HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-04-17, Page 8April 17t`4 1903. . ''. � This store is Carpet Headquarters. There � are more Carpets here—twice over—than in I , any store hereabouts. Patterns, are new, , I qualities good and values the best that ready. , 1. . I . :I cash can find. See the stock before. you buy- � j ' ' ­ it will pay you. The cuttingt matching, I I making and laying of Carpets get special at- '', tention herep and we know how to do it. 'Just . � . � right. . � I . . � . � I . - .1"M *;"*­"" - . I - �­,, .t_ I I , . A Good Tapestry earpe,4 , ' I I , I Will wear well; tijere'is not a bit of dou6t about I . that. Get a good one—a real English Tapestry) I � I I I made by a reliable maker—and you get a carpet that I'll � I ivill be satisfactory in every way, ona too, ,th%t you 1;� I � I will be pleased with every da�r in the year. Our � . : eetry Carpets are all imported from. England. i T'1P 11� T�ev were made by the best makers and *�. , have a _ 1 -o .1 biEr range of pidterns for you to select h .113, Large 1. M 11 �­ aud small de8igns an I goid colorings, saitable for any , , . .1 .� 1. roon), We out, mulre and -lay Carpets if they are . I I ; ere. . �� I bought h . , , 30 patterns iii English Tapestry oarp,.AP. Every one good. Nob a 1, .. bAd one in the lot, Do�vn right good valu". Oialitles that will, give sat!$- �. ,, I .1 .. ftwiory -vear. Many prices rangin!; from � I . � � .., . � . I I 1, . . . . � .1 . . ,. 11 �01' tG ,0� c6iis per yard. .1 , LL . .. . �� . . I I I I I _,� � — . - - - - ______ -_ ____ I � . . . , � � I . . . I � 1 ++++++#44444+++++++++++++++++++++++++++ , , - . . . I ''I . U'very wanted shade and all ,dze,4 ht - our �. I ! t fanu)-lis Kid Glo'ves, at ajiC d4flar per pair. � I I .. . I - + . f I I - A- 1- -++ �, � ++++++++++++.+ ++++++ +-+++ +++ ++4+ . -7 TT , � , . I I . , .1 __ ------- - __ _ — - - - _ - __ _____ _ � � �, - a Ne -w Japane,ge iMattinqs, . I I . Now Mattingg from far off - Japh,, . -_—b,ou,,grht ftom. the maa that made them. in Yokohatna.,—'l 4"ey. ate an . . . . ideal floor covering insum.m6r, Coollookjao� cl"ff L ' 01 , and durable, Tilese are made from clea.a I live straw, that will not break, woven on stronor cotton warps. ., .0 . : . I I . . ... I New designs in all colors. - � I., . . I . I - � . � . 1 He to 50c ptr yard. - .,- .. ' . .. . . .. . � I .. . .. I . � - 1. . - I . . .. . � - � . . . . . .1 . � - . 1. ..,..'� �, � I I . . :- I I I T T T+_+4__+++++ � ++�+ _. . I , + I i#444qance - . . —Best inade. in France. (� ,--Best sold in Caiiada.--iVe s.11-thell'i here6., . I . 1. , I .. .. .0 .. .. I . �k+++ I I . '. L � � . - . � . . I . I ------------- I I � . . " . . � I . I . I , I . . . , I . . A Great %'Z;urtain Stock, I , .1 � . . . ... A gteat Curtain etock has been gathered together' - for this season's 'selling. Gr.jat in Variety an(I great. I .. in v,alue. 'Right past the Middleman direelt. to,:'the I . maker we go for our Curtain sy f1i ­ No whole-. . PIP ies, ' saler�,' profits to Le paid on the Curtains we 8'611.-� Just + . � . : . � o'Le profit—and that,uot a laro'e. . one.-­betwe'en' you +. I . b 9., 1 . and the man who made them.. Tne�srcason s +.newe.9't patterns are here, in Swiss, Nottingham -and Bobinette., . and of each kind a.wideness of choic'e, +jieiter­:tbau. you mill get in most stores. Just a few price ,hints. I . . . . . this week. They are a few of many,. . - .. . .1. .� . . . . :. . I . I . I . . . .. � 1. I - I .. .. .. I . . . . . .1 � . . . I . I . I I I .1 + . . � � . . � .. . I I . Lace Curtains at 50c Better Curtains , �., 1. . - - . s . I Nottingham lace curtains with Rxtr% fine quaiities in. Nobi ' good 5trong net 2j yards tizipbarn. lace gurttaino ' . _ d L ' ii long and good assortment of 5oe beautiful 601glIS ,6 a �a ' I I pat' terns per pair .......... to ourselves for this town, . :� + .. Curtains that. ate good '.- .1 Lace Curtains' at $1.00 enough for siy room, .full ' � . ... 3.1-2 yards long per,, pair $15. � . Nottingbam Lace Curtain . e. $3, $4 iind. _'.. ,.... . "."., + A big range of handsome . . ., 1+ . . patterrB, extra goorl qual. Swis.s Curtains I , � . I . , . . . . . . I . .ities full 8j yside Jong, . I .. . . . Very special value at per Several good 3esigns in Swiss - * pair ........................ $1 vetcurtains. Wellfinished I strong, seivicealifo . net. . I I Very bandsomopitterns.per I . Lace Curtains at $1.65 phlr$ 4.00, $6 and -,i... .. � $7 - . � . . . . : we have a apeo curtain . at I Bobinette, Curtains �... . - this price. 'Ilboy are a I 11 . I . very fine quality in net, th j New Bnblne46 curtains -plain . � newest designs, plain oen or spotted fiet trimmed I tres, look stitched edges, with insertion, frilla � ana. - and fall 31 yards long. Ex. I co,parpair ... ; $% rao to 4 50 tra gsod value at per pair.. 1.65 1 8 - - .1 ­ - P rifted �Soblnette by , Lace Curtains at $245 the Yard WIthinsertian and lace 20se,30cand3ric. - I Nottingham lace curtains fine , , . . I I � . . I strong net. beautiful designs . . Buii%b!e for any room, 8 1 2 E%tenslon - rodig 'and ' yi�rd, long, look stitched Volt a for Dobinette cure edges, per pair ........... 