HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-04-17, Page 3lt� 4s, V M 1W �! � f . I � . I . . . I . I . 4 THE OUNTON NEW =A . . April 17 W 1903, -_ I - I � . I 11 I . �- ,.- , , , , I I I N V 'y 'F y I V I y , '4 ",-.f _y V_ . LO$T HE I A .. RING QUAAMY HE- . 1. AN ACHING. 'BA01K I � .­.,­­,­'_-_­ - . 1. _7-___ ­ '. -1-..1";;.F 11 %_ � .. . LWbere Car ConOuctOrs are . .1 . STORED. I � Mr. Dooley atid the 51altor, Is the firAt Indication of kidney dis- . Polite. . 1�_ . �, . . . I Leavillg .. A. XILTXR� : , No.matter Wbc.tWr of long standing . I ease, and should be taken as a signal I . I . I I . . PI oW soW Mr, Honne"y, "that of ilanger - a warning touse Ur Chase's I Jerome A. Ila.rt,. editor of the-ArgOn- . . . . . I or St. Paul'a . or not, deafness �an be 1�)ermanelltly Congr h )m cked Kidney -Liver Pills while yet there I.,; aut," in -Writing to his paper of a visit —..-- __ - -1, _. ______ ___ , I Thiiis,-s 1'-�' sbvtoriau.' ouredbyVatarrhozonei *hloh never . e*S as 9 . off wurruk." -_ � A "Tlip,", I . � Cl r6,VW1A-" fails even in the worst cases. The plea- "It haa�" said Mr. Dooley; "or, to time to avoid the dreadful pains and to the rirenclx Riviera, has sometlAng to . � � dclphim, sant-seenWd vapor of Catarrho7one jil� Wak .more aeourately, tW House iy certain fatality to this terrible disease. Say about the habitual courtesy of atitet . a ;; Und- -,ne. ".. E do not wal-te � I � lays in flanunation, prevents,and cures T4w,ee it) no guess woi* no eXpOL-1- car conductors in 'Vrance- W 4# .�- I � Ript�sldtativoa has'gone back to wur- menting -when you use t1iis pres li ), i "When we reaelied Nice it wasa bril, About 4 i� specialty " of fitle 11 #.+++ �� '' the vatarrbal condition that causes �L � . de-ifn"s-iiidr(�lievesx-ightaw,i, Thou- ruk Th" Sinit. is. still *.ere, with its tion. It brings relief in a romarkail)ly . liant -morning. The picturesque city was . Job Prinfingt -because Nve .. "Ile left nothing undone,11-Josliva. salids have prov.1d tlie efllc&ncy of feet up. .on tW desk aW its. vinraW4 , short thae, andbecause of it,, cOn'bit" , flooded with sunalilrie, - Welcome sight, Xi., 15. Vatarpliozone, andwithauchavaltiable saose burri4 in. 4ts cliest. fes been. a ed action of liver and kidneys, cures to those who had not seen the -sun for Priating I cio, not allow any work to . . . . 'Mat is More Orin can be said of remedy wltblu easy reach there is no gr-reikt sressu* iv congrcss� It will complicated cases wb1oh. eannot be weeks. It wag so inspiring, after the � I . longer any reason for,people to remain live long 4 th' ,nitn'ry iv th' Ameri. reached by any ordinary treatinent. � aloom of the northern cities, that we ' ­ . be executed or Mivered Most people. 'I'lle lje.st of us are apt I � _ . . . .. I lie . One . ,� deaf, vatarrhozone is recommended can peopli iv. tn' don't fIrgot, Ivry I P eded not the elamoringr cabbies, but � 1. - . EW 0 t� _ , - to leave nuitly thing'.i undone. In out also for conglis, colds, catarrh and time I'tbink,iv k, it makes mo proud - Advice to Young Wrlt!,m . ivalked from the, Station, down the fine I . �,.' , "; except it be " fine. . I f,,rinula of confession we are accus- bronchitis- COmPlOte Outilt, $1 00 ; � I'm almost native iv this counthry, DW Mward Rvereft Role says in lib Avenue de In G4re. Wesently we came . Take a glance through the follow- . 25c., Druggists,. or X, Q. Pol- . where th! meaoest citizen can go to reminiscences- III, think nothing is more to the terminus of a. tramway whielk tonled to say, "We have done tho�,e , =61001., Hartford, Qonn,, U, S,,, or Wash'pton an' get his right led to. the quarter we in . things which we ought not t . o have . 11, but 'to, sure to driver an office editor crazy. than , tended to seek-- inj list, and if you are In need of any� I 'h I . I . . � ,o. We entered car. T a conduo- . . xlngbton, Oat. . ,body else can. a in ast say, ,I Clink 11 . . "What � 11146 i -W tor a,t once doffed his cap, saying: 'Don- thing contained therein, send us our done; We ]MVe left Undune those things HaTuilton'ki Pills Cure Constipation. . , _t� d0fte, Says ye? ell, throw this off last night,' or 11 send yelp y � 9 1. �# it has smashed tW I jour, Isleur et 'dame! I thought the man I which we ought to have done." Per- I The M1111al Department has furnish- , fres%. from the pen' ,t is or that. People . was drunk, and gazed serutinizingly at order and satisfaction is guaranteed, hrusts-wO, al i st smashed. thim- who print magazines forn, million rsa& . I I ,- well, give t i, a good � hearty pat, ers do;not want to give them that which t him haps we do not often think of it, how- I ed 2,50 tents to be used for the ae . ; but, there wag, no smell of li4uor J 6611imo4ation ,of immigrants in the ' . . Call at our office or 'phonp, No. 30. ever, as really a sin not to do things . . , I ny o _. n th' bi I -' it looked . has ,been thrown off. It is much bettex on his breath, and he was apparently * � . I � .. We admit that it is wrong to treat West. .1 I �ginnin . to send them sober. Men be took� our fare, he said I I . . , something which bus tse_- i I � another unkindly; do we Wicitrstand I I � I I 1. . . 1, . sorted in,the back of your fable drawer 'Thunk you! ^as he handed me the change, . Announceinent Car(is, &t,Honle (jur-da, linll Pro. . that it is wrong also not tolt'show the TO INCREASE YOI7R APPETITE, . � . I . I JQr quo, two or three .ve&W I This convinced me that if not 'drunk he gramites, Business Cards, l3ooklets, Blotting Paper, Blank � . kindness we had the call'to show? We Nothing will stimulate, a keen, .. . . � -_1 . ­ Was mad, und I looked around uneasily. .. I - X� nd Recelpts, Bronze Printingr,0111ing Card.4g Cal� i . . I . healthy relish for f6od, insure good di- . I . . loot we might effect our ewape.if this . . a Novelties, 0111-oluo Ad. C,tr(is,(j2tt,t.l(��r�t(�.�,(joltll,ter- . / . IVa not the weather that's at fp1t. � rik T _ � , know it is sinful -to.., speak a ha�sh gestion a -ad perfeet assimilation like � ( - 7. It's yonrsystem, clogged with poison- unatIc should grow violent. Out no,tlt- . $I 13ook-4, Circulars, D110 13ills, Drafts, Envelopes, (all . � or bitter word to at�other; do we al- Verrozone -which is the most success-' . .