HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2018-04-05, Page 16THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 2018. PAGE 17. Maitland River class collecting bags for charity PEOPLE AROUND BELGRAVE By Linda Campbell Call 357-2188 On Good Friday, Allen Walker greeted worshippers and handed out the bulletins at Knox United Church. Minister Brian Hymers welcomed the congregation and the call to worship was read responsively. Brian rang the bell three times and he brought the Christ candle into the church. "Beneath the Cross of Jesus" was the opening hymn and Kim Walker read the opening scripture passage from John 18: 12-40 followed by the singing of "Were You There". Kim Walker read the second reading from John 19: 1-30 and then Brian ripped the cloth and extinguished the Christ candle. The final reading which Kim read was from John 19: 31-42 and Brian placed the candle in the tomb. The choir anthem was followed by Brian reading a poem, "Crown of Thorns, Echoes of the Remnant". The prayer of confession was read responsively followed by the congregation repeating the Lord's Prayer. "In the Quiet Curve of Evening" was the closing hymn. Brian read Hebrews 4: 14-16 and then the congregation filed to the front of the sanctuary at which time Brian anointed each person under the cross and then each left the church in silence. On April 1 at 8 a.m. there was a sunrise service at Donnybrook Cemetery, followed by breakfast in Dungannon Church basement at 8:30 a.m. and Easter Sunday service at 9:45 a.m. On Sunday, April 1 Harold and Nancy Jardin greeted worshippers and handed out the service of worship at Knox United Church. Brian welcomed the congregation on a beautiful sunny day. As the Christ candle was brought into the sanctuary Brian drew everyone's attention to the announcements. Glen Van Camp will be celebrating his 90th birthday on April 3. The congregation extended 25th wedding anniversary greetings to Don and Connie Shiell. The singing of "Joy Comes with the Dawn" was followed by the call to worship read responsively and the choir anthem, "Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Give Thanks" with the congregation joining in to sing the refrain. After the congregation singing "He Came Singing Love", the children went to the front of the sanctuary for children's time with Brian. He asked the children what happened last night at their home. They replied that the Easter Bunny AD CEN MORTGAGES WE ARE HERE TO HELP MORTGAGE problems? SELF-EMPLOYED? Paying too much in fees & interest? Debt Consolidation? Bankrupt? Foreclosure? Power of Sale? CALL NOW! LIVE AGENTS 24 HRS. 1-877-733-4424 SPEAK TO A LICENSED AGENT NOW! MMAmortgages.com has years of experience in: Residential, Commercial, Rural, Agriculture, Land Mortgages, Business Loans. www.MMAmortgages.com (License # 12126) EMPLOYMENT OPPS. MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION! In - demand career! Employers have work -at-home positions available. 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Doreen Marks read scripture from Acts 10: 34-43, Corinthians 15: 1, John 20: 1-18 and Mark 16: 1-8. "Welcome, Happy Morning" was the hymn of response. Nancy Jardin reported on the Minute for Missions which dealt with the acts to save water. Gord Folkard and Ken Procter took up the offering, which was dedicated. The closing hymn, "I Dance in the Morning", the benediction and blessing and the giving of the Flame of Christ (left lit to be rejoiced) concluded the worship service. On April 22 Dungannon United church is having a ham supper at the Dungannon Agricultural Hall from 5 - 6:30 p.m. The Comfort and Care team has a selection of lap afghans and prayer shawls available for donation on behalf of Knox, Dungannon -Trinity Churches. If you know of someone who would benefit from this outreach and show of support from qa to ,4 7/eat ,dditiapt? 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The Community Coffee Break will be on Tuesday, April 10 from 9:30 - 11 a.m. in the Belgrave Community Centre. Everyone is welcome. The Grade 1A class at Maitland River Elementary School is collecting milk bags for hands-on math. They count the bags as part of weekly math task. They are then donated to a group who weave the plastic into the sleep mats for homeless people in Ontario. FROM BELGRAVE EXTEND YOUR REACH - ADVERTISE PROVINCIALLY OR ACROSS THE COUNTRY! For more information visit www.ocna.org/network-advertising-program MORTGAGES LOWER YOUR MONTHLY PAYMENTS AND CONSOLIDATE YOUR DEBT NOW!!! 1st, 2nd, 3rd MORTGAGES Debt Consolidation Refinancing, Renovations Tax Arrears, No CMHC Fees $50K YOU PAY: $208.33 / MONTH (OAC) No Income, Bad Credit Power of Sale Stopped!!! BETTER OPTION MORTGAGE FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL TODAY TOLL-FREE: 1-800-282-1169 www.mortgageontario.com (Licence # 10969) WANTED WE BUY YOUR COINS, BILLS AND TOKENS FOR CASH. 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