HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1930-06-19, Page 5PAGE 5—THE BLYTH STANDARD -Jive 19, 1930 H. A, McINTYRE, L. D. S.,D, D, S nlaNTlaT Office hours -9 to 12 1 to 6 BLYTH—Tuesdays and Wednesdays Evenings by appointment. 'Phone 130. Dr, W. Jas. Milne, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. CORONER COUNTY OF HURON. Office—Queen Street Residence—Dinsley Street. BLYTH, • - ONTARIO J. H. R. ELLIOTT, NOTARY PUBLIC & CONVEYANCER Fire, Accident, Sickness, Employer's Liability, Plate Glass, Automo- bile and Live Stock Insurance. BLYTH, (Phone 104) ONTARIO, LOFTUS E. DANCEY, RA RRISTER, SOLICITOR ,NOT AItY PUBLIC, CONVEYANCER, MONEY TO LOAN, Office— Queen Street BLYTH, ONT SUN hiiI ASSURANCE CO. (CURB, PROSPEROUS & P11OORESSIVP It leads the field among Canadian Companies, H. 11 TONG, District Manager, (I ethnic!' THOVIAS GUMMY, AUCTIONEER, 000ERICH, • ONTARIO Perm Stook Bales a epeelalty. Order left at the Myth be promptly atStandard will attended to. Telephone e dates at my expense, Dr. J. C. Ross, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Office hours -10 30 to 12 2 to 4 7 to 8.30 Except Wednesday evening. Phone No. --Office 51; Residence 69 BLYTH, ONTARIO MY OPTICIAN WIl11e Cttg Drug Store OR. W. J. MILNE, Fine Spectacle Ware and Accurate Lens Work a Specialty. QUEEN ST., BLYTH IgE �VINGRAia ItONUM1111111010 has the largest and moat complete stock, the most beautiful designs to choose from in MARBLE, SCOTCH AND CANAD. IAN GRANITES. We make a specialty of Family Mon• uments and invite your inspection. Inscriptions neatly, carefully and promptly done. Electric tools for carving and letter. intr. Call and see us before placing your order. Robt. A. Spotton, wINGHAM. • • ONTARIf Thi industrial tiorlgago and Wigs Cor SARNIA, ONTARIO Money advanced on first mortgagee on lands. Parties desiring money on farm mortgages will please apply to the under- signed, J. H. R. ELLIOTT, Agent, BLYTH, - ONTARIO. C. E. TOLL, L.D.S. D.D.S DENTIST Hours 8,30-12 1.30-6 Wednesdays at Motnkton. 'hones 124;4212 James Taylor License A^ tioneer for the County of Huron. s attended to in all parts of the co Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. .. ,ders left et The Standard promptly attended to. Belgrave Post Office, PHONES: Brussels, 15.13. North Huron, 15.623 V The Standard Club bing List: Standard and Daily Globe $6.75 Standard and Mail and Empire6,75 Standard and London Advertiser 6.75 Standard and Free Pree 6.75 Standard and Toronto Daily Star 6,75 Standard and Family Herald 3,00 *Standard and Farmer's Sun 3,50 Standard and Can. Countryman 3.40 Standard and Farmer's Advocate 100 Standard and Wtekty Witness 3,85 Standard and World Wide 3.90 Standard and Presbyterian 4.50 Standard and Poultry Journal 2.90 Standard and Youth's Companion 4.50 Standard and Northern Messenger 2.55 Standard and Can. Pictoral3.95 Standard and Rural Canada.,,,2.70 Standard and Farm & Dairy3.00 Standard and Saturday Night5.50 Standard and McLean Magazine 4,75 B yth Standard, PO '.i r �1�c1 -t� ff Keep FIRE at Bay with GYPROC ip IRE seldom visits houses having Gyproc Wallboard ceilings, partitions, walls and sheathing. On the contrary Gyproc has saved many homes. This pioneer Canadian fire -safe gypsum board has a new Ivory coloured finish this year that makes decora- tion unnecessary (when pan- elled). It is just the thing to use for making extra rooms in the cellar or attic. Quickly erected, inex- pensive, structurally strong, Gyproc Wallboard gives per- manent fire protection. Your dealer's name is listed below. Ask him today for full information or write for interesting free book, "Building and Remodelling with Gyproc." GYPSUM, LIME AND ALABASTINE, CANADA, LIMITED Paris - Ontario ?1eN(W NOW 1— 4 Pit11 tet GYPROC Fireproof Wallboard 11 For Sale by BLYTH PLANING MILLS, Blyth, Ont. ti SEE OUR FINE LINE OF GOODS FOR olrday GIt$ CONSISTING OF UP-TO-DATE Footwear, Men's Furnishings, Garters, Arm Bands, Ties, carfs, Caps, Braces. A FINE DISPLAY OF Towels, Handkerchiefs Ladies' carfs. G. A. MACHAN, Phone 88 BLYTH, ONT. N...