HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-03-27, Page 8uareh 27,1h I'sos
I . - 1-111- —
-0 . . .
-,P AIF � ' I .
., .y �
� anin . I
Dav's, . I I �
# �
- .
Thursday# Friday, and Siaturday ;of
thiS week, are 6imal Openi .
Millimery Department. . ng days in the
W� cordiallyinvi
to visit the show room. With - tile. M. te you
. , illinery
Department of course leading -t every departm, -
. .-e
I... nt
is making a special showing of' new _ - and a,t ,
tractive spring merchandise. Muc , �
� 1-h iof it has
been imported by ourselves. direct from the �
British and Continental Markets.'Never havc
we opened a seasons business with ;t. stock
01;2f no a +S fl -A �
0 I... 1. - 11 I 7RZ0L1hT0K1qSW-XRA
="!; � --
—, --- .. I I— -
, , 1, I �
, '111,11", ,, 1*8 - Valla'da's
It ''I
it #
I 11111111111''... '', I -1
. -
, ........-.11--
, � *1* f#It
. ux
. -
"'I'Ay, MAR04 27th, Ift
I - natl ��
, �Xoil- A, 1 W will not. o allowt . t
. - - .
(1143 Out irt"A;111110111, for It hirge It" 0 -
� thUsilINtle ineeting
11 1111 8 *IAHF I . -
r I LT, P14L 'IV -R A Fulton,
Inspectorof the '43o verign *-Ilk of
call4da" With head
-WOAL $0VF,% -1 , .0 -
wair 0 of
b 1 C
("I'll'Ond0u, hotel last (Thursday) Oven-
1119, to elect officers It ,
I nolt'icon $I er
office at
*,ts,111 town Xiintreal,
#oVprt,h04ff4I -111 last Iveck, Jooklug
Its of their branch here.
All $000�La and- thts h. -,-ling 0090 t94
th� itd� leibili I of enterin t e Ittorosse
A00datiOn of Ontarin. -
7 .
urt or ar
He $wake In glowinj terms Of the
- , 4.
ImAna ement, audof , he bri lit
04,14.0 a ling til-cV'ry I
Will appear
next we'ek. In Out' col"wols
Pects $.
� has attended It In to Jr.0,!o
while that this branch has been..,egtab.,
Ot"T ;4 ,,6-AlArk,) unrl Lueerno,0ioverp,
4 0 00 1.0 011 x) 4 . ,
t4iororr OCAUS941 Xxtra ant, r
W' '4"N"'
GOB$ HAC -1 v 1, R -,T. D
I lishe4 in our widat. I
?�66.thorooeut odirtince 0454'ea its 10 xotl�
0 S 11),1,4 who*06allio I at,
Atkinson, formerly .of v,xeterr" who
has teon, watilIgIng the'RoweikHol.
I loWay furniture
of our cit.
Uell$ Who IIII'Ve, ,not. J)oola in t,
I the babi
of Vistus early, had a helper on We4-
Potato 91!10611� Allo % Bar ot kell.
I ('40,41Orkipor 11sQ.
store, since that firm
. toutBr`adfOOb-&Bo9,bas taken
4TR't interest
110fidAY about S 44. it lit., W.hen thogre
bell pealed forth U& Sonorous
tw'Rlav ha", JUIA 1`000twol, trur
wzet Ot puke XUP Q sykapfroln jhoig,,�*.
W. -r. owglrj,
ill .tile 004will And
stock of bit; forillor ellipAc er iwd re.
'now'd to B#xefor - r,
tothecry of Billy Roore's ,place pa
fire" It proved". however, to -
ra"o You VV413 to learn trinn
iiieoijds�,,,U, .V t c1119 it YOU do
oil Sit urdaylast.
During the sb .
ort, U1114 that '" r Atkin.
aburp-out of the Chitan 9#1 7
oys 11111PA to
the relfe�of hiluself and Ws
. lk dott IT f wilt tL)ICh . I
All the up+)400�1 uJilous. I os
0. V -1*94 tier, A a
I . 4. , OP 144 a v, in AR k a t. ]nis. U011-
.8p. in,
,son and family hiti o resided 16 61,
(st, ey llava w4d
W . a wally friends,
Ali e ould
The ,eng,Aje wl,ts libors,
Pulled out, and W,
WheatloYffot his team hitchad to It;
01t (irk rl at J. III 44
Town al � r I
4 3 tiveiii . � q � t
(V 0 3 a.) , "
much, rather linV6 pre-
ferrC toseethew become permanent
that was, but It Will cost. -tile to,
82Wjusta ' salne . Wit
the, A
I � . t
0 6 , or 0or . . 0 , 41 " I
I f V
residen tO However, we Wish hita
ever sn"M9 W his enterprise,
. '9=11 ftgo.
W I 11 R 14 6.1 8 I
ARTAVY'Ct talent �
. was
In( . ,?resent
?Btlug of the I 0 -, held I at tile Open
. 0 the town
,01388 -The W, 0. w. Wgre
V611 repaid -for their labor Ili bringing
the COnvOrs4zione hold a6 UnIvel-'sity
'Olfoge; Torontos on pi-Iday ev6ni I
last week, on4 oe the
I ,
hall 01, Tburoday evening, Big gono,
ii"Ch 0 Dr. Montague , , an . kev.,
Aroholeaco , . 4 Very 1
n Davis,
o tv"vil' two high class Outertalners
Itch as a P- 1. I
chief attrAcItl10
wit$ the demonstI1410 "s
n in wireless t-1
. . I eselit, and
were Pr
a good progra efl 4
ill Was rander pttl,�,
I I ..''.
New I" Al A2A
. .
\ .
I , � FOR$ IV
� .1 1. ,Jva
. ..
.I - Our* IV411 P4per DePartment js�
now the Special . fe - �
. ature of our store
� 11 � a- IV
worth,4 vl$it, , , I 1. ILU
. I .
- I we, think we h' 0 I
I lave v4riety en.
.7— .
QuOh to Su.1t every tas
suit . , te at prices to.
every pur,$e, in, all the new
- . colors,
of red., blue, green, etc as wm I a .4 ,& .& ,
941 0 us as well as that no MoRliv I - .4v villisonatickWate r b Was 11, fair at .1 It& 41 �,
, . ,
, e. The town I)AII wag cc 0"r-ja,P Ybr, J)", Q A, Chant, brother 11 t0ndance.. This-oroier in , clesiPs for bedro" ' ,
, w here - I bly yalfort, , 13 O Arkno, of tvwn Inoue cor. � town ha,s� not .been It 4urishing tothe . . 11,�. . . . . . y
I . .
