HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-01-23, Page 8„
Jouary 28rd, 1908
Tas MAUI I NC iff CS
nual 11111dwinter
SATURDAy, 24th,
TUESDAY, 27th.
January 1903
Thi above days will be our Annual, IVIid-Winter Bargain Days ° for 003. &mks all over the store
.contribute their share to the remarkable list of bargains that will go oa sale these days: This season some
r ' * • I
'radical changes which we purpose making in the interior of the store, make it mpera.tive that every dol-
lars vr;4rth of stock °possible be cleaned out before the carpenters ,come in, with their muss and dirt. hz any
, event it is not our policy to carry stocks from one season to another, and on Bargain Days the last rirnains
of winter stocks go on sale it prices like these printed b4ow. This will be.`the great ni,ney-saving eveat
of the season and one that will be well worth your while taking advantage of. Remember the da.tes, a,n,d
come expecting big bargains, you Will get them.
• Mantles at Half Price •
On Bargain Day we would like to awl the last
Mantle leave the stor'
e and in order to ,do this, if
possible, have decidsdto put every garment new
remaining in stock, on sale at exactly _half the fli'dt
of the season price. These garments were bought
for this Season s tra(Ie, and are the few that we have
remaining after the most successful mantle season
we have any recotd of. You can easily figure up
bow' cheap you can buy a mantle. You can buy •
• A $5.00Mantle for $2.00
A 7.50 )Ialitle for 3.75
- A 10 00 Mantle tor 5,00
A f2.0) Mantle tor. COO '
, All ladies' and chilaren's Mantles on sale B rgin Days at half Of
the Hi stof the season's price. " •
3 Big Skirt Bargains. '
Here is the best bargain in Ladies' Ready. made Skirts
" we have ever offered. We bought them way miler .
value, They were to have beea here in tun., for our
January Sale'but .the maker did nat get them de- •
livereduatil the other day. We baught them. che.ap
and they.inue be sold- before, the end of the month,
so on Bargain Days we put them on sate at priaaa .
that are less than you could buy the. ruItgriat-for
"Ready.to•Wear Skirts at P.98,- ^-
Ladies' fine walking skirts, good quality material, cut
. in the newest aSyle, regular price $8.60, black or no
d'ark ey our price for B argain Day .. . . . 61,0
Bead -to Wear Skirts at $2.88
Ladies' skirts made from good gel 'lay cheviot, home- '
spline, will wear well, brand new goods just in this o
Dress G-oods for Bargain Days.
. week, black, grey or navy. regular 14, for Bar. Daye -4,00
Read this list of dress pods -bargains. carefully.. Not ++4+++++4444-.4+++++++++ +++++++++++4++444+00.
a piece that is advertised herb, but the price.. reduction quoted
13, big etion0h .t6ifitve you the price of your linings.-- Furs' for 13argain Days
Waacent" every yard ,advertised here to be sold on Bargain .•
,.We have not room to print alist of fur Prices for Bar.
Mays. If you realize just how cheap the goods are, there will
ays, so have dedded to give a:straight discount of 25
- not be a ard on the counters when we close the .doors on gain P
per cent off all sinall-furs for that day. If you have any fur
Twaday evening.. . •
buying to do, come here Bargain Days, and we will,give you
Fancy blackOheviet,heavy thread• Valley dress goods 15 els exactly teff.the price of any ruff, caperine • or muff that we
.•-•• pure wool, suitable for skirts or
260Yardi fancy wollen are" mat' *' have- in-atock. Our furs are all made from choice Selected
erials. odds and ends of lines , .
• suits, very serViceable. regular
these at less than regular
*at: that sold for two of three times SIMS, and getting RS good as
si per yard, for BSrgrain DaYs A 6,
our price will be. . . this n3oney. They would make price, .you get fur barga. ins that. are worth coming after, '..
