HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-04-17, Page 6'
April 1701 1908. - , `
An Ideal Woman. 11 � I- .
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__" F I W, �, .10 0 I -AW11, 4w -jou , 11
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[ ��j A 'Pii��ijxeut Ameriloan 131shop, . - I ' I.,* "'. ,�, ., 6 "... .". 't 'i'm . .
I . .1-1 �% . Ak"i- , 6
Mr. Vr�nkfort I ..!! 0, �'- %� "3' 6 1
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- � Williamson's "Doop � _7", �. I is jorw �._ I
, 's�.-3-. -,� ,�! # . . .
P Writeo for the Benef to Mrs. Z H '.. . .)i-..,,T��p, . I I
� " J\ ,,
of ]Beauty," extracts from which ap , ,�', , & �,P41�,;- mor I U .. I
; � - - � � . I % TV
I ` . Canadian Suffererso pear in, Pearson's Magazine, is as fol- - 1 I I . -..-. 1. =n. . I I . Ir" I I �
. . " 'I !I * I - I
i 1 6 1 . � Y " , ;j ,�A , , I
�1 �/ , ,, q P
, , 'k " i. e r
lows .�Thc ideal woman is a womaii . , . N
t . . 14 , , A L - , I , I
I ". L I ,
- She is easy to Eva,' I . .
. -
� I without an ideal. .. 4 k I . ,L)EZ X� I .
. fie Strongly Recommends.. with, She is worth living tot, Sho - , - '.�_,-;.�' �: � i . I- , � I
. .4. i - . I Frr F, 11
. " N h.' -"'11"1*7. [:�
ftine's Celery C0111pound is worth dying for. . She is the higb , J1 ,. I �11 ., 9� I `� ��
. . . light in the charcoal drawing of hum- . 11 6� 'I'll, � 66 1�.:�� � I 0 " , "
. -
. The Health Giving Spring 4nity-man -being the charcoal. She 66 I - .. 0 - . - I
. Medicine. is the skylieit in tile edifice of the bum-' Koala and Soothes the Lungs and - ,�.--'�. . I .�, I
. . -AA..:
, an life. She has no history. She W�A . 1,
. I 1,3ron6h1v.1 �Nzbcs. Cures COUGHS, � apnmp_c� 1% 1=111 I I
61 - has no story, She is the rhytbin � # I . . � ��
I I which transforms tha prose of life in� COLDS, BRO-NORITIS, aOARSB- � . N . ,
. I .
I I . . 11 - . FOR ALL . "
.1 Thousandsof vi,L-,o,niueut clergymen - 6� 2; - 1. 1-m I - .----; - I �
I to poetry. She wears a reas6nablo. . NESS, etc., quicker than any re . __ 6.1 __1 - .. �
L in tAA .... _
- � �
lands tbroughthe , -_ , .11 .1 -1 - 1 6
.: in Canada and 0 . hat at matinees. She is too clever to edy known. If you have that irij- t .
use of Paine's Celery Compound are I ., I I DO Mutton Breeds of Sheep. - (
I happily pursiting their pastural duties talk of woman$ rights; she takes toting CouW4 tbat keepa yon awAke. ,t ', .WINTER EGGS PAY? I . ,
; � 1. anantinisteringwith success to their them.' She wears frocks that match. . , I - . I In this country we pay more atter.4 , BILIOUS AND. 'NE000 01SURIDERS1 .
I - , .
her hair; she does not dye her hair to at night, a d9se of the Syrup wW I I .
I congregations. leart trouble,sleopless- match her frocks. Sheis the sphinx $top it. at, once. I I , rhr*ers PA;k RU10 11girdly Knoliv 1191V A11)(11 tion to 0, product of the sheep -wool e 1 6 �
I - . ness,nervousuess, sluggish and I= . '% 7%414� WhatRi ftca COO Them. . .
. .
blood,weak digestion, constipati that smiles at the trouble man takes . . - . . , , I wn not so enthusiastic. concerittug I than to tile .sheep, With so much 46. .. I I Sick Headache, Constipa . on, . �
I I . to unravel the mystery of the Pyraniid3 - . . I - tation over the wool industry it woulif .
I . headacho,are tile troubles that drag I (lie proilution of winter eggs. as some. , I .0 e Digestion.
] clergymen down to deeper sufferings when he might be doing. somethipg USED FOR RIGHT YEARS. . I ',of courgii 6 3 we all know the pleaEure ot I seem as if tht sheep was intended only W`nd tid Pains in Stomach, Impair d
I A perils. Today Paine's Celery Cow- with the i-ooney in it. She helps her I have used DR. WOOVS NORWAY gathering a flue lot of egg I -or the one purpose of producing wool, I .
� I am .61 g)s every day; f ' � -
I I und is the chosen home medicine of husband to build tip a future for him� PINt SYRUP for every cold I have had' jet I *rdly tW. nk that farmers as a: when, in fact,'wool is the smallest pre4. . Disordered river' and Female Ailmen't9i. .
So -ake up his ' :1 due p - .
1. a . Wise Und prudent ministers and self, and never seeks.to " i for the past eight pars,. with wonder- rule knew just bow much their W.nt�r _tO in value, derived from shee . -It . . . . I I I .. . .. . . I
� ". ests. Avast number of them owe past. She believes that a theory' is. I eggs cost them. Now I am not writ- has been repeatedly shown. that by the
I . 4ir lives and present good health to the paper fortress of the immatur ful, succesi. I never see .a friend with a The Sale now ox0oods SIX MILLION- Boxes peso Anname , ' ,� 1.
, ., Te I e"and - . use of iniproved.breed4 of $beep lambs _. ., . .. .
- I
� � . w1brld renowned presgi?,- -hat a clergyman may still be a man. � ,fng this to discourage any who ' fira . , ..7, prepared only ky the Proprietor, Ti'10MAS. 4gPCH-M4. St. Helazisr'lingland. .
, Dr. Phelps' '" el , t cougk pt cold but that I recommend it�- trying to make their poultry pay ror can be made to pay from. $5 to $10 1 , . . I 1
2 , tion that ,'makes sick people She knows'that when, men talk about M. X. Ellsworth,, Jacksonville, N.B. , each, while the increased value of the .
1 1 .
Rev. John S. Michaud, Bishop of Bur- a woman being good-looking they . . . . . . � .their winter keeping, but the truth is - 11 'hich sh�ep have been kept - Sold EverYwhere in Canada and U. S- Americ'As -
). 1, " . ion, Vt., writes as follows: mean that she . I PRICE 25 CENTS, . twe farmerA ought to know with a little jand upon w . .. I -
m , Is well-dressed thotigli . . � 6 s of its6lf a suni quite large enough to . I I I I . . In 1..)oxess 20. �Cents- ' - I I d
I . . .
i � 11 have been asked why I recommend- they don't know it. She.. aoCs. not . . . � I . , . more certainty the cost not Only Of render sheep-raisirig prQfitable, E x- - . . .. . I I . 1. ..
. I .
- . .1 . 1. . I I
� ed� Paine's Celery Compound, and I de- insist on her husb:tnd's cating tip the A New Regime... eggs but also of pork, beef, gral.n, and I periments demonstrate that sheep may - . I - - - __ 6 1 1 1 1 -1 -
I I I I sire to put on record frankly my rea- cucumber sandwiches 'left over frota ,--' I k � I �""�, I . all other farm produce. . be kept for -�mutton alone with profit - , I . . , +
e 6 " sons for this endorsement, hoping my one of her parties ; slit eats them her. A . I I I . I For Instance, I In a late paper, over as wool i's a necessary adjunct t�l I A Conimon Mistake, 1: Mainly AboRt .People.
