HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-04-03, Page 1F .. �, A �_ -4 � - . � � . � 0 0 0.0 I 0 0 .0. 0 4 0 0 0.0 I I I 4 ' Notice of Removal � '4 . Jackson Bros. OlUce for the " I settlement of accounts and the " ' 0 '40 I' J settle" adjustment of business will be 4 p I - I f,u .4 found In the factury oMce, 4 ... P 1 'L err Perrin block. All accounts .4 I must must be closed at once to save .4 cost'. costs. 14 Jatkson Bros. : I . . 666460441 ........ . . qioderlch Tqwashlp TOO - I I e regret to learn that Mr , I I , � :. George Burnett is not as rugged its we , would wish to see, but as the Warm . weather approachesmaylt have a good 1� effect on our esteemed friend, Mrs I John Alexander has had weavers at- . 'i tack of indisposition and still lingers � the same, - Mr John Rathwell has So,- , 'cured the servicesof Ur Albert Thbmp- son for a month. Mr Will Powell.who � has been a visitor at - Mr Willis Beira , � I r the -past two. m,onths, has changed fo.� , I I :his degree to &laborer, and,will assist I Mr Bell in his work pertainin to the . ,SF ( 0" farm. Owing to the moo as being — � , __ _ ... I ­ . __ I . .1 1. I I . . I .. I .1.1. I . I . - . .. I— � 11 -.1. ­ I 1. Uederleb lRollmesyllille, . � . r -On Wednesday evening PASENT4TION—The 119,11110 of Mr and . ,- � , 3k Mrs Jamea. Atkins. who, Mrs- John Me, Cartney was the scone of visiting, was. returning to an interesting and happy event last . In the township, Just over FrIday eveuiug4 One hundred or more track, she Was brutally as- of their friends and neighbors assem- y an unknown man.' She bled to bid them goodbye, before their )a b�hlnd hei�, and, turn departure to Manitoba, Mr- and Ml!s her follower had it pl!'I"! McCartney were earlyealledto,prekient 0 ced suddenly overher mouth themselves, and the following &ddress is screamed when the ruffian was read by Rev. Mr, Hussar. Win. I , ow Voice, 0III m. urder you. if McCartney . I . I e presented Mr McCartit y stop.," But the victim kept with it g9ld, watch and .G. Tebbutt.pie , , ,,Land t et his hands away seated Turs McCartney *ith a. silver 0 , oreof hi a fingers so severe-. butter cooler, as an expression of the e blood from the wound she high esteem in which they are held by ss Helt"s . 3elow is found the report here for the month of on regula,rfty of attend- leportinent and general PC Il-GrotaWebb,NIn& a Woods. Bert Miller, . ; . . Tr 11- Harvey Webb, fterheadll, David Joynt, � .Qi,­­i-. P.nnall i Ar TT - Parhamentwy readifings. , (By the Editor), . . -_ � The government has been receiving � delegations of all kinds during the last few �xys, and one almost,comes to the conviction that the life of a Cabinet Minister is any -thing but a, desirable one. � Very many of the delegations . have good Claims for consideration,.es. pecially those asking for harbor im- provements and bettor transportation . facilities,. because this country ls-grow� jing so fast that the present facilities or shipment are t%xed to the utmost. A AT 4.0 11 1 +*1 � FORMALDEHYDE i . I . . .� IRYDR: . li � 40% $010flon., I I I For Smut germ on gr4n. I I I Have you triedlid If ' not, why not? . i , . I � . To those who have used it illillPlill -he S. S. I No 9, the Ti maxle tiew over her face, When first, a large circle of friends. Mr MCCart- aX�-.XtUPIA4 WAMIA:A�,. "M4M �­94­14'. ­.- . ._ey­. ­V..V� " �� . �5_ ­ I � , � I I . . ­ pirevailent in t IP e attacked Mrs Atkins seized one of the ney, o I a belialf of himself and wife, 'Miller- Cleve JO at,Mary Sheriff,Irenel . considers its claims for favorable con- would iiy that our Formalde- i : � .ary school has been closed for a .ew I . -11 _. bydebas arrived, and ickets of the f4guce, and was still hold- . made a very feeling reply. The friends Weatherhead, 91obert Durnin;Jr 17- sideration just as strong as. the rest. . we are , - HUNDREDS OF do& 8 ;. other sections are sure to be P Agnes ClIfti Geor e Weatherhead, Tariff delegations ape the ones tbat prepared to supply it by the, ; . algicted in the same manner as the Ing on when the -scoundrel -knocked then sat down to a most bountiful re- I I rm. is in the air. Mr John Stewart. her down and tried to drag her to Ahe past prepared by the ladies, consisting Sara Durnin, Ellioft Miller, AltheA seemingly cause the government the OUTice or lb, . . I � I . WORKMEN Stable, and seemingly might have. suC4 Ate and other del . Cliff, Etta Carroll, Hernian Philli a ; mostanxiety and concern.. When so I . . �. I ealatiful bay driver . - i" icacies, after Tr Leaving- I Donald Clark, Li2 ... . . . . Oartney, of Holmosville; Ceeded had not her c _f Oy' h We ill- many diffe. entand confictinginterests . I 9: purchased a, b .. I 1 o yj frOmJ, Me ries been heard. ch eeveningwasspentin social - . ' - . Mr John Beacom has also investod in a by, Patrick Parr, . who was walkin )N'hi reours I address ; X.F, Reel.104-e.'s Find their employment within tenf,min- . ; inte e. Following is the ee, Stuart Millerp Qordou MacDonald, present their claims, each assuming I rites walk of this bank. Theycould all is at into town, and hastened to her as$IS .- M It ANX) B1113 JOXX MOIJARTHEY, � . Xyrtl i Phillips. 'Those having pupils that their industry 'abive that of any I ... . have& savings account without sliv speeder, Mr Harry Hutchins Dear.frioude ,-Is is with n9rr eceive governy . , � . . I ow and . reserip4lon Drag Store, Olialon. I trouble. quite a loss this time of the year as a Anco- On hearing Farr's approach . to- send for the first time,p'6ase see I o other, should r * kient a.s- P I . . it Uninedia consequence of losing one of his best struck Mrs Atkins two rather severe re h.' we record �yoiir . tely after Easter vaca. sist c, in the shape of an increase in I . Come in and see an any . "= to t(on, - 0. A. TEy3BuTT, teacher, . theltnacTifr, the difficulty of reopneilhig ,� . .. . � . . I working horses. Mr blows and ran away, and the victim in ye from our midst to Manitob hip I JUandel Cole, son . I � . _� . . of Peter Cole, has gecepted . a position 0 these is enough to turn a inan's. hair . . I day,stgoonor whenever was in such a nervous state that she eyening wahave assembled at your "home CHURCH.. -In the absence of Rev S, . . . I . . . convenient. 