• Fancy .Blatk• Goods 50e • capital gent linings. To clear .
them out at once we put the • • • -
151.' yaids fancy black dress geode,;'
• .
good qualities, suitable for sep-
arate skirts.' bast ends of lines
that sold at 75. Me and $1,00, wo
clearing Bargain Days per. yard 011C
One end only black °tenon dreas"
geoda, double fold; special for
Bargain Days per yard:. ... . 10C
One end only black all wool gran-
• ite elcils, a material that makes
. a very handsome and service- •
able dress, regular 50e, for 133a- ot,„
gain Days
$145 Priestly Goods for 85c
One end July extra 'good quality
fancy black dress goods; the
lemons Pi iestly make, every,
' thread pure wool, very head -
some patterns for skirts,regular
$1.25, special for B argain Days' ss&
per yard. . .
.48 inch Serge at 606
All wool black .dress serge, soft.
finish, go id weight and quality '
. 98 ineh wide, regular 75e, cu • eik
,sale Bargain Days 011C
-- -One end ortly' black dress serge, •
hard worsted finish, will not.
catch thedust, regular 50c per •
yard, good value for Bargain
Day per yard.7.....- . . . . . . Oide
One end only duil worsted, 52 in.
vride,suitable for skirts or suits
regular $1, Bargain Day per yd Due
Boovvn Serge 16 etS. . •
One end only brown dress serge.
86 inches wide, all wool, suit•
able for children's wear, or q uilt
linings. regular 25 eta forBar- s
gain , Days ... . . LOC
latdies cloths -63 ets. •
rove.r.4 NolZ13.
All Notices under this healing omit ten
cents A line In every rassrtion. •
renitrs wanted OANTELON BRoS
A largo cometits Oatmealand reed on hand
any enaesity of goods:rats, wheat and Barley
wantei, tinniest prices paid, be sure an go _to
standard. EievAtor, Clinton -.D. isaquilawe
*omit soplrs:
ARM BROKEN; -The wile of Ben
Web. , sr., had the misfortune to alip
down a few days ago W eteaping
outside the house, ased evoke her . left
arm in two pieces.
YET .vicionous.-..-Toere are not
meriy men 84 years Of ages -wh•r-eire'
read vrithout glaseess,-Wink six miles an
hour, split wood like a young risaa,nd
di) any of the ordinary work that falls.
to the lot of Man Yet {hat is what
"Johnny Hancocik." of this town, does.
He is remarkably active, while he as
the tise of all his' mental faculties al.- i
most a3 well ai ever.
A BAD POINT. -The London road,
commencing at the brow of the hill .
Steak Taking
We take stock on February lat. and aluring
this month we are anxious te clear out Broken
Lines of Whiter Goods especially.
w.q..ltave not time to specify the different
— fines this week, iryoli are in need of any
kind of Footwear, it will psi,y,you to call and
see what we are doing. No tecuble ft) 9b9W
• 'Try The Old Reliable,
strer yau cross the river, ie very badly Cash and one Price We not be undersold , Eggg t siren as caill.
drifted, and sleighs have brolcen a
drift is decidenly bad for people cons- W Taylor & n
,..a closes by the east fence This
mg to tovrn, and it would be well to •
have it removed. Next summer, it
would pay the towis to erect a, wire
fence ou the west side, iSdrifts at this
point every winter, and makes travel
, unpleasant.
WE r IT TAK S. -Very few per-
sons b we any ideasof the amount. of
fuel it takes to keep warm. and a few
figures, based on • careful estimates,
may not be out of place. If every
family in town used coal or fuel, it
would rreanice about 2600 tons. to keep
them going •for a vear-it ' requiring
.cent off Coats •
Bargain 15c45 per
Fancy goods 26 CIS s • • '
15 per cent off every Ladies' Far -jacket in the. shop on
150 yards fancy . colored dress
goods,brocades and shot effects Bargain Days. Not a garment in ' the shop but is first class in
• last ends ot lines that soid at 50 every 'way. Rather than carry one over we will give a
and 75 ets; would make hand- • • • • . • ' •
smile waista,tea,gowns or wrap- straight discount of 15 per cent off our very close prices for
pers,, clearing loargain days at 2.e reliable fur garments • .
per yard.. .... . ...... , 0 • s •
We have a, few -choice arments • left • in stock, and if
Fancy Flannel's 35 e. ts „.