. .
� 3 words may inspire those readers who eareful perusal of all the health jour- U *1 .
, - I -_ . I 7. -6
.1 � . need health and strength with faith to self and suffers in silence. - Hcr'hum�, " iltext-books being pablished, with I the signature of 0. E. Sweatm9m, ap tile, $beep a, soukeen of profit is in that ,
I or is that of a V'intagr -y-ear, Shim & an of lectures given throuelout the PBars a short article relating to win- direction also.. ' In 'experiments made Many Pe-ple Weaken theij 1,,;Vj. I . An Episcopal clergyman of Cincinnati ' ' -
I I , try Paine'sO,Iery Compound and prove study - h-slis and I - accounts were"kept of all*tlie items of .. tem by ., to . Was being Shaved byzla(ba6ar who wasp , �
. � i to themselves its worth." does not believe that wit is that ele- tourytry, and %,.course, of.byglenic treat. i er pare of . *lnter production . I king Purgative . addicted to oc The rT=r .
. "At the Fanny Allen Hospital . nient which is* unfit for. publication. nent under varr � ous popular methodsi has , of eggs w1ich is, a, fair exampI6. cost including the shepherd's car -- ". '' � casion�l sprees. �
- ,an In- , 5f - or. I Medicine#. manipulator out the parson's.fitoe. quite
1, Her own wit is velvety, She was taken wa,ulted in the following efl-ectic system I ' - What* have these .h,ens cost him? 1 iglri�l cost of an!mals, the .use of the . . . . I .
� I .11, - stitution in which lain deeply interest- from school before it was toolate, and . I I alue of their I . - . considerably. "You see, Jackson, that .
ed, Paine's Celery Compound has been �o preserve ydur hettltl), It is free for all. i Part of tLe. coet has been . I quart , mother, ewes and the I y . . ..
I .
� .. �, used successf ully. The Sister of Mercy describes li,erself as a'brand plucked ,knybody with the usual number of I mixed grain in ille mornin eceii, a I s well as of food, shelter and Peopler who u I se . a, prirgativemedicifie I somes, .from .taking tou :much drink,"' - .
11 from the burning. She is not such a 0ones, surrounded by the average amount ,g, all'ther j fk I � mid the mair*of God. 1'te6, sahl" re. . . . I
� ,:, . at Momit St. Mary's AcadeinyouMans- will e4t at evextin . 0.1led Jack
. g of corn, whicIA interest on capital, until the.sheep- were in the spring make a serious mistake. *1 . son, "it makes de skin -very ,
, issue,'and baviug a; nervous system ly", a 2 qu rts mo, I -medicine at this . . I
. , field A,ve, rely tipon Paine's Celery fool as to fancy tha� anyone is ever )f ti . 1would., probitbi � .4 8'. ze over one year old. Grades and half-, Most people do need, a 'Lendfill sah. It do for a'fack.11 . I , ..
, .
�1, -compoundas a tonie and strengthener. convinced by argument. . She does not )zpable of standing tll�- stia,111;: may* ft- . i 0; bloods were used for 4.4xperinicrit. A se son,, butit le a tonic t at is re III ... , .
. I In mv own household one of th(',domes- reason. Silo love's. a Slit 'does 'rine 1061� =eflt I 41. . . . . making In- all 1 . q�ixrts per day#. half-bi I cod So . uthdown-' cost $6 and ve health, vigor and vim� ur- I A cartain pirsom of ilie'old school I ,
� ". ties I�atstakvii Paine's Celery Compound believe that a . man can love only'onee, .1 r tystem, is thitk- It 17 bushels for mix winter -months, 61. i I 1 es irritate and weaken - -a toTiie I , Who had preached a sermort of the finesill "I
j,_11 - nd C. - takes only I out ten baurs. a d -n � i grain, *vOTtb - go cents_ per . sheared iii pounds of wool, valued at .. -vi orAtes and, Strengthens, D16-fashloned. . . .. .
" . v * " bushel, ..not , coUtiAg . ' ,doctrines of some of ' his I
on She herself tyb Of ou , flavor, after 4eploring the
I for liver trouble of long standing, a ,prefers lo it 'y' :L - 1 $2,40- Its carcass w6ghed 147 pounds, I icine in hew-langled
"L Sal ly orip'llych to loving matiy: She be�� iusiness men- who are obliged to eupport . .: &myth! 'live weight, -whicli.iold at 6x-2 cents 1 1-* Will"I'mS711 ink Pills are absohitel . "
Vs, ,it has done more good than at in in,, . ' lie "
:; :, � , other hied!-riiie.' Several priests have k-ves that . th I e first woman was'a hiero-' wliole families, and who, muy have tri.a an no0% feed .of potatoes, , cab- the. best tonte'medicine in the worl er brethren-especid,lly the Wait of .
.. I per pownd, or $�-55� which shows a pro- T' 110Mven and other historic places .
�_� . spoki�n to me in [)raise of this remedy, CIYPhic inscription, and. that every 6t1her oyatiemsf this will be duly appre- bage,, beete,� ote- Now what. aro. his I - not galop through tlxe ' hi I
. I .
, and I nelieve it hats n oman is but A "squeeze" of Eve. She -*1 , * � I I . . I I � . Probably half .the I fi. � These pill I s do
, reoelptii4n laggs! t Of $3.55 frons tit:, sheep, not includ bowels - they are gentlp'absorbed into thicli. they inculcated in �tbelr diseourses ..
. . , ithout estimaling tile ,. ' I
-1 yeaWs produ4ion, or 60 dozen, witick hig the'cost, alld wt . ie.s . r ..
� ', ,now knows that every real woman is the , wool at all, the total profitheing � .
, I . 1, my assochttes Even did I not 1, IK must rlse.at four oltlock in the . . � . .$5.0.5, n, filling the viens with- the I -woulrd up,ilio(vw�-discouiseby.sa,Yil,kg: '
1.'.� from p(�i-z.t)ii,tlol)st�ix-.-,iit)lk(-ftllL�N,,-Z"lI (dea-I woman, the fact being that every . 2011raig and tAke it 6ca4xtt1h. For Kris ' . . . . "As for roe, bilethren, the hell of: Our, ,
, i aine's celevy Compound I shou . Id . .. I � . . . . � inkluding the wool. A half-blood Shrop- I it *, A. , re blood-, that carries heal- . .
. . A Strength to. ' 4 t fatherwis
.,! df P. r and n � Ott ar. every p- r
.." idea of the ideal wonT.in is wholly de- t rfase sa It. wa ' ter should be used,. � .1 shire cost $7 and.sheared nine pounds .. I . , , good enough jor me." . t '. , I
. t s iould -be tfrken from the sea. A pipe ' I I - . . . . I of Il Pink Pills � At, a 'banquet 4 '
�,t� I - . I I , I . . Dr Williams' . )f. the 1ir5arlean r 1.
son that it rs prepared by the Wells & . . I - "
, . ,�,,. . r,' . feel like ta-aisink it for tile simple rell- pendent oil the idealist, and ,evcky w.o . of wool, which, sold' for $3.40, the car- cure skin e ' ptions, indigestionj head- Dish � .
I , ,',�, , . l"lan who is i , . mn be laid direckly'froni the iieawest � Witozical 1�6�ieiy in Niw York not lon.T. I : '
. � doli,-ed is idealized. I � I . I 1. . . . . ., Gass weighing. x6o pe).onds, itj'n6t pro- a -bbs,nei,,4jllsness,n-euy-algiti,backrehe, . 1. I . .
