HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-03-13, Page 1I , Emgg�. 3191) I � I ".. , Q,&S P114 11 . ' . I I I I . I ­ . ­ I I I .1 � , rall. e W-11 -B I I . ! I I'�. ;, �.. . , ;'', I . 41 , in `= I SlAr.-he"At 4, ­­".. . . I I � , � I , C � _LTNTON. ONTARIO. MARCH 13, . .. 1. � I 1908# , ,7 , *##**#*######*#**##*** " � I i he Labet ,reus the Rate *########"#"####**" . I —­ ­ � . . 1. 1. . w ­ Visit ' . A # + + A A, � 4 : I � I — . . � I I I.. . 1 000-000000*004 - " I - 11.1. . Norilil Ontario. . ed by Fire I . .. - , �,111 ­, , - I � '''"I" ..... ... w- , -- ,- wesillo"d . . 9dor �h . I — � . . I � . . . I . . . I I . A � I . eodetic� Township . . event took .G. T. R, -Z P.'L la district train- I -- . � . A " ,. , , . I I . -members of' Colo,$ WUDDINO.— A li� I h - 7 � , 4��" T � � %Py ma-Aer, and 5, P ffalyle, aivision freight,- I isrtheiotor..) One of Clinton'& Sarly IL4004 OUR . W, - The - With . .. � ' I NOTE, I kee in our neighbor ood,on Wedues agent, were up -from Stratford on out any special reference to, pql� marks -the old Ratteqbury I . I I , 1,0tiCe of ROMOV801 church choir were hospitably enter" N!i',y, March 4th, *1zen Will McDowell -Ics, our readers will be in tect. in � . ' Compound Syrup of � d -at the home �, - , teres . I � . . . Wile )f Mr George COOP and Miss Halinah Stackhouse were Monday, looking into a number of it House -Veistroyed by Vivo ,,,, I '. � I The ceremony matters in connection with the railway loarnizi something of what is perhaps .. , .. I . " , I I or or% Monday evening ; each and all unitod in mard , I y .. . . . �� 11 11 .. . .Tackson Bros. Office for the spoilt a, very pleasant time, and, Were , !age, property here, They were met by a, one of t e most uijique ridings in tile on Mon0a 14,ight .:. . * their host. andhostess., was Verformea under an arch of ever- I -representing the .4graiia artillgat a point � .White Pine and Tar ' . . I settlement of %ccounls and the loud4za praise t s%(oue to Goderich, greens by Rev T. 13. Coil delegation 4 , whole Dominion. St -- . I . I Miss INV& Burnett ha. exIand, in: the .dealers ana the Board of Trade, and not far from the city of Toronto, it After an absel;ce of the, flro fle,4 I 11 adjustment of business will 66 1 -o she will make or abode for a, presence of one hundre and eighty J' the question of It runs up into tile wilds Of Muskoka,and since the Doherty Orgalk, co, I s fire of I �� .. . found in the factury office, whol Cluff returried to gqests. The bride was dressed in with them.disdusso . I . . I he grain elevators proposed is over 125. miles lout with an average' Nov, 19tti, 1901, this destroyer ofpro� CURES COLPS, $ 11 I , . . . irate time, Miss Mabel . I - - . I k. - Ail Accor, , Iter a-fortnight7s white organdic, and was attended by siding for t -tin visited the tbwo on blonv I . I : � Perk in bloc town oil Monday, ,a I to be built north of the Holmes coal idth Qf about eigh miles, but it is perty ag, � � , , , I to, save Miss M.mry MocIllaton, who worn white one of . . only four miles Wide At one point. . day evening last, and colir,umed.one of . must be closed at once � visit with her uncle, John Cluff- J Olin . ng defiriite, was done. The. w � M. Ster- muslin, while. Ada Stackhouse, little yard. NotIA i costs. nerson has en, iWed with. ed thattlie ComPATIVWAS Conducting an election campaign in a the oldest landmarks that reniatined I . Emi ted as, flower Officials St4t ., TO .. Jackson BT ling for eight Morzilis I he is an indus- cousin, of the bride, ac i would not be go bad to tell the etpry of . Olinton's early his- . Large,bottles 2.5c evch at ' - ' � os. . to I so much Pride in its'liallasome - riding of that size _ 11 I I . Mi anh Mrs Pe r Cole girl, being dressed in pink silk. Nine � I ,county Jay night, . , =' buildino that they intend to if the country was all like the to7r and which, up to blond .. I . . . � . . � � trious fellow. m H. Cole attend- groom, was attenoled, by his cousin,Mar- � been occupied by R, B Combe as I I I . ra Th I 'he usua . % a new .freight ohedt6uth Of the *of Huron, and the road$ of a similar hf . I . , f '.. � 11 . 0 I &.0 I 41 14 1 0 � 4- 0 4. t + 0 0 �f I . and MT and M I - After t � I con- � crec - .. I . . character, but in the northern end of a drug store. T. Hays It's a laundry, I � . I . .. I . . . ­ - . . . I ed the celebration of MT and Mrs Chas, vin McDowell I roundliQuse. . . I . � gratulations allsat down to a bounti, lends of Winn. the ,riding the roads Are laid out on a with .,dwelling above, and Ajetbur I , I " 7 ; . I . . . . . . Cole's golden weddin in Hullett on , e a?ped for tho occasiOD- DEATn-The. many fri slin I ,oueb,.as a mes, shopi , I .. R. P.. Re 6. i S � : I - " I . I . y er had ful repast pr ar principle to the, (,hit and (, . k 0 1 . I Friday evening last. as. Switz . very popu- Campbell, ex-pogtInaster, will deeply . ,� - . '. . . . I I essful wood be - MT and Mrs ve'Dowell are _ uniss" pattern of a rag Mat. 001=1014- $hortly After eleven o'clock tile oft � '. . . . a, suce elast Friday after , latter be- ize with him in the death %A . . 1come ... Prescription, Drug, - Stor(, Ofinfon I ', 111, "" : � tt 11 lar in the neighborhood, the 11 I . u '6hiV' the 'rog,A, but it is no izens were aroused. by tile xlnw*e 1hie . 11 . I � . noon . . . I ilismillft0�1 Emily Sharon tri, who passed Ally Yo . . -fire bell. The origin of the . . � . �, .. . ; the bo were in goodliumor for 11 . . . I � ork. GeoTurnettlias been slightly Ing organist in the Methodist church darch 10, at tile trick to miss it. . I sound of the which befel . . . . � ,.. I w Sabbath into re -t on Tuesday, I . ­­ , , .1 . . past week. Miss here,- also tm-arbor in tile , I had X s willrelateto the north- fire was due to it mishap , I I . indisposed the' , filora I � y reference ---.