HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-01-02, Page 8V
Si.- The hap+ .
Won that the town has
Felt, WS wA% that Of Mr sins!
ard Irwin, vbildro ,grana•
aces in lagri<nddanahtere«]q .
IrlatyaitN da
-.. .. �..... �-.. :.. .. .., - -... .... ...,--.
.. ..... _.. ... .. _._
p nom+ pp
TbOce present
,n (G T R v slat Staff), wife
Bonk;, Ur and lire (Anna R
Reno and daughter, ; Mr an
1116 O) Normain Fair And orn i
R Poc'Wet Mary ,_...
y U.,frow Toronto; Gregg W., :
:10g6eld, Mass.; Harry 10 ,Clin-
ATIiit Of flee °Dlelry
and .. werakunav kl•abl Ab-
Mich., were unavoidably ab -
The. Kanadlian FIlmanac
t me forgotten. Pome11g h
entered into that horns Bath -
The Gist of the Sur daY School Lessons
I would fill a good eiz•'d room.
nt. was toe order r'f the day,
Fe1bl»b et . Selret -Notes', ,,
atered into is with the spirit of
In, We trust they eballenjoy
U •
chgatherings in the fusure,
A diary falthfnily kept enables you to overcome tilt forget. habit,, '
former well-known Huronite, J
feta Yop know where you ,were a year ago, the kind and .duration of the
reason, and lots of other things to give You Satlefootion and pleasure
;Soon of Thos Jarrott, who ban
Every buefnesa man knows how valuable one lain the ofiioe,
sd. as, having,attended our mod-
. . '
i Borne Aire years ego, and;
arents reaida in Hillegreen,was
e recl tent of a. su er anal aF
a goldwatch
r t�iaht wand here he hue'
oveU ?H This yeCANar14is MANAC. is G6, years old, Door, itrnwear
IAN ALtier rhes ever ; contains over 400 p;has,uci
al of the publics tool since
iblr. This brilliant affair tools
all kiind; of information, and with each copy 4ipee a large of the
. oity o,f Toronto; - -
the public hall of that village. I
a h of USC.. and, was attended
V, one .and all regretting Mr ;
THE GIST O THE LESSONS ie a small book about 21.9, x.6 1 ?
removal from their midst. jlir
gave up his school to take a
and gives three fall pages to each lesson it. is the most compact thing,
, perhop0, you ever saw •A model c f condensation and suagelition, the
crative position in the West
comments are not long but every word counts. A book ofisced thoughts,
'es'for therbria afew days. Ile
went visiting at his home in
en, A younger brother of this I
PELBUl3ETIS NOTES FOR TEACHERS of advanced classes In
rntlemau attended aur model i
...• .. . . ,
t term, i
...1. '
k I
DEATIi OF MRS gUVEY,->In the �: . l ��•
ath of Mrs G, E. Hovey, which .oc- THE.,W` D6 'ALR
urred last $%turdati moru, th9, town.] .
oaes:one of its inestimable ladies. The , '..
end Qf life's transient dream with her; ~ -
had been 'm hard one,for the family to
bear up under . For the past. two years
) i . p.- I NJ
,, she had been in destine both Mentally, ,
-and physically.and when the end came,.
Ile Of t11Ea bI o s- it way as, an hn el • of mere sent to '
�.. Ce• usher her into the heavenlyyabode that ' so�'RTA `�
I ,, lie w11111t d
"V, ha►e her Savfoy$ had. prepared for her as, a -
.e dept it for ��nr,,,n our reward, for her eaekpiy career. as, 'aI.AT .
tho�elgo true and no Is womf4p lb Ing �.
i�n� ,all the Flezidelettc yo °d .
