .
J- S3011011lighbened, Isind libappreciated progress and de%7elopment, of the coutitt . tei-W upon her 89th year, �jiid lihs; been ` —"-- . . aytisia, formerly - , � :
. I
; . F. N OFFIUE-Mam S.ireet, .
ish in their speeches than had the late tile -idea, the -more lie comproliendeil.-it:- try, Will. be the most cheerhig one ever .1L iedtotaleF foi-over 05 �ears, : . .. I . . *1' ". armfor Safix. , . . . � � . . . . � , . .
I' � C , , - - �,: pgpt I.IC11, Confeaeration Life Biag.. . � .
. �
j., . � . . . . . .
�i� itely.'forgottert; -the P . e ' - .., , .: . .... , . . 1! I � .. I . . . . 1. . s . . , , . I.. , .. . Occupied by Dr. Pallister; . I . .
- Sir Oliver Vlowat, but nonewho can The past to b6 comp!L I delivered in .6miniou" MrMild-71 : - . � I -_ . . . - . . . I 1. , I - 'r , "to ont. . . .. . .. I ,. . " .
ill "... I . for the hAllire, at new,jife -,to be trust ! ing,is an ekcelleint speaker, , does not 1' During the. -last '.30le rs oflly� *tw(j . , . I , . I .. . . oron . � . . I . �
" I . , , " - Ittot..- 12i Ba0eld con Goderielitil., Ila adr.. . , m-_ . . . � ...... . .. . ''... � I . . . — . I.. � ,
,i,�, ,,, -Lidedariti encourageAlli' wa§tetwords. and no 'nihn�cin.iilake '0611ten'trians havb die . . . I - - G - H 0L '
., give utterance to niore pract il.ual. sl.ur-. ed, respected, t . , - I 11�00**,an- one, (85 cleared balance hArd"Woodiwith a large qnsin. ��---L�, , -- : .
_. I . . . . . D - LF# , .. . . I
. .
. -is Nvorthyarld commendable � tity of cedir on It), in oof� state of, cultivatiAr'. I . . NEST M9W I. _
�i : I . . . .. � . . � .. .. �
��.. ally dry,) more � Ill 1860:107, and the o�hqr 100). .
dy patriotism than is contained in all that w, figuies, (%#h1ch are. usu _ . K ble fail . - I I . .
� � . alt . eaeresfallw eat,andconsidera . .. r -DENTIST . . - I I .
'�,�i�� ich he closed After a inonth's trial free'froin a;ny inter�sting. After the budget is coin- I Mra;6ex �iilft, , I a ;lio' .. I (Successor tor Dr. T. 0. Bruce . . I
'' these words,^ with wh his Montrose, was 102 plowiii one. Comfortable brick h,*,.,, far 'a. . .
. 1.
,�., unusual restraint lie seemed Alling pleted, three weeks or h, .1 . Darn with abling underneatl ,A ng h 11 . - I "t / - ' I 34.1--,
. , 'rovi-n i6id Ilkidje
.�_'. . I � years of &go on - the 7th ult. Sh * .3 . . � SpeclaUst 1:6 C 'Work, - - ...
:6 speech at -ou-the-Lake, on July and anxious to' do right, ,and i farm the Hou ill, e 0- 1§ otb tb 'Idih' , about . . ..
,. Niagara il ad W. "' - .M . 11 � h.,I). .15.-Uraduate Royal College Dan .ur .
. ,,,.ready for serious -6ys.- - mostry7 I rEt'- weliwMer ' ' ' I .
, ' I still able to gb:out gn 6unshiny cit 6 , Ali.. � tal S . ...
1: . . enu'al of Can- bome: was seciired for hirn'-far remoyed -business.,', The. R stribution Bill by . . . . . . . in g sprin creel d two wells - . e, ties I �. . goono of Ontario,- Tqronto,s : �
; 16, IW2 when the c(ill. . --&Ustnm0asb11onor. graduate of ID
, . -former erivironment One that time will liave b.een.pretty We I On. the 13th*ult, Russell: & Co,, Port from. wintop ana z from Be el ... S - . I . en�
, from li a 5 . . I . P. D. S ..
' ada's first parliament y *I. , Ur " I � . - . I ., � tal ]Department df Torouto UtIlversit, . � . .
. . . . �:
, - a, knocked into shape by-1he special.,00m-. . r 11 .. I I ... 11 i I attention pAid"to preserTAtIOP 0 .
!" ,, was �eing cOIC day lie forgot his. good resolution' '1'n Hine'r as bl . � I .. I
,:,� .� I Glasgow,. launched a, steafflei, 'of W50 : sionatanyt P .. I . ' 17 th �*. .
I This, be it remembered, when . took some mot - mittee, and membc�rs wilt b6gin'to. tons for "ana(lian liikeEi, -further particulars t C .
_', 1� iey b0ouging to his em- s6rvice'on tho.6 I b at* pays to'. go to. eSL � Aed'.'en'stee . Will visit Bayfield. t.T�rp , , , :'. , '
, brated. . � . . . �
. I � I . .
� ,,�,%, ployer's soft and bought eigarettes, and, ihilik it'is tfili6. to burry.things.along " -, - - - . � � . . . David, st.,.Goderich,. ' . L. it. the b , d . 11 I . . . , .