I "
Never have we had one that is as good in ev ' At L, Mled, And the program Wits ell., nler,was a t4ansinitter, and in extOnfthAtthiffsocietymerits it be' . . OUIS. I . .
I cry joybol. Lthrougbout by tho AnOthor tile $fro � 0 1 Ing i
There is riot an uuQa,,g,.se present. rPoln, 'Witt' throe Walls intervening', )nllgost fraterl'141 OI'del, in the . . . .
way. Never have we been in Las good a lngn)owent wits the receiver, SeprOg of w6gs4 world 1 point O
- . they start until they q eS f membership 444 . If 'You are , .
Position - 'fr6w the time ' were - .eat tkild received du ' wealth, L I . � inking of , 0 ,
to supply your Dry Goods needs flni.9b.. hiiss jobusoa,s junnit . I'lar, the , Alt ' L th 0
. , as we are to- '� 1 1 1 1 . !tble, Olf-* evening I roul 046 to the bthex% and tile LOSSES AT IlE OVLNt� r I . 41 ,
. . I fable, manner Wine liar, way Into , he guests were convinuetl t,b followin , 1. JIRR,_Th6 jbi'S, spring, won't You kin Papering
day. Come and look,the new stocks I It L I . �at if the g fire Insurance folicies were ' I . dly pomo in
over.,Spend earts Of aM She is tpuly loyal to,tlie Could not see through A"brickwal, Carried I
as muc 0 Untry that gave herbtrth is IT. Y the merchall s Who Were. e our. stoc Kit . . � r,
I .
h time as you like exatnWng and stud Ao style she Ci There they' could Ott Toast t0egraph througil burnf out recetitly in the Combo block. and se
Y- W110t Imitate to pertoc- three. 1. . . . H B Got ubo, building, Comm � L
. I � . :
� � I
Ing the new styles- You are Just as wc1c C t 4ion and the same ore and Vim that is .1 . .. er- I I . L I I 10 , I
, om . ()� hers by bir'th is Put lloblyj I UPRO VR 1414) N TS cial Union ... .... * 10M I
, ,
look as to buy. terprewtioll, , Itto her in -�inco Jackson . it , , . , ,
. I . of the beavy,4raulatic, Bros gents' fuinishlug store bits been 4 stock, Western .. I . . , I . �
. I - Hodt4ens Bros , this eal� . . I . . QOM -L'.'.... 10W I . .
I first; piece, ag scene$ in OjIstph, her torprIsing fir Fill, amount paid 1. . I . . . . �. .
. b p4d curdlin "d all tl'17011911,the pro taken bver by � . i st an ..$600 got$500 L . T ff E� W , I . �
. I I I in has been Inaklog reno I
I I �
RMIA, -to the stiblin itions and ch;4nges in botll their A Gore - . I - I . .
Every Afternoon le exultation of " J Hwies, metropolit I 0 IDA' FAIR C
'The oaddle of her canoe.t) stores in Oil Coucii, *.. 1. .... 400 got $00 I I 0. I I
I . . Ra, ill r W.; nton At the Palace dry COW) o., Liverpool, London & - - . - I .
Ide handled ,er & 0
L . . Dictiromond"g 'Habitant,, goods store, tile), have turned the ap obe,got $375 d&j4agaL d144L . ..
The Millinery Department will be brilli I an "Johnny Courteani, With I al-tUleQ.t. formerly used for gent's far- I to bui. .. .. . I - I . � I . . .
. antly * style andaccent thitt would b A French. nishingi, -into a pa.rb UP AGAINST - IT - B I I . I
, ,
� . e hard to of tlxe genet -ill ruoefie;ol's 4 ! — . . .. I .
illuminated with over 200 Rectric Light excel bilssJobilst " W, stoia-66.40, . quariette of checker pJ drove . . I I I- -- - -- .
!'tile guest of 4 les ... used In. tF-e -4yor$ .
. 11 . filturto -for up, . � .. . . . . . .
s arrahged hi Af re Horati(i Hale *Ohn a h �t adies whiteweare -
variove designs. We ibink the display will be - . I ' il . reit AVe,Y. The to Cliatoll. on Friday evenin L . .
orweft :` ' , , � . I � xClus seek consolat* Ir last to . I . , .
' ' I Or low 'on from. -the W02-0ting . I � . go -- . .
worth seeing. Din't. miss it. . . ' idZerlor of thei I t ,
I ts? . . . . .
. L . I . q HIGH. CLASS hNTRRT,' furniollfair.'Latore hftaL 10" ,.* that out "lovers of the blo .1 - L. .
. AINME NT ' been no a led*. Cko" gave . L ,
i--Tfic 0, C. I. lecture C611.lnlfttee.we�e Papered 4nd X,ainted,:' the*rwet them tile Week before. - Apgareotly, . L , ' �Z � I
- . obliged to caincol Hou, iiiso. E, 1;,()ster,s senting a. lia, ljolo �pre. they Aj. t, if , , LLLL I 1. , 1. . . �
I . lecture a short tinO6 ago, and have Itr All appai� n a6me, bright -and cheor- . a no K) I with our OYO for - . *L , .
. - . .
_ . lance. they were up against it hard Again, . I
. '
I . .. ., ran�eol to have. s, Hiawatha.$ L III! . I .: . . . . . . Clinton L winnin ....
. Produced . . . I . out by, 3 games. Three
I Oil . .
. . ednesday dyening,.A SCARCITY Below we appen(ra, complete score, of . , . . S
L () W , OF RANDS - On Satur� . . . . . 'peci . L
- 11Artniann, slIPPortepdribly'st" by .day a Rent as losses And draws: - I , . I . . � I I I. I . .
. iiiin gain t .. I �
8 are Waltz a. Popular Sdprijuo, a leman came here from ()jInton � :� . . I � .
W, ax Corset dis
- Str4ford in tile into . . . . It... 1. . . I V VOTILZ. - . I . . L
duction will. follow .the 1. The Pro rests'of the Gran . . . � . I . W . . . .
Ines,of tb - , d WOO ri a Iyw � Brueegeld . . I , , . I . . , I . I L L , , � I 1
1414 '.. , , , L , , ' *
I WALs Lw I , 1".. in I
I Ojibway Indian play 441ii',.t L . e Tillill'. Uailwlov, to try and secure on � 3 a -2 Soyder o . a I , * - ": X.t.r. . I '. � .
