HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-04-03, Page 2, . April, 8rd, 19($
� I "
I — - .
: , P _ __ - - . - 1. . ____ I,,; ---
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I �
� i Ion of Cholge Seed* For Lit-grary Notto . fropenks for Sale or Ao Let =1 1111161:1=1=q I ====
lisfoluto ourfe for each Tvatiniq Tbrot:obdut 0"tarlo, . 111111" I . HENtRY BeATTIE
. aalu,d ,o `Dn=tniot,1�c4Qt,Ar4 plat"Ibu ",
, .i . and every rQ liqu On 11
40- les Yo,xd .rm of Itching, . . . - I � F or -.Sale.
�, � bletidingandPrOtMall plies; — . . Stsfrie�i by Flortoueo X.11offinan have 1 v9 . J. I .. -- ____ - . (811crollsoor to "Wr ills. Oeolo
� Vianutaoturers have guaranteed I 1191eetes. le N , I.,,w Rbl.k been alkIvo,iring frolil talle 141 time III , I I 1, AIM ,,-v 4V � For Sale . � I � *11AH114STBR, F01-10 11TOR, 3
oulals, in tb o dall v r not - Wrl I ttext for tl I . Lippille agazinfo,and in the A will I �; QV% 1 � Tile property of Jag rvrouson oil Uffr'll, St., CLINTON. ,co.l,
, hall the. t Y press and ask y ott"e It', I �r , � r-lintou. -Alpyly to , , .
! What the k it, oil _*K1 1111niber there is a div(q-ting onto ca 14,fil, - , ,;", -_ , - w
I r mono a I ,note,..!, 'Aw x9t out '11ioniewbers;of theOutarlsoAgrieul. I I ,., - - , -*" I ,,?;vollrato'niggt3tOrc'flin,Ri,�rle't;li'nel�,. Ap, I tf 1, JAXl;,'f4 BMW, I Offical--F11100 Bitch, forrao.rly 94
-,e y
t 11 - I � � - . . 11arritlitor, Clinton,' .
, QrS Or DUANS , A S -A Imcky 8tratap�elll.' It iti llot, 14011. "I "Q W. ki. i"AliAlixtri, � by Xv Mott. .
Co.. a n tural find I-NIlistorlinental Union are (sr,,lll,v- 1,f)o1%.n ill, , - R", . - .. � -1 ....... I__ ... ..... _ ................ � ................. . 111ONJIM TO J,FN4), - ,
� 7V
'It . It"s 11offillall'..; -,,�-��
I . Lot for Safe . ._�__ � �
� . - _ pleased, tostwecv that, for lom they Mlt% �! .... " * To. Let - , . ity
. 13r. Chasso's 01 ent Inisit'and isa desvelidant, of our varIv .
t ,, Palled to distribilto hit (a every , i0lrll" noypliHt, ('I),14
: I .. ],�viino Ifolfulall, frolil I .
� In'-fil of offif ax to ,niaitorial fox. �oxlierl. whoul tll(-I)ot�tslif-11(,Yfl�till�l,%-illll)il)t�(L . G �1� . . _,�_ I ... . . . . .
� , . Tafte Nature" wo U DON U,
� .
: 111i'llAs wit'll fodder vroil", roots, ("rairls , idea"q. . I
`� -, I i v I V so TV " -4 e v Q -1, v ul . t'f1._1V1N (,)0V(,TIN' and fertilin-1w: I'll- . I 1 4r-" �,C " � "U'll, Ifflilitifill F,toro'in the oIceirsion jllslck� A goo, bundil)g, lot oil Parliv,,or" s Stmet. Vilit, .-UA';UI9TE',R, ,NULICIT011, 14 OT iti
'.. * &�'; .. I - , _� �(, 4 - ,11131'(Xlk!treft,.14telYt)(,etli)ii(lby(!�l-,Itt,,3. Ap tqan,dw�nsf4lnat, iG Ivith tk qu ,,[fill y of 1111111)"r. I 'Lie
, ,X ',
I �T,,, kall A I
I ,ol, falls of 1,400 -variefies of farill croll" 101(-tit)ll(�tilill)illt�(INN-Itill)l-.('Il,lm, (.., � A Quic-71 " �, t ply to � � bu 'ding PTJO ,,,, r'i(). . .
. FRIDAY, A 111Z I 1,3rd, 11 03. . �� 1,401.0 thi.-I's)('11, 1,0 fitiont, I
- 'ough whiell . % I ."L ,
11, , i, -ti IS. I'll. 1Pf11`;.,,,t.. Mlo�tlfifr'l "I'll" l"'re.-WIll "a hill(' reado'")"s- � ---- —
� _ - , - - . ,- _ lisky(o, been ti'sted ill the EX lerinlental Abbott's 114itAll'(1-stildy. thl _t ,--il RIZZO ill$( ut 151jou i'Vvt of 11 , ties. d u. cAv r;
I _rs. -i , , Pellurtillelit of t110011tarlo, gricultur- liellais bevoille widely al4d, Itivingly. , , xa t , . ! . I Its & lla-swi 0,11-anfl, 1 R100VT ,& HALr_,'
- Tilt, .-. .,i,u Is) be at uto% clilt-lit oil k 2 r I sa It ..�, . . UlLumbor' WA:X, MACH, 'Sumint-rhIll - - .
. ItI.College, (4110I)II, 'for lit lva'4 live I k1lowil,, Illakes it story of Irrvsislibfi� . ___ .� ...
� . . , . _,
: yv�ll'�' o -MIN � ) Fi4rift 11410irsale. , � I
;: : 'foot to ill( it-l"t. Qw I upi (.,vi,tat Ion of . in -S'41011, Whose cousist, (if charin, This is show;i bv his tale ol! T , 6 _. , CONVrYANCIMS,. UoXxtHs1o1jAgp, ;
. , H q 4 it or all ' . 0 ittioUnsuralwo , ..
� no it ly all tlt(- Canadian soist-q, and f4ev- , a(lv(q1tnrp ,t1ld lov I ' 'I, I It.* . N- attire has 1 .9 panacea f For Stile I Real.ii.9tat
I 11anitolia and tilt, I t 1 ri I t frit -.,i ill tilt. P In 4111 UUM . .1
. , '. I Thft w0t 1141f Of lOi- 2L Ilayflelil Con tied, I
, oral laoidred new varieties, - solue, of , Magazino foi- April called. 4 Pr 'sIl'oll .i ,orlrh townshiplor,ontailling If)q fle � i . . Aloul... to 10
l � . Lienate. At pro,wit [he I of Allatioll which lvivt, done em-codingIv Avoll ill 1 01v Alltssh." It describes Ivith thilell- " Our ills -if we've been $101W in 1 lards is olff,red for sale on 'r-13 C mod 11 1. . . . , I
, . I
. . � , I barns log ilouse; plf,�Txty oas,i terms ,guod, The imiler4q,no4t at 41), oil, 0. ,W IlArM. 11121 .
I of wwcar an 9 UIDOU147
H, 1. . . Se Is ith. the
I "d reprv.-ontali(al of tilt- iolipective , . I , 11, th'r fire Aierm- ...�
fillseetivefull [.(Intlll(.t,(�(I(kxl)(;I�illl(.tlt N 11, freshet lit his fktx-()rite 1)elaAval Ilding it out, that's 11c:t Natu- , orolliard. Fartleuturs a cation to ilroi I V. 11 tit(, 1111pel-110, 5576 red b
y I S tit I 1,10- .(� �, a all , � 14
I I � I the Colltlko, and ave Ilow being distri- i Valley tht-ough whiell, a waverin'.. I I tf- J. 11 DA141" 01 if la i Ph J VE 1, oic neord, i CHARILES, GrIX39-JI
pro All (.i's i's i r� fo I I 1) \\ S : I I I I .- ,o fault. — In 11 Abbey's is' I X1111114 to' to I tit' *I Halle . I
. . . butVd, I'vell of char,aw, for vo-operativo ! lovor comes tot his own. . . ___ ,_ ." � � � if 0, )r(,d to i . A 11 - I.e. rautford, (lain . �
I . . it)(-illstlit-oti.g-ItoittOnt�ii-io, Tile I 1_11.� , I (crystallized fresh fruit juices) . N' (ill .11 , I ). edpv)� ,iiarrister solicitor Notary and(,lonvoyarlessir,
I I .1 Polillizitimi st'llator", "I'll ,I . . 1. 1. . If( L .
� Ontario .......... 2 11%-d i i 1 7 ........ :�-I fN1)(()1\1vIlAg i'4 the INt for co-operativEor For;qale or to Rent., I - U.01M NOTT. Clinton.
