HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-02-06, Page 2� 7. �1 - lw­��­ --,I 7 I . I . . -, I , . .1 'Jimusq 80tb, W8 I . I— .. . I—— -- TO OLINTON N1,U BRA 1� � I '- I It . � 1. -... ­ I- 1. ­­­ � . --- -- - . I ....- 11 . - .11 ­ 11-11-1-- ­­ . — ­Wh I ­ . ­ 11 ... ,;��;;�� I, 1 r I'll 111 ­ � -1 I 11-1-11 . . k , rresent4tion, I 0 Stoneman, Hoovall,recon I ly Rold =� 1. . rr0VVT1J(,i4 for SU10 or to 14et. r r I "I The 'Wise U ,momixe V I " . 1. 1% ben to a xilton fowl fancier, tot 04 06. 1. r IN 11 . . �1 � " -- 1 wall"It 4. � ' I Aua Make Rme 13right,,Co The following w%,s the address pre. Up'Kellivoton, Trowbridge, father I I ­­ . . ­ I ..4-1 'e ��`"` � - j ­"*­­� ­ �entedto,W Oulmotte. Londesboro,la of,griii0md Adams. B0vaebi, died on If 4 "Id to tig"llit I* so, Prol boUsswQrk-good I 4AM90600., 11 ,TT .. . * 1%; I contivelloq with the sift of 0, V6141. Thored wepk0ecefasedw"il,bighly '' i r Lelreford Mail* I ooillptabloone. Awluo . 'With . . ­ I - .1vtV ­ URS- QURATY� , uArs4t"'t sollolit,or,40" � 'headedcave, priorta his departure West 'roopecte, old iiian, lw� � �­ ­ — .. ., I— � r - Iliad chcerrid 'r . - . eal I � r I � For Balo opwrig)- head of Young nervortl . � — , CLUMS. . r , I - . . 27, b, 1066- " - VW Wr�%-Cbise)hurgotj cold hid, Angil , r . bred ax 4 $.n gli-. I) I r Ralls for sale'll � )"wx-Rillott Islooki, low rr ., ft" - -- 'N's"'t, Trices ro, I T � , 110MItn7. B ),IVA b �', 11"a ,; I e V�MWONUOI 48 . MrW L Oulmette - a of colte, two and tbree years old, . 11 . . � ­.- - . ­ . 31041190 ' Thrregratolass Purpr,m builaforsAlo, XONST iro 110ASO . - ---- r ­ 'a"N I JA 0 " 1W -- W, '"U'roos"t, 1. . PEAU Sm—The w-birlisirlS of time f 44'OD.40,t,DJ.Norlie,(Jrovaet�ty. They! I V" I . '- - ' 21 , Vbllo"OFS OM'"'gauy' WAYAOFelitO,wiOP by ings ingauy unexpected Chan es. Not I ' � 1,",,y'r,'o"c""l ,'i,1r,(,',?,n,t'PA9,u,V t �- � I were bredfrow TBemy%boroplitilburn. t 1 To Let. - I — - -,— L%dcNom - , -r - , It . .. - tt'14;rr' ­ w0moxt to ebonowim In Abe home, nono ttre I beileast pf these to your fir ends and L Tog rt received theappoirit. 1. ' I -DA I it m ) it) 1.mi, ., � ­ ­ .. I � *0"041;AP-IOQXPtOlit4i�10,tbt%n UO 050 Of neighbors Is the Isurprise ofyourde- tM lace of , That beautiful Store In the Jltekson Block a po,g 4 I UsimoudDyes, Tbem*tobleso dyes while. wen ingiater for Hay, In r ­ 11 -UUvQn1$tr0At l*tgly0V(,igplC4hyC.1W1tto, A., _ N! 0 1.1 (11 E I P1101,10; RTO r . . pairture from this. commumq, We -Mrs WBrookswho haaretIgnef, Thor r -- I MINTON , 1� , they rcor4tin 014 gStmortitor to t ho ply to .. . Accounts owing too, rlooplfa & Co ra4y --� ­".�� ...... �w I . 4 rogtorp ught that you audy,our family were 4 Office was removed on Wednesday ,to . THOS. UOIDSOX,48%t bee.aiduslWAITLANDISSTORN. Allaeeountil I r uOyalvo-od n4ef4lacoo, 41so renew, 14dea t.obfirmlyrootectherato, betravisplant- . I ---telp�t. 1�- tf 1,,,,,, r , -w *lite Igiovem, warlains, portle We Want 63 ass My Ng`Tg`FF":l'"�I"i`r1"l lbit rt'"el' On. no Paid by the 16th ofFobr4%t y, .r lit Its plf)cod RIQUOT & "ALM ' . , tog ed, . , Ure YOU that the r - � � �, r .1 . r g1gano.and Lawyer D4nlel� X I . . I - A. '91- 43,0. 00, . I 04111gir 44verlage, ,giving tLbem brigbt and boleWill ilelm in , .. cFadzean, foriner. .. � . . 0 VOOPBU & CO , ("WiVRVANIQUIRS, 0 . I I � a Unfilled sOtbAt You )y I Fairin For Sale. . , b OUNISSzona* q - I gilxslq�io'coloro" Oi�.oArl'Alwilloo , (if this locality., % ompliewot Thomas � . � r I — —­ -- —, � -- �- — U40,1941t4to &ad Wrangel � , mu"nop you 10%7 "gain OCCUPY It if YOU004th06011 XcFa,d�zeav,o* 13 , russets, has been el- . . � ; X- �-' � - . Xolgo� ics ,�. . � . I . Solifly9gitod4reAs, to ibe The wollo & . new $1 8 ected distrj,ct attorney for Tulare . .r . , I 14 . , . U0 Olowayi,d Dyes sys lio - 0, friends , .I ThO West halt of lot 24, 0ayfigild Con nod, It ira I . 'and cjquata CI, yolix terounding . I � I i I orIch towgisb$p . ..,or 1, alge, . , -- I uncorigovidl, It cannot ba easy for county.0411fornia"witb a majority 0 . . . r .. I r _i0ontalning IOG Beregit C &OCI - 0. B. UATAI 11 If XichgrdsOn 00,, Limited, 200* Mouptaia yo . . I I � I land, hr ofyorvo for male on coal terms, god j4 , b ;OAX AMU! argo all to $ever ldOdflot, ROA41 408. 'TPhH appointment holds good for . 11 .. .. 1: barn, logr.lgou�ie, plenty of 'Wa or, And- �Wall , Ott& eob American Yellow Corn tot sale. - 0 . r : Gcort � - 01`11tPLrZO GUA09i" - Vt,b xOntres), P. Q,r AIld Y04 Will 'receive d . � I 5 OAM Igurch connections here, but woo,t four years With 4 ' ' crab jpArtlaulars on a Illeation to , AlwaYs ob h%lid. Cash or time as armmgtd. .1 I I � ploa of L salary of $3,200 pe . wo y . ttr-d- Drive rlet,t to Warehouse Wfoalte Runway . r ­. _ I I . I . � . LvatpAid now Dye 1100, 4 IbIloodlano call ,'!tho twolige'viragdo." i ILIVE , J� P.1 80ALL.ollut A eagggarstatlon. %. PUIUX. vister 1361101tOrVotW Aygd4V,QygyOyAnO,sr glatiob of a temptation a I 'Itioe he Went there, � " — ralolistorl, 44U., 199� . � r �Vyfoolosh and full rarge of PlAmOnADY0 has pcf�vqd too %ntgumanda.fteecMce. Itisl4yeoirs O" `0 . . RAr X0 and Rr"R 1`00rns. ­ fm yogi,'and you propose to take op I iiN ClIst.1 .00 LS For Sale or to . Oloco-oplvoslte Colborne 40glel - r I — . I -t M� , �, ". . ­ I . (iret-ly's, a4vice and John Rogem, of Wingham, bee, W- K r' Rient. I L I - r, "go west.,, ThAt ve ted a wonderful m* e w,b'tc'b be tela r' OWE � -- I . . . i ­ Gosrarlel* r . ­ 'if 0 . . �hitg . .. .- Toi Itent, , r I . 0 _#J##X*W ffi#,$' 1,,,,4 of the Setting sula seemlii like its . Lot 29 con. 2 starlev, containing 100 sexes I .r . . � � i I great'yawtiglog' muskego, greedy and Calls a clothes drying reel, and expects I 1`0�11- I 4ato ol oultivat on for sale 'or to vent, House on Ilgivor, a - , . . � , � � :, � , to introduce in shortly.. -It is, Ar very - *Z�, 1 -v K EM for taim of years, ,agVy to JNO. McUREGQ& ator 114, one-half M- , Q, CAMER()N fathomleo,is Itbas beeb and I$ Owal. IqSgs TMC I Tvact, 41 ­ . r . .. r ad bitudy affair and c . r ii remises or OR iltoquEpoit, 2 con"R. 7voom,,hardgigid soft water ;I911ty,gitsmag (Ovinerly of gagnegron, not& * Cameron. , I I . an r . . , 11 r - I I p pur sons sud daughters, our convenient a -CLEA I 99 0yr-olitlit, Sokfortb,p. O� Ar'l I . I XTUIDAT, FRIUMAIlry 6, JQQ2 I)WIng" r I and larle 14111t, #tone cc,, . , r . � . friendfixod. relatives, anilevercrigeofQr be set upon the ftor or hung up .on , IT MCTUALLY.- :WKI!14011 I Apply u, . . k fod " " I` OARIAISTUR Awo isit , I ., - I ­�.- el . loge, You have dedded to cast to your the wall. I r , �� . I � , V-IAM.1171411111, - 0111104-nomilvIiii, st-Oppoolte 00lbom 11 . It ,. t can be opened up around ; . ):�,IojTogl r � ' - S r . ­— . *too, J, avis of town . ; The.