HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-03-13, Page 4[ Vo-clil$tb, 1908 * TOR CLINTOS NEW ERA � 71 . ., ;I I . ,, . - I I I 1.1- 1. ____ 1� , � ... 1. �...... I - - . . I " . I � . I �' `7 . . , . " LOCAL NOTES.- 401 . I I ArMill I-- INNIFIZIN110NOWWWMa WERKawm, I I -1 I 1. � f UASJF Aff , I INI I. . 13.11161231�wl all ,Nv 10 �tafy. I .. , . I � AV An - Air Katiful, , of the.,Nf� am 1, ! X�1. UAUVAMar 11 SPHCIAI� a.0W, UITTE 1) �� hati rellt-�,.d th!k bollso of Jas. q . . � � . . I I ,� - . . . I - . . Smith, . i I -TO- , I : A F Y,,t�- - ww"I ww4w 1 1. vwt of Ontario Stre(it church.. - ' . . � . ailte,loll (daughter of 1). ! I . I I � I . WESTERN VOINT$4 1, Miss Dolly V, , a - . . anteloll) has taken a position. with J., ' ''hed - , , ,,-- ly to 0,.,4, 9 � . � Scorched., D' � . ,SW;�. ,gr,M, Ja,o, . renc, 9 on m -hellas stello'grapher all(I book- I I ,eefRecon4 elass Tielc-ets ,v . oth "I'll tl 11,0111 11� � � � I toAl,r 10 .11 4; � Twit( � I L . I 11, potato lit rates ilanledp0th, to Q - livelier, � ! . . . . . . �_ . I I : . .1 . - - - Spok � 5. cashier for flodgenti Bros., during the, X . � 4 5 .one, WaSh., *40.6 so , lice OE Allss 'llodgell-g , X . 111 - Sm'ok � I . I Mi., . is lklay Armstrong is a( � 11119 its �, . 11 I . ! . ; J wav U1111nals"'Mont." $35.05 � � . I at Low .P�"G t*� 4and --- od i � I Deliver, 000. *, r,ril,tia�Fre IN I . I . I f � I Holeli�J,Xo.t., 9 Seattle, 4W, 1,� i,:",1,J,=.'I) I . i I I . . I I . 'my ? ThaVs the keynote of.this W in't sell so Qo�. 't " , i Torionto, hit,, tal,vii it ' . . . M Econo . hite Goods Sale. We coulk ab " , wc.j AV, Couch, .of X _ uch whitewc;ar this . time of year if . kiultLa . 1:0, 6., 0 V1'.'t'�o,'1a','1kC.r �_ ". M it wasn't cheap, You'd just buy spzItingly as you , )sitiouam Clerk inNowcollib0s store. N But tbanli-s to the Fire Brigade, a favorable wird,, I . � I P I , 190.0 $43 .150 VIC. vollies, well recollillientled. and is a I X . I . st.dass salt-8111all. � I .. I needed it. As it is,. women ran buya vear s supply. 2111, a regardin roates, stop-oYor lit'. � and a substaiii'al building we are.0111'doiug. business ,in I I , . . - so plillola"I.I.NlItle, ou ttprlica%lon. - X ' I I I But the Underwear is cheap only because it - is GOOD and PAWY. It isn't eolonist Excursions to Another long tbrn 1,ey has been loft, i our own commodious quarters, � I .j . '_ at 10c and, good cotton drawers at 215c. . with us, which wits picketl 111) near 11. X . � ­ ­�­'­ . . - 1� - : ch such items as )x ell made. Corset Covers TjOrletl 13. Clialit's, Thv olviler may have the i I I , M 111,okltoba and North West 'fel , . Abit bring you here. They are great bargains but the dainty prices at a dollar, or two, Firs liqlat colouist excursioll, train -will S111110-bY Vallillg -It NBW 11,'M�. � . . . , , - , .� We want to keep our � I I � I is store. i Is y Tues(lay, Isarch 3rd; O'Lhor We understand that O'co. Doherty, � . , � . . I . . � I i - three or four, are the ones that have brought so many to th. � a raitis evory'.PltesdaY durbig Alt'roh . . roi speeetal ortirlto ,%Vl*lo solliv thileago illoveil to Detroit, I . I I � . 1 V411 %aIrtioulare repivit)g those . � � s `1111'� ) � . WALL PAPER Commencing Friday morning. we will make a pecial showing of v�hlte underwear. .....ir"I. ouapp LRtL�n. . will return to (Tuton to live, the alien . i I I . .. � ., . I Sevaial new lines have been added this week, I . I . . Ptirchaso yniiv tloh-etii at Town Oilloo and labor law interferring with Ill li alls. I . . . -1 I . . I H . . " I . . avoid delay [It 1-tation. . I Mr Ifailsvolill), Past Potria-.01 of , . . � I . . . - . � . . ,. I F, R. HODURNS, Tow a A gont G.T.R. *ternilrallell-I.O.F., \V1 '' I . . RE-P&RTAtE NT I . __ ______ _ - _� . � . olinton the Aves 111111-1 . . � I . . . . � a' it beell eloet(:(I represonta- I . . _. X-=-_: I I . . . I . - � � , p(g, his jus __. _ __ ,,--.-.I.r -'-.. I . . . h -III- G. . LO;orset V,overs at,25c, 35c and cc . . , . tivc, to (A .1111d Lodge , h( is a, .4011 ` �� .1 I . ;. , . -.was at b5c, 85c and $1 CO.', . I -1 The resvIt-N B Henry .................... pav,e 1 law of fillas Pratt, 0 r, town. arm. this spring,'aud, we. intend doing our part to . . . . . I . . 1. . . . . . . I , are Whitowear-Newconibe .... ..... ._.. .1 , . very w, . . . � I � . � At tliese prices we can vive yon -a ver I . Co -set ,covers of fliae cotton, all Sebrehed. ft,�tiobed and sinolred-Coolvil 4 Jat!ob Miller ls fixing, ill) the rocnat, X . . . . , � - 0 . 11 . . N makeit so, � . . I I . . . � . . � a . Ali - fine ran,re, of StVl They are' made �yf nicely trimmed with elmt�roidery, all haVo Announdenient-H R i9ellyar ........... 5 bovo his Workshop, and will. inake . . I es. � W T O'Neil ................. 5 . , .- ­ - infed. the, W 1� . � . . Sugar ... that Ili's rosl(INIM0 having rk - - about all in place 11owl IN . 1. � i"on auel nicely.tri.,iiiiW1 with naln .� full:frornt, and stye guaranteed to fit well. See ls-P Alnttland..� .............. 1. - . 0 lcellpivs to Mr, _ The new I 903 deslgn� are . X . . I � 1, good co E 11 . . . . . . couollos-j a I bolleNv ... I I I .. I ­ - I ...... 5 hou"e he tit Present ( a . tractive set of samples. -a � I . � N and we can abow you a very at . " . Hereford stock -E 14 Ftivuham � ......... -5 Atkinson, ulanagev for Rowe and Hol- , . I � , ; sook and enihrollIt-rs', extra wi "Cotset Coveris at,50c and 65e. . ted -H H Wi o ......... .. ... ­... 5 IoWay. . . . I I W 3, W . .) do in skirt, . 5 . . fore, and that is saying ,% . - . 87o'laonts"T'll WV11119ton . I .... ..... i -Iu,fact we never had as g0cd be . , ri � . � i our pices are fully 25 per ceW. loks than , Are.of fine cotton and cambric, nicely Pr,ogorty for sale -1 Idout 4: 11ale ...... 5 We cougrat-11410 bliss Hoover, -.Of i - . - . . .