. eitboli skilled oi ui)sM Jo ...... . .
,AS L ho, found it fill I
go] . Plud for'several weeks 1. ,2 2 1 - Griskt ' 2.,i I` ' 2 �, . m. -nd S' -V .
. . watha*` � 116a laborers, as., C.,k ;
. C mfor Ast suminer I rossible to . �Oirbort 2 0 S. 'MS L,
50( (30 t �, 0 '41 L
�nre. help D .
� " . . —4 .0
table at esbUratso -the locality a ibed in I He stated tbat unskilled . 0over, - i., ir I . 4 V , . . . , '' " L , , F, . � A . . .
I _ __rd * ' L,
th esox tt Strittf6rd, . I I 8 I L ,)UC41 � atim
I eyosin l'be,playiv,iljl)e�'lltisti,a�ed labot�ers c6ttid mak, - � f, - - -` d, , . I . . , �7W -. ' .
- I . . . � ...; . .. .
by '50 -litilelight viewa . efroin $1,40 to $1.7o . 5 ,8 : 7 - .40 pairs L& US Kirig, quam ' . L
- -sure of snocess he Clinton winning Out'by 8 ga . . y Do4dola ' * .. .: LL
proom which were. or da�-�-Wh"*6 Kid bu �
,ed � fr6ja U10.'00,41131tl Play 9.4d' , mes. � . . . L I
I roduc.ed by ,as we do not kilb7l A . GOderich . boots; regular plic6 $3.00, . ttoned
L . - CHANGES HA91)$� .. .. . $t,25. It, roti can-gat.your. ., ... ." �� ,.!
. , !
� ... -Al file - �r o rapreiients* the'Ngw ERA,s 11 L boie days for Will . I oil I
. 9 Is'n 9 by AlArge industx,i� " - Dr 69team6d'friend and . the�, ar , ,, - �
. tile 0jibW4Y Indians, I'lle *gentlewan in the to I -Last, Monday '
CARPETS. Yadlalf Songs'will li�'gun .1% i h', . siz,3
, i eel It 't A
1100 ,
� I - Wa,ltz Thi ' 'i 1.90 stated neilltbor,L Nelson Bal , PaY - Y,Oru 'to see theinwi; -
� ' L . I hlp-h class enterbilnineut b , o impos- pas 11V � . . L. Who for the a cheal). L I . in,; � ,
Ot it lecture, 'but it that his flin) found I nexb� t i 1, . . . I *
, e Years has been a daily fre- L _ ..
This is a better Carpet Store to -d -ay ta,%nE Matince tit 4 P'Lal". I sihle to secure -the help, �eoessary, 6 � � : i, : 0 . I -
b, , �, L f6l� Children must . be go I od quenter Of thoise precincts, In.- contle L 0- . � .8 Kid butt6ned ,and lace' : . �.
where tIOnwith the veterinarypra � 'lar pri�e ' . I I . U1, . 1
25Q. 1?V`cII-'o1g entertain- . grent demand. I . , � - - I
0 Igger. - iiient,boin�nenct�satSI5�jill.,Ii.., ticker; 1, I .a .'Wlln tb&t time L L : . d �'*Dots; mg
t4an it 10o; adults Y dxeell,eut , , _ 60 1)4irs: of -*Child'
- Better because stocks . i1a suoll . . otise,which
ever was before L Tiulog e * , I
ar labor is
- , on during I - hit; lot for . . .
' I ' 171NIV .118111y Ex'TEN'SION, Ltd- .h. , reIRiqfiIs1I(�d his claims to- � . . onl�,750 ' " � "a 10.�..AL bar , 1. L . I . .
- �
assortments larger and valuas better than they h ' 4, and'%C�L Plita ' . P, * , h6 has so successfully cairled ; . L I.* 13 " -ChOlCe. of t -
ever been, Do a' aVe , L opens I $1,00 to $1.25; jour
I)OL . lZes 5, .60 7,�*8i 9 411
. , lit the -W D. Fair 00, So( � Dr Win 13vang, of Tiver. . � " I . . .
next, 611 SlOhd`y TURR Tile I Is successor, . . . .
Ot take our word for it 810 Store. 3ond Jeebure. , gairii.. ' ' '
. ,
11 .
, -tiv: r . IV . . . -. - . .
-conrse was giv�Ntl- in tire. town hall on t ,:f .. .. .
ne, Come. :1 not forget the. date, and- , I . of this tOn- This gentleman is, a : 75 pairs Boys' Jaced 1360to. ih , I . I
. . . . O colle [ vaduato c - - , * orth fiom� L - r pnees. they, .. .
I Are w , , . , . . ....
11 and see it Yourself. We are willing to ' . let Iseittsintirkede I , " - hia'�Q YO Triday-evenifig hist,� When Pr ell-, .. Toronto L .5 . �tnqgo at's "�`hta 90 at .0,010 I'll ...
- You. be . I . . . - . .ar. Y: - .'� - � ,. L.4, I " spoke. oil "Njiti, I., -OF, P,el� school, An - - . eterinary. . , , SIA $1, , �. . .ey.,
the jUdge. We think there its ' . _ 1: 11 I jianl.Rdgar�. I a P�Ipt graduate. of Har- . , : .. 90;. I all to .
not a Carpet., St - CLEAN Tip.7-Ay, the tj,n� , * . Oetry,", , I The , . onaligm Ili.. yard College of 0 � , priee--4111y 1,00., , - �` . �'. . ... � I . I ; I. �.:L
, . I . e the NEW- P , incleweirt . -He has ha4 t- .1. . . I . I .
. ore � ER.�reachesoj , cy -of, L Ostoll. .. . .. . � . . .. . . �
. hereabouts .that can give you the - variety to IP Citizens thiq we.ek they 1". lwv`iccounts forthes , tile Is Cars �>xperielice Of Praoti I L $ .. .1. I . . . .. . 1 ., I ,. .. . ; 11
I - . I .1 .1 . 11
. inallness. of I cal L Work,'. . z, ., L . � �, . .. . 1,
§# � .* I . :
. .
select 'Will have reephred the officinj notice the (-"r6,- d that 'gatherea to 4 t ew " 19, GOod , ''L' . "I
fr(-111 that YOU WIll firid . from the Medical Realtil. officer, ask. " .Ed .. . hear Pjj)f. "`Ill coilies-�Woll recommended 6 be . . S I
here, and quality fOr' quality,' grivs in terestf able to. carry, on the, sarlie successful . . ... . pril . � ,� e.. sk(est i sty-leS � I - . I.