-foroptoolobeismakirig a pal. l,tin tb D., Hes D r ., 0 Ron r I . . a wi d and woolly west,"and � or over a stove, van ,be used for a 1)1.50 QA�.' ,�aR15; For ale , . Pogisossion given �zggtjitedfstoly. KID 09DEMOU, OiqT '' r ", 5 1,40 fight fori the abolition cf the coal we brave met you tonight to r Stye you rocking cradle or hammock, a. obteld I . , . . - I . . . I I . I . . wordofobeera'ud to wish to keep a child from approaching ton � r 0�1 at fe � . I � � . . . . . dotlis , �0 I Comfortable bo - - * I it 8, . , I I - The mine owsiegro of Nova, our parting uear the Stove, or can be used for' . I � . . r DICKINSICON I . yvii4ndyours wellity your new h6,me I � . . use and lot, On Alberh St.' .. .. OARROW � � � teaching It to'statid - � I Clinton, for 0410 cheap, lot f acre . Wanted. . B"ItIOTARS, 80=01TOUS, ATO. . - I � 130010a, claim tbal the American duty Jn Alherla,. 'Were you, asinthe old or walk, we, OVERIMMES suitable for small family. Apply At RWIN ... =6 I . . -- . , . , I . . .-. . and days, forced tOL make that lour anticipoite.he shall have a large sale, . ,. -0004 0041fortableroong-mustbe wall heated �00aft-coluer,]Reimoncgjqf4t*4-dtke ila*ar, r r ­ L . -- Nor r . pyti . . . �, The annual meeting;of Duff's church , Jan, SQ tf , NIAW nitl OIFYXOX. Dickinson . . � vaay be I et;lups sed A year begl7plO I. PATION offloo' Y -Apply .with terms to Q0401cla, oett. , . . � on foot. by canoe and clog train, with , 5T - I , . . 1. Is otheiX need A , r L , I - r . , lbat Abe removil of the Van4dian duk jackanappl. and buckboard. or by means r WaLS held on Tborsday evening of last I kAer.MA . For Sale. ' I . JR. U. IDEAS, GA I �. I 1. , v - -. I I 6,ed rrffVeryh&�MOnlOUs,, , � co r - --- - , ZgEGW, 1, I -- . I "rill. depriveNova, Scotto coal of it of a P. -A , . . � M14"My - - � .1 -- � L . :� el". . - - a ready to be I ly. and was -most encoutwging to both . A Irood, Durham Bull, Pitt 2 ytars old,*Ith a� 'PROUDFOOT IS HAYS, . ,� . , . a lirle acbOODer, we hall thought Week, 4nd Pa - amonlous" I . I . L iound . . . - I Of �"L OR living. on the ed % F ., VallAdI41% market in the imegntIrage ITS it Or Qk> ' agendid p" ree, poosessing so he.doao. .twg of . I .� r . . i . blown (V by the next A re I — * Im . 911911�5tzoo No , PUB= - . 0 . b izz%M. The pastor and people. 4fter supper wa I . , dvrC t a best, strit no of Durbam. in tbo. oomairy, A, small Burn �f moner, The owner can have . SAWNTUO I . bl WRX =�&r . I r ItisallAcetce-talti. however, thtkt I 1,amokgsw&gop1'ha5 reduced the Jou6 served, Rev A XcNab, M. A., took the .4�4� I Iffil I . A 8 .f Eff E V A MP the ma,tolglet-p,aud tw a Borvag,ton Horo his dam by proving ploporfy suit paying for this , once, N*p^ ait,, exil 41*0 .0 *07.- ­06'04uadWn tax is removed. "Cor. ney of ry being rand daughter,of t 9 zkoted 9.11 Ab, 140'duila m r . L r � . --�� , . r mcmhs to days and e en hours, chair and business of the meetling pr.oa . WL X` , artfoorgent. . L . . . to lillsaal 0 .. 11 .. I ; . t"I'l the first rJze:bnU at the World*. . 1 1p d JAU 5( tf HAMAND BIRO$ Pr$YAts Funds to larid. at Iqvre4t rates I I . - WillneverrAittwethe duty and so 0at 3 O" Put Oil your hat and tedit ceeded, ",Vhe,vo,riouireportlgwere,very -- . R0.1V 3 ­ I T RDAL14 0110S.,01inton ­ . . , of Interest. I I I k"T1111 Scotia cot,l will fl"d an utili,glit- here to take them off and hung them up ,satisfactory and showed that genergetib Ow Ir"E G'MIONW-MANYD 13Y 16co 12-tf. I . . _ . I , .�­ ' ! r 1, . r . � , . .- ad en 'arri(d on during: -the . L r � W. PRG . 't In tbpNew R 'gland Sta-es. 'her e-julitatiother,rootitl witho abort work h be . . . 4 UD3?bOT. I R.'O. H&ya� I , , , T&IIIII - L . cottage, to jlaent. __ �­ L b egileal Pdovin,e(footarick 8: URW he,'] between,.. We Console Ourselves.' past y6ar. . Freedom from debt is one . improvement. of Stock., . I r ent' L L . ,, , , ; e . I . . . -.;-;. I . . � . . . irg held up by ;be inty. I to,3, becouse*Vog ate going to a land o . I - �IFWNJA "VP Co. wetlical. , k � ! . L I � .f of the results, and the last paymoot of @ - � I I . ''I I I . alwiat, as greal; and Plenty as this 4e. A surOlus 4 I I . Thi oottiage on Inact Street, co.oupled by Mr. . I . . . - I I --�, _ $1$0was Ma of $94 was I 115VIF . The subscriber has for service on lot 04 liagir clutooll.lRofteradtoreut, ftitablofor Xingu 'r I .1 . coonty,cif ,Kuron. We have no fear ll�gsportc d after 411 liabilities were met. I 0 . .XVN VQ*, on Roid. the. la,rite Improved Yorkshire - BOX MAlogily.Hard and soft waten good lot, cot ve � * WH. GIV11414, M.D. I ' L "on ldrl&rte (x:Minlater. c,f Public' . . I . f E IlIV 4,C - mv.' 1. A . I a .? . . . RL b I* I I hatynd will need ta tighten your belt . . -M, . reGaigilysomp. Termill At 11111111 FQosestion after Ist ofFebruary . A.1t.CJ.4.,.kS. z4halligingalk, I " : *r�rk bat the reason. the t do 07ig litmw $�WUAWW 50 pt�� Be Ice with privilex 11 ,"Ic," 11, I . � , . - I 0 6 e wo holes aric! call that supp6r, We . zcdav HZ , !, t - - L— RA -C . I .8 ofreturningifliecess' . . I . . I - . , &'very diatroishig and common malady ' . - .. .1 I . � . , Is 16 01i of the finest anignalo of his Offt, r, - - I . . I - , at ry bt. t, Clinton. Nifflit call - V'Lry di�pute a froutdoor ()toxic* orr"144noo. Resign. . . , laskart "' fq , token — 11111.7n1lowotf . MTSS RUDD, Ma OV-01i4arit, Stree ;, A b,,�, " had. loot present you *Ith, thiss small . , n4d.. Xrn ovewratockwIththo- at , . ' * mmission was tha . b b . .n its origin in, some gitubal- . I Fliftm. ... . ' I - % RBU , Goderich P. IF). bury Street. . I . � -'refir"d. o,a o . 020: ofg�eteemiathe6xpectatio thl1titwill doubtless it bv,iii. L I . I . * , L � - I L. It , ,i bd no to discard the comfort OftbO anood condition, � of the nervous systath, � I -"---" . L I . I , D 12-1 -, . . � � I . I TbOro-bred Bulls for Sak. .. DR WM- . GRAHMA � . I . I I . . . ­.. . I . � . . .4inericaill, v era. P nxic n% I 6 * get a trade r=11; tr at n for the helli it -will afford . One f the simplest, 'patest, &lid most " I&OINIM offers iteveril degal- —. ., Itlaiii ofth, lt,�Al college of phylligillang . . . I I . . L . - . . . . 1, tr6af Y wit k v()u on 4 foot journey. We rather to . V" 9t I Lice] . �' anigids, and the L .. . For: 041 j! I Y saw that Efftsioni�r�medfas is Nervillins. Twouty, 401, . . 4 . ; girt," #4 "de- . I I Two thoro-14ed Sbort-born bulls, of good LoAdoxi, EuglaricL 'z it 'Iva" 11, -so to In �ke -Rny, # present it as a It,oken of our gbod will - l. , � � . pe - , . . . . I . s6lt .M,rts in ,4ropoinalittlo'Oweete)�ed.water gives *I . ,%Iof *nugileauent . . . -- , . I podigig�el!6:470 01fazed for male on ressargable MOD ARA Usaldeigoe..; ' I . .