HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1903-01-02, Page 37 a f� .t ,I ` I I F a I . I t I �.'-- .,_.. — r � ! I * ' ' I . I T= "fly U4 It . - � Z j, _ . "" T . Tho f�ohools of Engltlttrtd. -, 04.M �r«7r'litRIN '" Some "MerclPul Escapee." Mate trhou thltt coming year Real; A sick �IVer'bu T1 Lov 'Tho accompanying eketchw t ,.m The Jlle, blessed P`ather, 4r .1t �Ylkl' be o>G►1Y""" THERE ARE, xilaily Graphic illustrate a n. i c. ntro- Punch publishes these "merciful TWO PAPE Versial and nun -partisan attic;•• ,,at escapes" 'in a recent "countd du le was It an change he heehfulmphilant top 8t Latta, a t0 selev ill@tn. Qulekeu �vithtn Flood Bitters has the most si tuml acf. l Can work havoc with PhP wy f e thy P0014 pe d reenew my • ,._ .,.. Paper in regard to the c hip , ii i"l proceedings, misanthropeopti- the COnAeiOlispeee Of thy P , r a "i QU i _i' 'DO stili pelted with dirt, inud thrown in the medicine hn0 m �t C its .effects $: " DOW arousing touch rxcit.•n,e11, i roceedtn s, iu which a candiliidate pessimist. The L t try Spirit of great Joy drivefrom on the liver (�ogelsanR fpGoocl " Dain• ou taro hie ex .Leine frit face of his wife, and his d.tughter struck liver has a great deal to do with the m r soul !tis Oldttane fears. They Shall any r"r f en a inevoryhome iothis district P 1 " with a stick, a daily paper remarked removal of the loin to 111..tiit It cur witheutf.% that "the police had ditlieulty in pre- I waste of the body, iter dwell with me to befoul ibis sweet; P P �• �' venting a breach of the peace." A cot- When it is sluggish new year. Through its days I will ear- ail gtctclsA,uaecsasUyWeps�Coushpation.THE � j j� • T j ,1,g1r, . `- ret uadent sends a brief account of vara- a Ty, clear Father, the sturdy bearinS of ou zotr,cr episodes, iu each of which, U I to its action 'the one tip -held by the infinite. I will walk $iliqusII&ss, Bad a - 1 Y whole body must ' ' Will supply Sou with the' latest.aad most tAttr!€stiy9 LoCtI!t •' an equally uarruw ururgiu, a centro- suffer by reason of straight onward, thy hatid leading me. Home and Foreign News, and 7) temps was similarly avoided : "The ex- clogging accumu- I will look teen frankly in the face, . . tensive prellikes of Ve„r.. !!lank & Co., lations. thine eyes eeeing' Ire. 1 will sing, I I will rejoice through then ; BLOOD r oil and ed b nfireht!l6t [vele complete- ns inexcretoryneral wilyear, laugh,the THE, WEEKLY SUN ly gutted by tiro s; night, all five Bans in general year, the joY of the Lord ,tieing be "`� / strength. Draw close about me, 12 it bo ' Its special :' %turea: are -Market Reports ilial" pito tin- btUrleH•1'it•uig ❑hhrzr at once. It need- promptly respond p p ed all the ell'urts of the local briga•les ' to the action of Dr. thy pleasure, the curtain of the future, Sick Headache, Boils, Pimples, Tumors,. equalled for FUI,.NE$S and RELIABILi•TY. to forestall what pro,ui,ed to be a eon. I Pierce's Golden so that I array not see 'beyond the en- ' Scrofula, Kidney Complaigt, Jaundices RegularContrlbutians by "Bystander" eA Current cyst,;;#. flagration." "A motor car proceeding Medical Discovery. compassing day. It la thy future, and `11, al„og lligh struet the other e%ening It restores the liver behind thgse dense folds are thine°up- I Coated Topgue, Lpss of Appetite- and "Reports ofConventiotls, Associations and meetings of in- took fright, it is ,uppt)4•d, lit a con- to healthy activity, holding arms. It will draw back before General Debility. TltefactthatitIsguan• terestAnd value toall farmers,dai'rymenan'tstQckmen. stable on point, to point duty, and ex- purifies the blood, me as I move courageously onward, dis- { Plotted, blowing the occupants in c:u ions and curve diseases closing at each step new proofs of thy Weed to cure if used according tod directions .;, Practical talus each week oil Live Stock, Dairying, Fare air cct ions o. cr the adjoining buildings.I. of the organs of di- wisdom and love. No evil will befall Warrants spay sufferer in giving a fair ;tial Crop Culture, Feeding for )'r fit,,aati otl3e; ;ubjR.Cf,,r The police,nan is to be congratulated ' estion and nutri- tine, for thou wilt befall me. I do not ' $U134QRIBE N0W for upon averting what might have been a tglon, oak thea for more light, at more to Burdock Blood . t I ` serious accident." "'rhe whole of the Mr. >xaward jacoba, ,strength or more joy; I ask thee boldly t Tf1S �1]lAtbil !