e of er,and.wife. ',$he was -married to ,
3Q-In4h1 illelette' C.'7. e e • - b since which
1.T\'VO FORlE<ER LSIDENTl3I h hehas eenapa . i oirsra'nt resident,
• f+liee` Lizzie 1}Nu er, of He maideirname was Weldon,dau hW�
MARRIED.--. a to & Sons
I :O.vcr 100i) yards S.tl inch Flanne. site. assorted 2B -inch heavy pink Flannelette for 6 r_ a yard Eaet. W B ter of a tel ,to= o f g
who left. • her home. l d armer, of the
fanny etrfpas,in dark and light odcrs,uioet ; ' that Bold:wboteeal'e at 7}0, Thins one o! some:lEa months a e neighborhood of Fin al Five child"
o them pink, nod weight.`and fic'm cloth : m g for, Dresden N.D., g. , v d A
p g,r """'the beet flannelette bargaiae we ever ;ave, . , t keep crouse for h o ren have been of,
to • her, two of If, au" are undecide as to what. ou will remember our friends
• sold all ovor,tbe land at loo per word, for •: • 4 p r . brothers, John
- It is a soft Sim heavy olath,absolately feet _ and Otto, who `are farrain in• that `whom died. in infancy and three . sone. •Wi h in• the.way of•.on Xmas • ' TTL O W come
1 and seer our.Irnmense 8r ock. a have o d m : n hock tha,r
oar -January Hale we have over. 1000 yards colors, will .wash and wrar wed, fcr Jr►n- c+:un cryi was married to. anQthrr East:. remain. two liying'in town, and Frank ago :
Mftt� to sell Sit per yard ,..,....,.........:.... .. C � nary sethpg'ourprioeper yard ..,..,,,„ s�r('• W.aw,an rhei is thq arson of Joee h :attending Trinity Diviniiv (7ollegge at ` would be'suitabie. What could be more sicce. able than anise
�' D.dubar, on Dec 9.u. Pat; Lan duel N•. Torontu.- � The funeral, was held . ori Pair of Boots,:a Pair of- Oberyhoes, a- Wlzrmt 'Pair of Sli ens,
:` : They will take u houske in' at M tday-lar;r to Clinton' ceinetery,.Bev vergsiters.( , Leggings. .. - .
�^e L : C OOC�S
. ..
The 111111 e+1� Dresden.: 'Vve wish them every !tic•: U G}nnne, .pertorminpr •the, last sad '
M. , abundance of `hapinese in r the church of which she dearly
This .week we have received Four 1undred.Dollare worth oi. the '
ces�snd an; ices of
Ja�nuat Drew Goods Bi Fra sire cin to sage mono if
that distant.land. loved.` The � pall bearers were . =1t;
. y g g � . �'or J'a t , - Ra a r
,. , nu Y' _, n f° d„ l- Middleton, P. I stbley - . ST Gh3!?DS YOU AV ER l LttO TED T
the dome here .. �Pe axe maki,na' it an ear thin to do w11h' � PUTS IN � DQHERTY. .1p actor. 1�IC�1. _ _
, _g r J. W, Irwin,, Albert trance, D F. DAs-
, dance with resolution. -passed. at a. . ., ill ' l
s 01c`Ll' rlt�es "of many lines for this >iao th. H re .1s the list mfllil4 r stocks inll8t he --- ' Pharaon.. u w have no difflcI.u ty 11 `in making a selection: here,' Our:'.
pe p y n s , . y rl5ectal vestry meoing held, recently at, , assortment is .as good . as an, cit store, and we don't ask an •
' cleared 1 tom letel` f r. s, Paul's churgh,. HenSail, the _tom LUC1L NOTES: :y
y y
fOlf• tial'' first wir0i�k : p �, be 0 e more than a livfnS profit, W e buy' and' sell for -cash.. Thin itt
. F mittee'appofnted for • the, urpose of Ou echi,o a 11 the-reAson.our rices a,
'`' Januar i over- A bi s - pp r . t wi open on kl.onday • ; a So .low; No' trouble , to show ,goods.
• Y g eR eeteeting she hew or an' decided to pp
next Jan.'5t.h. Have.'ycu tried the. Kant Xraok Rubbers. Theyare the best.. .
oSultings 69C Ings, nice.,i Gtoriugs, good ; eon's .tra purchase a •'V1a orian manufactured .
Ce is ue In a
V til give ezoeilent wear,: Fu p081 b • The ani-u$I meetln of Home Llircle .
All w0oi Cheviot Homespun Bustin The Doherty Uigan ,0o. The • in .
• p. g, re n as,• 25 8 a i tion to , .
yy g
g 1 . b Bad D , epeo,+ai for be, - 811ereU13 in our Ctrutnent was d ti Thuroday bvening January. Sth, all .