� . I X h L . n . ; In --W G Porrin .. .... . :, 5 10111 111, oil ber colliplote recovey I% a good deal. - . . . I 9 � -n- e'l ' .r " ­ , ., 1; rC I � . . . I �. I . � nim. Grain-DAForreater .., 11 ........ 11".. , I I . regular value. . : il"t ed-ard-und neck' and atm:,3 ,with. ei Wh.fr.th 0say-pblai'laii(I ...... -1.1 - 5 from t1w )arotitls,and welconio her lit- . - � , . Gowns at $1.051 $1.35, $1,40 and $1.60. br;Adery,,all have embroidery front.' .- For salp-0 ep Mole .... � ..... .... ........ 5 10 our udRst again. Her revlsed� ver.- I The new upper thirtl effects, tapestriesj,ernbos�ed I , I I .. .. . � . I . . I I 'Xis better- W D Fair .... � ; ............ a slon is "If you don't like it. you'. Illay . . . . . Another. week--�Taylor & S ,on ......... 8 and other high class lines all have a plqe in the assort- N I ade of flae Eng, 11, cotton Corset. Covers at, 75e,. 85c aild 8 1100, **.: 8 inunip it," -The. Tyro, . . ,; All are m, . New suitings-Hodgens Bros ......... . 8 � . . . I I . � . 1� . 1� is . . - dainty corsev. covers, are Hosiery bargaius�flodgeps Bros ........ The 0onservative itiembor of 'the " I ment. - * � . I., . . I . . A . . , . are de. in the S.ome very . . , -lying been'linscated at Swilt : I . . � . I . �, � and cambi ic, most of them, . . . * Lo,,,al It, . . . I . � X . princess style, all are veiry nicely trimmed the odes we have at the above'pricei. Th . , f ( Ste. Marle, Chas. Siaitli,'e(litor of 'the I ... W�. . aw . � . . � . . . . I .0 I I I � . � , - � , ate. I I K � � . - � . � . .� . anibric, and nicely ttiY U W # # A- I P0, _in Express,is again the Liberal candid, . . . � . ­ . . - . . . . . vith embraMery, lace, ete. ' . ate made of fine c lt I e I . . I 'Ha is tin -old Clintonian, and .they say . I ' � I I I I . ' * .. I � ' � ' , I . ' . - - - I . I . � - . . I I : Gowns .It $1.75, $1.81,19 $2.00 11-11d SP 25. med with lace,_etc.., all havelull f , ronts. , � FRIDAYP MARCH, 13th, 1903. ho will be elected this t I hu( . �. , I . � . ]REMNANTS - AND � ODD LOTS. . - ' ' ' I I . . I I . . � , � ------. Here are soine. more. ilain � . .11 . 11 � � I : �. The gowns we are Selling sit the abo�o . . . -t ' - ; ', 4iel - Oct 71c .. I 11 . . . I . es of old . . .. . . . . ­ _. I � � Dri wers at -__1,Pe.,: 5c, 40C 0 9 I . . t , -of the fifties afid-sixties who I I " � i � M I . residents ilin - new papers. - . - � . , 0 * . . Clest g.to make rooni for the. * . I . , . . . . . I . ! ,, pxices are very dainty, they are ab made of. ,- 85e. and $�.00. ',' 11 ' - . .1. North I Ontario Redeemed, ar. still.. alive ana respected awellers . L . . . I � . . I " I I . .. I ­ .�.. �. . �� . . I . . . � . . - . . I- , . , Ids 91 Ag.onto fo - 0. P. R. -Telegraph aiia Dorninion E�xpress . I . . inourin A: Mr and Alys AViii.Grig I I . - t�, 11 . have a-- , 'At, tle above prices. we R.16!51 -lowing an M* -oil, Mr and ) r - Hei 'y ' yOrdero. Also for Butterick Patieroj.,- . � . 1. . 1. . " . . . , line cambric ana English cotton, ' na . � I r.Grant Defeats 111'r Faster by Win, Switlis if s 11 . ' ' ' ?I) �. ' . I Al - * : ,-�` poiut,Ed yokes of embroidery. .The sleeves I elegant rancre of cotton and calylbric (Ira ',V.� I . Hunt, Geo, �Warrenor and I", G, Lodt. ' - , - . . � - . . . � . 01 I I . 166.majoritir. I . I � - . - % - . - - � � . . . � I : I . � . * . � I . - . I . . . . � . . 1 � . .. ar med vith'-frills nicely - . .. , 0 . 7. . 'A, i . . ", 1 , are fini, lied with R. deep frill of 4�mbroidery� . � I era Some , e Win Mr, T-Tonry Beacom, of G derich . Pree.: ' : . so While the' Liberals ex erienced a re7, I 11 Pat)�r Trimmed . . . . I 0_ ' � P . township W. moving luto town tind � � � , . I . .1 I I : ai e also tr'mm- ed with narrow ., -, Jfemsititched,'otlhers 4ro' triniln w Verszj ill �qorth Grey, they more tlidu I will nialce Ills abode with his sister, � . � . . I I neck and front , 1. �6 . . . - . I I . ed'. ith fine ) . I � I I I I . I .. . . . I � � 1. I .�.! lace, -nsertion a d embroid-hry* .,fill are extra � . . �. I Mal-garet. 'WO welcome him, and . . . L edgiiig of einbroidery. . I . i . � . U . . � � . . I . atoll�-.I.for it 0A Tuesdilrr,'by defeating - W 0. " . 1. p . � . . .. . . . i tru6 L lie will find many pleasant days 4"ali 0. . . � . . i . 1. I I . . . .. vooper & Cos 0 utou . : "I - );7�� � � 0 ic-9.� . . I I . . . . Mr.Fo.;torj ex-Iffibisterof Finance, m, 1, our Illidst. . . � - - . . I . . 11 � � . � I , i �. Skirts at 65i , ,q5c. $1 00 and $1.,,,. - � . . valu at our pi . . I . . I . . I � . , : . . 1* . � . . I . - . I . � - . . ' . . . � 1- .1 ' .. I No'rth,Ontario, with A niajorit of Im. tlesota,one . . I .. . I " - . . . .. I . I -y XAvan, Minnesota one X. - I * , , '. � � , 'I'll . . Are made of fil.0 white cotton -with - Lest Y`�vq, Forgret, - . - '. � I . I I � , I. . Walter Cook, ififfiNviliaMIXIN1311021MIX111fin XX lug � . . , . . . � . . . .. . -time residents of Clinton, . . mum , :`r . . � . . The b -to weluber, .51r.MoLeod, carried of the old. . IN X .. X X X. � - . . . � . . . . . I I � �. . . I I., r French band iome have. doe.p. . niuslill. .-. - .I. We w! remind- you that we have a -t .. . but who has Nen a' residont of - the . ... . . . ,� I , , y I . Sh.-to. P . in 1�. ) by -518 majority,. but this, is west for Z years, in renewing his sub- ... . . . . .. ... . . I .. . ; . . .. ... . - ., I L i trimme"I witli -h-m-,iitclied tucks , *��c;Qmplete line of`�bi'dreu'a. Aptobs and. har I th� I . . E"_ r MMMMOMMMMONOW . . :-j, ',,. flo-bnee, . q . . d y a fair criterion, a.1 �ugll * the tion to tll� X4W ERA, says he' * . . ' � . . . ­ . .1 � ' . . I . *1 I Mr X. Ransford iW a Toronto vioitpr .. " � r arid very- fiae Hamburg embroldery� all are ,',Drawers and Slips, all are niado 'of a' fin ' ' Ivecips it very well thelle,prosperlb� h4v. - . . . . . , I n . . :3 riding- is 6 iongly Conservative. � . .. Coming and Going. , ' - . . ' . . . . hig smiled on thelll.