HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-03-27, Page 2N , � 'i 11 jr] . � . . . � , I I I . . . � . I . I - ­ .1. I I "I I . . . . . . I I . ­. ­ .. - I I . I ­­ - I . i � WNW3 A = CLIZATON N JEW AA ER . � . ­ ­ .. I . . . � I . . . I 11 I I . . � I 1, . I 31areb 27ib, IF0. . . 4L . . I - � 1111 6-1�011111 11�1 11111111:11" I F 1 Z7-- 77 77 77 I . � ANINNION, , on, A. % CRASE's . I . I C; ' ' 25, . . ___­ � . I � . - I �_�— �­-- . ... ­ I . ­ I -1 �� -, - ­ .. . - . I I - I., . J - ­ ­ .-I...-.1. ..., � I....�1:1::Illlllllllll:lhll�11119��11:0�.11 1. .. 11ropertles for Sale or to Let . . �.. . I � __ . 111.1. - . . . For Sale, .� I I I I.. . I ... I HENRY BPEATTIF. . to r J, (Successor 11 is. Scott.) I &Q9, - . . Ow ing to flit, -want, of interebt in the - Con (111(th of a cllcet,( .. factoly ill -walton, f, decided to Sell . -w...- I . . I . Crisp County. C1111FIrgs , M" a CATARK CURE At Rol ­ . . � 0 � ., t, le (Ili ectols 'I'lle I'llilding -%vak; by " ...... 4 I _1 , ��, -,- .. - - - - 1V I .j) It "oi- Sale . The St., I BARRI-5TPR, SOLICITOR, . 14 sent direct to the olseasqd -_ I � . out. . , pur(hah;('41, -x Allirm 111i ina, -i 1%IcFadv6i. Jr., and.Alex Alurm , ,­ "I N . _�, , - � ­ . , ��- , ,� 1. i- � .4 , t . , 1z - § i�,0 '' " - — , property, CfJa;`icguooa on High Clinton. - A.PYJY to, CLINTON. I . � I ' I h . g,r,1,s.l,,y the improved Blower. � a Vicars, Qlears 44e WX I :- I A ewe, belonging to M 1, 11. B1. FowIds, lbistings, birth oil 2%1011- 'CO; the elighle, Imiler, ete., "*� %y for $1. 'CO3; .. ),� . , . ., 1. I � - , , ., , ­­ Mk- 7), _1- c N -, ,��,;'..­W. I - ' �­ __1 �,11_ . Z'- . 't, .....- " ,., ­ , " �11,5'��'j_�.�. 'i ." s5 " \ YJ I Twoifltsto'aasat ores $nScarlo's Week, Ap- tr ill ?O . JAMES SCOTT, Barrister, Clinton, D:_�Elljott BIQr%, form)rlr 04 . Offlof I Dy lur zioou) , � 1 . � I passages, stops droppirif's In too . 11 throat and , , F,e,v,e,r,. l6'1,-,UW,e; , gave ,IN .%, fj�,(A-Ieggvil 1,qub. `1 It(, extra I d, yto , 4 leg if bt-tweel t1le Vivo front legs aild bN , 1'. AI(Poilklid, at ,,, alldille i1xive, . ill elved, it ouFe, ii lici e the it k with I VC * "lliel:e , ., .,.� - .j�� , , _ % . , 4_� - I I . 41/ 'j. -b-. . � tzj ;�7, t, I , , 4 1 � in -7 I � i- ,,, V, 0 I �? � /J . to - . . ply to W'. AD. SEARLE . ­­ ....... ­­,'"', ... *­ ... ­­­ .............. *­ ................... I... . . . . - I . 'Lot for Sale . . . NONCIT TO XEND. . . _ . atarrh an I kee, All dealers. o r. A. - Chase V m'. I Co.. T4r to cl Buffalo, I -it )I,(Ast,,lt tile littl(, curiosity is doing I � ' " It sholdlev, lit $5. is " $6l illm-biliviv to dit-i-me of.. lbe ­ I W — I 11 4. � V W, 4 1 I � . I . To Ut. . I . I � W. BRYDONA . � I edlolue u. . : I . I .1 . � �- .. .. .1 --- w vi 1. � � I � . . FiCty do - ca for it quarter I The best � ' f aCtOl'y Wits not. ollelated ]nst. seaFou. , , li'i�"(; &TrTT1("N1Tl - � - � 11 .,I - 3X, . . I -;t . t:> -.1 . '3 � . 0 1�., :" , I . tore in the ,Tackson. Bloc); U =T`u,1 113,vacu"It"'I'41toAlly occupicd b YO-Witts, Ap —_ . I A, . A gCol building lot. on Princess Street, Olin. ' , on,well E'jtuat(d. With a qualitily Of hunbOr, I 'RIST41t, liOLICITOR, NOV Ry BA! . I rU13LIC. BTC, . ­, _­ I - _. __ � . I . . O W1 tulllo�, . AtIllet's uoillpoilud Iron ­ . 31 � , . . � � Vit s 'Suld by till olrug4ists. - - . IRI � � . . .W1 'ri�Pli,i,G11'tfJc1 ectors Of the Turnberry Agricultural . � soviety was held oil 'Alonday last 1; P , I - - �1. � I . 111-��, ?� �Z. ,. ."'. _ '. *;��X _�_1­1* .4 ply I 'to, � . � THOS, JAQKSON, Pept. fl�;-tf , 11r I claton solid a ,,Ad bulclint; stone thoircion. Lotobout one %it acre- will be a ! thirtl of i old reasot able . . Also About 150OU feet oflf[,mlock,lla�swoocl And I . . *LINTON . . . . . . . . �� _01n011T Jlb 14AL I . I IV n .1oligingto I? 11-eypral conlillittpps N�-( , Ill)- t . I'll, - ­ �� " I . .... 'rommerhill . - F 4 4 15-6 I � A`�q. 4�,,, aeu, �. �A,iff_ ik Ox rdolownew(Abc whell. thp., - I WAT, NALU, S , . , Elm Lumbar . I .3 I ., . ,11 1.0 is to I ... - . 1, I , I Win Arlcel.,ofToeiwater, gave birth pointed for the year. Ali `effox 0 is to I 1 6 . . , Farm For Safe. I . 1.1 . . 4101 A -, T Vth 19.0. ilr,of laulbs" 'whose ade to Jill lize for . . I I P )IAR. 2 . last week to 11, 1). . . be in, t on tv special 11, _. � I welght" whell three hours old, Wits 2rX I school children, .R A Douglass has The west half of lot 21, Bayflol I d Con For Liale, PQILndK. I . I I offered At prize of .%5 to be divided into /--.. God- I . , : � A %;%. erloh. township,oQutailling Itio acrej c good . 1. 15, , fr%jvld I . . . Thoattempt,to 1-1111 it co-oporativel (h)(4-rit"a Ilad shipped into its port I ist and 2nd prizes .for 010 best c0l](Ae- �5wk por, 6 , � 014 � land,la offered. for sale on cas terms. Good 1, The undersigned h'a4 for sale oil Lot 40, Con, i � Ilo IV68 thall , 3,.N0,0UU bushels of grain itilol vegeitable" grown , 1�;�_ �, I .barn,,Iog libuee, plenty of. WaTor and Rmall %L. it. S. Tuckerswitbi, the thoiro-bred Writ- � . arobard. Particulars on Am shira Boar, Prinoc imperial, No, 5370 bred b - -packing factory at Palmerston - )( urellased from him. , Tile . � Ilication, to I , I :Ipprk last - I �tll!(I)nilil(lt,4*(�(i,(Irllll�'I ILIV tr_�. . J -Y. D 6I)ALL, Clint A TbomasTeasolule,Concord Out.. Wro Emily, 111"d not prove a pron o unced success, the th,o 3 id tjils year oil Thurst- I ACTS GENTiN I ,urb idglo. Brantford, dom I 116�kiiii'li'l-1- rletlitol this yeal expects' fair Will be w I - - E .1 I 6089, brcd by E. 11 . C sed facilities, tO, dOublO d l. I and � on . . Hitchen Maid. Imparted6379. , . . . y. and Friday, KeptelftbOr 210 I , ssailloulit- the aiguillit. . f. , - ON 91 AN9 ' R(q1t, I It pol, K 13 MU QEOItGR XOTT, Clinton. � I met loss oil lit Illoill Its' blisille, �ey, of R'gi. 25fli. ., .1 . . .�, I - I I I ing to $42,737. The result, it is rgdd� )Ir and, Wrs John 51CIU111 -_ . - . I �b 5001, allill- . . due to misinituagellient,but to . I A very unfortunato breakdo) 1KI ley, containing 100 acres . noondville; cele rateid. the vil'oe- ... For'Sale o . r to was not Let "' 0"" ' ' ' " rriage on Saturday, 1, Ve re ­ .