+..+..i++..+..+.....$+*$$*$$ THE JUNE BRIDE will be delighted with a gift from our large rr nge <Silverware and Glassware. Come in and look around. We have a gift for every purse. '...r"iI Lipp E1Ali/ A R E CREAM & SUGAR, SANDWICH TRAYS, BUTTER DISH, CASSEROLE, ETC, Complete stocks of all TABLE SILVER OF Rogers, Wm, Rogers & Son, Etc. GAL ASSAM.AFtE WATER SETS, COMPORTS, SHERBETS, GOBLETS, FLOWER BASKETS, ETC. Your choice in plain or colored Glassware. R. D. PHiLP, PHM. B. Prescriptions Carefully Dispensed. BLYTH, ONTARIO .4+.+..+.+.4..++..++++++++0.s tete. • 40+19......, 0400.44444444.4•441+11044.044.0 of++t++.+++t+++4.+440414 w TRY T"I-JE PURINA CHICK FEED IT IS EXCEPTIONALLY CLEAN AND GOOD Other Purina Products will please you. Cows Pigs and Hens improve and thrive by its use. CHATHAM HIGH PATENT FLOUR AT $4.00 Per Cwt. We observe the half holiday during June, July August. Custom chopping every other business day. e BLYTH FLOUR MILLS BLYTH — ONTARIO „y.„ ..+e44a+++.+++.++++.+w,t++.+++.++++++++++++++++++ ■■arArarrrarrararaaalaarr/y.aaaararra■rrarr■aaarrrrraIrl Canadian Terminal System Limited. 6% Gold Bonds information on request Willison -Neely Corp, Limited INVESTMENT BANKERS C. P. R. Building — Toronto, Ontario A. N. Cameron, 314 Royal Bank 13d., London ■■aUt■■aaaarrrrrrararrarraarUuuUuIiuisiaaaarrirar■ ■ al "APair of Sixes" 3 Act Comedy PRESENTED BY Blyth Citizens Band —IN— MemorialHall,Blyth —ON— Wed., June 18, '30. Orchestra and Spec- ialties between acts. Admission: Adults 50c. Children 25c. This will be the last presentation of this play in Blyth, SCHOOL SUPPLIES We have now in stock a complete line of Public and High School supplies: Text Books, Scribblers, Drawing Books, Loose Leaf Books, Exam. Pads, Rulers, Inks, Rubbers, Paints, Water Colors, Compasses, Slates, Pencils, &c The Standard Book & Stationery Store. BENMILLER NURSERIES BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME. by planting a Bed of Geraniums, or some of our Giant Snapdragon or our •Immense Asters with their longwavy, twisted:pet- als of Giant Fluffy Ruffle Petunias, or Salvia or Pansies, These or any of the other fine Annuals or Bedding Plants we have would certain- ly add greatly to the attractiv ness of your Lone this Bummer, You may snake your selection at the Nursery. or ask your Grocer or Feed Store mau for our plants. Most of them carry our stock. STEWART BROS. R. R. 4, Goderich, Ont. 'Phone Carlow 235. Eleanor M. Snider, A. T. C. M. Teacher of Piano, Vocal and Theory. Pupils prepared for the Toronto Conser- vatory examinations. Studio at Mrs. Harvey Mason's, Blyth. NOVEL PICTUIths, Many ,London homes Use 200-1lexe- Old Wallpaper as Pictures. Pieces of wallpaper 200 year o14 are being used as pictures in,mauy of London's finest homes. "Wallpaper was manufactured to conform with a high standard of ex- cellence .In the eighteenth century, not produced at a cut price, as the bulk of It is to -day," said a Wuat Dud art dealer, "Many eighteenth-oentury was. imperil were exceedingly attractive, both in oolor and dedga, and the quality at Ma material has mated them to keep in wonderfully good oondltlon. They have the appearance cd tapestry, so fine is their quality. These old wallpapers are naturally rare, sad the 'pfeturea' made from them are not cheap. "Small rolls of wallpaper are found occasionally stored away in forgotten cupboards in old houses, and others are brought to light when the houses are demolished, as a great number have been since the war. 