HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1930-05-22, Page 8LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Mr, Harvey Barr, of Toonto, visited' hisfather, A4r. Jno. Barr, over the week end. Miss Janette Poplestone, R. N„ is seen `lin some days with her parentsuS. A. and Mrs.Poplestone. The stock of the estate of the late L. J. 1Villiams. composed of fancy goods, suit cases, toys, china, trunks, etc., will be sold below cost, beginning Saturday. May 10. Everything must be sold. Thr Exec- utors. Mr. and Mrs R. H. Robinson returned to town on Sunday, after a two weeks' holiday spent in Toronto. Mr. Robinson is greatly improved in health and we are glad to report will soon be back in bis us nal place of business. The annual meeting and nominating con- vention of the North Huron Liberal As• snciation will be held in the Town Hall, Wingham, on Tuesday, May 27th, commencing at 1,30 p. nt., (r the election of officers and othet business, and the se- lection of a candidate to contest the rid• ing at the forthcoming election for the !louse of Cemmens. Addresses will be given by Hon. James Malcolm, Minister of Trade and Commerce, and others The Dominion Bureau of Statistics at Ottawa reports that the production of au- tomobiles in Canada during the month of March numbered some 20,730 cars. Th s amount ;was just about halt of the total number of'bars manufactured in the cor- responding me nth of 1929 Reports from the Customs show that 1,805 cars were imported into Canada and 6 630 cars were exported during the sante month. Of the total output during March, 16,244 cars were made for sale in the country and 4,486 cars were intended far export. There is still plenty of time to get in corn or roots and both crops are essential fpr feeding of all kinds of live stock. tak- ing the piece of green grass in the ration long after the season for grass is over. Corn is planted any time after danger of frost is passed, Mangers should be put in fairly early so that the seed will have the early moi,ture. Turnips are not planted before the second week in June ar,d may go in until about July 10. If planted ton early they are liable to become tough and stake less palatable feed than those a !rich make most of their growth in early fall. Clarence Darrow, public &hater, says man is only a machine which unwinds it- self. This machine acts is accordance with the stimulus which it keeps receiving from nature. Man, says Darrow, has no free will. He does simply because he is a machine, over which he has no real con- trol. Not many people, even schol.rs and scientists, believe that. Some people nas well as they can and some do not. !tight there lies the fundamental differ- ence between people, who are really not much alike after all. you cannot analyze yourself or anybody else very carefully without discovering there is such a thing as free will. Miss M. V. Powell, of Whitby, will give an address in Memoral Hall, on 1Vednes- clay afternoon at o o'clock. Mrs. Powell c 'm -s under the auspices of the Women's Institute, and has for a number of years done most acceptable work for the Wom- en's Inatitutes throughout Ontario, and is actively connected with Household Scientr ce Work fot junior members, also special demonstration courses. Her special dem onstration lecture courses and her thor- ough knowledge of the work gives her ad- dresses additional power and her broad practical views enables her to be of real assistance to her hearers. Lunch will be s'rved. Ladies are cordially invited to attend. The annual meeting and election of offi- cers of ff`cersof the Women's Institute was held Memorial Hall, on Friday, May 16, with the president, Mrs. R. Richmond, presid ing, The meeting opened by singing the Institute Ode and by repeating the Lord's prayer in unison, The president then gave a fitting