HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-03-20, Page 3Ad"I
" ,
nmv P.T.irmyrniv mr.1 XRA
III . . 1. I .
-1 ... - . �...-"-..-...-.--.....-�..-�--��.�----�-� � - . -- 1. . � - .1 - . I � I , - I I I— 1. . .. .1. � ..""""
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. I pw I I I ,. 11 .. I
- -- I , . I � �- � 0., -11 . .11 - , Ir P T to you that Dr.
I I -�o � '. . � � I Mainly About i�oople. onaL blosocrWn
0 - Z;;;;;;� ) Love LtWers of a Business Man, HOW'STaIS? . and obsolute = for each
V Yolix WaUe Up in the UQra- piles , nu
I We olTer I rd rowell, the anuamt M)094� � - and every form Of itebi-M
'One Hundred Dollars to- "�r Itioba **" bloOlintoad vrotrudlualloq*
iug". eeling Tired aud, I The course,of true love, thOughbee0t case of c4tarrh that call- tk�h Physician, is -noted for his. frankness., n turmi h vo narantesil It, a -
I wgrd for an , Themu fac A
. I 'y1th Allluwt ineurtavulitable cost"lea, U�t . _ 1by Hall's Catarrh CUre.- in speaki g bia mind v$tllout re xd to I I In the dallir preiii and ask yo Be "
__ � I 0 , ga _ L=041lit A *
tite On Ila oythilikofit; Youp'sn It a
Miserable ? .1 it "' rosyarJ6 the faithlul. lovers at F. J. Chesney & VO -P Toledo, Ont. I the social �Oaitl6n of his Pat'Qnt' cej . 3�mouko back itnot.curod. Wa x,atl
. " ,
,n,,,t witi, saprome lhappinc.ss. But, alas, When he was called to preqcrlbe for the' INK
. , I � � wizeroorvD. Axsos,1i;ATxo4;Co,jTordA
I 1103 1110 Allid true 10ye'prOve's We, the undershroed,have known V- I Pullahesm of Manchester, he ordered 'blot'
� I 6ulin�,ti�, but a, wbuggan:$ude lead ,esney for thelast 15 ,Fears and be
I 3, I�L � Ing to 4, J. ob ) disrobe. "But, Sit. lUI&AT11" I bilvelet, Pro OhasVs 01nitment
PAINV$ CELERY I pre.01pice, into W-14wL the trua lov I lieve him perfectly hoDdvable in all ��. maiti ere, 0 . ; Which, tll� I_ � I M R �, , I I I - I 1. -FM 0. r r."
. . er`� ) business transactions and financially I . � "
COMPOUND I jolmLi are hurled an.4 dashad tootemic bironat (i I
. . � ,. in .able tocirry out any obligations made r r T t , : me, I have no . ..
suilthereens. Iliteiiaon of exa Dining, your a4d.1' .
� .4 Is 11 1, 4-1, ; -n I I -
I - "
Xurch 20th 1903,
1. . I .11 . � I . I - 1� L - "' , r . . ...... .. - - Rf3 ..�
.- . � 1 .. . r. . . "ti'JtN4J%U.wQVV,r% II14", 1)LJV.LV 8 I ,
. . AS '
. *rgtit StOr4T. ' The marvelous cures of Vatartho*m% � r
. are being much talLed about- Thou$- ,
When John S. i9argent, the farcoup. antis ar#,i dally rQ00gnI7,inJ,-_ the, ex. , I
qortrxit pointer, studied lit tile Ateller ceptional 11writ. of this silople inhaler
0alrolus Duran in Parls, his teacher trQAt'lliellts au(I illHtewl of rulloin to
owed hie fontlile" for him �y painting the doetor with' their 'winter ills t 03r .
A %t
in his ilea(l In th,j great ceiling .01 ' the protect thellibelves by Vatarrhozolle ; I
Luxembourg Palace, E'ven after lie It Ullis eOl(I8 Ill the � li(-,td in ten miu- I
brall , ehe4 out fo, ' r himself, his master ut,es, (1111(.kly relieves Vatal'I'll, Won -
often sent for Vill -to,come over 14) his vilitIls, AstIlina. t4ung Tioilbles. awl i
studio. and "a, bit), liands having espe- rNIVes ("Vell thow"'J. ail other remedies . .
V1alJy.lj-()lI the a4luirUtli,�11 of J.)urall. Tile ii�tVQ falICLi. CaW.-Olozolle is very , 0 I
I ; + +11r IIQ"-
ca a ly " , 4 M. I .
V111 Restore -OA& Jr -111141401Y AP INTO have Wfore 13g, says rux; ,, W'eit& Truax, Wholesale, d Dean Aulortee of tale le Of Civil Dog Worship. - I time came, b< ever, when Sargent could pleasant, sale aUtl (011 V V
C -Alive You that'VIMS, $amp and lolume, of a I'lluoilless mail's Love Let- , ruggists, � I I I rec6nt- I. I ," . r answer the beck and call of 10i best reeo"I'llelIdAtioll' is its en"r-
. fell, extraets from which we Toledo, 0. . ' -M tie lollge ,
. I Flugineerbig at Co, ail, who . - � - . �e was getting work of ItIolls sale ; try it tf)-(147- Price $1-W,
1 , y inno , lough. he had Ills teacher, for I
'ers"" 'I'Qw,, Ilea(ler, if you !ha, -,*e a tear, an . . sizeMe" tit Pra,gIbtro ,
Strength that YOU S111101114 , � Walding,Xinnan &- Marvin, Wholesal k -
e �7, w" frequeutl " il
Possess to SprIngtIme I ;iye bc to ailed it nowl I Tile burning dru gists, Toledo, O., � the "oot of hiar-hi. r lit U- . If there exists a mall Or 6 we'll hie Own to do, whidli would not allow small .. 0 4
� prepare . Mto can own a pot dog without tie- him t,-1,ave bl,s studio tit It moment's allyiu- ,
- 0assiolt which all(rge,$ In tile lqvees heart, Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal. 16te tells of going to the'offlog of "The Doran Win 140�trce',H,tiniltoil,)�illt%fa,t,
ly, acting directly upon the blood and Mogey" af everyone .called him, to see generating in Intellect, I .have got notice. One 40,T� it is related, struck by tv ,
In the morning feel_ - Ill,ough cuibodled in plwati.es habitually � -he system. Testit- w1betber be ba(Wbeen successful in an to meet tile exceptional person, 5ent. a hurry cal for him, an(l. When he jured, Ills carrlagc� being �
It you wake tip ased by a busluess IM1.11, is auto tQ t'Ouch MUCOUS surfaces of t _ ex a kreet Car. , - I
Ing tired and miserable, let us assure inials sent free. Price 25c per bottle, aottrorionly examination. "The Xoge" writes a contributor in an change- received a note a ying that S, rgent was
is warning You of your soul. - But pretiently .comes tile mc I knew What lie wanted, and the student There is about these canine toya, a M78- compelled to tleoallne 'his requeot, owing ThaGovernmenthas not yet, recOTa-
you that nature ce4, to pathetic . endin,,,-, Avixon, silo is no longer 8old by all druggists, I we- "Blank, I passed . terious force which is as occult in Its to pressing worl�, Duran W48 furious. A mended the lianics of the Canadian.
' 11 - �
ilj� Hall a ipi amily� Pill$ ,its the best, was greeted as follcr - I
dau ers ; you lla*e cOl-41neu kilyttbiag to him, and he -to use the . you. God forgive met" origin as it is exasperating in its edect. few days liater� a trierid, to Whom he had - commissioners oil the Alaska trlbutna4 .