- I . . . . . . � I ,Monday. .. - ' . I I . .
, . � Office over W. Tayloj, & �c 13? 6 I ( &"I ' ` 1. .
,J-..',,',' prominent inen of his own party were . -om3g - man sbon ills- so that -tit ca, retnith-totheirbom-es, . I I 2nd - was a I , � 0 a . ... .
�5.k." I . tolrieco The 3 , ey it I I . ... I . � DESPA IRIM (jF BEING CURED - ' ' ' ' " nt. Thursddy,. Apri . . . � . .1
. I preaching the docti-iiie -of aunexatiOu covered his loss and treated'the'cul it I I House for Sale to Re I . 1. , - . .
-net, -!' I � . . . I . � . - � . , . I � . ... . .
.1 . I - before suini . . . . � . % � I I 1. . . � , , I or . I . record day at the . ' : I � . '. ��.. . I . . . .1. I ... . I
1; I I .1.1 I . - . . . I I . . . I . . . I I . . ...
I . 'hing - 'Re. h , - - . I I ; ... .. . ,,� . ,f � .
... % -is � I The Otittwo, .Citizen, Con , . . I . . I . I I . .. I , I .. I I
��,�., . - under the disguise of "the continent �o a doN�rnright good� thr, I I s0vatly$; Mrs -W-.,-U4. 40kies,' �W Hicks Ave.; I . The Canada'. Busilless Collej.ey - .. � _ DR,,, AGIYEW , . ,:� ,
i, t.?� ". incid ht wits. undoubtedly dlsc0urag-_. in speaking of Air - Take's runiored Ili I Kingston, Onti; states �- "I I I .:.:.., - I . , . I I . — . . , .. ., , , .._ .. .
. I
,., . to which we belong" : "I hope that - . suffered . . A: Coilaffiriaille d6ttage oont.xit Ing 7, r6orac, � I.. I I .1 . . . � -
1. .
� �,, � I ing, buf there, has been .no more steal teii� on to accept a seat - offered.hith in. agony with itching .piles. .. witb woodolled, bat d and soft, water, quarter .. �.. I . . ,DENTAST.. CLIX10N. , ' �.. . .. I. . . .
". � . : In fact;� I acre . . ftm*, I I . I .1 I ... I . .
I -,:�: ' lotif *ith bijaiing huic ra I . 1. . I L I . __ , ....
�" when another century has been -added inill repovtvd, and in otherAirections 'the English 'House fit Common person who hits Will be ejbhurlsold oryented on very reasonable �'Shc oalli for. office help in "a single dail * , , �
I , a, stiid : (ton't.believe that:iiny. .
. ....... .. to the age of Canada it may still The Steady mfogress has been Trade The .,A It is -well kn6*.n tliat Mr Tarte'Went I not had piles can realize,olfitt I terms. . I . . Offioe adjoling Photo studio . , , . . "
.1, , , 1. W BRYDONE. , . I . . I
�,,:, exidur- � I . . one of these from Chioagoj onil fibut Mani. . . . I
_� strong likelihood N that this ratio -nal, � out of, offic hh� it, .very Small bank ed.. The first apolication of Dr -Oh Fob, 27-1m. !. � .. I . � � .
� , . . 0 W � ase's . . I . ... . - every ay and ,. .
, -eutui ioba 6ndthe other f6ur from-le4aing, busi . �aO
� - I t�ce Hours -9 to 0 � '' d - -
, I Canada, and that its second ( 8 e n . I — � da �
" I.treatment and change of seknewill account" We believe this tat me -f Ointment'-brouglit' reltef and ,it has . . . � I I.. I ness houses in the cityA Positions at 045. to Y: until 10, P. In.. B1 anch ofljces� - . 1.1
a �,�, e effective The boy, instead of -.is true;,. and ,if -it is,,it- is ix�,ebuke to '.sifice enfirely cured �nie. - 1, ho�d , . it) Manche6ter Duijganndn,.--Blyt1i and �
- - -aball, like the first, be celebrated by ' rov . that :' - , ' ., IN � to. Re t. : * , o6nimbil, .
I ,.. . 041. . . . 11 111. ., ... . $60, pqr month-tLie getting quite . I I . . .... . . . I �.. ,... �.
�� � fleing-ab expeuse An 'the cotrimunitY. those papers wliit b: were con tinuallY, I this- testimoniat vv. ill: be the m6hm of .- . - , . . 11. .recent 61ill offered $80. per month for. a Bayfield' � ' . . . . I . I .
�� � ��,:, Canadians, unabsorlwd, numerous, with reform uncertain, is living amid -slandering Ur Tarte,tvvhenhe�wasin I I , I � I I., �_. �. :: , .1.. . I
,�,,:-�, . * . - . I brinjillig comfort to othir itifferers by . .. Ovet. Tiyloi. it- So*Ws 4tore-suitable for' first-olassatenographle.l., .1- - 't � . 7. I � . I —!I'-;- , .
:�;,, prosperous, powerful, ,lild at pkee. nornfal surroundings ` 4nd is an indus- office, by assertV that he had become, making kitown. the gi e t; ljo ' . . � I . .. ... . � . .
'' .. . . .. . I .
