HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-02-06, Page 5I F ,.v,...- _,_..._ _ . _ . "'I"'i"""'Ma ........... ����- , I i ft P. 1 � , —, I I 1.1--__ REWS � � R a _ .'. ff I'll a . I � ...,-1.1, 1. 1. 41' ,. . . . ' • . . ' 111,.be rsdu,cedat puce to who-.�.esa .e prices, our entire stook of watches, Clocks, Jewels ,Gut ff�rha,�s, and Chinas els . . • leash �2 �5�0C}. in the next few weeps, and in order to do s�►'�re :1zz�ve decid6d o ' � W e mush reduce our present stock at � • ' sell every article �n the store at just what it cast �s vrholesae, } .• shopworn goody in this store; every .article �.euow up t� date and u,arax�tee d, , article there ars o Diel or. • . • n rice het as a sample of tb,e many • bargaaa. to be rbtaxned here during thx.ea e ... give satisfaction, We offer' the. follows. g p „{ . ._.rte .. Silverware. � , - Cut.: ery. , . . Ladies' Watches. , Fruit. Dish, was 4d ,,.. , , • , , .. . �.. , •.:, . , .. R R. ,now �2 00 o $3 - SiYer Knlrt, (5Q per do �ngUg £r m :5Q psx.dozenu� Ladies old filled Watches from $10 up. .Cake Diah,waS $3 . , • • • . . ••.. , 0 g Silver Gun liletal, Sex from, $2,75 up Pickle Dish, was X1.50 , . , ... « .. • .. , .. , , ,.. 00 , Forks. from ao ro P Sp ns #' m 15� er doyen up . , 1 was 3 • , , , ► , ,,. ,.p . ,....,R, . , • . . 2 00 Bt rry Spoon, regular $1.25, for ♦ a ♦ R . R. ... W. • , ,.,.• ,,.. , 500 . . Sugar Bow , .. '. —' Biscuit Jar, was 3.00 2 25 .. •♦ . ,. Cold MEat Fork, regular $1.25, #or;,, ♦ ,.,., . "goo. . • s1 no 0 Butter Knife crud Sugar S oon, Geinlemen's Watches Clocks . P • • Sugar 'Spoon, regular 50e, for . ,•.. , . • , , . , .. , R :.35c if hour Strike Cloak, fraaoa $2:25 up Bu#ler Knife, regular SQa, for . , , • • + . • • • • • , • . •,•„ r35c Gold—filled Waltham or. Elgin DI+wements #or1.Q up, Eight Day, ba Silver Watches at from $5 up. _ — • . . . Manicure Sets, untain " C ebony Goods,. �'urses, Umbrella and Parasols,. • We carry -a complete ss o C�1as:�,� ,ek of C��,na, u Cult er watches, Clocks, :Jewelry and Spectacles, all of which must be sold at once. Yens, Silverware,3r - ' . . . . `.L-,,7 W SLI I (DI-... .. �.. . � . . '.. Flo. .. ll>�T. u to, A�ilr9010ifteul.6 I Lot for'Sale 'Ulan Manitoba Lams for Sale: CLINTON MARKET o. -- Gun �inb annual. 1Be✓Btiog . ' W LOGi WANTED' e M ads Bread norrected every. ThursdaY afternoon The regular annu4 meetin of the - i i . n e i SA I•I01Y1 2Oft 09 lap oved Enron for ale in $% o the a ` Clinton Gun Club was hel at the , A goof buIIdtng lot on Pklncass Street, ibor I a lis of pbouGea milliA a ie¢ off wild lapn�a is Qenuine. home made bread, something •CJlinton, February 5tb,1902. u' House haat Thnraday evening, 1 Rah fol .gale• . ton, well situated, with a gtiantit•y of lumber, a wo d .Soft Rock Elm de from choice, first place family.Mase and the ' ' Y' - • •� anuli and but:dinft selene thereon. Lo•. nbotit Manitoba, Assiniboia, Saekatohewaa i; SS Q . new, ma0 68 new 0 68 -- m a as Fah wl►eat. old....... for the election of Officers