HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-01-23, Page 60.7 Irjrwipmeggp ^pp. -°°-°"°1°C•Fger°
assesetter-ss-sser,...r, -F;;;41S1r",
4747 irs.
January 2401, 190
sag lifestimess. Abellt prOlkalt
t s 41
' From st new book of dreams not by Itorce, v no p Vntift
Ji Due to. Poor 004 Watery
esysd-out gypsy, but by a college pro- "
bettors the Chicago "Tribune" selectthe
following •passages:
To be sure, the gray greuddanies have
elways held their dreams to be true, and
heve 'away', interpreted their eerie vi- t
tions of the night into future events of
eoloesal moment. Sot toot the romantic
lassiein search of signs of lovers, and
Sere and there some masculine thapsodiets
who warmed to the world of the unreat.
end fanciful, But not se the Scientific
wise men. They hove alma:ye known
bettez'—imtfl now.
Vaselside aid 11, Peron ef the Paris
Institute are two leading expenents
the value of dreams in diagnosirtg physi-
sal disorders, and have collected from
aere, there and everywhere, tf all times,
aot omitting the ali-eonvin g presept.
day, illustrations end data which go to
establish the accuracy of Nair position
In a way net known to tlic: ignominious
This is their idea; In sleep the mind
forsakes the crater world And yields itself
to introspection. During our waking mo.
nente the external sensations prevail.
The brain is preoccupied with what oc-
cults. outside the body, and, unless there
be irnpertunate calls from internal
sources, pays ,no attention to what is
happening within. When sleep over -
Cakes us it is vice verses The internal
organic sensations predominate and oc.
• en y the exclusive attention of the mind
unless external demandor its notice
become emphatic. This is why reasoning
begun during. the course of the day or a,
• problem too intricate tor the preoccupied'
brain of waking hours eon be carried on
to successful issues in sleep. The brain
is not disturbed with interruption.
Dreams are elderly of three kinds:
those which reveal the temperament of
the dreamer• those which prognosticate.
disease, and those *Well are symptoms of
a disease.
People with sanguine temperaments
dream about songs, dances, feasts, mer-
ryxnaking, fights, games. Those of a
taelancholy temperament dream • of
• ghosts, studious solitude, deatt. Those
el phlegmatic temperament dream of
white phantoms, water, humid places.
The 'bilious dream Of dark bodies, assas-
sinations, incendiaries, and the like.
Dreains of gaiety signify healthy con-
ditions; dreams of tranquillity are favor-
able. Dreams of baths or of cold water
foretell critical perspimtaons. P
. urneamts ii3nof dooremamb-asf sindicate
is Why Some People Cannot Gel iNd
f a CoOsh, and Why It Develop., into
Conauait den.
The huge ore jus t like any other portion
of the body — they need * °militant eupply
of pure, rish bl .ad to keep thorn Wed arid
Strom ' the lungs are not strong they
ate 'enable to most theme, and that is the
reason why an Apparently wimple cold
uotil the patient grows weaker and
weeksr and finally Stile a cooeumptiveye
grave.. Dr William'e Pink Ville never fail
to strengthen the lungs, beeenee they mak
• the new, rich, red hlood,which. &One van do
this work The most emphatic proof that
Dr Williainle Pink Pille re.build the limes
And r nre coneumption itg &taller etarreg,
is )uen in be oaee f Bien be Dor-
and, of Sts 'Edmund, Que. Durand
eitYsi— 4.10 the month of Senteraber, 1901,
I was isping at the home of an unale at
L'Atsomptirn 040 day we w re out hoe-
ing got my feet wet and 9,4410001d. Tbe
cold seemed to cling to me when I returned
Ionia about the et d of Septimbee, / was
qu te X was (mite feverish, .hrd ap
ite, and the cough 'seemed to etheust me,
began doetorine, but did not get any b t -
•Its., and in January, 1002,1he doctor told
• me nay lungs we e offeeteS, and thet I was
• in consumption. At this time a friend who
• had pane to see me advised me to try Dr
Williame' Pink pills, and I sent for six
boxes., The pills soon began Act help me,
and little by little the cough grew leas sm..
