HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-01-23, Page 500••••••••••
clOnnon 8 CO,
There is an enthusiasm about our January
Sale that is much to our liking. You can see it in:
the crowds of shoppers who daily •visit the store.
We can see it in our increasing volume of business
from day to day. What does it all mean/ Simply
this—The shopping public of Bli, th and vicinity have
cenfidense in this store, in its methods and weekly
announcements. They ome, see and prove that.
our January Sale is as we say, an occasion for big
- reoney-savIngs on personal needs. For farther proof
tsee ese January Stile toerings for this week:
Ladies' Mg Opposam Muffs, full furred, well linerand warm, worth e3.25
for $2:25.
Cloth Capee, in 'black, brown and grey, some with' double capee,
worth up tole:50, fort98o
Men% Heavy Wool Fleeced Shirts and Drawers, sizet•froin 36 to 42, regular
60o, salt price45o. •
But if on want solid comfort during this cold weather, hay Btanfield's
Wpol UasahrinkablefUnderwear. We have them in all sizes. SPeolal
BUM for largemen et$1, 61 25, $1, 85 and 51.50 per garment. •
Aek to see our Wide Soft Vinialiecl,Prints, in good potterns, regular prim
120, sale .priee‘6Ste.
Men's Heavy Muleikin sante. warm lining with strap and buckle at wriet,
worth 40o, sale price 450.
Take a look through our Millinery /lmartment. on will find many money
savincohances, All our. Trimmed Hats at half price to olear.
BUR:144nm az Co Bly th
411110114141101MOESO 1011040011 400101104110
, .
The Clearing ()Tit/Sale
Now continue but a few weeks longer. Shrewd people
are having itheir wants supplied while goods can -be
bought at wholesale prices.
Special Drives 'Suits and Overcoats this Week:
When' you see the values you will not hesitate to buy
Griming and Goble.
TheMPlion ia ettendiPfi. the: •NOrma.1"
oho' at London.
Hervey Mulholland, ot
visitedin town Sunday.
Mies Edna Holme. Seeforth, vidted
in town this week.
never* Presbytery.
T "PfeebYtett :Id Huron taer in
Knox church. Godelich, on Tuesday of
this week. There 'wee a large attends
ancelbut owing to the lateness of trains
business was out Short, owing to the
time at their dispoeal. -li
Mr S-
t e.
Larkin, of eaforth, was appoint
and we 'bought this .superl) stock st a price that .etts us in a position. to sell th.e
Mies ftlinohe McEwen left illnuled Moderator for the nexell month
January 28th 1908
ThereatiStile-off-:Jacitson •BroW..,stock
Started with a. rush last Saturday morning., Jeeltson. Bros were anxious to de-
vote all their time ana energies to; their rapidly growing manufacturing business,
ity on a CileapeSt clothing ever sold in. the County of linron. We are going tofdo it. Oa
so and Um. Armstrong, VerSa.vildt0 rim reported that the debt...up the
were exernined and attested Mr Oar- 3.Tarch. lst carpenters and painters get poSsession of the store, and. , 4101)1
Leo weeks' visit to Toronto, ' The recorde of several of the sessloiss
in Clinton, on Tuesday,want any 2nore stock than we can possibly help when. they come.
Manse in Ws charge (Grand Bend and
• PtiQO of Seaforth, was the guest of Corbett) had been u ly paid. The
o to Order
Bert Harland over Sunday, Presbytery expressed ite satisfactioo
01 th*
commended the 1 . 0 • There are about 200 yard* ,
of big aunt, Mrs R. B. Witte% ' same grant es before from the Aug. We have two reasons for these extremely low pricee on of rhaterials suitable for girlie
mentation fund. It was agreed to ask ,i
guest of Mute Slay Bell this week, field and Bethany, and a siesilar grant Is Firet, We want to keep the workroom busy during the These
Geo, Bell, Goclerich, visiting hie brother for the charge ofVerna and Blake, The I s WC have decided to .
