HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-03-27, Page 3,�M*,P; L1_ 1� - I 0 . - #_ , - . I %'I A . , I I . 4 , . . � . . ; . 14 . I . . . � . . . I . . 4P , " . . I I 1. I � . I I I 7- � . - Z,O1,ON111!111: I 'X= UUW=N NEW ZRA . F ":11:::,::,:,: I �­ 111:111��11111:1 "I � � I., . I 40 MINIMUM - � * r- ".,--,. " � --------- __ _�_ :,,I 1: 11, I .. ------"— --"-. 1-4 . � --W .4'.­� 1 - I 1. I 1. _ � i , i m �--ow."Z11111m:1:1101: - I 31arch 27 1, 19f,s 1 F 11 � :111= � � . . I ; 'Felt Soar For xilin,-� ; . ...... � '. Ane ot*J. . 01, I , ___�;_� 777' I .�. I., . i.. 1 m O;�;.;_­_­ , ­ iii i , � 11=1=1:1.11111= .. _ 0 I � I led . I : I 11� . I . . I I . I I — . . . - - I # . ic .; . '�� , , I . I � I . b ) PoWer Of A, Great Telescope. , . "' . I ., 1, Whwi tile, lato "Toni" need Was first 'Ae Lick Observatory b - I I " � . , ,� ,� . . i IV � 1;_t� . . . . . . �, It ce 1-01inton'. Sash, Door, and W I I _- . I Of 10" the Presidency, he %aa, , a§ often been I . - , , -: . t � , I 1. I . dest,ribed, out it notion pj"tbc powor, ol ; I . , , i t Sic%; it lie thought tile party would put tl�o gl,eat tele,4cope there I 8 — — - .� . ... , hir nonlination. Ilis reply � was. I 1,,� cond mroely, , B11*11d Faotory. ­ ."'. .. 1� I I I 1\ IN /,�V('A ,� I . lilere st.-Ildilgly conveyed than in tha, I I , ., " � � i " � . 0 might flu wur4e—antl. 1 thlilk, . 1 � . , . - - I wi U, � � � they, following extraet front an artlele iii.t.he ! . , I I � 40 - --- ,_ k� I . New yol-4 "Triblille.,; � . I S. S. CIO � I 11 I ; ., I i _ V aliNup �r ' 41 '"It - - , P40PRIETOJI, I . NO, VZ " . friin)(1s, �CQJCITI Terry Once "As ) ;1 0"_Xft*A �, 1 ft . 1, T , I . I 1, " 9-1-4; _- UL01 I eat eye Of the, telescope, tug I ,fts APPI. � , � " 9 Is "Ort Lilco draiving. Yoil 9pleou ,g ass &t, Its Gejtbral Raildet 4114 00utmetor. 4, 1 I , 'Fa urper %4, Mat in . � 0. ,�l ­-)J,�AP.- ,- I I . : . til"11ce 'a ""- If it Is 1�)--",(T- Von rld? it Paris, hnd plade by_1 via Qar Tb(s factory � . I � R. @'�, Oat at once and waLe unul,11or. N'�Itl� IIX Ithodo I ,all 4 & Solis, , 19 the largeit in the county, a I � . I � I _N"";"'V�.,� I aeting Vhat s�j jillpo.3,31I)IL., tilprf', is 110 al 8 4, taking chiner iii his th,a very imes� improved m%. , I , - I . . .. . -,p j , _ days for RO 0QMpL seven hundred . Tif capable of doing. work ou the abocwdo. notie-0. We carry 1. I often feel as if OOV, is thirty-st ' lameter, and, so of buildings on Nhort notice, and on -1�i " i � ,�, ternig—it must stam altion, and casting $00,. 1, . %a (4xv.ndiva, ). , . . . �X)y I ana re lakile stock and Prepared Plane, and glYe 0stitup.tes torandWiltl allolitse. � V x inclivs In 41 .1 I I � , 1 must 017 to "O aUdIM(L', Q fla�lt - the 01080st Prices. All work f4 4uporyi . I : , . . 14 gathers several thousand times us much 00 In A weZhanios,11 way Anis satisfoollon guaranteed. We so k 1) t in I �, , 1 '4' wrong, not .18 I Ine, K .. . .. . � I .1 , � : ani it to bel Let ui a light as 04 hum" eye, III conjunction . terlor 849 exterior material. ,Illill i da o . I .1 I I . � . I , 11 � �, Ivith the bighest eyepiece, -it juagaillea . . %et that part or.sprt4L�);po 0*,vi, 6,,,1i,J­ . � 411 . � . I H . . A certain let%1-ll,_(,A 1q-o1c4-.jor In 1; Ger tweaty�slx -hundred times but, such a I I , Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Ll � . � . I .. tuan. univo-sity, ligs a le,ii-lic(l j,�ln 11'roth- figure I � Alleg Saik Doors, 811u(Is, Etc, . . I . eon"YS to the Mi�d no Idea � . I P . er, living, in the salne joj%.n, %yho re'. Us real performance. It two are Of Agent for the Celebrated, gRIXV1311 . W __ . * , lights . — ,. - , ., . . . . , I sel"b" I11111 60 010.501Y that �,t N jiltuos.t. Of 9 t b4lianey were. ,hung out on the _ 01. 03SK, kii-Artufoottir/A . 11 ' - tea .L $ORO . I It � I - I . , � Miss Agnes Miller, of Chicago,' � .1 I . . . � . ImIM981ble to t0l thern apart. A iivwm, tovyer of New York City Hall, across the At Wmt8 too- Cali And ge' Prices and estimates befo.te placing your ordera . . .. 11 � . . - . I , - Q� � 11 . I I mail mei�thlg t1le ,'Alofe*sor on the Wi0i, continent three thousand miles away, I . "NWIce me, thilif "A - . and were -_ , _ Speaks to young women about I . � I r I . I . yard stopped hi,14, SPA1119: "Pardon im. a _! ! - I . I . . - - — _____ .11 ,dangers. of the Menstrual do I 617 yal ptky: . 4.11 but- is it to you or y4ur brOOLc k-ha.t '� the ouryurlure of the earth did not, inter- I . . . - -1-.__-__ ---- - Period , n't ye athrike me V � "qV0 the how)r -of q-&-alaing 71, 1181r $I waj* fore with visiorl,' the eye behind the . * � — how they can avoid p - ' 'Mure, an' Oi wouldn't flatter yo by I OR. QHAGEIG RENEDIE$ the rcad,y reply, I,jo gir &LtIcint," - . . _ ' , 11 fua� 03terw the shape sLv yo faeol,, � . . a 0 sp I . Q f,c, ray great telescope Oil Mount RamiRton, ' I - , I ver 1!1110, one pill brother? . - 'looking . . Oro, would, AUother Drop in IR "', I :suffering and remove the ,cause. . Or, ChgLSO'M KIdney-41 . - a I cross that vaet ul . . rices - veArs with, dys"' . I 11 11 a dose, Or) cents a box. fi � va boxes for $1.00, 1U a, �5outbern state tile othrr dav 0 t�,ck: ,the liglits 'out as two. ut It these .. .. " I suffered for six , Dr. Chisse's JNqrv.% pood, I I r2Od$), so much to Mat ' r, chause,as of 50 Conti a box, gentleman, who Was, w4fting for Iiis tiain liglkti�, instead of being plueed at The undersigned'isOffering hi meuorrhea (painful pe . � My We Eat? " . I � D . . ritnient,, 60 cents a box,, � the distaric - 8 $80 Buggies for $65. TheY that I dreaded every mouth, as I knew ... I ..... R Dr, Chase's Catarrh Cure, 25 cents a box, at it country dation, aelvd a porter )"'110 I e, of New York City, were are, his own makep and are mad from ch ce m � Says the "Family- Doctor -" 141f all we Dr. Chabole Lly . I e. it meant three 6r four days of intens I ar Curv, to cents a bottle was Ving "Oil one Of the seats �,vberp tbe bun out on our nearest outside planet oi aWrlal. and t)ir e , Dr. Chase's syruP oir Linseed sinii station-master'Jived, and tl, I ' . 