* ' . ,. . . I. 1, . - .. . . this w6ek. I . . .. .. . . .. ., . . 1. . . ' . � ., . . � I . . . * : �' extra vide. . . . . Ii y of lawn', obt.konana.c�mlnio.-. Aproaa. Before North Grey election was held, . � I . . � cl B rris - -,-,- I . .1� I . 11 lt� . .- ­ - .,,�l,e-,ver�,.iv.aw"a,-*Godel,I l_1_3 ss -Ha �11_4'1)9'nt Wedriesda " . . ec I W -: -The ularrhage-OP-Afiss -;-Gordl ik-forlii-� - - . I ..- ly-!_-_�___ . . . - I .." .________6_W" �O ­Mrs­H,G, - I �X - . xt� er,. . I . . . ., . - . . . 1, �5. Liberal to ll� elecCed by acclamation :, town, and cougiii of L. Cree, wai; inar� Mrs Geo Robarton' is spen(li' -to the -,N:est .next . ' - �,`�� tcni Rnd cani�rie I * 355 6 an d.45'e-" Tof,aix I N sli ' i t - $i--00, * � - . I ng , I I ., -ii. 8- . . -ff - ___7___- L, - .__ ­.___.._._ __ - - �. - - - I . . I , "�­tnc-co­rlg�r�a-i�-es I . . � � . : ,%"kir's at - -,D--.---- I . � - - ., " -) i - - �­---- -Ay , a -known. dressil -k;T.. of. visitor.oii Wednesday. E t the gli6st 6f Mfs ( r.) mos. , . . , I i� (.,j 16�� llt�� , � ,-)­4R�.­- 0-- ­A'711�­DT' ,if j� , . - . , 5�, 45i?, - , ,in( � f, 6 awers .a , 5 c, . . � . . . . . � ?_ well . . . , .4 ; $1.409-$11.5 a is d V q I , L.I. . all 11%ire - . � ps� a . . � a few * Peter Kerr returnsr . . . 11. I . Arf- of fine cot 't . I . I .. .. I . .. . -.1 I � lrdtoii,Tuesdtiy� A re- - days at Whignaul. .� '... � -weel 1c, �*hore he w 11 �iopend the summer.. I , I . I * . . . . . . tb(­�v U the Libe'vils Would C16 Ilkew.18(1 I.ried ht Sheppa � � I . . . . .. .i . - . �. 1. . , ,. . - I I I .. I . � I . . � . , L .. .. . . . . I L c- -6 of line lawn a- r .� and $1.45.� . . - . .. It n ivillbe found ulidbr Lee- I . . . � � . . I I . - . � .xtl-u Wi(le Pic)." m � lid effi­' ,.1 . I . . . . � ". - � . . : . . . . I . . ,tmvavds,�Jr Vostor in !Norih Ontario, I Port of s I e - page. � bliss Mc6regar,. Bkiceff�ld, ..Was it. , . . .1 - , ' , . ith I * , 111. . I ' I . . , - . , I , .. . . . ... - I . . . � I . I buin correspondence,, On front. :Nu�w ERA visifor on Monday. .. 1. I Miss 1�ellfe flari ,s,. of Goderich, is a . .1 : . ,. bi'di(lei V, some are trimined. w Ittlo . and ' Taijorl'riala&, NOW]' S. . . - . . . but "hey rdused. t a' , : Wo �xtoud o -a ations.. L _.­ , . I . I I . . . . . I. I . . I I . . I.. . I . . .. � � � : . 0 groe to1his deal; .1aT ca'agx till -esidence of.R; Holmes I. . I � . . . . . . . . . 1. . . I .� I . . ... ' . . . i ; I . . 1Irs Ed Cliftoli of` 14 itchell, * is ihe . guest, at the i ­ .!...... % . ­ . . . . . ..., . � � I � " - llweitllo!). : I � .. . I I .. . 1. . inthilating that tl� oul(i ,,'3 1161, , . John:Hi-iivy, Rosseudale, Man., I ill � - AVI - P"' Quoen str�et - ; . ... �.: ., I . , ta . ey �w .1 . '� . I � I ... I . I - I I , '0u.r sprinw, to ck - of tailor-m4de skir . , I . �. .00 . - . � rtmeiving Iii4 sub I scAptiori tc ., . . � . . . � . . . � . , , . -'s. 1. . I .. . i �he.Nn* (lest of her lla�f% -Afi- A. Z Goodwiia. t � . '", 3'.4-5', .1 . aie.ber . I t I . fight axid.los�, both iicats if they had, to . . . .. . - . , . I .J "� we . - I ays k 1. . st.. , . I , RR.& s, --I, -�,n a nu s9rs A- J Grigg. and, J W. King I Miss M. McLennan left' Thursday -�s :�, 2 4 "_') 5 9 8 3 0 0. ,,,, . , NJ 1. � � . , .bri;� - I., nt. ") 9,3, - � -- 8:1 -mo)1'.,),* , lie fit! e' I �. lie has b �e Skil . . . 6, and th,u�'we bly fat .. � mber 6i . ' - - . . : . � r . . :1 . I I : b , -lie victory -44 a, notable. ono, not -it .1 . 1, .e ; -P I . . ,a elis �' thc wer� in SeAf9vth,9.Londay on, bitsiness. morning for -a two wo6kie, visW with , . . . . . 6 . I * - I . . . � � . . . '.I w . - ,djed - _ . . . ,i) ; but ffiid.iion�, like Njmw . I . I . . . -ads in ' I ill and ,� 4 00. . ave ever plio�vli� ev(-n the o cr pri t - , Win�banl and thereabouts. . . I . . � . I . � . . . . . . *­ ty � r home lie vy-w. . [This is . frie . I . I . I . . alone because of the, presti e of the . What it bliss Allie Johnston, of Zurich has , , ... I I o�l I I At fl!eie prices Nve a -sl .1 . ;skifts have'the �t0e- tliat'gi -usti-ally lack . . . I 1 4P . pride.8 itself in, and Nr Henry is only, . I wo 11 . - . . I .. . . I ­_ � I te 1.iowing some . - ,. . . . . 1. .., I . P , ,been visiting in town. for. the, past t 'Miss Tillie,'Tebbutt, who has bech - - I . . 1, � Conservittive, candid.tte,'but al§o'be- '0110 of ihany -,vbo bave .said th.e , stpile. week -8, , . . I . �� , . . i 07 i - tile - i�ft. -the.. low' -priced orw,­ r, at 1$5 2, 9 .$3 . . . . I . I store of'W.Achoson,'of ' .. . ! -� � - veyy �a'iity Skirts. Th-ey.ar'e' n -ad '0 � . . . ,. 7 0) .. .75i ealis,c of one -lit fe 1) th - m . thin - .; - ., .. I . I ' I � . . .. clerkillu in the I . . I I , I . I � , . . . , . - 1.1 6rouillu 117d�ir of . b g E d. 1 .. .. ., , ,. Air 1D G Grant, tile I Liberal . caudi- Godorikh, for s6m6 time.. -left foiAuf- - � . I . f 1. .t 'm I I � I .. . 0 I . - o of the 'loading artleres hiAlle -1 I of Dr hor�tburg, where she,will spend- se'ver- . . . . ' -nest, cotroo and catubrie, some. are Ti '-�iied- - " $450 , a. 010Q. 0,ur 9 -irts ate're .V callipaign; *1 , fora high (), i - . � �44 . III F 08ter Stood . I . .. .. .11 87j I'l-Aiv-6- ariff, ,;K�i,_­­4--4?A'­ date iii, �orth Grey,, is at cousin . - - � I � . ____1.n1j(16. . 01_ -g6odi I ­­ I . 3 1 __�_� - C.I.k Iti-le-1aae�­ ­w-ur[d-q�ft`v0u-e,. �-, " .. '. " 1�­ Tyro o f tl 1 is ,we( ,kis froni' the -pell-of Gwab., ''------ .� ------, � ­.a.1.1ve-elks, witil-IMT-8 �MOWYTI-_ -A.- 11 eal�� . . . I � , - I . I - ,h___Bi�_(�weny, others. of ve ; .. I . I . . , I . I . . . I lie: callipai,gri. wits arge _� efe I . �% . !ind- fail . ) I il . .- '- - � '. .� * , . . . .�lt 07DID . , ,)lie, and t . I 1 .1y 1fugh Ev -,�61-,.