HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1930-06-05, Page 8PAGE 8'--TIiE BLYTH STANDAItI'—June 5, 1930 BENMILLER NURSERIES OLiR GIANT FLUFFY RUFFLES, ,ki ROSE OF IIEAVEN PETUNIAS snake a gorgeous:display either in beds, borders, porch boxes or urns, They can be set out now and will start blooming in two weeks or so and continue after hard hosts. We have a large assortment of TRIBLERS FOR BASKETS, BOXES & URNS, HANGING iBASKETS & BOXES RE - .FILLED, I.ETTUCE DELICIOUSLY CR lit'. STEWAR f BROS. R. R. 4, Goderich, Ont. 'Phone Carlow 235. Blyth School Report REPORT OF ROOM I1 FOR MAY. Pass 60, Honours 75 Jr. III Ross Thuell 89 Cenil Thomson 87 Everett Scrimgeour.... ....... 86 Ray Dobbyn•••• 85 Billie Riehl 82 iteneCole •••••••• 81 llenry Young . 80 7(3 76 761 Walt r Bentley Helen Shaw Ian Haggitt. Sr. II Ruth Hilborn 89 Bet tram Elliott 891 Freeman Tunney, 87 Gordon Craig 75 Scott Fairservice 75 Stewart Johnston 63 Tem Cole 51 Jr, II Wilma Watson „ 85 Margaret Scrimgeour 83 Eileen Robinson 82 Glenn Gibson ........................ 77 Murray Johnston 77 Luella Taylor 73 Andrew Sloan 73 Harvey Garniss 72 Sam Thuell 71 Layton Bray .... Absent R, McNair, Teacher. Mullett. The following is the report 1f 8, S. No. 8, Hullett, for (he month of May. Sr. IV Lizzie Webster 02 Lorne:Honking. , SS Ruth (Lyon 83 Jr. IV Clara I-Iunking 93 Lloyd Longman 91 Milton Little 75 Sr, 111 Fero Watson 98 Irene Fothergill 9S Edwin Fothergill 85 Lillian Bromley 77 Jr. 111 Gladys Webster 95 Wallace Riley........ ,... 90 Pearl Griffiths. 81 Marian Hunking 74 Truce RileY....•............. 53 Sr. II Ferne flunking 94 Margaret Fothergill 64 Jr. II Charlie Bromley 70 Sr, 1 -Clifford Sundercock. Ilazel Hunk nk ing, Ellis Elsley. Si, Pr. -Dorothy Griffiths, Kathleen Epley. Jr, Pr. -Jack Webster. Ida M, Stalker, Reeve ,las. R. Cutt is in atbendanc at the Ccunty Council sessions this week, Mr. Geo. McNall, Jr., had the misfor- tune to break his arm on Monday while cranking his car, A very interesting meeting of the Wo- man's Chi teflon Temperance Union was held last Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. A. B. Carr, it being the annual Mothers' Meeting. Alter the business of the meeting had been disposed of, a pro- gram r i readings appropriate to the oc nasion followed, M, s. Hesk gave a very touching recitation "Just One of the Many." At the close of the meeting the hostess served a dainty lunch which brought to a clove a very plearant and profitable evening, Quality corn either for silage or for husk ing is the result of suitable seed and suit- able preparation of the soil. Ontario grower sof corn for husking purposes are warned that planting this crop later than the first week in June may prevent its rip ening. Tests have been conducted at the 0. A. C. relative to different dates of planting coupled with fertilization with high phosphate fertilizers. Records ob tained show that a week's delay in plant^ ing could be largely overcome by the use of suitable fertilizers. Fertilizers of an “nelysis of 2-12-6 or 3--10-5 used at the rate of 500 pounds per acre at the time of planting, have been found to has ten the ripening of the crop at least a week. Il is a well-known fact that corn well advanced toward ripening snakes icher quality of ensilage than does green corn with quite immature