, ��i Rle.hardson Co., a firm whoseinembers . . . t�eeita ri&t into your b4th-tub. limay . - ago the,', ehairman tdId,a.§tory lapftoi, . .
_'. - . � . . . .� I fit for mutton ani wool being $6�.12. r tumatism,'continlied weariness -and of u 0 'pow . I
", t1le -c st In$
I I - . ., I have known for nearly a quarter ofa 11. ,ost a;fIew * tbousinds, but think of how . . I . I f the t �61!4, . I
-, � who ,.ell 0 .. � . -blood -crr;Ord -' -ejust the tonic I . I . .
1 � I �, -honi I havq,� perfect . Princess, Henry. of )3attenberg r, � . A half 0 weighed all other blood. They ai .1
'' century, and !it %,. you livould have to spend if - . ' 187 . Now Yok:k. When 'he was coming do .
. I
I., .
;:� , ,,,,, is very much betterlor her trip a4road, yoIx consulted a specialisti A- cold bath . . Ipounls sad sheared' eight .. pounds of ;,you need for this spring. Mr A Camp- the ga.n ank on his rat - ...
',.... , coliffile'lice." iays a writer in The Daily Express, I I . V0,0, ' A , eau, Alexandvia,�( nt., sa -."I recei*- . I urn fro
i I " is necessary, and if the water be too' ,�., , 1, . , _i7ipg a tot. -A -profit of $6.02 ) IN Z .
I - , lm I . h _ s Dpa he 41d a b4ndkerchlef, over his eye. ',
",;,� . .9 to town from . .. ,If_�Iood I" tswrld' weighed i9y i ed. great benefit from Me dse .of Dr I" Irish cuotA I �. . . I
�- - will be soon rettirnin . . .%-arm tIfe .'tub- should bft. filled with .. .1 ,,2 - : 5ms. officer. pked: '.'Wily : '
tile Isle of Wight. and will take tip lie , . I - i . , .
r , " i:1 noc z strictly. olut. I Williains' Pink Pills;,and take pleasure -have �you:, your-, ey8--under, cover?" �v
1,1%, . tracked lee., A short plunge of from fif- , I , pounds, but as it 14, . . -
17�',;��`. Moldy Bread Poisonous For Cattle. residence ;it her home iwKensington. t V1, I..., in recommendrnk-them to all- who suf- , %4efs , Mt of e6a),Irt it."" 'fAh, briiig- , �
. Wit to twent� ntinu eb will. be all tliat ton'brecd .only fy.i. 6jift a pound, was.
- � - -
., 1. � - . A gang of Itaiian lab . qrers were Palace. Her rooms there have :.all. is. required at first, This can be in- . '.. . . . �� . bbtaitied for itt-itc . ol'wa r -hing nine: . fer jfrom. troubles auis-ing (nit of a poor inglit copIll You'k)lave to p4 I dfity .
4� " been refurnished and red"orated, un-� .1, wo . I -blood. I think- there is I .. . . or ,�
-, � . - its. you. grow stronger. - lin'mev. , '�ounds 'and tbelit-.t profft 6eing :�.nly . . . . I I
" . , - ckms�d . . coriditionoftbe . . th,t I Of , . . I - �
. - .
- , working o4the Chi,7ago & Northwest- der the Princess' own supervision, with "dia,tely uponemerging from the bath'9P - . 110 better tonic' medicines " � �
!"",: . . - - I : :,;:: ::::::::::: only. I _. If.you need it medicine this I g, �
� ern Railway. near Appleton, Wis., re- modern comforts, and.yet retaining' ' over.yourl,self lvith,ajargei-ritiniber .� � ii $3.75. The common natiVe Cott I . Sp7m 1 A "hAwird--hail an En I I I I
' X! :! 1! I �: i .. � . glishnian ag I
� 1;enfly, and tllqv thr,tw soine pieces of the old-world air .of thc'surr�tifidihgs. I I il - . ---,:: ,::::!!;::::::::::::::: I - .$2; ,sheared fiVe poll -di of wool, welgli. give these.pills oittAhl '- they vv�ll not � his guest (IuriJ4 I the flabing seaaor-' The � .. .
I 1"._�1'11�`," - ith, . nuiixieg-grker. Tbis will iiiiprove . -ge'. . ... �F . - . - . d ' ' '' .
I - . _: .
I- moldly bread (;%-er the fence to a cow, All the apartments a' c strewn W 7 , .. I ,e3d 150 poun s �and.g,ave a rlct.PrOfit Of-, disao 46t be-yersuaded E119 -ba n NVA& a nolike at the sport. I I .
,� : r ,u0tign �rid- gradually. loosen any- "I � I � . . . .. . , ,point �yon. .Do hna . ,
, I � .T7 9 ,eep, id we]T, even the to t.ike a substitute or any of the ,'just 'On�- dai -her hooked a' fine salmon, and irr -�
�,: which ate it at onct-. In a Aiort time thick tugs over the.,.A.),arquet .flooring ej i rc � ue., ow ; . . � .. . � . I I � The . It ,pa I' � I I I
� .
' .
�� ',� ' . pa'Alelo of- superfluous tiss. . N" ' . at . go ents per 4oz6n(whieh heP.aW9 n . at � I e showing 9 fo;r reZord',- but, had .as goodl'medicinelE�which some dealers,. , his excitputer4b .slipped and f6liAntlo *6 . . - I � �
.� � �'. � the cow died ill the cony-ulsions -of (which is a sp�cial, bobby of her, Royal. after drinking, .It 'gallon O''I hot. wa- � 1. I w ']--been the bb . �ct, *' los would who I care o . ply' for" RV0111, Offer : th'atr I tiver. . The , ke�per, seeing.'Mak he we& * I I . I I .
e': � gastritis. The farmer owning the cow Iligliness.);. while"the different roofm . . I ' I it.,tho st've'rage' , markAs) Is $10, 00 . le ,, � 1. I I
. � . I
. I
, . ter,. you are rea.dy for your break- I . - . IijW , k.aVe resulted,'the �'$t'.of the� nati' ooiijd him' wifli 60 ga . �
;�. brought suit against the railroad com- are filled with quaint furniture, peettil ving A. lba)lmee . of* . _ . ve, customers. 860that.bliefillInanie 11DI\ no awhimer, h
�. I 5". MAO sli6uld it *i.fio ,for.-.' ; . n
1 I which - consist . _ ho fi - r
- pany for the vakic of the animal and chintzei and iniaurneiabli nick-:xa�k . , ohly.$2i being the only advantagp in its' Willi s, )?Ink Pills4or -Pale Ncp,16" I Mid'. star,W - to� drAg Abn neh . . . . . .
I sthall capsules 6f .'niitty nut. a.nd.'one'- IL00.2'iee.41, -labori.ele. ' I . . I 1
42� � . . . . am � I I Ore. The ' - . I
_ , L lirtc . . .. . . I � . . ' .
� �, , Ounea of selget � ' ' Now I -dou!t say. that it 4paus 4ut 'is ion the *rd 6i, around every box;. laird galled- -9
overed $4o. it being shown that the 2S well as many' photographs, Which . . Favor.' The' next smillest cost and, f Ut:- "Wha .4,6 y* &bo6t, ..
,�� � , 6d. -grainy graill. and a .:' Yar est profit was with- the 57uthdow.n. . if in doul5t s P - � "' ,� -..
