HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1930-06-19, Page 7AGONY OF NEURITIS
A Story of Intense Suffering
and Relief.
'Do I recommend Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills? You may believe I do,"
says Mr, John H, Jamieson, of Wal-
lacebnrg, Ont,
"For five years I suffered day and
night from neuritis, The agony was
terrible. I lost contro'-of my arm and
shoulder and my hand became shriv-
eled, Nothing helped ane till I began
tarring Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Even
then l'is improve' lent y. as slow and I
took ten boxes before I was on the
way to recovery. After that, though,
relief was rapid. My band gradually
Oiled out; the pain left me and I could
sleep in peace. That was two years
ago and I hzve not had a twinge of
the trouble 'since."
Sufferers from neuritis, neuralgia or
rheumatism should try the common.
Sense method of banishing these trou-
bles by enriching the blood and
strengthening the nerves with Dr,
Williams' Pink Pills. These Pills are
sold by all medicine dealers or by mall
at 50 cents a box from The Dr, Wil-
llanls' Medicine Co, Brockville, Ont.
Says Pluto's Size
Is That of Mars
Dr, Slipher, Flagstaff Director,
Declares Observations
• Show No Cometary
Flagstaff, Ariz,—Dr, V, M. Sllpher,
director of Lowell Observatory, said
recently that the new planet, Pluto,
discovered by the observatory last
January is about the size of Mars
and that further study had revealed
no cometary features,
"The preliminary orbit of Planet
X," Dr. Sllpher reported, "has been
computer by the Lowell Observatory
staff, with the collaboration of Dr,
John A. Miller, director of Sproul
Observatory, using positions or Jan.
)3, Feb, 23 and March 23, determined
from the Lowell plates of Dr. C. 0.
Lampland, and yielded the following
elements referred to mean equinox
"Node, 109 legrees 21 minutes; in-
clination, 17 degrees 21 minutes; log,
semlanajo' axis, 2.3319; eccentricity,
0.090; longitude perihelion, 12 de-
grees, 02 minutes; mean daily me
tion, 1.112; mean anomaly, 1930.0, 3
degrees 20 minutes 47 seconds. Dis-
tance from 8115, 41.3 astronomical
"Our knowledge of the o'bit's
shape and size, its eccentricity and
semi -major axis, must be regarded as
probably subject to considerable nodi.
flcation when more extended positions
are available, but the plane of the
orbit—its inclination and the line of
nodes—and the present distance of
the object aro fairly reliably known
in the present orbital data,
Planet Has Yellowish Hue
"Color tests of Planet X indicated
this body is yellowish and very dif-
ferent from the blue planets Uranue
and Neptune, This suggests an
albedo and density more like those of
the Inner planets,"`
A Portable Smithy
Ray Perry, a Harrison, Me., black -
Faith, still has a profitable trade des-
pite the decline in the village smithy.
He has a portable anvil and forge
which he loads into a light truck. All
through that section of southwestern
Maine most of the farmers have tele-
phones. When a horse needs shoeing
they just call up Perry, who brings
his smithy to the horse.
Some of the finest native colleges
In Africa are to bo found In the Gold
Coast territory, while Accra, one of
the Crown Colony's most important
towns, has the best -equipped native
hospital in the world.
Cautious and prudent investors prefer
Mares of long established Trust and
Loan Companies. Because this class of
stock is non -speculative and dividends
aro sore and steady. In the recent stock
market collapse Trust and Loan com-
pany shares remained firm and unshaken.
IY seeing an investment of 8100 or mul-
tiples thereof up to $10,000 ln'securltles
to yield Oi per cent., write for further
particulars. A. A. Campbell, 794 Wel-
lington Street, London, Ontario.
Deaf Hear Again
Through New Aid
Earpiece No Bigger Than Dime Wins
Enthusiastic Following—Ten-Day
Free Trial Offer
After twenty-five years devoted exahu-
sively to the manufacture of scientific
hearing -aide, the Canadian Acousticon
Limited, Dept. 2000, 4e Richmond St.
West, Toronto Ont. has Just perfected a
sew model Acousticsn that represents
�cipte greatso1 mimeo yet made 1n the re-
'aFgation of heating for the deaf. Tires
latest Acoustiaon is featured by a tiny
ea.pize° no bigger than e. dime, Through
-his device, sounds aro ,leuily and die-
tinatly transmitted to subnormal ears
with wonderful benefit to hearing Lard
health alike. The makers offer an abso-
lutely free trial for 10 days to any one
per in who may be interested, and a let-
ter will bring 0110 of these remarkable
aids to your home for a thorough and
convincing test. Send them your name
and address todayl
See Them Vanish
Pimples ended so quick by"Sootha.