j . r i the barn "one-third of an acre -will be k Brea. end I A lstoliies lBndQh0y0 a! fend ofpuinealou at lack ASh - - Hoar, prepared in exactly the same way ( „ • • •, , , . '0 6@ a 0 (i8 1 Also about,If,000 feet of Hs laic B , . home made bread, baked tvrtpe, s Spring , transact ion of general business.. It (#cod timothyy�a�nd luoerse clove n ordinary. : .0 29' a 0' $0 tis decided to huikl a new club house, at `;4.26 and $4,60., Aleotw i arenas,. mixed lila- Elm Lumber. apAT; MAIR, Summerhill survey of the Canadian Northern Ra 1 PAID; week . Monde and Thtlreday, full weight, .Oats ,... ,.•• w . othy anddover, cheap. `from lnae'Albart to.Edmonton, which I'o HIQUIdST PRICES , y R e • ,, •, ,, 0 40` d , 0 46 and to affiliate with- the Dominion of i 1 . H, ELFpRD, Holmesville. recommend to be good .at fair prices. Sari two pound. a is ...... • 0 88 a 0 40 ,Canada -Trap Shooters' Association: A ; .- ° w. DOHERTY do CO. B, r y • • • I f rtuat. Appp�NS! r list of Properties, to Sold at same price as the Pe�le.... ,... �,..,, • • 0 70 a, _0 70 1 vote of thanks wan' tendered the ietir- 1 New S TOWASENNi IW EAA.O O N - — , Jan 16 tf N. I Ess OFFICE : -- regular bakers 14a1T• Floor per cwt „•.,,:., . 2.16 a, 2 '1b ►ing President, J. E. C411b6loil, also J, i iaaudS for 'Sale. . O a 7 00 Ha ., ., .. 6 Q. . , . �, Blaekall, (who' has a.emoV`ed• from . Suhscriue for file , eR ra l Elm Logs and .Head •• Try it snd.yon .will' profs- it to any y 0 08 A 0 09. . t,' n, who held the' office of Secy:, Chickens, perlb:! Paxties,wh6 int6nd'gcing .to. liiaar+obs or ��1W1W — H d other: ,, , '6 50 a .'6 60 nd the etiic erlt Treasurer, J, B. Hov- I rho territories tiffs sp'1in .lo hu' for a home �e���1��11s� 1��N�N�s'*N,N . 111, Bolts �Vante • Pork, live .... 6 76 a 8 • sada.... • , . b 76 a e . ' "Taxa 're . all jolly. ood fellows". } Will do Well to correspond with the ands;e fon- , , • , ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ �, • • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦O0 • • 0 ♦ • ♦ ♦ ♦ , ° ♦ ♦ • • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦, ♦. 0 . J., Ki.n City Bakery. Pork, ares g H>t est Prices Paid $ntterhanue ,leoae ,. • • 0 113 a 0 16 wake heartlly.sung: The.o elected � ed radn � r fou f some of'the3ands will be r 11 h. p , q t, tub 0 lb a 0 18 for this year were ., R.,Graham, I' 1 s., s, TOVVNSFND ' AA EBYAa%S • R. & J. Ransfbrd0 S S• W All the. useful branches e. er aoZ. .. 0.12" a 0, 16 TT, . Fttir, Vico Pies.; J. E. (7ailte on, Clinton, Qnt.. ., ran on, Man, . , ! , '� E.gg P , , . , �.. ht.ln the Potatoes, per been.... 0 fi0 a 0 70 �. J. E. $Duey; Trees., E. boater, l are. taU Secy�� . Uverberr ,G. Ilinchley . .! • . W. I o;ter,.0 y u�. . .. . . _ O: Johnson, Directors cess ractor.•y e 0000 ..:: , , ,'.'