� . . 018 I materials, tha makes you feel I . happened exoept that he continu i ed zes), Pt Ulleral Notices, Folders, Guiumed Labels, Hand . show this abnormal' -and alarn i Bills, Invoice Tag Ehivelopes Invitations, Illustrated Cut. *ways remember that it is a sin not to I . . dull. drowsy, weak amd misdrable� ,Aing � . . . ful tonic and health -renewer known to I - � . I . alogues, Letter, Reads, , 1,4�1' medical science, 11'errozone is Z. 081- - % � . . I L ar away courtesy to the other passengers.as well- 1dry Slips, Labels (k�ll kill4s), I . , . -say the woird of cheer or comfort we tive cure for anaelpla, impure brood, . I I . . I I . . ... I I . , et Burdock Blood Bitters clei i as to us. I -re assisted all,the ofd ladies . Law Stationery, Municipal Printing, Mean Cards, M614- . I . L_ I I . all the poisons, purify and enrich your . m - or4nduni head;, ,Afe-t, rning Stationery, I ' had the opportunity to say, and which bojig, imples, indigestion, dyspe Ma . I to mount and 'to deacand fr ,, t1ke car; ribrial Cards, Moux . -our neighbor so much needed and and alfstomach ama bowel Nes. 11 � , blood, make you feel bright aud vig, lie respectfully murmured 'Dt;o a man �' Note Heads, Publiention,,, -progranis, f�aliipglots, Posters, longed to hear ? If we . . Feriozone cleanses,. strengthens and . , , . I'll MOMS, , I . 11 I � 'Will -monaleur give, himself the trouble I . Receipts, Rul(�d Poring, Stat(quents, Shipping Tags, Show most give offles the blood, it invigorates the - - . . . � . I- 6�_�-ffow,^"­ilie mo-t,cr-oar getting on, to move, up a littlet' as the ear grew - . Cards, or Bills, Salo Bills, Wedding Stationery, &..o., &o, I I atcount for idle words, we must also Eoearrt a;-nd nerves, bamishes sickness - - . �. I . .crowded;. as a young womaA w � I . I . . . ____ - . . . . I '. ., . . . . Sir Charles? ge--Wall, fact is, Ipyg Been . � give w,ount for idle sileaces. . and pain,and malkes ailing people well. , , . I I . . � � , I I . ,.: very I little of it. Yan see, I've only h'44 sunshade at,him at an 'optional stop,' . . �. . .1 " � ton . Very much of our Lord's teaching Try a box or two Of , X errozone, the . . . , - he took off his cap ,and Said pleasantly, . I The " clin P I I -0 - � . It 6hrea,months, sad when It isn?t in . . I . I refers to sins of not doing The man result will be a surprise. Pr1c650c at � . . . . Q:J . .. OV6ry.60rry, mademoisel.16, but we, are - . New I M a. , 017t. : . r N� 0. Polson -k Co.,King- � I . . . hospital, I araj-�Pundh." complete;' when lie went forward he ad- I - . � .. . � . oudem druggists, o I . . � I. I � - . . ­ . 1, -_ - , . � 0___ with the one talent was o ned, ston,- nt, . i I' 4resied the motorman in such polite I � � � 11 . ,O , . 1. ' 11 I . I I I I . Iffiller's Compound Iroii Pills, only terms that I w" irresistibly ierpinde& � . . . . . _. .., . amilton's Pills Cure' Codstipation- . . . . not because lie used his talent in any HL I I . 60 dose$. 8old by I � . I I . � . . 25 cents and . , 4111 - % . wr9ag way, but because he did not -.ase] . I . ; . . . - of opuptain Reece of the good ship 'Man onno, - . '. - . . — , . .. _ " . druggists, Olint on L . I - I - 1. - I I . . . � ____ZM;A;;Z;; -__ I , . . . I I . . � I . . . . . ." . telr�ecc, who always said.qf you please' I I " . I . . . . .,a" it at all. T4w priest and the Le- . An.rimpi"MI[pesoce. . .! 11 . . . I . .I . ­ . I . .1 I I io iiis crew. I reached our point . of des- . . . I � . . I . I � . I 11 . vitt did the viounded matt no injury. . � . .. ..:: LL . . 0 , . " .. , I � Is, thfte some happy i;", ­!�', - tination In, a da;ed eonditi6n, and was Clinton Sash D .a,nd.. ,� . . � . : I They probably even felt kindly towar.da "You .are t�e light of my life"' @*he& I � Now on the ma'p, ; stil further amazed when the co I . .1 , oor, I . . � I . . . . � I . I 11 nductor I . . '" I on the �` I I I . . I . : . Ili I , . I � �vor, edging a trifle cl�;; 11 . .1 Vikere, every. jxmenger I I took off big' cap to us when we got out. , . . . I . . . . . . . I him, and expressed avinpa kh hi i - . ''. 1. � . . . I I u '131ind "a" tory . .. . . I . tt'y w in' to�,-oirved foe settee. . . . . I , Gets Meat OT strap? Hie mild address to the young woma. I irac - . I . I � . . I Net the story reads as if they had 9.iw "You only say Vhat bemuse you know . � " . --mpuffalo 4'Expr*00 when telling her the ear was full �Yas a � I :. : . . . I . . . I 11 .1. . I . I I - .� . . . . . 1. . . I . tied grievously against him. Tb�y I drink so inuclitrairt-oil," she blubbered. . . . ' the strong contritit to the tough car conduc, I . I � . . � . . . mi, : *. I I , � First divinity student----:1Xbkt4s .1 - '-. a, -!' wronged him by not giving hiin tkel . Ho,werm, A reffttlted in a maleb. ( I tore of Ohieag6, when they bawl, 'Aw,1 . '_' �S. S. 410,TVIR . PROPRIE V011, ' . : . .. , I . . 11 . -, Bacild W just propounded one of bis � subject for di;euesion xt.�tbe Debatto take dq next carl' His gentle request , . . I help and the relief he needed, and which I . 1 4 .1 � Society to -night? Second ditto -The in. . I . . . General UnUdet . and t6nlraOtor. . I . -1 I . I I I ' . � I 'R-readin' th' life of - Napol . )$to . finance of Oreas6a Trousers on the De. to the passengers. to inove �rp was not at . ' . . . I . . . . I.. . . .1 I - I I .1 theyb,adbeen seat there to give.Thtir STOMACH,kND BO,WEL , ,'another sinhor who was . � - 0,11 like. the 1�rqad ruffian -,3. in Now York, , ry ia the 1%rgeat in.the county, and haojh� vety latest improved W, - - , I . . . ' . This ficto . . I � passing hAn by on the other side was a I . . . �. I I , , ", Seaft�,e-Pqst Intelligencer.' * . i cadence of 1��"P_ 'Y'3r* - ' .. when they shout, to. the sheep -like flock ohine of doing work on t -be abortest uotice. - %Ve carry %n extf naive - . �. . TROUBLES. . .. . . . . . . . � . I . . _� -, , If you would . be - strong . a stock and .prep% red plane, and gip 6%mrnat(s� for apdbuila allolase, crud wrong . , I I.. � . -Of . g`vgers,_'MQve up,' ders; and step. ry'07 able against Itim-a Sin of A-'prorptly satisfactory cure for . :bs though on'y halfway measures wud � Ladies 1 livervy'now, Youte V I . � : . . . ad reliable , I . - be adopted, They was' tinimportant And healthy atid lirwe good eamplex- - . . I . 