HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-03-13, Page 8I . 0 1 1 , � � I � I . . I I , , 7 1 1 � I I I I . I . . . 11 I t � , I � � ". ­­_ , --_____;7R_-." , yAwch 1--ath, 1,0030 . . A, In 0A __ I .1 1. - ��__ , .­­ I - -,-. ­ . TRE CM# ' ' - ' -_ _­ I - � , I _ WN NEW TRA, - R;; I= __ =.:1z::11 -.,-- -1 ��,o i�, ii; r W=11-11. . ­ " - 1, m ;;. 11 . - 0111 �� . __ ___ --I �, 11 "r , ­ .1, ... �� ".... I J\.� WIEJA TIJV44Y Ao()U.VX_ ­� . �� ,# , 1, E 1 4,51)DING -The golden At Stile G , .t. $ # . - fifsto ." ) the lastmeeting of Wlngba�a council, e in .. niverfs.ary of Mr And Mrs tll� Dy-wor And Clork,were Inatructed , ' Is I a 4uly celebr,ited on Fri. FRIDAY, MAIR, 13th.10W. to invite the Ruron Old Boys,of Toi. , a ;is I l.. olito to ran their excursion to win I o it. r On8f daughters and grand. LOOAXO sori�s. _�' bank this year. It is very protimb 0 ble � to the 1111IRWIV Of llftYs assamm I . lf4" I � that the Invitation, will be accepted, as I a , enjo.fable time WAS spent _ o'cloc unt1latointboo , velling, . All Notices under 014 bqdfn ooatlm lilltnyoftbe)ulitkveoxpl,e$si.do(It)�i., ro 'I . , "J'Ats a line hA every inpi.Alou. to visit that town till$ ye.tr, W.ing. Mr And Mrs Cole are not what you � Oq You W^Ikt to Ifara 418110ta - liam sap that ample means will be might call old peo,�le, even though -le win te,ach you . v entertaimil,o ... they have 10010brate( this rare event, come and at o Mr Watson, I it it You 4,0 provide ' for thel the � rit, and Thj� is due, )a , all the UP -to -date dances. Beginners. , loss towk.will be titeirs while they ar � oWaver, to their ,early M044ILY OV411149 8 P. in. AdvAullodolasq. Toss- in it. I 10 ma"Plage, the bride being 17,and t4o dAY OV04109- 8 PP In. AoAdoiny. TOW4 Hall, groom very little older. T, wore ­ , t A13USY PLAOR.-Castlelpronch, married at the home, of Will"'Jil ch� 15ftivo goo , inthezeulthoritscapaelty. The toll Mi of Goderich townsilip,, in ur 45 18m, Kra 1 1 muliber of in,inates that li&IR ever Als" Colo being the eldest daughter of that SUD, OFFIOBORS'MEET.-The au� sembled in - nual ineeting of tile offleers of the ft.d � this Institution berotowas entlemall, Five children were born orms us he I 0 Doherty, of London, hands, many of ,whom Mrs'.'C. D. Johnston, Mrs Qu Hicks of -ness dbile was of it rout, J kee ) so,-- - 11 .1 - I da�, The busi has 89 on his regiment wits hold in Goderich on Fri ' 80, but now Mr French I& fl! theill .. Mrs . . I � . . I V Cashmerta Hosc at 25c, ine character. There is a dearth of. officers in. the reglinent At present, ow4 ' X 1 .4- 'key 3y I QU algatioOK. : Ing After them. Ib is 0, verit4blo hOs. * pit.jil as well as House uaeuv, -aligus Cole of Mjchj,�i nd William at 0 in, a Olue, Presents were both , I . . - . ing, to tile removal of so lhany from the limits"and . &number of new a of n efilke oldpeople whjchw� ,,for "s not tile 0019MAI numerous and costly, 'an(l will tend their. infilleAcb Ili bri,glitening their- I "I .. Per pa* h . V1 ir, wort -uP to 45c Ap- pointnionts inay be expected, � . pul.pose in 1),lildill such places, it Is clearly cvldenttha� ,, I � . ournount . y is sadly declinin years, .is memories of those f who stil owe them .� . . .. . .� . � I 0 . , � � I six4s M to . W. 0. W, -At a regular meeting of _ . tile Woodillon of tbe,wo * . rid held Non- ,ed of it eneral hospital-, A,$ every I in no rc colnity,shou d have,, Anil We hope the day is not fb,r distant Allegiance, We cong,ratultite Ur and Mrs Ool " All hope they nia ' y be spared to enj d Oy .. ,I I a . 9*_ . . � . . I � day-eveniilgib w4sl4nanimolislymoved that the lodge'bring Miss Pauline . I When thiscounty shall,be the Proud possessor of lik Ili- stitution. . 'A. niany Wore y r gether 04 S to . I ANOTHERBUSIN.Bi SSORANGE.- ;, I . ... I I I � . Here is the l � . hosiery event of the searjon. . just when spring is opening, Johnston, the Indian Poetess an(I re- .citer, here, to give an evening on )fou- 'I ch -d- She be � 1. . . . STILL AT I � � � T- 7The A. 0-7. and 0. 0- F-1 aVe still at it firm . About six mon -o ths ago the Bioadfoot& Box furniture -store w,40 I *en over by I . . up, when �ou want them most we have this big bargain offering for Better hoSe . Will assisted by e ,aye, the , clever Impersonator I I . with a detern- initiation that the Wher will not win in Messrs Ro.we,o . of I f Exeter, and Hojloway, town, Owing, however*, to Mr 11 I . - I , . . - you, We - never sold for the money. As good . we are not likely to and co ic songster. Ful � . nex eek, . I particulars �. . � � ' the contest for florr in earpot-ball 1$ il � P, v � I . Here is. he Ast one played T J F. Rowe's7desire to go out of the furniture business,� not only here but in Exeter, . I . � � have again for many- a, long-day. Itis�abig.16tof I man . . ) BLOOD PO1SON1NG7SA1U Cassels has in � ball ;- . A. 0. F 01 O. F, in order'that he 'nay turn his inind in 6not her direction, the � � . I I I � ufactureFs over niakes We bought - aw4y. iinder 'Val U*O'. . . been laid up'with. blood, poisoning in hia'right h He had the and. mis . j SI oinan .' . R Glazie , r stores have been onen for the,rec6ption of a bidder. On 'Wedubsday I I . . ., _ That is why we can Bell ladies? and children's all wool � ribbed cashmere, hose, that *30 .