ear. Growers of this crop for silage purposes can in- crease the total weight per acre and also greatly improve the feeding quality of corn by proper regulation of fertilizing, araaarraae■aaaerrar uimeererrreeeaarreeearaeeanereree maarereteraaaeaarerrar FATHER'S DAY! JO I A , JEJNE 1 • 1€ 30 "Make Him Happy give Dad a Tie." Be sure not to overlook "Dad's Tie Assortments" PLUS FOURS Now that it is the season for Knickers and Plus Fours. We are showing a large assortment in roughish mixtures and smooth materials in all sizes and several colour combinations, Brocaded Rayon In Mauve, Nile Green. Gold and Rose in many attractive designs, priced at 69c Silk Hose As fashionable as they are seasonable. As serviceable as they are reasonable at 69c. Sweaters and Socks. This pullover features the trend of fashion in color and design. It is fine- ly knit wool in the V nt-ck, cuffs and band ribbed in many different shades, The ribbed golf stockings to tone car- ry out the well-dressed man's taste for a discreet use of color. Sweaters Ladies Sleeveless Pullovers, ail sizes in yellow, blue, white and sand Priced at $2.25 Towelling Turkish Towelling while it lasts at ' at 20c per yard Sea Towelling Printed Silks Just received a new shipment of print- ed Silks, in all colors and patterns at $1.25 per Yard. Checked and also bordered in green, yellow, blue and rose. per yard 25c Men's Shoes Underwear If the tongues in these Oxfords could An ounce of good Hatchway Under - speak they'd say '`Mighty Good." I wear is worth a pund of medicine. THE STORE WITH THE NEW STOCK Socks Men's Work Sox in wool and cot- ton for sale 4 pairs for 98c. THE STORE TIiA'I' SETS •1.1111 PACE. EZA BENDER "SOT ;lee 16111 n Smile." BLYTH, ONT. Shoes A few sizes i n Children's P a t- ent Slippers at less than half price. aaaaraaaaaaaaa■■auaaaaeeaeaaeeaaaeaeeaeaetI■■IIIDLaeaa■eaaeuaeaaeaaraaaaareraea■ PHONE 38 and have wagon call witha loaf of our Delicious Br e a d, B u n s, Cakes, Pastries. A choice assort- ment of Confectionery, Ice Cream and Bricks Always On Hand FRUIT CAKE and WEDDING CAKES Made to Order F J HOLLYMAN 'PYIONE 38 BLYTII. - ONTARIO BABY CHICKS We can supply you with S. C. White Leghorn chick for delivery in June at $10.00 per 100. Our leghorns are the famous Barron strain, big hens, heavy layers of large eggs. We guarantee 100 per cent. safe delivery. Order early while the best dates are available, WALTER ROSE POULTRY. FARM, BRUSSEI,,S. • TENDERS WANTED Tenders will he received by the under signed until Tuesday, June 10th, at 7 o'clock p. m., for the cleaning out those portions of the Bowes Municipal Drain, on Lots 18 and 10 Concession 14 accord- ing to the plans and specifications of John Roger, 0. L. S Also for the cleaning of Branch A of the Kinburrr Swamp Drain, according to plans etc. of John Roger 0. iL S. Tenders to be separate on each branch Plans and specifications may he seen at the office of the Clerk of the Municipality No tender necessarily accepted. JOHN FiNGLAND, Clerk of Hullett. FARM FOR SALE 100 acres of land, being North z Lot 40, con.3, East Wawanosh, On the prem ises is situate a good 1i storey frame dwelling; barn 50x60 and 40x60 with stone stabling. Hen house 20x30, driving x+++sir+Mfr+rh+++sir++$ '+++++++sir+x SPRING 4 SHOES +1' We carry a complete stock of all the „ latest and up-to-date