.....: . .1 . . BST NUAL ADDltEs3•. Aolniesvil a Cif : oo*. ♦ . oao� • • �.. ♦ ♦.Q ♦ CENTRAL . �oR pRESID1i.NT B AN , -- Torontb , [ attle Market. • : - . ' - . - , .. - GFEN.TLEMRPI,'Oa'1,10 1111 AND UMBERS OF •1$E, � ., 8111NU�S1, d P . The' W� desire to intorin .the eo le of -nutlet' The befit ea 'otters offered Ta Y general meetin!; I have.much pleasure as your t1. ONT• m that sown resident, in presiding: I., have also much �. Theannaalm6etins mee'in of the stock 1/ ' ST RATFORD, ONT. pl, bont.$5' with the range .fro p tin •the slab onhavih g a g ,holders apdpatrong of. theHolmoav 26 011eese Township n]la of the Villa : Of... Loildesboro. p0 leasure in bongra, 11 g • 0 4: 6. Export bulls were $$,76 to.$4,.25.. p a .orthy representation of duty' noble and Butter Manufacturing Co., will be held in ♦ the General i�itore. c n .en and ,�Pornen , 1;0111 t .$. 2 P such w Zr . g eilere few .are .offering and there is orfs—sports who really enjoy .the•smeA of. Wilson'$ Hall, Holmesahl P e th turday6 eeof' tll'cLt' Nie 1]caQe pilrehai . t i v+rhat are you worth`- In to ,. $ p g g )1 14; Xfl03,•a°t 2 0 clock m. for a ae p] t p p . ver tittle d,in a, Th.s'aAre (64 t0 4 25, s owder, t he Si ht of w au+a lend who, on eve . t.indine a the past year e : ueine a ea inn ♦ r on are a ant .are not, Suaran Y 8 to S3.b0., trap or thebark of the h u QtliInettl' and, In .. That depends appn what, :y •'Oar stud , ti,. ht yearling stockers are"$ 1 0 ortunity have given their time.I Car led pn by .bar. �' , p , er .>� course wig B cry possih a pp. of • 8icera or -lbs eurren'gyer, and the. trans- ♦ . �p ' ik e ' Solicit a; share of -' ,Tour others. Ahusiness•or short- • teed nice`•obs, but aft herin' .cattle era $4„to $4 50, nation of as generalbnainces. It it strop ly, • n]•dlt l] � f ur:.bo . Worth t0 r J Chotoe buto g and attention Itowards:t'he advancement': of our' yy g , ill always enable:... is'college it Will be' • :. - as ae 3 and' oann- urgenizatfon. Lmight, tf I were disposed to hs urged flim'. a1l shareholders be prem ent,, ♦ . , � . . hand education, w Y to this with interior down a $ Position lint the - s are noted at $3 to somewhat verbosal in my remarks, here dilate buttermilk for season will be sold . Patronage. _ you to get a good .p rouble'Jor them' to ere at $2.75. .Dry cow q date. se ]g t rice on mangy pod qualities possessed b our mem• • * d to .carr R a full stock of er�et�' edaoation mn.'st be strictly first els bpld any' l,oitiOn.- g,45• . Calves are 6 to 8,}O the: high p gg Y $ • hers, nttimuchpr.f.r.to bo brio and to.the W•B.FORSTER Pres. a„jl,te11 Y t tf : to eek ,you hat t hi are Dom-„ ; t , ,I will lio.t. im use on your good nature �V A. LAWREN� flE, Seo.. G4iye'us an oppor nh y seiltle . to ob- . 'being dae;to the, fact t . very po n , p 7 s Cite We. Slid them, if po ' too much in pres6nting prelimivarles, lint Wilt golniesvtlle, FobY 2nd, 101s• ®•• . thin,O. tl lanky sold 'in . General Stores an U at wi:at we are doing for others. w buti, - we . first ing in..:: a for our oatalo ae. : -tain employment, 1 endeavor to put before yon matters of intorest - . to day g. matntatn. the high- l to the club tend, .the general cuu. .0 of the equip them to Z • ]'Ot c �ott0n1 )rlceS ante admitted at -any time, q p 1 has ae Hired. same• bo 'te call Your Stud .. reputaftoti thin Echoo 4 Re 'D> . 