--- ; .. . school, while the groom has been lead- age of 71. yeare. Mrs Campbel .. :New "Year . . eria end of the riding; of tile south end H. B, (iombe. He and James , Ford. . .. . . ,.111 4 . Connolly has been the guest of Miss n been ill for a, Ion' time with throat . ad . I . I : I . I . IT for A, few years, Seldoi $ good as togeth gentlemen, la . 11 . . . I I Miria Middleton. MT J.Percy Cole and er of. the cho p Lth was not uneX- I know.nothing; it may be a! or with other . 1� I . . SaVingS , h � it, sister, Miss Flossie, are spending has one seen such an array of gifts _To- trouble, and her e the county of Huron, Bracebridge is been at a meeting in the Clerk g �00111, . arry I . . is - . I I . . he I the W after ten O' � . .1 . . therly town in . . With a this week with Stanley role,tives. W-0 serated to a couple, among them being oted - T funeral takes place till the most nor I . riding, at the town half, uni I . , . H Beacom a handsome., couch, a. get of bedroom fleridaijafternoon, A laigefamil f a clock, over to the drug . . enry 0 and. is m4kin �. It has. .all the other leadi and I , - g goodprogresi They walked I 11 . I I . I I . understand that MT -nd manx grovirn-up daughters.. mourns the Toos � -e is, said ,store,, to have, -a quiet smoke, and dis- . ng � [g his abode with furnitliro,dinner get of dishes a e population of about 3ND, thei . . . . . .. . contemplates makiin . I - . ' 41t . Adcount in his sister,. Margaret, in Clinton; Mr other valuable gifts. They will tAke up of a loving mot or. to be not a vacant4jou.se here,and with: cuss what had taken place at the meet reliable Cougrb wid Col, - � - 'clock t)r ,.,haw . - .4 . . � . , I Beacom will be much missed. in this their rebidence at once on the faTM Mr MAXWHLL 11AA ELECTIMD�'Ozz Satur- . a. number of new industries that are Ing. About 11 .0 07 1 . . I . . � . . 'o . nei aborbood; the people of Clinton McDowell lately purchased from Mr. day. 3 olih Maxwell, charged with as beifig establItsbed, will rapidly increase 'DI16,ned to the ,store for some druf I., Remedielk * . . . . 11 wals woorl il - I .,­ � situated on the Mug- nVes. amongst whiel � . . � I I �' ' . . ", .1 � . - wilffind, h and w thy Killough. I . I I I I . . The Sovereign , im to, he's, useful I Or sault itiport Paul Shafer at Seaforth, in population. ,. . i . . . -Mrs Jas. Anderson (fornier-. was committed for trial by Police koja ii,er,it has splendid water power com .MT C4mbe hurriedly lit a lamp . . � I - � . I . . � . citizen.' - . I . NoTiEs. . . . . . . .. . .. .1 I . . � . , �.� ii, � . I ikhollSe) Of Plunzas,Man,, . istrate Seager on anotk6r charge. by virtue of d1fall in th6 river. It hag . and went upstairs to - get the alcollo) - I I � . . � s � step oil his -+# # 4 0 4 0 4 0 ! � I LAND PdR0HASED.-Mr:AIex.'Must- ly Mrs J. Sta( , . da and 0 1 ,in the past 'three Ot stealing a. pair of fur glove two enormous tanneries; thoBeardmore He had reache.1 the last I i 0 4 0 t 04 4 4 9 0 # #1. I I . fCana -elect L Aelect ====c=M00VArVX=W .,� .. . .'Bank b " " has been spend' . 11119 � I .1 �, . . . . � . ard, lgroprietor. of the Bruceffeld , that . V.S. He has Co. of I o.rolito, have .6ne capable of return, when, owing .to a - . ---- — I I � , . . . - . . I . I . elasaw mills, recently urellased montliswith bet so , W esloy,here,left from J. Hamilton, tintenes in it, he tril P, ale.obol . . I ... , 1� - . . . Bay: nts to be tried by Judge � - I . � 1, s a week, and I pped, and lam ! � . Communication ., . . I , � . Clinton -Waneb. - 1 a fine piece of b AT Henry for her home in Manitoba, on Monday. ed on both cou tmuning . Olaide nd Barry tell I . , � � . , : . ., . � ded to 4 to At. once double its capacity, The�,e ,,, in a h0ap together. �' . � , . . F - wich,township. last; she was d as far as Doyle�'and has been reman . -- . . � � . I I I The acgompame . anger -be gerar ibled out I . . . . . I . 1 .�-,; 11 �!, I . I . .. � ,Beacoifi, of God( . . d after the-Assizesnext t les are located - here. because , f RealI7,ing his.d. y .. .. I I . ,. � i, . . I . .. . , ­ thers,,W III and We$ day to be fixe . &rzifer .. . .- . �11 " . . . . ieoe consi ts. Of aboitt 42 acres and MT , . I L . . and the� of the 'w'ay; and missed .the explosion dblefor 11 . . � Albert Street . . . Guelph b. 'v d children, w I We do not ho'd ou selvies fespour � . . ... I . id $1800 for it. Taylorand their ,rives an 66k, . . theconvenience of tafibailc, &nip and alcohol w -',:� � . . . . . I .1 � I I hich folliiw- , hu -o nion.-3c.TPr(,ssed under thjshead� I . . I ustardpa� � He'expects vbo have spent. -the past two weeks Nt-W FAGTonV-�-A. Riddell *and H. water facilities. . of the I 11111D .X11W -11'RA I , '. . � I . I . . I avert it into lumber next'season. i MT A, B. Carr is � riding extends north of Brace-. ed, He was badly. scorched -about the . .. ,�� , I * � 11 � I � . (1E, Manager. to cOl e several purchases With Telatives here Harder,' representing - the Dresden The ' a, blit (Aherwise es6ared uninjured To thehNitor .0/. AV IN ew Era,-. � ­�.. , N., T RAN . Ur Mustard has mad . I .. ers faci . . .. . ­ . . , I . � . 1, I . .1 ... � I � . of timber lately and seems to laaake laid up at present, -the result of a fall, Beet Sugar Co., were in toWu this. bridge soni6.35 miles, Those read - I * DFAR SIR -Thb- artielb in your l4t I .1 I � i . 1. . . I . . . . � . .... . . I 1. � which so injured his bacli� as to make week. We tindergtand they hre,look- . whohavevisited Mug Betore lie had time to collect laiiiiself Z I issue," from the poll Oi tile agi- , .. � . . . . . - f them. , . I of th '" - will. know . ion attracted1be weel IE . , . . . I I . -- , .. . well oritt o' . . it impbssible foi, him to !gave big room ocation tot a large beet sugar kokalntbo',umnaer time, the noise.of the'explos -law, iodleates; .. :� l I . I - , . . . � I . kind: of 9, doctor, who was standing ;It the front tator of the wo6d,by I I I . . .. �.. K --�- Lakt Wednes- 'Dunbar returned on. ail � .� I . I ... . without any -desor Aitin the. - c, early that be haKtakeii tile, matter -to - - � - � I . , &ALY',PLOW'1XG .since. 