- fortune to scratch it oil a ' two we eks ag pin some I ,,o, and it was not long I BWebb , E Broo L-.,- I I �. py-Torlillin , G Cook— . F Ev� �kip . evenin ,f Messrs ,T.B.Hoov- or and Dr Ball on ered into partner - ship, Mr Ball I .,� I , I sell regularly tAt cerita up . .1. -1 1� . to 40 cents a pair, for . before septic condition se t Ili, and be, was compelled -to seekinediml , ,ns . skip is W Rutled vs 13 ,11A g�tme 11 . 211T , 6 8, 94M taking half Interest Ili the marble business This firm then turns , I... . . I I I . . . 25 cents a pair. - ' . � I . aid. It was About well on Saturday, but , Monda -S again suffe on Y Wit ring from ill' . W sl6luall P McNeil - 'Dazi Livermore 0 Trowhill , Around and buys the storeand stock in. J trade of Messrs Rowe & Holloway, I . - . � I . I . � . . . 300 Pairs ladies' &Ad 'clillaren's all wool 'ribbed oaabmer4 Rose, . .efficts, It is the small cuts find Scratches that.are in need.of attent ion J Appleby � , H Smith I . J Perr I y, skip is. J Finch , I '. skip 0 who. relinquish their interests. ,sat, urday night. * The new firm takes' . � I most of tbe-A have.se Rmless feet and double knees, I made from fine eof i wool, good qualities, It bought in the . for there �thepolson that eilters is ab- sorbed; . . . . . 2nd game 8 2bd game .0 . � . on Monday next. It is, not k Poslle=yetwhether Mr Atkinson I . � I . regularway not - air � 1A 11 0 1 . � . : I , . . . WILL NOT ACCEPT -On Sxtprda - will remain as � ' . . T18. Better to- h4ve and,' not need, '' I . I .. . Than to need and not have 11 . . , . This is especially, true -about writing paper. When . you want it . you ",want itV � ' and you want it at once, * I � . � I . - This may be,trite but Its true . . . , . . I . 10. � We think out writing Paper stock is about perfjoe. I ti6n, We have all the laiest stvies and ot3ridard 0 , hap . eo .and shades white,, creamo grey, olue, violev, � . . etc4 EU*01- � opes to match. . � I . . . . . . The price is ten or fifteen cents per quire (24 Sheets), I . . for the p�per and the same Price per Oacka f6r the a - . . *elo ' , t go .4 I pesj in some comes we can give you , he two for a quarter. . . . I " I . . . . . . I 11 . I , . I We h4ve also a whit . . 0 ruled note size paper at 40 .per quire, Its as good as issome*i to match it a fair q . ' - meg sold for 10c and utilitYeTivelOP8, at 5c per Package, I containi g 25. 1 . . . . . . . . . I 0 � .. . � I I I .. � I . ' '. I I . . . ., .1 Let us supply your Writin, ' . � ,g Paper Wants. �, I . . . I I I . . 1. . . . . I . . . . . .THEW DA ]PAIR COO, . . I 0 . A A -W I . . I . __ . . . . � � A I . 1:1 -1 � .q Orlese USA QUO, Anu I . . � . J wanapr of the suoye or I . I .. I . I . ; �. I March 7th, the committee appointed not, Wit 'in all probability will for:. , . I . . . . most of them would sell at 40a to 46o a pair, Mauaiac. . � � I i APPEAL DISMISSED -The Court to.prepare r e next some time, W � Awwww� - - i i — . — — — , .... turcee oyermakee, Sizes 6 1 2 6 9 1 2, on Sale Saturday ' . , .of Appeal at .Toronto, hand ith this change will al- . . . - __ . . - I I � .. - . ­ . . . I . 0"s � . . �, __ per pair ... � .............. ;.. j ........ 0 ............ P...., ed out a meeting of the W'est Huron Teachers' so bring About another in a Snort time, . - I . � I I.. . . I . .. . 250 - ixiftemexit oil Friday, in ths", ease Of I Association met In the public school, that of. the practice'of DIr B411i who is - - - - - - - - . . 11. . . . I . � . . Doliexty vs., the Maniitg�pturerol In- Exeter. There Were present Messrs.. looking I - . 1111W ­ ' � I . . 1. . . . � �, . SUrance Co. The suit. -was-an aplo.eal 1. . ., fox- A. purchaser. .Us" is a . I . . I . .1 1. . . . , I . OUR CORSET STOCK � I . . � . against a judgment previous ,Hamilton, WalrondandCarling, The R90d 6 ening for a yet. and the.Dr I * ' h . . . .. I . . � . . . . . . . : I I - I . I � .. ... 1. . � � . conce.rning an ly given varlousitems on the :program Were Should Cd no difficulty in dispo * � Of .A v . � I � I I tile Pro - arranged for. Pr6vi,gion Was made for it. We wish the new Htni ev . n er .v".,ft ... .. . . . 11 of plaintiM The Court dismiss- ic- VVW , . � � . Canada's best make of Corsets hive a place in this orIV � , one session in which tile male a ' . . � "All. . I � '.. _ . � . ek ,' - , .P .. . 6orly ,al . ot - , . ea tile- , ai?pe�0, holding Qlat no con- male teacllersl� will ,no t I lid fe- cess. I . . . 1. I . . I . I . . I. .1. , � , � ,, stoA. The famous 11W. B.19# the l6adin�g' American cor:- I.tract I I e n separate " � . � � &rffaift no . . . 1. I I .. . 11 existed' bet -,v, -n "Intiffs and rooms for -the discussion'of difficulties. MEETING OF ALLIANCE I�XE' I . I.. . L . . . d -f ndants for Ai� insurance for the The invitatiou of. the East CUTIVE -A meeting of the. . . . . . I I � . . I I . iet, a!so* have &'place in it. Not -a make'in the lot but is .1 " ' I P1 executive . of' S " . . year beginntng.31st O6tOber,J90L- - Teaclicvs'� .Huron, of the . West Huron Prohibition Al- .. . � . ­.. I . . g . - . tboroughly dependable, and will be found. satisfactory in . .. . . Asso'ciation to hold'a union liance was held at Auburn on Thurs. . a . , . . . . . L. ..I . I % . . . . . L I - 1, �� �, every way. I HURON'S FISHING INDUSTRY- mocti-ag With them Ili ClintOnW48 free- day, March 5th, with .. ,. Our great clearing .saleof - the: 14-s ... : . � . . . . ly considered, �tlt �s ,the executive &nee ConSideringthe I t two weeks haj I . 