♦TCW Ll' SK �r ( t carnivore contined (;until Wednesday of Maren�•o, Crawford for thyself. Father, through whoa. the W U 7i ,�:®�, I 1-.75 .� Co. In tons, writes: and 8 iO[9H; LaY 541 ' . �, last In 13 �rnwell's menagerie eAher three scars of MAW year comes, O coxae through 1t to BIT � � � 1] ___ousl esx•a ped frow their ca, is on the suffering wit h liver I me. My spirit burns within me for the l412ttave wili,pend The Sun free for the balance oizgOp. 1. f, dale in question, and invaded the space trouble and malaria I vision of thee. I long to lbs freed from - " usual! • reserved fur the patrons of the gapa up all hopes of LeMvle�roarorder at office.' , ) I ( evbr r e t t t ug stout the frets of worldliness neaa into the liberty . ills,)' ,,h""1,, i.'+,:,,,1 show. A great many of the latter were again, and the last of the world, the mastery of sense and "li- t d,4t18,N77. resent, and were caused cousrderaUle chanGewastotr your , liber of children lu uyerabc att,w:, 1ee. P medicine. I had tried all the hone xeetora time that thou cans; give. I Lang DRiQ POST CARD TO THE WEEKLY' SUN,. TORQ�iT A�Ip annoyance. It is said that the tarn- and received but little reli L Aae taking three to know thee, that I may know my- Theb'3%ery.. and StevenSOn. anis of eon)parisuu is the arca 'long stiles at the gates were liter+illy hidden bottles of Dr. Pierce's Goren Medical Discovery self and others. Live thou in me, bless_ THEY WILL. SEND SAMPLE RORiES, FREE. 7 bjr the mart s sur•ruund:n, :',.• lig; Ueneath more or less fragmentary ar- and one vial of his' Plea ant Pellets,'; on stout ig Mr. Charles Brookfield -son of the ores. Tne illustrations (wlilch d ,•u- titles of clothing left by the audience I andhearty. ltisdueentirelytoyourwonderful ed Lord• Then alone ahal•1 I r� htly medicines." live in thy new yeAr. Brookflelds who were among'Thaekerny'ti - tirely with the schools Of F,JJ,,l,tl. i :u,d In making its exit. The authorities The sole motive for substitution is to - . Wales) clearly di,prove the belo i 1 ld had no easy task in staving off a vert- most valued friends and correspondents I a __ by many who have ou!)• given th. �n.it- table sauve qui peat." permit the dealer to make the little more on Its aouday Vacation ! profit !paid by the sale of less meritorious cense lately published his own .remtntg- tee cursory attention, that the beard medicines. Ile gains: you lose. There- ' oencea of various British celebrities, to- sehools and scholars of those cou�nrre.a "llid Benny ask you for my hand last fore, accept no substitute for "Golden ` ether with anecdotes related to him by largely outnumber all others. '1'h,• see- night, papa Y" Medical Discovery," his parents, says The New. York Tri ekQ hter." Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets assist the burse. One of these shows Charles rbo Odw7���• er`fiames , • 1 sketch very forcibly impresne, ;iiia, "Yes, my daug . "And what did you think of the young action of the c' Discovery." They are . Dickens in a characteristically whimsir .