HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1930-06-05, Page 7Reduction in Pace of RED OSE TEA Effective Immediately 15c per pound reduction on Red Label Tea. 5c per pound reduction on Other Grades. You can now buy from your grocer at these reduced prices the Red Rose Tea he has in stock. We refund to the grocer the drop in the price. We bear the loss. T. H. EST ABROOKS CO. Limited TORONTO, ONTARIO Tiger Remembered Friend's Kindness Animals Usually Attack Man Only Through Fear Whether the story of Androcles and the lion Is true or not, it is a very pretty one; and if the lion had the dls- position of Carl Hagenbeck's tiger the story might not be such a myth after all. Everyone has heard of the great Hagenbeck menagerie iu Ger• many, where hundreds of animals are kept in surroundings as near as art could make them to their native ]taunts. The Ilagenback brothers did a big trade In animals, supplying pri- vate and public collections with any- thing from a lizard to an elephant. Apart from being dealers they had a real love for their wares, as the fol. lowing story will show. Carl Hagenbeck once bought two young tigers, One of the little crea- tures had caught a sort of influenza cold, which so affected its eyes that Nurses Wanted The Toronto Hospital for Incurables, in affiliation with Bellevue and Allard Hospitals, New \ork City, offers a Three Year's Course of Training to Young Women, having the required education, and desirous of becoming nurses. This Hospital has adopted the eight-hour e/stem. The pupils receive unifornle of the School, a monthly allowance and travelling expenses to and from New York, For further particulars writr or apply to the Superintendent. Cutidura OINTMENT Atried and trusty friend for 50years. 5�op5 6niiE'u��t+!• "Piles for A Months. Nothing helped. Then 'Soothe -Salva' ended itching, pain in 1 minute.Piles soon gone." E.C. Arley. Instant, relief. Piles vanish. Avoids knit o. AIS for some time it lost Its sight. Hagen• beck nursed his invalid carefully for several months, visiting its cage daily, and so successful wore kis ministra- tions that the patient completely re. covered, Later on both his purchases were sold to the Berlin Zoo, where they stayed many years. From time to time Carl IIagenbeck called at the gardens and never forgot to pass the tiger's cage. As c• on as the animal caught sight of him It would show great excitement. Even if it merely heard his voice, it showed pleasure and would purr like a cat, nor would it be satisfied until he had entered the cage and sat with it as friend to friend, People used to watch these meetings of the two friends with interest min- gled with fear, but there was no cause for alarm. Tho tiger had not forgotten Its benefactor. Hagenbeck had a water -color portrait of his etriped friend and always cherished the memorial. The tiger is one of the most dreaded of jungle dwellers, for its ferocity is a byword; but with all its ugly reputation this incident shows that it can remember kindly t1 eatment and a kindly ..taster. Most animals attack man through fear of hint, and very few will attack him if left alone. Here and there we read of isolated cases of unprovoked at. tack, but these cases are rare, and it is the exception rather than the rule. —The Humane Pleader, "It is not marriage that fails, but the people. All marriage does is to show thein up."—Harry Emerson Fosdick, Use Minard's for Burns, "Few things in the modern world are More surprising than the change which has calve over parents in the present generation." — Bertrand Rus- sell, Learn Watchmaking Light Interesting Work Good Watchmakers (either sex) can earn good money For information write the CENTRAL TECHNICAL SCHOOL Toronto 49 For Troubles due to Acid INDIGESTION ACIO STOMACH HEARTOURN HEADACHE UASES-NAUSEA„ Sour Stomach Just a tasteless dose of Phillips' Milit of Magnesia in water. That is an alkali, effective, yet harmless. It has been the standard antacid for 50 years among physicians everywhere, One spoonful will neutralize at once many times its volume in acid. It is the right way, the quick, pleasant and efficient way to kill the excess acid, The stomach becomes sweet, the pain departs. You Ore happy again in five minutes. Don't depend on crude methods. Em- ploy the best way yet evolved in all the years of searching, That is Phil- lips' Milk of Magnesia. 