� , I'S hils ........ I -rinivilt-, for 1003 -, - I i - It I NQJ N(,' IN "I'll Ili' H'All S. I she gives' us the"'best of tc)lljo � , I - - . I .. I I . on,"-oppotifto Colborne Ilotal I i
. Quebe( ... ...... 10 " 2I toxv( . . I :' . I 11 - . I col)(14'riciff - - . . I
N'eva scoliji ...... 1,1:1.1 - I ........ 10 No loNverialelittl Plilts TWA is -in unfailing sigil of c.1tari-h, � laxatives—it stopS lleaLjacllc�,, Lat 29, coil. 2. Ste i3ley, corstato log 00 acres ' I I
I I . Ili 90od state of cultivation for eale or to rent I . �
Now 111-tin.,wi, 1�.. :�il,lj) ...... Ili I-TvSting tbrel. varloties of oat4_ 3 and if llot (.hcct�etl ,vN,Ill n1thl1,LtlL,I�_ r,.. 11 Thoro-bred 19tills to It S.- I 1 e " � —� -- -
� 1. It . - - for term ofycars.4riyfy to JNQ. WGULIGOR, I I . .11 oAcotkzkluke�-
P 14', Ibland .... ... I (13 251) ........ . t 2 T( -,,ti three varieties Of'six- , The simplest dy stinlulates digestioll --pJ*C- i on P1.4,11lises ("r 111tfi. ). A10GREU01i, 2 con,U. . .— ipa 4 . `0 .
� . sult Ili deafness. , �
� � - I , it. S. I Two tharo-bred Short -horn build, of f. cod f0yot"I'ly Of Manor= 11011; 4; Cameron �
, Manitoba ... ... 2,7,5211 ........ I olved 13111-leN .......... 11.1 ...... 3 is' Catari'llovolle, which if bill �l 11 it vents dyspizpshl - keeps tll�j ii Tuckerornith, Fohicirth 1)� 0.� . . . I . �
I 1* o .
� . 2 3 Te "!"112d . Feb. i-tf. 0 otteroil for Salo tial I
1, N W Territoviv-s.. 1.-)8 010 ........ sting two vtirletie . s of hulless, ilv,prevents the catarrhed body's natural Channels; � . to red, 24 ,months .4, r1truitblo' i . B-ARRISTE R AND SOLICIU)R,
few thilos da t other . .
.. .... 2 condition fri t I —_ __ . . n
I I )111 spreading, Catarrho- I . . . ills -old. I . Oilloo-1164illia fit Opl:oolte L,Olbarug k1ou : .
Test! ' L . , . 1119 111�alr 101114 OVAIING Londesboro . . .
I lk-itish Coltimbi i - - I To S 6 17 ... .... 3 BarleN . ....... ......... lie . I I "Mor n
. , i I..." iff -�
. I — 4 rig i'miner (8polt) and two zone quiekly stop. bowels and kidney's, llealtily V I ' GOIDELUCH. ONT - . I .
at. . �, . , S 'i the ringing in the . . � . � . For Sole, . I I olan. 10i if - . _. - � Coil 13, Rullett, —_ � � .
, I . Commenting oil tho illovelnelit, to varreties of Spring Wile, .3 1 ear , 1.1vad. uoisi's, and gives perniall- and responsive - drive i . . - - I .
I " 5 Testi gtNN-oN,,ti-!(�ti(�sl3iiel�3N,be,,it 2 ent rolier to catarrhal doflifness� For . I . s out . . DICK I h slo, N a GARROW s), ., -W
I nerease the salarlos of Dominion civi I () wo,"'tinng two Varieties Field 'Peas pol i Coutfortabie house -and lot, on Alberf St,, Improy(Inient of Siork. . .'-
� catarrli.in any part, of t,hp systern, . . sonli�purifiaS the blopd� . Clinton, for sale clleap� lot i arre House . .
, -onielt-says it for Northern Ontario.... ... .... - bronchitis, astbn)a, lifing or throat sliftablal florsinallfainDy, Apply stf yjn� ERA - .
� , servants, Thv I)nilN ('Ili 2 BAunlsTUR9, SoLlcl,rol�S, E,,Vc,
I a quite reasonable, and -adds : "Ca- 7 Testing two varieties bug -proof troubles,catarrhozone is a), s ecifle,and and in'sures -the blush of health I offlee. '. . � �, . . . The oubscribet has for senilce, an lot 0-111ur aliniale- Corner lilt 1"Ausall St., and the ftailir I . I
, . . . . . � - on Roatt, tbe large Improved Yofllishiral'Boa. . � , 1.
. - , '004, 0 t.
- I- it "�l a L .0 01, 1____a���,;, )
- -
8" Loa 04 0 No ""_ _Torm4'*g 11 080,1111, , i 'n'�
a 0 "' uro;
oar 00 "i Or 0 ' r 11
.r . t at n. e -b an -a,. 11"li. PKOUIDFacn, ,& HAYS, � . . �
. I I Pa d golug to Manitoba or I il T , stock I tu the -
I Corn ............ 'v"? God,
. . I Field Peas . � ....... .......... 2 is guaranteed to -Permlinelit9v Q11110 01, 365 days every year. . I . � . . . * ' '� I .. . . itioda, 14 14
.-nadais notoriou,;. as compared with 8 Tosring Cow PeaQ And. two varie- is money back Lark *si;e, $1.,trial I . . � . I Lands for Sale. 0 ge
� ' V' W'
ties Soy,,9olti,oi,Jal),tneseB(�kiiis 3 " )n ge I . � I I . ' �Thi. I .-. of
� I � � -other parts (of thu Empire, for ber Si�ze 25c. Druggists or * All Druggists ell . . n .to .
. ...
I I � vittnivnt of her civil sell- 0 " Testi rig illres� varieflea Husking Kingston, Onto . , 1p I . s . rtles,wba inten * , .1 y - 0 orl r v -a
. reonon ic it ti � . . beat 'Al- OWN .
� . . , , the territories this spoina in hunt for a home ) SARTUSTURS, SOLICIT6M, Xtir,Annlo p'WA . . I �
I �
1, . . .
Min � ............. 3 ol, 12�u. I U ,. rien. (). I . .
'I irants. Evetithesalariesof ]let- I - 10 Testing three varieties mailgolds'3 Prank- P-1tobirlsonandhiswife, were - I willilo well tocorrespon wittithe u E .
", � ed, and a listor some of the lands will be furA . . .
'� L: isters are peculiarly low. Tho Attor- I I Testing two var ioti es Stigar Beets � filled *.szo and $W, respectively, at 9. .- 11 wardai'l to you . ' 0MCCINOrth Ot,, next daloir to Signal 0
, . . foi- fveding purposes ....... I ... 2 Hanli i A .1 L . .
l , Itorl, for pass rig .Mexican mono Y. - . , . S, TOWNSENT A A EVANS Seed Oats for Salle. . .
� 3ley-General of a poor West India 1,�> . .. .� . ?r1vAI,6 Ifullds to)end at lowest rated I .
� - 'N , . Clin�onj Out. I . Brandou,Ajan, . - . . . . .
. I � Testing three vowlettes Swedish There is not a Vacant house In GAIL , . bb e, v,,, S - of Interest.
island, asa ritle, gets higher pity than Turnips ............ ............ 2 .� , . � r Thd sulkincriber avers for sale 5W bushels of W- PRUTDFOOT. I � :
I . and"the hotels are crowned with: niar- . � the "Abundance Variety". Hwvliig crol. R. C. HAY",
. . .
. . _
. —
. 13 T i .
I .1 a Judge wr Lieutenant -Governor in esting.l(ohl Rabi arid two var- I Effervesc�nz these Oats for , bree, years I can recommend . .- . �
. . I .o .
I ietiesTuruips ......... ... 11..?. 3 Vied couples who have been lunable to
I : gethouses.- � . .. .. 1 &N . � � thatiollsbaling a good call. H 4ving a good . Werlical. � '. 1.
I , . Canada. Tilt, ordinary Australift!) It Testin'gParsuips and two var- - - mt,,-L /�,; , . Good House for , Sale. � stalk win stand u , ��* I . I
". ." ieties of Carrots......-_-... 3' A . X E R V 0 U S, . . kN',D, S J, i , I . . � � 7silder. These ca a are farce fr(,m faill weeds . _* , " . I .
,si so wall its being a spleudid,
. .
I rvant.wonIddr-ol)(lead if offer- I. For sale a frAm a house on Vlotat J& Sire and Will be clealled At for seed, Price 85a per � 'WIW . GUN -' I
. . I . up ?LRS�. � - V3 . :, , , � ob, I I ;. ill, J.D., . � .
. - �i ' - . 12124, story one half-sgitable for' ordluar bushel. , . , , ,N .
ed the Camidian rate of pay. E'von- It) Tes ng, t iree varlet es of fodder ' I �, �,,.!"ot.--i�l ,.lot , .
and tb . �;:,.- y JORNL � . . . I .
I , There- is just one cure " lit is . 11 iz�_�,.� family. "i baled-quartior acre lob, with stable. N t -'R- 01 It- lik 8- Esillialburglia
11 _. 11 only is coullill-litiabho, but Citiiad�t is a 01, ila e Corn,l,......, .... 1-19 � I -, . � 1. ,"ODDRIf, L�ndslfsboro or , ! - - -
. I �
I . I . ' . 10 nton. wiglat ,call . . .
, ba'a'd ilod ' ""
. 16 Test t ireevarieties Alill6t.... 3 plenty of tood for th6 1- 7 ... ...... � I . I and sciftwater, bearing fruit trees. 'Pro, Her. 6th tf, L t 32, con 8, Hullett, Oftloo"70AL'ari."Sticei, Olt
,vich country." , � . j be sold oil reasonable t Ay . . I 00 Of office, or residence, Ratten- .
