HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-05-01, Page 10 Q Im P11 '1� 4 lop . - . - � UNRESERVED I . I i.Ondesboro . . I - . I I � I .I I . . - . I . . . HolmasVille. I , Additional Loeal Nem I ' . ' I . . liam sandwiches and. cigars were the Huron loqsys one'of itsi oldest inhabit- . . .1 . .1 I � I I I - f f # 4 # # ++ 1� � A 1�-- . . "I . . . "; " T -T.. . CO . .. I(tuvelidool for last week.) n M.%.xr,. -Tile postal depart- - -11011tTit(IH.-Tho annual vestry illoot- I . -. ing of St John's church was held oil IGNORES 1918 CLINTON W11011j. - evollings refreshillonts, and tile time - ant4 a , and we ean but recalI,on or two W;114 merrily spent till tile flickering others anywhere near the 'age of the lights bade theni depart -for deceased. Mile � , . . i . SHEEP I ment basagreed to the request milde Wedilestlay week, and the following C..Lptaill Win. D,trl ing Andrews, tile Wardens,Messr8 . their She served her nobly homes tit 12 o'clock, in 130111forting others ,Ind brightening I I I I � . � , , 0F At I Firdt-class by R. Holmes, M. P,, Sor -, ail to th n ,zat1ditionitil lit, , is place, ,a given ill- offleersivereelected, bIffidlife-saver and newsdealer. who S Sturdy I, I ,Ind G Hicks; delegate to tile was for so many years a familittr figurt; .. 110( r l . , , HORSE NOTES-.1h3lbury Champion, the path,, of those around hor,and wits , , 11, living exalliple of 0110 Who plimed that noted he horse of W, Ship I ey 14 "vy, . . I I I . . . � ... , . � nousehold Furniture structions for tile Increased service to i go into operation tit once, . This ves . Ilsttl-nitilbytlle,tI.,tingoilig. llortw in � , , ,L .oil .. P, . I in Toronto, and who died in St. 14 !all. port ,Is ver., satisfactor , Some re- ael's hospital on Dec, 21th of lait year, aira averecentl beeam, -&do on the left tin estate valixed lit, $1,300, ill .Illd- .her faith lit her Saviour. will 9tart out on. lis route next Week. I P, or further particulars. see next week's ADVANCING,- We always aro . . . P I . . I . . . - DIPSJI ! 4 be for Sat on tile evening,and'Will. be ii, much desired - .Iterior of t a. c ar ing!% lt 11 ch which adds - I mseand lot on Bleecker street, to its and comfort. mper orbills, For fear tiny wrong In- pl6a.sed to. hear of tile n-ogresovalld ad- lerpretation Anight be the Clinton Cv.4, I I . : rhere will offered the NIFIRKST ISQEJRRIR neXt (10 local- livenience, to the people of this 4y, . $ much appearance sub - Satux ,loot to a mortgage. The inventory f"'SURPRISH PA11,Ty. - On daY values his collection of medals lit $160 Vaced. on vanceinout of wany of cut that appears q . , - ar I I— . bove . 1. 0 penters whom are filling honoralb and Illera- . : , � In Sheep Dips we have, i . SATURDAY AFFERNOON . .0 M,&naxApU, -On April '15th, at 5,30 the home of Thos Lawson wits evening Miss Tillie McCartney, who Under the will, filed for prol)(tte in the. had been organist in, the R' pworth, Surrogate Court office recently,,this . llorses.,is; would like to impress them tive, position8* till over the world, and that both of these horses, Honduras and it therefore givvs its much pleasure to . Chief, r 11 . � I I file ollowing: . . I � � RT 2 01VILOOK mu., �it the scene of ii, very, pleasant 6vent,* , , but AID left League choir . On Monday whole property will 0ass to the testa. -Manitoba, are trottl Ing stalliow. . state that Will MeTaggarL (son of Mrs I— . I MeTaggart) for several trivited � I I . :. Little'& Sheep Dips#. A fine lot of household furniClui-0, bein thdinarritig�ottlieirsi.ster,�bliss ) olit Ame I, ,v F, Brown, - for Was greatl surprised tor's wislow, Mrs Isabella F. Andrews, by the unexpected visit or the other ofTorouto. By this act he ignores Ills yearsa SOLD H HR LOT. -Three weeks ago employee in the whole.m.lo Avy goods Mrs King advertised the. lot for sale I Perslatle 46 . I . so , I Ruch as choice becIrooln sets, dining rooni chairs, rockers, tables Of .111 �q youngest ,lighter of tile late Richard Brown, to MrFrati, ' members. of the choir.. They present, second wife, Who wits ,a fos,nlor (_)Iin- ad her with a, shocrt address and a, tonlan, but now lives in W, innipeg. . w1joining her residence, and after, it, house of Gordon, Mackay & 06., Tor- had appeared twice, foundapurchaser. onto, has been adruitted into the firm Mlller's� � - EM Ire 414 I � : ", , , .. sizes, heating and cook stoves, (nearly new) I savoring machine, etc., etc., also it ces Gibbs, all of Londesboro. Rev Mr Kennedy performed the ceremony. . hitudsomewi-istbag. MissTilliemade RE CH IN� 'r . CONDITIONS A 4, ANG C a very feeling reply. The young She now Wishes to colapilindut the a 9 one of the partners. 1-114 many �gmv lintas tin advertising medium. friends will Ile glad to learn of his pro- . . Carl, . bolated. " . .. ... .. 46 1 : : Perfect - tirst-c -lin organ, only in . lass new Bel The be Miss Sarah J.Gi' bba,sister of the groom, Per formed the'duties of bridesmaid, Last fallit Missouri farinor becalile 8 - oyi- people thenspent the remainder of the ,listed over the quality of rotten tubers ' � . Re P,,r,,, aser 'E -�#p , , �ss, and. if be will only go it at wasH WarrauXulloot, 91 farther take in for him- , . .. and others, : I . � . I I : : Bervice one year. whole will iold without reserve, as the famil �y � w1l Ile Jas. . F,. , Brown, brother of the I bride, the Miss Annie; I evening in a jovial way, - - Nind, . .in Ills potato Vatellsollso o1nit dig- -;H WusT, 4ohn McCartney; w:- illg thern. This ,a )r,ce - and tt paid was $200; Mr War� and a partner ran purposes building on this lot self, we assuf�e him of our wit rinest * #. .. � � - I , , ' has now left town, and must have the assisted groom. Leith, of Constance, played the wed- . Go - I g spring, with xOtatoes. . companled. by hiswife and daughter, ,tt�"dollt),r.,tll(laixqlft�l),Lgan hiss"P- ,ill . . the. near future and afterbe does will congratulations, . . . . : : � I * R. P. . money. ding watteh, The bride entered leaning . left here on Monday for . the wast, ply getting low, he concluded to luves, t Ike tip his residence amongst us, BOOMING. -We arg gla(l to know 1 . that the inanufacture of llrrho.