54:inches `wide,. a• clearance of. ... • :i , • g" _ e .yeced last Saturdag,:. Tr Th
e Uf d Relial►le,
Janaary selling, per, yard int+.„ -and, will ray an ornament s : ' members requested to, be ,present.. y .
last regular lipes-that sold. Al $l, , . , ar !!will , !vin and • we havre prove , _. a . w.e,l as,. „ , , . . .
F' t ; - furniehin r;wtet 'the re" alar. meetin o1. I
' , X1,15 , Atid $T 25 'eiI ard,'. last . , :. K music, to the church. g. ; g . f the .W.. C, .
1. Ip ..q. mxrlted the a 1111 ,
.r 8 e A
Fre1.nch Flannels 'bac s below the It.ie a ood chrirch,or an and cant be )l ansa one Price We will not ,lie undersold -%: g gs ake
stiit,lengGbs to be olerred out at . • - g T. U. will meet at the resldtnce of Mre Oas g.. t nae oarlr.
one prroe,fo•••January selling pay: Short ieces'and last eu en h.. heli r1Ce mark. for beat. Rev'Greene., at 3, o'clock Friday after- . • •
p. as, de of Fr. a,,., p. U u1Ck Sell non
yard • :,.r ...... . ... ..... aloe Flunne►e at 35 a rd' r :ht q RETURNED 'TU" •' .
o p rya. .. E t In . TREM.-=Two
K or ten tterne to 0 ose: fro care aq o ,thin: onth. two oua A hockey: ' etch was calie:d tar Tues- a ►>,, m q g t W • 1:ay1gr . & 186n Minton . "
,.. y q•
,. 54
-inch•"Suiten s•� S t . *suitable for waiefs or drartein .. lady bou keepera of town wrote theft dal night betweensthe L R.' M.: 'and.
, .. f 9 At
�---7-• :- .: • , eso acs re alar o for Jannaa •.: - $1• O. .. : .names upon . a Moteon's Bank b" O :nton. hock Slab's but for,some Sea a •
3 euitsnde 4•inch !weed H.nrtin s : q. : , , g, 50 Y ill �',
Yourcho.ceoffourteen.t.riiiimed.hats which had. been aid out uriu t e' won or other ivas declared off.
d g . dale clearing at per yard :: , `,3flE' p, d s h
� will .make,& :etrong,or sarvioeable ever o o d -1 • .
t , . . � .
snit Or. ek rt' as o ted eliadea will
y n new rand trimmed for ay n course of .,business• and what
i , n r . •� , Mr. Harry. Bpssenberry. of (iraad
this seaaone trac. . . . o' I I � 11 -
e, not an old et .le $ ..� was then;a clean:cria .bill, turned u '
' wdar well 'reenlar 500 ° for Jan. ' li><rtln rSeIYP,I. a`/t . ., , P p Bend,. ; Iia! taken osdescieb the i
yy tI Pt . :.>
:. �+ ? this
s s cid brit na chs lot sold in) .r . • Was tt1y . After two: ears exchange s of
uar cele>per aid ...- ......�e . I y R, Queen.a Hotel at at Joseph, Harry i
handsin a worn dell !dated Condit n. W. . securev
y y Une.en(f only heavy black:eerae, pll regales:way st £Som $3,50 to ft.d0 P 4P s nod. hotel .man. and.- will make o
, •
•.- wool, 5t3 iaoheswi2e,hard finish; oboine on'Satnrdsy for ,.....+ .i/Q It would 6e•interestid to know' into
g, success in .the aft
Mi1tOn Slut ln,s XiC: worth easily $1 per yard, for @ tiiiw .man haude it fou d its wa y'11
Januar sale er itrd ,...... q:)C t Z �9 .., t y n :: Weare eased to learn that Mia W
„ `d0 i'L ,' Bin,' twirl Milton $nit- Y ;P, ,Y w_ while -oil its trammels. ,
• . , Your. choice of seventeen of our best SS'
r I , ' '' ' ' , ' �
. •: the, .of Detroit, dauahte. r of Mrs,+
':'' meted hate. These .a t9h,►nnOn, of towP, ie. able to be around
'These •tams tVll . • V� Id Of P n t 4 re all ez Godericb Collegiate, • Institute >ard - ' .- a :0 .
