HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-03-13, Page 20 � . I � - - -_11 -1. I � .- I., I - � . I . I � "V410 13*f, 19es . . . . I � I ­ I— � I . I . . . . . TIM CLINTOS NEW BRA . � . . I � � , � �-�6--l�,��--�-�,�."",.''-�---.-..-,..."��,:i.�,�,,�,�..��'.-, I 101 N...., - ­ - - - I . I I 11 ___­__-��4'�"4­�"____ ---_-_,;-_.��;_��"�-,;,--------�---�....�l-. . ... ____ . . I � . __1_-1._-_'_ . __ ___ "�� �­ �_,___ ­4��-;;;�-�� : I I . . - ­,� - -,----,I-- -�,.��__�__,;.�-­__� - ____ --- I - ts Taxation of all other persons than � Crisp County Clipolvo �_ ___�. I . " I " -,I eropertles or Sale o I . — _� . I . , those above mentioned, including pri- - I 0 . r , r to Let HIE14RY SEATTIF. I , I .. I- I _ . For Sale.- I . , � * �� �, __ ( � IS I i 10 I it #1 FlIt"k, , 91.", ,vate N I . Slacee � . banks and brokers, by ,Indirect Samuel �Burkp, of Morris, has pur- - .$40r to Xro&s. Scott,) I l I , I . 4- . Clover bity. Oat and Barley Straw I BARRISTER, 801401TOA, ike,, I I � I . ­_ I poll all income abo . ldward Smith farm, Lot 11 . I I - - Qyril� - Will be doll.vered Ili tow lir.1,111100 . TON. - � I IFTtIDAY, MAIL 18th.1003. nlethod u _ ye $1.000 ehased the L _ I IV, or Sal � J 0 1 1 .OA , : . . 4 6� It�t4$T'Eje _­�� yearly. This taxation to Ile in propor- 11, coil. I Grey, for $3,oft 0--., - "� 20 D. 001 en 00 OY41N . , I t" - ., What mariners call spriug sipti � Two first ol,aw stores I Is'& Bek. AV, "' ' F6i-g_--­-_­ "I ­ byOXff Icse7 .,p - . _- I One by one the old settlers of this f1w to . BRA LE V 9%�ott BI ok, formerly acon, I � 'Ive tion to the rental value of the premises � section are passing away. This -week - I ............................ . . . .................................. I ... ..., ... I . Xeportedaloug the piers at)vkeports . . :�J pl; V� 011! , ate. . -_ . 11KONEX TO ZIUNp.. .1 i 11 . ill.11terol,la or snow Illest t1losehar-, Occupied for the pl�4oses, of their busi- we are called upon to record the death .a-. , ., � . Thapropertf , . � , I I bingers of Thig weather, wilich tire ness, with exemption. equivalent to, I V . To Let, Ul - , of'ras Ferguson on nigh SC . . �� � r,h , I f James Groves, of Wingliani, which I I F14%11. Apy y to 01 � �. BuTDOXV. I , 9,(vilig ilp in 11irge numbers. " occurred on -Friday. week, in his �8rd _W1 ' tf . �� incoilloof Such persons exceeds $4,000 year, I . . X - I , That beautiful store Irk the Jackson Blo(k JAMES SCOTT. IWO , I . . I . . Truron0trent, leteliocoupfcdby C,Witte, ,Al? __��� BArristor, Clinton, jft-fi I 9'3l 0OLICIT01t, IJOT; RW, C . . � * . ,, , � . I Tako a A19(hicr's Word. a direct tax to be levied on excess, ;Wlr Henry Wurm; Sr,, of Zurich, . . . . . I'll, . P17 t9, . I'Vj3bra, 4TC. I I �, I .. =0$1 JACKSON$ -ed Rulls for Sale. OLINTON I � Ificouies from investment, are taxed who has been very low for the past ,or.4, . .� . ­ . . . few week, isiniproving. MrWurmis I I- .. I . '_ - bept..C-tf I I I ;l, on Thoro-bi I -1 11 --l'..'" I . . Thousands of mothers Inall parts o directly, Subject to exemptions, . in his llinety-fo a I h I Two thoro-bred Sbort-horn bulls, Of " I RIDOUT & HALE � . � f . - I . . � . . . Food . . ; 104nada, have -written to say that A house tax is to be imposed upon cuperative powers at such an age are I Farm For Sale, c4ig - sale on reaeonable CONVEYANOngs, COXMISSIONXCA, . . . . . I ,rm voeb Are altered fox ; Baby's Own Tablets are the best wed- ,all owners and occupiers of h really wonderful. Thathe will r I . I I i,i,e Is rod, 21 Months old, the other Real Fotate And Insurance ouele,94 Ou"I'd . . I . roaq, 10 =.nth#. old. idine, they have ever iised for the cure out- the fullhundred is the wishlof his, , � I The weat halt of lot 24, Bayflold Cox Goe. JOHM CUMINI Londesboro MOnq 0 lob � , . ased as dwellings, based u oil therent- many friends � . I , 4 , oric town I � , 0. ta Ing 100 acres C Ood 1 Jon .16, tf � � i - I , , Of the little ills that affiletall childrell, P . . . landt is 0 ere for 0. on 041terms. aged. - . Con 13, 39ollett, - I It is impossible to publish all these alvalueofthe,prenlists' I . . I I barnolog, 0 i I 01 B. RALB, JOHN AIDOUV . I 'Chis system John Elder, of near Heticall, ree ntly , ., of we r ano small� . Oreb; r io I a up? Icktion to . luern for Sale, letters, for they would more than fill ; ,trd. . ' ' I , provides In effect for. the lbvying in. disposed of a fine young Shorthorn, _ , . ab . . I I DA34. 011ut "a . . CHARLES $EAGER �. .. I ^0 newspaper,but thefolowing extracts . ' bull to Mr George ]Fitzgerald, who ' ACTS GENT1Y - - L 1. wi . , I -_ I . I . - - Wie a fair s4mple of what all mothers . future of Ali Income tax, not directly shipped a qarload fromthis station to , o . , I Lott's Beat American Tallow corn for sale, Barristei Solle, , Notary 4 any y , � . (51 �N� Alwarsolthand. Cash or � . . . itor an 0 0,4264V - zav about this medicine -. P time as arranged. . � , . I upon income, but upon the residence of the west, This bull was -considered . - For Sale .or to 4ent. Drive right to Warehouse WpadIte Rair*ay , 8111co-oppoRite Colborne, Aotet . Mrs Jas Hopkins, Tobermory, Ont.- persons soassessed. I yet he brought his ,owner more ouger station. � . , PERRIN" � . *'The Tablets area blessing to 'both Pa"Inton, Zan., 1003. I � ­, � I cheapi than was paid for ,any. other . � I . -_ ' 01, I . � I Godar�ch I . � I , IQ WELS) , I n e , .110 � . I . Railway lands and buildings to be U16 1� _. - I 102 Stanley, containing wo.acres . . . I . . � I -owther and child. " I- 0 Ion in -we that - . . " .. . r In so. '12on 'I r�- .1 . . � tie the car load, whieh sho I , d . its'. cultivation. for sale or to rent , , . Mrs John Dobbie, St. Andrews East, vabied'.in the same fashion as those of he must have been something good. �,s vlp.z� I %5 I e for terin.of ye4rogVy to JNO. MeGUEGOR, ImproVement of Stock. ­ M. Go CAMER014 I I . : Qvie. -"I consideritiny duty to reoom­ , � . I. . I � . M on premises or X . XcGREGQ�l,-2 otm.,H. , formerly at Cameron. Halt & Cameron , . � I I I T . 