' �
. lig ta,lk. The lecturer, career tha't Attend are here. N9 ( 't L �
. !OO In the 911v('4 Veiv 01) r6nlativ� and � . Dr Ball. We wel- . . , . roublie o sh6tv yon th
we are satisfied to have you match values with Ing. their hearty 600porat , . in th I
you %Vill ge any, cleAnIngtipof yar&, collars, c,'ogets' thetic re%4w P . . . I ... — . . . .. Mi. - I - ���
,. And Of tll�40 . Winp* come him.to town aricl, trust that his I . . . L . . . . . .1. . . .. ,.
ftde.�, 4 �. . of tile works -of solueof. fondest hopes _%vl1l . I .1 . . : . � . L .1 . . I
t any Where.. For, ) ears we hp.ve W ' . . . I � : . I I
, . I . . . . :. - . . . � . , - .
� Polling ug of drains, ba�li- be fully realized. � . . .
Ing tile riiii I t1le lno"A nOted'CahadiAn poets. Had �.!, :.�
- "
. I
. I bish kin , Ws;o that tile Prof .141 igar's a'annei4ion been iinore In-law of ,,R6v,Mj,,X6- vans is a son- - .
study of the CArpat Bu * d ' We might add that Dr E . " ' � ,
L siness, ua erafaad it th6rouh--- cisterns and , . , , . ,
W to Cut, inaki) and lay Carpets . 'g, ?-: . ' '"lls"40 '100ROd'af ter .aild. tlelir"abd (1i"4tJaCf it,wplild have ;idded . woombe � - ,, - � . , , . .., I . . . . . , . . I . �:U—, , . n.ton .., . - '...L1.. .
ly, aud know bo L clealied. `��O thoge who have - . - . -W.- Taylor., & So '01i,
. L * ' - I � I I .
BIUL L I . �
erly. Dozens of patlet ils, in ,each of the L foll prop_ . Interests oz'the.town at h6a, the bost; InMleriiilfy t.6 tilo'Pleasur I a and comfore. I ,STILL IN' THE 41NES�Affaj L -�,Iggs tx6n iweash. .. . '. - - 'I-. - : , �... ..L. . ,� . . . I .
. 4t] � � I I . . . - , I .1
I I once. , .' L - . . . . ', . .
. . .111 . ': %;... .. I . . . L I
I Owing . sPOIld tit once -to the. Me rt, *111're- of the. i1i . I oral attempts tobuyOut .1 � I . . L .1: . 1� I � � .. . . I . L ' ��!
mak es, . . Cal . .. . . L waking sev . . . . ;� . L
I ,di . .1 ,:
. I I . offleer's appea, . Hei4th ' . '; . . .6thers, ; . i !. ,: I
. .OJL' to ..� . �
I . 1. It -is not t6b WILL BE SH, get a place in which to. @`�@�" 1. I 1 171" , ----L-� -,- : . �:�
.. , . Vor that it willnold.' 0 Officiolls. --Waltor�lqc ,OWNIN ENGLAND ,qtart.uO business, -Arthur.�Co46h-h , . . . . 10"wo -
. . f Ra_.re AudL, Miss Pauline, 'L as - I 11 . . ,� .. .1 . � . I . . . , �- . . . I I I
I'llis one,jot 'or tittle f Lolecided to pu,, a rit'. On. the road, In -. L . . — . . I. . . . . . , . I., I I I
I - peeket that1his cf�eulai, is son b.ol O' Xohndon WhO- �urpose m6king a tour cb4'r'1*e' ' 7-7-77—' I --- L . . . . ... I
t I Of Sam.' Ca�osali, Aud'he ,livill - , I � . I I .. I I I - 11111AMMM - , , -
it ofEfiqla�d next . I � . .
i b�7 him, but that the . healt'll. of the. N. B. Han,, ..§eiwon, h �d a weat arouOld .tile ,town . .. � . . .. . . . . . . . . --�'
. .
- as of I . . � ; I . .. .. . I . . .. .. - - .,
' I I., - . . L . I 'L . . 1)w .! I
I . L
� c .. *6- -�"' "11 L.'NOTES.-, , I � ... . . . . I . q .. I
pog- L Y, Clinton:s UI;Ao-date It was in this Ilia �
HEMP CARPETS' 121c, 15ci- to'25c� - I townshill be Preserved,'is far as. onored .Mr - ple .
. L) gible bya t, pfingy ovary kn' PhOtOgritpher', with the 0 d Y'that. Ur Couch i LOCA
L50 ' own means , .
UNION CARPETS 25c, 35.c, and, .' !Job' of prepar. made his a , 1. ' , '* '* ' ' L , ' ' '
PURE WOOL I- A � iit Ot','r dl'; Ing 'hot,08, etC,L,JVjfh WJ& ' . ...
- . . ...
,. I .
. .
, *
Osal for keepill * _ P they'wil now. owing tUb In,. days gone hy,,a.nd 1. April 8th is the date set �pk the �nekt,. . I , . I . . I . i
' I I . I
- , I .
I I � ;iiik.
. I 1, W1111111:�� 1111 . I
I . Milli 11 .
I , L I
. kr poste, , 9 , � . .
- %-it,'theliest I to ivecarcity of st6res-In' sitting'Of our Division Cou .
,-J-24W. - - :Past Ydfllv�'ive learn thttt I gnegle, 'make thrumselves ,kno-wil I which,to re -o
J to do their duty.LL.'N6W, thj� d � Countiy.i, n tho' "Old Pen L his business, he will rt. , .'
L me 0 - �I *t toriner inetho , -
- &N ludiffer- 31r Henry's'ti , n on- , resor to h,
bnce�oii the part.6f Oui. citizey,q .: Slay lhorning was e(Jillpletely'000110f d. He was .,. Scootlaud,,near BrAntfoid 41 1 1 . . 1. . L . .
. . 1. �, a ..
. I � , 11 I I
'earfiest business Inen . : I . . . . . � . . . ... . 1: 1.
.. ..
-rDY CARPETS- 28c, to - 80c, - - , - � , should ed� ";Aae of , olin't,01) s father of Roract& Fost6p,. is lying atthe, 0 . . I .. I �
. TAPES OPETS 75, 65CO $ 1. . ,Q
ENGLISH BRUSSELS CAR . , wnot exist bf-cause 1tL Is not. Only, y6ur in getting. anillaber, of slttings�-Of -these An we '%iVould, not . I � I
. C ' th -' � gens*,aros :. �:. I. �
fes�. , Mr I - '. . ' , I . I �
I'll . .