1. The stook includes such Well-inown brands: ]From the fishing insp _ 15"L ood attend- , . . . -ector's report We bUroads. 116f bebn a ''giand su . * ' . _,". . . -aedided last Novov�ber . been I 1. . - , . as . . . I learn that Huron Count' committee had. I I and. ou.r 'many- customer,% h . I ''. . - #6B., & I 1,111 . . . . I I quite -a fis y possesses tomeetin Rxetei- and the pliograin meeting adonted the follo*In* resolu- delighted ocess' . ave . I . ' � hing industl�y. 'Foi- the Von,. and ordered that it be forwarde& . e. money. SaVing bargai=,. 11' l New (entury Erect Forni ,- . committee 'having no. Authority to ,,with th..1. L . I I - we - 6619799 . I . , * Tear'1002, she had I tug �vfth a tona3e to the Prewidr'.' tlRegolved, that in given thcm. ,- . I . � . � . ave. . - . . .. . - � . I I "Yatisill . 11W. B.11 (3 sty inake chinges it was thovight-bost not,� view of the overWhelming majority I . I . L . . . I I I . . . le,4) of 29,.valiie'$3,0CJ, em�loving 6 meii ; . . . . I . : L I � . P. - . ' 12 boats, " his time I . ., L . I . .. .. . . .., I Imix . Qneen Moo" lilitary 41 to .accept the lnvitati6� t . . . . . . L L " .-Value. $13% -siith 2$ men " )n - by '-the electors of Oiltar I I . � . of L' I gIV4 L . . . L L � � I . . � . � * -ked" Mpssrs. Gowails and Anderson and f, io, in . Very S spIri . �, I , 1, "I Ladies' and Children's Waists . . 1. - I I ,.., � : I emplo , 49;00 yards gill nets; wor of the Liquor Act of 1902, W "the oon we it ant, ,to talk, , 11 L , I . . I . . v . 4lue. .in -tor an . . ng. -goodst but I .... , .$3870 value, 11, pound liots� $1450 f Mlsz'Gs I e . ,Hit Ilton.Walrond and Carling inembers of . the exectitiv other week we, Will -*contmue our � a . ,� -any th.sevening " o committee . acrifi,6� sale . . .. ,�� Thegia. caught -31,93o 11 f H , , were appointed to arx , . . ' L is 0 errml,, Session.& the fi -st day'.' lot e West � ron. Prohibition Al- . vy hich Means that 'you ..'' � LL 11 , Corseti designed to fit all figure 4, at prieei'ranglu t I th nil * I � . . I .1 ; . g. .2690 of wilitefish, 100,702 of trou. I iij Institute I I . -can secure good shoes and r . I . � . I 11 43743 of I May Isb ii 22n . I . I . - from 50c. to $2 per pair, and every pair. downright good 4V1, of popickerel, 4 -ft , of. ",sturaeon, weets 2 a d d " .1 . � liancewould request,tho Government Abets .. . - , 'Complete LL ' . _ rCh, 130 L . .. of the Provinds-10 , -e ec a in many cases at less, an - Wholesale pr Cos w ha ' I . . . ,�a tin give ff �t , to tile I . th . . 1 of'datfish, &)5i of . � AN UNLOOKED, F OIt DEATH,m_lt large vote bk the abolition of the bar, I i 0 ve I I I'll, � value for the money. ' A . or L eat of -the new mixed and coarse fish, 2 b was a'Lgreat shook to . . . Ticked out of � our* immense stock, several lines,, ko ',' - � I ' . *rrels. .of -the bereaved the -shop license, 'treating system, I . Iota L " - more � popU- inother, M r8 John Thoi '' - er drinkinj in clubs, -a.ndL the Imposition, 900 innaUts L -of' b , � , .long 03- Military hip coiset, that I . . trout, . Land 330. 1bs of Catl�re. .The I on, and h . ds,. -but ire " ' . od'. - , I.: � are owin 6 'L ". �;.. . .total value of 'phis I sons and - dr in s' � , roken . and sizesl- whi h .. . ��. Tax every day, and ar deingarud forgwe . h. I .. ., I .. will .$14440,14. Lughters, Wfen the news of - such other restri I . 1. . � . - .e much in atinar wit . .1 . . ., I . . - ctiolis on �the . le - I . � 11 11 . . I must be cleared out 'regardless of of cosi� .4 , . � 0 . . . kf�ached I'S h%st Friday that.her eldest 'liquor traffic as sha 'ffe6tuhlly . �L 11 . the now babit-back skirts � . I . L . 1. I . . .,, L'. I : � . . NEXT TUESDAY I"3 THE DATE.' " son and their brother,. �� Peleg williin, all most.e..... i,,L .see"tl 0M on I . . � I . 41 : . . .1 � . .. . . cabail itsoperations- and our baigiabi L 1. .1 � ,� I . I . . I 11 .. 11 Messrs.N.-Fair, H- B. Cornbe, Dr.' 1 li , I . � L . 001inthra F "d * anaSaturd , , I-, 'L, . .� � . I . I . . 1.�.. I'� Oas dead... Thi's gentleman Ovils-?' A prhitec! fi anci -st . - . . , ri a`y . - . � �&yj come expe,et- . . . . tern ing. a great . I . . � . . � . I - .. .; .11 - . . A Al a ent . . 'argai iti�ndyou-will not,66 dioap 61YAted. .. � "". . . �� 'L . Shaw,4.7,6rd, J., 0. ,$tevensorl, and w Onipson IL � . % . : I ' 'Harlau elit.out to Whifewood, Xap., about With Auditors' repiortL thereon. was . ; big, b n . � . I 1"L A HANDKERCff IEF SPECIAL 1'4: � ." I I.... . tw. ' * Jnd d -met Ili tile Clerk's' room thre� years'ago-iij the best of health,L premated'and found gatisfaciory,- The An Honest Bi , ' I . .. ­ P. - ­ L ' : .' �, I . . ': � ., ,bn Monday.:Qv a ibe in- and hadbeen elijoyingit wile I I . ­ I - ..I . - I I . . . . . 11 . I .oning t6discus rgam is, our pride. . . . .. . , . .1 . L. ... 'ded'ti § ' ' . . , . . � 1. . , . , I . - ,. ­ � .. . - ' I . .... . . . . . . 111. statem�nt. bowed a'smill - bilance tti�. , � - I , . � I � .. � L , - . � I .L L ' . ,li. , , ten io of the Waterworks . com�- letter reached here twb week n hip �last the edi' .. 