Robert for e, few dim) %hie week, ' Clerk was directed to convey to the balance of this month and through February. . °
widnev ancl family of the late princi clear at once, and for this .
the Presbytery with them in their res ly as possible. ., There was not a eetter stook of Tweeds and
town, the guest of the Misses Powell. 200yarde of meter ials.euitablefor
Dean Welker leaves this week for Mani. uliters or short coate tor chil-
dren arid young girls. They
Ohs, after spending a few weeks in town. sold at $1 and $1.50 per yard,
while they last you can t*ke
Prod Grahams, of Michigan, is the guest with th a report, and, re
Mise llacheel Ycung, Londesboro, is the grant of $50 frit' the charge of 13. ty• ordered I ulsters and. short co ats,in stre*.
Dress Goods, Flannels, 'tweeds, Wrapperettes, dte-
At prime lower than yew expect
Inner Sets .$21;75
Company means additional •dinner ware requirements, and/Christmas and •
company are ineeparable. If you need a Dinner Set the economy of this
peke oommand your attention. 97. useful plane. Prism only $4.78
OUIMETTE, Londesboro
hero -bred Bull
sae thoto.beed • Durhard re -
15 menthe old,nolorred,,a ‘'very:
ising. calf • • • • • •
e • •
eon a Titekeramibh, Bruceilida,• P 0.•
o -Bred Bulls tor Sale.
young there -bred Durham 'bulls, bred
Prise winning unimale. are offered • for
sale Agedlrom 12 to iamonths, red sia color,
• , all d Proraisingtanisnals, -
,••• HERBERT (MICH, Seafortb. P 0
:Is 6. 4th con, Tuokeremithi.11 it
113 .tf
Meeting ot the Huron
County Council
The Connoil of the Oorporation Of the Countr
Huron will meet in tthe council chamber tin
&Toward Goderioh, on Tuesday the 27th .day
the present mmth,at o'clock p m
• W L NE
ted Goderldb. this 1,eth•day of Clerk
anneal L
Annual Meeting.
,Pflie Annual General hisetinitef the Bhnre-
holders of the Lon desborough, .Creamery Co.
. will be held in litirs Hall, Londesborough„ on•
Yeisdar Januar-9 23rfir at Gee o'clock p, m.
meeting or the patrtins will be held at two
s'elook in the same hall, a full attenditnee Is
e ?al WATT W. 4 ommtnE
tf2.9 .Presidelit • SecretarY
Hillsdale Stock Farm..
'us Fon VALE
I Registered Shorthorn Bull 14 months old
ehoice pedigree. got by Imported Royal on -
1 Registered Improved Yorkshire Boar.
abbot old,hoth. sire and dam im-
ported •
1 Well-bred Driving Marc, 3 years old next
1 Heavy Draught Mare, Omit same age. _
Surplus etook will be so'd at reasonable
driees, as we are short of steh. ill a.
A maid te sealant' gereral-houseworkgood
wages to espe,bie,one. Appitto
.1' 9 tf. MRS W, OHEETY.
.• Torn lot Sale.
Lott's Beet Aniericaa Yolk)* Corn itersale.
Alvaps oh hand, Ch or time as arrange&
Drive right to Warehouse opposite Rail:gay
,PSISSenter Station. W.FERN-1.N.
.0113ifon, Jan., 1903. ' • •
To .ittent. •
Misees Lottle "and Susie Cook :shined Pal Second We want to reduce the woolen stock it8 quick-
Melricar, of Montreal,the sympathy of I greit sale put the whole lot on
Holtuesville frienda on Monday late.
sale at half price or less.
Mr Powrie, o! Stratford, Sandayed in
cent bereavement. . .
In view of the large majority in fav•
or of the Temperance Bill, in response
to the Referendum of Dec.4th, 1902, the
Presbytery unanimously expressed the
opinion that the Government of the
Province would be justified in re intro-
ducing the restrictive .teatures of the
'bill, at the next meeting '0 the Legis-
lature, with a view to their enactment,
'and expressed the hope that this would
Worsteds ut Huron. Jackson Bros. carried high grade goods
and sold good qualities 'oaf, Sate prices on these fine
gods means that you can -get a good suit at a Price that
will save you enough to'get.an extra pair of troutera if you
want them. • ••
Etre Itoberteon, Mt Forest, ie visiting at
the house of her parenneter itnd. Mre Webb.