; m!oldy bread was a poison to the bo- are 'alway's collected in grtat quant4 I 9 I e nx direct to the'Dr Wil I'Don4l'7 .0et'bau&ot
t . , wine-gla*ffiful- of prepired ekCanif frIDW. tkis way- in all caises.., Therte arb dif.4 1. . Q�6 rod 4nd.look - .. - .... . I
. .
vine ,species. We believe there is sonic Lies by all. the. R6.yal Fahlily. . , The erxperii-nents *show that mutton. jii6ms! Medicine. Co , . Brockvillej Ont., tie, the'lush. 2 Mu'4r1&d ean bide. a, wee. , . I I .
truth in thi.i mattcr. A few years sincer I . .1 . . which the 6aseinO�albuincn andlats fiav� -fer#at breeds, locations, I voilditiou'si pays 'fat better than wool; but -the also I � I . . I 'bu 'th4b'fuSh winitk" - . . .1 I . I
� Me senior edit b6% n. -This should b� followed . a i I � y . .
or lost a very valuable I . an with4mliv I tc,,'alse ,difference1n respect 0 ma . and the pill$ -will be sent qy mail, post t . I � , �' .. I
. aid, 4t.50e'per box".or six qoxes for . .An Itepiring* Son ern po i ician I used ' I - I
.W. . . . . . . . .
"blue and y6v kave your city cag- will: gi�e nearly twic.e.'a"s- nikh profit' 92 . , I. . .. . I
. CO and young bull front gastritis, bXa Was P818,M0,21k, . by a. suri,bath wider green,. . kiets, 'whether r�� demoristrate that, Ot. half-blood, sbe�p � . i'll ' l.t. " . .
W.1 . . ' , . ..
� . . . I ... . . . 7� 1 y7ellow glit8s, the actinic rqs of the aiin. : Ou ba,*�ie to .%ell to,. . , ,r . I .. . .. .. .1 to quote grandiloquently Ahe ..
Of whom -had li,_cii fed the waste scraps - - �, - . . � or. Ks a native, - and. that to; - raiit - . .1 I . . I I . Azinfliat � --- -,
�'dealer�. ' � I I " r mar e Vesf,breeds , " , , , ,. ,". . - .. ,;..; . � 11 I I . . I .
car � io ttorl - . . . I . sayX ;; he office ahbuld�6�1 e -
from tj:e family table. ill which were in-' __ . . �. I, ein iry - Xv."-w-bil - tom(stCo _whethar,.p _ � _ .. � . mu - -1 . .. � 1:, - - . - . I . n I diT . Y 5
. . �
I . ,rpino�Fd. ' ,, on agm In r(:f ' et -piofitablyl-th le. roair .
. , . . , '
. our . g I - .
. � I cluded several pi"cs of nioldly bre- And Ver' Nervous , . et - .reg hin;', e,xercise; TO do. I tnea to the average iarmer and e," must. b6-'ompleyed �- ' . Ah.e. office." Oil'one, occa- . . Or
. .
I ad. . I - . . . .. -success Ill] st�and in f i Phila0s*Mia. .Re- 0ne'.nig* aW,Ifrojj.. laked and .1 t - W ' � I
, . 1401dy ensilage. and esp�-cially nioldy . �.. . .. I is on must , rent 1 1produepr who: ie)lt eggs ln'.wlzt�ra. L�jr(L . . I ... . . . CAJCJ n h:p was 6bs6r.ved ,electioneering foil, ', .
� , . - . I lask. -Raise ibe Owt geiat-r . . � . .. I .. I �Widnt-out as mad,as I co6ld be.- .. . biniWI'lu die-old-fagiriolred's - with . I
. . �
,��`. bran. is quite apt to produce scrious Mrs. Beni. Hatfield, �7 Hillyard St., I . . The writer has a 11dek of -Aze: bansi. . -. ,� . .. . tyle, - -
- �_�� . 11.11 i � Uut firml : (5, the ceiling alld let it I . .1. . . 11 I 1. � I.- . ., . . Quite bound that he'-shoipld have to dic, whisk l- glirs; etc. Being Ter�'ailnded;'of .*.
-' ,,For three yearl . � .. , I . - eyt � ...
� ange iient in COWS.- St. johni N.B ., writ,e3.-, " wkick gra.,well h6used, w_ell attoaded;, . �, .. . . . - . 1. . ' -
stomach . der. . �
. . , I - recent ofty, ut iz� ,
14�',�, � reAtbere f our or 1fve milluves.; flien - - I . For making all that -iol-se, yotf see. his
, ,4 , Hoard's Dairyn,;;n. I was a sufferer from extreme nervousness- ng fed three timea a'da ,-and. wbielk, : - - _ , . . " .: . 41, pes; I�e answerid: - 11
_", _ . . . - surely to the floor., - kil , � y � il*;e. si ' I Five times with-all;my.� might -l', soaked -1 .`1 still maintain. iny,position.. . - - .
. ,
_ " and female wealin'ess. I ,,was pale and 1. -166 it fall sloWly. but -Us To Cure g -eating Habit 4 �Tlle otee , -If
" _ � . . e r& . . . . . '
,� . ve -y ,i# in the room'should, of m0ond to this trea,ttatat k th I . -w - up h. � .,� -
., . I That, - bullfrog - hen. 4 � and should seek the in"; bilt, by, gaill Sal -
. . . : Sheej� Improve Pastures. I reak, had Ao appctite and would some-: E i, . windo . -per . A 'ion ' * - 4P , I . . )
- . -
. ".,� I course, be op.. ay for 36 S . h401L This "certainly is an iznj�cOrtaa st Cr( - , ; the.man-ehould be around ,Olen the of. ,�
, . � re t, , a day. ien, and, if possible, the roof of 18 eggs . . '. * , , )aked., I - - - . .
_ . �e imes . . I ' . , . .
11 �!� . ' I . . . I . . . .. 6 . . . . �
1, a very painfiii -operwion anA r � . , - Se -for, ' .. I .
We have seen old ,,.-..;tures greatly im- 1 removed. . This filovealelit should be I colasl,dor'R, fair P'rodiaettoa fbor-wkater,, ject, an& one ioc� Which advice is. o*n � "-itZ wvlI Widow� ' .; ,e is lo king! him Is .
", I underwent _. . ...
.1. 'a r1yUhnic- and' accdi�panjed by a pi%-no� I - - &ad yet 1, doubt wkethei it ).Wtys fO*- asked.. � Most gentrafly the.isqpiref is .; ' I �. � . . � I � . . .. I . . I , ". . ;, . , , .. .. .. I I � I
.� " I . I tever quar , . I
�'r�. proved by substituting sheep for mileli for seven.weeks wa4 under 1he ctocwr . i ' AwW is a irind; fvYm ,wh� ' .