1, L I ... . .. . .. ..��. . . . .. .. � . . . . . . H 0 U, � �, . . ,:. I A .. . . . . ..... urday bargain in pure non handk4r- - e r ' 1, _ , � ' ' , '. L ' I . I . � -Here is a Sat mittee to Wingbair; Mt., Forest ' of the:-Alliahce. A resbr , : � . ­. . . 1. . - , :,, !��.;. I . . � . ' ' I , ' ' I I I . 11 I.L . *At the . _ I I . . L -towel and Sirii&rd. Lis- ha& 1�nd in that part of the scofu9ntry, lution to-'donaW $15 to'The'Liberat,oi' . . I . . I e. . 'L � . 1. I .. � ,_. I � , 01, shares. - Whore Yund NV'As'carried -un;ininiously. . I L . % .. ; Old Iteliabi ' . � . . . . 11 . I I . . 1 , . w medlui , 6 r on in sickness L . . .WL I . L I . . � L. . .... 11 s . I'lle'niati& of iind had let it out I . �hlefs- All hemstitched, ind narro IV* , 0* brinizing In an engineer also ca The I . � L L I . .11 .. . � .. . � 7 - . . . . oil how death overtook him president and Secret4ry*.were� appoint- . I Y10. . I I inch heiDs. Woith in the regular way up to 25 0* . for discussion but it vias though'te 'IT we know not, L nor i-Vill it,*be known till. ed .to L . I I. . T r , & ' L , '', * ' , ' ..... �` ' ', . I L " � - represent thp We4t Huron - 1�ro- L . a . . . . � - __ - . . 0 .. e�, �' k gellin,�­ -could.from thesO 'towns "so that the ti I . . lwye with his brother, hlbiti6n Alliance At the' coming con- . I I .11. I . � ..� I L .. . . . I . . alities_as I ii . 1; - I . _ i� ,�.; . . ... IL . . . 11 I . .. ... . L". I .. each; as goodAu . , , 'k Gv, of *%Viiinipeg wllo,%,&s expect-, yeAtiou ofthe Dominion AlljAice. in . .- ,'01int . `� .. . ents visal)letak..t6he�wliatinf6r,ttio,ht' - ie body .�krlves n— I I nes VE . L . hey 1. � . . I I ,SO I . on.... - L11 -L, . I � . . _ � ��p�__ _ . . , ' Mal - `­fiI6 . - I b.sken,&3 o4sbj .. , I : . ; 1. I ... I 1, . -corn-li�,e-eot*14AII-th,-�-moi-&-.-tnil�1119-- -ed-y-esterdit- . I . �. I ... I.- �11 1 ­_. �.. I .. - I ., .. . .1 .L. . ibly discu�a th it the'Lo'ngin-, *wifl be held -bo -day . . ..k__�_�A..6,=_�__" : I .. % . .. L :, � . L I up to these prices. A m7xed lot -Of oie'r 206 . that -we L - _y4a4iu"(I�,� -full6ral- T-ozvnto_-4-t_w-as_a,",i . .. . . 1 .1. ... � i " and UOV p L I e inater with, .... I �� - . 11. . . I I.edr. , Next Tuesday is'the date� se6 for ' (PridAy)at 2'o'61ock, 'cutiv6a to li'oldthe An � if i , - - —_L � _____ ­ _____ __.. - -- LL _. _­.. I.. 1, � L � cleared at a bargain, ass it aloing.to'yoii 111't6 and Interment will'14ke �lace in '0116-1 1he AlliaiiCe.LAtJ'Ajib me'' .of - - . I I . . . � - - - - - ­ ... I,- . . � � - . the trip, Axid those -who arb'entittod to . .&u1j., , ' - .. , .-' I L : - . " 0 � . . w . . . . M �' .. . . , the.ti io to be I I . I . � -.B---- . . . I . . ­ . . ... I ,;,.:. . . . I 1. � , ,, same way. Ready Saturday in i tok tmi&6ry. ,. Service will lie con -e announced ittier. ' :-. I . . . ". 'L. . I "I "I orning, .. . - , , , . - the outi .L . I . . . . L __ . I - . . . . . .1 .1. I .. . I . . . . . . � 0 I . . � rigW6eMessr;s'. H6oy*er',, Ford, ducted at the'lipme and grave by Rev , '... . � - ­�;� I �. 111. . . I I . . . . I - , I , . ­ * - . I � ' , . . � ;__�- I . 200 isalest hernsthilhad Handkerchiefs, all pAr"e' I I 1.11 I . . f - V - - Maeph6rsoiv 0. R. Gunn�.� - The.brothers and sisteri . R�, j@jV. - ., . . .� .. . . . . . . .. .:. . . I . Harland. N..Fair D,, _ . I - t ... Iflah bnen,, -,.- , . And Dr - Shaly. - '. : , - . I 0 .. J4,il� -� LOCAL NOTES.L_ : , .� .. izg;;W� I, . .. I �... � ' GOOl)-SEND-OJj1F_ - 11 I. I 1�, - ` , .1 11 � I I I .. . . . . . ­ . . ' I I . . left to mourn his loss ar6: eveorge,. on.. I �j . ... I I ,1 1. . . . I just in this week, asaafted liewa and queklideb,:. wox th up * 1, I I I .. . � Fronithe ooboul.g 6e11tj1l6j_ . . I... .1 I . � ... I I . . I . .. L % . I - . . the'old hoinesfead, Hullett township ;: last week we c N' ' f ' ' Th� Stt�p I . I .. � to 25a esch, on Sale Sat turds _., -.2 for. 21C . . 0. "C'. L" LE&VRt COURSE . .-The t�'VV$ 0 .letoii fiati are under . � . I . . , L . I . L , ' . I liptliefollowih it - f- water, ,* 'I : - � . �.. .: I .1 .L ," . 91 emO - the result 4f the'th d' rain, L ' . I , - I � .1 � 1. .. . . our readers, concerning a 'L ' . . .. - I.: . . . I L I I us- pi .interest 'to . . ,. . , .. . . ., .* . . y at .......... - ; . . , . . Sas, T., -of-L6nd0n; Mark G., Of Wirmi- , aw an L��.�' - L I . . . . . -pext liteiarva6ddress. under the a t;�Mesdames Ai H. and J . , I 1. I L � ' L . � . 1 : I . . . . . I Dieds of the'001legiate Lecture * course .B.Tierney, presentation and address to Win. ):loll-, -The next mee ., . . , .1. - ­ . . . L '' ' � ..., . - . .. 1. CAPETS FOR SPRING. % .. of 1�ytll; Minnic. and LViolet at home, t ros. . I .1 � . I . I . . . . I Ing, of th I., , * " . . . . I . I . 1. 1. YAri tile young nian.* W110 has entered 130&.;d will be hold on ,00 o %v'oo ng Rodgens . . :1 -for University extension will be held aild.Jrb6glto, of 13 th. Mrs John Thomp- day �j B . . I ,. � . . . . I . inthe.-town hall on the eVening Of 6son also' received Word upon a business career for hims6if ,in , next.,_'L .' , -1 . . I . I . . 0. 1, ., 1. 11 � . . . . - . � March; 20th� The s� . . Saturdaystiit- Or6ws' old stand . a y .. . . I . . . . I., . I . L . . 