2 . U I t alas IS c, 25c and. 30c. I . . I -1 I I . I . I . I I 11 . . . . I . . . . . . I . �.. ., . ... - . - ,f It lRandso . me ]Kid Glove*. . * - : . ' ... I 1*,,1,1U10, . We have a new Kid Glove that is particul4r, ly -dressy and stylish. In faet, it is a laands6mo . . glove. It is made from the very be.st skins, is� V� ,soft, aliable and perfect -fitting, pique sewn, and I,. 1'r�- has one larg6 pearl dome fastener, and the vary nem est stif6ing; fawn and grey shtides, only# ,1� I . �� I . � � I , I $1.50 per pall1r. . . I 11 + T, * . + 4 0 f � 1 � . . . . . I . I � I , THE CUM$ NEW -BRA I � 11 I I � - . � # ': THACIIE,11181 All-11HATIN0, --Tli(A pro. FOUND .A. PURMIA811H. — Tito I . . I -1 ! tqafj,jj� 1),,-tvsl(,yl)z-ol)ert*,*Ixitt.iatlttmt found. a I f1W*#XtWjP "..."­ I'll., , ­­; A—. 0 il­ - - ­­­.. ­ --111. - I "M I �,jlt : gr for the to-achen? as,40 purcha,wr ill the'Mr.13611s of tile mesqvs ­­­­­ - " *�" i "', ­­ ­ ... 9- 11 ! ­21Ne"ll will Illeet 1wre oil Afay 21starld, A I � FRIDA Y., Al"R11, 17, 1W.3. , I I 1. - I I .2211d, 11,13 beert: col'upletedi aiiiI will be Harland Bros. Tho ileal being clawd . odrmqkl . W . I I X;=N--=;-- 11.11 I I w I g oil ertabling and instructive, this week by the solicitor of the esitate Aft I . I LUOILTA NOrB16,11 won , ot ers Mestirs flonston. �jc. , 11. Beattle. It lo Without, doubt a � , 11 I . , . � vholvo pleco, oT- projwrtyand, has fallexil �. .. a .)eCorations Ali Notices undcr this he%dlng a :5b ton - I'vall, Lough, Rev Quillie, and DIlas , ! cents a line in every iusurtlua. Johnston. -si , ill take part. The full 1)r(;- ' "It"' t1l" right' hand$, tO have 8011le I . � . UjX4V,111&14D11kUer,Ti% and ,vollet sets.. grain will be announced later, - ' Igood. use inatle- of it.. True, the house . % . I . I Welk pikoToilut ill a colors for $2,00. , . I W 110t in the stato of I repair that it . I I .1 I At J. NY. IRWIN 16. M1414AIBHI�SHIP GROWINUr. ­ Tito should 1W, but it can be ninde to prove I .111"t-traotive. TaWras-4nd I I We Lead-in �l lines of Gro4ories, sugars, I hati watle rentarkablo, growth it g0otl investillent for the buyers. . � . .41 . q. I Potatoes arij tivet, a mols, W. T:01.NE1T,. t3giolilel(�lillt'slox-g"�lliz;ttioll, and have now BASHBALLISTS 'I'AKH NOTICE, - I . allowing prices,,' I . � on their roll over twenty lialues., New I . I 901va ft'-swa. . ! llnl�"5 have been placed oil tit(, Hill farlt, An,atternlitwill be uride to reorganize � " . . � .. . -11,_111 . � . tit the foot, of Ritttenbury street, the a b x-soball tvain fortbo town this Fri. . " IIOITI�14 SOLD -1 T. Hownerton, park proving too sinall and, handicapp. day(W(Milig. Alueefill 1 -alled of A move th ' 'sually la ' . I g a c . . . an u rge assort Rlpley,hm sold ]IN Cottage on Isaac ,ng theill collrilderable In playbigi oil tiny who ]night" wallt to intol-est tljLAr. . I ' I ) be held ill the M ing the choice , street tit W. Grahain, Toronto,foriner- ,,t(��otititofotlif�rpl.,r(.tt(.-Ai�,.Illlos, Al. sof�es lit its welfire, tt ent of papers representi ly reeve of Stanley, for ,$921' fle se- thougli it is im cyt-ry inan 8 gillile, yet council eltainber., Zet there be a good. '" I � i , cures posse's"loll at Once, and will oc- tho . niajority of the incinbers ary coill. turnout,and. get. this lively and, health- of Canadian and American production$ I ellPy it 1111n.'elf. INVO weluoulo, bial to posedoroul. young people W-110 have - fill gaillostarted, awljoin the propos- I , . I .. , to WTI. � . becoloo quite enthiviiastic ovel, tile ed loagu6'of the county so) as to have a , . 5 ret6coluill" sunl-� in so far, as our taste is educated to se. I IHORSUIMBN -The. thije is ,it ll!tll(l -ganw,, A bvighb fabure awitits, the few ,Rftr:l('ti0II, lIC' 0 . bell 11 rse ell I 11 ,le, ,,g4lix)(�ltl4lollg,ittjte(.4!itoof(".11lltoll. , Iner, .. i lect them . . . . .. . I 01 bills and, route car(Is for the coining ! - A B104AUTEFUL 1VINDOW - One' . I season. The Nmv Elt.'L has it coinplete ' WARNING. '-The G.: T. R. station . . I I w o "' "'o "' "" ol"'lin. �jq'(,llt basasked tho Ngnv 14"'Ick to issue f the nicest windows that has ever I . ­ . . I . set of,horse ents and. wear(" '111 A P0,31- 11 . It -'s establish. a ill ord of warning to. boys and others adorned it Pb()t()gr,i)heT � tion to give good satisfaction in this . , . actleo of cat illent in 01111toll is a Present Oil Ox� I . . I who inake a pr. ching on 11armonious colljqring of color and a . ' . class of work. - i litbitioatAN.B.11enrys, Abcautiful. . . , -tralos whell in illotioll and. riding Ill) art ill gown strikes ' ( MUSICAL -- Anion,— rocclif 8a1Qs-,.Wtp tile yards. L%A Pridayan accia. - Picture of Dr Stuwt . marvellous - diversity of Ilia(le. I)y 0. Roare, of Clinton .Musie- ont frj� I tl&j I I ,desi(ins that I , n , source was nilrrowly ho, centre,- surrounded, by other citi- 1. I * . � . . P"Illporillul'are 1)0"ttltiflit(�ill)lllf-�t(xi-,�n(I � avort�nl, atod, it was front luore good Z01161 P110tos in every conceivable style, � Ne*combe piallos to Alm At. Jacktton, : luck thall good g1l;i1alice that the Vic- and aboveall those of Pauline John- ,sbow the. clearness of the. artist, and the . Loxldvsbox,o,,. and Air Hays, ollatilit ; tiln (jidnot 11116vc� both, IIIS'lega L taken 601"ll-nd Walter AleRaye'tbitt are to be � . - also -casoq! Dollert E gli' I A I ' Tito Basitoll - downeto.