, �, itlachme�t, or el�c-try a bass-ilruju,.ns 'tke extis, sare-4ocal Maylsets cso" I advirs,64-io'kil,l. the worst of theini. but *1 Playw,right--�-Tha't.iviflh'in�,in riiy.,play
,1.,.,;. 1cows upon thein f.,- a few years. The care but be seemed unable to help me. ' I . .11 � I . .1 . ." . . ter it may bIkOw. So thouglik .the hot , el. ' 1. - `�
l - . . .� � I - . intiaie'lidIps.the uscle toldilate. �If.ali - , 1. . . ... this is a..Wi0t.alvd. Xevier: kill: the bird doesn't act his part tip -to, the'lipes.4 He, k6eper E tlie.'goo; a 'H . 1,11 d . ,
.�i. . in s . I - ored.. � � . " I � . ' '
Z,� ater value of the (Iroppings of tile Despairing of recovery, I'tdok,tbe iid. . I -'The. cure X i lie is ftitist *ear a look'of d . ttj It - li� a r I .
o . gee . ' 0 n 8'. � kd . -
'. else fajla� tiy� a -braas band. - . . . . It, fQr,X4W-X WORld 11110�P,- thOlf j)611=,_ Jor dais haUk.' ,. owe I se . '�v ry -and , esper- whom a tourl.§t askea: '%-thiis -a
,;.� sheep, and the fact that in a good part vice of a friend wl�o - told xfw that Dr.. - At noon jou wjll'b6,�hi to feel bulijry, .(h: a go" tbi . 'Ifty sonditigli 'thre , mse evety'-fime. . . . .. . I atiou. � - . .� , , - � - . � - yo* a - . ,
;,�� o . � . -, do _think, for a pefson h 0 .� I
�_ . � . Plaze
. Chase'sNerve Fool would'.b%fild.'ril' . I . . 'n t r !rvio
W ,of the year they reniained there both . . , e up - :but do not lebAbis dliturb y0u; Iftinqer. vAjAer ;;� ut f"ding fer'sagpd, n6f, ' A few� years ago' my birds got to . Manager --Oh, � Aet 4-Xcited.. I' � . I
, ,.*�, � - -S�roviiig weeds and -.g and well -again.. .1' ' ' � expeetliK. -*Job up-6ii-the st;igi and 0 ell, sir,'n�inc .� 1,
'. , day and nip,lit, d( � . I
- and make me strot is art abnormal condition. )rbu ,�ill. . . Ltiog efts. 'Mgy *oye4 them, se fix. that. . 11 :ieak lungs?17 '%uie 'bett
41 1..�' 'buslics as well as 'Iceding upon the continued this trew�nent, 'using''in all - � _ - any, viiich..hohi would em- 69 . n, go . bett Op' wa,4'.W6. encouraging paply. "I. %� .
. ,�, . I gradually� -get over tbis,- For dinner, ak,p, meAws litying early in the spring !LA4' nuach that four or' ,five. d stand ..start a. rumor thatT.have'skipped with have, been ad'vised. 6, . sebtl� in a. * I . . I
4� � -gras.i. tit a iew ye,;ir---. ,iddled very much sixteen boxes. and lie ieve that 1.:arn as, - the I atiready by a nest cont6isi a la . .place - ' .�
�e.%- .. . . a baked apple, froin ,%rhiali pulp b6a yiac the box - office' receipts�Baltlmore` . .
. . , . , .
. 1. . I i � . wfth.,4�vff� little ex6ralloed, tbrouck, P - I v�e X . ,where'there. is."a ... .. 11
1. to the fertil:tY r -f the s0il� aild W:',Cll stron- aki I m ll as c%,er.j.-I my I fla.. As a ' ;611-th wind.! Does� it �.-'.- �'
, I I been removed, slid scrape off tile inside hen,. and as' soon as she d: I . -
,.."" I'- . � I will aflo .9101C and summer. �' me 4va CWILI - -
.,- 6 . one does not wis;i t(. m-ake such a ram .1 result I -cannAA. say tot). much foi. Dr.. 11 skin.. This rd-the-,-ni6k,al- - nthp, Wrp the aest the egg ,was,qttickly I .. . .. . . _o � . �_j ..bloyrnut6h ,hore?�'- "0b.aye,A?.was,Qja 4 �'- - '
I I . I'l 1r) ThG testimopiati I of, the , .. t4a" w1bleb'havi been laying. Al winm . I I VOUT 4 . � - .. . - answer., llltl�, . .. I . * * I ..
. ' �
�,,��:;. cal change as to k"p all sheep ai Chase's Nerve Food, � excitement necessary to 11larmonize the . � . a.-yeai th I a,sked advice froin r11iUy'faDCiertS � - In Dr. John Ball't,time- it wp� th . ,aye the-soilth wind-.1hi,t , -
"'. . I of th , e ,blii�s here.f, "Buf hys blowing from the, I .
,P�,,i cows, the addition o: 2 ft -%y sheep to scL fcr it are. n,.t Arilf strong enough. " .W, pa -I�y ib� end . 4 � . . . . I .
�,�4 , . . I *.cust6tu in � his, church - to- use the old.
" -1. run with the cows I;as helped to ita- 60c. . . . nervous syst6iri 6 with the pneu , mo-ghotiic _ 4! Feceived a.differ�nt- - pres:criptioq 3rom * , th nowl'i ,,oil , --jt1g a, one.. I
.� r,V - a. box, at all d alers, or Edmanson, netye. ..With -th -oil .. 'o ed, simple himni), and the - sing- � , eye, , air, . ..
, I istake.one' I i of nut -i dAgwokoe.4h j�rofit.orr . 19,6s. bet*6ft tV m all V�i to. an � -
'W',.: prove tile pastures, Bates & Co_ toronto. d --i every.bo'X' "i f .. . . . 9- . 1. Itt, : � esch onei und 1. tried the . 14sw � the soifth,slyind. it? the We Sir, �on -, -, . � .
�,�, ": ty. nut; - - , . � I . I.. : twAi Jambodil would be hut I tl* . I . Sa f
* , mg was cdngregjatioiial_� Qii one occa' -
- " Of course, the ni.,m with abundant the genuiri6 will b- fjr-ld 0�rtra'.t hL,1 . . soccess. I fed dried eigg sh�N Uy th . Foadback 9gin.1, .. I
. I
-.,�,. . I . - d dejej my, that am this Is eatatialy ths . . � fillod -eg 11 99. � wit . William Id. 'Evart&. di1scovered,E. , .1 1. . I . 1. .. � . . . I � . .
�;';�!� � After dinner.'reft another hom, an . . � . I . . h red -peoper,, � Won . ,,,Ut,il,.r, ' ts of'Mribul-li
� means who comes inio po4�,�.,sion of I signature of Dr. A. \V. Chttj6. ' h 1041b W ' doajan . � atud n I
;��,"; . . . . �� � then beiln'the regular exereise cFf the - es&el but., 1. do thJult .t at,thft* is . WIght nest eggs . by, the .. and _� Delafield. ' Smith, their 'Corporation I .e g. . University who I '_ "
. 11.1 . some of these* run-down and seemingly � day. Tho -ordinary methods of e crcise,- ,more trutis.in It tlasm,zlest am awar . I w . . could not spell.'f0j; - I 1. .
� . � . 0. scattered. thein on the floor, but still sing, I on e)til.:dayq when' ' , ,
. , x -�H. G.# 1% *Mioakl Stochu ed to his 'ior Tr - ' -
I I hill., , Catihsel* of' New Ybrk- City. -,is
�%%'_ wom-out plains and -idci can tak I 'I vwl��ng,-'runniiig, riding borse-backi etc. . �146 ian "A . witl�ill his b�art, and wbisper" , 'Profes . �111,:cdjtor of. a former ei&.
I �
z �' .,,' 1, more rapid methods. Ile cati ploug . . I . they* ate the eggi. only, 0;6e.piece'. el , . 'ilon' vi . I
�,'I,?:�,, t Dn- C.hes(Z..'s. --ore not in iwcordv�nce with the�Iateiit � . : I - "Why 'th'eie is �Smith singing 'I , . the "F-cyclopaedl� 'Biltinnica," . I .
. � . .1 . j. 4_r=416 � I , ,,' - kiend . I
' .
. I -
. ,�.. and-manare as liberally as lie pleases, � . . I I I "shtific 1ormulke becau§e they 'hav#, 4 . . .� : .. I . .... I I . : . . .1 . advice did I ,reftise to. follow�thit wa& . ) ' km w he. want- I .Was on examiner. , Aec�rdiftg. to Profes.. ... -
I .
` .. . .1 . 1. � . to chop the heads off,alt the egg4aters, Want'to be an'4482.1. e .