- In good state .1'o'li'I'tivation for sale or to rent I . versary of thoir in't cured at the s4*7111111 I ir Whit I'll It 4�. for ter_ of 7, ,. Thoro-bred Bulls for Sale. I I 'tbe farmers not only wanted dividends The, inumber , .1. . vl.c. zi I ,�� ,.,.. . plytoJNO. McGURGORI I . . — . I - March 14th. a Of the which is being operated,by 51essrs - I k .0 'r.mfii., or XTt; 1). MCGREGOR., 2 con.,H. I I till present. � , .. . , TiN'Q thoro-bred. Short -horn bulls, of- rood . I I Ut desire(l to st-11 their hogs lit tile fal"llY W(Arc) , . Cottle.& Son oil Aloildtly, juk bofOro -- M R S., Tucketarrilth, 8%.fortll P.O. . . pedigree, are otterad for sale on'r(asonable ..'­ " dijughter. .(-losing tinie. The hirgZ� fly-whkTI O I Z)l - � .1 � Tuesday week Olara,hiftint i CLEAN EFFECTUALLY,, F;b. 7,-tf. . � torms. One Is rod, 21 months oldi the other �' L � 3ilghest inarlovt in-iceas well. of 1). Dupee, Bru�s(ils, diett, aged fulir, the. engine broke ilit o * 11 Illunber of i 5 1 ------ — . I roall, 10141 . -AlthS,old. , 11.1 Two intillentild Inell front tile West- months, The fulloral Luuk j)lavo Friday L),ieees, which 110w In all directions. P60 C)s , 401ild, CUMINGLondesboro , , o gr( n't -was, tile St I rain tha� the bQd ' L 15, I I — morning, in.13ayfield evinoterylthe for- , 0� For Sale . . Jan, 16, if - Con 13"Hullott. I I � L 'OV , ( .1ile was completely tcwn lip, 0 Co iiCApA0r'eRS; ' . -_ . � . I _ - AA - , L . _ qernStates, lion. John 31dIVt. OX mer home of flith parents. � )f the ('11A , , . ff.V .1. . 11 , ek ahnoL, I r clottle bad it "t illiraculolis I . Comfortable house and on Albert. St., huprovenlentorsto - , " . North Dakotit,and Eugell('�V- Al illor's Compound Iron Pills,only 25 M . ce -of the I I 8X - . . Clinton,. for, sale cheap, 11061i. i aore, House L . . . ernor of eseap largest , pie -_ I e cents for fiftyAoses. ,1�old by all drug- e As t1le ":` suit4blefor mallfamily� Applyat NEWER*, - ' : I Way, Nlinneapolis, _11inti., art-' lit," , I wheel went throU the end of the OVERCOMES . The subscriber has for Service on lot 94 Rur . I . L h , . L . �__ '' 1 -.-- on Road, the large improved Yorkshire *Boa , %ists. Ig I I I . I . . �Oak Lodge Gaiety, No 2700, Termssl at lim . 1. � Ll . ninat the very ii!k1c : . Nc '. - studying the political and Conlin . er�lkl . ; - I ' . . L e ,,Nyhere he had .,T I PATI ON Ra . ca.. . . � -privilege of raturnizigif-riecess I _� . � Mr 184tac '�Valker, of Rast� IV, awa- been.. . . . . . Lands lor Sale. . of service with 'Imals, oi: his - I attitude of ('tmada on the subjeCt Of I (- kiosil killed a largo Snake when on IIN Th contract for the I)iljl( e A ' . I ary. This is - one of the finest an 11 , . 8 I PERMANENTLY * claaffloOntaris, Im ve your stockwlth the . .1 . ling of th IWAL Co * :L:� ., v1procity with the 1,'Iiited States. Thop I -Way to'Winghain oil Tuesday week. c to , , L . Nile Methodist church bas been let I I Parties,wbo Intend going to Manitoba or best, A, IMBUT'll, Goderich-P. 0; .11 1. . This is saiat-to be a, sure sign that . 13 Go ' Pi,vrAlZ the torritarles, this ap-ing in hunt for a borne Des 12-tf, . L . . I I . . : , vepresent itil organization of biw` ex.00rge f8totbers, of Dungannon, and . , . , -lei., is here to stay. .;, I b -r N if - 'I,V, . ,tilde .wit4-tbe underal.K11- 1 spring WeQ4I Blichannans arid Lawson; of Goderich TS oO, And pilist of some.of thelands will be for-, '. . 7'' XLeSSUICIlin the Northwest, who are. ?. I ux� N , 'f�C I well to correspon a .. � i �11 Aliss J�0111�116 Struthers, of Wingliam, to' commence. operattons the first, Of , L . warde4toyoa . . . Seed, Oats for Sale. ' JVfaV, It is. to be completed the.raiddle . . - - . . I � 1� , Aesirous of bringing about better receiyed the sad news on Atonday . ttkIAL . - ' . S.TOWNSP,NT . A A EVANS . . .. L! -_ . I � I - I h -lode relittions­ 1)(-t%veen th morning of the death of Iter brother,' * of geptember. . The buiIA is to -be of btry -n TV C'emottivV-MAti. I rD BY I . Clinton, Ont. L . . .Brandon, Man, . - . e , two L . . I . I The subAi'oriber overs for sale 600 bushels 'o .� I ,Vii-JoL4epliSti-iithei-i,,%N,Iiich sade0nt' reApressed brick, cerentblock base- . � I . . the ."Abundance Variety". ilaying growl , -e Inade it thor- . Ao t _____ _. . these eats for i hree years I can recommen . i . . : . countries. They haN occurred ottStaynerou Sundayweek. VIrlient, metallic ceiling, and th I 0S . them as being a � I I I . . . ,�pel,waerse - -mp �. VP a . 1 6 good � oat, Having a gooi I , eligh study of the situation in their I' About Seventy guests assernbied at - briproved.seitting."'I'lie Nile pe( . 11 .1 . . C. ood HoOse. for Sale.. ' stalk will stand up fs Well as being a splendi . I ' , .,,�� . own country and express themselves tile residence of Dr. an(I Mrs Hoy"WAl- I . Very anilious aboilt Jts crection and &O I - �Slyp . . . I . � � , . . � I L yeild�r. These oats Are free from foul Weed . ouipletion; as t1ley have very poor I opysvl� - '.. V4 V0,9'r . oils Street,, and will ls6 clean od at forlhood, Prics85o pe -t 6 e ,e .".Aft*,,r "' N.V . For sale a frame house on Viet . . ton, Tuesiclity tifternoon to witness _ k V .'e - CAL. ' . I -suitable for ordinkry bushel, I I . I i . I � . as entirely satis-41ed with the sittill- inarriage ot their daughter,lAligs Annio accOl"Inodation'%viffle it; is being built.' ' v lot 199A, story oils half JOHNVODDhN, Londesb. Oro or. . � family. 11 linee-quarter acre lot. with stable. � . I'll.. tion asthey find it on both sides Of the t ) J. W. Morrison,a N�ell known youll- It is bellip, built on the old site. .,�., f_", SALE 6-wosm-ba _5C .1 _-P E E XTOT AL mter, bearing, fruit trees. Pro- Mpr. ob, �f. . - Lot. S2, con .- 8, Hullett. . . 0! . . . . — hard And soft,% ., . � - . . . . . ' Appi 11 I . . . . . . �'L r" " Ine. . L . . A Tbree Record- �. A ,r,,x FRASER,A Il- it Craig,or'JAS, — , . , . . . I . , . , . gentleman. . On Thuiisday evening of last week IV i6n"O ),art I will be sold on r . onsonable terims. T . . . . I ., �- — - - If your system needs toning up, take ve - ,v selliolls. iind Painful - accident I I . . - . , � . . . � . Nov, 21�lm-. 1 � o I.. . . L Clinton . . . I ' . . + . .. L �: , � -, , I..' There wits a naive reintirk niade by Miller's Compoluld1ron.k1ills. tsoldby happic-ned 'fo,.. Xi; J�Ohn * MeDonaldi 11 � .1 11 . I . . . . Ron to Loan . I" , . I I Thirteen nada -j_ . . .ey , I ��..v�,,.� ill druggists. . . . white ei . igaged ..lit Sawing Ili their luill, . Ace . [dents Im Ca . . I . I .. . .