. � . I , 17 Test rig three vivilieties Sorghum �,3 . nery0s, NN biseh is hest slipplie��'m riero- . I . 11 Orb -it 1PR , orans, AV, . . 11 at front. d v
. - I . . . .. � - A5BR.AiIs-aCraJg,cr4AS.SC TT .. . . . " --- � .1. � . t bury Street . 1. . . � . .
" rozone, than which no blood builders A Rapid (Fire) Calculator. - . V. F lin. . I I � I . - I . .
.. 18 Test rig grass eas Arid t\Vo var- le- - . . . W.Nl� . . . Clinton , - . .. . � I . . . . . .
"If, Mare Kindly WerOe , nerve tonic 'Or strength producer,16. . . _�___ � . I . . � I .1 . . I � I . , '' . I . I �
__ .1 ietvs -etches ................. 3 . I . . ! � i - 1, I
. . I better.. Verrozone promotes healthy,, ' . I � . Molter to Loan , t , OR WWI- 'GRAHAM. .
.., . . . . . .. . . I . I . I I
I , 10 Testing two vairicties-R 2 _ Teacher_-NONX. J 01�,*in�, if & missionary 1 . . . I . . . i " I Liocoutlate,of the RoYal Calleg , . 1
: � I . .. - . . _ � . . � I I � of playsiclarx I - I ,-
� Tile Brantford Hxpositor Inak-08 20 Testing three variet W dige.5tion, which results In improved can convert �,%o I- ,then in one yea.X . . � I London', EnglajaT .. I . 1.
� -�, ies lo�a;��:: ,it � , For Sale, oport�. - Apply . . . .
, . . er' ows 4ch and. _ � . ,w BRA Office &Ad Ittsiden' .
� ilutritiori. The blood gr � $1100 to loan, on farm pr :
, YnonVon o.f the a1do speech of onr 21 Testing SaInfoin, Luc ri,Burn6t 3 'bONv 1011,1,1, will it tit IN, Iti. convert a thou. , , . fsk N_ . . I . . ca- . ..
ll 1. 1 22 Testing five varieties Grasses, ... 5 redjurnishes' stability to the entire I mild? . Johnny � Two yea;rs; Triala I im. A Tharo-bred Shorthorn Ru - 11 about 19 mass. . Office, Olint4n , I .. JOINN'TED)POILID. I . � . I . . I .
- . . i .� . . — 'R
- lo.. -a.1 member, '.NT, C. Calfileron. on the em, ancl the store of nerve force Teadhto.rGh, not Johniiy� - �. I ."onset unroll St. . . ..
�" 93 " .Vestj ng'threevai-ieties V ield Beall. 3 - . Johnny -.0b, d , bro. d from the col cloraied imported Royal � __ � � , ...
. (varratlycharges. Therehavebeensev- 24 Testing three vhrictles Swbpt, :y"'(111oner yjbacreage�daily. Arebuild. y4s; Inasaln,. The second vear hiii -overna - Mon. a first-class animal In every respqof,- Thoro-Ete# 10alls,(or Sale, 0R., it I 1.
� . . I . ! will be so!d at a; reasonable price. A, alone - I � Ws, SHAW. - .
I I �, .
Coi,n ........................... 3 of tie constitution, new'�spirits, I ment Nvould -send a gunb6ittan' some o9j, maker for any one wentinq st,superlor a-almaT, - — , . � , . I . .. . PHYSICIAN, SUILG),OX. . . "I
':,, ' , arr;tl "maiden"specclies iiiade in t1le )'.a Testing fertilizers with Corn - 6 . �11(111tbf and Bt,renglith, all, come frooni __oqud1Ze?ki , . I I . H, pLumsT - - , . Four Young there, 4 Ar�' Ail,cucheur- et
. L ... . erg. I � . Df, stb am bulls,' bred torio St . c., c1licat and � residence Os .
. Legislative As�senibly this session 26 Testing fertilizers with.Swedish the*useof Ferrozone. This marvelous . .. . � I .. Main lat. if. . , in O�, 0 - 'from prize winning -an fils, 'are offered for � OtPlosite'anglish churdli, formerly ca. . . ..
I . ' ' I . I : I . . � . , , Tit.
�, I Anion r others by . three of the news- Trirnips .... �_ . - -or 50c � . . I I . . __ __ sale. Aced from 12 to I ontlis, red Ili.' ool,)r, �! artailed v. r.,&Ppleton, cliaton-ont. . �
�; .� ... I......."...'(3 . rerlovatoi� is sold b� (huggists f . .�� . . . .. .. . . . . I . .1. . .- su Rini a I . I— �.' . . . . I . . I .. .. . � ..
, I I . 27 GTowing Potatoes oil the level And cents. a box, 0. , oxes for.$6.50. Ev � . , . A TrbLve#ees Wonde' I . . I . � . . . I I . : � ad proliat,1411, 0 I CH, Seaforth P 0 . Dk -C.- I . .
'�: I 1)a,.-er,fratvrllltN, viz,, Messrs Peose. of' Ili hills ..................... ,, inall froin Polson & 00.3 Kh1gston;Ont, . - . . . I . TV '. . Farm I -or Salle. - � lot' 'Uc era . Ill, :W. THOMPsoiw . .
1 _- � . . .1 . ' .. , . I � � ,� . . ,. I . 1 095. qkth Cou, ; mith, . it. . - ! t I I 1. I
. ,�- 28 Testin g two varletl6s - Potatoe;': 2., The bi&ydlo shot) ,of U, t, La*sorl, � . I . __ . ., I � , "Tail 1.11 U - .. . � . ya n..ktd.
Xtrigston. Downey of South Wel-11TIF . , � . � Ph lailan, surgeo' 1. I
� , . . "This,". obseived `11'u as he lifttid a A.,O], as '' I I I .. . special attention gjyen.tsis diseases . .
� , - . . . . � .
,., . t ? 1, :1 Ttrk of Con tre Bruce. All r*3'isd by fire yes- . box -like aftair from his irunlc, "is .one of . . , � . I . I I qtfbe I -
: I �l I U n did I 00 a ere farm, consigting-ot tb i. : . Eye .1 . � .
20 Plan ting Cut Potatoes NvIliclib ave Wipnlpeg,�iyas tle�t IC"t half tfLr t.80; con, 1. East wltwanosh. 1 , Ear, Tlfioat and Nose.
I I � .11, andwbich have not.bben c6at- terday-, tho.loss. being $14(ko arld. in- 06 grehtest wolidera,sol Ame4ca." I Froold frame house witits kitakon, barn -SW6, we, Cain give rof,ftfolis to rit'irsons of all' i , I I . .
I " I . I I .�
� . .
. acquittod tI-.eiw4e'ves with crodit. tod over with land plaster . 1. I? surabee $500. . - - . I ,� .. I . and shed $ft -40 Ili which there are goild stabl. ades of. allflity. , Al. Ants, book-keopers, . : Office and Residence-, . I . . �
I I . . . -;I- -:I � I '. i . , "It'doesn't, look very wonderful," collum f,,,,. hard Water of never .9119arka,farmarls sousliavoyers, mdebanics'-phy- Albert street,2 I I I .1 . .
I I 8, ws all in .1 . . . . . I .Blacks Nort.h of 11tatteftbis Ity'. - ,, ,
I X1. d. C. Callievoll of Wl-st 11111-oll has I - I Plarilt � Corn in ro - I -failing well, 8�acres . I I
iiqna� . . 1-8 Beatty wife of Calitain-Oliver Inented TA-Arair 'tucking one foot ,up buqh, 1 a,,rA of orchosird, B tuated 1Y "talarks, priatibers, �tudtxltfl, inarvied and- .. I., . � I I
�, I's piniles from I I
�111 . also 111.1 Ill his "Illaiden", and has suc- (an excellqntvarletyatif . . Attlourti'lond ao rods ,QJ1lgl0*wCm end VI dewas' Positions are .'. I . . . .. 1.
1: . resident Zf Hanljltio�l:* whiifre she eould's$it oil it 4nd the throne r in school. - of filether . * Vall � . .
. ,2 -�'jj.in tj I I. . � pqrb sapylyto .GOVIERi.AuburaP..O wortlafrossin q4ffo,tc,��'6W*1,.t;k liffinum.
. y Coi n will be used). sln&0.18 . ,icalar fir. � ning Smith., N.D.,
ceedi-d ;n ,)lie eff-ort ill pliti-ing hiniselt Earl ,Beattv, and ,!� . Go.w.
, a* l6t ,.City,.y,o.qte We
�. . e 'A�st 592, � , ,�-dx.y'. at the ,a a tinlea - I � - P -clac ser can have 0onession this fall Ilis' 9� paid sevex al can vok doers � 1$450, week) y�. for . .'' . . - .1 I C-31. . �': ..
- -foil,,;(-. lit, size of. each plot Ili th''. , .1 � . . am . . .. � . .
in the ft ont rank of tit(, I "File - . . . . I r . " , I .year4, soviritefull -on a , ' "" I .1 1� '' , , : � I il . I . �. I .
L I in 74th. ypa1z. - . . . . ..I lolNo, but even in America no one can mo -4. - . I . . . y end .wb 4will give - $ 1 HYSIOIAN'di'bU I : - ''I
'. . I p L .