13e sure to get the geapine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physI- cians for 50 years in correcting excess acids. Each bottle contains full diec- tions—any drugstore, New German Plane Dessau, Ger.—The Junkers airplane, G-38, claimed to be the largest land plane in the world, started May 14 on its first extended cross-country flight, with 20 passengers aboard, After the trip the Luft -Hansa Company will take the plane over to use as a freight carrier, The craft measures 148 feet be- tween wing tips. It is practically without body or tail, and gives the im- pression of being all wings, There are four Junkers motors aggregating 2400 horsepower, and it can carry 8000 pounds useful load. The cabins are built in the wings, THE REASON WHY Thin, Weak Children Need Baby's Own Tablets. Malnutrition, or inability to derive nourishment from food, is a common trouble with little children and is en- tirely due to stomach and bowel weak- ness. Another cause of loss of flesh and sleep is worms. To correct stomach and bowel trou- bles and thus banish constipation and indigestion, break up colds and shin ple fevers; expel worms and allay the pain which accompanies the cutting of teeth is what Baby's Own Tablets were designed for. They never fail to be of aid and can be given with safety to the youngest babe. Baby's Own Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. He's Fifty-two And Teething Beverly, N.J.—Janes J. Carr, dity- two years old and the father of four children, Is teething again. He has cut fourteen of his third set, all strong and healthy teeth. Dr. Parry Scott, Carr's physician, and Dr. Harold Winkelspecht, his den - list, say there 1s no doubt that the third set of teeth is natural. Dentists have known of third sets, but usually they occur at such a1 advanced age that En" person dies before complet- ing the set. Mr. Carr, who is a newsdealer in this small community, twenty mi100 from Philadelphia, lost many of his second or permanent teeth early In life, when, despite constant care, they decayed one by one. Some were pull- ed out, and some stubs remained. Now new teeth have shoved through the gums and the slumps took on new life again. There is little pain, such as children suffer. Mr. Carr now has twenty-eight teeth, half of them new and half old, or four less than the average adult has. Whether to expect a new set of wisdom teeth Is tine question which still confronts him. 1M illard's Checks Falling Hair, "To achieve happiness it is neees- sat•y to have some and never com- pletely realized, but always in process of realization,"—Bertrand Russell. ISSUE No. 22-'30 Owl LVIfs Strange, but if you want to keep gas down, don't step on it, p",—"'",, The Hushers' Chorus Hush, hut) gas tank, Don't you cry, Pay day will he here Before you're dry. Hush, ]lute auto, Doll't you cry, You'll bo a junk pile By and by. Never mind why the black hen lays the white egg, Get the egg, Keep Trying The visitor to the suburbs was do- ing his best to keep up the conversa- tion, Finally he sa111: Visitor—"I hear your volunteer fire company has bought a new engine Native—"Yep." Visitor—"I-Iave you Lied it out yet?" Native—"Nope." Visitor—"What, no fires at all?" Native—'Oh, yep. Had five fires." Visitor—"Then why haven't you tried your engine?" Native—"Houses burn dowel 'fore we get there." "Daddy. I have splendid news for you. The fourth grade teacher is go- ing to retain my services for another year." The two things that will ,develop a dominating personality are a corres- pondence course and a nice fat purse. Fame and lightning don't strike where there's nothing to attract them. John—"The new electrical men, the Robots, aro said to do anything they are told to do," Happy—"They must be Planted." A girl can always tell when she's In love, and she generally does, It's an aspiration to have something to write, but it's drudgery to have to write something. Love Note in the Sign Language You arouse my adoration With your ardent ! When you see the roll of $ in my hand, At this most important , In the evening a myriad Tiny flashes light your mystic op- tics & I'm convinced you have my No. As I drift away in slumber; You aro there