1, at Mr Robert Bell's Engine works,Sea- be ged Farr to remain by her instead Ao bid you goodbye. As neighbors You have M. Whaley; B. A., Calvin church pul­ ,Take, for Illustration, some � . � e alw&3 a been kind and obli � ging"always rey. P. S-r--Nasturtiumaria , forth. Mr Will Xarrott, . Pedegogue, Oflollowing her assailant. It is to b . I I it was occupied by Rev McKay, of those who have been here this weookf . The Sovereign in No 9 school, found it nece hoped the . scoundrel may be captured . rea4y to lend a helping hwid when needed, Cderich, ox . On the one hand is the Manufacturers',, . � . . . � . . ssary to , I Bunday morning last.; he al ad- . . . return home last week owing to and justice meeted out to him in no and by your upward ritalings and kindly took as his text Phil. 3: 10-11, and Associa,tion, asking for substanti, I gweetoeaseed atReAiels. � the de- . . . . - $ . Coased locality. The many friends of small degree. At last ieports the lady natures you have made hosts of friando,whO though somewhat incapacitated by ill vauces ; on the othet hand is a strong . .. I : I I . I I L I ,�,, gleasing'and . . I ' Mrs Andy McGregor *ill be a was doing nicely -but' suffering from 'are sorry.to see you depart from among as. , L representation of farmers who rd'Itlest bdalth he gave it, vei + I , . . � - . I I orry to � I that no increases be in - both' . . I . - L I � Bank ot Canacla , . ade. Now( I . learn that she, has taken * another nervous prostration. . $100 reward Vor many years 5 -,on have. served the Meth weighty discourse, w ic was much . . I .. L , L . stroke; thisis the fourth �attack since has been, offered for,the arrest of the odtat char�h in this place. not only &a ori. enjoyedbyall, Theregularqlaarterly eert2tixily..6anno,t'h-.i,ve'theit- demands # 0 f 4 0 4.4 0 0 4 0 4 6 0 0 6, 11 0 4 #+ . . . 1�'ten � Clinton Braneb. her illness' LMr Andy McGuire In- -brute., �, 11, . . . vote members, but Ur McCartney as an rei'lew was t4k,? . . the Sabbath I met, and the government has to is . .. r� ., . - , n ., . I . . _ I I � oftioiftl. On thilift000nlit­a1go We egid3tL School, IT y'le'ry, interdsting . . . . . L . . I . r ,v . with good grace to each all(! all, ,is .the - tentls' *bperating­ im his buildin' th* IMPORTANT STOCK SA.LE-Oata,10511- and p , e . . . . Albert Street ­ . SUmMer.L . M lsff, I IS L ' your departure., We therefore ask you to � and instructive . . .11 . welabers assuredly do and then e"r- legitimate grounds forher suit, to ap� coming, r Alex We Con- es are, published for the auction sale of L L . ... .. ... - I Selj&f� ' L , . . � . accept this gold watch and silyir bastier Cise the best judgment it ban. Iteiin I ar before themembegs of the . , , - ' L . .. I . tenaglates pulling down his bl�wn and ' theAttrillherd of 'Shorthorn cattle, dish as . a slight . i oken of our esteom f . or you, N6T.r-,$.-ThosJoyntlsbrother�iii,�lfbw,, note,xpect to .ple4se all; 'that is bnpos- pe, - - , ' ' H T RANCE, Iftnager.' buil gi-eatei eitherLthiS surniner or Which takes pla;ce:on Tuesda trusting you both way be.allared for man), Mr�0� Cook, of Winglianii -will drive . sible, The picuilicis (if the govornineut and�answvr;iuy question which they I . . C� April . of Air Joynt'.8 L . inay desire to ask her - because this in . . the following. The Sunday School' at 14, on Ridgewood Park Sto Farm, We b now. one teams on the road of "harden- . I Middleton's Qburch has made the'pur- - Goderich. There are 20 head of fine. ye"s to Come, Lope that, in' your ; . lytive so well learpedthe art - their privilege - and I belleve,it woula ' - __ this.season. Messrs D Todd, 8.11utch- ing their hearts and stiffening their :h more in the interest of morals L cha.su of a new libary; A LfeW Of the purebred cattle, comprising bulls and. home you way find many friends, vllbo'Vill ins and G. McRoberts drew timber to- neck" (if the y,'brase may be ii,TJOUred) be mm., y youths P-nd damsers �f the metropolis, f�males, all of which will be sold with learn to love and respect yoa as, wb'do,ana. if a divorce court, was formed where , I above all in u, evercherish the love of Goderich last ii,eek from the mill here -that they can isten'to* the illost per, . ' .Who ht%s. Said ,,,, wrl, John Miller had a successful wood 6§', (1610ga- Wag.L before w L of Varna, spent a pleasant, evening last full redigrees. 'Anyone interested in bee. .nieh matters could. be dealt with in I . . L my yo suasive L eloquence, from Ir the . Varna. o.ar bleesea Lord. - te. Th6 matter . . 'Week, at - the hospitably home -of Mr catt e biaeditig should made it a point last week, Mr Brownscoinbe and faut� .tfons without in the sligh��s6- d6gre.e, riv I ' I .. we Cl, ( - tbee. floill-e on Thursday, in the -shape of a : L , PRESENTATION AND SURPRISE. -On never lea .e nor forsake tbee,"ina bye, . , . Samuel Rath 11's. Miss Eva uff, of to attend, as the oppOrtunity is one . . a ,jti��e ily moved'the reinaindek of their ef-: displaying any emotion or syrupathy: Thursday evenint last, the membem Clinton, has been the welcome t not often availablli. Catalogues na bye in th,a Fath r . may 3 oar oil n fects to Cargill last week. . I And I -cannot say that I blaille tberli-* - resolution, introdil6ed by Air Charlton, ' , , 11 . Mrs L _gues I T. 0 down in a clear sky sind ydur souls have . .1 . � . ,but was silbsequently'witlidrawn afteil* ' I ., I of the Blake Pres yterian church pre- the past'week of George Hndie.