�Llon � .. .Reekie',s � . . I . I . � . . . . . I � Terms, cash - f on the arin- of her brother, William. where they pul,poso residi i g in future. tigate. lie found that the potatoes had . . SPEAKS F JR ITSELF. -The Lon'. Brand of Clothing" by the Jackson. � . I - Prescription Drug f3tqre-, Clinton - I I , w, we a. Brown, Mrs Erb, The s. performed beneath cereniony Wit a lovely. arch of evergreens. The brldc 'artney is on ie, not Mr MeC, a of the, old real- winter6d fli sind one Wits frozen, dents, of this section, as wall as one of lie says begets m6re son nol potatoes don Conservatory of Music Club -was _ Manufacturing CID,,, of Clintou, is pro- (irganized at a meeting � held at the . . . . . . . I . � . _. - - -, . , - . I : .* . .. I auctioneer. , Prop. I and bridesmaid were dressed in very becoming suits of grey, with. turquois blue waists, trimmed with creafii silk _ tile most highly r6s acted, ,Ind every- than it he had drig them. last fall. Re. - body re refs, deeT his removal ports have been heard from many far- thou R me peopple ytilink lie will be , gh iners in ref6r6noo to tbia same -�-ondi- , atisfactory mall Conservatory on Friday eveningoflast greasing in the most a. week. Besides completing the organi- net, and that the energies or this on� I " all s tin eachers *11 ter wisingr company *tire severely taxed zatiOn tile stud t (I -t 0 to Eeop ill.) with the demands made 41 - . , P. S--.8,A,eetP.ea and ... . , - XaSturtjUmseed by the . . �. . -0 III 4 0 11 4 0 I . . . . . . . . 4 $ 4 0 4 0 . . . . . . * 'I NotiCe of Re1U0V&1 lace. After congratulations they , all sat down to a sumptuous tea, there. being . back again., He bits beau an active tion existing in apples, Fruit that . itild influential member of the Mfitlio- bad fallen and became coveredupwith were in attendance diijoyed a program . � . upon thoin Although they are con- of musio,among those piirticipat' Is 'ng a- 'illy enlarging their . - tinty and � . , . ounca or puad, . . . I .. - about forty stoats, After the inner . 1111%n wa�k sat sfied, the evening wits dist church; where he Will be missedas snow last fall before being frozen were much as Anywhere. elie. found in botter 6Qnslition, than those Ing Miss Kirk, Miss Ruthertort. promises, � 1, bliss adding to the efficiency -of the 0(1111.1�- , Newcombe, Miss Anthistia, Missishoe- I I . I . . . . . 1, - . - � A � A -X .. �+ . Jackson Bros. Office for the I ipsent pleasantly in sintin, . i and ganies I 1. .. . . . a 0 . th twore piok'd and laid away. . ACCIDiNT. -While Oseat Forster I . I . plant, the excellence of tbe goods 1114(le bottom,Miss, Campbell,Miss KinwBelll` by them tire their Own . reuoillinalida- . Miss'WhiddonatidMissPavey. � , , , , - i i i i i i I I V**' .­­. . ­ ­. I -1 � -1. -.,------Tl , lz�_01>��-4*****4 ' L '� *' * I settlement of accounts and the adjuitment of business will be I till about twelve -o'cloc , W tell they till left for their homes, after having spent and his nibtbor.were driving'home oil - PIANO, .RECITAL -As annoutice'd .Monday eye tb04 horse .stumbled ,and liLst week, the - pupils of Miss Bolas I . wing tidn,*,tii(lr(isponsiblt�,iiiptirt at least7, to the unfavorable Weather the at oil- for the coustantly increasing demand. 't dAnce " � found in the factory offlee," I -i in blod-k. All accounts Pei I apien,santevenitig Theyouligcouple have settled down in the village, -Ehey turning; the buggy atid, its occup- . fivea.vecital. hlthetownhall*onFr* fell . . i- -The I . As �tlle N -,,ailing lasti A fair into the ditch. wds smaller than. anticipated.. -e justb -i yet . I officers elected were as follows -, They ;It -losi ig,thei - se6ond .11. busiliess i 'line, I I 0-tu AW,,r X. . - M, no � . I . must, be clused at once to save � I . . " are it vevy estimable young roupW and . ' . atits accident, ny e numbet, of .Hon. Occurred InAlle'villa9b lielp'was easily our. musi --loyers. asqemblW, and ,vI,-e . of )its and in' that Pros,; Principal Barron ; Pre.q., it t, Miss Carol Newcombe Miss Ma-*. . time the trade has wore than (louble(l. . .1 I . . � . I . I . � ��,"""*141"<���. , , � costs. Jackson Bros. --- wowish them every success. . . . I NO.Tus �Mlsses Wiseniall i1nod Chid- Obtained and .after a. few minut& ventfire to say that. they- were well .. _ work the h6rse was loosened from the pIe,,_Q,dt1,v1th the eveifflig'sP8rfOrm' ;vice, - should it co ti t its it - has daline'PaVey; Treas.,Mlss Gwendoline 11,11lue 0 doll e, - it ve, ry co nsi ol erstfli:OeNven l4rgolll o ii 1, . - , . ��he, . . Neid i of The Wes,t. I . I . 41_ . . . . ley, accompanied 1),�. a young 1!idy . too trip to Wing- . alling fro sin�ea� ti�ils played with coi3fl.. buggy. In f, in thebuggy Mrs , I 1) -at- her hand, Anthistle-, ,9e-6., Miss Bertha, King -Bell. . . -4rprerxiisos will again. be neces- bio rapliles, readings, violin of the Tile � . . . . - I . I (.1 c, Me, Editor of th' Xeto Era : --w 1. . 