�� , . torms. , a total . , House, two lots and stable, comw of North rosn' Ill vn�nthg old, , L 11 Ahot; -directian until the, boundary and with the hope that it will be a sort most Immediate relitt,,%nd .this. treatment 1,21motithIs old,tho other I . . 1. ,:, , 1 . of iromegn. One is "to -be - piewpotiga,111 I . I J9110, WEDFORDIS go' ' . I . I - at On between the RAst should, be supp!emented by bathing', the xUal0a MG Lond6sboro - -gs = we, an ­ I L � jq,l�` 1 vas ont. of the . ofoorineeting. link . a very Ole. andMaryStregirts. Th000tta 0 contains .six . �- -- I t " , , L . . 'Way. . at -N about." -it is not. rooms in good renal woods9ed, .with hard - JORK OU31 . �--�— rem—sit, . . . I . I , . � I I . .. . . idWest�-an*emblem of*yourgoing region of pain with Wervillne.' Tosisy it Pa4didnitled butitwiti.ifervo. In 11.1i and a a Ab - I OR. d. Wit, SHAW. . I . ,.. Vet bale. I . . . ce %ote quickly fails to sxpreen Lbet result. thor, th� Airt is.ligirpeitually or drni�- - 1, to . . . ­ . I . - - ­ I I . . 11 . ---a .. . 1rdin- uq and yet a . reminder of the pla , I , . 5.04 ,or. ino, , Ono and 0 ft wat dit u to . isla. 16 tf Con Ill,'-Rullctt. ­ . - yc hld ln out, esteetn.,. As yon turn Druggiq4l$ooftij� everywhere. ' '. ' ftnuing sibout. Her . Mol 4 . 411tailoftlevand residence,oA I �L . Willing fir* ,0 the pr inlets. HOUSe to RoBt,, � -. - A3e,uchgggg, . A � PHYSICIAN. BVaGlo* � , - .--- - . . - .lre westward from, your 'futurgi I I I" giiagglK' . 11OR . tarloak, 46TY , . . 'L ,,,,, i ,q , . r"U, . Mr Garney, elected last May %a an I 111011g'bl�6 her't — .. . I 'WISh 3001to AgRigh. church, forizarly 00. . r , I ILI'L .' the Go', arnment wou'd PASS. home it d,,,qoercbancei.10-,1tCh a ullm , , , yes, :her i1044 or lick lips . Comfortable frame house.,v ith half anscre envied by , r. Appleton. Clinton ont, . . . I I . I - 81 Inds II ' ' I money to Loan . - � 'Stroot� Clinton; � . � ------- ,-----,--.O- , I I I -a Aw compelling evert arger to e;oct * i ' geodent Conservative kor Maul. am not.* And ao, f*r bor tji,oi$kts� wh . L ' . of lAnd. an Huron -- . , --- .. � - L-. wire L . ences alo t I a front .of hiSL I -peaked iumv at atino"ne -that he will, as Ikerself -can, hardly � follow - t1i6m so . . . L I . six r6opioi with eallar, woodshod; !;rd';;a . . . 1. . ­ , faiL uf WOES w'bN.,,q 19.1 �c;u n, v ��,,,, � f star)(1 over there as' sentinals -of the , ,@a publicly , I . Do 0. ' I I , V . . UJ*1 J0 Aff� L loap 'frm .. 4A,ppl soft water. and'bearlose fruit tr*ex-*w#laoo . 0 41 Wit, T"OMPSON ­. I Ili +. h to �, notlip . . pport" I y , . I . I' give Mr Ross On 'failviW 'ZL ' 1100 Ifloan, on farm properi - I , farm " oRld it bilgh C oft West -those ftock�.Bfonntalns , pdpnt- an. SgIM2 - f4 $ i Oliuton ., �. L . . I . . Physician, surgeon, Xte, . . . I L . ,lio he believed 'his poilicy Is bed�t foi I at NEW BRA office '' - . . . . . . ;T I - . - . I . , i5h(�'�l -re would not bQ Ol�lob . . _ rga, back to Reginald . . ) I . , or the other da�., Kf this 'was m to attract., Ao allure, to say � 4n22-4lp special Attention Siyan - - 14-tvi rotim .,Arthiir - to 0oorge, And .7 Xpply to JOHN SXYDAR, Clinton �- Ontario. w4ismikki4q.0fa imajorityt, . , _.. Brea III . . I . . .1 ]�Ire, V . ... . �'A "'r"`li'," LEEFU I . . � =� ,,r, Th�get to diseages of ftill . ,� I n � t Itt P" ". .1 � �­ e' 6 " 6 ,etly winter. Lti; I-.- th�y I er I I iorvice, . ,. ... . . .. . . . . I r 14 ly aNd-you thit ,jo 1. I I . andNose, I ts. W v e v 1111.,rmll �� I.Ei ca; ;�ell &,� In L , . I . . .. . I . *"ful, obe�. k out 'T .� ' . . I Office and Rooldance.- :1 '. ,L 'ba a4wa � Jose litindI.e.ds of alontirif-,ki-,.. � ­­ - . � . f Ates, gi,laybr witu . I I .. I . . I. L - I in that laudAs this ,there is " ]R'"* ' corAquering with .w . I . Stable for Sale., - I Good lfoasef6r Sale; . . . . . . L . .V Uj,%V. � , . ­ r . _PjAAX; . L. " - art d eternal steadfast, L Hy Bribitig the Neivea *j.th' opium you. I I . . . . . . I Albert 800642 l8locligiB North 91:11tatten .. - -thronigh 8 -no ift, , - doulgl Pd Ps" -, � - ' '11- �V­.­ n6es above . . . . I � 1-orn. '� ; . . . ................ . .. . i ....... I .......... I . .............. .. Ill, I',, I .. I . �, I . .Ui.y %;UMk$ I we I I fro*ns, isad bgryinj with . A food stable with seven single htnilfr, a box . IrViale a frame. house on Victoria S'rest, IR. W N L ­ 1. . baw . . . . ' al di -.s that iitl inter. iy elop a cough .but the Inflammation h L I On . � . y 11108Z � I 'lhae4-qN . I '01* . . . . ;;aJ , A nerfirse room, , X814 b1not a roo=v Rif-oultoLble for ordinspy - 9311111119 � is it � � III b. 0. , L , _'_`.7'Qj�WWjJ.4 ' f.hf III I '. It is good 't� know, & fli'� �* f rt* , . ­ , _6e LJOW& Wag , 0 . ront fences -W 'only - , . t 9008 from bad' to worse. . Allign's Long. lu . a I . j Otory a b - ­ , iA if the f . ere - -her b, t Ir. a,* 1!=1bo sold ate, very resso 'A' it If.w ��­:,, , ­'­ . . Tou miq *suffor swigA I es; q N: tf __ W. BUTD nablo irtar acre. lot, with stab'e, . �fn L h - �) , I W1, e. 23 . I I .. . , , &fsand rgiiytbeyin it r own M11 el Sami. containing no Opium, goes 66 the . r ' Lim i .70 loft, _ Vr . I .� I L, At d' yet al(quent wa�rlbetkon are pos -a -little. plu osoptiy, Api _ ard a6d'softvate ,rees. Pro- . PJ978161AN, It SURGINO � . i . I . L mt .1 Own"Cligstono � - . .,.I) � 861 a , I ­ I . . root of the trouble and . deep -s oe wed ot 'a - - � � r, bearing fruit 4 . I " I . you and I hose of yonio household tip- ourea , "'ted - Ottle of the spirit of'sAventure, and: . � I L ­ — art -will be sold, rtitasouable terms. A ly ." - . 1. . . . N.. � L. . I t '-­ . I . afteovious of th oatmad lungs. . L , , � A 00 I . . I � - , -On theL street the other,day a man wil Y land of far reaching , ( I . . -aCraIg,orJAS.SC T'r L .. . . . I � . . ] .. � r d,t to itbat o(be . of self-sacrifice, there aroL EX MASER. All L V, OFFIUE-Main t t I ", �'eVressp ouse and Lot for Sale. LLL o 21-1m. . I L � I . 8 roe , Bayfield, form' , . , .&�-'arld.of iat6t ros, Vd, A R Slyne & QO, Laid "ightful'ooinpiensationi. 'Will sher give . . I I L . I I I . 1, . . , I . L I Orly . I , !,in-lorcible tertris, 11 buy a load of a, I the I I . .1 . I -- .. � . . . . I - . I Occupied I . . - '. , d-bimself about a common evil dis, nal'purity Where - Tooke.13 �, little 01 that � 0 , Cunton , * I . � .. . . . . 'VO64tba ;�i y -ii ds have the promige L "of Standard8birtCo, c0larand-bbirt I .. by Dr. I'allister. I . ; ­ j t is apparently I all � ered frie , j visi. .0hreq danees, two,, ong*, or none at ty of'the 16to Is ' Tfirrgbu)l,*S%- I .. - , , L , o. - his price fovit witliout . L , Los I 'th-me uAtod at t a pornor of ViotoriAL and Maila, Sts. � .; 'D ,. G' , F.F I . . . I I '-:;I pay.the �oodwoqd-,and' -:�!Pefl ng 64, last in the pre6e1ftc0'3f'hIm manufacturers, havO been cons6lidaitdi � &lit' Will She gd tO.th0,.1)IeniC wx The pr6 ter Farm For Sale or. To �Aebt, - . . r I I I �L." sellei � - .. ' " . � . , I 1- �. 