� I .. .1. � . t',� . -� I �one Off the niann'"a, -turers at the. meet- , J . I . . . . . . from, DO.Cemb 6r to AN sicb, ' . . ' - . i , I I . . � . I --...;- , . I.. . , � . place ace. Taking a narrow strip . . , � . . . . I . I I , . I or � $1100 to loan, on farm property. . Appl f;­ I Avery pr etty. wedding took , in - - . r Sale. ' . ., ,.,,,, ing in Toronto last week tothe effect I . . tlilg . I I . , . I . � I � 'at NF_w ERA office, Clinton ,�'-';... Of boarq1tovIear�,16-%N,a_V the bark and * - . . __ . 11 . . I . ", : , 0 11 Wednesday.of last wde�k at .the xe- iltat the _Nlatitifacturers' Associatior' . slivers which had collected bythe side G. T.'R. wreck at Wanstea&, Ont. 11' "sidence of Thomas' Johnston, Gt6y, . � !�,�.;.% I - of the sa-,N�, the teeth of tho mpidl� re- DkIe. Kh. 0asu'alties, 28killed, .0A in!' A Thoro-bred Ehorthorn Bull about 16 nio-4. . . . I — ,'.;�.r. -eference to When his ngest datighter, �Ialld, . .. . I . I . . - 0 " Wa-3 in favor Of it till-iff In jured. , I I old, brcd from the ce'ebratod Imported Royal i 1, . . ,ov. caine I I . -olass animal in every respect, ThomBred Bulls for Sale I . CTT1 11, , ,age :to J ames It. - -volving s, in contact 3vith the . Dron, a first . -.1 I Ntas unite in arri . Dee. 31st- vable price. A, money I .1 . .. . . 1 G. -eat Britain. , "NVe are in favor ,of * . . I ard"callsilig it to break, part of WrecIr. at Victoi-la, bridge,, will be ao!4 At a reaso . I I I — � _ ..i williallisoll . . I . bo, av Montreal. - Two freigh - . H ILIngasuporlor aulmaL - . le ne, t trains col makee for any one w�n -bred Durbam bulls, his " ', ' Imperial feeling, _' . __ . � . whiell 'Struck AXr ., McDonald , on - tl 2 UMSTEEL, , - Four young thoto , anything to promote - lidet.conductor of one train killed and * � .. froza prize winning aillmd1s, are offered, fo f' Fe it! '4 � . Mar. lat. tf. , , I sale Aged from 12 to 16 months .xed,tn Octal " John Mo "in dealer,' of ,K-iP- ne.ck witfisuch force, that lie waslifted $ . . Clinton, Out .1, at 1-,, � I -Ftolt badly wrecked, - , , - - I . .. I I I ..., - I . 'I - �1.� � But we want the tariff raised, so th Pen, ling lia9d the farm of E I . , � I �.i,< ' L I 111111 off his feetand fell -on his head on the' — , Allgood Promisla, � �Mnlma a. - O�l . � . J 'RICH, Senifor .1 when the preference is gvan ted to Brit- Butt, pn' he London .road, north of floor. Th6 blowwas So Severe that lie J. -vi. &41-m-G.T.,R. colli, ion neity Wel- I I I . .1 . � I 11 BFRT0 thP 01'i'e .. ., ... this village, paying for'it- tile sin" " of I a ored"1111conscions and one 6f IA,TId c, . I � . , I a I " 'Sale . ...-- k. r � I . I . � -e protec- I . vit rend( . 'for. . , �- �, � San -261f � . I . I I � , �, � r� ve inoi tnalatunndl ' Firellien-of eAch I . F. rp . lot 25. 4th atirt, Tue. . e smith, . HRd- . I , : , ish gooAs we will 11:1 i - . . _. � . $6 100. ThiaNvIll give Mr m6fratt a the. fir,tcrWs of the, neck: Was - severed' .traiii.killed;.both.engiii6ei-a inji,ired. , I � . - I . . . � . � . . . . . .. : ' �` - � . � . .� Tan 7tl 0 P R, -Frelghtoolli'slon " i . consisLing of ihe . ... .. . .. . . , V�nl." AVIieil the British in,ti,xifactur- ' farm of 150 acres. : I . . and -another out on the cheek. . .. . " A. splendid 100'Rere farm, . . , � . . � . I . . I � I . ax East balfafL,180; con, I. East WAWAXIOsh 11101t,olls to pereops of a , : . I - o 'a. Vottle � — . . . .. . . i grades of ability. -Alents, bobk-k6eper . . :. � e I live. that his goods are excluded ' . uarriaore'of Miss.I.qabell .� I . . . I . ... . ., .. :. ne, �h; r6��k�, Que,' FiA'man killed; igood. frame house witb kitch6n,, baft 36x55. We can give . The I . . 1�! ­ � . �.. ,� two. en * i�le d eight �i or,ten freight ­ ers. mechanics, ph :, -I C ina aritr franied Ili be- youngestolaugliter of MrJohn 'Cott,le .... , - . . .. I . ' wrecked. . . ; . , . I clarki,farmerso sons,. ja'.N, riedt An fron da by it t. . P I ,.. . . eqri;UX1y . � . . and shed 3Ox4o, in which thera:Are, good stabl �� I - A Nott -Of W,at'1t4T9-.* �T ­ 'r-1 Fri 1'."? _V ;11 14 :-f ,ter of never -falling well, 8 acres ololans, pr�acbersj A4 entp, mar :1 1* I : , 11 of the Thallies roald, 'Usborne, to'� '�Nl I, . . . . . . . . � : . .1,71 1;1 - Ing, hard war ­� . � � A I -ileafr6m , . I :A� . , _�. I . , CoNvuYANowlis, 00'D1D1IS81ON.RR Iteal Estate and Insurance Mo -40V to -ca . __ , I 6. D,. ITAL19, . JOHN RIDOUT II � - . CHARLES SEAGEM . Barrister Sollottor Notary and Convoyouces . .� . odlec—oppotte Colborne Hotel I Coderielk - . 1� . . . M. Go CAMERON I fo*Xuorly of CArtiorrja -11olt & Cameron : BARRISTER AND SOMOMR, . . offloo—lismiltoll St opposite Colborne Vou - GODERTCH. ONT I . -__1__1______ . DICKMS"ONAGARROW . . ­. BARRISTERS, SOLICITOR$, ETC, - � I 01111ce—Coritter Howiltoik St. and the ftuar . . . I . I . Goderich, Otit.' � � ' I I H. L Dielcinson CHAS. GARRow. L.L.I) � PROUDFOOT &'HAYS. � "BARRISTERS, SOLICITC111% NOTARIES FUIIL� PROCTORS IN THE MARITINE COURT, &C, � Office: Nolftb at., next door to Signal 0 . � Private Funds to lend at loweat rates, . . .. � . of Intercit. . . . I f W. PRUUDVOOT. R, 0 ­ HAYS . I I. - . . . . . . . . , � ... Me('ioal. . - d , — . . 8 � r W11K. GUN 14, D1. D., ' � - L.. .R. C. 1'. it S. Edinburgh, - ' , . . Offtes--onourb, Street, Clintoi. Night call .atfrontdoor ofoffice orresidencia, Ratten. bury �treet, . . I � . . . , . . . . .DR, WMAi GRAHAM'. . . I - Licentiate of the -Royal College of Phys le lig I . . I . I Londeni Bngland... I . y . office and Residence— .. � . 11 . . I . . JOHN T19DFORDIS House, Buren, St, . . . . � I . . I. .. DR. J. W. SHAW- * - . - . . � PHYSICIAN. SUROMON d AJPCUoheqr . bta., cillbd Bud residence 0 r forlo St., o oatte-Sngliab clitorch, former4 oo cuvIo)d-b* %p1r. Appleton, Clinton Ont.. I .. . .. . . - - - . . 0 -DR. 0. W. T14OMPSOIV . - . � I . . . . .. . � . Physiclarij, Surgeon, Me. . . I . � . . !:' special attentl6i! given to diseases Of the I 1. � . I Bye, Bar, T4roskt and Nose. . . Il. . . .office.AndRealden � ce-,'. . 7" Albert Atreet,14 1310eks.North of-Rattenbary - - . - . d' I . I � . I . I I . .. .. I � . . � , � . �11 - . . I . I , . . � ,� 5 . I Lore roa nae an" W WB, � . � .. JI&II 01 UQ 111101,10I)IM-1 le 8 to e Con Jblin *11azel'NsIdod, of Kirkton, took . " !.,.7� ,;'. '.. I .., : . bush 1 si�re ;hooli or tAl'ibibr F single wtm*u � -;�;;�,-�.