. :five i l gi ion Stn ea the ala§s,l.. ,wb , eneive lines, and 8 b agefu, having had a severe. attack. of
, I
�: ,.•.. ., 3+ noav we, want hue filied.the ♦Beans made !lice
Y.. bT appendicftie:...
,; Drelt<s Goodie fie artf><lellt: thew sold and sold qu�crkly, The McLellan e. esi na io I. Y r t nbythe.apposnt
,; - sold,in the r.agula , way from • 3 50' Ment P . g We notice.in St s. a ut,l` .
'. . F+ u Mise Par.lee. who has been on Lou"I+ Ii L? cellos :
to $5Ad os, Saturday S t daBook: your r
-'.-Z' : LL A A A A04 r y yon take the staff .of the Clinton:OliCollegiate for reference made to the death ,o€ John y
,, . , .. _AiliApg >'e.. Oxde1.ra are :filled
v order at our stn
you, oboice bf the lot for .,..:.. r2r.� four ears and has bee ve , Brooks, fatlierut MreT'Trick{of,tvwn
, Y R ry !success
ful ut owfn to lack of s a
r -t= ,' r .. • " (( in work.` g ce we ale nb 1
. (IIttt.r>tm � •� Hec..e��►� win�lse. P .� n rot>�,tton.asµ aken, 1n`small gaantlttes: until coal.
�/� ` llll.(1 Eats 505.:. robin for. a, - . .
(iR� J�J.a ei to lir Pii� - : . . tri. Herr removal will P rticulare, .
crcaful be re netted not alone b the
y Yon cap tplte goarohnioe.oi Y R .. The Woodmen of`. the World have. .18 mOr 1 Ial ` ar ': ITi :
all our untrrnimed oba es for ha1�" of Owjichool; but b icer man :: purchased snot. .
friends. f! F O gal ur pow
a doltdr P erso 'ai friends, Y y p her fft3889 worth .cf the
We e d 1 !n o .
a . a 1�, lar4. , . 'there are not a great P . ri r ends, in town,, . , towtie sidewalks : debentures -at .4
. % or to su ` l the demand ma1. de b ' :our man
manyvf them to sell bat all . are . : A' UIET: This is ,th.':r Second h t of the town's p� p•L.
�, WEDDI1Vt -rhe was cel
;bew ihis eeaeon .
deben.urer.the cArr
_ Otic cwt Jantittr , noir iti1' i the. dress makln de-- , blaicks_arl3 colors, . :: ebraal ed.at, the home c;f Mise Mary . Hr,l- i' , Y =
L, I,'s 1 ,,: g We. wi{lriot carry one ,over and el*, h delhrered :. sil1C8' the.
r. her mama a to,H. Smith, tjnn ,cif The Jacked Bros custom eying already• ,
artiment A vklrt made' to . order for half a do lrtr if y1► -
nil .. it r , establishment rc
p chic ie tike tat we tgika. to- be sore. :J. Smith town, on W edneeda of last cent
. i . . a ,o a-• y ed their respected shop .mate, �Vil• .
ie r ,resh.stor•k nest. season week.' . trlke C r 1 l
!Phe bade, woo u a dau hter oP frld:W.Ool1 : p a Xoaels n seta 1 lots,:. and ho..e the
: goodti ire 50e .a • yard .or Over-.: Gt'et your. order in as; eerty. ge a s $ yer a beautiful quarte ,;.oak .P Y
•; : ..e 1 r :j;100, $1,G0 and $2.00 Mrs.!. O. Hel ar ]Scar err
y - , 7 Street..' was secretary as a .token of hem nod .. . ,
A, : O ible afl wve.want to re are -at one forthe'" Yash. -choioe.on .datarda .... g
B der... p . , p e f,Of y .. ... , .., 54C dressed in black silk, skirb: and: white wishes on is marria a ill it vs, $tl n f
..b r to .Mise Eliza w a, a be ora 1> tie: while until We eon
i , silk waist and carried s boauot o! final: beth T; (3aidner on Wedneed c+ p
Teri that lr 6)116 to come. 4>rlll'!s K, not k Abot`t al,ati •
S OC +re. There were nb ai d ay'
• • ten ants Out t e
rt illi e , .,
eIOW. We State rile !cillo Of skirt that a �1i111 mak of a Btiook Abaat hmt readv trim- Je From: ,the lief of names ubliehed-iii e, lar er .tin 1108.