4 I it T HOLME ..A I . T '" 't4a6c., -F.i-644. -And hairware wbite - and with the � Oajonwl BIgiachim,g. C6. j. or with himl ' Md she. sing that song., Clinton, is offered, tar as a. cheap,.- There to a . .# k.&S a , . . -- I - I ­ . � " �;J�,XjLjng� .. 4jM.4own, 1.��it 44UQ Vrhellj' L L . - t 'sto cit*at r ' I � . . I � . '. 11 I .0` I.. - W&I­AA ubite ag anow-" 'With'all L will bo'14, PL b* f(Lotory M, fJh4,WiT)1vR "x-mveg, it was the one I Said: I liked . ry f Me dwtilliz, house, contAinijig 12 .-ThaVestbalfef Lot 17, C'JUL 8. Hull a DimliTIEST. � � , . .. .. , I- . I,- ­t='� -Qu a 'A ee � tow lo�d of , ­ . -141-- -.0 � %_'�-411 Falls, atid willtifictare their own cot. , The 06mp ply III 06 o Sao r , ng a doub eL arlar, two dinIAR seeded . (SA01189or .to Dr. T, 0. RMd . . .. .1 I I . 0101`lb . ,0 - ,1,. jlft�� XoTeB in all, Lot - which. fifteen. sorbs the cl .�g� � i i " N 4" �i -�et",,,e.A*t.,L,,[(IUA:.Vr,Tt, ..." Otis arork6t sign' h *. . a , . 11 L ­­'. I - . . L , , , too San 6 edroome,therai salsoisixilallbarn, - .1. , * ­ ­.. WWRied BrAfte C o han.ed kilot' . t f a T so a bearing fruit trees. on the lot.' ' k . 1. eno"r,ib'dtischoliks,irims . gQ.od'wip . andst! . t. ., OJ&taoro8ln. fall Wheat, about - i d 811101411ilt In Cra I � 1, I ' ' And-fAmily in u in Red: tQua . . . jav,6tab rs to th&..quo9tIons# but (1110811 41 T,)O L D, S----Graduato *ork , . ; , ,,;,, i To ire new. home and pri pte'. vt bush, FrincipAlly IgArdy�ood, f A I . . L . Is anivi,o L � " �1 I d%miblig'ab can sPlit thern, -'and a . . - . I I . . . . or at gi1a*8,ai)p)ytQ .JJASI880OTT ' , .; . I . I �. .. in L -VhO I ' NoyAl, College Dgmt&I But.: , I , - .:­.��jl 0 Deer'and in. behalf mf your friengs we ' very qui6stlofid'theii%adlTes� - � You I 3 t (rafr, act the beat! Mid all well drdu�gv. . wo D..DA' 911DOng Of Ontario, Tortignitc,,ji � .: I , , 1,�, haf`1VOWaii't'N rri them - I ,dori't at at. �.. . . - I M -M an or, k linton." :goodwolls aridanaverfailin,J'apring-on the, I . '* �j L ". ' . L V1, , . � L- ydo,tI16 , subset lbe, nbrsf Ives, ,, , � , - Narrote chested, *oak' lunged people Jove her both for the dan .. , .. . I. I . prii S-Firlit-Olafis Hanoi ifirsduaiie of ]Dan. : . . . I .. .. ­ � , Valverd t I � :­ . ss so MUC its . ao- L ' ' - . , can't be cured by', medicine. Plenty' of* ./ ravel road. Possis.71ou -given At once -for. sg§q X . I it Ind thg� lo h _ gero.,�Ou havd ' imises. gimiles, from Cluton,ou .good � L tal D"partmenit of 14ronto, I ' �111',,;-,­.uoyalive' 6f liaving.tho chldiks-lyirl I , . �, J. A. A I anglifoh , I 0 4 .114111"d Aad fofthw you, ope to PAS.� ,, ;. Firm, for Sak,-. . . ,J&I attontion_paid to . �, Fon- . , - - . . I I �,.4r, r g . .- i - t. ' �-'� .40-K Birr . � ild exeroi 6 snA ,1AThe D,#'T ---- I a, ,yite&1th:ofA4lent, Vea'oy � . urther Particulars apply to Nzw Z" Office or will, �.. O.. �- - freab'Air, In, �,, WhaA. �; 11dreciateath. , L '10greservath1h,- of �A Lound ''But'why d6 some,farnters . .. . �- 4 - ,Emulsion at, the Arat sign -of. ,i�ea;knessi or L:. Itlei ''' , , -- . 1. . I . . tf. N6v 7 - A. OIN$, Clinton P 0 'Rogigisy, , . ... . Visit Bayfigild every .1 �L ' . . I ,1, - .- . CV66 GThtimpson is devoted. to th& art of Airtmgl. - ­ . - � .. : .. . I L I i I . L . , '- ��, - Aoad tip with sues stuff?" 4- - I 14 I I . ,. . . .1 . I , -1008' of weight is the Wn - triiialent. . - . . L . . . I . Offt it a shoe'N'tairle . . - I . . L I I . 1. 16D � o", H. R. S., --- --R' - ' . . as over W. � Taylor &Be ; I � � _.'L � "" ��, . L . A 3.4mieson � -1 � . I . correeptioug %LrA brIAlak ' I'Aot all 00)10086 - T3 , . I :I_ - I .1 I . . I WhAt origirial hoolbonse on premises. within five m nu f . --� - ----� -------- I ... ........... . ., % , L . .. . . , . - , . --L , , ,. , I . - . Ott '. � . % 1. McGillunly6r�61t blit sre 5milos from Olin . ..-Farm: 1, , . � , A I 1. Otests I I swoesoes -in ft . L I . - 0 . . . V, xontmali-�r, -Va- told � to tile � owe I - Stock . . � , X So might not. ,.The alk of church- ton and I . - Iffillsdale . . . � . . miled from Be . . — - � . . I I - OWM I .Might rbe. qXrth;large frame howe. good 0 ;:. . . . . 13R.-AdNEW - L 11 . an V0,1 tell ii�ie wbere 1. can get Ii ' - '' ' ft6ni wirel . �, L. . .1 I . L .�. . L Wa eps 'station W p , ' . �- HAS, FOX SALF, - - . .. .. . 1. ­. - .. VE , oeolitid, mostly winter fruit, � good w L - - ztwl . A�- . against the I , . . � � ,'F010,'rehable man?" asked a ft�g,rryier.' . ; eiXiMoa' ai6 and . - � - - 8. LDENTIS - �'- I �1, - I .. EE.&'V, FEVE R CAN BE PRE N�ED b no, erected on the, mountain t4p, ad . triv*pbs in. ob"her -arts dre claterp,2 barns, one 48xM, wit stone sta tin Digit 14 .3noutba 'old �' 1, T. OL NTOlq � " ' 1, .., � I - .. � I . " t. I' AeglSt'rred- Shorthorn U . . -i' ­� s"Ust, have one. 'and anT willino.- to 7 � ThoseprIpthe sit?. I . . . . . I ' . �' �� pay good wit es,yet I find it im - le . , DoUlk Back other:'cl, Ines at I tBay Fever � it would' datage -the . physical 1%6or a- in ovail warket-place. I underneath,thoothipr2ft60 drivin sbad tin choice, pedigree, lot, by 1mported Royal. Don. 1. � . . . ! . . - . . � possi I e . , , � -IlLiop.ored in two: ben house; Apply to WOM , lb I I , L. Registered roproved Yorkshire Boar., I OMOO sdioWng Photo - � . . . 1 � Jt9rieB ot.the ego. ' of Illedug,are merely.1A. 1. . - _Studio. � . I to.getone fdoultknowphatw6.-ar6 Seosou�ll don't destroy your. atomooh .And I . . I L olinton. P. 0. ..; . A rigus It 12 in - .� � 2, i Ing to do, and I nev r knew it to tb neie.yes by drugs-proveni -the disease Rev- Now. lite for a qu'artei. Miller's ,Com- or three .parlors. it is, A, pft�r . -fdr they .. . I , oaths did. iioth'eiro and ' dam !in ou're-946 -0 every - day and . ' . I L ' * . , . . , � . . I bjZrd to SeCL - caused by gBruis thit. 03st � aboult auo�'Oxe wortity of golleral re;jOic,ing ana. . . " u I- iwl Driving Moire, 3 years old next' "tutday untfl.10 , i ., L . , -M Is, Sold ,by All druggini . . . .; 1. F a L . ,. J It ell b .6f"oe .1i ' . T C tire men The g odiiines Fever is poupd lion - Pii I . .. .. . rm F6r Safe * '. - I urg� I . � . .P.. nX.1 bialachbal . � � 'air ins finally �ana. ioagernent in . . . I . admiration.. . I :. �. .. . . .. . . .... � . I : . , L , .. .. ' L : , -,: -', 4ire-makingit hard.for the fixi-roer" �, -in 0o. . ()Iiuton., 7 . . .1 . I . I Heavy in Manchester Dungannon, Blyth and, , 1, � ­ . I I � . . I . . . . You, -reader, harts your. oNvit experi- I �. -- I UAL Draught Mate, abw,git same age. Bay , - � - " A. . . . -, "I . .,� — 1. ,� � Our tbroat ana., lungs. -Kedicine . won't .... . . . . . ,field. ' I ­ , .. .. . �.. .