1 es of buildings on short notice, auel on the Ulogest prices . All work is qupervia� ' .. leaving a duty undone. , . .. . � . I I . I Gramps, ,, Clio, Indigestion,11eartburn',' — . . I . I . . . ­ I ed ads of i)a- . � - , in ow Lord's description of the Biliousness,Sick8tomachand Summer 'Wits to take th' hioney away fr'm th' ims, take' Miller's Compound Iron . ''.., . in a mezhauloal way and satisf motion guartniteed %Ve A ell all ki, . . 1, , . . . . . , thrusts, to':burh thini in Ile, tom,urdhe'r Pills.. Sold. by- all druggist, 'Olintt h4 . . .A Scotch-20eaking Copile. I I . � . terior ancl exterior material... . � . . � � 11 I � judpacat tlaose on the lok hand are poi npla i nt; is & few drops of Wervilline - , I . .. .. . . . I . . . . . � . . . . '. . . 1-1 in sweetened water. , Nerviline, .at tbim, to lock thim up f'r life; - But th, I I' '.' * �. I .. .­_­ __ _._., " ". � � — . I I . . . � � '. .. I I .1 . , - — I I ;? . , - 11 condemned not for evil things which. once relieves. pain and suffeking errad- leaders iv Congr�ss demanded .. -more , . . � - : - '-T%v. following absolutei� irue, story Lumber, Lath, Shingy 0;11111e, Siih, 6o6r. Biftids Qk I � � 9 1 , Me . .. , � '' , I they had done, but for their neglect of I uMe ii:ad' arastic tueaa-iii'�.;, Me frind $initort . . Po*r Girl U , .� will. appeal:to Scotchmen, or, as they �. .. . . I I I I . . . � - .., I . . .1 . . .. . I I icates tile cause - of ihe tro . . : --- ; . . . prefer . to . . be. called,' Scotsmen. The -Agent for the CalebrAted 6 R . TiY 0414L SC310*1L DV�FSK. m9knuf F othtedl I I I . I I love's duties. "I war. an hung.ered, and cures permariend,r. Pols6n's,Nervillne A4drith;,who riprisints a eonstitioncy - she bought asrhs.ft coAt callid I I I ' . t I . a saa0% Xafal 'Government railways ,employ Jor titWsterloo .Call and get. prioss and etstiaxn,6'0� bdJi0AJ al:in' pnr orders � ye gave me no meat; I war. thirsty,and s the, best gpuera purpose reniedy for 6406 'ahaost as big as: my back yard; It was chic, and the color. wab'..blaoqu6; '. 1. . . � .. . - . � ft . I I r��i - . . 1. � ' I . . . . I ­ . . . I nternal pains known ; it acts so was detarinined 0hat. ho.� pains 3hud be , when she Pitt it'an Arst, . , rougli labor some thousands of. madras . � . . . ­ I '... � I 1. I . . . . . �1, .. � - . , . � I ye gave me no drink; I was a stranger, I I . k- h - ' ' The blessed . same burst. - � . . pur- 11 . ­ � , , , . I I . . . - . . . . ,. . I . � y that no household should bewi ulcu bring th, *th�usts to t etc .. ,. I ­ P . coolies, -who. are. Imported for the, mm""Wo` . ,� � , and ye took me not in; naked, and ye t. liuy.a, 25c bottle ofNervil no. tod knees in fear* or gratichood.. 'Gint)t � � , And it split all the way. up the bacque. - . 1 Th rnitiveB � i�rq bnce &,,week . . , . . . . .. � I . I . . .. I _. I . -, I . . . ... . . . pose.. , ese 7 .. . ... . . I . I . . . I clothed in� hot;� sick and in prison, and', .1 ,I , ay" . 1 _$_, h 'th a chokin' .. . i . :ordere . 4 a h!Lt I ' . suTplicil with.ittfiona from &,&tore pie- " . r .. ... ... ­ 1. I . I 1. I I . . . � .. . . I . . � �.�. V - ' U all right. . . . Inell, say�s. - e, ItUl . V0111,1C, Andshc called. a toq I - , . . . . , "' .. I � . . .. . . Ile, ­ - . I - 0 . . . . � . . _ . .� � . ye visited we not.' They Aid n t . . . . .. �. I .( R.D4uropeaa. This : 7 iressed the poor,�they ha Harrillto 'P.Pilis 0 , 'thO bills now up do noj.u.1eej'tfi'�6m . When they wanted the -,cash she. id ed oWk.by �-officiab . A - not ro, 11 . nre -Constipation '. -broque; ' I ,7". in Pri , aw , - � . . �. f - '. e I * � I., I .. 'Ney are weil cn-,�)ugh 'in their way, but ; ­ . . . on the oce9sidn'lu. question, happenedto AMU o*ther Dkop . Mer-,"", � . I .. - i I I . ,, 1. 1. �. .. . - S is ski 0 - J�fr, Jos6ph'Arartin,, X P. P., of Van­� - liat , ' - - th': thrusts - - hall from tbe,land ol 0a,kei-'aad aa, the . . - ., othem. Nothing whatev, So she asked them for.oredit; w is ,They' ivi.nked as she $sld it. . .11 � , , .� 'point, m I I is ' '. ,� n6t couver is seriously ill. . - '_ I � . th" ,use i attackin! ', . � ) -lie -iindersigiie, -hif ggies for $65. ri ]ley tikeir sins that they Wd 6fferin� j $80 .-B a dbne the '=1 love to, those who . , ­ .. ail thtir 'ithronj' --hich is:their .And .told. her to go-, anO,.oat c6qu.4. ..-. - . �oolies' � flled..,past, ho, to. . relleve the. - ..T . . . ; II � .. .. .. I . . . - I . Neuialifit, may 'nctL �1�6 dan inoney? 7licy ha-�c� gr-riat knots"IT - - ' , . �: ­� I I I . monotony, frequently.'; made ,mme ouch . � I I .. gerous,' . . � I . 4" hisown'make,,uid, are� m:&de'JroYxi ehoieO material .and -.by . - needed such mimistries. Th-ey had Wt . . , . w. V I . . .: . . � . .. . � . I. 1: " - rve * � .. 1. �, . 1. , . � . I anny) Y04 are f - * , butit huits.. It seems to t`6ar Cie fk6e. t .14is, as 1. ba*e obsirVel., havin' U 41 � . I , .r�mark as "'Weil, Sa: �et . ., .1 I undone the things they ov-ght to have- with redhot pine'ers. , first class'm4chaillog.. �All th6lktest iiiipro'veiteiits 'Used- =d - �: '' dome. ) '* Stay'.1adhors in th' house with thim,' an' thl li�gt I if the child le'restless at night. has ttng f&W or ilWhok air ye going Awi' I . i '. . I . . .. , . . i ' I . I * ' 1. . '.A'L' '�. .. I comp exii-ni a, . L I , and use Perry Davis' Painklll�r, The annywan. can dd'is'to -pick, off a .little '.coatt'& tongue, sallow I - I .. T�.Iay .cAlia,ft bq�%. surp 1, . . , . . . . . - It is in this way that m I - whicb. fol- i�t a timej,' he sayis. 'My id,te-is io at- ' dose of IM ill or's NVorrn . . One mQrning,. to mystify . . . . : �: I blessed freedom. from pain :. I hUne' to India?" ; . are up -6 4,tto'. in. e've'ry rasp .30t. :. ). . ,aiite - ` �7� Any P"le-` ,. . . . . Powders. is . I - , the lljungle� :;� .