44444+4 . . . . . . . . . . . _ _4 I lattsville,- & . ham oil Saturday, ,Ind stayed over and af- dence and ski I that reflect6d great Vorst allighted oil ,. ter examination it wits found to be credit, oil their teacli Prr and: the inusic 'Sprained. .Musical cardinal feature of -fl * er Wit 0 Will solos, togetf, -11 excellent coiiip s- sary' ,business b4s been �,Tlie very 1)�-st goods itions;b0th vocal and instraniental,are - I I)ji,AR Sm. -In conversationwithone t tile old t,l bits apent " . , Miss Colviii. spent Sunday at . her h6ine in Brussels. ROW Cornell � BcOoles the spraining W the throughout was higher classthanis hand there'viras no -other damage done. usitalty heard at gatherings of this . . it is possible to produce,"and combine(I among the afany interesting items. for . . witli integrity and enterprisei the.y are xier�,:;'*ho over', fifty years !it the north in the service I HUNDREDS OF A L, lia pine froiii the. Londesboro mills to Brigham is . 1. I . naturo�,-itstho students were .111 well. ' - . CatRcn. - Next -Sunday quarterly , ' . advan-ed The vocalists, George Zeig­ the futum'. . . , _ I - � . . . . . - . . . wit alone destined to commorcia, stic UP- FOR . PINOHING - NONE Y- cess, *but.Nvill easily retain their tl�,Ide of the H. .-B. Coiii�any, he gave me . 40mo very., hiteresting-facts in rogara . * . WORKHEN, ,)dl)L,na,,Mi&b; .1,orenzo home froi . it London Medical School- , -turned froin Lorisl6n � Charles Marry tie �ervioda wilLbo' held tit, 10-30 a.m.,. and let. till d N orman M ureb i were at,the. . r' on tile foll6wing. Monday evening.at I best, r esponded-to hearty encores, F rom a; late issue - Of - the and suproula . .1 by ill, their own . special Clipp the following in reforbiTeolto twile, departmon ts. ' . I I the Peace River - country and tbe - to " a4vantitges of that routo to the Hudson . . Find their empl,.)ymerst withintenimin- 9%nk. they last Iveek, anil has given up the idea of : tailoring. Mr Winters, of8eafortlij. 6.30 p.m. the quarterly . (ifficial, board. .. ,Ind will meet. Rev. Mr. Yelland, of B;iy - It is not'fair to specialize. b6t we -max . .. . Hus' say that Miss Ida, Holmeq' rendition o3f . . I I I gentleman Who was here- trying to ; I I I � establish alanionainongst tile men of � .- __._ - - . . . � � Btiy; He claims that a xailroad from Vancouver Island to- Fort'. 0hurchill utes walk of this could all hs.ve a savings is000sint withont anY - . pimed through the village this week with afine lot of cattle; he witts t6king fie-ld, and , Rev Mr ,or exchangad pulpits.Sundity inornin 11 Oil Monday ".Murintiring Zephyrs" was excellent - Auiobgst the youroger members of the Wbthelpjpwo,,�h . .1 I . the Doherty. Orgall Co - ­ "Walter , Coming and Going.' -ShMekelton iind Samuel Moore were . I . �. I -_ . . could Ile built and that this route Would. be - fift6oil liulldretl miles shorter ..tlkdn Lvouble. I Co-ne in and see as any , . I them to the Beckler i4ruiln Colborne., Robert -Gibbs b" come hollw'froin the eveningBenm___,_. , . . . Leagues.visited our League'; the visit- class We halve a number of rising pian- .. . Ists wbo are 'Aglit sit, home the . . charwed, by - Business Uent 'William ' .. I .. . I . . I - I - ' . -tit T I Wit . chbll was a Blyth-vjs� AVar of tbe�Wbodwor star Coulicil - Miss Et anyrbuteas�yet qxplored. Ile also' states that this roitd. -would, open.,up day'at noon or wheue%Fer . convenient. . I I Clinton Organ- Factory. Oil Wednes- (lay morning . tile following Leagues. furnished. a: very nice p ro- .tit 1`9 , after the program. was rendo�red piaorio, and show evidewc'of considor� gram, - . - lible � talcut. Those . I 'basement who. took . .. . I . with embezvling funds of:* the. Wood- itor. on Sunday. � � . � . ..� . � were colix- workers' Council. - They. I Miss Dot Baker spent Sunday - with folur Inuidred miles of the Peacb.-Rivbr .farming -lands. ,Thht all 6t6i'sill.eveys. . - 1. o The I - , ,Persons lefthere 'for Manitoba: Mrs Whit- . . I part till retiredAO the of the .. . . I � were Xisses'FlorenceCole.of Godai-ich church, where reftesilun6lits,were s6rv. . .. , initted for. trial. Moore was formdrly Goiderich frioilds, , - - I . � 1. .1 .. . ... it* and Sh'sxs6keltoll business 'be 1,buto 13.6-6 Pass la t yes. . Is direct. .01111. it i ort Churchill to Lake Lit T,obche' Z overeign . ney., sr'., Mrs' Whitney, jr., and. her five children,' all, of Auburil; Andrew I ­. ad by the home. Lb ue, � .*On Friday, toynsluis, Ida' --and Louise Holmes, ' "" . . . . Katie Scott, , Nation, Coats.and Mary , Witf be ki,en: -.at the Wa;s � treasurer th . Ohas. Sp4ilding.spaht-Suiratty at hip 'Me Woodworkers', Couw holne. .: .. in. Clin "oil. " , . on which the largest fisi - 1 . ieries 'fi the . 6 . . Bank 01 Canada -William Griffiths; these Robet t1n, and..' I , ,tr all go to Manitou. Blijah Tow liscind,. , . evening, a social -takin- me expected ;. � Chant. Miss. Bolas is a pilins, g arsontige, and A od ti . f�e t�eosocial are. to'go to I mid,,successill. teacher.' and -we ar� . oil, but have severed their co I . I �... ., .. I linection . . . - . . ,, �. .. withit.. TORobinette,wh0a ed, My Malcolm MeTaggart was avisitor I )aa�'Is- world could -'be esthblished,� ..p aissing I . front Lake Lit Loche in a.direct line to: " i � �� . I Clinton Branch. . . , . . , Wearesorry -to stiV,-isillanduliable 4rgaket t,g leave' the hous6. -Miss No � proc6eds of I . �e sure that, should she: ever do ide'to' purchase new carpets -for the parsona, . - ' . . I I givo anoth6r recital, she. will Wive a 'iss to T( . . for. the two men sadd it wag aly's, . ?1*00 to. this we6k. . I . � 11 a . I t &rising from. theformati6n of the ... Frai"x, iloi* rkwhed to his home Rtno Lake -Atlialmscha -, o h . I . parting up t a en - ' tit -e traffic or tho.McKenzie River val-. . . .. .. �� Hill,, pf.0iffitono spent a few days, With', her brother James here. Quarterly . Blanche Tebbutt, , NOTES. --M . who fu I house'iis those - who falled'to tit- has been seriously ill,- is now progress- tend certainly mlsaed a musi-til treat" M&ker's'LTuion, some'. tlr�e' . g ) . 