Z `� .W . .
1.,. can cultivate and 'groi- crops, grub out I . I � 't6ndency to make you'lorget your6elf. .. . . I I � I . I - ant too- S�.eat a . td, ta� be district attorne�'. but I r didn't .sor.-Knight's.. ItIjec6fledtioni'!, lfrofessor - 1.
. *kkh would have me,
�_,�" . .. I . .1 � . -,
C.,� the bushes and dig out the rocks atti . . I verve F&D, d . This 4s fato,l. Remember,tilat each viuo- . . . , � ,Train- one (lay blected to: a candidate " ,� , . .
� ,� stones, and soon inake the ILLzid in con- ) . '. . ,. . I I . I � r . I loss. to . ;ne-. . : . . ,know he wanted to be an- angel 21' I .0 I . :
' . I . I . for gradvatioil, wh�, ..
. I . . .- cle Is-- a spong - , was ti nativ6 of. Cey- . ::. .,
, - , �.% .. idition to grow large crops, but lie a, and'iteeds to be con-fraot- I Whe Your. -Joints., - . L ,decided 4t last * tha . if I ex -p . , The -�cniark . w'is reRcited t? $ � .
. n 't .ceted 0 . Mr. Ion --on - the ground of: false: spellin
I � . I . : . I ed *;od expandid. 'Learn the nanjois of I 11 I .. 11 .1 7� - I ! - -'$tnith' aud'quick-as',a flash came the , ,
, ,� . " - I in& . $ Wh7, - he "Wally � sPelled exceed - '
��.o most usually feet contented with the ' " . . COD , - . . to'litayit eg*js for hatching, .sonj�jh I �q
7�i: . , ..' Are Stiff ., - � . .. .1 , . .� had to b done arid that right ic,k- Fetort : "N ntioned . , wit .
. . ; - 2:11 the muW" of &rn in' alpha . .. . . I e one a"-", said be. "Well;" instandy r� . .. .
, �-,�,:; fact th;tt he is making a pernian - ent in- For the Farmei.i , your -bOdy: arid qu o, I have -never me . bt :
.p I . .1 '. . I .tiaet and expitild i beticAl . .
,�, , . . � Ai.: I shar eT knife abd went, out : tht'watteiAto Evarts,.knowkg lie had I .
, -41, . . . . and muscle-; sore front cold or rheu- peh my .
. '
, , I vestment, and that his profits are to ... -,,, . . , , the full . . . Pliea iiiofewr XendersU .1 .
.1 I . . .1 :ordtr,.et tba same time ke�pipg . . , td. -the coop. I first stlected I my. en- . . ri, who filled the I
-.,,�. "; come in the years of the future rather Ho� Milk as a . I. I -no influence'in that direetiou,"�-Fitts- chair of patl � '
I I Sti=aiant. ' I? force of mind on .each muscle. . Do matism, when you slip and sprain a , � - . .. . .jai ..
i than in presew gains. I '. I . -. ,your . " C'aers.', This I - did by placing'. ari; egg borg-.Dispatch.- ` - , - - � . . . . ".. ,.. h, I .. . Ogy in. the university, . '
, " . .
, "" Tliere ivay be a plea,,ure in bringing Hot mi�k is an admirable ,timu�lant. this IlDt'l suPPer, which should leonsist joint,'Strain your sido or bruise your. . I I . . You. 0 ould remember:' that -.he, cOijn09*. �.
� ",
- . . �6f,a two'dialn capsule of nut . . 1. upon tht floor, and as fast as they made. . ' on U411i -thAAAnd, 9f the Stzig .. .
I - tj fiut and . Some of 'the -keenest things s; id .ik�-e.ftl_l -
_ -
- �
_�.., I about su,:h chan,,es altniost as rapidly Dealing ith t1iis-' ell -known fact� Tho. , . . .. 11 . , self,.Perry Dav is'. Paffikilier� will take for tilt egg I caujhi: aiid.plac�ed` them A � . I . ... I � .. . _ I
. w IN . a pluch. of grainy grA,jn- � the �Bendi , Are 'attributed to * the�. late � I . r . I , .
I L'..' I . i . ' . . .11 ... . I �.
'1�:�, , nd,!Ws pal:,ct- was re.ired by the Lancet states thatm'lk heate'd.tod . a of -the -mind should . ' " hibition'coop. When ihe�4iggs . I 1. .
,%, as Al ,not out the. soreness and fi xi you rigbt in m an ex . . . I I .
I-- I I Tilt equipols I -1 - . . - I . - " �
',,�'�,, �� - slave or the lanip. but we ihink it can . I � I . . . � a jiff . . a it A u and remaided upon the, floor urnno1*3ted I JUdgi: Walton, say4 The -Lewiston I I . 11 . ..
11 -
�� .0 -ne,ileoted. Spend' your evenmos I y� Always'hav wi yo � 7 � � � . I 60 YEARS' .1
'. �_� . e ioG degreits-Falir-o I sea he ,� . I . " ' I
, , saircely equal th-it w:t1i which the pro-, much, abov ! . 11 the ,health journals, * � knew- I. had got all of them. - journal. While bo0iig, d-torm of tho 1. .
." . theref;re, in'reading. . use it freel . - VSE I . I . �.Supreme Court ,-it Augusta, he sentenci. . I . . � '.
;:,., gressive farinc.-r w,odi(-s tile inore grad- 'for a time a degree of.its sweetness- and . y . and � . . . . I EXPERIENC5 . .
. Notie -whoi fatigued by., orer. I .
11 1. � . -p?ning as the result the whole ideit iAng to thl k ut I � .. I I then -took them one )yy,-one, . . . I �
. . � , I . .
1. ! '9.12!! I . ed a man to s -e .'Y�ears, W. ppson 'for, a. - .
I- . 1111 iniproveu),!lit ,,. density.' . . .� &,=11111 ... a . 'trimmed o0'the Odd of their ti�.per beak grave crime. Ye I n . . . . I � I .1 . I i, � . .1
''�, , 19-11 Mel f 1140. MIn C � , 6 P �M�"l , � . . .
, .-, of his toil "1114 his successful plans.- exertion of body or mind, Jaas ever .ox� , . . . , . I . until it showed signs of bte6ding, and. . I . .
.., . � . � I . I .
I � .Tile resp6ndent!g counsel asked for. .
�,_ . : ;. .
.""� American Cultivator, perienced the reviving influetice "of then .put thdm. back in -their accustomed .5
. I I I . � �.
, . 1. . a . .1 I "ParAffiev I , �lace. Next diy"-T' goi. fourtoew eggs, . a mitigation of the"senteftce' . bil'the. . I A I I �� - . . � .. : .
,�� I . tumbler of this beverage, lie, ted as hot - 0 �.. . . ground that the pyisoner."s, health.. was . � . . . I
� �. Early Moult and Winter Eggs. as it can be sipped, will willingly ,fore',' L , . -, - - . I I . . . whereav I had not beeri able to, get one ' . . .1111, . . . .
I' . I � 1.
I I . . . . .
. I .
.�. - I ... 0 , . - - . vtry prr. . , . , .� I � ..
11! " I -he ,y � � I ,
� , One of the niost Naluable and lielpf go a resort to it because of its being . ---- � fteto"Iso orefiWeft f�rom IDINeomft. . for selveral weeUs before., 'T ,, y would . 0 11 .
,,-1., I � - ill Tendered somewhat less acceptable to ' I . . I I . � try to'break- the eggs. at fito, but as Honor,".' said' he, "I int satis- I i Tr,ADF. P4 A R.K b - I - -�.�r
I .