't,anRford of , OCtiQn : Bound has : , The first condition of altai: s I g n l' V neral ethod.ist attenhori oisthefinances. Tuantel.of,la. ry .'lit tlOn SahEt'• • W d. ELLIQTT, PrinelpzLl 1., estervelt, been palled by Stratford Ce M ' J. r� , .rl • .. is ease:+tial; the lack Cnem o[ the cuetont cur fT r'for sale b ublio • 04uroh, ,butt an ample, su ci y The tinder-iRned will o y p , I' Principal heron la to•su pl . all our wants fs•'a •auction on TUEiD'A. Y; FlL�B.17th, at 1 o"alook •.'1 The little daughter. of ,A. g: Clarkes of .rens oft pp yy • curse of satiafaetii O� SLksleed:- The letterpartgam, sharp on LOT 20 CON. 6, HULLP L`.T, - • . `'e: nd the father s ed to sag ( miles from. Clinton) the p :: ....-. , .. • } ollin wood died of poteon a this:. ceisodi'ng sauteaca; t ant;p'leas, r.iwA-,-..'�^�-i AJr .4. C ,. •Of p t;ravelroa'd: ab6nt3 ♦. Pk I• diG not theClictottb}unClu0tc'GftY, followm articles;.vizs—Ldrivin team,laged ejr Week; F I Tenders 'Wanted has been arrested, is to g g Grroceries"Freshv Y . { ... .. j and on the presentation of this th6 nth. annual D pedigiae ; X Dn! 3ram. Daot� • d e ea6on, a't Ottawa, sontenOtd Dae• urliam Cow, with { " he Je D statement. i.wish to call your attention to the'', 4 years, old, withpedrgeee, nen lyoa ved;l ur ♦ . THREE REQUESTS 1 rswillboreeeivedbytheCounerloft g : ' im r'sonment hereiinbBiance,o the credit of the , in ralf 2, 2year old , Tends lime Lefebvre to all months p 3, I fact that there ham cows years 'old, • { ! r nshi of Hallett, up to Saturday; 6th Fob. Tow f k twice on .the club in•the hands of the treasai er f t;n- L; Heifers to lie fn calf• 2year old l'larham Heifers { POB1tlOII8 1• pp the•followinggttantrtieso Roo and-afine of $100 for,voxing w ♦ . T fill' 'li{181I1C'88,. t} for snpplylnB l also espe6ia11y wi•h to call your attantion'to .:2 enclting calvos,111la=say-Barris binder,. near- � OO a00 % { O . , Elm sad Tamarack Plank— referendum. tire, inadequate accommodation :Of our club 1 Sure 9xudenrts. Or 1 o ick d ' n membershtp,'autl Ghein•' ynew;lNlaeseySarrismowcerI & woodrHay . • { With V 1 2000 feet Rock Elm feetaonR, . in th , e f mower. Pea Harvester; F { n e Montreal Street Railway, ent loyees ,'creased attendswuoegOf out local and match, ; Rake, new. Seed Dri 1, 1 Set,D minond Harrows �+ R j�j�1.T G}radu res of r .f liverQaatwmMoo p ' M 1' ' { ave ihecided'to' etrike'unless their de- . lroote'ha.ve ol"rAly drmonstratel to me.that.we > new- i gcu#Rer• Lwd acn; with bus.. and stock_ . • r Elm 16 feet long. 2 in thicki de h out- ♦ . 1 3006 feet Rook s . or increaseth 1Va e5 noel reCcig. ,iiitstenlargeAurpromises, We, .as lovcr..s of : rack' 1 setnewbobsleighs single bnggY� OOb0D0 r i{ L'LARS;' �'I livere'datS.enry warren's ntands.f g d .b - hetii zer•danotseekSnetzerfrom'windand . 1 . Sal t 1 RV _.. __ to ton elks ,COn3ti1C1H y , B -chin res ' t6r, lletnocrat, Fannfin� iVIt11. 