ere,my Mite beam better,rav strigth
„returned. and I began to have healthy
color. I used eight bores ot the pills, and
was,then rely recovers& am sure that
• De withame' Zak Pil a saved my life and
I shall ailwa3 ri speak gra' efully of them,"
Such cages as these tell better than mere
words the power of De William's Pink
Pila. They on e ‘11 constitutional wah-
ines because they go right to the, root of
the trouble and baild up the Mood. That
la why they never fail to cure rheumatism,
• lumbago, kidney and 'liver troubles, head-
aches, liacliaches, indigestion. biliousness
• and all other blood diseases. Sold by all
• dealers or gent postpaid at Monts a box or
6 boxes for $2,60. by writing direot to the
y• Dr Williams' Medicine Go, I3cokville,
Ont. Substitutes are sometinies Offered,
• but you can a' ways protect ymirself by see-
• ing that the full name "Dr Williams' Pis
Pills for Pale People" is printed on the
• wrapper arena every box. ••
Yee sir. Sad ease! Man
Bigg—Yes, •
built this house or mine just got it fin-
' lohed, when he died. •'
• Wigg—Well; it might have ' been
worse. He might have had'to live in it,
' —Brooklyn • Life. •
• "I haven't had a single call since 1,
opened my office ten days ago," com-
plained the newly -fledged M.D. •"-Here 4
dt day after day like Patience on a mon-
anent." .
•"Oh, well, don't get discouraged," re-
• /caned the spripathetic friend. "It's only.
•- 1 matter of time Instil you have patients
• ender • monuments,"—Chicago • Daily
N•ews. • •• s
The boy's father—Mdarn,
• if your daughter. knows how to run a
kouses-can cook, for example, and nurse
be • sick, mend clothes, and, in fact, is
• familiar, with all the multifarious. detaila
If domesticity , • •
The girPs mother—Certainly not, sir !
• Why, if she had learned all 'those things
ter education would have been neglect-
The house in Portland, Me., where
Longfellow was bora. is now' a -tenement
In the poorer part of the city, meetly in-
habited by Irish. A correspondent
writes us that a few years ago a teacher
In Portland was giving a lesson- on the
• life of the poet.
At the' end of the hour she began t�
• question her class.
• "Where was Longfellow born?" she
• ri-
ous descriptions vellern a gicetatitrriT4 °I.tvt
I inception of a fever predict prolonged
illness. Violent pains, it not due to eit's1
terior causes, are signs of lesion,"ntlam-
tains in abrupt•pr ipiees OT inextricable'
motion, or:gag exgr,,,,,.ii.it some form. Tdoun-
forests in dreams intedte disordered,
•, ars. :Fire te the 411. o, of • aneeSilia,
' Anxiety in drestnis is aa of heat.
afl'ectfons.•ream tion an*
.exhaust,ion prcianasticate hyste a. Night.
mares in the beginning of the night indi-
• cate cerebral afections; in the middle:0i_
the night they mean . bad •digestion.
• Dreams of gustatory enjoyments indis
• cote 'digestive affections. Fatiguing, suf-
• focating dreams indicate dropsy of the,
eheat. Terrifying dreams and. hideous.
•. pictures show gastric affections. Floods.,
.swamps and ponds mean cerebral dirror- •
d M. Fear and anguish denote faulty -
• circulation.. •
Nightmares, With repulsive animals,
like rats, serpentsand reptiles, indicatai
• suffering from alcoholism. Nightmares
else precede astimia. Short, griglitful
• dreams pf the nightmare germs foretell;
• certain heart disturbances. Veritable ro-
mances,. sometimes continued' from One
, night to the next, are forerunners of hya-
term and dhaxacteriatic of people su.fer-
ing from hysteria.
, The dildren of aleoholiets always see
animals ,in their dreams, such as oats,
dogs , horses, lions, or other frightful.
beasts of prey, although' generally. the
sort of animals with whir% they are meet
• familiar. Obstructions of all kinds are
omens of certain varieties of dropsy• .
When dreams ;are, repeated several
nights iw simeesnon they are- certain
• Signs of physical disorders, and should be
related to the ,physician, who, if he un-
A. Bitten boy waved his hand vigorous -
derstands diagnosis through the interpre-
• iy. When ,the teacher called on sasion sf 'dreaans, can be materiallY as'
supWar :Ha not seem to astonish the rest •sisted thereby in arriving at: the correct
.... --wet the class, but was a cold shock to conclusion regarding the malady affect-
• her ..
. ' Mg the dreamer.