, . I -
d f on the rocks and shoals of dis- rfe I I . 11; a fool becomes, pos one of copfided thia =get at his recalcitrant pu- THk, DAY or, mmkoLF's.
pe ot but coni-preliensive vernacular- sessed. of
ease. Overwork; worry, h0brasSing is to her as 114oad as a door-llail." itoad- I' ;fames Oliver, of Belleville, was Sell- Mrs. Langtry IV" discussing the orther I the little beasts he develops into o; big, p1l, asked him-. "W011, holy is it with Six- I . '
-res, or it may o excesses, ar p "� ir, read out . toliced to one year in prison for.auoot- 4%7 the reoeut masIdage of the octogent, I , ar .
. is past, but many who , e cure4 oE
ca; than ever;. if the owner is. a ? )UVe u made.up? HQw is be?" ' I I
Ucln their dire e acts, our nerves . I. . Ing Bert Skelton.. . Arloa Xarquis of Donf4pl with a young 9 k Iluran, azl itehing, bleeding or prot-vilding Ill e%
. � raliw. P:alln%i� brains he almost Infallibly, and I�Iht, no I" s%N) be looked sad,
feel a a oc kind strain rst. You . . . . HEALTH AND HOPE I C, Ian irl. She saQ it remInded'her very rapidlqj ainks severql points in tile and his obouldery .we* up, "h9w Is it by the useof Dr Chase's 0111tinentloolc
S oul ftnk eaven that you.thave ' � . . August 1, 1890. . of on INerit in the life of her fa(therI intellectual male, There is P, certsiA with Ill 1 (an, on their recovery as, 1-lext, thing t(x
warn you of approaching Dear Miss Smythe.-NVIth reference to ,%Je who. has Uealth has hope-, and Her father was a clergymun, and tbere. I S&Tgentt? Cloot, fi A ill .
nerves , on$, It is not uncounnon. Icr I
ything." came to him house in whiclA I was.ou" P, welcome oleatfirlif It'sall-overl Tbavebeento nllr 0 ainful. . .
dangers. . jny visit last evening at the, house Of he who, has hope has' ever: I ,to 'be married. one day a .
. '
Thousandg in the glorious springtime '�6. John Jorkins . flees at the approach of kid- .. dinner guest, My bqgt was a Ana talker, ;tln
. our mutual friendA : But hope i _� . man -of seventy. end a"girl of al lit'dell' his wife.a most intellige , ut woman. A -the Luxembourg I wpu,t and I got a. VersonswbOb"ve Undergone Piliv .
. I . ,f risky and expensive. Operations ' .
who rise up each morning tired, twear- jrh(m I had the pl;6ura of meeting you. ney disease with the dreadful pains: , ladder, and Ipa6ted out Ills hand!" )y this wonderful .
_ , The minister whispered, when tiia ill- � to bo filially cUred -I
which ace veritable Paradise I But the serpent was ' .1 .. I..., I the
ied and miserable, stand in need of Having -been much charmed by'Your ,OmRany it. With the flesh ,asoorted ooliple came and etood before � lointmont, It is standard the
Pklinels Celery Compound, the inax. conversation and general attractivenen, gradually fallint the back a-�hing,aud hini. "The font is at Me other end of 94 -!land. It did not look particularly The Rev., Goodman -you are a -very world over and tile only guartvritec4 .
vellous medicine that fees 'the bod� I E.b ui bather you will allow the despair w ich often conles to the churc n,t witil ophidian on its first appearance. It was noble little fellow, Tommy. Now tell cure forPlIes. .
9te ma , . to eaq re w Lt, only the use of �b�" "'What do we via . npI a pug puppy, a comic and ridicut, . . . I
from acid blood and morbid wa, moolo cultivate the p,okuttintanceellip victims of this allmell I wl the font? We are 'bore to be married," $13 ri I Ing what deep underlying principle The - Fort William Town Hall. was -
erial. Paine's Celery Compound ,It further. I I Dr Chase's Kidney-Li,ver Plus ,11 ret,t esW the Iold man. "Oh,'l beg your -par- 'lous, .Ittle barrel,like. body supported,on lrompted you fo forgive thosC -Moked 1.
. . _
, . confidence and health. four ,I'll anil.eta I rather oys who called you ugly namrs? Tom. destroyed- by fire. The ralluict a %
thet aame time strengthens the three Awaiting the *favor of, your esteemed store hope, . (lou," the cleigyman, rejoined; "I thought ,ygery legs. � . .
1, I
,�, greatorgano, thestoniach, the liver reply, . ... your$ faithfully, I One pill ot dose, 25 cents a box, � . had b DUFht this young Aftl bove, to. liked it at first, bu as it grew my affec- nly-7TIley was all bigger t1lall me- tglg&�ne System was installed in. e, . ,. .
. I � reen. . I . I you I r, , I . � . I tion, diminished. WithJn a week or two . . building, and is a total loss. The total � , 1.
!,,nd kidneys, When this good work . John 0 Wm, Pearce, Hamilton, while in his be dtiristerted. ' I . of its itdvent It been -we the principal in. . Town 1pil Country." I . loss exceeds $%5 5,000. � .. � I I
' ' I . . . . .
Is acco plished, the nerye fibres axe I I . . . I 11 Itf nookm art - . . . .
. TY - 1, --f-eetcar A nsWly.-miurrietleounle racentlyoolun- , A. -19 .6 4. . � .
Inade, strong and vigorous alid, the � . . . . ., . I . -carriage, was struc tY . . . . eras -JF .. . J I
whole system reinforced. . . . . August'.3, ion. and fatally injured. I � . . t,&rod leisurely around BletAmry Hall in, sport, politics -no subject I could start
I . - - -at Washington, X).0.,.,trying had t 0hance at that table 'any more,
A few bottles of Paine's Celery , My Doai Mlio Smyth,ow-1 be# to Ike- SPRINGI MEDICINE. . Ithe Capitol ,
� I bird W appear 'oil$ L
Compound used this mouth will- 0ave , knowle,'If I � I � 01110011001 - StOPPini Oil the once delightful Sundt y afternoon was I -
, , � I Is *ith tmany thanke receipt of - stones to gaze at a Dew .
rou much suffering and anxiet later I your le, ter of even datat contents of As a spring medicine Burdock Blood one of, the echo d W- two youtfiful given Over to a by no. means brief ab- 1
3 up tile statue, the were sple . stra,ot and chronicle of the adventures
on. The results given by &11ne's, : which X note with. mudh pleasure. I Bitters has no. eql . bei
ound are assuring I and bopQ th call this eve I ning at 7.15 P.M., 9 , ystem . and removes all impurities . a 1,641 g'for a joke.- Ona of the df ,.'Pdddles" during tile past week. It Sh
Celery Comp . akes away that �Isgeae =1 ,to- another odho stone, and .
happy. Your reward will be a perfect' when I trust toliptlyou at horo. * from the blood, and. t � was the first case of dog-manin, Iliad met IN
ear and With kindest r0gardii, I beg to remain, tlr�d q. , I , in a w1blepter asked: "When did 701a: get 4,d I thought it � might pass, and give - 41T
and unhampered action of a ell . .1 I . ,g��Ary f eling so Prevalent in the . I .
healthful brain and nervous system, � I Yours very truly*' . .1 . . sprl . I I . . I I � marcled.?" The - waple looke4 at each r&tI,AaI conversation st. -'ehance- - again, -
pure blood will course through the - . . . : . John 'Green. . Mrs Maud' Blanchet, Ottawa, drank other, 4W. then all ar ' ound the hall, but But It d1dWt pass -it spr4ad,,. tind'infect, �
. . I el and; antl'the weiI,k-to--%v.oe1!
I have sweet and re- . III. . . iodine amd is likely to di She was could disoe I .,b
, ra ho orw The bride blushed, ed t%,. hu,
body,. you wil anent'good . � . '. and -the young man �looked miserable. bioirat of Poddles, instead of. a solo .
freshing sleep and perm Au avoid airest. I . mysicrious . �-.