- man ?" easy to take, agree with the weakest cal mood. The, elder Brookfield, who was 1 . "1 don't like suspicious men, my dear. constitution, and do not beget the pill I -a clergyman, had accepted a rural liv , . t i We'have the finest selection "of Ebony goadei ��, I 1 like a man who tooka you in the eye." habit. ing, and he and hls� wife began to fear - "N%'ell, didn't Benny look you in the rant they would - find. bJxe country dull:— ever displayed here, comprlislin ' Hair, Clotho Hats eye, father Y" Authors at Work. "Dickens did his best to cheer my I "No, all the time he was asking for mother on the subject. .Are there no Bonnet, le'.ail and Military Brushes, Mirrors, &�. your hand in marriage he turd his eyes Mr. Antb-•ry slope who is very old friends living anywhere in the neigh- ° Pb my feet." -Yonkers Statesman. much in she public eye again borhood of Somerby ?' he inquired. 'Sure- ,,,� through the success of his clever 'Friend -I suprpose your house will • ly 'there must be somebody you kn9,WvqOhoice perfumes are always agoeptable and appreciated. We have novel "The 1;. „rusions of Peggy," has .,ontain plenty ofe evergreen to begin I within ten miles or so ?' No,' replied""its j � � evidently no desire to make a secret `of the new year+ ter ped your wants in pack ge wa a bot les th% that we oar give yon bet - his literary methods. Here is his record Paterfamilias -Don't know. All I'm . soul.mOh mother, think thereyis one segos nt I ter prefnmee, prattler paokageg and bottles than ever.efore.. World be -� • of a day's work. "Let us suppose," he sure of is that it will not contain much !ante of my husband's,' she suddenly re- � pressed to chow ;nem, I •r- says, "that I am bidden to write a short long green . collected. `A Mr. Maddison I fancy thq. , i # story. I xtrrive at do working -den at name Is. But he is not an intimate ' J E. 1i(/VET' Dispeasln�',I ,' CheMtS�t, CliIit011 � `� - 11.45, and read my lef etv. The rest of _"a friend.' 'Ah, but that's all right ! e7c- . F ' I } the day is much as follows- '- , 10. Put on writing -coat; coat; find a hole in i claimed Dickens, his whole face .bright- ;:..���4 ', '� S "Blue! Well, I should say I am. The ening, `You'll find Maddison a delight- •1 the elbow. rich uncle to whose property I was sole ful resource. You'll discover there'a a" , 1 " , P P Y ev er { n that you o 10.03. Light pipe, and sit down it largeheir, hag. ;list-- lot more in Maddis n y I .. , • armchair by the fire. "Has just ",:ghat?" ' I dreamed there was. Maddison will be- , 10.15. Who the deuce can write a story ,.gees converted to Mormonism." pone an im errant factor in your life. on a beastly day like this? (It was quite ••- •• 4 I...*­.�1!­1 yea, I'm glad you've got Maddison.' - . nice weather, really -that's the artistic And, wringing her heartily by the hand, , !�'.-..­,_ l temperament.) went his way." (�'-Ho 10.45. I must think about that con• , Three or four years later the novelist EE' RO'��i'e `�+�� �0���. ]'otuat,uy : Board. founded story. Besides, I don't believe As a Food i met_LAXa. Brookfield at a party. and I she .meant anything, after all. i rom tl %at'? •in an eager undertone, I I hunch -11,777. Pritish 1070. p f�r'omgn t,,th„Iie 1,04.5. lii'vs- 11.-15. I wish bhe-these-people hadn't For the Skin f`Well, and how's 1Gia.dr~lison ?" :F-U1p ��rn-U�� leyan--158. Total, 14,a5i . total, 5,' Se I asked ipe to write for their-paperl The author, looking intima the past, has v .LV + . \umber of Schools. 11.45. Ilullol Will that do? Powders may cover up the disfiguring I "visions of Tennyson drying hifl,tobabco . . ltd one can easily understand from it 12. Hang it, that's no use 1 eruptions, but can never cure them, stud I on the fire shovel, and I have n�i,�or' [1ppi�ppp prjp p mh njj }� jj (� }gyp f(r�j t �1 jjj p �j r f app h the su porters of the volunt ry 12.30. I suppose if I happened to have are positively injurious, because they clog - gotten the whiff which used to come frUM, ism Reasot illi! you sh ul UµY hm `h ��jt!