1, . .c porkn, litz. neig ilyor, Maxa, they would have to, be first class inechaiales. All the latest improvements us (I , pain. The doctor said this. was due read be true there is nothing one can Turpentine, �6 ce.vtci a bottle, Pgrinkit an4 I-ly pointed to t1be house [lot tea feet4 but twenty miles ap&rt to ' ' � , aud I to an inflamed condition of the uterine safoly eat, Bread is not to be thought signaturo of I)r. A. W. ( hase With his foot, I are up -to date ' . - . e, appendages caused by repeated end of as an article of 4i,st, it is f all everY box of the !its gentleman, very inuch struck At iKv.' be distinctly seen, in everyrespeet. They calinOt be surps . a treacheir- .enuine, At all ilealers of "Manson Oates .4 $ moca neglected colds and feet wetting� . =6 compound, conalsting largely of al voinpany, Toronto. . 1 mQ3 a laziness, Bald: "If you can abo,% "Objects two hundred yax& in diame- and we guarantee thern. I. � I . .. . . . um - . I . � I ,,'O,O,O - 0, -, . . .-tit 4 laxier action than filut, my good, ��k on the MOOIX's -surface can 'be ea, .1 . . . . . . ',,�If young girls only realized how and potatoes, and concocted __ . 51 y � I . . , - ­ I I . . 90YOus it is to take cold at t a . sanitary cellar; It !it teeming v�jh7 -� , �._ Interest g It Ina", III give youAwO bita." Ads out with this telescope, and buila. . I crit .hi robes, , and Is, so w�e are told, t mw 11� ,e . iris. - ter, not moving an inch, replied; -Put, it. inp as large as the Stanford QquilrArigle, JOEIN. LES . ic&1 time, much suffering would be otally unfit I . . or As lligh as the San Francisco City .. . . . I . i. Lt W. I - -L I . . spared them. Thank God for- Lydia for food, What, then, are we to look The lack of male heirs among leading In my-pocket� guy'nor," , . , i aroa Streot� Oliaton. ', , . I . 9. Pinkham's Vegetoble Com" to? No careful man will sureiy touch glish mil$ men is remn.rkalir Among the stories thout most aniused � Hall, would cause Ili) trouble at' all, I � . . � I 0 �. . . b-, . . I . . � . . . pound, tihat was the only beef,.muttQkl or lamb, �Ird Wolseletyvazl"� 'but one child, an. uti. .the hte- Quee Structures Nke 'Brboldyn" Bridge - . 0 0 11 ill 11 .. medicine owing to the num- n, ,who find a keen sen" Of river as wide as Nla 'or a . which helped me any. ber: of tuberculous care& os which are parried daughter. Lord Roberts bus humor,. , gaT% at the. )�Wls � I I � .. . . . � . - . 1. � I Within1hree I 0 1 WQA tL*t told' her by the, late 'Would plainly appear. But no. building# � . . , weeks after I started to' take it I wrigtantl'y being,114ced upon'the market. . )tow no son, Lord Kitchener ia a bach, Duchess of AW�le �'of the 6omical aA_ of design or Any other sign of former life , .. , . , � I . , ' '* 4t,or; noticed a marked improvement in *�6y Piggy is tabooe because he may have Aud Sir Aedvers Buller, who once . Vertisement reS�rdlvl . . . I s re Blairgowi .% the Dunkeld and . a . . SuTdod as quite in the running for P ich wo posted 'in .11.ra . general health, and at the time of my died of owine fever. Butter and milk � do 'co can be found on the moon. A desert wil- next monthly period the pain liad are,polsoned with boracle "Id and other re'red tar dis l I � ess of burnp4 Out volcanic craters, a wagon-st-11mrs-wLe I.. - di ti on, has an only child . ill of Dunge9d The obsett. wd" Ilk ,is " diminished consider I . noxious preservatives,'to say mothi f --a 47ter. 116U . 0 we e Aste'by day , I ably. I kept up . 11]arrkid 'The Duchess oF . ntoi�Y fearful than tiny S& .1. . — — , I . � . . A"o,141 and tUe IV � . . . ,;a, and by night more awful than an 'W a have thd finest. at . the treatment and was cured a month the artificial co'loriny matter vrblTe Oil James Brazil and Mrs. Aggle Turper from which it started was ,In* I. Sol . . y colitosiffedtfr6m, Ail the latest styles in the newest 001011iro, , . . later. I am like another person since frequently. added. , ggs Are dangerokis. pf , III tkke� Arms.' Th . I Cap on, OklabomiL, havi creat�d a , a notles ran as K, itude, is all 1what can be seen ._ Oar prio0a ard &a low so'can' be found ter first-olaks 'm6terial and workmanship, , � , . I am in perfect health." -Miss Aisus. because so makI7 bf.them. are, packed in record by being married- three times In OWO: `Th'e,Duchess.ofAt1rolele&vea the ther".0 I I . , I .. � . . I Before yen buy-o4ll and ace tiv. 11. � I . I � . .1 MILL.En, 25 Potomac Ave., Chic4go, Ill. time to keep them good, and recentli, � me day., - They first, sougilit, the probate J)uke'o Arms 'every lawful morning a* - .. , .F ... . I ­ I - ­. . .. I I . We also li%adlo'the Gauaidiall Steel Fiat I'Venoe, alioadi ,wove . an I I. I . . . . . . . � . can erect from 60 t 80 rods ppr�day, it lait-oheap strong fence, n ny faints I r , . . -$5000 forfeit if original of aboue, totter prouing too, a foreign bacillus has, found his way 4idge .at Xingfi�hcr, Oklabonaa, 4 Wx .vOetk., " - - , . . I 1. 0 . genuineness cannot- be Produeed. I nd 'as I I A. . .: . . . � . .­ I . . I ' . . . . . . . I . I I I I . I bhrougktbe shell. In addition to .other bbote was a odutest.over bile oflice they In.her remini,;�,n;�s,'_H.a�o%e Cock- . . . 