�k - � Cat L rhe gibacriber offers for sale that choice farm Surpl stock will be Fo'd at reasonable .. .. � : . 1, 11, . I on the - ilvices, ags,wo are short - . .� I L, - -, � - -1 . . - , "! � � � Said. rt.gentlernan tvhiii is reeva'of a teacIgAliew there, but Sirliozone will. � Ftguk Miller, G � T U by aketuarg, �Flio aimoos: �, One morning, let us suPposep vOu turou road TuclEepinitNjust east of. of,stabling. ' � ��41 ��. — : - I �� , ­ �j - , hea;v I by township the o her- day: . 'atarrhozone is: sure' deAtb In gethig. d *at Niagara* F&11z, died in �call,on,%,ftirt witbL whom'you Ore pilvi-' ' reBei1occupitilby r,Msher. It I :. !- -MSTR]MfJi 1. . I . . . ., - --mow . � I - "I , It, I . I . . ' - 011utdil. at . . L. . .. - . 1. 1, 't'�� thinlolige law relating to the electi rg a � I . I .. . at ts as., inofe or -le t -h 00"I - � , ..' . :,* � , I stout . .. � - . ­ - .11 ,. . I . .. . . ... I , , it daues on - �fie previolis. evening. 6slhii 1. ..--.- ­ . -- � . , I . . 1. . -� Ormunicipal councillors should be re tgoi rgasal.'psBosges Rich oanood'by Alfflerys 11 Bat wi d g 11 L I . . -'to use datarrhozonii. wall I '. - You met IXer I . H. FLU: Cli . . ,er�narv- , � , - at =13es h6epftAl, Ji'gtd to, be iie cc is of B 0 act . . . . . Vet Stits now Itilgafe .. . 11 � quainted . 0 no ,b' nk =is o, w,l,,) d ng 'me r I � 6 r h r . 0 , ml�l� t , , ... ----� . � � A Into the tbrost, In , red blood is pr 1 rt� r,d 0 � f� er � 2, . . I I I it is an advantage to elect . I .. . '- �Ou t'h4m usual.l. I The flfpt� I a �� I I lity exe a , far'm VV . .., , . . - FREEMAN' ' .1 1. L ­ 4 y 'all drug in Bp . 00 terms a . . Do. a * , , , and brorichisA tubes ; it goes wherever the . Compound Iroix Pills. ,801 b' -. waS, Rinder to � d e I I � L�, I � pealed If I . : . - � , I I . ' . I Worst 80 . L I . .' - 'air �ou breathe goes, andit ,vitill prevr I 1 . eips . a' wore'' .� TXUa CO. 'Oro - . ­ . t d !. : , :.1 L q. - - * L ' . I ' � -$, . int -gist,: Clinton. . . sh ins ydu had *eut ­­_, linton. W Illy. alm . C 1, . . . V UWAny BURG �.: . �Qonhty Convoillors -for two, yefcp, wh and oure. Hey 'Fever.p 4ndo"ed - by. le0 . . verging- I k � � . I . . 11 . ,E,.w .. . I . '.. I ' � �wgould it notbejust as much advantage ' . her. Ia.-short, it was a bapPy" e I . . . I I .'roy, I I � , I A Inmate of the Rock, I ][j -OW do" ohs receive YOU Uol*rf Coldly, . Farni . d women to prepar - for - M Omb6r 61 the Veterinary Medicii A silocla. . L. . I I ' MrsBentley, a . . -for Sale., - , yoazig Me i AD a , I t�Q . thosre of a" ow-uship for two than one thousand doctors in Canada ancl - , I � . ' : � tioigs'ofl,ondon tind Edinburgh, an " " . 6 ec I W60d, iiisabli' -asYlum;- Cut heir thirc at i diptin%y. y.olt try . I . -- good situatloigo. L Apply to .. ' . d Gri&do- - I :.. , , I , � � a , . I . ate of the Ontario Veterinary College, .Q .. . . I �; a sv (ill I think the laW should U. 8. q6nt to any -address for §1.00,.. for. _�to begin whore, you. . . . _ . . I With a pleco'cif glass, and is dead. .. left oft, it the .d&yj , .* t nais On. - I . 1 . .. 'TIMAT "'i . I .. :. , 7, . � � � Lot 7, con.' 3, ( glao acreaL 0 - . I DISSAIIES 9F ALL AXI�zALS­ - L L I " e made -,like IC both cc bu �he f tai.W. 3olborne, giontsiggi f L - - 1.) O.Miiiilon. . . ----m L L . cases 11 - . wapded to Poison &.0o.;,.lTa6f4di, Cori�n.t' . . . , . . - 1. � . I . .. . . I . . U,' S. dt Eftigiforg. Ont. , . - I . . . I uhlar�s Grip - Powders Cure,. A3ola by falking about ati woather . and o1her � land in good'oulth atiow, 20 acres plow-ligeilb ,.. . . Business ' . .. . . : .. . .N I . � �­­ I . . I . I I . . I . �_L L .. . �. I , .., all arujgW, Clintoni ... I . ­ M'jiubjects, .The iningites- Pass acrealn.grasn,k acres fall wheat On prtnuses I , . . I I � ELGOIW�L. SALL. �, �.' , - � I I . 11 . 1% .. . . I . . . . .... . . porsor. 0 is stury frame house and two frame barns in - . , . .1 . . . . V, ­ L' . . . L - . . ... . I .. g repair. also a . I � I ben & horse'plois u i a nail in his too � I . irlL flaitirikiton I lod well and young bearing . . . . . ., . .. . I . ' -' I . . sq6wly and di�lly. At.last you rise t' � - - , eterlfiAr.y 4 Sur . " L I L''W t . 'Balngs. township, near - �� 3o � . ,. .eellege , : ..... : ,aken .. 1, L .11 � I -�vU,il 0o ri DoeBbetiv,hip the ftisp COUnty,clippings, As you do gw',' she directs your at- orebard. Farra *46, need And well watered.. ... , 6 1 , . I I , , . eithed fver do? . . I . . L I Ia . On the L Si(le I . I -P. -Mar. ist. IM.,, For fdr. The beat -equippsd Business and ShorthXnd . . . , I . . I . L � . � Frartkvjlle.� Were, 9tiuck by l'ghtnI g !ff� Possession may -be he . Su a: � M., IMAICKAM * * , . .. I . ' . � ', limping, 1,%gging' adimptl and foroo him - ,I I , . ... ­­!.. L ' . L L I ti" to a larg �ar . board - , ther pa .. I I . . Golloge in 0anzaA.L'. Reduced tuition rates, , . L .1 ­ I . I , I - � I 4101)gp Notrinl$agg he A A ' " '; . .. . . - - ' and burned., L.. L. ' I . 1� - � � . ..., . . ') h rtioularas, ly to :., L I . , I . I . . .. 11 nberry;' . jq�,ry6ua . . 1. " . JBWELX,, . I W seA,,cf All domestica, .. I Be. At the first .sign - a sh aid take Miller's .,,full of Inemori-als of the po-st.", .�:- Sept. 18-tf . B9X 50, Goderich �, i ... . I ted ­Awmal " I I .. . , - I I . Solgi by All grug- - .1 You Wi the lid-'agia a6a:4 e" o' a - - , ­ ­� I I . ' � 013pleets of 0ectiring situatioike- for . tf�ated 013 84iiPtlitific principles, , L ,; , and Pt ... lie a " ' dent by cutting his con! : it!o"nol?'i I Is h f'd ad .. !Cstfjog ' pent free L Addreso . ca I' bnde'd, tig. . , jamps down, examioqp -tbe, foot And care- *�'sl I severior a latge ai�t-i , di -a I . . I . .. 1: . . . 0 1,66 "L " .�. ' .� . gisdustes, no 0 .1 5 PrO.MptlY Ott, 1. .. . 1. . . w&a o ruin the, waoili.-of � Tur ' ' I "I't is-a'sort W'�J�,narxl uril�, 9 e $MYS, . MRS R.PPOWDEN or R ritaus, regaiditig-our'courses of atticly" -Dleea � , ." , . I k,6r . of lame , is b . 'rr 0 L I ro r' w th '. - : . .. � . � . . eel�.,,t te . . " . � I � 1. � . . I . I . . I , L I . � I I 1. t, . 0 - vose� and Wit l; . .. !. ". . . I . . . �. ­ . . , P . . L . -opitise 'of-tho lameness, ery,. . �" . I , .. 0 . . I � � I .. L OMce-Ia4ac St reSidend& fully removed the foot in Aiatclamcb"O,i � ia;uiiutofi. , , g. "I. alvriya 1 11 I . F it )sa . . x I lWhat is called "weak sitimikoh" is like the . ,. . , -, I .a fellw�s jive,me," gliell-ox na; I ­ . . . . . . 1. � . .. � I., . . , " Olin't6n ; . . . . . I I , ' Y.to L of 'Win L � Two of the fOu Lyuut,nya' I I - L I - . . . 11. '.* - I .. .. .8. MCKRY, 'Al e " . - I . I Palmdr Moi -i b Is OW a 13a a' . ,, b rt St.- Phone o2 ' . L, . JL�Me r men of t4e bArk V.6r- - IlOwel ,.,, Oottake'Ximost'Ti, Bit t, I but Napo street ,. . I i . I � , o6le r, charged With nd thur- "directly they fade, I dri: .