3aiend Ba iivat�e individuals. ' * I ' CLEANS - - uckerAmIth, Saioforlh P.. 0, - . I I I . � . .,by's Own Tablets to all my P . Win. Ross, of Port Perry, the Cana- EFFECTUALLY,- , INN-Ttf, . The subscriber hq� for service on lot 94 Rur BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR, I . I , . -1*10ndswbo have children." . - Franebise-liolding corporationso such dian member of Parliament, who is -5 * * ". . I - on Road, the large Improved Yorksbire'Bon. 0111ce-Joamilton Ot oppoolto volbornelaou , . XraABurns, Mitiltonas, MaO.-111- as street rallways, telephone and tele- called the Canadian I'double" of the P�l, OLDS'' 600 . . � Oak Lodge Gaiety No 2700. Tarms'.01 at tim I GODEA . .., 1)151 � I I of servlpe with privilege of returning if necess � JOB. ONT , . 1, . have found Baby's Own Tablets do all . Kill for his -striking resemblance to. fR$,*) I . . 1, I tp . I . graph companies, and,6thers makin . . (0 , i Ag , For Sale , :.: you claim for thein, . � � 19 his %Ifajesty, visited Washingt . ,. . a 'hl. a of the finest sninfAls Of hi , . , _on re- V .,, __ _: .g;. t2 o 12 11 ve Your atookwIth th." DICKI JW SID N & `OAkwow - - A . � . 11CAD � , 0 1AX.. Im. . Mrs F 0 Como, � Now Brandon, N., B., usb of the highways in their business, cently, and while there created quite . I .. � 6� � . I . . Comfortablahouse and lot, on Albert !St. best, A.,'1%9BTJTT, Ooderiph P.O. . I . , . . . I � 1 . I -"The Tablets are just the thing for to be Ass6ssed for this right to use the all afternoon sensation fromthe rumor -OVERCOME* � Clinton, for sale cheap, lot i Acre Xrous' Dec. 12-tt.. . . .. BAILRISTUR6, SOLICITORS, ETC'. I . .. -children; they make them well, cheer. � that the King of England was. t , . I Mr ultable to�i small ffLrAlly, Appiy at A34 X 0 1 . I . � ti I � presen I oface. . . � PA. - i , 00tt-Cor.nejruamiitotLauauti4ibe ftuar� .. I � 101 And ha I public land. This -tax to take the Wgogglto In the J--inerican capital W 'l tPATION 0 . . � I . Nofiiy to. Lo�n - " � . . I , 155 I . . I Qoderich, Out. . . ­ 'y[tts A,hnOla, 13- C --"I place of taxes on gross receipts, -and S 6 a,brotherof MrsM.H.M______, � . .. . . . I — . , . . .. - I ­ I I Mrs H WPP 9 I � HABITUAL tov . a I-,. Dickinson CitAs.G"NOW,LL.D I . .lave found the Tablets a most satis of Winghain. - . � Stable for, Sale.. .' , . f"Wry medicine for ch the right of use, -is well as the strue- . . PERMANEMY I � $1100 to loan. on farm property. . Apply .. . . � I . � ; . I . I c _ . " -, ildren, I always . . I . . . 06 NEW ZPA Offlilf?,.Olintoli . �. PROUI)FOOT 14 1 klije The t4per of life in . connection with '0 S A AYS, . I ,tur il , , A ood stable with seven, single aWIP, a box ' . ftlgogoTgsa, r"'fir ' � , . _p them in the house." . es on the public highways, that is, the mortalexistence of Peter McIntosh IT stalfa. harness room, grain bins, 0 roomy b I 4 'Sorl 0 0 Mrs . - � I . � & W Higgins, North R ' - B 0 *for Sale. q14ce:NartA5t,,Rext.dOOr,to8 - 0k - T . . iver, S IN TiW3d=17,Vt1T � I I . X S. -"I cannot pralse the Tablets too poles, raits, wires, etc., to. be assessed wasextinguished last Sun4lay, When IT. loft,;tc-�wlll be sold stave reasonable pric'ey 2,ftort-flaru Bulls 0 , . , � much. They are the best medicine fb at the actual val , I . at his home, C ' � 4 cl: .., April 11-0. . W. BRYD93NE. oliuton' . . � I , . lanal 0 - - : . I I r , ue. . - . on. 0, Grey, he passed . . 11���c I . . I . — . . . ,: , � , . . � . � . . . I . I I away after an illness of About 4 � , . I I � ' . , . Private Funds to lead At lowest,ratoo .� . - I.t . I I I I am Princess . I . . . I . ,ohildren I have ever used." , A I I ' * ' ' I r1alue 2 years, , sired by Prime 'Minister, I . . OfInteree - I I . 1. I I .� � , . . ppointment of it ]Provincial board . months,. aged 74 years. . He had. been BUY Th E GENUA NO- MAN" $Y I . , I . . li� can take the words of these , of assessmentfor certairis corporation '. a great sufferer fiom theinnatiszil And . . . I ­ . , . . of AughonfAd 24672,a L%vinl% bred1w bi W. PRCUDVOOT.' . I RIC. HATS - 11 . " Y6 , Lands 16r.Sale. (Imp.) 1528%, a Mthis bred bull', D � � mothers with every confidencei and - � . .. ... I I � . — . . . ,Con. . ,,, � You -the : which $11all call - .11 ­ the developments were of a gangrene Parties, *be intend going ,to. � -rieror 2,1r, by the Ozufol I Imp I . I - — . . .. , � I have a positive' I ect the taxation, an , _ . V1 :D' @3 - Manitoba Or ', %usgart 41192. 'A Awei7o mouth aid olked-by - ; , , . . . . . _ _ guarantee that .e larac MINNA 4 the territories this spAalnhuntfor a home Sielver Prince 20627,vA Lavinia Bred byBean Ideal . I I I - I � 'tablets contain no opiato or harmfl . I ter so that his deinise, *0 a. 11� . I . .. Mel'ical � I . � 11 -distribute it aniong the .municipalities - happy release to himself, -, - . . I . .. .. , will do well to correspon with the *under&107. 22551, Daza Bouide, Lassie by Prince of Lands., - � I . 4 e - , .VN'V6#, , I affe . . ' . � , 4 ,,, 0 41, . . I GUNN* �%V.,,. . drug. Noothermedicinefivesa sim� SV . id, and a listof some of the lands will. be for- boro23815,� by Honest Tom. I . . WK. ,,, by i . I , ,e -- ue . . 6rdo-1 to,you . I , I ilar guarantee. Solo , tea. . . . .Word bas been received from Brit- , 1,V ,., I . N.V. . , Iliggists or C �. I . . . . PO4 1& W.-N-PUNNINGWAM. 3311vth. . � . . , . ,� I * , sent b .�. ,. 1, fall Columbia. of the death of the two OR Ad Va 30c.pER $, TOWNSENT, ' A A lkVANS . I I � . I I . . I I X. 3L C, Ir. & & Xd1ubnrXb, . I �� 11 y mail at 2,5 cents a box. by .. . . 11 I ,. . SAL( BY&] P . Clinton, OnL . Brandon) Man, . . . I � , writing direct to the Pr Williameo F-EDISTRILUTION . . sons of Mr George Ingram. foi nierl- � ­ . ''I . I ... � I . I . . . - . OfIloo-Ontarlu Street, Clinton. - Night bell " .. � . I . 1. � at front dew of office or residence. R%tteu� , . . . 11 . I — . Un I bury Street.. , � 1. . �, I . . . . . I I . � I . - Thoro-Bred '"lls . � . I . Medicine Co., Bi:ockville, Ont. - . .. I of Hensall, James A. and Ralph, of SOMethlog, , Aboat B.elgrave. , Sale.. . ­ . � . . . . '. "Hardly *c tI ' Ralph, accom ' db I � . � _ , , ,. I .. . . . I Ti;e Toronto News says : onsump ion., food House for Sale, , � . , or . . I . . . . . . . I I . . , . � ' I . . . .� I I I . .1 . . .