HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-03-27, Page 3,�M*,P;
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1 F 11 � :111= � �
. I ; 'Felt Soar For xilin,-� ; . ...... � '. Ane ot*J. . 01, I , ___�;_� 777' I .�. I., . i.. 1 m O;�;.;__ , iii i , � 11=1=1:1.11111= .. _ 0
I � I led . I : I 11�
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I # . ic .; . '�� , , I
. I � I . b ) PoWer Of A, Great Telescope. ,
. I ., 1, Whwi tile, lato "Toni" need Was first 'Ae Lick Observatory b -
I I " � .
,� ,�
. . i IV � 1;_t� . . . . . . �, It ce 1-01inton'. Sash, Door, and
W I I _- . I Of 10" the Presidency, he %aa, , a§ often been I
. - , , -: . t � ,
I 1. I . dest,ribed, out it notion pj"tbc powor, ol ;
I . , , i t Sic%; it lie thought tile party would put tl�o gl,eat tele,4cope there I 8
— — - .� . ... , hir nonlination. Ilis reply � was. I 1,,� cond mroely, , B11*11d Faotory.
.. 1� I I I 1\ IN /,�V('A ,� I . lilere st.-Ildilgly conveyed than in tha, I I
, .,
" � � i " � . 0 might flu wur4e—antl. 1 thlilk, .
1 � . , . - - I wi U, � � � they, following extraet front an artlele iii.t.he ! . , I
I � 40 - --- ,_ k� I . New yol-4 "Triblille.,; � . I S. S. CIO
� I 11 I ; ., I i _ V aliNup �r ' 41 '"It - - , P40PRIETOJI, I
. NO, VZ " . friin)(1s, �CQJCITI Terry Once "As ) ;1
0"_Xft*A �, 1 ft . 1, T
, I . I 1, " 9-1-4; _- UL01 I eat eye Of the, telescope, tug I
,fts APPI. � , � " 9 Is "Ort Lilco draiving. Yoil 9pleou ,g ass &t, Its Gejtbral Raildet 4114 00utmetor. 4,
I , 'Fa urper %4, Mat in .
� 0. ,�l -)J,�AP.- ,- I
I . : . til"11ce 'a ""- If it Is 1�)--",(T- Von rld? it Paris, hnd plade by_1 via Qar Tb(s factory
� . I � R. @'�, Oat at once and waLe unul,11or. N'�Itl� IIX Ithodo I ,all 4 & Solis, , 19 the largeit in the county, a
I � . I � I _N"";"'V�.,� I aeting Vhat s�j jillpo.3,31I)IL., tilprf', is 110 al 8 4, taking chiner iii his th,a very imes� improved m%. , I
- I . . .. . -,p j , _ days for RO 0QMpL seven hundred . Tif capable of doing. work ou the abocwdo. notie-0. We carry
1. I often feel as if OOV, is thirty-st ' lameter, and, so of buildings on Nhort notice, and on
-1�i " i � ,�, ternig—it must stam altion, and casting $00,. 1, . %a (4xv.ndiva, ).
, . . . �X)y I ana re lakile stock and Prepared Plane, and glYe 0stitup.tes torandWiltl allolitse. �
V x inclivs In 41 .1
I I � , 1 must 017 to "O aUdIM(L', Q fla�lt - the 01080st Prices. All work f4 4uporyi .
I : , . . 14 gathers several thousand times us much 00 In A weZhanios,11 way Anis satisfoollon guaranteed. We so k 1) t in
I �, , 1 '4' wrong, not .18 I Ine, K
.. . .. . � I .1 , � : ani it to bel Let ui a light as 04 hum" eye, III conjunction . terlor 849 exterior material. ,Illill i da o . I
.1 I I . � . I , 11 � �, Ivith the bighest eyepiece, -it juagaillea .
. %et that part or.sprt4L�);po 0*,vi, 6,,,1i,J
� 411 . �
. I H . . A certain let%1-ll,_(,A 1q-o1c4-.jor In 1; Ger tweaty�slx -hundred times but, such a
I I , Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Ll
� . � . I .. tuan. univo-sity, ligs a le,ii-lic(l j,�ln 11'roth- figure I � Alleg Saik Doors, 811u(Is, Etc,
. . I . eon"YS to the Mi�d no Idea
� . I P . er, living, in the salne joj%.n, %yho re'. Us real performance. It two are Of Agent for the Celebrated, gRIXV1311 .
W __ . * , lights
. — ,. - , ., . . . . , I sel"b" I11111 60 010.501Y that �,t N jiltuos.t. Of 9 t b4lianey were. ,hung out on the _ 01. 03SK, kii-Artufoottir/A
. 11 ' - tea .L $ORO
. I It �
I - I . , �
Miss Agnes Miller, of Chicago,' � .1 I . . . � . ImIM981ble to t0l thern apart. A iivwm, tovyer of New York City Hall, across the At Wmt8 too- Cali And ge' Prices and estimates befo.te placing your ordera . .
.. 11 � . . - .
I , - Q� � 11 . I I mail mei�thlg t1le ,'Alofe*sor on the Wi0i, continent three thousand miles away, I .
"NWIce me, thilif "A - . and were -_ , _
Speaks to young women about I . � I r I . I . yard stopped hi,14, SPA1119: "Pardon im. a _! ! - I . I
. . - - — _____
,dangers. of the Menstrual do I 617 yal ptky: . 4.11 but- is it to you or y4ur brOOLc k-ha.t '� the ouryurlure of the earth did not, inter- I . . . - -1-.__-__ ---- -
Period , n't ye athrike me V � "qV0 the how)r -of q-&-alaing 71, 1181r $I waj* fore with visiorl,' the eye behind the . * �
— how they can avoid p - ' 'Mure, an' Oi wouldn't flatter yo by I OR. QHAGEIG RENEDIE$ the rcad,y reply, I,jo gir &LtIcint," - . . _ '
, 11 fua� 03terw the shape sLv yo faeol,, � . . a 0 sp I . Q f,c, ray great telescope Oil Mount RamiRton, '
- , I ver 1!1110, one pill brother? . - 'looking . . Oro, would, AUother Drop in IR "', I
:suffering and remove the ,cause. . Or, ChgLSO'M KIdney-41 . - a I cross that vaet ul . . rices
veArs with, dys"' . I 11 11 a dose, Or) cents a box. fi � va boxes for $1.00, 1U a, �5outbern state tile othrr dav 0 t�,ck: ,the liglits 'out as two. ut It these .. ..
" I suffered for six , Dr. Chisse's JNqrv.% pood, I I
r2Od$), so much to Mat ' r, chause,as of 50 Conti a box, gentleman, who Was, w4fting for Iiis tiain liglkti�, instead of being plueed at The undersigned'isOffering hi
meuorrhea (painful pe . � My We Eat? " . I � D . . ritnient,, 60 cents a box,, � the distaric - 8 $80 Buggies for $65. TheY
that I dreaded every mouth, as I knew ... I ..... R Dr, Chase's Catarrh Cure, 25 cents a box, at it country dation, aelvd a porter )"'110 I e, of New York City, were are, his own makep and are mad from ch ce m
� Says the "Family- Doctor -" 141f all we Dr. Chabole Lly . I e.
it meant three 6r four days of intens I ar Curv, to cents a bottle was Ving "Oil one Of the seats �,vberp tbe bun out on our nearest outside planet oi aWrlal. and t)ir
e , Dr. Chase's syruP oir Linseed sinii station-master'Jived, and tl, I ' . 1,
. .c porkn, litz. neig ilyor, Maxa, they would have to, be first class inechaiales. All the latest improvements us (I
pain. The doctor said this. was due read be true there is nothing one can Turpentine, �6 ce.vtci a bottle, Pgrinkit an4 I-ly pointed to t1be house [lot tea feet4 but twenty miles ap&rt to ' ' � , aud
to an inflamed condition of the uterine safoly eat, Bread is not to be thought signaturo of I)r. A. W. ( hase With his foot, I are up -to date ' . - . e,
appendages caused by repeated end of as an article of 4i,st, it is f all everY box of the !its gentleman, very inuch struck At iKv.' be distinctly seen, in everyrespeet. They calinOt be surps
. a treacheir- .enuine, At all ilealers of "Manson Oates .4 $ moca
neglected colds and feet wetting� . =6 compound, conalsting largely of al voinpany, Toronto. . 1 mQ3 a laziness, Bald: "If you can abo,% "Objects two hundred yax& in diame- and we guarantee thern. I. � I . .. . . .
um - . I . � I
,,'O,O,O - 0, -, . . .-tit 4 laxier action than filut, my good, ��k on the MOOIX's -surface can 'be ea, .1 . . . . . .