We are going to rid our fancy •
flannel stock •of all odd -pat- ;
terns and short ends on .Bar-
gain Days', Then we place on
sale, between 75 and 100 yards
of these splendid waist mater-
ials that s at 50 ets per yard
styour choice of the int at per
.yard • 4 • •.• • ........ .• • • ••• • • 350
Short Ends.
About a dozen short ends fancy
flannels, lengths -under 2 yards, - •
•suitable tor childr ens waists,re-•
gular 50 ets, clearing Bargain ox.
, Day *Gra" ••••••••••••••••••••a• 0%1U%,
Fancy materials 60 cts
'Oneend only fancy dress goods,
silk and wool,. black and blue
mixture regular 01.25, clearing
Bargain Days per yard.-- Ogle
'Skirt Ends $2.50
2sskirt lengths, fancy black dress
gcodss, gond quality of wool
regulite$5.00 choice of Bargain xo
Days' is 4 ••
Dress,Weeds 60 etS
7 short ends of tweed dre s goods.
• They make serviceable and sty -
1 and will stand any
One end only brown ladies cloth, amount of hard .wear regular &A
rich satin finish, all pure woe], • . $1:00 for Bargain -Days... 01, •
wiJI make very handsenicieuits,
regular $1 00 for Bargain Days gliOU Stutings 75. Cis. •
. one' end only all wool granite
cloth, good shade of mytle
green, material that will make
op use'', and stand any amount
of hard'wear, special for Bar.' w.f.,.
gain Days pr yard OS ss
75 yards wool suiting, skirt and •
sat lengths„lrast of lines that
• sold at noo and $1 25 clearing ,,,,,..
'Bargain Days at per yard....: d 0 c
Trimming braids 3.' ets -
One end only Kai brown ' dress •. ' . 800 yards blaelc braids suitable • '
goods, all Wool rough serge, for dress trirnroin s regular 5,'
,1-0- capital thing tor children's 10 15 cts clearing rgain Days o_
' ' , . 'dresses or separate skirts, epee- at per yard h : v r 4 v .... • 4 • • 4 I. 010 ou
. „ fal .ttargrain Day price pet yarci .
I, .
Oise end only .cainele hair dresi3 ' Dress trimmings 5 043
Kends, etch shade ot d ri k crini. 200 yards fancy dress. trimining.
. son shot with black, 44 inches s : -last arida of lines that bold at
' wide regular 85 ete per yardE,,,,, 15, to 85 ets clearing Bargain
• Bafgain Day ... .... emu Days at per yard 6 .•..,......; UV
. - Skirts made to order for50e.• .
. •
, Our ,January Sale offer to make skiryour order
• for 50c holds good for Bargain Days vided of course that
the goo'i ;ds are bought here, and • at ' 50c per yard or over,
After Aid. 31st we can tak • 0 orders to make skirts at 50e.
.On Bargain Days we will put on sale about 25
remnants of heavy black materials, They ' are in
. lengths of 1 to 3 yards, • and will be suitable for
coats, bhildrert's wear or short skirts; ends that have
accumulated through the season, lines that sold at
75e to $1,50 per yard, on sale Bargain.Days by the
yard at nearly half prime
Colored Remnants
35 Remnants of colored areas. and suiting mat.
arils, 50 to 54 inch wide* lengths 14 to 8 yards,
suitable for ohtldrett se coats or short sltirts, The en.
tire lot goes on sale Bargain Days at about half price
about a ton for each portion in the
place. As a good many use wood, ef
course the amount is not so great, but
it is estimated that at least 1000 ecrds
of weed have been sold here during the
last fur months, of which Harland
Bros have sold one halt in that time.
NEWCOMERS -kr W. D. Doherty,
who has been in Algoma lon several
years looking after the saw mill inter-
. eats of his 'father, returns to town next
month, and has rented from Mr Jacob
• Taylor the cottage . on Rattenbury
Street,recently occupied by Mr Chown.