� � . . DR WWAMRAKAM . I. — . . .. his mother, wen Tal?4e- T r'*'fhe Edifo� of -the New . r tbor�-�rod Durham, bidis,' bred � � I _ � A F onian flag carried into .Canada tiny one, no . w. denies that the r6dibtribr t to sail rapciseo, ' . Era,: . I Four youni . I . . . I I I hoping that a change would prova . Par sale 9, frame house on Vlctoria�' FlI teat, from prize winWng, animals, are. oiterod for Licentiete of the ROYASI 0011090 Of PJ176 i040,11 1�, . I . � :�. during the invasion in 18m, has ju ,& utiorl�pf 1882 violated all the rules of beneficial, but,thije hope prbved futile. DRAr..Sxn:_PjejjSe allow we Space fa ,story one half-sultable for , Ordin4rY sale, - Aged from 12 to To months, red in color, I London, Englahil, I I . I . 11, . . ii . .. . . . I 1. in yourvolua. mily. lhaee-quarteracri� lot, with stAle. allgoodpromisin anfinall. I I . � ... . de' cent political warfar , -and su alld'be.died abo4t town- weeks' . � �':' '' been depositedin . . a bjected - ago. . . .. ble paper 'to. publish 1% bard and Poft water. bearing fruit troes. Pro- �Weo and Rpoldendo�- . ' * . . . � . � .1 � . the rooms of the . .1 . . . HIMBERT63HICH'Seaforthpo . . �.. ,. � . .. I �1, � � Rig mother Just got back to Vancouver .piece about 13elgraver as � I was, stoini crtunill3be, sold on reasonable terms. A lot 25.4theon, Tuckersmith,11ar4o 4TOUN TEDFORD'S souse, lik , . . . Bliffalo.111storical Society. , ., Liberal Party to great and endur:- a Ouple. of d�ys before .Tames passed stayed there in the last bigr Storm.: A PH r1q. .. . I . . . I - I area St . , . ,� '. I . 'Clio 80, . the . I ­ . ASER,AWa.Craig,or JAS.SC Jon 16 it I , — . i "I . . . t. . .. . I Nov. 21-1m. . . Clinton I . I . ' � Ing ., ,e. The redistribution. of a v!ty, .. ' I � ' �. . . � Ciety. takes care to announce that It. Injus 10 I I Put up- at the QAioens Hotel,proper- . .. .. . . . � . I � . � . I - .� . .ORO 10. W. SHAW,.'. I I . . , I , � . t 011XII Bracc,..who is a gentleman to . � — 'we can irlye rabItioup-to per f all I , � receives any r89i,7&"lir-7g9%onqeived I * a, faiVer Weddinj bells ebimed merAly at the .4 l.his guests d � .t1iijig of . 11 PHYSIOXAN, BURGE40M I ,. � � Any,h4tQrIQA1 m-� I I ­ lr-11�61 ,� -, - T an, is obU Ing in all his 91 -de- Of Ability. A�euta, book.-ke-eperg, . Jl3ftrtchetir ate coice and residen4e 0 �, . . .. I '' , terest Without neceSSArily it 1, I -of--� ­Douglm,�' . n_ . * . . � Fann'for Sale. ' . ciarks,f : §Pi-iit� did fi6t -materially -11110 I , e home ohn -Morris,--O tr4nsactiinsi� --He-s6 � . ai,rmerls sots, lawyers. mechanics, phy. tatto St., 0 colts %agush church, formerly ad- - .. .. - . . approviog 0 I. flelgrave has, -A - - ­- --1 -_ - -­ Ou .. � I . ties ay -af I . . _ ­�­_­_;_., ­ - Blefenpi-Tr"OPerp, studtnke. Married and , chafed tp -#Ppi�tR� ­ - ____.__�, I -c-o-ri-n- ___ -more features."o M,,e� -when at SL $O. ( - 1Z dtiong "irre-, , _t- _­___­­_­­­_. _ _ - of- the relics. The flag has one * . I4 . )'clock 'Rev-ITtio, � Ross, gav,6m'e-thoba�UIA�sof--tllo.6ther busi , Lot 31,. Concession 8 H R. 5 , 103 - acres; , 0 :, � " , _ ., Objectionable _1 Wed "' d ternoon of 'this vieek, p0l�'Lilat!Orl of'800 inhabitants and he , , , sing a Women and *idt*4� r "JT� .A441 Out. I ,,, I :_: er. : , , _ 'Ave minnic "rt""m 14e0 tea 12,6W per - ansum. We- . earlier adjustment 6f -the reprpsentA.- B. A.; of 'Brussels, 'spoke the magic boathouse on promls6; �vithin I hayopaId2eTe1A1VF21TLkF00rS fp DR L . � . torntoribbous by a' good CAnadi . ... I ness meu in th� 4111age, who, were- all' W00al . ­ and a ,,j weekly f Or e 0 -'Wo T"OMPSOW . � , . all . _.T,hr relative Vot! L . L word$ making Joseph Smith, a well-tb doing their share h k of- church, 6 miles from Clinton Write fully and we, wil �, you a . I I I I . I .. . . shot, whi-ah struck it during the battle . . ng strength of I .of t e w ork� MilesfiomSe%Forth;large frame h Physician � � . `� , I � I I . . tion. 0 . . . orah" mostly w0iter fruit ouse -good yeert',16 to suit. I .11 . I _, Sume9%. hie. . . . 1, I . . . ,�,Oung farmeron the Oth line 6f Morris, . The first place of business is Will. 2 good weiL and. IMTRE BRADLEY-QA88ETS6N,r,Qi Ltd., . )Bpecfalatteatlo� given to diseases Of the . ... i I s � clotern, 11 barns, one 48x56, w th Aons stablin . I . 1,� Bye. Mut,1hircot and Now., . 1. � .. � � of Ridgeway. The relic may serve to, the two, partie 'in, Ontario is by. .no -and Miss.Tanc,C., eldest.daugliter of Cleddes'saw. mill and chopper to meet underneath, -the other I I � Aug. 22nd I . , . . - . � . 0 1 .� I . I., 2ft6o driving. shod 'an . . . _! , L. 2�n!ford. . , . . , , ... 0111ceandReoldenoo.- - , I ladi . ail . . John Douglas, a:,v�ell knowif resident the demands of. -the people. . - � . I .. . , .., revl�e the patriotisli. of C Cal ni.eans fairly r pFesentod b� ihe.Pro- - hou'house. Apply to'WMPIELD CRICH, . . I I . . . . - 1b . .. � I . . � Of this township;. husb . . I August 1�tr. . I.. I I . . I �­ .. . 4 , ' ' Albert.8 - - �, . . . and * and. wife. . I - th a stii.�et we,,,, a - ' h 011"I" P' O' ' - - ' - I : . ftftf#2 1110CIE4 N*rth Of Xadexburp� - . oming n 1. .. .. � � . I jere was a arge coin Any I . _ � . � ' ' nouncement of-thP constituencies:11i A TI * . C 1. , . i _ _. , , . I . I . �,,� , � Bliffalonlan§ if they ever are in'dauger � . I . pr,sent, t ' , . llbnlith Shop Of "rotll . , - '.. 1 2 . . . .. .. - �. I I . I. . - . . . I . John .1�. I : . �, �. I . .. I I . g6rieval elqptiog. In the counties of Jailler, lJouglas. and , iss ` Martha. ' � I . . . . .� I . I I - Ittin- the Otss � � I . . Geddesi who has been �in Belgr - for , . I I I G.W. Mann .. . . I orfi)rga 0 of' men wilo� � . V . . , ay.e - - Faim'' For'Sale., . . .. . . 1110 Suilth. XD I CX . . � . � . I . . . I � . 'Britnt, Oxford, 'Nichol assisted the prinbipals* I . . . . I � .. . I . 11. � I . . � �11111 . flatilit(NI that flag in free Callailian air . Middlesex, Huron . . � .. A4 , aftunibei 6f.jetiis doing a prd%perous . — . , . . � . . . I � I . . � . , - Brtz 'Elgin . I I . I , groonisnian and bride -maid. ., -- . . biisihess. ., Mr Geddes' trade is so pl6m-. � rhesubscriber offers for sale thikii-choide 1" . . . . I . I . . Paysiomg & suit #-. , , - ''. -, , I �� .