- be had- by addressing E. -C. AttTrR , 9 - . %ine --of having to listen to discussion, tention .being . - , abundant ell bn%noe into the kingdom above. * . I . � lint .the Wsk sented their minister, Rev Mr David- Mr rhomas Beattie, ofthe fourth con- Goderlch� and:�oiiveyances will meet - . . . � Bruccifield. . . . -ii, *deputatiou of I the,maill Coll L, � I I . son with about 100 bushels of oats and cession, so far ha§ the honor -of Sow- the incoming trai . ns, to take intendin May we all pd.live thst, in due.time womay . manufacturer a' first, that Such;% caurt.was not at any rate � . ,.:. I . � several bags of apples and potatoes. . . ..9 meet on the eternal mor'n,7 in. the 'city of I . then the beet root sugarmen next,theu - -inst yet, , . . , iiig the hys't fi6ld of oats in thii part.of purchasers to the Side, , . . . WEDDING. �-On Wednesday , last the tbel farniers, tli�ai a ,dozen and' one -necessary i ' These many acts of kindness that the Ontario for 1003, he"having made that - - - . . . I .. our King wheropir.t16g':sb%1.l be no more, home of Duncan -McTavish was the others're resenting various indu8tries. Two, questiops.of great -importance , 1. reverend gentleman has received from -breaker oji- St Patrick,s* day, I I - . Londesbor6 I . I . Signed, ".. -. 'JAs Hussin B, D,,Pb-. B., , scone of a verypleasant wedding,when ,v to the House and the country are yet * . " rec6rd . . . . . ­. . The woncRer is that Ministers presev .� I I . . the Blake congregatlon testifies to the TOOX -ITS FIAGHT..-Last' week we _ �. .. I . .. . �11 .1. Pastor, bissiater;.Xiss Jessie, was united'in 0 to be introduced, and the onothat is of * . . . 1. I , , very high esteem in which he IS held .M[ILLINER.-Mrs R. Adams 'has en- . -. :. . . I 1. � I V d ickBush,of HeasaIll their 6quinamity its. well its they do. the greatest importance to the country. �, . , by �hexn. He is a minister of the chronicled'theserious illness of Alex- ged ti- milliner, Was �Colvin, of Brus- . .,�� . . . . .. . ., . . .marriage 9 ,re or . And yet it is all apparentlyrt necess�xry is th e receiving the least &tte . ntioA, . . .z, , Ostrom, of lot 28, con. 9, and this I 9r, , . �. . I slyM., ., I I . Rev E Sewers, of Btiicofleld, perform- part of. successful government. . . 6 Oil -,members of the House. This - p!eelous word of God that attracts the. week. it is our sad duty to make m Sol to assist her in the work this ini the'CeremQnTi The� -bride wits nt is' a sqr- from the . n , . 4estion of, the tariff. As to , ." _�hefactthat h4is noinoreastar P�Iug . Baird Dick, relict of the late Jarnes. I ill , .. I . . *GONE TO HER REST -Mrs, Hanu4 . er jous matter, amd questions,of atate. I - .. � , I 'he science of governme sinner and pavet; the way to church tion.of en,. a �, ,The rush is, ow on, - beautiful�,y attire in a dress of afiv 11 is th�q . I , . growth, and. by such acts he has ()('in-, no his earthly' I incerned, PRopnRTy-SoLm-Mis.Lydis, Thuel � . , After- the marriage and cort- should -aiivajs be deilt with ip a be. whether or not ally taxiff changes-wi , I . . . t* * I a bond that I I � presence is c( ,! lick di6d'atlier regidenCo'. "hi Blyth tions a.sumptu&us supper was be m� . 06 is merli matfei of. conjdettire - � _ ented this congrega ion ii . hisspir'Ittakin flight-tollis*,makeron of:Brussels, and Mrs Josie, Hill of T esdit,� morning, .-after 'an illness grey, coming and decorns manner, but. any . . ' - �, * . . . v ' I 9r, _ becausethe inance Minister and Gov�' - . nothing but the deepost respect goes 3 r Ostr sold their fiela ill - congestion of . sm!v`e�ciia. to .the wedding guesbs, The .. �. donday last. % orn had been a. Londosboro,, have of.se oral weeks. with. . :one who irdagines that -the sessions of - k. - th � , " out to him by all. Thus the gifts. ' � , of the - village to . presents were numerous i4i4handsorne I eru a eel) them absolutely I I . life long resident. of this towhship, ..the north-east. corner the lungs,. Mrs Dick was in. the 74t1i pitrliament areas quiet. and dignified ol�es, *iind it will not be revealed'� ':. � � ! .. NOTES -Geo Foster and R. McCool . oirs, Mt- Thos Hill aka falir price. The field . _ comprising the- useful and orliamental;- .,T- . em having bleen. born here nearly 48 ye I I .11 vear of her age and. , wa6. born near. I as those. of a co'Ait of law are' Nati . I . I .. '. . . - guests were' ' � i . -very of thebudTets ee . � '- have gone to Manitoba. Andi� go. -lie ma -d a ,. -as. - 4 1 and, where she also I., tlieevening.abmit 150 -delusion. : The me' , until the deli . I m .ch . ew a. rrie Miss Sheppai d t6n . contains about two acr � � I . Olasgow, 866th . nder a mbars o . . . . . present, when.44noing was the: chief 11 Of course the public,woul e -to _�, " � Foote has gone to Spokane, Wash. Mr . ago, who still ourvivea lihil y4th Goo!) CALF,: - Among the , stock married her. late husband.; In.18.61 . , ­ . the � house. frequently "break lobse," dorehind, I . I Levi Meakins loo-ka very much pleased' =daughters and -ah inf4 . . amusement, and was kept, tip till the - 6pportun . know sorriething about it: bc nt sori. *they arrivedin Citnada, settling in the . and very fev ities *.are lo§� . . hip ed this wiiek ivis a calf of eleiren ,, e ally . the' mainifiLotlarers, but '' 1. - these day; the cause of his smile is that Ile is a brdth�er-in4aw of-Joshu'a, ok, 1 790 lbsi at 5c� per -neighborhood of - W I w Th h yoonple left a e1livte(lium and monotany of . . =Nhs that weighei hitby�,- - Forty f ectani ' 'ours. . e a . . I .' ' to I M � . . or I .i� new