'Miss Susie linaetloorry.' . . M1, , who had just. W,,p . I . . . e day. seen the . I . . Irt sorely, indeed. ]Je dilif.leratelk " . � . . 1. oustanCeo � , earliest plowing done -sdAy from a months' visit with I � , country it,is, but t le NuwIl3a-Ahas a door, and Mr Ford, ' � . . . . placd in this township Thial [ILLED..-OXI �Tuesday evening at iiumber of readers who h , e -is to turn oil- the lights in his fieL 2 '' 1. : . . I . I r MT Kennedy succeeded that has taken I her sister, Mrs W. Graham., . larg� . 4v Ped acro . - NOTES.;-�.Re, Stra,tford. I iosiing on the base line,g, , ,E-artliff jilrows, insinuations at the honest of � I I I I ., - the'ol4est . the isfortline to lose a the G,. T. R. c never seen. country that is inferior to ., .ihop. At the saine time I'-, , -in getting out through -the bad *oAds within the knowledge Of Jos A B. O&IT had valuable heifer, .- belonging: to Win. ir-own, and this is for.their beribfit. a ear . I cone, a . nd he and the m ood-seller, but veritux-es to 2col it . I . itbresting Inhabitant. it was performed by - old colt'with brain Instailtly kill� the, Ot , I on* Sunday and delivered an ix , Quable three- , In truck and ' I le country is Tough and gave the - alarm, while N r calmly and' Modestly. �Would it Ji t . ', . , ,� I - I . � re sermon, . Miss Katie Jardine on his farm on the Maitland on SuI3.Zliast, The neighbors Barrett was s To say that tl . t. Sh. .. - . , wasteful expenditure to bave'an . . � I � . ,And impriassiN . , village', Concession, He states no .frost was trouble - -ir Kil- ed by tile seven o'clock train. . - ' . hilly does not convey the slightestidea, or ar use the Ta ily of T. Rayes, be it '' . I I . M�Rorie has returned to on' ud free. from any 8`0 I .- D ,. a bairely. ti 'e e I ,toriturpose][y for the insp'e*otzo'n � a busy moving the effebts of IV To , nough. to drus inspeo . I sible and the grou . , e taken to�Ex- ' ' I D. --The body of Geo. W, of its chirai3ter, It is one Continued . I I � - I . I g a couplel of. months vii, . to the station;.to b I DnowNr, . of Wood as it goes -to: Market P. T119 � � . ..after. spendin . ­ 11 i. - This is 6xceedinj-. 1pugh . erie� of mountf . ., . - Igo ea, . a ­� . y excess of moisturf . .. , here he Will reside 'in future. a former resident of this � place, .Was a this of Took, .And prac7 and escape. ' I nts iri Lambtork con I 1� etc!? w )ads Wind . I , � I . I . .With h6r pars' -k nd of- fain , . . Lilcknow, is spen& found in Toronto bay, 6, few days since. jicallv worthless Jand. The r( . The public' -wits handicApped in as- person of average intell no na!�!er .1 . . - t. Troop,and,L Fairserviolp hive each. early for this. I I .1, work.. [rs'K.Cameron, of . , oek�;`urzw. sisting in the removal of sto6k, by the Yes. NAre - urge fqrm6ps to coilill'Imin. � . . . �. 00 rice - We are . . � 1. ..a, 1. --.1 I . � 1. � Y.a. -few days with relatives. here. . His. wife, who still - resides here,'WaS, and twist around the base of r I 1-t arOvisloyis 6f, this by-law, ' . . . . - � . , � . Ing ­ I I � .1 the : body.. ti With turningi and You,. danger from explosion -of chemicals,, '&,,.t I st be j 146 1 .. .. I ,sold's hoi se at a g � p .1 . . . . � , I I 4D. m -kr Charles * Wi �r � . 4y , IY ' itintervals., I lit shotild, It Oiling Into 16reo.,.. Mi, L I . -ne ,iw�ood,who ' - . . 1. . � t-- sent to,; in, order,, tO.idoritii . oil Are dizzy arle, I . .. . . .,,,1sOrrytohearth&tMr. ese� )rse again. . . , Brucelleld-, - - FAX9 RENTI . rf � . : I '. , .. . . - h I ..., Vnhillsooften h6t you which kept blowin th ' . . .1 � . . . ,s rented his farm to his h- - it ie . ., . go -up and do -i., *back - --- .5up,,. rr,d. - Tho must. kiliderotkvJad . at 'the farmers , .. � .1. :-in here to . . I . Mari Jim I 1, . . .� . . I with the fortunately n . ents been ' lu 01de by, a by- . . has 'been sickall wiliter, is w( ' I ave. a, n .your . . I . .- Win .Hughes has pold his fai .1 -�Y.-For better ihana 'Aobert, for. &,,term of years. * MrWIght- � . - -�- 1: p in I smoke'' t5. we toL Me �ain -ei6b. golull v I I I . Pio�BLJC LIBUAA , . , ­Londesboro I id not gee two Miles Of gonsity of the� )yL , .0" 11 � . I . .. Win - Stewart - Mr and I vs.- - Writ yea,r the people of this place ' e,cur, -at Aluncey .. � . I .1 � � � stritin,* . I � d .. U 1 t f, §tjlpb11r aild m1tiletre -he town fathers niq'fral I . !I have en- -6da situation . � d" ' othat Would , e !�l .91,111., oll . I . which t . .�2. 1 7 'Hughes, who . I . E Igin taking.BracobAd I- ,ng. lb 'penet -) . t119 )y99d-!K%"1or, . 1. say, ��il V : I . - , . - public library, No�ms-mr,� Armstrong, 'of .Dakota,. straight roadway in a riv OR . p ,law " t : . ' cover 200 miles, a] . * I r . �Werer married recently, . nan has s il i I. . anitobs, joyed the �beriefits of o,, !in cannon �o with the , Mount �s here this week"hii6wellffig. her ,. 31 .ana I ,rated . 11 the to orjj�b , . - .,%:.. I . . . .: -left for their -future he -in M but the directors thereof *ouidlike- to ristit'n - e *ill ha,ve &--_Sale -next I %v, iiing in- the st;artingpo -, I - . surr . . 1113' . - oiie man to be exempted . -� I f (is I I me - e. I . � 1. : - n . ,Ot6toes nrb now 66i int.: I d bunding storesi - OsPecil - thosil, in the cr� of . I . ' I - - � M %, ,see jr I . I 1. . 1� I . )ut are bigIz-priced, . I the And,-"whloh was from such an nnjust'by-lawi be avail- .. . .. , reek, A'.Knoxhas ong .'eat0r intek�st taken therein. by weelt . . rte 11% -v . I 1,ed- with F,11martin and G.Riley wit I the �66ple of- the country, '. There are ,� . .. t .1 the track of I , I on.Tuesda; 0 the llair . I . . � . I to t e vi age, I 0 , . passes. & gre�b .rrkazk� des6rte -a ie -.o : . ' , � . . . 1 ke spring months - Mi And . .. , .. I .. . 1. ,. � . . I aresent at-thb rlver� farin' ouses. Settlers. 'have come in,* blowing -towards Newcombe's. ­­ Ing. 