r mad ,also:. mime Helyar. Toronto, eieter of fhg 'the :' 1 '
ladies, blaoa 'walking bride a Te !grain of Saturday last, who,
L. #Or` J.C. g And Mien Olive Helyrar', CJolb°rne, , i>,
Imre teas coca of linos abet,: aoid at a Bless` were.: res nt Aa w *,ave been donors theiickGhildrea*e
r1 OLS to $1.50 ahoioa on . p e witnesses Hospital of:Toronto we notice t N'E .t�A.N r�IIPPLY
Pana trimmed Skits .with extra , Work wiFl, coat; a S turda� ggt!. We wish l4lr and 11[16 Smith an P c he fol, 1'IrpUD AHED TR 'BEST 1
• .. lowing townspeople -:H 0Brewer Rl•'•. . . . r .
Brewer, ,
abundance of encodes and a. life of hit• ,
RUIOJInore, bu cw'ill°be mads at proportioslate reduutione ' iuese. P Davis',DRowland, 81; J B Hoover. $1;:: GRAD uF
. , ... 4�. p P. SOFT COAL" PROMPTLY
from!, re !lir poses.. Whatever kind of 'skirt .you want arl�c .Sampled 511d•, : R,'Holmee,,#Il Harland Broe,, ill. _' .. '
(#IPEN A I3ULIDi+iY,—>{ranager
V iruvol+ers'.aam ,es of.t,r vstr r= F, H.: McGuigan, of•the Grand Trunk The stable and lar used b the late .
u,can serve money buying 3t here dur.ng. Jit nary. p f� yea , y e
.. pit,. oil 11 yards.iooK, wou'd 16661! Railway., in sending out..the season's Isaac ItMtenbury on victoria St:.. next
to the new► o
VST. on.e made in our beryt et, le Perfect x4 ave compliments to :tile "mein tet to .er, pet Oefce,'wfll be offered ����
j y :Way. Mt50dto75operyard:oboioeofthe. ,Y P y ..
�� � .
�:. rt . _ a
__.. {.,x_:fu.r,.Jr►n.ua ..: ....... n4tsfied the o a for.eale=onalie,l8.'h. '
afro=fit- uar� tt $d; r ryeelineneaoft._.... 6QC flim ls-tt►atin prdpr that t...?f:Jan.,.at_the:Rat,.... .
•" .. , a e Ul,nton t z`.. .
z � .,
s mans oP tine ofdciAls- and'. employee :teubury. Hous ,: .b_q� he e:erut '
AR ,•eHib ' ors oft c+ _ v
I 11,t3kirts, mad! 5 acid 7 gore, tined or unlined, with ox withoni 7 , owti , r p le might color C7hrietmAs, he ritate, Meysre W W Ferran -] �' . .
am Nt' i ootc,N� Y E. �✓ ('a H ►x diva ' gQt1.B8
silk stiiobin " aroand bottom; ods. in any of the popular etvlee; . • ., .. WAY frergbt and local trains that, du and.H T Rance. D Dickinson• wilt do
10.0 ur,„ iiia' Wool Booree..A l ar&vel- ' not carr asren ere "ere. not , o the:eellin
made for 50o enoh ;during oar greiYt ,¢paary sale rovided rhe 4 P. g t . be g•.:
-i 810 es,white or f,an . �o; lora . 'run: And tlfaAtaCl.road and brio a work ,-
rnswterfal Is hocjoht h:re and sells of 50;1 bier yard or ove , p' G g
Misses Vyiseman and CJhfdle of s.' .rhe Rush .ls ,over and -.we �haYe a few:�' rices. of ver cin
Ko„h.:n the reKalar w�a,:0,r,' 25o a suenended forahat days .and . , y n. �. .
.tae to b
,,,i°+ X00, choice op for f+ir . r that oil" eu li inspecting S. Nes. S, held. an examination An' Fri•
i /�A� .lro , 8a1e12 C 7 9 pe ., ng.. -of . traekf. furniture M. .which we .are od'erin
. s .. : . etc., done as, wwe nscessar�t•�r .for day, Prior to leaving for. 'their.:homes .: ... ,. .g:.. .