�� o -if fi"V-ireless' t� - ' I I . ... av- , I .: *1 � 11, n. , . . . ,!-� . ' Mrs W Brydone 'visited Tier, . ,. . ,. .y .. 'L � . �.. . . . . .1 . . , - � � I 9 - " tra al . ill P*� to lit . ' sister, . . . � : -* . . I . . . , .and lace iusilr 6011, all Our- Ietter Skirts- i that. will give ek vve ,-. . tow %V you ug �ut�!)li L .3 (I'Llostib 1rVaY)hv." Tile infornidtion ,doiltalmd. . , . I , � I . . .. . I . .. . . . . I G I till w , . Mts-Slis - - last Sat-, ,Mr: A. j Taylor, 'of Toronto, *.wL,6 11 . � I � . . . ___ .. ___ ___ . . ' . I . . . -se o . I I . . . . . 11 ' "Ong th�n-ein is vast for sucli a shorf4irticle, . . .. . � I �. �... - . ' Ji i ' 'goi Xifwaukee & i � �. .�. . . . ., . '. '. . . - . . . . .. . ... I 1: I19 assisted by' t �McMurcliiq'.lii, Blyth . -: the d,lst ruffl �. * . 1. . . . '. � : - well %to , 0. ur stoch., ,., , . � corps of- Liberals;. T'di-,_r1.'bst(w by al. aild. exceedingly tnforo�ting% Xis 6vid- Airday.. - .... �, I . 1 repre�onts-the 0 nea . . .. � . .. . I . . I . I - I � I � � ­. I ... I , . .1 . . . � . ,. ., * . . e(iWdlyst,ronq corp.of Wnservatives; ,o� , -bliss. Bell, ".6f �Londesboro, Is the St Paul railroad''in this province as I . � ". � � I - . ., � . . . -..._....._.___. I � . - -I,risi g literary g6nius in our ____ I I I � ell of, 11 14. � - - I I .- . .- _-7____ : .. I . . ''.. I . . . � - . . .11 . .. 11 � . bilt -it: -%vas quito noticeable that prow- little citizen. , � - . , .. I . I . -,ue*st -of her c6uslil,'Aliss Graham, for a, - Canadian freightand passenger agent, - �. � , .. I I . . I I . � � . . . I . . . . .1, .. . �. . ... 1. � I . 1. . I � .1 � ... iheilt Orange. 06tis,ervatIA-es ivere not- I .. . : . . few days. , *. - 11 . . . was in tow-ri Wedne-sday,hrranging for I .. . . � I _ . . . I I lljlwh� stippin'ting h i, "Poster Nvas. I, *J - Tliefotirth-f�liall�nc.re'slxoot for the - I .the sumillbr's traffic to th6 West, over � � . . i a cold,,,,. tlie,J,11.15, part of tho Robbi Hood,t � rophy Was shot' *ofT at Miss ..-Brogden, � : - I . Au. -t W-4 . ill) witl . - . . �f' tonde�bbrv, IS, . . - I " Obdericb, Marcli,U)t1i. The. first ev, vis Ing atber fri6nd's,. Mrs Kaizer'sd their GWO miles of road.'.' . .11 . � . K", . C ill 11,11 but -tiv,tss,(�it'L..r,tl]N,;Iclll)itt- eat iti . - . . .. .�. : .. . I � :. `_ "� %J 11-4h w-'Rk N I.N. G_ ill, � Mr . ,.� -4"U."'I'le"? MILLINERY . le L.ir I fo a f6w,diiis... . - � . :. I . . . I . . I . � ... . .. "vil . I . . � � . ... I I I . e'cl' ' - Ace -itch, - I . . , ; � . � I ; . �. ., . . tFiMbis made I�Wi more V�).tes.tliaii ,s'a 10. target. pract; , in. - And T .,. ' - . S'. Grigg, Idondon, gave the Ntw RR,t � . I . I " " . I . . . . I I . . I ... ... I � �.. � . I I I I . . 1. 1� I.. I., . lie lost. � , . I I . .... . ­ I I � I I tho.'.secoud foivthe trophy, a 1.00 target - Elliott Dayluefit returned to Bl6n- a ple4sant, call Saturday. He was thia , ' - � . . . I ,:. : ed in. :, . � - . AV , . contkt. A-munIx ,r - of oilir - shooters 116hii . Monday after sl�endiilg ajew kiiest of'Wm ( . I : I �.. I I I The 6 -� i 0'�-' an beliiiV6 it will Ile found wrioll U16 � . . . 'rigg wbile here. �: This � . I Wfli be iiext week. � I . ;--dd -s"w*11 b ' LIOUTICI* I I I L. L I . I c. - �ticipated, 6c result of which will. -days, at� his. h6niii - ' ­ '� - . . w ngel .. .. I .. � . . . I . . . f . I h, - Air r st el .ar I I I . . . . ; week he-basheen. conducting. ova -1 ..' ' . . .- . - . . . . . I . , I , . , I . !� �... .: � . 1. . I - I. . - t � published next. -week. .- : ' .1 . . . .. _ ' .. istic service . . . I I .: I . , . returns tre analyzed'A .It 4 w . � � . I � : - . . . I . - L� . .. . ' .' ' . .. .. .. . � ;.. . . . . . . . . . . largely lost the, support of. ,the Oraing6�- (� . . . . .. % 1. . .. . I -h4y -sr., who has bben �s at 1161mesville. He' is., P. - '. I '. I I . . I ,. . * . . .. , i . � . . . *.. ; . . .i. . . I � ' . Mr,q: Mectilig . --- � . . I , men, of -%%-Iio#i there:aremany, because -Councillors Bell allid. Bennett,wero, visiting her so 'lit Hensall .of late, is pleasant,"siricere and earnest speaker, .1 1. . I I Rext. w��ek's.pmers ..,.,. .,.. I. . . . � . . . . � . i .. T -.1 � - ' It .. , I . I . . . �. . . . , ..�. - . . I .. I .. � I .1 I of his treacher.y'-to. S.ir Mackenzie- ille-Wingliamdolegates to the Good now -the - guest'of ,her .son at the Oom- and. makes h success pf -such meetings .. - , � - . I ­ . . _. I , .. I . . ­. ­ I � . . I.. . '. . - - � � . . �',Roads conviiiition at Clinton oil Wed- mercit�l, . .,. . . . . lvhereverh6ld'. ., I . . I .. ;� I . . . . � . . I .. I . � . . . I . � . . � . . I I . I Bowell, - - - . . . . � . .1, .. . . . � . . . , � -%i.= .. . . . .1 . .. . . . .,. . . . , . . . . It is ai sort of retributive justice that `u�osda -��Tinies. - .. . . .. - � ­ . . I 1. .1 � . I � ,. � �!, - ___ ­_.=_. - _�__._­ - . __ . -, -_ y -[But thoy didn,'t show. . -1 . . . . . % - . . .--:--- -:7=:.- . .,. .., . ... .. . .. I I . ­ . I ! . I .. - Times. - What was the , Rev Dr Stowart iiituvned fronu L onm � . ­-� .-. I .. . . . . I I ­ , . i I . ... . .� . ... I - , � . . . . . . I . . I . . Alto, riding I - xvially gerryinandered �. ul)'�Briithek . ' . doh Monday where Le lid � d,:b . een, con-* . - . . ., Wse.i ; t . � .1 � - . , " . . I . . . . .L D o ni,attor " Are yon not inter6sti-1. I I . . . . . , with the.asSis lifiee of bLr Foster, t4 (I ,,(I ') ,es . � . . �­ . . � � . . . � . I . I rif" servit . . . I . . I our. m6rtey back . I . . :: � ( ileti. * " ' , for Prof. GITtrk of . .1 . I ., . I . . I . . . I , . . : AdOUMM Local We I'- � . . . I . . ., .. � . ill.). tho Liberals, should cituse Ills own -You shoultI lie, for� -we think that .. � _ . I .. .. .1 I . ..: � . . . , ' . � � . . � I . . , . . - �. a4t it.. , - . I . . 11 � . . .1doing. I . , . . . � . . 11 . . .� :% . tbe " I . - I .. I . 