with vigor, vim and likewise —, And 171( slave to each suggestion That you make; beyond a ? You're the cute though less mon- arch of my cash) Tito laziest man in the world: He married a widow with sixteen child- ren. Where there's smoke there's some- body's flame. Everybody exerts an influence over somebody else 11 no more than as a horrible example. Blessed are the poo'. No one ever contracted a nervous breakdown from pulling a wheelbarrow or pushing a shovel, The defeated candidate in a Mexi- can election never asks for a recount. Famous men look bigger in print than they do when you actually meet them, The average man speaks about 12,- 000,000 words a year, says a scientist, Not the average married man. Obadiah—"I think Peggy will make an ideal wife. Every time 1 go to her home I finch her darning ]ter father's socks." Joshua—"That caught me too—until I noticed it was always the same sock," THE ANAEMIC GIRL Who Has Lost Her Charm and 1Us1D 111C)1.h;S, 110 131', Y.\IiSlTY Cyelc 11 rl s, •113 8011(111a Avenue, 'r Ul'UIltO. Classified Advertising FOR SALE Beauty 1 111(55 0111(005 -Web 11 A'ICII(:U "She seems to be losing her loolrs.' Al 2th 004 lust i .ar In tour var1u- Thls remark is often heart] about girls qe.> lvldto nor free --"t' o0 ° A. 11. Swltznr, Granton, f)nG W110 were once noted for their spark -i L011,;(11...1;3, u)uB t1 ling eyes, their rosy cheeks and thein j l 'ut'ris s,r:ultoltN vitality. The cause is not far to seek —they have become anaemic; that ac- counts for the pallor and the loss of charm. The anaemic girl, 1f she neg- lects her health, may be a sufferer all her life. Take heed, you pale, anaemic girls. Plenty of fresh air, nourishing food and rest will kelp you, but what you need most io good blood. Those wretched headaches; that fickle appe- tite and those terrible heart palpita- tions can only be banished if the blood is rich, red and pure. Good blood—the hind that brings good health, 1s created by Dr, Wil- liams' Pink Pilis. The whole mission of these Pills is to bulk] rich, red, health -giving blood, Tho Pills are sold by all dealers in medicine or by mail at 50 cents a box from Tho Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, "Vote For Women" Coming in Japan Tokyo.—The House of Repreeenta- fives May 10 passed a hill permitting women of 25 years or older to vote in elections for municipal and prefectural assemblies. Although the pleasure likely will be defeated lin the House of Peers, advo- cates of woman suffrage hail it as a victory presaging full enfranchisement for women in a few years. The hill made no provision for wo- men voting for members of the Nation- al Parliament, The Cabinet withheld support of the measure but representatives adhering to both the Minseito (Majority) and Selyukai (chief opposition) parties joined the large majority standing for an uncounted vote. When the bill was in the committee stage the Home Minister, Iienzo Ada - chi, said that although the Cabinet ap- proved the theory of woman suffrage, it preferred slower progress In the matter. A THOUGHT FOR TO -DAY A wise man will make more oppor- tunities than he finds.—Bacon. Fair Lady: "Oli, is that a man-eating lion, mister?" Zoo attendant (wear- Ily): "00, yes -stun. But we're short of men this week so we're feeding him beef." First -Aid For all pains and aches, foot troubles, cuts and bruises, or general massaging purpose,`;, Minard's simply can't be beaten, •rrcr. 'Iyymou 111 li;lby JIltoka, wonderful winter layers. ('0 1(1(10 been hatching 101 27 years. Del:nn1,re Poultry tram, Stratford, (mut. lo. "TRENT" P11Y AND JUNE Chir] s always popular. Rocks. Dy lndotted 1 e5llerns. Free folder 'Pin 6111000,de0m1000 why their bleeding tells in the nest. Order early and sa, e, Trent Electric Hatchery. Trenton, Ont. 017ILD'S A 1 CHICKS ROCIOS, MAY, 1Se; JUNE, 17c; 10(0- HORNS, May, Ile; June, 110. 100% Rye delivery guaranteed. Express pre- paid on 200 or more chicks, 8 week old pullets 01,40 00011 and up. Catalogue free. r,. 