-dat6- I piallo y 61 -galls to. Jus- off. . R!tIlroad, property is as inueb u,scol'on'th(iir �xx Is I "'P.- . ��. . featuresof the -good.& . 1. I Youl I and C'. walters, Godevich toNvll-; , pr1N - property m a person's hoine, windows Of a nuiliber of our inercliants . I . I . I I . I 1, " �;, . . , . I I I*. . jo�att 0 1 1wort : . . . : ship. � at unless a person has businow4 in the . Wer Prals" . . . . . OUR ILI, -I'vilwi Ular"t � : Mo . illitcast I le, i saille, lie or Ishe is liable to be arrested I I I � . . GONE TO OGDEN, UTAII. -Mr ,Tas We are well pleased with QUr display this year,gua. I ,VI hao'been Very ill .for the past : fox t:re:ipasMnq, which DIV Patt'son "'is $11011, tile veteran shorthorn breeder of j 110W We ask you to view them. . .. . I . I I tl te weeks, wo ave pleased. to report, , 1 recolved, orders to have done in the fut- , this soetloa, has been busy the past : I . � is ell tile Illend al)(1 her 1101,11y fl-1011dii 1. lire., I week gettifig togetherv, car of thoiro- ' I I. . . I hope. soon to see her beaming count- GUN OLUB.-Thoi Clinton I 01 ill) ' bred shorthorns to sh to Ogden, ! ; . ) 6,ul I lip . 0011,11ce 011 our streets -once Inore� ... visited the Brantford Gun Club oil Utah. Atfbe head of the herd is his , I I ! Miss Lou ' Ssvalloiv has be6i ' THE W D6 FAIR . CO ' , on the sick ,' Good Frid, 'Ind shot a), teani inatch prizo bull, "Star of Morning." Mr 1-1. 1 - , 6 . . 0 � I list for about a week. ' . 11y, I � . . . I . I I � " . . . i with that club, 12 inen a .side, 25 birds , Smith, of Hay, furnished nine6thers, 1 ' . . I . . . I niall. 'I'lle Clinton Club were (16- : I-L't 4-ich,of Brumfield, six, two front , .1 . � . � I I I I VIOTORIADAY. -Thou"overnment p ': I 1 will shortly issilea, proclaillation.call- -1c!1Vt(]1d by 9 birds. The Brantford club : Mi. Beondfoob and. one froin A, Elcoat., i . . I . I . . � , . I I . � I � � _.- ____ m , - I I . I 1401. 1:116 , bbst - hold the 10 wart team championship of : of Brucellold.'. They are beingaccont- . . . L. . � . 1 In I n-vanco of tile Kill. -'s I � * . . I . . bilthday oil Viutloria Day. ,As the 2ptil .Canada, so the 'boya made a good panied by Mr Sprung, *]to. is a son of 1 1 1 11 ill illillilloilloll I MOMMOML . . I . __ I . . - of 1%fay bIliq year, falls oil' 8unday the showiligAnd ina'do oxceptionally good i RoI4 Sprint , of Alaultou, Man. Xr � I I �� � � I . . � I I I . . . I celebration �vill be hel(I oil the 21 )tit. scor, 8. In practice'l"TovOy, Holines, 8 rung andiiis Holl have been visiting coal*"--- so - I . -- . . . . ill (Clinton) and Mitchell (Brarit- 1 P --or Auburn, for the , . I I .1 .1 I ... ... I � 7-F - - - I - W The obsorvanco of the day will be viiii- AEOIT6, a, their old lioniii- fie. . - . I � � i versah .1, . . I . . ford) luadestraightscores.ol!10 birds. piust Ili nith, &lid with the il�stiitauce of , . , . . . . . I . I . . . � Mr 1-lovey also tied for llig,li avevi�.go of jWr ��xjiffl have got towether one of the I . No S a . . . I , I %I PnON-riouNIENTS -Rev: .1. Groeuet, . ! P . I � I - t6tal birds shot at, breaking (2) Out of choicest herds that Itas ever 'left Out', W I Goods % . ' ... .1 �. � ,Js inaking sotuie impioVolublitsaroillid. 05. The scores were ,. � . Ntal:ioxi. They have had Dr. Tennant, 1. � I . . . rIP9. . . . � � . . his pr6party oil Huron: strboi� . Arthur , jlvalltrord (111.11toll ofLoad . (his neighburhood, for : . I �. . . . . � . . . . .1 . . I I � . .1 . 1: . .. I -Knox, Ratteab,ary­ street, N boalitity. . on, up'lli I . . . . . .� . . .. . 1. . . . I � . . . . .. 0 "itwillic.0-layes 21 It Graham .... 20 Cli(�,I)it.,itNveL�.1t,testiti�,,the,btineli, and , I . - . . . . � . . . . . .. , ing thO'CrOlIt. Of. lils resitleuce. by cut� . l,(1 - � � � I . . . . , W Ili ............ ti. N, Ball ........ 231 lie proumince.,4thoin Ili excellonthealth, I � , I .The Old' Reliable. , . 11, . . �11,-,atb )() 4. 15 train Tuesday and, I I I I , I ; tiog down trees, ote Pctay. , P'NVv.ibr'()ke ..;..17 J Dodds ... I...- Tlloyieftontho* . . I . .1 . havin'r I " the foluldatlo�i of Ills. 111'arthl ........ f 110 -20 , it wil I take, theal 8 Von (lays to Illake. I 'I. hats beon' I I . . I � , I I I . � ,. JIDIISO fixed 15'1) 't110' -past w-vok Alrved Wal!,Lce. .....A>1� A.,T)Opox . ..... - .e . ­ � I � . � . . . I . i :) Alorrish... ..221 .the tr'% - . . . � . Wt�'Iave anticipated your wants for spiing shoes, : Goodwin, Rattenhavy .4(rcet. is JIL(Iding 1.3oultoll ........ IS �L . . .. . . . I I . . � . I . . I . . I j frelau(I .....4,:n 1 ' 7 . YEARS'-. �� and* we -are now prepa - ' ssortmbut of . I , 1 a'veallndah to his fion�ie, wbich adds Cjj�foj,t vollwvv. '21 (41", IfolIT104" ..21 :AVAS WITff 1711EN . retl With an ,k . all the., . �0, the beauty o'thu. pvoptirty . . . " � Worth and reclation., of service . . ! .. . Tri,111,41lo __.21 W 10 Oaaltololl.,14 I latest Pioductione of u -to dite footwear. ever shown. in - . - - . ,E, - Mr.- David' 11ors(-mmi ....... 18, R Downs �. low) . "p . . . . . I I TRIED NVI'VH F11.1 . - i, -'-8 ' r 011ie Courtice NVII0 . I I and frioildsh I I ' . , . . . . . . ! (Ir-Lhaill, of Inglowooil, vvhu isalik; Qxk� Ilunt( 1 0 . . '17 - W J Ross...,-. ,' .20 fox- thepastVyears.hIA been iix tile 1 Clinton. . . I. . .. . I . ... . .... _ * . . I . .. .. - . 1. . . I I . . . I ... . . owilel. of the.-H11w. ti -le Lighl- i)I,bilt-liove, '0JAlitchell -,21 j h) 310vey . ...?q eniploy of tlie.Tac-!��,on Bros., and for . I . * '. . . . , � � . I . . . . . . I 'r I .'A'All ill tow'n thio wt�-�k.' R,,� ha.'t-clie Cu(;0i!Z6...,....--22 j P�L (" mtelon .. 18, t1lepastt-woyearshas held the post-- . Oar Mens'Pine 1,ekeed.80otsi either' .kid orlbox calfi with Gojdft I . I I � . iiiisfortune to have big mill buPlIt. ..,it .. . . . - , . - tion as fore:nian and 'cutter ill'the year. welts,.and obe:Iatear style, at $3.00, $3 25 and %56, * are .the best valuesp . I . , . I . . ifi�,)-IeNvooa I�,-.I�mtiv, but. . ex-vect, , to ... . - . � 2.15 1 I -230 Alfg. *departinent, received A_. token I " - we have eyer.offered. . . . I . . . I . . I . . I . . I . � . . . . . I . .11 � .hd�e amew oil(,, rv&IV for occapa . tion. I - . . s. I . : froinhig einployers' band and -follow . I . :, . � . I . .. .. . .. I I . . . . I .L. . � . . . . - '' ' " in it few , wek�ks. ' Ro;uavking - that he ' DIED A11 SAULT STE' MARIE, associates, that lie will long hold in. n. . adles' F1;20�13o6tz.we know.dur stock cannot be beaten,either A � I . . . . . , . . . I .. . had. experlvii,,,ed his share'61'fives, he 1V6'k1IG'rAN INfany readers of.. the .rexnerithrance of, - Owin]� to ill.healtly .. f6r,aseohmerlt, quality orprice. ' .1 . . . I . I . . .� . . . ( , I , �, , . . said t - hat. lie was lmrato'lit Iii (Alliton Nj-,,W. ERA will be krieved to learn of Xr Cchirttbe has beer! .coul elle.d to - . - . . . I . . . �. . i . . . . .. I ..: : : ' . I once, twice at 111.glolirood"' and.,0180 IY ., No frouble to show I ' . I * . . . I . 'our . close prices , I the death of INIrs 11M. Staill6y which, resi his position, and left 't ,is week ., � r . you, our immenpit stock, and qu4te , .lost two biiriis ill Wit siinye- way .111his: Occurred, in. Ste Alaf-lo, Allehigan, on for 9thIle, west. Befo�o allowing hifn to- - �.Ior cash. .. I I �. . .. ... 1, . . .1 I . I.".. . . � . 1. � .. � .. . I . ... I �. ... �� n yall Iplu.'sun -i�)r "I"t's'layNfarcli the.25CIl''at the q . ­ . . . . . � I . ,is �exital I . I experiJiic'e" We . . I . 6, however, -all connectdd. with the I . . - . .1 I � . I . . . . . . I I . . : � � - � . I . . . . . , oi_ie Wall. . .. . .. ..1. . .1 I I. I honin of liel. da,xighter: Alys''James factory assellibled oil , Tuesdaly . .after- I . -we. h6ve sonic special Voss to clear ont, vegardlesd* of price, 86 pike , . . . I . . I I . I ­ � I - - Follis, Mrs Stailley. was 'it, ildtighter noom, ax(d to,pather with 9, .neat. ad-, children's heavy I& tit' 60,p%'.r o. . I I AVILI� . A-iTf,&.D * SIORVION, -' As . . I lied, boots, -worth* 75i. to $1,00, only 48 i;, . %bo 8 theonnivorsarv,ot the establishin of theNite Andr6w Duricall, of Clin- dress preseni7cd lifin with it gold .'open- . boys and youtholacled boots, worth. $1.50 to $1,75, -only 98c. - . � . . . of-Odilfellows.1% ' A 1** Out toI:ii - eor..t,ouznber of years she re- fac6d watchi ,. ML -s Kelly on behalf. of. . � I... - I �. ... . . . .1 � .. : I . I . 1. . . � I . . I � I . .1 .... .... . . . . . . I p..... , . iip,in nevica, falls 6n side - 16�r the Afessrs Jii�ksoxi reail the, address ' .� . . . �� 1, ,d. In 1-1-tillett and, .8din town- I .4five yolf trie up"they are the best,� , � , I .1 .. . Sunday, die 20tbof. Ainil, a resplution s4ips whereshe Avas, inarx-fed. In 1881 1 knd -K-Asti . i -our oboe dresel * . . . . . - )r Karl Wilkin made the' � I � I'll �. . . .. . . . - . . . .1 ... I. was pas%ed by;the local lodge,.,�t thdir , Ili, ilild Mrs Stanley caane to neitherri presentation, Alt, Cour6ice was taken . � . . '� I . �� �... - . . � .. . .. . . . . I .1 - �. . .. 11 . - - I.. . I trieeting held,'on Tues(lay eveilill" that Xichigan aud settled oiv.x farm'iiear entirely by suri�ris�, - ,%lid did not . . I n—"Ohnton-' �.­ , .�. . . � . I � .. the tend dlvinesier�-iqe in amf)odyi the� .Village - of . Pickford, wherd. they realize the high standiird- that'he wits W Ta or.. * &,: ,so . Y tation is ex�ende,l I to all Odd- 1109ided lip. till the One of her, .death. held in, by those he. had been 'as,soc ` . . ­ !. . I 11 . I . . . . . . . I .. - . An lxl�lli yl , I . fellow,i whother ancient or otherwiso, - iat- - . � 1. I. .1 � I . . . I , . .. .. .. . . . . . iVhilc visitinglicrAdaughter she coil-- .