HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-03-27, Page 1� I . I . . I 1. I
. . � I . � I
. . ESTA111ols HBO 180 . . I � I . . . � . � . I . I =r"__W I
I . I ROBERT ROL=S pub t . . 11 1. , CLINTON� ONTARIO, 1"AARCH 271 19.o3,, � I I I � I . I I I I I
. =_ -i � I . 41 pe=,
I ;, ;._ . I I I 11 . I A llogoylpt"
.. ;,.; I I . 11 I ___ �. � — . � .1W 1111 I : I , I ,1�0. � I . . . . . . I . . . �. Ill. �;, 4
. . I � . I I , . - I I 11 � � , . � . - . . .
- - � . - � 11 ."` I . . - -- I ,
I 0 $ 4 0 0 0 ---�--, Goderich ToW ' � �. � � ,i;;;;� ,- I 1- __
. � � y � I I I I � � � I . � . �, nshlp I H91meavAllo � ,� . -`-_�_ - . � . . . . I.. _� I .
I -
. , � ,, 0, I lRullett . CarloW. . .. . � I I . I . ; _ _�_ . .1 - -1. 1. . ,*"^
. .
. . NOTES. --IVfr Will Cole, our popular NOTES. �_Joha Walter has beenoon- .
NotiCe Of R%nOV0.1 thresher,, hasixiv.0sted in a bl ENTERS Aq.A,ix. -The ang . P
. , fined to the I, p,l of �Pe,atll X6T9S.-A pleasant time was spent, ('01. Ill it TT, 1- I-
I � ower, and Ouse with'a severe attack I ) ,, 10iterary, simety I 0 +++.+-,+ " �
� has been worki it At. Alt ,again entered 8 , . I � . . ,
John Ali& ofneuralgia. ',Herbert OsbalUestbil has 11Wward Hart the holne of Mr ftndAft at.the home of Jolla McPhee lastTues.. , � - . . . . . .
. .
� -oa - r of their children in the person week for t1io . . Mot , . . 1.
!, dleton1b Dar& lie is the mearfs of . taken 11. BlIford's farm, for, the present Anothe . 11 .
I .;thea i 18011 Mid took therefrOW (lay evening. HargTowsley left last . .
Jackson Bt . OMee for the mowing the straw with two, men, year. John Calltelon is in 14 Wept; o took with him 4 PA011410190t. .
Settlement of accounts and the whereas it used to take sh" John Week atkendin .. . Ou&n this of their only son, Lorne Gordon, a ad of horses, .also limilier-for , I I I . . I .
. g the Grand Council of beautiful child of nearly 3 Years ofage. Pb'uolaldfilug A house; it is expected he will At the 111,9b ire War ineeti I . P of - :,
adjaAmmt of business *111 be.. Thorappon, r,, has been spending, a the Chosen Friends, which is in _ 0 .0
. I found in the factory affice, fortni Me Queen of , session , This is the Second death-wl'thin a,w9ek-, lig of tile I C wpound gyro . .1
ty A laer� in that city, Miss Rose Tebbutt, who. tho spirit of th return next week to got an ornament I . . . I I �
Po"rin e last child takingnight 0. C. I.L. $,,on � - - A
fox, his new house. Miss Ferguson will resolved itself,in arell loth, the soc"4ty I I
. ..... . block. All atcouuts chant -from. Holuideville has started his has been s ending a week at home, re� on Satard,%gr last. The funeral oftheir return to Manitoba About the last of, to a Mol,k Parliament, I'Vilite, flne. in'd Tar ' :
must be closed at once to save po4dli�ig, ri% In this locality, The tarned to - Mrs Ed Clifton Infant I And provided a prograln'botlt interest- . . .
,, . 80derich. chil was hold on VrIday, And March Mrs A Y Hen . . I .
� costs. t perary school has and son, of Mitchell, visited at F.- , derson who hits . ing and lustructi've, Somefluespeeches
� . athelets of t e TI
1. .
. surel W Teb- the last on Monday, only. three da s for some time been visiting friends and Were made on both sides of the, House . . CURE$ COLDS. � . �
. Jackson Bros. ,T taken a, bill by not accepting, butt's last week. N. W. Trewartht.6,, apart. Urs Harrison And their on I : 11
the c iallenge from the' Dayfleld line our school teacher, T relatives. here, week �
very .
Is very busy this remaining obild'have Also been 7 returned. last to and a noticeable feature of the - wbole . . �
4404470 'boys to a friendly game of foot -ball. week on account of the promoti Ramilton,.accompartled by her niece, debate was the adhorenee to the sub- - � .
. Mrjohn Tbompson,dis oised of a good amination, John MooArtne ' , On Ox- low with the same treacherous- illness, MissJ-Tolinstou. Miss Dalo�a forwo., ject tinder discussion. . . 1.
I horse the other day to Vro MoRwan, of of his driving horses to .T y sold one neu'110111a,but we are pleased tole4ra, teacher -of So So N spent a few da . ys . Tile Assembly Hall was no . I �
.as Martin, of rhat the All,mere , I 01, no too Large bottles 25c
0 1 It UNDREDS OF ' Stanley. Miss Emma peck Was the Seaforth, on Tuesday � ; .be will h ifal One 'has seen fit at the home of Col. Varcoe. Mr H, 14rge for the appreciative audience of . . . . . � each at, '. . i . .
guept of Miss Flossie Cole I olaall to hold tile Destroying Angel in check, Woods, of B�Al . � I . I
. a -9t week. artetion sale on Thursday, April 2nd, I ,fast, visited friends in vialtOl'sana Students Wh6 remained � .
I Thos. Cook was home on a visit - last And will sell al At least foi- the present, ajid that the this neighborhood on Sunday I . . I . � . . .
, l I his horses, cAttle, im- now sick ones Are oil , a falr road to .. bliss until, the Uouse adjo rned. . 7
- WORKNEN weektrom Niagara, where he has a, plements And household goo Stirlin of God6rich, is visiting her The Cabinet cousid1l '
. . . I tir as "he recovery, Mr Harrison hadi) tell of : I
''I ' Ood situation, but returned again. as intends,going to. M nlymov- sister,%irs W. Y . R. P. Reekie's
- iltoba in a short od to his .ouny, A. Johnston, 0, A. Mustard, Proluier, .
�. I , ' a resent abode On the Londes- of Manitoulln,. vlsltO � . . . � .1
.. Find their employment within ten' win, , uty called bini ; -he Informed us tbat time. iltOn Wood went to London boro RoA . I :
I , 9 last week at the R. 1". Stoddart, B. A. 1�ostlxlastor Gen- I .:
1' utill walk of thin bank. Theytiould all wages were twic , as here. from Saltford,'- but* three home of her uncle, Afr A. Johnston. . Oral. orlption Drug' stor(" Cliuton . ;
1. have a eavinge Making ina, . eas highthere Tuesday as a delegate to the Grand weeks ago,- and had hardly M, Pres I . I I
. account without tiny Tle syrup has been the L6411(e of Chosen Friends. Missesgable - got'settled, ss Annie Waite -, who. has for some .
trouble. - work At oun here Ititely, and ., . when the heay. V hand of affliction visit- tinie been ill . x .W Holmes, $eeretary ofState. . - . . . ... . . . � . � i
what a And' "'Ila Wilson went to London oxi i .ad hina, min ng off his -two. children . with quinsy, is, we are T J Mustard, Minister of Public'Works )
11. Come in and see us any '- eleasure it is to those who have &sWeet 'Wednesday, , * ad to - Say, better again. .---,� _____�. . . �
. ,
. , � . � I as above tita ed. Mr Harrison' Major 4 J Mcqueen, 14 11 Interior I . I : !