_Est 21,,.1899.. Arlxt�Us to , . .
a . I Presently again came - the I I .11 become' a duet.-- 'Sometirues, ill fleeting -
health. . ORITH, queution: "When (lid you get ' 'vnity, wheii koddles Wft'� ,
I I My Dearest Rvgliha� ofeiring to our THBTjkDIUS'FAV I . I'lorrill?" Taoments of 0.
-, ' *.,. . � converawti I on this evening when you con- , . . I . � I I � ALv"t*kan andlooking bmt out of the.rooin, never if he -was premient. ' A
t s of Sam Steele. ' seiRted to become my -wife. - . . Litka-Liver Pills are the ladies' fa,v-- ! Jah, they fled front. the 1001 ra - the talk would become rational, .but it
They cure coustipa- I
Storle I I . In -ad in inid-career b.l,
. I beg to confirm the arrange I ttaDw amusement , of -the was infallibly check
. -�ment then ,orite medicine..
- , . . . Ming. tion, sick. headache, biliousness, iind 1. . 1, .
I, made, arid Would* eat faid we(,, dyspepsia without .. . .. I . . ... �� the beast',s waddling, gitunting entranec
, Crimean veterans meal Genertil griping, purging -or , Pages- I
I , should take place wrlit C the. ensuing six _ . . 11 . -ailed by a yell-�-1 call use no mildei
. . I . Talking of 04 late Augustin Daly, b
George Brown, who commanded: the oth:o- sickening.. � 1. ., 'Miss May Irv&l,. the, well-Xnow%i Call*'- - word -of. besotted admiration from Wife -
Sir t I I months.. No'ddubt You Will give I . I �
I ivision, as the T,Pl01w er necessary- details your best cOrlsidera- I Stanley is now cl ' ear of, Aliest hu,gband, or lbdth-. "Oh, look at - lierl ,
,representative of. old-fashioned . lipipe, tions arid 'will communle4te.your viewC. , The steamer near - Cape Cod,, and is.. dian "reos, says:, 00ne of t1he'fun I I ed. by - i
� L . theice tick . . U98 to me vat to bAve, tile guvlrtor , .rsit't silo lovelyll, and follm%
. clay', traditions. Sir George!5 extremeq, to tne in due cour" . I . .1 I alortgSiTe. of the M100. I . , ., I thi I . . �bble of ungranimatieL al . and mispro-
I L . say, 'Well, I'll show Y�u,, EAd ell owle go L
7 though, were not a wbit more extrava,''L Trusting.ther.e Is every bappliteso be-. � . , )16 sity they aRe"All nerves"' 1. up itnd do -the not, I Dover' I d YtGiet hpunced expressions Of ciidearinelit sup�
. I .
Ignut in the on4o direction than (sa Tot . fore us, - . � . I rerfisin', ,. . L Many, peol L 'IL oi-Vied I . ..,I uldn!t,do It Ll,ke.thttt if .1 posed to be suited to her understanding..
I easily startled or n set, basi Y W 1571
lonel Sam. StWe's have , Your darling Chick-abidd , L Vil . nt I "Alld I oould,let., When We ' 0 long.
: ort insists) Co ,L . , . O�.# a Heart and , dAd or V -My suffering from Poddles is n
Ifeen on the other. Colonel Swle, 41; . I . I 'Jo n.. and irritated PtuhTtembtly.. such I It has taken t)m negativ(
I . .: � � J L " ' . : Nerve Pills are just j. -were rehQAroing. I i Letter Nights,' I I cr - aetfve.
was p servant, alwRys
!may be remembered, led the Stratheopis] . * I., * , . I . r reotbre -perfect , ayin'g �_- 4 g the -once-plias'ant roof
� , L I I I I . L . : IV. , I .. . people require. - The� I RI r foym of avoiding .
in the late war. Though probably ha , . . - � I I ... 499.: *. harmony, t, Ltres end give". �attveoaropp I had'to get , wbldh shelters her.- For, at last�-even
11 nventione I t. . L . August 22, 1 , lug. . . I.
. I o the ngrv�a car okught and
the stories told about him are 1 . . ,, force, to shattered nervous � r , a worm' er or later�l
. �, )no, his name is still a-' , My Ownest', Toptsey-wootsey - ED-, fi.ew nervtp . I .. 1. . fall into ibe ooni wheii the. dooT was th - Will turn , soon -
or exaggeratii 22-Xarat gold engage- systems. . L ... . I -e4icd, suddenly. -I hod..to fail on my: objected, openly and lainly, to the Cyr
%ouseliold word among ooIonialsin$outb closed lease find . � . I If, - pI aced 16S
�' r 'a� bMis and. knees. Well, * - the . guV'nor b.nny .of Toddled. Ole .Was
IAfrica. One day a ritish officer com, . ment Kg - Lt With thirteoxii diamonds ' '01950 ads by one man last year sell- I I
three ru'fbies,recolpt'61 whicb� kindl ' ' th seholdrI64osaries.- Did you * shol#-,od . � * -h6w. - I nearly. d1od. � .11 , liormistr6ss on a cushion on- the top ol
plained, to Steele tibut he met troopers, Qi 'G;nd . . V - Ing our h u .. Il o Ali�ays 'I" cbuldWt rdo, it like. tliW- 1: - lat4hed; - A whatnot at the'windoisr, `because Ok I
Rhe Stratheona Horse � WhOL did not salute - acknowledge by. return. , ' , I . make as much? Try our In a. ., . lelt . h "' J It if" a wQ4
. . visa' likes to bark at tht'gob
I ithim. "Why, confound them" -was tile. -Trus�tingsamle vill glV-e'every 'sittlefs,01. 7x. 'Marshall & C0J,OU- . 4theres not enough .of - Intl .j; .
.1' -.-- . I , -1 . I ` " , I
.. ' . Well) well, -May, V .Was 0 'r ".. . . I ippen �fd .$ - �.
. . . � I � se. -PJ L I. I I . on & ter ItJ - - *2 o' '
.. --"n. t I'L ' - .. - . . - t,
- �. I , , -, s k� r�q&nt
_> won't .even sa1te mil.". *l'tion? '. �- 1. I- .1 am :' � .'' .� i .don, Oil - - .11 1. ,� .: . . .... i tb . IV, I* �
ianswer, "they . . I . I l h�ult anA.j1p, � f fidriO-
, .
. � - . * ovfl ca,n Lko- it .4 �Soo-thwtl , L � , . I - It 1'.. "I *
. It is acknowle2a,Q;l that Sam. .Steele ' . .Youir OW lovej46vej, . . . i i T. Con don was .sworn in as G . .. Ins, at ' t L& I..., 1; .
L LL .'. I . I - F . at Ottawai-ttntl,� 'i mas.,cimaott4i rea -politely,. I . ope-
ghly d t all I . . . Johnny. . &*OfL . ea. des *royiny,ye ping. ..�t if, , .
. i
�knewt his men th an ` erriol L ge Yukon senat4i iioair , . I �ntimate that )v�' - had' had perhAV
4mmense deal of good wo,rk out ofolem. I t XX�K= Wkidly* note kisses. . left for Dawson I with his fautily... , , I this anecdote of hiti friend, the Rev. . . -
.1 I I
16till Incidents like the following do not'l '' 'L, ," , . . . . d- . I I 6aph, Erskine Of' Edi I nburgh. "At,tmc tirfis I 6f Poddles. far,'illai. afternoon. I
'" ' ' O. I "m%
I . . ...V. 11 L . ' . . . -Doan's Kidney Pills ae.t' on the, ki in . ug tess Was gknuinely. amaze< Ille
. ello
They Are., . . .. . . � I . L ."L inary organs 0 lie life MIT. Erskino,lost handkerchief in 08 . bs,". s4.