',,�If young girls only realized how and potatoes, and concocted __ . 51 y � I . .
, - I I . .
90YOus it is to take cold at t a . sanitary cellar; It !it teeming v�jh7 -� , �._ Interest g It Ina", III give youAwO bita." Ads out with this telescope, and buila. . I
crit .hi robes, , and Is, so w�e are told, t mw 11� ,e . iris. - ter, not moving an inch, replied; -Put, it. inp as large as the Stanford QquilrArigle, JOEIN. LES .
ic&1 time, much suffering would be otally unfit I . . or As lligh as the San Francisco City .. . . . I . i. Lt W. I - -L I . .
spared them. Thank God for- Lydia for food, What, then, are we to look The lack of male heirs among leading In my-pocket� guy'nor," , . , i aroa Streot� Oliaton. ',
, . I .
9. Pinkham's Vegetoble Com" to? No careful man will sureiy touch glish mil$ men is remn.rkalir Among the stories thout most aniused � Hall, would cause Ili) trouble at' all, I � . . � I 0 �.
. . b-, . . I . .
� .
. .
pound, tihat was the only beef,.muttQkl or lamb, �Ird Wolseletyvazl"� 'but one child, an. uti. .the hte- Quee Structures Nke 'Brboldyn" Bridge - . 0 0 11 ill 11 ..
medicine owing to the num- n, ,who find a keen sen" Of river as wide as Nla 'or a .
which helped me any. ber: of tuberculous care& os which are parried daughter. Lord Roberts bus humor,. , gaT% at the. )�Wls � I I � .. . . . � . - . 1. � I
Within1hree I 0 1 WQA tL*t told' her by the, late 'Would plainly appear. But no. building# � . .
weeks after I started to' take it I wrigtantl'y being,114ced upon'the market. . )tow no son, Lord Kitchener ia a bach, Duchess of AW�le �'of the 6omical aA_ of design or Any other sign of former life , .. , . , � I .
, ' '* 4t,or;
noticed a marked improvement in *�6y Piggy is tabooe because he may have Aud Sir Aedvers Buller, who once . Vertisement reS�rdlvl . . . I
s re Blairgowi .% the Dunkeld and . a .
. SuTdod as quite in the running for P ich wo posted 'in .11.ra .
general health, and at the time of my died of owine fever. Butter and milk � do 'co can be found on the moon. A desert wil-
next monthly period the pain liad are,polsoned with boracle "Id and other re'red tar dis l I � ess of burnp4 Out volcanic craters, a wagon-st-11mrs-wLe I..
- di ti on, has an only child . ill of Dunge9d The obsett. wd" Ilk ,is "
diminished consider I . noxious preservatives,'to say mothi f --a 47ter. 116U . 0 we e Aste'by day , I
ably. I kept up . 11]arrkid 'The Duchess oF . ntoi�Y fearful than tiny S& .1. . — — , I
. � . . A"o,141 and tUe IV � . . .
,;a, and by night more awful than an 'W a have thd finest. at .
the treatment and was cured a month the artificial co'loriny matter vrblTe Oil James Brazil and Mrs. Aggle Turper from which it started was ,In* I. Sol . . y colitosiffedtfr6m, Ail the latest styles in the newest 001011iro, ,
. later. I am like another person since frequently. added. , ggs Are dangerokis. pf , III tkke� Arms.' Th
I Cap on, OklabomiL, havi creat�d a , a notles ran as K, itude, is all 1what can be seen ._ Oar prio0a ard &a low so'can' be found ter first-olaks 'm6terial and workmanship, , �
, .
I am in perfect health." -Miss Aisus. because so makI7 bf.them. are, packed in record by being married- three times In OWO: `Th'e,Duchess.ofAt1rolele&vea the ther".0 I I . , I .. � . . I Before yen buy-o4ll and ace tiv. 11. � I . I � . .1
MILL.En, 25 Potomac Ave., Chic4go, Ill. time to keep them good, and recentli, � me day., - They first, sougilit, the probate J)uke'o Arms 'every lawful morning a* - .. , .F ... . I I - . . .. I I . We also li%adlo'the Gauaidiall Steel Fiat I'Venoe, alioadi ,wove . an
I I. I . . . . . . . � . can erect from 60 t 80 rods ppr�day, it lait-oheap strong fence, n ny faints I r , . .
-$5000 forfeit if original of aboue, totter prouing too, a foreign bacillus has, found his way 4idge .at Xingfi�hcr, Oklabonaa, 4 Wx .vOetk., " - - , . . I 1. 0 .
genuineness cannot- be Produeed. I nd 'as I I A. . .: . . . � . . I . . I
' . . . . . . .
I . I I
I I .
I bhrougktbe shell. In addition to .other bbote was a odutest.over bile oflice they In.her remini,;�,n;�s,'_H.a�o%e Cock- . . . 11 . I I .
The monthly siclicness reftectS drawbacks, cheese' helps to ruin diges- both die OiladfUtes to warry them. tau reh'tes Iva amusing = . . - . . . . .1 L ` Z I , . �'.
the condition of 1voman's health. tiop. Itoot vegetablei are to be Avoided, r"t feeling satisfied as to, the . leplity. of ert Bro . � ecdote of Rob- :� ASO.'. -1 �axls# hafriw Street . 01into
Fifty thousand letters . . . . wrking. She relatee tivat as 4a . � I . . � . � � . i
from be�auso of wilrewo � Ihe ceremony, they returned.to 0ashlon WA In the draving-roovii of hw1oudQu I . I
I rms. Tomatoes induco, � . N Sic . .
en prove that Lydia E. clancer, and cabbages may b . ecome poi- uid Wore married Again by ' ,L 1i . ,. D 0 tZ I 0 NEW tRA, 01 FiCH . .
. � I . .
. I
- It 's egetable Compound sonous by., t�ke action of improper fertl . I- a minister. , house one 4fternoosi $ , � the i %&ppened to . .. I . .. .. � . . . I I . . . . I
n look out. of the 9 I � . �
lAtes menstruation, and .(zero. PUiw fruit belps along ebolexa. - Martin J. ,Caw-,- aman of fifty, has be, .4 . windo " . ___... _____, --.--. � - . . � I .
makes those periods painle& lought and - Obtained ,th tborts" Ae may*, "I ism MT. wi-,.ow:nA1'4"g' . �
% � e prg-tootion, of . I. . - . . . . . . . . . i - _0.01-000s� :.,
- Platt, althou o6sessing hiq�ly' nutri- Ykidge Carpenter's Court, in Milwaukee, hunsffig a gPwfe, a"utely:earrying it in, - - . . .. .. . . . .. . . . I .