11, Guild and Sons, Box 0, Rockwood, Ontario. FOR SALE FIVE D.C. MOTORS 1, 11/2, 4 and 8 Horsepower, all In good conditlen. Cheap for immediate sale. H. Watkins, 73 Adelaide Street West, Teenntn. MORE STOMACH TROUBLE` a'No more stomach trouble. Can eat anything," writes Mrs. E, white. Thousands say indiges- tion, heartburn, gas vanish like magic with Fmita•tives". Constipation, sick headaches end overnight Nerves, heartqulet, sound sleep al once. Rheumatism dies away. Complexion dears quick, Get "Ftuit•a-Uvea" from druggist today. DADDY CAN NOW EAT ANYTHING He dearly loved a rich titbit. The spirit was willing, but the flesh was weak. "Whenever he ate anything rich, his boys need to say,' Poor dad, he will pay the penalty to•tnorrow." Read the sequel in his own words :— 'Since taking the regular doge of Kruschen Salts it be quite different, and my boys enjoy themselves seeing me eat what I dare not touch before. My eldest son was the soma, but since be has taken Kruschen Salts he can eat and enjoy whatever is put M front of him." Modern artificial conditions, errors of diet, overwork, lack of exercise, and so on, are bound to have injurious effects in the long run providing Inc precaution is not taken. KrnsolIen Salts should be your safe- guard. Besides cleansing the body of impurities gently, surely and painlessly, they possess a vital power of giving new life and vitality to the countless millions of cells of which every body is composed. That is why physicians never hesitate to recommend Kruschen Salts. "Skinny! 1 Cained 11 Lbs, in 8 Weeks and Boy Friend" DO YOU SUFFER WITH HEADACHE? So easy to get quick relief and pre- vent an attack in the future, Avoid bromides and dope. They relieve quick- ly but affect the heart and are very dangerous, They are depressing and only give temporaryrelief, the cause of the headache still remains within. The sane and harmless way. First correct the cause, sweeten the sour and acid stomach, relieve the intes- tines of the decayed and poisonous food matter, gently stimulate 111e liver, start the bile flowing and the bowels pass off the waste matter which causes your headache, Try Carter's Little Liver Pills, Druggists 25c red pkgs. The upsets of lare All children are subject to little upsets. They conte at unexpected times. They seem twice as serious in the dead of night. But there's one forth of comfort on which a mother can always rely; good old Castoria. This pure vegetable preparation can't harm the tiniest infant. Yet mild as it is, it soothes a restless, fretful baby like nothing else. Its quick relief soon sees the youngster comfortable once more, back to sleep. Even an, attack of "After trying several tonics tried Ironized Yeast. In 5 w 0 0 It s gainer] 11 lbs., new complexion, r o u n limbs; best of all a boy friend." --5. M. Saline. Men and women are amazed at l,ai)h of 5 to 15 lbs. in 3 weeks, Ugly I °Mows 5;1 111511. Ilony limbs round out. Sallow, blemished skin gets leas and rosy like mages, Nervous• ass, indigestion, constipation disap- 1 ear overnight, Sound sleep. New pep from very' first day, Two great tonics M one—special weight -building Malt Yeast and strengthening Iron. Pleasant- little tablets. Far stronger than unmedl. cated yeast. Results in 1,i time. No yeasty taste, 110 gas, Don't go round "skinny," ugly, un- attractive. Get Ironized Yeast froin druggist today, Feel great tomorrow. Money back from manufacturer if not lolighted with results. Nr, .79 „ 1AtPropnaery„fl1anlMed "npld Ah4ni Qal'Iti 'bYae4�a'slmil t 81na.SmauAsuasu.eAa TherebyProrno111140i4e0on C14.410.10NNamilLestCo00t itt er Op a 1.n0PMnenm Mtntat.NoTNAacenc ,ap,✓svr's+:rivinrtr" colic, or diarrhea, yields to the soothing influence of Castoria, Keep Castoria in mind, and keep a bottle in the ]louse—always. Give a few drops to any child whose tongue is coated, or whose breath is bad. Continue with Castoria until the child is grown! Every drugstore has Castoria; the genuine has Chas, I -I. Fletcher's signature on the wrapper. Not I --its ate to,Try Your Vegetable Com- pound is a good medicine. Anyone who is in poor health should not hesitate to try it. When I was taking the Vege- table Compound I '',tried Ithe sample Liver Pills I found in the package. I have taken them every night since and I can feel myself improving. 1 am so thankful for the good they do me that I have told several women about it."— Mrs. G. W. Posliff, 263 Huron St,, Stratford, Ontario. Lydia '1 Pmkhai's VeL`f`-l''stable' Compound 1(rate E. V"bhia Medset, trio. Mist 0 E.S. r1(] Cabiat' 1,1,,, tenedr: