HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-01-02, Page 4The sandsof another year are almost TRU. Old 1902 will soon he numbered with the "has beans." It has been a busy year with us, Never a day we didn't learn aomething new about the dry goods wants of :Clinton ladies—never a week we did not find a new 'way of supplying them, Always anticipating—always looking ahead, - It is not by accident this store has won the leadership. • Iee the leading dry goOds store of Clinton because it deserves to be. If it didn't merit italeadership it wouldn't get it becauie Clinton ladies are to intelligent—too discriminating to accept anything. but the best goods at right pricee. Ladies, we thank you for your generous appremation in 1902. For 1903 we will try to be eve* more de, erving. Don't Forget You Can Save a Lot of Money During our 15 Days Sale Last Saturdiy thie store wig. crowded. This week the crowds will be greater— . - for news -of the bargains will have been_paiised along to friends and neighbors of those who shared in the special offerings. It would seem ahnoet too much to say .that • this week the bargains will be bigger than ever, yet such is the feet, for, commencing Friday Morning, we will have a 11flark Down Sale of Every Coat in the Store. One of the most important reduction. sales we have ever had commences Friday morning. We have tried tolose sight of cost and real value of our Latlies and Chil- dren's Coats in our determination to clear out every garment at once, It ie a great deal more than the mere sacrificing of profit: In many cases the new price does not 'More:than cover cost of ma.terials alone. t • Every garment in tne entire lot was made thiaseason; in ety le they are strictly to -date; in quality absolutely first class, and dependable hiworkmanship, fit and finish, r' everytting that -even the most particular women want These coats must be cleared out at Once, and if you arein need of one, come now, the prices will never be lower. „.„. RAND TRUNK RAMAN'l ChriStinais omit New Year's ".110LIDAYS„.,, looz,:loo* Excursion Pares To all abalone in Canada, also to DetraitiVer Huron, ouffelo, Niagara galls end Stemmer:Fe Bridge. GOINGDATIO AND LIMTTS-at lowest one Way firet,olites fare : Deo 24 and 25, good to re- turn not later than peo 20, 1902, atelairso Deo 102. and. Jan 1, 11:0, good returning not later than ;rata, Atiowest one way, liret-cless fore and one third --Deo 22, 20,24,tmd 24 awl also on Deo 23,80. 21, lees, riad Jan 1, acaa, and good returning from destination not later than 3on 5,1003:, Boy vour ticket% up Town and avoid tha tulle and delay at station. F. R. liodgeusl Tom Agent FRIDAY. YANUARY,. lllod 1003. The Tirkaing Of The year. This is the time of the year when oo s many people resolve to turn over a new leaf, and, alas, so- few of us keep • the leaf turned. It is the time when ipeople determine that the mistakeof the past will not be repeated in the HERE'S THE WAY WE ARE •Gono. iro SELL THEN Ladies' $5 to $6 Coa's for.. ; .$3 50 Ladies' 7.00, 7 50 and 8.00 Coats for 4 95 Ladies' 10 00 and 11.00 Coats for...: 6 50 Ladies' 12.00 -to 13.00 Coats for.... 8 00 days. to come. When they deternaine they will display more kindness acid les acerbity, When they resolve to liye better and make the world better. Of these -and-kindred tesolutions is well toknow that iterate of them are lied up to and that this grand, old world is ravelling forward in its des- tinedplan of development and better- ment. •• The past year has witnessed many, 'things thate,re pleaeantto contemplate; many that are Stietli' In commercial cir- cies there hag been increasing activity: in national development a wonderful expansion ; in science and invention progress unanticipated. And notwith- standing all this 4here arebetter things in store. . Canada .stards higher today than ever -befrre.. Her advancement in the coming year cannot help beingrapid. The near future iefull of promise and hope. What she is deetined to become no man can prophesy. But if we all do our•part as citizens, to the best that is in us, we will not only share in the material prosperity that is bound to ensue, but we will enjoy lifeteere and the community . WM' be bettered by mutual activity.