HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1930-05-29, Page 1Elite Stationery A large assortment of Writing Tablets and fancy i'apeteries and Envelopes at The Standard Book Store The Blyth Standard THE `STANDARD' I BOOK STORE Rooks, Stationery, French holy, 't Leather Goods, Novelties add Magazines. .«........«....«••...................., . w NOON. VOL XXXIX BLYTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MAY 29, 1930 diol 46 ' ' 404++++++++++++4+++4++4++++ Poultry Necessities We carry a full line of Louse Killer, White Diarrhear Tablets, Roup Tablets, Poultry Specific Etc. These include all lines of Hess, Pratt, Royal Purple, Zenoleum, Bendor, Etc. CYANOGAS Works quickly and effectively, for GROUND -HOGS, SQUIRRELS, RATS, ETC. Easy to use, no dirt, or muss. The only sure death preparation on the market, R. D. PHiLP, PHM. B. Prescriptions Carefully Dispensed. BLYTH, ONTARIO • ++++++++++++++++40++++4+++40+ 1M440++ 44444444044++++++++4++++4++!++40+4~4040/40.40+++++N+++i+++ NEWEST MEN'S STYLES Its our hobby to dresss you in the latest style, and at any price you care to pay. We give you the best TO YOUR MEASURE Suit with extra trousers in all good patterns in any style you choose at $27.00, 831.00. $35.00 $44 & 855. MEWEST TOPCOATS AT $13.50, $15.00, $24.00 Biltmore Hats in New hades and Styles HOLEPROOF HOSIERY Everything in Men's Furnishings of the best. MURRAY MADE FINE SHOES FOR MEN, GIDLEY'S Phone 78 and 133. Blyth, Ontario. iN+++4+44+444+4444404044+4044440+++4011444444+40+++44040+++4 x1'114%141 1A 1V11✓1'111 $ SUPERIOR CHAIN STORES, WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY; FRIDAY &SATURDAY • Crisco "Best for frying or baking l's 23c Kellogg's Rice Krispies, 2 pkgs 21c Eagle Condensed Milk, per tin 19c Oxydol "Cleans Everything" large Pkg19c Wagstaffe's Pure Marmalade 4o oz jar29c Premium Tea, with Cup & Saucer free, lb 59c Fresh Fruit always on hand Swift's Jewel Snortening l's 2 for 29c Interlake Toilet Paper, 3 rolls 25c Durham Corn Starch, per pkg 9c Lifebuoy Health Soap, 2 cakes 15c Sun -Maid Sweet Santa Clara Prunes 2 ib. pkg 29c Aylmer Soups. Assorted (except Chicken) 3 tins 29c Choice Picnic Hams, smoked 23c Ra J. POWELL a PIIONR 9 WE DELIVER GOODS BLYTH -- ONTARIO 4044++++440+F++++4+++++++4+++/++ TRY THE PURINA CHICK FEED IT IS EXCEPTIONALLY CLEAN AND GOOD Other Purina Products will please you. Cows Pigs and Hens improve and thrive by its use. CHATHAM HIGH PATENT FLOUR AT $4.00 Per Cwt. We observe the half holiday during June, July August, Custom chopping every other business day. BLYTH FLOUR MILLS SIXTH — ONTARIO +4+++++++++++++++++++++++4++++++++++++++++++++++++* LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Miss Janet Cowan, of Wingham, was a visitor in town on Thursday, Councillor Bell and family are sporting a new Chrysler Six auto Mr. R. D, Philp spent over the holiday w,th his parents in Listowel. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Poplestone and lam ily were Exeter visitors on the holiday. Miss Verna Rath returned on Saturday from a few days spent with her brother at Harrow. Mr. and Mrs, Geo, A. Machan spens the holiday with the former's mother at Monktcn, Mr. H. Gidley was in Toronto last week on business. Miss Ruth Barnby visited her parents in London over the holiday, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Garrett spent over the holida s with London friends. Mr, and Mrs, Jag. Livermore, of Clin- ton, visited the former's sister, Mrs. Few. cett, on Sunday, Miss Nellie Fear, of Stratford Normal, spent over the wed( end with her mother, Mrs. R. R Fear. Mr. Russel Austin, of Flint, Mich., was a visitor with his brother, Mr. Albert Aus- tin, Hullett, on Sunday. Mrs Williams, of Hullett, and Mrs. El- liott, of Exeter, are patients at the home of Mrs Wm, Hesk, R. N. Glen, tl e young son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas, McGill, is in Goderich hospital un- dergoing tratment. Mrs A. T. Cole and Mies Mary spent over the holiday with the former's Baugh. ter, Mrs. Jas. Michie, Morris. Mr, and Mrs, Frank Rowed of } oronto, former residents of Blyth, celled on Frank and Mrs. Metcalf on Empire Day. Mr, C. B. Stephenson, of New