2 Sat team lea •{ nthfok del nition.afthe., 1 f fes ton 2 i G t , rain or,loois for sliQde.Prom the eco, (S Y nese, 2 . rind sto es,1 Elay'Fork� with tackle, .., { . 600 feet Rock Elm.l g i 1.. Fr1da nest. of •tile' nooll-day sun, but for . he 'purpoao` of 2 6inelo plows, l:(}ung plow,1 .Root pulper, a nth' Bme t9 ne dti> ing:.: } i red'at Robert Ferris y I iii •cments andthearci:n 1. �r p 1.FOt Sdtlsfied." { per mo 0 . . 1 ve 4 storagefor our own eq 1 lot of hay.in the Ua"n, and numerous other , M0]1{eJ �I � ..; ,]f I lie of other, 'aces E ee hang, tis in thtck'..de i !tors T orE~r•ntlq affirm thar.�• e 1 { Jennary. Dope p 1000 feet hook flim 16 f t ( laudation of v s fl hour ' mouth 1geMillnns attic es. w."" r the to P Thntdas h uld reet a impger and inure commo +i,,t:s . • .TERMB.—Say and all sums ,fr$5 and, 'finder �: { were supplied daring Livered ut ate.. p a e utt A000<��70 pep -Bred Bulls for S f hick 'de- OrO use on the remises of th6Giuu •:, c h- over that.a fount 10; months' oredit on t , ♦ •. ♦ ♦ , ♦', , , , �, . ♦ ♦, ♦,• Q �,. ♦ • • • • • • • • ♦ • { at aalartee varying from $5, to, $8 000 fe;et Rock Elm 12 feet long,.h in,t 3'h as . C 1 elYery decidedlyPWITO the last tyvo toti.a i'- tura{sirina;appr oved joint notes. A' aiacredit' ' , �QOO�� { • "Than is why we have Iivere :at.M,Sprung's I. mostsuccessfutinthehistory er week. y ' { P f dt " de n bboro-bred burl"am Unlls..bred menta proven the •, file of•4cents on the dollar for.cash on aro t f room at all times fork •• Rook Elm l4 feet long, 2�,m thick, yourybu g i;r„ftys are offered for oftheolub,.and have done More W- educt, amounts,'• plenty o f 9600 feet . , from prise. winning :al t a . { d a P Qai lays : m ulna red in color ' members. livers t g g;e. A ed from 12. to 16 o , , Clinton than.any other sporting org•tnization The farm Of 100 acre.+, will be affered at the ; new. n 4 s6,delivered s g.11 1 iii: the'town not, of;courne, balrttling the Bawi• x e ' VPrxte for Catalogue. '..Enter at t 2100 feet Roek Elm 10 feet to g,. alt good promisin �animals (( O el' {. , , g. S in Club,br th. Lion Brand:Cilothtng.) sa)uo time, when terms for the '.feria will be �gg th'TO madekn wn' ' n time. ' No tiaoations, } : -utP Quigley s : ERBERT Ci7RICH, eafor g . i any rao lank to be lot 25.4th con, Tuakersmitli, H R'S.' i I am anuuh planned with •the roial support 119 JAS. •GI, X810CHAAEuL ' 1 e carload of fh st class Tama D given:me on every bond by the members Volt Peep: `{ v st I • Or t On r d at Londesbsro Station, 2000.�eat oqf Jan Y6 Lf club during our tropby and other matches and BUSlueS'S Colle„e de;ivc a tebtlon ,and the remain d- -- limentt9 new members on heir 1+ Ce�ltral a said lank to be. 14 thick. mustsomP gg I , { of it {e be 8 •inches . ..., ]iootin and predict, if they keep on v # 110 �#0�.N� N♦ �N �ONNN"4l*� Y L + vee 8 &C�errard5ts, Tbro to V er le feel long. and all excellent s g, i . { g lowest or ar►v roods- .aotnecesnarily ao-. improving, that they will be anis to make a Moxtgage Sale ::• •• '" R / foal a t Tho Pr0 halAT . P ted • i good: showing at, the 3rd annual shoot of the MKT. !]