- Largely, this world and its life is what we make it, and We van make the year, 1903,bettee than • -that of 1902, in all its essentials, if we so desire. Let each individealofor self, see that this is done. . • Tnit'W Mies Miller, Sault bite Mai le ; Dr L Xuratitill,Auburn; ata eint Mrs W Thonoten, Mitchell, The reception committee deeerve credit for the 03011 - tier in which they received arid enter- tainectthegueete. Mee Brewer also de* SKITS unstinted Kahle for the hand* eome decerations. A. DOUBLE WEDDING - There will be celebrated today, Wednesday, _at the home of Mrs David Genliner,an t'vent of imusuel occurrence. in that rf the marriage of her only two daugh- ters, Miss Jeeele andMiss Elizabeth T. The two prondeing young men is he are taking onto themselves partners for life in,the person of these young lediee are Robt J. Miller. of Summer - bill, And Wilfrid W. Oollyer, tailor of Jackson Brea eeitablishrnent, respect- ively. Both of these ladies are life long residents of this town: and are respected beyond measure, while the more than fortunate young men, are well known to us all, Mr Miller being bar/et:tear Stineraerbill and Ur Ciollyer corning here from Hanaliton tame two years ago. Rev Dr Stewart performed this noted event, the ceremony taking* place at high noon. The immediate friends -of the three families were pre- seut and after Mies Lillian Bartlett, of Galt, furnished the wedding march, they all sat down to an elaborate re- past. The brides wore throughoot travelling suits of nayy blue pearl cloth, With waists to ittatoh,and looked char ming. The total • decoration of the house was beautiful, red and white being the predominant color. They left on the 255 train to spend their honey moons at Hamilton andToronto. amidst ehowers of rice and hearty eet gratulations and good wills for a 'Tow life of happiness. On their return Mr and fire Collyer will take 11P house- keeping With the latter's mother for a time, as Mrs Gardner is not enjoying very good health, and Mr and Mrs Miller will start life together on their farm near Summerhill. Ladies' 15,00 to 16 75 CpAts-fOr....$10 00 Childien's 6 00 43 50 Children's 3 00, Fang-, 3.50 Coats for .. 1 75 Children'1,2-56 Coats for 1- 50 Your money back if you Want it. ' resided. at 'Woodside", Tuckersinith, and then moved to town. Of their eine children all were present on Xmas ex- cept two, Mrs (Rev) Priest, India, and their son, W. B., of California. Maol handsome golden presents were receiv- •edsenong which maybe mentioned $50 in gold, a gold -headed cane with an ire.: ecription neatlybograveiltheredn,etat- ing -,,fro father from Wes. and Euith" (rarid Mrs HoleY, St. Joseph, Mich. TO LOSE A' GOOD CITIZEN, -The noembers of St joseph's church as Well : Additional Local News: '. THEIR AN'NI'VERSARY..e-Among the many happy Xmas events and one Worthy of special mention, took place at the home of Mr end Mrs,Wre.Robb, it being the occasion of the celebration of their fiftieth anniversary of Welt marriage, . They were • married. at Port Hope. Dec. 4tb, 1852, Mrs Robh's Maiden name beine. Miss Sarvis. They Church Chimes. -Rev W, Hanton; St Augustine, will iecelve tenders up to -Ian 15, for the • erectionof bisuew church: . Owing to continued ill health the •Rey R. S. G. Ande&on has sept in his fesignation as pastor of the Presb,yter Ian ChurCh Wroxeter INTO WVa.Vit Cirondie - The cantata 'Manta Claus' Defenders," which it was intended to have held on t he night of the 3fet, was withdrawn, those having, it in charge' finding it impossible to pro. ceed with it. Revs G W•Kerby, it A.,. arid Geo R Tin k, who have been engaged in evan- Retie work during the past yearjaave ceived calls to pastorates. Rev Mr i 'e calI is to Central Methodist tferd. Rev Mr Turk has , vt the eall to the Erlyst nun& - Rev Father pulpit at the ( ttended dirt liiinttDD, the , bot h places.. A. held its' k for t e eke - to a change ot be anpounc- t Sunday. the 1 neregation .of Biddulph, and by • g will preach giving him I i M. B. A. vedl esiderice of 110.1 thett. thathe SibleY'e sole Star Divine" Wee well Na YEA.R'S.NIGHT.