HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wroxeter Planet, 1909-07-01, Page 7WEAK
Will Find., Health and Strength
Through Dr. Williams' Pink
There is a time in the life of every
girl when the strain upon her blood
becomes too great; when she -grows
weak; has headaches and back-
aches ; when dizziness seizes her
and she becomes- extremely miser-
able. That is the time of life she
needs a tonic—a medicine that will
not fail to enrich her blood and
give her strength to withstand the
changes through which she is pass-
ing. Such a tonic is Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills for Pale People. They
have raised thousands of growing
girls out of the depths of misery
and despair to a full enjoyment of
good health and strength. Among
those who have found good health
'through these Pills is Miss Suddard
tJ Haldimand. Que., concerning
whose case her mother writes as
fellows :—"Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills have been a great benefit to
my daughter who was weak and
miserable. She was pale, easily
tired and was bothered with indi-
gestion. The use of the Pills has
brought back her health, and made
her strong and active. I am very
grateful for what this wonderful
medicine has done for her."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are the
greatest blood builder known to
medical science. That is why they
cure anaemia, rheumatism, heart
palpitation, indigestion, neuralgia,
etc. That is why they are of such
value to women and girls during
the changes through which they
pass from -girlhood • to maturity.
The Pills are sold by all medicine
dealers or direct by mail at 50
cents a box or six boxes for $2.50
from The Dr. Williams' Medicine'
Co., Brockville, Ont.
They are Very Popular as Edibles
in French Capital.
The popularity of frogs' legs as
an edible in the _French capital, is
indicated by the fact th'at in the.
Paris Hailes more than 4,000 paundz
of frogs' legs are sold /daily. The:
.come mostly from the Mendes,
where the soil is fiat and swampy •
Frogs are exported now in large
•numbers to London clubs and ho-
tels, where they occasionally figure
on the till of fare as "nymphes en
brochette." The best frogs fet^h
about a dollar for a skewer of tee.
nails, which, like oysters', should
never be eaten in any month that
has no "It" in it, are close rivals
oI the frogs. France has a steady
consumption of between 60,000,000
and 80,000,000 snails annually.
The wholesale price of raw live
snails varies between $3.25 and $6
a thousand, while between $10 and
$13.50 a thousand is paid for snata
cooked and prepared for eatit.g_-
The latter variety is now-begin/1114
to be largely exported abroad, and
there seems to be a fair demand fte
them in the United States.
The finest snails come from the
• snail farms of Burgundy and the
Jura district, where they are'speci-_
ally reared. .1t takes about three
years to bring"a snail to maturity,
but this refers to the finest qua
lity only. A plot of. 200 square
yards will easily..accommodate 10;-
000 snails, and as the animal pro-
duces sixty young every year the
rearing of them is a profitable busi-
ness. One snail farmer this sear
son has sold 8,000,000 of them. •-
The snail harvest is in the wti
ter time, when they are h-ibernas
ing. They are collected and thrown
into boiling salt water, .which
makes them leave their shells.
Snails and shells are quickly separ-
ated, and the rest is the_ secret of
the French chef.
The hot weather months are an
anxious time for all mothers, but
particularly for young mothers.
They are the most fatal time of the
year for babies and young children,
because of the great prevalence of
stomach and bowel troubles. These
come almost without warning and
often before the mother realizes
that there is danger the little one
may be beyond aid. No other me-
dicine can equal Baby's Own Tab-
lets in promptly curing bowel and
stomach troubles and an occasional
dose given the well child will keep
the stomach and bowels free from
offending matter and ensure good
health to the child. Therefore the
Tablets should always be kept in
the home as they may be the means
of saving a little life. Sold by me-
dicine dealers or by mail at 25
cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Its Action Upon Desert Sand and
Prairie snow.
There are wind waves in water,
' sand and snow. The great sea
waves are produced at that part of
a cyclone where the direction of the
wind coincides with the direction
of advance of the depression. Along
the line of advance the wave in
their progress are accompanied by
a strong wind blowing across their
ridges as long as the atmospheric
depression is maintained. So the
waves are developed until they be-
come steep. The average height in
feet is about half the velocity of the
wind in miles.