�OJl .l" "�1Lll1U �� ` Y P . schoole, which date back to the tine. a head instead of a turnip I could write up the pores of the skin. Dr. Chases his larder, where the meat had to hang when the State paid no attention t that story. Ointment ib a food for the skin It is till it matured to his liking." He .re- I ' their stook is htxpe and well assorted TThe cleating are, the education of its citizens, feel that ill 12.40. Pest Not B Jove, yesl readily absorbed, and thoroughly cures 1 is the following story, told by Brook-leCrL1U.Cle.'the newest'and moat up-to-daEe- The Constrnotion env reor"auizntion they should not be Where's that ipen? Oh, where the -4 All each and every skin disease, making the calfield pore: -"My father was dining one L rad finish thebeat=Materials that wear.oat the bu1.yer's espeutat ..' , called upon to make any sacrifice of right, here it is! Now then. ($cribble.) stria smooth, soft and clear. of ht at the Oxford and Cambridge C1uU i' - ppnd prices that are easy on oar oasL'omers. P rights they now hgld, or may .trade 1. Lunch 1 Good, I believe it's going. No woman's toilet is tompTete without t with . Tenn son and two or 6 1.30. Now I'll just knock it off. (Serb• Dr. Chases Ointment, for, besides being !three others. After dinner the poet in• . All ktnaA� of Repairtnnd Sunday ecaltapanewered at end nce,NPrincess St., under the bill now bring carried ttirou! h ble this most perfect -skin beautifier obtain. i Pp-rliament by a systematic application )t forget the old man ) accred on putting his feet on the table, btanoneg. Night a y Dori g L.15. Well, I don't uite see nay way able, it can be used in a score of different I tilting back his chair 'rilore Amertcano.' . direatty baek"G Presbyterian Uhtirah. A firax•Class Rea1'se kept. f the obsurw q with the fish on his back. tom Oh yes, I dol Good! That's not ways, It absolutely cures eczema, salt There were strangers in the room, and J D ATKTNSC►N t so had. rheum and- the itching to which women (he was ex ostuiated with for his un R; N. ROPE ' I S:` CUSTOMS, For nearly thirty years,. he I 3. One, two, three - three hundred are especially subject. 1' • q CHANGING When the feet are sore and chafed with couthnesa, cut in vain. 'Do put down A. J. HOLLOWAY Manager & Fun'ersl Dire, has been traveling around the words, a page. Well, I've put that in in welkin an application of Dr, ChaSe's �, your feet S' pleaded his host. `Why. twow ;Years Not So Ge"crull� Observed world, and is still traveling + good time think I'll Ifet hh'em g Pit bthat ed in Ointment takes out the smarting and should I ?' retorted Tennyson ; 'I'm. Now. passion,Uy Jove! allays the Inflammation in a suxprisinRly (comfortable a5 I am.' 'Everyone's star- ,, Q]o the good old Holland Dutch pee- hTinglI]g 11Ca1t11 aria comfort ! I've only short time. Then for burns, scalds I ing at you; said snot l Y. t 'Let stare; _ 3.40. (7h, i A^.Ly, look here • and ever sort of chafing, irritation or replied the poet, placid! `Alfred, said ple of the News Netherlands we are tn- �yhelCVel he goes. ,got abot.t 1,`:00 words, and I want 2,000. Y I . . w ' ddbted for many of the customs which SU17] t1Ve he \'heti tie deuce shall I do? eruption of the 'shin, Dr. Chase's Oint- i my father, `"people will think you're 0 e-- I. r , To the con p ment affords a safe and certain cure. It . Longfellbw' Down'went the feet, �� Made the observance of New Year's 3.50. 1 must pad it., you know. She ha come to be indispensable in scores One day Mr. Brookfield's papa brought • 0 . ' ,i Day so interesting in the date that brill S the erten th and flesh ❑nratn't tike him et that's n11. g Y of thousands of homes ; 60 cents a box, Thaekeray home to dinner-unexpected-�. `' Pt all dealers or Edmanson, Bates & Co-, ly, alas !- and Mrs. Brookfield realized .ehristmaS"'..G.-.11 ­ , have gone. One of these was the keep- hC SO much needs. 4. She cant take more than a page , (ng of open ho on that day, and the 1pd S1Ckl ting the fool, though; it's absurd Toronto. with vexation that there was nothing , vin&bsfore it leaves y 4aotn@) Ilcru,pulous fidelity with which every, TO all weak . y i on know. to eat in the house but a cold s oucoenr friend naother p y wi h a Cbr etre ear will -sodn be t gift. Itlwtll please yoti toexanpipe ont�anpp "•gentleman" cal,, -,l upon all his lady children he gives rich and 4.15. Oh, confound it!' ^. 