Mr Beaman has rented what is known
as Mrs MeLeod's house, and becomes a
resident of town ; he is a Mad e of
Mr W. T. O'Neil, but for some. ars .
has been living in Manitoba, where he
succeeded well, and leaving his, sons
settled in that provirese,.has come here
to enjoy the comforts of Ontario, tor
the balance of his days. , •
. •
POINTMENT. -At the meeting of the
Collegiate Institute Board held in the
Council Chamber on -Tuesday eveninir
laet, the question of the appointment
of a teacher to succeed Miss Parlee
who has accepted a similar position in
Goderich, was awarded to Miss Lily M.
Johnston, daughter of our townsman
John &theaters, and at present teacher
of the Commercial work' in the Sea -
forth 'Collegiate. The change takes
place the 1st of March. We know ' of
no one more worthy of the position
than the same lady and we re-echo the .
YOu eorae Bargain Days WO, Wi 1 giv• e you a barga* •aPP"YaL °f our citizens for
•• • - ••' The only, other business of the evening
. . . '
111. . • . • this action on the part of the Board.
• was the passing of titre accounts.
Millinery for Bargain. Days. Plaid Flannels 15e .* • Thirty years ago last Friday the
• •
2 patterns only fancy plaid f13,n- esteemed principal of our public 'school
This is the way we are go- nels, suitable f )1. children's Mr W. R Lough; took unto himself for
better or for worse that highly esteem•
edlady.known as Mrs Lough. Nor 21
years out of the 86, theyhave. been
residents of town, and their Influence
has always been thrown on the side
for good. The oppartunitias Mr Lough
especially has had tor directing the
'destinies nf the youth of town, have
not been 1 est, for while gui0ing them
in their studies, he has alaefays kept
predondnant the idea of moral deyel-
ing to empty the showroom
dresses; waists etc. 'regular 80.1' *
on Bargain Day. Millinery . '. -
clearing frirg in DI
ays per yard "OC
stock is 'down near to tixo van- Tapestry Curtains $2:00 '
One pair tilue• tapestry eu saint, '
ishink point. .• We want to see 0
ehr. and hay... shish: ly cla insged,heavy fr toga O .,
it --vanish entirely o regular $5.00, fse Bargaie -Day 'R Illir
made prices like these for our
.3 big Bargain Digs. . :Felts' 30
Aii trimmed hats 101' $1.00:
Your choice of every trimmed °
ha* left in the showroom, no -
matter what the fortner price,
• lust the last ones that are left '
' atter a big seasons selling, ow
clearing Bargain Days eaCIV".1
Any shape '25 ets •
Any untrimmed'shape. no mat= -
ter what the former price,
blacks or colors choice on Bar-.
gain DaY... xet:
W,illgs.6 ets
50 only fancy trimming birds and:.
wine, teenier 20 to AO eta
. clearing Bargain ' Days your
cb,oice for
Cretonnes 80 • ,
dczen remnants colored • • • opments and the town has gamecl
Orin ends, clearing Bargain om I thereby'. We are sine that. the many
Days per yard. „. .. • awe. riersonal Friends of both. Mr and Mie
• • ' • • Lough will join with ,us •in Wishing
them a go many more • wedding
MORE CHANGES. -:-I n this progress--
ive age when competition is the life of
trade, and to keep abreast of the tunes
Newcombes have found it necessary to
make further changes in their already
large dry goods titer% The back part,.
formerly occupied as a millinery room
-will be converted Into a neat gents'
• tio • so warli re • i i • 0 es este
1 • .
• Persian Lamb Jacket $98 •
: One only ladies Persian :
• Lamb Jacket. This is a •
• Very choice garment,No 1 , •
• quality nice glossy . curl, •
•• we have used this as a •
sr , sample COLO this season. • 111
• It is worth at least $120, re
- • the size is at, and the, go'
il,t. price on Bargain Day will 69 - .
w be ,Ip to also purtose having a door put in
fiMitt department by itself They
: ........ •;.•`••• .... ... ........ iwahltaeCcestteheOetidAghpelarYeby windowatlittinUgOoWff7anovn
some Bargains carpe:ts . • inter.tourse' with , the ladies' ,depart -
mento. There will be an exquisite
"Qaden Anne" style • of stairs built
:Anstrian and Smyrna Rugs, re-., 1• ,fr ono the Iewer floorto the upstairs de-
versahle;' regular 85c; clearing ' partraent, where the office now stands.
