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The Clinton New Era, 1903-03-20, Page 4
(, aircb, 20th, IM. ,Tin OLMM NEW A _, —1-1 - ,� ._. -1--------_.. 1. ' ..'' , '. _._ • MMIIMMItlLIf611 MM �.. ..,. r I . I - iii x x K w. 1. - P- - RA. 1-A-. -V I ,. $1PRO1RL, LOW RATHS e • .... G , I _,Vo- The . A WESTERNProblem ... ' Arta any second chips �'ickot. will iae sol I M 1 O ` franx Tab,lSth to Apr. 90th , to the following , . • • / �► polnteatrat�s. nomad; I Is again 1�e�'Qr� yon.,. . ' Blllings, Mont., $,ar,.05 • r • • Silk Spokane, lash., $40: r- -� .__�,. � Danvor, ole , ,� Pgrtlnnd Aro•,•,.■p -1 1 `J ��,,' ( Ila► Halaaa Mont. 4eI e, Wash , „,,►. Goods Sbirt r 1= ' }� '` � "" � ��� What shah we t A(tden, tub 7ancoavet,13.C. >t / salCLake; ': giotorla,li,U.,. err x ,+'►q1. , M L y San 1�rancisco, G�aI., $43,75, w ^ k4 Wail. Our rQ4miS, . 1 ^� ^C �y 'rye ^ •��,' Full particulara regarciins routes, stop over ` ,� x . Waists, Skirts, ( f lair e-! ` M• � ■ ■ � Pxlvilecees,ata.,aaAFlicatton, ;..'"° �'�. �`�;a!• y a o��ii../ l/ VVV h.a ��1_ `.r n , " the all ' need r n Colonist )EXcrirsloins, to r . r.111n1tohA anti 1lertli'vvest Territories I i`k ! a ': • `'F'irets goal cglostiet a Msrcla9rd1 other M "Nidc,a ,1s Vatlg� Settle the: leave ',..r(Cnto Taes(lay, t' andlohYn p �'� .Boy's,t' ^ � anec3eApr1lBiFulPPpartiaulars r gardirt;tte a + +ueS. �on a4 oCQ I<J� li y s I; , t,xoarslons on A aum. )K .4 . , L:1� s� }" a Purchase ynur ticLets At Town Oflloe And x. r .� '1 • deciding. to et F avoid delay At station. ■ ' > i ;f I(, Z? • . _ �1� ch 21 11. R, iiODti>�x s, Town ARent GF.T, Q+ nt " � �'� � o c k some r e' a I good ta .. .`' '9 on `� I.. Satur. day, tx _ s ,yzc(.. ?. Adream-xRHenty..,.,.-, Ba 'e1 a - Fail, Paper . a a The aurin, prog1, Cooper & Co.:...: 4 nn • Raring opening "-Newcombe , . 4 M ' ' ' • W S __ _ :.Farniture—Hoover (?cl3all .... 5 room nicely papered is half furnished, p (� , �1'dSS �U�09dS g Caretaker wanted-d,itansford 6 • ' T is with a reat deal of'sattsfaction that we onnonrice Cattle feed-R.4J.13anstara ,. 56 ' • ilia opening event in this, the largest and finest store. BARGAINS H,rseforsale--Harland Brae .... ,.. 0 . That decided, there should be no And c s That Hat—Morrell & Holme. ........ '5 M ■ 51YkS• In tyle count . whitewearThie$inngn Co b y The display of Spring and Summer ��� d -UR �hke specials—Taylor sem 1■ further trouble as .undoubtedly we aro • ,k Take'noiee—H Beattie..... 6 * • M . Millin'e'ry, Dress Goods, etc,, is by :far the best ever made Aaatian.ale—H Beattie.., 6 • We never had such a splen- Opening display_ adgane Bra. ... I • lin a os aeon do , better for -you. than by us. A description can give you but a very faint idea., • New York hats -Hodgen, Bros--.....,, 8 did collection of fine Dress p y g, penins ays of the beauty thaf is to be found here—nothing, short of, smaller stores. Gcodo and Silks, and never a personal inspection can give' you an idea* of` the size ��LY a > � 8 and n nes of our stock. �:8 .aslOu to see our. samples. "' ave such values. It is a " tz Fat just to see the elhibl- " FRIDAY, MAR, �0th,I»os. « l� ill ", ti�)n, a tzeat you we welcome ' - hat w settle the. problem to your The Camey t hat es. x • Frida avenin `the Store: will be, open' > , sat sfaction an°d oiurs tc, whether y011 buy or not. from Fotir Blaek Sateen , , cordiall _ . y y The most serious charge made in, the All wall paper trimmed . free. .. wea�'es and dealgns tthis season OI11 lU 1Q, ' YOtI rare Shirt Bar afnS . Local Hous© since the famous. "Brood • " 11 all of which1._ will be found in - invited , to Come. inecoinp Saturday- morning we will of Bribers;'" when an. attempt was s ' l Vem Our display. Some of the new / • I place on sale four .of the best skirthargs ins p • Do 'boli want a I 1,tx p y' T ever.offered in Clinton. . made to buy a four Liberal members, x �1 11.0 , weaves and cloths are V olles, is that of Gamey, the Conservative M y, + o 15 $].80 Satana'Slifrtfor $1 •member for Manitoulin wile states ex- ' a Bab Carrie e • or .. Cans as Battings) Wire Cloths, Japanese hiattings at IIs, 18e,: �oC and �Oe. _ . g Pazadigns, etc. Made of extra heavy ei►ttinA with h 3._ plicitly, that an effort was made to buy • x '/. y We are showing a, $iie line of Jax;aanese : Nattings at the rows of frilled regular $1,50 value, his support, of the governmentbyr Hon. , 1.7ro'Cart 9 l opening' days sale price, .... ; . •.. , 1.00 llir Stratton. It had been leen ant M Broadcloths. above prices. E) one, even .t .le' lowest 'priced, has ,the cot- . j x . 1. . ., $2.26'8kerte at 1.5Q ton warp, which make themes,' laetter: .Ail are new dee; ns a ago that he was going to be (a is 11 g' X8,00 Skirts et .$2.004 rt; 311 navy, brown, fawn and black, the beat " >K �i t 1, some time and colors.: . • . : Our vetoes we hsve ever t hewn at s ?S. C traitor to his own part?y go over l x' ' ", ......$Fic, $1.15, $1.48 to 1,00 ' ,.Sk' for... a lde, bt r,Game de- u x j $ lit or o other.l3 t b 18C Featherb�one, Collar • clalres,that.this \'vats only a part of .the lr' � x t { plot laid by him to entrap those' who , •��'��$� •" Li aoleunis •at, 9 .. and $ i were iii7iking overtures to itim,' . FTon. x All -wool Berges, itenriettas , Foundations at loam. ,• we Stratton overtiically denies any a _ y • Two and wide L noleukns in a fine ran e. of ' a,tters.-- - .. and ,satin Cloths• � g' P • . on Saturdey morning will place payment; of money to Galney,claiming r T: i 14, light rind dark Colors ' good heavy quality..' very special : at' on ea1e120aolla� Eonnduttone,made that the latter tamale to him and ex_ • s,Y • s•t` she' are the best volae; we ever had; of. fine muslin and Eeatherbone, in pressed his wtllingnessto'sup ort the ' x til` r «' • , par yard-=-ioC and $1.00 Ward �p (l, ' IiiheUleum, . , eXtra government .if it woo d all p � � $25 I. I they come in Ad leading shades, it ., a9norted,'stylea and •eize(t, regaIar, 1. ow him the . '. heav ' ' at Tec er s aid. price. ofwhiafiie 180;°, at..,,.......,111C patrona e'in his' constituency: The. lit _ , ............25c, $0(:. 60c and •GO y q y, p y .. , ggxxhe ,. Judicial Con missirnehare . e ' ^mss . • ., ,. , o. asbeencappoint • S1>�tterlc:i RatleTn� Floor Ullelotlls alt 2iie er Sl ua a Yard. 9c -�:lnI I'OWe1.1n at 0 C:: ed to investi ate thele,, and it .Is on1 lc 1.E15trt'S alit :i, 314, 491 t0 $.ie. P g. g y . fair tp suspend ji dgulent until both • t April Stock jnat reoeiyet3, showing every dQeirable garment for the Spring p WO liaye them: in. ,all wl(lrhs olid `m ;n -dell s and 2 ` si(le tries. Nor elk et les with, the . $imoao neck Qac range of rheas popular goods is very ) y . gn „ 00 yards'of 17 1-2;tnoh wide. Linen , a lxa\:e beenliCard and the..report Reason and all the latest . nove f. y. ,. ,+ .: tar, e, sb tdea ars asv cardinal ink COIOrB. . Towelling,extra,heavy