-ed c -ed hiniself. so ak , , . . . I . ": . . . . . - Coll ct , . ..., . � . .. I � I with. HL fffi2. Eggs t on as 040h.. ,..'' , . I . - - . . . .. I � . I . to joill the, lodlge *at tholi-hal ,�i � . . . I . . .. . I 11, . ... . . . .1 "oa the 'ti-acttida dalkli-twhich. deVeloxped into ,piefitly to return, his. heiirtfelt 'grat- .�.,�� * .11 . : . I . . . . . . . . .. . I . I I n'bove Illornirig - at"10.30, . and Illarclito iy,�t-C,I,ipp-e-wlii�liwa.sth6-.-dit�ict-eauge itude-to theni all for'their gift� 88-M- --@@@*Go* . f .1 . � f* . ' . ­ . . . I ­ �. . : � 1" . . _" . ' AW.sley Oturch, Rev H A:-XI'lilling .Orh(ir(leti,tli-al-thotigh,ihelu�d'xiot ell. '6i6ninginuin'ber of his friends its- .. ' . � I .­­ . . �, , I . I ... � . . . .11 I . I . . , : . . I � I I . ... ., . I . . - � . . .. ­ . - . .. I . . . , . . , . : � . I - having bee , ,Ivu joyedgood. health for w intinber'of , sombled at'thchonle of'Wilfrid. Collyer - . — . �. I 11 av,ked this yeat to, pj . . . . . . I I . . . I ' . — . . . the add%.!cs�. � � % '- - ­ 1. . Stanley iVas of it Very -b - ts. with � hitni . .1 . . ­ . . . q :. I . � . . . . . . .. -_ . * * � � . . . ye" "Ir . and spent"thalas ruonl6n . . . . . ..., ! . - . I .1 � I .. . th . feel s re, th - LO L OT + .- . . . � I . CAN'T BE BEAT -"Spaitord, e ,,,�.,,I�,)ie�.(-lis-pqo,stbion, a kind niother hAd lit feast and. song. We 11 ti -b 4jA N ES . I . . . A I ' I noted Cartoonist, Ifuniorist and In- N'Y'Its held'in, the very highest esteenx the.j*7V,NV E411A but voices the sentinient I . .. + . I . � -1 . . . . . � .. I 1�_ . - � * . . striunentallist,-'of tile ,Ainerican ,In- . 6k all. who knew. hor. Therfuneral .of o,iir.�iLizeiis-iriwisl-iiiig:Mr Courtice The Public School and Collegiate will � - - :. . I .. ... ., . � . I .. I 11 I � stitute (if Art,' -,vill give one of his ivas, held frbin'the hoine of h6r daugh, his wonted licalth, aiid. every succokis reopen. igain oil April 20tb.' I �. . , I ! ,�, - 1-i --_160=01,117 � . � . unikIiie. oiltertainihelifs, in tho town ter, Alie Rey Ow Is. Ste-ld,: . of the in life..: . .. ' 'I:' . - .. . . I io .� . . , . . . . . . .. ,� RerneiriberEfelytiV4 sale of lioubehold ��j ,. jq . I .. I % . - . hall oil.Tuesday, April 28th, tinder1he a Central ill. 10, Church',officiating-aud. - �.. . .. . .. .. % furniturethis, afternoon (Friday,) . .. ,�.. ..od as . I . . auspices of the'Ont,ario Str6et church. i'6im-tins wor� laid ill. Riverside c6niez . IS AN ELECTRICIAN .-It will be. - - , gp� - Br.os : � . . - . . - ' . :., I . 0 In c1`47011, . 'tanl6y is stirviv.ed . by -her, to) - __ , —_ � %eilts. ecullar�pe I i try� ' 'Mrs IS neuis to inany of our to,%�Aisveopje, i The, +Wetaski-%,iii,A�6s�*.,Tii-nessays:�7 I .. I . . - . � I . . . - � . . . I Ily and Plarniohy. Weis conceded - now. surviving. husband and three sons, know that we have 'in'. our'ini(%C'A' - A is being �. I -- ­�=l !Uveili � 11 new Doherty organ I install-� I I . � .. . � . . I I I .1 . I I .. .7., 1 � I . I . * . . . to hav . eqiuil, entirel� - xxxilikc all. J61in� butican it d- Harvey, . who. ro--: rising electrician of ho ill t Si ed in, the Pvesbyterian' ohurqh_tllia I . , . . . I ejIo . n . 1 -repu-e. ince . .. . . stal I il 1), and. s a ' , Harry Brewer has r6coveied front: his , . '. _. . .. . . . 1. . - I others of this u'vs di ljct� �qida in Pickford and two. sons. Robert week.?'_ , . . . .. . .� I . . .1 11 . '. I ' 1, , . 11 I .1 I . . . - - - . for dyxialuite ,to blow* the front. olf andHenry'and 'Mr� Follis 'Who re- . illness of last sumindr, lie has turneO� ' The. was a total, eclipse of tho moolo . . � � . . . . . 11 . ' . . . . . hypoorh,,�. - He juiltat6s, all things and siclo in Sai-di Ste Nl&rie; - -The .boreay� hisingenious wifid to the atlidj of ,Ti Saturilay night, Wt it wai -not visw ' I . . . I I I I . b _ , . pl.-tys ill'i instrurrient% 41 er(o)w(led (Ad4iintily have, the §i ' neerest synx.. electricity in its pr,.tetical seiise,= I as. Ible in . this locality,owing to the-doildy !. , A. - � . . . . . ` t Will, for th . I it . ,doinpleted during the Wintev inont s A c6ndition of.the sky . . . I I . , I . t house is Sure to gvee e Pathy of the entire coininun I Y.. - . . . � � . . . � . - . . . . * . I . - . I press say� lie is alright. .. . . . . . .... � 1. . I . . .001riplete outfit for-:w1reless telegraph.. . . I - ' I . . . . � .. . THEIR UPERIORLPY SROWN �- THEY K79OW HOW TO. DO IT-— ing.'. Sotue inay thilig this ivas chifd's The ood wife of Mr 37ohn Taylor. of - - . . ,. . . . . 