,� ", . � ! wer of this' any purpose., Apply to " , ' 't " A b ; ' ' * ' - . � I
, ' - . . . -Do ' 'it * ot pa,y to a. ton the . est., - i
. . � , I :. es I 'it
'. , t;",;, For myself, I should prefer to die in trial unit in a country'where the cry- suddenly rich. mtevettelso mo�.bo ' ointmebt. ' I . I ., 1. . . t I I Vet, ()rinarv. , , ..
, . . .. . I? . . I I
". ,�Tlgy need is for itiah al'lab ' . . . , . I N. 21, tf � Mrs. A_11�:MANNING' 0.1inton. . .
1, u or, and usett. said.about iviti: Taite, it 6n, never be I '_ . . .1 I . 2'. 1 .. . . . � . . College re-opene. after Essterbn Tuesday ... : . . .. . . .. I
— I . I ,
�., '" -in to die I)L'e " ii. iti ' bi , Thesame chaigedagainst him , . r .... ,�� ... ., I I � ..,.......__.____. . . . . — I - . , .. ,�. . .,- I 1, . . . . . . . .1 . .1
._ that hope rather th, -Sident � �
11 � . sulf-roliaut enizebsnp. . . . t6t -he usea ills I I % .. � ., - , .. . ... I � .. �April lK.Now 'fa the - b�qt. time: to enter. .. L . I I I . I
�, � . .1. . 1 7 1 . . I . . I. 4. I I . . : , I I . I . . . I I I I
V' -., . 21'lr Christo her-� Skitin, who �itsides , ,- ..- : - . 11611by'. ... . . For catelogue. address ' . .... , I , ; "I :DR-� 0- FRE-EVIAN9 ,
I , .
. , ,
, N� (of the United States." . p6lit,y lins been iiiecossfully. tried wifli position to- feather - his 6wri n6t, of- 1 ' . . . .. , . . I I . . .
. '.1 twentv other lads duiink tlie past y allqwedbis.office�bobe proatitutedfor.1 t - : ; '..� 1.1 .1 .1 ,. �, � . ... . . . . . , , I , . 1� . . I., 11.
11 : I . � 119 - ... . I -Co. 1. SUEGEOF ' .. .. ...
�,.,�, , I I ileal � � - - , littli a rAller exciti
.1 ,,, A party of public schoul inspectors iii or6r to demonstrate; the a I I �, .th6,benefit of contractors., '. ., Private funds to 16 n ai W ppr cant -And up7 : A!. xdawan , & � . , , , -, TETEWN�AAY t3 . . �. .. .,.. .�
. . . I I ,, -
.! - po, i ' I experience with A lynx on Tuesday Of i,,,.,.ds,, . . -. , a W. ,. . . . .. eliatha , ' I Me-b6r.i)f�theVete'rinarYMe4leal-Assecia- . . ..
, - -* ' I M.Ont.
� � . . . . I .. I
:,"' waitedonthe Ministei; of EdIlCatiOn ities-of this class of work, and it ig safe . The impreission pro�wills, in well in ' " attract- � I . I )!!tYD . ONEt . . . �. ,. tious of London and Edinburgh, and Grada" ...: .
laot.week. .. Ilia attention, w. . . I . I . I
�,� . - I to sav that - hundreds. cou'd be dealt forined cir les, that the d6cision-of the.' e a .1 __ ........, , .. .1, . . . � I
...!� Ust week and presented it menioran- � 0. So 't, d by hi d6j'04 Ane irbont forty . . � ' I . . . 11 . . I .. . ate of the. Ontario'VeterineryConegal .1 - !
. ., � I I 1. ... . I . TRFAT . DISEASES -0,V. ALL -ANIMALS , - I I - . .
",;`�. with' ill a Similar manner., Th - Alaskan � Bounilary, Co M*mlsslon will�-.! rods from, is . house*. �'011 dralvin �... . . . I
1�'_,'' 11 I called Inid boy is usually . . ....:.For Safe. -. , . . 1. 1. .. � . . . . I . �� I . . 1. . It I � .. . .. . . .
� �'.. dum stating that of the 56 county i - the result of ,be ,itdvbrse to - Canadian claims. ,,This close. he discovered that 'the animal 11 �, � ,:-. . - � . . . . � I I . I I. �. I I ,. I .� .. . I � .. -L� .. . . 11 . _ I �. I .
n, , . . . . - . . I . ., .. . . '' _. I I . I
" . unconqeniaf surroutidings and unsym- result is not anticipated solely because ; wa%n6 ordinary eat, and, 'having ,no The pro ertioUxas'Fer,guson on .High, . .. I ., . �, . � , I � 1. .
1� - , ,
" "', , gunat hand, endeavored to frighten It f'r 20 . I . Iffiscellaneous 1. .. -�� ., .. ., 4 .
,?." spectors, 16 received an annual salary pathetic relatives, and what lie needs ,of the p - ai-e . � . . 11 . . . . . .. . . . � .
� -
. . I .. .
1. I � ,rejudiced. Americans. wlin . Clinton.. Ippy to . . .. St.,, Central ' . . I . .. .
W_ of less than $1000, 17 b 1 is not confinement in 'an - institution,' - because 0an- I - � -�,'JAIMS SCOTT I . ,� 1. . � . "-I,- .