� . % I I .1 . . .. . I 11 . . . . I I - . . - . 'Joelle of the boras, oni be agirea by rden r am' �p them irx, herI, 44C)i . I I I � I . . ....... 11 . 0 . .Yo�i wfiito -he. bhought' of the . D . ' - � . ­ :"re�r'OVing the Canoe of the L troublei If you 'Iaid up from an accident at . . . I - near c6tre. of town, contitiAl Hall,- Double 1. . . .0 tiag, - ­', � t90 Orand t bow. Par] e0b onfeaeration Life I L � ; , 11 three 11 I . I L 1. der,have. confessed, - , : %t 'or, 1) julng room, three be rooms. I , , IS lyntilatotboatomach with,twhisky medi- Trunk station loot week.. . . 1 . .. I ... . . . , I . . , ..'�. - 1AUS0611al'i"16 ' ' , , , . I . . . I . � 1. ­ p quot, you selected so carefidly ginolilder- di5thoa elosets,'kitchen, and antry, also. . I. ­ , " . . 'Toronto. -Ont,,. , � - ' I L . I . .. I L � . I .. ; OTIS" - - I . THE XXVG OF CORN CURES . , summerkitchegi� On tr, hard and . I . - :, �' ' dues" youkeop it going, but eydry- ds�yihe. , On ori ' e in . Bruce, eleven deitho ' ' . ing with a: gloron ypora "In tkis- common . ad stoue coA ,— , . . I I . e lini , -.1. . I . � I � condition is growligg, Worse. A few. doacs have occurred d ' three. 1� -puttiam,B, .PwnIoso'.Co'ru - Extraottir', . gr&ve, L With a foieed lkiigbi . y0ji, Mon. soft water,good garclen, largq'and small fruits . . . L . . I uring the 4:gast ' * ' " I .. in alougidance, .nice lawn. An in first-class I i ' ' L. FISHER: . �� � I . . I'" ::LV , . - 09. - Lo . .,� i3orgictimes of Dr Pieree's Golden .Medical. morillia, .1 . crowned by years of success, regal- Wofigille tion the thought, , E.Iet eyes - S arkle. .condition. Ownerleavin O sorno .. 0MIN I 0 1 .1. I . . . . 10" , I . - I .1. DI VoMpali the disordered atomach . . I .. . . 90Y��r flowers,'.' -she. .. . . I I .1 . I : '. � L 0LaXWC,,W -'.n1qw,, - � ... Isoovery .. unapproaobeaL and. unapproachable holding, Says ropr6axfullY, - ood furnittird -to be 8o,T,dt'1PW,1,!1iitA'11yS. at the I I , I . �_Er�nk Millor,, car chocker, was run swiy in this containent .owhig, to its anpar. *do n,l)t p with those, bf the Other fel. fousee, Ap yto - - . I . . � " 11 ,� l -and its ,%Iliad organgs of digestion and nut- ( L J,T.rKXMERTONCliiit'm i I IreftegrallukeAssurame co, Lit. . 'Ver In t , . nW 4encritl Agent of ' 0 1 . . . � I I . I I ri ion -,in prefect condition. Ninety-weiglib lie jayd8 at Niagara and pro-. iority'Prifroatils Painless Corn and wart there is a soot, ich I I m*Aug'g - - . I M 0h &0i'la" t arproved'plai[is,wlth. " , I A* , . . I . I I . . -Golden Xedlcr bablyfa lows'. See, id jwr �!4 0 1"Olitilds On ail the latos . . I Imes in el y'Injured. 'L r; .� .. . - ' . � I .. 1. I privileges and,options mos4 Xdyantggeousto I � I '. very hundred','.' al .. LL tall I .1 , . Ettractor Sold by� all.driaggists, or sent by reaerve for, yoig.",,You 16ok . Tliere is, , . W * 1::P -K8 .' , the Insured. Animitles-isgued, ' _ r D.18coveo" -will card the worst silinenta th&butario Be oiatl6n mail by X� 0, Poison & Co,,Kingston, Out, Indeed,. a gepond jar; and YOU17 bO1100ti. : , . .. � . 0 _ I � L . 1 =11 �. L 1!o . . I Farm For Smile. . 4.,, or!- 4 Sug&r'A.taoi . . .. . . .. . , .11. .. I . ... I I . .. I I. -- ...''. � . I . . .1 1. - I : . . . . � 'gitla�ipg'ba diseases of the stomach.- It willaak th6 Ontario 0oviornmentfor oil reoWiptof 94 0449. 1, ' -:�-, .,-' , ingieed, Iles'llilt, ' . . . I I " .. � I . .. . . . . I . ­ � - . , 1. L., . . , . : . . field r - * ­-­ . � , M , I � � I , , I alvitsyabelps. U-81moakilwayscurep - To li�ore o4for tb ir.industri s, � , .. %�An, ' %ii-Itliffig'like it, be one of I Lot,. 12,33sy pon., Goderleh to., 118 acre I I ... . � � e 6i . 16 18-6port�d �th stria; I Ru i ' If'-ftt; OT � Lbalti,gic iiardwood,withal ' , This L Monument. . . I I I I a. 85 cleared e ar,loVan,, AIRRIAGE L ' . . , . .. Mrs L an -you 'have r60on to be � 'ov purobaoer'of A, ', .:. ,� . I .. ICEN. 8:8 L . I I , ,,apur6conatipi%floil use Dr Pierepl.'s Pleasant Dabsorr, aged 72years, died in. alit have decided.to compel Tlyikdy to kiterlencia, Crof dedar on it). in §ood state of bait vA . should have OOMpl;tG . I � , . , I I I . . a . I . 'Pellets. ThWio eure. - ,.. int,odil ­ . . your. 0: I I � 11%s plsnygl�d zn,,Vrought about five acres fall w eat,andconsideriBle fall ' confidence . . . . . . . � . ,� Y;, prieumOnla, mod . ' lad AA art 10 . I '. I I I I , � . L E helon Wiedife'sda I cereformsInMacedorim., , . the fiow. plowlnrdono� Comfortable brickhouse large in the reliability'of tbafirm, fram . .. . . ISSUP.D. BIV , ,. w I . , . . I . . .. . ­. I . . . L . , I I L . . 1. . . . . . 'The next or InAt" , Tho, t�wo'jarsj� - . . �, I L, " . .� I I . . . .. — heart failure was the cause of deat It.' � - di X, meetin of.t e lor ��u -alonb. barnw thstablingunderffeath,drivin . . . . , � ., I . ., ­ g sherl slid . - i7hicfi,he bnyp,, for. thd'tuaterial, . - J. ]0. JIL I nJ. ' ato% L' . I I � I -, ,Betweea 4,000., &lid '5 000 hbr o ore. obstinsid bkIn. trouble Presbytfiry is -to h , gopeoelies �yere'alj pre ared other �cutb,dildings,,- about 2L acre 6),chavd, .. . workmaiiabip .19 sometbing . . 1. hillig., it'll , '. .. . .... , . I. I I . . .: 1 TMre. is. -ri ' , I . "I "ton I-A-o,ygtWpatiorg.:o,f your 4all, ,Begratful. mootly wiriter fruit I well wateredm-neverfail- . , . . . � I . 4g it 0 . I )is, held in . ippe , ori" iand the and - ' . -- . -----�--L-�-- . . . . . . , . I . ot klyn bre being fed-. on InCladseq, , tot -Ah. Rlionin, it some*1 ."Iltigers, the 10th of March, at,10a,i,:m, . . . _ . . � - and wo, vrells. ,,�cven 3piles ' very few buyers ate familiar with ' ' , --��' , . , , . , . � �hqr'. bids , I I . . . . dmire,Rio st#iot'. .Land 1et hek'pordeivti Ing spring'crook and t , . , ' . I � I AlthIAGR LIC9XsE. lisned - I � L' , ecAuse n ybmq,�, bu'i Weavokler C raU makes. ., .. �� .1 I threefrom. Bayfield� Posses-, not know us, please in- . dor9igned4t his Iles- . � L " .! �: 16 is cbeiper and* befter 04 ZAD . 3 3 I N.( I k . ., , A - lls� is the,loast, P'na. from Clinton App% tot � �, if you do, L �, L by the tya. I I . I . . - " I. * I:hc ad-litimucin.. 7 .L sion at g9nytJme,�ieasonqble term. , re about our 'reliabilitybrom . ideZee'.31a,� AtIff'o . V�. 4tts, This statement is made. by'a "aliort *orIC of it. Appl) the Mrate to the I , . , qui ftozl� . . ­ . . - L Who , ­ --- i f -do� : .1 further particulars to CHAS. SIMONS, 2.St. I . I I I I '.. .. .. or ' West '* "the' 'n"t I . L who know,us besi . I . . I OM'Sli. I . . . , .\ D&v�d sto. 0oderlich. '� - I ., -- ' - - . . ... 'L ," " L I .. ' fl n'p (,I gotteir�bly.ruwdbwi, and fin .. mverj.deoira for dWylge' , I, '. .. I .. , h 'ly ptawt . oid.