- , for a da�, but hustled r,kit of the d Ontatalb,'Liberals are I . . .. � , . �:.%Q. . . GEOR ` . - I .1 .. ce, . . An The death of Ch on the Rurou road Tuokersmith just east of . . . ,­ . , , ... . I . . . I . . . I I � I I . . arles'Dever,, of the th him that, he always h mt occupied by Ur .1, "' , , , orplijE-Main 0, . I hived. in great bunch6s, and surrou . ,. � . in . . I as a ple I Clinton, at presei . . . . Ay . I ....... . erl . I . I -COuli try on the (lblible quick, -a. day oi. . nd- 'township of Hay; 8rd concession, son alif smile of welcome when'bis che consists orlboacres, more Or less, . . � i . .� - . � " , . . I l. Z' , .. - - I . " with g I .. 1. I 1. .. I . � I ­ bc W., - t . y", . , . I I framehouse,bank; rn eil',w 11 An SM . . I , . � I 0 d hy, Dr, Fallij . - - . , Alk w . , two later. 4 , I � ___ .. ­_ ,. . . ings. so. fashioned as to * of Ohristopl.e.v.A)ever, 'of, Vjctori4� :qrscom6iii.�-I'had4.ple:iso,ntt. ith � f. - C011*0, - , . — - _. - . . .� . . - . --- .. . - - ­­ . ,� give a Plentry f �pie� . . I I I . . I . . - orchard. water An excellvnt f ' . The Xitasda­B jib . � . . Park -Farm, . oceurro&._4t � -his -.1ather!s- him for half An hour,-�U_0VT__cQnyero in a splexidld-locO - I- - . .. - ., lii�l. fig - ' I I - �, I 'L . , , L, , q =t, a * A40 t� Conservative lipme, .on FWd4y nidrilifig, at the age - . . . .1�i .. �j_ -D , 0 R_R_ : ,, , I ' I , . * .. . � .. .otitton 1-��k—ed-9i;Qeddios why he ,did - "' � I . . T B, ... ,Clinton. I.,., WaT-HXM7-­--,-�4- . I. n* -G'-'� 0*44T-�,HOLM -84----t —,, - � . . * . . Ir . The New Brunswick e eetions.* held candidates., , " � -yeArs., The deceased had from not gTow a-beatil and be.said he had- , * ­ ' ­ " �i . I I .. 1. ._X I o 1. ens, aft r Eider , vacatio�.Oli Tit , es- - � . , .., 1. . .E . ! 11 I . .1 We" .have 4ok had in our of 38 I 4 I � . a , DENTUT . - , , .. , � . . L ­ � istoryal?y meaner 6xhibitio v . . � . - . .- . r. 10 . The spring � months, are.. , I or . . n . . � . I .0. Bruce , : ! . .1 . . . � 16f. spinal - dis6as ' "day: (sui6esi, tohr.,E ; 011 Saturday were quite -a surprIseJo very infancy been an. ifivalid, being 9, so, many bate-tmedpeople to. W.-busl- . . . I., , 1: I h Political Ill .. .ictim I . Tario.for.-Salo.... .. I I 11 - . � I. , jth-.sIde.-. . . . e, Teguiring ,ness f0that a mau.coul& not be ,too . . I I I I Sitclulist 111% Cro*X and Xrlil - , . � � amob . t e; at of the year for making a ge worif , While it was admltt�Pa -of the, greed and arrogance of A �ty most "Careful' attention, andin this barefa,Oed,andmehadahearty laugh ` - . "_ ­ . se'DonW.%,1N4ur; :' . I . . . I . � � � L D. S.-Grad"te noyal cons .1 ,,'. . . . � pal . 1. I . start. rite'for the;eason why.: 20 to so - , . th .1 Lot 7, con. % Colborne, contAinin 50 .. . �. , ,,at the Governme *tit would be.:retu - ' Drillection, too much credit ,cannot be twether as. he, had the joke, on met, , � . f.j.plabres of. , ffeaus Of Ontario, Toronto % - I .. ­ ' ' . rrx-. Tn(136AW -'than ,was furnished by -the OT . land in good, cult4*atfov4 20'sores 6WIDL,15 calls f r 91p ai waAss from $35, to $60 par D41). S.-FiraWase Honor gmNital aft.re* - . � I ' ., � . . iven - I , - M fm . . 8 . . t. tal Department of Toronto - Univirgity- - * . , . I.,� ed,. it was thought the-, Op redi i . to his sister (Marlk) Mrs Henry I journeyed tip the -etreot.till I came acres Ingress,. 5 acres fall.whiat 0 Ig as nionth ad - to The refusid hatily. -No I 1 Position * .. , stribution, - - of 18n, and naturally RvIdr,:who has'remained !at home to .. AnOthe . r blacksmith shb . I Is story frame houseand two frame arnsin . I � , . . _ . . * I � : . . ps so I &op. �, - diales left. I � � peafal, . . *out(] make moi -e gains th 1. I ut !�M gra . ,�tt:ontiqn,g,ald to proexery^tiop,of- � -'jb, ... ' i * . .11, . . . all. it -did. there is now apprehensloh among Coll- And during, till those' 38' oars, had ped in to see,what he had to say abo ,90 zafk, also a good *all and Young bearing - I children A tooth. . III visit Bayfield .*rr- .'. " _ . .11 . � orchar . . armwenfencodandwel -watered. -, . We. . I .8hailband and . , . 7 , . , . ined to .. . � I , I teach bookkeeping. Monday. , . . : ,.. . ; , This feeling see - - seryatives lest the Liberalparty should' w . . .her,hOpless biother., ' 1361grLve. . Penmanship by mail , - I . - . ' 1� i Prevail regard . I . atch6dovei . . I . Ile' said he had been - in Possession maybe had Mar, 1st1l=,'XPor fur- . , : . , �M9e*vorW.Tarlor&'SOW0shO6, 1,t..t., . . . :: , . . Belgrave for it humber of -years carry- ther particulars a to . , ­7-----*--�- - . - . . i . ­w� . � , ��' . §t � -7,& c'! ty, where Word was received Ilere 6n'Mond * 'Bu. Write for particulars and *cataloguie of . , , . . - . * I , I , . tlx� Opposition,; seek. revenge . - b - ue -and e his MRS RlNDEN or a JEM * ' I . . . . . . I . � I . . _e � - - Y'Lot three, . . of did th . e Qonl*m�ive leaders of t' ac trade was increasing every year. - His -__ , % t . . - e t . : 1. 11 : . . .and, behave as. adly as 11fet; of t1le, - cidental deathof Yr. . . ing tin it successful busi ss � Sept.. 18-tf , � � ... '. , Bo;F50, Goderich 1 her departmenf. '- �. . . � . � ' D R.. AGNEliV . � *. . -.,- two, I . I ,� , _ . . L 111. -Pe. il"A I U ,.:. � 1, , . . . . .. 1. . . . � I . . . � . I - , �. I � . . wenty Malcoln McLeod, son of M-rs Daniel' , iwva�.' .. I .. .. . . I . ­ . 1. � . .. � ... .� . . . ; - I the f6ur eandidates. . � ... . . I., . . . 4demand ' . .. . XeLachl' I 1. I . I DENTIST.�'CL 10.�j.. . .. . I I � :", . Ar tip. I . I p 10ge. that he had, to' *- CO.' - - . . rN Early hi1he 44 'y� ` * . ( . . :., Clark, of .Egni6ndville.. Xr'MeLeod . ,an 1. . . . I . ., . I ' 8 : , . I., I . .i . - was , 4 . p him, but�,_ I" ' L . a el. . . - , - nt. ., , :.,� �­O,J� . � . _ �� . . .L . ,; , . I . 1i helpei,to.hel , an -for S -1 `v'l I I . . ,. get on, anothe Ilouse 41 Lot . ' I . as qiiit(;.� ap mgage(l � in, bridge: building in ; . � ' . . It Jwvve.... it N� parent. tha I :61le suited Ili __ ., . I ­ . . . .. r0ithani- 4D 08 adjoining rho 1. I I . � t . L,rllere 19 . probably sorii uod for Cl in best for-the-houpti wh ii " - - .' . I . I , I . to Stildio I . . . . � I � 1. "is aPil.e L . .e 9PO . etelafid,' Oh16, and L it is believed . . . IRV.