Miss Cooper left for Toronto Monday
morning to outer the Normal schooled that
Mena' pants, made to order from•good quality-Canadien tweeds,
well and carefully 'made, look well, and will stand any amount
done. of hard wear, fit guaranteed, speciad price for sale,., .
„ 1.98
Upon the presentation of the report Mens' trousers made to order from fine 1nsported worstttis
of Presbyterial Women's Foreign Mis•
Miss Murdook, Mime Woodley and Mrs
your choice at per yard...
Ties 2 for 25e „
vtlle, visited the latter's mother on Wed-
:deo:1:e Mrs muisouana, of Holmes -100 men's ties, keote, bows, four in
Patterne• J'ackeon Oros' price22f5oor,
our sale prior
betide, dark and light gimlets neat
city. •
• Canadian tweeds. These are some of Jackson Bros. regular
sionary Society, the following resolu- 05 00 lines, but if you order during this great sale we will make 65 •
Bradford,Bruoefield were Clinton visitors
tion was • unanimously and heartily . you a pair .for
on Monday. • •
passeds-s"The Presbytery hereby ex-
press the high appreciation of the eelf•
denial and labors of the Women's For-
eign Missionary Society' within the
bounds, and their gratitude to God for
the success which has crowned their et -
forts duringthe year. They especially
record their satisfaction with the in, $16 00 Suits $11.25 Made to order
crease of contgibutione, th amount of
which is considerably in excess Of that
of the preceding year. They also ex-
press their belief that .the growing in-
terest in Foreign Missions throughout
the Church is largely due to their ef-
forts, and pray that the divine blessing
may richly attend all their future ef-
forts to promote this great work.
Rev. R. J. IL Perkins. M. A., Lind..
arty,bas accepted the invitation extend-
ed to him by the Vettry of the Triyitt
Memorial church, Exeter, to became
rector of the parish, Rev. J. W. •Ten
'Eyck, formerly of All Saints' cherch,
but now of. Hamilton, woe, until re-
•contly, in charge of this Exeter chineh.
• Geo. Hinohley lap for St. Thomas Mon -
day, in the interests of the Misophereon
Hovey Co. ..
Mrs phillipe and son artived hem° Mon-
day night from a reonth's visit at Ottawa
and Toronto..
Frank Hovey returned to Toronto Mon.
day, to resume hie studies at Trinity Diyin.
ity School, •
kilr and elm John floarlett. of Leadbury,
were the guests of Me and Mrs J. G. Stew
art over Sunday. .
Norman Fit:miasma spent a few days in
Goderiob duringthe past week., What's
the &Wootton ?
The wife of Bev H. .M. Manning left
yesterday to 'visit hermother at Barrie,
who is not very well.
Geo. Campbell;of Newoombeie dry goods
store, vieited under the parental roof in
Bltth over Elanday. •
W, Hs Baer left this weekon an extended
visit to Sebringrille, Woodetook, London
and Wingham friends..
Walter Core, who at one time resided in
Clinton, and at present owns comaiderable
property in town, isshere on a visit.
Mise deokman and Matiter Heber Powell,.
of Mcuns Forest, are venting the letter'e
grandparent's Mr and Mre Jno. Powell..
Geo. Emereon, who has been in thrill Vie.
inity in the interests of the NordheiMer
Piano Co. returned to Berlin on Monday.
Frank McLean, Stratford, was it guest at
the Battenbury House for a day or two last
week,while on his way home to Goderich on.
Mrs J. P, Tisdall and mother, Mrs Dr.
Hoare,Strathroy,who has been visiting her
daughter for the past two. weeks, 'pent Fri-
day in Seaforth.
'Mesdames McKellar and Taylor, Blyth
were the guests of the Missmilloblanghton
over Monday night,while on their -way -fro
Blyth to Goderiob. , . ,
. Mita Fisher: and. Mrs Whitely, Goderioh,
wefe thellueste of the Misses Combo ter a
short whileNtiesdityafterpoon. They were
on their way south. .
Geo. Tenn.*, baggagemaster at the stk.
lls, a st
tion, spent Sunday at his home in- atessp.s.jf.-
ton. He also visited the fa
1 it isdnotureeque with the prevent ioe for-
mation. ....--"
House on Huron street story and one-half
7 rooms. hard and soft water plenty of mud
and large fruit, stone cellar, in good repair,
. Porters Hill
or Go; Levis of town •
Possession givon immediately. . tfi9
Rooms Wanted.