11 . I I . I The monthly siclicness reftectS drawbacks, cheese' helps to ruin diges- both die OiladfUtes to warry them. tau reh'tes Iva amusing = . . - . . . . .1 L ` Z I , . �'. ­ ' the condition of 1voman's health. tiop. Itoot vegetablei are to be Avoided, r"t feeling satisfied as to, the . leplity. of ert Bro . � ecdote of Rob- :� ASO.'. -1 �axls# hafriw Street . 01into Fifty thousand letters . . . . wrking. She relatee tivat as 4a . � I . . � . � � . i from be�auso of wilrewo � Ihe ceremony, they returned.to 0ashlon WA In the draving-roovii of hw1oudQu I . I I rms. Tomatoes induco, � . N Sic . . en prove that Lydia E. clancer, and cabbages may b . ecome poi- uid Wore married Again by ' ,L 1i . ,. D 0 tZ I 0 NEW tRA, 01 FiCH . . " . � I . . . I - It 's egetable Compound sonous by., t�ke action of improper fertl . I- a minister. , house one 4fternoosi $ , � the i %&ppened to . .. I . .. .. � . . . I ­ I . . . . I n look out. of the 9 I � . � lAtes menstruation, and .(zero. PUiw fruit belps along ebolexa. - Martin J. ,Caw-,- aman of fifty, has be, .4 . windo " . ___... _____, --.--. � - . . � I . makes those periods painle& lought and - Obtained ,th tborts" Ae may*, "I ism MT. wi-,.ow:nA1'4"g' . � % � e prg-tootion, of . I. . - . . . . . . . . . i - _0.01-000s� :., - Platt, althou o6sessing hiq�ly' nutri- Ykidge Carpenter's Court, in Milwaukee, hunsffig a gPwfe, a"utely:earrying it in, - - . . .. .. . . . .. . . . I . I - tiou, _g4'� . . .. , 1. � . . .. . .. ­ 7. 1� . . , qualities, 5tould be avoided bw I his An". The poet came 6W the liall .. . . . .. . I I . . . . to . . gainat the wiles of a Miss Ormond, who , I vVith . . . . . fj . - . . ­ . . . . 1 .! ;, -he-large quantity lyllich is sold ini'll 64iisfs on marrying him tile goose. I lauglied, Irema,Tkive oidalons orLea . FC V. CHINA. . .. I . ....... - lli� - I I a Whether he de- . . ding Plinlelans. , � A Parisian Du � . 0fit state for liuman consumption askil Ill% it' or not.' He fivers that be loves tboA it was A queer I c . 0 sale by druggists, .of .. . I I . � ­ . . I � . . � . . . . . I I . I I . . . % . . �� el Averted. the diftlealty, of obtaining it really fresh. her passiouatel when in' )ter ' eve I kind if,pet. 'It is Pri 8 $1.00. For i . . . I I . . . � . � '.. � . . I . . . . . . I i . . I . . . presence, � O� -*I . r and iaffectioua,be,' ainewore& ILI-r. by mail on rece,pt. of price. . .. .1 . ." I I. . I I . 1k I , "' , appears, . . ... . I . . . . . W. AR .Poultry, If free& to be thib most Wd that her T'Jers exercise, lh*lrning, 'A is lrot'well, so I ahA look- . . I . g, , . W1, 9 . .1 . _ -Pardon, monsieur, but were you ad- .w1kolesomd-sort, of dish 'as there to only complete'. . I have much. pleas 9 . . . . .. Is . I. . . ­ 1dressing me?" . 1"y Over his mind, -but tha w Ing after. it. it Mli4s me About ju* . ure .Jn . be arin � . I � At.."s) . . N5 .. .. . ... I I I . . � & Vague, undecided, ana eminently bac)E-' influence of, both: bits departed h-. - liko a dog.'" . I ... . testimony tothe vorysuccessfulresults I . .. . I . . . . t . I o ex� - . . . . . � . . . I . . ". '�NO , monsieur, I was not ad . dressing boneless microbe to Its 'Rc�,Okknt. . I . I have obtained in the treittment,'of . . NEW C'URRANTS. . . . � . 11., You." . . I I I foro, duck and green 0as a ' There- . perienoes the utmost loo,tiling for 6e wo- BiffbOF Wet0bersm t4le st,64eq of bow - hemorrhoids by the -use, of Strong's . . I -Fillatrig, PAras, Vostzzs - , . 1.� I : ", � I . � L RAISINS-Extro, Cluiters-Debasa, Valencia ani Sultatia , ''; �� I "Then why not? Think 'you I am a - the dish to .muke a stand upon, but .lot, I The relief �omes early, itrid . . NEW PIGS. Dates, Prunes, Apriaotsi- Peaches and Cranberries . I . .11 : NF I I � ppear to be man. - . . . �. .. . ,he was once taken for a "drlinvnee' by � Pilekone . ,W . zaan to be ignored?" . the eas be fresh. Still, when you come A funny story.1s i6ing aroulid in.New . 4 traveling salesman who was riding on is, I believe, JaDting. W J togie,. M.. . � - "Monsieur is pleased to be impertin- to tKink -� it, yo . ­ � � York'., concerning' a, very . spol'tily-likellned . thisamotrain. "Wbatbdinoodoyou-ro. D , Oqro ei, London . Ont, , . - NEW NUTS 'Almonds, Walnuts, Filberts, Shelled Walnuts and Almorkas . . 'I� u cannot '&'Ways 90t d,ab.iitan who.. is - extrQniely fond � of a , t Is was, . . n. P : I 'NEW PEELS�Lemon, Orange and,Citroik I . . .�, � ent. But let him beware I , I warn. him!, -d � to reset t?" 11 sokvd. -"Lird . & . I . . I I � . I . . .1. � ti� a - At -a tecent recept! . I .P . . . .0 W.'T. ST lAnnuraottirin ' L - . UIN DIES and ORANGI?48---i-All kind . I . � '.. . I � . 1 : 'Me warns met How 'he is'dr6ll; . got 1,,,1d you.eertairkly cannot Always t1,11vilrch " 'rWied the bishop. M;mlm i(t)ON ' ' It� a really a,aockin * on she . nja4,O . 18.clhew- 11 � S at 0 ght - orke . � pe". � . It Ii . � IF. let - 6. her hien. friends.: not finding' er - "i6ver heowd QN,* . r,. . . . . I , .1 . .. Is the flea which warrI6 the elephantl" Rroslaw . , . .. . ama"'Vol mused: the drunnh ..lot, London, . . ., .9 . * I ' 'Tamillel Turn away your face. It - . . . .-,..4.* .I�LW' % more Coilvarkient: Place, -ensconced them, Any briv;b4liousa I"' . I . . . I . . I I I . . I . . � . � A.-L&AGE YXILL'.6TOCK 09 OANXED 000DA-TomatIbO9, Corn. iind .. . . � -_ . -Br"6h,bQue".V4 . .� . . I 11 oa ad Chicken . I . �, � offends me." . I 1. I ----�� - I ; J ___ I . . R at Beef a . res, � 0A. � :. � , 1� . , .selves in a'biz mahogany wardrobe in over tho .world ' 9&Z . t,14 man of 9*4 . - . .�­ ;� . . I - . . . I t� ' . ty � 11 . . "Bahl Vou are makilrig Of your cha-. : 1, . I I I one, of the � han$, where she wft� finally .easily, - "Tha. � quottIM went'. ug, � , I * '' I . .1 � . 