- tiou, _g4'� . . .. , 1. � . . .. . .. 7. 1�
. . , qualities, 5tould be avoided bw I his An". The poet came 6W the liall .. . . . .. . I I .
. . . to . . gainat the wiles of a Miss Ormond, who , I vVith . . . . . fj . - . . . . . . 1 .! ;,
-he-large quantity lyllich is sold ini'll 64iisfs on marrying him tile goose. I lauglied, Irema,Tkive oidalons orLea . FC V. CHINA. . .. I . .......
- lli� - I I a Whether he de- . . ding Plinlelans. , �
A Parisian Du � . 0fit state for liuman consumption askil Ill% it' or not.' He fivers that be loves tboA it was A queer I c . 0 sale by druggists, .of .. . I I . � . . I � . . � . . . . . I I . I I . . . % . . ��
el Averted. the diftlealty, of obtaining it really fresh. her passiouatel when in' )ter ' eve I kind if,pet. 'It is Pri 8 $1.00. For i . . . I I . . . � . � '..
� . . I . . . . . . I
i . . I . . . presence, � O� -*I . r and iaffectioua,be,' ainewore& ILI-r. by mail on rece,pt. of price. . .. .1 . ." I I. . I I . 1k
I , "'
, appears, . . ... . I . . . . . W. AR
.Poultry, If free& to be thib most Wd that her T'Jers exercise, lh*lrning, 'A is lrot'well, so I ahA look- . . I . g, , . W1, 9 . .1 . _
-Pardon, monsieur, but were you ad- .w1kolesomd-sort, of dish 'as there to only complete'. . I have much. pleas 9 . . . . .. Is . I. . .
1dressing me?" . 1"y Over his mind, -but tha w Ing after. it. it Mli4s me About ju* . ure .Jn . be arin � . I � At.."s) . . N5 .. .. . ...
I . . � & Vague, undecided, ana eminently bac)E-' influence of, both: bits departed h-. - liko a dog.'" . I ... . testimony tothe vorysuccessfulresults I . .. . I . . . . t . I
o ex� - . . . . . � . . . I . . ".
'�NO , monsieur, I was not ad . dressing boneless microbe to Its 'Rc�,Okknt. . I . I have obtained in the treittment,'of . . NEW C'URRANTS. . . . � . 11.,
You." . . I I I foro, duck and green 0as a ' There- . perienoes the utmost loo,tiling for 6e wo- BiffbOF Wet0bersm t4le st,64eq of bow - hemorrhoids by the -use, of Strong's . . I -Fillatrig, PAras, Vostzzs - , . 1.� I : ",
� I . � L RAISINS-Extro, Cluiters-Debasa, Valencia ani Sultatia , ''; ��
"Then why not? Think 'you I am a - the dish to .muke a stand upon, but .lot, I The relief �omes early, itrid . . NEW PIGS. Dates, Prunes, Apriaotsi- Peaches and Cranberries . I . .11
: NF
I I � ppear to be man. - . . . �. .. . ,he was once taken for a "drlinvnee' by � Pilekone . ,W
zaan to be ignored?" . the eas be fresh. Still, when you come A funny story.1s i6ing aroulid in.New . 4 traveling salesman who was riding on is, I believe, JaDting. W J togie,. M.. . � -
"Monsieur is pleased to be impertin- to tKink -� it, yo . � � York'., concerning' a, very . spol'tily-likellned . thisamotrain. "Wbatbdinoodoyou-ro. D , Oqro ei, London . Ont, , . - NEW NUTS 'Almonds, Walnuts, Filberts, Shelled Walnuts and Almorkas . . 'I�
u cannot '&'Ways 90t d,ab.iitan who.. is - extrQniely fond � of a , t Is was, . . n. P : I 'NEW PEELS�Lemon, Orange and,Citroik I . . .�, �
ent. But let him beware I , I warn. him!, -d � to reset t?" 11 sokvd. -"Lird . & . I . . I I � . I . . .1.
� ti� a - At -a tecent recept! . I .P . . . .0 W.'T. ST lAnnuraottirin ' L - . UIN DIES and ORANGI?48---i-All kind . I . � '.. . I � . 1 :
'Me warns met How 'he is'dr6ll; . got 1,,,1d you.eertairkly cannot Always t1,11vilrch " 'rWied the bishop. M;mlm i(t)ON ' '
It� a really a,aockin * on she . nja4,O . 18.clhew- 11 � S at 0 ght - orke . �
pe". � . It Ii . � IF. let - 6. her hien. friends.: not finding' er - "i6ver heowd QN,* . r,. . . . . I ,
.1 . ..
Is the flea which warrI6 the elephantl" Rroslaw . , . .. . ama"'Vol mused: the drunnh ..lot, London, . . ., .9 .
* I '
'Tamillel Turn away your face. It - . . . .-,..4.* .I�LW' % more Coilvarkient: Place, -ensconced them, Any briv;b4liousa I"' . I . . . I . . I I I . . I . . � . � A.-L&AGE YXILL'.6TOCK 09 OANXED 000DA-TomatIbO9, Corn. iind
. . � -_ . -Br"6h,bQue".V4 . .� . . I 11 oa ad Chicken . I . �, �
offends me." . I 1. I ----�� - I ; J ___ I . . R at Beef a . res, � 0A. � :. � , 1�
. , .selves in a'biz mahogany wardrobe in over tho .world ' 9&Z . t,14 man of 9*4 . - . .� ;�
. . I - . .
. I t� ' . ty � 11 . .
"Bahl Vou are makilrig Of your cha-. : 1, . I I I one, of the � han$, where she wft� finally .easily, - "Tha. � quottIM went'. ug, � , I * '' I . .1
� . 1. I I , . fine assortment W I �
. . : . I . . . , � . I I ..... . disq,ov6red. .by 'her 64peron, who � wits ),Pllp. begaA ' I - AVINQ 1.
peau a telephone through which .to . �,O�',think On TER 3H -
I , =11 � .
..: . . drummer I - V49 I . . .
. , I a �
11 I 1. WE - , .. � . percent lbew than �: : :
. . I . I I sn't - tq,is a some Small cone6rik. "Br-�-boots ,wA: . . . . .. . ..,
. .. I . . Z11 . "No " said . � . I I . .1 I i.
'Theie is no danger. . . I , . . wee quiet place? � the blob".1 ."D , ACT .
speak. Take care ]eat I forget that -1 am'. I I 166kink.for her wraps.. X& in th6 legilse Mn. &6;ss, a bogatful're .. .. � � I . I � .
� . . . . I
a Fentlentaill" . I . . 1 -Arwrl�d public benefactors. , . disconcerted, the gi%�d: '.'I I I
i One can. sear�e-' . . .. I I I - - . t y � ou come in ' *119 t). P.- -4 N .., FXTORw� . I . . .
I . - . ked' th� drummer,
ly forget that which has never -taken - I WE' : , and join us?" .. � . � . . I . g,90 6 as7 . I OOLSr COMFORTS AND 13 - .
place." I . * * , . .. I � � 1 - .
. are hoisnatching people from ths grave. , Aecording.to 'ITruth," a . -delightful . ' . to- dlsph�y.'lrritatlon. "WeH,. I EALS THE;SKIN, ENA. . . I ... I .. .11, .. $ .... , . .
� Pig of a pigl . .1 .. I . . � !,_� 11 1 . . I I . . I . . �. , . . . �.. . . , ... . . - .