'It,riiikht.bdccnd('i&x.b'e,rel' f.' ' ' ' ' , . . - I fdr tl ! tween five And six laxifidred-eicellent. � 11 . . .., I I Leeburn - - � . . . . Those who Were I I land, put up it, . To give the -history b , ,N,i, Agitator, w6r6. le to getbis wood ;,, -''- I . . . ' ' i h. 'new . � .. . I -, I -oil. up strips ofthe ­ , . Olohn MacgregOf left I . . .. � I . .D 1 this buildinE . Yrn o�, Be&clL- be I I . s - - - s inthe. library; -to. whic 1: qrk.� N qnda�, w1jeu, the ice. slid frorki:the clear : bao'k in the fotties, 'forriothing. Wellope tile %vood crisis �, " . . � . MacGr6 or hag a.� sifii- volume DiDING 'A few from this nei h . so -me cases v, and n . , � ' - - . . . I . � ville where MT . 9 , ... books4re'bsing constantly added, and * ', WN 9 , dAm-,tR.G. Webb`sr6ill,�awavor� ory good buildings, o e iiaust. start I Nanderburg built will ,pass, With the Approach of spring. - ' I . . . . . . . J a ' d' �.ly have:&t.di.sheari6ned when a Man nanfL d , ' ' . . in a ct6aInerY- . . �.. . .� . rin� on- -ijbich bdrhood witnessed 6 very �,ldaslllg Jnterestingsight. Isaac Barr move -then ii,&areral. I . ... -tion . I would rewind hitit that We doiloV -.'.�: I I �. . tion ', . - . -- .. . .the. very moderate te , , . I t At Slieppax the, origioa 01 , which.wag added We , - . , I . . � �. I . ­..Veople-may join should induce many ,evell, Aton - on .tiesday ', o'Blyth himt week. J. flilesi Kinc&i�! and left. The clearings, as far as seen, . 1 . arly 'disp - to th6l hitt tlm-t .12,4 feet, coinposo � , , I r nial-Tiage of hlis� dino,- is %-isiting friends herd. . Mr., 'are very oall. ,I have'not. yet com t-------- Lincreased. lnt� ... . . .. I : - ' , Fortees Hill I . . .. I - * more of the farmers hereabouts to evening, it being tile . I st he e, -it u *' - )" . , . . � . . . � . � , look, 'fit I � . �. . tituie es of its privileges. The Rachel, elde,t.daughtor of Mr and Mrs- Brucelas. takAn possession of the farin. across ,a ten-adre field in- one'll . art of the fifties the late NVni. 11. - a Lord of Avood We'also. know tlini't � .... I... .11, � m I I.. Nd�gs:-�Tho Parlyiersi: ins met Av4il themselv . s Gordon, to Alex. Robertson -of . h,11C Bar)? for' vultivatio -and - inelitio, s cab- ry - remodelled and considerably altstatutes� .of sound character(fititerk . q, ,:.�.11 .1 I,- . - lz�ad of a family ina-k join for 75c and' Janie .be recently purchased froun Is I n , . . , . in Potter's..hall on,Friday.last, accord is very Manitoba. )Re,�. MT Rutherford,. Dun. mit4s Lavorua.'Hilbs efitertained a few matter to the re,6ve of'one , 0 I enlargeil the structi.ire, so its th all"Ost- -lidw,ho modifies: tho:,��ord .41 buid"). � - . , ,. . . I I ,uncemont. the .� speakers the children: for 25c eachi which 1 . . .. t thi ..' .. e,siglit6f the first buildin ' laCe-ju t'dealings between the iit-! �: .. . , t ' .g rk.:,officiated - `The bride'wits ' riday Afternoon W. itk,_b 'd In 4 . .1 1. . .g. y0lgi� I - � - - ---,--- o anno prosentAlle-In6mb . ,..1i-. � 4tiond" _6sai , e did no .. entirely 108 -1 x - -y-] ---- . . wn�,,eT'o ei... - bt6-d-W--1AF1ho larje"atterid.,� ,r6asorkabl%: - At orm - annoi- ­ -----'-t - eve-, , k�jy n­F- riners. stai w- I �,Kid--tli,(.�ii-riiet,�-I.hei-bb cover. It --L . - in a sill . of. d - . I - to flild-suai. ";Some of .tile fil e new' . -wR,.T-then­MlIed'-I3at� tzol �: . " . . ig. ndred,, and " tastefully. attli(id . � illougli'mild. family,hre Moving . I I. ' ding I . ' 1. . ance; it is evident thit the fariners in ship is les6 than ,One. hu, . . I . and -it was cidled' tho- .cQrnmur e, or i i I , I I . , not secure the govera- -colored - canvas bloth, I trimmed with. 8xeter- durin-;- their'. short stay here . Vhave coinfortkinle-bruildings, tenbuiy'i Corn6rs. . Latet ij.qatioh in' INIr 18.eail ' i ,in sy . 'in'the -. I I , the directors cdai . . hei I61he nuill ave -nothing knoie to .� '" . . , warm fiieiads� at first glance one we] . bbr. hands, anil,%vili'li, ­ � this s6etion are nipathy vilih this silk andwhite applique, and carried ft: thv-� la�ve maae niany' aders how the Ratteinbury Hougef . increased.' It do With theiriatter, for law convinced '. I .. movement. .Mrs 'Wm, Johnston. whb ment.gralit until they have r6melled i of white ,carilutio'ns. :After a, who will miss tbern.-, A. * J lut III"'- of dwellings in the Place I . I . , :�. . . .. has been�v6ry ill With inflammation- of - :that n,umbor,thqyaraaix*iOus *to ie6are - boquet li in n amii6ft - dic- world they tridn'age to exist. -E - r btel �thaf. .1 sees tlliotigli it glatis - diull 6, ­. . I ( - .. � ' : ; and'thus ielfeve sumptuous tea, the guests, u beri k posed'of bn6.of his highly prized gago.' berliig operations itie �ca,;rried ,on hei?e,' was later. used by Ged, Knox fo In , , is . . J T, 0. y ' I . . I 1helkings. is -improving slowly. Beti, a few more memVers, icial dblfgac-' About fifty, s it evening . � I a purposes, after' that as .1, hardn-are I - . . .T 'the final peut aplea-ar he .colts Thursday,realizing.a.t�dy:ggureI very extensively, and 11zer6 is 0 . . � � . I laic'rnp, With grip. - ISP them of part 6 . . .. .. � . . . A 1. 71 for a go -store by Searle & Diltvis, and from this . Cox has beer . M' I al gue has just�bien in games, songs'and. dancing. -T . " . . � the I camps, All. kind, ,Of. I . [ Witb,Abi.s, let( eribb-agititi�ll'lnllst , I . Mr. Mul- . . . . I ar � . . � . .d' deiiiand in � ate Jamei cease, as� f , as the colinuns. of the ; . . . MallaieFerdue left'on Thursdaylast. tions, A new eat 0 .. . presents were numerous, beautiful and. � 8Jj1111K9N.T'q-Last Fri ay , � farm supplies*. ' - I .firm was'purchased 15� the , gW 4R.A, .. . �. d . At use rec- - ' . . . � . I . to vimi atives in'AIgOma. :.-Fred. issued.- �, * � .�. I . I - � . . . Although the . doon shipped from here a ear load icon- . . . io, together with his - -.are. concerne � . . . I I it rel, -- Win. lohn� . .. . apprqpriate. .. . . bride has ,-I have talked'with a number. of.per- H. Cc . .1 - N R . - ' I irrie, visited at -� -d-ks Ch'".'Mas on, � who I � . , ­ f ,e . )6rb*,. of Gc I 'G., � for some years; slak.1 gifatin 'oll8horses and other settlers7 ,= �wl q .h doubtless '. �1' . . .1 Mc IMPROVI'N resided in Clinton � f, eons who have been in here for from 15 so�,. dtod.