1. I I , . fine assortment W I � ' . . : . I . . . , � . I I ..... . disq,ov6red. .by 'her 64peron, who � wits ),Pllp. begaA ' I - AVINQ 1. peau a telephone through which .to . �,O�',think On TER 3H - I , =11 � . ..: . . drummer I - V49 I . . . . , I a � 11 I 1. WE - , .. � . percent lbew than �: : : I - . . I . I I sn't - tq,is a some Small cone6rik. "Br-�-boots ,wA: . . . . .. . .., . .. I . . Z11 . "No " said . � . I I . .1 I i. 'Theie is no danger. . . I , . . wee quiet place? � the blob".1 ."D , ACT . speak. Take care ]eat I forget that -1 am'. I I 166kink.for her wraps.. X& in th6 legilse Mn. &6;ss, a bogatful're .. .. � � I . I � . � . . . . I a Fentlentaill" . I . . 1 -Arwrl�d public benefactors. , . disconcerted, the gi%�d: '.'I I I i One can. sear�e-' . . .. I I I - - . t y � ou come in ' *119 t). P.- -4 N .., FXTORw� . I . . . I . - . ked' th� drummer, - ly forget that which has never -taken - I WE' : , and join us?" .. � . � . . I . g,90 6 as7 . I OOLSr COMFORTS AND 13 - . place." I . * * , . .. I � � 1 - . . are hoisnatching people from ths grave. , Aecording.to 'ITruth," a . -delightful . ' . to- dlsph�y.'lrritatlon. "WeH,. I EALS THE;SKIN, ENA. . . I ... I .. .11, .. $ .... , . . � Pig of a pigl . .1 .. I . . � !,_� 11 1 . . I I . . I . . �. , . . . �.. . . , ... . . - . . . � . 11 . I . 'Oft I . . . I :. I 1, I . . . I � 1. I .- " Come.hither, and with .. I . . method, of dealing sulintrily. wItAl I tile blsh4, ,,some. folka'ad I 'em, A I I � BLING THE MOST TEN . �. � -'; , .. . . � '� I . .. . t:,b . , . � � I . . gst finger of in I — o� 4 I F 4 . . I . . . I . I . , . in 1ACE. TO ENJOY A , . . . . - e sin -all left hand I .%i!ll,- , : WE, .,.,. . ale kleptdinaida,cs of gentle . 4�� - � -They: tell t1ifs abory 'of' Lolki 0AW& ­ DER, ' .� . . . I .. - - or] y1all fat hulk -mirl _g1jnd_jt_t,o_ft_ " . ' -1 I - birth pre- � . .. W.,. 6 LOSE SHAVE WITHOUT � . . — . . I - ., - . .. . I I �.., . . �, - . , .1 I I W I ... . � - I I ... . - . . . . I - is giy Kmgla� physidaa:' Lord Charle � - I . - � .. . I I . � . I po,d or I PA . . I I -that -'�wc-are­-�Vst�rlrig ' � lady detected III the act, Every N� ' , . . . . . - lino"iy VAils-4ii-Sertaiii at Md fihops,- - ' , 13&6i&&� �ii Sir F riderick Tilt i I N R L E A 8 A- N T_ R E_ s Li L_ T_ s , - ` ' . 1, I . I llO I health thoit who have been IV' upby ' I en'the op� . IM . Avoid dangerous : ; .. . � I ­ I .—. -------Z----- . Ir � , ltritat . . . . � . . . . � � � � . h, meanest of bea%ts that crawl, ap- , AnyWhere train three to t 9 likout . .tiOn. 'of bein 3"uted in n co' and'Sif Frederick was called to-" I " I , !to azel1Pr0Piarat*on4 . . . . , : . ­ , .. 11 . ., . . % . .... . , ____ __ - I I . . i . re resonfe to 01, E2rmoiiaiipiaeW��� , ach, that with a single breath I may . Wdirs I I 1 . ta;w,or hiiche!d, ,gyrlli� mana kkr� of side. "Tell me " said'8fi- Prederick . SIP the same 1.� I '.. . . . . . . , I . . I I : . 91P.01w you from th : ... . WE, . ... . .. . geress, a ,per. . I I 'a xtrac Which C I . � .. .: . . . , . I I piffixft , . . a ue o t ; ., ',. . son � aPoeially seldeted for her bi , , - symP-Wms,.!?'. The 6flier said bb ' *, n . anerally . . � . I I . I . . . ..� . .. . . ybu pollute!" 1. . cep& .0le I . as) $out , " . , , , , � . . .1 .. are, om , ,. � ... - - , : . . . . birch is &. formidable' one. In & shop paiii,lliere, an acbe tbere and 6 I I on 11 0 ou h ' C' u . I . h, monsieurl 'My friends will lliaki GlIlY the ,very,modest claim, that I . � I , .. I -8 . I I . � . . . iI0k1o,4t ls�wjd, 2O:IwAes*h ;' somiewhere, else.. And td . ,r CA oison. 'alcohol"' a -90 . . na on . . I "Enoug . . I.. � � I . 1. .. I . . 1� avie. accepted , eadi. I . I , . . . . I � . . ... . . I . .- . . . . .1 I on youl" � . I . I - . I � � . I . � .. . . I s wait u , . . the ordeal of 'the birch, in a4d;hiloa to -em-nounctments, the phyilcisa ex . . . 1. 1. . � - . . I I � . � "P.rdp. me; I think not. I am some. . two'youpg girls.of foreign nationality chuckling delightedly. - 11E xoel ' ' I . ' I . . . . . ­_ ­_­_ . .. � � � I 1. I ,. I . I . I . . �r I. . I ' � . . � . ­ _ .. . They Oeem to 6616 itir n6 04 . I I I I . . . pe i I � -7--.--------------------�....,.,,.. , ; . . i�ilcuiar re&sob. I . . ' . . I . , T Ants!, . . !, Impo We to tb)l bt)%� they were.caught, And urt6n.bard to ge .. what particular in my'choice of restaur. - . 4Ws who, in consideration of ' - the4!r tender' "Chuming"' "S I udidt" When I . . . J : 1 eat . IRON OX" - . .. .., ... .. i I.. . . .. .1. I I I ' . . . .1. .. I � I I . . . I 6 onsieur pleases himself to .be witty . I I . I � . W6) Vero trm t . u: milder form of 9 � , . I . . : rid of, thdin, ... I �, . . sf . yc . ted ,o . . . . � . . * ­ . I .. bpf ,..a Lipeclerl .� . � I . . but, perchance, ere . , . , , .. . 0 . 000ye cottiin 306t comn=a � . , . - . ­�ehr63tiseraent,- . ',. - - . . '' �. .. I ff Vl.. 41�t f�qll? t"! �- - .. i I - . . . " . lichey yield -to. none . bf'thtj Old fashioned remediet; ifiat, are' ' . long I shall tickle his' TABLET4 . . . . . . � . . - I beg,- � . - 1-1 .. .. I . I I . 11 . . him 4xitill - ul?Zlite back UkA:al 3essfullytied mo ' . . . I so; . I . . . . .. ..bft'6rk . s ribs with a little jest. of my own. .. .� . . � I . I � I . I . Th -el. ."Indian :1:lai1y,.,'N`ews11 '(Oalcutta), n 'e'rl . . to qua nth, . betkeff6ial, ., . '' . 1. . ; . 1. . I I . . � - I .. I I . � � fit describing the -Durbar grei�t stat It boU, kay .ioloor "gy dear f . I 0,001,adles.'Safe,eirentu&l. j= . I � . monsieur, that you will, do we the faVor** ore an I . . . -6'ball' . . . I ello*$ .