Lis- keard, president of Pandora Mines, was a guest at the home of Mr. H. Gidley. Mr. Wm. Mair and daughter, Erma, of Clinton, apent Empire Day with the fors mer's sister, Mrs. Howard Brunsdon. Misses McNair and Stewart, of Blyth teaching sts,ff, spent over the week end at their homes in Grey 'I'p. and Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. E. R, Lockyer and daugh ter, Patsy, of Toronto, were visitors over the holiday with Mrs. Lockyer's mother, Mrs A. Fawcett. Quite a number from Blyth and vicin• ity wil attend the concert and dance on Wednesday night in Dungannon, given by Mr. Geo, Spotton, M. P. Mr. and Mre. John Metcalf and Mr. F. Smith and son, of London, visited at the home of the former's brother, Mr. Frank Metcalf on Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. E. Bentley, who have been in London for the past week.jhave re turned home. Mr. Bentley was taking treatment at the hospital Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Meakins and two daughters, of Totonto, spent E,npire Day with Mrs, Meakins' cousins, Fred. and Miss Jennie Austin, 12th con. Hullett Sacrament of the Lord a Supper will be dispensed in Old St. Andrew' Presbyter- ian Church on Sabbath afternoon next. Preparatory service will be held on Friday evening of this week. Rev. T. H. Farr, rector of Saint John's Anglican Church, London, who recently underwent two operations in the hospital in that city, is improving nicely. which fact will be pleasing news to his many friend: here. Mrs, W. R. Erskine and Jeanette leave this week for Toronto where they will visit for some waeke, going It om there to the shores of Georgian Bay where they will remain during the summer weather. Later they will vi it with retat!vea in Montreal. Miss Violet M. Bell, of London, former- ly of Blyth, gi aduated on Tuesday. May 20th, from Ontario Hospital with a class of twelve. Violet is to be congratulated on her standing in the class, having gain- ed the Medical Superintendent's prize for general proficiency and Dr. Chakl's prize for the highest in obstretics. Miss Belt is now at Windsor General Metropolitan Hospital taking her affiliated course. "The End of the Lane" a comedy - drama in three acts by Lillian Mortimore, will be presented by the Naomi Players of Brigden, under the auspices of the Lads its' Aid of St Andrew's United Church in lieu of their annual la n social, in Mem- orial Hall, Blyth, on Saturday ei ening, May 31st. This play has been presented a number of times with unprecedented success and promises to he something just a little better in the way of entertain- ment. The cast contains two former resi eats of Blyth, Mrs. Lillian Sinclair and Mrs. Carrie McDonald. Specialties will be given between acts, Tickets— Adults 35c., Children 25c. Mra. 0. Johnson and children, of Tor- onto, visited her parents, Wm. and Mra. Johnston, over the holiday. Miss Stella Richmond, of Stratford Normal, spent the week end with her parents, J. H. and Mrs. Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie McElroy, of De- troit, spent over Sunday with theformer's parents, W. H. and Mrs, McElroy, Bro. Bailie Parrott of Blyth I. 0.0. F. was appointed Warden at the district m, eting held in Wroxeter last week. Mrs. W. R. Erskine and Jdanette re- turned to town last week after a few days spent with London and Stratford friends. Mr, Boyd Taylor left on Tuesday for Montreal where he will take passage for Southampton, Eng. From there he will go to South Africa, Mies Ells M, Meicalf, who accepted a position some days previous, in tlr, Treas. urer's Dept. of the Ontario Government, apent the holiday with her parents, F. add Mfa. Metcalf, The sacrament of the Lord's Super will be dispensed in St. Andrew's United Church at the morning service on Sunday June 8th. Freparatory service will be held the preceding Friday evening, The regular monthly meeting of W. C. T. U. will be held at the home of Mrs, A. B. Carr, this (Wednesday) evening at 8 P. m This is "Mother's Night" and the mothers f town and community are re- quested to be present, A rink of bowlers, comprising R. H. Robinson, J. R, Cutt, F. D. Stalker and M. Telfer played at the Wingham Tourn• ament on Empire Day. They were