'riday I i ' h ,* (jIleg Justit, .. , - but -we feel �Ixre if they � Minnegosa, Man., presented hini with I , � .. � . , ,� ,.. . , � I.. OnGood A xlorxxln�!, t 0 0, I ,i-. -Thb Clinton Colldgiate' � ate inay play, coxild but - .. . .. tit , e Hough Cup tea;ill'and the f.. R. M. tly feel'�prdixd of �the success.' -,which s6e. the apoaa -atus and count the bun, ir!6ftwingiA&on.Saturday, A 'I; : ' I . r" football -teant pl�ayed';tli.e opening ended their '.!At Route" held. in the dreds- of littfe pieci�§. that is� needed fix Hisbrothek,-.Tacob, sa . � I . '.. I assembly robill on Tit "' or-faxnily� . � - - 00 . , , . - , I . I _ "Is . Ma yi�- it is, = . , . . -11tt . , is d' I irsday, , evening on, �they -would change first pair in. the Tayli . . . I . I... . . . . mixl6,ot tile � season before a* iinblic' I . - its:. � coinpleti . I - . . . . . I . . . � . IaAl: No:other deco& - I I .., . . . aud e ends of -the . I 'thefti,opilhion sonxewhat,� Just,think Four .cars, of settlers' effects passed .. . . . . ice. - Maiiy of the fri tions have been - I � . . . . . . . . . . . , . school and thoboys`w6e pregent, seen in town for inall dy.to �equ&l oft nxilesof wiie,. throi*h town last. w6ek for th J , , . . I . W ,s of:�blo � he trouble of patting.5 e west. , ' 161 1 1 . , 1. . I . . lend enegurdgelli6xit to tile .. 11 01's ill those. dispM;yed by thye 1�11611- bxs6tbro.tig"h�filarille'w..%xso,.iLs,to..iii� They were:'OnebyJ��Giriy,- of Dun-' 0, , � It. . I I i � .. � . . . ' * putting tip a good g I lIA19t.. soclety'la the furtilabing.'of the roorn. sulate it, and then vvinding it in to " &* .nn6n; one by Air SpOli .:of Goderich,, I ., . �_.. ....'..'. i. . . � I 1. 11 anidj� an .' . � ' 4 I SU , . I g ' . . ­ 4-1, . I f -estive adcas - Therd 'were conduction coil, laying between . each. - TA , of Colborne.. i ,., - . , ., - .1 . � say the foriner tealit: did ge petus , or -this f ion. and two by'MrAle agaii . .. . � V .1 ­wrl* ir -: � , ­ I I . � .1 . . I � 11 . 1. I � , � _. 1. .. . . from, the- interest di�playe I I.t e. nearly 1W resent, and,inirthand lxxer� layera. sheet 'of bon pAper. .It re- . . � I . 11 � ) ritneuttoot possession of them all,and ' .. The Public� .Lihgark board.- will be; . I I . I . . , -rs, for tfiey. playe(i at 110. . ,es an ex'pert to p6rf betly do. this. cidled together for the 21st; It is ex- . � _. . . ofitlookL quix tile. Hough ,Cup .was'at. ba - I each one,,vled with the- other. in inak- - t - . . I . �sba. , " -- : , , . I work. 'Oil Weduesday evening..be , . kicked die ball so* hard, tit, . It it did not ing it the event of the season. - Even . pedted that.new additions tothe.diffei . Of I : - . .1 . � 1 I litst through the . thile - lit Mt�. - .When .th4b6auty of tile pregrath-,va . gave all exhibition in St,Paul!s. -S. & . . entSe.Ztibns*.6f -die catalogiie will- be I ... . I . . . . . . I . . I I , - a not lost rooni of what he, has'accomplished,, added, a4 a nuiubdi of - n6w books have! I _. . 1. . I. I forced to quitei the score stood 5 to 0. sij�ht 4, And. the )vhofe was ve'ry enter- ana it ia truly marv'ellous the perfoJc� i3ilrehased. - � . . I . � . . . . . . 1. � I . . . . . . been recently . -- - . - -, . There are sonie', rising phtyers.'Iiow� taining.and in keeping' %Ath the rest Men Ile has arri'ved at The battory . _ .1. . � I I � I of the ;Vehing's high standa;rd of ex'-- behind hi� transinitter is 8 on"e and ., it , 'We. regret to. 1mrii of fh�deathkroixk., I . . . _ - ,�� . ever in'thej unior tearx'I" . 4nd' . -irill . be - , , ebothes valu6bla assistants in this - intere4ing cellenoy� - The programs, with A neat , , half volt dby cells,. . and has a, spark pneumonia; of �he three year old and., . . I r � I . gal-Ae. btteio oil. , I . ` I . sk6tch aatistically' placed thereon by str6ng enough to set etherial pekturba- onlydaughter of .Sam. Bo6th, .of Mine-,,. . . . I . . . I I . . � IN. HARD � tUCK Ady Clinton's young artist, ,Mii;s Brewer, 'set the, receiver info ota, Mail. ,. which. occurred it few , days ; . . . - C -A young. 1, � �, tion so as. to. .1 � I ; .1 I , froin Winghaill arriveld. at.the station wits anothe� attractive .feature of the � moti6xx5irdles away*... it 4lot, 'furtlier. since;'she. was a, grand-daughterof Afro.' . * , I . . . I I � . � . - � too lat6lat Fda ning' to- get even�ing,,'s Wofth. . On the same were He, also had the regular Mori;6 -, system Xiarr, Victoria stret-t. : .. � . I [ . I , . . P. . I . .. I . .. . . 1* . , . , ,, - I I . her ticket, Wore the ,,rain'pulled out unin er 1, 2; 3, 4, .Which represented , there sdas- to doxxxoni§trate between th4a .. 1, Reed, Moixtreal, nephew of J. Rat� - � I ), wl�wb.cos,t you PA cent xxiore . .. fr6inthattown, This little xilisfortitne cozy corners, . the jilaces of. ineeting two,.infact, He also, lit an electric, .terlbury', and. a native of Clinton,': w(ll,, ' th . an it should.1f you coibe here, ... I . . I . , , � however did not §ciefti­ to bli �our partners for the. several itenis on I ' ning a'bell an(I -set a* Poiver --wed a Miss Robertson of that city,� on.j , likely 4s, not you ll,fin4 there's a.. . pes' f ay t' i lght. her ' The first. item' was It b','n skAVing in our piiciiw... ,; .'