1 i. . .. I . . , ,. . i. � ... I . . - . ,.�.. q . ifyou vr .. , : .1 . northern, cli ne,will lie , vVi i ' y- - 1. : .. :. _� .. . I . . . . . . . ..� . . 1. . . .. .. . . . ill . . . I . � , nivers by . ... I - . I I . . . . .. . - . 1. .. . I ...* . .11 . I.' 1. .. . .. �. . . -ant, is"a, Young. Illan 0 . , :1 thk venient. - , . - ,, ' . . . br Gunn and Dr Wishar,t,of London, . -' ­ I I � .. . . � '. . � . . . . ... . . I � I . 1. . �. . � � . � .... I— . Mi, G1 . I f�uniisual -. luo, . . . * I I 1. . I . .: ,. . I � . ..� . . 1 . , .., . . . . . . . .. , � . . . . 1� . ... .� . . . . . . I . ... : . I '.,:. ? . , . : . 11 ... ..1 ,�Ibility,' - Who '' put. lip A; - great . fight - I .. ' , - c6ilsul- The inany friends of WX. Latome)l, - - .., I . � ,; .. :. .. - . . . . . . I :. .. � -hose ,wb.6 inight bd 'interest '.1 "wereinSeaforth last!'Nveel. in . I .­ � , * �� � ... . ... . .... . . . .. , , ' e . I For t. ell tilt I i n il in -see hiniiyhile . : . . ..., - I . . -� I . . v. , , �� , against big, odds, and.. lie is to b" cot'- - in -the establishmonC'of ii, Golf Cluly i. -i- . li, 1� 6 1 " were. plietised to, liereov6r I . :, , � " I , . . I . .1. . ::. . .. . �. . , I . . I on o' 6. Aerious -emse, N,�hic ' . - � ?. . , ' I sulidtvv oil a, visit. He hid. just"been * . . , : . ' , , , I 1 9 ?. . " . . . I ,, :� - - -, ­. -h was 16wn I ' ' fl, . . a . I I .. . . ., ,...- � 67atillated oil his.victovyj whic I -;'a,meetmg1s.calIe(1 for Fri Xy all probability: call foran oper. tion. . I . 1: I. . . , Woll ill �1 91can honest afi(labove-bqard.� . .ie.lieve'cl-fi,c)iiiqxiai�4intineiitR,fag.otbivn,' : ' I . . , . .. I , I I . - t - . I . - � I . .... I night at th6 Rattenbury Ifouse., �'The' 'Air Bert Cai;ter, of.DeIorain6,'TV1an;, where ginall. pox has raged sobad. Ho .. ' . I ... I :: , - . .. .. . � . . 'I � . aig ., I . - . . ... I , I . . . .1 I . . I I � � � . . . Cal) I ) .� P'. n . ., i . , , � � . . I . . . � � I chair will be taken by U. E'. -DovVding is visiting his colisin,' Mr E. Carter'; appeli edito be boarding tit t e I ot I . I . � � . ' - . : . .- - .1 b, h i o . . , I I . .1. .. I , .. . � , :. .. I '' . I 11 . � L . , ,.. - . -o'clo " ' ' 1field §vort .he is a; s' -ter, .6f , .wh, . .. .4 1 .. . I ., . �, . � .. .. . . ., . ,. . . . ); . . . . i atS ek. Hereisa.gooi . on of Mri Sampson Cai I . .1 . �. � , 1 . . I . � . 11� ' I .,,,e the Aisease broke out, and' -was . � � � _,I. " . . , Ju.lge, reaSOV, senlorJudge oftlig - , � . 1: �, . 11 I , ." " . ii ... �-�� .. I - � . . - - I . �.which should be on tho list of'o,ur E ast.Wtjwanosh. Ile returns -west oil con -fined in, it for three weeks, * He' ro- - . . , . ,� . * is _� . ' I ' ' I -".1 . . . 11. I - , . . I ., . , ­ . . 1 ..2 . . . .. . . I . coulltybfqrcy�is detid, 'He-findbeen town's -attraction's. It ",.'�ie �m the 23rd.. .. - � .. . . � -port:9 it good -tline,.&Ith6u�h &nunplea­ . , . . . � . . . . .. . � . I .. . ,,pod 6,,it- . . . . I - . . . . . . . . I . I � . " I ­� - 1 � . . . . I . I . ' 1 door 6xorciso, forladiesas as n. 'Ar X Griffill one. of i; . ant.eXJ)e.1 as several cases devel� . I - - I . I I % I . � . . OLTNTON, I I I . �' . . . .. : , . . I . f L L liling.,for. some montlig.. Death was . , . . . I . I .1 . ' lie Asliflold L �', "idnee, � . � I I � . 1�. I. . L , Mr D. Priov's horse,: wlifle'standing st,tilWatts, - was calling. .-oil , Olinton oped. while. held ther6, but lie fdr-tureo , .1. . . .. . .. I � . froiltofAfooro'h, earthetrack,be- friends,this -tv I . I . . I - . I '.. . . 1. ... I . . .­ . 1. . � �'. L., ,_, ".. I . I I . I . . � al a�,t L I " ' . I I . I . � . : .. I I . . 'duLe to yital exhaustioliL A .het.. . : I I I � .1 . I . ; - .1 I L: I I I . I . I � I . . .. . . I I . 1, in dek, Ille's a mighty .de"* ately escapod., . . . . � -_ . _ - , I . �__._ , it 1 . - n I I 'L . . . . i . . . . 1.11, . . : --- - I . . ,.., I I , . _ . , tl!ouble. -Hewas,10 , rs of age. - etun. ' -101toned at the passing train, u ,is ' ' . . . I L. t'�-­_ , I � I , . . . I . yc efx g, cent, fellow,. b t' a little on' the bi.. . . L . . . F � ,� .. . ,� L . 0 , - I 1 � . I* for'ollr , . �. �j 1 FE . 4 - _. _ and too� a whirl down Isaa ' ::. _ I.. , , PERAVION. --� John D6ichert, � � Church Chimes, . 'WiLT,i§- On Thursday evening ast. tfie sbap:n�s needied'to ft us . c street, politically. - �:. - . . Zur- . I I i. I * I ' I - . L � � . . . -by 6 bol - six' C. 'lie q Alling iivefythifig out. in its wild racei -loll., ,was op ': . . . I I . an: on fertainment was put oil . � There al? v inadiails in .t , . Aft O.'-Overbil.'ry, who has been. . nuluber - I 11, place4n. the Heav6nly temple. There - It . _ erated oil at � the 'hospital . I I . __ of littllo L ipose - b t p Itis. I � �� .1 , shapill g us for, but E,liglisliH use of. Coxinuons, two of wil� sto.�'. ed ortst-rdet and re- ,spending' beveitil weeks -; lritli' his I . I � , chuivh-w6ilwi on�, is a Divine pul . . . L I . . � . : oil Alb last week for a'ppentici : The oper- . . . , lis, 111�1 L * . . . . has returned] a... . L I. � L CAnon J. P. Ilin( - * I thuslasts. Itt re 7 of ,an' . tumed to 16 owuot% The 1101 -se Nvas'& daughter at Talbotvill.6 " L tjLo1l:,V(,ag porformed by Di Gulin, : * . for 17 yotr,i _�'t.t4t ,% -proper place hi the femple. , One, looic-* whom have sat in the Canadiall Com- I . . I . . . .1 . I . , .1 I . � - 'et,.beaSt,L.aIJd,e �nafter boiu& . oted by . Campheli, X - - . . I , -. ' . .dAtitled "Mother ,It the,scatte-ccl stones� in the. ye.,, ,ve . L .. I il. . Dr. �v ese Pat _ . Aor of all. Saints church op.." .. .ya� ng , ., 6� A .1. ,e. . Lrn qui � I i Q8'_ nder L . � . I -as tend( -red his v-4gilat 'fe:;11T)GVW1QQ' 011ildreu,". " . . * . X . pl, 001, IN � abl to on- o I � tf to Wwn, - Mra0verblivy is. still. . �vith her a L' ' Vo, 1 , Wind .4 a,, - 'I it V ons.' Th ght back stood withoutbeingTo , � he is,',, nd Dr. Sh i . -, W. e il . .. . .. I � � ..A . ",%!