- an& � . I ... ... I I ' the labor rau-ks had been broken - into- th 16 earn,- in. hungry fbr supper , he said Tit* pro ty of the late. jfi�.L �rurnbtfll, Sit- � s , ,.­0f!"ceH6ur"t9d every d ' , . . . . . hension.'. Liberals nbm, con-' that while so en'ga,ged. he fell, receiv- his tradd was. bri _ uatedat tMoorner of Victoria and Warls, Ste. WAIMted,U .. - - Satultd% until 10 O.. 113--. BlAnth- . - . " I " .by the Gorer'rimenl,andas the ad:- 11 , * In 'such injuries' a-, r,sulted in his. . sk. enough to keep C.lintgn. to oftrod for Sa, a. cheap. - There At 1% . .. . . .�. '.. . :- I ... L Oftices .. . , . I .* . day� trol both the Senate. and the. Hoiige' Of , &, David .-Wrel),.an old and highl I two4� fine as silk. May, Iiis trSA6 last two story frame'dwellinj house, coutalain,112. . .� I . it ester:Diipkannon Blyth and L '. . ` . - . . . ; I . . . . - I -, � Ybang*mei and women to prgpsre for: Bayffeld. _� � .4 � M. 11isoA is knowi.to be one* ) I t L , '' . �, . uanced the Government se�=4 'to COTO ons, and there are onil y for Mr A a din uR . I .. . . . - �­ I I . . L Dolls 1111- . of . rooms comprising a doub a parlor, tw . . . . . . L - 1 ,..14 � I .L .1 '. L . . respected resident of Tuckersniith� those jolly yt�ung . roomfland6 bedraoi3�e,thereisalgo.aa"Ublirn, good situationo., Ap'ply 0 . ___ . . . .. . . .. . . .. :, � . ,L. I t. ' . fellovis you"kuow.. th(re are iome.beating fruit trees on the lot. . . L . I , . . .. . . . . . L � . - .1 *0 . . 11 I ,Tanli- ahead �-onsiderably, and whep -the more that, Party inter�sts,oply will be near. Chisehurst, died At thti residence � As -my ime was-gett1bg Scarce I For particulars, apply to JAS. SCO . I '., .. — . I - , . L � , , . L ` f I I � .-- .. . I , I Pollclosed they had carried their � four� L consulted in .fraiiiing E re; ,o . made'liasito find ollt.wh4t'�+ . .1. Domini.on, . . 'he next Oct'. 81I � . L .Velt' , . . the new iedis" , of 'his e6ii-in-4awi M� - Silas .i was, . . Barruter, - I . - terinarv. .. . - - - . , I L . . .. TCT1f.tOn4 I. 7. : �' : '. I . . .. . I . . .. ' ' Harpurhey I - . 'S'' , t we i.-alfhoa-lb one (lovern ,, or), Wodneidp.y., Ne, e of business WAS like afid.found it ,,-------,;— I � I � . .B.4si,nes . , _ � . . . . . I . ' a . .11 � L'..' Side.. � 'L' �'. . I .. . . . , . L, L.. � 13 L, _ , , I . � , 1, ­ 11 I- ment candi'T Iributiop. "There, is - � artmg fe.�li�g .78 years OZ age 'and -: had been, Ili I *P'a . , � I . . . I . . , . . . .. .. I , . . .� � ., I I ... L R- J-. , * ''.. � - I � . � L . �� I -%y4 2�4 vofo� .1bekld oiih ting Libe, . . , . . . ..... . . - to . , For . . ft'llege . . � I L . . FREEMAN ' ' ... � � I , 44k, . � -5 ­­ . e. pa inter. , I 1. . . 'to b a dafid�, hard*are'store� with. I L . I 1. . . . . . .1 . . I -9 . . . . , .; i - . Mi;'O'ii OW ac6lort of the 7 . . L es Iridmed 'With costly gotidsaud . . I . .. . .. I .. ... . . . I .. '"TRUINAAy. " .� . � , �.only , . � I . sheiv . . , - I ' - . The beat eqdippodaBosiness aba Shorthand . .. S"GECY' : L . , Mltjoh 111011. .S heav .. i :Senate* n, r6jeobin' ' ' - - -Saturday ' - . I �. 1 1 l , , , r the L I 1),t�1410-.t lryl,f,( , �,,- , . Last I morning about 7. Mr Galli ar,4he proprietor, find, bus!- - Cottage, i1m6st'new'situated oil Issae Street, 0ollbgeiu*Canida'. Reduced, tuition. rates� tions of L d Veterinary Medlexi A ' ­ � I . � YrAft ... I . g the . tZpatrick It I . Member of . ' . and it is his pi � ilre to wait. near contra of to I I I I I ffisocia., I . o'block thespirW of Annie Kelly,.. re. ne�g bris . eas wn,.00ntsinin Hall, Dgbla .. on oil and Edinburgh, an . .. � � -, 1401111 PrLva fled all day, bdt the - w.b lik 'nioasuire' of, &few'sessions ago. That 1116t. of the lat6 Dennis Akin L Parlor,'D ining room; three bet rooms, hrg6 Writetio. regarding our conises of t a' * , -Gratin. L . I . . . . had. been -on hip childr6n with proizipt4ittention.' . I a U Yo &to of the Ontario Veterinety college; : - . , " " . .. L L f the L .. .kitchen" and 'Autry, also and pr ­ ' L� DISE � ASE8,01F ALL AN . . . . , . :1: � . ' ' 11L. ers Managed to brhic, olita la�ger votd' -bill strictly . ''bouildav, ill for the past five weeks . clothes 01686ts, ?I capdois of securing situations for . T L -UT �. �.: 11 . .. . , . d " observed qo L unty from heart Mr Galligar-h3 One 6 u0st"-stohe- :umitnek kitchen; Good stous ad or, hard and ,�'. I - � I I :s " .: I L�, - , � I thAal lit the forme V,ded: for del init tion failure and kidney� ailments to Which � masons In that part, of the country sn& Oft,wator, good :gradut0f' CitAl0AuQ 86119'!ree, A4dreso - � ... I , , , � I I . L I . . � I L' I . -ovincial ,contest- * JOS an pro e A . I garden, large and small fruit a . .. : . . I.. I . . NELS - . I r Pi . . . , th I _ was Added- Increasing years. . Deceas�' his work sho' - - ' All In first-class ­ I . . I :� . ON 13ALL . . , . I � . we taste, and neattes i6bundabee. nice JaWn, L L . � . I ., "L '. ,, I . I 11 � , The, next hous ill compowd of U � of the constitbenoies'l F Superior Cour't ed waii born in, Ire anif; and was a , The next glace of business I, . s. anditiou. ownerle6vinif tcw%�L Also f ' . I J. S. LAUCIt1ky" , % I I , . , . I . . I . � ,maqj . . , . * � � e NN b6 - . . . q ) L N , 4 D'Opt '10,f ' I ti , ­ , - � , .. :L' I . ' r MOO I good furniture, to'bo sod privately at the , � . . I :Sla 'L ' I I Illegeon, ,,. - I - , grits to 11 Conservatives. � Sister to the late - Patrick Xelly,,- of Clennand!s, r� full Of �, all ones.' Apply to'' . L ''. . .. I � . . � . . � I . judges.. it was, ujoij the. �Wrhole,.a, fair . goods store . I .. I .. Cont . 6deration Life . g.. L ' .'' 8 I to ' . . . .., .. . .. . . d things. He has been in Belgrave ton. I . . "re 6*0 td' -T- Z 'iiIACRAIC: - --- -_ __ I ' Blyth�'. -Her only sister'is'Mre Jauieg , 001 lm*A%Lg29 -J,T.--EkM31RTONCli . u . . . I.. TOtonto.. Onto L I L � . I I I . . L I . � - ; ­ T1 . e l3ye.Ftedtlotfs. , .' , 1. measure. designed simply L to give P01- RkAn of Walton.' Mr AgIO'diled. 10� flot UpWards of -20 yeats and , L '.. .. I I... I I.. . , . . . . . . . . . . of 'all domesticate . d . 