`O, - drug store 11) a PDX ,fi�s not 1119, There At i 'i. .,� i . I ' ' - e 6otg d t1l. ''. ha 'and tion. (f % and the � -3s lz�s been w,iongs tl ed Aglatfi.ig on both` - . . 6 a;s last week. - .1. Thornton had tile : " itrid MT Miller shiplied it dir' of busine. iat ,no .1 " .. �s I has been confined to olinton hospital mwas at one ifine 6 frequent visitor here, t6'30 years, an ey. are �ppy' , 'enwity Nyll pal j -f - 1 '.4 ,6 lose 'one of his working, I friends wish both her � , . - ever -since, A part of' ifaes, but. - . I I isfoktune t . for, some time has returned home,: and I an r eight horses and . settlers' effects; both - g 0�y nerease " ' liviiag, bow6ver,, in a.Way carried on here - r. a . . , . I$ : .e I '. , in . d her iliany . . � . . . ... �;,.�', ho,14s recently. �' Fred Pickard sol& ii . e pleased � jor��6ints. jil Manitoba. - Th contented. �6:dayj Ins tb6.10�ke.VL t Ile jjj�'Pure I . . � orl,) .�.. .. 'bid, hi num6roug friends will - b �n Hurq.rk would care to � tbisl�arkze building stands i - . . 1-1 and her husband'a bappy.And PrOsPoll e,ars ar T tow I - � I . . 1. . , . . ', air of -colts, c t6or Dwri that slze'isvery�lmuoli improv- . *11 dupied by� O�* E ,� ­ ­ . ­-­­ . le 1. that Yet . f I . oil . . . . . . .. . . f hogs on I - t part. o. the... house oe . I . - aing three years :� I , ous life I . . . I - s it shipment o efidurk and one wouders at'. tlaoir; wi , l-,- , To J., Currie,. -for uril of il oveg. are outer.; - .. . I ... . week there wit tber .on Wednesday; . 'be I. vetie6-0,i -� � TOI� A 11bME - As the I .. . the�handsome -s . ed in health, and good h . . �.., � . Monday, and A1130 riess to � remain ill- & sedtiori; *,here - . Dowding, it having. el � � �. MAY 8 T: re is ' � . . . . O' .425 it pays . t6 raise colt* no,* If * . 7 I , NOTICS.�JOS-, McNevin visitea,his . I �' hogs ad- , Ing . � - " . .. '. ,I rI. you t -ned for. her recovery. ,, , ,: � . D'say, the prici .of. I 3t ..arduous kinat' And 'b A ' loved to its present site, no crir . al . . . . I . (�r6tlzer III . Wingharn this.week, and strange b life j�bf: the m6f. - I � after- em ,Tell Wrial i�ork in sight for tile As.; - ' . . . G c - 1 . � � � . . . .. Unt' bings, forth ,es nex ik' at� od n-leb,' Actirit . . .. I got the Tight kind. . . . . I. :, . I in 'two days. � R r ana her. siv, . t Wee . I . I : - . . �hig -brother Alex'Ari n's in vanced.20c per'cwt i . -- --- � . . . . I . . , . the prospeo * -1 . Ygom owner' ofAhis' on66 famous bulldil,F.1; crown Attorney '. Lewis has * b �.-",.` - . ii,ecl his pousi ts lone too bright - Th 1�,�11 , . I � .. . I I . I . I . . ot a six.iijinblit Of fresh herritig t'h imber is -removed . . ..% . given n. - .1. I r: I � � : : .: . . 1. . I 1. .1 . . Hibb6rt township, ne�r Helisall. - A16V � Adams 9 e around and dis, - ,When the.t � t such effect to,Sheriff,11eynolds, . %', I � ,. . : Bennikiller I.' .. I ' I .. � 'St Helenw .1. ...... I Horton is vishin, ' this - 3 and drov' or.. - � . . -oi - *Izst'� use. Most At the thn6this division took plAW, 1, - tice'to . . " . . . I . I g his,cousin's in Hull- . .. the land I d ii'f'know . I - "v' .. . I CAiRlliD A � � . - ur *Bude'avol- posed bf them in.short ord ' . can e put to.'. lt'is-.ioo, was I Sdinund Holmes, under the'.ternis'Of * tile Act r�cbrztly ­. , I . I . � BRIDGIN Mr.ty. ;- The * Quite a.uumber of o . .. . . . . . 'ed of the Iiind * b . n the hhbdis of I be,, bein pli�ed d6luf ANva with th niecesslt�� . FORTHE WgST. - MT John,-W61bitor, ett. 1 , And. - the sr., n6w of.. St, Catharines, I y e � I . � � I . � . I � . I . left for the West - on, ers attended -the 0-8. �Ocial- at 0110OW CHX��an - Rev Afr Kennedy deliver rocky. t6 be . cultivate, , f impanel Ing . -when . .. . I �pring fr6ghot� oil .the Maitland this . I . 11 W-, Of the 10th- colt., . i,'but Was prevai; of : 6 grand jur� .; y . He took wi - ' ' I anything likelovel land,are about f6 piAll It'-dowl! _ . I I ,ear was An unusually high'ane, o ith him a,car' last .. Frid�W bvening,:and had a pleas , a very impressive .sermon Pla8unday strea-heF 6, . cases bef6po'the, -1 .. . I— . . . . ,. -arcely worth co-- : it stand, owifig to tli6 there are -no alminal . . I 6avy- rains;. Tuesday. last.. � . . , edup 'to let I 1. , , Ing no boulittothe very . e � -absent for: 'tuattime." - � - .1 . - I -night on', ,The- modern easuredance-" so trifling as to,be s( , .011 � lekll ots'to be . . . . . � I I : , � ­ V. . - I I 'people . here and the -.0ourti Th6: Sheriff will notify thosef - - . . . .azia the volume Of. water And Job ''Was of horses, and .... I I ... . — . - . ­ Ifla needless, -- -­�Rbie sermons Are sideration.' �. But' if 'the burning.of the Seafle.'Block, , ., 1 .. . ' . . � � I . . . . a I , W bayebeen summon6ed,,as. grand .�. L' . ' vy tfid bridge some-14me, I . , I I . � . . big) vet it,there is nZi need of Ity of tore room, . . -110 � � . I . . 0 eat thatit carTleda,wi � :. , . . . . . . I., .� ily appreciated. v. Mr Holthes, don,t worry o . . scarei . I . . I - I . � - . . I . n1ey. . . .. . . .. . . ss is A heavy one., At *111,01's I . ' .. . , . � I . . r,,, P -County Uouncil. had - - - . � �w .. " - f I . , . . -Mi Comb(�s lo andthey Ina n t their I ' �. I I . . 1. It fh -lace. The � ...� : N8TB6.4-Robt, McGuiie. disposed of . - - $4 III t1i , expected,to- reach, here riekb my doing so. - . 'he . S'. y remal a � , in$r, a new one , . ' Laidlaw, of To " last stock takin r s . . Q, .: t, . ' r� evening,. -, howeve I . . . anyh'ow, ' ' es that he- purchased re-. - �PBXWONAL.'� Ra - g A2 � . 1. � . ,g,, In. �Obtob6 Thi will . .1iiiie, th - 991114tt , . . . -hors ont6As at thblr8 o 'of her -brother `� - . . al � Funda .. - � the: average owzk�r of 100 . dotes !in the invoid'ed' the.,stock. at $3,2.00; bu;-heJ some expell'se. � - . . - - 1 , . I intended ern ofthe , lb9thZinornin i ' ' -in'the. -'V� that if his Kbrne' I one , hom f. the E,ducatiofi , I TbelieY6 this much �'. -, . .