� .. . �. '. . . . , I fail most seriously. No grave fault can lows cannot be tol& - L . .. ? ". 6ck thith at their weakest point. AA' what is required ; pleasant, . .w#1kpr,1' as he affer-wards'explainedi lie .and we guarantee.them ­ . .. 1. - I.. . . . . . I . . . . . 0, 1. .. . be found With their conduct. They are . mtn?., Sold by all dril.-gisw, Clinton . . . . I I * . . � . .. . . � 441 . I pro I I . . I =JNJ -, - Q CA 1) ­ . upright, true, diligent in business, but I Commodore Corneliiis.Vanderbilj_, - what is their weak point, gintle, . . .� . . . put ou his. broadest. accent :iud greeted, . �' `3 . ) 11 I . _ JOTHUN L% LIE, Har"b..Stre t,.Clj t� n' befo�e-he".died$:'sa*i(lito-a-fr'�end: � It 1surely is Vicii'biijivo"ce I '- . , , -.1 ­ � ­f� .a � .. . . . . .0, 000lic with- "Weel� in& bta' laddie, - I I . . � . .. I , - their lives are full of -emissions and. I *&:ij' . J � - � '"­_ � " , . . . ­ . , L . . . I I I .. . I . I . . � ­ : I . . . . � n -good it does' . with !, Latin C 'ha' Rir:ye the noo?" Without a. 900- - . . - . . ­ � . � 1 i'do"t See 7what b io assail thim them.. I, . , . . � - , I ___ - � �_ �­ . ... . . . . 1, . ­ . ­. - I � _�, IN . . . r I . i y is iniiie. I p . , , . I i . __ 1.1--ond,'s Itesitation,4nd-Jii perfect Gaalle). I . . .. I . . . I . I . 1. 'neglects. How was it yoc-terday: with . me7All P0s . I .. �6. . ., . . � 'lear , this. iribM that - yon sa .ain, rr,: as ye, know,, h wiver iw ultal ` I . . . .. ..� ? I , , - . � I ". , . : , . . I . I I- .. .. -..-., 4. . .-, .. . I I . . . , , -? Did you see one who. needed help.. e - 1'. caii't speua it; in I . . . ' A soz�i the'German k . . . " I .. . � . . I I . � or comfort or relief or . ' . . breyffuig. Case Againi. � I you , ).-_ a 8 a ' .Nowadays, It w .anit eat I , - fact I Ifte. feelin, tolt thru'�fs'.'-inay -I . ' i �eul I came back.the answer-. "Ali, weel, mais- ­ . I � . I 1. .. . encouragement,! never saw YaZii .never . �bad. it in my, pathritc,.. as. a c tizeri :1 have a ".r�ld - .*-'. .schoolboy way Feaeouobly expect to b ' . .- ntere-stin_Z Items. I . I Looming lar�e on 66 F'renth t. X- � ' ' . . . , s . ter, thi�ak ye f -A' -specrin." 'To hear th19 ,� - I , . ho' ' am , askedwhat is Latin for a eigar. lie has.1 ' . ' - ' ' .- . . . . and did you fail to do anythinj 'for hands for a moment. ,I dresi no better fiction Fr wan tliim, th, bill I . from a' coal4black bedriggled`iiaki�e 61. , � I on is the th�catchcd 'reciudescence .41 ,., ' . him? Do not inany ol as need to *pray'th 11 t *tary, and cannot .goin! to.-offer'i th' name iv me frind, an opportunit,v at., least of knowing how .. . — . z 1. , Wiih the good Archbishop "Loid f*r-' an my priva e seer . India So flabbergasted the,Slootch officild Detroit - ublishing firm is to issue ' the Dreyhq affair, whicli is to come U11 ""I, , .eatasinuch'as'ihy coa4man. Ilivd Sinitor Elkins, who is poun-dire'his ear' . to ans*er -this question if be studle4. Dr. chair, � On ' ig � gmiths,-, a monthly =taiine for 1. -�L!ft,6f justice, but in, the ; . .1 . . . . . . . .. . in turies, . , e .na ve _ I ained, ple named Smith -." . . . . I -thIA m'"it' wrin" 1:`8preaben i� IA-teinisch?" -In the c' . . I . ., I as is go -met in ' cse3l give my sins especially in; that he elfiiost, fell off his' 4 71 ission?" :1 6409 Oi 0411-' in a, big servantg' 'bokvding house, am' . in th"Cl6ik-rboin � Georg 0spellanus's ivaoidng little 'book . a ... ... . I . U _ �. .1 not in ,� 611 I The, ca M'- .. - , I , pagrie, on 01i Page . . �e " . ­ I 0 in rt:opeliin 0, f the matte, - " 1, � I , wffi, , in Iffe .A;n . . b . . I � 11 .. . . . . " He left Kothin undone." Many of .dyspepsia, � camic t , t he h ��i ke 4 , . , I A! House of" -e tatives I I I bothered to. deat at uh on- all that ^ 09- f9 a 5 ;-Vol IA'thei line f A-gazine, It opens a p,iin for tli'e* f h with be ' ars, have me hear't... It is in assa __ . rall. L - , , I I , up * 11 -.. , , , I 19% , I 'Aatio�� af`ue ra'!Wj�y ef�,fl ' e . I I ,ht4d dear i -an'.&n't expict to 1 ki, I e ­ . . tlM, 1c( - j�!�J. Jit-frinS i'd ':V.' � . , . I . ., ad, 0 I �rid promising field. ­ Of course I , " I " A . I 1. I I � . a goo, . ca . 4 earj6r,' 6 ; t1D third editiq W)' 10ieb deT scliftfr. . . '%W U �A W .�, . - the beat of us leave many thingf, urr 'and most" of my moneyls in the bands sell till it's - 'd d I ' 4 6y( , ;_ �e , 0 1� 11 .. . toached which we otight to hay ! of dthers;"who'yise ..'it mainly for their '�&", 'But,' he sh - .iv . _­ Cigaireal'i-L-. -Sy eal .. 6 eli... I ��,�,h,z , ­$ - .. ­ : � - fin I 1� . C , . 9'104itis �iyjj bave tjiejS� pqT_iodi ,P - r 'is ,� eit -WZ�Qniv,rv� lvd e - , . . . I er "n p%ar ' I i., rin e;:,4 � I fforn his, s� ;o 4 I- . � ". 1jike, Gig do $r.@ss'1i.111i .. . � I, ished. *ost men die with many fasks oWn-benell ". i"... � . I .1 ..Erasmus Hisitcb Aljtj�h to "Da veeturario aliquot stiltm --"-,- ­ ­ ' I , .1 . I - . ys, 'no wan kntir . fabaciflf leot. . The, fg.. hear a that'i ,rime must the �t­bes '40 ,Jon- rV npp, I qt1p.1-tirg i66 -g !'�'�jea);�,,Ivubt-of tho Q0, ­�:� ,4 N4.4,i ' .1 .1 � - .1 -$ - ­-) 11 . � t.7� .. . - .,: - . to re- , .. - I 4qn.a4 . ith'& 4ou . Its,Jonson. and. 1�b Z� - " , - . I � .; � 4 ..'.. , , �:� 1, I .1 � I . ­­ - - ­ h - 1. , , - fail it 4 ' t l'Amerivanischs rii6rning.jlad,. . F, 4ou e:'rjtl99 . �W% . .. � t . ,M# . na,'_� - . . : , .1 .- .. ­­ ., . 1. 001tir. at i uncompleted. Life is too large f<w- us . ,., : .. . � and th ], -, . � . $P&nd to t ' call iv jobty howi�rek A Muiat,=P;�, dd ­. Y P hers - I 1. S I I I . I : ; ; portunism- 6f. - tnte Al 1k: ­ he . . we cannot do all tbat-it ,;a our dut " i ,5 C, !.. 'I I..". r,4� _., � . . " Pekkins of By-rq' qM. ' s _y � AN OBSTINATE OASE Or� ECZEMA , lralorein,O'be says. "My " �;(Tavolyuli' ? .. Of �. . ., � �:_ . � '' `W . I . oseph It. �:,' NX-� 'the're',can b� no quo I i n- but th�t t � . 11 � I .1 . � I . coutythry cdlls .. . I I . I . � I � . I � I soon publish: a'w6rk donfalning the . R6publicans think itinucl be . I .... to do, After we have done .our best! . � . . !be ae. I lay ,% _­ , . . .", wil i ' . .