qu'ality,ieg= . of the Coznrilission received.: x . Stole (ffeorp on CApee, Coats, Blouses and Coffee Saoke, Shirred stylee`in wttief LL '; . .kv, steam, ;trey, b'.ue grey ands black, , alar value is Qa.' Opening sale to • And skirts; All the latest stylc>r for girls and little folks. . aL are ex:,a value and ars in ... ,;..,.. -r go at Od,, - Tuesday, M • G. Cameron; the` tat - • . • e t .' great demind for waists: at.... AF.ATOI€ `ior April, a5c: �r s0 Ota , s,� Formal Operiin of Cloth in , ..r' . ll West Huron, in'the- L'o- s 1�118,,DL+ L1 w ,: , , a g g P .111tS .Lt 6C menab1. a 1. ,,;,:. ., . o cal Legislattiremadelli,sinaiden s• eech •• ` re'Beautiful or Useful •A'la a.zine . _���• • -- M-e�•� �� �--RA'd-0lAld-- 200 aide ofli`ht and dAik olore3 Il (.'-'.floor o Elie oLise. r ameron - --- - - Y.. __ g _.��' Cirhr' et Store , • Amerioan Prints, all warralited .. )oi e • ' —, . • np -No. g "tn Elie hliar�et.. :. l . :: , . `. fasto)lors.R^gular81-2a3atgial-. mey; x sl • In l efei efface to the Ga On Friday, e�ening and Saturday morning, .'tb a first day ity.for . , ..: w5C' charges ani iii -a. forceful, lo} icrfT asci �VZr • ° , GIi121 � explicit, In iliilei, covered tom letel x • mooper �,at� � at .�tei A1�• p �. of spring, we invite the men and boys to our formal Qpenin, • ,' ', . ` p y, . ' the . ar *uments 'of ` tiie •.o • ' n , of Clothing in :our Mali's Stora at -the neer of., our . Dry ' Good'.s 1. - . gl'111. at aOC � Apositio. 1 . „ rK ,r x x x ■ r r .a our n@vc Carpet Department ■ >� r(>x . », >r ■ ■ >» ■� ,� A stored i' against the appointment of a .comthis - 'We- have, have. ut In a coComplete, stock .OfeWCO]Tlbe s 150 yards of light and. dark i?rints; is now ready for business— » f ) f ! - 32 fncties wide cod heav fie it , sioo of'Judl,es. While partisan feelin , 'tbusiasm. Rev' r . Uwe clothing. . ens, BO s Youths, and Children s u -to ,g y q 1 v. ' g ,Church Chimes9 concis answered at c. IIi1�Iete1} rea11 S•. we started y p .Oar regular price ie'12'.1. ca: sale on 1*li,sides is running•ver Ili h-:. it number cf questions .in connection ata moderill made and: sensibl tic d cl t 'n' ' ,pp. `- _ , y f . £ O til � . not :. the . •Arles . .....: :...:... . ..:.:... •.:.10C : g. , s._ - (with the Prayel -Book. .Th ,: y e mertfit right -been planning for p, x , Ilnlst have.ia2en a rellef.to•heai suet; a unnr. las in i'arkhill: S . • g Chea hand- Ite.� t7.Ih. G S ,closed will;. the. Natigliatl Axrth u p Ifle Clown kinds, blit the kznd Of C1Utlill ever trim tits ti d 'c nclucted service e 1a Y; months to mxkts It E)IIe Of 1110 g y ti , p sslon Lte and clitleal aillly_ I ast 1.liLilsday and o The cligbaters wage for the afiirma• ; ,,. sensible man . . . .. 9. 4th s:.former' Bice of ; t;1C 1 h. .: i @t' V b 8t at e . Wants t0 Near. Z 2C _ra111 Bows at,' ! . sis of. the iluestion a�tlss.id . He sok .'ill the eyenillg I P, e, 3. Culclou_. '..: ZViiss" G..'Fretillill11 @ C }lot Stores ill the . < . . ' . ,:'• r+ 0(• p e 1 t e 1p: and Hugh Brewer; for -the ne ative. F:.. :,. • .. neitIier to the gallery v g CGti11( With whatever adv II',stylish 100 Gfratn a s g ) rforcampaign. ii =Lest (tit for et •Herman. Miss S. Sloman an 1 �y a 9 $ q ,extra heavy quality, eiteet,bitt rattle; a \1�iLi I1� :CzI URC Y g. ' c . Flax'(xld �, You will find• i,ur brand, of cloth' 'ust -as t 1 h • large "' l q' y' pl)roatchctl.the mat- who. have Bltegstoue; the decision we. desire to remind those,. 