Salva' yo5r050tlnally sea them dry
. Many go overnight. Get "Sandia -
Salm' front druggist today. New
tide beauty tomtercee miming,
'Retirement of Veterans Brings Changes in
Canadian National Financial Staff
'Upon the retirement, June 1, of
1.! J. M. Rosevear, General Comp-
troller of the Canadian National sys-
tem, and of C. E Friend, Assistant
General Comptroller, each of whorl
has given 84 years' service, the ap-
pointment is announced of J. B.
McLaren, hitherto Comptroller of the
Central Region, Toronto, to the posi-
tion of Comptroller of the system.
In the photographs, from left to
right, are: top row: C. E. Friend,
J. M, Rosevear and J. B. McLaren;
bottom row: T. H. Cooper, who has
been appointed Assistant Comptrol-
ler, General Accounts; A. C. Egan,
appointed Assistant Comptroller,
Disbursements; W. S. Harrison, ap-
pointed Assistant Comptroller, Re-
venues; and Fred Horton, appointed
Assistant Comptroller, Subsidiary
Companies, all at Montreal. Other
appointments are: J. F. Aitchison,
Regional Auditor Toronto; T. J.
Graney, Regional Auditor, Winnipeg;
G. H. Palmer, Regional Auditor,
Moncton, and G. B. Bird, Auditor,
Both Mr. Rosevear and Mr. Friend
are very highly respected by railway
accounting officers on the continent.
The Rosevear family has played an
important part in railroad service in
Canada, the story having begun in
1854, when Matthew Rosevear came
to Canada from England to work
for the Grand Trunk, and the family
has given the National System four
generations of men and more than
two hundred years' of service in the
King Edward's Life
" Revealed in Book
Once Slapped His Aunt In-
stead of Kissing Her,
Book by Late Sir Lionel
Cust Declares
London — That Sir Lionel Cust
who was a friend of King Edward
VII, in his book just published en-
titled "King Edward Vii, and His
Court," makes some notable com-
ments and tells many interesting
Sir Lionel writes: "I ant disposed
to think since shy acquaintance With
King Edward, that the great mister -
tune of his life—a misfortune which
was shared by the country—was that
his mother lived too long, 1101 In the
general sense of the word, but from
the point of view of the welfare of
her son and successor,
"In the last 20 years of Queen Vic-
toria's reign, the Prince of Wales )lad
not enough to do. Ministers neglect-
ed and even despised him as a pos-
sible factor in politics and the higher
aristocracy gave him the cold shoul-
No Advantage
"Ile should have reigned earlier
but not a day later, Ten years long-
er would have been no advantage
and night have been a disaster, but
had he reigned ten years earlier, the
face of European history might have
been changed. Had Queen Victoria
taken her son into partnership she
would have found him a zealous work-
er loyally deferential to her author•
!ty and a shrewd and useful successor
to her husband as a private adviser
on politics in general."
Intimate Stories
Sir Lionel Cust tells intimate nee -
dotes of King Edward's life such as
when Queen Alexandra asked who the
marble bust of the "babe" was and
Edward's reply, "Don't you know? If
he had lived we should not bo here"
The bust was of Princess Elizabeth,
daughter of King William IV.
Another story tolls how the King
experimented dyeing marble busts
with tea in order to prevent their
clashing with the wall panelling and
his surprise at finding the bust of
the Prince Consort wearing a chest-
nut colored wig.
He tells how the then Prince Henry
being asked to Ma hie aunt, the
Grain Duchess Augusta Mecklenburg
Strelitz, promptly slapped her. Iiow
the Quaen of Portugal flustered the
King by planting resounding kisses
on both cheeks at Windsor.
The best story is of the small child
who was a guest at ono of the royal
parties at the Palace on being ask-
ed by His Majesty what he would
like, replied, "More jam King."
Each poplar is a steeple;
Birdies are f iiy people;
The Firs are b ve and rtr, ng,
They join the wild storms' song.
The Oaks aro wise and staid;
Tho Beeches in the glade
Are golden in the spring.
Each tree's a living thing.
And where the water dreams
By Pools and tumbling streams
The stooping Willows spread
Their arms, and overhead
The birds sing all day long.
And sometimes in their song
They tell the wow:Prom breeze
"1'wns God who thought of trees,
—Marjorie Wilson,
He wrote: "Nothing ion may do,
dearest, can still the ocean of emotion
In my heart." She wrote: "Enclosed
herewith, dearest, please find my last
hat bill."