1. Carpet stocks for spring are ready, We bsive dis. , L, , ­ ,�. oaker fortheeveh- , Ing, that -her' "OnTuesd ye en. . , L I . ! .. I L I ­ __ I --- � ': r � . . . wl - e a son' OJ eX_Sp6aker of � sister Mrs* Maw, of Toi, Ing Lthe teachers And 6ffl0ers:of* the, Uobt. Kirk"iformei &Ex -------------7- Z; , . =72n� � .... LL in ' ill b . t116 resident O I e- I - L� � % . ! ,0,11 tl! - The funeral ��as held ter died at th � .. L . I 0011111ted any past effort wiih:t6 0 onto, bad died. I t., � � . e ection -we have gith­ , House, Prof. Pelham Edgar, Ph. L . . . Methodist Sunday School met at.tho. e -Rouse'. of Refuge last ' ' . ' . ;: '. . . L I _. .. . . 1. . ... : . i, I L , .Week. . Ile -WAS 03 Years of . ag�e; rill, � . r . 1%, . I ; I.. . . ' � �,� . . b'Doggt, on last Sunday , This 'inakes' grief residen e fMr J. E. Skid . ' L ' ',� : . .L ered for this spring selling'. It is -one that would'Ao: cred, , D. He is an able Speaker And . 0 0 more, super e. I � L. ..,. . . I . * , '1�1' . . . . will.be listened to ivith pleasure. .His doubly sore.at the present,tim'd' , Owing intendent.of the SundAySchool ­ ,'464 was interred atL his old home. - L . - . ' � . " .. * * . . . I it to R store inany times the size'df this. -. Good .q subject 'is 0 the death of. a sisteradd son . I 0 gIve � I . . I . ... . .. . . . . I;. ... I .. 11� L , I I (>lie of. importance, _d .. ; . . 4 . I i"farewell toNz, V, R. Hellya'r, �who ismayb . . I .� . .L. - a �1� I . � qualitios tin . .. � . . Thi e sprin . I . Th 'Ir , , '..' L L . . . . . L . . 1, . r I ,,:, a sboiald: attrac . -Ature, WC , I. L. S. -,The usual meeting - of b - , rSL in .. but winter Sor' 0 .1 I . . I I I � 11 . only are found in it, nd the- 'patternd:and c6l,jrings ire * t all1overs of ' litex has been- librarian for &' i4ninber of - often linge her Lp that it *Ili, be I . � . . , I I . . .. 1. - . *Tationalism in Poetry and Cana;. 86C1ety..'r_,V&8 11614 years, and who, was leaving The next Jus' As � well not L th tAke I I �. . .. '.. . 1.11. . I L , � It Is, "I flie'Lifer � . . . . . . npss St eS yet. ''L. .. L .. . . ­ - .1 , I I . . I . 1. . . I e generaladmission is Thfirs IngAl,ch.15th, in th- -asgembiv .0y I . � . . I ..: 11 - __- ' - . down : coa I . - - � new and up to -date. , Having two storei.f6r au.6ntl6t We dfan Poets." Th on day for Clinton to enter into"' bus! I I � .. I I � . - 11 day . . - � I.. I .. .. N ' L L I I . cans ow just double the assortment of.pa.tternsthat_*e., Ile, . - Let there be it, goo" '"noIll aii.d* hall of, the. Co'leglato Institute, A , - r 1 a short time spent � -OW, L , J, I ' I I L:. I , I 1. , , , ,­., 1. ';* I I i . h . ' gsuc fO hiiu6elf.'� After ( , . ,:. I . .1. 0 & I : . L: L io n br in games . and other amusements' Air - Ing 0 other -arran4ements A - , � . one urage the.t6ach&si number of vistors vrei,e present, in , ' , , I . 'L. . L t . Hpilyar Wag I . .. ,. . I I I I within Leas I I I . :�*. %, I . ,... L '. ;. 1. I . - . . . L" I � S is too . � . up ' ­ , .�, . -, .. . 1. scholars. The f�),llowing ppogram ,was preSentedr ' . . Q'S I . . ''.�L. * I '. I L, . ." . . . . . . any carpet _y � Addition 6. the regular attendance of cAlled upon, and"after a �specla meet of �the W. 0. - W - is , , -had we but one� Befoi6 you Ao' ' i ass 8 nce, re ingin I . few words. from ReVL -for'.7yInddy' eveningt: ,i�'he I could do, . : A ach ,O the . � i buying Come and iee thi a ,k. It �*fll be' Well. * worth P Its' . Dr. Saunders was' I called Suffin . . - - � � � . .. � , L .. L I render'ed -In ' troductory music, 1wiss, . with the following add' fourth � Monday -of -the month nice& . I . . . :� ,..� . ... , - . � " . I I : '_ .. , I '. . . I . e ' L' - .L WINS. AT. CHEOXt, t�. 16�. 0 : ros8' ing Will therefore b * . The ne ' . , your while, as you will be vis.' wiel6ora. to look as to bu . .1inton'si 1H. Armstrong, the business fironsac- accompanied by a pui8e of�rnonoy, Las e, .abandoned for, I . . .: . ,, - . . ,� - I .1. . .�, 'Well,ktiown checker. - , . * � . � ., .. . . w imported SUitV . - - I I ., . - .. . .y. . L servi Miirch; , -: .., ,:.. 1. L I .1 �. - :� .1, I - . . I ' ,.. 1. I . ? c6s in con-. . . 1. . . . jugs or- spring, ak6'� h� " ' . , % ,' %!.� � . I I . . I . I . , - 1. . on Carpets ' - .­ I ' .. I .... I ;to 13=6fiold, Non ay: night. iind Stewart was appointed critic; Solp, . ,. th the,81indo6y School -. : Isriiol TAvlor, fornibi-I ... .. ... . L M . I., .,:' . .1 layers drove tions were . reiid. and adopted- D'.. B a token of his -Valuable. . � , :. I .1 , , ­ New Vid I :. - over �, � fiection wi f - . * . I apefit-the evening nla I I I I inton, ' Th ' � ' ­ . . y -of Cli I , .. :.. "' ... I wingtheir favor MiM LitzSciats.-T1116 debate, 11116.� Tow. H-. Ain;LyArti ESQ. co,nouR , ': � ',, hAs'been given L chArg I -the - office ,6 new * ,. , , . .. .. I I . 26C 0 ...L. 1. I : .'': - . Fame -with the -outhilibIsts of that vil- 4 O.