. s asp ,JAMES CAMPBELL, ,Clerk AL _, , Lominion of Canada Trap. Shooting Association .,. -,. Y an 20.1098 - ..' !Y m ' Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y'/` Y Y M Y Y Y bwnship Clerk $ �Llee, - _ •• to be held in Toronto next present, at whio t I U oast end 'by yirtae of -the powers Vest- �i YYYY x - - _ '.. - . . .. ell repreentedb ' • .. � : usinese I .: ed the .Ven. dors pursuant Go' a: certain ' ho etoseo.ouroubw e in the 6 arse o4 the even nga s in , TAN DAIIU ELEVATOR } I�nr g 8u .ma tet'n of impurtBnee win be sort a e; which will be prodaoaa .at the 0"0" ��� ` ' ” ,bran ht out in detail, and need not here'be , . ,offered. for . T CLINTON 4 g time ofhe aale;'share wil[ be • mentioned by me. t i -C i r - There -yet remains a matter of gratifidstion ,stile' by. pnbli0 aaotion by D. ,Dickinson, ' . NG IN 'YOUR PICTURE$ l kinds of rain LR� • ' . A) g that I fel should be apLLtlaud'ed by every tnem Anottoneer; at theOmmeCtlial Hotel, • . . • bar of theclub, I Mean tv0donation of trophies: 'Clinton, on Saturday the 14th of : li4&Koh, c 1Annon &.1 `' ,, ..... • . . leture• Frani anted and'the hl hest.. 0 ►aid to our, `� e tlU: 115 g Itis;th6eriei�Durint iiia/net saccus: epJinve A. D„ 903; at the hour of 2.30 O'.olook in - S#ec4al att n w p X,. lar' a ces aid. in cash for an . 1 ,. a ray in slosh+` a • . Pn p. y 'irudtwutraphiesdori ted,whtchl,Bspreaident the aiGernoon, the following propert�t )enactment. . ■� e a ;lJ of tk�fsclub, bog torcturn the thanks of the ell- n ]nb . r • all at the, Ela- • nibershi Thedonatorewere;Mr P am61y : Concession of 1' a a•l f�o,, ]n • .. rl ce tl oxo , . , ntlty C . tir a me, pP Lot number 34. in"the 16th 3 YTH assortment.:of �Iouldln,s, ran„ „ . o, lis eiore . 1 draws, our ger-of, and Jeweller, • , ► Onr. art 1St wl ll vator aua, See b and Mr LP:Snyder, laanager of( the' ger$reign the TowneHip of �lodertoh,: in 'the donnty-1 - ' - � r f Ot• n tU TSE, gel foot• Bank, ZCAnassnre these entlettien that we of Heron,: ronta►n>ng dg_'iicmeaearQment , 3c Pe .ro P it cul B et era es " that' ill Ilaritionl�e _wit y, Belling”. I greatly appxeuiatad thbir gifts, and wish them eights sara9'of lead,. more or leas. ': 0 Stile, RT , • success through life address rather len thy. X Trio property is bonvegiently situated F gg N� ' x• :' b IfeelthatImustreachmv'6oneiusionandfndo• .w mfleaof.thelTbWn Of Clinton,0 . , . Pictures D.. . I"• .. I .C1 H kyousllonoeaga'intoryonr djolning lot; r' large StOCIi of Room ; OOuld , . I i ingo i.beg to than s a school on the ti . r - tGhin two . . We also carry a' laY�, g and there.f E I I . . . . individual support and courtesy during, my the soil ig a rich clay !Darn in a good state , - Gla etc. r. l In P]etua a Hoole. , Wn e, , , : • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • s tewishing the Clinton Qua un Club every sucbess., of oultivatlon and fertility having been • . ` : d obswEt N, President, n ° h dwallinahot grating, land and out -buildings ears '- �. . . 