• "In Patsy Magee's bedroom," he said. ; •
• .--Youth's Companion. •
arid, Streit:1114bl
Arnow:100 Utattoulea.
y • Ma* Twain be" Igkire004 Oa 1011"P We. doubt if an Y French mot or ra-
- ug letter to the press: partee ever surpassed in delicacy the re*
Sir — X an approaching seventy; Ely matle by an East Indian servant of
trailly.inN:elgeebeatIriily, ill re°111 gtobrs71001..1111t India. SW ell, what sort of •sport has
ord 'Suffern', when he was Viceroy of
, „ , is but matter-of-eouree viiedom, then. seed -- had tn aaR Dpirerin one day
7, .1 tut 1 'Ileum begin to set my worldly to his "ehikarry," or sporting servants
• et I, hollers in order now, so that it reel be who had attended a young English Lori. •
done calmly and with thoroughnees, in
place of wilting until the lest day's on a Shooting excursion. "Qi," replied •
the scrupulouely polite Hindoos "the
„ r. ow sellers as we have often seen, the attempt young sahib shot divinely., but God was
9_t both houses in order at the same very merelful. to the .birds.P--Saturday
es, tie has been marred by° the neeemity Evening Post,
. for taste and 'by the confusion and waste
it O. u• et. Of time arising frora the inability of e Do you think son wi 1 s an A e
notary and the ecclesiastic to work to- tend. of his elass V" asked Mrs. Corntop
otb-r br •nd• of vet' ail., ti . •
Matt B ealittael Fu s w •- • too meet gather harmoniously, taking turn about 101,
of .to t tow, .1, tntItt ‘. u . ' es esse wt 1 - and giving each other friendly assistance "Well," answered her husband, ''r did
give twice as ma „) bi, I. - et bet ft)(111•0/et —not perhaps in fielding, which could save my doubts. But settee seein' him
Aff au. niekite: it th, n e . °tallow loo t hardly be expected, hut at least in the practice with the football team, I reckon
thet fannies can nes, Y 'A GIOUVe Mil re- minor offices of keeping game and tun- se will. Ef Josh starts fur tits head o'
commend it piring; by consequence of whieh &maid • sio ohm he'll get there, or somebody'll
tar Liming, om als,,,,,,,,tho, 0,34tor to, tile'• of interests and absence of harmonious 1 tet hurt in the seufile.s—Witshingten
province, has to hoots ins 5.,11051 repork, action a draw has frequentls resulted I 'Star.
which will be issued in . few rt...., e where this ill -fortune could not have
a ow 1. s : e care o muntutpa leoltirxixti ha pened if the houses had been set in Gleams rrom a recent hxaraination In
There are some eight hundred nitinunpal by ' beginning in season, and giving to
o er one at a' time and hurry giving
the Ban promos° schwa;
«Define fathom and form A sentence
the ratijn•it, of oases so hOtatot Ote,o0fie
treariniete kic Otitarto, and soboot treasur-
ers •
m OthilS100, WOlObt Oweli the Lumber of 1Y Proper to 1tt,
each the amount of time fairly end just- twhiothm.i,t;"
"A. fathom is six feet, , A fly has fa-
in °barged 111410 fralOS to upwards In .setting my earthly house in order I ,
t that I should attend
• "'How would you define 'exerciser as
ditstinguished from 'work'?" asked 'the
• teacher.
. "Exercise," answered ,T,ohnny, "is work
you like to do, and werk is exercise you
• don't like to do." --Chicago sTribune.
"Your dad ain't near is strong as
tnine, " announced. the first boy. .
- "How do you,know t" demanded the
• Other. •
• "I've listened, an' you don't holler any- •
like as loud. as I do when he takes
you cut to the woodshed."—Chicari
• Post. • •
• •
• "Pure!" exclaimed the brewer, proud-
ly.- "Say! Do you knew, we actually
• sterilize the land which the hops we
•ise are raised on?"—Puck: ' . ••
"cites,"• said the methodical house-
• keeper, "that's a list Of. the names of all
• . the °oaks we Intve had since we've ben
parried."• •
"The ideal By the w.74, I notice each
•tfame hes either the letter "re' or 'w' id-
, ter it. Doerr that mein' 'colored' and
white'r - •
• "No; that means 'couldn't' 'or 'would.
n't.'"—Philadelphia Press.
, •
Gentleman to grave -diggers 'bard
lit• his Work t • "Well, John, hotv'e the
world using you ?"
"Oh, 1 ,pretty weel, sir ; 'deed, I've nals
• Mason .to coinplain, for Ive plenty of
• k to doe. Ye see, we've gotten tWa
-ran herealoo."--Seottish Paper.
I • . Vaccination Previous to Joiner.
• •
The return of a well-known Africau
explorer, in the person of Mr. J. Faux,
• who lilts had a longsojourn in, the land
�f -the 'Gallas, British East Africa, has
',given a correspondent of the'"Pall Mall
Glitzette"" an opportunity. of recording
some fo this traveller'S Interesting ex-
• perienees and discoveries. The Gallas,
who are described as a rase physically
end intelleetually superior to their neigh-
' .bors, the Somalis, have a light copper-
solored skin and handsome featuree.