. the prograin. tMp'�r;.in ,notion. Ile ivas assisted June- 1A, whieli also bap to be'llis ho o it holid rip�, and.sli,6 board- I ,pens * . . ed . roinenade, the -music being furnished in his experfineifts by Rev C , .. I . -the4rairx witIf6ut her card board. I . , R Gullile; 25th bii-thday. : On b�. a f , of - his old Every.penny's worth of the, I Site nihde arrangenients with .the Fly Missos Hoover and Jaekson;conver- and a hearty Vote of 611anksw;lis tend- friends.we ,6xt,ena-oti3�coiif,ri,.itiLil�ttions. . prices,is in iny and all of these . . - . ' i I .condlidok Nihereby she could got ,her sation on' Ith6 weather'!wiis next;prom­; ered.Halwy for his ingtra I ot . iVp an(I .in- The I MitebelIALdVO('.tte-i'6CO�ilyenter� . . sult�. Xhe.mAieplals ar6 �Qod, . . . ticket ht� Clintoil. - When our town enade, 'Inusic b� Miss X1I,tie**S60tt; PrOz' ter6sting'evenhig. . 1. -1 . ,.. �... . ed upon its 44th yeal-, under 'the con- .thdIinixi&,ttr6 g'004, and they � ' 10as reached she liur�rledl wdijt to'thia grani, in the thi-e-P. parts, composbd of I � .. . . . . I � '. 11,1nal:10 I . . ".. , , . . tinuoug inanageinent of W. It. Davis. are we a, duet by Misses Gunn %and Coats; re- WiLl, . Alexis'* sui , .Wicket to procure one = the officials . citation, 104dna Cooper; vocal solo, Miss TAKE .A REAT.-The news . About'48yetars ago MrDavisand 143d. ,� .. its ready to, put on. If � being bus� with � othei duties. at'the Irduc.'Tackso will conic its a. great surprise. to inany Holines, the fouli'der of the Nt-W BRA, . .� .. . . � . . � n0i ,tilie -r sis- .of our readers W learn that' Dr Grit- were eiviployees together on the Globe, � I . . . time, cou d not wait on bereiand while iccomp, A.by he . , � -was thus inedifatinj, the. train oii ter; vocal. duet, Miss Jones anol' Air h . . I . she E � �iu, ,w io, for the past four years, has . - . . � � I 11, . 00, $7.50, $10.00, . . . ' Zaigler;flute and-pi.ario �elccti6n, Har- r in our , A -new bell tower has been built, f q) . . I . which she wits supposec to. leave on, � I L been t lespected 1) actitioner * . 06. - 1. . . ,... . . . pulled out without her, Calmly and . old-BlAckstone and Miss Jackson ,,. root town, has sold out and will, - taka- a the SuninwAill school house bylvIr T. . . . . .11 1. �. I . d nattiredly she smiled off the evil ation, Miss Lily, Best; vocal f4oloj. N(lr* -wellearnedre6t. Itcaineasasurprise .Ate.Xenzie. It Will add to the 4pearn . ­. i I ... . . .. I -(1 ., � 900 In to hinis-elf -wheit his dlicces§or with ance of the school, and -is! cornmend- I . , Other prices, top and tit evich etvletg of her 8ecand.inisfortime, and an Xurch; -the last th�vee'nuinbers I I . being encored. Miss J"11CIC130fi Played,. whoin lie litis. been well acquainted able on tbe-part of the tea�cheb,who or- i downright good Value. ` � � ' t few'lonely hours waiting, for 8 or the next proluona�ite . . - � . I � � � t9'e'n2xt't,hin to take hot, toy, her des- the Mu ic f I'). for Wally years, happened to drol) in dered it. We have not heard- where . tination. We will not tell her naine, conversation on I 'the 0 3. C, T, I.,. �& , . on Win one (lay recently, and. in Stitt— the bell is to c6nic front. ' - , .. . . , I , I . . 1. e' th, jir( -nusic by Migs Torritnen ; . 1. . . 1. . . 1. . I �.. I . I I I . . � � . forshe is all right, only bopin tt � >menade, i ing-his inission tit this fici liborhood, - - . .. . �. I I . better connections wero .-hers, t5rl she pi-6itionade, niusle by 10redalvid Mary irked 11that lie *6ul(f sell oub", I . I . . . arrived honle wh I flailt. , .r 1`01111 I The pall -beavers at thb fan oral of the � 1. I , iellwehavellotheard. U The, next illiportailt featuxe Nothing dellnite-was settIcA 6n. at the late: Mrs 11. 11unt were. Messrs. Jalnes '.. . u � . . i � .. . i I Was the dainty lunch sbrved, of calre, tbue but MA Tuesday the gentlexilall Sixtith "Win Doddr Sohn laarland, � 1'. I . . � . � WRAT A13OUT ,.A BAND"Now sandwich, coffee and ice crearn, which ro'.urned;:nd the deal was RoFNI. .t Dodds$, P. D: Sibley)and W. Cnixtelon. i . � . . ! � that the suninter months are ap- was thoroli�hl y, enjoyedo and plonty to those from outside who attell(l- . . i proachingiild with out -door aniuse ' is with regr6t that we learn he has Aniong The . . bn had. . hat wofflil naturally be done so, for lie, has, had rentarkable ed. the f uneral were Mjs� MONfordle,'of I .1 1. � rnent,s upp6rinost in,one minds, we 6alled, ,.he dryest part of, the evening's success, and hasbeettail administering London, and 1. Yt Wright, Godetio'll, I . . 