Miss Wallace:Of "Aloft: who twas o.alled
home by the dea of her father in Goders
Joh tw weehs
Mi.and Mr
her bom
,spent a few dayswith
(Gve before returning . to
• •
Lady (.vidow) wants oeeor two comfortable JJfn Jewett returned from Lnoknow on
-irboms with. plain,board, in Vicinity of Wien lictEday, and WAday, good•bye to the boys.,
Prinress or Huron St. Send naines this #e will aper ds couple of weeks in Toronto
notice iabreby giyenthat a Ety:law was pais -
EL by the mUnicipal corporation of theTown' of
gilmten on the MU day of November,A.D. 19b2,
• •.providing for the Lague • Of debenturee-to the
amount of 18889,88,"for ,the purpose of paying
the cost of certain local improvements under-
, taken during the same year, and that such
• wee registered .1n the registry office at
G oderich, in the count3 of Huron, on the nine-
th day of December,A.D 1902. Any 'motion
to quash or set aside the same or any nart
thereof must beinade within one . month from
the date of registration and cannot 'be made
thereafter. • .
WM. COATS, Clerk,
Jimedtha 22nd day of December, 1902.
/bLsofuoareone.ntsring upon his new duties at' AW LOGi WANTED /
• vr. rr. Wallace, Manitoba, syho has been
Basswood Soft & Reek E'
Black" Ash
visiting at his home in Goderioh mum the
• death of his fattier, accompanied - by his
sinter, are spending a' few days at Mr Ifo"..
J. P. Brown, jr.; eon of the well known
'agent in Goderioh, of the same name, has
just been appointed a Clerk in the Public
Works Department, under the territorial
government, Regina. --•
$12,00 Suits $8.90 Made lo order.
• Suits made to order frora good quality all wool Canadian tweeds,
handsome patterns and colorings. suitable for all the year
atOund wear, Jackson Bros. price $/2 Oft during the sale weo fin
Will make to orderand use good trimming,. per Mit, L .0.0V
. DOM •
TYNDA.LL-In Chatham, on Jen llth,
Mary, wife of John Tyndall, formerly of
East Wawanceh, aged 27 years.
:Corrected every Thureday afternoon
Clinton, January22th, 1902. .
Fall Wheat old..0••• 068 new 0 68
Springs,"... 0 68 • 0 68
Oats s . . ... 0 29 a 030
Rye • • 0 40, a 0:45
Barley-'- ... .... 0 88 ..a 0 40
Pea0•••••ss•••,...... . . 0 70 a 0 70
Fleur per !net 2 15 a , 1, 15
• Hay ,... ... 600 a'
Ohiokens, per lb.. 0 08 a .• 0 09
. Perkily° 5 75 a 5 75"
Pork, droned -I5-75 a 6 76
• Butter,loose 0 16 a• -016
a • tub..........;...0 15. _s-e-
f4E41:1;7J5iiiffirit 1: 2 12:
• Suits made to your order frs m fine Canadian tweeds, materials
• that look well and s•ar d any amount othatd wear, Jackson 4,
Bros sold thee suits for 516.00, our Epecial price dining sale 11.40
$18.00 Suitsfor $13.50 Made to order .
. Mena' suits made to older from fine imported tweedeand worsted%
some of Jackson Bros best materials are included, in this kit. •
Their prices ranged from 018.00 to $22.00, during the sale, out, .ffn
price will be with good trimmings . . . . .......
Furs at sale prices .
, .
Thoro-brd ram for ale.
Two there -bred Short,bon halls, of good
indiree. are offered. for ISftlA on reasonable.
Ileum M ade Bread.
GODIlO0 home made breed, something
• news made from choice, •firet class family
libursprepared in exaotly the mime way as
ordinary home made bread, baked twice
• peek,- Mondetand,Thttraday, Soil weight
two pound.
• •
Sold at sanie price as the
regular bakers loaf.
Try its Mid you willprofer it to any
A. Kin, City Bakery.
I yea ea and Walston
° what are you worth?'