. . � . 11
. I . 'Oft I . . . I :. I 1, I . . . I � 1. I .-
" Come.hither, and with .. I . . method, of dealing sulintrily. wItAl I tile blsh4, ,,some. folka'ad I 'em, A I I � BLING THE MOST TEN . �. � -'; , .. . . � '� I . .. .
t:,b . , . � � I . .
gst finger of in I — o� 4 I F 4 . . I . . . I .
I . , . in 1ACE. TO ENJOY A , . . .
. -
e sin -all left hand I .%i!ll,- , : WE, .,.,. . ale kleptdinaida,cs of gentle . 4�� - � -They: tell t1ifs abory 'of' Lolki 0AW& DER, ' .� . . . I
- - or] y1all fat hulk -mirl _g1jnd_jt_t,o_ft_ " . ' -1 I - birth pre- � . .. W.,. 6 LOSE SHAVE WITHOUT � . . — . . I - ., - . .. . I I �.., . . �, - . , .1 I I W I ...
. � - I I ... . - . . . .
I - is giy Kmgla� physidaa:' Lord Charle � - I . - � .. . I I . � . I
po,d or I PA . . I I -that -'�wc-are-�Vst�rlrig ' � lady detected III the act, Every N� ' , . . . .
. - lino"iy VAils-4ii-Sertaiii at Md fihops,- - ' , 13&6i&&� �ii Sir F riderick Tilt i I N R L E A 8 A- N T_ R E_ s Li L_ T_ s , - ` ' . 1, I . I
llO I health thoit who have been IV' upby ' I en'the op� . IM . Avoid dangerous : ; .. . � I I .—. -------Z----- . Ir
� , ltritat . . . . � . . . . � � � �
. h, meanest of bea%ts that crawl, ap- , AnyWhere train three to t 9 likout . .tiOn. 'of bein 3"uted in n co' and'Sif Frederick was called to-" I " I , !to azel1Pr0Piarat*on4 . . . . , : . , .. 11 . ., . . % . ....
. ,
____ __ - I
. i . re resonfe to 01, E2rmoiiaiipiaeW��� ,
ach, that with a single breath I may . Wdirs I I 1 . ta;w,or hiiche!d, ,gyrlli� mana kkr� of side. "Tell me " said'8fi- Prederick . SIP the same 1.� I '.. . . . . . .
. . I I
: .
91P.01w you from th : ... . WE, . ... . .. . geress, a ,per. . I I 'a xtrac Which C I . � .. .: . . . , . I I piffixft , .
a ue o t ; ., ',. . son � aPoeially seldeted for her bi , , - symP-Wms,.!?'. The 6flier said bb ' *, n . anerally . . � . I I . I . . . ..� . .. . .
ybu pollute!" 1. . cep& .0le I . as) $out , " . , , , ,
. .1 .. are, om , ,. � ... - - , :
. . . . birch is &. formidable' one. In & shop paiii,lliere, an acbe tbere and 6 I I on 11 0 ou h ' C' u . I .
h, monsieurl 'My friends will lliaki GlIlY the ,very,modest claim, that I . � I , .. I -8 . I I
. � . . . iI0k1o,4t ls�wjd, 2O:IwAes*h ;' somiewhere, else.. And td . ,r CA oison. 'alcohol"' a -90 . . na on . . I
"Enoug . . I.. � � I . 1. .. I . . 1� avie. accepted , eadi. I . I , . . . . I � . . ... . . I . .- . . . . .1 I
on youl" � . I . I - . I � � . I . � .. . . I s
wait u , . . the ordeal of 'the birch, in a4d;hiloa to -em-nounctments, the phyilcisa ex . . . 1. 1. . � - . . I I � . �
"P.rdp. me; I think not. I am some. . two'youpg girls.of foreign nationality chuckling delightedly. - 11E xoel ' ' I . ' I . . . . . _ __ . .. � � � I 1. I ,. I . I . I . . �r
I. . I ' �
. . � . _ .. . They Oeem to 6616 itir n6 04 . I I I
I . . . pe i I � -7--.--------------------�....,.,,.. , ; . . i�ilcuiar re&sob. I . . ' . . I . , T
Ants!, . . !, Impo We to tb)l bt)%� they were.caught, And urt6n.bard to ge ..
what particular in my'choice of restaur. - . 4Ws who, in consideration of ' - the4!r tender' "Chuming"' "S I udidt" When I . . . J : 1 eat
. IRON OX" - . .. .., ... ..
i I.. . . .. .1. I I I ' . .
. .1. .. I � I I . . . I
6 onsieur pleases himself to .be witty . I I . I � . W6) Vero trm t . u: milder form of 9 � , . I . . : rid of, thdin, ... I �, . .
sf . yc . ted ,o
. . . . �
. .
* . I .. bpf ,..a Lipeclerl .� . � I . .
but, perchance, ere . , . , , .. . 0 . 000ye cottiin 306t comn=a � . , .
- . �ehr63tiseraent,- . ',. - - . . '' �. .. I ff Vl.. 41�t f�qll? t"! �- - .. i I - . . . " . lichey yield -to. none . bf'thtj Old fashioned remediet; ifiat, are' ' .
long I shall tickle his' TABLET4 . . . . . . � . .
- I beg,- � . - 1-1 .. .. I . I I . 11 . . him 4xitill - ul?Zlite back UkA:al 3essfullytied mo ' . . . I so; . I . . . . .. ..bft'6rk . s
ribs with a little jest. of my own. .. .� . . � I . I � I . I . Th -el. ."Indian :1:lai1y,.,'N`ews11 '(Oalcutta), n 'e'rl . . to qua nth, . betkeff6ial, ., . '' . 1. . ; . 1. . I I
. . � - I
.. I I . � � fit describing the -Durbar grei�t stat It boU, kay .ioloor "gy dear f . I 0,001,adles.'Safe,eirentu&l. j= . I � .
monsieur, that you will, do we the faVor** ore an I . . . -6'ball' . . . I ello*$ .% Md = Nether do they always wear (ft,as ma I -
. nv%luablo npr v' "in Ili' D ' - i O� -Lord me coligmtulate you. )r,oti h . - 4 , 1. ny People expect they will. . ,
to�present me with your card." I .. . btonlce � e owan-i-sin say. - I 'Kitcherk,- . - . Ave 0 . Our 11 ht 92st for C00102 Colton Rod IM. .. In:&,w6ek YOu still have it,a:13d in i 'wee ' -
. � , a curie for indisestion and:c � . . . . ken ;O%er, as all Mixtures, pilft . i . two ks,may.beitis worse.. , ...
esistible.. Be� I. StIJ on. . er took part in Vh,o�stnte lancirs dancing - If' at tionsarociangerons, Price N � . , Ddkilo WAI 'time' to take . I' , - -, ., , q
'Your solicitude is irr . . . , rarest di 61 -the eentiftry. Youb.av 1 6; 1, . t . -t any 1013R�r. It, Is a good cough in xtuX
. I
. *tfdno a blood maker and ',with Mrs. B.uiiJBIG�- 'His lcao�ledg. 6f. rato . � n . I .
hold itt" . IL . . you lacky dog, o, disease theA t* fore � 80-2,ludeKreegstron r,$Spetbo I Co brid Syfup, White pi e and Tar is the best, and the beat : . .
. V, I ler..A cor ctive of slug. ..'' � mailed on receipt of ceandtwo , . I q v , , .. .
