The Blyth Standard, 1930-06-12, Page 8AUBURN NEWS The following are the officers of Auburn Branch of the Women's Institute for the year ending May 1931: President. Mrs. Lawson tet Vice President Mrs, Woods 2nd Vice President Mrs. C. Straughan Sec'y-Treas Mies King Dist. Director Mre. Mogridge Press Sec'y Mrs. A. J. Ferguson Pianist Miss Winnie Howson Flower Com...MrsPhillips, Mrs. Riddell Program Com.. , . Mrs. Hill, Mrs. Gordon Taylor, rebs. E. Raithby Directors..Mrs. Sturdy, Mrs. J. Wilson, Mrs. Mcsr'een, Mre. Bean, Miss L. Johnston. Auditors Mrs. J. Thompson, Mis* Viola Thompson PROGRAM JUNE 3 Meeting in Foresters' Hall. Making arrangements for the district meeting to he held in Auburn on June 17. JULY 15 Meeting in Fores.ers' Hall. Subject - ''Ways of helping children form habits of hea',th, neatness, obedience and courtesy" Miss L. Johnston, Roll call -jokes. hos- tesses -Mrs. Woods, Mrs, SturJy, Mrs. J. Wilson, AUGUST 19 Picnic or children's entertainment. SEPTEMBER 18 Meeting at ho e of Mrs. Mogridge. Grandmothers' Day. Mrs. Mogridge and Mrs. Geo. Hamilton will be in charge of program by grandmothers. Hostesses -Mre. H. Yungblut, Mrs. J. Taylor, Mrs Lawson, Miss Sadie Carter, Mrs. Riddell. OCTOBER 21 Meeting in Foresters' Hall, Institute qu Ring. Hostesses -Mrs. Bean, Mrs. G rdon Taylor, Mre, Wm. Robinson, Mrs, E. Raithby. NOVEMBER 18 Meeting in Foresters' Hall, Subject - Suggestions for home made Christmas Gifts, Roll call -Household hints. Hos- tesses--Mre. E. Robertson, Mrs. Rice, Mrs. Stoltz, DECEMBER 16 Meeting in Foresters' Hall. Subject - "How to prepare a Christmas dinner." Mrs. S. Johnston. Roll call -Exchange of Christmas Gifts. Hostesses -Mrs. R. Taylor, Mrs, Phillips, Mrs, Allan. JANUARY 20 Meetingin Foresters' Hall. Subje t - "The New Year," by Mre Riddell. Roll call -New Year Resolutions. Hostesses -Mrs. S. Johnston, Mrs. J. Robertson, Mrs. 0. McBrien. FEBRUARY 17 Meeting in Foresters' Hall. Talk by Mrs, (Dr ) Mortimore. Roll call -Keep- ing motos out of clothes, Hostess s - Mrs. Weir, Mrs. H. Armstrong, Mrs. I lowatt. MARCH 17 Meeting in Foresters' Hall. Subject - "Thrift that provides for a plenteous liv. ing." Mrs, A. J. Ferguson. Roll call - Current events. Hostesses -Mrs. Mc- Gee, Mrs. Nelson Hill. Miss Winnie How son APRIL 21 Meeting in Foresters' Hall. Subject- ' Care of Roses." by Mr. George Laith- waite. Roll call -Favorite flower, Hos- tesses -Miss King, Mrs. W. Straughan, Mrs. A. Ferguson. MAY 19 Meeting in the Foresters' Hall. Annual meeting. Roll call -Sing, say or pay. Hostesses -Mrs, Eratt, Mrs, Washington, Mrs. Mogridge, LONDESBORO NEWS Miss Lillie Ball is holidaying with friends at Sault Ste Marie. The friends of Mr. Humphrey Snell will be sorry to learn of his serious illness. Mr. Thos. Lyon is quite 01 at present, his friends hope to see him around again 5)011. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hooper spent Sun day at the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Elsley, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Manning and Miss Phyllis visited with Mr. Jas. Howatt, Sea forth, on Sunday. Mr. F. Wood and son, Edwin, Mr, D. Laidlaw, Mr, Bert Hunking and Mr. Jas. R.berton spent last Friday at Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. J. Pipe, of Goderich, and Dr. and Mrs. L. Whitely, of Gorrie. visit- ed with Mrs. D. Mountain, on Sunday. A number from the vicinity t ok in the Sunday School Anniversary services at C)nstance on Sunday afternoon and even- InI. The annual Lawn Social and Strawberry Festival of Londesbaro United Church, will be held on Community Hall Grounds Londesboro, on Friday, June 20th. Sup- per served from 6 to 8 o'clock, after which a splendid program will be given, consist- ing of a three act play presented by the Young People of Westfield, entitled. "Smile Rodger, Smile." They will also furnish the program between acts. con- sisting of Readings. Solos, Duets, etc. If the weather is unfavorable, the program will be given indoors. Admission -Ad- ults 50c., childreh 25c. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kechnie, Mrs. D. Kechnie and Helen, of ;Kitchener, spent Sunday at the homes of the former's PAGE 8--TI1E BLYTH STANDARD -June 12, 1530 ■a■..s.1111M s..sl.mos■motuIflI...itmh.s.s..m.s..s.s..iiii.tiff■..i....m.i.ts..ms FATHER'S DAY! �UNDA'X, JUNE 15. 1930 "Make Him Happy give Dad a Tie." Be sure not to overlook "Dad's Tie Assortments" PLUS FOURS Now that it is the season for Knickers and Plus Fours. We are showing a large assortment in roughish mixtures and smooth materials in all sizes and several colour combinations. Priced at . . $3.50 & $4.50 Brocaded Rayon In Mauve, Nile Green, Gold and Rose in many attractive designs, priced at 69c Silk Hose As fashionable as they are seasonable. As serviceable as they are reasonable at 69c. Tea Towelling Checked and also bordered in green, yellow, blue and rose. per yard 25c Men's Shoes If the tongues in these Oxfords could speak they'd say "Mighty Good." Priced at $3.95 to $7.00 Sweaters and Socks. This pullover features the trend of fashion in color and design. It is fine- ly knit wool in the V neck, cuffs and band ribbed in many different shades. The ribbed golf stockings to tone car- ry out the well-dressed man's taste for a discreet use of color. Priced $4.50 Sweaters Ladies Sleeveless Pullovers, all sizes in yellow, blue, white and sand Priced at $2.25 Towelling Turkish Towelling while it lasts at at 20c per yard Printed Silks Just received a new shipment of print- ed Silks, in all colors and patterns at $1.25 per Yard. Jnderwear An ounce o good Fors} th and Stan- field Underwear is worth a pound of medicine, Priced at 65c and up THE STORE WITH THE NEW STOCK Socks Men's 'Work Sox in wool and cot- ton for sale 4 pairs for 98c. THE STORE THAT SETS TILE PACE. EZA BENDER "Service with a Smile" BLYTH, ONT. Shoes A f ew sizes in Children's P a t- ent Slippers at less than half price. ............ semsalsas■ismsissimalms■s..s..■■.s.s.msaaaaasisms.sa.aass...s■ PHONE 38 and have wagon call withaloaf of our Delicious Br e a d, B u n s, Cakes, Pastries. A choice assort- ment of Confectionery, Ice Cream and Bricks Always On Hand FRUIT CAKE and WEDDING CAKES Made to Order F J HOLLYMAN 'PHONE 38 BLYTH. - ONTARIO BABY CHICKS We can supply you with S. C. White Leghorn chick for delivery in June at $10.00 per 100. Our leghorns are the famous Barron strain, big hens, heavy layers of large eggs. We guarantee 100 per cent. safe delivery. Order early while the best dates are available. WALTER ROSE POULTRY FARM, BRUSSELS. SEALED TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the under- signed, for all privileges for the Blyth Band Tattoo, on June 25. Said privileg• es to consist of Dancing, either open air, or in hall, Refreshment Booth, games, etc. Tenders !nay be for part or all priv- eleges and must be accompanied by a marked cheque for full amount. Tenders will be received till June 18. Highest or soy tender not necessarily accepted. Mark on envelope "Tenders for Tattoo" and address to R. D. Philp, Blyth. FARM FOR SALE 100 acres of land, being North / Lot 40, con.3, hast Wawanoeh, On the prem ises is situate a good 11 storey frame dwelling; barn 50x60 and 40z60 with stone stabling. Hen house 20x30, driving shed 30x30, all in good repair. One and a half acres good bearing orchard. The .