. . . duly in 1. af , found, on Invest, -
1make jor militnry'discipline; I . November 24, legD neys, bladd6dr and ill, ' ' . 'Rhas only - barkin- lit bbe Co. .
a I cl; I I .J'i. L a -ak I , He I L
. I -M Sweetest Evelina"I am, They Onto ,backaelies, �vea .. I : . . ' ' ' - to '111 -again
,pttested b V ' � A;-bi,& s congestion, . , andi. in answisk. y
� I tigatidn, th 110f , .i -L trkl- ,
Toronto man lutely ba k . bae a t1r ha
Africa;-- . 5" M er was on Sunday these .
-- -71r-om SwtL ---t-4,A,,4-Q,ftfl3�.±. ..X4p'k It, t explained I
I I 0 . R. Lawrence,,% young Irish.rnan, waa
. . killed by a falling tree while workin
. . . . . working in the woo4s near X - -, i :F.:. I
I . I I �
he-I)o, you realize ]low long we 4sv4 . �
n engaged? H(--IVh,v no, darling, BLOOD . I . "
�Well, I didn't know but.yQu would A blotched, pirtifly, disfigured face, .
, ..
� me W, set the year of our weddiiig.� feeling of exhaus ion, wrecked net'- I .
Mn Topic&sv . I I . - - : �
. � . a dull brain. The I
. . ... .I � . I .. . .. yes, headache And ' ' '
. . . . .. . pi-oper cures is one riorrozone Tablet * .
. . I . 11 . - aft . er . each nl0al. - Ferrozone- clears4nd ' . . ..
. � I . -
. * -
� . I - beautifies the cOnlylexioll by niaking, . �
� I
. . I . I . I . t restores, -the 4�u-�
. .
� . - . . . I rich, Pure blood. .to . a . . .1.
k WORD OF.CAUTION. feebled brain all(I Unstrung nerves
. . . . I I healt vigorous. condition. It in- I ' I .
I .
- .. . . INI90130'sall the physical arid- luentAl
. .Dr. Pitchees Back.;, powers, and brings strength and, am- -. -t
W �cssed. . Refuse & - .
I I � ablit Kidne Tablets I)ttiOu to the dept . ..
I ed from the ' .9ilbstitilte for.Vi errozono-It's, the best "�
ar � to-.1je,re1)UIIder andinvigoratbr known. .11,
" p"ap--o . of, Dr. - Pt -ice, 50c, ;it Druggists or tPOIS011 & 11 �
i3OF,1orFiP=gr (formerly C, ., -Ont. - . ..�
Professor of X,t6ria ) Kingston'. I I . �
. , , , , . .
Medica and. GenitO' I F T'Con on was sworn in as Gover- � I
. . I , I I
rulary Dispases, .Mich. - nor 111con at Ottawa, and lef L I �.. I ;
- �
. gan. College -of Medi,, for Dtilvson with hi� family. , ' � . . I.. 1�
. . .i,
in@, Detroit. .Mich., it is officially snnounced that -the . . 1.
,vit!A 'or Lisbon- On March.31,1. I
.,), which he use4 � ..
Qnderful success Iiing will sail f I
to visit tile- King of Portugal. .' . . . ,�
for over iw6lve years 14 . . . . . . . . . ... .1. . . I t.
riv rao I 6 in li�' . . I in dis6&sesisthei .1 � - ,.;
11 I. � f An Ugly fanvily of A ' ,
.... astern ospital, a- one g6norkilly de. , scribed. by the word ' - � 1�
tioit, I". . I . I na I its forms esista,ordbi- . . .�
,, I . . '
I .. I. let 1 . cured - - �'
* - 0 , I ey COD in speci al? ,r treat , oilt, lit is con . I '
" 190 IT � ection, -
ingro lents no� found by; eaver's orate ls0d con ..
I � .. . I . �
in any: other. *kidney wit eavor's Syrup. . . . , � . . .. ,
I 9 .- ItIsl , t search - I
remedy and it is. not I I -eported that the bud , .
, surprising, - therefore,.' Of tile B,�Itjsli Charleelloi. Of MeExche � �....' �
that th6yt make ou . reg . qtier ,will contain afinortmeiiaeq. of ,�,, ..� �, 1,
. I . I
.� �
. 4req, - many: I ` Ileficif. , I � � I . � . : . . . .
. I ii, t � m864 " . .. . . I �. . I I .. I . - .
� ere .other remedies - I - .�, 11 - . . L I
had tproved altogether' ,. 'Walter Hoi,bert, who was connected, :. :
. . P " - .
ineffectual. � withthe Sif,ton-mlljd4r tithd,'hair.be- - '
�. . . Itin to -have th6, lVill of � his ��^ -
. . we. iyould, can glin all act, I . . .
. � . . . -4- "I . The I t.
nuo "": 7. IT-- r1lt=X=,MMPr I . . . --Uft&.---ftco0TX1 -- I I 1i e, courteous orL., "ju Some -�E . I father %V111.1lerhe.ru, s - ....
'They say General Buller was a - ravel� Bright's disease I lossw -omurred, - ? - - � I you in purellasing.the,1. Ve4 �
, Sta, .T . . I regret Was. not -answered.. b,eforep owing flainmajibil, g I . WIL sew 'his I IllusV7 Iforigtatilqe- - ImmV.. - - (I n.Tiine..1901, *hIls' ' * .
'I to s.. . . . . . .1 arisilft. 110111 - libath.. worn ,itll 'teil e. . . a 0 a 0 5 a .. I .1 I 0 . -
,alt him, but soongot over it I 10 - , f Sa Ing 11 Erskin - ress of tbe'hoi '!"Imelin: - I ccompsnyWgc�'It' ' the,bby-Vas Ill it" , 't
� pressure ol �usinea and"'all other, diseases 'with, flNe mjst� too, - aW, itinff TXIaI OIL -
his shirt sleeves and smoking his famous In reply. thereto.1 beg to state that'l, wro I .bla& k J lief In As tail, tt tf V.1 , ttL - I a , Print, L,
. . . , ng -action of the 1C -4- -, , , t . 1111"d - .11 V -, th�, cb.irge. Of hilarder, . and wider the. .
. I .1 � I . � I � CO J - lie -'*Fn t ing,'not hitielf,' but Podldles� Tlmplirak . ,
short clay pipe, would sit at -the door oi � - only oui and . -(let, '. . . I I . 1. I , , .. I 100), 'ijitid a I . us AeQ ,W` .. - . "bunibrous e,-�a� W 1. Dr. � Pitblier"a ad . Lill iistbl''. -
. . r th. s mean as. a .
do love you. dearly, and �., . "fr. f ggeLtion - ted in green ink,.a *111 -NValterr received $5, � his f
-his tent when Buller and his staff came I . . T� kine, I I . portrait . I I..
. IT, -, - A - ' aIOUs 1*1 What will happow., . ,-pa .. down the. bu it. ;.�as the � . dicond I I
Tiding past. The first time this happened ,, also noi one else in --- - I ,& Air r6mail reved][64 the.secret . VpZ tiewedhandkerchiet 11 ofaienien! of'a�plo�in;faci and sig�at. r , ate I ted'on the Package. the salne ainorint, -while the s I
er,'I 6*1 have miich,pletisure. in ooix- - -I'-,g.6t. thb instructors, at Xinpton . ' 'J bad bee too blind to'see- Toddlet . wife. of -the deceased, together with her I
. .
'zverybody was petrified except Colonel th'. .. - . I - for evermoreo,&Tld nb. . . i ahj��-OIA)iq i.VvIl 'tbo,t ji) Ing as us- 'W .n , - illy ille mistre , , . hnitations� is tbesfe . ted to *the re.- . ttest,- .' ,
,WaIlt tinuing.t . o ove you whic - , . * ' ',"a 'I ' �ss 6f :Vh( Refuse s i, I u a "" . � , I two�children, Profit I .