1. . a 0 last Saltiii-day from College. - I I . . . . I . . . .. tile l)In,iio makers formerly having be- - . , ley'froni Athabitsca Lake In ti, direct line"thiough the Peace River. valley . . _ AWrt Sti -ee.t. I . . .1 . I I servlce� -will - -bo. held in"the Methodist church- next Sunday. Geo. Blitteliforol � I - ' ing %*orably towards recovery; The . apart fibnv educationa value ol �s Of'Mr Jh*s Mi I , the . home Iles! and Mr AlfJer- the ainment; ­ - . .entsirt, . longed to the internittion Wood- - , -- Miss Frost, Owen -Sound; is tile gueEit workers. It was aquestion. of accounts,, Of her aunt', ,Mps Josi,lh Greene. �. � . . . ' I . . I '. - up over,four.hundred miles of opening splendiil ittriiiing 1=6. Passing from . H T RANCE, Manager. , ispressi, .and. shipping.. hay in -this' 11 . � ' , . . , via have each -been briErh+,ened by. the . . .. . �. I ! � * ' . . I vS-John advent'.Of it' son. - The Hblmbgville +MAXWELL G14ITS 13YE413 hosaid.. The:"ai l iount of money � in- Miss -Billingsis spendiiig ii f6w. days +1 . . . - , . the'guest volv.bd li about. $150. -n�tovvll m'bfi6 J. 13'. Hovey. dcould mee Rivdr c uutry therbac theTe go tbrough thsi'Pinc lfiyer�'Piiss- one P I . - . I... .%1%.-W%~ 111111ollitlolft'.41111.1-wftAk.1%1% locality afpq%gent.. . . I. I . . . I I... . . I . ,. - __ - .. . . � + *.., . . . . � � Cfieese'aud� Butter Vactoiy "will 1 coui- - Maxwell, the mau accused of the brut-, . . al assafilt on . Paul Sharer, of. SeaVovt,!i operations'on Xondtly. Miss I .+ I � - . of I .. I . .. . ­ . . . �. - R - � N`ARRb`W b,,9QAPE.r,R0k'DEATR. a Geo.'Jqhnston, amiltoll, spent , - oftbe best passes tbrough'theRookiess tit thiougi 'It would, pass froin'thfs p6i: , . . . . . .St. Helens .. - ... ! I .. I .. 11 . NOTE, Mr T. Todil's efigine, Which inence . � .Sadie about t8va months. ago, -appearieorllbe-.. � Canteibn is ill.,witlithe measlt-,q-+ . .. . been � ill for- the 'fore J udge fjoyle in GOderldh on Al oil- Hulleii has . -Las .s 6 past w, eek - visit� t Thiir�day- the - 18-ysaar-61d. son'd' f-e,1v (illy in town th lie, oftli(I 18sl,yfte!dcon-' I � . Chas. Johnsto I I ing friends. I , . . . . � I the,minifig country*of Bi i Vail Colum- bia, to Vancouver. This &utoe, would - __ _�_tn= , - -, I � . To be laid next Sunday . . S. - wtl,§ forinerly.-in' his mill s',tbrewe, and Geb - � pas�,' few days. MrsH, M acTitty.re and son, .diiY of lhat, week. There Were two cession, �passed -through tin experience. . ... . . - J - 11-arla d Burns, 06ttle and Mc6srs 11 , . sho,tten. the road,to Ungland-.46me. tvro, � __ � . I If tile ,weather should prove fine on. � Wi its brought bere last. winter,. has been the mill borsi, and �iyes good . . Mrs j&§ chargesagain't hihi�one%for the as ffntyre� are . G. Moto . -visiting at . ' . Amass' Jol in Hamin, ;of "Tooront6l: sault, and the other for,stealin % pair that he is not Ilable to. forget this Sid a , . Johnstbil �-,veroa in Bayfield this.week oil of the grave, and which.will. leave,him, - � I . -1. � . - fishing- tout - .thousand iniles. .Theee could W*.* . branch line built to connect this, main, next Suriday, one of the larg est. gath- ' eriugs that has ever come together in' 'will put ,in I ower- at' I service; With some 40 hQrse p. . their'disjjo�al they'can stiw-'ariod chop . . . u Dv, � H nlg s ent �unsfay , With .Gordon , Amass. I gaim ar . of , tlets. frol iton. in . for some 0'inton. Appilibei6f,witniesseswere �8 Ed.Lkyis has been sick . . . . ... . . , . I : in, med for his - -a � I I I a, -life Wanting to use .� . . . shotgun, 1-6 which. wri old charge had TouilvItiQuaig,of0larendon fire fame,' - I � Iiiie wifti Manitoba aud the n0th west * . . . .(.,,, -:*.-.,, He also claints that navi- terr' ." I our village, most certainly be eve to wibiws-; Llvt laying and 6less- h , . ull1c h more easily. Robt McGuire has - �4 X 1, r; 11-i . - ditysi hilt is improving.' Win Staule) , examined. s Honor, fti-deliveEng sentence, lie considered it. if tIlly - become stuck, he took offthe stock, ace�pted a pbsition in Lopdon, and . - I eft . ,%w ad6a bonfire of straw. etc I..: for that city on Tuesday.' " A thenim . va -logosat Fort dhurcli-.� tIO13 0 oils and( Vthe �simo tini6 io ,at Foit; in of the c.)rrv-,r -;torie.of the new St Augustina. been tryinIX, it novetexperilitent, he'llas � . ,. with -Mi - Mitchell,of LlicknOlv,' - � .said. , wholitis beell'up the sick li�tjis.kt;ble.tp -,arouiidakdi*-,- .P.XeVlfh. .reiit . I be ,is eL,L think, too lia-lit. The sentence, for tile .. I . .. .1. - wi3ichhe.�laqed.thv Innelwith the. ' ' ' in Miss culli of Mitchell, and Mlsg Jiick� i '. Williall, -IftlIcAr.eivLl'rearouti�opeiied 0191tholic vil-ir -'i, at ',� :,". McEvay D. D. Thii it it -Y. , P. -all 'aged . k to Cli logs .With his traction engine � � I ' I . I which'will be vac, a the hou6ii, ated. by assault is ten y ars in. the''Provincilt. -with 'F - charge in it 11 016 slope that the libat '.1 I 'On, of Toronto, �iiiie the. guests' of, � Mrs ould. disMiat-ge 4. .'he au -in . . liv b ee of r til, ill. this,w.ay.it would solve the. pro- I - Bio'h"Jo I - * 1, )! i I m, has been secured - .front the Oth con. ; his Uain cohs I sts of !our lie, engine and f avily l6adool - wag- Ili , . . rd labor'; and for Mrs A.- Mulboll' and. in a few dayss. , Pefiftentiary - i � ' I . I - ars7iiApris- . .. . . . . . tho,lessbr o6lice three yes I .9t, H. '06nibe this week. �- .. .'' ., T �. the fire It, . . ' .. : . -!ving. been till consumea its Mr. Price, Seaf(irtfi;at on a ti 'Me. cleric bloin of -taking 6ut th'o' immense . I . . t, n Lmoun iv ' in thi's westera of q (), ny takes .as celibino fo). 1,4C oce i i. I'lle place at 3.30 P. in. A piusical pro- I - om, having'neitily 3000 feeti tilid.these *along I. . . I , - . Ruburn. .' .'� : onni,ent,'the teiiiiis to run couourientl�� I . . �ular The of 4axwell'a terthl'bi, bl� I 1101,�;Iit, lie walked' up wid stai -led . ' 11 I ei inove bile' barrel.