1 \vas -1 ;lverl iti ta(rP tII 111 g ] & 1 t3 and t; size, the kind we always. sell ter in that jtulieial fitLme o£ ;;tins: that +favor •f the �, s e was- of'lo�t er uric@s well wade as aud- • on. Ould: or r � r At 22 cauls eaoh;on, sale ria s. to. o foF otter about the Sunday;Scliool s negative. , . ,The 1Vedtles- ..5 QV O 8 f Om your. tailor, st tWU� y g should characterize all deliberation's in • 11 ter da ez=eniil r service o 1.it is pds'i1)le? t0 Offt1 011, L48 at•. ..,...•.... it tiU': saiy to be, held o. Easter �' b f. tTlis.week, .iu • 16c public assembly • eliaFgecl with the A.univer service will the absOnce of I I ,•recto •': ' e( .1 . �' three to even four times our. Axises.' Satr4fy yourself by cOm' over i Almdaye\elttng. :Speoittl x. ]n .Loniksn, open. oil Safurda; ivith a ver 3r g , n n 'of nny people. Mr Camelion 1 nda and on the' avenin �\'as tal.en 1) Rei. I3. A. Wright - . axlsoli, All the new -ma erials thi ' .. elnnlnateI be held,on S t y g l ht. . ' I7 t , a3 season .shows mole hand-. I l t v ex•vthing of'an uxr l©want li alis, address was f tm fiuta shO , lnsy of NV.101 Unioll. i2/.c..ilaii(1.15C Linen Collars alis ra ying.a � i sUm6 styles all II ti Iter; nor ttiil he.deseend,to et ^ f far ive them foi'• o 1 ever, p y : cllildi CnZvill be ice serest thexywith g ," tllev ituc> nett what • pe Isonalittes,.andwe,canhot :brit feel, e they.do., • Man new•. thoughts Tape tr; . l:IIu I3t:zsse,s Carpet ' ��(.: that• such s eecile refresHnzelits sexy d, y fi is were at p s teud tci raise thu. brow ht-otit concernin this al =' about x000 cls. 1X1 all—eve • , s.ta 'zI" e Q '' cirl: b lletti)1 a ' S 1 lm )bl, 9 :.. . n aid and tohe.ofdisciissionsin`an Rev.iL Hoist is .at �\ • 11('ii S S(11tS at 0 7b an - On #latnrday'plorning we.will lace.' Y nt prayer' of Christ s; and the w iot M1 of which is brand new ! �7O, ou e p y, the.rxlinisters ant1, de/Iegates eY attest lscotlrse }vas. e P Ltl)lic assellib ver p • I.aAl elle bala)iOa of, our. ladles pp y.hrl fol and alil)io- . r" at the London Conference, which is to ,, . �110Cl(j b iTl fr 7 (, When you see them you .will wonder how .we ever' ot.such good eels linen collars now in stook that so Fiore tluzlnt,,the season of -Lent. I ou 1t C1 it tll 1ceJt lr., ills . g g t to sell at the , ld• � the ' first week in � pp1 f1 t' price. The cloth is, •oils trimming' are good, and •the et at 12 1-2o.and lbs for The re llteet in 1Vtn�ham, �GVrlgllt's•'remarks are alw a a g g , d,• . . - ylik s correot, making and fit we . ,.. ....:..... $C' p .seat standing .of rile parties ' is success; an(1 thinks ay,. appre- in the coulltf , cwt ry a.r(1 isle fatly ;uarantee. l= •liy• t11e . sou +? rtitiau. of 5t. •y . .. In the uotr petit 1''al clitilnli r _ 'henvitl'bia11F to Billet the ��`hole Coil •cis gr sell 1S bast: e b Our 1 , y abs0 Lite •ro,e. ee.sil: than he diel the. P . e , :the Sen- \ ..eul'S 'chltrcli .., CaS111ller8 1OSC 1i'orth U 1' to ate; is; to•cl ty, Conservatives': dS, Lib fe guarantee lliell'S SalitS a't Fence. 1. y , . ,9, $10 anal tI• ' 1, 1 ei'al forty meint)cis as;;= fled to;hilll iIl Ask- I . Sv>sLhY... Che itmii :+els try wltiell . . s 43;.out o£ tire- $1• uleinliers, The in street 1v11en' the (,onfereiice.: sial in•:; i11 ;Fits rite talose> of the fi1. 45C at 25ic•. You baye b n • � division' acs ) 1tieinbers of ,the. ' other their new alit; I C: 'y it iia e.. r been paying your tailor about doable the price : we are Asking for these , ording to Proi i, hoes, is as )' Lc udon. �. I 4 xch.was suc a,ssfully iil). . 