Thai depends upon what YOU are
w Able °there', A businees or shorts
na edam:Mon Will 'tempi enable
y to get a good poeltien but the
od tion mot be atrial, first•oler •
Gly us an Opportunity to tell ,..
*kik *a are doing for other,
to a ytor Our eitalogee.
S,tidente admilied ab any lime,
tottIOTT, Principal
erre. One is red, 21 nqJjjijj1s old, the other
oan, WW as. old.
JOIIM 0 NIING LondeshOre
Jan. 18, if Con 13, Hallett
Manitoba L
200 iMproved far
best wheat distrie
a list of about a mil
Manitoba, .A.ssini'
Alberta,' about 40,
spirit class land. 10
survey of the C
from Prince Alba
redoinmend to be
forniation A.ply
. ,Tan tf
nds tor Sale.
• for sale in sonitt 0/ the
of Manitoba, cheap, also
ion acres of wild lands in
oia. Sashatehewan and
sores of wildjand selected
a friend of nible along the
nadian Northern Railway
to Edmonton, 'Which I -can
ood at fair prices. For in -
ND Clinton P0 Ont or'
Nnw Enl Ovintert •
Logg nd Head-
' • g Bolts Wanted
Higes 'Prices Paid
R J. tanstord, S. S. W.
We 4re out for
136 NESS tor 1903
Reit lover -Brand Syrup.
in 2 /gallon wooden piiils, at $1,10
Per Nil.
Pia ES
pm,•, black, mouldy prunee, With
Pea6thes4 Apricots A Figs
sh htritge as your hind, and tta thidk
al th other felloWe' seta.
Gil:iliCION-Z%k Cheese
Mayinl ate tlelling fast tat the hub.
Switzerland, from the milk
',Money. to Loan .-
$11.00 to loan, On farm property. • Apply
at NEW BBL 011106, Clinton „ •
Gladye and Harriet Manning, a000mSans
led by their annt,Mies Taylor,went to Lon.
don on Tuesday to join their pvane, Mr
end Mrs W. N. Manning, who removed to
that city a couple of weeks ago.
Robb. 11, Coats, assistent editor of the
Labor Gazette, Ottawa, who has been col -
looting statistics bathe west foe publication;
wile up to vend a few days with his rela-
tives here,returning to Ottawa on Townley.
Mum Powell, Wroiteter, who brie been
Upending mime time in Michigan, visiting
fiends, stopped off here for a, few days this',
week with her uncle and, aunt, Mr ar
Mrs Jos Wheatleyswhile 'on ker way hon.e
Mrs Newton P: Qrich, Subsets, Mich.,
whs had been visiting at her tome in Tuok•
ersmith since Christmas., Was in town on
Tuesday, bidding her filen& goodbye. She
was acoompaisied by her slter, Mies Nett.
Mrs °rich leaves today for her home.
Tho. Jackson, IA, of the Jackson Mfg:
Co, and their other hustling ealeman, C.
0. Rance, started on the road again fiMon
day morning, the former to Toronto and
the latter Sarnia way: 0. C. says by Juhe
they will have enoueh work on hand to w-
avy two more stories Of their' history.
Jas. Connolly, Goderich tOwnship. spent
the whole 01 last week at the Western
Dairymen's A.ssomation in BrantfOrd, and
had the honor of being elected Presidenirof
that important institution. This isthe
firet time any else west of Stratford hae
held this position and Mr Connolly hi to be
• Senator .A. T Wood Liberal died. at
The Manitoba Legislature will meet,
on Febrtiary12. - •
• 1
Mr Thomas Kirby, exsOity Tretteurer
of Ottawa, is dead,
ThO f011ovsing Itomtrrefer -t� Western
University Divinity etudente who are
wellknown in town, having taken set.
vice in St Paul'schurch Jas. G. Bice
was summoned home on Thuredoelast
Week, owing 40 the death of his grand -
another ; be left on Thersday for Brills
bey. 0, W. Sanders took Rural Dean
Hodgins' work at Seafortn Sunday
latit, and A. Carliele at Charing Creep.