I day,at noonor whenever 001h�v Miss Minnie Yoo 'spent a few . 're ,desires V01111g,;While Assisting to load a car at A D Baird 4 I I ' '
conven, u t ay Do&iNioN G ' us to return to all' those Who S6 fidth- the station in Goderich last week, met' B.Penf6und N.B.—We
� ie 4. d a ith her brothar, John Yeo, the I OVERX)MNT STATION. - . . . 11 Finance
past week. That,the Public i's -alive to the benefits fully assisted hini ni it And day,int the ' " � 11 Inland, Rev. . . . alSO 'early � 1, '
. . . . of this Institution and the opportu - not To too in with an accident which mi -lit have 0 P Tisdall - ' 1, � . - Militia .. .,
. PBRSONAL,-�- n- . I uoh for resulted sei-lousl:�- he trippe'T andIell N D Ross . 11 -, � ' Trade & Coin. ' � all the otherleading and' .'' "' 2�
' . . � . I
escaped with only a bruise 0 Brower . i, I :,
-quarters-of the province, Last . tiyIng tim 11 Marine, Fish' reliable'o ah d.. Coid - - .;
this township,, as been la.ld up with a all heir Very needful assi$- .limbs; he
the most bighl :esteemed residents of ders for" eggs that ate received from -1 . . .
The Sovereign. Mr Jae. Graham, one of fties it affords. is evidenced by the .or. s' " eou'd andheartfeltgratittide and his horse tramped on one of h - I 11 ,
N,Iri� Of in.ere
all n' his's , for t
' d ;hauk . . is J MOR Wen . Justice �
� ' � tan'e, in snob a e. . .
evere a,'tack of pneumonia ; -we hope week. the manager, F.O. Elford, receiv. 'ACoxmn � . . Miss X. McHardy,. of. Poglar Row,. W- Miss A Ohidley, 4 9 " Agriculture . . . . , .Qq, An I . I
Bank 0 Canada S . . NDABLU AcT-On Tuesday � :6 11 . . . , I i
I soon to learn of his complete recove�y. ed.an Order from A go _ tertairied a sinall lgat ering of, her Miss A.KcEwen 11 ' 00 I I I � 'P . I I � . -
, . astomf Iteuiedieft. - * ' I � . . ...
ntleman in Port eyeningS. Appleby andanumberof friends last Wednes lay evennif 6 miss X Coats 1 1, * I Rail'y, Canals I � ..
� W Johi Holmes, Of the Huron road, Elgin, *rho-las seen an account of this J. Th , . . . . � I . I . I
ClifitOn ]Branch. - . Wa$'IllToront6`1ast week, al4adelegate stiwon in the Toronto Globe. his neighborsothered at thfa saddened farm stock and implements- of he late. The leader of tlle Opposition,tvai; W ' . I I � .. ... I , �
to the Grand Lodge of Workmen ; he week doze Every home of'Xr Edward' I-Jairison, to fjy: W. 0. Jones were -gold on Mai -ch 20th .' J, Dutilop, And aniong. hig'principal I . . I � . ..
. ns of orders have to , . . � , , , I �,�
� - I be re- and let in a slight.. ray of sunshine to Mrs Jofie�3 halif rented the farm to Mr s ,. . 0 1 1 1 i 0 4 0 4- 4 0 +,+.+.+..+4 . .
� � �.
Albert Street .. will soon be able to claim'distinction fused on account, of the'lliability jo fill their'bere4ved hearts.: After ex aPPOrters were,4. Watinlxi,g .Norm4n . . . �4 " . I...
. � as,nI of Ill pres- Kirkpatrick, of the !,like shoreo-, . . ..
. .. .
. - I tewl1ship e Idest residents of tile them 0.0 Saturday -last, alone, orders -egret had passed fkpin'friends . CituRcH.--Roy J L Small I . illed the Murch, J, Whiddon, D. B. hit&waj,t� R. peech froin'the t � hethrltme, :1 � i
, as 11 as one of tile . most Wbre �e sions of i Jenkins, R, Oolwill, ..U. colplollgh, - E lined in thb s .
B T. RANCE, Manager. , popular, h, 1W - ceived for 20 �ettings. of eggs. to the bereaved 'ones,., R dinund Oraw-� pkIlpit las was: T -Patent of ilminigra,_ I .
'I'l -%vith ford t Sabbath- in, his usual able MCE . A16ses F.
n bena born here about The co pondencein connection Henderson T Nie encoUrA
_ rreo read the follovorin tioll to Offiltoli CON late Ins,tituto,the .._!
. well, "'o wl�� not pay how many this estabJis y addres'; and manner. lie took for his text one of ,,wen P ;5 . ,6 Dunlop, and on I �
� � ...... 0000� years ago., . � I . . I - t petitions in the Lo.rd'.s k .� lingandElizabet Chidley. Fromthe a t of the uilding, tbe: � re , ,
. . I small items and Aft Biford is kept busy eat, tuad , inayer "'I.- im r volt .
el" 4 HooverfJ' O'
-own to be no Mr Appleby,' on' beha f of thooe'pres the las 00 (
. . himent has 9i o the presenta , tion,of a purse _ ;1 --foxPia�of he. sYsfem t of weights I
I ;�, VW . SOLD. - Th a*t excellent grazing farm, Answerin 0 -. . I . . 'Lead na not iritti temptation . co�hpositioxx of tile Hous� it ,will be , ana . . I .
, . . . ��t]16 many inquiries he re f.money . -, but de' . meAsures,'the reducti6a of the postal I .,
' Ma ANI)Xns HAnarsox iver as.from ev neeting of seen rate, the retention of the Hough C11p, . -
I . :-We have &ssem�. franchise for women Ila's had its offict. tile fo,inatio. . O�
was successsul in obtaining a cockeree e,OhrIstIafi Endeavorw.4s ledbyMi-s L �
Forter's Hill I lot* 84, con. 10, was knocked: down to " that the rece'ut debate oil the.
-. _1 . consisting of 80 acres, and known as ce'ves, )tile in Guelph last. week h , it. " The i '
I .
%,�, I led here thise.v011ing ac" strangers, bat all I On ]notion _X n. a tifle oorps, -the- re� . .
I I I . NOTES -John Cox hadthe misfortune Jack Connell, Of Hullett, for $M at Ofaspecialbreed- in which.he' takes such we re6g4lZa the 1',;ss You have -suffered M. Young, the topic being I 'Lossons, 1, t. 11 Of tile Prelilier seconded duct,16it of tile High Sch6olcurricult, _�
. I , � " ,_ _* . ", � to lose one ot his heavy brood mares the sale held in, Clinton recently.- This great pride. , . , . 4in tile Sermon on the Mount What . the,. for I Ury -. '��
� " 1'._ . � . . I . 'X e leader of the OliVosition, E. ji-1.
/ � , this week. D. S. b1cDougall lost a gelitl0man will find lie has got a good 'A FAZhLrAli FACE. - fo%'M. �joh by.'the hknd of death'; We sympathizewUb - Ch P A oLea _ . mation ,of a Lawn Tennis
� . , 1� rist'tkaches, about ju4ging'� ,it wits elected -Speaker, This Coul-�t And. tho prochotl6it-.of' Diteroo. ,.", .,
. ,�4 .... � valuable colt , nson,- 1you in ille 16811 of.your children and pray . . .� . .. . thers'..11,,. Qffice wAs rather dillioult to fil , . . . . '' _*-.1.1
,',,,�. I. recentl " Frank Hillock farin; puid should r6turn him %the pri of Innerkip, Spout A.couplo of da;ys . . 1 oll a'-'--. Collegiate d batos. . .. . .