'ii�jrutt . I , - . . .' ,.. . . � � :,� � , , , . . . fifids-busi- , L ' . . L . - .. : . . I . I I . . . Diseases ' — . ... I .. I 'the : Liberals of On. : Years!496- 'a rio 0 firmer 6ery, year Ile staysin %lgiave' � L ' For 8 ' � I I . � tfeateil on obien . � . � . . I itical dqualit� L t; . ' . The Subject of thi tic - _ I . I �ifle prinewpleo, ; . . � The reffiri, of H ' ' -ta,iiq.. Its-rejecti6n by the, Se .was an old ,and wordiy resident - of :It has a first class grocery store un-, . I : : Fann . L L ale, L , CMIJ I . . . . I I. 4 � -Palla - . 0 . . . q' r_V 0 ZT. .. � Proli3pti , , . L , on. E. J, 'Davis . In, . . uatO'"p Morris -township, locatip . . . . __�._ , , , * ; . . I Y attended to � . . .. . . ' ' ' . to tig here 45 yrs. der the management of Mr H41geloin - , . . * . is " Offic'e�-Iiiac st.., C . I . � �:;�4 - . I . . . ok I . I , ' lance ha;X,�Ood,wlth a Ys -acre ' a - 'anite . I . . ''.� linton ; r6sidence - .qrQj:t,?rk,b . proceedint. �: . Ago when'.thoy Bayfieldcon Goderichtp- 118 , y the majorfty-he recejv��.' 6, thoroughly.partisan Lot. 12, y I 1i ' I . . . . 7W J 'lot 12, he'finds business'so steidy that H6 'has M r' ble & 01k : Albert St.. � Phone 62. . I ' in iUay, 19 a cru . The injustice wlilch LiberA18 oop 7. ' . . . I., . . 1. tvio -clerks bus ... - t85 dloared,bii , c1.81rt1;-V1"-" . . � bd I I I . I .1 ­ . I 4. . haye . . . . .1 I � . , I , y from moinin ig Ity of ceder on It) in coil state of i . I L . I . I . I I . � , slit ng relitike to po I 1. I I : I .1 "t 'L day L ' I . waitin oil his numerous -c in rs. abalat Ave acres faffw eat,anddonalderablefali, ' 101? . . I I . J=8 . . . .. . sufferecl-in-the pastgIve.q no excuse for , I niorning, about 380. 10=1 done..- Comfort0le brick house large . L . .. I .� L ' , , I th, ,L ' rnL , I ­. I . . . . 0 Raymanif,, who has , I . � � . . Miscellaneous. . . I ,. :�.L qnent, T, Her-- - . . . . . ,, . "W I . �ical fakitisir. His OPP ' Fri On t 6' other side of the' et I . . L I 11, . 0 clock, Michael . 9 a 8 isti 9 . , I � � I a rebirti to . tlizie Hailer�s dressmaker' SL Shop ; you Other" L h-stablingundernsath driving shed and . � . _ - dlpwomw� . . . . I I . . .1 . I bert Lennox, niade a bvirlesq'ue cam. . . e vicious methods of, been&. faraillar figure in. -this com- cutbuildi - . orobardi . . , � , 1. . - L ' . . . � . . I I . I I , 11 . .. . . . I . . can hear; the hiim ofth6 sewing ma4h- . Mostly winter fWt #- 'well watered-neverfall; . ,%. Tha�, purchaesk 0i .a , mounmelit . . . .. . C.' L L. ' __�_ '.% . . L . I arently- with ,the sble idea of Conse vat'vq . i I It for the .past 50 *Years, paid' ineas ohe'llems together the pretty Ing-OPrInkoreek-and two.welli, . � I I FIS"E,"01 , ­ ' , . � . paign, app. . . , politic ans in other days mum Y Seven Miles . ". . . � � .. . . Ilature's debt, at the advanced of age 4 - ' should have complete, oonfidenod . . . I : o9ploiting himself. . His bo' It oil fo A; j6I I garments for the'nice girls a a ' ' froiuClWtonancl,threafroinBayfield. Posses-. . I I . . OWNWO$ L�.'04r" I . . I I . I � rse--phiy.. Ili . ght to bepossiW r �. int clm': of 87. years., He was born .In Alsace n women :'sionut any time, reasonable terw_A rM, fVOM 60fteral Agent afrederal - � . � S - . . � .. . iiie' , , in .the rellability,of,the B . 3Uf1eAsAurAxce'Co .1& for , �, swearing himself on'the Scripture diH, ii4ittee .*of Parliamenti representing .0ermany, And came to . (if Belgrave and county ; Lizzle, sitys further partioulhre to CHAS . 1. . St.' � which, ho 'baypf for tho . . L , . I . . I Canada 'in _ - ch, . , . .1 I . . material. * , , I , Y'6&T 'I". L H there is no 'p) aca like Belol,,�v6 for -hero. - Pav4d at.. Goderl .11 L - Polielabon ove b1Aus,*ith' 'i redis 'bu . I ­ ­­ . &tic] Workman .18 oomething, . anthilfit0stAPOr d I L gusted intelligent people, and his LL4'. both parties, to effect "a fal tri - e made his honvi. in Next place of business W D. Gedol s . . ,. I . ship -rivileges an t,,� � , Lti - - . p . 11 ; , !.. I Ith the Ine Ired. A1112tUtleahaRnbif . . . ... L . I Vaughan .township for a me aiid 0 IL 0, 1. very few buyors� are familiar wi d OlPticnsdi�ost advantailoolis to, , . , L L n tallor Sflop.w It is Mr to L or Salei , , If yoit do not know no, please in. . . I t' wni , The dovernmelat would probab, moved' to' Gre% Ownshi GedAe taste e I * �' ' tackA o ,the . personal charaptep of �11� , . . . � p in IBM, .410 , L 2-4. . * , , . L L � � Davis the whole settlin.on lot, , Con. 11. He. took , tign out first class stilts and by.. -doing - At antLtIme 111) W let Solt. acres,pdrtofthe quire aboxit our rolitibilijyfroin . . , , '.. ., � . . I I . I I I . alienated m&ny*,ConservaJive ly gain rather than lose if L t . 'fluds business Steady.. , . I I Forer IoOk,oto.,at the Ort M31119m, .. those who -know no Not. We artl. ' . fARRIAG] I .. , . the ,in 6fib P all, of 1853 and *was so . � h Bud dt . A . . Which al_ rest, Cilluton, which is a. *aluable . . I voters, who' know the Minisber of que8tioil were - ' a6heA Ill a br " up , It alia ht wan Al! biii�her* i 'St roDerty ,h L, * I :.P, LiOEN - appio OAd, ,an th"ioneer settlefs, residing for fruit i elcy *an Plante the only prAotica m�el� ere I . . .. . L I I I . 08 " here almost continnously� up. to- the ,rwisg, b ?out in I 1� u I . . .. . L I L 1� . I . �_ Crovni Lands too well to believe: that . 8, L , - . I . . PrIt, ways has first meats andab prices to betry bus as, amen fru to, apTlef" etc; There . SSURD By, - and generous SP ,, and it would be 4 . . . liu�. , . . . � . ­ . ' I I he counienanced or practic . ed rascalgt - gr6at gain to our politIcSL,f Parliament timb,of his &iiiise. Old a e and con. StAt the buyers; Afr CoulWs is the idalso, ib very excellent gra to of sand and. . , . . ' J A , . . , . , � I I y I . I . man- you find,behind the countev,whan gravel on the Promises whichis verigofitable, J. W, k0ove Prop , tor .. - Rumba] IS . could fairly adjust the repi le�itiou of the lung$ Was. file' cAu Aprly tolls BTRAITR,or to W. YDONA to,sseareiiisprovioxiselect-ioil:" ' ' �csentation Ath . I � . I se Of . I r9 1 1 _____� ointon. � . . . I ; " you want anything in his line. I ' Aprix 8.mi­ . . I - .. ' . ... L . I L . . .e I # . . . . I . - Nextvlace of busineaq is a . . . I . Clinton- - Oninlerelal !late! I . . "I'll, . . L I I . I . . � I Nrr Cl � InNortli Bruce, , a, li"ithout . even r.eferen . - L I . --- . . . 