HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2018-03-15, Page 3A long career
Fire Department of North Huron Firefighter and Blyth resident Bill Burkholder marked the end
of a long career last week with a special presentation from the Blyth Firefighters' Association.
Burkholder has risen through the ranks over his 40 years with the department having been a
firefighter, lieutenant, captain and deputy -chief. Burkholder is shown above with his wife
Brenda holding an illustration commemorating his time with the department. (Photo submitted)
UCW project seeks public input
Greeting worshippers at Blyth
United Church on the fourth Sunday
of Lent on March 11 were Donna
Moore and Marilyn Craig. Ushering
were Karen Glousher and Lavern
Clark. Marilyn Scott was organist
and Katie Dockstader, choir director.
Lavern Clark ran the Power Point.
Hillary MacDonald welcomed
everyone to church and also
welcomed Rev. Kate Ballagh-
Steeper the church's pastoral charge
She also mentioned that the UCW
were starting a new "Outreach
Project" by sending out cards to
shut-ins and members in nursing
homes. If you know of someone who
might like a card "Thinking of You"
please let one of the members of
UCW know.
The opening hymn was "This Is
God's Wondrous World" followed
by the Lenten tenebrae of putting out
another candle on the altar table. The
reflection hymn leading into
worship "Behold, Behold, I Make
All Things New" was sung.
Kate Ballagh-Steeper's message
to the congregation was "By Grace
Alone." Travelling through the
Lenten season shows us the way and
to seek forgiveness. The scriptures
remind us of the way to God.
Paul writes to the people who are
in conflict and reminds them of
God's love. Times are changing and
the church is changing too. We love
and forgive because God has
forgiven us.
Kate told a story of a young
woman who was an addict. She had
lost her children and she had
disappeared. Sometime later, Kate
had met this woman on the street
and found out that she had gotten
herself clean of drugs, she had her
children back and she had gone to
college to be able to help others with
God gives us guidance along our
journey. We need to see faith as an
individual and also together. Peter
and John are telling us of God's love
and forgiveness. We can help each
other through the love that God has
shown us.
We come to church because we
need others to help us along our
journey and we can help others
along their journey.
The hymn "Amazing Grace" was
sung. The offering was received
followed by the offertory hymn,
"Praise God from Whom All
Blessings Flow" and the offertory
The Citizen
prayer. The Communion hymn "One
Bread, One Body" was sung
followed by the prayer of
Communion and the singing of the
Lord's Prayer. John and Mary Lou
Stewart, Emily Phillips, Sharon
Dalton and Gwen Papple served the
congregation the Communion
elements. The last hymn "Blest Be
the Tie That Binds" was followed by
the benediction and the singing of
the response "Peace Be with You."
Everyone was invited for coffee,
treats and fellowship.
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Holy Week walk set
for Palm Sunday
From Marilyn's Desk
By Marilyn
Happy anniversary to Hubert and
Edelgard Hoba who celebrate March
Happy birthday to Steven Sparling
who celebrates March 16; Madison
Lee, March 17; Kathy McNichol,
March 18; Grace Hallahan, March
20 and Fred Meier, March 20.
Happy birthday everyone.
Happy St. Patrick's Day to
everyone. This is the week for
wearing the green.
Shoot results for Tuesday March 6
are: first, Joann MacDonald; second,
Mae Ritchie; third, Bob Machan;
most shoots, Jim Hunter and share
the wealth, Frank Hammond and
Dan Hunter. Next Shoot afternoon is
Tuesday, March 20 at the Blyth
United Church auditorium. Doors
open at 12:30 p.m. with cards
beginning at 1 p.m. Come out and
enjoy the fun and fellowship. If you
have never played Shoot come on
out, there is always someone to
show you how.
Results of the Monday, March 5
euchre are: first, Dorothy Carter, 84
and Harold McClinchey, 74; second,
Jewel Plunkett, 68 and Lou Lahey,
67; lone hands, Sharon Freeman,
two and Kay Hesselwood, three;
share the wealth, Diane Clark and
Kay Hesselwood. Next euchre is on
Monday, March 19 at the Blyth
Legion Hall. Doors open at 12:30
p.m, with games beginning at 1 p.m.
Come on out and enjoy a good game
of cards.
On Palm Sunday, March 25 come
and join the Blyth Ministerial Group
and the Blyth Community as they
walk through Holy Week. They are
starting at Blyth United Church at
7 p.m. and ending at Huron Chapel
in Auburn.
Spring Cleaning
Blyth Laundromat
191 Westmoreland St., Blyth
He left Heaven for us!
(Thomas Brooks. "The Golden Key to Open Hidden Treasures")
"If anyone would come after Me — he must deny himself and take up his
cross and follow Me." Matthew 16:24
Let the sufferings of our Lord Jesus Christ, work us into a gracious
willingness to embrace sufferings for His sake, and cheerfully and
resolutely to take up His cross and follow Him.
Did Christ suffer, who knew no sin — and shall we think it strange to
suffer, who know nothing but sin?
Shall He lie sweltering under His Father's wrath — and shall we cry out
under men's anger?
Was He crowned with thorns — and must we be crowned with rose -buds?
Was His whole life, from the cradle to the cross, made up of nothing but
sorrows and sufferings — and must our lives, from the cradle to the grave,
be filled up with nothing but pleasures and delights?
Was He despised — and must we be admired?
Was He debased — and must we be exalted?
Was He poor — and must we be rich?
Was He low — and must we be high?
Did He drink of a bitter cup, a bloody cup — and must we have only cups
of consolation?
Let us not think anything too much to do for Christ,
nor anything too great to suffer for Christ,
nor anything too dear to part with for such a Christ, such a Saviour —
who thought nothing too much to do, nor too grievous to suffer — so that
He might accomplish the work of our redemption!
He left Heaven for us — and shall not we let go of this world for Him?
He left his Father's bosom for us — and shall not we leave the bosoms of
our dearest relations for him?
He underwent all sorts of sufferings for us — let us as readily encounter
with all sorts of sufferings for Him.
A Grace Gem
Submitted by: Immanuel United Reformed Church,
Listowel, ON 519-291-1956