- W., Ty.. Rauning-mitn Mimi C.A.; � - - I I �`. " - , I I I , , I ioic� at �Q Rabinsoia - near St Odthar- 'AulGru and Go rods from se werth from $400 to 1 2 Z00 per We' . . t.. .. . . . . .1 . . .. . . ��_ �� � .. , for - - , . . . .. I :: ;,i:. Folel 1-Y tl�v fact that the dlitics place'at the fainily residence oil _NVed- 'Do,il� Sh- "-:-_NTaV I'soulid a note of � bles,.Ont.- Firemailld'.1-led. particulars, wlY to R. GOVIER, Aubuira P.O. lis -jo -paid, seyei &I carviAners W,weekly .. PETSICIAN & 61IJUGEON, -. '_ ' . . 1: .. . ," . . , , , ,i , - v I I . . . 11 . Alarch 4th, at half past five. . warZig, thro;gl! your A6011111ins to un- d PurcW,ser' aiihaXq possession this fall, , I. years. Write fully and w6 villgive' -OIL&, . . . . I I . - ,�;,.."%,: ., against Unitel States'goodsare higher nesday, I � . Jau-.Asti, G. T.1t.-- Engffieei an �- U64. -.. - . . .. 1: .... . . ­ . I .. ... � . Offitioll to suit, ' .. .. . . - . . . . I � I 11 . . . . . ... , . I'� '1� e' 6 n. . w Citizens fireman killed at i�ortHope.., */' - � . I . � . I I . . It Street, Bayfield, for firly. ,, .. I ,; . still. a Simple- Gordon HendersOnj who has b - susi.)ecting parentsand fello .. 4 . — . !H1? i�AADLEY-GARART,'-Olq Co. Ltd." . OFF1UE-M6J �� I., � John Bull is not quite - . I I 'ect P ", - �Jan- 27.tb,. G. T. R. 7:Two fre . I I t cars � , - - - . I I . . . . . . � A -ug. 22ud-� - . k.- -%htf6rd. � '.. I � 1. . In � . 011 it most important subj . I . . . " C. P. R. telegraph and ticket agent in .I Ddring they . I IV1 . . __ I I . � . . � ... occupied by Dr. PA ter:'- , ' . .. I . � � . I . � ­, .. I , I . . M_ ' r Salce ­ .i' � . .1 , 1. - I . . . . L . . . , . ., .7,'. 1 1 -ton%, 'I( ither is the C'mindian co-suiner ' ear 1885 hile running. derailed* rreitr X1 - Ont, ,image . I . as � . , , . -Goderkh for the past nine mc�ntllsjlas , . W .vded, - .. . . Far � fo . . . . 1. __;�� . I I - uAV soine of the - . , I I I ' ., �: .. L een proinoted to a Similar position a . th(� nwwsboysl hall, I s not serious., - . . - I. � . ., . � i ­ �. .. . __ .1 . , I 'i . I . I 1. .. . ,� Th,x Fren Piess,inan hispired article, 'wind evils produced not Only by thd�use bf � FeV. 14flo, G.V. R.-C61lision of'twa' - , - - . . . . . . �T,.� d.� iLRNE4T'7HOLME*-;, . , . . : I . el�_­. sor, - where he, Will als . '114V . . . . acres; . . . ­­_.._-__ I I- - � . . . . . _____ ­,�_ ho, aij., Concession ,11'..H., A S.i . � . . �. . . e4�Ckq,blat-aI40113WI .-...�-...-�--freigift�-ml-ti-port�-u-iii7on7--N MxAtill_ - . - _.� I .. , III - . . 1, _� - c_v_-i__-_nt_ l�--il-�Te-ri—uii-i-e-cT--mi-,itrgL-oI ,%eD )re a sellout 11OUse 211,1111311118- 1. . . . : � . .. . ... - I * ,­. says th�. g 1 ( nint . Cy. . - � .. .. . ..., q. � - in the �,'es - s6ld.- , . I , . walk . I .1 . . � _1 . I I - , - agen . turcs which Nvere . packiig , . .ed. - .. . . . of chutb -, ti ties. ro I 'ton, and, 6 .. . ., . (Successor�to r.'t.,C. bince, � . . I " that U- "', I- artineau's I . . ,.. 1.��.. . . bli, G�. T. R�-R' dot . a S, I good , . . Specialist In Cro -- -, . . . _o� I,. , , VYM lo by -11 , As a restilt of Tay poniplailit, special d ra - witio anial Bridge 1116 . I � -friends of. M 3 H ' actiou.Nvaistaken.by tile authorities,, xptess -aile a lin . � I - il . The inany - - i , be ) liter ruit, 2, 1 a and I L..D. S.-GraduAte Royaluollege pental'sur . , �� for_-(iif,.,­ I. -;AA not conw front the pu ey, Will be scirry to ,r 10 . � - ,, I .1 . . . ntarlo, Tokonto,q . - . ' , . . . . . I . . ..I I . , ; 'uu )r e I . . . . I . � I - Wi3s, e urf n!lWhMby Junction,.Ont. About cis 0 or 0 0 04 3 .. .9 .15 .ore I geons of 0 son, ul . . ' I . . . .. . . . I 11 , I a � . .*. �� :­ lic � Tho T, I lear Oi with tile 4m, ti yhIg -result,thav tf-, ' injured � . . . . . . t As Ot or an . � . ... : D..D. S.-Firat-class Honor graduate of Den- . , ,j)llz-iw. ,nilk of 2NI`olitrekll will serious illness. it appears AIr Hogg .clean pi i i cared� ill- . ", so. I , � ... . . . . . . . I tAIDepartifteint of Toianto -XTuiv6rbity: - � ..' . 6tures.Iargt,,Iy dls,j)) , . A eb. 22nd - G'T R &i1d 0 p R Collision. be ! . I .1 I . r .. I I �tfo . I . I � . 1, . be calRAd z,.,;:)-. I o nml,v good theshort- had his feet frozen slightly, -which has I oev - ro. 'Cars S . mashed.. � . I Clint.6tri.P.. O.. - . I . , . U91:11 I 1. . . . Stecial attention paid to. preservation -a 11, � ��' . I , thongl th. it of, �tgarefte selling arid. near Peterbo . !., - . The* Canada Business Collel;6, '. - i� devi-loped. into gangrene, and at . pre-- cigarette sinck!ng still -remains. At . I . . � - .. . � � I a Ildren"Etteeth. Will Visit Ba�fleld wry A * a-(.,, anti Hit ru,'1-4s, there will be legal. ,4,,t . Alarph 15th,G T. R -Oakville, Collision . .-. " '' ' , . I S �Voradsy. . I.. ' . ' � % . ' ' . . . . "I I sniall hopes are:'enterta.ined for' that thile I milk i the statem6at bilitt; 'I Bra - -1*-.4 ( es .1.0 - I . - . . . , . Office over W. Taylor & Sbnls shoo. t t,, - .. - i, . . . I � keman killed; el gAlt C. I I t yed. I Farn , For Sale . . , p..-occ,,-tli-.ig,,toL,()!!t,�ttlieaiiiotint. If hisrecovery, , - . . 1. . .,would '-'prefer to . see' it boy . take a - . . . R01openii'after EiNstei vacation oin. Taeb - ---------- r- - , , I — -------- � : , . . I I . , . . . . 31arch 17th Q*P It- Collisloill lit Is- 'i .1 � , . - --. . ' .. day Apr....14th. The spring mcinihs are . . � I I . . . . :'' � I 'O'.;,�,�; to a 1) . " S i Of law the Bank A F. Harrililik, of Meniesetung Park, drink of,whisky from it. flask- thil,ii to lington. TiNi;.t-tialriho,ncl§*'k-illed;tlii,ed. - rhe siibscriberoVers-for silAithatchotes farm .. I. . .. D R), AGNEW . . I . . . use,a cigarette �' aililwhile I'then, be- injured. - - - . . onthelivirouroad Tuek6rsmith,'just east of sirpong the bast ofthe year-ifor making P. : ,. - � - 0� . � . .� I . '_1 is already. bool�ing business for his - .1 . .. , . . — � ' ' ' I . � ; I of;1lontiekilinavinturn call on . the ­ ' Heved the cigi�i6tte. to be. the niore- . , - Express derail, Clint on, at preseni ocibupi6d. by Mr Fisher .- 'It . start. Write for the reason .why. 20 to, 80 . I DENTIST. CLIN10N. , I � . - I I'll, . popular summer rpsort, .. The cottages Mar ell is, al R _� I - ed consists of 150 acres, more or less, with good . calls for help 64.Wages from $35 - to. $60 per . I I . . . — .. I . . . I ­ . . . . I , I 1.