` I I . I -and while itwill' take s011ie tilino to ently, robbivifigtherefore.'a handsome I interest o . I :­ .. � . , I ­ - . i I . . ,. , I . , 'as' little time as -possible c .. nley, assist- I . . :, . I . , , ffered 10 r) ' i As much av i RS'EXCTJRSIO . I . . .. � . . � .. fi I . I d t. MT Nter.-ClArnerozzi. of'Sta .1 ---- . . 6 nforms us that it W he i6k.at . . . . . .get it up, 1. re. Master 1. Miller is - W up � a� . . ,. I.. ' I I ..c6 ­ t Hinron ; were ScH-6dLT-RA0HE 9 , , I . , :sh6uld be. lost go na not f6, , inconvern.- . 9" - k6d3oot; rsinj. 0 � Mi (Dam !L: . � I � Wing am. . . . . time of- the flie't 6ia'thib there was I - 6 to 3-, ines L. Hughes has c I I... . I : . )resent� the resialt, of a -sprair Ing in the rin . oroial . . h .. - . . I res ere in exchanga,' and compelled the - nsp. c . r Ta Om- .. I . . � ce the, public. : � . . I . I . . . f otball.' On Friday e*- who is still, -we. regret -'to. say, , very . I . . . n 6' I .he would* not accept It. - tbn'insw�inbe of ijL4�600. ,On the''old arrangeruenis -f6r the proposed - * 4 4 0 I - , I I' , I I 1 -4 - `I& I I . , I I - I � I - I a Q , 11 I - I - I - I - I - - I , - . - . [ I . . . "en . .. . . .... - .. . . I . while playing o . ... , 'Scott oatxem-The. F�Trnerls whiie.-Wayerly liv . �. was & �poliby for 41,()o . pleted. . .. . . . . -- I � biking as I I poorly. Mrs John Moffatt, of Noose- .1 - - . . . . I : � I I � I I t those interested in, the. two . 1, Now, 20th Ceitury are ad,wittiid its df eis O tillable landiiwitlagood, building then D. trip of thei, P*uj)li6 school teachers -to � . .1, . ,� WeattleI& - ''.. . I A in - the law; who ,has been' visiting itt..her ", reatestoatc;-w4loecial prices on I0 �o visit this sedion,to ap-1,4-hesa- amounts were piq,ied b the , . . ,� .. -here, m4 � I Cauada's Gi ,%v . . Virgin'&' Washington And '.Philadel- .1. I . . ,. . . . beef rings'organized � lovvr to!�Blklq. .homes, .ant I stern Commerol I I I . . e � � � � I I . . . r�-We uildeistaid. that Mt town ,h4ll to co kdor t . � - GB0,R.XF111 .-NT-1119hafn . I ' I m0e 'Aftitual. � - H. . B.. is . I wilt � le4ve. . � , I n I lie ways And nozzle here, for the past. two months 'BUshel Lotp;-Timothir and ­ . prbdiate.the blessings they have -over We R1 Unioit and globe, hia, during the Easter vacation Th' ' . Ac0iDi3m ,- , . Othe: .it loss to 10low N . . . . . . . . I . � . , NG e.4 jpUrn.. 'than eVer, th . t to do at.vres, . a '- T ' : . I � A 0 OEM bad the rinisfoiturne, the other means -for thecoming summer; neaiO left for the. west Monday. Misg Me . . . . . . and they would realize . ,at e e a v v . I riep ur. 7 atio 0 �Lork 0 ' okI I . . . y,to partiallY fail down a airs irin all, if not all, eietaken up; � . . ,D INQUF,ST � kat so far as a . . h6pe-that. .0, 6' -W ill' lat dp A � 91h , at 4i 1 6,,n " �. da AbioURNF t Of in building op6rat n I' ."' ' I I . -. ast couple of years who has been teaching down, -in Essex ed m*c1u.'est into .Smith ster ' is- concerned, he gan,ty Nurionlo the ' on. ., I jurlh his 'Lighter of MoIc*6haz McE*en, I . . . I I vs, I . I it �-e.0 J ust wha. 'btion I I g ' 4j�t . I . � t , ­ the shares w Ew.enj da Put; but w6 Are. , T 1) y 8 0 a am b Way 0 , rr back quite severely. We the ring for the p 0. . - the ere ..II !sit ti cl�. . . s,tisfac. resigned her school there to take N I. t . 0 Jbi! that tlib b ' commenced at once, for , I I I ad to ..know that no serious' ri6- seems to have given* general a � - I mili e . . b s 1 y� tr y la . - . f I guinea last Mond eve I before. finest, spot � . I � he pe"hers wi alao.v .. '! so o . . . I I . . are g I . . I -ich township, . f -y� . I . . . Of an, impo6ing building that will be a th jffor rat 0. I . . � I . suits are ant! illated. . . tion.. Rev Chas Rutherford, of ,Dun- 11, Godex ormer tw6l juror I Ike - To ii w To 0- sun shines upon, . .�". .. . . � 1. � in ed e 'ties.,. , .. � . � . ,, I . . .- -- .&-!--.I- I ---- 1­� fnhAf. bv W 91,awrene'e: I " _,.-- .-- I �. ----. �- - I . , "r R ITi the town. I � . - I , q . 1. I Ive F-s�----­-L� .- ­ -I- 4-1,-;-'k- &Q k,:A,n- a -Al ! . � , . .11 I .. I ... ,� .. "Ay�xiu­ , .. . 1. 7 ---- . I V11 . .. � . I . u r ,to lldoos]aW, &ilo, .ner son di�;vA ktorney, of Gpdorich.. Se,%F- aj-r­ - -- a them. . Start` for a given condiaCted'A launary) an0.lIVUUikKJUVU ,. . I I . Doupe,* of Myth; . � i � —,�, - , , . e the 9rd inst Ior Geqrge-� - r . Stan . -unable '.to . saive anYthiiig, NoTEB�Mr Nelson .1 a es, 1, t on i er4l aoct6fcs gave evidence, one. swear- ' oint .... said to be 20 miless,*ay and be- it. He was I , � I . . 1. I . . . w" one of the victims .of 'quarantine - ' 1. . ,/ . .601113111lef '. � to i, ence ometo MbosejAw-,she ingthatwhen deceasedtwas corking' fore y6i'i get there you -will belileve* that 'and had'the Are occurted When no. one. � � I I t becorhe ill- .. ... . . . � �. . - e. est -of .her brother, A16:K ly would have, - A gran er- - . ��. than, ordin- Was ar6lznd,�: . the fami.: I � I � i . . ,at Ridgetown; He did no sent is home ENTERTAINMENT. d' olater I n 'Gitmour .wid 'Peter from undet the influence df chloroform Muskoka miles are longer perished, as there was Only one wa;* 4 � I I footed however and at pre . - will - be; in.Beramilldr.1 AAO son. . o ,heuttered th� words 1,naurder," All ary-ones,and that the statement istilue .. . I .. � , 1. I . I . on a visit. I . . I . 11 , tainment fgiven. . *t . Baird left�okz Wednesday fdrtheii tile peared -to be of Of measitAng thorn with a, sleigh,., and of escapb,.except through tbe Windows.. 1. I I . . . I . I f . M6t.hodist6hutch 6ndayeyening, 0 homes near Mo6sejavt:, after ,a 6*0 medical men ap] 'iO M's6d throwing the tongue in for ojod moas- -lie loses all-hio bouselibld' effects and . . I . . . � . . . golmesville#, . dommenco at. 7.30. ReiT.BrOgnpland, mouths' .visit to their' oldbomes in opinion that the in.luoies we - y . . . . I of,Auburn, Will .exhibit big' famous , 1) A club,' and hot by a� fall on the ice. ure oveTy time the 16ngth o the sleigh clothinig,- together With. a piano, and � . . . � I . . . I or, . I .