HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-02-27, Page 1I 144'
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. . - CLINTON, ONTARIO.'FEBRUARY 127, - t903. . 61 %e= lu ttf =
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I ;t, 11:0: III .aim === - - I 11 I - 1. I I . I I- I I � -;;;;;;;;-;; .. � . - - OLM .11 . . I. I I . I I I f 0., no 't
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. * . . llulle�t , I � I . . 11 . I I I I . - . .1. _. I , OR � - --- -_ . . . . .
. I Pa 'Goderlelk Town ship ' ' **"******�*0******"** Addit on i' J . — r , ; 7 . . - I A;
. . Removal AUCtiffl. LIVE STO01C. -.- Mr, Jas, Shobbrook., X41', -Miss Amandli, Hicks re- , it I oval Nelis- 1. T&Odttional Local Non. , - - . . I ...
. . . . Who receii%advertiseda bull for sale turned this week from a very pleasant Have: You Sent in . - I - I .0 S'EMASTERSHIP-The ap- I' "' 4. �. I .
in the Nr4w itA, has sold the same to. two weeks' visit In Stanley, where she . 0eath of. 4obert CoAts, PoEn't"Ble"Upt .
� � .1 .Sale. Andrew LaidlawtMorris, At about $100. was the guest of borfriendo,the Misses Your Renewal? I . I of 3Tr James Scott, As po,gt- . OUR- - 11 � 11
I F41t)i REDMED.-Ur James Snelli'llas Richardson. Mr H. Law . - I master, Was gazetted last week, Mr
. I a phre , StrAt- , a . One of old, oldest and most highly- Hop Airk, P. 0, In ector, will Pro, '
0 �T
I I C We rJealre every subme . .
� rentedthe farm of his brotber William ford, visited at his home. ora ew days . repeated citizens passed
I lastwe,k, I . PlAid in advAnqo too 1903. iKl.ore , away early balil come here on Wonday, and in- Compound Syrup o( -
, We are going . on thogravel, read, for a term of tW6 . I I Aast bunday morning., in the person of stal Kim, Air Andrew Porter, jvho �
. Years, and takes, full possession the Tat P-EATH. - Mr W. Sterlh . 1g, of the Ull I . are still some wh i h*ve voo re- Mr Robert Coate, whose business e:K- hashad full charge of the office ,sin 0 1 1
. '
" I
I . com, was called to BprvIe I mitted, It you have werlooked I erioned In the to dates from 18,V,- I his father's death and has proved JiIL White. -MO Rad 1'ar . I I
I . . . I - M.
, , March 10th, of April- a,st week �-bio motror, hindly give io yo -Ir lVe, year in whichwn � . .
I . I NOTIMS -Anctionoales seem to be the owing, to the death of his sister-in-lai;, irolnedlate att-entiorl' Wo tire tt,y. , 0 1. I Clinton was first in self A most effloidiit, Painstaking and 1:, ..-,
Ad on order of the da the w fe of Mr Samuel Caldwell, a orporated as illage. obI ing postmqster, w
I t the Though he .111 remain with
. 8,08 our large y- those of Messrs lattac Age 0 ,ears. Mr Caldwell was at I ing to ueep tha N..%v Sra up to the I bad been Irx f a v . ig CIURE:5 (410VIS. ,
. � . I Barr and W. Willopgh beingadver- .. top notdh, of excellence * I k . I ailing health for Aearly a Xr cot for several months, possibly . 4
I I . one ti a resi, exit of this township, , a ( XAHJ8 year, the- attack of acute bronchitis longork .. ',
. . . " W. MoButnie the cc oper4Vou of our oub" r . . .. . 11
Trage 5. tised at an early date, but for a oo i any years has reside d 101ribers. �!-lllch proved fatal was of short dura, . . . i. �
. . Is calling on 'friends this week, before Put for a by promp!, roriewaiq tion, and.it was on CCESS. - Large bottles 205c each a ' ' ,
. . I ' . ruce. .. 's terling Accompanied � I lyaweek ago that WORTHY OF TH
. returning to hishome at Hartney,Man. in I I � . . . . I 11 I Miss Edna-Sittherland and Mis' .t 7
1 All accounto must be . I I her busban . . . he was down town, and to all 4 .. s Mer. ", 11
. illough, who . 0*" " an ces In better general health t11fa]r1Qf11V7 .
LnAvisG._Mr W. A. K *******0_ *******---*""* O', riella, Patton tor rather Miss'Grace I I i
. I
settled by, May lot, oy parties recently moved to the Sanderson farm 10TH CON-NOTJ�s. - Miss Sara Nesbitt � . . . I . . .
. � - hits returned from a visit * to relatives TiKekeramith . several months. . I Nesbitt) who ve become so well . . 4 i
W-111 N sued. . � on.the gravel road, hasrented it to his . , .r Coats was be, * th , , known in Oh ' ... 4 :
I � X rn in o parish of tavlo, this season,and who
. , near Oshawa; she Was Accompanied by NoTuli Mr Duncan Ashton left on gave an entert;airlm,ent unde ',
� I
� . . .neighbor, Mr John Garfiett, arid will Or * coils' East Kilbride. flear GIa9gow,:$cotla,nd, I . r the alls. .R. -P - Reeldfals I
i have an unreserved sale on the 29th, h in, John Nesbitt, who will Wednesda for Park . River, North in 1829, and was consequently in his picesof the BowlingClub some weeks . I I . I . . I .
.. . .
, I
. . end a fortnight in this locality. Miss Dakota., W ere be has taken yp some 74th year when he died. He was an. o, leave, thi6i week for the Pacific FrOmil)tion Drmg Store, laton , '. �i
I plan!ng mill,lat Exeter, and ,purpose , Jars Proctor spent last week with h(§r land ; his brothei- Mr 8 Ashton leaves undergraduate, of the University of east On an - extended concert tour, . ,,
P., X. -CREWS, * He and his father have bought out a W k
# � I .. I . moving thereto. - sisters, Mrs H, Oakes And Mrs J.,R. for the same place in about a week They are booked a . i
� A A A . . . . ' - Glasgow in both arts and mediclub,but � olid until, March 10, I .
W0 H i i H Lo*erK,on the l6th, con. A sleigh loa . d h I I
, . � , T � 0 i i 0 i + 4 4 + T y V_++ _4 Mr Thos Townsend entertained a large abandoned the. latter profession at an an ave, ever V081)e(t of ,in exceed- ,
r . , , . I PRESENTATION -On Monday evening from t e 16th con, attended the social number of young people to an oyster early date in order to e . dy succ;ssfull tour. These young I . 1. .. . �
of this week, as a foken of appreciation at Mr GOO. Hill's, last Thursday. even- supper on Monday. evening .last,. and Amex -ion in I lanlies are p�xrvly Canadian, and we� — I �
, 840,.w.here+ he slunfed orig- W- .