�11,,,,`.. �'.. . fied th4t MY tlient cannot live out half . 0cu!dIns,
:., Ii. I im� on egg productit'On in the winter ' . ( .There On a, law !it - Ohio, 11rimedl'b* the . I ,
� the palate- The promptness with wfiklf _if beaki w�re very ' s6re;. �they .i'- that sentence." ' . I . . __", �, I cop., mt�rfs &^,. . L. .
�,,� � . .is contained in a late nuinber of The its cordial � influence .is felt 'ii 'indeed . 0 . 'tie last general assembly, providing ad,i,d , they did not -like cggs�.. ' . 1. . I
N, . , . A�,yoaianudlog 4 vicel(,h ni%d eoRefl)tiotf nja 1.
; � I - It is that oil "an ion -of it seems . , .: In I j.. ,,L " Well - under those circumstances 11 � rc I
. T " .. Tribune Farmer. for an annual Inswtion of every nvr. , . I er ap
, surprising. Some. port' I is"y In t1jis State week. or tw('Y their iirdaks had Mid tile P L au,artniii our rwittimi I ,6 v6* irth . t .
;,:�L' , �." early and uili!orni innult." If the plan to be digested and assimilated almost a I and forbidding th,s, grown but, -but they ha4l. forgotten Judge, "k will make it for Iiie, (j1h'1v1ca1t()1ty1nn Is probryr.ntt1,,tnWe. CoMintill left. .. . .
. ., ' I . MY'COR11(101KA1. 11411.0onk0:01atento,
. . .., . . or sale i4thin the Stat6,. . . . . instead of seveii �ears Ill . U0115SUiL -iiiq inktaist . .4 . L
�, . . transportation , actit, irm, owest nuoAcy forscin a
1. ' there mentioned will succeed .oil the immediately, and many who now fancy 1 . their bad habite' ' and never. . again ac- 'Tile respondent Zhwe to abide by, the . l'Itents taken throu�zh Munti & Cu. reeulVe.�
' L '
:1 , ' �_ � . farm generally it will put dollars in they neied alcoholic stiniqlants when ex. . I . jDt unlaepecte4 num-ory stock, -whether 4,ired it - . . . . I . . , I 11 . . op eial'i1offee, w1f1ioUt,ChAfq0, In tho I 1 -4
. ". . . 0
, , 1.11 -iners who cm- hausted by fatigue, vMl find in. th have toW seVeral frien&.v&out it, . . . . . Al -b � .. . ..
11,17 1, '', I the pockets of t1hose fai . is a 0 1 craws vithin -or outside th65 State, I . origin . al senterma., ' ' ' . � I
11 � � . � .
, � ' 'The elifet object, however, of the bill and they fo,(�� it a sure cure e*try Henry. X, S;aan&''the attorney,,. was �
�,i, � - draught an equivalent that -will be aburt . WiAflo -
, ploy it; and that it iii - ay p i rove success ' 2) ML I . . - sdablific Poole ,
, :::,; ". hal appears to be pr,,11;, b,c from what dantly satisfying and far inov4 endur, , a to Ple'"ent the L IntToduetion. ofe the' t;jUe.__MAy Huffman, i I d weekly- Lqrszest eir.. .
I n American recently crosstsiioning- a German' "a"', e . I I .
, ,�. Wit poultcrer, %ho lias large returns . - " . A I doinuitial. 'Alarnig,$Ua .. I
. � .. . ing in its,.cffccts. 'Thi$'sboald be tak _ . " , -SAU joq� scale suil.other dat)gerons Poultry journal.. ' ,..- - . I , 011volv6d was to. ai 'a',,ill, I rewoddLueM'i .
in L en no , I - witness.* The POih 961dbyal I .
,,�� I 1. winter from one Lundred hen.,,, has . .. I .. . . I '
, te of by a1I'.'6-4rd-woek'Q people. . insecto, 'Black rot iLfid peach yellows � . . certain what condition -the defendan; I 8roadwaAw VorR -
1,01!��,:, - acco;.plislicd. lli.i pial, is, brieny, to Dairy World (1!,riglatid). . . . . ate declared . to be dsai iev&tis wlthtw ' 1. ' - . . . . .. . �
, . 9 . I . I . was in,from."drinking liquor. . The wit- ' �1_ Nvasbingtoji, U. C * . .
� , . . I .
:, � stop feeding in stimin - � , Turns -.1 -ad ' � �
.., er altogellict. Ile .- . I I � . Blood in' ti "" the 1&*. The execti- ,- , 00 . I
:! �:' , lets the hens run on a four -acre lot . - . . . 1. . . . . . . . . I the oioanlug Of . .. ,ness testified, t4at the man,,was not . � -1 . �
I .
�', A pick up their living. fie has not Feed Brood T�ares-Well. I . � . Con 61 thls,faw Is'. lodged with the . MILBURN'S .a�, - drunk, . . 1. .
IV . . I I board of control of the Orlo Agricul- . . .. . 1. I .
. *9 ell the results of his practice at Feed the brood mards liberally thal , -Ric Ike lood. . . . . - I I "Well,'! exglaimed Mr. Spaatl,: shar ' � . . . .
�111 IV ' ... , - __ .." W%% P, , � .
1. -5-, -1-s 'r1le_41_`____ � . I --statlow - --ART--AN' r'-NEILVE lyf. "were you, ever -drunk -?" � -- � I - -
� .. - Rome, from a feeling sonic have of are carrying f6� s it y Orse , . . .. . - . , _ tur-11 -Experiment .,,anit a hor-, HE .. '. _. I ."No, .sir;. I never vas.11 I - ,.. . I 'I
keeping the "secrets" of success to , tioultural. inspector has. beem tp# . y . , , .
tin g * d P,pring I You will ne6d pointa - - , -._V, .. I .
. . themselv'es. Away, from - home, where Breeder. 'they sho,uld be kep i oil . .This * I I . . . . . 1. .. "HOW ,M4ny can you. drink without.- -. I .� . . I I
., q . his market will not be interfered with, i condition, but not �'fibg. fat." MareS ' to take away. tb at The scope 46f -th,6 law and the. man- , . TILLS. . . .1 getting, drunk ?" asked 'the attorney.. I I . . I I �
, that are not blanketed; iind whose hah sometlii.ng . I . . .
I I - . � he feels at libeity to tell these secrets. stands on ondi often look to be iri-bet- tired, listless fecling br6flght Iner provided'"for Its execution givil', Make Weak Hedrts Strong. going up. close to, the witness, . I I . . % . I
. ic fall lie takcs h;; liciis into closex , 'Vat you mean, kegs ?11 A �
I I In tl ter, condition than they. actually are, . frultgroWers and nurs�rynlen I Ohio 4 1 .
. quarters and fee'ds them. .
. -able to have lions Place the hand upon their ribs and hips I on b thiesystc'm being clog `):"P'_J action ftom, %otietil.. Make Shaky Kervc3 Firm. The attorney excused the witness.:- 1 . I .
. y & assurt,noo of 1)ro.t � . . ��� I .
1: I I It is certainly desii and it will be found that there is but turepi diseases w4d Insect pesta.1 AAA,' . , . Indianapolis I 14 . ew , s, I , . I I ..
I I * - � � . I
I . Inoult early, so that when the cool wea- oil their bones. Such. with impurides, which have th6r point worthy of = ou THEY.CURC... 11 I
I little meat up . tiori is that . "It never pays to hurt peopleOs feel. . .