� I . Stanley. Mts Augh McGre , ­ I MI 'his laundry effects. xho.'entlr6 I" , 7 ,* I.. I CHVUCIM�4'31 Powell, of.Weitern morving pictures, including the'Queen 0 unfo�tunately sligped and � Fell, sr" E vidence was given as to- suspicions * . is counted. . I I ' had' the � pleadure of surnmer 4u Ales fob his.laundry Work ,� I , I 11 I over On Sipada . I . . Vniversit theological department funeral, Vr6cosgsion, etc. - T eve will two weeks ago, ul" 9 herself so se- characters in town, and a man seen . w bad arriveT. I an(! all were ruined, He . I " . . took ReN; k A. Wright's , To on also be recitations, music by home � . followliI4 deceased i couple of ,stepts � v MT Per! las h . I I . . w6 . jk he eero'y that shobas since been confined behind lum.'at Wal corner. A. s' . listening. to . e . . %A6 O.. is -ed in. the Metrop6Iitan,wbi6h .� . 715unday ladt.. I I . 6hoir, g7mmophone selections by Ward N' -bed allam, who has been On- Of the very rinuch apprecia d pastor. of was insur - . I ­ . � �—, I 1. I.G16dhiil;,and An address by Rev. W. to I Goldie Gr deceased, stated his father- had $114, the Methodist church ,at Brac6bridge, has since lhad4 him a liberal and sat . . . . . : , , I I - - I - I Strialij 1B A. ' - � . . . at Sulphur Springs for the benefit of. and the money was still milsaing. His 111'q sister is'the wifeofMr0has.Girvm, i6faotorY settli3werit.*. He. will' A&Vt . . . � Notice. . . . - I . �,. � his health, has returned home, Mi§9 . -R-H. , :* tip at once in the Sheppard 'block. . . - . I I ­ I . . I I � �zoent. 1S'�116W . . CUT-IRCH.—, The-. s ecild .s . ervices -at Bell& MoObwan, who has been snend- fqthbr1ad,some $00 stolork.froin under of west Wa,wanosh. . . where th6 Chinamen held forth, and I ,--q . � As -the Dominion Parlip ?,,will Zion. are being . conrinued this week.' ipg the winter in Hamilton and Tor.. . hisLpillow: a few years 4 9 o, and no . a I Se6ts -to got statteid, in about a week. I " �es,'M. I . - onto,:has tetur ed. home, . � 1�. � tracehas since .been foun . Did not The opening of lihe Legiol tureo ON rade, and, I in session MT Robt. Holni ion - clobea, Rev MT Small preached, *erT accept . ,I . . I � 'know whom 'to suspect. Deceased ' 1. 1 . . utside of the loss of A . I � be at-OttaWa, until the. sess! I ably to Zion congregationlas Sabbath -- , � --- .1 I diedfrorathe effects df blows, but . The'Local Hoilse opened. at Toronto being handicapped by. not beinf; able I I � .afid pdrsong Who wish to correspond on Tuesday. The Government met the. to get it place to start up I again, A. � I. asawillconfor evenin on "Lessons from the life of " .' Heniall whether With murderous intent or I . I � . . with him oxi.public busino 9 , .. I .1 1. I ; '. � I . . Houser with a majority of Seven, Or sl?� ' Hovt - I 11 . Moses. I I . . . &n I I Fter the Speaker was elected. This is Couch was more fortunate, . � . .,x favor and facilitate reply, by aadress� I 1 . MnR=No..-At� 0, .meeting held at pot,,they-epull ot determine. . al � I 'all his stock out, only a chopper eing . . . ... , . : , I. Ottawa, Letters .to mem- . , , � 0 I ; . I . I � � ., .. Hoosall On 8aturda� week a, good, at- I � - . . . . : . . � ... . . . � � W . . It �. . I , .;... . Ing him at . . I I I a.9afeWor Ing majori y. leftbehind to pass thro4gh fbe ames. 2 � I Lezif.go free of posta e I . - I I � . - I bers of parlian . I . I . . tendAnoe was present, from the differ Tuckeramith The speech from the throne foresbad d 'tb, the I . 1%, . ' The weat, etc., yL as -remove is in session,, -if a. " . lilayfleld - - - ' t parts of the County, although the --�-At 'the e'ec-' ows-imports,rit legislation, asexpectedo I wb I � I. . . on I .MuNicivAL EtEcTroit . old Isaac Rattepbury barn, behind the ' ­ -Ile the House I . . . . as very infavotable. The tion held on Monday last, the greatest Tile topic ,of first interest is the liquor new post � office. 'Be carried �a small . .. I . : . " I StYCOVS89UL ENT.UnTAINUBNT. - The Nyeathek W � ; Wore elected :-R B on. The Government I . 1. . . , — . following officers `.isurance. . I . I . I concert tinder the, auspices of the Cali. - Robt MoMoidio, vice ,, interest was displaied. There was I no' license logislat! , T. - suffered .� . . . McLean Pres , , e IlAVin proil . Aber re8trictibris, but it is A. t* . I end of workers, eac candidat The store of coepex I . - I I adian Order of Foresters, in the town. 13 8 PbVips, See-Treas, The following 0, assiftar I imes fit _0t, smoke which I - their - I tail, was- quite ii success.' ThO'comic �presentatives� of the various town kzrtimb�r of its getting oul not likely the bill has been fra,niedy for .11, time. from . . . . - I re fii�nd%. Robt; Mackay was the ag the premier will wish to consult his penetrated , the walls. �Ongder- " . "I. .- 11 1�,p ),n � . singing -and u4 t riseipf MT Harvey, ships And villages, -who are also to .be 'with a viewto ascOrtaitlitig ible dama e was done to the . _ � choice of the' field, , polling SW votes; supporters, . , .,,� , ,0 . ON alo-organlzatlol� - tb 308, John liperance reform. buildibg ,tsof ge . . i ,.�s. , "'I k, . Toronto, were ecidedly amusing. The chairman' of each 81 of ior f, by the beat, A lar- . P � � f % k � 6.1w. 11 .. I George Black came hext Wi what measure 12 1 I., k " -­ ., ] solo ' In Miss Brown, Goderich "John Ift- iuse , A re - I � ;V , I- � I Were appointed -.-Stan1by, and Wm. MoNaughton will'bib accepted by the he . which will . , " TV" y eciated, while the 'Natiaht-ork ,, Tuckersmith, Wrn ESWO ,,. 213 .,I i , "A�,-W,�. - - I we ,qkly qpvr�, � . � hA n. oniirm nf clativer unlessrannoorted . ,— . , MoNevin 216, cra6kappears inthe wall, . � 1� , ­. I ' " � . . P IS I 1. ­ ­�­ I ------- 1. ­ These four receiv to the hwhost duction in the number Of licenses and . 