A wind of fifty-two miles an hour
gives waves of an average height
of twenty-six feet, although indi-
vidual waves will attain a height
of forty feet. The prevailing wind
in all longitudes is westerly, so
wherever a westerly wind springs
up it finds a long westerly swell,
the effect of a previous wind still
running, and the principal effect of
the newly born wind is to increase
the steepness of the alreadyrun-
ning long swell so as to form ma-
jestic storm waves, which some-
times attain a length of 1,200 feet
from crest to crest. The longest
swells due to wind are almost in-
visible during storms, for they are
masked by the shorter and steeper
waves, but they emerge into view
after or beyond the storm.
The action of the wind to drift
dry sand in a procession of waves
is seen in the deserts. As the sand
waves cannot travel by gravitation
their movements are entirely con -
trolled by the wind and they are
therefore much simpler and more
regular in form and movement than
ocean waves. In their greatest
heights of several hundred feet the
former become more complex ow-
ing to the partial consolidation of
the lower layers of sand by pres-
sure, but they still have the char-
acterestic wave features.
In the Winnipeg prairies of Canada
freshly fallen snow isd rifted by
wind- in a procession of regular
waves -progressing with a visible and
ghostlike motion. They are similar
to desert sand waves, but less than
half as steep, the wave length being
fifty times as great as the height.
The flatnes of the wind formed
snow waves affords a valuable in-
dication of the great distance to
which hills shelter from the wind.
A Geeeral Favorite.—In every
place` where introduced Dr. Tho-
mas' Eclectric Oil has not failed•:to
establish a reputation, showing -that
the sterling qualities which it pos-
sesses are valued everywhere when
they become known. It is in gen-
eral use in Canada and other coun-
tries as a household medicine and
the demand- for it each year shows
that it is a favorite .wherever used.
"-What_ business did you say '
Miss Gaddie. was iii;" "Oh, she's
in .everybody's business." "Whole -
',sale `,e.b ?" "Yes, except when it
.comes to a -bit. of scandal. She re-
tails ,that.'' •
._Practically all Canadian drug=
gists, grocers and general dealers
self Wilson's Fly Pads. - If your
storekeeper does not, ask him why.
"Almost idyllic happiness pre-
vailed in many,of the eastern Paci-
fic islands a hundred years ago,"
said Sir Edward im Thurn, Gayer -
nor of Fiji. "Among -the feroci-
ous inhabitants -of Fiji, however,
cannibalism was practised to an ex-
tent never at any time equalled
elsewhere. The -custom 'appears to
have been shared by 'white rene-
gades who had settled among them.
A problem of employment in the
remote Gilbert and Ellice islands,
formerly equally barbarous, was
caused by the prohibition of in-
ternecine warfare—formerly the
natives' chief occupation. It was
difficult, in view of the character of
the islands to find them fresh pur-
suits.' •
Everybody should cry, and "have
the cry out," when there is due
occasion for it. Such is the opin-
ion of a London, England, medical
man, a specia..st in nervous dis-
eases and disorders. "Dry eyed
grief, such as one sometimes sees
at a graveside, is far more terrible
than crying," he said. "When there
is great mental stress the blood
rushes to the temples and, acting
on the tear ducts, forces tears from
the eyes. "This is natural, and a
great relief is at once felt by the
sufferer The brain is, as it were,
put under an anesthetic and the
keen sense of grief vanishes."
"Youshouldn't treat your boy so
harshly ; you'll break his spirit."
"Well, he'll probably get married
some time, and he might as well
have it broken now !"-
The young man—"I wish to thank
you ,sir, giving me your assistance
in persuading your daughter to
• marry me."
The old man—"Sir, I was violent-
ly opposed to the match."
The young man—"I know it.''
One of the greatest blessings to
parents is Mother Graves' Worm
Exterminator. It effectually ex-
pels worms and gives health in a
marvellous manner to the little
Fourteen millions of persons are
insured in Germany under the in-
validity and old age pensions act.
Last year the total cost of •adminis-
tration - wase $3,774,250; old -age -
pensions amounted to $4,325,000,
invalid pensions amounted to$32,-.
600,000 and $2,000,000 was spent in
returning premiums in case of mar-
- riage or death.
If every housekeept_ would use
Wilgoh's'Fry Pads::freely -during
the Summer months the house fly
peril would soon be a thing of the.
"Julia," said the new -rich mis-
tress of the mansion, "be sure to
I mash the peas thoroughly:" "What
ma'am?" exclaimed: •the puzzled
maid. "Mash the .peas 9" "Yes, I
say, mash the peas. It makes my
;husband very nervous at dinner to
have them roll off his knife."