1 On the 10th inet.The Breeders' Advo.
cote, a Poultryk Pigeon and Pet Stock
paper published at Petrolett,Ont., par-
, chasedThe Canadian Poultry Directory,
a, similar publiOation Woodotock. Ont.
The two papers will be be amalgamated
under the heading of The Breeders' Ad.
vnes.te,and poblielsoci at Petrolea, This
*ill sea nearly a thauttatid to The Ads
1 vocitte'e circtilation, and will ittaterfal.-
' ly benefit, those interested in poultr.
sample 00plea Mailed for the &eking
Fine Gove, 98e
Men's fine kid gloves, soft, plieble
ekine, fleece lined, Juiceless Bros'
prises 1.50 and 1,75,onesale prices sew
People who want to buy furs can save a lot of money
taking advantage of this sale. Every piece of far in the store
must -be sold. We have made up our minds fully to that.
No man in wieat of a fur coat or lady wanting a fur garment
of any kin, can afford to let this opportunitylip. Here are
It few sample prices:—
Tioonly, goat,cape, thick,' Jackets, 26 inehes long, made '
glossy fur,well ade and lined,' from very choice skins, nice
high collars, black will not rub even glossy. curl, good • satin
o, sold at 010 each, our sale . "' lining, sold at 532 each, our ss,.. „,..
Jackets, extra choice skins, well
-Two only ladies' black astrachan .
.1i:ice ... , ..... ... . .. ............ G.VV Blsaaclke aperti rc ae cehaacnh Gauntlets,
our sale price pm pair ........ 000 .
for childretee ' wine; solcl at 7;54 '..,,,,
et galitY,leather palm,small sizes
made, •• best of linings used
throughoutYratettrby the best ' , 'IlUFF'S $1.2) ' • •• .
furriers in Canada '36 inches 10 only Fur Muffs; every One left • ;••
. long,one size 38 and one 440' • .
nr sale ptioe .: ... in the store, many different
ebld at $45, o •
, kinds, sold at $4, 05 and $6,s „,...
Three- idies' 61ttelc; astrachan • cle tring for sale at each ., .. :. 1.ZO
-$ate—Pielbe in Mn's SuiS. : •• .
• •
No such good chance to save money 011 a suit of elrbthe.;•
has come your vray. before.. It is not likely to again for many
•a day to come. :The treasonstock or suits must be reduced
loy•hundreds;of garments before the first of.l.firch, and We are
Irani to make it wel*Orth yourwhile to help us do it . •
'Men's tweed mite, well made, good lining throuhout, Mile from
prides were $5, 06 and $7; we clear them all at' one prioe for the' •
AMounts owing to 0. 'COOPER & 00 Ma/
be yield at Si AITLANWSJ3TORE. accennts
110t Paid by the 'Other February, win be placed
in Court for collection , •
good quality tweed that will stand bar,' wear. Million Bros.'
sale, and you can take your choice of this lot for . .. . . . 4.98 •
Men's- Suits. at $7.25 , . •
Men's flue quality an wood tweed suite, well made and lined
throughout, new stylish out, will ksep 'their color and. give excel- es
lent wear; the Jackson price was $46, our sale price each.. 'AO •
Lot for Sale
A gooi building lot -on -Princess Street,Illei)8100PpaRnirtasinSen1132t5weed pants. dark and light .color:shesty weight, .
strong and well made, for all the year round wear. Jaokson Bros
ton, wen situatsti. with a quantity of lumber,
sand and building stone thereon. Le'tebout .° our sale price per pair.... ... ... • .
onethird of an aore-will be sold reasottable- • price was ",
Also about1,5000 feet of Hemlock ESSOW,‘ 0 I and . • . . .
ElniLuinber VVAT, BULB, Sunimerhill
. ,
House to Rent
Comfortable frame howl°. ith half an arra
of land. on Motu Street, Clinton. House has
SIX rooms, with- cellar, woodshed; hardan
soft water, and bearing fruit trees on place
Apply to JOHN'SNYDEEti Clinton
..Tenders. Wanted.
:Tenders willbe received by the Connell of the
Township of Hallett, up to Saturday, Stli Feb.
for supplying the following'quantities eA Rook
Elm and Tamarack Plank- • :
;2000 feet nockElm le , feet long, 2t •in thick, di'
livered at WF0 Moon'al .