:Oam, who wa '. . " Penitentiary into trouble ,,for carrying " ta tz,as,ftn. �.fo tile * pulph was, ,an , a, res, - I I I .. I
a julte at his ease. . . � . - ao� �! I disappo . I .. . " .A?t tile - f
in MI. the World.- � - I - - . u t � 0, '�en., . .,house. It. pass, that Way somethr are sure ,xtent - -Herbart- V- --- E
, - . � I �: e, I I
, � one. else, * . , res to convicts. .1 . I 11 * �es, but I .
to-.. , messag � � led by,t i I .
neral,l he said, 'anythinf. doing -evening - so : . . . . . , JLe inell .100111. - Is The price of the Tablets is 500. a ,box � %vill.-was 6awn .up while the` deceased.. m 11 I I
I ' I . 1p, r , . .
General Buller, po if . 11 g664 liealth, . : . . ' ' The, essential In lug -behin - ni .. xes for $1.25, at all druggists,. %;,ag'o.n his dea- --0 undue - . '.
. - " .
I . i
.. - . I ain, 'Your own6st owni - .. of thiepine s . f 4os-t-tails. - ."- -- In the c T� . . Reuben. FaX, as'.the Postman- ill "Tho or I . . aftiqence'W.as. dl�6dvrojlt- " 1. '% 1.
ta"It" 11 . . , tree hil., his ..1lieroupon h d- �� . sent by mail by ,addressing � the ,Dr, ' exertecItothe .
'r �' ZtIn to see you'this, 'healffig .`Pri soli , d * the -door of -my ivhilom Paradise -is for,
- , ;eIv stated .nST tindki' , mg- nc4 al , TV 1. Z . a C, I Ver d6"d agains� ii.i. . t - or three bo th,bedi tind't1i.
t othing special was beihq done. 1 Inally been Bile- . ev I
dWell," said Colonel Steele, 'I tbirlk_you 1 ... . � � . . I. I . . . . . . . ind'reftil�d into a . -dd: Woman - 14 the e ' . � -thd'§on and . . ,. . . i
� . . ... . I., , ., I . , .11 . . ,,John. cessfully sepArated. ,. the disappointed r,11ush,'?. at thd Grand .1, T-Itcher Co,'j Toronto.. Out., - . danghter� . I 1.
should send a bunch of the boye off to " I .. Ang- Dr Wood's Bonnie- Brie Dpera Zia&.. . P, -6 of
, : � , . W :., , I I 1. a P.t X-fect, co-,iij,h'ittiedic . tier, and iold, wlth'a'triur�phant srail , . I ... . . ''..1. .. I -� . I
. tne. . . . I ... � a - . . � : t,�
-the right them The blankLity blank: I - , .! :1, I - 7 . , , . .. . � I. � .:. .. . , , Norivay Phiie,Syru Sold by.411 deal- ,No, b -� honest wumainv no' the Howe id week. A�Ir, Fax is, il,,Cana . - � � I . �. I., .. . I !�� . .., . .
� I . .
.1 I 1. . 1, . .. I -t- f 'tion. -Price &4, f"h - day`0 - .., ,. � - - � ". . .. - - . I I . . . . I I 1: . I . 1 I . I . I �� �.
,Boers are fiddling round over there A' . A .� �, January- 4, 1.900. - ,� 0, , - . than by birth, a na We of Brantford,� ubc . 1,
, ' .. . . ers. onaguarantee o sa, is ac. I . a . . � �. . I . -as reared I ' " . ! . . I . . 1. � , . . I . � . I . � - , 1. . � .. .., . �.. � . I . 1. I
. I . . . . . � n 181660tock. Mr. Fax is. . .1 . I .. . b . .. . � . I . I I I � 1, . .. I
ri lit enough."' I. I To Miss Smythe;' Madamm-ln accord- .,25 cents. . . I ... . .,.. A nardber of �years ago suit, says the Y . . . 'In Australia, "' 1116114 .- . -- . : '!
I as, W Ill . . ,. .
. It was Colonel Sim. Steele,' too, Who, :presoad -in, my . t, , * n B, - I t tb6 : all known . ,�, --- .. -- . . . I - I . .
Ited b Lord Milner th Govern- anc� with theJutention 63 1 . I I In'order to provide fov,'the. educa, ion' s'Grco ag)i bi ht o p4=4X'oj the United.States. � ... . - � � � , � , � 1� . . . I
I -forwarded ad .... � � . . . .
. . I . 1 2 . I . I .
dres*�d to you 'a * I parcel containing .ail of -the Jews, the Protestant - , . , 'a-StZst, ;rnt' of lewaI Falh4 . �...� .. �o -. HEAD
bein I ' , letter of yesterday, I duly School cashier ol th I
menf Holise ,I Copetowil, declitied. the . . . 13 lontreal - will Osk fox, Ali ad- to recover an alleged 'deposit, which '40- . . Ju . .. ....I . . �. . . . . . BACK I I I.
,oard cif W I I I . .... I - � --4 .
on the ground that "thin 61 d p're- alijon -.:�� I I ACERINE . . PPINCOTTS, 1.
invitation . . .go ..... letieis,'. kkt,. received from you, an . al -$100,.000 from ille c�itY- � ' . �ositi the bank denied. During the trial ' ' : . .:- - 4 � I .LEOS I . . 11 U . . I
. ey 11itive been .safely delivered. . . at � - I . . I - - I., ' - MAG I
I. -surne -th , I 1.0 ' " I y - - ( AZINK �
that kind weren1 in his line." . ' , . � defendant's sut�&hey MOAh I 11
I . . . -diyj -per earn a `A. tredeberbuq wind hits%you in .the � Mdom, the . - - - , V rbroat fs6re, E as' MONTHL)
- * . . I i'lavenrecolved: to. . argument for'his cliei* " . I . . .. .
. I parcel. co oril-ing you IV live - a very c0aVUIC' 'Where the Difficulty Lay. ',' - . ,
. . tain . ' rick. and- the next ill ing �. . I I . � . . . "I.. . . -y 61pnARY . , . .. "I
I I . I I . d - Nose 'run. .... I--
. I .
. . I . Ing various letters wbUl' :b, � " 6 . , . �. - . . . . I I I . an ni�g;`Slight COU911� i 11, . I. 7 ';A' FAhm. I I � . I . I . 1��.
� . hienib yow in or ag . . . I . . - .
The Tramp Reasons I . - . . Alm' to tiM6� lumb -o -'Rub well' and often with ' 4 took His, to- tell the. jury of bi , 'dri '
. bave W.n fro 1Z.8 "r Boggo (taodtiou�ly)-�-PVurth'daugAhter . with'clAlls; this i's �L4.
V . iller, and you will be 4dJuleafle III I sociat.aptl rel' � . , ppe., . .
. I
� ' i was . y ur . .. de- . , , . 0 , fancy you, . - - . � . . . . � . . . I - 1he.. , Be tu 0 bforatori - .-, .. 11 '
.. 6 'I tention. to PL:,rryDavi ' S' Palliki Aul I 6 he mifi4e 'a 06P �, 1
Owner of Property sternly, to tti;ep" Nodoubt It . t Ii F I , a to be niarried,'6h? . I ve had , - , st 1 . q, � rr ilt .
. InbT ' *tten.by astonished to find, ou . 6w ekly, .41'... � Ing, and nee.0 , I . � .
iAtch the complete num, er, wP , .. *� . -too. large il
reclining on a mossy =k) --Don't you 81 I . . . Akiwzv �T 1. N6VFLS YEARLY .. �
,me,. but I notice lie , d. ,.. . .. -which I . - hands, , I . 12wCOMPLICTE . 1. .
I . � I '. . ,
� be pror .1 I .
. see that notice---a"Trespassers will, I � � ., I.. 'd, �s upon- tq,zo-'rallids �f the'jfiTy lbat a �Itnib6rof girl§.off your .
I ,.