9�,. of mutton. It was too ,la on that day. b'ANa.Y..CHINA, GLABS�V,ARE, BALLS, BCldgS;. and TOYS fo# yartoits fends up 4.45. Now let's see -two, four, si> u trivo anything more elaborate, so, to imports Lector in de- strengthening food. yen. Good, f m in the straight Hove' 1" Tom; �gtye an air' to the table, She sent her kinds. Besides theee:we have s large atook.of snlietdvttal goods i$:altrtoet I rotbably an impo lines of DRY QOCDS, from which you could select ; your. present.::Atsb it custom has been the tem- To thin and pale persons 5. Thank Heavgn, that,.,, done! No)t l t, ,it t1 W.€��fl�..xb maid to a neighboring pastry egok's for R� 8IIC1AR, . l3Al3DY.. BISCUIT ORANG.PS BANAL+ NAB . S' M N S,', I - nand the conste.ntiy I •+ppose I must rend the thing over. __ _ - _ a do2en ta�rtlete of various kinds. `�hieU would be for Your advantage to see.onr RAI CU Ii�AN.TLEMONB; $Il:'-. aglta alnst the nee ,A lie gives new firm flesh and now i't's awful rot. Wrll, that's the; g sentiment, The Scotch Eish (}ill. of these may f give you ? she inquirt d. PERED .HERRING, r nd ,OXSTERB. Yon ,might lite a ntoe�string of lgotee ere ar cry few men, rlclli red blood. �okout, they've bought it. in due course, of Thackeray. `Thank drink. Th 5.03. It's not so bad, though, after al' The London, Eng., Star recently, de• clip Mrs. Brookfield,' said he 1 `I'll have ]3elle, or some the Ontte* Snafu: Or a Robe, o` c !!else Blanket, of fancy Rai rough to re.►iat a I I glass Clhildreri W110 first saw the 5.11. I rather like that. I don't Iclioy Y 1 Then wa nave the.bei :thing out in Rubbers,' Lcts ,t�f"Hardwarost`inWe:irQ resented by the hand of a Y •;rt it seems rather ori incl. scribed the remarkable. invasion of au I • a twopenny one I"' Grose Ont'Saws. aws. %% a are .not, selling. oat, or selling at�jor'beltiw goat.' We are v in the beet of society, and ]an With the fish are now r - English fishing town b thouspnds of I An !musing description of Robert still giying yon,fall value for your mcpney, or we do not expect it. 1. es .5.15. H'm. I've res worso storic' � g g y decline makes an awkward rrOwn and have children I ;lag ;his• rls from Scotland. In art The Star Louis Stevenson is his younger days is Our terms are Gash or:Prodaoe, Of which w can take a l you bring. Wishing the ceremonies, and attracts 4( p set, down lis Mr. Brookfield, who rite( ell 'a Merry Chriatnuas and a Happy. New Year. you ill I .1 I. it if you deal - cation ceremonies, aid present. l pE their own. 8.20. No, I'm hanged if' I touch a wort'said :-To-day about 3,000 girls from the eccentric Scotehman at the Savill3 viith us st.the Erioppriam .f itl Pt's not half bad. Aberdeen, Pe4erhead and Frazerburgh Club "His .` et -u?) was pe: as this reason, the better sentiment Ile stands fol' S Cotts Emul- 5.25. Pretty smart ending! poured through Yarmouth streets to- g P b tound'an Hie hair was smooth and �.O11tC1Pi)�JOrO iii Ol'l11]Yl� g Christian P�PIe has frowned Well, if there are a dozen map i' ward the fish wharf to eomm¢nC0 the i p! the use of wine or strong drinin 5101] of pure cod 11Ver 011—a anted n the middle, and fell. .below is :raglan o can write a better stor, season's employment in the herring 1 the collar of his coat ; he wore a black - p~ ' - lith tt802. ew Years and this frowning (leli fitful food and a natural Ilan that, I sh6uld like to see 'em, thol' yards and the Denes at what are , - ' ally displacing the custom of New €' ,It y twin el shirt; with ; Curious Wellild tie I . toric for children, for old folks known as the pickling plots, where the twisted in a knot; he had.W�llin toil s calls. "p.35. Puff, puff, puff, puff! Well r ' t among the older residents, es- i ;incl for all who need flesh and girls gut the herr rely for the fish and .boots, and a•tigte sombrero aro h t. a pea- i a'n't touch a pen again to day pa ek them in barrels for eonsumptton acket