'ii'lli`' Splendid •a • • , sorts. The olotbs are serges, tweeds and worsted, in oolore'of navy, b dozen GAshmere hoes i lotto ehnrehes Ill to\yn are, offt:I`int; tlic.lt served on Sttiul:t last,' 1'Ot-bin-. . 1 `llll�. (��f.,1 G d grey and black, ala n assorted ws ::' , , y a. Lxose. so mixed colors. The .linin a are the ve best al hA ribs eizee 8 'tl tin assistance. sliest;kindly ells tiocittlly. to inai' rile item of .'tlie b itxt P ry. , 1 v og Flenoh facings;, and if you, }, d 9,regalar galas w : 4gnsexv Li ; . tw tY . of th( t,. r , dont get two year e�weai out of one of. these stiito ou are oertain a 'to 450, a etiin ea " .1 boil _ Q11It1 k1StUr Of 1. atI V1C.eN1tn(1 7111 felt ill)ilarit Firth X111111 l('llflio y lyharcl on oar clothes, p P g le .�......:, 2+t1C. 12x4 'lliolnas . l4lat l;, 1 J e (toil t 1 g ire ek y Unttlrio;.....,..:, . . 11 ..1�4 the t'lit* St :1i`ary in. the near. future.'I.Of the clay to know tI1.Lt •more than: will no doubt In , t:.,--. Quebec .... , . , , .... j 1. , ,... , ..13 a mil Y of ,the c tlarterly l e ouglt collection had eoht(e in tq In make this the busiest Carpet I New Brultswi .r • �.. Ata recolit til( tat lf, 1 all I • ese ,. , meet BoysSI11tS at $l.�O, $1.75 X2.50 83.(i0 @3.x•0 ei•: 5 .IV i1r10VE'S N(ll'th ll r T ck . 3a,...:.. r.. t) �rltnicllhe;isl.ed to ic�_.� tic.tnt..iu(icbtednctis. .�lteix well Depertm^nt in the town. For. bear in 1 1 ,. rP $ .. anal ., p to $1.25.. r -,-IN . Scotia.:....:5 )( 4x(1 ilf,tlte ovecl pastor mind. that althon •his 1 ' ,. , •) 1 's est ai *airiest, ,IiiN res= 1 I 1 to Rev lL llalinin ver. I; a new, it to per feet 4. iO .. ' .. 1 illice'i�div:Lrc4 ^ a le ase d fit 11x. tt tg .F,_ aerie )t: g. e Y.. and well Equipped In ever waw an ' fUr 75(. • • • • sobs fair dein i \vrt:e ars ft�ilo\vs.:- 1 . t111;Fy, ;lied -the Ilul it, and the Is'(1 p ) a no )t3ritish C'nlutnt,ill,.• 2. 1 t, n•r lt:)s i i ont;rc.Lraitolls could lin .11el s store offers finer selections, I'on are sere o Ysu' . hilr s6 lle nulntht llrs' \lnnlil n t but..fe I f d be surprised to see what a good quality of cloth we have fn On Saturd'a w 1Nanitoba..'.'. ) �) :1 that '�Ie p , q y oar' Baits at. the . Y e offsr at 75oa air 10.0 ;. , e hii I:ttl itttalrk• of Inc u , h.lth: (tone w.haf iii? could. entirely new pattern., ir( eh from the mills at:ove prices, Ever . gait no mat er bow low the rice is air P ' . Northwv • a > he (n all. he ( I , , , ,v r ` _ •. rt member that Y . 4 p vaell :made and fi tfahed; . al'1 1? e. o£ very fine, kid gloves in st l c x ttt ,. , .. 1) vi>ln xed into :hiltsi:t, ; The , alue.nnl,ttt be said o£ the ;Choi ! . shades of tans r _._ piollia, \which d( •, ,_: all the 1111J3ir g have g)ad strong linings, anal we guarantee them to, give eati.faotory wear,., i goys, rllode0, •eta '' ". r I iJ clfi 4tlsc) Lut1l t. tlliotl„hc n the (la , b in ' •.. a total., ...:_, RK. , iiiul .11.1 .11aulitisl, 1 t exeeltent. s e a „ " & beill I �` all sizes It, stook',.these are our new • • t3 l.l r •oil 1 C' :Zililw.111tllakIN•. •. 1<tt \lett• t t tl.tl alithtuls �\ axe Faust- I..11ie11s ).,,tt tat ,: ,, ,i iS11011'01° 1001 '�'OatS f0 er1in pr n •loves with eo (l est t arae i illgl �enl l Cal' bti t ' 1. • Q p �, �� .1 �. b , me from oar Ili ailditioti to tfie above e" ti ed' to 81 .11 lr\'ti lust �11in( 1 r .'I\ell rind solus \t ere 1 re ular stook And the �., , dot inti illi Tian; ,lu l prfoe was u u cei. the (gciLC r)I N blase t t) vi i>eneliaiecl .bv 7Tessrs' 11Cltii:li, and Dr h� TbE+ 1'howerproof Cos`t.we are eellin .at , 10 00 has l . 