'.-', , . ther conies oil in the (all, and eggs are ,omulated durinft, the wintet. tobe hortioUltural inspectors will visit Norwoostiess - Sleoplossnems - palpitittion 61
, ' - , begin to lay. mares need a more liberal ration of aCC . . . ings,"' rehiarked tile I-jumand C11.1p. :. . �
� . . Iligh priced, they I'llay ia 1,.k. grain and b'ctter quality of hay 'thRil . th * ous ;, ir requested, and I ,tile .Ilotrt-w"vois,prootratibw-point "Oil I don't know " replied the Wise - . I . �
I I � The results at the West Vi-rgiii � Burdock Wood, BiLters is . e ore= orebarM -any , . Guy.p. "Friend of niline makes a ore ty . 11 - . ... - . .
. periment Station are gratifying. Thcre they have been * g,vtting, or their foali traitinent wid render _ and Dizzy Opol,14 - 13rain Fag - Aftet , I
� I . - systematic viethod tried for will be starved before thcY are drop, rin-niedy you require. . asoltAnde In his power, for whichi 206oti of La firippo"Antsinia-Aud all - good -fiving at it.,, . . � . I . I .
. . ' Trollbleb Avidlg,fri)m a Aull-do By$! - "Who is he?11�
the express � ld Reiable Remedy .
� wits there a. I ped, and afterwards, too. 'Mareg that It bas no. equal as. a spring titere will -be no chargo'to the farrier. . wa .. ,
hens in - - Ti urpose of getting the astigats, tom. I 'A dilltiAt."--Citicinnati Covni , ,
, . " tion for laying early. are very thin in. flesh will pot yield so '' - other StMos may wisely* in . . I nbr: .
. % , � . I a large a quantity of milk as' Would tho I medicine, ft has been Used by. ()h,4o,,b new .law and eus,at"tinillar . . ' dal Tribune. ._ _,� , �, for , 013avins, Alngb6neo,. Splints,
- I $Though we art not t0l(I tile 9C Of satiit!mategifin'[,,00deoiiclitic)li. Foali thousands'lor ,a quarter of autAsureo., , Read what T..I,, Poster, Xinel3frig,5 . . . � Curbs and all forms of Lftmeft(388. Tho .
. � I I liftese hens, whcflv,r tlwy were one year . A California woman ba(l a Chille ' MA d U selling
old or more, we should know some- th ife under sitch conditions . Out.) Usts to' �sa)p about. thtrw-1 was se, i'86 Of d '411410 Wild , Y 0 ble the
, At begin unequalled t� ... . servant *A '180( ptic;o� of your horpe, �
. 1hing about that ill order to proceed can never make so valuable animals as a celit�ury .. Vilth greatly troubled with p0pititti4n of the 'ho had. pie. I liar in every 0015� Vi Olt ZV91YT1X1X0,
. I The present' Baronatt ' ri� Jamz�tjed heart, a sudden blindnoss, would come way until she 11RI)pelled to go jilto Ll,c a
ently. Ont-. .4ticccs%ful poulterer they would have niade under more fay. $UCCesst �
, '" orablo conditions. It is poor ftollonly . I LToel"blipy, the thiril from the founder, over me, and floating,-spceki befnra my kitchen father late ono evening and Dtt� 11. 1. XENDALL CO., I � .
� . 3 11111i5that lifi; Rhode Lihn red pul. ' .
, , ms ` I found Ali Wing cahilly sea e 1 it js De.,xr sif*8 i- Qalktesb,�.%, $title I I .
t1ai succeeded In 1817, and since then he has eyes, eauzetl me great inconvenience, t d W t hi iii.iv6bectitisint,,yotit,XL,ntiAll's pavim Curdi
% lets begin to lay at four Months old; i to keep brood mares thin in flesh, and . 11 � I ' r �.111114me
I regulate . well maintained the traditions of- his often I w6uld, have to gasp for broatlt,, feet in tile (161113,111. � I . tlmo, 111koft6fil tivelvetofi te0abottkIql[Wok Anil find
,ahat the may chiok., begin to lay in the first thirig, to dn iq te) s6 'HERB. IS PROOP, house., With. increasing wealth he ,has and miy nervei i�oro in a terrible 0101. It Wily, W111 -g I w1lat are You doing F1 It t1n W(MicAt r,1111e,16filf Of -
i sh 141112115. SWOOno.yj GAIIS '
1,11is , ho%N.cvei,, k l3c,tter.tha(i that th . , . _. an�� fill 0106 And W611 U$d. 1 11:tV6 two fin"41roa
October. e food will dojt9 natural work. I 1116teitted the &btl aftil. p6rpose of his J16n, I took WIMUP,X'S HEART AXD. .� . ,
11 0 . . I . 0 �c ealned. 1. ', � . hem of horseq fit my tare, I
, I * The . I I tnpfo�a a A1.1mi, for yout 11 Tre,ULa ,on tho 11orse . .1. . .
. .
" I I i
;Qw I
. Ogm average fa iner's ex;,erience. oow ,
. 's, with good cnrc. I . .o.;_'.1'. , . Mrs, 1. T. Skino of ShIgawakel, Que , I ghllftnthropy.� ' And no bitter proof k1KRVV, PILLS, ana*thok have vrovea o ashee iect," placidly ro ied. tile, o,haht§t)istaso�t,,,011rattrrtrlI , 0 11. ,
- I April and MRY c1lic', .. writest: "I bdva ,used 13urdock BlOOj i d6uld be given �f tho appreeiatloh an(If blessing to me. I cheerfully reeoln. Cclestiftl� . I. 0 . . )� W. LAMD . .
. Atotil'd begin to lay in November. But I Mitot-You hl�ve'wt 1xictitioned this Sittcra.at a spring medicine for tha pwd Th6usaodo of lion t if good OrAll. .
I , gratitude of lilt muntrynicit tha; the I nionti flielit to all sufferers from heart 913ut'iq nly dWipaii I" I
. thty "litigt have gowl care and grow bridegroOMIA Time in thia weddizig story four yearsatid don't1hink therels its equal. gen6r4tl delight with which his seleotloh I a 1111I ent tot, I )11 I ; I h. vie - idu for $1, I
. . ,ompliq and nervo trouble. I'M' r foot Clean", responded tbo UAL Ask
torn the start in () fl� , .1i ,of Your,;, - 1wPorto-oh, yes, 1 limyc %Vhen� I feet droway, tired and have ito to ropresent b6mtay� -0 the recaiittor- I rplo Boa. per box, ov t for $1.1.15, all c4inamaA4 Indignantly; %W4-4j4Qq evely 4 fl,
- I f, F to nc( Ur Itil 9181ok * it all't n uura* alAo
� L I - " restilt.-t-Willialli B. Cary, Windsor, I jOve got, him down "AMofig, thom pret-, desire to oat I get a hottld of P, 11,13, It 6nation W"'twivia by an Its, 614. ,Aealerg or'The T, XAUT4 Co., Lim I ted"I .fkht IOI � . : hd ft N , 4 t . 0 k jrqi� oV.
� � emit., to Teilytind Furtner. I tnu, . putifies thd blood And builds UP tho 0669 I . 4 . . I . -t�_
1 4. .1 I I I I . . . itIfutloti b6ttat than any other raimody�" , ft" ... . . _ - , , , , . Torw4to) Onk ., � ...... - � �, . I'll on, ot L XMI)ALL Co., losovaili PALO, Vt,
. � I 11 I I libmi,iiiiiiiiiiioiwwiikoweimilioallopikwokiio- I I
- I
N, . . I . � .
� I �� I . I I . Ae
11 I �, .- - ,. NK��-A_AA?Abiamw- _ . � . , I -f-d. - _.!_,W&i�&4dft.,&ALAffi1..1