1 , Notilco of Remoyal of her services while orgabist of the ing.. Dr. Lowe . eafort visited, att gate to . . W.B. � We also c
. . I .1 .. . Methodist church in Londeaborot: Miss 'his _mq r to spentaveiV enjoyable''evening. Mr inally at Amb63r;, 1 Ash then' tile' '011.0cess � ich they .arry
- , I rp 11 n the state of Now wh
I .
I I . ]�Q. Carter was presented with a hand- &Y -eilgitged first in business, . . . . . . . I �
. - s evening. A lownsend moved his household York, an4 . deserve, . �� "
� I Jackeon-Beos. Office for the' . effectisan'ruesil�ty to -his new resid-. andafterwards-infarinint Re mAr- COLLE , I . �
I � . DnATu or'AN OLDRssirDENT. - I tdl.the�other- leading and
.. ,set some, welWilled purse. I The presents- , ThQ .! ". I . . . ;
. %le ccounts and the tion, -Was made by Win. Moon, while death of John Whitely, an old residexii.. once ,in Hxet6�. Ur Eli Crich disposed A 4 in Amboy GIATB. NOTES. -The Li�er- I I
I "!
$1 u xnent Of a made a, very fitti 8M his joine liar ' � I
. -
I . . f03 otnIent of business will be Mr Braithwaite I of this township occurre ay of one of hisbest working horses last 1 e . ixx- 1851. n the year 4PY Society will'. Present a.bew feature . rell4ble,CoUgh And Cola
. und the . T week f a good figure. Miss Sullivan, � *,brother, William, in in the form of 'a, M6ck Parliament .. . .. I '. I . . .. v.. r. 1 I .
a Di'm
P I -six years., .The CII11tOn,lmd opened the business which tile- two next nieetings, the whol,e'so- � . 11 I . � �
I I Orrin Ock . All acco I addressi in which he noted the faiihfuf at, the Age of seventy I at
. �unt6 . TOrOxxJ7 'ting At the home of her has been confinue(t without 1 Reniedier,,. ' " ". I . I 11
bl deceased was a native of Ir , is visi
. . . must,bablosed at * service she had' rendered, during the eland, but uncle, John'McDonald. , Mrs.McCly. tio riterrup- ciety will. take -part in the debate, and � I .1, . .. . . I
. spent the greater p . . ii.ever sincei his. son,WIlliam Coat% the feature should prove knterestin F to ... . . .. . ... .. -_ I .
.. . costs, . once tp save : two years she had' held the position, .art of his life here, mont, last week visited her siste , Mrs Jouiln . .
. . I .. .. I I
. � 11
. . . . . . I and also regretting that. on account of removing -to Ooderich last fall and re. . r . hirar as. a artner on the death the public, The, number. of Viol ors !p,4 0.4 # J 6 0,. 0 0 # 0 # + + + 0 4 4 0 +4)
. . sided with his s&n,- William, on Brito � Duncan McCowan, of Staille.y. of rother'In 8M' ' I . � (
., . . Jatkson Bros. the inconvenience 9f distance she hAd I f B " ' I . " has been. steadily.. iiltereasing, and a still. . . I
. . 1. I
. . I I found it necessary' ' to resign; in con- .annia road. 116 was'.highly respected . GOOD SALE. -� On Friday of last week Air Coats was aniong the few Old greater number are oxpected for the Ther Huron Old Bby . I, I
. 44 of � , I I -11-0, clusion,' while tendering her the best �d Arbin the remainder of the -Meetings. The-hulle. Toronto has been ibenled t,6' I
. - +tff#444+40406-6-� by those who knew hinx;'and hio kin - 4 most successful sale was held on the residents.of Climtoxi, whosep .,s"Associhtioii of
I . I � ly qualities will be I long remembered Huron Road Surve�, Tuckeromith, one life of, the-town'dates. back to thetifties. .vi0it Godb-
. . . . � .. Winghara. � _ wishes of -the congreg,%tion; he asked byllisoldneighbors. Re lea' mile east of Clinton, when William and 'tin board1as been, Put. up in the hall, rich thisiyear; on, it .-� annual 6xcursi _ .
- . her� to acce ves two the early sixties, being one of the .. . I "6' . � . ODD -
� pt the gift as a mark of es- Fisher dis osed of his otodk .and' farm pioneers in business� whose,work pl -ACOIDENT-OnTuesd'ay afternoon . '
I . TxAT Sill�POSND MURDlop.-The sell- teem from them as a whole. In a brief, song -William, of Goderich, and John, . I And has become; quite a centre of at-
, � . -4 The - all. that e * . a7�- tractibri; the leading features like exam
0awnal - Carter thanked of Broo I n, X. Y., -and one 44 h- implemenCi, a sot;�mportant a part .
.. , reports which have been, sent�. feeling reply, Miss ' �. g � day was ill those earAY .reports. The, exaxas,. areover for an-; Walter Swinbank,, of the London road, I
. Out from here, in. r%fference to 17 s Macdonald, of Porteies � -he opening, up and . develop- had .the misfortune, to get his hand, * � .
tile them heartily for the kindness 'and ter, Xk1 ho could be dasir�d, a large --crowd afend- days in: t .
I u . other; two montbe. and the reports wift
. death. of Air ' � . ardware xxier- good wishes that had thus been I Hill. Andrew Whitely., of Pembina, ed, biddino was lively, and Auctioneer ment of the*c6untry, .He was an ex- . be issued on Monda, next. , , . O a' in" 4 . I
. I � 1 chatrit; have caused considerable feel- tax- . Goder- Gundry,or Ooderich, wielded the ham- . , caught, in the gearing- f w ii .
. � I I -a couple of fingekii' �,' '
� -tended to'her.' . . X.- D,,i and J oseph WMWY, of ceptionally well informed man d Y I
I I : . . ich, are brothers of the deceased. The . '! I . ..� With the result that
ing. and led to an investigation this . * met to the satisfaction of all. Many took ax. keew and intelligent intei�sla In WILL BE 00 -M E A RVSIDE XT -Mr. were brolken, .� I . . . . . I I I .
, , - event took 'funeral took limentary remarks were made as contemporary ,events. It was -With Ephraim 11
.. I WRI)DIN0, -7 A haw.py - place to. Maitl nd ceme- "mP . . I
'week. It will'be Tdmembered* that he place at the. home of .r Jas, Caldwell, 'Bidl, of Hullett,.(brother of '
.�. -was found unconscioust oil - t4e street. tery on, Tuesday afternpoxx.'� .. .. . .. .to the ability and ripidity.w.1th which the .4heational . history .of Clinton, - Dr - Ball of town.) isl retiring from his NEWMACHINaRly I , .
.oil WeduesdaK, Feb. 25th; at 12al.- , . . ., .1 red: � -Mossrs Seeler -- I �
I .