1.25 o e ' P t l n rv111 be f 1 J)t, l .ctrl, , y, 1ii,I , is ' lit^ x1141 tibC - g sways beep sold in town bee . $ , p sing sale.,,:,,,,„,.,;, 75C - declalrrtl.vacuut and :; 1 nit, 111 th( morning atli(I ltE'sVF4 are at $Ila, They come iirOxford,t,ro• ,on! ,and the et leprid fit.is er \\ hen tllhtl they' (' , y ,y p feat. \pill�\gh.v iL IsiL ori t' <) I , . t1NTA1it(1 Srli itc!r-- flu A x'l 1ll :Jtl thr, + , . j l f (ni ernluc ltl ti , 1 , 51htt) 1"11111('J'And tilt}' even- A11 good talars and rnttert,s. Ali hFavy 1 sti ai+trrs ()f , rrtttliwy.et lultrl it11t!1?rl�c.s lltyltlins, utilil : il);,., The Doherty quartette, also . - flahf yy. ��.+ jIU y �%, 1))lt ,�i(.1171tU11ti .�ll�t•11N, .t, y, eti: t 1111(1 (?tl 1 ervic(a a 1 U done 11 11,qualities tbat will give satisfactory wear. ,, ` , ' • r , elette ••16'!1C•F Itl('I:e ' (xUl\ l \ i ,tt , t 1\ i( I lht]1, part ill I)iti r(]t E'Ilill the 1' 3t% l S .1+d11111SllllloS illltl t11e l: i!lr6' ►5' iritic” Hat )� all '1111d 0,13 civil will lac . 1. �1 S. )revc?iltetl by tllnrsv .fto)n \\Il111t*'Itt1tl ;ill cirty tiitsd:t� ieitotall.IT b (xv1C('. , 8(10. yards of pink, bine and ores ittiln(intl, i't,will;lt:tu'ltlteeaul(ltrs;(eN\willht ale tit et 111(eheautiful•storyo£ aIle fidelity if Nothing E m (inr3ug the 1 romellt,:+cN•iatt wO t ,, truth to liar inothei^in-latw . \Ta()llli, U1110II Carpets at 25C, gmakesanold'hatlOck_morerustythananewsuitor overcoat and brf ht b'lannelet,e, regular 70 .for �j w ,,, ! llni"lit odliv•lhrlr ( tttlttr; no pastor, ltry tl()vr(i tt'Iervinteresting ,,. p g , C (ro\t,l tont nt nlet,lol lay. on 4t \ t.tte ltt :i et. 1':' \\°' • ii alt' \)1(e. ;111 the folh)\v • t r sul)Jt(t- at. ak tQ, Laet SatUrclay a.grtnt ninny in(Ia came lOr their now hats, and found Duch a full holies \ill be 1I. ' 11 c t, tlu morlinig' cc+r lvv. :\t) flower of I 4OC 4KC all't 5Q ,ttrtety that in a few minutes they were suited. " } . C , ins 111ondAv r\•eltittl; the 01ildron will I field Ava:� ptlr(erthan she, the 1.s )eat le. i1o1 ." ,et anybody tali you that a ftertnfn.st le is the. t `' 7 C C11rSCtS at 50C -- •� -• ti4t\ r .lull . r11llr;;,e, a1ntl \til; t cilli;+l at ; ,laid. Little diel' RiltI1 , , • key, . . ,�•, ,• , y ...11tH chis s .Fin for." all �. �' � I.(yletl,nra �OOd Anti if OU ke �' ,spring, ". , i 4' •• 11 e ^1P\• Ita112E tvilC'll' At these rio s we are ahowin , a fit;e r ) 19 a ccrtnin lta , and:yaar famil ltl(ef it itis terra's Of "\\ c (ln(,(lav .1tlt.lit•t•.,4 ;11.;lt' r dlotr ( llwl Y1'atltl elf mu. a .t1 atu(I t t, . \;rant` Dade I P F style. `�••••. , n•,.. I . 3 ly in 411 steal; and 1,nnl n • , •. , l 1 a, l(1 tri rettil-li to1lie latld range of patterns and colors. T•he regular 1' r(f • ode of cod gaalit (tail t!tticoail) r e . let is (t tatty, of Ilcr nlothov on the cls ,_. 7Jcrbys may be lied at $2.50 and $3,C0: Soft $ata at 75e, 1;125 2 00 anti 2 lean" • .. y t ul;.,( 1pt\ c ,ltltlt:,rurent iii attlt:c)f tier lint • . ;:;l.prices in other !tores t. these (tualiour , , $ . $ tiU the I+Jitrl , • \ \ ;+ otic ('ai ttatitt hauld, that thea hoi'(l put it into he'l, . t cold be 25 per cent. more than our I I. . . ' : ,. t lltdclk i,t , t l( t lista,.: 111ntrvi `SAG\ .