• Possibly • the most reMarkable . thing
s about them is that for centuries past
they have practised vaccination as a pre-
ventive of. smallpox; and although this
disease is not unknown among them,
they are not susceptible to it; and are
• rarely pock -marked. The operation Is
[performed not on the arm, as with Eur-
opeans, but on the side of the nose, the
, serum -being ribbed into the skin after
a. slight puncIure has been read°. Should;
• any of the Gallas be smitten with an in.-
tections disease'he, is 'immediately iso-
• lated from h '
is fellows While his neigilt,
bora coat lots as to undertaking •the
duties of nursing and feeding the in-
• valid. The, Gallas are a strictly Anti-
liquor people, and intoxicants in any
ICorm appear to be 'abhorrent to them.
Ile land whiclt they occupy extends
tram some distance east, of the tigand&
railway- to the Juba River, and there
th iterlibuillttlife_lkiletPltkaigattdrt?elfreiglitt
have been found on their territory the ."."
ruins of alarge city-, now almoet entire- eases anddisorders at tee Laver, OtoMttea and
• Iy hidden in the jungle, Which speak of Elwell'.
• 1.• former civilization of a very hisoit
arder:—"011amber's Journal." •
• '
Of one thousand. Pive treasurers were in 51 (44
1902 ehown to have goo,,e • wrtmg, a largos • in pereon to one or two matters whieh
;lee: inb ebtstrheaah
n tforalhe
etitrs ate:r,ibesare
utwheonfitthise men ill my position heise• long had the
most meagre oketracterose sow as 95 per an habit of leaving, wholly to others, with
consequences often most regrettable. 1
onsietmioanvineerisasogomezitchaeseasm,r1 ipelerosesnsthagluelogf140epteoln ,, wit:: attateupiseatkimoef :oonttrareiesof. tloiefseneomaets:
halite to °marl°. The sore. fifty an Obituary is a tiling which can"
gate of ths losses is light. • .• no be so judiciously edited by any hand
• as by that of the subject of it. Li eueli
In the' Spring and in the Fall a good flesh
nese or toes of 'weiabt is apparent, "The •' a- work it is not tate Faetf3 that are of
building %onto is required wnene, er weak-. •
D. ds L." Emulsion will be found Cu*.
able for this purpose. chief importance, hut the light which the
obituarist shall threw upon them, the
A4 44 t.%• it qt. e Imukporetuot.
• $41.10110.4e, 414. r a en, 011,b hts enp
a be. ken...kJ •COUVOULOnt
ite,it 1 •. •
Loss of Flesh. cough, pain on the chest
may not mean consumption, but are bad
signs. Alien's Lung 8410.1101 loosens the
cough and • heals toil orned air passages.
Not a wen f opium in it.
The eleetion of ex -Warden Binkley to the
Wentwortb County demon has beep , pro.
tested on the ground that he is a sohool
"Define species.
"Species is kind. A boy must be sp..-
zies to his mother."
"Define odorless," •
"Odorless is without scent. A man
who is odorless cannot ride in the car."
—Pacific Unitarian.
Prospective Tenant—Cut there is a
Dowling alley next door, 1 thought you
said it was so quiet you could hear a
Pi drop?
meaning winch he shall dread them in, Landlord -1 meant a ten-pins—righle
• the conclusions which he shall draw "1'4" -shwas&
from them, and the judgthents which ha
• Is a process excited by vanity, backed
up by good tight boots—you may Jack the
vanity but you have the good tight boots—
you may wear any size boote you please
up to three sizes too small, if you use Put,
won's Painless Corn and Wart Extractor.
Druggists sell it. ' •
An °Moamar of hog oholera is reported
in Sparta, Elgin county. •
shall deliver upon theni. The Verdicts,
Yon underetancl: that is the danger -line.
In considering this matter, in view of
my approaching change, it hes seemed to
me wise to take such measures as may
be feasible, to acquire, by eourteey of
the press, access to my standing obitu-
aries, with the privilege—if this is not
asking too much—of editing, not their
,.Facts, but their Verdicts. This, not for
present profit, further than as concerns
my fa.mily, but as a favorable influence
trustee, usable on the Other Side, where anero
Sometimes a cold settles in the bc are same Who are not friendly to me.
The pair pierces like a lianas. Get r14 of With this explanation of my motives,
it promptly by taking Perry Davis' Pain... I will now ask you of your courtesy to
killer in sweetened water.. There is but make an appeal for me t the public
one Painkiller, Perry Davis'. Refuse sub-
• stitutes.