1. . . I � � Would like to suggest to Our Citize pro raln- sPeoch-i#aking - proved to , � ' I . I ,118 . . _o-(iperatb)jLhi_fhe_ I -mosbutirth rovokingpart, We I even yedi's that he has 1 The governinent hispec . . . , their- beamy .P migelat tho bodside of many in the I .to� of - treeii - V - __ 5ic as it Ir _S1 Nobbiest I tablisliniont of it band. in Our Midst for had them froin. f1he oratots of the. i s on thp,vyar path against blt . .. . . . . . eei . I � 1. the better enjoyinent of our enviablc� s rPractlse' Not belng as yollng . in fruit trees, and any.of our ci i7ens., . . I I . sell-)ol-Messrs Mustard itild Dunlop - . a as when startilig,. and his long .. . I . . � proinenade s�ak)ti, or when we can sit R ljohnes, X, P, Principal Honsfon, service tellin 1, on his health, he pualy, who have trees in their gardens, affect-, . . I . I on. our varauddlis or lawns and have I)r Apiew and Pirincipal Lough, These ed by this penthad better have it cut, . " ' SWO(It 41-11,1118 of Music waft 0'er thO , . felt hb neede a.woll earned rest, Diz 60 and burned as they fire subject to i Hats. , I I ,� I -. .were not lolig and parched, but full of Ilainilton who succeeds Dr Grah breevo to it", We have it nuinber of u4t', Here are sonic , saniples ­ MV here is a practitionor of inalij yean' he,wy penaltiLis if tHey neglect t1liq I , , andsinon Ili town, and a nuillber %s said � � . . . . a)?6 (111ty, . , . . . I � Al 1). 11olinc . . I., � I ,experience. being a Wiling practi- . , , . . I . .1'. I . 1 .1 of go6dijimtruixiento, but .tile latter �,, . . . � . . I 'tioner in Norfolk County for several . I I. r, pr in ell evet, shawn in 01hi- - . I . not ill sliflicierl t Uty to InOre . We had music by the 11orrance, Alluding to tile fact that the G od&- I I . . 11 . I , 2, And recitations Best, I I ich 15lace-he lost'his . te hat$ Ave , a good b4nd.. I (1111:01'se mild be go I ich Si nal bad discarded its patent in- ton are tl New York �' I I t ,cars and in -wI , atid all old bandina8ter Induced to Spiced *ith a little Nwitard, - Kealth, and ha's been compelled .to I side, t1wAVingliain Thnes s4ys I -- "The OVIDixed tip last week. Tb6y aro . locate In our town at some trade or And Ws time to go to R. 1761viell. I retire from active practice for it thile. , Signal's returh to the all bottle print , right down to the mixiixte In . ' callin,f,,� we would soon have a good . . � I In his early days lie praeticect for i will wilke live papers ill the county of styl(:, Come in and, sv,e, thein I oi anization in out town at a very MV Houston he. told a good one 6n his 11 years 'n Attwood,, where he was Iturou that are. all printed in theholue � . I I � . � i I I � : 11 . I � I . i 4 I � I I I I t I I I � I t i - - I I -.1 I I I I 'I I 11 T ay -i . -��e t 1111 d by S.tho ke .1 � . � I I , i I . 1 1 1 1, gt,(, 0 1 1 -h . I I � xpense to us itl allothm? year. Nife, . one of the trustestpractionersin Pert . offi-ce viv, :- ScafoAh Ex 081tov, Clin- i , Co. In About a itionth's tinie the - Dr ton Rew Bra and News -I eeordModer- . It will be needful each year. however bf her worth to hini, she had said: P, � . - ingbain Thues,' to lay aside $100 for the loader who- But A ow assailed0hairnian McLean will niove his faluily h6e. We Wei ich Signal a -lid W1 ever he inay be, &lid after an expendi- Por rit audaelty in calling on him. coine Win, and nifty tile respect and I 1� � � ­­­­­.. . .. .1 . . .. 11, . .1 I . 00 i ­ I ­ ture of say $100 for extra instruinents . d will that has rested upon Dr I 10 mniug (ThurWay Olinton And t I . . . .. the. expl?nse of keelAng tip a Now Houston lie spoke of t) I . invita. i this call le many wrahalninhis J)VACUSC, toinaln with lAtrilell, ledges responaV to ,,ill I . banlof this kind would be Very light of tfona things, his successor. Mvs Graham has also tion front tho Seftforth OddfclIW_.'s I 1. i le school and of thewhat-wilght. , proved herself a useful citizen taking lodge, to put on the degree work of this � - Autelossor " - I I . coiniparatively speaking. Let, a re. I hfixfo.heml - . an aftive interest in all clilircli &not ."'_+� Whii hpnfllj�xln from to,tv" totil- '. . Hodoensi. I 4"t .." � . � . . . sponsiple citizen pe agpointed, to go I I J. voundand oolicit su set' tions, at 1ough vose, lie falterod, social functiotts, in which she , will bo over two candidates to work, on, Sea- . I *1 . 1. . NTOI,.. 'I I a d Alas, when . a latoryworkNitch i � it gener- alad said: � . � I sorely missed, They will voinain 'in forth put- on iheiniti . I . . 0 iksi r0S we4celcolifident that, wiltTl It - I ., jai Oil � *I . CLI ous support front our council the * It was time I was Lougited. up in bed. townfor a few w.eeki yet, at least un ell lodge the first degree and 011uton, B roso . , � Hody",vens B I . A Bras . . -citizens will uphold their end of the I , The minking the National Anthem 7 til the doctor liets his business wound the second, A goo I thile, was extended ' ' . *%, I subsoription list, Let soino one niske ' brought the meworial ovoning to a UP, aftor that hey contemplate a trip to the bmthren .... After tile 1048t) work -I ­­ .1 .1 . . _-11 ".. ­­­­ --- _­ ­ I I I .1 . I -­ a 1110,60 close, after 12 ipNiook, , C6 tho VIA01110 coast. WAI ovort . . . ­­­ I - I " ... ­,­. ___ . I L I _�4 I ...J., -11 . . . . � I ! . I I " I ___ - ___ - I .,­4.'�,��"#-j . . �, . � ; . I .1 11 . I . . . I �� . t � I . I I . I . . . - '_11 ­'.'.�11­_ I I I - I . I 1 �, 1. . AAdlaki"�­ , ` I'll I , ­ .. . : I I �.M&t . . . . . . � i h.A6&iimba.-AA*mAM&.j.Ca&ANk-M"BWK - ­ . I __ . . 11 O.L��_ __ " _ " _­­A*�_.4� �� � I., �1, :2k bwarlii� ,� I& � - _ __ - __ - �_�_ � __