�,'!', , had it sllwndid oppoi-tunity to present tw(illt.y-sixexl)('I-illlellts.,i§ to* be two. . , - I" 11 I . .: I . d -Listeli.py . .. . , . , , : , offition to stilt. . .. ... . . . .R4kON, , -
11.1 . ) ) 8 . . I understan It. . � . � .: 1. I . . I , I . . . . I .. . 1. .. . � I . I I .. .
I I the le,ral ali�l (.-( 11.3titiitioii;il(-oi-iiectiiL�s rods long by one rod wide ; Ill .N6s. , 27, . I , -_
. A RIGUT TO' XUDGE. : 1, � "Doret. pi ... 1! . I . 9 R F BRADLNY-GARRR'r,QOX Ca, Is td , , , -
-1,; 11 I . .. I .. . put that., thing t ` - . I I . '� OFFIOE-Ma
I ofth( govvi-nnient's (-ourse in hand- 28abd 29, one rod square ; And in %wo, . � . . . . g - ,o p7 ear,., i . . " . . . Aug. 22nd I I 1 k -mtfordi. .: . in street, B,Yficld, formerly- , - : -
. ' . . . _ .
1, 1 . "I - Persons ivho have used Dr.' �Chase)s I cautioned Tai Ann. "Is this'anpUipr of .. � -I, Farnt for Sgk,� . � I I �* – . OcatIllied byDr. pia - . ` . � ..
� . � �
,� ' I
,,, � nif ox ll- t Ito 0.111ley ch"ll-ges,to a judi- 30, four rods square � (one-todrith ,of ' All.' Ointment hav ' .. those tolepholles?". 11 .. . I . . . I., .. . . . I . �. .., 11 . , Meter
I . �'.., ., .. I .. . . . .
I r1l,inial. and lie made the iiloA of acre.) . . . .. e tile hest right- to � jndge . � . . .. . . . . __�.. , . , , I I .1 � , I . I I % I '. . I I
offtfi ly�iwitsan'd,tliere is . no pre - - I . , 0 , , , , ..
11 I I - � i` "O no . This- is worse 'thin -the tele, , .Lot . ... I I .,
:.��, - it. He is cortaill to take it splendid Fach person Ili Ontario who wisbes - � para�., all Coueesslon 31 H. R. IQ., 103 Acres; � � . I � 1. . I D�Wxe G., IER,ft. .. -
I ,,I I ' h ' . tton oil tho markot, ,today. which is. phoii�. it is -a g4a 'meter."' ' �. . I solinal house eu premises; within five riiialut, a / , � L . . AIST. HdL -, .
, POSitioll ill IWOVil)(1111 polities. , I oin the wox-k may c oose tiny one ba6kedbysucha,niass of unsolicited, ` "A gas meta�rl What,does, it do?" , I . 141k If oburoh, 5 Tittles train Ofinton, and 6 . I .. . . . I .� I M Pa. .
I � I . . . . . DIRNTIST, . I . . . 11
,� — (,)If, 1he exporiments,for 1003, and appil ' � �. milesfroml�enforth;lai4goa frame hou-e- good ( . 1- ''. " (Successor to Dr. T., C. B,ae, - I I - -
. I
ill will .be e consurn � . . . . � . . . . � . . - hicialtst In Crityrat aliffoll n' . I I. I
1. for thir� same. .. The materl, y testhnony, it citres eezema,salt rh,eun, ' "Th er.ly. . I � orehoord, mostly wititer fruit, 2 good -wells and . , ,. , ,
, 1� !11 Crislilk collil"y Cflppillg�s and plies s6 promptly find' thorol%illy 116W does it. work?" . .. n,,2 barna, one dilx5fl, vrith stone stabliti I - � , 1) _U rjd,e wafri. . . .
fin-nisbed in the. order.in which th I , 11 ' fl,f't'. . L; . rAduate .
e 3p- tl* t 0"' "r a I � t&l ,�4ur.
.1 . - I ' , ia po6ple lee, it f - kitown I der the other 28N60; driving shed an � ; . . e., .. I .
" . I s i mystery, ' It is oTiiy I I I � ..
- plications ire received"luitH the suppi 1"1,. I � , ! I
. I a, )l6asure ta recoill- . "That i ' h' -,n Apply i;o WHITifIELD MICH$ � , - - . - . � . �
", ilend it ta other stiftr6rs. - See iest.1- - thai it works'91AVA . . D b �gaorls of Ontario, Toronto 4 ,
L- An o!d mid well-1,nown resIdent of -is ex-hati4A-d. .It might_hLi&for ea% I I I I .y� and! untli-in1gly. It ' cliubt,np'. O. . . . ;. Augustl-tf .� .1 . . . I. . - - "--FIrSt�'class Honor. graduate at'. ID6n.: - .:�
. . . .
j , .... , talDsPiLJrtrnflmtot-Torolitb.U,;ay.ersity- . . .
__ - -.- I . I.. .
-77 'T 7 .1 -.-.- _.-77-, lelte , P60141 attention. paid to pre t, �.01` . ,. � I
, I IAN in-newspaper.,4 I I . . ,_].�*y , 6-alt,you 0eep arid .1. - The Cailladalosineis S ... :
, - - -mo ,York$ -*b il � . � .
wl � Exot -r 1-assed a wil y oil Sunday 11 -cel, applicant to inake a second chike; for . ' �. .. I _AAQ1"ou -.*. , - .- . .
. . . . I I . , . - -_ - -1 ____ . I -_ . I S COW* �
. I . . . _childreil,lo�teeU177. V,till. vi i =Xlf ��
- .. . . . . Farm, or . . . . . 1. . . I . t .,4i; . . � " . I M.Onday, .. at _T W - *1' , -7 ` :
. ,F _V81ifi6 --- � , HAM. .
I . in t1u, I (.1%,oll of' * , al-garet Svoti, relict, fear the first should not be' granted. .. � . . . . wake; It never stops. .-Ifis constru&ed I .. .... _,.,. __�_ _L_
I . n - Williaxii - ' Wateri and Mrs Alil6e ' aftitir the Newton .. TV ry- . I .
� (f the late.j. C. .�Icl-ltosh; kit the great All material will be furnished entirely ' . . ian, theory of creation. - . ., I . . I .. . � I .
I . 'Smith Nve 6 . . .. . �.:., � . . . , , - offliceaver VV. , , . . ��
11, re1quaid.guilty in the police It has something fult that just keepa� it . .. I�e opens'afte?1�aBbei vacation on Tues-' TRY10r.4 S4nfa shaft sWre- .'., �
r go of Xi years. free of charge to each applicarlb, and court at Belleville yesterday. of as- . . , I'ho,;Iil,.,�ilb�,r.ir�,s�.�.�IF-�th�,tehoi�etarih da� Apr. 14th, I I .1 --,. .. :.. . . . ; . ... I
I file produce of the.plots wi , whirling con and oil, at so , ,t - . . The spring months are �'. . --------- — . I .
,ti,uch per Te onthell.Lurokaroa Tuckersmithi :just qast of DiN. A,C ,a� , -7--
_14 _ � . . I .
; The man. .v6lution, and riabody know lig the beat t)f the year for making a, V I . ..
,� ' Wcoly of the the person. k, David &onsfleld. I ., . . it' . . . . � I.. . .
, s fine 75Mi,e- r irin, (lit the 13th con- got one year in risori: a -Ad � go0a. start. Write for the reisop why, 20.to so . . . . ,
t It I., of Hoof course, saultin the OiAfitrai P Vila 1,eeps Olinton. at Iliresell, amo
MI. 1):tv;(I 111)"w -s ha- disposed I ie the roperty' 1 n occupied by Mr nahei, . I . �. ,. ,. -
. it moving, �and nobody can stop it" - eongists-ofiboacresymoro or -less, wlt� I . . . ..
� . "81(Ki !oil, to Messrs Be I 'he . and smau calls for�hcl ..
I .1. aressiov. , Us who conducls tbe-experinient. I. the -woman.it yea �. . ... DlDT�TJSlf1_0_L1N110X., I " : I I .
.1 0. A. I . I . 1, Ila f, Mercer Re- -, . - . . frame house,bank. barn silo windihilt a from $35 tQ,$60 per - .:, . � . � . - I .1
� - -4 loop .y. . ... �`Funny� ;yes. Bu �r archard. 'Plenty of wai�`ar. I An excenelit' farm month' haa -to :be. -rilitased., ately, No Office adidi " ' ' I 1.
I Bros., of till . lot-ality, and e ZAVills�, Directoi.r. formatol ... ! I . � . ; ., . ."Mhat's funny,;$ , - � - . p ai wage , .
' -
", ceived for it th-, haiiilsoiiiv slim 1 of Ontario Agricultural Collegei . .. � . � .. . 1. . . I �� �,, e q . .. , - t in a splendid locality. , For terms I `10 . I . . . � uingl�obo *, . ., I � .
, -
� . .
I I . . � . . . .
.� . .1 I 'Ic -: 'G�eyery- d y .
, � 2131'(11:190.13. . I VIOOD HJ,,'Al,TJJ FOR, CAP.1T.&L. - , it . . .. I ,V ' ' ' ' I I " 'T O.- , I I .1 .