, ,
.,i� �1'1 11 had the misfortune �to break his leg, paid'in & ice till ,list God will bleag younna yours, and'- . . .. .. � . count of the inan e � . I %
. � . , Briteeffeld. .1. _ y points of- order rais- . � � I I 1
,41 , near the hi �, last week, thro4Zh falling - . 11 very few years. - - �. . 1. .s Weekin our inidst. Heis.justthe whon your time' comes you may go, boa 0 .. - - � edbyrneuibersof-b . 6thsides. The Speak- � . . . . — ,. I ,
� .
,.;, ,. same as ever;;and those who ball the -to thoeiei� ho hiv Dk .
"I from a IOU of manure-, he is doing as ILL: -It is with, regret that. we leirn -pleas of h. a been oa!led from. tfiij ATU.-On Tuesday evening.of this er however was sufficiently wall posted Our-C011ne.11 "Wid 6ut It9ai I
.1 . � of the serious illness of,Mi . Alex. is acl _ - .Is. - ."
, . well as can be expected. Minnie Lobb %uAlUtAnce will know worl3. DA�vld tells as "They wdl not r,- week Mrs. Alexiinder Ross, near out in parliamentry proliedure to'clecide all .* . -1 . . .. . .. ,. I , .
I , ,
� "I Ostrom', of Lot* 28 con exactly what that ineans. His stay turnt6you," 'Ws-pra� the 0�d or all village, passed quietly a;6,yto. her . pol bs of ordei.6nd keep -the House il � . I .. .— � ...; . . ., I . .. . ...
I I returned home on Friday, aft 7 9.' He ,. .
I � . or spend- has wds n6cessarily short'as the'intert�sts . 11 ,,
. ing a been comboctiag tile white plaguig for ,of the che volt In frol. � . '. � - . I �. I � To tile Editor of the* .Xet� kra,- ' . - . I
G week in the neighborhood, visit- ace, who is sufficlent t6 sustain long,home after&-sbort illnessof a f(jW *con . . . ... . . 1. . �. �11. 1�
ese factory required his.pres- I Ill eo"0w-* 114ILY Pcimit Y6u,to acoj#t1lit, weeks. There was no appiforit; disease, , - Mr Houst ,.ag,.6ov,ornol, - SIR,- Utheir,fto.way by W 11 c co .
, fr e at home. . The Innerkilifitotory is purse ot money on, a0bing . 11 h al- . I . " �
' , , ing o'd friends. Leta Elliott, of Go4w I t14 no. hopes of recover ' ha a slight token. of our only'a slow wasting. aw y. ' fte hall Goner l,th6u read the spo4ch from tile
I "i - Ono
� , �� . .1 1, -about five Yflars,andat present is very th� . I
11 � , erieh, returned to her homelast M'oek. ow, '. . W1 � y- - one of the largest, *if not the largest, in It a mon6st.of- c�ommon sense can bodinned. '' * ' I I
1 I —, : . . . . _
� �. James Gliddon spent a . Aakem, I'dward.; you and your fsixtily. reached theAge of 79,aud -survived her throne in k into the heads of., out, .
I i�- . - couple of days � . I .. � Western Ontario. Last ye,,W'�or Rxench and hagligh , City Fatber§ll ,
, I . this week visiting his parent � : ...Aubu' , 244 '13jin6d On behalf bt� 'the neiAhborg an -i u many, years. . . I Before. Or'are their skulls too har(I to be * ' � 'I.'
I 11 t Shep� . ra I : , , She Was a Moving the addxes in -repo' ' I
� I
, - . , ' . .tons of- chee-ge were. n red frien ' Plaby, Ed, Orawfc - I I ly; the.. fof- tr,,,.ted ? , I'llave lived in Clintoil laNi'llip-; . 1 .
�� .. I I 71 pardton. sa � � ... i nX L Ian ..ctn ds So Ali % I
1 444 . Our'Wedi Papers are sure to plealile," � . lidl:ana. W,' native of cotland, and came to -this. lowing .
, I you . . .. . . . ' . I . . � � �
� I them)�sfere purbillug from 3o a roll up., , . d Mrs * t .
I . sod Aside fro the'butteii -made arl � .11 . I . . . ntry with -hot parent%, My an 'Ustloii% asked by . � . . eV
.1 � �1 I . � I 0 y iii Farguhir, . � � , . coil riva.e membE N answered � life, but bf)atoSr6ars iligven erseeti. . .. . J
. ',,� . . the spring And At the end ofthe season. ,� - , Nichol. - She markied.Mr. Alex Ads'sl �gy the niembers of the Cabinet. whoge tile roj& in such 6 horrible state - as" I
. , , . . . .1.11 I � 1. 1� " � )rs, were. ably .11
-1 . ,
�� �
0 . m. -Attlie,mortgage stile and settled on ,the farm oil w. - departmentswere concerned - - .. they, -are th 9 p An . . . .
I I '�l Rensall ', ' . . , , I � . ., ,.
NoTAs.-A 'sacrod coneert ' , hich.,she : .I, , go -
� . W.�T UIDDULL' This repr.esented a total of -about -$60l, - I§U Y� A FAR The' road front
,� I � . will be 000. That was divided axii6fig. the pAt- .held at the Commercial ho6l, Clinton, . .. .
1. en in Knox church on Eas�iw Mon- rons of died. She leaves a la,rge fa ily to' . 1. Whether their was Any i h6re to the sta I ' ' i
.. I I ANOTHER OF OURS -Mr J - E Me 41" . - ill I . truth - in Eon is a simple -disgrace , � .'.:,�
! I the factory. Alt 161inson says on, the 15th,, Mr J. Comieli bought ill mourn the -loss -of :an affectionat to any town , aud if the Nlayor'and . '
*K. - Donnell is an6ther.of HensaIrs most clay; some. of 'the' boot- talent in the that.he expects tlie.oat�aj this 'year to the beaufiful;�grazi . ,riunent Councillors a �
11 e the.roport that the Hofile Gov i I ' I I I
I ing farm of So ackeg, died a . ould bear the remarks of - : . I . I
� Ar citizens. His genial spirit has .county. will'take p A; furth artion- exceed that of last. . I.. . whibh is:sitivated 'on* the 16th con'. of mother. One; son, Robert Ross, int6ild6d to remoVe.tho Governor Goa- . ,
11"t, .4 I .. ' .
,. PO for him a mulitude of friends, lars will be giv&i later. . . , .1 '. . . yeanago.' Foursons'itria still'Ilving; ekal to South Africa. � tRIvellers'visitin heTlo"I.doult think , , ,
. I '' � � . ...
" , MV %P Leth- Srcm. � Mrs Jenkins is -sick with' Godericb. townsfiflp. This should'prove Alexander of British Columbia -Thos, . thby would f( Wattered. They would
I I . very,
10 ivblire as a liv46 litishi6s-9 —jns[h--Ne- is'ili -brid St--Of-R--i1OX-dhureh-,,God- -br'onob-itisi-an � 2. WhOthev't;46 go,Vtirnmont had- pro-
� i , � _ge-,org#axt -1--,'S-7!nidft--Uie-,ducto,i�'s- -agood investment for ,Tbhll,,. I � . ' I
Ni - the Choirs in Autiurn. dare; J R WA- " _ifi i W
. . the front rank. He has now been en-. eki4l-is trMning 8 -OU.. _iugQxl;_Dan1-_QL01AMe1 " ' - . I . " I ' ` 0-Ullhe in bn1u_pna'bJ.e_ .feel iiiore lil.:e hiring, somebody. to - ,-� � �
� I Iter has boefi�:�onfined conveniently gifitated, being- -' ' I thed, oangest son, WilliatiL, $he lito oil d--soill onso4_1AO4hom_"eAr . .