W. a h6e nb - -CO , . . orms, , t , r6liev dowe,cii �=6 is losing 4111Y sleep there is a bouncing ba,by boy at his of Clinton, Thefuneral serviceswere ved - iday,_wb6re. � . : pound, making $39.50, a very extra years . . a prosy speaker or some routine pl:o­ ,over W the, Ineinbers a;ke quite satis-' ' � many well wishes follow. them. I . I ' - . . house. . Charley Vanorman, of Bel- conducted by'Rev'J. Husser 13, D,, - of e. The calf, th ' r(?ferty *of where they,resided -Lifitil th6 death 'of. I . . . . . ,hich,ha�ve no life andlit.ble fled to ie'Oei it.,in the hand of ihe gov-': '.' -I' . � grii,ve is v J�ille, on Wednesday,interment 'il a . was e -K , I ' -4vli6n ,'Mrs - 1 Du -a -- After, a lingering; illness ceedings ,N -endid ol�porhin7 . cy ari� - . . .. , , isiting at the Blake house Holitnes Vitth niel Sun____ - - - , � e 2th con.' Mr Dick. five years ago, A,v . general interest. Aspl lie qdestibn fh ' . . , . . - ernment. But t] . .... . this week. Some farmers have been taking place� at Clinton cinbetery�-. Mrs I ' I 1, D1 k dd Xrs Jas Alurddbk pai�ed away on, Sun-. I ;6iited to arous' the ell .. 'How is that for hi h ? . I.. .. . c, ,an. an htersremoved -to Blyth. - ity was' preE e ­ e -that k a them . ... .9 . . I I� , I . ' I concerned in�' thi ,dne ,eeps them . taking advantage of the fine. weather . Osiriwi has the sincere ompathy of a . . I u re igion,, Vis� Dick. was'. a* Prorttl­i­ day histat the age of 80 years and �Ano , thusiasm of th . -rrent �ljellcbc§ ait,ak . � ­ be- - - RETURMED.'-Over -four years ago Mr - , - , I e govern -, - ,e_ -at_ -,nights; the, 0ne'th"UiFi-_._­_____ , .- . -1 . 'I -1 - if-fri d ,in her sore -amemb& of St�knflr's�'.-'s -months' She was a iiativ' ,of.Sootivond I - , , wilch ivir'. . I I , And have started seeding. . , I . lar& cire e lo rien a , terian, being 0 t�l -.' � . . .1 . at.any ra e, qnWednesday' i.� probably . . . eavemenU ` ' ' .' , B. Lydialt and ,his bride (Miss Annie ca&.-wit'll her'. !hu'sbaia-'and'dived Gem . . )avi&on GTant -the hero of, them �bn their* mettle, ane !, . �� I r E ENDED - On Tuos� Wood)Aeft he or his' Church, Blyth. She' Wis a &(io,l and .gEi A .1 1, 3 the onethat will be more.peri5istently. - I ' � * ' * A I ced by 'Sli �, ', is,that o - ' . � - day I re f th6,home of 0 fbr.so loiig thrie O� the' fa�m on which . . . . I A Yotyxd LiF ' in England They, returned kind-heitrtea,, Christi�au' viornall ,0�1 L N6AK Ontario, was ill 1,0( u discussed than all others f , i I Carlow. last Mr. and Mrs Geo 'Holland were : aretts neighbor id possessed ln�,ny friend..;. qhepassedawa�y. Her.busbandorede; William lylulock'and Mr�R. Holmes. -* . . , I . Eere'on Monday evZing,bi-inging witli I . t the proposed redistributipit of* the , o �.,_� NOTES. -Miss Nettie Tyndal left this forced to rieliniq aiiah tfid earthly Claims . . Ffie da g'h"rters arlp* left td, olirii the cease was a themoii:Ibers on constituencie 5 I Am opt�uco ma),u_ , th6in their daughter. They purpose u in id her sola� years ago. She that side of ilid Hou'se , week for London. where she intends on their eldest daughter - Arvilla,' a - . .0 . . loss of a Wnd and loving mother. Tfi'o I Consistent member of thoPresbyterian �pouu&d their desks',ulitil the -glaw:jn., , I aot - Af, — -, �. . - I %,. young lady of 15 ears. Up'to yesiding in I . � ­ I - it' an-ada herea�fter. . .' , , be- gAtI16T,6d 14641� " E , ..�, , spendiuF a few weeks. She was ac- brigl . . . ., * - �., �' .daughters are Mri;'George Stenson, of ohuMi, She leiiv�es to inoutn:,the fol'- the skyligh ts rattled, and the fellows W " . . vresl , � X . , - f. - " ---- . I 11.1, ' . compamed by her little niece,Gertrude two weeks fcgo.. she hal alw&,ys.-len- % CONTRACT LET"-" ' - he managers of Manitoba; Mrs Win Londesborbugh, lowing children - John; on'the"hOlner on the:RWer side - had �;k%o alternative, thorg, AN I '' . 11 . . , "I't - '. -1 Constituencies .- .,' er here joyed good'hetilth bu . .1 'Mrs John seats -allij in vniwt- - i � Patrick, who spent ther wint . t ­the prevai Ing Knox chub6h have let the contract of- ,. stead; -Wjlliam� ill Stanley f .6 y -sitin their I '0; of 1heso: the Cbriser- . Of Tuckersrnith, and* Misses - Hannall, . but to r eekl � , I I 1, blacksmith colds accomp;tnied by pneumonia with the shed to.Ww Riley., for'tlie Sum of Aikenhetid, of Tubkersniltb, and Mrs sillontly 6xoiesi b t-tur , � .. D. Walden, vvho has been . f�T:es awnd Ma�gaiet, at home. The - . y -1 o ok, t 1 up, i v q o, n "�' vatives hold 50 and the Liberals only - ' . - � ' ' - - - . '�olfiplibation of *pleurisy Set in * -nish all "I il -, of Detroit., Site Was buri6d for the- bory, of "') Y o, h(. re forthe past six months, loft On it .. 1 ..$354, the -Contractor to. fut I tak6place this (Thursday). Lockhart :. 3. I 14 , wo" "" 32, notwithatanding'the'faCt that the , I , . a e laI4 Ge Snell, -our bl ; aftern'oon at 6ne�b`clo:ck from.her late . . lay , fn Appill , oorftetery,: - h to dtfoi�t so 6bl�j .1. 111`.�n 1U"g Ubeials.hav'e a . t, , . Monday for London. He will be greAt- and her, soul and body was called in t r Mr o ack7, . - oil Weduesc' , onon. the n detbal majori y. of � ­. , art by. death, leaving father; IT T � : I . ,;,Jt� '. _ . f � rho ' rented a,,'shop at Smith' % hei husban ly missed around t1iis neighborhood. upon to a� a residence to Brussels cemetery., : � , ': when she. wq� lqld- bes I r J 7i, 0,9 t rl,�- I T. " * , 6t ,I- the eleletbrate. . -It is timd. the g erry - . - I .. . � . -!"I- I.Ale �glory is -b § and slister,to,misg . . ­ - as he was a very accommodating and. motheri trother, term of. years and started - — I . A,rid soil James, The funeral waq_ idirgel IVP,�rs thc st"Wig however,aiid whell mandei. wa6'uiidone` .'and I ventiire�, , . ainstaking mechanic -Mrs J, McPhee.. the helping hand of a. daug , liter and . . . . - . - :7 .. �, 11 I.. . :- to '' . . . . I I - p * work thereo - . . I � �� ... : . i i 'I.