$I).,.WD-Job�si.itl,,9�IIS(�illy�ll,g;:,Ojlt,., * tide ivety,tonsidlierati.611' . . ... . . , . . I tier to al- - - I , l . .. .. � - . . . � -SI . ographice Of Uea WO have not attained even Our 0 I. U Ail' rusb tt� th"bank,' he says. Th' .GET -RID." .j�,.` ' %L0.- ('00,11 . . I ' _ . How.16 Mike Baby -eep. .1 , I � . � side rather .-than', '­_ � � s entirely � I , I .. , . . ." I . — '... - I . I rly-66;066 ceiAmu,,rIapj,- aye I .... . - ,. Standard Of what We ought to h" ,,%vei 'es that his father wo . s - i ll(, Sunime'r comes, Dr , .� I 1. . - . 11 f 0 On. PhQyy ,0, means 91 Ii " . - . ...; I ow. t , I , 1� M4tt(.,r, iQ *0. . I -- i cured of'A long st�,ndin and.obstinate -siffl.. -small' vok6 i.v, jooty, a -it' ticks. � Befm%; . . — � - I -yingy So re-bpen-.-� - qt�drrei :wfikrl, it) -profbundI7 .1 . . � . .'.case -of E6zema by t e use 'of D ' I . ' tt*.t is ­ iver W . . �'by gi 11 'V66y� :divided Frabce. The � . c � luestion seem'" to g - � omit- Wciuel's Xpr�ya�'Plue Syrx : YOO " mako baby' sleep Iving o F" the : ), done. Indeed, there ir. a duty of f . ip conquers. - t, IV � ,r Off t'A' himes of, thy can . � fter'796-tk We cannot do any day the.6ne Coughs, Cold's, Sore Thtoa,tj Uoarse;- - -him la4dnhurn or the "goof I S .. 11. - I I i ting. I . -: Chase's Ointm6nt' His leg .and foot. �%. �If am -'Iieml. to belt . hing" stuffs.. ";lit - .6. 6ve a wide ciycu6UW',- W' I be whether or nofhdw fa�ts exist which . %1� hundredth part of the things.we might were a mass of so I .bi ,tain opiates. - Nit .1 . . . . res that --refused to . th' dirusti,'.1it. nays 'an" g, Broncliltis,..and'all- Disedses. of Ohich invorts erkins *111 produce, Statistics to show, . . I here I am, 1 11" . ,, . ' - 11 �pr,6ve Dieyfu� haiocent,­ even. to - ,� � * ­ � the Throat and Lungs, :'- . I 'no sensible' In 'that. The ak'tber-A wi � I .1 do. We most show our wisdom in the' -heal- arid 'he suffered, Wrribiy from the !��, p, sir, that wq -�S�bsfk,choot rr . ,.. ofhe�r 411 - do - in . 4hose: who' art inost ufiwillidg .,to be- � . . . , . I h Vily and- bi ..be .eta . id I I I ' d ins�-,i Though he used , th' bill �entitltd "A ..bill to' murdieer ,, - ill � I , .. .. . 11. . .. . ,,,.ara 'I,",2 eopl: 1�1 lic I* , so, 1."V61 those 'who- - , t Id I I,- I . I .' . biby 9 0 i , Some peojile, h6wever, * ti a i..". � ',� oo&ort. It to take' a2y, We'dauge of of Ahore. - �-, *.. I 1. .. . I yo bul selection wt make of the things which c ug. n . wai ,.bo.*nake t g W?o 0'r want ha I & po . we -shall d*. a S 11 , I ' ' tud oi *�aier crack. . . . � .. . erniono . n re .. . . - Prance, hK3 6, gpdeiiLl it 00 .. ia the ... ­ oftlit the most, important: no , * t ' '- 1 Iiis *akefibiess. Ws cause i's located in , . -be "I . r .t I a g C es hdwag;*treated t"is�, this,heri iinall bvt fraora"t er4t Said: Mrs, N`ewc6m." -"All-fired sdr! '; ;,, lieV6 V.4istc'oce of: . ea n, ny,reme a g I s �y flr�gt_c it S ( ors .duties., and b . aw, entkled-.."A .bill to. Ove: thim a, . elp� I i , atiow kr', oini,o�t that in --b . . . . .. . I things. - he lised -Dr hearty, 110*g ". -Undhtr tV- * --ho,�,heie, else. . Babies . such 'facts p . riq,in.. , I . lie'& - the - country' iforg- tis little Inside 44� 1 . I � I - � - . ry�, hislarn," r , 4*0ve ng aL remedy for deasickiless. in - the su�ject-befiiie Pirlikinent there ' e -do tilt trivi C + I ,let its Obtain ( �xntiy . I 1. . . . q "bul . � - . .1 . W14, - , I . ri � ; ia -- -'Do y6or r . ,.'Vv '0 . .. - � rli%6 iv t1lis, : kee er, � I turO+ 'ot h't It d'&U ' - - , , e, � . . - I .. I � , _ , ?J h, inwitter -�ith I I it'dii: ai:,' , bat the Co 1� 1J11W,J ,,:g:;:%�rg myt, Ing . 's 0 '. . - . � .�� . - A, � . Inbey 100i it held ab i great din.-ert . niervative Op- . Intme t. ­ I . � '! .444 6 11-� ih,OCA , i4 � . . - J�Jveitigftfons ,have " - whole duty --do it well. Lo the results . � . . . . VL " )_ Ic �. 4 '41 , tm eA A though ful writer says Chas 7 :, .n. . 11: I I W it I %a be' %W9 : ft 0"", . �W, thi , - . : � . t , .. . + . . Mieft. . their korniielva; and it 'is, im-fe . Itba" . pibza� . �t, . . . . . —7-7- , � . . I.. 4 . I - ih P -"W -aby whb cries- unsq . M . I -. Ne . . sinqe. position the Nvationalist�,- and. .chiefly jklam. T%t best thpt any of us cast do .- ' . . ti, k 10��6 .*jest Nytt 6a, twe Y.. minutes.. . H! t'd W di a . - - nf%iied " ' ' ' . . . .. I I . . 0 i v Z, . %t th on , r I . I . I . I ; 0A.,get, to PayJy&ck,2noiity to .lieters ani Jrosh Sloourn has -been usnK. ,artly With the.aild of a th,e'anti-$8emite�, will find an' excellent e resplotm- , , I ng of his stowhch.. There. .. . a (feemeat . , We ar . I hag , , yom"well' . de�-?P' .4nnywan,. to . divide its pio I I W 41 he Belgian Go dr eat.' 1 13 but ,. . f11 liege treats , . fits irith, tie It%. fur e7hookero an, thijoie, P'layin" We , - mput . V rind . 61bgin 'again their catnpdign , ." .0 for that ajor,e. The thiAgs We caa� - (NO he- � adwAnt a .ba; atora'ach tha�t 11 4ft .now made -public In ,%�, pretext., to, � . . ii 61�0110111 � .I dwidin' . � rMladelpma. p4byoij- Oim . I b;*' ch.J.' : poor, to. bOin down its bwildin's, 6ii- ilow 11 � 'U_&_P� f-1- 41i 'blot etire right . ' , � against the'feptiblic, for th bl . V , I I . I.. *ell. I . . sime Is no, ftouhla - , . , -wic As: waiting 4*4 �100 � ...-.I... . -1 ­.�. .:.. ­'.......'. I 1psi.instired, to a& - I ­ ets . . ,e not do some other � I . ,. _ . �­­_ .­_ A-we'Wages,to b*rild Irm J) . . � I . Xs .. V1*t*n * Dr. Madeuf ; only wkh, . 'lie$ . . . f - ; I . I --- � 4!0?r.a�, ' Thfy mt6k6 I*by che . . . of Paris- It ,�',f the e;grotips is to �'so distr pvgparing to do after the work . I churches an' orl.4i.,tn, j�gyl � . . I . I .. ...'"..'-i I _ erful. and 1, nif TA001fis 'rUlas as t a' S edit the ,.': " Wt bvIe vei, it is h uniftiating to have a skin . "MR ov to I .� 11 irapft &M give him sound, na*�ral slieli -11 0 let,- cloth., I. republic jhat,W6 people will decide a I I ' ' - create. a: ft"A for tile mi4�ioZie$ i's - ,�rOl A . . ­ . . : e �qLy-' . . . I W"d theaugh our hands . * .covered with foul erup n - It .is � - . - jND AV 11,�' ST.*. I . I L - - I Ypjntt".P�_stl!�_T�e . ti .. tio S.� I . ' � . I .