. The Pill That rings Relief. —
When, after one has partaken of
a *ileal he is oppressed by feelings
of fulness and pains in the: -stomach
he suffers from dyspepsia, which
will persist if it be not. dealt With.
Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are the
very best medicine that can be
taken to bring relief. -These pills
are -specially compounded= to deal -
with dyspepsia, and their sterling
qualities in this respect can be -
vouched for by legions -of 'risers.
Sufferer (to Lady in front) : "Ma --
dam, if you were to remove your
hat I could see- the play."-. Lady
in front (with manifestation of sur-
prise): "Yes, but you `could not.
then see my new hat." - •
needed in every household. •For stilts, burns
and bruises, strains and syro;as dampen
a, cloth with it, apply to . •r - v;srurc .and
the pain leaves. Avoid sub-titutes. there
is but one "Painkiller "—Perry • Davis'-
25o.- and 50e.
Landlady: • "I believe inletting
coffee boil for . thirty.. ,minutes.
That's the only way toget the,.good-
ness out of it." New Boarder
(turning away and leaving his) :
"You have succeeded admirably,
ma'am." -
Very many persons die annually
from cholera and kindred summer
complaints, who . might hate been
saved if proper.' remedies; ha4--been
used. If atacked do not delay in
getting a. bottle of Dr. L Dc. Kel-
logg° s _ Dysenteryiordiathe- medi-
cine that never fails to effect a
cure. Those who have 'used it say
it acts promptly,. and thoreughly
subdues the pain and disease`.
Bluffton : ``I- Paid :something to
my wife last week that • offended
her, and she hasn't spoken -to me
since." Henpeck: "Great Scott,
man ! You can't remember what it
was, can you ?"
Try Murine Eye Remedy.
For Red, Weak, weary, Watery Eyes; Granulation,
Pink Eye and Eye Strain. Murine doesn't smart*
Soothes Eye fain;., is Compounded by Exper•
fenced Physicians;- Contains no Injurious or
Prohibited Drugs. ; . Try Murine for your Eye
Troubles. You will like Murine. Try it r:
Baby's Eyes. for Scaly Eyelids. Druggists sell
Murine at 500. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago,
will send you Interesting Eye Books Free.
Borley : "I got rather P. re=
ception when I called at tht. .aliths'
last night,. but they warmed up fin-
ally. Why, ,when I ,was leaving,
the whole family came to the door
with me !" . Griggs : "Well, you
see, someone took three umbrellas
out orf their hall -rack a few even-
ings ago."
s$LE O. 27—UJ.
Among woods, birch and popular
decay in three years, willow and
horse -chestnut in four years, maple
and beech in five years, elm and ash
in seven years. Oak and Scottish
fir decays only to the depth of half
an inch in seven years, while the
juniper would be quite uninjured
at the expiration of the same
A Mild Pill for Delicate Women.
The most delicate woman can un-
dergo a course of Parmelee's Vege-
table Pills without fear of unplea-
sant consequences. Their action,
while wholly effective, is mild and
agreeable. No violent pains or
purgings follow their use, - as thou-
sands of women who have used them
ean_testify. They are, therefore,
'strongly recommended to women,
who are more prone to disorders of
the digestive organs than men.
Bride—"Here is a telegram from
Bridegroom (eagerly) — "What
does he say ?"
Bride (reads)—"Do not return
and all will be forgiven."
It is an undisputed fact that
one packet of Wilson's Fly Pads
has actually killed a bushel of
house flies. Fortunately no such
quantity can ever be found in a
well kept house, but whether they
be few or many ,Wilson's Fly Pads
will kill them all.
"Did he say he knew me when
I was a girl ?"
No ; he said he knew you when
he was a boy.
CRJEVOUS ERRORS made nowadays.
'For instance when a person buys an imi-
tation of " The D. & L." Menthol Plaster
said .to be the genuine. Be careful and see
that they are made by Davis & Lawrence
Co. ..
' And a man's idea of his own .im-
portance decreases as the gray in
his hair increases.
Only those who have had experi- '
ence can tell the torture corns
cause. Pain with your -boots on,
pain with them off—pain night and
day; but relief is sure to those who
use Holloway's Corn Cure.
and faded faults would look better dyed. If no agere
,f ours 1n your torn, write direct Montreal, Bos 158
(Late troa'urer Presbyterian
Church in Canada)
Cobalt ,Cocks bought and sold on commission.