Teething time is a time of worry to
most mothers. The baby is nervous;
fretful; feverish. IIis little gums are
swollen and sore; diarrhoea, conetipa-
tion, colic and sometimes convulsions
set in—neither baby nor mother can
These troubles can bo quickly ban-
ished, however, through the use of
Baby's Own Tablets, concerning which
Mrs, Louis Grubb, Teeswater, Ont.,
says:—"I have used the Tablets for
all my babies while Teething and have
found then a splendid medicine."
Baby's Own Tablete are sold by all
medicine dealers or by mail at 25
cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, 001.
S le—"There is a1 old admirer of
mind over there."
He—"How old is he? If he's one
of those old reprobates about 50 years
old, I'll have to be careful."
Deadly Weapons
Tests of a new torpedo were re-
cently carried out between Wey-
mouth and Portland.
This new weapon, which experts
think may revolutionize torpedo war-
fare, has an eight -cylinder engine in-
stead of the two -cylinder of older
varieties, and Is said to be "more
deadly than anything yet Invented."
Another improvement in the art of
warfare Is reported from America,
where "the deadliest machine-gun in
the world" has just been invented.
It°1s said to fire half-inch calibre bul-
lets at the rate of 800 a minute, and
has a range of nine miles.
As new and more terrible varieties
of poison gas are being discoverd
from time to tine, the prospects for
the next war aren't particularly cheer-
ful. But perhaps things aren't as
bad as they seem, There were more
people killed, In proportion tc the
number of combatants, when men
fought hand to hand than there have
been since "deadlier" weapons than
sword and spear 1Vere introduced.
What a wretched and apostate state
is this! To be offended with excel-
lence, and to hate a man because we
approve him! The condition of the
envious man is the most emphatically
mieernbie; he is not only incapable
of rejoicing in another's nlelit or suc-
cess, but lives in a world wiherein all
mankind are in a plot against his
, Sludying their own happiness
and advantage. Addison.
"Laurel" wreathe, so nnlclh used for
memorials, have hitherto been made
mostly of Italian magnolia leaves;
now a London lady has discovered
how to preserve British laurel and
other leaves for long periods. She has
Presented the secret to the British Le-
gion Poppy Factory.
Every second of the day 490 letters
are mailed In the United States, ac-
cording to Post Office Department
statistics, Did you mail that one
that was given you this morning?
Minard's Drives Away the Headache.
Owl Laffi
Before the Wedding
Your presence is requested,"
The invitation read;
"Sour presents are requested,"
Is what it really said.
The cost of living is high but the
cost of life 81 111 remains cheap.
The Fiddlin' Fool's Fllesofy
It's bad enough when men don't
practice what they preach, but I sus-
pect it might be 0 (15.5 sight worse 11
00100 of them preached what they
That reminds ns of the professor
who scratched iris wife and kissed a
Life ---One thing after another.
Love—'Two things after each other.
Probably there's nothing so false as
false teeth, Ask the mal who wears
Remarkable Advance
Teacher—"When. water becomes ice,
what ie the great change that takes
Bright Pupil—"Thecllange In price."
We night lighten our own load by
helping a brother tote his,
It's the suckers who are born every
minute who keep the gambling slot
machines running.
Olga (all excitement over Nora's ac-
count of her elopement)—"How ro-
mantic! But werent' you afraid of the
ladder slipping?"
Nora—"Oh, no! Mother was hold-
ing it."
Personally, we don't caro much for
this small size money, In fact, we
can't see the $10,000 bills at all.
A girl will tolerate a man with a
past if he has good presents.
Si went to the circus one day
Resolved to get in without paY;
IIe crawled under the tent,
No one knew where he went,
For the elephant thought he was hay.
Don't expect to make a good fisher -
Dian and a good anything else. It
can't be clone,
Statistics show that out of every
hundred marriages, fifty per cent, are
Then there was the woman who col-
lected antiques, She explained that
they paid well and were perfectly
She was only a dentist's daughter,
but she came of good extraction,
George (fiercely) — "I'm certainly
going to kis you before I go."
Dorothy (pasalonately)—"Leave the
house at once!"
The height of disappointment is for
a woman to go shopping and find what
she wants in the first store.
Johnny—"Father, how do you aeon
Fatter—"II-1.g-h, why do you wish
to know?"
Johnny—"'Cause I'm writing a corn -
Position on the highene."
We can understand our own success
but we can neither understand no'
stand another's.
Usually Mother never admits that
any of the children are just like Fath-
er Until they act ugly.
The Pulitzer prize for tact ought to
be awarded to the landlady who, dm -
On Your Holidays
Feel safer with a bottle of Min-
ard's in your grip. It will conte
in handy on numerous Occasions.
oouoy f
400 MAQV fs
l� 1P 41
For Troubles
due to Acid
Newcom y .
to M1& ata
svgs .