. the 11 , t v Was� thought to be -oxtinct."I . Inpo . ,. � I
"'"Thatl Surely I am Dot addressing' .. fs ii dir an . � orakirigoinents . .. tl ' eatt'deocrip- . I I . Theco Iccompany inda . � . . . : va,116" . . . .. I I p I % I I.,
tiOn Ina I�wreuce,,�'t ' .d%ao . . - . ' '
X. Prevost, the world-renowned. manu- of t .1 I 0 . . . I . 11 e4,1.1.� and, in. C'Oftsoquenc6, whenever tie - . Atk '. ' n rgealliog his . ikp. - , . I oid an'. rect,anne . �. . Four oz bottle,"32 Doses 26o. : - :-
. facturer of pneumatic -tired baby -ear- - � . I . � . . �.O.VO, I. I � Sides' was given� alfhe suee�eded In Pesr4tebs wit)i M%ey Anderadn, wl%en we 4 IR . � .. . I . I I . I I . .. - . ..... . I 7 . "" .
. . . . .. � . . . I I I � _ an � .. I . . I � . . � . � . 0 g -V 0� I I' , I I
r1a ?" , � . . I doing was to -tiefilmself'ind )lie partner alle. was a- youbliful sipir t J - * J * E, HOVEY DigpenSln :
,jes Y I I. . . I � �i atenir, . � - � I I . . h;.Ju1S(9 �Clihton . -, - : .1 -
t would be uselft.3, monsieur, for We . ONLY'THAT ,,In ffie7 most absurd, knot, too the intense honore iri� the East, says: � "I - g*tti - - .�qo. .. . � . 1. . .... . .� . . '. I. . . . . . ,.. '. I . ..I. !, ''.1 � '.
. . I . ... . . . . . . I .. . � . . .. � .
: . . r � ., . I . . . . . . '" p , and ,No. %.are. sold n Olinton I I '.. . �.- I . I I I 11 . '' 41 . . , . , , , . . . . . . '.1 I . I
oil � , , I . Amusement of the others in - the set aina I a little stout in thoie.day% e by at I .. ''I' J91&r&rMr9M I
.. . I .1 x9sponsib a. Drug Stores. - . . 12811: 11 31111119M I
weep?" " of the large crowd looking'on. I I .
to-ebtiodal my identity. But�why do y . .v,,i th6u? . I . I . .
�ut ptrhaps that h onoughtor,;Sc ' . The' herio - I. was a young fello*,. and, As .Clau e � � . I . � I . . . � I . � ,. . I I
. � . . . I I . . � . . � . . � . � � '. . .: .. I .
. �. . ; � I I . . .
"Because, monsieur, I am myself a . � . Melitotte,,J . , ,.� .. . I . �._ . .. I � I .. , . . . ,..
i . . � . . � . . of Xhoxiou'na.was beaming. with delight, 'had m'vest that Lbad dup- . . _________:�_ " :. I I � . . . I � � I I . � : . I.. .
. I. . and. so; -he blundered tliro4gh .to 'the end, C'lled 'th thm p",orfy - bueld z in the . .. 1. . . . I , 0�__ .— . . --.-- . . � .
. father, Alas I that I should have wished . . . _I '. J."Pe"TISDALL0, , '. �: .* ... . -7 � . ... smmmwmmm� I iial
. � 'w . � . . . . . ,..�_ 1� �, ."v6,P-1 , -
' , I I a , " . . � � , , ,�- 1, ,; , . .. . - -.
I . I When. the Musid -ceased. he was in the, ". I= . Aightly. As ' .. . . . �. ,
to kill the benefactor of my darling ' .". . . . _. .. I � � I . .k. ; . . � . . . .. I I . . ! ... - . I �4' 1 ... I 11 � - . 4 . ,
1. he. lyRI&J4, rii* As 1. � . . . . I . . I . . '. .. � . �
child I 11 . I . I I ".. . , . * . I .. . . I m4dle.oft 1!00m;16618rig-for�.hlsp4it� MN61fit, my � a .. Poe n , I .. 11 . I . . . . � � . � . . 4 . , . . .l . I , Z � .. . .�
t1gage e I . ., � . 1. . I . ,. �
"Wretch that I am I * M nt, , , . - X4 iglAl- � .'. - ' � 13ANKElt; - , � " . � . , . . ,; . *: ..,.. I I , � . .. I . w . � . . .... I . - ,
1: a . 1. - Extraordina . 0 - . .� I I �,,��..
, . . . . . ry'. .. ner, -and laughed heititily- when. -she 4ikie I K ,4 VIL19 " , - 1. my: , 4 4 , I . , , . . � - . � I I - . . .1 '. I , A' �.
. . . , .
. . . . I. I . .. . . . � .; . . . . . I .1 : . 4- . .. .. . , .. ..
To'think that 1. j, .. . .. — . I � . , � . up � . . .. . . I 0. -J N t .1. I . � . I . ... . I.. . . I . . . . . � � � . . I . I . ... ., F I . �
'had almost put an end to the existen6e. 4114 f6 a him.,, � I . - I . I _1 I, T!tp . , . . : , I . I . , I � � _. I I . . .
, kin 11�i�l -APM, ..? . . . .
, I I '.'..:.0 - an&p 'ft, I acest , . . . . � � . . * " '. . . I � .
. � 4[leorgit Francis Txidn ("Citizenli Train) . .. . . pa see ge, P, o LINTON oXT, . . 0. .. i. . . .
I . i. .. 1. . . I . _&k . . 9 1. . 1. � . I . - .... "I �� I I ..
. gives, in his recently. published "Iteminis . * . . . ip. I I I .. . I . . . .. . : 41 . � . � - 1, �4 . ''. ... .
of On h6nored patronl" . . .1. to P fffloli , v2e,n, I . � . V - *W LOG.4 W4 ' '
. . — . I I thou. I ) like; . 42, V suduen- L I . .... :,�_ . ., .1. .. . S1 . . NTE .. ,� . .
— , . , . . I . .. . . � . � .
, . ...� * ' I
. . . . f 11
. a very .. , � . I 1. . . I ly, &It thr - ith , . ` � lij .Basswood- Soft 4 , I. . �
. . -, 11 .Wmp i , . ft
, ,ve 61 the buckles pv wa
"Monsieur, my head swims with pride cences 11 ;: amusin - , 'A sms. I 1 ,1Z wl Arivate fulki a to los]i 011 � . , . ., 'i : 4
at bavin made your acquaintance." P .g Account of.his . . I., . . � . phorl .. . ihat set .the - in, -he or- - - , I blorv;;Zg�P � 4EIR REQUESIrS. f, - I I
"And I monsieur, am'delirious with' .4ourt ' 4y'hip, and* shows'thi In6mitable " I .' , �ZZ�_ I . .1 . I people .� , beak eprrati$ rajeti . . . . 11 . . . i, . . . Rock 161JI14 44 � , 1. � .
. . - . . I I
. lack. and',assuranbe - which characterized . Cher�sh 'your enomies.' I ohe4bro, fitt4winin Vfiat's the mutter.' . .... . � . � . I � . 11 I - . . . . .
I . You, nkp;y nee'A" At,kins-11 'Mary defson "', in. a; st4 .. . . . 1. i _==� . � � . . . % I , - :.,. _.
. � .
joy at as thought of numbering yoki,� ' C -youth. - When he was tw til � . .1. I Bluk 1811, * V To Jftil nultneiiji Post thaik4 _
� General Banking,' business brarispe . . . � W 4 . .
- At yraxuse et buokles have brokes . - . . . . . I I
journey .w,64.. 9"I' Thez�,n.whi)- says 916. has.never'tu-ld a WhIsper' .' fMy'v t _4! I .