1000 feet Rook Ebra. 18 feet 1one..2k in thick, de.
• , livered at Henry Warren's , ,
1000 feet Rock Elm isfeetiong, FA in thick, de-
livered at lithrtTerrhe
Woo feet Reek Elm 113feet long,. 2IA in thick de.;
livered at Thanes . •
1600 feet 12 feet bingo 21 in thicet, de-
- livered at id Sprang's ••
MO feet Bock Elm 14 feet long, 24. in thck,"
livered et? Qiiigley's •
2100 feet Reek HIM 10 feet long, 4 x6 delivered
r Quigley'.
One ear load of first.olass Tarawa° plank tO be
de,iveredat Londesbere Station MO feet of
said plank to be 145eet long and the remaind-
er 18 feet long. and all of it is' be 3 inehee thick.
The lowest or any tender net necessarily' iie-
• Townshiptlerk's 06100, Jan PC 1093
Men's Fur Coats
There are between 25 and 30 Fur Coats in' the store to sell.
Unless we sell them this season it means a lot of money, lock-
ed up for months or more. Rather than take chances of haV
ing this OCCIlr, we have de-cided to clear them outr at prices that
should bring every man within reach of this store who wantss'
Fur Coat, here to get it. - • • •
Men's Brown Calf Coats Mens Black Cali Coats
Men's Canada Coon Coats Men's Wallaby Coats.
All at bargain prices for this Great Sale of the
• Greatest Clothing Stock in Huron County
• .
. .
Men• s' Hats
• At, 29c, 496 and 990,
table of odd pieces of
underwear, shirts'and draw
wool and fleece lined, Rssorte
.sizes, to. be clear -at about.,
half Jackson Bro' rices;
Auction Sale of Farm Stock
-._ •
Mr James JonesIbite reeeived instnietions
from Mt Hugh Ross, to sell be •priblie atm:Alen
on Lot 30, Concession 8, M0E1P0P, 110116 West
of Winthrop, on WEDNESDAY Jan 28th, at 1
p int the follovOng valiiableproperty, vhst-
11ORSES-1 heavy dreught gelding rising t
got by Raekerffeld, 1 heavy draught &WWI
rising three, got by. Kilburn, ',mare thing 5 got
by Prince of Midlothian, 1 geldiug rieiug 8 -gob
by Prince of Midlothian, 1 any rising 1 got br
Su:Alt:Tat therobred Darham cows both
supposed to be in calf tA3 an imported bull, 1
thorobred DOW= Heifer rising 3years old enli-
vened to be in bait to an itaported bull, 1 there
bred Derham heifer 18 menthe old, 1 thOrobred
Dtirhaln heifer 8 menthe Old Munk Gantt --
nevrItealved ew, 2 milking °ewe 014900indt0
be hi Galt 8 Young calves, 4 steers rising 1 year
old, 1 heifer rising lysar old, 1 heifer rising 2
years old, 12 steers between 1100 and 1200 U3Se
rising' 8, 4 heifers weighing between moo and
1100 Ibis rising s: these heifers and inhere .would
de for short keepers, or would de to go out on
gl'itse; oho 1 sow with litter at foot and 30 pigs
'Weighing !route° to 90 pound* etieh
This Steck has been pincipalty„aied by
Ike proprietor, and, nothing will "Sold. until
day doge. The therobred cattle are Of large
size and good quality, and pedigree§ Will be
Aunighed _with all Everything will be sold
owing to the roprietor's health
furnishing stotored joint notes Dis1)100M Of
"Jackson's, the Hatters," has been •a familiar phrase
to readers of this paper for many years.Their'e was
• one of the largest hat-busineses in 'this part of the corm-
: lry. We are anxious now to clear out every hat in the
tore, and if you will come and buy = your spring hat
while this sale lasts, we will sell you the cheapest hats
• ever sold in Clinton. 'The stock has been divided into
lots, and they goon sale at 29c,, 490anc1•99c each.