- .' . - showiligthe esteein III which Phe W -I§ , oni Con ' the assertion that wQu tfib. new'-bill'is" �.-.-;. . . . sr who has been confined to bed all i;ister. . The funeral was 'largely a,t- ., I , - . . - I . . 1. ... ! � .1 I%aytl,e 4, . .1 .. - . e eighbotho0d, . . . . . servativeTrion4s. havd an -o ' p- ' brought down it: will contain none. . of..,. ,,;, �: I I NoTHso-The tbank§ of 'the village 'hold ill th D . � . rtunity ofrejoicing they' do it with winter, is able to be around once more. tonded onTbu.!bda,y.. Interment tak- , 'NOTE6.-4he remains of the late Mrs � . . . . . . � I pa I Spiiit. the ver objectionable features whibb. . la�e tit Clinton -66netery., .Rev people afiil 6e�, neighboring farmers FATAL. AcoxbhNT-;A- fatal acdidont JuE t.as much. vigor. and heaxty I . I , � , . ere fifleriied '�in Bayr -ad,, though I. do not '.'' leld , , Messrs Stewart of Benmiller, *spent er conducting services' v . h w * the Brook. farm on the. Rs " Z . . L �, I Sundayhere TlibsMillianisengaged. W1911p, 4b house Are due thd piirtie� who Successfully Mce'iD, te y on 6ecurred'on do their opponents.- Were it not for- Jts pre ecessor h . " "' os . I I Tuesday Week.. The artm. ' I . expect it to be very -warmly -receive . I . .. . . . . f, op 9 . ' .We a6t r � 0 many occasions �.of 'this kind, life here . . d 6 has . '. with Mr Gordon Young fortbeseason, and grave.. . . . .. . . carried out the. work of putting in the ,ther caused our yonnj . BElyfield Toad near here last Thursday, - Would not be -- , ' ` I � - Gnii;vE Nor., - - �k t�gveller Scales ixt the station. 'They� ar6 a great spend much time at tb i 1) . .wher'6 Joseph Hugill. - -of McKillop Would not be much better than mei4. by tne Oppositi6n- It ,.. . . I . , .. ., ' ' : -- Quite a nuaiber of the pupils of S S. A PUBLIC ., King .VveFi 6 . e CoUag& .and . . I. .1 even though 1. I . � No. I have been confined at home with convemenb6'and are. pa n . ayvisitorshav6 -ins .existence. � . � .. I prepare.4 by ait angej�, ' . .. IrMn-� along the' Bayfield line the .. monts oil the point. The Build. � Township' was tantly killed by a . . .. . . I . , . . I . .. ... a . I other Ityinade, - on I . theinoney invested, ' T e ship I— . � ­ I . �. � uIry as 'to.' what *Stock this week were'two . " enced. to &-rive, and iB,'very kick. from ii colb, -while, in-, the aet�:of 'It�s-ao.t.oftshtliattl�eeloqtienb.a,licI . . . I !" - .;�. �. r", �: . . . � , the measles. The Christian Endeavor I of Cars of oomm ' � I ... . �et; . � . . the stepping"'up. to- examine -the aniiiial. able leader of the -Liberal pd,rty in'- . I I , �� . . I ' �� held their monthly consecration me - make of &:t6ad ner tho township. . ' . . cheery,to th6 villagers as they tire i . , z : .. 1". cattld-and one of It . ... . I life I ) Ashfield , � ing Sunday evening; the topic "A mi - jossessed, noticing e goo w . . ' . . .. all - Iii his : � I . � .. .. , , is th d, ork :was , _ E_10-9- 1* —, . . ,. of th b - t . ­ I Deceasda wa in the horse business d dulgl�s in, any' story tellinj ' .. - . I , . e urg. . . . I . . 4.. I . . . ' ' . - . I I I . .. . . I a a - well known speechesin the House. - He may � tell . CommENcING AGAIN. -John Be oen . Sion study of Africa"was taken by Rev gone. .ft is a disgrace to tlib publie'to . ' was makried: Joe* wa I � . h " - . J L Small. Miss Maud Sallows visited allow ti, p r,)ad-side to bo'"'to ­ . . . . Auburn.., *. - �. 'NOTO S�.'_- Pebn Caineron;8ianIey,ha0`­% chiracter throughout this-wction.qf them out oh the'li6sting's, but.'is not bola has decided to iebuild -his mill at I . . , ra up in- � I ... . . . . . friends at Sheppardton last week. The -such a iiianneran � d th . e . far er 'is .,to .. Our Wall Papers are sure ' the country,, a death .qe, , ' ' " Albert, and *111 start on .M6nd%*' ,; I . ni . topleaSe Y'0�.,.ee reilited-his farm to .Peter Fisher; Mr aid his hiniontable rieraily giv6h to � tin' parliament. -I Port '­ � . them before purching, from Be a roll up. .. . � Cameroxi will have a sale of his stock � I - t know bui'that it wo . for the new'wall,Whle `1-. Misses Glen entertained a few of their.. blame that lets his -hogs run ''tit WrgA, � - ' will- be Tegroted�by. aAarge: circle of don uld improve ficit to prepare . , . ' .. . I . � . , � §W. T. RIDDELL and implements.* . Wm4 Murdock, jr., I . I . . . . . .:. SQme 0 e - . I - It. ,h r. . .- ­ . . I . . . iven y. . if � , . friends last Friday evening. R. Scotf =!ally without riAgihg , . . friends I . I f-th h a ' b mem-. will be of dementi � two Stories . . I them 'and , I . I . .. I . . I . . 1. il , alty.. ­ hosgoneto Manitoba - � . . . I � . I bo, * all so` `611, 1115t, on -m . visited friends here on Sunday. .. I . WESTWARD ffo� - ` ''A ' 'mixed cat of - �. W,Rattenbury� . . . on.; I an O�Q,WQTW 'Phis we��k it b ripla , . cl:Sjiffer'the pen . : :�. . -. . l 1. .. I bdrs . . � . .1 � . . - . .1 settlers'.dff6cts, etc I was loaded from 'has �purchased 4 Newdoull -piano. Jas, ,� ... . . I I.. 1. . .. story wais intersp6ied- bot'*,v'qt' ­ 0., -i 'half of. Mr Schoenh " � - — .. - . I I . I . ie � It Ary AS has been -push- I . � � . . I I ' , . � � . Westfield - :, .. thi$. vicinity at...V:yth, itnd" sent last �Grainger left on Tuesday of this , eek.* � " '. . . . . . . , . . . . . I I 'w . I ,, Allilirs Hill's Lectare . §entehc�s', and to prevent any -one say� e(I thvouglt pl4rt of. - this tow � . . ''Mi * in we ell was .the furniture for Manitoba� W.Scott and- wife have ". .