HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1930-06-05, Page 4PAGE 4 -THE BLYTA STANDARD --,?ire 5 1:t0 LONDESBORO NEWS Mr. and Mrs. D. Geddes, of Wingham. called on a number of friends here on Monday, Mrs. Elsiey and Mrs. Tamblyn visited their sister, Mrs. Campaeil, of Westfield, on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Moon and Mrs. E. Adams motored to Goderich and return on Monday. f: Mr. and Mrs. Dickson, of Seafortti, re- cently visited the home of Messrs. H. and E. Sanderson, 13th con. Dr, and Mrs, Kirk Lyon have returned 6o their home in Leamington, after a pleas ant visit with the Iormer'sparents, Revs, Johnston and Forrester. who were in attendance at the United Conference in Woodstock last week, have returned. Mr. las. Hirons, of Detroit, is at pres• eat visiting his father and sister, Mr. Geo and Miss Margaret Hirons. Morris Council Minutes of Council meeting held in the Township Hall, on Monday, May 26, with all members present and the reeve presid- ing. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. The Court of Revision on the assessment Roll was then opened, Appeals for a lower assessment were pre- sented by Wm. Edgar, Samuel Burke and Ino. L. Kerr. The appeals were not sus- tained. The Court of Revision on the assessment roll then adjourned tilt the next council meeting on June 23. The contracts foe constructing the Mc- Lean and Phelan drains were give to Felix Curtis for 52102. There was a long list of tenders for crushing and delivering gray el, The contract was given to W, Short - reed & Son at 67c per yd. The following accounts were paid: - W. T. Brydges, Collector 5182 00 1Stewart, hall rent ... 2 00 Dr, Stewart, B. 0. H 25 00 A McEwen " 3 00 W J Henderson " 3 00 Harold Turvey, watching sheep2 60. Mr, and Mrs. R. 13. McGowan and Mr. PATROLMEN and Mrs, Wm. Jenkins were in attend- ance at wedding of a relative, Miss Ship - Ivy, of Denfield, on Wednesday. Mr, and Mrs. A. Ney and daughter, Joyce, of Sebringville, and Mr and Mrs. E. Ar ritage, of Wingham, were week end visitors with the ladies' parents, E. C. and Mrs. Laundy. TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the under- signed for the peiating of the interior of the Westfield School, U. S S. No. 6 East AVawanoslt, Specifications may be ob- tained from the Secretary. Work to be completed by August 20th. All tenders to I e in by June loth. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. W. Albert Campbell, Secretary, R. R, No. 2. Auburn. CARD OF TIAANKS The family of the late Mrs, Geo. I3rog• den desire to express their thanks to all who assisted in any way during their re. cent bereavement, also to those who so kindly loaned their cars and for the many floral tributes. Geo. Brogden and family ANNUAL MEETING 'The annual meeting of the lot ow mei$ i,r the Blyth Union Cemetery will be held in Community Hall. Blyth, on Friday, evening, June 13, at 8 p. m, R. B. McGowan, S cretary. Eleanor M. Snider, A. T. C. M. Teacher of Piano, Vocal and Theory. Pupils prepared for the Toronto Conser- vatory examinations. Studio at Mrs, Harvey Mason's, Blyth. Rus Sundercock $ 16 25 Frank Beirnes . . 22 50 Jos. Vuill.,.....• •... 20 00 Earnest Noble 28 75 Geo Kelly 20 45 R D. Golley 18 45 Joel 1-1 Sellers 24 00 Laois Jewitt .. 33 98 Frank Shaw 24 25 Vchn Craig 3 50 J 1' Kelly 10 00 Chas Workman 35 50 W Brown 50 00 Jas Andersyn.... 8 50 Stewart l'roctor, lanai killed 10 00 Jas. Peococic, assessor 110 00 Council will meet on Monday, June 23. A. MacEwen, Clerk, Mr, and Mrs, Grant Laundy and Mr, and Mrs. Chas, Weaver, of Buffalo, were week end visitors at the home of the for- mer's parents, E. C. and Mrs. Laundy. FOR SALE -10 acres of land on which is situate a good brick dwelling and stable The property will be sold at sacrifice on immediate sale. Apply at The Standard Real Estate Agency, The Band will give an open air concert in front of Memorial Hall, on Saturday evening, and every second week during the summer months, They will also give an open air concert at Brussels on Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Chas Brogden, Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brogden, Ingersoll; Mr. and Mrs. Hall, Miss Mayme Weeks, Miss Ella Waadcll, Loudon, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lyon n Sunday. EPPS' TRANSPORT VARNA, ONT. Phones -Clinton 6261' 21. London Met. 1165, Daily Freight and Express from London Closed vans for furniture loads anywhere. Every load in3ured for $3500.00. Service and Satisfaction Our Motto. ti E. H. EPPS & SON. ✓' I ✓./✓../y✓✓- ./.