- when. it exploded, at HaAarid. Brog., has taken Ia.�posjtio , '� it graiii.gro country. 'llie-t-cat-ovctryfp�vpeoi)leirL , I the -who idesi -the grain and addrcsses havd boon pre.- the engine tug with. a arent . . el next ')est thing to an*,pitectric monthly remainder NEETI-16. - The reg . . . VIM . Y . , of' -course, is merged in tlu� illeetilig tile NVoifieWs institute will -119 - givilig ,the lad the benefit of the.bharge on the road for.Bell & Co. . " , 1. 'below , east ,have ,.I correct of .11 I 11 wence emilgration that. is titkinW pared. The sernion for the OCC&A611 ered by Rev D. p.. MeL. will be deliv : formerly of esise" Ander road, Robert, Mr and.Mrs H. . . - son will soon be conifoitably-settledin of - ,is ten'year term,: The �risdner, though . of tl . . . be hpld in .the public *library ' ay. 5th, at 2 p. in; Protesting his innocence, did not seem on Tuesdayi A ' in the right log the knee. and We understitild that Dr. Graham . � i right hai: injuring id: Dr. Gunn - contemplates a, trip tothePtIcificcoas ; ' , I . - I 1), ace to this country, � What railroader ' It' bave cannot� begin to andle the' %1ve. I Menamih, of Lucan, Ont. Clinton, who is well known to us 9,11. I by -Messrs ,par6d for them . the house gre ilff � . tin Durnin..: S. Steen -of Pine place, .1, 'ie cordiall�r to be m u( -'h � affected Win. PrOuIdfoot invit. All ladies inteke§ted a , . . I *ive proigrani-ippeared1or the'pkiisonerr and'Actin ad -,is it'good and'instrAct 'Was hul��.his polly,suniiiionedi and found it ,villare'lb is possible he may. loicate6 . I . . . � q . .. iiecbssary t6 - -amputate the limb, as it ' I ' Irmfidetor D..Robb; of -Brussels;. Was, . d WtSTM&Cd here ill past years- and pro t . I it 3vill be constantly gro.%virig Vora& Invitations It ave been issued to proiw . insent Dominion and Local representa- , �lle Ri 1i , v0s,,116re. voe�.,�isited friends and rela� - it few days ;. 0, - I foi A Tebbutt Was a I ..o � , . .0raWn. , At . , totney Esewis, pro ' se'enteT, , ' -is, li e I n g pre �-red. ... . I . 140orts 'are being. made to �onnect. . . had -been badly shattered and thl,i4e .. . -m -, . - reek. �H6 isbusy WSP66t, in town this - � was no hope of saying lt� - Mr John- . . 1 liftiler his saper­ ilg the ruritIpphoo at . -they had The U. P� R. tit present,.: it . � another through line, might -handle tives, and they stre expected to be Iti S uch a§ Hon G W Ross, J Mhitil� , - . ingbain-visitor on -Saturday'. - Mr �W* - Mrs C.Decker, 'a ent-Friday last in .11O Iu ,Jj.!�fm Goo. Youngpassed lit - - case, C I Max,well with ..tile %Vingham , . . . 111 It of Mr S. spirit to the great beyond on Mond whf-h resulted ill the .deat . 1 ... stone bore the shock of operation well, . . . ?. I . and is now in; a fail?. way, to recovery, - vision. : " . .. I I 1. . _ - . tile traffic., but asit is, it U &� poorstate . a";s - 1 &111 r6sp ecIffilly yours, Of�ffl' R Holmes, M.P., M G Cameron, 'If. P. P., J. J.F.y, M. P. p�, and p . '. � . . , . . . Goderl6h.. - . . . 1 . . . . I . - , ter much pain wii., . af and suffering 10 Sinith,a proinibent 'busin6ss- man dt could not b"e boon endured so long. -,it. that town. night after being isan. idley iind chi] ai�ua:partpt his lek We1earrithat Mrs Ji W. 0 [Aren ,e- h I hi interested friends ii ulhediatel��.sfartdd turned -front Toronto this *66k,. -virliere. I . .. I . '. J 9P HVRCEEILili, _,.,. ' . - � .. , - -� B6 360, Regina. D McDonald, M. 1'. Ron Jas Slither- . � I . � . : 1. 1 . .. . � � I I . . . . __ I . . -,Thiso * voly . aii age 82; i4ere.it not: for, the. hit *4 nisadflan attempt to, -Max 3itbscriptiow1is6, so- as .td. provide. a they lisive been. visiting ,for the ast fif . P, I . . ''I . .1 : x � ,.�� � - � , . . . � 'h . land, ]Ion C -%rles Fitzpatrick, Ron itterson, 1) ryleGillicusly, Mr' Win P. I � . � . .� I . :,. �, . , � . wl�ngfiam ':' �. . . . . I H,4r..teuced. - co�stibution, of the deceased� jail throty haolacbwbere' - I � �et ouit of slaughters, Mrs A. Ms1,oKen7de;I1exlWlj ,the stoai�s of the W 71 all iadbeen loosen- 1. � ad, as soon'sis -he is - si:k weeks. � :, ; -, - - Wooden leg for blie'I, . . . . . obIptibbettbout. The family have. the; ,. . Miss Burneft,roturneIi I.. .to �oiuricb ��- - - I. I . . . I . . " . . a � -.Communication I.. �­ 1. I ' . .. I � ­ . . . . . . 1 Mitchell, Air J- Beek, R McLean, of - P Goderich, and others. body livlegr! h I' I s 0 . `%Ynuted�ibar load F 06foiks, 65a or bu for good. stook, �.GEO. B�.KING R. .. . . ghain I ; Vrs Hannall, W`i�gh4m'A­.Nrs Thos. :edto:t akA a seWer,connibotion. His, . 'Anderson, -Soo,and. Mrs Thos. S ti-augh� n . . attempt mis: utsuccessful,:and. he. wits � � � � �8!nce�es�moatbvoftliecommuni.tv; , y -to re I -'the; I . .. Monda. sumb her position in . . . DEAT � -,CV MRS J. CHURCHILL, 6onfectl6nitry busine .. Meclay" & - sa,lbf .. ... .1. I .. _. - . . : . I . . '.,. . * . 11 :.. . . I .. . .: � Wii.do not hold ourselv6s responallile for � . , welcome. God Save The Rey- A Hanlon, Pastor. I . . . msONA:L-�Mrs Wils ' 6n,PitieRiver, PF I is 9 -5 Mrs R; J. Me- visiting her dau htei I - an, front this village, and her s6nsi J'a's. taken t i Kingston in custody next'day. . - iigham,. attendedlier dy- - - 1-1 . . . - ind. Alex., Wi . .H ... I . I . � "The'old must go, the yoi-ink may -go," Wavibner; I - . �.. . . . .1 . . I ; . . , I . nions oxpressed under this head- . I , � a 'D. Nu,*v . _!I� . 17 RUA— - .!' . . I 9. I . . 'otv'. ` . . . . I . I I Math.. -: _ - I . . I , I . . APPOINTED i4ENTI e . . I RS.A,Tt-1L.- ,. ­ ODDFELLOWS ANN VE y ing bed. Deceased Was a staunch main- � The :Odolfoillows "of town have beiah* a Knox church,and.much respect- - proved a true maxim in the death of . 