'' . I � I ii sail In Amer! . � . ' ' ;� ' " OM ,I 9 , -
I V.3 "). (hielp1t, March . . ca. Listen -to it, � , " running rig 1 , ARTECUlti . C;Dq(ry,l liton � .graduates lefi ': , e.- ours - . .to studi
. I I
:11 . �.; along. Thank Confucitis and the' 900 I - We teach Bookkeeping. Shorthand. and Sat Ida to A and ,
. .. I 1. . . . .
�', I . l�f&illtniiiiii�rgo6(llle,tl�ll'istOtIlElTna- " gods, of the Pale, Green N"I untiiii a 1, The . .l, 1! " 1, .
11 I ,. A very livettyand intorestiriv event . __ — , 14 Polimanallip by mail. . � Y.lnl�il 10 P- an, Blanch ofti ,
id . I I . . I . . . . , . I
. . . I . . .1 . 1 113 4anch . . CEO. : �
� I. a .1, .... Write for '.parti.cular� -. . arid catillopu ester I D ' I ai .. ,
i too14 plasev oil �% 611les1av, March -1th . ��oritk of pdopd� the most vital questifon *1 F rhi for Sa16 ' ' ' I . 1� o of ,Bayfle ... ...1113gannant nd .- � _ 7� � ,
p, . - , DEUIF,TNESS CANNOT - . gas ciompany never wi I get 0so'chance, � � ithe -Bl.�th �
, M., (I;tllkrllt(,r of .Ilr . . � BE OURED in the'world and 'natill,e , I I I , . I _ " , I . . I .; r oepartment. . . , I . . ld 1. . . .. . . ..
-when Ilwillall . � . .. . afforda - t e 'to read -What. this inator has recordell!" . . . ,. �. 1.
� -, � .. . . h I . . . , .,. ,, . al . . I . . .1 . . . . , 1. . ... . . . I . .1; I
11 I " 1. David McCittelivon, of McKill )p, was hy local applications .fire - . � ore officient.- strength(oller . for the , Cj ". L'�_�. � . . . 1. :1. .. .. . 1. -, - 7. - - I I I ., . �. . : I . . . . 1.
I I . tboy c"arinot m ' `13ut."j.'sahl'the Billpiess, " i there lio � 1,0 7, cap, 3, Colboriij, containing 50 acres* of . 1D. Iff ella,cfilhn, lk. Co. : I- - I I . ____
. , - . .
� marl -v c for the 1362vols. I - from this, in' Aiierida 2 . ,. land 11 goo(I cultivatio, � �Q acres felt plawingolfit 2 ,�, I . N7 ,no '
I . �, , . ..
11 ' . I . I '.. ." ,,, ete inarv. - ! -
. lie.'? , I .. . . I I acrea in grass, 5 acres fall wheat . On prenilses . � I . I .. alm.out, , - -, I . . . -
. d to .Nlr Ilagh Alv�:tij:lor, also reach the d . of the :oar . system - and restorAtiv - 00T�o so. " , � � I I * � . , I * ' ' , ' , I . .1, , . I
. , , of M.-Hillop. iscased porti � oil - that Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. Na,tjjr e . . is 1,1,� sturi franial house find *flwo frame barns in ehath I I � ., . .. r I I . 1 .. . �. . �.
, . There i s oni y oil e wa y to c ure deafn oss, - ally., graduailyand certainly it � * - , - .. . - ------------ �. �. , I . I
__. A Nvell-kiimvii resitlent of con 14, arid that is 1�y constitutional remedies; now, red. - corpuscles in ,. J 01`111S t - - "It nivat'be vorse than manifist -deg-� goM repair,also a good well aind'yo . . . 11 . � . � . . ..
. - , . w�ing beating . . .
�: Elfiria,vassod, Deafness is c, the blood,' ny " . . . . ofthArd, Farm well fenced and 11 , . DR. J- FREEMAN, - '. - . -
away vveent - Ili the per-, ausf�d by all inflamed Con- I I el - watered. V, .. . . . ,
sy�$telll the , . I I .. ... .lat. 1003, For fur- dri,-�Il 0 , . . ... . . .
� ' .son of ts into the slikip, energy '41 . _�i�ai . . . . .. . .. . . ROX, , - . . :
ON . . ; I � . : ., . ' ' ,as!,),, in "ba . : . I . I
Mates nevir,'healthy nerve cells and plarlic., ay a bad lwa tedl ' I . VETERINARY SUBG ' I
, , , 'Sho.9r' � . . ,.. L I . . I . .
", , � Alex. F(-rvi�st.figed 60 ye.1i.s. 1-fe dition of the xliucous� lining of, the Pat ,,It is.,, . � i . � . ; � � . . . .
� L had 1) ell in fa;liti �l vft'tlil'cw�ol Ile tii lie Eustachian Tube. When this tube- is t1rld . Wu," rerinarked Tsi. Aini, with that M r. t- I . I Member of the Vbtqri�nary lijedlealA I I
� ,
, . all .,that defies disease. .' . S JJSR VWDhXor.R.3EWELL, . : y6fing. 511001A.. I
, sound vitfi , : ept J� alt . .� inea sind w6men to 'Ions of Lend .,.,ad �:dfrfburgh, and Grada.
I., avo, ;t wift- I -go faillily inflamed yoii lia-.,6 . . til.7 .. .. I . intelligent smile Nvb1ch' ha enshrindd her . _ I h .A I . . piepaito fo� 1:110 ofthe Olaorar .' L
� I and le. ., 'Ind ];IT to a, rtlAnblirig.L. �;. I . . I . . I a . Box 40, Goderic I . ,
I is .. Adespatch.from Three Rii,ers f4ays "' t0rS L'4'.Wu$ - �, . I . I - . . 0 .situations. pp, y td .11 . . .
. oi- iniperfect hearing, andwhen It-� ' . . arts' of. �urio, collee . . I TREAT Dis , .
� l , iffiouril bis Iw-, . i �Oie. Ile . go;d . I k. ii,.D.Valtetinsirs College - . I
I . 'a
1�_" entirely closed, deafness is the" resillt, that -the iceon the St Lawrence'Rivol.. I am 01ad L you were sent,to America, . At — I . I I .1 �— OF ALL ANX7AR's. .
�, I-ast week Robt. Bowen,Grey,sold i3o . . . Uiominio)a - * '. . I . - __________ . .
I : n ,Lot Ior'Stlo. % ... I I I . .14gL . 1. .. .1 .
". and tu;Iess the inflaniniatio'n; can be hs:$ coninieAeod tc. move Law. Y, I I one -time I. Almost bad Ao-ided to- .be-' A16*4Se,q'd% . .. . I .% " . L, .
,, t )I ing I . . I . . .. I L. ; �.. � I . .. . . . � I I 40iv , f3AL.L. . L . I
I , I ��L, acres, the north J of lot :4, von 13,to J. tAken out and this tube restored to its � tbiity feet high o - A , � i , !, come civiliied'." - I . .. . . 1 � I 1. _"L . L �, . � . Uosiness ,� _ . . 1. . . . " .. I
' .
, �- - $1,700. Tlit-balitnee nal wjJIL . , 11 the ,whairves and . . I ep-r'O arty0f L L 1. I . 11 � . . - Veterinary,',. .. .
It, ,� M. Hutchinsoo, roi . nori condition, bearing be �.. . 4so Th ' the lateJaiii Tt . I . . . r I . . L urgeon . . ...
��; of the IM acres %vits purchased by �)Ira t de-' 'Into the street,al6ng the river - front .- Irad I,4 afek�bwiedgad IVu) "1W_ itated at N. Cit,ntir of Victoria an irnbull; sit. . . . L . eallege � I I .. .81 I
, I I . I 11 8 royed forevei- ; hirfe cases out. of' tell oarrying'away the *Officers of! Z, TtG., I the,bite. of .tile dog, ,,is tile lor'eip devils. d.11iffirla Stsi. :L - ''. , . _ . . . I . .. .. .. �. .9 . 11 . e4ceatillor till, j,� F� . . . .. . I . 1. I . . . . I
" "L Boyle, of thes-111w pIlwo fol: -M sol). - I � OlInton, latifferadfor Sa to..cheap.. There lots, The host eqllipp3dBusIness ijad:f - - - BILACKALT,
� , � I . . are caused by CAt&n,h,,*hicb is nothing. chalk andthe Th c L 104I Cd, plit-A, will c'U're t'hot 2xaIk,l1.-04Icaf%0* t:wd story f1`41100 -dwelling house, containing . I $borthlind, . - I I . .. . .
� '' lullue(liate posse.-6ioll i24 given , . C reeRiv� I's (I I I ' .12 aojle�e�ixxcaiiia4. 1�iiduced tuiti . on raids, � . ' - :, - ... .. . I I .
I -
,�. � . but an Iftflained onditl . .. . �, . . ,� � 1 � . ... , L I 'L . . . . roquis 903111DIIS11191L d0lMe'llfirlor, two dining. . Diseases r,f ali'dryinesticajed 'Ilnilta-), -
I I L � . I . .. L I
. ,L .