'Antique furniture in occaele.nally found to have the drawers lined with wallpaper, and a 'find' of thie nature is often a sound indication of the genuineness of an antique." 57,000 C[NEMA9, Ineeetmant Is Said to Total Ove, $4,000,000,000. Interesting information concern. ing the development o1 the film In- dustry is given to a document issued by the International Labor Office. The capita/ invested in the cinema Industry to -day amounts approxi,- nudely pprox,-mately to 44,000,000,000, about half. of which belongs to the United States, where the industry takes third place, coming after foodstuffs and motor caro. Britain has 160; 000,000 Invested In the trade, and one big German firm has a capital of #12,500,000. Of 57,000 cinema theatres in the world to -day, 26,000 are In Germany and 4,000 in England. American cin- emas cam accommodate 100,000,004 talectatora weakly. More than 250,000 persona are em- ployed in einem undertakings In the ted States, and 70,000 in Britain. produces yearly 200 more Glass than Britain, according to the London Daily Mall. Be a Rasa. If you have a good bass or low contralto voice, now 1a your oppor- tunity of achieving fame. There Is at present a remarkable dearth of really good low base and contralto voices, due possibly to the tendency of singing teachers to train pupils' voices to the higher registers. A000rding to a musical authority, 16 ,may be that there is always a risk iy training a voice downward of do - tag damage to the voice; but there la so risk in training It upward. England, nays an Old Country llwapaper, has no basses with the game Quality of tone as those to be Wild is Russia. Although there are !Ibis or six pupils at the Royal Aca- demy of Mnato who can produce a Ley "D" or "E," those who can pro - *ice ice the low "E" are rare. A, Nord Alarm Clock. No longer need the heavy sleeper seek for his electric light switch when awakened by hie alarm clock in the early hours of the morning. From the Eohwerswald, the home i( the cuckoo clock, comes never of as alarm dock that illuminates it- self at the appointed time. It is in the shape of a ball, the upper half of which revolves faster than the lower. Arouud the rim of the upper half stand the minutes, whilst around that of the lower are the boors, the time being indicated by a fixed hand. When the hour for wakening comes, an alarm Is rung and the, light is automatically switched on. HOW BUTTO3S ARE A1ADE Most of Them Are Mole From a Pro• duction called " P;rono(d," or Laelehl. No cows, no milk; no milk, no bnt- t'mis! Tint aurprtr .hlg statement holds no exaggeration., for moat,, 9f to -day's butt alta used on woink-n', coats andcostumes are made am a Borltlsh producUou raltect erunoid,` or lactold--a vegf table compoaitlo composed largely of skimmed milk. Dyed In a variety of beauttAd shades, it arrives at the button -mak- ing works in thin sheets, and the lat- i ter, after being soaked in hot water —they would be too brittle other- wise ---are clamped In an ingenious machine and fed automatically to a revolving cutter, which rapidly cuts y out from the Sheets the dlecs, Or blanks, which witi ultimately become, / „ artistic buttons, says a writer iv Tit Bite. The next process is to feed the discs into the "hopper"—a Bort of wide funnel— of another machine. From the "hopper" they travel down a chute until, one by one, they meet a very sharp tool, called a form -cut- ter, which *Oathe ret t$ued pattern on Cheam--- 41e0j in work, but done "7 rJ21o,kly aauy. 1 you exatuluond tamp' a pltleatternssled button you wilt see, especially if it is small, that the cutter does its work with uncanny accuracy. A clover device, superseding the old method of labor- ious sharpening by hand, automatic- ally grinds the cutter to a razor -edge while it works. That causes showers of sparks to fly, but eronold will not burn—a great gain now that so many women