%✓,!./,/f✓Y' The Late James it Brigham The fact that life holds no certain grip on mortals young, middle aged or old, has an illustration in the death of James Ralph Brigham who passed away in the prune of life on Monday evening, after only a few days illness. Apparently in the best of health c n Thursday last, he went about hie usual !aborts and in the evening attended a meeting of the directors of Blyth Agricul- tural Society and took his full share of the discussions that came before the meeting. On Friday morning he complained of a pain in his head which inc,eased until he lapsed into unconsciousness from which he never recovered. The cause of death is attributed to a clot on the brain, pro- ducing paralysis. The late James Brigham was born on the farm on which he died, almost forty- one years ago, the son of the late John and Mrs, Brigham. Here his entire life was spent. Ile was a man of excellent personal qualities, honest and upright and held the esteem of a wide circle of friends. For two years he was president of Blyth Agricultural Society and during his tenure of office rendered unstinted service which was always appreciated. A member of St. Andrew's United Church, he was a regular attendant at the services and at alt times ready to assist in carrying on the work of the church. He was married almost three years ago to Miss Elsie A. Wightman, of White- church, who, with one aon, is left to mourn t e loss of a kind and considerate husband and father. He is also survived by two brothers, Albert, of Hullett, and Foster Brigham, of Saskatchewan, and one sister, Mrs. Nellie Wetherell, Alberta. The funeral will take place to -day (Thursday) under Masonic auspices, ser- vice bring conducted at the home at 2 p. t11. by Rev. George Weir, followed by in- terment in the Union Cemetery. Blyth Council Meeting TI e regular monthly meeting was held in the Council Chamber on June 2 with all members present and Reeve Cutt pre• siding. Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved on motion of Co uncill- tors White and Hetrron, The following bills were ordered paid on motion of Councillors Wallace and White, J Ferguson, May salary and extras 571 70 Wm Thunli, salary 40 00 C. N. R. rent for scale space 2 50 Joe Coulter, work ......,, '2 00 Chas. Burling," 2 25 Arthur Barr, grading streets 7 50 Collinson & Glousher do 7 50 Donation to Band 20 00 Moved by Councillor Bell seconded by Councillor Heffron that water and fire committee examine water pipes at old pumping plant and see if same is in suit- able shape, and if so to have same lifted and relaid on Queen St. south from end of present main up to south side of McCon- nell Street at August Sanders corner, a distance of some 400 f, et and if scheme is feasible, that clerk be authorized to ore der a new hye.rant, as per quotations se- cured. Carried. The Street Committee was authorized to investigate certain streets, and parties being affected lay drainage water over. flowing their property. Moved by Councillor White seconded by Councillor Hefiron that we do now adjourn. Carried. Tires almost worn out are dangerous . . DRIVE IN SAFETY OIV DOMINION ROYALS Look to your tires early this season. Have them inspected by a Domin- ion Tire Depot expert. Your old tires may be worn to the danger point. Replace them with Dominion Royals, standard equip- ment on many of Canada's finest cars. Dominion Royals --the tire of today for the car of today -are sold and serviced by Canada's greatest tire organization, the Dominion Tire Depot System, each independent unit distinguished by its blue, and orange color scheme. DEPOTS 11111111111111011111111 H. A. LOFFREE successor to J. FERGUSON & CO. Brussels IN THE McMURCHIE BL