Senator AloCallUin died at•Dunnville,
Alex. Notman, a Welland r,shot him-
self dead near St. Oathasines,
Many thanks are due from the proprie-
tors of Weaver's Carats sto frienda who
have written to tell Of the. °crate's goad
work in curing sof ofulous humors, }Mold
head and other skin dise sea.. Thee° kind'
worde are most :encouraging, .
- Walter Herbert'ii case was disposed of
at the Land ,n Assizes, The prisoner by
counsel applied for a new trial, pleaded
not guilty, and was acquitted, nq etidenee
being offered against him, .
Nervidne is a coiribination of 'the ' nio'at
, . nt ran curing substances known to•requirinane emendations at all.• . '
ed Obituaries neatly bound behind me as
s,;:ihepn:athrcrinial consolation and entertain..
titaTlYll'fair a lasibuantucl "fill atItIlithediefinirlbeittia:
press. It is my desire that sue jou
• eels grid periodicals ass have obituaries
of Me lying in their pigeon -holes, with-
vievr to iiudderi use some day, will not
• Wait longer, but will publish them now,
And kindly send me amarked cepy... My
address is .'simply New York City—I have
no other that . is permanent and not
I will correct them—not the Facts,
but the Verdicts—Istriking out sueb
clauses as could have a deleterious -in-
tissue° on the Other Side, and...replacing
them with. °lenses, 'of a more judicious
character. I should, of course, expect to
pay double rates for both the omissions
and the substitutions; and I should also
• expect to pay quadruple rates for ell
.olntuariee which • proved to be rightly
• and wisely worded in the originals, thus
meal -Sal .ingence. . IS represents' the lateat It is' nay desire toleave these Amend -
discoveries in the healing art —GO Oencent-
rated that one drop of Nerviline is equel
in pain-aubduing power to five drops of any
other For Neuralgia, Ideumatisin,
Crempe, Pains in the Back, its 'action is ceinmereial value for olY4Qmete
terity. .
rapid and certain: Sure to ,our. Your
moneyback 11 700 do noe find it so. Drug-
; iota sell it.
•-Fred Goodspeed, the at John boy mixed
up in the Higgins murder ease, was sent to
She reformetory for three years and, three •
1$ YOUR ' CATARRH ANY BETTER?• able for me to read. in public,. and mien -
P. Ss -For the best Obituary—one suit -
months for burglary, '
• You ought to treat it now, Ole weather is latecl to inspire regrst—I desire to offei
so favorable. In the winter youcatoh cold,
nose and throat are kept inflamed despite
all you can do. It s hard to are Catarrh in
the winter, but in the summer Ws different
—everything is favorable. Now there'e that
delightful remedy, -fm pleaaant to nee and so
effootave--Catarrhozone. In the summer it
oures Catarrh in a very short tune. You •• •
.1 beg, sir,•that you will iniert thiS Ad-
vertisement (lt-eow, agate, inside), lid
send the bill .to •
• Yours very respectfully,
.• • Mark Twain
a Prize, consisting of a Portrait of me
done entirely by myself in.pen'and ink
without :previotts instruction. The itik
warranted to be the kind used by the
veitY hest. artists. ••
How Sett CO.'S Coffee.'
see it nettle, thert,''remoyes the cough And
bad breathe, in fad f cannot say too much
in Is favor ; it's Just splendid. I am sure
ybur druggist wile Cataerhozone anci re-
commends it, also. 25o and 1.00, '
At Brookville Henry Bath was sentenced
to five yearn in the penitentiary for set-
ting fire tO the Catholic church, .
John Routledge, son of Chas. Rout-
ledge, Tuckersmith, is here from • the
West and is buying up several carload's
of horses to twice back with hini. -
•• Yon May belsreak, miserable, neryone,
your digestiohniay be poor, and you saes
soak.. Neyer sa ie, until von have used
Ferrozone,the most wonderful blood maker,
nerve strengthener and brain invigorator.
It tones up the whole system. on can eat
• anything and digest it if you use Ferrozone.
Yon sleep well. Yon make' blood 'quickly.
strength increases daily, m a short time
.you're well. Try Ferrozone,which, you can
obtain at Oombe'a drug store. Price. 500;
Simon Howard, a former resident of
• Seaforth, died at Brussels, last .Feiday,
aged90 years. The remains were inter.
red in St. James' cemetery.
' Is thefirst indication of kidney disease,
and should be taken as a signal of danger
--a warning to nee Dr Chase's Rainey-
Liiter Pills while yet there is time. avoid
the dreadful pains and certain fatality of
thia terrible disease, There is no guess
work, no experimenting when you uee this
presmiption, It brings relief in a remark-
ably abort time, and because cf its ,goin-,
bined action of liver and kidneyssnares
cienepheated oases whioh cannot be stitched
by any ordinary treatment. • .