Long Distance Phones—Main 2370, Male 237L
Peak's -Hair Grower
Has never failed to stop Falling Hair. It poet•
tiveiy kills the Dandruff Germ. Try it and bi
convinced for yourself.
Write for Descriptive Pamphlet.
The Peak Mfg Co,, 129 Victoria St., Toronto, Oct'
PANTRY WOMAN, liberal wages, and girl*
.or dining-roomhend." St. Cathas rinespef
month. Apply `°
ONE LADY AGENT wanted In your locality
to distribute samples and take orders for
our P. D. Q. Toilet and hand Soap. A handsome
silver teaspoon (FREEI with every three cakes.
Write for particulars. Atlantic Soap Co., Toronto.
s, CASE Make $3 a Day and estate
lieh permanent business -on
our capital. Our high
class goo is sell on sight
In every home, are quickly
u,ed up and i epeat eiders •
Dome fw t. Exclusive tet
WRITE ritory given.
MR CATALOGUE Dept. 50, Torcato, Ont.
Members Toronto Stock Exchange.
traders Bank Building, 12 Broad Street
'vs T,r COBALT fSoatrmwtriina
Secure the Agency
For your locality of the only Life Insurance Cons-
pany meeting every requirement of the "ROYAL
COMMISSION." Our plans and policies appeal
to the common sense, and positively protect the
Policyholder's interest. Rates lower; terms
eayment easier.
Tsmple Building, Toronto.
If you want to sell property,whichyou own in the
United States ortown property or a
Canada such as: FARM bus pees, arite us
at once for our new suo•eseful plan of selling direct.
without commission. Give full description of proper,
ty and state lowest price f yyou c• ant to buy pro.
perty of any kind in auy loosIity, write no, stating
what and where you wish to buy, and we will send
dt)u ytt[E our magasine of chole , i ar,txins for sale
irect from the Douai with no commission added.
BUYLAmerican Investment Association, SELL
67820th Ay. N.. Minneapolis, Minn.
The " Richmond (Que.) Caswell'," In It,
63rd Year of Publication.
For very many years the chief
organ of the Conservative party of
the Eastern Townships. "The
Guardian" is an 8 -page 6 -column
paper, and has been conducted by
the present editor without inter-
ruption for 50 years, who retires
in consequence of advancing years.
The plant is in fair order, and
consists of a moderate stock of news.
and job type, 7 -horse -power engine
and boiler, Peerless Gem cutter,
2B -in. Campbell power press, me-
dium Gordon (modern), and Liberty
circular and card press, all in per-
fect order ; three very 'large stones,
tables, furniture-, tools, addressing
machine, stoves, etc.,_.etc., . .
.Apply either to
S. FRANK WILSON, Toronto.,
or W. E. JONES, Richmond, Que.
So many Institutions devoted to the higher Edu-
cation select Bell pianos? The fact that they use
rid pref eX the Bell is evidence of distinct merit 1
One follows professional advice in acquiring an education.
why not follow professional eutom in buying Bell pianos?
The only pianos with the illimitable Quick
Repeating Aeries.
\AFT p
Send for (free) Catalogue No. 75.
'A* sm. P1ANOitOruirt03.. 11n01.d GUe. LPH .ONTARPOa
Announces a New Prize Contest
The First Prize will again be a LIFE ANNUITY of
Equal to One Dollar per Week Every Week during Lifetime
A"Second Prize of One Hundred 'Dollars Cash -
Two Prizes of Fifty Dollars Each
Ten 'Prizes of Twenty Dollars Each
Ten P1zes of Ten Dollars Each .
Tw3Iity Prizes of Five Dollars Each
One ndrod ;Prizes of Ono Dollar Eaoh -
CONDIT1ONS fare similar to the last Contest, except
that all Orange.lileat Carton Bottoms must be sent in on
or before November 3oth, 5909.
Full particulars on:private post card In every package of
Orange Meat, - If.you enter this contest, oomplete
the blank space tfelow with your name arid.
addreao, cut it outan1'maii it to
Orange West; Kingstang Ont. K`NdsC01oaomtjOc
It will count equal to,te10 �, �.yt�
carton bottoms. 0R.nO @8ewb‘0l�a •
ar 4