1 the„
. eafet of the travelling PIXI., to; apAnd•. the Christmas 'bolida s," .. s,5.
s , , ,.... y • ng p r6 i°.. Such y at greatly re d :Fr><C
` f'%•q l %1 P/ ttf.�►• col thou ht i These °Bun ladies,have.done a !enol
y g P d P.
• �eS � ,l. g fulness .did :the road more, .
']� an duh!
10(l . n, ns .fanny Wra'VpF:e des, quit,
Boort than anything oleo we, .know, of. service, and the: "traeteea have 16.611 PeirlOr Su1ie» WOrttL 25. idT 20.
::re more them„ Teat;ed with. Aur,mantle bizatnet�>?l tt,is ' • 'F pb%"'vaists or w,.ti,rmm extra • DEATH,—Mr Robinson.ot Mother - gaged them for Another year at an ins « '. t
e.:.a F , h of erases1if.galarg, q „ $35 -fOr $29. .
a. t0 8atlaf indeed'' were wen t. t'a •{i's, re lar 15• , So, .Tan the wife of Rev J, S. Fisher, Lambeth,. �i iE
aiea8o11 --vG' uld be liar . Yr . ', ,: Q lift[ wit. ,er ,ard.. +. , C..... ..
a55 for $48,
f IBC :passed ata on th, evenfn of Dec 22 , P,rror.to her de arture,from the lien.
"'N is to clear @bei Cdat In the' store Wfoir6'the . F .. ° and was buried On the 24tth .the e•,, eallScbool p ; tt �
We wv' t nrsw p IZ v ,where she batt„ heeiZ teach• . sr saris d] airs. f yy�•,• _ . , A. H,, Birks, Zondon conducts .the L $e! .�0 for 8:50.'
P *; 11Yre,are a few' rumples of how. we are going to 0110,1 i to r Print R:, This ,: gag ins since the holidays, .bias Lucy , tr it .11
711OI1t13 I L, 8 i . .. . services. This lady will be remember Stevens was.present'ed by the pupils of - . , �•��,
s stOC1C. ; ; gnu f�n,a :oo8t,,,, a : •yf ire• r ed and Mr Fishers man old friend '1.
eO the balance Of tale � :.::.. ,, y s in her room with .a: bandsome Souvenir.
.. • ' 'n • si rk Bain, .-. ,., , ,,atel'y this. county. She utas only in bbd )digs Stevens on the b Gall -and -see the Bargains. h
Y w carts of her s t at we are acerin
•, •h r, kuiKrr 12 1, a',. for Brioni a`�lteek and her frierlde had no d ih wh Sea 1
_C :: - , , 1, . _ P p, . ,, . o greatly y regret her depact. � ,} . -
, ns, or re frieze Monte.Qar1- { rt,ole er ,
'�,1 i OSIt i at rJdC, 3' 8 . I $ P SC idea she wag gain until a tet minutes lire fr'bai Hengidl, . ,, . 'moi T.., :r r ..
velvet collar, large reverep, .. before she dLed, ll[ra Fisher, herself, '
s�, coats, tido lines, era earl buttons bell
_ .
W.B Li SC.,`,
'on)" ,aEli have pearl . eleove, mux• , , o? .i ., we are sorr7. to . say is so bad, with W •J, Foster,. of Brantford.*' who • ai '
,rico !races-wo.tvatiid rather h cerized, linin re alar 0 Cx'1 t Qti1a111(.1 fs ta. fi
s ► he >t, fl. 00 eryslplae in hor faco'thatwho could not spending the bolidoys iat his home,. has er. ��-
7.50 than• the whole lot, so t...y. : SAturday •for,........,. , ,... 3.1111 7 s? even See
$ t onrohaice . ,;,,,, yht,.t , t, nn her t>yothesr� raoenrly! undergonr a successful' oppr•
• p, isle 1 ayprdaya y i. ,. Biz, 10. a ' ation.for..A pendicttes in, rhe,. hospital-
Cie mn,L
I ".. .....:•• •....• . ••. • 5Qc Viae oil 'black beaver "inti t , ' �i ht, 9 BiGiAdi1ST.—l7aptain. W. D. And• p p TfiB�j
Of that cit 0
or y antis, r ,wo,. re from . . , fie : eft , rewe,. the .celebrated blind. life saver. y, ..Ile ie ra Son of John For-
1. Iy ] 'il'j• velvet collar, ,.27 inches !ori , h„ u•1•. l+ r , ter, Of town, of wham we are 'sorry . to ' •
d�ren $ Reo,&19 a, ti w,e and newsdealer, died in St Michael's .