A , tire At this W6:dak. I A large r6friger- . I .. .. � I .i ; I
$1.15 .. . PET -S.$1,..,.:. :�- lown lives that. you Are end. 11 1.14g. �kcellenf entertainers �oj) � pla like to see him re:. I Point of di*. .. . : ... . . d '
. . I L . ;
..$125 ,1, but that of our peigh))OI-s, all it, Ij Henry Was informed'.. by big honored atoi has bee . onlin, N I . . . . .-;4`
� I . I . .� IF house, and h . Mr Sohn - S.conei,. of Moos I , I . . . 1. 'I, I..,: �
� '4GLISH VELVE-r C . 'On to the 'faititful Y'slto`iO that they had seen h' built 'at hi-9'.81111"ghter W,T., son-! y, L � . ., . *1010� .1
El ,t 'Very lIbtlo-COn4Oh41 u- aw of Mr G.0 .. I � . . .1 -
. . If in cleaning s t6kenbylibillill " A Picture e Purposes killi tWOL QV *90 Swartz .. I I . . .
tip his residence, the � in English three, beeves a hASSOl OUth'gLh tel'af * , I . .: � ,
RPETS . I . .. next journal, -we6k, in.a ditionto " ` . 0 that pla;6o. � ' . 1. . . I 1. . . . -
is ree 'and had then made I'lp their ' Nessrs.11. & J , . . I
A I place� to him n . � I . I
ENG- L ISH & S TCH I k' . %941 .
. prod i ith disease- minds to othei., me'eis. He ha4 alsogoneinto - Ransfor4g ed two I . I., . . .
. .
CO L . "clug substanceriFZ-1%reW*Ould thu� ..the Llirst partnership with - Alto her- gplitlema,ii cars of salt -the past week� o t . . I . � I I .
INOLEUMS . "�; a lllorwhqarty.ragpOn� - -- , RIP( in he , - .. I . .� . , I
All widths) . a . Tirvnee h2moysroal a It t PAYS tO in buyIng stock, � ' - . Wells at Brussels, An I . I . �
. -
I . � Important * 0 in this all do.good wor . . " . I I . fo�l L ., .. . .
. . . . � to * nee -a -year* duty by i . . k. .. . " I .1 � cam of coal, . � , dre,ciiiv.ed r . I . I I I ..� . .. �L' ..L. L
FALISH AXMINSTER I . wn s eople� and may . our . I . I �... .S,V1jDHNJ,y Su4biONIOD- . . . I � I I . I * . . � .,. . - . . . I . . t . I
I I L : . . L. .
, . such a thing CIRGANIZED.-'La4f Prld - - - one-th " Onc. by Ford & M�gajl shippe A * . . . I � . I
CARPETS. , 9 e .Tl ,nears - of, Olinjo d 4 Car, 4 . . I .1
I . OY avi�ning . ( It Are fast.j lititcheril Lt,o . . . ' ' .
quarter be unk I I .finumberof those ,fnterresE6 -
� as An 0 Qri"COus WAft 6f. air from jily ' & ill the being CA ed to jo I 11
CANADIAN and . � . nown. . in' the. innumerable Wid One Of expoi-t Cattle L , ' , '' - ''
. J.': - I . I.., L . . I I I .�
, . . � . I I . -
,:-:. L. L . . . establishluen6 L Toronto. -on. I I . .., �
ENGLISH - OIL- , ; .11, I... . Of a. golf club, throng. The unicertaintY of life co Wednesday, and � Fitz� . �. .
CLOTHS(AllX . I % . . -.� � , the RattenbUrY a ,met in The rbalized- fro L 1:8imons & SoA. a c 1. . .. ILI I . .
4 -Lbs ) � — .. .. tn't - . .
C .. In the sudden and u . .
I q_ -'BOY AND Ouse, ttn&organi�ed pdoted' . .of ho toColling.
. .. A ItWhR�Oftrclessn6ss for thb comi .H. 11 I . nex- I P"r .. 9S I I .. I . - I . .1 I . I � . . L L I
I -in the hitnolli 1, . ngseasdn� vt ith tile follo wl� demise of Charles .Wood-. - . I , L *
. ngbf-a dangerous weal]� Ing offleers - Mr and Mrs G, whi�h' ocon . eyar,grq, * , , , . I '11:0
' .
.' L D M C- I . ''..Ms ' S Ed L i Anning,'Wh' " . I . I � I . . I I
rred 'L*ArIYOn We fiesday Ila X � . .
A c to 50c* 'L . )'Oil$ and 811bJitatices Are 091astantry .TaggAi,t, Pair i morpirig last, . teaching� at Breslau iihtC6 o haa� bben :11, - I 1 . . I
. I L I . . Ous; President, .. I
I - the Pro Until"I'dosday evpnIn4, at his favorite to $.- 8, No 8; Turn!, I I . ; . .., . .. � 4 .. . . . I , . .
. . , robbing the lives of yoilng and old, ,tt . dall,, vice, 0. E. Dowditig- IT. P. Tis. . . -140,Aa.d be6n working, New Yeitrs, : � . 9 I
' '
401411101111111 .: .§ellf day,. Abol-yet'-with all the . K - D. - M6T' Soo. Ti-eas , Occupation . And,L has Accepted -4 call I , ... � .
- ,
Z -1--,--F-- . � less taUght US byt . h6seLSAd' AkgAit' Aggt'� Se6L, Miss C1 ,' blackswithing; ' L re - --And enters upon - her. otuties .at I . � L . I . . ..: -, .� I . . 1.�., L I .
. . � I
Ons' d in Mwdlng,'and � berr . I . - ", .
�spte,rk� AeIIY;.Cdm ,y ..
CeS,"Lwe soon forget and iro I mittee-Mossrs 'N.. arned 6 ther . hOm6'of his daughter Easter . - I I L . �
" - on , , , . .
W . . I .1 same,dange e - Will be L ,,,,, Dr, Agne I . 1,11ir, .Mrs ff. Switl ''(With ' .. . I , . . � . . . .. I . . � �,�
Vorsets are roil� patb;,as:bef6r6. on w.. The park 1, whow. he has * Color Serg I . I. I '' .
.1 , 1. . .