. I
' About sevelity gliests assellibli'd I , , ... . L I I . . � I.. .:a!�!�' . .11 �_, . Is � 0 .1 . I roonts Alid,l�ed�,,Zi,,m,4,,tl,,,f,,�.,,,,9 also asmall-barn, ling dur cotirses'. 6f attidy; trealed'on:s6i6fotific, princilli e , -, L , , ,
L ' kit linicous.surfaceq. . . . I .1 . -, � . a. � .art_ t Writealef reggairs: . I I I . 6 _:. . , �
_ I ,40.el c:� of". -and 2 -s W. . TOOTHAC,HH CURED IN i - trees oil I hal lot.. ana.'prospebtiof sepuringsituationi for . ,QaI s promptly 0,
. - . �
, � . I
� . the re. Nil Nh I foy, I ... I . . I . I . , OX14 , � iw;�Z',ilsiat or, apply t J - . . 11 I attended t
I , .
� - We Will give One Hlundroad ill 11611irs, . . . . . * � � .. . . "M ---,, 33 - 'rac t I A so I , , . . - . , . L .
. I ) . . a .9 . , . . .
� of M a!t011, 011 T"OsdaY afternoun of for any case of d0Rf1le6§,- Ca . I IINUTE. � .. . ; " .Oct. in. rrisfor, Lli,ntort.� 1.uhtes. Ca a.i us sent free Addreg& Offlce-�- . . . . . I
. sed by . .. . . I . ' ' I . � . L I . ,:. I .. . . ., I . .. . . Dailta Stj,_()IiTxton ; resi ence L.
11 last week, to wit ness t lie illarriage of caltarrh,that can . _Jk1,lI'g I . 1. , A i d
1 , 1. their danghter, Iliss �Jlllfe ],,., to J. not Lbe curedby LI S-tturate 'Some bathig. with Polsoli's , � The Doctolips _ . .' - .- � . I � .. .1.1 . I . . � 1. . . lbert St,
. I I . ,
. .
m atarrh Cure. " I 1. I . . . L I I . . 'J. B, MCKAY'. , . . I I., . 11
, C Send for circiilars,frs�e, Xeryillue and place in the�� It' f;. I I I I I I - - - . .. . . I . . Phone 62. - I
I �, . cavi y 0 .. I . . 'Ile I I � 'L '.! 'L.Do t ilejo. L � - . I � I
W. Morr7son, 41 Well I'llowil young 1ENE, Y & 00, � � Toledo, �O. the tooth, Ru)3 th . . . I . st . . I �,
1. .
I F- J. CI e painful paxt of the 1. ., , . OPPE. ..: . I . For ,s " . . ... . p Confoaeribibxl� Life Blag, L , 1V I
. . . . .j I � .. .. .,.. I ,. I . . , L. I I �
. , , . . fac6 with Nerviline, binc . . I � R. . i - I .- � � . I e ane().us I �
gentleniall. SoldbyDrug sts,750., 11, - L . . . is I . . � 11 .: I li8c.. 11.
I.. - I in-, a hot fiall- . . .. .. I . .. I I -_ 11 * I . . . TorontoL ont. 1. 6" L ' , . ..., I ..
, 4red" -oil 17,C -ey, -ill s r4 atni Y. Pills are the best. - And the -toothache will disappear. . . I . � . - L . . . I . . 4 . ' . . 11
1. " V soll of Goo, Hodge,( :rz J1, IT, . I I I . . I . Cottage, Silliest Z ew situated.;onjissae-Stresit 1, � * " ' L ' ' , ' "' , , ' _-�__ . � . , .
. L L I ' Hall, . Doub . to 1. . I - .. . � - �� _____� . : Col Los. IFIGhlEfioil k - '.. � ..... � L. : . ' L
� I � . 11IM11116 I I . � . . . - tiefir OeLtre of towns tiontaini .. %' . I ..� 7. - 11
, I � .1 " lyhofell offa Stick oft imber-beingliaill- . � . . . I . . ediAtily, 'Nervilin'�- is a 9plefidid I. J L , * Parlor; Diningi , I '. Ic ..
le" .1 L . . for,eSh A Alas 'kitobent and p4litry, also . . .. . .. . . . � .11
�: -hich pass( household remedy for,crltii I . L ' . room, tbroof boT rooms,' three . I Ativiolli . callbiTox � O�T,, ' - I � I L . . I �, .
ed to the mil].NN A over his . )1si inalOs- . olothes.clossits, Sale: . , �. . I
� I e . .1 I tion, 6amnier-6 . . . . I . . . . ' , SPYAlner kitchen. Goodi oue cellars bard and . . I . . I . . I . ...
I " . breaking the hone iiearthigh,isgettb"� Lover's Tribute In. ' Mplaint, Murnatisni:L . ' L ' ' I Cglitiral Agent or,reallerad Ufat Aiasurlincti Cali - - "
I - along vf�;ry witisfactorfly . I I I.. . I . . I soft water, good garlic . . ' I �
, . Ile I% 7 or . ; .1 neuralgia and toobliache. ,Powerful I . . I in, large an a sman fruits of Vaittible 9031dent e'Property Poliole OVO4 plalist,with . , .
. .
eal's Of age ,-'fill will I)(.- conr- ned tohis ,; . elletrating, safe And pleasant. for in- . G6041 F'0001 in abundance. nice lawn. All in tirat-olatog . . . . 80ealltholatestappi � I
�, L' 9� nuel Lover, Ireland's artist,novel i '' . I . I condition,. Owner-leavi towu� Also some, . in the ToWlii'Ols CMInt in4 , : Privileges and options naost advai .. . . ;.
I I . . 1. . . I I . tilfd privately at the � , . I . . I . . to .
Cd for some time to come. rernal and ekterllal, use. ' Price 25c, . cod furniture to be so �'r . 0 the Insured. Annixities. f0i§ued, al 90099 to . .
.1 . ist, gong writer and dr.unatist, ill a . : I . I ! I I i fouse. Applyto , , I . . . L' ' . , ' .1 L 1� . .
L 'L . .. I i I . . 11 , . , ,. . I., . ,. L * .. . I . . . I I .
L . 11, Sugges,ts , . Ufie� Dr Hamilton's Pills for bilious-' '' . I .1.1. I 12.n AUg29. 3,T.1F.LJtM1MT0N'C1into*, RaillteriburYL Hotel, 0 Infoll on 'gatitrany, the I . . � . . ..
I I Mrs GeoWhititievand family ]olive vory populai versio . one Try Nervi'line-, V � ". I . . There will be sold b Il' public, auction at file - L I " , , " ,
, Aiii-furn lit a s lot- fllinvfor tile North- reasnii for the pAvtiaulai . `Tearty_p0_- I ness. , ,. - . 1_ . . . I' .. ,. . I . I 0, .. � . � I . I . . I 4th day of April, 1903, attiie hour or Af "' -RIAGE..� X 'RXSE8, - .* -
% - -hold i . . . I � I . I . 1. . . . --- two o'clock ..-L : C
I west. Theit. lioti,4* 4ects were tations (in St. Patrick's Diijr arid at the . I . . . � � , . . in tbe afternoozif the residence and four lots, '.� I : I . . 1. I
1'�L � . . , . arM F 61 -'I ' . - one acre.) of land, formats .1 .
, - -el�. - Whitlwy lifts sayne time attempts to-cfear up..t , � Occupied by Dr . I . - . . .
shipped this wt 1I I i L he e I . . . !. ftle, ,,. . I wyaley. ayi& situated on atteli - . . L . .. .
� � - -) Lite Northivest -eral -ears. 1. me 'I 1. I . I . !1 , . .
,Tallies ff'LBeamish of Brind-all '�wa� .
I L, I . F . . � t JSigURID By '- . I
ane bythe . . bury street I . .
. . b(,r,)i it lse� � naystery :of'tlie �ccfrkecb (late of -the 11", ,lited1yagoldlicailede, 0 - .. . .. . I .. . I .fll . __. - . .. ad oilkitig tfiq Presbyterian church. . . q . .
I l(oan ; i . I . - "I'lils is the choicest residene to in i I ,
I They disposed of I livir I ouso and'lot to sa"rit's birtl day. . % . P1 06uservative Association of . Lot. 12, Bay old con., Goderichip.; Ito acid 0 cationincilln-s I I JURIALL19110 I JR Ott. -.1 , ,
- . I .. iL' . . .1 olf!ared,balancehtLrdwood�withalarI � I ". . I . ,
1 (Ill, vighth day of March it,.NV - - , I . . I I . I __1 .
L I .. I I , . . .. . I I . � I .. . i Wit I � evall� achell-to thelionae: -w- � :; . . .
, , , -it Tradat-inill,16. . � I y of cedar on it),,In cod state at �cufb va lf)z hitherto used as a ph7aiefan,s Offices and a. slorb! ' 0 - . ..
1 , , Mi'Wul Davidson. 01 . th, ace .. I L .. � M ton, Thtire is a good Offle0iff . . . )or
448, I I . 9 loodious stable. . .. . . . : M ARRIAGE LICj3 I :
11, On Wednesday evening or last week, 8011W peopl6 say, I I At the ineeting' - of 'the Ifistoi-ical ; , . . PaLtl'tfut 3ave acriw fall'Nv eat,fand considerable fall� . f8stied by �
* , , " In done. Uomfortab1o,-br.ia]chouae large � I T41ifors-Ten 'r dersigned flat his N111111 ,
L OW'g or MO doWn. oil d , i cif..,16" L do, L let, 4la .