� with his skull fro,6tured; supposed to .. I . he handled the diffp t articles offer- hoFeveri ..that, he , was 'particularly farrh;and intends moving into -town. & Turner last week sold their, faso mm,. - '
� . clock, noon, w ell his' daughter, Miss ' LP -sale. The stock brought. good identified,, he -ha . . ' I ,
, , EAVING. Mr W. S."Lawrence Ikas ed'for t �
I ba*e, been caused by falling on the icy. .. V11D,F .be6n largely. re- 'at an early dittet -if it, suftable.'house "AlgilI6 to Isa,qc Law-reheeo : Ott. Mr �'.
,�. I I Lizzle, became the wifd� .of Mr T. J. tendered his resi nation - asteacher of prices;, one of the -'Aberdeen Angus spon -for the es ablisliment Of the -can be procured.; , He 11 . .
. � . ,walk% 'It .was" repoAed that - his I siblo I . ,as- rented his Seeley, Who is axlt expert in 'these eix- ` � � 11
.. .
I . .
. , I 1:--�Ailtlyu,' of '�'oltervlllv, - Southern . 15le effect as, soon- as cows oing for $65, And three month pi�esent Collegiate Institute in -this fiti-ii as, spent half'of last week in To'ron- .
. !Mondy Was missing. Dete.c,tiveGreert ' . , i . . ..
. - ,i to Win, Dart of the same town- Wn'
31anitoba. The ceremony was per-. the board can secure a successor. - His old.ca ves for $17. The cattle were in glace, serVing or, ( I " '
. .- . I . . �*fthe.,Provinical staff, came here to fineco I I owex 20.years oil the ship and,held; a su to looking over ill various 'mak
- ccessful 'stile of his . ON �,
. � I formed by Rev Jas. Hamilton, in the reason for .so doing is -that he. has -been. ndition, as Ur Fisher"is a good oard of trus"tees, until the removal of stock; etc;, on. Wednesda __M' i6redf and, �UrchaS018d a four-horoo ' ..� ��
se I . . r Ball owl I I I I I Up-:. I , .
I . .. I 1n#veatigate the affair,- and an , inquest re nco of a number of invited . offered and accepted the. management' feeddrand is a firili - believer In. the his. residence. to, ,the BayfiOld � road, plirposes leading it retir:Mifo, unless. ' t� I 7.
' ' I I
. . � ' .was opened.on Tuesday. Dr Gunn, of P4eL5ts'.prl1lclPlL1ly relatives and imme- of,the Ottawa Branch of the Ballart- principle- that to - 3P one posseiaibg all the. latest
I . Cliiiton, and Chisholm, Wiligham., con secure. the best re- mitcle-it'impossible for hilti-i tb� attend time hail -date improvements. ^This firm 'hiok, -
1 .. I �, glate friends of the contrActi kt, tine -Dairy, Sup ' I , go too heavily *on his hands. . . - . ''
� ng pa ies. r . ply Co. at a � good sal- - turnh in beef and milk,' stock should the meetin as ii recently added btlier' machinery, , anc! , ,
. Ill remove to that Zity weVer, to see . I
I - The bride Was attired in a beautiful ary, afid wx nty of-fedd. and of the ri ht the; Presbyterian church and a Liberal V4B.9il.add "s.es h's' L view furtheif. additions.. fo meet , I
ducting samel,Ma or Lewis, G040P gs;. New a adherent,of We shall be I Else, 1, bo .
. ri . ... Mr ;have ple - � ve All
. . ell, representing tile Attorney-Gerier` - 'awrence hiis been connected with the to he I I V_ timable1amily com- I I
. . &L -A n'4m f. jown of cream crepe de chine, trimmed L . sort... MrFigh6rlbavdsoo�atri � Threw dau hters, Mrs A f rtably I slixes's., . , . "I
, ber 0 witnesses were qx- wif� silk lace, appliquej and orange schoolfor nearly 16years,whicliphows west next week, with it c r , .'-sett ed intown,and hope. that ,,their enlargilig.,bu ' I � . !. - I
. 1� . * , A Oad of Mrs, D. F * Witcpherson and' they w,ill-find�lif6,h6.i,eSD]�leiiaantth,it. H�gRoj - I. .1 I . .. I I I I ��
I!: . . . amined, but there was not any evid- bligsoms. The., weddin Maich was thathis' serviedi !love been appreciated. horses; he'll" secured from'Bawden Tni"Choli ' - 'Who: ,� 1:
, I I . Mrs Pilwldl�l Robertson'j. and two 64 _Mws F'. W.. Waits, I
I . f . Ong, there will be' no.: tempt0 on to retalln, had the unwelcome. ex
'he skull, of . & McDonald, - Exe er, a pure, liairn CoAt6,1own'.06rk, and . _ , perie �. I
- of tfoul, ,? secured, - , Two . : �layed::.by Miss Mary arson ' -The He has also been seer , y t ' . bred Wil Robt.. to the old .
,ence clay S S. etar -treasurer o �s .
� -wimids w6re - ound on t - I nee of pass- - . ;�
. . ousewas be�i:ttifti,l,ly.ileebrated,.and the H61mesville' :,Chedse 'arid Butter Shire stallion, ;and alsd a. Pure bred H -Coats, editor of the* Labour Gazette, , ' I . . Occupation. - - � -. I " :., g.thtough tliejraili,oad wreck on the .1
I I I . . decea6ed,'but as the - plac'e where he . . . ' , I I � 1''.. .1 .... . . in '
. �.. _
,the -remony tool;, -place -under. an Arch Factory for it: considerable,'* tim%. and h . . Grand Tra' . 101L ."
1. . ce Clydesdale, w ich he, purposesselling , Ottawh'suirvivellim; Nis Coats having . lastThuxosday :
. I I . fell, was luilip - � it is possible ',these' of,evergreens, decorated in pink and -hoi gibied an* extensive insight:into I "NEW LEGAL -LIGHT-we ivel- rA near ,Whitby Junctl I ' .
. 3(T, imthe .west, together lWIth 4 humberoft-- - ied-some three years ago. . *;XT morning,ishighly spoko'n -
A .. wereprodiice thereb�;,the skull was � alry usmoss. of integ� I Work' h 'Hi, . � ' 06ats� come, to, to-wa .. Mr Helir . . 11.
- '
, . white.. -The bride. and groom. were'Lin- the di i b* " A mail ill? orses.*t. ,s, :destina oxx,� is 'was a.man h * I Y Beattie, of by the Mail. ilmd. Empire for' her .,
. ,c I . 1.0 . w Ose Onf-pr6yedbusixiess B&rrister w - . -
I Integrity and whose ' and .varled hai-heelt. practicing in I , -
. so found to ,be unusually thin.: .There Attended, The bridels'swell-knowri elty, industry and illtelliltianc Pilot 1, Qund. . I ho for, the: -past four
� I . . al . . e, with. a .. .. I . . , I P. : .. years, rea�t help� to ' the doctoi!sln caring 16r, ;
. ' 864forth. MT. '�ble injured, . ,
. �. was no evidence that he had &117- andgopularyoung lady, appreciation 'good g6niat ersonality; he will in -d - 'Am,ldNirCiPA)u.-.kt,xx.TJP.-,A,eI store of information earle'atred hini.to Beatti.e.-fiao.-brought out file law ,, -gregouck1from the wrack.was . - ,1
. amount of mohei.bn his person at the. . - ak QuIewliat . . .. It �ay§ "Her first%ictiou - .