address. The year's report of t he secretary -treasurer, Mrs, Coiclough, was then given. Mrs Wightman then gave the auditor's report. stating the books were exceedingly well (rept and in first class condition. The reports of all stand- ing committees were satisfactory and on motion were adopted, It was decided to have lunch at the monthly meetings. The Institute has had a splendid year as fort - lows: -total raised from all sources was 8043.64. expenditures *638.96, leaving a balance of $4.68. The National Anthem was sung in closing. The officers and members of Old St. Andrew's Presbyter an Church Sunday School met at the h me of Mrs. Jno Was mouth on Thursday evening last, the oc- casion being Miss Bessie's birthday and, also accepted as a time to offer : ood wish- es prior to her entering probation to be- come a nurse. The evening was most en joyably spent, during which an ,tddres- was read by Walter Shortreed and the pre septation of a hat bag made by Miaa Thel ma Caldwell, The occasion was also ac- cepted to make a presentation to Miss El- iza Machan, nurse-in•training at Clinton hospital. This address was read by Mur- ray Scrimgeour and the presentation made by Miss Norma Caldwell. In the absence of Miss Machan, the presentatian was ac- cepted on her behalf by Rev. T, W. Good- will. Miss Waymouth very pleasingly accepted the gift. expressing her delight at the tokens of good -will therein express- ed by the officers and members of the Sab- bath Scht ol. PAGE 8 -THE BLYTH STANDAI I' -May 22, 1930 pitaa■1111■rt•>trshlUIuult#UIMUMO RONOWMVEVINI Ur1IUrIUIUIII MMOUIIIMINI`IInr RARG-12 .IN"S For one week we are offering Bargains in many lines at greatly reduced prices Colored Border Linen Cloths. One of the best qualities in a Linen Crash Cloth. Just the thing for gener- al use. They will tub splendidly. Reg price $1.50. On sale....-..... $1.15 Turkish Towelling Firmly woven, it has just the right de- gree of downiness and durability. Reg per yd 35c, on sale yards 35 Cotton Voiles These voiles are so prettily designed that it requires little or no trimming. Regular per yd 59c, On sale_.. 35c Curtains. Dainty Cream Ruffled Curtains overa valance, band at woven edge and ruf- fles embroidered in fibre silk in colors. Easily laundried. Reg. $2.95. On sale per parr 2.31 Silk Hose These hose are of a good quality of real silk. They have lisle garter welts, seamed backs with fashioning marks. Reg, $1.00, on sale, pair 69c Ladies' Silk Bloomers & Vests. Reg. $1.25, Sale Price 69c Colored Bed Spread The modern housewife will be glad of the chance to secure one of these col- ored bed spreads, Are guaranteed to be tubfast, and can be got in the wanted shades as blue, rose or gold. Reg. $2.50 on "sale ....$1.98 White Krinkly Bed Spreads. A good quality of cotton woven in the popular°krinkle stripes, fully bleached and hemmed ready for use, large size. Reg. $2.00Son sale $1.25 Printed Silks A supple fabric ideal for the flares and drapes of the mode. REgular $1.25. On sale ,. -_ 89c Bleached Cotton Sheeting. In a nice smooth finish, practical weight and firm, close weave reg 75c. Sale price 59c Cotton Hose; These hose are well made of light weight cotton in a plain even knit. Practical in every day wear. On sale per pair 19c NN..NN.NINr.N.N.INN.NN.N..+N..N.N..NNN.NeNN.N.NerNNNNN NMI THE STORE WITH THE NEW STOCK MEN'S SOCKS Men's work sox in wool and cot- ton. Regular 25c per pair. On Sale 4 pairs for 98c THE STORE '1'HA'r SETS THE PACT?. EZA EEEE SUITS Ready-made Suits for men in Blue, Grey and Brown with strip "Service with n Smile" es. Regular $24 BLYTH, ONT. to $28. On sale $19.50. 