I .1 ged in business for over a quarter of Mrs .Whitney and filially on y two 1. . junior members to - ascertain :,whethe - . I
I . � � ga . are leaving -to tile house for,the list few. days miles from Clinton.. The piicd,V,,,: [ , I . .
a century, beginning his career in his for thie-West;,we . . , I k
I wish them every su6- . I & so aug iters living I Mrs''D.McLearl', I - . 6ne,ma,4,say the otherday thai they '� � .
�. ,with neuralgia. 'Four o Goo Holland's ,was $M - - � . .. . .1
q P . - . .Lt -is made of Feen choose. . 1. .. I .
, , . . ..
. . .1 .1 1. I . I * - . .ought to .
� .� native town of Exeter. He has invari- cess; we regret - their departur ' ' of Stanley; Mrs Eldei,,formerly of Sea. n to build I against for, .
aresickwit, the�measlos. S forth, Mrs Lee,of Dakota-, Mrs W.Mur- a walk fr. cruelty to aninials,(iftheywer.6 not in - : *.;. I .'.
I . a v children ' 3'. Whethext. it istheiriteritio be . proceeded " ,
Rgy .
l. He is not on much; , A oncert, given by. t e �� INJURED -James. Porter', of -B;.y��.: 6xii tli6 Qovermifeut House to .
ly he Gra-felle has also bee unablo to be- o ' 11
! known in his native town and that of Qlub,'Iast �Iaesdav,was not very larg I , ut '10 0 is employed on, the farm of �, ,, � doa_k-andMisD.MoLeau of-St4nley, I tile 1-0eantime committed to a lunatic � .",
e- on Account ,of. the munips, the Institute f r the use of His Excel-
, W- Y60 is Brown,. met with,a, Painful accideh'; -.4, .' and ,Mrs McTavish,of.StThomas, The, lency.- 'o . I .. .. asy t : .
I. I .1 his present abode, but is quite at liom6 1� Attended. Chas Straughaii inte4dg. indi8posed.this Week with a go . . I 'in) fox- it was, n4hin4 short 'Of
. � with the boys of Clinton, . . . . to *start for the Klondyke next week ; Pearl And Mervin 11 . rdtiltbat. Tuesday -ma -lit. He was feedilIg L,)�,.. remains werp iufoired in.thb c'emeter I cruelty to put horses on their.'streets. ,,, I.1, -
.,t . . . onley are Also six Y ' 4. WhUher the presence of a Brewer I, myself, ersonall.V, would like to see . . I i
, , f-
��",`,t . he retm-ned.bere last Xmas. Will An- f6ring fro16 . cattle wb6ri � they stampeded, t,1,,, near our Village, where her husband _ . .�
. .
I �i � � — __ I I dorgon,%v . q;�VA I .measles. Lliuug Procto e T ' - in the Cabinet is, flib. muse. of the oinis- th6`counci fliraly hitched to the - Rdt- � I -
., :,� * I t�s crushod him between, them. ., - , _ r. ' 81' r 1, . �
- � h oasant smile.' James little girl has beew v&y sick with . , oi)(� 1-�,, and son, are buri (. � . � I oil of any allusion to prohibition troxii. . . . . . I
, �,Nli I Sentorth. 'Fei 9 a ' was broke- and he was e ,�01 -� NOTES. -Mrs X H Sim' the throne. . I . I . . . . todbury bus At the station, and I .. �
�-� . ired with Thos' Rat- bad cold * Miss J 11 n; oth rw.is--.. psou has re- . � onthe ' . ..
. . . Phipps Is in Clinton jonsly injured. . .. box witha good black s6tiko whip;jiist .
ExTENSioN or TrxE. - D. D. Wilson . party. was hospital; Where �she -ccend'' �ujl4pr_ * . . .�.,. turned from Visiting the y - . .
. ,-', ' for the sumixter. A w . I - ! � 5. Wbeffier . �)t bad 'lid-
.�),, - cliffe
. .��.,. & Company have obtained a month's .given by! Mr Lawlar oil F riday"night ,� .r y : . I - .. . . . I at, the home of .. I . o*erflmei . to .give them'a taste of the:r own in di ' � . . I �
' . ( I q . '
� Went a4 operation. . FAux RE NTE her S'* f Sta 16' ound by thex . . �
r.:� I I � : . D,_Wna� Scaulin has $oil, 'Cecil impson, O . . n. .
1� � me in wbichto complete . .Z's. rAne. People -ate driving on; the. side . ��
� � I extension of ti All.report a ood,time. Mrs Chas, Scott C.UVRcu.-ReV. Mr Manning, of Olin rehted hia 50 -acre f xx the 2nd con... Migs KAW WaWers' Biiffalo,, ia visi, i g, 0. What 4teps 'a govern-Tiv6lat had ' i - , ' ! I �
. ar"I 0 . , . . the widkti, in prace9where theroads arelm4'" ,��
, - a sale of their e 9 plckl* Js. visiting. ter: brother-in-law , Sam ton, will preach in the Interests of the t I.
, I . IV 7 Plant, on . 1. ' to Win Miller, .'Of the Ord Con." for it at1be home of her sister, Mrs2o Pap. ti,kOrl t6 entjrp&te'thQ Alustard plant. k,iissible; and Who.,carx - blaiiie .'.them, ' "
I I c , sees Young my morning t9rin.of'years. . *1 .. I ., . I . '. 21. '.Veter Cameron's Who has latof)t , 7. WhAtAction-had been taken mrith .'. ' �
-e, of aterloo,has : �aud .1i'ducational Fund;onSund - ' , .
I which George. oot I Scott -at piiesent..' Ali , I . . , . . � . . Vol - h �,
a mortgage which he is seeking'to en Wallice are i 'sts it Mrs Riddell.s. E. next � he is one of the. best preachers NoTEA. -'Mrs B-1111 I . . .1 .. , 'L
� . 9 en very Ill of- heart trouble, is slowl reference to stookink'the - pond With prov9d A pot eat and oomple failure.' I ��
, , - p Ater,bon'8,is very i, ei - y . froks,for the Biology class, � � 'he; stuft the called file gra I I .
force. Moore's mortgage claim is $112, -Mole,. of Seaf6ths, is visit I 7e I
I , Ing At the. in the'Conferen6e, and will 6e greete' w t,'juld, - little hop in rov n D. Munro has gone to the .. ..Can you, or Our- readers; "ggest ;
. . . . 000, and he has been taking proceed- parental abode for a fewdays; he pur�. with,a. good a ,es are West. lV;sS. Robb,.of MoKillp,spent So , Miat action the: gove , . .
. . . ' 3�,'qvery. ., rnment'had a nyway, whore I :
1 ings to realize it by selling tlieproplirty osesleaviri, to join blobrother' IldieAce. Sain0rigg, ,of entertained ,.or hok �t' last week at.the home of her aunt, Mrs taken to enforce - the I o .. arl: . in Illy the. klidwledgia. pos- . I
I . I . short- . London, who, has been assisting the � ' ' . .. I . &W r , - �,
� - '.