'. - oi.iit. ins baclt,5 rote .of st>�• ' I ii .• ,-, 01. a.+ I , . learn is Auffetibg from a .severe' att3ack 1P erntinue but a, fele w80ks 1011 .er. Shrewd 00 Yl°i $.
• ,. Ir m i3eapttal, Toronto, about 10 o clock on . . .
` l ofily chiidren'r 8eefer.;Ooats, dank thing,around bottom mereeriz• . . . .
"I. ,r ., of �ciiatica... ' ' .are " havl their wlrants supplied while' , oodli' C n
7 4wYirs 4fiednesday night; front apoplelcy. He p13 g
• dolo,re, lined., regdlafr $ to $3,2ii, ed lining,regular 08 5,�Jaturda'. ii sip , t! 12, ,er to or .t- . ,,,. .
d y gs urda )1 � t , _'., 2 15 : -marred what would : otherwise have 1'he.horse bu 111 buytbecs fnrmprl ~
Oltploe O! wiA9 iGE.b'r? • . . y..r ... . . . g .. ., ...
been an honorable career.* oommitt• Y 12011g1t; at .Wholesale prices.
One only black. ke• key mantle; -, : 3 ' y carried on by Masers r,Beli and O.John.
.11 1'i) , ,1 =;jr , .� ing bigamy' while on a fielt to Cllnton.. ... ,
ti her Suns 111 Coats serol ttv } , 40 inches lona, con has changed its Style to. Meyers ►S et'ial Dirlves In 'Suits and r , ,
11� twilled silk! i 136 ha�i beet'hero sayers] tCmes Bellies Johnston and Hiti.. This .uvea brou ht p Ude Coag lilts CQ]i�
inn fly., frondowil , -, , ,:,, . , mi his book on lite•eavin . and on one of r a When you eso the values you will not bestial*
illrfe«only *►!Salt, beltvor )esker 27 y'
g about through Nr .Bell state accident,,. 16 bay
ttin earl roVvS fancy stitching do+nn ., =•.1rat .lrpi;-„ towel, these occaelane. ro Hoed Marria a to _
inchoe`i°ug e9iY�i fl ,1a front, tje ular $1200liaturda 7.'7, i,;, t L•. ,P p !I bandiCapPinir him from getting. Dress:Go4ds, Flannels Tweeds, Wra erette
gg g r a} scilink,, ea.nlir, Iso 9,149s Thornton, and. war suiasegaentl� around:. The present•firm have Some 11 ! At pr coo s� [f6Cr
brtttonft, rriercdrized !cuing, re•�
rried to liar by lacy Dr Stewarts 15 head to their list and art a to dna P, elver than yarn ottpllal
gulag so.0it for Saturday; r.. � • C1r1c only fawt? : kO' say. !esker, r •,,.
l trer'acket trier« ted Silk lining. 40 anrlies i +� a I'r $"tt' a51t 5ll whlltr at the same time he had >t wtPo Ikrge' h°rte bueinees, as, soon as the fnaer Sets+�'�
fit hes 7 ► soon t
Arte `n r cher lbn ions; earl bu ton' in TorOntd, though. it was not then
r . +corize'd ttling, 27 in gs p s, richly g spring opens up, . Company marts additional dinner ware k h cement
Ax xr oa'1 butcYrnS i rimmed with silk stitchfn 1 ,. oh known. Hiy legal wife eurgiveg hiai, li , ,. eq i y, and f7litistmar and
t► We understand that Moser! (7h win oprn an Are ins! at able.. . If You need a Dinner Set the economy v ream! cirri.: , w its P t , g ,• 4 p p . Y, a of this
, r Satuvday...,..•Y . $7 tegiilak$1400Sgtntday.........$14). i',, MATRIMONIAL;—Thea `C�G'inaham and Jowett'•bane Accepted� y
i` rregula , ! vd 5,>PQ poil• price Intl, command your attention.' ii7 useful pieces. )"riceonlyyl$4,71x .