13 t & . , , , L . � - , L N,eXt . tO,C L . ,. ark,conserv, ce to Judges or ,roa. � ! - I . . -_ . . . � Whaley's'dry goods Stor�.­ You . . . I . . . . . . � - IT;. :, va', 'Ims been re-elected by 54 in ' . I any out4ldeauthority." - . I . . at. 'IftAR tr .;.r ; L I . "al '9�g�Nllt,41d"m,"Il",�b,a.,.,he, ti . . I � .. I I . I "It I., the little rift within the flut6,. ways find every thing L I'll fir6t'elaSs VBAALMSONSOF .' L . � . I . ajor- � L " I . . H611946 toi Sale or to 'Rent. 66'tor a"n'd1voo-d"Breputation, in each btate,(Ou6 in .1 I . I 1. ,JAMES SCMT# M L ' ' I I I . . Ill's MAjority in May was & ' Dr. Ste� . -. -.* . . I . . which, ever wideninf, makes, the- order; they also-ha*p the, post offlee. . � . I I L. , . L I I I . . I . 1. I IL ­ . I _... . . . � . . . . - ' in their, atore. and it is Amusing - to -see . oldestab) edwealt ybusluessho . _L I L I this count re,quirW oropresentitidadi,artue . I I . ' .. I .,Linest Mfilt Wilfrid' M11010mute-" Ibii,lus alittle rift in la �m TA34'S 0AWHF I ancialstanding, ale $21w Irl wl oz. 'LL LONDESDOno . I . . man Ofteni which the boys a Buses L d Rich 1,611 a la ill one re t) --- - 1BOUER, OP kaMAGE L!ChNqo� : - 0 a oeontl'""g' ""a ...... . 11 . cot' ' d . . . ah .1 ­ I . t�upport a prohibitory la*% And cle Th& following Appropriate lines have aduatIly the 'spring from her as: he is called, �xcuse me, I mean Mi quarter fro ea a as too r , � AvO Witnesses required . mg .911 _ takes .tAb 11 . . . Y.. Spfoat),from, the'station. to see ifthere a If. (un as , r . ofor . . . 0 '" an eo't water cam opto " ' _ I WaA, -his opponent, pledged huilself to . . � I — L �� the health 0 a wo ' md g!rls that follo* Dave, A ' ' I � *"hwOO4 i h b l :, ,. . e papers nil. 'step, the light fromher eyes. -the rose .1 IT th "'i" f' it trees. go(. be ces: . I I . I ,ea appearing in Englisil I 11. lbot' . ,a a � tedo.- .Oti. riage In Ins . L ition and temperance workers took the . ' is a love letter for 6heim' Thop say �t a 4 he I or e. . . . O's I I : JLO L I . . -7-- . , - e. der 6, portrait of 'Cana !,VS L ] Enalos go -a a onv , - . - - Xin- bOm her O 4ek and the nittsio from her . or . _ , " B� or-- R .... E . 4 De I icago'. . . I YDO J I 101W 1,rime or . . � P . voice, Pekha r . il_lm . . I I . . ­ 1�tforin'lll his behalf. Mi Clark.. pefirg I ster ., ' - . I � � gi the bug -bear, which business is brisk and it is thqjr olotto . . I . fis X.&C-Puralsox - , . I .1 . .edtopledgehimselfon the question. Sir Wilfrid Lauiiler, as'h1S`nam6 im, haafrighWne the imman from I the tostay right In Belgrave. , .. - . .. - — I — . _ . I . . I � . . 1 .,.,-**-.w4..*.-.*..*....,".*.04--o�-.*-.04-.1--o.�-.*...4.4.,...W.-.1- -� , ,. 11q$XTl%A - . , - � PlIe9,.,L' thn .'61pneededat.the beginning It also has a chopper doing .a brisk � �Tc Ren! or of �1,61(1 6. I . 1. I . . X019 . . I '.. As Centre Bruce .went 11yea" in th has been the dreaded questions,tht ob- skill, of .Xr Harry Gogginen I �­! . . I . L ­_ I . I , . I Is partly French,: andpartly other.� noxious _ ; he sa . T I I I of* Fire '1*1 . ,. , rdeiendlini by 1,060 majority, the -%visei . .1 I dxamination, thelocal treat. .Bel Ave is home sweet home to hi . .,Anh# rablaeboo &ud I Acre of land &.xL Mary 00 , . . . . ,-&- Orylei'.14fts Attident ' I ,inforence from Thursday's vote I . next place IS the *a oni3h 8 teat, Clinton, Wooms, callar,wood shtd,hard _"_ The 1;0 elty b . ate 61 . . I . . I Is t1lat In.epeeches, few etate6meqj I . nients, of the home phfsfelab. Them Tre a soft watetj now stable and driving shod, ...-r. V akery I =2, .1 MA I CRA I Y BL66K.j OUNTON - L . call with , the- roperty of Mr Frank heel __ . 0 . . . 1. , . ,. , is no Aebil for these, Or is therief need : excellent garden, with plum, Pbi�r and apple .X . . I I .. . : I � 'Ea . T, , I agoodlaianypeoptein Center Bruce AT fl'm comParo, for continued Suffering, Dr. Pierc0j; who urns outfirst-class work. Hell txeoo�etc, . L La"Unat- '' , . 'L * JOHN Iwo IV � id fewer still have .quth'a head of f, . I - T " . OWL 0%)TAIM, I I. 'are 00n*kv&tivOs fit -at and uppeq-1110sk .L� . . - .1. .. � I "_ and - ' � Pavoritei Prescriptioli can be -velied on business steady, and says there i's n- . J.- -R 31 ' 'L — , bair - I by every Wom&OL, I I . s L I 0- * VILLE, . I .. . . . suffering from w Belgrave, ? Agelab tot th� ­ ­� � I . 3 - I He'll tali Ili - F rench And I h ,hat place like I T I L " . I I I ;A 0 Y611 please, L E318118 , AS are called "female troubles," to renew tolgrave has threechui�hes--; Mee to Rent. L or- ' ' . 06.6fMahouLt. X4MftSTft1?�"'A1Nft1tANft , I - T.be'rjeasuky - . ELPISO - * A En, I -at& 06d Thing For Metho T .1 L . � . - . . , ,6,t"`1f`y-Ar6ratddat$f4'W W I . .. I __ . I . Wi thelicalthandeorethe disease., Wo. dist, Presbyterian and OPAL The , - � . . __�� I We Awaid kee� on hand a large . _? I .00 11000 inadd I . th so much eloquenee . and somilch . . 0 . Alia tka yWO. ! , . Theo 'tarl, L . . I 0, men are 4stonialled at the iesults of. Methodist is a flne church" Rev Mr :., over Taylor & SOW0 otore-otlitabld lov T 0 And 'ritIM4010 00. All o)*MM d n o assessment c easel. I . o # and well Assorted stock of goods to _*r, ' - I . . # owinissiorls L the use of this'lliedicine, ' It not onty X, choose fro . . *31 Property t"aa bi I I I I . - - i ig to his declailia. makes Weak women "robust and rosy And a gon6ral favorite is the pastor, X. 21, If, Mrs A. LI'MANNINO al . O? 9 . You wonder, it Brown, whole a man of'lligh learn1bg say, Purpose, , Apply'to S m' .,.L� I T I I 0 at -bliss 14041 lisbeirl . A cam I .4raft bill will be introduced - into the I tion, . . . inton I " - to *011 " I 0110 to be had 1, VAW4. . ... I . I . ,b I o I T I& a ... to nature of "Clur" r . . I L 4p. mixed attlay froin 1a to. loo pot lb, y 1. . I ­­��L 11.1.1 I . � . S . 4 4 ; 6 I - . I n IaA ' � ,. 44 , . _ I � Ugislatut6 as a Govornme t Inetts Which of th -might chance to bd v ytem -church ­ I I I . T I .. I I I . I � JU '$or and vitality of youth. , Dr. is Rev Up Hastie, who is a manOf wide I T h . . I I. . I . I cheek6d,11 but it $,Iv1s them back the The pastor of the preab . 