\ t tc ` ^\lt,t t 1 hc!tlrt to Fey )oris t`Etltrfjiat' I 1 ••• f'titJlnt?w, tltre.,1'at1'rlltttt; J '. :L '1.ttatl'y i 1 3 i.e Itot yt' " irloes., Neell,4 ' .. ,,, 1)C Lawn at i1,1niltNt 1►r: 1ioJJt1('tJgJ" l,illr►', dl, ; oil '\'l'(8W1,lx 1� 1vo tllev, ox to lctiii,iifrom:followin . . i+rcal. .. lOC nussin tlt.(e petitioll Nvi h 1; v of alt( :�tiC\°(ttlr;n \tiitr. t ttttm,thee, for th) ' ' , . • tx l tl l t . t„ \, tinter; tt\, Y\:it1 \^lylt t'litilcltl asul c,iltitluct •1 r u gi)t=st, 200 ` r will , aul(1 where tl o a Our new i ,Vil ds of wide 'Victoria•la n wrlttc tt sfalteltivll s''r r „' • • ' v ' lit, \rut\ 114111 (nt \ 1 tt loll esi I �GI�'ool Carpets at 751, and 85C Spr ng Neckwear til um, on vtew. Prices 25o, 85c And 60a,. lawn, i il;nt d b�' tu)t tl �ivty � e t 1x1 uu r loth )n t h will lodge, a th y people h . fine quality, regular itis va)ue,at„ (OC ltatn'ile?cl 'ctrl," 9'h(t tnft'nrily aC lrxtiil3it, hlatt'elt:lttfll, Ott 1 I, ftt.:ind , b y 1 e 1314 shall 1)ty •ley At the above prices we ere showing nn .1 flit tial., In 11tr illtielweyl tlf dire 0111drelt's ?t'cilrlr, told City G(>(1 my Ge)(1. tiK here r'lutrg s `Ver(, . ()ascii tl roll •) • ;v t 1 . , , hnu (Hist.• •twill I (lir, (Lod thi+r"; \vi 1 • i ♦ • • ©O • • s `A • • • * • � • • • 0- d � • ♦ * ♦ • ♦ • ♦ ♦ i ♦ • • • �• (� • 1 � L'' 1 l t l . t llitl \t'tll'lt, t+t ]td ;Vom. r`11.11r11`ra elf 1 1 .IIt. ; bCe 1111 ' • , elegant range of wool carpets. The pat • b 1 > ' terns are the same as on will see m man I 1I1G11. rill ay Clot11S at 1041 treLLtut try 1.11. ilnutled r (• tool rt)nu* y aulNr*1f itt R I,ul...,t`tt ilauit u(d , th( i.oid (la ho to, Ir)e, 'Ind Y ) O g , 1110 (•(+11►•t, 1 1 Inorr ills;. if c)ttlrllt but death. )art thee :; ox;the Brnesels carpets. ♦ <♦} 100 linen Tray Cloths howevef', rotlllil that 1' `v' U'1,00t hit)+ 'fa Vv\N0ltvl 1'ttutt (.1111t•oll j 'all rue."' Li tt�e • 1." •� ends, wrtrthyl6r sat ' �Vlth fringe f 11, find ht c i 41 rill l% ima tills trent a m 000detl by Capt. , ill hrr x` t std sh(. xea.i that. A► Hat t " f Fee > eprtoe3,,,.,,,, 101,+ . .1lfLa-�Ut11; 1tiLl)lt UL lI1C' leo-tllUlt(lc'lli, Itfttl 1rt'1'ftl:t u, Iatt(t r1t" Ihr •\� (�Ntrtn (Jtlttttin, an tcxlis ^clestx'e t(i retux'Ii to t1nL;v'tvil) tWil I l lie .iN olio of t:tir I Jei,tlsltle'llt lvitlx 1N'tnnxi, tliltt site was �1" peQtry Carpets at 40c, ew than as tl Iriltii'.(?r of l'il(•t Its? 1111141411'gtll;\• , •. It . (, to, bo the connoctill r link ill f •,. Comae ... Sat � r `q. ilio L1net1 ` o (nr • Sa lvgl lots til'tm r\ a llg eltstll * 1 e plan if It ?(l e t' ; the t,l(.lt . g tlrclay '.morning a v6ryfine I�at � tVtu1S tltllc cl Itis pi'iu tI(( op thiN• Ioii) f rtll(el' (Iillarr twill tlr l,i.rttt.. "\'t rat:11('3"-'` � , E t lltptton, \vhc.teby jew olid 50 60c 65C to $5C .q 1 1 , e e i ' +i c 1 d milder from t golitilo should IM brought . under it - tlpnll. bt'hlg \vftrne(1 by hay 11tt'tu1N fl(, fru t(nrtttl 1 (t Itudt) ! „ • Brush will be given, wittl every Man's hat or shit (1f Werth' 26o per pair; for `. , , , , . , , , , � ttlyoul. •t • . � , a , • , (, , , 1C w It t Lts Nor, iii bel' . re o It you wan to see the'-�p e.t range of ntonth bt tol(i the v1ec.Jolt t, n 111 h1II IclfltceN, �itt�aL ti(otl,L lht s ltltlt)iLs C1 tittles purchased C laBefi here, .• • . ' ; , ,1; , , , v ( s ,' ',i i if \v(I:aallitald Evil;\v thein what ti per. ()glare and designs. ever Rhow�fn Clinton, • • • , . ! a• Tile Ill tlitts:''retat:ins: Itis 14eitt, Nvilil(e a 1.11i is lin\ iia�i�, Ni, \4(E t.. )f �l�)(c1,1) £act sotto we \vt) ? 