�. ''1' Wit.
satta• 344, 43/Mkt. irk*
Ugsw," 102
Ing a rush period, put a deaf man In
the froom with a man that snored.
A fool and his money are soon party-
It Is God's spy and intelligence in
our bosoms and bedchambers, a most
exact notary of whatever we think or
do. It 15 Ills lieutenant, and under
Him the principal commander and
chief controller of man's life; yen,
every man's God In that sense that
Moses was Aaron's. It is the surest
prognostication and prejudgment of
God's last judgment, and hest almanac
within a man's own breast fortelling
hint what will become of him at that
Mlhard's for Falling Ilair.
"Toronto harbor provides docking
facilities for the largest vessels an the
Great Lakes", says the Toronto In-
dustrial News Bulletin, "The bar-
ber has 64 plants located in Its indus-
trial areas with an Investment of
more than $30,000,000 In lands, build-
ing and equipment.
"New convictions call for new vcn•
tures:"—Florence Ziegfeld.
rl'1'! is
Bathing Beauty's
Complexion Secret
"1 have nolo used Kruse/ion Salts for a long
Lima, and think it is wonderful, Everyone tells ma
holo well1 look and what a beautiful skin 1 hove.
1 tell them that it is thanks to your wonderful
Nrusohen Salts. 1 have just won a second prim
in a bathing beauty competition M a leading
newspaper, 1 shall aso it annals, and tell all my
friends to da iia soT.
uricmm letter an 0lo for Inspection.
This to beauty's first secret—a good com-
plexion comes from within. No nerd for creams
or lotions—lint the colour on from Inside.
Even your blood pure and healthy with the
daily close of 1{rnschea, and beauty's reward
will be yours ---a clear skin, bright sparkling
eyes—the abounding joy of good health.
P.nrechen Salts is obtainable At drug and
department stoics in Canada at 750. a bottle.
montislc g0011 health tains orr halt-a-cco last htr 4 day
When Pain
What many people call indigestion
very often means excess acid in the
stomach, The stomach nerves Have
been over -stimulated, sod food sours.
The corrective is an alkali, which neu-
tralizes acids instantly. And the best
alkali known to medical science 18
Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. It has re-
mained the standard with physicians
In the 50 years since its invention.
One spoonful 01 this harmless, taste-
less alkali in water will neutralize in-
stantly many times as lunch acid, and
111e symptoms disappear at once, You
will never use crude methods when
once you learn the efficiency of this.
Go get a small bottle to try.
Bo sure to got the genuine Phillips'
Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physi-
cians for 60 years in corseting excess
acids, Each bottle contains full direc-
tions—any drugstore,
Classified Advertising
Cyclo Worlts, 413 Spedlna Avenue.
Ay RAf3Y C111GKS-0V10 HA'CC11
1 215,000 last Year In tour earls•
ties, write Por free oath oguo.
Switzer, Granton, Ont.
"The way fonts asst for baseballs, •
you would think they grew like grape=
fruit."—Babe Ruth.
magic," says 'r, A. Chari ny,
Thousands write kidney and bladder
Ills, constipation, indigestion, gas, back-
ache end overnight with"PruiOo.800s", --
Nerves quiet. Sound sleep at once, Get or
Fruit -a -fives" from druggist today,
9 1.
Cu -ileum Soap
restores the normal action of the
pores by its wonderfully effective
cleansing and purifying qualities.
Fifty Years of Service
Soap 25c, Ointment 25o, and 50c.
Why be handicapped with unsightly
blotches on the face, eyes with yellow
tinge and that tired and languid feel.'
ing? This indicates a torpid liver
Headache, Dizziness and Biliousness
surely follow, You must stimulate
your lazy liver, start the bile flowing
with Carter's Little Liver Pills.
They also act as a mild laxative
purely vegetable, free from calomel
and poisonous drugs, small, easy to
swallow, and not habit forming. They
are not a purgative that cramps or
pains, unpleasant after effect follow-
ing, on the contrary a good tonic.
Ail Druggists 25c and 75c red pkgs.
PI have used several bottles
of Lydia E Pinkham's Vege-
table Compound and find it
helps me wonderfully, espe-
cially before childbirth, I have
five lovely children. After my
last baby came I had a misera-
myright sideso
bre pain inr I
bought another bottle of the
Compound and I feel fine now.
I work outside during the fruit
season in addition to my
housework." --Mrs. Charles
Slingerland, RR, ¢/4, St. Cath-
erines, Ontario.
ISSUE No. 24—'30