Rev Dr Proudfoot, of London„; Ont., one
of the oldest Presbyterian divines Wean.,
da, died on Wednesday week. •
• Alva Bogie, of Wellman'e Corners, was
killed, and John Robinson, of Rawdon, ser-
iously injured by the bursting Of circular
• Mr W. 0, Johnson, Tilsonburg,
writea that hie father' was entirely cured of
• a long standing and obstinate case of
Eczema bythe use of • Dr Chase's Csipt-
ment. His leg and 'foot were a • mass of
ores that refused to heal and he Buffered
terribly from the iohing and stinging.
Though he used a great any remedies
and was treated by firstailass dootors, no
permanent relief was obeained until he
used De Chaster. Ointment.
Canada's foreign trade for the lad six
.-790on1.ihs of 197 aggreda, te.d $231,342,201,an
mamas of Over $48,000,000 compared with:
New lriofen fporals...muardtebr.y ailitilDerr'saggoire,-
olinton. .
• Tabiat aio
referendum nreito, 189,972
• Pale people should take Milfdes Com-
p and IronPilla, Sold by all, Iiidgfietss
. The Del 11 canning factory WOO burned.
Loss S60,000 .
• /
Between bites of the simple breakfast
he had ordered, the young clerk gazed
nervously ' at the restuurant Mock. It
was plain he had -overslept himself and
was paving the way to futtre indiges-
tion. by ,Ilibiting his food, The coffee was
the stumbling bleak. It 'Wee hot—very
hat7hut• the: clerk needed it badly, and
• he sipped: it carefully, having doe regard
for his month and tongue. ,
• • But time -pressed, and, with a parting
glance at the clock he reaehed for his.
8; Mother's eare.
'Every mother knower the conotorit rare a
little 'child requires, and to the young, and
inexperienced mother who hi cuing for ter
first baby there is no Other period in her
life mors trying. In the little HIS that are
(*Agin to .00rne tO all infanta and pAIng
ohildren, tne mother—espeeially the young
sod %ex orienoed mother—searbely knows
what 46 6, • It le to Meet ernergencies of
tide kindthe* Baby's Own Tablets are of.
feted Mall mothers. Thene Tiblete are an
absolute onre for all the Minor idirdents of
little ones, and ehoulkeenetently, be kept
in every home whetatherdete young chi). '
dreit, Mamie oomeequiekly.-witn Baby's
Own Weblete at hand the emergenoy
promptly that. Mri R Menke, Motintain, ;
eayeff "1 Mtn recomniend Baby's I
Own Tablets to mother° who have Mose
or delicAte oblIdrett, / do not kr ow how X
can get Along without therm T Tablet',
ate guaranteed. free fromOpieteil harm
fill arose, and Crumbed to a powder ay Ise
earoinietered with absolute eddy to new •
born lathe. thild by dttiggiste or tit by
Mail et oents oboe by *Whig d eet to
ilie W'filirtMe Media* Cos
Ont. -
seass . • sas ssetseassess. - s
Didn't Want to Make Any MiStake.
• • - elek Headsets., Jitundleas Heart- ,
A. flag -raising wee Iieht at Mr school- burn, Calliurrh or else sitemaith, Dimas
house, and after the banner had been limm4331"°1114"1"1"ha "API"'
dung to the breeze there was an eXhibi•
On of the drawings whir& the pupils
liosi made and the work they had done
urine the year. The teacher had recited
to the class the sten/ Of the landing of
the Pilgrims, and sifter she had finished
she requested each pupil to try to draw
from his or her imagination a picture of
Plymouth Beek,
Most Of them went to work at owe,
but one.. little fellow hesitated, and at
length: raised his band.
"Well, Willie; what ie itr asked, the
ter...Cher. „ . •
."Please, -ma'am, do yott want ter to
drill a hen or a roneter?"—Exeltarige.
Ersteitienides Mines *setoiiiieb, Asistersis
Neagh, Liver Comsdatne, $11110W 15
Intladsf Cniunlaxlea.
'Sweeten the breath a,nd clear away all waste
nnd pOisoinnis matter from the aysterta..
riect 26e, a bottle or forlit.00. All dealers
traria T. Woman cos aamixe% Virente.
glass of ice water and prepared to pour
some of the frigid flui4 into his cup.
"Don't spoil your coffee, yoting man,"
said an elderly gentleman. who .was eat-
ing his breakfast on the other side of
the table: "You take all the geed out
of it by putting ice or lee Water in it."
