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Well tests show elevated sodium, fluoride levels
By Denny Scott
The Citizen
Blyth's water supply has tested for
higher -than -normal levels of sodium
and fluoride, prompting North
Huron to send out notification of the
During North Huron Township
Council's Feb. 5 meeting, Public
Works Director Sean McGhee
explained that water samples and
resamples reported levels of sodium
at 23.1 miligrams per litre (MG/L)
on Jan. 2 and 22.5 MG/L on Jan. 9.
Any time water tests above 20 MG/L
of sodium, the local Medical Officer
of Health is to be notified.
In his report, McGhee said the
elevated sodium in drinking water
can result in higher overall sodium
intake for users of the system, which
Camps looking for summer sta
is something of which anyone on a
sodium -restricted diet should be
made aware.
Fluoride levels measured 1.77
MG/L and 1.81 MG/L, which, due to
natural fluoridation of the water,
required reporting.
McGhee said that only vulnerable
users such as children
should be concerned about the
fluoride levels.
From Marilyn's Desk
By Marilyn
Greeting worshippers at Blyth
United Church on Sunday, Feb. 11
was Marilyn Craig. Ushering were
Hope Button and Marilyn Craig.
Susanna Lyman was organist and
Katie Dockstader, choir director.
Lavern Clark ran the power point.
Hillary MacDonald welcomed
everyone to church on such a snowy
morning. She reminded everyone of
the announcements printed in the
bulletin and special mention that the
ladies are making beef pies on Feb.
21. If you wish to order call Donna
Moore at 519-523-9855. If you have
a few hours to spare come out and
join in the fun, no experience is
necessary, there are jobs for
everyone. They start on Wednesday
morning at 8:30 a.m. She also
reminded everyone that Camp
Menesetung and Camp Bimini are
accepting applications for summer
staff. Hillary also reminded
everyone that there is a Lenten
Study, "Why I Believe" on Tuesday
afternoons beginning Feb. 20 from
1-2 p.m. in the Church parlour in
Blyth and Friday mornings
beginning Feb. 23 from 10-11 a.m.
in the Brussels choir room.
Hillary invited everyone to greet
Tuesday church
meal set Feb. 20
Happy birthday to Evelyn Popp
and Jim Chalmers who celebrate
Feb. 16; Darrel Wood, Feb. 17;
Marilyn Craig, Feb. 18 and Christine
Hoba, Clinton, Feb. 19. Have a
happy birthday everyone.
Winners of the Feb. 12 euchre
were: first, Kay Hesselwood, 77;
Wendy Hugill, 72; second, Mae
Ritchie, 69 and Carol Lahey, 70;
lone hands, Jewel Plunkett, two and
Paul Moss, two; share the wealth,
Kay Hesselwood and Paul Moss.
The next euchre will be on Monday
Feb. 19. Doors open at 12:30 p.m.
with cards beginning at 1 p.m. at the
Blyth Legion Hall. Come out and
enjoy a few hands of euchre.
Shoot winners for Feb. 13 were:
first, Mae Ritchie; second, Mary
Bell; third, Lorna Ellis; most shoots,
Frank Hammond and share the
wealth, Mary Bell and Mae Ritchie.
Come out to Blyth United Church
on Feb. 20 and join in the fun. Doors
open at 12:30 p.m. with cards
beginning at 1 p.m. Shoot is played
every other Tuesday.
Don't forget Two Toonie Tuesday
on Feb. 20 at Blyth Trinity Anglican
Church Hall from 11:30 a.m. to
12:30 p.m. This month's menu is
pork tenderloin. Come out and enjoy
the food and fellowship and support
our local churches in their mission
to help others.
one another. The first hymn, "Teach
Me God to Wonder" was sung
followed by the lighting of the
Christ candle. The call to worship
was repeated responsively followed
by the prayer of approach.
Hillary had a sign in her hand with
the letters M -O -M on it and asked
everyone if they knew what it said.
Then she turned it upside down and
it read "wow". The same three
letters say "wow", and transform to
say "mom". In the scriptures, Jesus
was transformed on the mountain.
The Disciples witnessed the
transformation of Jesus.
The next hymn was "All Hail the
Power of Jesus' Name". The
scripture reading was from the
Gospel of Mark 9:3-6. The choir
sang the anthem "Lord, Be with Us
on This Day".
Hillary suggested when we take a
look at our lives, we always want
more, a new job, a new car, or a new
house. It seems to be the same we
always want something new.
We fail to see the world
transforming. If we look at the
bigger picture and if it is a good
experience we are satisfied to do
nothing but if it is not a good picture
we want to change it.
We need to see the same old things
with new eyes. We want God to be
present in our lives.
In the scripture reading, Jesus is
leading some of His disciples up the
mountainside to witness His
transformation. The disciples see
Jesus with new eyes.
Often after a death in the family,
we can see that person but are
unable to touch them. We are forever
changed when there has been a
death in the family. A new baby in
the family also changes many lives.
Transformed moments change us.
We are a transforming people of
The hymn, "Joyful, Joyful We
Adore You" was sung. The offering
was received followed by the
offertory response and the offertory
prayers. The hymn "Take, 0 Take
Me as I Am" was sung, leading into
the prayers for the people, silent
prayers and the singing of the Lord's
The last hymn `Be Thou My
Vision" was followed by the
benediction and the singing of the
response "May God's Sheltering
Everyone was invited for coffee,
tea and fellowship.
A great way to spend recess
Few things say fun in the winter like crazy carpets and
snowy hills and students at Maitland River Elementary
School in Wingham have plenty of both. Edyn
Beyersbergen is seen here trying to keep her ride on line.
(Denny Scott photo)
Information from the Huron
County Health Unit will be included
in an upcoming tax bill outlining
cautions, concerns and steps to be
taken by individuals who may be
adversely impacted by the higher -
than -normal fluoride or sodium
For example, the documents
indicate that infant formula should
be prepared with water with 1.5
MG/L of fluoride or less and that
parents with children up to six years
of age should consult a health care
professional before using any dental
care products with fluoride.
Councillor Bill Knott, after
receiving McGhee's report, asked if
the samples were taken at the
wellhead or throughout the system,
wanting to know if this was
connected to the new well opened in
Blyth last year.
McGhee said the samples were
taken at different points, proving that
the elevated salt and fluoride were
consistent for the entire aquifer.
McGhee also stated that some of
these tests are traditionally only
required every five years, however
because of naturally high sodium
and fluoride in the water supply, the
municipality monitors the situation
For more information, contact the
Huron County Health Unit at 519-
482-3416 or North Huron at 519-
Blyth Laundromat
191 Westmoreland St., Blyth
The great business of a Christian's life!
(John Flavel)
"Guard your heart above all else --for it determines the course of your
life!" Proverbs 4:23
The heart is the seat of principles --and the fountain of actions. The eye of
God is, and the eye of the Christian ought to be --principally fixed upon
The greatest difficulty in conversion --is to win the heart to God.
The greatest difficulty after conversion --is to keep the heart with God.
Here lies the very pinch and stress of religion; here is that that makes the
way to life a narrow way, and the gate of Heaven a straight gate.
The keeping and right managing of the heart in every condition --is the
great business of a Christian's life!
"Oh, for a holier heart!
Oh for a heart to hate sin more!
Oh for a heart to love God more --and to walk more closely with Him!
Lord, whatever you deny me --do not deny me such a heart!
Give me a heart to fear You, love you and delight in You!"
A Grace Gem
Submitted by Immanuel United Reformed Church,
Listowel, ON 519-291-1956
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