- , fp by Nile I NOTES—' and MrsW Stackhtalse ok, among whi . I . � . ing that'this willApply to some of ply. different parties, who have m with - I ' * . a e tsii.indaywit]iLondesborofrieudsi . In .. I . . 1. __ , . .. own I- will admit it withdut* dispnte� good s�bcessj. which is - hoped * I be, *. , 'n � EXA IT of,'Mrs Geo. Whitneyj who purposes returned.,*fro Bad Axe, Mich. ; � . EASTER At. -V class- Gladys . � . 1. .I � . . ... . . . . : .. Pentland, Cecil Echlin; proixioted from ,re concert given: in the � school -on following thein in April to rejoin her - The locture'given by. Miss 31111 last But 14ir Wilfrid told., very good story received in the rest of the towns ip in, PRESENTATION � On. Wdclnesday.'ev- , - I Jr. IV to Sr. IV-'Elma, Girvin, Willie idd)r evening last wits 4 (1ecid9d .husband, who is doiri�y well out there. .1 . _' night.in. theAssocatioti- Hill was, in the other d . JocAlarly the Same Cordial � way . I"; I IF I . . ening the members and'adheirents of ay. . He_ -,vas ,. being ,nothing � , :11 success and reflects great credit on the � a eiryuson are the Bayfleld Methodist I church met, at I . * a Christian -acti , and ever , jos Lawson and Win tliese days of long pro rammes awd in-, . Girvin, Melvin Corp, Celia McIlwain, -I . -ed , . � cautionin some opposition member, more than I _ ' . " teacher, M - H, Morrish, whb spar said to also have WestWarl notions . the - - cossant encores, all loo shott. The no - . . � "! Harvey Pentland. oss Taylor; Sr. 11.1 . . . . . parsonage, and, 'after spending an . t leto.0 much with the'Minirs-: little helps in the tace. This is pome I I I I no pains in its pre )aration - the recit- Mrs Oi Satt has returned 'W her home . views, with their s6ft, artistic yeb bril- �. I 1 nee ; to Jr. IV --Eva \McNee, Vera. McNee, I" ' I . .� eljoYable evenin t d- Miss, . . . ter ofTrade mild- conitnerce, Sb?'Rich- thing that our port is.sal3l In d of � . iss Laur, I � .91 . inieson e �. it b tiful . 3 I % Bridges, in Vanc6ttver,� B. 0. '.. - I . r., were In e . eau I . Ce bit Eeblin, Reg*nald Ryan; Jr Ill � - - 4 ­ I mile I elland, w o has been o gamst i1iiint, I in , I . ard 04rtwriot, or henuht, get more andwe trust Mr - Schoen &IS will, re. to gn-III-sErnest McIlwain, Willie e the'6th concession, 'were ' CO 0 & ,� . I `01'o'�on 'unioii choirs are prAc, for some" time; `wilth&* purse of oney Miss Hill 4Q1JQQ- i I - montian, NOTE a. - The ' thi9""11 6,iilhebarg� efflustrated ceivv. the support Ahat his enterpr so �., ' Wilson, Leonard McIlwain; Sr., 11 to 6-5P-edially worthy ' of. . 't' * ' for their taster concert; mr. .&ua the follo*jng aadr as; . . � .. . �. � "the stately. halls of ,,'Wind Oil flilide; . t6 warratits. ,. .,� - ... . 11 ..� I 'sing '. . e , , �9' a itbythisStory.' 11,Aboyattem.jtei� - , , .,. . . . . I . .:. � � W. - the dialogue 11 -training the Lion,'! . .? �. . .. .. Jr. III -Mable Wilson, Charlie Fo also showing the long corridor throttgh�, -6ir�o. ,his, initials on � the. flan . o . a . . I i . II to Sr. II -Viola Young, whieh was Splendid ; the proceeds Lethbridge was.,out on Tuesday night I .1 � �. . . . ler: Jr , . ­ ' PgAUF, larzo., -We,� the oongrog�iloh * of . I I. amounded' tb $15.50, which. will be'all-. of last week, 'though it was -rather a -the Milthodiot oharch, desire io,fak . which er late 'bla,festy . Queen - Vfe�. mule, wfiiell kicked, him -in the .face '. OORRVCTIO14�r Owing to- yolit worthy , � I * Pupil who took over 75% of the total. disagreeable one. - Mr D. Robb, L P,S , van 0 ad' toria'­vvould come 'to welcome "her when ll.6'was reetwel'I'ligitbe boy asked clerk -of the township .not Stating the .. Slie to bu"ng .games. for the chil-' I . tage-of this opportunity lb-c6tivey, to . .11 I to Carry the � I I Sewing -(I) Elma Girvin, (2) 0. Pent re I Mot Reiman � Wikhtman, who V - . you some, . expreshi5n. of th�. 'warm, ploo 'guests at the &istle", then to West- his father if Ile thought he wohld ever .requir6d -Vota'necessar3r, I . 1. .1� . i9ited the, school here officially on land, (3) C. Ecblin; (1) Viola Young, (2) - W Inesaay.of last weeki Miss Enima 0 ininster, with the beautiful old walls be as good !ooking -as he had Uen be. bylaw.thatwas, voted otirecentl W.0 I ,. months,.. re-, ., ei you have won in....oar hearts by your deep dad iiaint rooms, the',. fainous terrace f6re.- The reply'iWao' 'You mdy not be made a ta . teW � . I . . . . . . MableWilson,(3 .Echih;(l)Eva,Me- .has been, home about 3 ' iniss - ent. of 0 - I' i In, -'� . turned -to Granite Quarry, 'where he . .Doble.led 'the nieet'-ng, oil ."AfAcan intere0taind Chriatiou,boaringintboup. I , 'eariled, -True . I go .. Nee, (2) 'Vera M ewee, Bestchairinadb � outsNotheiHouse of Parliament,, and *111 be'a saying that it � a or . b holds a, position. Mr dnd: Mrs M mls.ions,"ii;�Xnox'churchy last Sunday b ilding of our. �fah and Sandi so'dood-16oking, 'but you I . . . . Goo Ryan; beat stool made by Roy W . . . . � , . III 00 � y school 'a within, and. then to the darn sikht Wi6er. I 11 . . . .1 " Of '. *7 Ali li'llave tilken.up house night.. � - *.:' ., I � I.''. I -us As f, the chamber . .�. � I .majority wds re6ordbdih its f � .. . keepin � citre'smong � organist 9 Abbey:itsoflf and -the great coremonies 'Considerable attention was., given', to . at weropollo&,,%but not'a a .�. .. err, Best behaved boy, Melvin Cory; , , � MHHTIN6� -The regular .nPonthly "'=h S oti -hive av;r i6den fail ir . � thoseth, . I . a,t TV. lalylor6, MrAnd.