*. � _e ' Of -U eir. are th eat and � ;- � . . I L ' . .. WA for:' , I ­­ , 60e . .. I - I I .. solved.4 atbapitalpimishme DEAn .3lh;_w.e,.the,.otflcers, teachers'and Work of Wellw6od & 06 �- 9, large firm nattiest designs sho ..... . . L 'L . .1 .. t , At phould scholars of the mothodist Sunds I I ; , � . . I `� L I 1. i I If . I L L . . . � 0.1inton's quote'was composedof be abolished 1* WAS. contested Well..the gather iviththe cburch.o(,nkre,gs4 v 1: �hool, to- in. Toronto. - Miss, NAtie' -';3t6vehs;. �. I I L L I Car t$ L L ' , . , _,: :', ' . I I . . . . I 0;rS . . the; - . . . I 11 .. . : I New Woo PC . ., . . . I ; AegS - �Vait-,H&.)ver CArbert, John affirmative V ion, desire to (daiighter of igs. §iO,��ns), also goes 'to on.. Qtial� , . I I I , sthii ifid our . well-'U�wn � "Ji . 6ing npholdby 1, E. Ale- toke advauttge of this opportunity to �qonvey coming azas , C. . .. .1 . .. . Tjiek, L N.L" ftOSS, I - I �L . " . I . �', I . 7ac, 86c and 0. ' I . : L .; . mmie " Eiven, ,Miss M. and to yOil 06me exPresslon of the warm place You To,ronto with him.. � . . I 11 . . - 1. . . 1. ... " .1- .. who. would inakethe crack�lolayer Zf and the negative L by, -Miss Ohidley, 7, and Yoursh0ewon in our-heartli b ' I ... I . itieg am grcod - 'It h ill, - : . - I ,�, . ' L, .. . . u interest � antil manly Christian b L y youv deop' The �ort. . of God6rI6h`. had,. .1,81,28R - 8 . tand �fhq& , . I , . ..I .. . � . ;.''�.. ` , , * ' - coring in the � eep - I L L I stry Carpipts .L ' .. the club,if ho4oild-but hold himself A.mess and Miss S.' NVtttsa . Instrumen.. upbuilding of our church and Sunday. Scht ,I � . foods dutiAk e and, -,, "' 1?1 _: I I 'beck. The pl4yers find. worth of imported , . . New Tape I . .1 .1 . ,,:. . . ', ,: L. . � in. 0 Mong US'. As L wear aln Z . . . ­ 'L . . ­ . I I I � _ , . Scores ,are tAl dtleb, Misses! H06verL and Jacksoni since you came a . . 0 I . I . I . I I 1 28c to 80c, -, . .1 .1 � as follows :-, I ibratian of t1i free Come L into it , or the . th eir� 610r beciausa'they . - ' . ,� . . I. I . I I , , * , essay . on Sunday So.00l, Your work in that depaitnien ry, $11,821 . I . - . . . . . . . . . , , . MISS ; M. Coats. read.. the , I,, a monument of y Pi HuTon-, during' Janu county Of'L . , I Clinton :Wondra;WB.rucefield won Wireless Telegraphy; The - yietue that You will leave . I . . . . . , I . , d e a I sibin ' 0"t .with us, and YoiirLP�JUatakJfiR datiabier fo L a are- made from: *dlean ho . .L ! ' � . . . . I . Wati_... ,� .... 21 I * MoDernild - I the debate Was given in favo . r� of the day to bunday has been a Most mighty force fr6e. r clynsumpti6n, And $19,45q n;- 1. .. . I I I I I New Brussels Carpets I . L . . I care from I$un- - - . . � . . . '. � � . ' Cook.,. .6_6.3 .... I L - Gr'Int ... I . . . FOi six monflis ending i anuar -.08 a." : , . I . 1 $1.00 to $1.%. �. , . ,., ... . . :.,.,2 negative. Reading, Miss L� Lawrence rende,A ed %o Your colleague In the'work of the .' t W0618 ,and worsted . "I . I . . 1. �. - . ..; Hoover I .... I Scott The critic gav4 -ig of our...church, tot, I �:: I . . . . . . . .. the " ' eaure %I, "Ok $07 - Sulti. Made to . I I � . . . - ". - .' . ........... 1 3 his rematko, and afte� Almighty. among. tlxe ?won C."I le antl.78,174 � , Youruncompror-aisingh4eiity dutlab $74,551 fr ­,� -- . I I . Your Limea" I I 'L � rbert i.i.L2..-.'.2-,:�'SWdor.�. . .L.,. ..2 &fe* words, from Mi, (Tofisloni'the Llin .to.daty will over " � . I . . L . �. I . .1 ad memories of � i and . 1. I % - L ' ' . . � I I i . I I New A,rt Nquares in, W"I. and. Ion . ' �Ya . 2..' �. I . ger among our. ro I 8 . .. I ire good -lininingaw" ' : Un , i " at . L - Johnston . .12 McDougal.... 2 meeting closed with '."G6d Save the we trust,that although our future paiiis sylie ' Mr,Tav�e Levy; *ho'fis�d th&�sad � ­ English Vilvet Carpet9 ... .:. - '. I � _ . . . , . "00 .� � - . . ... L .. L �_ Xing;" ' I . . .. ac I . . 0- , I I I . . . * , I .. I I . '. . . sounder yeb the hand of the"Almighty shall tifflictloft of losji�g a litti ' i9a through fit guar.. . I . . 1. . , 114 : 8 . I I . . . . L .� . guide us at lastinto that Gresi HiDnie and.Ho- . e ,boy Lby. � - � . IL . . E glish AxMinsteffarpets , - . �.. I , � I , 11 . . . I 1, 'L . . �. . . ... - . ward. where We shall dW4UL together poisioning a few days sinbe, desires to autetj. 1011, . . - - ; P .­ - I . $ . - . . 1. I . I Vn -Clint ri�s.excess games 6 , ;. . . PUBL-10 SCHOOL BOARD MEET .unit.*., we. feel, dear mAilesped � 6 L I L 6W I . 'L L k no more worda.caii convey the �exv) sio]i 6f . ;. 1. . ': . . : .. I � I � I Linoleums-2, .3 and 4 yards Mde. - - � - . , INO,-Tho Ma;rch Session of the publi. 'frli-nd and brother, that express his very'- - sincer�_e appreciation: . . ,At fi�� " . �18 . IL I I I . 6 , srahool' board res of. the k Ind andg.enerous'action of .'the.' to $20,.- . I . 1. . . . I . - 1;� . � but yet we pray I I , I was hold , on., Thursday our heart a towards You'and your dear faniflyt "United Order of Woiltmen in present�_ � , . �. I � . . New Floor 011clotlig-18 An. to 2 yds Wid n t e council chamber. Ing . . � . .. - . . 1 61' evening-laabi ' h ' ,1141) w1at to our loss shall - be' ., : i - . 1i � %, , I . .. L I L . . . . . . . e . I �: . . . . . . . �, L out oun ousg,ain. We ask you to accept , him with three" month's idytinde" , ' ' . . - � . . . . . I , . L .. -The repartg,of Inspector Robb Mr th I .. . . I . I . . . . . . . 1. I sh t o en of our regardat this Moment dues. Itwasan,a e t k . . tL=- . L�---,&.&_�,W_AAA AA I A . A A N- '. �� I I , o 0. 