% Md = Nether do they always wear (ft,as ma I - . nv%luablo npr v' "in Ili' D ' - i O� -Lord me coligmtulate you. )r,oti h . - 4 , 1. ny People expect they will. . , to�present me with your card." I .. . btonlce � e owan-i-sin say. - I 'Kitcherk,- . - . Ave 0 . Our 11 ht 92st for C00102 Colton Rod IM. .. In:&,w6ek YOu still have it,a:13d in i 'wee ­' - . � , a curie for indisestion and:c � . . . . ken ;O%er, as all Mixtures, pilft . i . two ks,may.beitis worse.. , ... esistible.. Be� I. StIJ on. . er took part in Vh,o�stnte lancirs dancing - If' at tionsarociangerons, Price N � . , Ddkilo WAI 'time' to take . I' , - -, ., , q 'Your solicitude is irr . . . , rarest di 61 -the eentiftry. Youb.av 1 6; 1, . t . -t any 1013R�r. It, Is a good cough in xtuX . I . *tfdno a blood maker and ',with Mrs. B.uiiJBIG�- 'His lcao�ledg. 6f. rato . � n . I . hold itt" . IL . . you lacky dog, o, disease theA t* fore � 80-2,ludeKreegstron r,$Spetbo I Co brid Syfup, White pi e and Tar is the best, and the beat : . . . V, I ler..A cor ctive of slug. ..'' � mailed on receipt of ceandtwo , . I q v , , .. . . the 11 , t v Was� thought to be -oxtinct."I . Inpo . ,. � I ' I "'"Thatl Surely I am Dot addressing' .. fs ii dir an . � orakirigoinents . .. tl ' eatt'deocrip- . I I . Theco Iccompany inda . � . . . : va,116" . ­ . . .. I I p I % I I., tiOn Ina I�wreuce,,�'t ' .d%ao . . - . ' ' X. Prevost, the world-renowned. manu- of t .1 I 0 . . . I . 11 e4,1.1.� and, in. C'Oftsoquenc6, whenever tie - . Atk '. ' n ­rgealliog his . ikp. - , . I oid an'. rect,anne . �. . Four oz bottle,"32 Doses 26o. : - :- I . facturer of pneumatic -tired baby -ear- - � . I . � . . �.O.VO, I. I � Sides' was given� alfhe suee�eded In Pesr4tebs wit)i M%ey Anderadn, wl%en we 4 IR . � .. . I . I I . I I . .. - . ..... . I 7 . "" . . . . . .. � . . . I I I � _ an � .. I . . I � . . � . � . 0 g -V 0� I I' , I I r1a ?" , � . . I doing was to -tiefilmself'ind )lie partner alle. was a- youbliful sipir t J - * J * E, HOVEY DigpenSln : ,jes Y I I. . . I � �i atenir, . � - � I I . . ­ h;.Ju1S(9 �Clihton . -, - :­ .1 - t would be uselft.3, monsieur, for We . ONLY'THAT ,,In ffie7 most absurd, knot, too the intense honore iri� the East, says: � "I - g*tti - - .�qo. .. . � . 1. . .... . .� . . '. I. . . . . . ,.. '. I . ..I. !, ''.1 � '. . . I . ... . . . . . . I .. . � . . .. � . ­ : . . r � ., . I . . . . . . '" p , and ,No. %.are. sold n Olinton I I '.. . �.- I . ­ I I I 11 . '' 41 . . , . , , , . . . . . . '.1 I . I oil � , , I . Amusement of the others in - the set aina I a little stout in thoie.day% e by at I .. ''I' J91&r&rMr9M I .. . I .1 x9sponsib a. Drug Stores. - . . 12811: 11 31111119M I weep?" " of the large crowd looking'on. I I . to-ebtiodal my identity. But�why do y . .v,,i th6u? . I . I . . �ut ptrhaps that h onoughtor,;Sc ' . The' herio - I. was a young fello*,. and, As .Clau e �­ � . I . � I . . . � I . � ,. . I I . � . . . I I . . � . . � . . � . � � '. . .: .. I . . �. . ; � I I . . . "Because, monsieur, I am myself a . � . Melitotte,,J . , ,.� .. . I . ­ �._ . .. I � I .. , . . . ,.. i . . � . . � . . of Xhoxiou'na.was beaming. with delight, 'had m'vest that Lbad dup- . . _________:�_ " ­:. I I � . . . I � � I I . � : . I.. . . I. . and. so; -he blundered tliro4gh .to 'the end, C'lled 'th thm p",orfy - bueld z in the . .. 1. . . . I , 0�__ .— . . --.-- . . � . . father, Alas I that I should have wished . . . _I '. J."Pe"TISDALL0, , '. �: .* ... . -7 � . ... smmmwmmm� I iial . � 'w . � ­ . ­ . . . . ,..�_ 1� �, ­."v6,P-1 , - ' , I I a , " ­ . . � � , , ,�- 1, ,; , . .. . - -. I . I When. the Musid -ceased. he was in the, ". I= . Aightly. As ' .. . . . �. , t to kill the benefactor of my darling ' .". . . . _. .. I � � I . .k. ; . . � . . . .. I I . . ! ... - . I �4' 1 ... I 11 � - . 4 . , 1. he. lyRI&J4, rii* As 1. � . . . . I . . I . . '. .­. � . � child I 11 . I . I I ".. . , . * . I .. . . I m4dle.oft 1!00m;16618rig-for�.hlsp4it� MN61fit, my � a .. Poe n , I .. 11 . I . . . . � ­� . � . . 4 . , . . ­ .l . I , Z � .. . .� t1gage e I . ., � . 1. ­ . I . ,. � "Wretch that I am I * M nt, , , . - X4 iglAl- � .'. - ' � 13ANKElt; - , � " . � . , . . ,; . *: ..,.. I I , � . .. I . w . � . . .... I . - , 1: a . 1. - Extraordina . 0 - . .� I I �,,��.. , . . . . . ry'. .. ner, -and laughed heititily- when. -she 4ikie I K ,4 VIL19 " , - 1. my: , 4 4 , I . , , . . � - . � I I - . . .1 '. I , A' �. , . . . , . . ­ . . . ­ I. I . .. . . . � .; . . . . . I .1 : . 4- . .. .. . , .. .. To'think that 1. j, .. . .. — . I � . , � . up � . . .. . . I 0. -J N t .1. I . � . I . ... . I.. . . I . . . . . � � � . . I . I . ... ., F I . � 'had almost put an end to the existen6e. 4114 f6 a him.,, � I . - I . I _1 I, T!tp . , . . : , I . I . , I � � _. I I . . . , kin 11�i�l -APM, ..? . . . . , I I '.'..:.0 - an&p 'ft, I acest , . . . . � � . . * " '. . . I � . . � 4[leorgit Francis Txidn ("Citizenli Train) . .. . . pa see ge, P, o LINTON oXT, . . 0. .. i. . . . I . i. .. 1. . . I . _&k . . 9 1. . 1. � . I . - .... "I �� I I .. . gives, in his recently. published "Iteminis . * . . . ip. I I I .. . I . . . .. . : 41 . � . � - 1, �4 ­ . ''. ... . , of On h6nored patronl" . . .1. to P fffloli , v2e,n, I . � . V - *W LOG.4 W4 ' ' . ­ . — . I I thou. I ) like; . 42, V suduen- L I . .... ­ :,�_ . ., .1. .. . S1 . . NTE .. ,� . . — , . , . . I . .. . . � . � . , . ...� * ' I . . . . f 11 .1 . a very .. , � . I 1. . . I ly, &It thr - ith , . ` � lij .Basswood- Soft 4 , I. . � . . -, 11 .Wmp i , . ft , ,ve 61 the buckles pv wa "Monsieur, my head swims with pride cences 11 ;: amusin - , 'A sms. I 1 ,1Z wl Arivate fulki a to los]i 011 � . , . ., 'i : 4 at bavin made your acquaintance." P .g Account of.his . . I., . . � . phorl .. . ihat set .the - in, -he or- - - , I blorv;;Zg�P � 4EIR REQUESIrS. f, - I I "And I monsieur, am'delirious with' .4ourt ' 4y'hip, and* shows'thi In6mitable " I .' , �ZZ�_ I . .1 . I people .