I . Wednesday of Iiiab forthe resent,atleast boenji�fngof- late,) and, partook of ib , Battalion, e -Mat Jghies of the. .%rd I . ,
. Mans %0 L . . .Week Out' to'W"ll Until tllose,i�jshing &�'Fe ,hearty. suppe . LW Who 'has be'exx� at!*ndin8r I . I . .11 I I ..1. . � . � I . I
I . I
abI '. Olselly. Barracks, receive4- his certil � . . . . I .1. I
I carne near wit � arn, do so., afid - V. ' W retired as. usll&l � I , ,
. I
a , nessing another lamehf. . then,, if a Isrgq Place feeling iii ibe best Of spirit' , .. I . . I . .
Pertect I -is required, theL 1; . S; at 2 Am. - . . . . . I �
learoUsedhis aug,liter, and -twenty this week, � ' I . I � .
�%�eath of a YOuI1g lady by a bullet, a---- , 11 try to. got the h ' * ' I I � .. . .
S-ILt , a �6 w d ficatO in a short ebu a' : . I
n Pr ' disc arged frow the careless handling JCrtonuen, lteloefafmelebiji e . . .examination I
. for this Winutesafterwas e4d, heart f4ilur . I .. I . . , . I , . . I �
. year are - being tile ap . I I , . . �. 1. I I . . L I I . I.. . I
i 7 -CM I of A rifle WhIlein the hands Of a young . Sr: 506. Any ilshipp4adoub] : . . �
I . . I . :* . man. *hilo 1 out shooting .bh,.ds,- g6liflemell $1, � and ladl� patent cause of death. ' e fD10antelo ' ' I * . . L .
. I . - feet that the.y f,4eT I e decker i I L , .
was carrying one. of those gm I . -He Pel'song who would like . Somerset, EbUgr-: l 0 , t1gs this- week from ClInth , S I
. ' . . . : , J
I I .. I.. . . I .. 11
. I I assoc" hemsclves IWIt I lan, sOm6-75 'Years ago, and. came to. itto. Thir 1. . . �', . �. .. I �.,%, . . I . I
. I . over his .shoulder with 6ne All rifles *to tat* t � h this,f"- T ArLwas born in L .' :4114'Brucefield to Torb Ili L 04'-, I . ; I '.
OUR FOUR BIG . � . gers etteade of his ft- ,einittin out -door rftteatl6n, are rg�. CaliadiaboubM years- Ago. Hefirst- PtIce Paid w $ 0 . I 1. � . ... I ,..
L I . ' d thi6ugh the t - ' questeT to, se L as U* And n ell . I I I 11
I - , guard. Afiss Mand Usborne rigger , nd .their ,nam to the settled at -Hamilton,' but With'the tide nektWeeksprIc6s '.L. '' . ,,allge.forf - '�. ' � � L � L � � . .� . � I
A I I . � I Ing tolvaids hi taty-treastirej. I . es. L. . � of western inimigi.at,on L I . .. . I. I. � . . .... I.. . . .1. L . I � . 1. . �., ,�4 � . . . . I
. M,when the rifle WAS.1 : - . � I . . came to Olin. .. praCtl ' . ,�i .. I .1. . :. �� .
MARCH BARG IVS . . .1 . * '�,� .1 : � . . I .
-1 in"o to diiell . toil about 7ye Foot-bAll Se ii$. 0,11 the � �. 1. I . . .. � . .1 � .,-. .
, rilke . . I . I I L . . I I .
Is Mr,%lo in sower uninten., f" OTTH ROAD . AV$' aff6r,,Wlth his wifi). the. lbstifila' th e -se d4 ", ' ' . - � I I., � L . I I . I . .1.1.1 ' .. I I
rom the.neig -A is 00 Curti In* Ramilto, h L: L " LL I . .
t161141'111411lib 8 well-iO4o farl�,�r R*"duringh" , .. I . .. I
; 0 hall Of A ,'N' long' hborhood of Holuteiville, I -thaf he took P boys.do I. . . .. .
I I nature, entering the young I n notIptirpose, Ie Ing f a � . I 1 . . .
I . unto , iM$Olf a life ltrt� .t. . I Houg 1. . . . . � i
25c VEILING I 0 ' I to I ft- 1, , , h Cup .. . . I , L
0810" ,
� .
I. !k
I. I -
I I I I I 3J
� I.- 'I I
, I
� MY% leg I said th6 - Other day that he Ti, 'bar, in the: - pei-g6n. of Miss I ge avvay frow them this year - I , �. . �
C I I About six inches below the rather drive to 60dol.lcho * oidd. Jane E:W- . , , f over ; . L
H . b9gly , . ith hii,pro. ,on,, who p edeceased him about eight It leAves town again. L' . v . . I . I � . . . I . I...
I ., �-p4aoing between Offit at the duce, than tr . . 11 I I . I . . . I I
30c to 40c CAS . C. feinoral averse the milci� or'l:oAd . . . .. I L �L I 'L . � I .
ERE HOSE 25c � 'artery and thefamur bone . I . outsido'of th' .. I-. ears 490, They had, four children- � 'Ther newly - - d , ' �. � ,. . . I .. L .. 1,
25C arpag.eidly O' toiVn of. Clinton 6n: the V aPpointe . ... L
ithou't I - - L es Gottsh4l Of Pennsylvania., License, Com- . L I . . L
- Huron road, Charles missioners for East Huron; are., I 11. . . I . . � . I...: I . . : ; .. �
. W njuri�g either of esolvit4l in, ' 41N." 1 . . . " I . . .
LINEN HAND 1<CHIEFS 2 for 25c -' ' arts, and odging Within esPool"lly front the track a X, . . -000h.h.. I 11 . �.11' I I , , 11
, n I 'If 6 Isn't a r tr' an ra - `q" � Sluitli, Of, town, and'. LitilejOlin,Fordwich, J'. 0 ell a, . '�- �
L' . w th'"ch of mud I , ible 11 'T Oad"' 1.0 sayol "If is a ,10011alm; - of TojVonto; Dur-Ine, 'their J, f9rth;.J&s Ti. ni a A 1. 1111-W.�' " 'L ' .�� . L LL LL
. MAKER& -SEC I . tack �Art of the limb no a o b6libb here is anothe residence of 3fol) * 'se � . I
S IN - LINEN could. Ave frave, . rcondition OVer 40L oars I . '4 ble 1�� iPoi ted In the , I � I 1r, . . I
I . . � rsed the cour Cape oil in our widst place Of aeo�'Vortune, 80110 Tesigned. . � .