and a white sombrero hat..: But 'R Strength. "There it Is --'How a Story is Writtel by Russian, German and Austrian peas- I the most astounding item of all in his'' `� , 'ty One Who Has Done It.' . . . Th:; n costume was a lady's sealskin ,cape, �f au - �1re j0A SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, m rk about the 'dozen men in Fn ants as an article of winter diet: The �. Toronto, Ontario. @ t' fish market was filled with herrings, the 'which he wore about his shoulders, fast hoc. and X1.00; all drusralsts. _and represents a momentary phase c. duay being almpat blocked with the ar' ' ened at the neck by a fancy brooch, +��� ee9 ng, not a reasoned opinion.'• •.t' hit . I . '� 1 riving boats. The girls had reached w,.Ich also held together ri bunch ° of , _ I In answer to a requeAt to tell his Yarmouth on Saturday after a 800 -mile . half a dozen daffodils. He wag a .i x11 1'1 The New Years Caller. "rs 'how he -worked, Mr. J. M. Barr .1 didn't want to keep you wtltlting;) �'hoae now book, "The Little Whit railway journey in corridor cars, special most charming companiatt, for, in add!- . (..,Y resent ;crap" has list Veen ublished,'wmte th•. s being granted for these express tion to. all his marvellous endowmentg t .Ar. Wegbend, so I came down just ae 1 P trai The were aecom anied b bigof imagination and humor, he had a &Ut . I was," said Miss ilarlington, sweetly, .ollowin�r on a crumpled piece of papa ilea flu a e and most of them f anof ready gympath>ta" 4 i hat had evidently once contained_ t, 1 luggage, . - as she entered the parlor. !Moat of themearietnieceworke eof the s but are I - "Oh, water a whopper!" exclaimed acco: lodgings y s her small brother. "You know you Il Journalism. P, •*"# Re" ember..tha `j r ' only had nn—" - i 1 hour retained in the service of curers by the ♦i 1 - " And then Tommy was violently hus- 2 hours ............... . I ...... I idea payment of a small Standing wage. Their a � L��^l � �e �� �j •a I tied out of the room, i idea .. . ..................... 3 pera dexterity at the work is' remarkable, and ' » I 1 1 .L� I pars ................ . ....... 1 •leade their output outrivals the abilities of � t �• . e y Waiting to Receive Callers. • Saturwted. Fiction, the local female fish workers, whence a—' d e" ' an . 1 ounec has sprung u) a eertain amount of local 1 17 ly of New Y)rk, this good old Van Ie4ie-Well, old mein, ;Ltd you S pipes ..................... I To- W. • . ` . jealousy of the Highland invaders. i will not be ,.ennilt.ed to die out. I 8>�et the New Year with the proper 7 ounces• ..................... !wee,. 2 weeks ................... . .. 1 cBs da they are working in the open in a Trade•mirk: e is no reason why it should not ayirit In your beet't. ?5 . a.. __ ...._ .. ,_.I, 20 eha s driving Y ini but with shawl¢d heads and i ,werved, when divorced from those Ten IIrohe -Yes, the acct;►; said it P • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 nib g 7i, ` tions w•h!eh mak•+ it Object 1 mn ! •. rad soaked in almost everywhere 2 mbe • • • • • • • • 1 .ravel oily outside dress boots reaching to the Extensively ttSLd ifl nos tats Handkereh><efs, __ knee they reek not of weather trifles. tf f socia] Ap rlt -ought to exist with grit . On Sunday they made the wharf resound '�'he 'most palatable Emulsion ° EVi�sf Stimulated. No one gasfir ns he with Sankey and Moody hymns, sung Mas, that true Prtondehi.pA, as firm and DD W0463 with marked Scottish accent. They re- 1 ns over were known ex's to -day, I - main at Yarmouth until early `in lle- 'Very easy it; digest^j, an the orpres:don of this frlondship Henty's Books Compared.