un- successful in winning a prize but thor- oughly enjoyed their initial tournament for 1930. Owing to Rev. Mr. Weir being in at- tendance at the Conference in Woodstock the service in St Andrew's United Church next Sunday morning will be in charge of the young people with Dr, Ross deliver- ing the acdreaa. No service will be held in the evening, Mr. John Larr, who had the supervision of the removal of the old cable and poles belonging to Blyth Telephone System from the streets, made a elean job of it, The r moval of some of the poles without interference with the present line, requir- ed engineering but the work was accom- plished without mishap, Rev. Canon A. Shalferd, M. A., D. C, L., rector of St, James the Apostle Church, Montreal. and a Grand Master of the A. F, & A. M. for the Province of Quebec will address the members of Maitland Lodge and visiting brethren, in St. George Anglican Church, Goderich, on Sunday, June 1st, at 3 p. m. The proceeds realized from the Min- strel show sponsored by the Lyons' Club of Goderich, last week, amounted to 01125 These funds will be used to finance a clin- ic with the object of assisting the crippled children in the county. The cause is a laudable one and we are pleased that the public responded so generously. The regular monthly meeting of the W. M. S. of St. Andrews' United church, was held in the School room of the church, on Tuesday. May 20th, with the president, Mrs. Oster, presiding. Alter the usual opening exercises good reports were given by the different secretaries, especially so from the Sec. -Treasurer, Miss Mile, who reported the Easter thank -offering as being $03.55 and monthly collections en- couraging. Special music was given by Mrs. Jenkins, who sang "The Old Rug- ged Cross." Mrs. Wm, Laidlaw took up the fifth chapter of the Study Book. ' From Jerusalem to Jerusalem" This chapter, entitled "Toe Finished Task" very clearly reveals the fact that the great commission entrusted by our Lord to His This business of robbing hen roosts is becoming more and more precarious. The Provincial Government, through the Pro- vincial Police are Braking every effort to apprehend those who steal chickens, and to punish them with a penalty that the crime deserves. Hon. Jno. S. Martin, Minister of Agriculture, recently reported that Gen, Williams has instructed his followers is still unfinished, there are atilt men to make a strongto check this many places in the world unreached by branch of crime and thea results speak for the gospel. Mrs. Cole read a very inter - themselves. Imprisonment has been met esting tsentieth century parable. Splens ed out to 92. fineto 24; suspended sen• did reports of the Presbyterial were given fence 12, dismiesed 10; withdrawn 3 The penalty in one case for theft of chickens by Miss Milne and Mrs, Jenkins. The was two years in Kingston Penitentiary. •,....,Mw„we.wN,wN00.141.wu11r,+.w..w0NwN0a.w1w1,wn se., DR. W. J. MILNE wishes to announce the complete installati.:n f of physio -therapy and X -Ray laboratory and radium institute. 1 Will give special attention to easel' suitab'e 1 for these treatments on Mondays, Wedne:ldays and Fridays from 2 to 4 p. m. Phones—Office 28, Residence 29. 4.Pwu.w..rwnrM...Muwrneru.w,.,rwn.+.,nwsur.♦u.rnnw0uw westing closed by singing a hymn and all repeating the Lord's prayer in unison, rrrrrtrrrrrrtrrrrrrrrsrtrrrtrrrrrtrrrtrrrrrrrttttrrtII WE HAVE NOW ON HAND A FULL LINE OF Alfalfa, Timothy, Red Clover, Alsike, Orchard Grass. Yellow and White Bloom Sweet Clover A. Se RADFORD, 'PHONE 39 BLYTH — ONTARIO ntrrtatrtrtirtrrrrtrrttrrrrtrnrrrrrrrrrrtrtrrtrrrrrra Misses Dorothy and Muriel Lamont, of EGGS AND Toronto, were guests of Mrs. W. J. Petts during the week. Mr. Jos. Stothers, of Sarnia, spent som days in time during the week renewing acquaintances. Miss Jean Laidlaw, of London Normal, spent over Empire Day with her parents, David and Mrs. Laidlaw. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Leith and family, of Stratford, spent Sunday with the form- er's sister, Mrs. Herb McElroy. Little Miss Joyce Stackhouse, of Ridge- way, is spending some holidays with her grandmother, Mrs. W. Stackhouse. Rev. Mr. Harrison, of Clinton, conduct- ed the service in Trinity Church here on Sunday. Rev. Mr. Pocock had charge in Clinton. Do not fail to see "The End of the Lane" under the auspices of the Ladies' Ai I of St. Andrews United Church, in Memorial Hall, Blyth. on Saturday even- ing, May 31e.. A typographical error appeared in Blyth Flour Mills adv, last week which read "Chatham High Patent Flour at $4.50 per cwt.' This should have been $4,00. Blyth Flour Mills manufacture and han- dle only the best grades of flour and pat- rons are always assured this quality at reasonable prices. The illustrated address on horticulture given by Rev. Mr. Tebbs. of I'.urlington, in Memorial Hal, on Thursday evening, was a very pleasing affair. Rev, G Weir, president of Blyth Horticultural Society. introduced the speaker who unfolded uch of his many years experience in the cultivation of flowers. The views were exceptionally good, depicting the many uses to which flowers and shrubs can be used. The suggestion has been advanced that crop of corn consisting of about half a dozen rows of early sown rapid growing corn, if put in as early as the ground if fit, will in most yeara lessen the amount of in- jury done the main crop by corn borers, if the main crop is sown a few days later than the ideal date. The trap crop should be cut low about the end of the first week in August when ail borer eggs have been laid and should be removed and fed to live stock, Radio will provide the most radical de- parture in campaiging in the approaching federal election, Over 2,000 600 people stretching from Use international bo ind ary line to the frozen n athero wastes will be able, when the campaign is actively on to tune in nightly on one or another of the prominent figures in either , f the old parties, to hear at first hand a mucic more complete presentation of the issues than it is possible to gather from necessary con densed reports. There will be national hook-ups for both the Premier and Icon. R. B. Bennett and there will be provin- cial hook-ups for them and their chief lieutenants. there will be local broad- casts in every settled section of the Do - POULTRY This is the time of year when Egg markets are un- certain. Market your eggs promptly and regularly and avoid loss through falling markets. Clean u your r t '': , be- fore the chickens become staggy and take lower pric- es. We are in the market for any quantity of duck feath- ers for which we will: pay highest market prices. A. H. ERSKINE, Night Phones 100 or 46. (McMillan Produce Building) Day Phone 100, Night Phones 100 or 10 BLYTH, • - ONTAItID Mr. and Mrs. R. West and Master Ted, of Toronto, spent over the holiday with Mrs. West's mother: Mrs. E. Watson. A total of 31,530 persons were killed hy. automobiles in the United States last year according to revised figures of the Ameri. can Motorists' Association, This repre- sents an increase of approximately 12 pet cent, or 0,730 deaths, t ver the total num- ber killed in 1928 and brings the grand total of automobile fatalities in the Unit - .ed States during the past ten years up to 190,850, In the examinations based upon the Educational Temperance Course provided by the Dominion W. C. T. U. Executive, four candidates from Queen St, Sur day School won cash prizes namely, Erefyn Wightman, Winona Hesk, Edwin Bender and Gordon Lyon. .At a recent Sunday School service certificates of merit were presented to the successful young people. It is hoped an increasing number of boys and girls will avail themselves of the benefits and rewards of these contests. Officials of the department cf Justice who have been studying means of protect- ing the public against promotion and stock selling:sharpers are studying with interest a radical remedy now before t e United States Congress. It would refuse the use of the mails or any other means of inter -state communication, to offerings of shares of stock n t actually owned by the person ordering or communicating the offer of sale. Ter s bill, which is brief, pro vides penalties fora fine of up to $10,000 in the case of a corporation, and a fine up to 81,000 or imprisonment up to two years, in the case of an individual. The object is to eliminate interstate short selling.