I I I . I � of,Tv Om was showii in. a taxx5lblo'way, an -excellent tusin6ss inanager,and the unusual state, of affairs 'has aris4a in nuthy friends, particularly aindrig the ID'iactice of MiJas Soott,And hasflakefi� aftdr Qn ..
time.- The inquest was not� concluded, � I . � . _
. arid,the groom is an old ' Hi lett boy, Ballantyue'0bx;ipiiiiy are to" bd'-c6xi- couniaction with the Tuckersinitheoll -, - ' . ' ., to offer "her services to the physicians. I
. .
� . . .... I . nL v0unger�mexx of' th6_tow.n, a a -. � , I I
tgd hi .1 Czession
' , this. we6k -Re is ,lot nR. andlie'-'k' '
I 1. � ,I ad urn - - . I 6 "icipa nom 0 . ew iumn -� in the Count)-, eop � i indly hand wound- many.&, . . .�
, , .
. . lweeks,� 1 � - , ,. , , home.. After OARAking of,%. i ddl ' :D ' ' ' - �b 6iceeding regret 1. aks still. ano ' ther -of t I ,e f I � . e'laily � 'A anda6s.,while her cheeringvol-ce. we,% - � 1,
, , . . Alntil2a-'�rxlwon.Weduesday, axxd,was�, . who has Or6spiax�&d in his. ivq§tern 'gratulated on securing his servi,ed.s., . : cil, At the m I inad fis aeath bre.
. � jo .ed for., two - . : . we.. ilig E.kTff--4tJs. wit thdriwere., ve- ..condidates .proposed lint�k%'that ak4'left that bind the, you, - ,
� ..� ., . -1 . . I .� . . I � .b,
. . . . �, .11, t and 4bo.At �%_aforth, and is a son of , or -lesd fortun- I , .
. -had not withdraw . el. t of the., prQviuc�_ to -its.'s ,�,7 JamesReAttie, Grain-Merchant,*Ifo is- a
. di ier, -the bapp'k cou�Ie left, aml5i that,we announce the death of Mro for. un4ill V:
I . .1- . 1. . . int. . � . ep ors who PAX ! . - , . .1 I t7 not a few of, h .
. � Statit6y. ., , ons o their man ' ithin -the time specified by s u ,. and i . , , . . . ,
`0 , . . . , , - ,:. I
, , 6nelof the earliest -settlers at SeafoAh. . . ., � . � I . , � . I �
. - . I . . . the ' n atillati wesl John Wigginton; 6f1the Ba0eld road, w I tat V vigprOus ast. . - te Xk4lowpa,*we.ngeik0 % .
. and -in the'ordinar - '. . I � . ... I '. . . : . . I ..: ,
. . . which o' y course of events; - The .funera on - ' i - " been I .. I
. N6trcs�Hugh Thom,on, Krs,J.Wcw- frierlZ For their home in the' � ccurred ,on Sund� last, from ues AY: was very h4ving., re 6 . e 16 � � i . � ..,
I I I , I � F T ' d
. I
. . all election 'shiluld have been. hial& lai,gel, 'attended, the i . the f r. a p, r d o . I . . . I . � I . I I
I1. .... Qtituey. Jamest and. Saidie McCa, t * 'The ulFose visiting. on 'the way,. Ill -cancerofthe stomach Aldhad-been , , I Mayor and melh- abbut�sixty years, Mr'Beattie Is a .. : I �
. I - i�, ..
the town coufieil being present sin leman, And, . I I . � . ..
I . xl�- Cell - ( allingforsome timei and hisdamise I -We bespeak for. hirn a *. . -
. ney, who have been spending s= tK, r oront6 and other places, and , 011e, of the five, however,. ascertained ber�� of ,
. - that oil. account of being it -school trus- .ill a ljQdy, while all bbsiliess.was for kin ly'welcolne Oil the part-' of our � t e
timie'arn6lig old `acquaintailces,. left will*xxot reach there u � ntil kbout.theIst' was anti6pated. He'was- one Of. the . . L� St a'r th � . ��
. . .... I and not Iiii, . . . _
: . IA4 Fi�ldily -on their' return .to.their of ApriL ' - . . ictio'n; having tee. vingresigne4 that'posj- � .. 1. I � . I . ...
. . . _1. -
I . I .. ... � . 61d sett'ers of 'this.: s( the time susperi&& '' The pall -bearers citiz,ens, and hope that -he will fin*d hi's .. � .. I .. . . '.1 . . . , I
. 'hoinein ,Nloo§e*aw. Assa, JohnB&ick- ". ' . . , - .1 . A I - I . *tkvl . * ... I . , . ..... .. . . " I
� I � .1 . . . I . . �.. .. :corlle h6re as -it youth about fifty .on before nomination dayi'he.was in-. w6re-his two sons, also. his son-in7law,. ssociations.'so pleasant and � . I I . � . : ,. ,�
. . I I inguacousy, w1l years op ei . . ,-pro� .N W .1 '.. . .
I . .
. . 11
. .
'. ;�-, . . friends - and acquaintances here and in . . . 0 - . 1101v a. onlebody else of ! YeAr . I ,.
. er and wife, of Hay, --were visiting. � I Varna. , . a -o from :Cb* ere -he eligible for a t6wnship� councillor. � Oil M -r D. F. Ma 'h rsoii, � and- his sous,, , fitable.s;s.io e. I I
�. WEDDING -A very' prett w6dding 'wao'bor,xxt , -his father -he lived on the Saturday-follow.ingthen6miri,ttioii'. obin, alid his� 9 splo,, tile opposite,sex. to come also.. ' : . I I . I I I .1:
. :.With . Stewart abd R rand .induce s I . .. .,: I I ..
, . I � Clinton during the 'end of last week, I Vr And Mrs the op josite side of the roKd until 1887, he lodged with th6 clerk: the required -Eldred ,Archibald. ..' . I .. . . . . ,. . . I . . . . . . . I . - I , . 1"..
. . — .. , � . . . . . � . '.
. . . � . itte ent'dedinin to bea, candidate - � _' . __ .. 1. THAY DID IT UP'RTGHT_ I ;,
. .. Misses Edith and Lizzle -Faldoner, of 'Johnston * on Tuesday, Feb. 24th, 'when ie built the r sidence o6m�jed 8t. in Last With -a Savinggi 11 ,�::
. , John Ti
. I lilyfidd, were. visiting on'the lir, e this�. , i 'I y daugh-. 6,y bimself for the c6unci, If, 'he clerk accepted . A� SMALL. ATTEXDANCE! -Sever-' 1 riday night nin . I .. 11
. . . I at Ill h noon, When their on � onthe north side. �.Ile vias � I e ofthe member& Of �-. . . I . I I. -Ill
'. . week, Mrs'T. Sinis; of Blytb, and her Walr6b. Catherine, (Cassiej became -winan of stto thissfAtemelit, And there being.only alsolloblaectiblis.1n.,this vicinity -ex- (11! ... . 1. . 1� I I .. . . . .. "':
,inton Caln
I . bg cohvictioiAs, WOUJ�.-' I � , %:Iv'..O W., drovelipto, '"" * ' - ' 11 .. �� , : ...