-.Forlifteen rendered,: and his voice was in fine coa,. cents you cap occupy aeeat in the town dition for the high notes. The evening ball New Year's nfght,,at Miss Mciunt- anthem; was by..shelley, entitled "Song I castle's complimentary entertainment, a praise the. angels sang". Messrs and listen to one Of the best peograms- Minch arid Sibley rendered that soul ever presented for the money, in addi- etirring duet •"Glory iri' the Highest" tion t6 Mise H fiat lecture, which will by Gabriel. and "In Bethlehem Town" be ' illdstratecl by senile beautiful •pic.- by Baths was' sung by the renowned tures of Rome and also a.good number, quartette, Mesdames • Much and. of•comic one. The committee of cit- izens in charge have engaged the )3Iack-- The memo of the day was excellent, stone family' orchestra of five pieces, all taking their parts well :and With arid -this, with the splendid local talent credit to theniselves; •'which is mostly new to a Clinton and - Sr PAUL'S 01III4011 --the Innocent's ience, wit' make a peogralt w orthy of Day failing on New-Yeareand as there a bigger price and a crowded house. It Will be no service held that.day,the col. will be also a very fitting- way for the lects were said last Sunday. The choir 'citizens to show by their, presence their rendeted.patt of the Xmas mem last appreciation of Miss -Mountcastie's • Sunday. • There will be diYine Servide many Pst services at loud entertain- thisWednesday evenieg•at /.30 -Next ments, which have always been given Sunday belga the first Sabbath of the free- , est Chown and .Messrs Sibley anclillui chi month the acrament of. the Lcrd's .1 PART I Iaicourses of the rector- at the servides 1.-2-seio Queen of Roses ,Mr. ogler t d 8 -Instrumental Selection - • The Blackstone Orchestra 4 -Reading • . Mr. Howard , Othello's Description to the Sen- ate 01 1118 Winning the Affections • of Desdemona Shakespeare 5 -Solo Selected Mr. Doweling • 6-Iflute Solo Polonaise -Popp Mr. Dlackstone 8 -Quartette • Selected Mt. Sibley, Dr. Aolmes, Mr. Tammy, . - • Mr. Murch e-Besitation Soliloquy on Life and Death . Shakespeare Mr, Howard le -Instrumental Sel Pori • eAzie Blackstone Orohe tra 1I—Recitation 'The Bachelor,Ataidenst /call Mies Mount Accompanists - Mrs. AlcHardi Smith, Xi's Blackstones, Miss Bentley, Miss Lillian Jackson. . , Supper will be observed.. "The die- v...Rectration Compus Miss Mountrstie • . y g or y sad pictures or neglect; of ' lost °ppm.- tunities for good daring -our lives of the past year, end asked his hearers to rifled and turn oM .a new The Bei roe On OhrietmairDity consist-, eel of Morning Prayer at 11 a. m. with 7- o o Selected Miss Houston Holy Communion. There vette a good congregation especially when it is Con- sidet ad that manY peopie were outof town. -The choirwns up to its usual strength and acquitted itself creditably in eotnewlUi.t exacting" work eit a full morning service, all the Canticles being.sung to festal cliante. The rec- tor's semen was lergely of an historical character &king the' CUstona of cede- bratrug Christmas back to the ecoliest records and showing that While -;:the 'exact date of the birtkof our Lord has not beenfixed yet the 2.5th of Decem- ber Is notlar away from it. There were seventy communicants arid the offer.: ted to $48,25 a very geatifY-• a overlast year. d has received and accepted" invitation from the quay - o Grace church,StThornas, eir pastor for the next r. MRS - BUTLER-eThe Arrn Butler passed me.,on. Saturday 7e6Veutt gs afbod n,,ar eak-up of ornpanion her claugh. ectris of the „„ • . PART Illustrated Lecture, Travels to Rome • ' • Missaill.. his Its Miss Hill's latest arid best lecture arid will iriolude seine exceediii 1 fine lot r s of Rome, and ',oleo some_ very comic iiictures Alliciat alone will he, worth more than the price BIG' SEASON. -"--Mi Case, of the firth orTriven & Case, left for his home at ItOee, New York, Tuesday, In 'con- versation wLh blin we learn that that firm has issued for business since the