1. Owc,ll $11000 .on the Commission but , the 'Imal o't. of the trce�, This he , , . . . . . B rrister, 61inton, � . I I I I . . . . � .1 .. . . . . . . '.. ... : , , I
� 11 , an . u I. I 1. . I.." I . . . '. - . . . .1 . .
- . . I . . . . . ''. -, . . ..
., . , . . I � . . . . �
`,�:,*� and $1200, 11 between $1211) and $1400, 1 butti,coinplete chatige of.s.ceneand aditissaid to,ba-,�e.abadca§e. Alen � sticceeded in doing. it junipled, I .a . � I
,�,,, - . I alight-:- I -!--.. . I . 1:
,� * � 'freeseope for. his, -activities.. 'Aitha who have. studied' 'tile deblils closely ing about 125 feet avray'ftoi , it xee.�. � - 1 . I . I .1 I . __ . . I _. -i . I I I... .. . . �. ...
- -, � I . . tile t - . .
, 4 between $14W and $MX), one between li I , I � 0- :L- FISHER,. . I
�;, ,,� � - ttle more co-operation bet%k can I ;19- . , . . . � 2'. . . . I . I
1 OxpreM thlsopirj�011* . Thedog, a coll lieg. Thoro-ked.Bulls -for Sale. Meat Market . . . . . .. 11.1 . . .. .
, .. . I - . lie, jimy -tit Ao figuriD . . I � N� e I I
,d.,." $1600 and $1800, and 4 liver $1800. They istrates and the ( hildren's�'Aid Soc ety � . I in%jhe fti$�'�- and for, about fifteen '.I I 1. — , , , 1, �.. . . � I 1. I I CLINTCI -. 011W... . . �
,.,.,.-, . � . many such 1. '' . I .. . . .. I . � Two th6ro- . bred Short -horn bulls, I -a . f.,good , .� . I . . � . I .
� . uls might-, be sue,ccssf Ily . I . CenerniAgept al'Yoderal 116,Assuriknee Co � I
,t:. propose a - � Z , aving pirrolmoed the butaharin'. I � I I . I .
,, , ber of teachers as the basis, 3 have ' Ad' . Alst Q istlofis Fr, r dale OU reasonable business of F "H. Powell 1 am -pro ' pollai" on. all,the l&t6t al pi6ved plano,with , e . " . .
;; ; d classifleation'with the num , . � minutes a most desperate . stinig e - H
handled under the. tost�rttll(')ijid, pla '' ve .m ensued, tbii.dog, of coin -se, fia' I pedigree, ate otteren. f6 �
.�,,,�. . I . . . I I . . . ving t e' teru�s. one is red,.21 months, old, ,the Other I � &.Iviffega', Tond options m'ost, acvii�ntageous to . . I .
:��,.' J J. Kelso. Toronto. I . 'the Canadian Groecirs ',' beg�of it. Mr*14lix ivas R11t Out Of roan� 10 m,Tiths old. - . - .
.�. . I . � . . � � I � :. ... pared*to furnish tbapso c of .Clin . .: suit d. -Annuities. issued. - . . . . . . I
., -)etween 80 and i. I I .. �- I . I . I . . i .. � kistence,-while his ca.filifes 1p osmpe4 � � I 4OHN CUMING Ldudesboro ' ... . q .. . I
'I', fewer than 80, 13 have I I .. . , . .ton with &I V, . I . 1. . . . .. . I :
I � . 1. �. _. . I . . I � . . . I �. C � i. kin as of resh � and . . tl-t�- '. % , ,�.�._ ... I i
. , ... I .. � I I . � I n. .1 . . . 46%, D I ,�/ , : I . ., . � 1. ... - I .
- 2 . .. I . I . . I I
It:n_ 100,18 between 100 and 120, an(192 '. :, .. . I I -ttIL:tl�(-t)t(,n(lotis.aiiiotilitof moile.yi With It few clatcllos�i � : . I Ja 1.0, . if - .. . ,13, R llettef Cured Meats. � Sausilge, - bologlia, . I . , ., � 1. .
1_1 I .1 I . . Will , I .. 1. � .1 . .. ... . . i . I I ., . . ,.I..- I.. �...., _. , cutter and eggi Always kept on I .
.. % 1, , , � 41j. I m . . . � . . . lard I ARRUG-E L ON78E's ., I . . . I
. �, I is spblit it] ad%i( shig.' , fs that -money 1, . . . I .. . . . . . . , I mprovement of St6ek. * , .. . .
. over 120, It was suggested that tile Save tile lhtby� .. . . wastedP If-so,itit4tli,efitiiltoftbe,ad- ' . .. �. .� i . I _ I - hand. : t,� � .� , . . � . . icm I . I I .
. � .
`., � . I. . � . .. . . � . � . . . . . . . . . I . . � I � . I
I — h . . . . . , . . -- � . . . �. , .. , _ .
t,'V� salaries of county Inspectors befixed . � I . I .1 . I " 11 .. i - � . I : * -, � -8,y _ . . . .
1, - . . . I . vertimer'. Ther aremerebantsw ohave, scate of,0111o, Ultybt loledo, I , . . . I . . . , .. .
11 � . , .1 " , , " I . as . �. . �' .ISSUP.0 I . . I I . '..