� -Who' , have been at ,Nlr "wife of 1 Mr � Tlibipas:Johnston, a formed,,.ofthe *strictest hit .for the c I , -!Ons. falling-oMih -the at-; (3oderi .
. . two childreni thi .� . egrity, and the required riuniber ouncil ,46iicea �et to. - sist their bretli .611_. . 11 . ..
� 'Graham''s for ,the Mot two weeks, re-'. fecudanbd� Of plipils, - theie -not being Account,- In. �.
. I prosperous fanner of Nife. While the hel& -n tile - very hi 16ei!t idn the 11 . lie' AedlAred them . I Ca P I to ini , ate several new inern. I . � I � I I
ghest 'esteem, He , eld, ' , . . . L - . .. � . '. % I
, . turned to their 'hoinethis week ' M'rs and there was. no election. The' saine,number of � children in . � . . 1.
.� . . ' wedding march was *beinglelayedby leaves a Widow to mouril tile' loss of a cte I . the ' _tlie - , ' rganizer PNIcConuell was . . �, I I . . ' I , . I
* I . I 1. ..
� . I It. a. in securJn avereigns. r i", — , ,
. . . John Stewart is at present confindilto 'Migs- Mari 0. Claik, th , 6weddingp councilors thus elect�d Were, orgartiz- .section there wev�- formerly. We, are b1m; I,.. ... . . SoVe e Lykn '
t I - I - hope for lie . . _Art)& faithfiil and affection4te husband, 6no i1st .1 ent . 8
. let bed, but We r speedy ed and proceeded to busind -told that one teacher not ThO. I "
. . . t I . � . . . took.thpir'place. in the -parlor -under a: son and *two. ditugliters,. one Of the ess as requir- far - from Todd rind Nlc i�(� Cbn Com � �. ..., I � . I .... . . .. .1 I
I . . re6overy'., George .Campbell Who is helliofevergreens axid,rogeg;tbocere-. latter being.Mis Hodg�,ens. o� MeGlIlly- ed by statxtte.� * But before the expira- ,town has orI one pupil, ancl-'althou9b Al 6 V ath composed the r6qei5ti6n com� I . . . . . � . . 1 . . . . I 1.11'..
mony was p : I � `
er . . g brethren . � ,�.
iome; all. his friends were pleased to . :o a'' da
.. . . twihing in Hay, spent 'Sunday� at . . 1. by Rev� M,r.Mill_ ray. li-s --sisters- .are .mrs Joseph lzm . tion of the'timeallowed forthia appeal- the -trustees Kave been advised'to close, in ttee,' Who met the visitih .
- . . .1 forinee . , I ' Bank: f -Q' i
. . . � I (IS I int, against tbe-clection,.a ratepa - the school, and 4low this pupil tQ go . na ,;
. Is - I eyj of VarnA, Miss Lizile. Johnston, Y'ard, Mrs Jaw Catfwrikht, Jifilletf, , er. at. the. Swartz Housei *And,escoited � I . . . .. I .11,
. eehis'amilingfhed,again "D6nGralv - the gvoom,'ac Phil,i&lphia, Ii, ,elig_ en ered proceedings to have the.. Ze c-, .to another scllool,.- they - decrine,tO, do - them to tlie Log Room,: U - - t -r- . � � ,. . . I I . ..
. . � . sist6r of' . ted'a§ bridesr and Mr§ Xloir, I I . � ': . . . -1. . . .. . .... I Pon .ell e . , , .
; . pm , P.. , I I . . . . rane - - -
; am has, * been hired tot. the sumniqr ,na.id and little' Ethel , Beattie, of Sea- ion,�Nlr, IN iggin oil wag 4,-iwec - tion set a -side as illegal. Orithest th" �o .. I . . I ffig they were greeted With camp;hon- I , . clintoli 1B, h. __ . , i - �
., . . . . . � . -.wiWGrahAm.Brbs,. - ., ":. I . I . . , , lenborg. . (,IF . ' . � . ... . : , � �, I .
, C. . . .. '.. ,. . , .. I 1.
. .
, , ... . - - fund al, was coridix of .these pro - .coun - A. GOOD, �PHONR TOWN -�-It was' -s. ,auil not lon� a, r were assisting . . . '.'
�, ,. . � . I . . forth, as. flower -girl, ,.while J. Welling- Ian, and -the -ceedings the 1. I Yrs'. " ol. _ . fte . . I . . ... �_ 1,
�. . . PARTIES: etedby have each entered i disclaimer va�ai-. I the `mOoley cow' to do I ta, work The, . . I .... . . I . .
. Alex..,.McBeath entertain- t6n.JohnAton,, ))iother of- th6'.biide,, Rev All; ItVael'ahH6 'bf Berlin� The on y.a year ago - that a larger and bet- Albert Street . I � , � , .
i . . . . . * :. . . . I ingtbeir'seats. ThiicasedarnOb6fbre' ter service Wils.- given the teleph=6 . firit de reei wa4also put ori by, Hr Me- . . I ... . � - ...", . . . I .. 1. . , . I
, .
. .. ed it number of' the older p e�on. War groornsplan, � .The bride looked ftinb*r'al.w,ts,,,tT.,ge�ly.�t'ten.ded, On Wed- , I .. ... . .1 m ..� I I
I I � - I . I . .. I � 1�
. Y ,.ng �', n I esday, the Pall-beitrei-s bein ."I'S � The councillors ,subscribers of town,. � arid in that labort a y Peter. Xer. - I . I I
, . Tuesday evening. On' Frida, "�Ovpe'n �cbahnixxg in a gown.of white orgiind �ird, , I tfidjudke Qn'Vriday� - , Connelf ud the tbii;il b U.11 :,RANcf&,-31aua,4yer .." �sl �. ":: 7
I � I Nlt,100111] x '1,01111 , Yactited their seat .-It but 're- tirn6 the: - -Twentr-fivia applications, have come' . . . 11 I . I . I
. . . . .,of last week Alex. Innes gave. amum- trimmed with silk lace and ribbon; s e George*Ba Al PIOM�l ha-Ving � 111113hher'hi6..� inelriesed. so rap - � �. . '... I
. . : E . . . .
ber of his friends A part�; .On. tile- same wore a bridal vell,arid carried wboquet.' Wodn, E. H. Wise,, 'John, Plewes And , mained for the." judge th �de�lare the. idly thatanoth6r phanoewill.have to � ei.orgallmdr Ao"cConnell's ivbrk, . . . . � I ... ... .., - 11 ,.1.