133„rgain. Days, each, ..• . . . 0i e The efllee part will be transferred to
k pa
• inches • suitable for a small the centre of the bac rt of the main
store, thereby giving ample access to
One only Sinyrna reg. 54x80
• 50 yards fancy or etonnesanediuta the up dair business part. Thirsentel -
room, nice color combinations
to dark colors good weight, 04.50, for .. . . . 2 98 prisieg fli m is alive to the wants, or the
regular 12ic. .rearing Bargain 8e• One only large rug, Ian enough • sp cc; geripdesir r itnhge aheadcontract
changes to be Made, and before he gets
through will have made an already tine
looking interior veryinueli• finer. •
Days ••0••••ipas6064).•• .. • . ••••••
One. end only cotton•fiannel,black
ground with heliotrope & white
"lowers, suitable for dressit*,---
sacquespr..Weeff: oregr*Lutr ase,
s , „
PlUk Bargain Da,Ye . . ....... Wig
4 ' •
Skirts 98e • ,
for a good sized room ,revers-
hanslorne; -coloring com- n oir
lainkarn, regular $12.50 for..,15. I 0
Linoleums 35 eta per square yd.
$ of 4 short ends of good. Seotish „
Linoleum regulac 50 and 63 chi „
clearing Bargain Days per
square ...... . ... , ....•
8 only fancy moreen skirts, wide • One end linoleumextra heavy °
frill, regular $140, for Bargain „„ quality, 2x2i yard% regular '
Day , ............. . . VOC $2 00 per yard el arin s Bargain gkA..
2 only cotton:underskiDays per ut;
rts,regular s.
75e,clearing Bargain Daysseech 30
Napkins Th • .
Odd table riaakinss mediuMnize,
good•ValifY, special for Bar- tyift
gain raiays, eacn..............
Curtain Damask 32C
Oneend curtain damask, shades
of blue, 54 inch wide, regular
500, for Bargain Daye. • • • /16 • • OM'?
Grey Blankets $1.38 •
• 10 only single grey blankets,
made from very line soft wools .
5 lb weight, worth in the regu-
lar way $2,00, clearing Bargain 00
Day each..............““NottAttPell
Colored .Skirtings itsc
75 yards noir/red cotton skirtings
in sliatied,orred, putple, black
and regular 35c, cli
Corsets 26 f tfl
25 pairs corsets odd styles, large
or Mali sizes, tegular 75 cts and
$1.00 clearing Bargain Days
.14.611“.11600 611`-• AMU
ItilibOnS 10 ets
800 yards silk and 'satin ribbans,as-
sortedwidths,qualities thatsold
at 15,20 and 25 de cleating Bar- s
gain Day per yard. .. . LUC
Cashmere gloves 15 cis
100 pairs black and colored caeh-
mere gloves, meduim sizes reg.
ular 25 and 80 eta clearing Bar, •,,„,
-gain Days per pair...,
Silk Drapes
Pitney Sapanese silk drape° and
covers,•asorted colorer, regular
green, earng
76 eta to $100 clearing Bargain rA
• Bargain Days per yartl.. 6 • Days at your choice 25 math. iv We
• Dl.[1 OF MRS Mo000L -Ou
Siaturdtcy night Mr.i Margaret McCool,
relict of the late James McCook of
flullett, passed away to the long
home, at the, age of 70 years. She has
been in declining health forsome time,
043.1 her death was not unexpected.
Mrs McOool was formerly a Miss
Brownlee (aunt of Mrs W. S. Paisley).
and was married in the village of
13olton, where she and her husband
resided for some years. They came
West and settled on 1st 20, 0.h con, Of.
Hallett, Which was then a wilderness,
and by that hard work and frugality
which had characterized Eid many of
the hook *encore of Huron, convert.
ed it into a eoinfortable home and
valuable farm In early life Mrs Mc-
Cool became &Member of the Metho-
dist Church, and ever since she has not
only been a consistent member there-
of,oat her life has exeniplified the
principles of her Master. She was al-
ways oa mother in 1Qrael" and her
counsel and friendship was valued by
a large eircie of Mende Her husband,
predeceased her by 19 years. About
two years ago she Moved into -Clinton
to reside, her daughter coming with
her. A family of five sons and one
daughter cherish her memory and,
mourn deeply the loss of their beat'
earthly friend. The ens are Robert,:
of Dttinbo ; James, at Crossfield,
Alberta; /oho 1.1., In tOWd William
and San:Melia Ilullett and Miss Mc.