I. Adtr;nce mAkee the following refer, tiobs.with• the London Qraan (7om•
'' .
... . . pu , is ' . •r' , .• encs to the marriatto of Dr Robe, Of nab &fid leave therefor In,& fe d"
» fly":• t s. l , ,n ocae Jatvv, former! of glintob and . -, w a e. « �` : T�/� 1�j�t �r,� �• „
'i�o Fur ,$;'81,1 tS a l 13c 7 .. Weare sore td Ilse good cltizens like W . Y+•L• , ��J.lI1� JY T'�Jt .LIQ�.�ei�iib� I ,
O hopnew of N. Robson, And brother of these, particularly When they. have u . _ __...._ ..
Some iod& and ends in Vats that have of to find now '" 1h lir 1i. Rb. 9. of this toWn. "The re•
i i, beoq here for veaira. Wesley church
fawners, during lanuary , .40
•... , .tl eat• . sidence of Mi' And Mrs C, . K, Clarke ' will miss the wife of erne r! theta, viz.,
•r , for Iva! thL* Scene of gayety and cheor, . At M flhowen, having boon for many
a 1 ' : l *. e . noon, Thursday, on Account of the h4p� ear Cutters
a t matrimonial a or.t that was"the'. � vAltled_trlemb►ilr �f the cllo,r. Sleighsalt $1.1fi Ilh `S tnd Colln>r $l, t5 ,�,,. ►.py v n Tb names of Mr an
i... .. . , ' . 1 1 «, : k . I : ig . . onnsur mated, Rev a Hobbs, perform d 11ir KY . M
it .`. In '.the Al1•important coreirton . The lidci�'ea4t; Bird .itiSr N. Dell won. doer Stock to eeleo from A
" lsafEr, 61eok lino faalrtral About r ilo2en fu#s and crtrllara as• I P.. • , y We have the t t , ll thin Ieteetstyles inthenerrtpt ootnrr,
rritworted , , ,c Brien ra the life -'long :contract were arrlbnast,ttle many invited g este to
%n miti>; , 000,00, the lett e6ow furs: and stvies,. told in the, • . e. ,�:r,• -•r, i Y - the T'ra ellers annual banquet beta at : Out 0000it are ss loth as, 0911 be found for first•otaor nitrtorfal and *orkmanohip
fy r f, ' ad I Mlea Edith Beatrios, only dauqtiter of : r q before you buy ball and see us.
e as, hfrtrwi, ftljttttar $2 10 $, regular Wait ia1 $3 t0.$B, e1.eArinp 1 ",, :.. ,1 +.2 "... ••r .. 6 Mr And t`9 the Tecumseh goueo to Lbndbn this . r
y y,,. 0 r �:•� r3Mttirdby at dK01� , .'r;' d I� tC t:Ilntko, And Dr Roser _of,... . - We alto handle theOanadfan item Viola Peace, already woven,; any, irttmer - •
I .
fleet of 1htr 101Y+....,.r,.Y i,.. _ J Y ......*"Y..i I biz MOcrso da�, The *rider wliA nop'.g..betl yoarr, on Friday ove� lam This event •
""! L, ' S poo of the greAteet epi pada• of 'the can erect from d0 to 80 rods per day, i1 to r ohettlr elr0na fence.
. to lr.tlorn & wooto n hOtrtelr is hold i>s m .
I his as, se"On and •ny ane Who has , ,►, ._
I -44 �5
%if E3 HN*6`� BRO' 01
heoteetrtbl►+�]ara�circlety!#rlepdtr, ererta<ttendest it, gpexktl' in lbyrin �`�, ��ry
i,41 ZP ff%z L I N T.; and the groom id.a pbltrtlar citlttert OL ,\,gVtVsta3�
,if�otw's ,Iraw, wtiot�lt ttvt uttiay►lt a larptr� tartat of the stay tlmM btl ba !rite! at tib
� , •:•.,. I , , +tar{ttal pr*wc& ttttlal to aattr, this'` 10001t TO �ll}'i"� 19�i`A o `.ltz •
�{ t, ,e
••, , �.. - ; y:.