. filwn (4101111JI01 H 1411i ' 4dv6rtising I , - Lucas;Coubty.. � , - J' . - - The Subscriber has for service oil -lot 94 Enr ; ,Q011 I .
I i ,� : at $1400, $16110, 01800 and $2000 respec - . ills of) , onRoad,-tho large Improved TorbEhiW13on, . R Fitniniong. - it l,' . 's . I - . . . 1. �
had it not,.bnon ..itil(l,�)(�,(!ttits(ttli(�v(,i4tilt.-iw(,t,(ln(i - Frank T. Chesoey iiiakes oAli 6hat � . I 1B, Vt 11, li a %. (Ijiltelf, ..
. "I ealitti'vily say that I -t go �oo(lj In . I . . ., Net- *
-j , tively for the fotir groups, that on;. for Baby's Own'Pablets, Tdo not bollow, 114,0w sbotild liitv(.I)i�(�l),I)itVeitiiult!rth�� 'lie is Senior Partner of the filin of F. J . O'kLodgeftiely.No2706. Terms$1 at if I . . . . . . � � . �
. `�7 .. . itiyl),�b�,wotit(liiavel)(�eiiiiliv(�t.od�t ' I . I. of sorvice with privilege of r�tttrniilg If necess Telphone,76'. . I .1 � . . . . . . I
� aid by the Education Depart. i � A, ) 11 4H.4ortion thiLtad ortisingdoes ChdsnoX & (jo., doing business in 'the ,.,,ry _,1hI.,,,,!.9l,ono of,tbe fitest �anjmaw, of his . . I ,_1 __. I . ,.".;- - .
. I
, Italf be p. , . wN11 v , � I .. . . :,
I., . . . sowi�it�.smr,;Ifil)L.Vtl,tlil(liilgt,ori, 'A I 1, - a;";, 0 io', -linprovo V16,41tocif With the I .. . , , . ' I
, went a - , ARRIAGE LIC11310 Issuedby. the Tin.
� -half ljy tile county voun- ' lot. I I . - bat Is thoreasou t1tatailver- city of'Toledo, county and states fifore I A. 'I 813BU T I& P. ?) , Uraers aelivi ed' �rompbly to 611 19 , , .
I nd one . Mary's ftlVer,-N. R, and sbo nddi,; - � I vy tile, best. I 0 0(to . I dersiguadat.,bis Residence, ]Mary atrte -. . I
'w DEC 12- . I . .I. . , ton. � . I .
'Iming payff Mollie Inel,0111.11ts , 11,11d llot said., and thift.said firm , ill . . tf', , - " I I I I I I I . I . . I N . . I . I . I
I )f1of-14 .? lJ111(5 1-caHowis J�ijat soillo Tiler- snin of,one hundred dollai!s ?oIr each . . pat W of the town.,* . . I I
:-� cils, and that comity councilssliall ply "He kn6w gilowitig'nicoly, 18 good.fla. I I I I .1 � f
1-�'. . - annurn perschool and tured and. is glitting fat"', It -is rat"�Y. 4laillts 1010W how LOILEIVOrtiseandsoine aud ovork case of catarrh that cannot , . : . � .. . . . I JAMIEs. SCOTT, SR , _11�
14. B.�-Persons bovinbogs for . . I .. . � �, 'At ..
, . at least $3 pm . anallit, Tlo'fiof, A Htyle of sulyciti8ing "ThorommBred Bulls for Sale., . will -colifer a avor be . . I I .1. I %,71 .
I I � ing tl) kno w that if i till pat -N of 6,1 � o thittsults be cured. by the tise of flall's Catarrh . . . . ehipin6at, . . . .
. �'., departiiient for travelling expellses. Baby's Own Tablots are proviijg a real t1lo vfty will nol, do fbi- mral. diatrictg'-, ' Chire. I . . . . . I . I . 'AMES CAMIJBim ' .
.1_1� . .. blvs.;ing to children wid it boon to'1110_� I I . � . ; I . . a I ing word at the Fbop, , 1 LPALONDESIBORO. - _. .. . .
"I I After allowing for travelling expenses , -tlai ng L114L btlillkl,l good retitrits to I " Y. Fouryo I * , , . . I OF 'A=IAGE LICUNSES, � �-
IVIVet Frwik.T. (,hetit' ung t ioro-brell Durl'am, NON# bred .v I i - ISEVER
. Vwri. These'rablfts are it, speedy rett train prj,%o.wjn'nIng aniinala,. are .. 11 a- �
,t� .
� - - olle Htore. nut'y not to nw)Wwr. Adver- I Sworn to before, lile, aild subscrilie . d, - - . . e* . . - NO vitnessor, required - . I I
.Ahe memorandum showed tile aver, itnitioil.,- _ sale Agod from Ill to 16 months, red Ili colar, I I . . I . 1. .
.1 " l9c Her flild pvollipt (!tire for c6jlW I tiNellientfil to-velleb it cortain , class if , ifl Illy presence, -tbis, ot.11 day ofj)ecaln,.,,� �fl Food promidlig animals, .. I. � . I . . . I I . I I Z - . I . . .