* Mrs Vr= : & (if ,the. - r cierit huniber of , the ratepayers 'Came beA behaved girl, Vera McNee; neat, 1�iil of last Xtignst, � gplefidi4 lib .trAits o I ,the Cattle, ar. ques ion, e meetincof the- Aublitn'branc te, W,,, m week'to week thd Xing,and Queen in their Corona- 'House, on - Thursdity, although, as' it I eat kept desk, Cecil Echlin; mo 0anipbeillspent'Sunday with`llt�llotf , and' perseverance 'fro ' If Gu d ' '* t* " - in: th friends, Mesg�s R. and W. Rutle4ge, ,Wes6 "i"On Women% Institu has 4101r .I out to register their Votes'.W make. it ' ' . ular in.altendtInce, Mel' .mesli' - pighty forcoln the'work tion robes brought a, .storm of applause inatteii of fact, it should xiot have bee� :�able Wilson; number 6%n'l - ever. of Nile, spent Sunday -with friends be hold here in the public library and le re. the bylaw. Was defeat - roll 25 of the Almighty, 'Your uncompromising A the splondors of thei procogsi6n cial!Nkoberefo " . an Ith the bbdy� . Stothers ' 'I ` - here; Raymond Re&aond and Horace reading roomt 6 ' n Tnesd4yo 4pril 7th. fiddity-to dwy will ever linger among our without and within, wl brotight up, until the report of the Cat- , I age attendance, 22 - JOAN M� NTOSH, , &.O'clock. All ladies - intere%ted . I � �[Ed.] I - Bowler, Of 6oderich Collegiate, are at tw I isioh h d been r v- --�- . .. . . I I . fond memories of you, -and we trait thaf, tie Guard Commis it OC61 . , . . � . teacher. . nard of faarious soldiers, were shown ed, which will likely be in .8 - feW days. " — I I . home'nursing. the mumps. Herman live cordially invited. altboadh oar fuiare paths may lie adadder,. to perfection, - Front thence it se6med, . I . . ­ �. I . I . . I . — , AILING - W. Davidson is-recrulting, y Mr Lancaster; the'mover of the bills %% - ... � . I I . I . . . Wightman and Miss. Christiana; Me- ot, the Hand of the 'At Mighty shall 4nidd but. it short step to India, which � was .. agieecj to this last session, 'but 'for . 11 . � . I West Wawanosh Clinton were the guests of, Mrs having moved into his house, recently , 111111116111111111111 . . I . Will 1 rehaged from Geo. Whitney. Mrs ..4, ai 1:010to that 'great Home andRo. heralded by a full-length portrait of reasons'of his own,'i6pudiated his o . Nyn � I . , . McDowell, on, 'Tuesdfty last. Mr word where we Will . Awell togeth r in 'Lord Curzon in robes of office. A por- acceptance. The 'matter is certainly That , . . - -. , '. - I . COUNCIL- Council will meeton'% e& Arthur Tyndall, of Clinton, V'Oung, sr, is very ill. Mrs Stitt i. not bl,so;d unity, � We feel,' . " , � - neELday, April 15tb. at 2 o'clock; instead I I � � . Adat * frien3a"'And' trait of Lady, - Curz6n'was a' I I . . I � '! " ­ '�� � IT1911 OX Y ona, of importance to the farmers of . gues', of, his cousin, Mr A 13 Carr, I gaining very. fast, , .. ­ � . sister, that no more' words can convey the Ifelike. Simp , .. . . * . 1. of April 24th. -W. 8, McCltosm, jr!piday last.. Mr, Henry. Morrish sW,ont. . .7 . . . I. I . 4 . eogioll'of our hearta.towardlo you, , We, ,graceful and 11 10 allil Ontario, but is not causing tiny discus- ... vani I Clerk. .. . _ . . ; � I clear ma the Ancient OW f �sionorconcern eldewhere, .Mr Lan. . .Sb V C, POMR, 'Saturdivy -with his mother, Mrs ow- I . stinloy,L . .. . . 16Z.97cuiloaccap, this Small -token ofou'r ,DolhianePt"hof %ficagip,jorJ11101- _11�­Castor-asks-tllat I " .1 � I . I I I � . . -.1. � ­ ' - . - - -:�,­ . I I thoold-lww be rewcn- - 7- --,--------I ____ - _._11_-________1- . - In--- � - _13110-k- - n-fvkD 8XtE t�y---Me­mafi�- Ai§�- d--fflRT----wiplr- i -Oo& viisud-i"llr- lhariv_6­ - . U-_ - , . I—_ gre, .- ­ 110 I el� o, .�lfonirw Ali . _rrien , agar , you . velore niaera of the exterior acted.. pf requiring - the - railways to � - - ;- . -,�'-­.*.��, , ,�t­_.-- i . I . . Winghant. ... left for. Manitoba on Tuesday Jasb,� of Mr. Hectov-Reld, formerly bf .Stan- future life.. Signed on behalf of the ofidlp� and intetior 61 the town and its wdnd- Inaitititin suitable dnd stifficient cattle , " A " 1, - '' . � . .. 1. .. I . . '. � . , . � , � . I __ . whereho',will spehd th6 sttiniher; if loy,. near Brucefield', will be pledged to' fin4toiagragation, , . � )erfyl buildings and ' tombs. The guards, and..�aaking thow responsible ­ 1"�� . , 0-.w- ...:� . . . � . . . _J -, %j� - " ." ca ( . . 11 .- . , , . arn thathimself o�nd family have or- . . i . 'Lahore Gate was S1l6*h',' though for all., ttle kill A bri the tracks no -_ -L-Z � �, ,t7,�A, Wanted A Ton of Butter. Eagq Ise. Tlm- thecounti!ysultshim he intends tak. le, � . ; . . . . 0 th"y, clover and Waverly Oats fy sale i in uplandthere. MrandMrs Clihs. rived safely at their'new home,Ralph- . . aiiter , , 1*hich the eat 'Nicholson passed -to nititter what the nature of thd circum. - . -_ I . I � . *---:�_n­ f,jt., �,, , . GOO. Z KING 'Wingliam, V�ufglitlnan and family loft on, Thurs- town, Manitoba.� Writin on Maich - I ,,,, � - - '. , , , , - I� � . � . I " I I . .1 I - . I r I . . � ; ; �, �1'4 'f n I ._ 0 � - .1 - - I I I. ~"*." - ii3air po,ati., ' . . a" ur '� ' I ' at - ell' c loft fo where 0 cot th . e I 113 . 'gil Ii v , . . day last for guncey, Where � Mr I THE CHANGE -Mr R, N. Rowe, who. h�o, Bileut, (tow Field Marshal) , stances. Mr,Blair, as being xesponsible 6 ___-� - .. " , ' 07.1___ . I Clin nwith my. for initi, ' - .. t -, ­1� Wightman has secured a position, . . . - e *6� ,-1i.,!'.;7.e . . 181h, he sa3is - 41 left fo ,T years, has conducted a furm, 'rddeRAto1' As finding him wounded in for the 0, G. Cornmissfoh, asked that '­.�__ - v M,- - wife and. dau liter on the In the streets. The .views of the wonder- the in . . L!�k_-­­, I I I orning of .,� ,, .V,- 'vW.-I. ­ ` .7 , .. I ­ .. . * . , , . . =� -r,i� -� 11 ­._4,��,-. 7. . I I 9 ture an( undertaking business here atter be deferred until their re� o Z .. , � ke.�__�_ Mr Bowler has rented the house on March Oth oald reached Galt Lake ful procossion passing up the double , � . ''I ..­ .with success, and who recently - onter� was realived, then if that wag.Z L-- " I k - .. �­*% I Ir . C, Charleswi tmanfaim and will move� station on the malft lb line of great State elepbAnts, gorgeous rtetory, Air Laneaster could pro- .r�E. .. A %r JVGO _ "; � -V - e ae -at midnight, as with Mv R. � _!