11 . I I � I . . . I � . I,! ., . . I 0. I I � . � 'The Result '. . . �- . I . ,& sitter oAtinot be posed, in a mom- . ent. To socure goodpietures6ne must take time to study the Woods of the I sitter &nd -give him the opportunity,to . becoffiO.At game, we ptirsue this eoutso wid the rds,41t JuAtifies the time and p4tiondib useo , � . u6�lfs 4 Pb4o " WMA I I WAS , I; .UK, %X. .X. --t- .- ..,! - 1-.1' -- --- freater part of the praise for Invin I ending, c Nng the ,/juricn, j,,j Loner. 1110 XMILI) JAAU Is ut"' will be hold'at Herigall. todayo Friday, - lo sucli a successful best concerts of the season. . . .. I—- I . ­ I - 4faveh 13th. , when the traiisportation question, draill � laws In re,lik;rd'to o inter. . . ,ro,ilWays,'andc)li�eersubje6tsf . . . I I I I 11ullett . . � . 6 tto the public will .bo discussed. Everybody interested ill matters per- XOTRS.-W� tire glad to know that. taining to the good and welfare of the MT HeZ201WOod, who has been on the . community should etideavor to. attend ' sick list is somewhat better. A num- . the next mectingo ber-of-hor8e sales have taken place . .1 , ­ � avoundthe lith con. latelYr among .them being o�no 8old b; James Paii- Auburn ' I : . � Ltrupwore service, one bf Th6s roop, one by lees, NoTFs,- MT and, Mrs call� Mondqy, owin to the ser. John. r or, , all at g6od ?ri I Ta ( Hands Eva, Colo r ea away on long Illness of the lattor's lather, whc . Miss Lucy &rk� visited in Xitiloss last week, . . . � I I . � I resides near Spbring,rille, * ' . 0 do. I 11 . I 1. 'I . . dolborne*, I . , West vrawasiosh I PowoN,&L-Mrs Mat 13"r 4na, Mrs thii ho haw A q township, w gh Of I Brineh, Mieliq . d ion"" 711r Ph h&4 kkX1d"4)N'Vg'h" ' ,his I "I i� store a� 6 mi In'�6'Pivisiril 11 at West for otiw6 time r6tuv)14�a horne last I he latter 01) be &P t as ttr Si pson h � I �Ottwamtor. VO IoWc 'W"k. . , . . . V I I 0 I 4 number of votes, were declared elected by clerk A. G. Smillie, And will be , sworn, in at the next To uI&T meotit) - . , The other candidatesyNbt- votes pollegs. � were ., Geo. Dale, .129; , Herbert Cricho � . I . . 88- Thos . , O'Brielito 04; Thom. Daly, 110; Rich. Kruse, 178, . I I I .'', I Seatorthi, I . . I . occurred- in I the strong was valued loss- inauN u4I. - Thor, door,, in th -- ­-­----- , - light, cause of fire un-kn6WOs I - - .. . I I . , The Department of Fisheries has de - 1 dided to 6�etorid fog tnother three I the time during which it, Will be illeit&'sl 4 � to mail. bAss, waskinonge 'And aPolk M trout, The prohibition h*A boin most bef1011clil, I 11 . Zk � I , I i I . . . I . more strifig6ntregulationswith regard to the sale of liquor ave looked for; tile Governinelab . Will alSOVOVISO the assess' Ment IA,w, , It. ip. ratifying 'to learn that legislatiola, will, be sulimitted- to I nikke Yhors oxt;6nded provision -fOr de6- titutopbrsons, 1nogmemanielpalitlefi .these are confirled in the J&ilsi because Ao houses of refule have -been pvovid- ed. I These nkuh oinalittes showabc compoifea to do their duty, The bill - for the'sup ression of contagious dis- eases probElly refers to Measures for ". oqW.,,mg with the smallpox 11 idemi6s Sped w isli annually occur, 1% Assist- &tIce - will be asked for the work Of farmers' Institutes,anahooxpenditure to vomote the interests Of agriculture WiNbe challenged, The development of technical � education and manual tral"bilig *111 also, call for Increased money gr&,Ag for these purposes. The Government Will f ifil Its pledge to grant the municiPili,iltiesivileges in utilizing Niagara ower. efor6ride Is Made ifi the a ooct t4 tho rogrew of the mining Trilustrys: the vndkeasO Of immis . rishingtolid.1- yation,anathe 0ou tion 0 &Viowture. . . � I . . . I 1. , . , - - ­ '.'--,.,- 43 - ­ - ­­ . .­ ,�,.A­�,.i.� was and 1, - .7-11-- -rt,-- -- , I stord, and found it o,�,mplbl, ed with smoke, ,caused by a 833 o which had started 'in the cal )m sparks falling through tin out, it door. His logo wilt ba oonsii - *�,-�F]��e.� , , . :,- You, 'Sent 0i'", + , , , , I * ,% I . . .. 1-1 ..... I. I . Your, . ,.':�. I 11 , * , I 1 '. . . Inewal.1''. I .1 ... I .1 . X. . . . I . We deeiie'evoiy subs6riptie,x,.. * *6 ' ' , �- - PiLid in advance for - 1903. here... have �.4 1 I - I are still. goido who YJ re- . . . raitted. It you have. overl6okcl . I . . ' M4 matter, kindly give it YO.".", .1 . . . .. ..immediate attention. We are try. - - . . Ing to:heep the Nsw Era up 16 the $ . . I - � I top- notch of excellence, and ask . the oo'operation of oui �ubsorihers , I I . by �roznpt tenewale. - . . . . . . . * I , ..... A - - - - - - - - ........ .... I I . . . -1 % . � I . . I *"**A*A" . . ,* I � . � . I .; . . I * . I � � .. . That., . . ' 1. .. . 11 .1 - I . I V pi �.11' * - 7'. int, �: a , . I ; '' �. , . I I -- . � �--�---�-,Tp - e �4!. , , . . .04' .;Z,- 0 I .. .� ,�.-,�rl - -1 -4 1, 0 . - I I ! . . 1. .,..J i .41 hk6', 4,. 11 , 11 . '. *% Jft-sw � . k#*#", -, 1 4 . . ,...------- . — .. —I' . .7 ­ I . I Able as 7goods such. as his take on the smeb:Of smoke. go., strongly, makIng them unsaleable as first class goods, . 11 ­ 1-11, I . � . . The funeral'6f the - late Holl. W. it. - Bown f Wjhnipeg,who died in Battle Ore0k; 10h., t6bk place At Hamilton. � 1,61an S , encev� a ou I f hail his I foot ,,ujecin , 0XIivVert`90),1!`1�ao M, 0, and WaF R. n b Thomas, J ran ov,br and fata,ily injured, � . . Mr Brunet's Appeal against disquall. fleatlon in St, .Taines' elootion- case was dismissed with epats, The Supreme 00�tt stood thttio to throb, , , ,­ .- A g W ,MA" ­ .." � ��-��gz,- F ,..:� . . 00 FAL At !%119MV. 1 — -F -W in your ome pulka,pa it's the 81911101 those eyes of y.outs. it. they neol attention give it . to them at 04*6. � , We render fatlltY 009perfWt %V scientifically fitted gIS8309, Wh'*A Makes seoing % P100ttvd- I I 1. . . ,X6 charge, tat testing# . - ' I Aw I . 1. GIA106 . "O ,1i*46A* . � . . I . . F . . . I . X. * C A I . 14