; --Abo t IZ iti,o,itioll �1,�,,.,fs iissellihied lit. Tivit f4t Patri6k ,It midnight lie, 411'st 186clecy in Hamilton it complete roll of � For all , tho.sle, threatefted. . t I 1pllaitoq, , Rest ry strire .
41-t- tallZ't-Ilee e'f �111 Alvx G'ardills;4". to I saw tile (lay, I , , . I ... . . . barlaw that(ibl(bguziderne;tth,ari-ving shed and , balance in thit Y da.ve.thereafter w thout iiy- �
. ." I � . the -second. flank of 11 e, 5th Lincoln I - I . . . . otlsqr� outbuildings; about 2 note iciest- . . L . . . . . . . , R ()IT , .
I '"'I)Ile ()tllel', I . orchard t I . I .1 . . � aA�11 8 6 C , ': S.0 L. :� ,. - ' .
I � witness the inarviaige of .11 iss Kett 41 s declary 't�ytjs. t1le 1-fillt - Militia of 1812 , ��bited,, I ill .1nostlywintorfrult., welt watered-nevorfall. For further Partlaulark and oonditions of sale I � . I .. . L � I .. . *L '
I I ..1a... . hi � , with C 0 ilog Opting creek and o w fles Ir , I � � 'rA?�IES .. . .. I .
, .
I lxgk to ,oV Was 001. , _ . q .", . . onsumptio a . Ifol till _ OA&VhELL LOND198BOlto. .. I
I 11 L third dauglit, I: ot tlj(,� wordik 'to I I I_ - 11 I . Thop (Jlhoinon� Lake floating hrldg� I . f, . . . . . train Clinton and threefrorn BaY$Ielol. Posses. - T, 1 S. 3ROWN. HENRY BRAT''TIR,01intlen, . J .. I . I
. . And 'twits fill a inistake biltweeri 1111(1- I ... il__ - Stan At Any time, reasonable tepani Apli for . Auctioneer. 93SURR OF 3MRIAGE L .
nipi I - � - , ; i ,�"'_ - , further kS Solicit6ft, for Vendors . I . .. . . YOURSE19 I I -IV,..
Mr Wiilimn G. CNrk, ono ill ibe best I . . tit Peterbolcough; worth $30 C50 was - . articulan to 013� tr St'L ' I I . tnesses requit9d .
I , �, - known and niost. highly yvospoctf-d , I t aftil illorn ; 'damaged Ill the p � . . I J.Pavid se, Godorich, - I. 11 . . I . . . , I No W1. . . I
I young gplitlelfiell or this vicinity. rior I . llistalces will 0( ��hle on Tjle8(1�y �ighb I - ees Ull L I _ I L . . . . .L . I. I. . I 1 , _. '! I " . L ' .
I .
-list( I find shocks !Our' In it. '1111'ry I by tllQ ICO being c1riven agitinst . it. . I !.- , ..Pale of WhItti . ram LL . _ *tso *--*-.w -,,-.*--.*-.*...*...O,-.*..o.,...*...*401.#.00#.**.i.l�-.44,.14 fi - �� ,
. . � I . ... - I ...9, . .. I . --48 - -, - .
. L : 4 . . .
The, 0 -es; of S. S. No. 2,( r"N"I"J"" I And soille blamed. the bliby itud . I . . . y .flt L R It vin I ar of I ., � I . I . . 7L �'IA�CPJRJE]ftSOX I .
engaged Miss.Jennjo flowe, Biq'is4els, � Soble Jambs'Revoy, of'Loildon, Ila, . Fole * ., 4? . . � 1.
-is teacher, and shi War n oda tile clock ., - , I q been The) 044 of books, inanuso . all , . I . I . . I #0 I I 4 , . , I 1. _ . . I 1 .
11 � - conlilienCl-d. WOT'k appointed barfft of the First Division alitographs, from tb�, librar . ohn (11 . I . , . I . - *L - 4s...: . . . . � .� � � .,.
I Tillovith all �thi,lir cross queiltion 'r I flil the vacancy...' whittler, on Febru . ,9 klisil residence 4xidl acre of land ta, Ifill,rio -'� 17.01,67. Ba 'e . I , I MVIUXUB , ,. . . . . ., � ,.
. I I last Monday. I here: list,, not been an,, 1- The No' I . . . .
., ii)snl`4�1' Gourt "'ondou, to ., . . . 11
1. . o one could 134Io_w_._.__� ..... _ ,en,wiri1 UY 0, in NOW York, _j . , I -_ . .
. school held.in this rv(-tiQn since Ills - - by th, fl.,fltll ()LAII-e- lata -1-4 Strts�b, Clint,6n,*OOmP, collar, woodobed,bard ,, . . :,: .. L re I I . . . * . .1
' IT& % - , us'and 4ollan Me soft waters, HOW stable and driving. shed I 0 1 OFF On, to Y, % 11,1114 0 Q
mid -summer mving to t L Uthe en va,q too faflt or tlii� clock �Billrhs. .. - .. - . A .Y-Wd4d.-4hi=,b Aim ilto - ' _Lfno�,V 66" * _ L , . IN - I tire, I A
Ill . L I __ -_ - I _ , L � Ara_ _4h �! �,cgf7 , . I R Celd
'A'419 t . I I fl u rp 0-1, el t�o isAle vf.as to �Jjr�vldo no a. I Pxc( 1 Aq —1... - - - - MACK 4 R._'rr,J,XT.OX_, , , ,
11 .( 00 'slow, - I . . I .1 . . . 0 4 ! . , j��A � .- -
(!11(: stnall. 11111111 . I I . . 0 . . I I . . . . I �_. I . L I L I—. ,, r--_1 I-— ...
. . . � I I A , I . . . * . , . .
berofehildren but I - ltiv( 1well ; I I . � I . I . A, and, C-rm4ne trealti.etc. I � I _,_a�. .. .. ..1. , T id Ratnmllt . , I . ..
Ill I . I I " I
19 S)Ainterfaniie af tfib , r, , '.1 I , .. . I . . ,
. ,,(try,- unds for the oil
several ch,qng(ls in th( ))()A,* of fill"- N(,;v the first fliebion flgllt hi L �old 'Ire. . uld #I-iit for"t, e- � "' . . *_r�- -, 2, ,,, , . . . .. .. . .
-v willprol around . I A tir's 4 simisihilify Aead, and the ,tum reitliz4 should go - . Also for silei "' 1 , . I*,*.. . . . . 11 . . 40H14 W yr.a.'", .. I
ilies and thet Ilisibly w . land, they say, � . , Notht , . el I
. dozen able to littend now. I I L I . __ . I At an. time Up tp,lst ST,t, acres,pat-tof I the X � 'We al*ayg keo'6 on hand,f6ilarge... '- I. HOLMIMi LEj I . . I
- .
Was al on aevoilne of ,9t, plitrieles . . . . . I I . . L far toWards mil,king � up the samount tj4: rower, lack'at-b"att A 4&.n� well assorted atook of goods ... to V10 * , , ,
� - Win ,Jones, of Exeter, 'who) a few birthday ; . L . . aeasax-3 0 ofthRildotWillisinx I . L . .. * A48111; far thqXANCH96TIRINAN
I .. r. An autWapil message of Pre. t ol ohoose ftord. . 'CO,dfMancheste ABStRANOX
. I 1",'N'017 1110ther is responsible to some Streatt Clinton, wbic is it valuable Property -? to England, whosi fun .
:L1 months ago wits so unfortunate fig to Some folight Mr the..op'! sident Lincoln to, coitgress ,brough t1l,l r it it aro Mg, befhC iWell p " - . � . . . . . . soilaturity are rated %t,$l4^W0. ". '.are
L, t . Idutaid out in, ? L . . ds�
_ -_
. -Ifflo c t hth, f0i, the extent ior the health of her little ones, I Ighest price, ($845). The sale Was, a I r shes, a all fruits, 01) 0* mi'lea can plot lb, the me. . I
. . I .1ii ninth more, woIll( (It(, - - mlels,etc. There dy from Utd 10o .. RILLOF MUTIYAL INsVpAXejp (30. An
.,. . loseoneof seyet;NN nittin , blinds And the prudept always Is a ear excellent gra, a of oabd and t � . . I I farnarisks offliad bew alits a . .
,, - ire, keep Tit Hand the means for pri,itect- -d with the great $Ion 0 remilleswilichlavefAftollt.ble. Ir- l6wasti rat6s. Firat It prop.
vat a threshing, is again in Ill .5, hwi�, And who -see. light-, ill L Inotber will I � Ili
wouldn't , small matter ftliv, orty Its .