�;� - , -�6t 'th ed the dr1goods busine. =f,. - " I ... bilery 11 future, Mr A _13 Wednes(lay,-andhadthe privileir f in their trappings pf velvet and * gold, ..:,. � __­ I .- A - 9 �MTUR,.&- . pleurisy O 0 Snello las week dispoded of the former ceed witla his bill. However, as Mr , .:gpif�,�,4;�z. a � '�* . � .� . — .. Carr had a severe attack of a shakedown on;thefloor, as the tbi business to his brather, S,�-nuel, and were most realistic, and the pictures Lancaster refused to , agree to this .i----,. -;v-, .:. t, :-. - I � .­ � I - � . I last week, which has again co'nflned wits Crowded: The weatherwits about, Mr, J. D, Atkinson, of Clinton, formor� of the. native Pr1ifees in the - . ;�12 . . , ­ - ..t� I � . . ir magui� seemingly fair proposition, there was . to .;-.,,, _ ­ .. . I him to his rooirl. the same as in Ont0lb for the. three, ly - In order to give all 'forms extra* no alternative but for the mombera to 1;,, . . -t�, kv, _rh I . . I . I.- of this place. &01100 Of jewels and diii 1 __ . . ��, - � I A Prelam of tho"P49t A photograph liedgild -the PRA* I I . Giveb memories which t6nevryoutb. The Well photographs, though, k6pft- , litnts you at your libot. You live '111 this joemoty of yout frleina# as slid, photo 6ph preMilits :you, It W One Of 3C110- �ur 'k grapba, you'll bo M y6of b"t, 3rou 11 like oor"filolly gtdipio, I INAwk - Uto .11MV0194 -'r - studo. - r ­ . . � I I . I ., Drysdale . I'll A GooD,Rucoub -Mr and Mrs John Laporte, are the parents of 12 child. reii-five Solis and seven daughters, and they are all livint . The twelftli child� & daughtei, was orn on Mdreh 14th, Mr and Mrs La orte have been married 10 years ; the former then being only 20 years of age and: the latter 16. . . I . �__&__at. ; . DIED ov �' Masters, who . __iisg I ,A Aelen 13, Detroit a few p nursing died. ivexiing, In- that int to poisoning accidefital. Miss nurse, but since ig as housekee on Past MIX n 11wervy. �11 Wm. lietera. t here Saturday, �06 at Be, Avo !WM W it I 1� ilays. out, on bile 141,14 WO gov 06 ve'�' Anit di.ov� thirteen miles, north,, to his attention to the now venturb. Mr S Rowe-hm sold his farm In Usborne, 0111' farm ,and it was much colder on the 13th. It wits 10 degrees below 16t 13, coneebsion % to Mr W -S Pordo zero and we Ontaxio eoplo felt the in earnest. Bot t9i's week it, has of town, for the aim ot - $6,750. 116 will also dispose of his stock and ilnPlo- cold moderated down and i's fine- weather, � ments by anation on Priday, April nearly. every da.3t is bright with sun- 8rd. Mi Atkinbon being a kraotical, man, and both being 17611 All, fAVOr' shine.. There is about 18 inches of snow with a track higher than that, beat solido but if the sleigh leaves th� ably known in town and the Surround - . In Country the nevi firm may con- , Uently . track it goes to t �ho ground almost. expect the same liberil pat- roliage accorded their predecessor and Our Ontario horses came through in good sha e, all but three, whie got theii many fri.clids i0ll wish them, . . . seratel Ta bit, but it is nothing seril. OvOrSr success. . . . . - _' OUS anYthey will be all right , � I - ' � - I #40 0 �10 0,io ,sooW again, � I I '000 . I I , I OLD k8siDuNT Goim- One by one the early pionem are passing AWAf, The Grand Trunk will Issue round trip tickeits between *11 stations In fIrst-ola-sa f e ' d and this week we are. called upoh 0 offironfela the death MitryNollson'tolifet, Canada at shiglo In tosg' loo & Thursd&,,fjAprI1 96h, out ay, 9�prx 18th, !ne &hdvWIdfbV to- oftholattel1as.Mutdock, Her spirit , took flight -on Sunday l"t, and the -1 sivo, turn until TuescUy, Aptil 14th, 10M. . fuuml *as held on Wo6eadar to Splendid trains and -p.pvf44t rotAbed Insure f1lip. I . Brucofteld amet4m A 0OW011tAblO I 464041lftp--"%�$_�, Ord narily plear and. soft Natives of their, Arabs, tent -'peg go - was A, b"utifulpieture, and E�no . gr cession, which, it is said, took two , . hours to pass one point, inade the, power of ihe empire oh which the still never sets seem it 'thing apparent to th e - la�'Iye�'a Miss Hill Is to be congratu � the oTitive, success of her efforts. - Globe, . I Miss Hill a geara in tho town hall, Clinton, on ulesdaylevening next.. I � . I .. I—— .­­ .. "I I . . � �.. . . . I 'utdooble , . . I �RElon6ANIZVD-1116 Manse Com- missioners for East Huron mot tot or- � iranization on Tuesditv of last week at Y004 ant to be Allowed to droil, ,and Will be. dealt With in some manner before the liession is oven' There are good argu­ � i�ents -on. both sides of the q1testion, and the probabilities are thattile Inter eat of the farmot will not be overlook: ed . It, is a fortunate thing for ,Citnada that there aro not many divorces ask - ell for orgranted heve� for if ther4 is , one thing that is a reproach And sc&n- dgl in the unbonvontional life of our A I fri nds, it Is the ease with mer' 04" ft which it dfvor�oel may be sedured there. But it strikes we it Is.unfortunate that Any one in Canada who Is compelled to se6k divorce, on loirltimato grounds, Must .PUS I Ne humIlMlon of s6euring it throj�gh the Senatp,-thatbo- Ing the OnIr body empowered to erant - e a them, it 0 Particularly humill 0,thig to * vowAn, wuln1bg that she hM , � . . ,.", f�4*^""O.AkA.X.�.;�..43�4,0,.A.�- *- I . I � i . I ,In -your case perhaps it's the sighbifthooreoy000lyattril.' - Xf they tool attention give It . to. them at onols' . I . We tender faully ties perfect b I doientifioally fittild glasses, whiX 11 makes Seeing 0, pleaffuril. 1 1 . I No oh6rga for testing, � . I A J. 0.1066 - - . . . At1t1kAAA0J0Wdtr,'�*4 AnA optidalk. � WKINDWO ONV6 I a.. a?