. it se that nton'6 business ad. PUY PPOved tbewse va� estimable ci� I I
TOWELINGS I which bandi T, - 11
I I � i .did without splintering, th i 'bone, Vancement, And fb4b is- the hill at Ivens. The futliet-al Willbe held to -da -ur J. Sc,�iAio�n, . ... h, ing-.4,6411 , . . L
, thereb " I 9� I
. I Y Ca 11139' ambutati— - I StOleton. M-- p Lnw � I is AV .4
. � . .
I Y WhIch Would - "` on- the other . ere ri I .,
. I Ing the a or I Y it Armor I ving just 'ICIRY, at 2 p in., ,7 0 V I I I
We remin" ' 4 ' When - the romaina this week a lar f I I . �
Amputation, Is hard to , ro to drive, ,jerator six feet � I �
&YOU8 ' A186'wean sideOf)tprefe -will be interred Ili Clinton cemetery, by 7. This. wif, , I 1,
glun of our - four ble. March , but it did just th conjecture, to SeAtiorth, rather than climb it with beside those .of his Wife. I 1 48sis 0111, I John in . � I I. I �. . , -Y, .
bargeirls. Each One'ispricedunder� � 0 game, And we are his teaws V "To the be.' kp6ping �is weat in ifirst-class pon� 1 : I I
I 'Alue, andspecial . I thatso far 'the top Of 16 van After be d0eareach de Pest $ympa. I ion uring the hot sununer, ,john . , 11 - , , ... . I ,
. * ,
'v no.' IIII&V61tittler thy. in the Sudden d6ath6of their . I . I
Pleased to be able to :ro r6AVeil we extend'our d t
in the b(st and trVe�t sense of the orb - file road is 4ofib too �jn, I Dayment, has thi3 contract v
. ol'Ove QPMonts hav .only I
word. 15ach. IV, Viting wl)icR leads .to town alrilug Pai t, . . .
'111,10 but it Will be sometime 0 ,.Serious stote, . . � on . . I. .1 .. I enst1r.0 the. building qf A. ' I I
Ii-es'sold axle sold faq, b 1": � before Of Affairs, and' I � I � . gOO4 I Vour. . ....
ut We laid in enoush of I =01"W"'i WOTW1011 � Ilsont " "an, . . I
. all to� , ,w6. 11 have the p6pf,00e 1180. 0 , 1hink the Council I , 61-- . .. ". .. I . "'Ta . . . . .
last us all Ironthp and ifyon come sc . � . f hor I - I W0.111d heal, one, will. XE4 WOOMM4,18- t)aPoijtwg. fr,al . One Of the Worst blizzards ofl.aln . . , I ,qfy-" .. ...
� .
'011 SOU Will be - - , . t � — I . . I.' ' , . . . I . I � of,not'holding the*SP,ftlg ' the -season set in , � .. ,i4, t , . . � , . . � .
able to get.some of these. . . . . . I I r, alnb from the ratOP'tyoits of our tile Custow . Monday,evionin -and�cqntinjjqol ,,.�ll I . ::: ..
. '' , RBSOLUTIoNOVOCOXI)OL _ pro . . 11
I Own"fit 8110111d Proceed ittonocito Millinery - Openlu* t % _ . . I
. I I I E NOft� porlygr4de and 9rAYO1 Out, roads,, NqWcowbols Cale rated th Ori till Molnes hyni -Was 4 I. . - % * I .
q -- - .
V At tholast, re 1, , at all Im, persoil could (10 to *4 c At fix ti I . ---��-"--f� I
. ,�I(J';`i ,g' till near' D,6ster er
. ...�.,-%ft War. weatin s tOf th an thus oftor sorne - Inittic 'iriol4y j VA. It 'T . . - - --.---
0 �io4rraral�rlondgtod b. 'Orilellt to'. Orbult eventlast 14 -;�v S . I._ at * � I .
. 0 Velo Oty � , . ,
"t veilings 10C . Ldxfd&boro lo0g,or end Sheme Id lodge , , . Corday. P4 �nlng and -thd Wind Was- blo;�Illg,'anjl ,
i I fyJalkdk erthietg 2 for W . J'of OlInton,S , . 9 ev"04s-this look out for -a great deal of 81,we I
I . o sines with us, 111,1'90 store h Or ft '*Oak P� 4 Iuay -
800 yardo p)ain and fanoy, I . . blIs Of n' h9land, by unani. INMATES - as had its stilif �'Of 4oto 0kness-tit I . I . .. 11
. I w011s consenb of eacho the f6116wing oholr� of WaAIPNTE RUINED " The 4ters hi*d at -w6rk plAcin or, , follow this cold snap� . I I ..
. VOilinge,with or witbout obt n' -'k Theae tire 6,11 . resolution, was or ey Sunday School went in that heautif, I tat f .t ein rior , . . I � I.— .
4 _ I a 0, 0 )e I , t At not a minuts' ' ' ,".
-odd lot *a cle dored to be sent to dowti to the f .
out from a big Impotier, pure lared the _ f ThIiis
;Adortied, their -store oil those a s, .
tors of their late hrothek J?cleg"Wni last. and rendered, the bades bf pink too soon to olrdery,6ui: .
white, black, regular 25or qual Ladhiolieni-stitched hajadkerobiefs, I da
ills 00tfi, 4=11130, "Awy, brown, loon SIB 'beiOaved mother and brOtbOrs ant evening 'Ouse Of Wfugo On Thurs, Mrs H. 11 Obant 'onttxrt4k1ne(1. t.110
- The lighter s members Or W0910Y 8'- 14- VbOIr and a
Thompson t- � . foliclyllik reell 411 few Of their friends,tin l0ri(itty evellin : I � .
Itl0a, That becaugO we bought R000ft0d h6mao bite qtiAlttieo,. wortli . . I I rogl'Aftt * Piano Solos by red -svere P1,0dominAt , I rou OR, last, ,Tt,lvAstllooee4s,loy.1offt�f4rt�i%-tt , you want - ��
- -th w cheap,our Marob pries ig nP to 260 elteb,out Mirth prioe Loxtizolloito totion, M Miss Ida ollnes, 3,1188 Mary chant. DisPlafed . 9 ...