. I .-, .no Ro Rofter, Who was sentence . Des . . . . I . Y SHORT STORIES AND .
h4k 0 �9 1 Jearfieatly)ttw�Wto, my dqar 11,0413J, . . . �;
. . lien ,. he deft L , �jjt ' '-k i �'tuch a large I I 'TOPICS ., .
, �
.eecuted?" . , t. lncluded.� Will you kindly forwiid - , t th"o d h4st `-not the I d 711� . . I mAN' '' IMELY.
one dated Augusit 2-110 sore ssJ9.1lanishe I. I , be eajoyetl� and 6ndeavorg to im- .considerable'diffictilty in getting
. I.' fier� P
Tramp ,(eatlmly)-NO, .it, ' 0 Jo jj,A'e 9, ,Vt. I Jn ind 0 r �-Of - .;. 7 ,I n , "ping an in hot. water;,i;WgPtqned, b& IPAPEM . I . I I .
I ,- , , i
. - . I doW.t see. I I it letter In questlon�. by returp, *116111.� in absenti�,tq one year's Impriscim ' - 1, mto I. In- -bb! Im i:-?. 1. �A on . :, tak ... -1, . � .11 . Oj� . . . .
' . - I will send yen & fulll,teceipt? - - . and to $400joi4niperson .- 11. Z - .-� ..
1. 'I ': ,M Tr i
� peop e, f . . . *�, .11 � � . .
.. or 5 ,.ft. -bus . will biteak it up . .A. I .
� a i . ' 4 . �Oiderl- 4tdoiI, has 1) . .. . -&H . 14 Topics!$ . . bedv I . � 0. STORI .
I 'fa pay'a.fiII6 of I 1� . . 1. * 26 bT
r I can. t read. . r.� r 161 11%. their -feet $2.60 PgkYE k;* 26 0B. A. 0
' I , Olin dan arrested at,St. T461114's - ON " . -4 oing1b .
Owner of Property --Well, you -know . �. : Zours f. lthfull�, . . I . I . : . � . . .. I *�N , I I I fore g . . , NO. CONTINUE I
. . I . I I �!,.: . , .11 . ih , � , 1 4 a 70 , I - .. , I , iftake-t in Vine, � � I * . � .. . .
I I .. . I . I . P4 � ,
' *
. .
what It is now, 8690 I . . . . .. I VII, I . . I I . - - Irritaj)le people are v6py 55 ,X �,* &Vk. , '. tue. -oth I I . I . . � - I tJLJR I oMPL'rrTE, IN IT LP -` i'
� . � . I... *ervoti�, ef, I 4" . . . . - -P�IIIIY DANIS77 I .9 'y NUMBER C , IN IT . I
Tranip--Hexcuse me, mister, but I d6fi't . '.' I . . If .1., � - � .. I . � . I Theta Is Oniy*one kikilfar,l , . . i
. January 6, 1900. I -with, we speak feelingly'. -ftd, in - SdilTebs$ng. the�. . , I * " . . V-"--7----o-1V I r, 11, ..!�, I,q �
,. . - . I——
I �
-o 1. .trying to.live � . 6id�i, - I heartily "Q jury .i4l t I . --.w. , - ", . I " 1.11 �
S. I've nly' ot yer bare.1 To bbas. Smyihp� MaAzan-7-1. beg to '40-. to all sd6h we reconimend"The D & 12' "Gentlemen, r A whal ' � . I I . . I 1. I.. . I
know Wet it I . � I
word far it, and you're a pulfect stran er. I . M I . t - -, - I . . � . . ,� I
I knowledge receipt of Your letter, of Yes* Emulsion. It is Prescribed b r the letid- My brothiar �We ,Z � 'defQ, a ill I I I . � �. . . .. .1 . .. . .. . I . ..� . . . � . I I . ,� :11
- oy m, - --- . Xto... , - I .: I I .. . I—- -�---------Z"ii&.i.ii6.6i.ii-i,-6i--o- . 0 . � - .I I
' Per what I know to the c n. terda�, and; note your object in retain. Ing physiciabs andused in the principal airce .Wit& hi . tid � . . - -.1 . ... ... 3 I I I
,a9t t
to me. % . MILBUKWS'
the noUce may be "New milk sold letter Of 2ffl18t 'tl last. . �Aa 1 h6spitals. . I 1, 7, . . . . .Ilittd V . n V 1. . , 11 I , I . . I . .1 ., - I I I �
. . -Ment,that 1". e -bainin .1 � ' 11. 1. . . I .. � I � . I
rat . -in , ' I -1 per d'fiavo'you EART AND NEIL E . . .. . .... r' . . 1.
Df, mi th Issue .P, a _g to XT� I I
f1r-7111 or "Cherries tuppence . a 'pound," i * In end to defend in the . is � 00 ge f I -but I Voul I � . . . I . - - , . - .
or "Welkimi Weary wandekerill ,Don't � pass' .The'd7overnment will: appoint a coin - I I . I I . . efffam ..:
I i I shill-ilo Ito .,you .Teq-�ea.t,4 and will leave - n to inquire into the '-subject - of. mlisidelt deeply - Ibis - one f"t--0anudit I'M . . . . ' .. -MM0Ww1ffWMffMM*M�m`. � . . .. I . . 1. . . , . .
4 ter, ",I ' - I
you lay your hands On me, mis -communication,% to *-be'. made. mIsAiO I , &I � . . , . . . .
all .further . . 1 4 -men." ... . .. I TILLS' .I .. .� - �. . . .1 . . . 1. . .1.. I . I
I . . . � . . . .1.1
. �Ansportttti C I � I
shall 'eve to see whether my stick to . .1 ti - . on, and Sit William, Y -Aft fill Of just - I . . - . . .
.through my solicitors.. - - I . ntibnod'hs Chairman, . ; Wolf Von Si*ierbtarld tello,-tin amusin ., I .
, �
really good old Oak, or only a sugar ..,.1. . Y I Gr , Hoiaetls me . . . . I ;� ..to . ' 1, . -� 06ughs . Ar e ommou' ,, '.
� . . ..,ours, ate-, . �. John � eon. - - ., I I. . .. . . . I . .. I .. . ,` .. �
stick, . . I . 6 r I 'his bist wee Me kako Weik Hellirts Strong. .� . . .. 1. �.. . . � . � . .::
. . . I I �, . . .:.. . ly 0 ka in Berlin. � � I � . ' . � . I I . . . ; I : - . I.. . .I. - I .
. . . . . . ... .. . o,r6asonable .elare a � , . � .'' . L' - ' -� �; ��'. . � I I., . . . I . .1, ,
- , -, - ., . . . L .. � i X man 6�pedts to' was for 9. long tkne chief correspondent . . '. � . . - . . � . , . .1 I . -1
� .1
I . . Peace Court, Temple, P.C. , tie Jettedcold in a day: But time�-and -of,the Associatted Press, and ,waa;oA Wt, Mike Shaki Nerve& Fi,rmo . I . I . I . . L f
I . . i . - � , "I5,C I � . . . . I . . I . . f.' ' They seem to come. for 110 particillar reason. ..' I . - . "I
. . . I � * I I
. 11 essre. Ding, * rash & Co ` I . � I . Alfen s Lung Baijarn will overcome the - ordered, to leave -the COUIXt-Ty for ha; . � I . Y.'CUR9 4 . . - linpossible to tell bow t a .an hitra.,to get I .
. . . . :&'Wl cold and stave off consumption. Cough I � irkE I I . I hey w To caught; and -utt . , "
. .
. � , E. C.. ,; * � n4l . . 133 , . . �
. . i :9&,,Qli&rrel p - given +106-1110mate informstlen abo I I � . . . . . . . .. . ... .. . . I . I
I . . � . � G , '' will editse and iting.4-be4ound'As a new 1. Ombassador Nervousnosi -�- 8106plooshosi- Palpitation of . . I �'. tic! of the ' . bft I 1.
, , 6mythe v. reew I . - . . . I The Ainerican . They yield to none,of tile old fashioned rem6dies-that are en . . . I .