smoke. The waste from the sheets and the tine shavings from the pattern - cutting are put to a surprising Use, All to saved and sold to manure manufacturers! It has fertilizing properties. Pattern -cutting done, the next pro- ms la that of drilling ' the holes, Machines In the charge of girls do that rapidly. and with 'wonderful preclalon. Next comes a most interesting operation —that of polishing the discs. tlaeh is hand -fed Into a queer robot-like machine. A wheel revolves, and with a slick the lingers o1 a ser- ies of hands on it opal. The oper- ator pope a button into the lingers, whieh at once, as though they were human, close on it, and take it along to meet tour circular revolving "mops." Three, fed automatloally with special polishing pastes, polish the buttons, and the fourth puts an anal gloss. The buttons are taped. The mystery of button coloring is as follows: If a black button with a red centre is desired, red eronnld is used. The buttons aro then dyed black all over, and the center por- tion "huffed" until the original red is brought up. It is by that method --expert buffing --that a button, all blue or any other desired color, can get a number of tints and shadings. Not only in material, but in work- manship and finish, Ilritish-made buttons are the best. As Mark Twain humorously observed, a good deal de- pends on them, and those made at this factory can be trusted to keep things up. All the button -making trade wants Is that Dame Fashion hold smile onbuttons--and keep on smiting. A Village for Birds, A swimming pool, a "church," and delightful little houses designed !n the manner of timbered Norwegian dwellings form part of a novel village for birds built by Mr. F. L. Hunt, Saye. an Old Country periodical. He aline to provide a place whore birds of every kind may flock and find their wants satisned. Straw, wool, and twigs for nesting time are alone at hand, and there is a "restau- rant" where scraps, crumbs, seeds, and similar hlyd deltcaclee aro laid out. At feeding time the birds can be seen coming out of their houses and darting across In a frantic effort to.be first. Mr. Hunt has also provided an "hotel" for casual vistore, and n hos- pital. Although he caters specially for the small and more defenceless birds, such a robins, tits, wrens, sparrows, and larks, all are 'welcome. 'Phoning at Sixty Miles am ]lour. A Berlin reader follows up the an- nouncement that certain liners are about to be fitted with telephonea with which it w111 be possible for people at sea to telephone to friends on land, with the news that passen- gers on Berlin -Hamburg empresses are able to got into telephonic com- munication with any part of the country while the train ie travelling at alxty mules an hour. They merely enter an ordinary telephone box on the train and ask for the number and place they require. Connection Is obtained by means of an aerial running along the roofs of the carriages, from which other waves are transmitted by electric cur- rent on to the ordinary telegraph wires running parallel with the rail- way, and so, via Berlin or Hamburg, to any part of Germany. Buttonhole "Nikes." The difficulties of taking talking films in noisy streets have long puz- zled film directors, Their problem has now been solvi?d by moans of buttonhole microphones which aro worn by the players. These microphones are connecter) to sound -recording apparatus by wirelese, and it is claimed that voices are recorded clearly against theloud est background of traffic noise. World's Oldest. Tree. Tho oldest tree In the world Is claimed by a Portugmooe colony at St. Vincent, Cape Verde Island, in a dragon tree to which 5,000 years are ascribed. In 1919 the total realized 11071001 income of the people in the United States was $05,949,000,000 while now it la estimated at 629,019,000,- 000.