. . I . . t , he em. as an omtidots to y6fir frlenI .
mong my.friendal Come, let us cela kitar�ted for ,. ' 9 I . "Id-IJAST O-Rions PAID 1, I or
Irate our meeting in & glass of &b. . he waIg struck b ,. .. I ans'wiiied. 'Thatlis ull, right,' A6 ro, ;ntemt " 4110wed on d osit.ted - . . . � . . . , - ,t " 0111? gtitdents'�.� - . I
sinthot" I I . tho Appearance ofi,a lie has just added another to 'the list. SAW notes hung i I . . op . . . . ,� . 1, I I � . Gltadd i . at .. . .. 11
- - '&�� . . I �
I ply , pried, 11 was afraid It woo your stiapen- . . . I . _h- , . .. . . . 1W. boa 11 : � ,. . Oes I
__________�.__ , I l6v rrl" bldlg gooit�j to a, .half- .4 There, is nothing perfect in this world - d , 6r�.' - � .. .11 I . .. � �. . . I � I � I . p. .. . 4RTI.t 00 I I . . . I . .. .
- . , . I I I . .. . I .. . � . I � . . . . .. .
. .. I dozen a udents. He turned to big travel. -not even a ' � . � . I . I I I 71.1. I. — .
, �
Work and Slee* . . I , I I . perfect failure. : : - I J) Norse. � I � . I I . . I .. I � ' ' . . I
. . . .
. companion. . . .. The things you buy,for "zie ono, - In.1his ftlrtobfogra� 7, "(3612en, . . 0 1 -_ . . SIXTY - OOLLIRS .1 . I ��
. P. . I .1 I xt t th. I - I I . 5o YEARS .-- I I � �
— .� i . I . I Firitnols. - . . I -. - . . * . . . I . .
I .1.1-.11M.1.77 ' '
III191L k at taot girl with � the curls/o I in - Are generally w -th M: : 4; eroonhaAadInArk. . EXPERfENCE :,:!--:,..4Y::117 a . � yet .�
I 00 .. . . � . . . It I . & - or , I . '. . month clime to us during I I
more one sleeps the ,more OW Forks. * true, that it . . -, � Jon Dozens of other places � .,
it is -by no means the case that the said. . t A trujoin, is A jnWl,00. InOuence on, shislife tli-en any other, Tama . � 1. . "' 11 I .
"Do you kn . I a0coutit i! V-1-1 1. 1.
- .1,
ow her?" _ . makes yqu feel t ed to hear it,- 'in the w6rid, Uare is � his, I - nary.
IT . Of � 1--i . I
. .
13ome Of the greatest woikers. of modern . "I'liever saw her ' How many of us i . 1. - be, met � the author under rother pe- , ... � 0 TX 11.1'.4 .. were Pupp ng the morith. .
-before, but she shall , how � 1. � �lied durl
.&� ,odA 0hrJatj&n0''0"V L'� .. at Balariou'varying, from $5 to $9 - : ''
days have done with much less than-flio .be ilik' 'vW* e,"' ,Whereupon. I s ul) the seeret*bope aullar 1011rouniatimeas t ,,one afty a gentle. I At ... wi "
usual eight hours' sleep. Dr.L Jarties. . I natched I t,"'t when, uv got"to ... 7)) � per week., Thab is why we have . I
-my satchel, rashedover to the tjajn�ana heaven we woW,t meet there some , M.4.,'Llooking like a faormer,- came into the I , . . ..
Legge, professor Of Chinese, in the Unl_ the car which the girl bad elittred . 0� itud r4oplef 'we used to know oneqxthl of the . .0*A '�-. , ( . .. . I plenty of room �t, all t! . � �
' �,� meo fol,
. 1. -and asked � to see -Mr. Tradn,- "I . . . . . 1�,��, - I .. . 1.
versit of Oxford, who diediat t ,I .,�-,-,',1�,7"1;LX.—. . . now membefai . I .
-he - ag,6 A. mAtriIfiokkj,a,J po, -1 ,'!�-,'4;�,��4VK ,. "I . . I I
diopped into it, vacalit, sea,t opposito her. , " � I
. ,,mmembefthtit it was ,UIO fifth of October, . ,� - .� Write for Oat logne. - Entov At ., I
radox , � .,� 1. I
ofeigK ,-:�Two be . ; I I
com4 '47. ,I replied to. this que4tion, tbQt Iny ,. . , ,j�4,1��.q 1
� � '.
VAWO, WOO, it is Wd in tha J 0 one, yet tho populbAiou Increases. , " 4' - . a . I
, hal3lb' w An. elderly gontleman ;Waf th r OOM I , , Tr.AZ)t MA;MS any time, NO vachtions. , :
01 rising at 3 a.m., and allowing hin,i. JOM -My, c4ano& came soon6r I . i. Adme weA Train. - 11 in�wn the old, gen- kr�w_."114 , Dr -SIGNS � I
sell only flVe 11011ri' � , than .M ' -NOW r6kideong-the classes and 'th � cep"I"i1c. pres e4c. , I � .. . . . I � . � .
sleep. Brunel, the pected. Th- Old I ' -uan I . I . . tletim � . � �_W`_L_ I .
. I
� 1. IY&in W44 but of the office6t Ithe'thrie, I . 01 -IT (wertfan (mr oi,qjion frocy:tiotilor a.
famous ekigincer, for 9, considerable part raise the sash mi -11 ,,, � tried to I a . 4WA. � , III he.sald.- -1 told him thaAColokkel .Ar,�-o I .i-r,nnelf-l";P,.,.,lf",)R���l.,, :,;.&J)(J()1Jn,e , , ; , §& , % " . Central Rusiness coltege
of 'his life worked nqarly twellby hours e window, and,could I.Itoftenh&� listhatthericheram" tuvent, on ts pruor_y pitLentabl.- (:t,�11jr4,11jr .. . � I
L � I ,1 /111�� - 1, �
I -. the, J ead ,he is wo#11. I. t[0Pi4Af,r!&lT .ILICI(illtl!;I,Ilall(lboo)�01111.ltf,ltltz I 1k%\1 arrard sts, Tor on .
a da not MOV -0 It- .It lised- as 'tisrup,li stuck becomes, . , but as I bad charge of tfid-ships, I might. reo, a " ronge &a , , ...
y. Sir ' eorge A. Elliott% afterwards fast. I spran 1, . . sont filAd. ( Men lli�oncy lop 66,41'1119C%'� 1-1, - . I
I io Ightly hud very quickly, , - This greatest 10,pf liberty is n ' 'be able to attdAd to ilia bugino". J3kit . Patetitt, itaken. throu,iii munn & ,o.)reL�cIv, - -::� __ . 0 W, PrlAdlpal I I
Lorc Zld, who was IU command across the S'l, and said: "Perab-me tyrsIftt, but the oonte I kkt . I Ot the ad vpreftel noftce, witho.ut chargo, 6V 043 I I I . W I A, . sh.a . I . �
, ,ed skv,. - 7- I ded that, I Was, dxtTemely busy, as - - - __ . I
. & . . . , - � � �� .. �__ I
I . , No 0 - I .- V1099 9 09414, 401, , 'rv..._V.W_ I I
, raised t1he wInAow.e-1BOth Woknerk can . . .V, - . . .
-ge of Gibraltar to "sist you," Ind, aAding liiy youtliful Honor wo only 'Troom honor'ed' .the lWashingtork Irving' was to SF31 in 0 "44 " � . . . . I
thrroughoft the great SIP , , ( 11 . I
which lasted four years, never dwft. a strength to his mon `0 � I , knAlOur. ITIlat is just wl" I am hen I � ROM 1 1 1 Kano , . I
that time slept more thara fogv hours ' I free, trial spring, . '� Wic M .
, ,he and the young lady thanked me, Tho What we know so history I's mostly for,' said he. 11 want to sail Ion that - A lianda6moi3r 111ilsi 1,att,d woolcly, T.nraost e,ir. ' __ . . . .. - . . I I . . . .