. .1 . . � tho Mitiaer . , . . I . . . . . � .
. . . . -1 - . . . . . . . . .
. . I � .
� . I , 6enbierrlan�2WO are In'recalpt of your dollar., ,, I . . secured -a �respfte of two weeks for him,! the Rbart-�.-Norvous Prostration . aint I . I so beneficial. I . . . . I . . .
I . . .
I . . I I .
� .. . I irculatca,tion. of yestarda X. '68 at 'during - w & he c .
. Weak Lump con da.tb, With . Alvannounebiliellb. was receiv III ould wind -'up his at- ` end Dizzy Spells � Brain, F%ff --;- After' � Nether do they alwaya.wear off,as many people expect they Will.* .
. . . I ' it -An . . I
N I, I .. . �. . Which you, enelilse..qoy 01,letter daied Otta,Wa that, the steainer .'Stanley had fairs;but,he.,%mm & marked man, sad th-6 - '. - Iffecti of ta Grim)O-Aniomi 4 all . ... In a tv6ek you still have it,and in two weeks,may be it is worge. � � I:'
- . . . , . ... - 91'. We note it yow 8tat . , a. Run-aOwrk OYN' - ' I . I xtur, . � . I
. , � Ues , a I a e1liwdo-wed him- tildlit an�[ day. At % Trolqloles Arising, from o6ugh mi 1,
, . A uA . e We' *gob ialeai-'of the ice pack, six mil e st I' .:. '.. . . Don't wait any lob'ger. It, is time to take a, good . .
ideltb.6 - n tho #xp - ' '. . 'White Pine And Tot is thebest,.and the best . . .
Made So nd iind Sitong by the d=ent In 'lluestion has been duly of Cape,Cod,. and is now aloogsi rastile hit upo edlent Zf �Iaoftkg tem. , � � I ,,Compbilud Syrup, . . . I I
3 Dr. W III. I'n P Ink - stamped ,at Somerset House-, and ate Mi � nth. I I . � 11 . L . . . - . a,stuffed dummy of .'himself on the froA ' '. . . . � , , I I . . ValueL . I � . I . . I . . . I I . . I I , , � , I . I I � 1, , . ,
I .
Use I 0 . . � writing our client this evening with a q . . I . poreh, With its back toward the street, I Read what T, L.-- Poster,- Xineving,, . . . Four o, X. bottle, 82 Dosei,'25o * .
Pills. � - .. view to offering yoldi: client, terms.. THE AGONIZING PAINS OF. ' .ilid while .M6 poliae zowlously watched, 10nt.� bas to -say, about ,thein -.-I was . . . . I
1 you, to' Atty the proceedix* - � t ' - - )�J-1MJJvJATISM. . the dummy lie wtts daily elf greatly troubled �vith palpitation of thl� J. it. � HOVEY, B180ensing cheinistq OWN'. I I .�
- . I= ve bean. commenced. . . �. .r � 1. I I ging out by t, r a ould come . . I . . . I . . . . . 1.
W ichglhll . Swollen, itchiffig,jointy, muscles. are ol 4de door arid. goin ' unurd gated 'Abo'lit hear sudden blindness -w I . . . � . . . . . .
. I ' his business,. 4iog ' � I . � . � . . I � . I
Wank lun s mean weak. health,. con . . t6urs. faltbfully,. - ' I A in V6 pair 01 blue ever me, and fioatjllg�*pdeks before my I . . go�1 . �. I.
C and colds I stiff and'aore, evelIr 'movement ac- . . I LrJL=l N .
tinuill eol"Lq -touches of � ,Blither$, Blitthers, Blothers & Co.. . I _ goggles, and an-ola slouth-hat. . The eyes caused Die. great- inconvenience. I I I 1. . . I. � . I . � � � :
I ,
. I . 11 I I 1. . , .1 . e . I
gtip and blonchitis, then -deadly' pneu.,, I . . . . .1 - Companied 1) am. 'Th6 most protont - ,unnildn sat in the ftdr, with 60w- .Often I would have to gasp for:breath, � . , I . .1 � I
� 1. . . . 1� I - It, [y is IT P, jqoeviling, whi � "I � .. --- -1 i- I I -- - WKWON
monia or lingering, hopeless consurri . I .�: - i ;med o son's ell ) ttial Inteirliptions, 66m. nino in ifie and in nerves were -in a t6rrible-condi-, ll
. I I .
I . Affectiosi for a Pig. , -1 . ' pulled AND -- - I I . .
tion. Wt-ak*lungs are do - I . I 1 '. . . I .� . , . has fIve'times the - P, in�506dng pow inorning till tan at nighti and was . , - I I . I . 1. . I
en .' . . . Or of ally Other Prf . tion I took XILBURN'S HEART * I
�Parnt'on` Apply inside y a fftring,%t bedtime., On the Sp .
blood. The One sure way to strength 6-0- . I ' I I ,UVE PILLS, and 067:11ia.veproved a . �
-ak lungs is to build tip your blood Wh�x.'J000ph G. Cannon o the Nervilitie coplotiisly,- rAb it oft , I I . I I . . . . I �
wt f. Illinois 1. well *and then , bind in a hot flanael morning of Mr. .&Werbromd's depaiture blessing to raLl. I� cheerfully recom. � . . 1.
with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Every .was marrieti lie was in deciatoy po6r forthe United $taies, it was turned with '
efrouinstancel ina lifs motherj' bandage, , This - -will cure the worst world -them to all,.sufferers from -heart .
dose makes rich, i�ed 4)lood, and every on, eco- . '" "' I . I We bave 8 'Ladies', Astrachan -
strAngth nor,ajeal Quakeress, wlio wqs anxious to ,case. in a -short thne. Try Nerviline ' - "�� ' ari& neive trouble. -, . . q. I . . . . .1 , I. . 1. . ... . �
� 14 0- � d �bo " r �,,','i,i'
drop of rich, red blood addR I . rid fL ,household, said to for RheumaUsni; Xotiralgiol; Scintiett Md� for,Ttho ea- .on "
so-1,69istin .' , . p:ic6 50c.'par box, or 3 for $1.25; all,
I nqF that I thee � � . b"'k I n ' c -large' sizes ,
9 Power to ii�ve 'bfin fell -��'i� c �It d!
' �
liseh i � small Ic ooatl,�;, Im(i stly 9 . �
vigor and e Thousands eif w(,akvIIui1g,. hjffit I'Xosej)h is warried, or Lumbago -it's all right. antl - Only. p ,)it ce r a , dealers or.Tbe T. Milbiirri Co., Limited, .1 I I �
tilay"y thb,
- fr
wWr hings, ) . . . . . . . . . 01
IA)eo must got g WVce 0 Dr Hamilton's Pills cure Oonlwl*ttion. 0.11 Poll I Oro.. .... t.� ... . I.. . .� wh 'h .. - ,
-ell .n and women ; a as a Cc w, a, g and � a costs & quarter. ' �.. I_ Ato, On
ad, narrow ested ine . , Ti
have been niade sound, healthy and itive of beesP " I took motbex , I ,' I I �. . Day Ditweed. . I . id we-are,offering re .
4 1. .1 I Only a . . I I . lb . . � I .
. I 1.
I . Vil ZL . �� ..
Qorw,but she kielma me 6ver,jin, I � Monday. . r :,. Auct ons of 4'POM ,� .
bagy by the useofDr,. Williams'Pirik, relid"Mr, Cannon- "I tried, bo milk tho, .1 . \
pillls-n�d they -will do thesaing foryon d I had Robert Foster, who was convieteA . . . ---* - T09 1110LS N 0 11 .. $6.00 � .