opening up of the season in August as the citizens of out town in general will be grieved to leard of the intended removal from our midst of Rev Vathet McMenamin. It is only two gaits ago this month that this gebtleman came arnongst us to be one of the spiritual advisors of our town, and during that time he has entered the hearts of all as a citizen to be proud' of And an en-, savarile worthy of example. Owing to the death of the late Father Eogarty, of Dublin, the Bishop. heti been •com- pelted to make a Change in ministers of several parishes, and in consequence (Mr respected townsman is being trans- ferred to a mach larger and more res- ponsible parish; that of -13idduiph, where there are 140 families and 3 separate. schools to over see. Father Noon cm, of Biddulph,. goes to Dublin,' and the to Clinton andBlyth has not been publicly announced al- though a name has been mentioned,' which will appear later. Though xve must submit to 'the- -heart- ifebeir of making friends and thee bidding adieu, yet we feel coniferted itt the- fact that whet ever he may be staticined we may he is doing. his part nobly'in -briihtening the pathway of life•of those who are thrownin his way, which.shoutd. ha our unselfish de- sire orpititing with him. • • ; 6BAC11ELOA MAIDS' -•"' RNTER4 TAIN.--1.he ball given by the bachelor maids of Clinton or Christman night was, without doubt, the best event of the kind held in Clinton* for some time. The entertainment consisted, of danc- ing to music by the London Harpers, and Tasted well into the early haute. The dresses wore. were pretty and be- conung, the hall and supper room were tastefully decorated With bunting and cut floweret the music rind dancing floor' were perfect and the young ladies were unsparing in their efforts to please, all of which contributed to (he enjoyment of the even, ng. The host- essesofthe_eyening-were-Mies (Jambe, Miss Lucy Brewer, Mies jean Mao? pherson, Mise Kelly, Mies C.111eNclughe • ten, Miss Armstrong, Mies Shannon, Miss Cooper, the Moises 13iggaet, the Misses Middleton, Miss McOorvie, Miele Daisy Middleton, Miss Bendel', Miss 1i30,000, and this sun). represents the Ilatton,Mies E Doherty and Miss Mils - amount of business done by the firm. tard. The patronesses Were 111re D since that tlate.-Thie'repteeents a large MarPbersoni Mrs -H-0 EroWer, Mrs amount of iniainess for one lirm to TiodalL Nira R Rtthaf'"do /1" BA"' look after in that short time. They have shipped from this station alone over 200 tone of the preclude of their factories, besides wetly carloads of stock b aught outside, and will be buy- ing for the rest of the -winter. Mr Case thinks a good dearof this town, and if their business was entirely. at this. point vvould move here. He wati a000M, ied by Mrs Oaee and little son. We lways pleased to haye them with they make A 1 citizens. iNTERNA.LLY,On ay evening while Mr Sohn an at the Doherty Organ g Walking on the street, he tirinjuring hinistif inter t he was unable to re. tor a eOtiple of clitYte" vain is spending the hel- a seeond year medical Our Noniinations What Papers. and Igagazines do you want or 8? , it We are special subscription gents and .0an gib the. lowest rates. We duplicate any ombination offer that you have read Or heard of. (Mee And Pocket, Diaries For. 19084 Diaries and Memorandums of all kinde, Diaries from 15e to $1.50 each. . Pocket Memos and Bleak Be •eviirY description can be had here. From the interest displayed at last Monday'e municipal nominations there ie, some hope left for a still brighter future for our town, for unless our citizens take hold of 'these Meetings and show their appreciation or dislike of the council's doiogsfor the past year,' things are liable to go hap hazard. We are now its an era of prosperity and out town is going ahead. With our gra,nolithic sidewalke the old council has acted wisely throughout, they have , saved us money and for Mfg VI.6. should feel thankful. .0.ther questions dequal, iMPortariW,-W-ere touched on at this meeting, and though they mean a vast expenditure of nooney, yet the sooner thealare tackled, the better the