%monfierer inour "' L' . I . � I .. I , �_ �� you,mu . . � � ". "Vel,eilln4ly fUrgeon, adds that "in ttmed �kid, Xud:i%k6.Woay 'to Syv to - VtGSW . Drayloig. (iiif', siateo, . . those, v, W6 are I � J-.&Mles t.c . . . I � . I t 0 on I I .1 . �� �.��.� . . . . . . . " i ��­ �� ,borkes in lioness from 12,to It bours aL inaure permargent, Cure ; ally be. , " b it lov,6.0f It . . line, - . . .1 . xoms o AiksR 'L' .. I .. . ;. ' ' ­ � . ' I r, vide . I I . . .I.. .. I I 9LD LONDUSt6Xto - ' dia* i15Vft1&ke time. to mastleato atid - -of ' pr - I ojriginal.sin,t�abmwkes-aygrom riffirt? . � .. I ISSU L 0"" e--- '" " �ere*Weo can's h vidtim., bee mnervtoilcos 0ionitteartainotniand OOrr is there such . .1) ,. K � . ; ELE OF �kAltUj.&Gk ­ q, , , j�voperly prepare dry oats and other dt d ich i� _ I it of .. If. R . . . I I L-1ChX4.1qj4 ...% L , — d 48� marriage6, = lanit 'Golden Youth? It does not Z*Or. . . . 1. . 1), . ' ,. , -v ' "During i"2 In 6"O or I a ,thirtg " the (� I — . . . ri - , . . : I , I ­Yoddefr, and the result is that ilie ani, 58,bl, ths 49 deaths 0, U could Scarcely drag myself . the , . . . ' , J. 194 Hoover, Trop etor. .No witigellefor, *cquired : nL 1�h nee and I acre ot land utomary . .. .. ." I . . , ­ -�,' 1 ,-3 fdr o0waigb. zx&te rebide L I. I . , I .., � JmalarOeoilvo littlie ziutriti,ve volue from qaoat6 lit, was aliqlitlyoVer'12por about, lleadugofl)e Chhbe'q Norio Food Some e1uOtiOus 0`304610", . - . ,Itreot,olint,on,7:�oomei�ceUar,,woodshed,bard , . INCX-i io CawjnCrOal Vitel ' I I I -1 — . . .. . L to. . 1. I . — . . V. ' . thou�arid � , . ---- ­­ . welt,-,thu-t I I ., � Ltheir food, - I . . I . . . .L J� . .� I used three boxop with great benefit, gain- . , 1r, I I sort wateri new stable slid driving alicid, ... . � . 4 . . I I I , � I I L I . 11 . . . . . . Ingsloyeii-porinds.. Ibills -ana � - - . As hap eta zoddi you maY excellent garden*with piumt pear lind splflgi 1 ! L, A. a - 111C1111 fts ... �, . 1. . . �, . . of as Ito strong To Tud4ent 11 there gre delight- Aree%eto, , . . . I " '44 *4 t.4�-,.t..t#.t*it.ot.;t..t*�#...,,,,.0,4.4.+ I .. . ON - I .11 , , � . , . -1---V . . Wb regret 'to chronicle, the' death . well and I had ocich ,an .appetite that I guffor sometimes,. but — — .. — -','* 4- 0.4 4. 4k. - 44 .# , ,4 - - - I .. + * . . . , I I I I I 1. . I , . , , . rofikij� 0 ift I lelle aft: That � XlLake, Stubb Cullen of Ragibon's Coraere, on . wanted to be eating half the time. � ful.compensations, To know lipr 14, 'if � I . . .. � I . I WS V HAN �, . � 4 .11 6 . . - . . I I � . 00 I 1 I%&VrIdb4y- Ate Cullen came to his ,. I . I. I I n6t of' Itself a lib�ial cdueatiorij at ally ,�,, ,�T. 11 ,Also for Saleo, , . TL 11 .1 "; . � 1. , L --- OR . "Ill L I I . ..., .. '. Firel . Lift*$ . - . . . . � I ) _ I A German Lieutenant.who had shot I,to An Issists6ile to' one&-igglgar Tur- Manx time UP to fat SeRt. scrospartottlic 'Novel" BAOTY *i�' Cyr M.Je.elflerij, *Ia egUl L I.. I . ated L rs 0 '* - ty I . � I Wlo�16, 'Riebards011 & .A '� death lit th6 hands .of an infuri d X Ths at '! I � I . . : - I - and killed alawyer in a duel', was,sett. . . . I Foot or Block,eti,,nt the ortbEp ofV1111-ft -!. �. " 4#. . t, OKAY BLOOX. . . , Dayonehitie,cow., I . 041' I it - I'To�oay,�" I , .. . uablo -t .� , , . 1 , X I . . I . L . tencea to.twb years', Impris6nment. I I ­ , -. � I . Street, Clinton, whiolilis a VRI -VtopeltY * . � � . � . , . . . . L . � . . . . 7 1 , I I . � . I berry bushes, small fr to,aglop'tt6,07here ' , - , , L L .. I I OF DRINO it"Vity'D . .: 2 giind -� , '' Improved Butter' Color " . I for fruit arowir g, beipj ,well planted Put f4i ' I '-11 , e. V Geniftibardt, StIVII, eld, met' - with' "' - DF36PAIIIJDD, , o . ' ` I ftta-At—r. JLt - �'- J N we yr I I I * . . of'th6 6.qe' I ,%%Ia , I & L '' painful aei�ldent Irk the sawthill, which .- . , , " . Had Lost Track . . isalaos very oxcellant gra, a of sand Z . I . L $' '6 $tt, at 3? I . . .. . . . I . I . H � � . , -TJI MAY fle ilea, - 44 Hicks Ave, , �� ,*at on the Promises which is very Otablo. . .. I , , .144, . . Z) . . erfeet Color. I .1%1 him Up for'S time. '&PUlley � L Uro. W, H. , H , ' , 19ra I 11 . I .� ­ . . . 1. ­ t 11 I . . . ! , I I . I . bUrs row Iribgsiont ont" States "I stiff6rea is Ony 'ho, . OXEj *1 , 1. , F1OLME8'V1Ltn '. I -- 9 T I I Struck him in the side, &lid th Tho young. w6man w -*1ion asked it Atirly tot. STRAITH,orto W.R 1D t - . ­ . A0 I 'L . . Clinton. 0140 ,,, *0 61;va s, he'ap 0-6 haild a 1400 T Agent for the 31ANCiM6T]1,a 01 16 AssunriA - . 11 ' , Vithitobingpilest Irnfact. I don't be iove she IL read RogAeo ail Juliet, repli tit g- I . - Atodk of goods to T Cc. of XAndhoster. England, w1nB6 funds 4 - ' � . , him 0.1 . . 11 od d 6d 1. '. . Y. :. .. 'Wells olfr Improve . .ght feet'away, . . . *rj and �vell asiorted , # ' . I .1 ., Itichlitasou & C thot Kny, orsou who has not had p1ba * can "t She listil nevor.re4d J'Ale oboos$ frour. ... KILtOr MUTUAL 3�j, 0. I a . I , t, but she woua to rorsong of all * yp Bddl1vItYaiOratadat$I4,M0,00� Alaotho' . waslovely, wan of the giadoo OfL ability. Al,ent,%. book,keeperai *r I 81711AN09 CO.' All clasoji, . '�'Outt7gj.00lok never Iurrg#.&' reddish or 6 Mrs Win Corlery, bf the 5th ok Morris toAlizawgat I andurea.'The firat, 'Appli. , . fhou& Romeo 11TOCAU alive P68 �r _* I : . L. * I ,%Ild town prop . I btfoky flogo; butter 661oked bvit alwaye died - bro% lil, re. . payze temp I orAment as i village po*nas-, owitka,farinar's o6ns, lavyera. m6ebot 'a' Phr,' * T farm rio _arty taken � . V I . JAcId6fi June Jitif, [on Wednesday Week; Itiff'AtV cation of Dr Chases Ointment "' ­ b rates, pirst­411480 , r0iltls %be lovely A vie. r t.ov V.ho -know or �greteggdegl to know slolanti, pr(seb-ors, StIldtigto, yflAvxled �r� Miled, agindy from 7o tig 104 Pot lb, . ,-* Iowotg a h& L � . . tion of the lungs was the cause ofdL It liat au4 , and I * SIMOteProgter6od, Money to can Go an .-- , I I v Oare * I I I . . It I � , it'llas Binder optirel, T . . � ­ .­? ".ears b 44 , . . It 1i �Iie Only rbusbarid,predeceAsed het%20 t ) Worth-from,$400t* $2,UD r.Or 43121UM- WG Z -bono led to $1 VO * I ) or that is 'ohomidally ]Is this testimonial .will U the thl -of I tile doings. of he world single women and widows. ros't'Or's ate AW dentup,80do .Irgigg 11 .. =6�ba' 41 r lb, I D1.11 to matuto of so Uri p . . puro anabatmlegio, . .; I - .. . ago-, six children surviw. I . L 4yfto'll. ' L 4,50 m-4ek)y tot. 2 'i , 'Pon - * a z mail, �' Hilmosymo, --� v6stalvegr tx . I I , of bringing oomfott to othor oigtfer_ 161,10 "I" . . � have paid govaid egnines0a , , . -? feto him I I. "I . . � . I power of � & . 