� - Soverei-n R'nik, lioyal and Quebec areall rented,, and a number of rooiils. ruinous of tb�g two., I a-111 hir InorOcOt- northojfdu.olph. Two.children killod� from e-houss,bank btirn,silo,windmill and small . � . .. . . �. I - , I � �os�ecjs of .a vinced to -clay of- the tro,iien , ' . ' . - An exe I mouth had to be refuged..1%fely. No--..-. I Office Adjoining Photo: Studio ' ._", I .1 .. � . :_ � . are taken. There -ate pi dons ,evil. and about n' .1 . :rehard. Plenty of water. .ellenb farm . . . . . I r�O passengers.l. Jilret � , . I . . I I . . i � , banks to nrike goo.1 thoforgedcheques number of iiev,�r cottages . being built �onsequences . th%t. follo'.'Nr .' its..- use. I . . .. , i� a splendid locality. For ter I to � gradpatea left. . . ' � . ,. offlce, -Hours�-g to 6 .. . �.. . . I I I I . . . every., day and . I I'! - . ., honoi-ed h... fl -c -v,, rvspective bal-ik.c. this� season 1. I . . . I . . . Sincethen I have lived to'see'luany of - : - 0- ' ' ' � I .,. I I � . .1: . % ART Ve fiach Bookkeeping Sboiihall X' and Satinday undflo p. It..131 anch ofticeis . I I I , . . I . � : . . . I . . . . . I I . . . . . - . ss - '. ' . . I I . . . . . in Manchester. Duhgann ii , - ' Clgar�tto* . � Babies; -.* ; — . Penmanship by mail. � ' u­� � ? :, the boys then a4dicted to'the . I . Cr I . . I ', Th's %A:z voloott,niaYt, act on the part The holUe of Mr and Ws jasButtori, . . I . I . I I ­ I �' I . , .. . I . , , . ..� . � . . . .Write for 'particulais and catalogide of: Bayfleld.. . , .- I , .o,, Blyth . .slid. . I . . � . �1 . .1 . . . . I - ' . . . . , I ­ .. I. . ­ I . 11� � Col. . ebabies app6aralways ugly teniv , . I Farm , I . * I � I . I . . . , no . L 8, was the scene of a happy gath7 idi haviog - beconie. unfitie 16, om, . r - I t �!!i= -_ I , ___A____r__ - - I ,,, I of the ­)voi nm�,n!,. For we see . habib servinq terms in . the, * penite�nti- ' eikber depar men.t i I I n - to Sale. ., , I . I ary , or , � � , . . I .... . . � I . . I . I., 9 ' ring on ;ticly.a,n,At,6ol-ai�,to.-,voi,li; i II90 - __1 . . , . , ,� I rcla 911I yl%w. th , )joml�-�i­n should not Wednbsday evienin .week, -pered. - . . . . I I . a' they - I I 1D. XeTA an . 1. . " I , �. . i§s: Is&- � , . , It.can't be all drIgirial sin either. ' & C6. ' . ' . . � when their eldest diiiightor, Al 43 gon� froxii bad boyhood t not in your bab anyway� - Your babv� . TAot 7,6ori. 3, Colborne, contatolu Acres of . . chl . . . I Vei,oriharvn: � � I ;,� t be, held Iiabl,- f'(wa :;iinrantee entered bella, wat joified in wedlock to Mr', . I o worse man- . Mi.wiriol A, - I ,.., i .t ehathani.0nt. . . " I . , _.. - � - . : - , . � I ho6d, and � crinies of. various kinds i.§.n.Nta�cro'ss.l)&,tyfox,"n.o,thiiig'.- Heis laud lit good cultivation, 20 acresife, P . I I . . . : .1 I . I . � 1. I � I . � , .� ' � � ,: 1 to by thein'for n s(-i-valit's faitilf, I Welistar, of Lu6know.-j by Re-,� G 4 . � . Acres fall wheat ., On'premises I - j ,,, , . . . have been asso6atedwith t,heb,.naIno§.* . cross because he is. uncomfortable. A ' acres'In, grass,, 5 ca barns, In � ... . . I I I � i . DIRn 4- FIRZZMANS' . .. I � . . � . I I . . . . . '. ." . . .. . .. VATERIXARY� SURGEO . ;. I , i . I . . . I I. 1. F . � . 2yeai�s.in a liquor busl- . - t6d, I - . '� - I �, I , . I t , .'.� , . , 11 . . I is 11 story frame. house aud%two frar . ' . . . �� � . ,. . ,. -it ai�ee. I . leau'lionestly say, after a varied ex!. ,difference, like magic is elfe0cd by good repair, also a good well and young be ­', . Kerr, offeeswat6v - Iil , to . � ­ � perft I The'Dennis Brothets�ofth6l4th con-' pejjonCe of 8' Baby's Own Tablets. They do lnnne& orchAtol'. Farm well fenced and well A .Z!. WA%IM .' . k , _. . - ,. -iii. :Sea- ness, �havffig. coine ill coiita,66, With the late 4n perinane: cannot . ca . .. .1 . 1. � . . . . �.. . -�-,"' tions 6ILondon and Edinburgh, and Grade. �� 11 . � . cession of McKillop,deliver�d* . 'd ' ' ' rit.g66d;1hey' Poss siotmAybelladMar'�ist.i9M, 'For fur. , _� . Member ofthe'Veteripary kedf6ai A &socia. ., '. ' , Farmt-rs, As S . . ther particulars I to ::'11', It I ,tote, I I I !. , : Young me j*sn,& women toi prepEkre ,for ,ate .of the Onto to Veter ry College, , I ... d t,'O' t!011' forth on Thursday ok !,list week,16, .Dk . lrian�'injuries, inflicted by the ' , poskbly.Z16 any. hilrm" No trouble ,no �KRS R7B9WDH3.T or R: iii,ELIA .,. I . T trio '_.... I � tr . Be.- 50, Goderich . . I TREAT I)ISEASES OF,ALL AN I . ' ­,��, "! — I '13laaweII,,'of1London,`a pair.of four� th-Aftlie 61garette,habit. bldstair to be- 'Spilling; no trouble getting -them Into Se�t..18-tf ;, .... , 1. - I . ''I go.o4 situations. Apply'16 , . ' ,_ IMA1.9 I . . I :� Th � Second Ili -vting, (of the- Sduth . I . _ . . . I ,�, ' . . . I . . . yeai-oldgeldings.f6i, which: -they i Naby'Aniputh;16rvery young infants .' �' : * I I ... 013.. :'.. , ­ : � re- eoine a scourge greater than th�,tjor- . . - ­ 7- - ,- -­� . �,� . . . . ,.. . � Domiui' . . ". I , - - NELSON - . ' : . Huron l'ornivi-s' .k.,socuttion Was held Qeived-the magiiificlent price of. .'$5(0, which the.drink fra M -e is responsible ' they ean'be Crumbled -to - a p6waer or.. . � . . . � . � , .. I .1 . , .. � . BALL. - ' ' I � . I . � . I -- 111911t. 010119 They weighed abou1i.3,6W tb0' ' n ays.1 bave passed thtougli 41ven in water. The* ' ' ' t nd _ Pous' and Lot.for,SAl.e,._, :. , . 1_... _13usiliess , �. , i I ". - , . VeterjnA . iry , N' Su . roe . on. . - . I. _ ' I . : , I ." � : in Ho -113%11 oll's.1.1111-t1n.% . . P.. �. . i by,T e d � . I , y are swee a , .. . e . � . . I o. . . F. ". . I I . � I I � Ing . raneouspaspag6s.of the in-, children . . -_ _ I � . I., . . I I ' 3ed Baby's . Own Tablets with � . I . . ... , . i , � . ee*1 ege.,,:-,, , I . � ­ . � I � .1 I toltebtrigoof (Ide. nlid. the meet . I I . . " e Sit ter like thein' -. No mother has ' ' , . . th . .. . . . I . �,�' , being 1104at ni-dit, thv hall was Only It is with more than ordinary regret . fern,11 pipli in e6ng of -Saii.,,Vraucisc�), ever w out Tito �ro, Vi ofthe lafe Jos. Turnbull, Sit- I �. . . ., Suctegsor to ; a I . ,to . 1. . I . : _,,,� !Fk -z AtUALL,,. � ; . fairly Nvell filled. R. Ii. 31cLean; pres- that We announce the death *,of -Wa finding that they do good for ohildren: tfated at t a Corner of Victoria and Marls. St9 The best equipp3d Business and'Sborthind - I . I .. .1 . . I I - - .; . 'and ii�e results.seeia thore do not give Olinton, is offerea for sa v. cheep. There is � I ' mseases, of, all domesticated animal. 1. . . . . . 