1. I .. $LYT , . . J I".. cucull w, . outfor • , . I am, y need . - _ pact; t e g '• ere in good condition. . . eareo . • � • >DDOD. For further parliaalars and' terms and • condition sf ssleapwplBoy • CfO.NNEi,L-In (hoderioh ort Jan 19th; c . R DONE, Mo: �• . •• . BUSINESS' for 1' , philip Connell, s'on of the lata Mtohael 13OLICITOR FORT Ynxnon:Y. I . . - I 1 hoe. a ,Connell, aged 86 years,tzI . I� teb, 4, .1908. g SOME S-VEdIA.L'-LIN1•;�, , . oINTOSH' �In Gcderiob, on Jan 19th, Clinton,' �_ w few q .. . : .• • Mrs ?casae . Molntosh, relict of the late Our +G4rsat Clearizig Sale vPill. be continue . •. • Laughlin Molntosh, aged 95 yeax0, 8 leek. 'L, onger, BOIOw a give a 110 ati011S ; . . t SOR>w, whether the wearer Rest Cho vc,r grana SyraP . m'ontha, ' : WENY _In Soaforth, bran 26tb, to Dir you au idea of what "You may expec. Is urcomfo : B • 80th, , • • tills st $1.10 ort a ed 75 years. and >flro;l3 Bowen, a eon. W111 �Ve • eft .9 gallon wooden: P , • Jas so�T -In East ars. , oeh Jan � . ti:� its or Sta'ndS. etri es Wortb 70 for go." ,. • per pail. •' TgRQw>311-InOlinton,jauNbh,LouiBe, MERNER'-In Dashwood,'�an 19th, . to Flannelettes, wide width, fancy p • • infantLa of Mr'and Mrs L 'i'hrowe r, . Mr end lairs (neo. Warner, t ill o, an 28th Plaid Gltnghams, fest oolors,'rngnlsrg�7o for So- • • r : aged 2 -weeks. m MoLA.UGHLI1Q In 11Q0 hlino a� eon, ` , Grey Fisn hen p54 inane, tlain ana, wine , res le foriar 5ohtldren s coats, good ]E[ ShoeZ PR�.NES . • . BBDFO'RDr-in.Hahott, b"eb 2nti,, w to, Mr and lifts P. MaY+a g 1#od AetrAo f , 6 • A • . a:- ' 'Bedford, aded',97b years;, BEiLit=-Tn b oIiillop; tan :29th, • to , Mr $1,25, �r sox a o C ,� . r • %urge, btaoli,. nreatk prunes, with .. aYL,1lOUH,-In Tarnberry, Jan 26th,°J, and Mrs k'. 0. $er6 a soft., • Homespun Dr ss ootid, 40 inehOs wide, in grey, br wa, and two -t re�'aot 11111!OI><lf0?ta�0,ie •.. email pita. Gktlmonr, aged 2g years- -In wingham, Jan to a 64 ild noh�s Wido, mares elegant skixta, good yah 'A • � �ruAL AG4HAt -Ill West Wsweinosh, e galas 250 B a MAG4UIIZE, Heavy Na85ytlSer , r a . for 77 .,_ , • -, �. .. 1. n l9ih t7athartno Loretto, tntantdangli. M>" and Mrs J D4s;gaire, a daaghtet, Mr kinin 87 inches wide, Worth b0o, Dale prtom, g5ot .. " %`81�----�OOk 8Y1�are Peach+�s, Anr]cots d']s . The. %1t r ` • ter of l o"fAth" hen, agod• 4 weeko. kIOMNitS--InBrassolg�,Ian 26th, to Black Moroolt g, • , • • ' enol as tliiok • 4o th den 26th, Ellr4. and Mrs A Somers, a son, Waol .Twaedp� suitable for boy's. Woariaa cello, in dtripeg and Ohecka,. r` this make Of Shoes , gra large ag your hand, SMI'P1# to dna r , h a sd.60 pX&RRIED.' 850, as a pdo9 95c. - Ogg 2fj different styles of as the other fellows head. • beth Porry, wife of Adam Smtt , g tt Wool Blankets, doable lead size, worth $1,75 fox $1h45� tl W0 o%rry in fit . i!r .._ _ did verist to Choose frolfl, 0 r : ,;