4 � . * � � . . 4 � I . . I .. , . .� 1. I.: � ,� , 1. , I I I . �
. .
r. . . . eyen'ng a numberofthe young people The.bridesmaid was:.dr6ssedlut cream " VV Glenn, Mr NVigginton'was a .electloh void ana'issuii his -warrant for be madiat. Mr Auxuball infoiims-its that a:iid he expects to make the number . . I I I . ,�. 1. �
". - ff the line atte I Liberal, irld'had, -heerx!Dlud - h . . - I . .. t . . ...
. . .�.�. . .
� 0 nded-a dance at Walter, arid the lIttl6 flower girl word a cream sC'.;tlncb r- a new,election' Which he as done; the present switch � board ,is full; �and fi IT y Within a month. After lodge .- � �
. I .A BIRTHDAY� PARTY�- t is not ',:
''. . uorninatlon'. takes place -at Brucefieldi that ilia will be unable -t fu . I I
. McBeitth's, on.the, 4th' con, : On Men-.. -silk dress, tkimmed. with lace And in- mail of his p91liDK sub -division for - ' o wilish aiiy, N�vork was finished the visitors were. ,often that a. gent'eman reaching the,
I I da evening Da�ve and,John�Re.d gd�e , serti6n. 'After the eereinarry the Wed-' some time, . -..,.. . I on Monday neict, and the election, if mot( . -ack't '
. . . '. t, . . . � .. I � . . � phones to new subsetibers until' taken .to - Pi stone's restaurant, age of 43cond5meends. 'to c0lebrate' his :'
. 71, one is necissairy,; on the.. Oth. The. the sy where a-rochiarche supper: wa . s sprei
L . �. . . a ance to their -young1riends, bei6re- ding. party, numbering about seventy- , NoTas-Miss, lhossie 6ule returned r I .. stdin .is. enlarged. There are �d, � birthday, but iluch was the Action of . ::, - -
. they leive for their now h.,md in Man- five, adjourned to. t e , dining room, -home from To laeve . .
, opto dirTuesday, after, 0 am, beiti . regullirly elected b A0- now,110 phones Ili use in town. .0. E. and.aboqtQOsat down tothdbariqueb, WJoseph Hal ' -
atioxx� �
. not affected: I , I ttenbary'onFrIl , eveh.-, *
itoba. Weduesday the place of enjoy� . where tables were spread with the liend g a movAlth in, the'Queen 01ty. piopeedingsIs . . , bege �Dowdm I - table. When 411 had'. dond' Justice, W �. . tj t.., ..It was Also made e occas� : ��
I fro I t l'is the latest to have: an I'-% ,,,., a;. !ng s '
I I I merit wai at the home of H� MoDiar. 04 things of the season. After some o .1 . , . . . � rilmen 'Placed ju his house, . , the- labors of thqjhq-5t, 44d hg$to 'Well es �blisbod , `�
, � � . I . 0 � -union of a'Well es , -
n*6 spent in muslc� And -social chat, � sl;i h . - � � '. .- - �
I . 1� . �A oad in Porter's Hill drove, .- . I . . . I a t list as entered up6fi, MR1 aV xog 9f %: re -
t V i�
, mot; -a � large number : of friends and fil lie I . . . .
� .relatives Had. gathered; and danced, � Bell's, one evening :.ot lost � THE DEAL 01,09.91) -For the pash , 1, I . . socie Theinvita Ono sent ,' . '
- . � the bride dud gr 4ft-fortheir home. -light fantastic",, , ' - . . Suint"erlifil, s x weeks Mr Pt B. Crews has been in - ost'jovi e. Waslepent for about ll . . . . I . �
I . powl week,anhicept lip the I r. . oil
r . . their feet sore. Still there?$ more t() ittNild. The bride's going awiy suit until - . . . t tee.' 6u , in speech -making and 'in . t tin 'otincea:that Johin lftalldoA .. I
� , : , . . I., I - the wee,sma't'boura Quite'a SCH'60L. REVORT.�-The 'following.is constant communication with parties.. W� Jackson and - D. A. Forrester wero. -
. I -follow. . I I _'. .' -was of blue ladies' , cloth, . with cr�.am, !lumber. attended the concert in Varnit 'the report of the stan' *1 ' but 8 . or, tolli, . �A- great dealof-pleas- the-officerd of thi6"societyi � The axxx-� . I
I 1. . :* ding Of the pupi,is wishinq to buy him out, Owhig to' I �
. . .1.1 I.- . I waist,. and blue fur felt 1Q. Thepros- last Friday, _mkning; - it, - ii said that' of.U.'S.,S.'No. 4, G . ure i ,ved from ."ihe orchesttal,
I . I ': ' . oderich township not 'being able to: gi-6'satlsfdctory 0 n
�� . ,� - '. BaYffeld ' ' . * % ..were numerouf ' usexx:lents were',., ,.'co sist-6f dutch - .
...... . . ent, i_ana eostly,%and -vjKd-fd music furnishod' by - the Blackstone-
. . - . I r9m 0� ]K. . 0ary On Tu�sday lunch and cardsiAo'be preceded bythi� ,,
. , _... :Womts—,�-Mlgs -Arinw-Whiddaff- Wd6l IfE6i6aed a Mason & Risch. ' iano f ver takes place in that village is and Hullett,f6r the months .of Jan' . W. 1amily, A hearty, vote of thanks wa' . 1. I
1. edones that wag peto. 1. W.Johnst6n; brothei'o .the bride. WrsJobn Shepoard continues andFebruary. Itisbased.onthqreg-� were .
I . One of Ed favor . . the deal was closed however with Mr 8 initlition'of new m6mbers 4hese
. ll tendered the visitors, as well as the. fdw�and the crowd was to bepurelir .
. . . about the�'siime, with, not mucla iirl- ul,xr,bi�,monthly examinbtion', and the W A- Hellyar, of Coburg, who'comes host and, hostess And their nuisical .
I I- I mitted to. pla&A-t the Conservatory. re- .Mrs Johnston was one of Varna4s most , , provemen t., ThOmas, Cole, -con. S)� is names are in order of merit: St. IV� here the 10th- of March, This-gehble. stag. The � society .mourried tile ap. ' '. I
1. citalhbldin� ridon last Tuesda,y even- popular yoting ladies, andi�ill be much family. Pur boys; arrived hoineabouit, I
, . ngs s e avi � - ' .Out of sheep rai4nig. having 4is- Melvin HilbEthel Lovett; Ji.I,V�L John. 'man takes. Over. the fixtures and - rents 3 'sence of their heid executive officer
�i ing . .ich circles, go"ll of his stock, and is extensively Mayes, Fred Hasom, Bert Lobb, John the store And dwelling above. in -which b 'a m, none the . , but the W*or'tby . -vice took the station #_ 1 , .