town's reputation- will be. These are our roads _andelitchea." Some of the speakers ad - "patted raising money by debentures to complete the task when commenced. It is true our roads as" exhibited during the paskwet year made the most of our citizens quiver at the -s and.. our ditches and sevvere are a menace to public life on some streets, as to- the beautifying of our little square, the trimming . of the trees to an even height throughout .the town, our street"committee should be 'commend- ed for these acts. The, nominations as received by Clerk Coats during the hour for receiv- ing nominations were as follows ; Feet MAn. . John McGarvet-LW XPaieley, mover ; J W Irwin, seconder. • Thos Jackson -.-David Cantelon, Robb • Fit zsimons. ' 11 B Combe --.1 B Hoover, EL W Coos. • Fon CouNoILLORS, ford, Mrs E At McLean and Mrs G D • McTaggart. The following committeee were in charge of the arrangements Printing -Misses McNaughtoo and Me- 0orvie; decoration -Miss Brewer; sup- per -Misses Combe, Brewer, Ifariphet- non and Kelly; music and hall —Mies Kelly; reception -Misses Combs and Kelly. Of the -ono hundred and thirty guests the following were from ontside places E Cresswell, Sertforth ; Mr and Mrs Jas Melleerchie, 13lyth ; Mise L Corbouid, Wingluttn; alias Cull, Mike Dunsmore, MRS Deere, Mrs Oull, W Forrester and 11 Harland, Mitchell ; A McKenzie, rateknow ; 3 Jacksim and Mr 11amilton, Stratford; 'W Meldrum, Thedford; jkleilisori and I W Chain - ler, Londoll ; Miss Brown, Stratford ; Mi OVA Macpherson, London ; Mc 0, llenatal; Mr and Atte 11 3 McDonald, Toronto; S4anksorx and A tootrester, 'Hamilton ; 13 MaoPherSOP. Ottawa; Glen Faro W M McTaggart, 11 B Combe=1E1 . Cantelon , mover, W Dodds, seconder. Jai Ford --F113 Combe,11Cantelon. • 3 13 Hoover -1i B (Jambe, J A Ford, J 0 Stevenson -Thos McKenzie, ,Wno Grant. Henry Joyner- -Win, Grant rhos Mc- . Kenzie . Thos McKenzie-JasScott,AlIcKenzie. Chas Overberry-A McKenzie,J Scott. Nelson Ball.W,T Yitishy.F R Reagens, S G Plunemer-Thos McKenzie, /I Rill • ThIl. • A McKenzie -Theis N Walker, D B Kennedy, Jae MeMatia-A Mc13rnzie F R Hod - gene. , B J Gibbings:-A Armstrong, P n Hod - gens.. .. . Scao4 TituirEns. t There being only a suffigientaaumber of nominations toll!' thei eabapt places on thepublio school trustee boerd, the following were depleted elected by acclamation :-, • ' W Dmvne-1 year -St James' iviird • R E Manning, mover, Jas ..Scot17, seconder. • .....---' le: J IN Irwin; -St johten--werd7ePeter Ill,- Cantelon, itzsimens. ' F, R liodirens-St Andrew's- Fred • Jackson, .61,.__McKenzie. Frank gliall-St Jame's-Jas Scott,R E ?4anning. R Rowland --St George's- R OHIO. mond, P Oantelon. After the' clerk had read the obtain - Woos at the close of time, Mr- Shaw was called to the chair, and in order of Poplin Won. called on the several candi- dates, but the majority of thein . being absent, the speaking was, confined to Mayor Jackson, 11.B Conebe 3903 Ford, j 0 Stevenson and 3- B tilooVer, When these had finished two aiPire.nts for 'county honors were given i a hearing, viz :-Mesers. Cantelon and. Connolly. The substance of their s eecheer was much the same at; at tne county nom - Ina' ions held a*eek earlier, • NMI On Tuesday the following nominees declined :--p: G. Plummer, Dr. Ball, 13„. j. Glibbings Jas. McMath, A. and T. McKenzie. .. Th s other six Were there- fore declared elected by aeclainatren' viz r -H, B. Combe, j; Ford, j. C. Stev- enson, O. Overberry (Of the old council) and J. B. Hoover and II. Joyner (new members.) II. B. Combe cleclioal the nomination for the mayoraltv.the night of nomination:n Mr McGarva ot` being -home it le not known whether he will remain in the field or not,but in all pro- bability the present mayor will retain the seat of honor for another year, \ • FOB COUNT'Z CODROID, . Themenin the ' field for County Council eloctions in the several divi- Mane that have hot been eletted by ae- alaniation are ;- Division No, 1,including Ashfield, Colborne, ,Goclerich Town - thigh Ohairibete,T B Durnin, Rich Jewell, Alex Yining, Mr Meltenzie's matte, which appeared In laet 