11,borIng town yearX, Writefully s.ud V6, Vill give soup, T ' " . . L ... - . � 11 L�Adfug experts vouoli.'for' Ito- Whdle James Dron, aformor resfd�nb 6 , t t" " .. - " , � f bra by making known Abe groLs 9 Me � 'L, �. t . �' lilati6y chocolatog, W 06AMS at I T I I . , -----� , . . I 11 I I 0OW0,040 And freedom from thyAd Or 9104, Brussels, dled at -his homia in Detrolb Ointment. . . ,dto th(i r )ffl . . 9 HE BRADL)MY-OAURTOTSON Co. Ltd. ' T 20o to 26a per lb, . I " 1 . I ,� , US kel I who strgAITI " .04 outs day. Oodtiotl to suit. .., L I L. OT I . � tiou proidato aga-sish. !Ton Itaymona thought *hey woula" 1. AOW6 13POrt � Aug, 22nd - W.;,, -.L, -aitford. T � . . O? . Ving4uhiffleg Ate V42#66t; It laditor ,on Thursday, aged 46 ypar. The re- Eleo ­ , " 'go and bateg. ,�,, ne](ILLOP NUTIAL - - I b000moo rAnold or notir. mdipow6rebrou hthere for interment. VJ w, h tige, J40 TA0,11 I I .. .r. VA T . . I . he ottoti$eStL 15,61dr. made .tbOVOfO q . . .9 . . I Prefootsipt, inualoonneuve ata w I it w . I 11j, . ", e,r, ­:­ �­ , ' , * L " I . I ­..... . - It to (I r . I . . I I ill L . .4 — R t. . . I 'r** Ney'a,n*N,%v%l tkna.'Vitends ot- "'?, . I 1� . '601, . .1 I . Ljollard in LILVAI L have been dismissed. - OU 6 it's pretty '. a up..11.6ro, �A F . I ? NSCRAN-09, Co. - 0- , , . *0 m6it ildou6mi I. Thategto usuy &.sup on toy rosaa and . I I . . I . . , 11 Said, 01146. . � . 6we" fo ... . " . fi — . I Ut jv=.11 ariges 1�o to 60o p6l�doi. - PAIM autl I 0 — ` . , " wellal 11166rdioti & ' - - - - ' � --. * - � . 4DV.tk ,pn or. CO1`o tmprovea sidewalks Ili the wigtor.".0praitio sud At Ximberler Mr ani! Mrs Chanibir`-. 11061, W so deaA ad, Y� Oini 1 ' Otek TAV16r & L T14 . 8 LAUD I 0 , 11 t.h&� , ,3 Soli's ofore'nitith,610. fok, r - .. � T , . TOWN PROPE V . 1110 r ()Xt, Is reliable at all oeaeonii, brulassfollow. That is''Ibe time Parry lain Were, accoraed �A T . I . emarkable ,rd, muell, goes 0 � , Apply to , I . . '? % - 'ONLY. IRW4,v , � ge. . � 11 . I I b"lill u1*A bloto Ain't I fe Lemons 25a por doz. ' , - . T L . — % , . as it yiqvor varied Ili purity or quality,, DAvis' PAlukillev vindlostoo Ito tight to, CePtIcn,st,d 1�0 latter WAS PtegObt6d iniAt hear about, dvon if it doyi!t 'happen any put 01 T . . . . I . I I I L I & '.10 Clinton, - 51"1013201 I � the configionce it lit,# ireikined for 011t�y wtt,b:a casket gut "Iowdinds, I I if � I , I. . N , F.Mre. A. H , MAJ�XX* . 0* . I , : 11 . " . %­­-4--.� 11kht Imhe. r� . I . .�. Don't for Ot this to the plade fog ';;!'+ V. motisab. prealderiv R( n I , T, I n . 1 son of Mr Yeats, 0 I . . . I oqle. ,don't kA6* - the .1 . I . I �­.. 'Ll. I -& olaakta, pastry, Otot I , . a. I . � � ., , all kill s . . ,oWer, near DOWMAIM116,Wag I . . - -17-- t LL : , useell, ia, 14 yearoolc 013TOPTHIRmiADOW '71why,� sdu I back ion , L : 11. . I , , - .-!�- Pruor, -vie - I $ , Mils is, S',prOsident Beft I Ohdatitit r -Is ovortit' 60i L atgl>tho�rj ffilijug L % ecy-Troag.' LL rt . ded b* 1% Coln. Mrs Adam. Sto %'he dideoutageMput ille deopkie of ill- war I OdIft. Aft. 'Wool IrOd 1601, Instigator O' 'O ** -, , , We retri Otto � announce the death Of P 6; �, I 6bot and fattilly would itb, Soafarth, on Mofi� health, ont.into the hoon,ilde glory of - the oWek phrose. . � I's Vh4liodlues *.? A, good line or pipes, olgArs and *i-' . - I . 1, . � * 0 . . 110h, you e4n I T, I I I . ,lit . - It work ibitt dod�o on Vie 6MCkOgUsh NerligliVi '. , , tbbKOOO, AIWSYO Orlhayid. ' ' 4? ,W4 0, pt6adfoot, Softforth".yohn oyff * , gold and reconork . . . . 0 Winthrot), P.O.-aeome I . ,.� pauto I n*hII6trY1bg4 Iftew Von,, day rilorhitig,k alit had been an Invalid hoglilth - vigot and otntigth, Ara y Ott seek- - ber, lookin crided Vy 0 - '7 Z T t I 11 � tor Several years, and wits 01 years I Ing W61 � Aa# Y6uL W18hing , I too replied I tho p0akftagi I I ? - ale. so I a � . . h* ,otudes.7 "I guibs$ 1. , drug 8ts in Oanwig, 01111, oystero alwAyff ill 603k.' ,q , Atintievois. fQjuj, (Tag an . I ago, Sholilaves it grown tip familyof ptado wea"I ('14 161d, dip ovgbr is � I � Able =161110 dimVP . 1 4;4. 961tim . Ore . Wi%t� ", 6 a *00 . . I I Njp(� I dfwa to istArog, I . I H&rlook B .. � t, ftvb, to ypuntliap Z,, Sons and daugbt, to. by Strength, JeSpoAtIt.tJoy Lfollorgd.tho ito -a mg with 143teborgot .. Wffm #will I.: 0B6'J606h1U' - , -V b6 r " le$ r*� 110i I Olin B, X I , hU by hope'ana �vrgpdthtlogi, Palo oliboke att I . "goti .. - :. I 'we afal auere IA I Oclinon , I.Aton, Its proft � CIA. ottitbloublilaveOftAir � . I in the P,%pora. so Beitu Wpftkll6SdL fill offootgofabusif 0 W I I 6 A boArd Of Lt la*rlego eyes, It%, the .rodeo Mom arget , mom mkxboial,V6 "66 of To. I - 'Irl�.. A49Rts . 6%14 a,ftaliti'd core. for fte, rade Was 09Abized In 4 4 . I . - I I 1� I "But tlioTe ztesoyiia -thingg that ar011it = - " Marital Wort I" . I I I . I I I i Cr, ­ 1AJE1!-SS 0 U OakLod I of wr Y, Ili less Iwo best I cc it I I I I - Int falln 11 9 Z I I. I N v I I I J I Wo to in in I h r V p 0 I I I I I , .1 , . I I I s . 'I "AXC,�01 * "N811- .__ 01 � �1 i6t, M,� A�. 1'rilb P1.1 _ _CK BL X. �1 .H � ge . . .n nj!� � ., � ;Z) M.. " " . _ 1 P1 o,b(I ovary foem of Iteldvir 13%th on V rida$,, with V Motealf, tires-, sparkling eyes, lf� ott'but use Porr000fis, , L 9 Opluln Or stifaulants, yallecitill "odV4 ,It# - .0 Ott Smit b1b, ngt�lygil pt6truglitiff, pile. 611 i 1" %0 OrIaGione'lM ,IV � 94460k) Robt. MoUillay], . Bea W Or v Ifog -T, - ? I to D MOX113rion 1lm%k6r1oh,vedblod3, out ,Ask gpors,ll s4ld dn6ther, outh. 111 - be W 110141061xiss. 00 00* : I 111 DIRT1111 rip , - . 'tbl- JW"04 1111111111119, 14 'I � ll,vo F11 hrAntV Ote, t viceproa; A F wil doiet bt i6va you Ito ow w1ion ST11 ! r 't �, -Molldva ­ , , , tw In . it. 4 . I WMA W . I .1 holmoavillo, 08orgo jilardf, . 'tit dtallypr6asandos 76tivilimpir 91bMA. Mde, treak, council- mra will grow ,strong. oldflMO-Vigor willro- . $0 . - ­­­ - - " ­ I I . I . L . o I , IterldufarlooL tt.pjj. will oil., d", -- ii -Jelt, Youpagigisolf owwl,rijldor, 05rIn I ed ­ . . I'll "AiMo6ut Auditors, L h t, IV ton, oulmy, turn W)a With *611, ,A*;# ,$aid the postM41 - Pe, ,.Ogdoaltouq , . . I 1:111 , an I ' , ldoesdof 61 a. moolgity, Itatoo . . I I . 11 I oKollar, gott able- you to Hys alt a4lto, energoila atic . . . . ... . I " if nobOldftd. we A DO errvr, Moser, UhalD * �Ory � I W.Mod'A rhd%94111-1. I. , 1 IIA10106 . � � I �, A1400Xs"0MiXO60,TOr0nt( Wilfoild Ott r dttl otl600ssful, life. R6memb&,Vtb6 n%M9 pat. didli't know that Rio waa dead, but I I V. Ite6kis, iW00 " te 0;d i ;I 4 . . � � .... I . L . .. L duarchlo, A . 14 I � 14 # , z t) -.*Aft . I 'how us� Tmok hA W4 -�Itt% liwill Att ,.DMj,.r4,-,* - v W . # . . I I . . rk 1111110 00 '01fit"140JIJ ftaWiltotlw 4, , . . roatid., 061a by�00 'plot I goo. . I ­- I . . .; >,t.4.,4,..,#,4.#....4.1-.*.4.4"...*04,10.#4.4-41-�.,�,*..*,-, , . . � I � . 1, I . 1, 11 , . I . I � I . k L ! I . . I . .. ­�, 4 - 4 IP " . I . .