-ry, III p�epariioi . . . .. .tit ' . ' ., � �h - ion to Ono '!7�,',o.;oakid, hcm . Aon for � N010 toll's in . 1 dalightei. . . , - I ' - sLbv� is founded oh- the above J�mple, jv.ould hiliveseen', 'nothling -but liven tho­procedings and brin a. I I I . warden. He is ono of the Illomt wido"_ , .I*li(, g .aae , I T.t is none too good a ksuon, * however, ' - s Af. P., left for Ottawa on stano Mr Deichoft is doing nicely 'aild' . , I . . 11, - I . . 1, R. Holmo, fQr road to recovery. - . . 1. . . I ly'kilo-wil Augl1ean wildsters, ill t] 't1l'od L well kiiowfi-� fairy-' bale, but! collfusi6il. But., am -the �ardhitect tion to 0.�'nadian mattdrs. - . for the quietest of horses. . . . Wednesday to attend the meeting of oil ,a - . I . . . . . . 1(�. .. - I I - . . .� . . . . .. .. . I . � . � . I ., ' ' . I I ".wInco 9 � ,. � - v - � , A repr�,siintative of The Hobbs Co., Parliameni, -which opened oi 'Thi r . ' . . � I ild. drillinglea with smile is it b'urlo9clue "knew diat, there *as.a' placq'wher6 i , . P 'i f Ontario, . ' i . *L I lrs-�,, , A N �,.AV $1 BILL. -The .Minis6r of � . , � � . ' ' I . . . (it- faiitas� .of. all tile .other, kn . )no would fit. So, looking sit 0 1 biliUs 1'.6f London was in town Monday .gping. da y, '.'L , . Own, every oh( A ChiciAgo-inan -is ..about. t and. is expected to last Antil. Finance'' hit-, Avritten in reply to the .., . . - 1. . . ' � : .. I . I 'abol L I the lot" III 0 ­ ­ 1.) 2 ,it aid fresh to -4 -mile p'lint to jna`ke'LaId6hoI, frinn. sawdust, -heOnt. -reet ( , y! r . Aiiti st. '' - �Yro�or's-te4u( . I ,� - L . ,,, d - childr, i's tales th. .11Y -the prcsdnt world their was -h toL , over t -wiost -hurcli getting It . L ofJ . . , I' . �,st for tho, issue of it new I . �.'' , The friends Ii . . . I . " on t1lo able - . ". 1. I . .r e( (, en t�]L , I . I . 'III 68tinla", bininion'ofC, . . . tit lb�v. Dr. IM I I 11 -11 the 91011loiles (if our grdndinothers ; �i)el.�16,x'4nc'L(lisquictil�,I)tit,tIliZ Divine- pribb, . cost of D anadix bank note to V6- 1 t �,, . � - I , L . I 10wil, .will i.6-introdneo apoint in I I c'-'- , 'are !teat loiew what was lioodbd and lie should: -in h windows. ill -'the Li-ist Afon�ay iiiiiiiiing 'Jas Doherty I L I . - vall, broth�,r of J. (;, liet1d, t 'o�v", 1, tipera g01 to' NOrtliev Ontario ipsthIlin , L10 CIO ()lid usod,thdgrocets clairning . � 1� I 110 n)i8tjlCo,. L The to ple of 8016 , I ' g Sunday ' �Ile.L,%,Vill 118'. lal . L . I 1. �',ba sorry to learn tilat 1'e IIaN 'lot v(�t frQni t1to leading character of ea:(. -h one made in _ . with IIj$,,pI,ant,L There numberless tops . School room like those. in the, . uppd�# ' loft, for Thessidon, where _ that the figure bn the flresent bill is so L. . fK L -e 0 � � . . poftion (if thebti,Wing. The lower sist his br 'theri Dodds -in lookinl', aft'Ir' indiStille I '. .guffleiently I covered floln his S(-Vi�)118 of tllitAe tales, It bad 6011t 011o, fault, . ition,froxil itp, magnificence added to , , burned, at wilidol�,s,trellard.ly in k0c,plug, 1 -4 . � equently,., :,111neso, t(2 1QQ able to resuitio hk ivwls�, . t1lgt , (It, I)eing _! ufsawdUl3b are annually ' WAI t eliitiiberingititerosb,,,oftl�eir atherg mistak. ,tL that the bill is fr L . " ..r,l J.0 - 1 .1_21J�j . . ,1- %. , .. , t�q 40it" aua lym the jgl(iry of Xing. 'Sol6ition, to the L . onforaone. AfrVielding roill.. _0 .. in t1ke. upstaiis part, and this oil� 'IV. Doherty, Hewasacconlpajiije�by' iski thAt the. $4 bill no* in . cirou ation I ;_., a ...... wS 11"O -k, Ile ('it)' thoro4lilyonjoyedby ,ill who worC,1gJ()rIoIIs porfections of the spiritual donside.'rable cost, to get via of it, � those ish g coil . .. I . ri -M- .1 - . . I . not do so for voino linio .. ws and . .. I __� I . terpt veg nded L , ' ran t " .Ue prol) I ailonjs to .bc colil- 1? k Daymoi t. . � - . I . characte tho6o I teniple� ingdo Out of.. thd Perfectea , - . , . . i I ; -will he'.withdrawn, and that the no . prcs�,nt. �khe . I ' ki I 1: . ' - ineudoil - 011L it" 11.)Vc InoVe. . . . . ' .' - L . . . -itio will x6rider,mistAkes of 1-�,,e. nd , . voN as follows "Mother SoAllp ot liten, -khttll add to ,the J;Iory, of .A Detroit woman who sties for di , . 1 -, thom ,,it . I , . . Ali at-� I I ; . I tlll�illg I I iNfr an(l I -s Dunkin, of London,, , . I O:�MA1110 STIMLT CITUM14.- The (T,00se,­�Vffinifred OtNeil-, "Ja(lic and. GO(. Thechoir-at this, mi'vice-'sang .. oked, '. . stated impossible. . I . L I � . Ontario Street ChurchL 0 Iiiii(I '. IlftZel. tho - 01 -. . that . hot- buwband ell'. I - aV01)I'1d9G* (lazetto *Of 1A.St tended the �uneral.of Mrs,Shipley� Oil - I 1. - . . . *r Telliveram . ,Ill "Arl' * I vorce swears . r110 11r, . I .1111.,"L Willie jiollertV , I e1ii so �Wl Shine' L week, says - _"W891's. Robt- , R01111(s, Thursdum last,�'.Alrs Dwilt'in W ,In . � . ,�'L f,��aO6 met, oiiTne-;(Iiiveve:iiing,�Nfiii-elI O"lVeff - ,,I,ittle -Red Aliffing I 1-1000," "What thinIr, yoi of ChrlsV' was Mr ber'500 times, One would have sur- � GOINGWEST.