'Week's patter was Withdrawn, but too late to leave *the name off the ballot. • .. D vii.i(in N. 2, incincling • titillett, Goderich, Clititon--Jas Connolly D , Oardelori, Alex Leitch. Division No. fi, inelndinellity, Stan- ley. 13,1ylleld. Herisall-Wm Lamont, Itobt MeMordie, Wm (lmsit, Sohn alp.../ Naughton. e Division 4, 6, and 0, by acclamation; ' Division No, 7, including .West and East Wawanosb 1 IllYth, Winitharn- ID rattereon,Math Loakbart,jT Outage - and John 1217ebsteri: Division NO. 8, In lading flowlekl.. Tornberryt *Wroxete - Robt Miller, S 3 Ferguson, Robt D gi. • • a The Canadian Almanac for 190, The recognized Canadian year book, every business 'ma sbould have a copy, Paper, 35c, Cloth 50e• COOPER & C CLINTON, wriormosionr COM1110 and GOing Mies Ellen Waters, Zondon, is the • of Mil3B A. Reed. • Mils hilatmint ot the Parsonig inaTirk.stEimo;T:ggart, Toronto, was home fot. on% rynuonets:Psternetot.be. holidays 4t his ham at • Furiesthhomr.,.eayhmere:t, Gan, spent Christmas forWia. oWioNiiidnaoymme.ris froth Toronto is borne Chas. Boyer spent ilia feutlie claf at his home in Adria Craig. Ilarvey Doherty spent Xinari with' his parents in London, . • • Miss Mary Irwin erriyed 'wine Moue eve to spend the 'holidays. ' • 'Mr and Mra Meadow), Wesleyville,, are -visiting at the home of Jno Bean. . Mrs, C. E. Doweing ie spending. the hel- idays at her home in Owen Sound. , . Miss 13111, Toronto, wan the guest of. the Misses Mountoestile'while in town, ' AlfredRancii is spending the holidays in town at hie brother's C.o. Ranee. • guWeetros.painyirdmal.abel Bales, London, are the Shipley's family of Hullett, Mrs B. Gibbings is visiting her Mothei and brother in Cleveland during the holt- Grigg Irwin', of Springfield Maks, -is spending the holidaye• under the parental roof, Mr and Mrs •Israel 'Tailor, and Miss Nettie Stevens, Brampton, were here over the holidays. Mies Ida Holmes woe' a guest at the • wedding of Miss Thompson, Goderioh., on Christmas day. ' Dr. Whitely, of Sudbury, Ont., formerly of Londesboro, called on him friend, Moon, on Sunday. ' Misii-Lbla Miller, daughter of 3: 0, Mil- ler, of the Soo, is spending a few ava with her sister, Mrs MeLerim • • Geo. Jackson, Mitobell; was the guest bi hie aunt'and uncle, Mr and Mrs Mo. Claeherty oil Xmas. F. T. Clark, editoe of the Toronto Dauiji Star, WU the guest of his brotli(orin-lww, Tajaekson, jr., over Christmary ' ing at 16, fitoderiolo C. Swann, Dunree, MAO., w+ the NEw 'Bin,t this week, He " the old homestead , on township. John Irwin a wife, G. T. R roadroar- • at -P I • on,togetber with Mr Irwin's two children, were the guests of R. Irwin I�Bt weelte• • Fred Levan, of Niageta Palls, is epend. inc the holidays at his home. Ide 116 an old employee or the New Bea, but of late has given up printing , Geo. Irving, who has been for some year with the National Meter Company, Oblate go, spent a few days last wee)i with his tether, John Irving. 'VVill 13aerellanairao, B. 0,t came be to spend the holidays with his old friends. -lie looks well, likes the wed, . kr not specially 'enthusiastic over it. Peter Matheson, who has been in Brant- ford for several months, is spending the holidays -ethane; his friend, H. Gordon, of Berlin, spent a few days with loiria. • John. Wilson, Manitoba, who has come down to spend the Winter in this neighbor- hood, spent Chrietraite with Milliliter, kW Dr, Graham, He is at present visiting in Hensall, Mr Geo Newton, of Winghare, who has; hem& ciontinstais subscriber CI the New Kai for the past 81 years, made hie animal renewal' visit last Monday. Mr Newton is in oil Clinton resident, and likes to keep n ton_oh_with_the doings of our(own, M. G. Thom.pson,Fort is spend- ing Xmas holidays with his mother, Mrs ThompsonAlbort street, 11. has been not- ing at freight agent during the past year and hes great prospects,in the wee0,and ex - pixie to return in a week or so to Winnipeg, • where he has socepted the eelege_peatiee, T. 13. Courtioe, who is spending, the hell,. anywa re tub ilia hporie aeart oolatriessvihatett,rd-gtialy.e ,mth re Cotirtice is on his last year At