- ,+ - drugged *I rod c4d, b iatige of reginicAs necessary. The I 1, obly gor own lWle part to 40- aid 1 . Cluny. * If caught ni arnny iy,thftc� W.� I . . t�a - , . ible. painful, too, f6 . .. �..,: � , =­__�=�=.__ � 1. I.. .. . .1 I - - A llveii'pill that -is s�niall and silte, 00it- mcffs. UOINI-liai'T &21Z . . 1. + . � . I Utt�t evidence of, 016 hostility of Fr.an � I mpo"i lz the burning and Itch- far"us'entheirprists llnny. 0i6cer ry a. a I + * . , tipt i6evet W anything . i ing fiv� yon� no that acts gently, o ing 11"�Ily.v. . . I ,. - � peace.. Why not .end thr"St wiM be )ib,lt- quickly - and thor. Liotovel, ont., #1ayi)+ 1%7 baby use DE APNESS Ity- " mard. this *6V I whm we h4vo der- thial we need. not. the- rduble, and r6tore )rour . .4k1h to to a fille I ' f ­ I - . W, OAXIIU� . lik C, RED "' 'c6-13ce t tPlAent - I cannot do. That fy , 04W oughly 6t gripe.- Laxa. - .. . . I . I colb -,i,. .'s �" #AA #?. a . . it , - ' L,Z, oZ� . . f at abQ%t What WA -,kison ' 1. Live - b very restla ut ace . . �_­t6tl ,� W , 1. I *1illYM "1011`8'or in n1in't fit a r �, that does n as ana vlee,1516919, but "anarchy, shame anu 1 ,618 11,atUraL' fairness with ., e er s looft,rtic asylt, . .ills'possess these qualities, and. � a - bet by local applications � are they cannot . . , if not our iawtter at all. but -$Ome' er�� 9 . .. . . av . m, or both, As .1 . . giving him Baby's Own Tableta � i " , , �*,� I.. . I � � . said, .r area sure cure for, Liver .c6nipl � he calls it,.has been his refusal to pay . I , *Set : tlis. IN" ch. F 1%lntt f Iseased.poition of the -ear. c1theec4 and the other'will be ready IW VbWhile' wh-h d bad'. an' ac, in I ColistipatiOn','Sick Hdkd-ache,. ate. . ,ter. .ristured,,eleepg -be,Rer and i's getter" reaelith.6 al . � � . I I . � I Th I aura' all ,els, only one way to cure deafness-, : axes, The.Z.6nsequence of'this Was ... , I � I . I I is time to do it. . deapondent froin sickli A, hc4rt" ht� sayi. , 'But I - have (Ibne. me . I - I I .. in &V617 wigy., ese Tablets * ! Thet at .18 by constitutimial remedies. his t , his pwt when it + .. Henry 11611er.. a� I U " . I . I ­ . 1.1 - the minor ailments of little ones, 'arid +ana th, ihat M. coppd&s furriitur6 was. scizM T . . . . New York pressman, J04jy, ..an, r.kit� that i niu�4 'be do -tint.' -f . Deafness is caused by an inflanied�con­' land bffered at public sale, ]3ef . � . I I am g4ad to think I . . ­ . twisted a towel, around. his neck and It., .. e thv'tt I PoOtnay bigt o* ift,6,aptea on one I . I ore'the . 'aft ii . � 4%n be given to thb very youn , , !orgiv a SP:fi�taft. fathet- tervie* 110orn Pait101 Xr.u. _ gd4V baby, . in-law, afilo, 1>-o'y,, cill tip N6w York an! , .. " I am not bound to saake -the worild .;P. baug-ed himself to d hook. - His 12-year� - !on to i.ia � YOU -can get theta from any druggisti or dition of the mucous lining' of 'the actual'sale".of the property to6k place , right, . old sim raised his ,father's feet to a . I &Iftand met With about. 6'e. $11-trie, late .. they� . . ' i - .- - ls�' U. 'Cop . ardoWsill, ,whereupon Heller I get, twifity-two twinty, will. be sent, ost aid, 'at 25 00irts .:Eust4ohian Tuber .When this tube I I pee -Jet it be 'known :that he I X9t aWy to diiocover and to do, wil -kicked BroW,',�e Says.". . that rax�y -interviewers -have had witb &- bok by vrrit: LV, . to the, j)i. VAI, inflorx�ed'you hav� - a - rumbling sound wou](I selt -at tbii­ auction one OA bis . . . imperfect hearing, au.. ,,,.. v I I "An' tbere ye ''all-im: What's. - Ili' , ,4*,,he 'former President of -the )3oers. Ht . i1aaw - , = � d �­ 1, ­-, - ; � i -0 " 1mantiscripts, . ;the Lullo'er de Ciemone, heart, the work that God tbephild-. in, the side, While the boy th 1. Medici Oftekville, Or . "Voinks. . 0or th6,fAther' able.. Ifs j`qjj� . , 4 � anny 1 outid the.old !Ivan in,e, very bad hu. I 1� , , - - k. �.).. - I .entir -1i ClOst s 'qzl leAncl ent* , to's . �� .Wah claterful - ,lay bi,eatliless upon-th6R throuble', ,sals llo ?.: :11ey ain " rui- 00rapany, e .1 ,dl; je&fnes 'is the. result," d -ti *d proved X Copp I roi .1 I . . � . - . stiangled, to -death. .,: I 1 eAl'ust. iv Sjilko z4 `jhol"�­4 could,get only ironosyllablcs it - . . --f and ttnless the inflammation can . , utly 16Y '� ; But voc shocid alwaysseek to "dir, 11, ... .. 1courte6y. Wr .. J IftA '. I . . ., I bei" aJmtrers to be suencie , al to pay I, _.,,,,. . The greatest What's that P Well, itj� He einployed ov, . . I , . . I i taken out wid this tube restored to its ! Ao less than 4,600 fran4'lor ihe Manti- cover and to do" o,ur own p"t; strial, . death -rate In the llos�, nissy, ye see, t1le3. ' reply. to 2� ql�ljl'­Z�,a- - I Poets Oil the stag&_ , . normal condibion, hea&L, will. be - cloi, i . geript , ' a sum ,which" w"� more than pitalfft'lnsane is- Consumption, so I .7in't anny rulto ill thi � er - I ,- � 1. . . ... 1. I . , , . .,v - . � ,.,. . . ' or laree, with the utmost laithfulness. .;it . p whin he wots .. ajail, rtinfilly-, dtapairing 01 M_ '. The Earl of ,Roselyn, who has jusi - ". to sails . 3 I gess of . ,5�' . - Iviybody grej�s - �Y' art Of the 11ittf`V1AW.;* but to no - Is'that Feat expert, Dr Bur . . 0 stroyed-foyever ; nine cags out of jell � , j fy th�. amount of the ndonc the ,1 _ AtJpg . . � tAcift. - I I � . . n, will be i 9 0 him !by 'A I tDero,7 .'n engagement, In a Toronto th othing tax gsse$gMent I Cover 2oo . e Mitre&J, ' 4 or over ten years I ha�ve comes.i�to his head '. , � . "-* I . ea- , Not to do this, to leave u to, in' holitrs about- ann�thin that 11110ftatlon, of use, t' ' are caused by Cabarrh,whiclils ri , !- 'keing no ­ . � 71 but an inflamed conditi 61 , the ffines, - thi �ght to have done, , WiQ I to rescribed "The D &L" Emulsion with, , - ,.. Milin Dorgan -questioning, Mined -to - be. dipla r. .6 'fho on - Pritish peer on the . . 