At 99e
Your choice of 150, men's felt
hate, good shapes in hard
and soft styles, blacke, brown
and greys, lines that Jerks
son Bros, sold at $2, $2,5e
and $8, clearingatthis great
sale, eah. 4 • . • 0 • . 6 6 0 0 0.4 417J'e
200 men's hats, Food: staple
shape% either hard or soft',
blackesind browne,hats that
jackson Brnii, sold at $1.50
and $I.75, for this great sale An
choice of this let.... .. ave
Caps - .
75 caps for Men or'boys' wear,.
assorted style* and eVore,
also otnne fancy capii for
children, last ones of lines
that Jackson' Bros sold for
25c;85c and 75cyour choice
, of AMU
Caps at 26e.. ,
160 Men's caps dozens of Mt.
erent etyles, plain cloth and
fancy tweeds, golf and slide
bands,lftet ones of lines that .
J'ackoon Bros sold at 600 and
76c, chOice Of thie lot
At 29e
We have picked out these
hate that are a seasonor two
• out of style; they are good
. quality and will be just the
thing for rough wear, hlard
and soft shapes, Woks and
eolore, odd oneand twos of
expensivelines,clearing due.
bag our groat oale, at your
Choke for . . . . frt./141.1611
There are several
hundred yards of material
suitable for separate skirts
or tailor mtdeuits, If
you want -a Suit or skirt
you can get one here and
save enough money in the
buying to pay for the lin
ing and making.'. Better
come soon, 'though, for the
quantity will not last
very long. . •
150 yards plain and fancy 2
tweed effect materials in •
greye, browne, navy's etc
full 1 1-2 yards wid, will
paake stylish and service-
. able separate skirts • or
tailor made suits, regular
$1.25 for our clearing sale r.,s
per yet d - . IOC
One large piece brown mat-
anal, will ruake up very
• stylish and serviceable
skit�, 54 irichee wide, '
would sell retail for 85 cts •
per yard our sale price .550
per yard
One end only heavy black
serge, all p are wool. _56
inehes wide, Worsted fin-
ih, would pay $L00 or
$1.25 for it in an ordinary
dry goods store, just the
thing for suits or skirts,
„. fox tbis great clearing sale ,,, s
1 our price will be per s ard i oe
Mud and Resin
We will make it worth your ,
time to buy a mad or raincoat
now. in.etead of waiting till
.warm weather. If you have
any driving 'or outdoor work
to do, , one will save its cod
twke over in 6 months.
Rain Coats $3.90
Men's rain coatetfull length,doub-
le texture, . plaid lining, well
!nide, strong, serviceable gar- ;
ments, grey and fawns, Jack-
son Bros'. price Ras $5, oursale
Mice fowl.
Mud Coats 1.90. •
Men' t; mud coats, full length,
would turn a gond shower •of
rai, just the thing for driving
in muddy weather,. Jackson '
Bros',price wee $2.50, our spec- ••dais
ial sale price ... : ' • le ou
Storni Coats' 8.50 *
We have 4 heavy North .Dakota •
' storm coats. These are Ameri-
can goods and samples that
Jackson Bros' had received
from theA merican manufactur-
ers for theft wholesale trade.
• They' ltre made of -dark grey
frieze'have wool lining, are . .
Waterproof, regular retail price
* is $12, for the sale our price is” ita
earth . .. 00000000004000 ...... . 0 ‘,00/11,
Lled•SMOCks 1.*, : . '
Good quality, henvir cottdriade
• mocks, plaid lining, a eapital
working ' garment foe winter
Wear, Jackson Broil' have tbem
roarkod $2,50,forthis great gale 4
* we will clear theta out at each .L.OV
• •
:t• '' ...., • .
+ : We . cannot state- leo
4. strongly the mene.saving,.
advantages ef this great
•.t• Sale 1t is an oppertunity
4 that tomesbut outs in a
Very great Ail°, • No man
:!. wanting Clothing of any
:? kind shOuld,miss it, and
iyou will he well repaid far
. : yoer trouble, -even if yet
, have. to- coM0 nines'
ditiens in eknoWn On day Mae
Lot36, 003,43elision 8. 14011110p, will he Pitt UP
tit Mitt for rase for one year terms Ida MM. oclgons Bros., Clinton, -...sou.avirria3s,
pet bent vdit be throned for cash on credit
3, JONES Atm Ittftitt 0.0200 Proprietor
• •••.,