®���� camber, by when, if they have, had a body 11 gosa not require either the %octal glass I good season millions on millions of her- GfVP46'trerigih40t}t� ' br t'hA intoxicating cup. And Is any In a sympathetic reference to the late ' one t, !lned to la.k upon the declli:e (,Sorge A. Henry The Hartford Courant rings will have passed through their Increases the Weight lafgciy - 1. of ti - custom of New Year's willing as sa s:- hands. �' A ba,t indioat.ton, they will certainly, "G-mpared with the Henty books, the P' The best Remedy for agroe that the evil which was its con- SYRUP. English a Japan. Peter Parley books, Optic books, Hello A traveller in Japan writes: -"Tao .General Debility, 11, 8tani attendant has been greatly cur- books, the Jfayne Reid book's and the ' + e"-•. ta1leJ. rest- still not ungratefully remembered Japanese are evidently very fond 04 La GYippe Asaeirlfa, ♦ Pleasant, Prompt and "Perfect Cure for ; Flt'y yeaiia lto t`,.Pre. was no tem- by b(,yA now grey ---were mere fore- having signs and directions written in Coflsflmptfofl. . ernace seutianeut, u) lift its note of 1 y COUGHS, COLDS, English, even when there is not the t ti !P nrnner9 and harbinger -i. gets. 1'ho Hent • iprolest. To day, that sentiment is books have encireled and overspread the slightest need for it. I have even seen strung and bas been aa said a potent earth.}: They are found wherever boys of HOARSENESS, in on of the sUreets behiod the Ginza, `r@ • . [actor in modifying a cuatom which the P: ;;hsh rave are found --throughout t� in Tokio, a small dust box with the Loekttig ftpi tttpu. cannot be upheld and jusUfled by the the Dated Kin dom and the United SORE THROATS words 'dust box' naintod on it, aliholrgA Farmer Hittetli strode Up• t0 the nt3- beat. sentiment of the community. � St.atei and Canada and Australia and ASTHMA, there are, no Luropt'an lrouses in the giro eitbin With v,t, w'hili ill hid bra - — New �Onland a.nd South Africa. Britiali vicinity, and several of those street gtalls a tcp l On his Urow. Sore Will atvi• reading them to -day in Itypt BRONCHITIS, wher'h, jinfiekshit, Coolies buy their rice Whtirbd you g}t that air -O/'e T�i/°D's!R` and American lads in llnwaii. Hundreds �1t� and hot soup and consume it standing •,i1C dobatindod,g1o}ntltlg to 0b. Of thnu'nm' of bright. young eyes have CROUIP# ' are ornamented with the words; flregtaid On 00 table. Don't delay ; serious bronchial POT on""' n�rr I hen), drinking in the geog• and will Thread e,nd Land TroublN. ant, meal very cheap(,,., It is no to'be � ' "1 knntvd," Vbitlnteere(1 1 trot,h!e or clil,hthFria )na} ,lc•vc!„l, raphy, 1 ,.! .y and ethnology -useful obstinate Coughs yield to grateful, w•ond6ted at that these signs are.bndly ftf( gabina,6ti• 8nowlitil, The only safe way i to nlplply knovt-le,l.t�� . f thin sort. and' that -wit!! soothingactiou, and in the racking, per= gFelled and that lettere are.- often turned br"1441lit hit+;', the story`L incl thn owners of the eyes gistenb Dough oftenprerenb In aousttmp• the wrong way. What gurprialea me it "Httlil” gruntod tbo t . will I n 1!1 f lie het t er, more, intelligent ; tirro oases ib givtts prompt and Mune re- that wea a Cornmcreinl otico ' andeAd. ilio, whip t to f1rl`nl�. 701inkil�^%& Ilriiish %o to r,r Amer ran citizens a lief. citta have twri enisigii, iiallygand bli •+!lean 1 tVant 3C1 Seo. few yon b •n4P for !pay n read the Mrs. B. Pittston, Onf„ wefts! - Unglish. nts written in Cgnala eo biv tt Ilenty h,,,.It,• in !heir hn h t. It is not 1 ��1}a a �coldit mytlhwob and On 1lic, lbr iboats oat ch. one large Algal; w • ooking fres' hwyl ClitIfid0tls flint fitly% TA +milt . 'itrr;,+i t r it before roti carr and It lwri)ll he cord'! The,-n�nrP)mnnytmor uIgnoble Iota hoartlb6661 7 tvo = of DP's Wood biydjt, 'sit 0ntef fb lA(ik titgtile �oAds' arPlod gyp} Y Y 1 p lid , LVrap the throat with n cloth wet Y 1Yftb, ' ilio 1I i tlr �'. than to be Irindly retnem red dna 1tY�• idti►s� �'iti odnaptatally Itv1w I IfiftSbmw for !,Stir... 6*00 thotltrlr lir (roof aA I we n e morn[ g. ,O " I gretted by the aehoolbo b f two greet ) There is only rine Pafnkiller, nattoua, a rge Alfrad l3 te� i61 wo.. .,�� �. t`ililt'11r."t1y''�' •i f' ?'lt:i 'i� l?�}.'V�a'°i'.' . It tk� Wood ede� :. u +