. .
out of the twenty-four. He lived to the :01d' . 961ttlema,ii. went I'llr0ler, and.aaked prejudice In a retTos ft 6 m od, I 0A. - I e for - Engla�d,,. I I . . culation of ary melorlilflq f,illrnal. Iverina,wer, I --1--7----�4- �- � I . .. I . .— 11
0 6 h . . otir In '461,1 b.
e f I tY-fOur- "As I get o�ld," said ,p tly O* . . . 1p, I want pasanig � . 70= f -'�120,'-'. vall poNv4(leitiem, , I . - I I � : . . .1 - � . . .
uxnbo1'dff,' "I want more steel)-- . four me to take.-tIls i'dat dilrectly opposite The type of the Inisor.lot ill ti told hilki there V" but one'vi&terocku NIFN � Co =Broat;way. B-10 . .2.0 1. �. � . . . . � I
him an& the Ytran a n 'no W" - left, d94 that he eould'Inive both berths . . ., N4 worl, . . 9 . . . . .
urs, at least. 1�711ell I W,fts .4 lady, on, �h tame the dyl, 9 mQJi WhO blow Otit th& dl I .. ancli -MIV, % 'R',.%Vnsmnatoji. il v I � No I I I branelleg; I
Ounc,', two side Of thO car, "I did. so, s,nd we entered sayliki hi Could sm -W d lie I . . � . , 'Wholesaio 'bidek 'of pitanos I -the usetul
lie eWug i for me." , JI& si$ for the priqe of one -47"
� .
UIV,Oleep was qui ft . . in the,. . _. __. _ I I . , I
n Professor Max Muller hinting thatbe fut-O' dOnVOMWOn Immediately. I. con.. . . I . muit get aboard Ili great ha*ttj As ev, I . I ... , . . : . I . I .
- "r � . �,
W��, mv..!�;� . " . . , , . L .�
. . J'%,� - .
. __ , � .
, ,,,..,�;Zr..'��.= , . .. . . . �
. " , - , ,;M * et, ".::,,."._"Z�.7,R�,�- . Q I 11)
.:,.'� 14,`N#��',14�,;,��k �
, .
.. . . ---. lug !Or ,,, � '.1 'A ^ I .11).fv,`,,,,,J � � I'll . , I . I
. - '� PA 1_�, --
found this rather hard to befievoi Et-cink, tinued my speculations' a -a: i�,. the relf'. - ` - � ' thing Was -.�Oady, and the ship w;a# vait. ..,,�, - " y - �-, !71, fit very best '�p isible plice& � are-fitualltin .the I
th . - It ; I .
dt said. "It is tiOn6bfl? that existed between . hAa ord6rw. Vo slid -be - wvA i -N, �4,1 IV . _ -�'. .rpnsp 0 ver enterrainable � . - . . ...
ly spread, ,tl � ' . . -,.�,-.�-.,� I `Z' I . . I
quite a mistake, though . . The - L,k� I.; A .� * �-� _ I . . . .
lat . - ready, and I started to fill out a , 11. I ,., A"'.. vi,r. I R -tJ -P K , j� " I,"!,..
gentleman seetiled r4;thcr elderl Minot, heT AD, CA S' I pG" - ,�x- i, iw, � iFof?F- ST
is very wide y ' �A B an .,A-14,-1 , ."'." ""', I j.�_ - .I '. .
. -or a . e 1. . I Z . I "WhUt is your nstlhelF I aalca& ':' I "%% ��'.14e, ,,.�X,1, ,,,� r mop OnP, S oet , si I f
husband, and slid t�od young ,to 1 , . ter a ip. I ,� I �,,!if, ', I .",
even ht hoi)rs' sleep. ' I be max. I - -1R-`,.�;,-,?,.J 41?'. J, P �-,�� , .., , 4 .��; o,,,_,��. .., J� Is all .: C.004� I . I
. I � -i,J ro,_. r�., 0 - Mu
tied At, all, He did liat, look bxubly, as . I , . . , � . � . . .
7 1180 I a' Ply lay -dawn on I . .1 . . I air,' . . I 21alph Waldo, Emersolk I h4 tep4od, Tbe .�.#.?ii.,.,f,?.��--,.�'��.'�,,-,4,,-i�'�,-�;��'l.�t';.-'�..,;��.,;�....-,� I", a and a varle � . ,
th . - . � . ,,, , " � i I
I & ' N If he Were her father. . . � . . Ito took out of *� . - ",Z; KIAI "'li, . :, , , , .P : ty. of muslie , (
an af I u Ali -,(11 ,viliv 'i i , . � I. I �. . . . ,� -��RE. - ,
my .lamp, an I . .,old Vv,u#k ,'.IP�Wij�A,0iV�,,�� q . �7 1
mil r two � .. ' ". " " - , - I . . . �
P I was is fresh as ov I If It turned Out thit be wds an old* , , With twind; wmtpvj �e nd It. four or, ;,' t-; ��'. , .7'1� "'.."L' .t' UT, I "I I ,
. e friend , �%. ,Nr�,,�,� " N, "'.. ; ;, . .
"; . ,�� , 'I, ." .. - , I ?7 .. . . �
. of Che, family, escorting the youug 1IT8 d-wil, e d a �a;l %' "." " ".. '' . .! ....... . . . 9
ty-lifne. V 4,z. . ,-,%� ���,L�,.,t����z.-.�c,�-%74�L.�.-j�-4k",.� A.6�,�. , . - . . I _`O! �11 .
. .
. .
. "...Q�
. 'n not vwt to ,qr"4:4-.11,lri,,�q.".,;�'�t,l,,,I,�dni.l.,I.11:f"l,lt, 1"...M. , Los AOARills � . _', ...... � ! .
. 100 , : . 0 0
10 NEY TROUBLE ' - It , otrefulJ7. " I. ,W"" .
----__�. , . lady to her home in the NV,o9t, Tbeil. . I . � mobw Ouit Orfi, I could ' ,0�1 n, � I � . .
- . immediate , destitiAtiolk. wits , Oswego, ., 0" whother it was dorretA, hub throw it '! , L;�%!'� 11�` ,'I"' '�.'�,!C'i%('�4t.).�-�.:',:;.�'.iI n1 , I _� , , . � .
. COMM By . I 0-1-v,-_- 0 __...,_....�___. , .
Art;ist�Well, Wr, whit do jou tj�i,,k . d t1-,1,;,�1J1(,J1f1.'1'..1, , " I . I
i Where the,Y,w XIU take & boat. Says Mr, . . I I )a 61"";1I t,.,J , " �,i,v,;..,,I.Itl",,�.,,*;.�'i:,i " *- "I Ill . I I . . , . I . .
0 , !t,,Mw& and ,too), - . 'on boM* ,J 1(10 Nxtillamut."I ))VIV 31111, ,0 1-1101 tw-llth. 18 , I *` .
A . I . ;,.; ". I 1!
AghLning? Trajnt . . . .. 1,i -.",N; i.1 L.1; awo Our students ikre ijob puar4n_
thfa-"Ajax Defying the I I I 1. . I � ,
I . . raork was then I. '� ft. hit I ,(, cul..14'..."'I Uf 11t)1.11;e . ,�
. .