styles in + SHOES + 4, Some special values in solid leather + shoes that are extra good. BLYTH — ONTARIO + Clothing See our large range of SUITINGS to choose from See our NEW CAPS AND TIES JAS. DODDS ++++++++++++++++44++++++401 ++++++++++++44++++++++4'+++t++++++++++++++++++++++++++ TO THE PUBLIC: +++++++++++++++F+++++++++++ +++++++++++4 The undersigned desire to advise the public that they have taken the agency for INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER CO and have on hand a complete line of farm implements, also a full line of repairs. Our garage is equipped with the prop- er facilities to turn out work of the best order with dispatch. • Gasoline, Oils and Auto Repairs on 4, Hand. 2 GOOD VALUES FOR ALL *Ladies' Silk Hose Women's Sum- �'� 280 needle, Delustred mer Umbrellas. Rayon with merceriz- Black and Colours. ed lisle sole and top. $1.25, $1.35 Very special__- 49c $1.50. Heavy Service Pure Silk Hose Voiles For Hot ,+ Special new French Weather. "� heel. Special at Latest designs $1.35 & $1.39. 35c. and 50c ';c Holeproof Spec- ial Silk Hose 4 All silk throughout, * special 95c * Women's S i 1 k Men's Oxfords Bloomers Tan or Black Popular Shades, 69c and Up. $3.95 & $5.00 Women's Silk Vests. A large variety in qualities and colors, 49c up. ate au: Summer Dresses for Women and Children at various prices up 4 to extra large sizes 44 $1.50 to $1.98. 44 Women's Patent Low Shoes $3.00 to $5.00 Women's Under wear in Cotton Vests & Bloom- ers Men's Balbrigg- an Shirts a n d Drawers Sizes 32 to 42.-_.65c Penman's Shirts or Drawers reg $1,25, Spec. $1 F Men's Fancy Sox * 35c to $1.00 M e n's Negligee Shirts Gordon Make $1.50& $2.00. Men's Fancy Straw Hats. Spec ials at $1.00 & $1.25 y.. Jt ak M e n's Snmmer 1 Wool Socks. 5 pairs $1,00 Men's Fancy Sox 35c to $1.00 * POPLESTONE STORE * 131-ytil. McKINNON'S OLD STAND Ola -a i° < +++++++++++++9r*+++++++++K + + 4. A r O �.J El + NEW SUN WHEAT HEALTH + + BISCUIT + is Ask Your Doctor + + Malted Graham Wafers, pkg 10c + 's" 2 Cans Sliced Pineapple 35c + '1"2 Cans Campbell's T'm'to Soup 25c '1' + Orange Marmalade, (a bargain) 20c � .l„ Figs 2 lbs-.... 25c + 4. Nu -Jell All Flavors + + Head Lettuce +Seedless Grape -Fruit. + + Ice Cream Bricks + + + + GOODS DELIVERED � W. JAS. SIMS, BLYTH, ONT, 'PHONE 14 "i• ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ RICH BEAUTY AT LOW COST. Have you seen the 'new pattern effects in Congoleum and Linoleum Rugs. We have them on display in all popuLy sizes. They're entirely dili- ent and surprisingly Inexpensive. It will pay- f you to inspect T before of erings e ore buying a floor cove ing. I 1 Hai. r':��pkLM �'ti'.514 C L Hilton & Dougherty s . .e.. and Sewing Mach- FOR SALE—Gasoline operated shish 30x30, all in gond repair. One and) ine first-class order. Apply at The pump and 20 feet of hose. Apply at The a half acres good bearing orchard, TheStandard. Standard, �YZ'F3[ Blyth, Ont. re+a++i+i+ FOR SALE—Raymond in ' farm is in splendid state of cultivation, FOR,,SALE - Buckeye incubator, in FOR SA1,�.-.. ggs for hatching, from well fenced, drained and watered. For good condition: capacity 220 eggs. Ap- pure rWhite Leghorn hens. Apply particulars apply to Walter McCill, R. R ply to Mrs. P, Wainer. Phone 18-7. to Mrs; Chris Rogerson. No. 5, Goderich. � EL4L xu -,, r rwal_ai�` — i.aya