� , beak eprrati$ rajeti . . ­. . 11 . . . i, . . . Rock 161JI14 44 � , 1. � ­ . . . - . . I I . lack. and',assuranbe - which characterized . Cher�sh 'your enomies.' I ohe4bro, fitt4winin Vfiat's the mutter.' . .... . � . � . I � . 11 I - . . . . . . I . You, nkp;y nee'A" At,kins-11 'Mary defson "', in. a; st4 .. . . . 1. i _==� . � � . . . % I , - :.,. _. . � . joy at as thought of numbering yoki,� ' C -youth. - When he was tw til � . .1. I Bluk 1811, * V To Jftil nultneiiji Post thaik4 _ � General Banking,' business brarispe . . . � W 4 . . - At yraxuse et buokles have brokes . - . . . . . I I journey .w,64.. 9"I' Thez�,n.whi)- says 916. has.never'tu-ld a WhIsper' .' fMy'v t _4! I . . . I . . t , he em. as an omtidots to y6fir frlenI . mong my.friendal Come, let us cela kitar�ted for ,. ' 9 I . "Id-IJAST O-Rions PAID 1, I or Irate our meeting in & glass of &b. . he waIg struck b ,. .. I ans'wiiied. 'Thatlis ull, right,' A6 ro, ;ntemt " 4110wed on d osit.ted - . . . � . . . , - ,t " 0111? gtitdents'�.� - . I sinthot" I I . tho Appearance ofi,a lie has just added another to 'the list. SAW notes hung i I . . op . . . . ,� . 1, I I � . Gltadd i . at .. . .. 11 - - '&�� . . I � I ply , pried, 11 was afraid It woo your stiapen- . . . I . _h- , . .. . . . 1W. boa 11 : � ,. . Oes I __________�.__ , I l6v rrl" bldlg gooit­�j to a, .half- .4 There, is nothing perfect in this world - d , 6r�.' - � .. .11 I . .. � �. . . I � I � I . p. .. . 4RTI.t 00 I I . . . I . .. . - . , . I I I . .. ­ . I .. . � . I � . . . . .. . . .. I dozen a udents. He turned to big travel. -not even a ' � . � . I . I I I 71.1. I. — . , � Work and Slee* . . I , I I . perfect failure. : : - I J) Norse. � I � . I I . . I .. I � ' ' . . I . . . . . companion. . . .. The things you buy,for "zie ono, - In.1his ftlrtobfogra� 7, "(3612en, . . 0 1 -_ . . SIXTY - OOLLIRS .1 . I �� . P. . I .1 I xt t th. I - I I . 5o YEARS .-- I I � � — .� i . I . I Firitnols. - . . I -­. ­ - . . * . . . I . . I .1.1-.11M.1.77 ' ' III191L k at taot girl with � the curls/o I in - Are generally w -th M: : 4; eroonhaAadInArk. . EXPERfENCE :,:!--:,..4Y::117 a . � yet .� I 00 .. . . � . . . It I . & - or , I . '. . month clime to us during I I more one sleeps the ,more OW Forks. * true, that it . . -, � Jon Dozens of other places � ., it is -by no means the case that the said. . t A trujoin, is A jnWl,00. InOuence on, shislife tli-en any other, Tama . � 1. . "' 11 I . "Do you kn . I a0coutit i! V-1-1 1. 1. - .1, ow her?" _ . makes yqu feel t ed to hear it,- 'in the w6rid, Uare is � his, I - nary. - IT . Of � 1--i . I . . ' 13ome Of the greatest woikers. of modern . "I'liever saw her ' How many of us i . 1. - be, met � the author under rother pe- , ... � 0 TX 11.1'.4 .. were Pupp ng the morith. . -before, but she shall , how � 1. � �lied durl .&� ,odA 0hrJatj&n0''0"V­ L'� .. at Balariou'varying, from $5 to $9 - : '' days have done with much less than-flio .be ilik' 'vW* e,"' ,Whereupon. I s ul) the seeret*bope aullar 1011rouniatimeas t ,,one afty a gentle. I At ... wi " usual eight hours' sleep. Dr.L Jarties. . I natched I t,"'t when, uv got"to ... 7)) � per week., Thab is why we have . I -my satchel, rashedover to the tjajn�ana heaven we woW,t meet there some , M.4.,'Llooking like a faormer,- came into the I , . . .. I Legge, professor Of Chinese, in the Unl_ the car which the girl bad elittred . 0� itud r4oplef 'we used to know oneqxthl of the . .0*A '�-. , ( . .. . I plenty of room �t, all t! . � � ' �,� meo fol, . 1. -and asked � to see -Mr. Tradn,- "I . . . . . 1�,��, - I .. . 1. versit of Oxford, who diediat t ,I .,�-,-,',1�,7"1;LX.—. . . now membefai . I . -he - ag,6 A. mAtriIfiokkj,a,J po, -1 ,'!�-,­'4;�,��4VK­ ,. "I . . I I diopped into it, vacalit, sea,t opposito her. , " � I . ,,mmembefthtit it was ,UIO fifth of October, . ,� - .� Write for Oat logne. - Entov At ., I radox , � ­.,� 1. I ofeigK ,-:�Two be . ; I I com4 '47. ,I replied to. this que4tion, tbQt Iny ,. . , ,j�4,1��.q 1 � � '. � VAWO, WOO, it is Wd in tha J 0 one, yet tho populbAiou Increases. , " 4' - . a . I , hal3lb' w An. elderly gontleman ;Waf th r OOM I , , Tr.AZ)t MA;MS any time, NO vachtions. , : 01 rising at 3 a.m., and allowing hin,i. JOM -My, c4ano& came soon6r I . i. Adme weA Train. - 11 in�wn the old, gen- kr�w_."114 , Dr -SIGNS � I sell only flVe 11011ri' � , than .M ' -NOW r6kideong-the classes and 'th � cep"I"i1c. pres e4c. , I � .. . . . I � . � . , sleep. Brunel, the pected. Th- Old I ' -­­uan I . I . . tletim � . � ­ �_W`_L_ I . . I � 1. IY&in W44 but of the office6t Ithe'thrie, I . 01 -IT (wertfan (mr oi,qjion frocy:tiotilor a. famous ekigincer, for 9, considerable part raise the sash mi -11 ,,, � tried to I a . 4WA. � , III he.sald.- -1 told him thaAColokkel .Ar,�-o I .i-r,nnelf-l";P,.,.,lf",)R���l.,, ­:,;.&J)(J()1Jn,e , , ; , §& , % " . Central Rusiness coltege of 'his life worked nqarly twellby hours e window, and,could I.Itoftenh&� listhatthericheram" tuvent, on ts pruor_y pitLentabl.- (:t,�11jr4,11jr .. . � I L � I ,1 /111�� - 1, � I -. the, J ead ,he is wo#11. I. t[0Pi4Af,r!&lT .ILICI(illtl!;I,Ilall(lboo)�01111.ltf,ltltz I 1k%\1 arrard sts, Tor on . a da not MOV -0 It- .It lised- as 'tisrup,li stuck becomes, . , but as I bad charge of tfid-ships, I might. reo, a " ronge &a , , ... y. Sir ' eorge A. Elliott% afterwards fast. I spran 1, . . sont filAd. ( Men lli�oncy lop 66,41'1119C%'�­ 1-1, - . I I io Ightly hud very quickly, , - This greatest 10,pf liberty is n ' 'be able to attdAd to ilia bugino". J3kit . Patetitt, itaken. throu,iii munn & ,o.)reL�cIv, - -::� __ . 0 W, PrlAdlpal I I Lorc Zld, who was IU command across the S'l, and said: "Perab-me tyrsIftt, but the oonte I kkt . I Ot the ad vpreftel noftce, witho.ut chargo, 6V 043 I I I . W I A, . sh.a . I . � , ,ed skv,. - 7- I ded that, I Was, dxtTemely busy, as - - - __ . I . & . . . , - � � �� .. �__ I I . , No 0 ­ - I .- V1099 9 09414, 401, , ­'rv.­.._V.W_ I I , raised t1he wInAow.e-1BOth Woknerk can . . .V, - . . . -ge of Gibraltar to "sist you," Ind, aAding liiy youtliful Honor wo only 'Troom honor'ed' .the lWashingtork Irving' was to SF31 in 0 "44 " � . . . . I thrroughoft the great SIP , , ( 11 . I , which lasted four years, never dwft. a strength to his mon `0 � I , knAlOur. ITIlat is just wl" I am hen I � ROM 1 1 1 Kano , . I that time slept more thara fogv hours ' I free, trial spring, . '� Wic M . , ,he and the young lady thanked me, Tho What we know so history I's mostly for,' said he. 11 want to sail Ion that - A lianda6moi3r 111ilsi 1,att,d woolcly, T.nraost e,ir. ' __ . . . .. - ­ . ­ . I I . . . .­ . . out of the twenty-four. He lived to the :01d' . 961ttlema,ii. went I'llr0ler, and.aaked prejudice In a retTos ft 6 m od, I 0A. - I e for - Engla�d,,. I I . . culation of ary melorlilflq f,illrnal. Iverina,wer, I --1--7­----�4- �- � I . .. I . .— 11 0 6 h . . ­ otir In '461,1 b. e f I tY-fOur- "As I get o�ld," said ,p tly O* . . . 1p, I want pasanig � . 70= f -'�120,'-'. ­ vall poNv4(leitiem, , I . - I I � : . . .1 - � . ­ . . uxnbo1'dff,' "I want more steel)-- . four me to take.-tIls i'dat dilrectly opposite The type of the Inisor.lot ill ti told hilki there V" but one'vi&terocku NIFN � Co =Broat;way. B-10 . .2.0 1. �. � . . . . � I him an& the Ytran a n 'no W" - left, d94 that he eould'Inive both berths . . ., N4 worl, . . 9 . . . . . I urs, at least. 1�711ell I W,fts .4 lady, on, �h tame the dyl, 9 mQJi WhO blow Otit th& dl I .. ancli -MIV, % 'R',.%Vnsmnatoji. il v I � No I I I branelleg; I Ounc,', two side Of thO car, "I did. so, s,nd we entered sayliki hi Could sm -W d lie I . ­ . � . , 'Wholesaio 'bidek 'of pitanos I -the usetul lie eWug i for me." , JI& si$ for the priqe of one -47" � . UIV,Oleep was qui ft . . in the,. . _. __. _ I I . , I n Professor Max Muller hinting thatbe fut-O' dOnVOMWOn Immediately. I. con.. . . I . muit get aboard Ili great ha*ttj As ev, I . I ... , . . : . I . I . - "r � . �, W��, mv..!�;� . " . . , , . L .� . . J'%,� - . . __ , � . , ,,,..,�;Zr..'��.= , . .. . . . � . " , - , ,;M * et, ".::,,."._"Z�.7,R�,�- . Q I 11) .:,.­'�­ 14,`N#��',14�,;,��k � , , . .. . . ---. lug !Or ,,, � '.1 'A ^ I .11).fv,`,,,,,J � � I'll . , I . I . - '� PA 1_�, -- found this rather hard to befievoi Et-cink, tinued my speculations' a -a: i�,. the relf'. - ` - � ' thing Was -.�Oady, and the ship w;a# vait. ..,,�, - " y - �-, !71, fit very best '�p isible plice& � are-fitualltin .the I th . - It ; I . dt said. "It is tiOn6bfl? that existed between . hAa ord6rw. Vo slid -be - wvA i -N, ­�4,1 IV . _ -�'. .rpnsp 0 ver enterrainable � . - . . ... , ly spread, ,tl � ' . . -,.�,-.�-.,� I `Z' I . . I quite a mistake, though . . The - L,k� I.; A .� * �-� _­ I . . . . .,. lat . - ready, and I started to fill out a , 11. I ,., A"'.. vi,r. I R -tJ -P K , j� " I,"!,.. gentleman seetiled r4;thcr elderl Minot, heT AD, CA S' I pG" - ­,­�­x- i, ­ iw, � iFof?F- ST is very wide y ' �A B an .,A-14,-1 , ."'." ""', I j.�_ - .I '. . . -or a . e 1. . I Z . I "WhUt is your nstlhelF I aalca& ':' I "%% ��'.14e, ­,,.�X,1, ,,,� r mop OnP, S oet , si I f husband, and slid t�od young ,to 1 , . ter a ip. I ,� I ­�,,!if, ', I .", even ht hoi)rs' sleep. ' I be max. I - -1R­-`,.�;,-,?,.J 41?'. J, P �-,�� , .., , 4 .��; o,,,_,��. .., J� Is all .: C.004� I . I . I � -i,J ro,_. r�., 0 - Mu tied At, all, He did liat, look bxubly, as . I , . . , � . � . . . 7 1180 I a' Ply lay -dawn on I . .1 . . I air,' . . I 21alph Waldo, Emersolk I h4 tep4od, Tbe .�.#.?ii.,.,f,?.��--,.�'��.'�,,-,4,,-i�'�,-�;��'l.�t';.-'�..,;��.,;�....-,� I", a and a varle � . , th . - . � . ,,, , " � i I I & ' N If he Were her father. . . � ­ . . Ito took out of *� . - ",Z; KIAI "'li, . :, , , , .P : ty. of muslie , ( an af I u Ali -,(11 ,viliv 'i i , . � I. I �. . . . ,� -��RE.­ - , my .lamp, an I . .,old Vv,u#k ,'.IP�Wij�A,0­iV�,,�� q . �7 1 mil r two � .. ' ". " " - , - I . . . � P I was is fresh as ov I If It turned Out thit be wds an old* , , With twind; wmtpvj �e nd It. four or, ;,' t-; ��'. , .7'1­� "'.."L' .t' UT, I "I I , . e friend , �%. ,Nr�,,�,�­ " N, "'.. ; ;, . . "; . ,�� , 'I, ." .. - , I ?7 .. . . � ' . of Che, family, escorting the youug 1IT8 d-wil, e d a �a;l %' "." " ".. '' . .! ....... . ­ . ­ . 9 ty-lifne. V 4,z. . ,­-,%� ���,L�,.,t����z.-.�c,�-%74�L.�.-j�-4k",.� A.6�,�. , . - . . I _`O! �11 . . . . . . "...Q� . 'n not vwt to ,qr"4:4-.11,lri,,�q.".,;�'�t,l,,,I,�dni.l.,I.11:f"l,lt, 1"...M. , Los AOARills � . _', ...... � ! . . 100 , : . 0 0 10 NEY TROUBLE ' - It , otrefulJ7. " I. ,W"" . , ----__�. , . lady to her home in the NV,o9t, Tbeil. . I . � mobw Ouit Orfi, I could ' ,0�1 n, � I � . . - . immediate , destitiAtiolk. wits , Oswego, ., 0" whother it was dorretA, hub throw it '! ­, L;�%!'� 11�` ,'I"' '�.'�,!C'i%('�4t.).�-�.:',:;.�'.iI n1 , I _� , , . � . . COMM By . I 0-1-v,-_- 0 __...,_....�__­_. , . Art;ist�­Well, Wr, whit do jou tj�i,,k . d t1-,1,;,�1J1(,J1f1.'1'..1, , " I . I i Where the,Y,w XIU take & boat. Says Mr, . . I I )a 61"";1I t­,.,J­ , " �,i,v,;..,,I.Itl",,�.,,*;.�'i:,i " *- "I Ill . I I . . , . I . . 0 , !t,,Mw& and ,too), - . 'on boM* ,J 1(10 Nxtillamut."I ))VIV 31111, ,0 1-1101 tw-llth. 18 , I *` . A . I . ;,.; ". I 1! AghLning? Trajnt . . . .. 