1. as.. Ball, GodeMi, but' forrherly. . Oh that old and respected resident of Hpl- to Doherty Organ Co., has ,to t of t1. c e� P -� ... TotheRdiloi; ofvid A 7ra 6 . I - . ... . . . : , I I . Dr,"km Slh:-�On April 20, the occasion. . I slyth. . . PHRSOXAL�MiSS Chidley and Miss t has beeii appohated agen lnWingham- foiNoxonfarm.hylpleniefits. He.'Will . I . . . - ill to their tinniVersitry this. ad by all Who knew her. . Thebereaved trffly� ley 1. family have the, sympath oftheentire ye, . it,, ania will,be lo6ked upon by many .y . . ' * lett township,, in. the person .of Ni's for . ' * John ad A po�iti6h� in London; And '. left ElizalleW.Miller,reliot of the latef. that, city this"Week'. -. .� . ... . . . .1 age 11'. � , Churchill, tit the ri a old t ' of 94, o' , th Of, a fire in LO western part * of our .1 . t . Davis & town, a horse belon m15 o . Wiseman, of LondeqboroS, and Miss Neeb, Tavistock-, were visitors at have no person canvas sing ill the coun­ try and ciisrtomers will get the benefit ­ communit . I I I in*tho-foltuie With .a- great ,�-deal .of . Y. ". I - . . I . I I � pride(.' OnStindayth . ey assembled at -Goder. Monday.aftern Vast. Nothing,colild, Thos. Trick spent last week in Exdter , as the friend Saniwell, L u 'a' of his 'M ace do -,Davis was i Ily injured so bad- ly thatit was f6undnecessary.to shoot of the home of Mr J M Hamilton oil . . . . I of is; more liberal discolifit. � , . . . � . .. l I .: NOTUS.-Rev. Small,,�ent t 0 their hall fortz strong, 6ndmaiched to . It - ic on Sunday, r I Jas.'Hump16?Ies, Wal- , Wesley allure where they took thei have,been said t6I se, ailing the deceits- -iys The 1, fte it, spent � few d. ad, and had always enjoyed excellent ic I . , r golitti- .. I M, It.ia qenerally understood that1hoss Wsas - takeh by the Sunday. I . . V xatrasrox. -�-Definite arrangements itoti -w s: in the villa a . oil Sundil; - , a I Y- place in tlsh, front centre pews, and I ' mton this wee .. . , : .. in 01� i �all her! long .tenure (it . . . I . health, throbgI . � I -her Dungtvnnon,� a, rettsoll no ..action Council,, in the wdy of ifiaking a grant CuuacH.-The Young People's so- church will hold an- - bavb -been. completed for tile b6 &6 ex" cursions frbin K incardine and Goder- Mir . ss sBei,thakiyid0tit,6)qineNlaciKentie, wits. there treated - to. one of the .best 11clisall, Werer here the guests of Miss it has bee their . was life,. ,On the ihor-ning of the day Of , Mrs McMath, of 1, deathshehad been arounds and.htltl' visitor tit the houle of lier sou, -James, .. to Divyis &'Davis, to.recompense theba . . -.1 cietyofTrinity . other of their popular entertainments I � !�h Ili Ssll� ,Ind August. The dates -will ' services that it privilegoe Ruby Yotinq- during ai,t of their, :to listen to in their honor, for a, long , I Walked out to the bitru, it parently in this week, and is also sF)endifig .some q for their, losdi".1was the desire of the Council to', ascertain how faw thei are -in the Temperance hall, on W eduesday eveninh, of next,week, commencing at I ain p,usen- ed b4.,Wingh, be announo 'at' ' , gers oil, t ik the boat from either Kill- ''' ' - sours 1,1, TIl . �ianalhother a illness. noFergu wl 0. nl�sise .by the choir was . I I , , nine,' fare- v�as tho'seefie of a friendly everythin .; that .. bould 'be desired -ii , . � , I ' her usual good health, at east so. far time with her daughter in-Boaforth.- . . . ' . I - ol could see, but on' , be, .Who has been in": as those AMID -her 'John Sodtoh6oln ',Ind,. .. , I 4ally responsible'for that.loss, . I ' '!. , do not 'think that it is 6, question. of - the nevy eight o clock. - Proceeds for fund. Rev 0 R Gunner M. A., 'ardine O'! �� - � . 'Oderlah. . ... . ,, . �. . . . I . . n e owiiig,tb the. depairture, .cholceAnIt arro,yriat withe well gather' . f - m: ana 4. , , ,a � - ' , tfielr son William and also Lbande�6 -with r6tur asked for a avifik,6twat6r, � n the north-west"for 17 years, is here* On. , some relfiarkab6lit.g6ing to die. his I legal responsibility at 411; everyone organ . of Clinton, has, kindl promised to '*Vireless � . . � I . 1. . � I . , � 1 nshtleld . ... I of - __ v - i e horns, were Lawlor for the west, on Monday'last. extrai'that were rendered by th6in. I ,made . a, visit owing to the illneas Of . 116r pr&sentilliblit was only, too pain- mother. Itis,his'flrsb visit back -to* ' few hours" I knows-tbat one barel of water At the beginning of a firb: is Worth it hundeed givq a lecture on Tale- Vaply(," showing complete apparatsis. . . ' Nov@a. -The council have piir�ha�esl a side .Won in the' fie contest F. Naegle", The sermon by Reir H.' M. . Hannin ` on Saturdit b The union choir haa based on f cor. 2 - 475. - "and my speel fully realized,'for Within a. Ontario. . . . . . . . . otttor� her spirit bad taken its flight. i ronto, I who- Tvlr �Hendevson, To ;hiis, later on, And, that tho'chief concern is � to i -get the engine' promptly on tho ..VI_ a )ir of St Paul's church Clinton a has kindly con sented to come and will al, new grading i Tile four- � naelline. ' year-old d4ughter., of Mr and Mrs Alex i. - taken up its, class under the . and my reaching ivas not yzith little. I tgail'aluce 6f r Lethbridge. ., . wilo: ing wor(rls of man's Wisdom, but in Heart failure, due to old age, being as- signed the, cause of deathJuiving taken - been ther guest of his * father-in-law, T. � . spot,aud in the donsequent hurry, codr. taiii risks., be run, Anyone wha assist the'Ir rector, There tire other � Long', of thd 12th con., was horribly � � . - . . , I , . I I . .demonstration Of the. spirit and of , the P11 tee. She was born'ln the same riace. Shepherd, Townson(! street, for late-bii�I)an(I,Til.)'I)erarv,lro two weeks, returned to this city must . , I'll out knowi seel a a city, brigade tu items on the program. Mr ,and Mrs H T Rance, foi -mer residents of Blyth, burnedabout the face and body,.while �ing near A fire in the yard. the 6th plit - Tuckersmith. I . power . - That your faith should not I . . . .1 ' l. the N a.