. , . salary wits $1 I-76, -the highei3t 61S85oind sourAoinach,,1villa eoliv,. diarrhoon". ivixist lie p , lawd ina cortain med. berl A. 11). IMI - � . . 1. I . I HN!IDKRT0RIQff,SeaforthFO .. I 11 . I I I. I . . I � .
. I :� tbelowest$547. The deputitt ion urgec , , � QZI ., . .. _. leaso lot 25. Ah con, Tuck arsinith, It R 6. I . ,� - + ......... "! .... - - -:-.----x.-,0.-.--,0-.-- D'.
I I worlis and simple fovels. Tbey break id to reaeli otlior einsgeNniustbe, , . � A. W. 6 11 . . !,. -:0.0 -:0.4 - ... s .--,0--.�,y I L. I .
I , '31, 1 . * , , ,'. #& . 01N, I _. I
� 111) cold, prevent evoop arld 'aflav the. . , I, . jan 10 tf " .
' I I : I I - 1, NOtar I I .
� ; .� the increased cost of living and tile I - 1")," ill other'lliedill, ., lior will 41 sys. , y Pub,lie., . � _!....�t.,tmttttt,ttt,t— T. .. . I. . . � S . . _ . . .
_ . . irritationaccoinparlyin theelitting6f ___r___-1 , - I 1� . . . . . , *0 1� I 11 . . T � . I I � �. I I I
. X 40 INSVIZAJ9 dw - I I
.:i L)UILL,10111(t1ill advertising ilsed by it NY011- 'i t Gener'al Faulli 11aftd lfiulted #�* K
' f) ry 29 . ..
, ,: increased standard of qualification ai te(,th. Babys'Own Ta )lets aro good- known Orry) (to far one '111st starting. . 1!all%'b,a6,A Curo la.takon. in er- G Novelty. IN , —
. it .1 . . . . , _ �
I f r childron'otall ages feom bi ,th ill)- Solliettrilisli))Veli't�-t,ljylo to, 86�0 that, nally and acts directly upon'the blood X_ I : I
, . o . A iood'gen6rul farm lialid wanted at once , . � . # ]Fir - Ureo - Aetldt,�,tb )Plate 4;
V11a, I r y OrPi
thejustification for the demand for rds, and ave gitanuiteed. ' to,contilln th., it lie t1l(W.Ketasidelitillillft for and mucous surfaces of 010 system. . marred, ouge to live in, Steady. employment. - - 0% tfAdk&y 11L Ato CLINTON,
I . no opiate oi. haralful drug),, .Sold by. advertl In 'is, lidicionsly, litivaste( ,and . ReaPonable wages. Apply to Edward H. � - anal Reatnriiit - #r ,_ � Il- I .
� l higher salaries. .... .1 ' . . lif Send for tesfilmonials,- free, , I I I 0 1 ,
. -nediolne- d(��tl4)Li.-s.0'r-,iejit.L.y-an4l)�,..p6At WISH, 11th lsoii,, lot 41, Goilorich t6ivo- U . I � I . � . I . I � ttttttttttt� . .
I I - , . - Cheney & Co , Toledo 0 hip, Jutlt off the Baffield Line, or Address *0. . I I 1_1 I
. tit 1) lee -4nost-lunportati.L do- I 10. J. ?i
� paid. at 2�5(, it box, I)y writing.diveet to * , ( 11 , ; . . ,
. , . ...
� Fluron's People partment of tl cir btisluess. U. it any , ' ' - . 'Clinton P. 0. . Aar!SLI! . . JOHN' W, y1ra . . I .
. . o .4- gold TJy drufgists, 75C. 1 _J� .
. - ,; Williams Afidicille 00.4.1i ock., , , I! - T
� — � the Di . .. r I wonder thar, Stich firms have reason Cif 111all',s 141!M)i y. Pols are the best. - .. I 1, - . 16 We always keep on hind a iarge - si, . . . .1 ,�
I . I . I . . . I . I X, and � - , . ROLMESVILLE . .1 � I .
I The population of fbe Comity of Ville, Ont, I ; I I well assorted stock of goods to 4 # .
:, . , � . . a I say that 44yortising (1008 notpay? Ad- . . I . 1. - - __ __ -------- . 1 W6 call give 11o8itiong to, r-orsons of till S - I . ... . ,-!,- Agent for the MAWCUESTRIt !;;j -As 'I - �
- . vortisling, if done Well, does. pllyo - � � . I glados of abiH,y. Aferits, book,keoperg. � 0 choose from, . I .i CO. of Manchester, England, wh a tin( � I
. lligst6n,� wits . I ivilts It6eiwaj. (pa,tronivin,rv,ly)-ItAath6k cletka,farmer's sons, la ors,mcclialifelo,pbY.- ,.� � I . security are rated at � Moll thA
. One should always be boiiest flioue's siclitis, prt achors, st"'TINts, married and - - -IF' - . ,
- " T "7'
: . 'Auron, As sent by the County ( lerh to Mrs Will, NmOlulds" X1 � 114,600,rioD. 0
� - I I * RntdP MUTUAI, INSURANOx 06. All classes o
9 : found (lend in the attittille of prayer i g, you nl&y !,fool all of the embarrassing for you, I should think, -al. Y mixed clitilly from 10 to 100 pet,lb. I � j
, �, the Ontario Government, is a,4 follow. in advertisillk - . . . I
� 1� Single women and 'wfdcwg� Positions are ## f4rinrieks nud town property taken 15 It
I ,)()B tier room rec6ntly, Four chifdrensur- ways. to, be blushing wlien vou shouldn't. 3,46 VbF,
I , worth from $400, to $2,600 rer anium, We Bon-b6ns 18a to. $1 pat lbi . . loowestljitii.. Arot-olass 1443a Companies, ...