. ,
. . I .
. . . . I t n - ,
.1 - ' -_ 1. I . ay. The mard0ragainstth sewho-kil sessed by imy school child of 12 years' . I .
Wilson & . d frie ds and rela- - I West Wawazoslt , �. , A. Ross,'wli6'died on Tuesd, I of iivnby the council; . . '.
I atbrbkeep6rs of our county. a t* laWs .regarding, t, -
Co allege that.they past f6w Weeks, 'returned to: his home ' . 'left agal
.. under the power of sale. in the mort� 1yo -b'�?aiikotoNveddroV�intothe-viliti,ge pastor. here, in 'spetial services. this., � .
gage. on Sunday *aiid visite I . .a w It be ho
I . tives. " Mrg n � . , 0 'age$ I p � -�'.
nave an offer of $L',000 for the�'.egg Jas Qirter ha's as her.guest oil Saturday; hislabors, here hame-boen COUNTOIL. - Council met According' to. 'to. i;tbp pedlars *Uo go around * etil le '% -9e Ivylien deail n with Q6 -road question. -, � `*
� *her sister, �Vrr i . . �
. f ridOn. Mr Productive Of ailuch. good. On Sunday adjournment.. Members all *present. ,ocery And dry d ' ;ons.;:if . %. Whether. a ilemand had a I 0 111. ereyof the notions I I I
plant,which they will be able to receive v Cassidy, LO 19 . . .1 . . .we condeinned far- " ,
wilt who s.t ad pencils. . : �. tli. �
6 e L ? �r are
r y
, . 'A
. . I . Blackstone, of in us I gr _ ,. goo s'.W!lge. ever to be at the In . .
. in a month if the proceedings are stAy C)i to Ave the band evening Aev-S. Gredne, Clinto .Reeve,V`m. to .-Mill- stop - tible. to JToo Chamberlain fox- soldiers. - - . �. . ,. . �
� � .; ; 1 A, occul)- .. , McQuillan ill chai ,peit farmers wives will be . I . .. . ... .71
anothei.lesson last I , . I . . . . .1
Chancellor Boyd granted the stay, � , arid -claims ied'M6- pulpit, And tUe.jpe6iAI series of u b meetingir.eadand ap roved. - visit the towns occasionally. 'Miss E. 10. Whlit dhangeswere - proposed in' . . .
� ed, - "weeT tes. of lits of Imbeciles ? �
. 'they are progressihg.'fayorabI6.' � . .� But -when youtetatimber *we have it ., .... I
I in the Weekly Court. The mortgage - are to have anew drug' I We services- were, broukht to a close, - � � . I Treasurer's statemeut-showed* galance. Rosi, SpafoAh, is ,visiting st-the home postalrates.and i . wei .As- , . .. . .
account is to b6 taken in the Meantime -store in Our.Vil- , WAEUM -According to the bl;jycles Oil blind of$280.6011led." D.McDoriald- of her biotherjas Rbss, . -John K . ' I . 11� I 910s'!1xid.la�. Mayorwhothftikg the'water usually' , :
. . .
I . laiser, tires. - .. I � I . �.
� road 8* i o has been'ill sm for '11. who' , . I . .
J, . , , lage inthe near future, the keep I found in wells in this--town'isgood kind . * �
by the local Master at Stratford, ' - * - 1,rhaV on'th6 'Ing. must' be her, w" appointed operator of road grader.' '%Vb - -,with � rheum-liti ther the gov'erninent Int6nd-' . ph - ose( . . I
. mee ing ,in e. .. W. w The clerk was instructed -to lid I Ifil trea,traefit At the ed to call A 411 puncturdd dimes ah'(L Wxre,'andrb, Op I -to the idea. of . .
. I vertise, sOr, ` . .. ... I .. . -1 . 'e is there ? � .
' ' Mrs G. - Young. and Mrs 'this year keep -a bicycle salO: and repair no time I , I � s tak � - .. . � . . . %to .,VO k I ., I �. : .
BOWLING CLUB - The annual t, te moved into� Jas:yOungblut's, on S., Mille To Village, who will again I
e corher. - for teanis for x , . 0 w at hop
I" of the Lawn Bowling Club .was held Stitt are; oll. the sick - list -oad grad6r. By-la,*N6. Turkish baths, Lon oil.. . ., .. . Ockels. . I 'I, i I .�, , .. oilrstruly,'.' _1
. . . � �. %. - I .
P. � . - - i. -_ --- I I
�� Fridayevening, the following ofll6ers . . W&lj�r sho , this � week. disposed of a high o3,,aplidinting paillinast.erg,poandkee' , . .! ;When these atisfaa7, ' - - nEll
I Tnrnbnll,�d Toronto, was* . I . .1 , 1. .1 . . . . .questions bact s. .. - 1 �71$vny
1. Ors, enceviewers- Wlis 'read &' third '" - * Kippen torily disposed, of by'bhe government, � . . 1. .1 . . . , .. I .� - , �;,_ �.:
. in. the'vil- gra Antelope wheel. ' f ' . . -1 , , % -� �
. I Ewen, - P., Heilber, M. P. P .the other- day.. WrliDii-vidsonAs - a. j� 0 . � I ti . I . . . �.. .1 . . .. _
� being affointed :-Patrons, .Geo.. Me- lage �01 __ .- I . . � 'Tot JRA . . �
. aV* - ___ I - tile following are the �` ' ': Ho'llne" i6vedthdaddress-in .
. : Ch . . , . . � .,.,: meandpassed, ' sn � .. ' I , , . , . � . . �
lain, Rev. D. Hodg-ins;Pres., J. Afio- - his blood � . I M's ALR'-IGHT�Thei congregation -'of reply to, the S 061bokillej . I . . . . . 11�
, , ` � ' - - 'o
recovering but slowly from. . appointments : Fence viewers -R, St Andrew's Prdsbyt6rian church, are peech from the thi-one-in' ;'-VOTE13'T'DIVISIONS.- 6appendtho,. - .-7
�. poisoning trouble. , ' .. I � . . . JEpeamillei . % . Rutledge,&McGuiro R Bowers J. eech. Theaddress i I
. . . - . . -
.. the vote .. - E. G ' - of their, 'in! - was -. *vote as 'Per sub-divislongewhich were I
, Michael ; Vice, J C Greigh ; See.; . ';, . . - , V �e d- : '.. �. DONE THE:DEED.-��Frolu Riartictilarly'proad An. excellent s W '
. . .Purd6n, M, MoDonaO, W Orden. nister, soconaedby � nib. L I
11 . Thos W D McLean ; committee, R I . I 21 18rew4r who I.
, , , v M 0 McLennan, whose onetgy'and I. .
I hell, I . . .: -��-Vvestfield ,- , taken for the iccond time on.the prop- Poundkoe ers' J. NicholsoniThos. Me- ' el made all able speech. no-mr, and ft. the second vote on the pro�'
8 Haws, H D Bright, Alex Mite . . also marked, on,
.W rEs � . . . . osition,t6 take $25,000,of stock in'.the -CannsW. bility baj told very noticeably in the The I si toil to. takeOV00 �Of stock in the ' :'. I '
� Pickard, W K -Pearcel. Honorary No, '& T. JackinausThos, Alexander, a seconder of theaddressare . .