% -Anumberoftheyoungfolk,9 the ivisdom of men but it And, - post as hei , . . I I . , , '& in the on Monday. - _ , towhow she wits married bil I .has that little attention is paid to anything I else than, -reaching - the flre qtilckly ara expected with the Clinton contin- gent.. . . - or My. Goo Callipbeltand Alex Hark- ebt, two old residents of this towuahip`� . pt .stNuirlha � - d,apenta mostenjoyable ,power of God,'! wits of -the most. of the W6qt an I Miss S1.11ohn Monday. prabdeatand helpful form, and could early thirties. Together with her'par- Dr -and Mrs Smith, of St. Thomas, _ ants and husband, like it great many i 'spondln�; a month � who have beei Under those circumstances itocidenti ave likely to lia, an, and,illmy Pj,0(;r,..,;si,,qo-Mr C Hamilton, vil-I _� se9lior, has completed his work died recently, the former At tbe age R a r !it 83, ', - : . evening tit m' an night. P,,d.'.Bedfal,(I�,,�peii6Sittidavivit.ii notfailto stir within the lisearts of I ,� J1 Who listened. to him, tile desire friends the bas6lifie. I­VC,Irt4%iit0ok t o sq a others of her iitttive country, she came aniongst the. mineral springs in.the to �this. country lit search, of greater South, spent a few days in town this quite , . opinion,when. theypslo ocour,noone pers oil should be called upon t6bototi 1101111r(It;11114 yelill and from the assessment . take the following partiqulars roll wt, .. . . ...i' ., . . I n . don , - tit Loagao..on Sunday Ills -, .o.n.the part Of thein,'to lork. for tho � the topic . Aui6ng those who took iii the, teameeti, power .that underlies the froadoxii and better opportan. ties, week, with their daughter,. Mrs R. P. PA. thell, ambitions; al - which ittten(I Reekie,bofo a returning to theirlionle. I 1� I - . . I I . tholoss. .. . .1 I . .. I I Our Fire Brigade is vuu.,economical which .show evidences of progressive- Ili- � AcCIDP-M-Last Week Mrs"Mallou'li I �V.Ifo of' our esteemed villager, 7111'" I ,00ator itoit - wnre wiriciples of Oddrollowshi'p, and catab- Ing on Monday ni�rkt tit CIli I Ish %heir 4idtli ill Him, who hs:Uh t1low-oli not AvIthout the trying thiles- . , accompanied b Ills of pr"ivatioll and dankor that usually '. Sitiii Million. 1) Miss Zandle iy, we all k now, ithd While the loss is one Davio & Davis,'il iiess : --Real property, $216;575, croased over last year, $961.5; personal .N T falloli0ho had the misfortune to faii it- MissP.Nottaild fisgo0arrD.Tolfusand . I , . �. to withhold all things alld (H. Johns'and. Miss L. Sybolisi,) 1111voll poWe I . life. Settlingat little nieceandnephow, surround the pioneer's and Master'Jimmle Perkins, left fox . Stmets;ville first first, where they re- 'London, &serious, �.to . would.nat be f�elt by the town at large property, $21,100, increase, over Ia9t a $2700 -, taxable income, $1100, a r, ' Wits- and injure her groiti severely , O nly a day or two before that this . , It6ad. C. Layton went to Dublin-oll without fitith 4n. 111m; Wo can slo.-noth- TneWay,inornin oil ii� busi itlesq trip. ing, but grope iri the dark depending, , last Saturday m;iCiFidT51)ou6- ear, -tlyey enrbarked, his honie in aftol�'""­IL�l(i-tilinr,Ad,w(5-u-l(tvuti):or and I feel qui to certain that the Court al�MltipOrt OJ�tkl -i6ii-witi-lux�vir�th-e-cordif ?ncreasc over last year, $400; total 1119111Y- reipectedcoupl(ic(�lel)tittodtli(-ir * diamond ding , . 14"TuItNium.-AlIts W. C. Carter till([ Oil tile hillacy of inali's Wisdom to fox, the Rural) distridt, and settled oil '. it fire tit tile 11th con -of Goderich tow'uslilk), far"' th"ll he caught "'.. . t P. e t Z � is if they decide to pity 0avis A I I (1 real and personal property and taxable incom6, $236,375; .865, an wed annivorsa, id were SID Warinly and daserverTi aide us, which E 6n, Ralph, who has been visiting her some day �niiqt,fail. father-in-lit,W, H. Carter, for, the -last FAIC speaker cited �inany boatitiful. ain. . . Here they accumulated of this world. -ag .1 . I � ' White, I )avis the full cost of the aniniiiI. . ping that in: the conrilderati6ii 6 population, increase of 17 over last year; number .oblil" gratulatiisl OnAiielp h6arty ,and vigor- I . , It Is 110 . f illustr4ions. to� establish this point. ()lit months, left for her house in n N stand thitt Miss Lu . gc)o(Isttzid-ritise(la,fatiiilyofsov�llso w Ve itlislovs 'Ind two daughters, who still stivv ive of Rattenbury street . intends: loavin'g ,) ,,,a of greater concern,. this smal ,J2 � of persons assessed, 335. � . ousappear.alice. sincorel y � Washburn, X. Ditkotit, last Monday After marching back. to the- hall " i bless the hamer-of tho-inother who towil fol. Philadelphia, where she Imp ims,tterwflVilot boove rlooked by, au 11 - ,)�(' that no serious results will follow 'Ills aecident to Mrs Mallough, I . ics Were heard, from Illany of our morill I . Ing. � They have spoilt, a Ver.Y a , ,1"'-'6 brethern, and othor 0d(Ifellows .good good thlio while in Canada. This to '111, I- fa�sb them birth. After spending neat- rc tivom,Isiding. Shollasbeenares vable in that township, and here. for a conside , length of . Cou'libil. I am, etc., , I ,Q1TXZh,x -1 I - - I . ------- - I Icen V. wits her first visit to this country,being Who have come' to tow" "t - tl -former Mr Jolin , (lent y thirty years watching the steady ingress of civiliz1% - time, rind hopefi to . come back Wit on " +*+****" *+*#**+#* � . , , . Go4serich Township.. tin American littly, and wis-greatly Aniong the were . loyltied, the order some 31 1111pressed, besides leaving qt. -good illi- Smithf'wl 'o tion into that part, theynio-ved into hor