9 I . , 1� . . . L ... . '* a,- f W011 An lshyouGod.spebdinyoprnew ly Present. - , . I . , . - I " , . . � I � . Lough and thit of thw Se6rotany-;5:�e ., cc p.ab...and time. I .. . .. , L ___11__1 ---- I ---- ~~ 1. � . � I .1 L Ili , TOUS, rs $4. 1 .. _I. � I I . . 4 ,i5Ur0.r.,. l�.,C,,4nni.�ihame;,�f,;r,pp6ipt6 and . L . .. L .1 rX e . . . L. . I . .. � 1. , _., , , - . : * " "' � . , . . , , n be alf &C V&nta ' L. f . I I . I . � I expenditures for IC32 were' mitted -''of the,:'§uu�d�w School. v - Our "Sanil!'Is taking . . : I L . ., � - "', L .. . . . . ­�.­ - . I L 1. ... I � . . , I L. . ..., 'ifi�* ... irlm, Is' 011@I:�6id'IS­p114h`ln .1 PIN,-. 11, 1.1.11;, -'__,.,AW,_ r 'MORE SKIRTS AT 98e. 1 j Le sub . r "" ti fi'.'�­ L,�Jid .1. -for tliei onsideration, - The followin ..j."..1.11.1 11 1.01, lh%!�_ .9, . . . g is ne I I . .� . . I , . * 'W "' ' ""A"'M ' "al lhjjb�-,6f.T­d .... I .. . . . . . accounts were also passed :__� jatob Mi . Mr Hellyar'replied bi '4 llilding. 'This webk ,the . r u-7, �. I , . . I . F_ rleily," illankinm Post 6"'ce 1) . ,. ­'�.. . . . lor , exterior hnishin Around the roof is Here at $4t', made t � .Another lot of those famoug bl . 0.50, A. Coats & Ton Boo, 1, Cun- the friends for'. -their. kina words anct �b , L I . 0 your 13 complete i The.� lath has ar� . br(lef. L � L ack sateen nirgtame 1.31. The covncil will'be L�lfb; Everything he had done in'tho lel T - i L I 'a asked toop ace ,to. the criMit'of the I . ol was in the interest of f1veland lathers Unil plasterers ,will I , $5 ,night beislK4 � - . . Airts at 980 to babd this week. ' The* ar It � . - biggest 9 f . . . I the . . Board the L$UM. of -unda enho beset to work sit Ones. Mr. Cooper is ! . ed an t 1 'R. ' . MOO for current the boLSanw girls, and he was pleat,nd . 4 they Would no' ' . - "�e kirt bargain 6 - , Better ytilk. Mr .1ackso i I t d 611, � away' -himself this w6ek in Hamilt I . . ­L'oe 't , ' '. . . the se"on.. . got I Was 4),re0lZe(Ak& I brit he he 1� been enabled t � on . L I I . . .. . I . . . member of.Property commit - ad beeri a constant for .his buildi g. el frallad - work , . I .. I . 013�e before this lot goes.' - � I , e t 0, ,the duty, He b. o perfii�m looking after some Ste i ,be dear at that. We�igot �, L I in trade the coming � - the matoti ,I at a batgifn' , I .. ' L . I . � L � . . 1, th� Place of.MrIyWIu!L� V6l1bWIn9.*are abtondant,�t Sunaay School ever since 86 I I a , Ladies'blook satsien. sid I the reports In totela .,� I IMMIET. . : i . .. L . i .. As,' made fkont good quality I ..... I , . . � a small boy, and Intended to be. an at- . .. . � I . . I . J ' sateen. hard or soft 11illsh, triinbied witli frills . . To THE bakno or U61M 001100L TjjrjTftS, tendant, at Qlintou,_,�zid although he � ' L , 0i we.. I Vt ould have. to ask-, ,. ... ,. . 11 or ruffles, good value at $1620, another lot to sell ' ' . I arinnox. Mritlen'ren -Ivhited your school on � W . .­ 3' W Jones of the foundr ,;taff 'Wilb . ,at. le-ast . . , 11 . � � . , ound everything- school ' , a .66nsiderithle disiance has been unable to attend o his duties, "' that i ., at efto . .4...,.4.. 9$C , " Feb, 12th and l8th andl as rpmoving fox, about two months ctivin , . I I L .or - I . . - I h I ...................... I......., , 1. . I house romises, caretfilti,19, the, general stand. from, 0obourg,' lie Would always h. tVe Tr6oars A11%de io� I ot tilem. . . � _-_____ '_ 11, c 9 to il ness, 1'. wo ' I an. mans inelit of t o - 8phool,-Perfeotly a kind remembrance of biwnuAkerolls was out on - SAturday. Albbough far . , !�04 from' . . . i . . . , Infisfactor , aint'Gentlemen. fritends.in the good old town, 61 01 -worskeds, ne&t.ilt . . � . � - - - - - - - A A -A -AV .4 �r T, . � - L 1; - Your o�t, sevt,,... . I I . , . rl�esj I .. I I I , Brilsse ,al Ont . � . _ fioin looking well, yet Mr Sqnes says . . . I A- XG CARE BR- f, fdo -, - � - - D. r . . t , -H 4 R TRA. R Vab a . L . he is gainih Arength rapidly. It '04iniu or dark grays, clean bon. L . . I . ' � I "ITyroll of this week appears the fob. . , BOARD I SUGAR BEETS -The. Berlin Sugar- the %. . .est 96ode that wiil'jiyo etoellonj� : , .. , ORKTUIVEIK Or ftUX-16 90MOL - re . A app , busy Season 'his 11 TU DRESSMAKING DEPARTMENT I � IoWj�gaboub our 'recently Out! attendance for Jannarf was as ionaw . et CO. hits issued ,rofte ing V06% - Made to order f�r. 6 '. .. � Itl I . I . , appointed 9 w_ sbowin detailed report labors'will be eatly missed at the 6 . . � I --The 0., - Board Enrollrd-Allk-la IC;, boys 101, aveVake aftbud. the grower's results in raising r I . . teacher. . il WC I I . � . I . . Miss Smith has returned fro her L hol" =11110ni:l go agoirited Miss Lily ,ncopqL .rFebrtLarythe�Attandanb-d*wo4:- beets. , Therein tire reports from foul, foundry, We ope howeveri that ore L L . i4ysp and 0 8110eee ILtISS. EnrollrA-4,46 imboys loo,average attendance ofthoge who raised --beets in this see- long )is will be 4ble to L . ' � I . . a ' I r6ume his . o 801 Miss urnet'sroomhAs been olost- t I t, place. , . L . - . a 'tat, _ . . . . A 1. I on aimn 'in full blast. We I I I Tbo. 19' . I r drestmaking department is ag L Johnston t , Parlbe Ili th . I - ' department, Miss John week,, but next week Alias Ste,Vouson Ill' iont why reports from till a-6 not . . L, ew . I " L . . charge of it. All thin a a publisl . I . . . t . I I would Ilk O to have your -order for a'. a 11 CoGtUme 'ag L =e rZecelizAvU lier training.in, the Olin. pons led we CA11not say. Thes follow-, , Though the coca tonage � L. . Aot suffered froni the 1A I fa I In al t r. Ing par . . .Junior 11110on, e set .1 . I L . p1r) 9 ' I ton Institute. She passed the *' for JAmiar3r L . . � I I egrly as possibleo in order to avoid d in , Leaving Examination' in n9k, the Mar, ill $13 11 0. d . tiloularg are given . . . I was VW,00 tons or e00,0W tens. more a 9 . . ­ fjappo4 tment, : . '' v' 6 . 