. ,
I I *1
& *
AN -
1 Q
1 kle
_ ____ 1%h1.11 0; ...... 4 01,� ;'ni,01,,�jq ot C11 -b Ew,al in , I . . feed e lobs, but after ,a; coaroa
flu— t5onnOM1118 In the elty)-Ahl� �"I Immediate exclal 4 VW� to n4421d, U.'.. ,� :i 1�4111`11 nfe
,,,.Ih, ,?i -.-,",..tc,l,llt,lli,il,ltl.tf;i,(.tt)l:,- i
U311 -104i not *A All, bad, not at al Bul also Ong Ili - wed, . 00A I was .;i wh4h il Mv 4 ,, ��v t!I o [!_-,� . , m 11216 Col egA It Will be "
at diroetioti, and A , , , I (P4(1li!W,ni4t�V1 ie.'J" .1 . . I
--er--dolet uengptcd to kno.tj that we'shouldwe, W#A to Ywit Carlyl*,11 ;! 3,31 11 -1
611 think the th, � .be DOAN'S KINEY PILL& ho I I. . � ..� 'i Mt 1� 09� n ftr-. I, - Ce tra . .
-�-&—Iinl__, . I ... 11 I 11 , I . I ,
. , . . � . I . ... NO trouble for theni to I ��
I - I , # - . r, 11 I i . , � i hall � . .1
arnes a H e alit 61 _,pasaengers;.,In a ell . .! . , 1, I .P I In .
lujudWo W, . the p�osjjectus f� . reLIOW, u ki�tdfars-i-for, I . � . .. . .i,.;.:_ � I'll . . ... . ko 0 ft .W , ,i,_- ..."w- I I I . I . � � . . hold.'any positlosi.,. I
, I
. � love Is like wit"utaknted ol deels,16ii'li; . DurkV his vialt In Ohleagoo Sir Mill' I , � . I . ,� '.
I. 11. bag . We.aid thorn; if pOasible ,to ob- -
- � OlFeryffibil. I Manor Itrodtiles, no %sitter, of *hat DW-A*46n,is boft exhibiting 9 I W4114 bMn emglOym3rit, but , Wo first .
VFOWd have gone in any Wd ot . . , &Vl" Va., . )# h, hL - . I . .. I � MA%0"Markef- .
The World'R Favorites tor direction. I.only I 0001d VQmsLItk. -her fel. wlitt stage 'of tho disease# can 1100n amrnm, W IQ bis .1 . I
to . n I . Pkod . I I . equip t era to maintain the high . I
dIk rr w-Paemliger. ,.And to- we -a'rrjv�a 'at h4l 0101dY aftd Pprmaftentl curt& by the vereft of tb4 title, alid *420 a . . . I . . . � . I J'e f1fdf-;A 4-h4 U I I" .
. I
y vA I . ?I %�Atl Oil F V1 cars, Fills t0gethe��' Dr. WhIlac-a ' use of egg Wonderful pills. Me, Joseph , of M ag. Ili, hn Iatervio* .he
� I ""= "'�`es ,UlkIid,!AJwa, N.W.M,'recominerids them to,
— . . 'kin OnOuilk' to permit me to e$06rt his f4' all Wiley trouble sukertro, when be' . tU' thertl W#A no trAlk in
#or ovel twe t fl , dharge ab6lit bw 111% rgarfok
% the Ma. the falls, And I *6A foot- OIL a I— w"
lUdn7lh to 10 "Veral risky thingg, In dull hoad- . "
_J �rs&eep'plhosen and ,alm* W - pow "3vat 1*6 -
mond Dyes ha�vnie tee , troubled with 01141 =ff loll
liopfflar )d7es all, over the civil 4 - . hall V&sqd*0 2U w*44 ki . 46Aor,8% Ift
, !zed '_ - ,00toolowi d" to appedr "I 40i ,bad flightfut disms, ferlible, . Jk4mbsk, pro4sollociac �. .
world. D amond Dye users never sulf. �M*6�-� IIVA Infirmity of tha Iiiind 0 , I�U, In 16, s And a frequent desire to t . .
. -
fer failures and disappointilients in of 6 1~. I W*t& under th,6 :kilo ��3' . Ot eflag DOAWS. XWXXy I 1, ,,,, t I I— — � ,
their work; ther quickly and , timbered about in. an 6orts of 4"Ser. ratommended for just such. tinnoy- , Ilector Reid & a, I il
eas y . kk AM
$Tet the exact co ( It OUS 0410614 in fto h9oximtIon of JOY6, It 0611 to Wilke, it., ,Tspent'Srin..
A they re'quire, 41 �d occurred to me to giv,o "a at the -home of ,-Tvfr I Old's sister,
thus save time and m6nev h I W" $6 "Ide 04 _06(17, only *1W the bill a tdol ` so I procurea g,, box of MI; Matheson, beforo lea,vtn.g. for their
1POVI .1. ft '"t I.. 'Ove W" vh�ktikay . eiii, aidd muiik� iti, I klew home mat Oak Lake, 44111 , .
mond Dye Mat and Rug tterh , , bor I I I 61fetty Was Very , 11fiad at � ,.
pppulav from the Atlafitie 0 11, t i 0, -1 . and 0W&V*d Amm the rear. &I oura thty't 4 takc I% ftsu. 4. Il ,
,j:ne ciesigg are artistically colored on I
the cOtOh Itessian And &i's ready
for hookf%, Send your fi
,. to The We s & Riphardson .., --9 I
2wXOuntedu st's xOnttealf , .4,
. .1
. , � I
I � .
. I
."� � .. ..", I � .
_�..Afihkfiftr�&-,.Llik L �L I- -_
- - . —
. L- 00 12 9109 INOVEK1 Greywrovikkolat
lixtblIwiot Of tbq ofti dau'r- at 91 of pleasure In rwInmending b election has boon sob ikoldo for itreg.
I L yo,
" the psills fo"Y_"t to 411 Iddikey trouble sufferom tilikkity. I . I
&=!A. ft *&f ,b,)_ PdLos 4k to or f
- -,_ *6 left *, J for $1.251 St Iff Ana ldra GoldWili Srri�
. . , I . I Sialits Or CL DOAA X",* rM dp� lit'jad $2,00. Jo Ith have do.
-.�4�1_ It, .1 .1 ' . the Convocat
. ___"*10W1-, . I %W64 " . _. . - '09 tha'univexml4y of. Torolli.0 I
. I
*fie 8,Uf6ist'"einddy Is
Allon"s .� ,
I .
. � . Lon Ba, Isam
h never Wis to ouro A 8DUsts
00L%)# HFAVY COLD, ma
MRS. . I . .
Luo bmis $I." 04006 ow'su
,naVing parorssoa the butchering .
'toss of IF, S. Powell I am to-
litkof lin.
pared tolotnialk the
I r - a Ou no as acillillrep, I I
I ,
. . a, .
,116�11w.`w A rVelt,
people of 0
ton with all kinds of Fresh and
Cured Mea,t&L sansi%gec bologna,.
. � . � . . . I
I . I prillar-loal -
I � )
lavdAutter and 0998 hlsyi�s kept On
, " . .�! , , ", , � .L ,
. hand. , I .
. Gg, Dg *Tagoart. ,
it., Fkalmons a Son*
. �
. I . I I
I � .
Telphone ION - I , .
I . I . .L .
, � E J
A.L.k I.. 11, - J�,)'fp OL-JX�Tolf *
. .
. 01!dOta delivered prompbly to-iiii.
of ilia town.
a 0046raLl gankIng Uttelatoo
I Palto
,. transtactod
, L alit X. J�.—Peraobh hikvitig hops fol!
I 10', MOM, will corif NfOr be ,
P3 word t the Atop!
� . I
� 0
ON sotled, JiltoreliAlloweilod
P 1 M' JLJ&Jj,J1jJ"OL__
WU i 111-
- - ___ I
. .
I . d6polho,
� I . �