++++++++++++++++++++++++x SPRING 4 SHOES + We carry a complete stock of all the latest and up-to-date styles in SHOES + Some special values in solid leather shoes that are extra good. Clothing 4' See our large range of SUITINGS to choose from See our NEW CAPS AND TIES JAS. DODDS BLYTH - ONTARIO Jft, ++ 44 * * f f 44 +44 4.414444**444.44.44+4.44444.41.44 •+++++++++++++++++++++i++++ TO THE PUBLIC The undersigned desire to advise the public that they have taken the agency for INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER CO and have on hand a complete line of farm implements, also a full line of repairs. Our garage is equipped with the prop- er facilities to turn out work of the best order with dispatch. Gasoline,. Oils and Auto Repairs on Hand. Hamilton & Dougherty Blyth, Ont. v4MN+M+ •+++++++++++++++++++++++++i FOR SALE -Raymond Sewing Mach- ine in first-class order. Apply at The Standard, brothers, Messrs, Sam„ Wes. and Wm, farm is in splendid state of cultivation, FOR SALE - Buckeye incubator, in Kechnie, well fenced, drained and watered. For good condition. capacity 220 eggs. Ap• particulars apply to Walter McCill, R. R ply to Mrs. P. Wainer. Phone 18-7. No. 5, Godench. FOR SALE -Gasoline operated slush pump and 20 feet of hose. Apply at The Standard. FOR SALE -Eggs for hatching, from pure bred White Leghorn hens. Apply to Mrs. Chris Rogerson, r *a ********4 '•if*' **' * * ►F'• E* GOOD VALUES FOR ALL Ladies' Silk Hose 280 needle, Delustred 010 0 Rayon with merceriz- ed lisle sole and top. Very special__ -_49c * Heavy Service Pure Silk Hose Special new French �k heel. Special at $1.35 & $1.39. Holeproof Spec- * ial Silk Hose 4 All silk throughout, * special 95c * Women's Silk Vests. A large variety in qualities and colors, c 49c up. * Women's Silk Bloomers Popular Shades, 69c and Up. * Women's Under * wear in Cotton * Vests & Bloom- * ers * Men's Balbrigg- * an Shirts a n d * Drawers * Sizes 32 to 42..._65c ? Penman's Shirts * or Drawers * reg $1.25, Spec. $1 Men's Fancy Sox 35c to $1.00 Women's Sum- mer Umbrellas. Black and Colours. $1.25, $1.35 $1.50. Voiles For Hot 4 Weather. Latest designs 35c. and 50c �y Summer Dresses for Women and Children at various prices up to extra large sizes $1.50 to $1.98. Women's Patent Low Shoes $3.00 to $5.00 Men's Oxfords Tan or Black $3.95 & $5.00 M e n's Negligee Shirts Gordon Make $1.50 & $2.00. Men's Fancy Straw Hats. Spec ials at $1.00 & $1.25 M e n's Snmmer Wool Socks. 5 pairs $1.00 Men's Fancy Sox 35c to $1.00 * POPLESTONE STORE McKINNON'S OLD STAND $l.y'tri, cola -atria K+•it'+++•lr+•sir•+ir+•ir+++F+•lr•+l•+dr•lr+•I +•irx TRY 4UR NEW SUN WHEAT HEALTH 4 - BISCUIT BISCUIT Ask Your Doctor Malted Graham Wafers, pkg 10c + 2 Cans Sliced Pineapple 35c + 2 Cans Campbell's T'm'to Soup 25c Orange Marmalade', (a bargain) 20c Figs 2 lbs 25c Nu -Jell All Flavors ' + Head Lettuce + Seedless Grape -Fruit. 4- + Ice Cream Bricks + 4 - GOODS DELIVERED + ++ 4 .1* BLYTH, ONT, 'PHONE 14 + el. W. JAS. SiMS, r i3EDR.001Nt EMIT' MS Several new de- signsto select from in complete suites for the bed- room. Dainty b e d s. handsome vanity's, chiffon- ettes, comfortable springs and .m a t - tresses are shown in pleasing variety Each suit or piece is a work of Art, both in appearance and con- struction. You must see this display to realize the extreme modera- tion of our prices. J S C1tELI EW LL. YTII, ONT. sirs