, ayfleld ' 573 Ashfield .... 4( . . . . . peoplesolytoofthetime, and some of barrass, buy* paid sovexal canvassers $40 wtekly for . I '100 ,raldv" -
. .tip vlve, 1. I I . .� j- Its Mymuro-A a n; 6 Od- Money to be had I ok, 11"r 0 I
.1 lyth . . .',:: 848 Colboi .. 1720 blic people -all the timle,bu� you catmot 1. Lild eqUittly em, , a L 6
. I . .. I �1 . o 'you,. I should think, nevoi . - write fully At- d wo ly"i 91*0 $ Ott a' lh*ly.�604olatss anil oreftma a I '. I 0 il I " '. ,Ikkg to inature of *t4a4 j - . .
. 11, . russel -ei ... I .... I I � . - r to be years . i 1, st��
I .. a .... 1180 God -ich .. 28ol) .i_ww.i� . I fool all of tbep'eor . tlme.�l P681tioll 11610168ville — postal cerd ;; If �
� '3235 . Some time or o her the liotle deceits all when yott sliouldl -sm- 1181114ft . 9.11tila"81111-L I o pot 1�, ... , t , 4
. Ila all the I * . . Ite I
I., Clinton ...... 2= Grey ...... . VAIXABLE' AbVIUM' TO MOT11P.MS I. X101 � BY-GAIIAUTSON Co. Ltd. ' ' *? 200 to 25 I . I . . !
. Axeter ...... 1717 Hay ...... R-452 , I in your advertising are going t_o come 6.1f I . Aug. 22nd " I k Antfora. I *_ . . . . . . . I . I ; .
I . I r- I
., gandtountaFainst you EaZhtime� . � I � . . I _,_ - Figs and Date& .. . .
9 ou . I _j I I
. I efod6rich .... 40M If your child comes In from Jay , I . � . . . I �� .
,� . � Alensall ...... 7�2 Hullett .... = coughill or allowing evidences or an i these little deceits ate exposed part of I . I a0mitif . . 400 � ei. MCKILLOP MUTUAL FIR9 , � .. �
, � i 0 C-1541orla dwayl; UeAlrz tile sigriatuto itp MextZign Naval and Valencia or.
� 8"forih .... 2127 McXil!op .. 2558 rl al na y . . . *!* atiges ISO to 60a por'doz. . I . i
gproac iinq attaoR of Grit)j)e, Sore your good re t Mon goes,tintif B 11 3
LiMPING, LIN.PING . 'al Cliall. li. r-jal.chcrr. __ . 1!
. 'Witighant. .. 2113 M Orris* ....... 203 ront, or Sickness of any and, first it is entiroly ti � .1 - 44 INSCRANCE CO, I I
. .1 . , t, I
, '�e.* , t I , . - .... � I . X . .
. i Wr6jteter .. 128 Stanley .... 2001 , out your bottle of X6rvilli I ,You way mend it broken re titation lispoill corns? No nece8sity for that, I , � X - Lemons 25o pot aoz . — I
� I - . . I : FARbl'and ISOLATED - TOWN PJROFXRTY *.
Stephen .... 8078 I'll, �Cliest and nook with Nerviline but our neighbors -,v�ll keept eir . . . OAK- . 40
. I : 1111migle I 9 eN 09 Puttlamliq Painless Corn UxtVactor re I 41 ONLY INSURE .
. 16159 Tuckersivith 2345 , I .` It is also mt h It 46V Doult forget thit is 'the place for t �
. . and give internal doses of ten drops of i oil X crack to ar er moves. all copus, large or small, in Nilicti ritiuy war, At, 1k, we gave lier'CAstoria, - � .
I som all kinds of cahos, pastry, oto, I 1kimotfig ..
. __ Turnberry.. 2013 Nerviline in Sweetened Water ry to "mend" your reputation than it wits about tWenty-foarhours. This-isreli. when alle wall ft 011d, slitloried for 1'aqtnrII- It % . YY . I
� . Usborne .... 2W to build it tip in the first place,, F I . 0-4- . 1. V , B-Moteall. Prealdent*911pell P.O.f TEO&.. . I
I tft hours. This will prevent aft able information your dru t, 'will NVIlcli sile boem.ne Atim, slie cllinA to Cintorld. X A good line of pipes, big 13 and, 40-4- Fraser. vice-president, Bruce eld P.O,,- Tbos4 I
. . Wawanoshlij' 1872 sorlotIg triollble, No 1jujillent Or - &I Honesty is certainly the best policy ,.Sabsk%jjti&te it it 'You task mm". 130 , � . I H. Hays, soor-wr - I I
. . l�,r-,i-,�.�itmigLll,(�a-.51pli,.%, _x_ 'A . 1 _*� "� � .nfr60"f-hW%W I
Wawanoshw 105i -or oultials polson's orvi e , in advertising, altho�xgh at the time .. ..... sum , got...V t I 'RA" ,�,s tobacco IWO:fg call, S"fortb P. 0. _�!�-_;__
.._..11.____.____- " � . I reliox � f��gtiltg-lj - _.tagd_ a P4'R!a,4t__elLij9ea_jj6_ -Akwalltbad4bilit. . .____,__hA1_j4_,kXhA'A - -- I 11*060606,-Xi6a6v� . �
� _ "m toi. Yi-tr-t)-(�"tigtl'-fr6m�-"IadS." � . . . 1_1 Own locality. I
� . . . "Vvhteh-t4--.V-rie-e-em-s'itv-y--i,i-i—e. '. I 01180. pain, I .. __" � .