• The clerk was at first inclined to re:
sent the interference, but the patriarchal
appearance of the other man tempered
his resentment,
"What am; I to de?" he asked. "I am
late for the oflice, and I want this coffee
badly." •,
."Let me show you a little scheme,"
said the elderly man. Taking the cylins
drieal saltcellar from, the Sable, he wiped
it carefully with a, -napkin, then, reach-
ing over, depoeited„ the ease vessel in
the cup Of coffee. •
"Salt, you know.), has peculiar cooling
prOperties," he "laid, meanwhile holding
the' receptacle firmly in position. "They
put it wsth ice tO intensify the cold when
• making ice cream. It in used extensively
re cold -storage warehouses for cooling -
purposes, and being incased in glass does
not affect:its power to any great ex-
• As, he *poke lie withdrew the saltcel-
lar from the coffee and motioned to the
younger man to drink. , He raised the
cup; to' his lips, and, to 'his, surprise,
found the liquid cooled to such anex-
'tent that het could drink it without
•"The uses of sett are manifold," said
the' elderly Man, with the sir of one be -
tinning a lecture. "I remember once
When I was in Mexico--"
But the clerk, with another glance at
Ole clock, thanked him profusely and
lathed out, of the restaurant.
"Rave trot). seen Mat. Connystraw's
woralerfUl collodion of old china?"
"Yes," replied Mrs, Fumiloye,'"I Myer
incl I can't say that it gives- nie a good
*Mien of the Connyshavir? eocial posi-
tion." "Dear mei" said the other lady,
;Bow is that?" 'Well, ymi Ilse," ex -
plainest Mrs, Fussilove, "they San't ever
tave kept Many eerrante, or they Would
teeter have bad all that chine. unbroks
tit!" •
— •'
To Cure a Cold it One Day trizocrays.
, LoattitiVe Brmo Quinine Tablets,. 4 on every
&min WilSon bosee solattpast la gootals. . signature,' 44/Pseedow box, 2306
Balt Rheuin and all eczematous condi.*
tions of the akin are cured by the on of
Compound' Iron Pills. Sold by
all Druggists, Clinton. • . • .
Severely cold weather preveilsinBritain,
the temperature at some points being the
lowest in ten years. •
Miller'esGrip Powders CureSold by
all Druggiste, Clinton.
Adam Deering; , Waterloo, wail killed
whim atterepting to boarda streettcor,
In south America and Australia pasture is abundant and
ozen of the finest quality are plentiful. Bovril is prepared from
these oxen and the supply is so consideral7ras to enable the
manufacturers to use tile best materials at a nOminal cost. It
• Is prepared by a special process, which ensures the retention of
both the stimulating and'nourishing properties of the beef,
thereby differing from ordinary meat extracts or beef teat which
merely stimulate without nourishing.
•r) . • Nauris1.4
I 100 0 vrti 45211
Stren,gt ens
Cutters and 'Sleighs
- Our ebbw room Is again well filled with
choice colfeetions of cutters and Sleighs.
• Our experience of the past proves to as that
our wink is appreolatf d our sales daring the past
misers being the largest in years
Cali and inspect our work before porches -
n g elsewhere. Repairing promptly attended SO.
RUHRALL at MeHATTI's, . Horan Slreef,
. . ' •
— Clinton
The American Newspaper Directory
Isstied Semi.Annttally. • • netabliehed 1660:
Thie work is the source of information on
newepaper statistics in the United States
and Canada.
• Advertisers. advertising agents, editor,
politicians and the departments of the gov-
ernments rely upon ita statements as the
recognized authority.. "
gives a brief description of eaah'pl.aoe
in which newspapers am published, popula'
tion, railroads, tool industriee name end
location of county, etc, eta,-
• It gives the names of all newspapers anar
other periodicals. It gives the politnie, re-
ligion, olass, nationality, etc. It gives the
frequency of issue. It gives the &liter's
name. It gfves the publieher's name. It
gives the size of the paper. It gives the
subscription price.. It gives the date of es
tabliahment, • •
• It gives the oiroulation--present, as *ell
as for a series of years past, thus enabling
an ad vertiser to determine the probable
future. • •
• It give's a separate list of all papers rated
[t gives a list of all class publicati
(religiona, agricultural, medical, trade
foreign languages, etc) and a complete
dex to ea oh °lase.
It contains maps of each state,, showing
towns in which there are newspapers with
more than 1000 (simulation. '
• It el eocontains other valuable tabulationa
and el assificitions, • '
The pram of the Anzairost Ilsvisearea D
our is Five Dollarrs-snet cash,all Iran
portation ohargea prepaid.