health gets better. '. I . , I Hullobt townghip, buying the farin.on took the 1. I �. -V . - * hat, I I 1� . . XoTns"Thsc friends of. .14',bonezor church, Maitland . con., tire Putting 1� It will bo remembered that yeard ago, and, though, not- affiliated )ressiorl. I d Til, '-*v I , tit atiy lodge at I Ms Carter's husba i A his death on, bile present time I . . Miss,Vlorence Otiulnghatue in which Clinton cemetery is located. " , In I " ol(I:Nt,ltids'leonv(,,nti*oiiiieldi Sonforth Aboatr 7 later, in 1881, death on-- She there .. I. . . I. � I . I I . Vanish*nQ Poo lnt4 I a - now roof on the building. MrsS.Low has been, laid during the ' bo,trot tile vessel of which he wits first lends Ills cliver'y-countenance once it . . , ,wholl tile oirder attends service. yotirs Isist Friday evomil m was as -hat home, carrying away tor,id, into t , - the. guest of Mrs Mi&tean; with whom I - 1, i;N - .,� / ,,/ ) , ory lit) 'bit Past week wi a severe attack o rip , but is solnewhatbottet, M1,9 Hlurp VI( I ear, inate, last July. , r even- Messi,stlellyar,11olloway, Stephenson, Dim) STJDDH0my-14ast Fridit) _ f thly re. Titylormid Robt Holmes Al P., also Mrs Goo. Brownlee, a hit the soul of him whom they called she visited'ov(w Sunday. Mrs McLean w 1�,th�r,,an.d a lovinix husband, Rfpco .v days with bits Cutting. , spent A fm ... I . .. . in your case perhape-it'si the , .1 I I - . � I I I I - - I has been similavly affileted. Jose) K Prootorand, daughter; of Holmosvill as "ff. ing � sidsontofourtownship-was tit on and- qn6ke, A -hearty irotoof thanks wits "' isged,andordatedtobso sent to tile donly ill, and with 411 that- medical " wev his ti 0 rs Churchill has mcCde her: hanio th, first pait of last Weak, - home with her ,son Bonjanlin, The Rev. J. V. Parke, Awherstbarg, was other e ilolroll are NI'S Crich of Ypsil. I . high ). . fttof those eyes of Mural I hey neel attention give it - to them at cuts, . - _" � I I I �1� 1 �� . spent Sund, Lowery's, %y at J. . I skill could do passed away on Hatur- 11 M Manning, to the trustee . , (.hoir (lay morning tit theage of 53, She Ivul T4oard. of the church, and to the , , for tho4r kinditc,s4es, Oil Tuesday been woman till her life, of a .- '111 anies and William, of called to town. last week owing to the. itnti. Mich, 3t ,� - ,qoq-ious Illness, of his niothei, Ili Qnsler. J)ttko�,%;Jolin alid Goorgo,of Manitoba . ieh township, We are pleased, to 1011111L I � We render faulty eyes Wffti by odantliloally fitted glilases, Will on I .-41 "I . Church lVoteoo � an active sition, won it place in tile evelling, the festivities Were continued kind dispos Joe in Morris-, Thomas. of con, 10' -1 'ohlownship;Mrs1olitiltie v biat the. good lady took it turn for the . Makes 800ing 0, plosioure. 4 . - . . I . . The Dishop of Horou has appointed . Shore, Port Rowan, to the. boarts ofall acquaintallones. She wits In their lodge voolli, When &'Prood, old largely eollnee'ted Ill this vicinity, and sociable time. Ill games, cards, feast, . Goo, art ,11,ird. s -n of West Bratich, Mii�,h. The fu n. botter"And Mr PArke returned to his Wor ts nieft. was largely atteii(le(I on We duties last Saturday. lie 1.0 . so chArgo fbr testing, I I . . 4 ­­.....- As �­Al .....---.1. - -..-. . ­­ . .0rAfflr.;_- Itev Arthni �&w#46ruied-_Dgf, Lsk of Cargill and I __�. . .- Pinkerton. . wasn'ditughtcrof"I'lios Carter, Clin. .,4oiigaii(l�,iiii(illc(�m,li�ltitlul�t(id in, W. It . I - orellONI the ebait�i_ It n , r t ton, and. a sister of Mvs.T.' Leppington,. '1101 Ti '14 �v erai ,silles- (11i'y afternoon, tile remains boil - , �oylth gt�ajn6reaso ill rHil - ­ - _Jig(l.. ,!!q _­ � _t ______N�_Pnt_�'�_- . -ff -of'he�r"depart(�(1-litis)ttnd, , V , ill � 1, = , ( 4it& ib6d I 1 -1 �_ �Wr,.� .1 � I I .14 To Blake Litelike 116-tureg k 8The ITalf-yearly'nioeVng of the lijx.. 0­r%.N. 1 ( Clinton. The desb6ilsetj leavea it hks.* grain fillie aluttli � wits lat le la( 'band'ind seven c-bildrdli, vil, - li'llos,, oil it. & �-A quartt�tta by Messrs Zeigler, . 0 Gunne wits the offleiating . . 110v R itullett . .. � I � A., I G*Awb4i . � . Is the object of overT, good photo. but we go fur her. W6 ra , � insist eclitivo Committee of flie Methodist church will be held in the Board Upoin teacher atxippen, &��Jennlo, Willie Atellite, Rol r and Downs ; Reading by ,,,,(I Russel, at home, Mts IT. Little and Ed Howard dilo Oil bango and guitar by IhII Menite, itfte,o . ministor, and the tilli-beavers were . Iviessrs; D Tiplady, Oantelon Thoy L601CING VORAVAItV.-A entlemail Shoppard,11 Waxren.Win Stanley and', from near Atwood call eA on T A. Simil- I I selentine otelvewo 4 I AIWJ opodst,04 4 , 14 ,that, �h& all our work shall be superior in 'fig, finishing And mount- toning, printi Wesler Bitildil s, Torontoo oil Tuba- . , . �% �. A . ty I T 0 AIIIIII&I meeting .of Robt., who own farins adjoining their Sal's and who r� wil,41101 choice sn'tootiolits home, The foneral was field oil Mon. andered many Tit os Archer. Only three of the, sehil. dots, eon. 14, the other day and. rnade Alion drou. were in attenaance the others Ile- him tin offer on his farol, but Mtr Sation- - . 4..4-4VIAVOW 8XV6 4 4 ing, . t(lhaeNestern seetion of the Book Com. initteo will algo be held at the same (lay last,, over IM rigs, saccompanying to the thorough en oyment of all solo the renialne to theirlast resting &oe Robb Downs, nenang Fred da&son: log too fat awAy to to 911se to get, hero (lots has tiot yet docided to accept the . � AIL,& A, All A 76 11o,mr0a . Phatti, .141,0416,N *%TRPA on ffiA 20th, to uJiffloill(I P.AmAtAtiov. and two solos by Mr "Zialglor, Coffee intilAo. Inthi-deathoMrs0fiUrollill 86MO, , _ A&W 4, $04 i�lwlwwlw � WON& - .-4- - ---- --------- ,­­ ­ ­ - - � . - ___________ -------. . . - � . � . ".4 ,4 . % � . 0 A .