the Virosloyau eollege Of Deleware, mla there it no daiht,lbat diet he will in the near ititUre be et ehinirie light of the ministry, of the Methodist church, of Ole /tortilla% hernia- rhert Robin Maophersenof the ConsUi Depart. pseemil,0?Dttne.,maanodoSortreowna)rwt tab:mop:IT:fon:: Watoronii *Engine Co. for some Chrietiiiir-The'lititer inks h with the lute 'tweeted a raore responsibl and heirs- tive position as representative o4 the Shro, plex Railway •Applianoe•Co,, oij Montreal, -at Brantford. Miss Peancies, daughter of rt v. Mr Mem 11101!,itiOeS 011- PridaY V) Bra ptoo, where she will rektiain over Sunday on Monday. she will be jonocl, by her bog or, Kent IL, of town, ,when thov go on tj, 13ollevi1le, to enter Albert College, erl take a six months' business course; NJiie Manning will Also ta 0 up voeil imam tion. been spending t e past week in Bra Morris Rose, Winghara, Was the of Kirk Houston on Sunday. ' A. 3, McKenzie, of Groton, Dakota a gueat at R. MeLennan's for few last Week, , Miss Lola Corbould; Wiegbani, wa guest of Mr and Mrs B. M. 1111.0I,ean ho town 'ales vveek. - Mr and Mrs lient14, of Michigan, have bean visiting at Mr Batichart's, • returned home. George Sourhannbe and little dring of Toronto, are spending the holitlaye his mother on Rattenbnry street. . M G. Thompoon, .of Fort William, his sister, Miss Minnie, of Albert -St are visiting in Blyth and Goderioh. , Ww, Moffatt, of Hamiote,, Man., arr here on Saturday .to spend the wi with his moodier, Mrs Moffatt, High sr • Mr and Mrs A. M. Campbell, ,Montr Mrs Patton, Miss Magill and 311 IlshoniLondon were gusto at the- C endon betel on imas daye, Rey Deihl, wife and children,. of Craig, are visiting in town, They .acoompanied by Miss Jennie Holmes, has been visiting them forsometime, will Spend the rest of the winter with sister, Mrs R. Eitraith. ' • " Dr H. Raker, Chioego,'M.13. Raker A.', of Queen's Univorsity, Kingston, 1" Baker, Stratford, nephews of Dr Mrs Gifford; Biro Mr and Mrs Isaac Mi of Chareeohe Mtob"„ all ate Xmas, din at Ontario sereet parsonage. Jas McOlacherty 'of this town been awarded a Free Tuition Contr by the Correspondence Institute America of Seranton,Pa. This contr entitles the holder to a 'free course in either illustrating, writ journalism, proofreading, boo ing, stenography, practi or electrical engineer' 0 014 cherty alrea glad ' t contracts o any wort the xt 'stet!, tere.. C01.14 For Count • To"tl,te 'the New lira SIR. -I vac uld like to putt!. word for Alex. Leitcleof this t who is aspiring to a seat at th Council. For several years Reeve of the township, and eh thought so much of him that elected by acclamation every t once; he has also been a mould Council, and is known as on most prudent and cautious m who tvill do us credit, at the Board. rthhok flullett is flail representative, and I think) h should be that one. R n who presses his own gie ' etc& should torn .nut an him, and be will dp thern credi us all fitand together for Me L he will be one of the men el this division. Yours, lict,LETT ',To Nitta Hospit A good story' is told at the, ' of a Torottonian who ccc visits a Clinton friend known strength of big, "HighlataleSo pitality.° When the Toront , here for home heves semen, ' disposed" and in order that hi might not detect the nature. o ness he wentto one of the c pitals. After his recovery he his friend in this terse, but hi' pressive manner re -"To hell Wi Highland Scotch hospitality.".. EllOckey tedgue Schedule. Thurs.,-jam -8-fact6ry vi80 X. it, M. Friday Jan, 1.6.: -Town vrs I, R. M. Thurs., Jan 22 -Factory yrs Collegiate Friday jan. BO -Factory yrs Town Thurs., Feb, 5-Cellegiath vrs 1 R. Thum, Feb,12-0011egiate yrsTown These games will all be Wayed on our ewri rink. and Fisheries, ..who returned to Mon. Mr Prefontaine, Minister pf Marine tree' this week from the South, reports that he left Sit Wilfrid Laurier at Sb Augustine, Fla , andthat the Pregaier was rapidly 'regaining his termer health. Ile expects to return to Cat. Aab, in a couple of Weeka. Elan Logs andillead- log Bolts Wanted Ifigest Prices Paid{ tt J. RiniSlord, S. $.WI