0 the elinir; lie spoke Robert Boyd', - Leadbury; . ivhich sad 6,L,.s4b ',)r greittera!arrn than the pre- Of all ages- � - S X Watt,61'0, ,two story frame dwelling house, contalaink 12 I I 0 -tific principles , . . iderit, occupiii. I Mr Sheen- Gollsgeincsajaas* j�eau ea tuition rates,.'. - . treitted on sciin . i Strongly oil the cattle guard and S: � . ' . Write US regavding Oak courges of study, � Calls Promptly atten !_ I . - I , event took place on Thursday night of ,ow,write.. It bor 'Que.; ga ".1 have used . many - rooms g6imprising a double parlor, two dining . . , I . � b_ _; 1. � 9�,, � . . I 6e valent; curse of which I n ttleones but have ver. . rooms anda bodrooms,tbervis alsoasmalibarn, and prospects of sc-curing situations Or . ded to .- I : I freigliCrate abuses, and said that the lastweek.­� rs.B�yd.had 13� ITI for' �. S ' Fran iso that the medical me .. T Wi r.s Are sorno bearing fruit trAtes oil the let. f Office -I - b St., Ciinton ; iesiaebee . L ' "I . a l an 7.as in an c ne aila ivere rnfea by the several weeks. The'bere ved h istio d ounced .foutiday Ing eq al to Baby�s Own Forpartioularsi applyto JAS SCOTT. .. � I .n .. I . � Tfbert St, PhLi . . ... I , pN,,iile of 0in, inspectoil, of public schools pron * thi p I graduates, Cittaloguese tLfre . e. . Aaaressf I railway-. R. INV%Nlordic spoliconthe is left With one child six weeks bid. L . . � .. I . . I . L , ne.62.' - - .� , - - 11 - I . I . . L the-ci aretto habit �-reidar in its. evlls� . Tablets, simply. would not be withoite Oct. 91. .. . 1, . L Bardster, 01.nton. . ! I . . � I . I . . . .. � . � . . . - g y J�e� -L. . . . . I . I . et- I I . . L , . . . . . . . L . Ift _.. � ::::::::::::::=r_ , . � I difftcultico lie lia4l. eN-perienced in 9 . % - I Me. Loss 'of inern- them in the house, and I . stron I _ _�. �_____� . . - ... . . ' J. -.,AJ.1CXAYj . . . .M. . I . � ,� . . . . , I I , . I . I .1 . . ­ L . fie* Blag.L . . . . . I , d., ting drainage aloiross trio railway C1111,01Z Jas Turnblih, ek-Reeve of G r%e has �.�__ umend thoni to all other inothers.') , -7-- L I Dept 11011 colifeaeration Lt .-ISLO011aneous, . �. � I ,,, been g'pol,noed. a Inembei of -vi- . , �&dl�ess, hisanifty,lack of energy COI . , . . �, .. . I .. . . . 0. I . . � and urged Aliv farmers to unite,its , I ��,d worst of all,'a bluntkl. conscience, Baby's Owli Tablets cure 4111he min- . ! .For SAI*40- . '.. . I.;� '. . I . I . . . ' . 1. � . L.. I . . ..... . it; �L . cemse I a', , as successor to 'Geo. For- . . � .. I ; � � I.L I . � . 11L I ; Tbronio, , . . ­ ' ­!____-__`___._ I I . their votes were it supreive factor-, an(l igned. He -should make a are but 0; fow; of. -the fearful results or ailment' oflittle ones, &lid you have. I ' - " 'L.. ' . -_ '' ' ' .L. L . . I L .1 ..'L.' 1. OntIV .. L . I Ci' L. PISHERV - '4.. � 'L L � L . " I I iftheydisv;�,;-,Iwd p-nlywheritheirin- till!(-', M sitive gudrant6e'thAf,. they'contain ' Cottage, . almost now situated dii 16sac, Street I I . - � , L I . . . . ". .. . . I 'L �, * - goqdmanfor-the.positiou. Mr For. foretelling national. calamity unless A PO - , , ., � - Wrest s were at s!alw,' they could got . ,ong hands and conradeous hkrts noLopitit6or-li�arniful'.drtig.�- Sold b neAr.cer-tre of town, containfia " AnO10111,8ale, : " .' . " I , . I . bLINTON 014T., . : . . . I . . I I 't H 11, bouble 'L. I . .. I , ralle6C4s" L , '. I -whatever fliev Nvanted, so long as it tune Was.. a niewber for many years.: A stl itlj druggistsor mailed ost pald At 25 Nrlot, Ointo oom, three bo rosoms, three- . I . . . . I � .. : .. Genera Agent O'rreaeral lLije Afign _ . , - . . are brou to Overthrow the en- y lotbea close. I . .11 � . , . L " � - 'just &lid rZAasonable. ith, ineetinq of tbd Bolil,d was!,hel4 in Brit I s- gfbo'. *. L - conts a box by *Ating xire6t to the DrL -0 It.* kitchen, and pantry', also Valuable, Resident e Property Pplicidoorl'all-the ]&test � ., ; was IV.L Still I . � troLiched Afativ -of *.our -leading , summer kitchen. Good gtoue cellar, hard arid 6 f . approved plano,with - - ,­ .. 'Treas. of tile. Central Association, 8 -As on.. ruesday IA0, - .- .' - - .. � � privileges aiLd optiOns,mosit advaititagopus to, ' L , ' See. . men are Willian& 11��dicino - Co., 7, Brockville, aof� water, good garcian', large and small fruits ' t1h - . 11 - I I � . . ' ' ; L L t and most Successful busirlieSs,L, . . . I � _�. in abland 'nee, nicelaWn. -rovn'.�f a Insured. Annutties.issued, . ... .. I I " e ,Lin ad(Im,3s IiWratly brist,ling with On . Xonda -evening it, 'Norman r6fuslilg to 6 charging Ont. - , . I . ..AllAu first-.019,fle. � � In the I , .'01inton. .:,. . . . . . L . 1. , q 9a7 I 0 y mploy 'and di . I I . . 1. . - 1. . . condition." Owner 16&yjng* town... Also, . 0ome . I I- I I. I . . . I I � I . I I —L. . . , , L ractS �itnd 11gures; lie: MidThat, 41 proper (Took, Hensall, was soitping.a �belf rIln- fr6ra �heir servim*1 those �vho Are . I , L , _____..� , - I . oodfutnititre to be -sold priv I . - .1; . I Lt . . 11 .1 ... I . , . . L . .. 1. , � Aevied in ning a pully in the grIsV will- -'the Jac-' .kyjbw to 1180, 14 tekie, " . eii ' Apply to MtOly At the . There will be fAolol.byr public auction a the MA , _, ... - ,, . tax on railways, surh as wits I gonse RattLInbury Hotel� Clinton, on Sat . n: the cigarette, and till . Fore sts... � ,� , turany, the ARIAGE LI-CE'XSES, I . . . I Xichigan, would givo Ontario enough . . . . I - - , L .1 � -Ali 29 - X,, T; V UVE N . I , '. i",". . ing daught .his hand and 'carried it faitininded'inell with bi-d'it supqrficial L I _", '. 1. ; .. '. . .111 .9 � . ATO Cilutell.. � Ith da,y.,of April, 1903. atille hour.,of tivo o'clock . 1. . I ,. .1 . I . �.o 1. , -i first -e ' L . . L I , L. 11 . � . Lin the aftc�noon; the tesidence Aid four.lbis; ... I .1 , . , . _ . . , *1 � 1. , ", :�. money to puLtand keep it 4,189. around, the pully.,l.giving it ,a bad . knowled'q'o, bf -tlA'lnattbi iniist agre6 The Modn ls� oil tho'cel6sti'al 0 �, I bcone aor6y of land, formea occuliltd, -by I �*. .IS'S E . D BY. . . , . i* � I wrench aiicl- breAft-ig one of the small quator L It' I , I 'I)r �* i L - L � . . . .1 condition every leading public road in '. owa]63�, find situated an attexibury, stieet , � . � I that tlie�'jre wise in their action'. in on the 27th and at its new on the .1 -m For Sale . ,- ' J. A E f'. 11i 11 6-1 11 I �', I the comitry. 