OCK, BLYTH, LADIES' HOUSE DRESSES In Fancy Prints All Ready To Put On at $1.39 to $1.48 See Our Assortment of LADIES LACE COLLAR & CUFF SETS To fit nearly any style of dress from 35cts up, NEW RAYON SILKS One Dress Length Of Each, Only 89c DRAPERY CHINTZ A Nice Range to Choose From. 36 Inches Wide for 25c PURE LINEN TABLE CLOTHS Colored Border In Blue 8c Gold. Special $1.19 MEN'S SWEATER COATS Camel & Brown, Black & White, Cardinal 8c Black, Block Fronts. Just Arrived $4.95 Men's Work Sox. pair or 4 pairs 95c FORSYTH NAIN CHECK UNDERWEAR In Either Styles You Wish, Button or no Button. All Sizes in Stock 95c. Up. Try a suit of our Forsyth Shirts or Shorts, Assorted colors Nothing more comfortable. We have a complete range of Men's Shirts, O'alls, Work Pants, Smocks, Merino Underwear, Etc NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS Phone 71 ALEX. SPARLING, M' NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF Luther Jones Williams, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that all per - so is having claims against the estate of Luther Jones Williams, late of the village of Blyth, in the County of IIuron, mer- chant, deceased, who died on or about the 21st day of April, A. D, 1930, are re- quired to deliver to the undersigned Ex- ecutors of the said estate, on or before the -14th day of June, A, D , 1030, a full state ment of their claims together with partic- ulars thereof, and the nature of the secur- ities if held by then. all duly verified by affidavit. AND 'TAKE NOTICE that alter the said last mentioned date the said execs. tors will proce d to distribute the estate of the said deceased amongst the persons entitled thereto having regard orly to such claims as they shall have received due notice and in accordance therewith. DATED at Blyth Ontario, this 27th day of May, A. D. 1930. LESLIE HILBORN Executors. ' MINNIE WILLIAMS FOR SERVICE The pure bred Gramandyke Yorkshire boar "Parkdale Emporer No. 140922." This animal v as bred by A, Dynes, Ot- tawa, and was sired by '.Valley Farm tial er 4" the prize winning boar at Ce.,tral Canada Exhibition, Ottawa, in 1029. Ed,vard 1Iaggitt, Blyth, Ont. NOTICE NotLe is her by given to the land own- ers of Blyth that the Weed Act is to be more rigidly enforced during 1930. Clause 3, Ontario Weed Control Act tates "Every occupant of land or if the and is unoccupied, the owner shall de- stroy all w eds designated noxious bv.the regulations as often in every year as is sufficient to prevent the ripening of their seeds," NOXIOUS WEEDS Bladder Campion, Oxeye Daisy, Sow Thistle, White Cockle, Wild Oats, Can- ada Thistle, Blue Week, Chicory, Docks Ragweed, common, Ribgrass, Stinkweed Tumbling Mnetatd, Wild Carrot, Bur- docks, Hawkweeds, Wild Lettuces. Property owners are advised to exercise great care in destroying all noxious weeds before they go to seed and the co o,.era- tion of every one is expected in a general clean up. If these precautions are not taken, the inspector may exercise his authority and have the menace removed before the weeds mature. 4++++44 ++44+'M4++4+41'44 r'+I.+ ♦++M't-++4++f++++f++++++4+++ 4. 1 1 ++144.4441.44++++444444444441.1144444444444+4444.1444444 FINAL 15 DAY SALE Lasting until June 7th. SHOES, HARNESS, TRUNKS, TRAVELLING •BAGS, AND ALL LEATHER GOODS During this Sale Prices will be Set Single Harness, reg $33.00, sale $26.50 Set Single 'Harness, reg $30.00, sale $25.00 Set Single Harness, reg $27.00, sale $23.00 Set Web Traces (extra qualily) $16.00 reduced to. $13.95 Steamer Trunk reg. $7.50 now . $ 5.95 Steamer Trunk reg $8.50 now__..-._.- $ 6.95 Steamer Trunk reg $10.00 now $ 8.25 Trunk reg. $7.00 now ................ ......_$ 5.75 TRAVELLING BAGS AND SUIT CASES REDUCED ABOUT 25 PER CENT. HORSE COLLARS, BLANKETS, MITTS, RUBBERS, RUNNING SHOES. ALL AT A SAVING IN PRICE W010TPI TAKING ADVANTAGE OF. SHOES. All shoes will be sold 10 per cent be- low previous sale price. And for the early buyer, a number of shoes are marked below cost. Oar previous sale was a splendid success and the present sale will be conducted along the same lines with even greater savings to the buying public. R. H. ROBINSON, BLYTH.