. hold, L�tgebottleseosto I C. . which nre not a - ctly honest, . — , . _� - _nn!!!!�"��ft��� . . 3 �
11—N ,_ .c � I .— 1 4 .
? .Baltimore oysters always in . otook, . plaso"ho . .
. . I I . I ) T .
I 10,69 .. I X,over gay anything in yoursv1vovtIs-. 4 Georgia; dX6401g4 has -diseavert4f - I � - .-. � hadors in file, I W. 0. sst6#Af6otj SoafortA John 0, 'or"
� I , Ing that oil (Aullot verify in plir I , , ,116 m6A in tbo Unitod $tatea ; 111, T6 V*re to tbtl 666 Dr. ne 11 Itivibp F. O"- Goor , Joh=4 .
I . - 6 . , i heat man i ob"olt 0�,htll*1104 7 oerfAfft I _ go Dale, Saafoftb, .
I And 06 no ut4 1 T I ***&IN DuRill"Tas Avaus B60hWilod P.
: . Total ................ 5790 The followfill is an extraeb & store. 11 advertiser *hb believes 1 Is salld tho,t bo pump6d *#,t*r on h14 . cura bf "oh *0 . I .i
- -
I .
I �'!,
i I
33 M
P 129
I Be I I .1
I I .
I ..
X T 1_r� %
v*y i _
11 y or) I
I wit
I 4-- jA� fr In I ; , fles and O*etr form of Ithliff '41*A Ban _� Bar olik &660, omfill Stasag
- 0 1 g. : ItTLIVp 0". Johh Watt I , I %
, . ` r4..,',..,..,iA,.," . obato blodifthtidotattifilin I ft� �1.0 Brill -
I " A- w 11 I will I,. odged for pro in thoroughly in What he is joing to, say lot his hair froom end then broke I a I - 4 X 116 01% 1, 66114 John 11. ma I Xf a jaw
. -, 3. , 6 _1VIelbourne-L"I ,bequoltth it t hits a tir lietter ebanotT o -convineing A rather ths,n tay a barber for out- thei"Atif"hitilft have knarariteed IL Lp too- I iT . holl 01 Mau, rito %. 109flolne i10
to . 4, . . � 'Na I 6
. If* Okire a Cold 111 0110 0AYo. dear son John the feather bed. I . people than -he Who only half -believes t.-Adant* 11 onatitutiom" Ifinonfals in the daily oroo �d Aak your holgh- . I # A
a used what h4s in �sayftl ' - " � '. -.L-. 1. ... IDOft What they t Ink, ?if iU 4 Ott can Ube It &nil , 43tift .
.1 00�1 I u6eloor of J. M40lay, Ifilton, It Ag . . �
. TAka t6tiati" btomo Quinine Tabloid I stead', and wire maittreal . . I 9. Z on = f not outolli, we 1=2.at I I 144b eta.tIA, gullk ROM)t U " ft -
42! won I 11'r
it, 400 VOWA-91917,BAMN # I n om armso
A tip*iatomitwiltbothoney )f Iii WIN i for hiq own use ,absolutoly, and Is "Tn%tlila.mfp,,'hkl,.Y""''klsee,1$61I V11011 j & 0 �, ftj - I
. I . r _C104 t1h I "I 0 et, I " , I
.11 dr � apil p int. it 16ornAgp it at Aftt" to :Lttfsa. . 144,11 1 ati P 'I OUrd, Sold br . �& W611,0V audJoku 0 MoNo,
� $A�. W, atoVeiA jighaturd I# 0# to divide *11th, N b'11-poth6t, th P1 or 6 I'll, Wli OW461 _&,&L A� _&_& -&,A 'A -I& A . AL � , ,
I :to ad,ro, . 05 'n 600#11 rTrWV"T1V1
�., . I Ing of theit mothett's ,'4th01** tualat-W-40saulho Gtow, nook Will pr;ll -ah*Ws, olnftont -.N . 4% "M .
#"Iboltlmoo . _ ,
. I I
� I L
. . . � I , 1, . I . I
I - I . 1: 11 � . . I I
1. . ,A� 0 jf.,& I - , % . .�A o(]], ** . I 1. . , �� , -.&,.,_ � I I . I , %&_' "Zh�. 11 j
� I'll, mwdkl�__ I _'I . 11 -_m&CT_,ALA.0 4 .- . , I 11 I
qr&,M&W�J � '-A-' .. ___ I - . __ __ ai�, A"�L.`, - ____ � _____ ����