11v said that the United bones near the -wrist. The accident . � . . .. . .. . 2801. . \�\ . Fall . 6 adjoining the Presbyterian church. - , '' Ointon. � . 11::, I this:�vespeqt . . . As, *6 approach these days it Will turn .� I I Thitli the'ehoicest ri�sidence location In Olin- - __� ___.____� .. . . n -like' to - s4y phenomenally ,118, acre here Is a good offi6elattached to the house , �, � StAttes collected fifty millions annually witl lay hhft off for some weeks. . . Before CGA g, I -won7d . warm for the soason,the . L&�12, BAyfleld c6n­.:�oderloh tp. . 11 .1. � - . from the railivays 'ill taxes, While On- � injilvious b rom te - will fall to I w,itud danger- 86-cle, red,balanceliardwood,withalariev - hitherto used no a physWan's office, And a comp� ARAI.kGR LICENSE Issuedzy the, aim. . I � Bir Jdbn Rustard ,of the 2nd of that cigar or pipe smoking A e 1. a lan: . I . IVI dor§Igned &t his Res dence'.liIary, tr I . tarlo gets about $30,001). The Speaker � _ . 0 Ity of coder on it) in good state of, cult va lot modious stable, � I I , lit Ito- as either rilay beto those who iLdulgeo ous readings, anywher.e.from. the .29th . t, A Clinton. I I 6 4 . tq�� . . . , .. - Morrisi,happeued with a painf ' those . ar.6at five acres follAy eatand6onaiderablafalt T.vn?4s-Tch er cent down,on dav of sale, . I . � , . I �, " , � , referred to the land grani.9 to railivays cident while on his way to B ussols and offensive'as ft may be to . to the 80th, it will be wise 6 kee an plowini done. Comfortable brick house largo. balanep In thirty days thereafter without In, �.' ? . JAXES SCOTT, 68 � . and to bounties to Iron and steel trusts; , . . one day hist -week. Ile was trIlrown who do not, is not neitify -as disastrous e .e oil the gathering storm indications, onrit w4 lostabling underneatherivink shed And. terest. I . . I . . I . Vm � . . I I . . I � I ---------I-- I . - ,�;. he hoped that the fitnuers would unite th It 4 I , tt !Por . y*varms 'liumad Weather, *,ith . ­ LONDESDoito . froin his waggon and his foot became in its, effects as - 0 CI are e habit," Will -pre other. outbuildings; about acre orchard, For further particulars wittl conditions, of"sale, ES 0AMPBEL" � , - I , �L � : to Op ose all increase in the'tariff, Mr F the , greatly depressed barometer, _ mostlywinterfrtat wellWatered-ne*erfqfl� 1'r - . _ .. . . � - � � Broo s,oflirant, referred tothelate - ffie Help soon in,- for the cigarette mo er takes 4evoll Ind 6S _to , ;lSglUHR LOP ARRIAGR LICkorm a, s T 0 It st P . � ' with -Wheel. fiiiii. smoke i gs. and brain, sage viol6nee and diinger, espociallyIn Ing spring crook an� two wells , [ TA10S,BROWN, H&AYBVATTIE,blintou, 11 . .. .. No witnesses ieqaire . . I I I . meeti rived however and ext�ieitted nto both Inn, � from Clinton and threetrom. Bayflold, Posses- .. Auctioneer,, ,Solicitor for Vendor . � I - . . a I , . � anufacturers' As . ' . . I I L 1. . ��� . . ng of the Ab Sri. .1 . . . �% .. I Ifewill belaid lip for, sonic time, as w4p.ro its condensation produces the all centval- to bouthern parts .�. of . the sion at any timo, resito 4bld tierzc App for ' 'L I * 1, . I I -iting that"he got.tip further p CHAS, I St. . ,, -.1..-_-.-_... , . . I .got Brantford, st, . � atticulars to n 1. . . � . I Do : L. ill . . his oot Nfaq.-balilly bruised. �, dosiied sbrisolon, while the Cigar or country. Late snowantrsleet otorins David at., Ocidorich. . . , 11, and opposed the troposafmade to give I .smoket- throws' off; to somer Ox- $ will be most natural northward.. Tile � . I I . . �1.1--4*4.441.*.-***#***.:"1*0.40-**-**4.4*..*O-*.*#,*"**#***-,*,441�0,,.Weo*� , . . . . . . . . . I . I . 1. any further pro fletion to the Indus- . Xh�s J. Laird, of Seaforth, was e-allr ,&wn fttO nionth. in every probability, wilfreach ' " I .. & � L . I � .. tries of ilie cotintry, all of which were ed to the bedside of her brother, Goo . Vinpt� lit least, the nicotine di I ' ' . W I . I . 4 .XNSURANCE � - . L - 11 di s m4ho -has 1) , 111) by. I tll�, njouth, Ayoung plan vecantly in- its closs in.-bho midst -of these. storing, . *. Tip IR ol "er. of.. We .. I T � � ..,_� i � , I . . + # . I . . resolutions u eve then submitt the doctorg with thab dreit-c1ful disease I . 1-1 . -?- . . . ­ , I �6v ry ,!. F11-4 I I 6xc e ngly prospeton.. The'follom­ Blanchard, con gi,ien formed illo that he requires as many as I . �. .. . � .. . -� ; - od . . - , T--- . Tht I alty Bike ,(�j - !,U6, Aecidelati 'plat, G , , I , tc � 'r * , � t OFF CH, - MACKAYBLOCK. OLI* three flovon cigarettes top ducesledli, ,tLtl,Ae residenceaudi Acioof land IL MaL . . 7 V nrl )? :1 and unanimously camied : coilstuaTtion, which lie eontracted in . � . Justices Boyd and Falconer hb.ve T , 1.1 � . i and on rising. in the inoviiing -he pre- * ,4treot, Clinton, 7troompt nellor, wooaght'ed,hard * 4 I ,� . I -To re .1 is life to 1101PL to breakfast, soft water, now stable arid driving ohooll. : � T . . . ,place tb� old cattle guard act, rislang ' ..been named by Premier Ross' .as the I . Saii(Iford, Who was entomlo - t :., regardin rai wairs responsible for beisclln'_ tllai�s fers "is fav r' " cii arette to -commissioners x- and -Res owatt I I 7:, liquor' ciga.l. or .�ip'p, The'younq man . to investigate the oxcellont garden, with plucil PeNrand apple S 4 ­ . T , - JOHN We YEZ) , I . - � cattle orliorses Id led. well for four days on Ur Peninann's . . questioxi-had )eon for some 'charges made % R. R, Gameg't Mani. treell'oto. � . . . . T . � . I I , , arm, neaw J?ajj,4­ Julle'221 I I St, in time a .. I � I I � . T - . I * VOLMESVILL9 - - . Also f L Sale. � - T $ . , - I, . 2 -To bring the rallway companies h P 1( al pow4istelit drinlor 1114, ro i but toulin against oil. J. R, tratton . 4;# Agent for the 31jigenims,fER !;�Rli ASsURANO I , I . 11 iker A ' . . X We always keep on hand I% large' - , . . . I under the general drainage ,aot of - practildes .help The judges are. also empowered to in- . or 0 1 'I � J, Cp.'Of Wan6hesterq England, whose f It , I , 4 11 X mn, mawith the formei have lost't * - slid well assorted otook of goods to y andcare, I ; ainst . g a I I _ security are rated at $14,wo,000. � the Province. Aft 13 . abler, Win%lu Vesitl ate charges ag, wiy othtv -kt an� Wile np to lat SeRt. do eam rt of the X ohoose. from, . . 4, 0 L �. I . work in the charin before the. Moro Poisonous .