COOL at home. The funeral took place
to Clinton cemetery, on Tueglay, Rev
Mr Manning 00ndtleting the sefatieei.
The pall -bearers were !Our of her sons 1Of a good tuinout W en uiey
John It, William and San-, from 50 to 100 member,* belonging to
uel, Gee Stewart, and W. Stewart, of :. each a0CretYt We are soot, that OW
&bend permit of a report yerhatum.
Oli tont
A pocket Diary •
An Office Diary'
The lianadian Almanac
The Gist of the Sur day School Lessons
Pelbubers Selret Notes
. .
A. diary faithfully kept enabled you . to overcome the forget habit,
• lets you know where you were a year ago, the kind and duration of the
• seseon, and lots of other things to give you satisfaction and pleasure
Every business man knows how valuable one is in She office. .
THE CANADIAN ALMANAC is 55 years old. • Demi it not weer
well? This year it is better than ever, contains over 400.pages ; has
4 all kinds of information, and with each copy give!, large map of the
city of„Toronto. ' • • •
• . • •
. .
• THE GIST OF THE LESSONS is a small book about 2 1.2 x 6 12,
and givea three fall pages to erten leaden It is the most ompaot thing,.
perhaps, you eier.saw A model of condensation and suggestionthe
comments are not long but every word 'Donut% A book of:seed thoughts.
- ,
PELBUBET'S NOTES FOR TEACHERS of advaneed classes is •
invaluable. • ,
• •
• • ,
Fred A. Lewis, piano tinier of Berlin,
expects to be in Clinton duping the lat-
tar part of Febuary.. •
. .
LOOAL N OT 'ES.- • •
Ernest, infant eon of Mr and
Liyermore, has been very •ill for
past week. '• .
• At Edgeley,..A.ssa., on Jan, 'lst, Miss • May -or Jackson installed the ram
Goodwin, niece of Mr Alf Good- for the Sons of England, at Cloderieh
Win, of town, was married to Mr J. A, last Wednesday. . A
Fair . . • Three of the town's "Mist influential
Fitzsimons & Son and Ford A ,i111-cNtilfamilies were represented at a festiye
'made their usual shipment of hogs to gathering in Seaforthon Monday even- •
Collingwood and Toronto respectively
this week.' • , .
Je understand that Ogle Cooper'
will shortly leave for the west, Ed -
Menton possibly. He will certainly
carry with him the good wishes of all
his friends here. . '•
Thos. 13rown,asetioneer,has been' ap-
pointed agent in this district for this
season of the Deering harvestingmach-
inery, but will still fc.11ow his calling,
W. Mellaffis, Brandon;•has been ap•
pointed Manager of tbe Bank of British
North America, at Winnipeg. Mr
MeHsffie is a native of Clinton, and
his old friends are glad to learn of his
' At the sale of the lot and stable,' sit-
uated on Victoria street next to the
new post office, and belonging to the
estate ot the late Isaac ftatteribury,
which were offered for sale at the .Etat-
tenbury House on Friday last,' they
were bought. by W.W.Farran fin $400.
• Chas. Porter was the first victim of
the hockey game, haying' got a crack
OD the head, two weeks ago, • drawing
blood besides raising a slight elevation,
and last Ttiursday's .game gave Geo.
OhidleYa.nasty blow across the eye,
causing him to wear a bandage for a,„
'Among the instruments recently die -
prised of by Col. Hoare, of the Clinton
Music Rmporinm,are t A cabinet grand
piano to Mr Oollyer, of town; piano,•to
Mr Geo Tebbutt, Holmesville ; piano,
to Chas'Witts, of town; and a Doherty
organ to a party residing near Van-
couver, B. O.