Mrs J. A Naisynith, Winnipeg, Man., . by judge Bell of personation' 'I'll th I I .,
I bd five that up -as 9, bad job. I tried to tiking of .the. ref6randuln vote find Mrs. Rowley was carrying a, til-�,','Ul .of Ino 04ortated by Act J�irlh,14oni 1856, .i. . . I Aach* .
says : 1,1 contracted it severe cold, -lee the 0alf, and it I;utted me all & ttl1jig-glase up the otairooaught her loot . . . . . I I
which developed into bronchitis, and sentenced to one year lit jail, witb.. . - . . . . to $ 1 0.0 Oc . .
. .
a. The best of doctors ancl krouna the yArd and tore my 610thatt, $4w.ftno was arrested. &Cft Thomas. In her dre&, dro, I, smashed tho . . . I I I � . .
. lung troubb aearly ff. When the b"s got ready to - . - .. 0 .pped, an� . I I I . . . I . � . . I I
0 . . . lot. Hir husband ran out, and hahelped ' . I OAPiTAL * $2;500iodo, . . . I .. � . . '. . . . .1 . I .. I
imany (liffertin't kinds oftnedicine failed owarmi I t1rought, I would go out itmong ; - COjtNBJ (JOJ�N I to fl u the frogmont446 . . . 250,000, . . ,` ,
. . � . S t. G1OJtJ-qg I . . I RES I TVUND $2, I . I . I .
to h6lp 1110" and my . on( 111 all thought them like f4tb�r used to do,: and owurm . 1P or 11 - ., . I SnAO OPPIOB, MONTUtRAL - � � I I .1 . , . I I I I I ,. . . I .
. . Ehom. The q;j ,t I � 1) , "Never tnU I Dowt worry I It o&uld* . . I 1� I . I . �.
I was going in rapi - (3011811rapslom, I I Lid go Wn"g Ind., drawled . $111 lscov�er6d,at, last; it relliedy that is 11 said Me itian - . 1wit. ROLSON mAdrnrmiox, vrogidobi �,� : , , i . I ,. ,, . � . �I � :". , . , ... ,�. % . . Al M% � . - . � 4 . % .
had no appetite, as wed to take to I d my 6 it, tand stung we in v, -C, safe, i�nd painless. Putnam's Wt;b0heIP`ed1' Wh`6 baA to, , OlAmga ELLIOT,' (;an. Manager. . . I - 1. 9% � I I . '. . .
� P un er � . .
, bad, and f�lt tha don-, I was MY . only 6 . Painless. Corn an4 Wart Extractor pay for a replenfollment of 1mblors, and' . . . JLJU %TF I �
. � undr diff enit places, and I bad lo. ., - - it mado, dtafig I I . . .
relmse. My brother Urged me to try et t1k L , revet fails; neyer cause's pain, fox- even ."Prupotes, "a eelery',�(Yldels, and )Mft, .N otoo dioaftuted, colleotio o .
I.,, .he only tbing.1 coilla atet . , , . � . . . . jao,jea, bterflog b6ta Artiod(Jan' 6uhaligo . . I I � � I I . . I
-the pig,' ...tot' the slightest discomfort. . BUY' pllt� alls,hell, I . . . � . .
I Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and"to please I I I lid , I . botight and 'so, . . . . . . I . . . . . . .
hkI g W itt ail Was . Wednesday. - Id. Iftteroot oiltowta on . .
him I begiin them. A feiv boxes ptov, ,that, , its sides, and it would nam�s Corn 1�,xtractor, micl beward'of lqv. ijowlq sliplye(I down, and brok4 Aotdsits Savioa &NX-Intereat allowd 1: . I . � L . I � I
ed they w6re helping me., and I began ht, I t I good mud fat and gave it, the many choap, dangorous, and flesh lry-ana oda-breakfaot-wp. ba sura of $1 slid 4P, 0mPuted BlIhIf Par. , . .
to get teal strength, I continue(! the k,wtty . tbo eating substittitm in the market, , Ln OrdIDA . -
a met. 1, didn't havp 1 4$y 1 - brute! Wily owet you V. Monay iavanced to fV'rImS On theirf '
use of the Pills and w4st soon able to jc&rt 60 kill it,p) 1 . . 1. I Ou le u1nor 5 Men"s Fur Lilie"d Coats 01*00 '
. . - be lum- - ult It woul have li�on Wd notes, with 0110 or blare andoroors .
leave.inybodandsitup. I rewAtro.11g. . . !V L39 0 L , ,� � J0 , ' .-.4 , Itimes Oliver was found 1111ty of 04011 Ono of Xft.y Ion ruoyigago tOJUJk0d. I I
er day by dity. The COUgf, that had U'L Doting Wilburt, Skelton,at'l3elleville #11 the ettine It it hild b . WaS 635-00MW $25-0010 1
I%, Iratterson-1. gAv6 -MY husb4nd al" �wt sat�" Ana go on ift balf sil H,40" Brower, MV411%,gor's , I I . .
racked me almost beyonet, gnduraftee In &Wul lecture yesterday. Mrs, Ont, Assizes and reeon monded to wevey, �our-from'tho woman Who 0031t not,- . � ,
voturned'and , I . Oftteu I . 11CL ' . UT 0 L
disnpoeared, my appetite roAtnuffis I 4% .A, 6 Men's F oats .
,a - I
I :
i b -p I I
We nion
6 turrie on I
I 0
1 a
1. - .
[ H -
C120 .
- FFA f 11 lil
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�' 436
. 0 if . . :PV -
? ! 0,PV
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I .S
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I .-.1 I ,
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1. I I
.1� 1�
d Asam
0 is
am gil T
go L
�4 far
ain strour ind healttyjmuq'� wroft-Vd, he lfiA 10 'No. But I . Messrs,T. It, Xerr, V, T. 10 , mit only had to Apond, the, oof,-J'Ally I I . A. I
I . I . . , �
. .1 'ofTey and 111108 1'essior . , I I
I am ag, I . . CuiTy, Thos. C - .
to the stir lrise O all who sw Die whq,e I tid.11 . I I have been api)oInted to the Senate, 0 maum*, I . � . I at., cost prioe* 1. L I. . �
Ill. Dr.,williams' Pink Pills cure(I me L I 11 -L---- L I I
. . I
- I L, , -I , 1-1 I I . 1-1111 -11 L L I L11 11 I - -- - . 1. . I .
after other medicines failed 1111d I shall 'L. I I .1 ---u;- ' ....... -"� - -011""-wo -- . t . . I
IMI'Lliael 0,11,04 , -Ab6lit 6�5 Years of 'L L, -1 - . . . 11 I—— - -- L I .
I always Prafiqo them", go, dropped delat St Cathatines. -- a Cold * . ClAwas Coo . . I I 11
Bear in min(I that substitutes find a I and T L 0110 D i . I , . a**1*-%ft �
ortlinitry inedicine6 will, tint cure. SOW in In T*0 ID63nit I bwodoft
The s )rIng freshet on the 'Or, , I . I .. dy . ih, . *� 00*4 - ,
t1litt the fall name I 1M. WillianisTink -lie ( - . � V , . , o - Cure 46 A I is I o � 's &I %-----03-q
Itivor A damage tot lftmatHrOOM * WGbOIX - -
Ills I!& P410 V00010,"fs Printed oil the 'IT t -, ofabout lk '111111rw 16� � It .V1#4V-1,JrA%, Vk",0%Vqft*1*& � � 1 14 Olt 01V # vjl;;� I
P, - A - A 1A i -- fbe eltellf .' I M1 ttll,"Al VAMAk "I .
at No 4 b
writhig C
ThLo 04)P.y'lltion ln,�Iftlmra of blv� t-1 14
islaturo have eleeted Dr WilloUglft
whil) alad A, It. Lucas, Usistaht,
. luF.Alfl% . ,%,00
*,,onrf - oo&v bOX, 25&
gold hl PO4t 12 11061104. a - , . _
SeVen �Wft bo*66 a " , �
. . I... - 1.1".... . � , 11�0-0-6!qo= 79"., .