-The heavy traffic . Sr& A. V)Odly nuuibl,r of illollibers � . , 1. . . . . . � 11 M. P., Ardlile Cauipboll,M. P., Thollifts tunit of cieceased. Mr Thomas B91oss for the 'West coinineilced this week ' . W�s theme a , (Ali- ;Wiio was -an uncle of deceased, -was from all parts of Eastern 011671ada, -The , . , A) I ( -willio � for*.his:cvemn a ms. ave. become so audForguson addrossed splewlid illo . . Ie. lbidloy, "Xing Cole," . Qlai posed that she would III of Ca' L � , to tlic- roll Pall, after Whielift IN Beard,":' Edgar - It was niaste, . ac�ustomed to his manner ingsat Macaulay (Jentro,-Dortifutt ai also. one'of t o8a present. , , districtaroundOlintonhas eontribut.. . I answered VeCool 1, "Bluel, -Tov- Course. Hill, ill Eat.of , ressl= - Id . h s1lortprograto was rendered In, the relleo: "Gooav 1 ..., I Zada, Me- . its simplicity and pathos " its .scrip- . . ­_ � . �. L . .. . aving .1 I _11-13 I-810 For- tur�al truths couldnot be, ainsayed, as,tp treat it as a inere'll9tty oiblo, At Bay4villo Mvpsr.4. Godson and Lan- I is, of. Goderich, wa s In I ' .1. R4)yal Templars Loyalty Council, No. * ,-- � f, Bitysvillo lit the interost Of'.MV GValit, . . . edits no swallAiare-, saveral h I ' - 1'14ttlo '130 Peep, e , . , I Afav& LeNv . ., .iao I I . . .11 I :L fnircliaqe�l tickets sit both upwtown of- , 180 �sslsted hv tYwV�'rnpvraneo Leagile. �l I "­­--, . I n T1 es v fic 8, NAr. Jackson for' thO, 0 I. P.R. � and . ) , roster 1,014 "voluall who lived ill it - and whether we lookodat-A win. from ' * " _­ . cftl4tor, bf. P. i Apoke in Opi)osition,' but to,kyn'foir a short tiiiie 0 1 da - e - . rograin was ,is follows: iRead. .�L,"' '(),if'., ; "old . Mothol. ,� the point of histoll theolog I Quielit was delivered oil Wedries- Ali, Holmes, Nvlxo was U16 last spftkor, Wherever he s, always picic.- W, A theL. G. T. R,, a I . . ,The 'ql�o, , l"illie . (, .3 c� . . goes. he L I I ing,' Ir Hale ; solo, Mls." ' 'llidloy I iLittle cal or ___ � ationship, " 0 It! -floor d, Mr Lancastew's 0 , of sei-'vico Hodgens for' - 9 Ffubbard," Livyie, Q , , _ - -�icpsh 11 it in the1ames v�rnpletely c ing lip pointers that nii�y bo �' Station. L _.'�Vo . I., , . . -1ill -, solo,, Mis� Ross. '51 . Supreme Coil . . , 3 Lily Roid , I TV, , day in the . i I well'as otherA at' th( - - I . voaainq, Mis,; I , C sh - "Jack la(�ver be able to answer the qqesbioll . . I effort-, " . in fuft ioring the'Intorests of thd cir- � I QS wiltso ...rending Miss Jaek1left'Wr 9 Mille lft% I I . Justly Ile L . 0, litut Ulm 11 Alfl,l,i,i� .. , blection case The appeal was. dis� , Iverelinableto'gotil, full ist, but a,. . . . I . I 1'ecitation, Wfh se� wi�� the gn -, 'ed Ifitclioll, successfully within omselves, tintil we I . ' being put fo culartovm, 4lid may tornied re.a Sloane. 'rho niceting was el SaTiour, S lyrpunons bill .)rs are. rth 1114"ilwiti(l the ener I t many names beL noticed - , ., 11Calla(1,JN,, Irollo Jackson ; I.I.JohnnY know him pers(MallY i's our missed Nvitb coifs. -This means con- Idek Vai,llailiont" ses� getic". . . ghout thepaporl"1110 I t1idbe0qdictioll- . . din to- iiiake the 1,11 . . . ttrou w. have gone. * . ,M). By $Ppelal r6- a ,'I .11 * a 'i rl�stilir 9 the lower sio'll which, -,vill Ile eithibited by C. 0 L � . . . . . I I . Citllllvk"� Rex ch &V ., reiii,ce'n his'abi . I , beell ftHIM'd to love Ile find creed ambunt ourrencO in th4o judgnidnt of ,AV 8 Lawrence, left Tuesday to enter . OTVIO� OWNEIRSHIP A7)VA.NC- - _ I - iST PAtTL'Ei. CTIMICIL ` On Tuesday quts.st the childrell biwo '. Doetri ed to � 1. literary club an Thursday afternoon ion his new dtities as,inhitager of tbe, � . T int"P` "OPeAt tills Pet'f0i'lliallet- at I first . Nutt, iniscatingand-disqualifyinq Mif - a great succe - Tho slieakern for Che IOWtawa branch of. the 33411antyne. evening Alr Phillips gave a vel RM 0�14Y nothing,- unless the love of God . so, IXG.�Stratfordhqs votodmAirly $100,- - " I on v of .%qtnessbi I not have dwelt in our licarts, tho speakor said. . . I . . L. . I . . W S has been it L ogting and instriictb�ti address the dAte, So that, those who'dic Brunet. occasion have all been notifledi and D - Supply.Co.. 010 to Wco over the watorwokks ser- . I ,,M,,,I,.l .&ales" to the A. Y. P.. A. of the ploasin .g this ftitor� Many strange doctrines havo,boon. . __ __ - L 4 F 1. I � . Sub,leets are onL tile road for.& 00(l f, nicipa venture � qtilLlg ph I . aill"T pecte(l ob oeb. In ,town . church , owing to tho illelo- & ay, before, may do Ro later., - : forinulatetl t6 try and solve this gi eat uni ial and res vicii its it Intl " , I ; `� Orillia, - � *St, *20,ulls I 1. oil. Could not havo , tory, but wo sliall till ivolider .Iik, A ,,get.r1ch-qtuck11 rnan wits arrested dis�layoforatorlctd ability, bosile'sa and tholt 3: sorry to losethil yet con- has -a powoi, Plant of her own, and en- I I , vvmtweather there 'w'14 'lot, It very .Allo coll""regati in 8 o good exhibititin - of pal-114111elittIVY ement joys ail abundance of powor at a ebeap- . ay evollink seell *more tavored in. ev011)r )t - shot, until. -we accept the in Now York U16 other day, and coil-. . grat- _ wl him oil Ills advauc -in , � lgrge turnout. On Tups(l VISP(lot AIR a I of lost ,P - N I -Ottawa will flu er',itato, probably,th, any town in tlio � , I . UdXt it. debate will be given. The sub- to the results which attended thOln tit divinoteachingf Christ as laid (,Iown . -hat hfs I "Intetnational Filianod. ..procedure. ' 'the Imblic cordially , and * d In I him it good ­ Renfrew is.'proposing . I 1. ry ' I 11 fossed t . . L invited to these bi-jiloathly sessions. citivell. I I . .. . . to - . . . :ord� It W41S 'i , " I , 11 vet, Which if; -Resolved that eharaotor their aiinivm-sa services of la�L .ill Ills 1,1( , Plait to - I I tIAO lighting plant of that'' . Hig.eiiik ren, Mai operating Colbplauyll -was it fraud. lie' andourvitizolis should turn ()tit and - I �.O*or hereafter for L � ' L . � il`aa,more influence in the wOrld thdill Sniiday; The,, day was fine, the inusio 1 71y ,�f will fall, however olicourago tho young ill this all-iiii- Mr, W. 11. Baer left Clinton Monday "', ,1(, devolop . I 11 NVI unlesshousesovorypossible waimsat firoinised 'retuins' of 10040 poi cent., * portant-iloveloplilont, o .e toNyvilloallatamanlifito urors, '11110 civic , TI, Colclougb, 91 and, the C611ection more than look- � .f theft, in ntal last for SobrJn,&Vll10­ whore he will tilo local I ' IS6 " - 4 r( ,ni i and ugh Brower, v(i for, ail(l the speaker, all that coul(l Ills disposal for the potfecting of his 1. trgics. . . gaining ground rhp- . L e ne. a ive *ill hp taken bV be ashed -for, � The choir rendered : filture salv&tj � . fails. ived in.A Bowery lodging bouii�o and en( I I. spentl the week with his son and ownorship idea Is _ .1 . IV, fle 011, but Go(I 110ver Elis case . r . I.. LLL . - . I daughter. 