1,i -.",N; i.1 L.1; awo Our students ikre ijob puar4n_ thfa-"Ajax Defying the I I I 1. . I � , I . . raork was then I. '� ft. hit I ,(, cul..14'..."'I Uf 11t)1.11;e . ,� . . . , , , '� I I � - - I I *1 & * AN - .1 � , bni ID I I 1 Q 1 kle _ ____ 1%h1.11 0; ...... 4 01,� ;'ni,01,,�jq ot C11 -b Ew,al in , I . . feed e lobs, but after ,a; coaroa flu— t5onnOM1118 In the elty)-Ahl� �"I Immediate exclal 4 VW� to n4421d, U.'.. ,�­ :i 1�4111`11 nfe ,,,.Ih, ,?i -.-,",..tc,l,llt,lli,il,ltl.tf;i,(.tt)l:,- i U311 -104i not *A All, bad, not at al Bul also Ong Ili - wed, . 00A I was .;i wh4h il Mv 4 ,, ��v t!I o [!_-,� . , m 11216 Col egA It Will be " at diroetioti, and A , , , I (P4(1li!W,ni4t�V1 ie.'J" .1 . . I --er--dolet uengptcd to kno.tj that we'shouldwe, W#A to Ywit Carlyl*,11 ;! 3,31 ­ 11 -1 611 think the th, � .be DOAN'S KINEY PILL& ho I I. . � ..� 'i Mt 1� 09� n ftr-. I, - Ce tra . . -�-&—Iinl__, . I ... 11 I 11 ­ , I . I , . , . . � . I . ... NO trouble for theni to I �� I - I , # - . r, 11 I i . , � i hall � . .1 arnes a H e alit 61 _,pasaengers;.,In a ell . .! . , 1, I .P I In . lujudWo W, . the p�osjjectus f� . reLIOW, u ki�tdfars-i-for, I . � . .. . .i,.;.:_ � I'll . . ... . ko 0 ft .W , ,i,_- ..."w- I I I . I . � � . . hold.'any positlosi.,. I , I . � love Is like wit"utaknted ol deels,16ii'li; . DurkV his vialt In Ohleagoo Sir Mill' I , � . I . ,� '. I. 11. bag . We.aid thorn; if pOasible ,to ob- - - � OlFeryffibil. I Manor Itrodtiles, no %sitter, of *hat DW-A*46n,is boft exhibiting 9 I W4114 bMn emglOym3rit, but , Wo first . VFOWd have gone in any Wd ot . . , &Vl" Va., . )# h, hL - . I . .. I � MA%0"Markef- . The World'R Favorites tor direction. I.only I 0001d VQmsLItk. -her fel. wlitt stage 'of tho disease# can 1100n amrnm, W IQ bis .1 . I to . n I . Pkod . ­ I I . equip t era to maintain the high . I dIk rr w-Paemliger. ,.And to- we -a'rrjv�a 'at h4l 0101dY aftd Pprmaftentl curt& by the vereft of tb4 title, alid *420 a . . . I . . . � . I J'e f1fdf-;A 4-h4 U I I" . . I y vA I . ?I %�Atl Oil F V1 cars, Fills t0gethe��' Dr. WhIlac-a ' use of egg Wonderful pills. Me, Joseph , of M ag. Ili, hn Iatervio* .he � I ""= "'�`es ,UlkIid,!AJwa, N.W.M,'recominerids them to, — . . 'kin OnOuilk' to permit me to e$06rt his f4' all Wiley trouble sukertro, when be' . tU' thertl W#A no trAlk in #or ovel twe t fl , dharge ab6lit bw 111% rgarfok % the Ma. the falls, And I *6A foot- OIL a I— w" lUdn7lh to 10 "Veral risky thingg, In dull hoad- . " _J �rs&eep'plhosen and ,alm* W - pow "3vat 1*6 - mond Dyes ha�vnie tee , troubled with 01141 =ff loll liopfflar )d7es all, over the civil 4 - . hall V&sqd*0 2U w*44 ki . 46Aor,8% Ift , !zed '_ - ,00toolowi d" to appedr "I 40i ,bad flightfut disms, ferlible, . Jk4mbsk, pro4sollociac �. . world. D amond Dye users never sulf. �M*6�-� IIVA Infirmity of tha Iiiind 0 , I�U, In 16, s And a frequent desire to t . . I . - fer failures and disappointilients in of 6 1~. I W*t& under th,6 :kilo ��3' . Ot eflag DOAWS. XWXXy I 1, ,,,, t I I— — � , their work; ther quickly and , timbered about in. an 6orts of 4"Ser. ratommended for just such. tinnoy- , Ilector Reid & a, I il eas y . kk AM $Tet the exact co ( It OUS 0410614 in fto h9oximtIon of JOY6, It 0611 to Wilke, it., ,Tspent'Srin.. A they re'quire, 41 �d occurred to me to giv,o "a at the -home of ,-Tvfr I Old's sister, thus save time and m6nev h I W" $6 "Ide 04 _06(17, only *1W the bill a tdol ` so I procurea g,, box of MI; Matheson, beforo lea,vtn.g. for their � 1POVI .1. ft '"t I.. 'Ove W" vh�ktikay . eiii, aidd muiik� iti, I klew home mat Oak Lake, 44111 , . mond Dye Mat and Rug tterh , , bor I I I 61fetty Was Very , 11fiad at � ,. pppulav from the Atlafitie 0 11, t i 0, -1 ­. and 0W&V*d Amm the rear. &I oura thty't 4 takc I% ftsu. 4. Il , ,j:ne ciesigg are artistically colored on I the cOtOh Itessian And &i's ready for hookf%, Send your fi I ,. to The We s & Riphardson .., --9 I 2wXOuntedu st's xOnttealf , .4, , I . .1 . . I . , � I I . I I I � . . I . I . ."� � .. ..", I � ­ . _�..Afihkfiftr�&-,.Llik L �L I- -_­ " - - . — . L- 00 12 9109 INOVEK1 Greywrovikkolat lixtblIwiot Of tbq ofti dau'r- at 91 of pleasure In rwInmending b election has boon sob ikoldo for itreg. I L yo, " the psills fo"Y_"t to 411 Iddikey trouble sufferom tilikkity. I . I &=!A. ft *&f ,b,)_ PdLos 4k to or f - -,_ *6 left *, J for $1.251 St Iff Ana ldra GoldWili Srri� . . , I . ­­ I Sialits Or CL DOAA X",* rM dp� lit'jad $2,00. Jo Ith have do. -.­�4�1_ It, .1 .1 ' . the Convocat . ___"*10W1-, . I %W64 " . _. . - '09 tha'univexml4y of. Torolli.0 I . I W , *fie 8,Uf6ist'"einddy Is Allon"s .� , I . I . � . Lon Ba, Isam h never Wis to ouro A 8DUsts 00L%)# HFAVY COLD, ma an JAROXCIUAL 9!"V-6 MRS. . I . . Luo bmis $I." 04006 ow'su ontallortimskim ADdoft"Ur4U*h*UVg,6"d* ,naVing parorssoa the butchering . 'toss of IF, S. Powell I am to- litkof lin. pared tolotnialk the I r - a Ou no as acillillrep, I I I , . . a, . ,116�11w.`w A rVelt, Me people of 0 .- ton with all kinds of Fresh and Cured Mea,t&L sansi%gec bologna,. . ­� . � . . . I I . I prillar-loal - I � ) lavdAutter and 0998 hlsyi�s kept On , " . .�! ­ , , ", , � .L , . hand. , I . . Gg, Dg *Tagoart. , it., Fkalmons a Son* . � . I . I I . . SAXICZA.. I � . Telphone ION ­ - I , . I . I . .L . , � E J A.L.k I.. 11, - J�,)'fp OL-JX�Tolf * . . . . 01!dOta delivered prompbly to-iiii. of ilia town. a 0046raLl gankIng Uttelatoo I Palto ,. transtactod I , L alit X. J�.—Peraobh hikvitig hops fol! I 10', MOM, will corif NfOr be , P3 word t the Atop! � . I . NOUS DISCOVi0so � I N I � 0 ON sotled, JiltoreliAlloweilod P 1 M' JLJ&Jj,J1jJ"OL__ WU i 111- - - ___ I . . I . d6polho, � I . �