I . h 'h obtained the re4uired inissed in social and 'cho pose . ;�vors6'1ov their delve�
I � This is a W . .
I 90 per cent. at the exafns. d join In Wishing them,& .happy voy- set edit to himself, and proved that
: -eredl4ble I , ., - % , ,. � I . .. . g.Ouxa in for cows ,George Hudie.pur- Hasom, Alf.i,McBrien; Sr'111-Harnest .he will' talle up housekeeping. Mr tit experiencing an enjo�able (P) u I with or
I age ffirough life. . . . . about fourmiles out of Goderich, w Ile
. very pass: . . I he alone was worthy of th& position,.. .
� . . . , . . rns next sllm�- le Oakes, Annie chal. Crows'like the averap AmeHean, has -hill, besides havi to
. . . . ! popes renovating his. ba Oballon er, Gerti .
. . . . I . 01 .
. . 0HUhOH-Rey kelieff,while reading. I I .. .. — � met., Councillor Stewart was oil bus. lenger, glarrie, Butt, Clifford Lobb,Lena made and spenti and in this way has ng down a .ug .
. I ace a blinding snow storm - . .... in
I � . i fl . .which the society is thi ki of b -
the announcements last Sabbath, ex- - . nuburn , - iness bent to Seafoith .on .Sat6rday, Sordan, Bella Pall;.Jr. III - Eddie Par. been &good 01tizen,' and 4xi his rel- . I . I I tqwing on hito. . e'riler eg -
I ' � . In m was, ,
. .
. . .: Pressed in a few wordshis tippreciation , DEATA Oi IA14MS SYDiING Jack. Thompson, jr ,. is -hauling logs (oil quhar, Maud.Johristoni -Id% Colbutu,' moval to another place, we take eqn-'. THEIR ANNIVERSARY - That given a number, and thi's !lumber cot- , -
A. . Ofthe generous act of the congrega.tion other sturd TON -All" Wm Doherty, lack is endowed "with a Uftnt Archer, 'Erma . Jordan, Annie solation in the hope that his successor purely. dailadian soci6ty wider the responded with hi's disposition,. i;uch as ,� � I
. I in raisini; the Stipend one hundred ,K Pioneer of Huron county good deal of enterprise. The Misses Miller, Lorne Butt,, Si. It - Mertle will fill up thel 1) r of Fords- . , 0 . �
. . departed t is life on fdondky last, -in CAP as Successfully as style,of'The Cituadi fi Orde ' the *11vAiri" man, "amiable,"' "shy J ' 0 - .
. ,dollars. . This, after building. a four Ingtoti. Lashfirook, of Mitchell. have -been the Beacom, Howard Farquhar, George 'Mr0rews,has onein.thellAst, . . rs, with at membership of nearly 2% ."Proad,11 llimpudeiif," , "Zien I
. . . ' the person of J'ames Syrul -D6' . . it,
. . . �
. thousand dollar church last summer, ceased was in his 80th guests of Miss Minnie Yeo. lMiss.Mary. Johnston,, As& Malt, Stanle hallen . "unfortuhate,". "Prornpi," I I.
. . . A -CLOSE -on Wednesday eing the strongest in point ofilumber ,. - , , I .
. speaks well for the aongregatio;i, ,year, and for CALL � 0 a- .
, JE jr.11:-�iAlbert GlauT * Afternoon. what might have proved A. in town, celebrated their anniversary.
. � so nd time had'been all ering from a A ida .the efficient teacher of X.d. er,AnnieB&ll Vc 9' honest," I'dishonesti" lifo I
. . . 4 . . . . . . � . 1400M icabidn -of diseases finally sae- 0, spent ata . ,and Sunday at her lint Howatd Milt Earl Mason; Sr. t, serious accident happened as the full.' in i4ght ro�,,al. style oil: Monday everi. wildered." llpriviqui," 11 ......... erac.e," �
N 1, i 1. i i � I i , 1. . I cum inir to' heaet failu6. He o e 1 1 6. understand - 'T n BeacomiXames Lovetb,ffldred , oral of,- the late . John Wigginthu was Ing last. - Strictly speakin this affair ,,, ,,,f_f -1 1% I 1, I , , I -
I .. 11 I . � was Ilk . 'e 0 iller 1s, on thq lookout " r r 46 . . I
. . vi - We ,4grateful," *'unsociable," I
_�: r . XcBrien; Jr. Pt. 11 �Axixxie ' Johnstons e , e u 0 ,
. . I ' . . born in Glasgow, Scotland, arid carxib . .r on its way� to the - cemetery, When is usually held in.t A, ofMarchi ,� 1Ul xnan of "ettate "
. . ,Z�hd,
. . . .
, , , . -
, ,
, , I . � .
, . �
� ,
I' I' '*I
88 1
W ti,
I h
, '"A411, - - - vww��####*" h m n B
" t t G 0
1. I , f it , - �lq . farm 0 - buy, probably Calvin Lbyetb, Xf Reid urq -the bold but.for the past - few weeks, efforts a� " "stingy," an at `,-�
. a. 0 I=
, . I . to Canada 53 years la 0, s6tillhg'oli the, for hisgr son Ed. Peter Cole.. was in the parents to send '.their children � to backs on the cutter occupied ,by Mr have been made, to .increase. their . i -justice had been d"
I , That . . I es upon near the cemetery c6iner, I " to
, I . I'
. ... . 2nd con. of West wawanosh, whdre . A ter � One to the,
. . I . Vahlishitk4. Point I , X. years. He then moved - Seaforth last .Saturday, combinitig school as regfilarly as possible.., - Farnhitin and )lie Wife, beeame loosen. membership by the aid of Otganizer Amusements. Provided; ,and all ha4 ,
- ' I .
. . . . h� "iv�4 'or "' business with pleasur6, The familiar - . . .
. �� . .1 � . 1 4, con. 8, Colborne, where he form of Ge6rge . Stickling, was recog. . . ed'owing to the pitoh-holes, and *the Coupland th over the 200 mark, and to started in to pfopare themselves - fov.
. . - - t) Ipt I untij croixiorn '
,. ItIt - . , resided claimed by doth, Ile . I Ot - �. . . cutter ran on. the hoels'of the ho.rse, hQuor WD mat. they fhus ,net, the need of the ambulance, which was. , '. ,
I I I . - OP Wits a highly' respected and p6pulAr Ilized In our burg. last weeki George p nB.U1,4a1Sxxa -Levi $nyde'r and cawiing 'It to run aw&�. The 6poup� - Chief Itapgor West wA§, the man of tobecalledere the lights wentouf,,
t 11 *It*�_A;�;-=", residentofthii, township, andagood was at one time , arnployed 'with .1olib John Nivins will have the most com-* ants w0d throw out, and the horse the evening, and bad an able band of tho host was"made the object of atte,ek
.� -G� ` �-- 6*,.. . '.... -*w;6 and kind -neighbor, - Ais widow gut, ,nd nice epithets wore throivn atl him,
i - Ai - ,.r.,,. Stewart, but he has since travelled a pleto thrtiffii Ity ran Ahead, the Xaft str1kin the back assistants under him to see -that ever
. ad-, , � ng outflt, in this vicini _y-, A
LL__� . to I.- .i.— rrl, . - Ided six
, I It 11-4 , - , vivias him, with five children -Mrs M' great deLal. One of our newly -elected for the ofthe cu++ -t -6- 'e', 1, V- James thing was ca led out f- perfection fnt' for having provi ell a, unique
I 11
I . . . .�, In yoftt cited porhapa it's the
eight of those eyes of yours,
. I i"Iftheyngel httontibn give it
. . ... Wthetu at, on2e, I .