00 _;'pulillo, '?". . � . leave a blank in the uTtiverse where result�.,y � Was in Wash'riton he lie dete 4 U I .. . . _ I . mostsatislaotpry wimt to hear th' not � Valleous siurfaces, - - .1 OpItifW. , I . matle and approach Mr. Kruger from hN American st*gb; ,_ "I , I there 04U debate on th' naVkl bill, anp IZ*er is the notori* We Will give One . V." : ." , � " �m � - - --f . T_ ght to have been good work - � a si"'itor . . Ifundred Dollars I � 1. " . =_—! well done. I I It has been dedged -in Ojitario �that. h was r-readinP 'Ili, Life iv Napol ,11 "I' ous Bawl, of ysrmouft, lvha . bas just for any base of , deafness, I . . . �_ �U I yon to , n y� side, So he asked, very nonoh .. . Mused - b . I husband is liable lot dawtigas on tie, another Siaifor who was a,le : "is Your wife entertaining tSis lauded an heiress with .&'fort TX;1& y Desirible Pioperty toi- S Ils. ' * . So our lesson calls us to earnestne& rp . une, J- 10-tarrh that cannot -be oured by Hall's . , a I I P, " CZ hAt v('ry diesitable h�use��'jjua ' , or-allotte� coluitof slandel-s elrotilatea-1) `P- Sin!- 'sea&00" Short and slia r came the and fidelity in the doing of a Ife. , : . � . Y his torYal courtesy rules th' body: If ye gruff answert "Not ve engagement, toUss Alice Thaw, daugh.' 6atairli ',Pa. Send for, circuli,rs,free� T lot 6tr , 11 tasks. "lie left notlihig undone." This W' I . let me talk I'll let y, sleep,. 112' presid. I . rV And the in. ter of the lateWilll%m I ' tordew olos�A there. I 1. Thaw Of Pitts,- * rU-,Q11HN.9V_,&C0.,To1odo,O, Haron Street belonying to ur� John Tadw , fine commendation of one matt should .That Tormentibg *Cold th�t ,made - in' Officer'can't conic .down . ­.. � ­ . burg, 4W made -an, immerse f . . I � . .,ond p.t present oco I - last winter will - not � iner in! 6id wajl,iv thiin vil with ham- �. . ortune in Sold byDru gists 50,� ,., . npied; by Dr. . � , bow .Q n id4le men Have. spa,r6 time? Increase your ,covj 0;61 Jroi, ha$ just been, ansipunced, Halrs..Vami y.pi.saii�dthd beg -61 �111m%-, ". offered, for-,%lo,on' tahsoaabla' , " f Oct a ae,back if you take Allen's Lung grim *"ill thraditilons, to'clil i ' exhatitted his -sociml and , f. hi _ �. . . 4 -agite� -jorb.. with- . set us to thi6king about ourselves arlict- You, * wretohed- . jq Sal O� . 0 � 06vino, , I I f"4 Gr , a our own doing, We need not . - � : � � -term .t I the7 little ' that our neighbor does an i "e . . .. - 1. . � I . � A commow , the much that he is leaving ul ntliry Fr thp wherd every day, Write 'What are called reduced circumstances, . , dicnis One heated by furnace suifit6re f,De . - adone. He $Or('- This admirable. remedy is free . parlynit - Ill such a case it wud be doingiti Our goods are nwicial credit, In TN'ngla,nd, sad being -in . filtra 9.113 0�ft water, -lionso is Sam when your throat is raw and , fr'nk th' flu ase hililgel( income G wot,kat night, Others are � pi,oral, . lot* IS one'q r .. � used o griin Siniior- to �. IV, = :1 . .1. may be very negligent, but thkt is not ir nkp�,Wrn, , Take,it in time. : . heave an ink well at W presidin, officer & Co', Teas, London, Ont. . . the Earl,, who,,Is the eldest *s6n.,of the lat'96 family, well 'built in every reapaot� I �. . ' I I . . _ ,oar matter. What blanks are we leav- wk..�_ � , I Undiler Sinitoryal Courtesy i , lvfurqui6 of Heit&rd,'mme to the United 101E NOLSONS BINK partidalars on application to . I . I .1 .. - . . t is pro- Iffigh abo�e,thei 'buzz of 104torleo, the StlateO several Years ago in sftrah of an . I I . .. � I ing, you and I? What things that -we � I inq*rative; Per aO',� even affable to call a fcqlowl clan ,of trolley gon I -heiress, and lite beeir-so- gracious 414, .to . ­ Incorporated by Act Pa . rliament *1866. I 1 I.. I � .11JUD011T & HAL0, 1. ' ought to have done for others, things . I I — . . �, . . . \ Sinitor 'a liar., It is th' hith iv cour- . tr and the Aattor of. 1. I . 1, : -,%,-- . I . . 4. I . : Olhitpn, P.O.' of love, kindness, encouragement, up- ne Brf& ( itsy to T�S�L over aux, push � traRle rose a or�sh e,t'terrificd the vial. offer his .coronet to a dozen or fifteen , . Match 9 U. . . - i Ing)--Ofii X-Jaek, we!vA ft" - . . . . .1 . . liffing, cheer, cornfort-have we been W .down his throat, to take him Is C19 -If bor to Amirics. "I,hear that noise . young ladies of properl. -V,adli, in turn . **OA'PITAL - 81;500,000 - � . I.., I . . I 11 . 1. - . . , -justgot to' giva.u"PI, $ be 'th' hair Rt,STFtrND. � $2,260,000 .1 . . -�-Va)ve got toll . . ;wberc�er I go,�' mid be, "What -is itri 1hao,squelched hifii nd, eing ressed for I . . I I ;, . I . I 16M . .. - leaving undone? What things,tfik.*,_ ,b-boardlng, and g�go hzoue-k-koep' ' all dhrag-him around th' room, or to means to M,%i'a I eigarette' Et, MONTRIM ought to have done for .Chrlst-holy I n W& . . . Sl , ftD6n1t be ale;rmeA," We replied. "Tlig,04 8 — I . in � ' . . I aP hinI in th' eye on account iv a dif- ,,oniebod�' litives breakin Ids bills, be lige made -uge (d his. title In the WM. No ' " A i " ' living, heroism in duty, Artntiess i � ' OM s re . HEAD OFVIC id , , ERN ,. ub6y-Wby, lo�q, whatl� the mat. "reffce iv OPInyon about collictor I wIlr, 9 '. UOX KkopnAasox, Presi call .. FREE PATT . I I � y hitarnal rivinue, Southern Sinitors has � . I-Nowar llxe*10 . . . , out great ,success -e a with- JAMIM EX-LIM, G611, Manligers . (YUt owl% Ole oj12 to overy sub. purpose, self-effacement, that. He ina tert , 1. I __� 11 i I a 1v . theatrical sad newspaper busill a I be honored --have we been oinittiftg? The Brld&__�Uro. Worritg h",b6en to I in citfier. "' \; ,11, bedn known to us Wherever there mo 41ckly', people I He WvOtO Notes discounted, (iolleotiono mado, drafts "I scriber. I Ute a Ydir, - . e- a small case knife articles for the sensational XeW York me I . I -_ 6 oublos in, a cc With Weakheartsan(l d,rangod fier­ � , issued, sterling 'and American exchanm -- ' — I The only way to make sure of leav- Ing. ze 611 aternoon about the tr 'nthrMrsy�. It is etiket to take " I I . ing noihing findone at the last is to she h" with 600ks, and X dianst h6vo , off ye'er Wots in th) I vecj� Alilburn's Heart 411"t '.,*orve Fills. newspapers for so. much a column 'as bott-lit mid -sold, bitorest allowe on wwo lIcUt iv th' debate, I Ion ae the, editors would pay for them, d0D;`gItq SJ%V1Xa .8j'N,R_I'AferG8tLQl11& Aw. CA L et ,us anything to tell her,�_:((9aj,Ar,)s colirteoug ill- a,S1n1tor to -r,o to ftod . do e4eh day's work in its day. I It is , , willbe found an effootiva mpffichlb. a I M . . . A�wu never postpone or defer any du . � * 4� rostore enfeebled, nervate d, 2then 'he played minor parts at dif. i1p, computedolialrye r. ­ . I 1. . . hand, for we e. an fellent fhoh.tora m4 long nk4 Curiosity w I ty that. - I . Sleep an' moorallr,W, hi,s teeth Wilil, Till, e on gum of $1 and comes to out . shall not For'.. Cholera Alopbus, CholerA )4i- other SSitlijor is mai,..int exillylusted. devitalived or over-worko d Olga V. Monoy aav4noid to farrara on their, . t lid W0,111011 t( Vigorous health. pass this way, again. .Let us know be- &ntum, a speel�h .8u, I 111011 a lead people toa theater to Al N 1. fore we sleep any night that nothi Cramps" Colic, Diarrhoea, .Vanst a Sfnitoi- IS on his. feet if ,is th, .) earl. . . . 