'I . MOLL . . . � . In �. 4 11. . 1.1111.1 L. I than the Output of Any month on re. , Hat styles, foe spring ikke tadi.. .. . . I I . . . �.� . I Senior Leaving In 1805 and Honor I . .. . r , .18, . L I , .[i . - ___ * , cord, yet wo, never realiv.ed what tile daily dWoreAt from last ,season, � I J, b, demand or I . I ' ' . . Matriculation in 1893 ,with first ola,ms WO TRITSWIRES Or VTMLTd 80fto6t DOARD. �' . . � I ,,.,l, � I M ore nobby Ari I . . .. I MILLINERY DEPARTMENT -­ �. L honors .in Frefich and English and Gontldm6n:-1beg anbInit thd.folidWing L ' . . C, itniount -of'Coal conslun. I eilban ibapis . . I . I '. . ­ .� . I N'Port of rieeipts anT oxbdadftrob got the . , . . ". 4) edwas,before, b6canse i5n a norwal O&M,b in last we0k. They ihro the I , I L I I . - . . I t red the constant working fAboolutely daisai. . second @ass In M4Lthomsl .I I 0 ear I., re u . 'tiCS, HfStbky ar][90a.- . L . alcUeonjibond'for 1pa�­#,N .... ­*.�..#, 210A I _­ A I Non residebt fee# ..._ ... lVd - ­ of the I � I tl�- open- I Ith-os, . Mttrch..' 1 330 � 1.0 041031 lih t ei� was no, demand t . . vs, , o'll, I'A . L OU:r M-111ireft hfi*6 r6tUrned­ &0M. the ci ., and Oepman, She 'taught Ili Public I's I 1--, , � , [A during that season, in Come in and s6e I � . I 'New & 80111001S for some time and then passed 152 IL 3j1'4 ' I 0001a, Al ,oa 8i $2, 10 god $2.16 1 long. V -oda are befe and in: stock... 'We �40 busy. Moverument ori%ntjii("L,Oli,'iig'O'.'(,)"* , Ott.. 1 , t them -41 re,400!$ or . I County Oranto Model-, ­ 150 00* ... L to . ill I 1 tela r]ng f I of which we � . Gov ftm6AtQr%utP4bN%s .... *:.a&4 oster, . 3. 1155 - 5 4087 1 L . F L. 11 I . * the f6fUld Cpening, the date ' through the Normal College. Since so, (*'I ' i 57.10 o on 4 eltd, t6 'supply thla 0 go, I t . 9 that She h" completed the 06mmer 9.A?-1A')'1!t', i . .1. L . . I I � - . . .. - P tworkand obtained the' Mul"p,slorsit.".4.., ........ .. *­ ': AV111130 D. French ... . I I � willf announce later. Ttere is no need cial Specialis I . .1 - -1 ,. 2 801 �, 1 27 : rJ,1.;2 - () I , i . . 11 , --"* I I . : ,. - it for that if pertiffeate for the sanie. After teitch- Model eeb ......... ­­", , _ Alghter look of the Eng- , . I to wai ,...ill." win 'to a I . I . V From tile foregoing figures must be I* I toc' mwtkets, Cattle buyers ar ' I I . - L 1_1 Votal .... 69644 ....... i.10.4641 ...... -_ '. Isla L ..Oil V911t A tat' earlY, so We Are rtady to giv� all ordem ingfOr & time in Pbrb Nrry High I & 0 � � 'Ll, ., d carefol alftefttion, L . schol ointed to taks, fill . M . I M � . deducted cost. of seed and freight looking around for young feedo.rs,, L . , . . �, pfolb . i Avtnienb V'sochbra salaries � Although on its Moo this looks li e & We are glad to sbe - some encourAgin $Ueleessor I , . Pt alft L charge of the commoreial dep 5 . . , L . . , I . I . . .4. ". ­.,:::::"­fl5 is - ,ftL as- expok - .1 . ... , in Seafovth'O, 1. last year, MissJohn, Model Teacher.. profitablorettiM, soinerof tbo8ewho outlook presenting itself, I � . - I . I . I L . I eng&ged I �i ' Hodgp ,r S "'.. 1. I I . . - . I I . - -1 .1 11 . I . . . I , , , , I , . I . . I . . , :(. . I : .1 1� � - , I � -1 I I I � . : I I � d,ec�h OX48-A .1 1 o- 666469" imi eting urn h I .1 ., . I . Is 0 P h in I Wgnod cong ega - V�l I ­ I : 0 R . I � t 2, � In 11 li h I r L I walsaft s Wood .....,,.'.,,. ... I 42 0 pay they Will not do so Again. They - - I . ' ' . L . . -herself elsewhere And no doubt, vrill, gS[J1,Vl$8Pt1JJes'�'__"' ­ ". �. " �, � 80 .61 . I �rlces took tho drop, found great I I . � ar i,X ", �� f think that tho Sugar 00, 1j1W the Mat_ JfACUI L , . Jackson I S L � sustain her 'reputation bere. She. is 41.8 . . tatr...,... tw p - ty-In makhig satisfactopy ai�l �, I ... iv V ­ CLINTON , .1 ... VI.V1. 87 00 $8111 ft torof settlembut to . rft . . 4 . -student of the to . rAngeMOnts to seo f,hom out of the,, I . I .. . : , . A*^ns B ' ' ' ' thesecond ex , . I : "I : LL . - I I I $40n bil" made in obviable name for i Sutiddea ............ ::::::�%;. 11, - their production last year,. cattle buyers Who bought up before i"I - . to � I ... I . I . , , ... I 'Hod, ros., L 0 0, much in its own ON$ . I . . ­handd, and that 11%boreanno 80-1 or, I, I I *bo has bean ispointed to the at$�l bAlofJ06,6h hood... .._..4, oo.#44,"# Ail go Cured When most needed tot th underotitud, ho�woV th . 11 I . . . I Ur Treleaven b,d Ing the 11tat, 10 Tottro t"d btr"Veib i I 431l'ie-nd fe the seaso Q ' I . I 08 ,P!oVed 4 "O#Vy . I 'L . . ___ ..., --1._-'-L- _111111.1111-1111.1,11- .. . .... .... . L .5 to � I I ... 1-11,1- ­­­­ I . . $ ff4s**a%"z, the fn*P4 1 .. L I " 4rly allipperns, I - NNOWNW00 . - r ­--- '' I . 4 . I . . I . . I I . . I . I . L . � . i . I � . , I . 40