Bon bdria 18a Jo�$l per lb, ... t-alass �J,Ofsrk (in, y � .
r , .. On Thursday'weelt - )I(- notended 7'hos, they blackened his,cllyd I itiq the, health Of her ehildren,' 111cf, art &nations . , , I LL Money to be had L
, wo(;d bee, and while engaged At last 11 V9,1011h, N,nv York has -seen Isr I; S -RAITH,or to W. . 911110 Mtflilaeritt&
,; � Sweet's both tile fac-tiolls so positive this plirpose t this Winter, but beextise. of -purpose tit 8Z_ . . 1,11,0XI110, derital"A006"Ulklt to Inittialre sof .ra 4 r . I
" in holding a round stiek while two ' - gTew, . htire I's absolutely no t . AS . I I . I FILV;;fy 0-latatolateff and Ordains at l9af , F. �
I Inedicine. can., compare with Bab71sL it Is-gratifiltig that A thould have gone — - _." - � L L , _ _. . I . fate,119 Mail' - 1101nitsville - pos I d
,tell hall a birth . ' to A 20o to 256 per lb, hina, . . vil
,� �: '40diorswere sawing it, thesaw Joinped That c, . dAA 80 Pht then Own "I'ablets. These flablots '. W101, Some exceedingly inter4s, in 44, . , . I I '. .. . L
. I . a pe ottersis lbo;oka and manuscripts w6re I L , . I .
.1 .9ilit. of its course into his hand, clitting hall two-, � , . y I 11je 11ouse for Sale Or to Rent. 4 _1---_-q
. *8 allix I 11��� �
. � I Father I I rellovo and womptly cure all gmaiil ot .. X V19a and Does, .
� � . it large kind painful wonnd, .and , Till �.8,1 - fered, land the ,watehful dolleettlrg of tfhii . � I 1.11 - I � , % , . "I I
sevor- Milkallen;f, .�Vllfrlo s1lowe.d and bow. ol Iroft Cos, break" tip colds I I 41.1 ' I .
ing geveral . As of the tbuinh. " them tfiell 1 1�4, . , . opulent to*lIt lot rt�rfif 40f t1l. 11A. A oonif6rtable cottage 6orltaItNlng7 raoins, 1.4n Naval and Val . briols I or. . NeKILL L . . . .
" ,.. of the eoi "' . . allay t1le Irritation ftetosolnpan, In th 4_* Atexi. � t. . I OP ART . .
�, id 110 one. could ,,,, two. birtlid6yo check simple fave, I I I allit pass � $_ I
. Aboutsfxtyrebitives of tile bappy�.Slt ;e XS) prevent erollp,Mi I approlatod,, Xaw Yorkloo eminence , with woodelilld, hard #611d sasit Water, quarter X L , 06,1900 156 to 500 per doz, 4 4 L FIRE - .
I - . yl g e I as It note lot, with beating ffuft troaq, gotta. st,%ble. +- L � .
�. I - of Mr arid i Nat a pnir of t"Vill,q. . putfing of teefli. They are marktt for all.rato lityid curious wall . (NINJIMANCE 0. .
. , � couple gfithe�cd at the I om( . . . . i'� 1. ., 1. . g.00d foi- L C01 Will bealthur sold or rented on very reasonable 1 X tomons 250 Pat doo I I. ., . I I
l . , . 11-hililre th4b 001100tors 00vat ,has been w*fider. terms.
. 3fri 4fice)b RQoder, on NN*eftesday; Say, 116, "BOYS, (10141"1' lie . I plot, 27 -lin L . . 4 * - I .
I I s , n ofall'a (Isfroni'llboth UoWltrds - f 11 - W BRY;DONIU. .. ,, S . I . - '
:; :. '' week, to witness the nifirringe of their I ' I pgllting� for Itl3d also sold 11 (11 � u y fattalStoft fby, this L reartairkabl&, �&16j I , VA". arid 1SOioAiF1T TOWN-PEOPEUTV' ' I I
I �, ll( or it guarantee -tar C()b. . . 11 . X Don't forgot 0110 fig the p1heo for ..
. I eight nr toll nifle, � I 1 4 .:;_. - L ONLY lKSIURV
i : .L�' dau. liters Miss Mllry,to li"Illilor IC1011111, T)otl't he always dividll)g, 11 son C. abi no oplate or harluflul drug. All .. of ihl8.*1rlt.l1ros . I __ L_L " _,_ ' , " ' '"L X 1XII kinds Of chkesij Pastry, ato, I . . . . . I
� . of t9e Bronson line, Tile cereiviony I tinl('R . niorathers who have i L . . �!. �
� _", b I ' " , used Baby's Own I � I -_ 11 0 Dprionne I
I � .
� -Tablets pl-4is(,, thp.1), and keep thein ill , . 81MOUAT)v Pregidenti-Irlpoeup, 0.
. . was erformed at 0 o'clock, by Rev (ion,binvol 11 , , I - X A gwd lino or itilog, olgara I?nd L -prqAIL - I TEO8
Mfer-� tile 1,11thoroll chilreh, Dash. I "I" , d ROW'silteen t'llp honse. Mra John NVe A Sudden baparture. I Eff"0196r, vies dou% Britcalfield p 0 -
, ... ......
.� , I 'i I , offiet, io, ftelitili* ,
, , of 14 fflp I aver. Bliss. . I o- - I . :�: L"llays' 600y"Trefifig . I , . ; Tholo, L
, , wood. I'MISR (11`11'11 10`1111), I ,q . 1, Nang: 'IT have it thilli1v of '010, bok4 Ion Ovet Tavlor & Sousa "store-oultabi t6bottleo,alwalynorlband, 110ft . Ins (later 0 USAN. Seatera, P 6 1
. ; ffoorn. acted as bridesmaid, While Mr. , a. Own VhArl-DIdn't your now c ve any, purposes . Apply to a folk! � 1341011orfo osystcre Always(#1 101toolt, Own ocality, Each DlricG t6it life I
n),"'I'll (oll" "Amen," ; s1N ellildl�en Juld have 114('1113aby P(
, -did(IT' Of tile () let 4,11at, bv 11 I fleld. N. U., � - -
sllvq t .
o . lus�e,141'.111i'tcl "InN'.. � lil;jhlet.4 ,111,1 1�11ow th"'t j,bey are the )Fft talblittr suddenlyt 1Mr 4
L . Ernest Roeder. brothor of the brides If he wnsli't a i w(Ill, .-4111-so, our Ili,' , tbu-yt& IT. 91, tf. Ure. As U. MANNtXG olinlon, UWL'Ovohr
�: I I L story best-Inedissille r IT 8116 got Miked'in her dotes, She, ,had ik I.,acrern in line, , W. G. netviltdott sear
.� isupported till' groolil. . will AlMV, , I " ,,, L Ve evel'.11,�.lvd. for.nly I . 411% .. 11 .ortn John 0, Oraten
I la"ftz" - I
Ifto 1 F9�k .,
t?kK .. ,� I
*41, w
I` i�' I I h b - 11 - � ,
I- 5 h
Hi ill
U it
- ", I
I &.6 a,,c--
. ���
� I _
I i `
I 'I ,;";\
11 I I
� I
I 11 I
I -
�A_17�, That lat loast lln`%j�,,� wo),lill. f,,,t ' , littla diles", , . . 10116)n4n and burgllw call 031.1lesto tha . _,_�_�____.__�__� �._ X L .. I. Winthrop XO,GWtR6,1yal0.Seaf01th, John .
, � __ . -.v�!_,�.117 fs. ., Y UL XAU sa2ho 4bV0fn9.--"Plek4U.TTp,01 L .. ,,, 1, . , .. 11 - .. $ t L I .. . I ll
- g-4 aliy . . . I iiewith Ultlin Jail --vano beechwood P" - .
`Y6 U�f6. - ft �rGM G elle Day. , I , i Milt �Vo TZi]6 - �,) _. 1 ,, - lt-,73. -!i;,���-Owit�-�T4tl)k,t,s,-�.�'-'--"L,--"-- , ' - P,
W. I ft.oln ally (b'Ilggj8bL0r thoV .--."- � t-- , ' " _--_�_ . ... I - I - John I I
. Of got blit)d drtInk, I . will Ile s6nt . I � AC , __�Johyl��A,.,Nrc,T,,e,isW - -IC'WOAII-,..Jara4l�--..-�----.�
Too'ke Laxative l3romo Quinine Tablotu' 41'etvi"'s -o(kk__,__.,_._ A*.,__._1L-=1111tT1 - -L , ' " att" "ar 00k P O, ith6mas' Fratot -
I Then thily, . .1 I I I. t . I ..
lott; refund. the firioney It it falls I I 1`1011ftililftell thpir bliss whiell by Inail post paid at r) cento it box, by A stomt, ,otty I . ., 111011110. cLittor, ,Pat W, ChIsno goo,
. . Aft druan I Writing to the Dr ,41 Afedicinp liko P, pidu jn� � fit "�j ,tormlonf* alf. Vftno i ', Js*** -s* I& fortli, lit . L
tlf!p .t 40casor Of,), ma"Jay, lint6r, ,V+ .
I "frool that Vo.,.Dilockville, Onto I 101W. ek, Vat shlb is tA Ill " r"r wde several head of young Heverom 4. ! OPNTA
I to Onto. Do W. Grove's signature is on And we kep , 11 1) th 11 pran, William. .
. 9461i box, 00, I diq, till this, ,� , I . I thoro,brodausl tut -r fino"030(3111'soritles . . al - Utablort, Smith, 11411rok Balibimaxillan "4m. li
. . ) I E ,4 Ill I t .. . I
I I . Uar. U-tio, ,,L.1JA1tN ( AIW,C alike, � ,so # 04 rth; JAI) bit"Inifilig"Pithlo'l4villo, srWyco
. I . I 6 �&40# soss`#6*4040o11#* , I e 060 MIltdif 49djohn O.U6rrlao
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