'lle. leaves r for, the west and it is time the pliblic, inen of L - I - , Ile iss . . Slonian tinil several choice antheni4tbr6lighout, the * The collections for the day Amounted got his mail at a cigall store., L r i rr - id, rall Or ail 9 . I I . ll(,Xt broliday thoyclonotry gAfo it their best atten. . . I L. L 1. - foe(! fitt I . , �Ohlg via Detroit, , , , . day and thelL I is typical of. the olass that The Chil* Senate; by it v&O'd 10 fty . .4, and Portl I � .( . I 1. t L &Vold lackstone. solos woroall exceedifig- , to,$275. ., , , and, tion. . 1, I . . . . ly �110' cc. We will only. mention two ! . Rov, H. A� NVriglib was ill Bervie , aty With ; "" journey 'Lit 1, I . I � . . �eclpro&y U-0 big t' I WgSLVv c1trucl-I.-Slanday nextall- fio-wo�er, t1lat of bliss Ireene, 'Jilck�RoniL � upon the gullit;10 - victims Of 01IPfditY- 51 ratlfle(l the ) . . TM,-�-Wo are sorry to, 10,111,11 of " , I last Sunday aclMinistoringeommunlon the United.States. . 1 . I . . L ()"C"I" ")"`�" "n"'n", ho, does not, in- OUR . , - . . I , nivetsary services will bocon�lll(,04 11' qn tht,, kiltes' of Paradise." and All', church is without a regular or- , L *1 vaitleoliv ithor, I the Continued, serious illnom of Mrs R�v Mr Mail 'ha4 Spaulding in '%,eatl Xill(IIY "18that An effort is being made to suppress qiiont in the fitnions Gor- nilig, TheTrusteo boftril C . I tent, to tl�,,�,�eilla,Eslllteyglqe Ith t tillie, . ,Vhe clonouc . Arthur Conch wi inflammatory . , '114a). st at the PrOson gbvernment (10ii ca,40 is tho fligh tr of Lady Gran,Oille . ig desirous Of paying the third I Light". Both of th�se moloistg 1)ossess � daino(I prio� Mr, and Mrs W, A, Young, of Aber- riloullifttisrin. She has, beon unable to n1ent on i I ti , to-ok chnrg,e of the tho cigarette evil, and. the I * I ,he c lurch indebtedness, to, It �qlarjjt i the styloidisplayed Ill their! Rev Nir Wright , with hev daughter Cicely, for. devil Dakota, aeColnpalljo(l by Airs move hand or limb for somp, time with ' I I Iatter - to be, singing, which is hor Ito e(II1,11, The week-nightservicos ill the sellool hall may, be asked to prollibit'Glitirely t)leir Gordon y , . gether'with interest; (tile _ . whotie possossioll suit wlts))rollglit, I 1�;Illlqtolle Mrs Youl , Ig, .4 AlAtel"With the agony of that horriblo disease. " h d1imer serillon, at the morning servieo was of the Trivitt Memorial church)EXOterp llse,, espe.chilly by . � � . - - ."rrJ0s.*Mlll�pII(A.y is not JJIJPr()Ving.q0 L. lolit of what a (!have' manufacture, , Their tin e?4niV& tind therefore look for it ,founded upon I Kings 4 :7 anil EPTI. last ovenhig (Thutsdity.) . . , ault 'it , tvis roported that tile Mad X1111,111 whom thv�jlave visited witli, wert, ill . , �. , I 11 . . ak - - . No to linar, And Jis I . I I W01% a cost) I a, youths" is ver� objectionable.) t town Monday in, -ing .11rangenients woll as wti rjh6uldli VIOVOI I response to* the Appealt # * WL , L2 '21 r,tllositlijcc� bollig'tho I I . lost 1,0) * int'll Ill - i*cenv figlitilig . for thoir teturn trip to the ,west.. and colliplieritions tire Often severe, as ha.4 I I W � , L , of,"('8" AstrildiVilustratioiratb ,,v 1, 'JiLitwpoll tile in _ I , f th(.fterew - Tho Alwount clontributed 1;ytIl& church aterial tdiliple of Solo- ill %t deal of Mary has been ddlid'thf1t, agahisttho Abyssinbuis, whotireco ileftonTue8day. ItisfollivoarssilM, ro*d ill his easo,.ib will lie sometime . 1hurch fund , 5eplility otweenveligionsbodles is 911 fowatftthe, St James' 0 Wilonal)(T tII0 spiritual t(IIIII)IO being afforded by the fact that the blethodist, will be liftwl to ropait-, Tha present , operating with file British forces. oy visited hore, and bIr Young, lti- 11) � firnural agaill .... Aft's . *. I X X X X IN I � RIMMI I i X - , I , 00 IN X X X N X X IN I N I 11 I I I' I 9 M I X �1- I -1 i I - , � L I - I . ! - I I . I i I . . I I I 'I I I I I .1 I I I + I � � I I I I � - than the amouht f, ,10(1,1�0)?j reared out Of t116 souls of rn(�Jl. 'Jrllo millistol0l; of BlIfTala will attend . the law apparently does not meet tho I th I efort) he will be . Was morQ t1louqh gfe,.tly fillckn With Ontario, 0. R, Dowding is still Improvitla Awl it, is expe will-be'the ptincipal points ina(le wera that this MlYs' 10 has My desire to, return and qtoadil� biltvo.ky weak.....Mrs, Cook , Aka thitt this t St, 3oserh's Xath- emergencies of the' matter, and the _n" "" " . �, Ue helping the �'c ' A with refetenco to tho, 1.1merg ,$ isho vernment would" T " 'o" '01 NV�ol' � I I 6ee , world, so 'ar its God's PPOPle AVO Coll- edral in honor of tJ Q11 gley' R0_ go' � of the 1pid if the mantiftieturo () e 10 I et'i" sent time as fillan. Y;Aci not 1)em as *ell tile Past week and . l'oly Fund, when 611 th - oncy lace of re* Ina,, ()Atholic, W110, is a out tj)betrans. youtli J)Portiinlffibo are not on it PA v o eollebtlt)iis cerned, is the quaity"thep r, farewell services I 0 , of these so-called 13 ye' ' � � 811 �l Od i� th4"IVNIi�ii Ilie, here at the ptle . . . 1, has beoft StIffering considerftblY V0111 "' 1) . I (' r d 0 � 08941V )y I: W I J It 6 Lord 0 a )7 a 111, , i the . 440offin nalls" could f th E �dfl? a oI y cial C r" to it A,re in., we hopq to 'Unnotince paration. AlIthe sad anil troubous ferred ta Chicago with tho %,ank , � _11 U111110 . . "I I V it In Monti" to"thO Pre' experience of the Pilesellt I& AVO but , be stopped# of S , 2W . N, caudit, " i withIllose of tha west, tile liroko sarae reau arehbishop, � I . Out app*sl- I i I A � " . . I I I I . � % . . , I 'A � L.- If .