� It a A4 Ault'if
� , 0011 , ' DVAU MR# Tuoupgox.,&Xj) "all' 00th, 1009 and Filed Chant; readings by'Alsgo& ( ArtisticUllY below n tile to their Owl '
I yprd.... � ............... toe, g toi. 95c PAMMY .1 -�-At * Pearl ()AuColon, gate bla .wain ( epal,tnl(* r 104110P, Ittr lVanney, ,%vila
,, .Ilk Where all. t 0 -lie �
. I-0gular rutiet, I left on Monday for Lo h - f -Of gister, -Leave � � ..,
Tovt - tig Of t0ndebbidiro slid Shot. Sadlo' 14olones nning and suftingsandfabrics*1110h shall go t4) enters file eirilil(Oy 01, , adow wball� be ' �� .. . I .
, � .Caghmere flose 23C eliNg SeMdg '. " I . ;fteld'itadgba of the 8048 of EnPlAn4 y3bftQv- Bolen Dobert ' ' VOC61 90104 by Misses adorn the ladies during the spring V. , th . C, . new, Organ, Your Measure no.W� "a � ` I
. . . Olenk 80016tY hobembf6d, it wa'a Y, D011a Wilken, and IsUmmer months.. L - and, factor"
� Theno Toviolitigo orb mfiket,b, bed. that *a extend to jourgolf vesolv.M Tafiney; Vocal, duoto 4y - Mr T oil-, large front � , . . � . we will havo it reedy , I I ,,�
I window contained A obarinin 14"Vom Thor I 141an Ifenol 'W6'ttt� of th&jsure. Des*jdes there � . . '
800 to 450 per lbair Is wbat and fkrnil� otte Tanney., and Misses ijelo E; and R GOVIOus view of the many, nice t 1111gs 1413t; Wook undl . * . .
k big lot of . Midj
d to sell thege thaw, and A6 ph ate goill -'evay'"th"thy in the "ol 16081oll hAve 008Wu- Wilkon,- qu I& and jdii, ft , 01, tho P4141ou of RdRooloy .
I WO would have II4 Onds, LRA week we eola ,
eivokings for if we had bought thi y they. - c)"ibilledoath of yotir* 80II, , VV4 Attette by Misses Wilket that'aretobeworn by the filir Box we learl) of, tho soriatle 'Illuosq (if 4 .1 A great deal better .
a we, will gee the hibi 01 080fil YOU. as brothers ct dedea And Unue)p,� a *
000 at the regula thera:1111284kVII � . ,Vd Messiv porrin And. ., I
r price as a And if. these things Are Any IkltliZ.,%gon � forillor riAsidont, otf �Jn' t(iAA0n, �Vft,h I
- the atore. I � t0l dbeply, the ood the" WO TAM10Y,- Manager French of the ,brightness of tit )klounlollla, In (Ito lorstku of Ailas Trollo I vaiio ... ..
, 0 21a a pair is all we he ask. . TOW,t, L LENGTBO olle I Ill ard, COW iO hfillation You and your faia� entertainment Was Ono San the .Q.8s aild hoad t to choose from I ..
,tx ssois 0ood. 110% I
Olson"flit -1 I
Pikitgovitill there is a good as* bigisibut griefo iind sorkowa gth s the HOnle, and the in. dur Weather rophet hit beftbi, Ok6i I � I . . .�
Airvid* webave sold hunareds TOWEL L9NOT,q8 poitt to fi"'f' X"Y He WhO OV01'givensla Of t; e beat Wear fort e approa6hin K, 4oOdW.11A, VOW41n o filot AN lah thiro will b4
104 . I AVION of t(41 . I with re 110t, fluvt . Wei 0 . at; , ., , � . I .
. thd 00II8016401 He 416ibd can 41,06 Ina$ Joil Mates COrtailITY S00mid to ehjok It,, Its'a propria e Weather to I'll o 4:11 .
. 16tiffiew left. fialorted ribo, TAULM Lit0l; 26t . this tkanalobt life I An * 60 Such kindness as this is much appre. W, ,�, Illa(A). In we idso le kO sorlons 111ness of .1 . I I I , 0 ..
All *001,011)914 or doable luiece ' WA13LA LINPUN g thikt home where p1reinided raoefvo yo.q In dated, -and is I the tiline�yd�st)ltvyro,l,,i,,,,t,*,.,,I,, th � *k I o V, , d W Its Who Nvas I . I I I
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Blue aj to 9j, orholce ...... 0 , 50.1 , .tg Ig 104 Wdroo Aloo which we 04 One of the many ways in game exquisite taste ,was Hjj411lAy&1, I(, e%sj � �414 t,
25C All witkovil"08664ae 46114 regoilved thAt i 0 o it, holl I V01301163 - �
*"1111111ft-IM, S. all Urti, , big 10d90 be Attingly apokpod da, n do Rig will .... on sun. hundreds Of Yards of rIbJ)on 1)(11fig 11sed 'tit , t) Nobby Spotch Tweed I ,
� . . . .. I.- . �1? gaind. I . . � I . . .. .. Ift'llicurning for jfir�oo W.bhths t Afternoon last Mr Preach brought in ita,drapino, The styles Are Very IF ( a 1411 A� . 4. t b44 . -
, . . I 11 ,. Suits 10446 to oraori,
ff tadult r AbY0110 If$ 11JAC41 (�fgt)r.V411
I $ I . I forWout aeop wrrow in the I'lontlahow In Is teabis and with the help of the Much tile Same Aslast, Yelir'but a shad . t -am Urlwl
Mel Bon Ton bus, 0 holp, Should $16.001MO
1 -of 6fte Mum btiloym 4rOV,0 the oholf of St flatter and Widerhwitil flowor fArden, II(Ime 1)11411011 Ilk (Jjt�jj
` bf6ther, Z ritul's chure I 41114,v to Ulf) lk�%Ilardo 0 And $20, . . .
I , I . I V.t I Thbtapaotoj gind, , , .
&VAM 5 t'hat. a clopy ot thlo t h, togoth* with the 1,ac. adornwonts, but AvIlIg very p eaRlux . 11811 ao6loty 114ve lit 1� ekdo, As tho Rug. I- ."-� '. , . �44.0
-0 1b6b0frowlagral4tives, Where service Was he d, th he How% -
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, I 64t being oVevlo.ided. Tile (0 to,40MMia
I . S ngiti,on bdh4lf Of Loltiolimbo-va ind Mat. Ing offido being Qdllf black hat still ronialnig hoWevor ".tho eaely Part (W
ods'vn Bros., 0-1111"01V 0 � 0 full even- April Rat lxi� . '
. . I . . A do d W18%,aby B,, 01uW,r6iOV# prej- Len. ItuAl ell . X118. ThertO O"L it Is Awl Im
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