%lid .f I Also the *LV C. 1%,, . S -That the Vanting of public money a bad accident while,. a L ) Foo,or lock,eto,,attho orthEndotWilliam, . .. S ILML01? MUTUAL rNsURAXft Go. All 01&2$00.0 - . chair factory oil Thursday stupefying practioe of cigarette smok- inem. wr of -the .Government upon pro- Street Clinton, ,which is a valuable property S L. � . T faralriAke anol town prolp.orty , I . i . to companies, trusts and railways duction of the same in writing., for fruit growl I 0 ofti­ L I L lit to OU ' A T, taken , . . last. 1-10 Wal . afteriloon in Tlie,t,o.i,4.%iiotlie,i,iiiitn*ithwhoin . �, . ## Mixed eanay from Ala to 10o �er Ibt.t O? lowest rates. Pirst-class Loin Cola,pajye . I be dis, o itinued. ,4 at Work On - the Shaper I � . . I t , lbe'?te S .. L 11 6 I I . berkybushes, 1. r - L Ore ' I ? 6196 r6Vl`4fter!qd. U03110Y to behad from 4 . L. :4 -That railways, telephone arid tele- And tho piece of board be' witit work- I Tave been lonq , acquainted 'who, . . L L . � W L L . . ... . . I L--. . ­ I is Also aver e 0 1 IA r 0 06 sad *J'. . _, cOnSUP14606.011111f tie Afitard of M4 Iker, , . I l, . . Is or rp table. Bon-boiia 186 to $1 viir lb. . T . years after, relinquishing thd practice, . .. gravel on t 0 In Is 9 c, # * Bat I z I lrjg,,�,ith, ot.cmight in some way and a , L . . L" . I mail* ,# Holmes tile - I)otjt&l Cara I , g.raph-tottiparties have their prop��- , . , 11 W ed from the I 'tobacco heart;,!' I . . p ly to 1. $T rt . no I ; fate him. ...flly I . , . 111-9 rIg I .0 in contra�t with still. stiffer . I . J Vxviy Ootol�iea aI14 areams . . I ,, flea assessed,and bear their fall, share f and calt . ,. lit lintoll. at, 'T I, . . . I 'L . I _LQ_ �­ I ... � � 1� - I I I . I , . ,the knives. Part ofthe two ftst fln,� aftol. often tho physleian had to be call- it . . . I . . . A 20o to 28a per lb, � 4? I - L . .i��� , A , . � , I , .1 of the burdens of taxation. M to'attend him in the middle of the I I . .1 . ­... __. L _­___'_' 4 . 4, # * I I I L gerswere taken off. and the thuTlib and VI'S,t,ngL j 'I ... I � . .,:. . Quite d number of farmers united niglit. In iny:i�qrk ac6lis and L L I L * ' . � I . '9. . I X _11CRILLOP )ICTUIL F1' E - I - , other twofingers were badly dnL ,. _ , . House for Sale, or to Rent, I X ' Figs and Dates_ 1.L �... t . .1 with Chi) Association, and specittl ean- I 'I � . , S , ssions I find tie evil. . I I . —, . # , � .L� . . .. .. , 1- . I ; 1i -11 VASsers were appointed for the differ-' . ,Vvord-wag received Sunda 1481) Of making inroads I . T ' - 1AISMANANIM CO. - 'T incitles, tovms, vil. 1% Moxfoan Naval and Valoidis or. ." "W Canilmel , — , . L TroAlo-rattit. with woodAlled , h . X OLAT]gD '144OWN PR0PrLRT,V fes. the den'th of Ar Ilarry, I "Oil lages, and even alnong boys and girls I A comfortable cotlan conbalnlng7 roorna, 3 ent inunfeipatil-I - . . .1rd and soft *start quarter # . . of Mr Murdoch Callipb.611, of 'Sea � rth, in oul, schools, and parents should � j. angeg 18o to Soo por doit, * rARM sad IS .. - � C(I o!o.t1le I . . i beat ng fruic trow, gooil stable. * * S ONLY INSU R . The sad '80 "' X Lomas go pat ao2 T . oils day, at his residence In 011 cago, to resist tbiS '"aslon PrMats EMufatba , * . I W BIWOONEo %O .. X #40 . .)reVl' nbitelyL rl tiler sold. or rented on very, reasonable - J" ArASMOAm InhAo,mai ___�l threatemsuoh widespread d6- .. .. . , I I 1W I—- I . __._ . � event took pla . I Ao'e'ot' I , . I . , I � Ill b - which Ira . X Don, t this 18 the vita I , XT. n I, 11 It, 11 U .11 4. 4 Wt�a"nbl'127- 06 for ;.. � o . Don't 'delay; serious bronchial - ; ftouble or diphtheria, may devdICp. . . The only safe way is to apply .1 I I . . . . . - I I 7ainkfilealf, . & fdrAody Y�otj Call dopond t1poli'L . writo the throat With a cloth wet $ft ItImforb rotiring, and It Will ba *61t In the motftltlg� _� - .1 I I -t , * ts, 601k on* padldo* I Twi L�, . - larmMy "=" .XAAAJ, . a rluAA tv X.11 V, A V Chicago. for severAl years, whe re he held- 01 ood' . position in a riilwa-v office. We wits 30 vears of ag(, atlit 104ves a wildow avol one child, . Thomits 1-1 Manuel dieolat his honle lnW.ingbaw on Thursday last, age(I ' ' L 51 yoays and 1() Jil(L)JILIJIS. .be �C(41S(, ,d had been I esidinght Wilillipeg. for sonle four of, live years past; and'was taken , Ill 1486 fall with spine stonvuh trouble tind wita h. f,ho hospitAl at t1fAt city � until. three e 8 ago When lit, callie to hiS t om or " Ile leave's a f unt I first W1 0 of ?I �Iv it )�Ie i ren by hN ' Zrig * two zmall child . . - .... .1 1. - , " -0.94.00 - , ..... LLLL in. - , I . . . .. .__ vastation. I am convincea that any ordinary smokors would ceaso their praetkoworothey bu,"partially'AC-, 4uaintod with the terrific consequene. . es alitending. eigarette flinoking, to which they y their 0aalliple often be - comet deoioys, to mAny of more, tender yem,p find loss niorlil strength thall illenISPIVOR. `T%allking, you, Sir, for Y�ur spue,yollrs trnly'SaIlluel Grigg. . . ?ate, eovish itull requrl e a 4do"Lor P60clere'L -Sold � L _ ­ InCrtaSeS tht M ight ; Buft tip SoRd frilesh - - - , sweet and, pautable as Cr= Dm not Derange. DlogeAtiono . I A POMTW9 C= POP. I XM. 008 9-1filustiono . I 1A 6*4 lom—NA114. ofterol De6ft A" . I . . I I I , , q, . I I � .�, L I I ,1 ... -_ Over Tayltir & Sonlo Atore-gaitablo fot oily purtdoo. Apply to X., 21, tf Ure. A. Lt, MANNINO Clinton, I I � � . Vereford Stoek . , " � *WW46A." V6 606 88*6ml hftd of* young Iletoford and R WAVorale Drit'so %04MIlf t. � A31. otittance., .. _... .­ I—, I LL --_.11J_ ,.- - - -_ I 161)_i&xi�f cakes, pastry, Slid, , I I Atgo-)d lind of pipes, o1gon ona I obadco,aiwayrionb6na, 1k. - I .41110, I I Baltimore oyetero always in atook, We are loadtite in fino, : I . 11, HARTLIPF L loiaeo#orl.of 3, � Jd0()1&y,L llfitbn on Thooi. glialglic 0411 Fla "" 0"'y 0 E U _­,�­_ N�Adfo",n",'�u .� . I Thee, 107, 166� OF Treas Seafor I S, �__L it P 'a, V166yo . "b lr�, o� for Ma I , Own r.atiterte.0 I L nOtAtirohe I . , G.A%tq&dfooJ,L Sftfottn John 0. Gre . o ri Ira P.O.Ge6go Dale'si'Motth" 4ohn Is D311ANIV.,fth" �666hwo6d P. . htt, 1100%) P - , �fii niah Fyagsr . John A moliv Rilo'bon 4im 4 tOI llt6b# Pat I . Chl8ne, ; 136 ,1 .. 615114" I . . 1kobbrttmithittl0kok R6btMoMIJl&n $1# forth; JIAA Cumming, Rofflouri%116 a W Yj%. , Holfte4vil e 066Mutdis AtIdJo a,0JA0tlI# 11 di , _ ,ii _1* . . � _4# _ " _ _�A* � . Alkik. _ ot , to