1) - . 00 Wo refider faulty eyes pertoot by
., : - soidutiflosIly fitted gladebo, which
. "
I I , wakos seeing a, pleasure.
. . I .
. . �
, I . . . No chotgo ter kdoiltio.
1. . . .
� I .
I . ... - , I I. I I - I I
. . .
I �
�: A. J0 01UGG, .
� 1. 61030,09ka y**6%W
I .
i, I : . . .Obtwl"
r . CLINTON$ 00%
Graham of B
. Dakotst, John
in Washingtor
at home. The
Thursday of 1a;
Ing made in cc
lames in, XorE
lbome, Ell" both
councillors, vve-learn is about to br . ng
in a *otlou to place it ts, I ,
_ x of $2 on
. , Oy AM 813.
curing one of the late 6 i loved New
I s impr
Monarell Separators
Jr. .7
Oarbwrlgh� And wife. It, went, through
the enjiiM'ett of sill. Their beautiful
home- Ike lodgd is,
ailtertuipment for hisguq8t6. I
I . 1. . .
3ry d 0 rd 1,
, all ell,
every dog. in the towhshi,i; thiA Allke
hits been tried before. but it wiff not
from the shops of
the Macpherson & Movey Co., Cll�n,lon.,
cfitt6r. one shaft passing each side
� on.
of Kra Oarbwrl lit, .the boncussi
room an attraction
of itself bein cargted throughout,
�. . I I
. 11a, . - ... . _____ � , 110 �
a was h 0 d on
� interm nt be.
Work,, our councillor. bad better ligi-
4- f. 1`�. 1, " .1 11 -,
fitted with both attawand cha Ow �
or The former saves braetica.liv, all'
throwing hot out,. Beyond. ithe ahak-
ina.iiv rooellved, she was uninjured,
tin(! aplentifufstipp y of Wall iidorn-
Monts, The program, which
� was as
K �
'IV. Ally -11 -
N � 0��t Ill ,,_e_-*% 11131
0 cemetery.
),D1Xd._A pretty
; 'zed at' W, resi,
Wfi, Feb 25th, by
Aintob. The con-
e Melvon Jewell
of Rlch.Tiawelland �
astrbing, Auburn,,l
lthei� and mother
tars and a number
bridegroom and
s beautifullydress.
� a boquet of flow -
6, surpassed for tax.,
groom Is a vekv
C . I is 0 . a con-
,,eme , eirmemy-frien unite In
i I that 0 same a un . ant hap.
11 get or ay be ol ,
WM_A*_,_1 � I.I.I.-I..., , I 0
Ou1mb-AnAttidle ftom trAtrtwel.
16 O' 16 crowded out this week, but Will
k1spor next week. I . .
. Or ron �Mi never.. .111 the straw hands "qui
�bbe canines . . � � . I
. .
I . . I .. machines, and fatme
C'0AMtTN10AT1oV--7ha.t good lover nhaff Jar feed o4n 'I
Of a Wood bylaw should li;tve signed 'from the straw and o
him.,;Alf iL,6r,,iti7i,,1l I ,qJmA,%.o let h'i,edl — I- �l .,
Same, I
case as i
soon 00i
& wood.
of &woc
keenly i
wood - t
them to
I our V,017:rlso
111A114 P1
t, . . eq . nis - nin,
do but V) bllsY themselves farmers have found
.r noses into other persons' curethe twocesaarr I
talonal1v letting their own for some years, this
Inesostawl, Andi of eourse,' come very popular.
. I
IF; getivrally the 614 one to . is 041NIX4. FAV( I X
tbough I" "early every ease drawo ximr for the t
a short, of its mark Will
rive when it farmer cannot townshi the queetic
ill the 91,60tvid Rail,"
o article un)e a all inspector t,,,,,
cc, and is paid tot doing the thiest is manifested,
� remark is as foolish in one, spart of the towt
the other. May Op osed bilb on matt
�AR it��
, qr l!
%q bell our Armets - I - ,�,tho ougb
,a the ti'viJo
kitting to�o,e
taking st6lok
a greatkr in -
I the lost vote.
, was the moob
F1 g Ij�- "K " ^-- - -- We think oVelIrthing is to be -aimed
I I a Owe Ave felt ver� igation an(I 'let OM
live effects of tile , ,�,Y it full iliVes i
winter, .. WoUrlee of" elector fullr weigh the mifter and
ad ' "
X , . C
g in az Active measuto cast his ba.1 ot as He then shall decide,
r1oh and propagation"of I Quirrm-A report of the MathoMst
md thus be pvoparea when and Evangelical Conveiltion, held at
egendy arlaes,-Lovan or 13enrallitar recond .I's ift type but It
un&voldabl ?�Id until tozz, W"k.
. . . . I- . "
. I
escape was miraculous. . -
vill be held in
in., to receive
lads and bridir-09. After -this meet.
& represexitafiv6 gathering � of the
on condition that she spend
more. The business of this Is
ing will b% then, , for, the di
. w o have con 61 ointed by
oral lxxunldloa.litlpos� to As&
10'!�y I'
down the house; "
- .a.
t Meet-
ReVOral figlections on
Ne Rev.
and. the ackson quo
better, furnishing sc
91 to fit" am. An instri
es 9"t4a as some I
3 spend
'o d a`w
And Own osed of T I
14 tbl,l
ham on violifis,
slide troraboue, at
fot Its
9, some
stono on the fluto, at
Agreolobld adleetiol
I rn was that of a -
L -NL' A"WdW1..1,,
- � -
b:t little V10166 134ro
. -1 - hwAkAweldift
-I- .- -1---
�ld� brought
1 7 V,
` 7
aeksoft gave
=qr �
a never Sang
items on the
. . I So k '.
Vie One That Please' '-'-
tal quartette,
spun - music,
ind n (;,a.
Whether It in your owli pfoiul* of 016 4t
yout irtionao, you wom the itokit to bil
algliaron the
04 ,
bxbld Black-
Wo Protilad 0"t ltesiltA6 �
mighed many
A ond other
you,will ll#V6t feg"i kikVIrlg & fAkq-
Toottka pifto
group fAkta, �
1162w, . Photo 'W" S"*
,-- M