. I ..-' eorge Hall, of Belleville. is - Huron & Grey Electric Railwity Coin- W, Haniphrek'A.Anderson. Pathmas upbuilding-of the Zhurch, Although bers repres" t kiniorn-Lem- W, � :. t,
I . members, Massey Morris, D T He'p- S'pe'D In �* a iveek with hig'sister, Al r � - hebasbe'en pastor at'Xi-piptinfi en Ing the C6ustituene "roil, Biruce, & Grai-Eleotric Rail way
. ast week, it is ters-J. Uirvin, S.�.Xerxo,'W. Watsoxi;j. . or 11 knowh as Room L , ' � .. lyfOompa"jwhichtoo placeinColborne _ . 1.,�;,'-;�
. . ROU Henry I . rs quite evident that'tho. citizensof this 'You comparativel short time, Rev Air Me- . townshl� on Tuesday of last week, VO- ,:,�'11
, burn, E Coleman, G A A Aetzel, $Igbbm,&n, Who is very Ill W s pany on Tuesday of I . . �
... Logan, F C G Minty. The - dates set R Slateri. Blyth; speutlad6w dayswivith. I rig, Thos. .Lawler, J., Mole, Go ,T The leader of the't) os,t, �� ..
q . , , oh �, tipened, : ,_`
'.. nite content -to use 'the Youngblutt, Mi Sproule, j.. Nivills, R,. church , I e salting in the defeat of the bylaw by A .
I?. - %V- home things to travel with,* and time arge extension,tow&id which �, *scorinf., the govern , I majori.,Y. of 59;, � - . ..., . .. . 1. . I . . I
forthe 9th annual tournament -was her bkotheri A. B. Carr, last week' village are q Lennaii hits A ready had add d to the the debate Wi6h-an AU . = lent,thy , , t . '.
. ay, -week 'f om Ot Plunkett,A. Kirk, A. McCabe, . fiddresp � . . - ..
fixed for Tuesday and Wednesd MeLarty Jast � , returned. x, 1sn J. John- the memberaSubscribed $3,100. The 1110a In N ' ,
.z 7th and 8th 6f July.' . . . �'Niehig . much consequence to them.'' We ston, WMedd,.J.H.'. Millsi .8; ,Q o. I - Bemmiller to. � ...... 20 � 10. . I
. I - Where he' went to see his must -ever an cott, 'the 6hurc � everyfeatutdo Itspolicy. Abundance , ,,2- . ' 14 . . ,. � � : . I'll �
. . I
. .
I ch .. is also flourishing, d eq of - " 8 - Carlo . . ." . . .
.. TuckeraMith , ' I I man has sold his farm to David Scott, hag, been establislied, it Caldwell, W. Smith, 11.4ones, Jr. G'b- There sOrner4th6f, severe criticisms -.7 this '\ .
I � . '
p m6ther','nv*ho Was ill. Jaekson.-Wiglit- say, however,'that whel W, Stothers Al. Young, Tj Begley, G. charge includes h at Hills'. StIltfOrd .......
electric road G,e6a... whi of'humor,smobtlied the sharp e w. ._o...-.::::-,rM6)73` ' 71 " '�
I Jr., for th 'hits proved a boora to f are 121 families and 215 mem- . , " 4-Ledburn ............. 40 - -29. � :�'
� e Sam Of,4M; Mio Wightman !ally during the. bu � s armers, espea- son, W. Konnahan,. Fred Moss; A Rob. bets in both churches. -, Rev .. Mr. M6- -flolidy, , Mr burild I k care-*. . . . .. I I I . 1�
SOLD HIS FARM.�Mam RUttS,. Of . . � � 1
I I e London road, -lot 22, near Xi J lias not, yet decided what V Y times of sixturiier, inson, Z RdAcliffe R.'Rbid,' D. Errin 7 -P s speech wa . . . I , . . . - . I I " , . .
th le Will do# I�K.prepared.and woll delivatoed. - � . I
I M.iss and of great service to tile mark 9 Lelinan has been Pi9fit years ,in the 11 � . . �.
. .et- -ton, E. Vowler, J. Agar �t ister, - T OPremieifollowedwith. a imaster;' I I TOW'. - - - - --o, .1170 :: 22D .
. I .. I ., ..... 4 . � 1. I .
'. -1 Atiderson for a Week -or two. Only 2D votes were registered for t� a McQJlire,'J-. O'Connor, W.,1?&,.,. . � ,, I .. God "' ' ' ' ' . . .
tends holding an auction sale nTues- Mrs Wil Z' Leddyf ,P. . I
1. n life, and m- Annfe woman :with her, butter 'mild eg so -To MdOabe 0. Graives, I M.Inistry, , His fitsb call *'was to Knox !
who is retiring fromfirr `PVT1, but be. will, ,probably buy Again, MliAll
Densmore, who has.bliba With , I 1
0 T church, Dfinville, but -oivilhig. to --his il-effort ill which he strongly -,,upheld
day next, has sold his farm 'Of 100 I lows. A. f egOlICY-.0fthegoverriment-a bein " I 1.1arich , � .1 , � .
� acre farm to Air John, M offa,tt, of the ul a by,lawt and,09 a ainst, hore. Stewart; R. Ry . E. it"litzpatrick; Gi wife's ill-healfhlic took up misgiOu,, for. e 8 91. PAsSED--AWA'Y' AT � DSTR '. I
returned 'On -Sat td' John Red- _an, o bes� interests, of the lector$. �,�-,Itev-
. Same, townshi mond, Jr.;. weAt to MICK-igAn last week A LoNG Oxn.'_ ke now bridge to be McRoberts, J. Pur'don, .To' Alexander, ar� work, -In British. Columbia, And He deprecated the lack of earnestness 'Alfred Moores rector of, St George's , .. ",
e. on the part. of the leadev of the Oppo§- E IscOPW Church, Detro&, died at tho� . �
ttl th refore A � ereeted.over tha Maitland river, the X'Cham�* Ionj,.Ti P inloon; * S. Thomp- Returning, he- went to Alma, OnC, - .
.. y on a business � trip, - A. B travelled As far north A's the Xiondik
, I
e 'fh,,e,,, hold . confined to the housso' butoarr is still coming summer will be 378 feet long $oil$ H. A ton, Do Rutherford, -A. Har- , where he a ition In dealin with questions of vital arperI61,pital last Friday, after uA .
,00d sum. WrA,ft't �
pleas- is slightly and will have = 8 I ails. � � This, is I 8111 eir,-4. Rutherford,' J. Ditrhin, 'R. id good Work, including . . W . operation. for dicitis per primed .
-* gof a good farm, and situated in a fit,
lint community, and within easy reach Improved, Miss Phoebe Densmore been W, 'Church ''at. a. importance, e also advanced sound . -
0 spe .Improvement wbic? should htwe ) . . the reinodelling of . the, . reasons for'the. position of the g ' Rev-Xr Moor . I .
Lockhart, A. Rentoul E.. Haines', Y.. Cos - 0 . I
� nees, six as school, -is very fortun� t, of $5,000.' lhe.Rov gentlem I "It Godericli .in 1869. He
f all convenie 8.9� nt ) 'Rat week With friends in Brus' done years agot and it ' oods W X, Todd, D. Ntribl, R . Monday the 16:Rpi"Inst" I ,
. I all S. n _
church and post. office, besides .being of Montana' - an 19 ffient4n dealing with the publie"'bas - was born , at I ,. I
'"lly ate the, old bridge did not go down u lorous, speaker, And . his pastoral nes§. . I studied theology. At the. .Western Tlni-: .