0 1 . ure e, two i . - . a' 6" 10 - POSUl card;; during the coming session vid th We nation. , ., I . , . SOn-bono 180 to $1 per lb. . . I I I . I . . h on P'a*. Igut if you want to cle , Pierce's People's Common Sep�e Medl- reputation. This church has a Kood , I . � . - � . . T " I I I � , lk � f0tr6d 6 a special committee L for, full doubt,, - . , I 1 AV up every tAl ,Adviser 1008 pages, i's sent free on choly, that has for itg leader M� 10d. t 1"*A1yC40ftl%tb0 and L oretwo eit T MCKILLOP . . . 41 . . * I receipi of U one -cent stamps to 'py Whiteman, whom you Should hear 43. 206 to, 966 pot lb, ­ 1. . * IJTUIL FI]kpf . L . . 10611sideration. Itlasmu A bill Abuse Old England And you'll -soon expense of maili - A - Bingo Rev Mt Edmonds is rector . . S Y � I . I 1. ch as thi finilout. I . nj; and customs, . Of - - Ift I #, * � T � (fikq ,No ( ins many r6VOltitionoy ppovis. I dress Dr. R. N. Plerco, Buffal�, N. Y. the.9 peopal churoh, he is a ni X_ F194 and DAtoo, . 0 - : COMA] . I . I . 1� ..'' � ce Inaft SEALUD TENDEM addvestiid to the ua4r-, I I . . T - . . * . � nod� tind oltdofoda ,"Tatiler fot�Haatlng, C#0 . I 11 I 0 nton, Ont,,11 Will be received attkia cill.0 4- MOX6*4 1491V61 and Val6nd* Ot. I! 011AUT17 L . . frVeSt' L * an # 00 ­_�_ . ipple during t116 sewio% . .. , L ,.'' I .. "' a W . TOD lbown Pit 10)16� It will 111kelY be the uppe ' lost TIMDAY 0 it' all V a ways and mannew. T FAP.M:a.b,J ISftA .. I ril VMTRACLt4SXOTPAST *-- I 33elgt6ve has One of the best doctorS UptIlWednesdAy, Ilth March, Inolusivoly, tot J# ge Igo to 506 pot d , 21. I 0XVIr wstmli � . � � A Toronto "Stay" reporter - - T L ,, I Xg- Howard Wightn'411, of Belgram, in the county of 1411roll, I)r. rdex0b, tilodouRtruotiotl of a hot Witter hop'tine '. I . � , The draft bill,c*011taffis & lhrgo -man. Ated.the ease:of XrOco. 'Wartler, and had fb very Ilarrow escape the other wh(X is known far and near for his at the Posb Office Buildinf viotem X 0 . ; "* I I �? L B ; & � Ft ka]n,ean . ' , Winton, at., Ac* X temono 260pok do. go 7 . 9 nelpal alter. of eurt 8 tvang, Clark of Work*, " 4' I . � - L L most thtal deafness, he ha been cured � I %%at. I found that after thit teon ears of Al. bush And a limb flew back striking As supp ,need ill the Attl'6'104�18 -!, L - this I . 0 the place 'foo I!' VIIN or ' !rtoa, . 1. , : ber of clitin o, bilt the pri Alay. He was felling a, tree in the kindness towards his patients, - carding to pla and M o otition 6 be seen N - T Eji% . .., 2 I I t st Sca no t I _or has conimt, Clinton, Ont,aUde thiDopkttmentotPublie , Don't filrget A Y lie ­­., . -11 , � A*nsl AS set'Out lit the rOPOtt, W&Y be by Inhaling Catarrhopono him oil the top of the hQ, cuttinst hotel and I AW qUitc) bull . gry, I guess I WorkLq, Ottawa. I #_& 60 kinds of take ohetry, ejo, ' T a*u ce4lir 41 his _ -quite a large out and the doctor ha(I Will 01 Hoping I have tot taken Twideks will net bmernshured unless made : . .L 00 * y. . I � T I . 4.14, IV , , put anumberofatitchesin it, but to, ,,lOShe',pa,@, your valued paper, on the form supplid , 4, d Algiidd *1611 ills X A, 96A lin . 114"Oft" : I Suinwitri 'ed, as follow's - , Thill Prove$ difttWhore C4tArrhozone 6 �*Nrs(lntll propetty tax to be Abolish. t1`0011lent is employed, Impaired hear. he is now doing Well. , I . L actual shruAturoa Of tand6tm, ' 0 of PIP60 0)[gats And J. V, 0. A%r"dfo6t$ Sbararth John, L ' . I renming., Yours, lo tobacco &lVVqs on Iland. J.- 6. Green � ing and deafness tan becured. Catarrh- . Ad,aeeopted chbelud Oil a phattorad bank, I I .1 Wfutlit,60 P 0 1006t . 040 inaludilig mc-reantille, stocks And o9one illways bri A TuAvvLLEut, Wyable to the ardor of the Minister of Pliblia * 9, .go Dalb, So& . .? , 44 Bounbiproid rUJIJUIL Jay, forth; Joh'a I I' I QUI 10 _ K - I r ial %59*awrool Of rl(96 p enty R u ar JO I I S d AffAw, .0!�, �, I . �' I I. .1 I ) irloner 0 IT, d .2 �_Xotvw am - - e . .( I AR B ( I I '1� I f1i � 11141lufft0tuthig stocks awl intwhinety, tion. S quiek relief' and *1000 from its Waterworks, . ­11.1�&­_,"...". - ­­ Orkg, el ; in St Thoulaa had kab year a, suillits of fthas B"6hw6dd p. is warranteit to gfive lasting satisfac. sit cidnt I � Uftl to tali Par d6ht (10 D.O.) Of th6 # ,JF Baltimore OYAUO hlftyb in stook, * O., Johi walk Hat Oak P 0. khomes F - � _ !, - -ra*ft I . All Sufferers frow Impaired hear. by More than $4,000 to meet theaftnual AW64uto thotphdor,muat Accolups .111 each 4? . Bmaefic John Do XOTArk Xfopolt .1 tender. This ch6quo Will be rfalto if 6h# go 0 8; t4kto be slub8tituted therefor based on Ing, deafness, heA4 11olses and . . t. on the debentuve debt, ereat. to CUro 4 0614 In Ono bay# 61111 L e -00 I *act, at fe We are JtAdori in line t cotinolla efutoxi. Mt. W. chisit6 '.66 1 rt do ,11 to domploto X_ I I 6 I'luting a oft I i Ott r.hn , Ill orotoriled �? foah, lit . I P h I L$' � the rbiltal �Alues -of Premises oc'nupied in the cats are gAvised to fill a MIN16111reA epurpose,ofiltillding the oys. Take Laxative Brow Qtkifilad T&bl6ts In As Of on- Olt ed f It or. , T apmft . . Fifthozone and derive, t1le gre teln. I All droggistir tottaid the morloy I X Jo It6bor,b8mithiElAricak ftbiltal"Ifi%ft 4AA_ � at benofit . � go, 81POTLIPP tth; JA6, Camming, Notmohavinq J W vj;j It It faill 6 part t 0 not I 'elf to a40006 ? � ' T)y tradero' Olatillfaetli"", finanelerS. it'la capable of affording, Price $1 &4bP&WA, MAh., has deelded Against to oarc H"W, evnips 019"futo is on *I t Or V. I ` 4 . . .51 R101MOOV116 G#*XutdJ#audJOhftOJt6iTiNol% L ftud M6tiWAlle 110118018, pfivate banitirg amalldreW. Druggffltsy oil X-01, Poll- 110ell 'W'and. itl favor ofloftloption. *641box, 264 . . , � I XAB lkomtoy. -4h. A'dI'OJ"*d' I ' I km � , . , at A* "us notitz to it 111199411-bto #Xcepted,f' lommW1,03. moolty, Hilton Wif I '�" - '� * mt owifunkmon I , I .11 "� - 4""t I a V410 tOw"id I - t_ , - � _­ - , - -_ - _. _... 0 � � - I ft - 11111111oi7* - L' -- �­ 0 . I 1. J IVZ=41 low"t, - A�T1___,_.1_A .�e_'_.�,h�__� I -_ IA�W�f I i,.;. I - * , ___.____.P, - __ I . � .� ­ .--" . -1. _��_ _!�:._ . -1 I"