0 � ee air actor wn notes,' with one or more endorsers I WIV00- , - fig I)Y'JenterY Shd Summer CoMplaint h1th iV fflisbehavyor to ,It(jl) him ex.. � . � I .� Ov "&;! on mortgage regairea. . . . . $ � . I . �_ . � . . �. I . A LAW MAGAZINf . has been 0ihitted that day,no littl4�task, Dr ribwlerl� Ifttr&6t of wild str&w. .CePt 1'r ill' pur' I - , . � � U.M vievoro Alanage � . 4 � K, , pose iv givill, him a poke I Pal , . #4 Irb , I � no service of love. J,ifo is too borry is.alprompt, safe .- In ,tv To pr6va to you thab Dr. I The word Odlrigible,$ 1). t- (t , �zpjajned t,he I . b at[ U 1616re _ tnd stire core I 110 -se, Afther A rough -and. , MAWS ointmoub is a certain I . 01filtoll A , - � pl�idl;, Ijktbat Sacred to be Warred by blahlo, and that has been a popular favorite. for and ab8olute cure for each ftAdler, "Means capable of being steered, I . . I ... - r �sq I '%I 4 640MI46 h t ,IT% I , , Roll I . 1. tumble right, th' Sinitor who,pr6vyt)ug. i ,,,i es I I 1101106 to 0 . ill t1b", *J breaks. Ono. oi the darkest shadow$ nearly 60 years, J sad every form of It4hiriR. I NOW., which little boy or girl can give . .1 � .1. I Ned) to (IRV r, 1ki, . 61 1144 Ili aipy. !Lyb 1 lj a d th, flure cait get tip fr,m It if I , ble6divigand06trudill piles, . I A 0 tt Ott 4 40rint., - oat i fill .Up -oft nmy $out in its latt, qwrf6 'U Ta'�,ilr%-b, t -ho 'head of tile ,nu, r6ra have guo.rantd6d it. ae to I Me it s0nt(lfift In which thqt word Is . .., . I I , 110t, a . " [ )� things loft * r,1141, I ft the 4 ' a. . . Iflyto, p -to. , X speeell. BUt Wilile lit fia$ Watt , _ -eas a d It I , t. or I I pso Utely nkfoj bowt of 1),*.xc%J & CO.) Is fond 01. rays"Mc his 8poetacles,.hig wig the W4111111h6tu 91 , usedt" Little Abijo-h �)Ucd(lergrasgralged dat . bA is , AQY Pi a as yofte)t h " ( days rathe shadow of the ,in' h i I , Wbatthoythinkpilt* Yolafth-usoltog * his �haitd, "You may toll its Abijahis 1 " I __ able 1�,ft in ill's face he, i J I hildren &V �Ior I .. 1. . undant. ohildret, Ile o"dpoU �t Sunday sobool dyll . and I 0 0 ce 1 it r pattorom, " (I . .. ­ ­ - S th" mon- ; Our M611 back if not, cured. 600 a liag, ab "The buneo maon In New York 70und tbab . I I '"t , ­ 0 X 1. . ­ In Philade ,lilt. that, �" ,;kllteen Inindred artit tv all lit .qutvc,yi,,, � "16rS Or , DUAN80X,BATX6 & 00,ToroutA briale 011411 W94 didglb1o.J1-1f,1uQ6,ss . I .1 , 0 , .. . — i , , . . - ST AS,GOOX) � � ___1 .VU9116; 41 the lotgi b% tMellor to, adilech, � ., _ . I . .. I __ _- ... I I., .. � - _. . I � I I; , . Perb.n.8 I Don't V011- 1111h the rJS14 jllg.4, t11&b,tb0.y oome upon, . I Ointrhent -- ­'­ . � . - , JU 2 � , . : 11, � wrw. ,!-Dr#-QhA90 ..,-,. I --- 1. ,- � __CASTOR 1A, � =#w I th; Wpeok th (fi m all the -odd child ezy. ' I -1 . CA There is ft() form of kidney %fouble, __ ______,______ _ .. . .. I'll .. I".., .1 - . � , I 11 .1 . . 13AXAM � ­ .. A __ __ ", _ . 1, I . thou , )Ut alway 6uy the well-testea i , Went *6d-Wou t4 Mr. from 'it backa ­-_____,___. I and sure -pop Cori A Thowdes 001. Che (16wn to J3right's I I � rx� - ____ ­ """ lilliz, 4 , * . I A" . , , ___ less Corn Nxtl Cure - Pntnani�q i 'IdIfte V � . - I t Pain rap -tor. Sure safe IWMOn W#A the remqirk of' v, little boy disease' that Doan's X ly Pills, Will . ARIV-1 Andrainlesq. Patn&m)sr6mpveg corns . N46 *AW f* ths, ftist time in his llf,j 4. 110t 1`0110VO Or Mtrel, . "91 - � *", �Xoo . I . 1. � - - . - ­ - � ( If YOU Are trollble(I with any kind of . TO UUM V0 a Cold 1*11 One Da � .6 1 1 S'Sw*1 pain essly in twenb3t shwvltig. . � b Two aA : ,1 ow I , 16 I I � . � 1114M, _-four houi% if; n*n kidney c0iniftillt, give Doan a Kidney .1i& y . 1""M 11 "Id V %Y t4 69 , , , 0. - & . I A I 06 CA51114 isi LIL �, I ] I . I , I I I I ith I I h in I I I Q I 1 9( 1 Ing to � WEENEW"M I I I .1 I I I I ,I .1 i41 d I I I I , I � - ( I a I i I iv I n I 6xp, 14' roT QO)i "It, y1lar", pt ked 'mastero I of th Madras I , � I I i b ) I ) I 9 --.*-I I b _r_na 669110, I ni t� we I of 'A. 6 W Ubi =tk , 04 I _ �% ,�+ W �, - I 11 P't I a: - I I .1 I I I I I f I I I. I d I , I - I I F7A I (Y;,.t ! .."11)6,r. S I E9 I I I Ief�riii 0 ki A)a L y RK 1h Wa , " sty lie thao I "I , d bots r 2 11N, il t 9.0y I I and I AN teimf All - - - I . 14 I I I'll 5 1 = 04 41 fy dd Ybd 6. 4, ills it trial. 1 $1 1"Ail TOM ,to pollm! , 'm F , " your drurist dom not Roll it. send !9 I . yo P Iralta Laxad�% Bromo "gadis 06 "Pht hlmiiw. , t,.ents to . . 0, polson & 00 xibgstox)f *0A J"r f" on ova I � #W13 Wi &W 0*6 *IP6 is OM ,�#­ 6 .�? tov 6t Y' fd - I , - — ri�t.. ; Ont., imd the � will send ,Wto you D013t . - Ar , 'y 4. y P 40 11 it. 1� '. t, , 806A M1016it liftft "M I" oat 12 ww"t. ,0 0 J10 " 6; Awl 11 . 0 jA) NIII&S Glq& powam Cute, 801a litum 46 box* 2JQ# T 040f.0 1 PAI . I d T.S, � * f P', �? ., .1 01. �� 10.11 .... 1, r6sa. in Oom#AA, or t � .=� A,� , ,,� 4", ,�.:.^�,_Aa:,_ '. by All drtigls , Clinton, � .... � 1.1-1-11"..... ­­ �W,_ , , , _6 1-1 ­ ­­­ 1.1.111. ­ I I 1134 ,W 0 � . r,4 f, .. . I . ____� .­ I 1. .. I .4 I � 1. - , ... . -"# �, 0 . . - - - . ­ . . . I . . I . _ -, �.. _ I I , " � � I . . � I �, � � . � . I . , I I 'A . . I . I . �� . . I ,. . I . � � . V11 I ­ I � I . I* I I.L -1 - '­ � I I I .1 -1. - ­ - �­ A ­­ �1- . X1 I . - . _% . ­ � -L-11'.11., ,A_A.A�, 114- .31-:, , � -, . _ - "L.—, ­ ..Vl--, ­ ­ � 11