AEI the moat important portion of
foonation supplied by a mercantile
omelets of a report of the financial
of the person about whom informat
asked, so is the &mutation of a news
generally, considered the:point upon
information will be of mood value
advertiser. The greatest possible
• taken, to mike the Directory
corseot; Every publisher is ap.
systematically. All information te
o.nse uthnoduae: ni des.wie,
in tire body of the book wrth a circulation 111 a form which excludes any but
11 gives would
e.rtittmso;rt wthoi ed iesvi ne every nenffoon sr ri is p
having ;asepajra.te list • of 0,1.1 ew..0.p.ape.rs pgaroitneostnhtionntessirt,apdavbah:htoegres: seabirds
G eo P, gasmen &e0.1,Publialserits 10 Spruce St New Yo]
to sell PRINTER'S INK—
• a journal for advertisers,
publielsed weekly at five
dollars a year, It teaches
the science and practice of
Advertising, and is highly -
esteemed by the most
cessful advertisers in this
count ry and -Great' Britain.
Liberal commission al-
] weddiddress PRINTERS
, Spruce St., New
tits tenbury
• el.'s res.
bireot impertiere. Workmanehin
anil Material guaranteed,
O• pinions ofiteading Madan&
• Price $1.00. For sale by druggist°,
ter mail on receipt of price. •
This certifiee that I have used -Strong's
•Pilekone in the treatment of pike, both ex;
ternal and internal, and have found it an
• invaluable remedy, and clan recommend it
with confidence to anyone requiring treat-
ing for this • west distressing taxation,
a. D. Balfour, M. D.,, Med. Supt. Lon-
don General Hospital. , • •
• W. W. STRONG, Manufacturing.Chem-
t, London, Ontario. '
OLIb.11.0Ms ONT.
.risate funds SO loan' ea.:mortgages .sit
" beet current: ratep.
A General Bankingbusintarni trammeled-
;nteireirt' allowed on. • deposit, '
.Stife noted bought
G. De McTaggart
GiSnutred Banking Unaineao
• treinststeted
bTo issued. • Intereit Allevied on
&morn' itiodal:folescsetg." rittris
Oodles Cotton 204
0V00112:610. egrgelattet .5
itton0ar�dsinger0u8, Prioeato.1,1t
I ao. and No. 2, ars sold n (Anton
by Id, responsible Dnig StOtefli
.2. •
MeX .4. W.
• Having bought out
• business of A. M613
Ing to sell Trunks,Va
' Rum and everyihingi
• with 'the trade—Good
he Hennas
IEN, is go-
nd Cheap.
use you •
6 • e
est of Nett
• tie t .Harness
, Cel arid deal and,I wit
, wer ; .
HUM St, doors
InoorpOrated by Aot Parliart 1855.
• CAPITAL $2,6010,1 10
• REST FUND $2, ' '
de, drafts
lotted on
deposits . Selma Bon—Interest tilowed
n =inn of $1 and np, ceMputedr611year,
y. Money advanced to fanner/0 On their
• Wu. Memoir thansuatems
Xmas Ewer, Gen. Mana
Notesdisbetinted, colleptitine mi
iesned, sterling and American
bought and sold. Interest a
•wn notes, with one Or mere
• o m ortgage required.
Hues Brewery Hit Agars
. For. All flornis• of.
• - ney 1)fsease.
We the undereigned Drtiggiete a
preparei to give the following
with every 60 cent bottle ant
Kidney -Wort Tablete, the cinlyste
the world that positively °twee all
arising from weak et digealied • ki
"Money cheerfully returned if t
id -
'e ?Oily
medy in
noya es.
er is not tenet:till and improved fter uee
of ono bottle, Three to six Wigan toed
aatOrdehing end permanent our'' 061
relieved:And mired, yon West. PO montlY.'
It, P. Reeklei Droggist, OUGflrOflt,
• Wholesale stook of pitui
at very best possible vices.
Organs, the very entertaanable
Gtr nnvhone, sheet music,
books, and a variety of music
e. 1111)ARE'S
Central •
Meat Market
• Roving purehased the butchering
bitelneeil Of 111. E. Powell 1 'Uri pre-
pared to baobab the people of Clin-
ton with all hind of Freels and
Oared Meat°, Samna, bologna
lard, butter and eggs alwaysi kept an
R Fitzsimons Kon
Telphone 76.
Ordere de aimed promptly to 11
p 'sit 11 Oren.
N.13,-*Porsons bnving hey at
hipnitnt rill cc nfer a !IVO
easing -word at the ehrip. •