• John W. Shobbrook,Toronto, young-
est son of John Shobbrook,of the north
gravel road, wan married in that city
on Dec. 24th, to Mies Ethel Keane, of
that city. The marriage took place at
the home of the bride's mother,and was
net formed by Rev Mr Hill, pastor of
Patliament St, Methodist church.
The Clinton Knitting Co. are fast,
getting their machinery into place and
expect, to get running in the course of
another, week or two. Sohn Spalding,
who is an expett mechanic in the knit-
ting machine line, has several of the
machines in working order, .and has
several specimens of the goods that
will be turned mit at that factory.
Bert 11. Walker, of Tacoma,
Washington territory; (Son of the late
Henry Walker) writes to thelfillvf Ella.
ke follows "We are having fine
weather this winter, no enoW at all in
this city. You cari have all the zero
and snow you want back east,•but this
is good enough for me. We do get a
little rain, and, as they say, there are
two seasons out here -the rainy season
In July and August. But live here
one year, and yolf II never go back.
Orgatizer McConnell, who has been
Jere in the intereste of the 144,/ ()admen
of the World for the Patib month, after
the usual business of the evening and
Sortie initiatory beerier% on Monday
evening delivered one of the most
needfuitallts 011 the reasons so many
of the lodge reffine of today are Veld
Over 100 tons of pressed hay have
left this station for Glasgow Markets.
The shipping is . looked after at this
point,bi" W Siemer'. .
The residence of Conductor Ireland,
Wingha,m,narrowly escaped being des.,
troyed by fire last week, an oyerheated
furnace pipe being the cause. •
The town auditors Messrs Wiseman'
and Oantelon are busy this week going
over the accounts and yodellers for the
past year, and expect to have a state-
ment in readiness for next week:
• A beautiful group photo of the Col-
legiate Institute k'ootball club with the •
staff or maleteachers, rand the Hough
Cep in the centre, sadorns the di play
window ON. B. Henry,
jeS. Wisernan,Ohicago,Who left Olin,
ton a,good many years ago, but has
takenthe NEW Ea4, in renevring his
'subscription.sayir read the NEW' ERA:
every week with my old time zest."
• Reuben Graham has let the contract
for the erection of a brick house,on the
west side of Albert street, ma the lot .
'south of Dr. Thompson's residence, It
will be colonial in style,rand S. S. Coop-
er has the contract. . • •
The Masonic fraternity of 'Clintois
iwallessr,PLas..einettent'loVrIli, T-h.urin1ay‘las°,14
by Messrs. Paisley, D. B. Kennedy,Jas • 1.
Stevenson, Hooter, Crews. McLennan
and Holloway, Mayor Jackson and R.
Holmes worealso present.
Brother Kerr, of tits Brussels Post •
say he has been editine...his paper
long range. He has been laid up with,
an attack of lumbago for the past week
or so. It is more painful than serious,
and is but a case of offended nature
getting back at him for some of the
jokesheat times works off ' other
Mrs Klizabeirh Martin, who for the
past four years, has been an inmate er
our House of Refuges died on Thureklay
last of erysipelas. She was formerly an
old resident of Hullett, and was buried •
in the 'Union cemeted_stat Londesboro
on Friday. She wreititiunt 68 yeas of
At the rink last Thursday- evening,
tome youthful Miscreant went through
several of the pockets of overcoats be-
longing to skaters that were hung up
in the men's waiting room. A word to
the wise should be sufficient as it is a
dangerous' practice, and may be the
means of putting some one itt,jail for a
term of years.
Last (Thursday) evening the 1. R. M. .
hockey club played their second league
Match; this time with the town term".
If the game played on carnival night is
any indication of the lirdWeaa that is
likely to have ensued, the game was MI
exciting oriesand black eyes and crack-
ed heads must have been in order, The
ecore,will appear next week. •
Messrs. Harland Bros had two Mare
cars of stove coal arrive On Saturday, ,
and by Tuesday night was ail unloaded
and weighed out in half ton lots and
distributed to• -their inistomerS. Soh*
Harland looks after the placing or the
orderi and Williana takes bis plat* ati
the eupply end, keeping thinge moying
there Mt rapidly aa potaioa,