P. -home forl(ife"; r n. Rovyl6s,'W, A. Wilsonj W. Ombell, , V . . p
the �Ounty. . I . . der some heavy Weights, thereby ca,as- R.H. Miller,L. Weatherhead,G, ebb, wor I is gVO4tly Appreciated. ' � Following tile leaders, severA . . versity-London, And after hi's ordina- - . .
on:one of the best roads in . I � day;sf last week. ' was
. I .1
I . � I . .
� 1. -W r' NoTus. -Dr Stanbury and daughter, WESTVIELO -Another of those happy in a serious loss to the county.�' . R. Fortier, B - . I menl_ I
- Narlor, A. E _J, . ' ' ' "' tion In 1892 wits rector at Paisley and .
� , worson,, . -- ' . . � ,blirs,of file Opposition. atta6ked, and I .
Flossie, of Bayfield, visited -friends here evelits took place on ,Wednesday la4t,. MMO FOMVISIT.-Walden,Fiaher, Laidlaw,, Do O'Ca laghan, P, Smeltzer, I . ..Rshfleld . . others* on the side of tile House just- as Listowel, only vemovibg to. Detroit
", Od Sunday I&A. . J. Crich And wife when:one of our Westfield boys took who has been in the North West Terri- G. Greer, K. Cameron, I J. Purvis, J. - BV-L&W CAnAluri.-Thig township Vigorotisly, dcfended� the P last September. I I
e, the. contracting torlos for the last three or four years,. McQuillan, 1- Slnith,-Jr- Poster J Xna� In Its Vote on tho,question as to wiletli- lie O�iposi Ion ntrodue �s. Moore alld a son, Charles, - ageil, . ,
I Spent a few days at the bome of the - iolicy )f tile le' is survived by
. -ter last week in Usborne. Miss Corn unto himself a' wif , McDowell, eldest . ,oVermilent. T I . X1 . . . .
lat parties being HAVVOX atrived boilie-on. Wednesday�� Since ils, W. Hufohleson,,. J.' , Ea lestOn'd, ,To . er. it should -grant I loan of $70001tij , ,tin apiendinent w iiell was'objected f1voye4ts. . I . .1 . .
I 'd , . I :. .1, i .
. I
I �� I R6weliffe is spending it few days *Ith s6n of, -1,Pdward Wc0owell, 'and lorm-frivIn the West Waidenhas fAkon, Gaunt, W, Thpnipqon,G. - to as not being relevant to tho, 'ques- - - . 1. .., � - . " I
- miss , - Counw Schoenshoels for ther put I i I '1o�.4,.,X__,_ �
� : Wolin, x6se of buila- � . . .
. 1, � I I I I .
. . I I
I'- I
. I 'i 11 I
Is" a 'at6l'lleoflo
)ss, �", � - oral tO 80u,
)ia-P11 I'VIB _2 ._ W11(th!
=d- �11 .
she lla� 'alii.r .,�", I
I 0
o n
. ,s Crich. Miss P. NottI A-Muil, eldest datighte .of ch. s, ( unto himself a life Partner andhiswife oil adjourned 66 meet on April 24 at '2 ing afiour will At Port ibe 6, sh tion boforethe House ; this' objection 1, I . � I
� her sister; M i S r it larnp r OWS .--.W-ow-��Xvlx
.� . . , - ___ - � - I
. ,
..!, . enloying an extended vislUlt tile home bell. of Warnock, The ceremony was accompanied'�hhn east, 'They will o'clock. W. S. MCQUOSTIE; C16rk,,,, distinctly that they Are in' 1i WAS sustained b the Speaker and . ,
'. I 1. er sister, Mrs N. P.'Crich, ill Sag- erformed at the manse, Rol rav b lik . ely remain about a month. I I . I . . - Vol, of a , . I . . I
.. - 11 I - . I I gtanting aid to Anything that will be , 11180 ( ivided on -the. qu"- . t , . � �
- .
, . inaw. A number of young people, of W r. Hastio, after which I I . : I - �_ . I . I . of aeftice to tho*residents-df the town. - rnafi6n in the Th i I � , ,
wheh the H( �fl 'I
: .. Ov � TOY1601 � . tion. there was c6dite . . , I
. . the West end spent a very enj1able the 4.00 train, to spend it few days - t�onde*boro I
" ' " I . . . ..at Helens � Attics I the vote stood- foi, Nanishimov Rot t* ,
, I � . . I . ship. A l4rge Vdto was recorded, And' government r,
. evening at the' reqidence of Mr Thos, with friends in Cl!nton and Other NAUTRS-On 'Moxidiiy, as usual, th-ore FOOTBALL WATCH -A friendly game out of the total onlk 40'votes Were the OveVnniout, 30, while the nays . . .. , I
, " I O'Brien on Thursday evening last; ,. goints,before Settling on the*r f"m, was 41, lar s, and, it of liall W&4 rlayed here on Saturday - . Here num")ored 52 giving the Opposition a . . A. .- , . O. -o."...." ,
:. 1. I ere, , I I . i I 0 shipment of ho t .!marked Against, it,* and 410 for, 5 is of course . .�. low""""W"o- . I ,,,�,
. . .18 exPecteythat a quantity ORAy will Afternoon ast, between ' ie vote , I %ol,
I tile, boys.of is d polling'sub-divisions : clear intlJOritY of 13, Tin I !� . I 1'..�� ii,
I I t.A- I . I . ldik�Al- o-0, 4,-, -1
I . I � . I I winahatm, � 90 out this week. Last Friday Mr S. S No. 14 and those of our public . � Div. IVO. i ...... I 57 10 , meant the defeat of the government *--* * - I
I I ' I � .
I . - - . -60 . 04 . - - ___�S_ '4J , Wit "
__,�� Grailgershiged another fi school. The qatne commenced at 2 15. . 1 .2 5S 10 and terminated tin eventful And hiter-, �Z I , I 16k,k,,� qW I
. I . . . cc I � ,.&, . * .* fthmMl
. A-00-11 I 8�ed Otibi.-The Futintir's WhIre Waverly thorobred, , Morrell is I . :::::, 10 %. J .
r1ft I I 6 st4ll on the andafter spirited �lay tot 111.11f an hour 8 . '22, esting session . . . �
.1 ,_ I , and Now 20th Century afe adtaittod oAch. way, no . . ."k-00 --Iwo
. � I ��l . I ,i.,.-- �.*,__ �
:11 �r, � .'5 FMT 0*. ,10anada'aAreateal, qat4- doial pflaba on� a, 8101C list, Nut Is gaining, under the ottie cat WAR scored. Tho� I '"' .:4 ...... 1W.. I . .. ,
I Vf\A . 11. .. I -'13ushelLotb-TirAothvaltrold,Ver.forg,jer, 1,0 ofaspooll'illiurso. Aver nfcedovlftih� toaril-b-th6n aareS, . . I I I OTnS . � ____-.".,_ -,-./,
3v6 " 5 ... .. 07 - Q . . . "a" ,,, ,.A. �,
torlii! , . int,tes . ft!�L� V 4" -
. . .
. GEO. R. KIRG, Wfughara,
ClIU61I.-Ilie potulav pastor of -St
Paul's cluirch, 96V ''Vin
litiOn NV48,given on Tbest t�y eV6ning to
Sir and Mrs Harrison, who .have been
each way. In the first tl�v, `-'t, Helens ,
boys scored &-goal, and thus tho,score
. , it. I � I
'. '
B .;., o. � 27. 5 ,
, , ", 7 .'., o ": 53 7- '
o", i
_x t,
The p -amier tendered hisresigna Ion
Oil Vri(lAy last and welinderstandHoll
W. I. Dunlop ling been
. .