1 er Gills Sellool lain (,V h 111ei(tillu a, (,Ill t, it Mlle 1e 'fUr 7Ut118, . �ttrl X)e 11V111 ill, 1A. b8'.9tlre and sac our diaplayi WB oleo 0.ek I ♦ • U•Lt� 1Ve dO Il(it ftl)1)lUV( if hl Ny"NtOtll C)1 , ,. " 1 ! 11cr 1ov(., h(t dovotloll o •' I 111. • ti )x611 Il)eetlnlfse ( )1 ,411tulday , , t ,i1C1 . CU'd l yOt1 t0 compare our ValueR R illi Other at01e9, • n ♦ "• ♦ ♦ Qi • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ O • ♦,Q• • e ♦ ♦ d0 ♦ - ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • ♦ • • I treating lit any tillle,' y rt; ill view iii \ t 1 \ 1 I what IN olivs,. 2nd Sihe + In Navy Blue. Sale price oaob:$ . t; the facts as brought:. oltl, by dile tevi^ flight and � all dlly lSuudlty, commenc_ I. perils site Should trot .. Jt>tiiiley, tlll) • (1e11CtI tL1i(I it11111J1e(1 it I, l>v t11Ct 'tl( r +,y. ill 1q at 7 o Flier til t1tll 111Ux't11I11�', ,LV ours 't'() -Cl: " ! ., 1, . •are hex,llilths �. . ',, 1, .1 ll,t. , tel, •brill llivitLedi 801ag free, tLy' .fi(1 ills 4Ulllpalry site I?r, itiittlie(lf,t (ililloct act+ •of iLny a:t.^ 5 y ' should ]ere )','are wo kee pin in tan • • , trtrl It tc) corrnpi• iII(F rlrct(It'at'e statttds I,r 1'.\r §zw,Oi1 Tue:td (\ve±Iltril; : whit f'llris iitat peolllt�. •illi Vllttt.(�ill t t- 4w L.... ; . tt itis church met nt .f lobe* Nltoul(1 sE!i ve , ar(y t\"e sE'l vile 11cr y viltdusalccl�.�� - tJJ( Atl(J. I'�icr(ill, 'til(; pr('sident ocen-' Cod. Are \ve. sledfast, are Nve willing Your 111onr# b11eTt It you want It.' George I+'. Iltrtfee, I'c'tsrni'JJ crural, pied thr 011dr" A;ftel' tin.) ol)( tilde• 1 to I)e where 1.1t, .IioN, are we willin* ' . g exot'(•ism, and blislnem ivoeeud'i'li ''s, Ito be•bllriad wheiv ho was buried. If Ilas declared Glrorp, DaVi(1S()rl Graut the debate, ims befntll, ""Itesolved, so; Cit' tottil) will not. hold us, but we ' i tfil. 1,50 aaer • .N elected Illelitber of the t1o11w, C)f Mow- t.1111t('11a nleter ;lilts more illthlollev itl shall rise, rvetl els tlhl'iNt i'4 c? ria11rS ! 1 50 (out , , 5 to tll(1 r1aI �S 60 ' U0 S 1110118 for the Nox ; tit \vol (1' flaatt „1110ary, 1111N tlel)lCCEt � l;lnt!y of I11tJ father. Irl rile eve?llln SclMo�l 111 I'ltlilYt," Uf '01101110 was;;olid to N. tit(, Beet held willee the , (hat very' lllttell disellsHed sub Ft11'talllq at $t• lir •p q Ilya IlratjOrity of trvel' '„lH) Over the? t'()riiatic)n (It hh(t sCJcl(?tyi it; tVits a?stir•' 11111()119-4ttllE' WORT (tjG Knlekhrs at 25�r a +r iia * . ? „ v ,r t; 1C1 (Tit)t8 Aliattthillk , t, froilt.beg,innIllg tovild, ftxid rellve,ty �"o of Christ wim diyellws(ed 11 lllr . 11()ll:.((.otl�e 1+allies bO.�ex, The flit^ great ereedit oil the ,dehiltr?r" '� hoIAfallllling, and frt)It1 tlltt \vatyV tllr p Iessibil lifts gone abroad thlit aL light . must has ie it'. .considelalble time? lit 8peallwi. slzecl file lttlrjeet up, there h; Voter was cast. Quite the Contrary is 1JrC1)nrinl; It•. , J(?so debates lire In- not luatlly No vaLlled christhills who , > r j T, O i 1111 five( lic)C otlly i'Ul' tile, fludii?oce f think very innell of 11h)), if the overt'- . rile CftRe, t bellig 010 11111 0e t total Vote blit fit, tho8.* wil() take part, alld ' Clay acts of their liv(e.Y are ally I11diCA. . . evel' polled in the History of the rilding, .should be entered h1to With mole ell- ' boil of what we believe in our lleallrts, . 11, a