Lowe hag ,had
an invitation extended to bim"b the.
so inuell afflicted by sickness, And the
death of their two 6bildren. OnWod.
remained, Miller made an im.
Partial referee. A,Aoaplo of the boys
� I y 3 1 . "I �
, 03 .40 -
c4lle,d upon to -,
formaministtk, � , I .�
. I , I .
church wardens of All Saints, hu
c roh,
nesday evening the MisaeaW.1litely
were SOMOWhat 1186d' up, but riot 6ev
Ma or t
' ity or by'.1aw2ft-- W..Stothers
The next meetinq of the Society will
- - .
, -
. �� - -
London, to becometh6jr rector, we
are pleased to learn,. ho.weveij that it
enter ined a number of their you
friends. The home of samuel W02
lously� .. . I . .. .
NOTES -Mias Mine, Rutherford,
p.01.1 Cl . � . I I . ,� I., .
lie Ile.10, O.U.11pral ot I but.will take the
Ing &lid an "At-,
, ,
I o I
)", 3�
is not, Mr tentions to
-Lowe's hi give lip
thd good work which holids ace O-ra.
man was brightened recently by tile
advent of a youign art txqb ter. I
is -attending Goderichoollegiate, a 'pent
Saturday and Sunday
� . .1
Home," further particulars of which
111 1)6 111nn ,xt. week. �
. - ( I 11 . .
7/1 /
0 I .
glis&d and established since he has
een here. � . .
. . .
A TAILOR, kN'.rE1)._WO notice(I
tin ad. in the,Globo of Saturd ay stal-
Ab her home
here, Alfred Smith and J. Sheriff left
fot the West on Tuesday I& st' ' tho for'
, -The choir of the 13ayfleld
Methodist church spent a ver I ,
X 0 Irl y-
able evening as uest.; of Miss , At-
110 n ()a pyliament, of .last week .
was conducted asnearl ,
as possible on
lines '
� . �1,
I I (
,BUILDING ftTuX8I81EL*V.-rho coin.
Ing summorwill see Inuch, buildin
�.tbat our village was 0 )011 the
ea avop. It, is
met, wag remain it Winnipeg for a
time. obinson Woods has moved to
song oil Wean , .
esSay evenint 18th inst,
Donald Campbell, of Go evich,
parliamentOVY ty
an( proved quite.
instructive as WWI as entertaining.
.. I ! .
I .
0 oratibli.,going on in -our town, V
NOR Bell to
Very true, and with two wfao
i xa,ke
general Store-keepersinour Inids Vho 'recently.
the farm neat, here which hopurchased
Will, Farrier, -the
Miss Eva Picot, of Oodorich townsbfp,�
Mustard and Dunlop are excellent ,
leaders and speakers, Thetwoparties
I .
.is preparing build two
dwellinK,�ouses on Leopold street, and
carry an excellent stock -
. , of tweeds etb
* i gi-i-iA
of 10th
con has disposed of' his farm to V Ill
wOrOunitedin marriage lastTuesday
evenin at the - Methodist; pstrsona&o,
�1 &
were well ' ' d And ,allowed the
,or, 11
I -I ?" f
luon- - 'To
inf .
pto v u a, good and proumlile ,xilylop.
11 his sob, - 0, 13011,'Will build thre I , it Td � V, VA;04 Lie r orap-
A Dream of tbe;Past _. . h' ,o e On investmenti JOr st tailor t locato bore. 11 is 80 situated as to be quite BiLYRO do Mrs Parsons returned last Ory, holvoyor, difters in style;- while
is pt r�� at the corner of Francis a - e -
. aliftforWrT&ylor, Quiteanuffiber SA,turd&� from A visit to relat'ves In MugtftVda1lnStOfl1oJmlY fix the facts,
A. photograph rodalla the piot and X r " streets, � A hav 0011 laid UP with bad colds, but Itidgeto n and vicinity, U a- Dunlop wins, by wiles and' witty'va,yo,
Givilo womotiod which teniiwyoath, 4 N I * 00"le , .: most of them,are Improving. doli, Jr., left on Monday for Cleveland. COMO early next time and secure a
The best photogro * ha. though, repro. � ottagAllao" SVIOME-WOrd reached town lasb -W� _ " John Spokiper has. bought out 14VItz od seat, the Proceedings will be in-
S'eutey'6ti at yott boot. YOU It" in the X,oTt,1s,o3(r J 8 Halikitk, who tot, oveningtbatXroragWatroll, A, pros. - Morris G64infi4rdt's bicycle establishluent. gre ti � I
M-inoty of yotkr friends big the Ph6togrliph isomo . ,years has been employ perouff and woll-tdodo farmor of Ho. Opgg,&TED ON._MrJa 60 $64kson! Tl)'e Misses Wallis, of Go4orlob, town- ' Re M'11�gl&t�,Instltuto Library So.
� -
If its Ono of oAf photo. ed as 016t.k. wick Township in .0 814 entertained the choir of tile 1Y6y_ clotr bqs� whdo atraligaments to pke.
promilts YOUN " ', had coramitted gui. son, Arthur, who urlderwatib an op6ra. - -R, son "niawat
000,16il"11 bd At Yoft WA, 16o 11 like in our hardware store gave up M3 ,oido about 0.30, this afteknoon by tionju&H ' , 001 Mothodfatochurch on PrIday even. 1 $1 t is
otir falmly gtodpoi I ofAtIon 10A Week$ Ana is at progent, shooting him.wifin the head W,jt1% A amilton hos ItAl & few ilays I g, 20th Inst. - 0,11 vepott, 4, godd-VIU6. barats" Mats , 10, 48 Played & Des.
, _ yths, pktpatA revolver WdeauseiakAoym ji pro. T visit, Indfaillswith
p' 0 I osting at his hohlo In B1 & : go for the vemovAl o OA6 of bib I ummor by the ,Jjil)w&y
I leArl 0 1 Phe I I Dro Arnitit is awtty, oxt a such success, Th4
� if , A _11 - t# - stwuos pff for 4 futuro 000UP0410'A *W01i he JSO)lf 10,V Igg XAAh &Ott Nat was 064OUSIT , 4" " 104 on.X604or (Ot th# Will be 441 Ist-, I dath
k, . i 1 14jutod N010,0 y M, athsm 416ok
I . I IA_091011 I I I 1-1, 40._ I agol, is'dohis 11106 r
I I ,� *t A � ... . I cy Of ih# 40y"upfut " Qtao�
I . . . 11
I I - . I I I - I I I - , "I �, � ... . A � -, I 0_.AA-dMk""%i;k.1L"% I .�L:l � — , - iom _'W",
— � A -.1-11--, 11 I tk3ft_�:..A".i.MWfiii_ . I _.daft&�:._ - . ___o�_1�4,_ - — __ ,.: wiL,�_.� � 0
Ii..4".— ..A.&, , N .- .:.�,Av�ftwmamiiffiL, , . , , ., , 4-i"
— __ I ___
T� . n�&JW7-
, Ak�
, &
, �' f. A R�
0M..., 1_�Io�z
In your, . 011§0 perhaps it's the
sight; of those ayes of yours. ,
. It flilly noel attention glive It.
to thcalm on*e,
We tender faulty oyda, ported b
scientifically fitted Alinob, wbicK
. luakoa seeing a ploasixed,
. 140 charge fol! wating.
* I
I'll .- 1- I
I `
... '-. 11�__
I 11 leftAft
I . 4 AllbAIMN
I �, I Amoboo
0 . .*
, . - "0660
I , 4A0%Vft 4W&