111111111111111111111111■1111111111IIuna lila..Ileiasum • ane uIm•flhRuIIlI.RuS PHONE 38 and have wagon call for a loaf of our Delicious Br e a d, B u n s, Cakes, Pastries. A choice assort- ment of Confectionery, Ice Cream and Bricks Always On Hand FRUIT CAKE and WEDDING CAKES Made to Order F J HOLLYMAN 'PIIONE 38 BLYTH. - ONTARIO BABY CHICKS We can supply you with S. C. White Leghorn chick for delivery in June at $10.00 per 100. Our leghorns are the famous Barron strain, big hens, heavy layers of large eggs. We guarantee 100 per cent. safe delivery. Order early while the best dates are available. WALTER Rosa POULTRY FARM, BRUSSELS. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS The municipal council of the Township of Morris are asking for tenders to work the crusher, furnish the necessary power and the cartage to deliver the crushed material. the tender to be so much per yard delivered on the west end of con, 7. the longest hall 3f miles from the pit and crusher. The contractor to furnish every thing necessary to deliver the crushed ma- terial. To give a good -faith bond of 10 per cent. of estimate of contract and to be responsible for 25 of breal,age in crusher. For further particulars apply to the road superintendent or the clerk. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. The tenders will be opened at the Town- ship hall on Monday, May 26, 1030, at 3 p. m. A MacEwen, Clerk of Morris SEALED TENDERS Sealed tenders addressed to Mrs, Robt. Wight man, secretary of Blyth Commun- ity Hall Board, will be received up to Saturday, May 31, 1930, for the following -Painting the wood -work of the exterior of Blyth Community Hall and necessary work pertaining thereto. Specifications) can he seen at the office of Mr, A. H. Erskine. .44++++++++++++++++++++++x SPRING 4 4. 4, 4. 4. SHOES 4. 4. +4. We carry a complete stock of all the 4 latest and up-to-date styles in + + SHOES + Some special values in solid leather 4. shoes that are extra good. Clothing .i. +See our Large range of 4. 4 SUITINGS � 4. to choose from + 4 See our N + NEW CAPS AND TIES + 4. JAS. DODDS 4, BLYTH --ONTARIO 4 +++++++++++++++++++++++++x +++4++++++44++++++++++4'+++6 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ TO THE PUBLIC: ++++++++++++++++++++++4+++ +++++++++++4 The undersigned desire to advise the public that they have taken the agency for INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER CO and have on hand a complete line of farm implements, also a full line of repairs. Our garage is equipped with the prop- er facilities to turn out work of the best order with dispatch. Gasoline, Oils and Auto Repairs on Hand. Hamilton & Dougherty Blyth, Ont. ++++i+++f++++++++++++++++++++++ FOR SALE -Raymond Sewing Mach- ine in first-class order. Apply at The Standard. FOR SALE - Buekeye incpbator, in good condition. capacity 280 eggs, Ap- ply to Mrs, P. Wolper. Phone 18-7. FOR SALE -Gasoline operated slush pump and 20 feet of hose. Apply at The Standard, FOR SALE --Eggs for hatching, from pure bred"White Leghorn hens. Apply to Mrs. Chris Rogerson. * ***************** **** 4 CHILDREN'S SLIPPERS & LOW SHOES * Infants' Patent Women's Biege Slippers Cuff Sandal McKay Welt, Rubb- brown calf trim, er Wedge heel strap and buckle $1.50 # Cuban heel $3.85 Kewpie Kewps Woman's Patent for Kiddies, Blk Kid One Strap Slip. * with strap.-- $1.00 pers McKay Leather, Cu- * Infants Patent ban heel.........$3.00 Sandals. * Stitch down, cut out Womens' Patent vamp $1.35 Slippers * Infants Patent Strap and buckle, cut One Strap Slip- out, black es Trim per $ McKay welt, Silver dot trim. $1.50 Women's Patent Slippers Infants Patent Cuban heel .i e width one strap Slip- $3.95 per Stitch -down, Chrome Women's D o n- * Sole $1.65 gola Fancy Tie * Slipper, * Infants Patent Cut-out, doctor shoes * Strap Slipper Culor onset.. -_$3,95 * Stitch down, Chrome Sole, Butterfly Insert * $1,25 t* 7tt k POPLESTONE STORE McKINNON'S OLD STAND Infants Patent One Strap Slip- pers Silver trim insert, Elk Sole $1.70 Patent Strap Slip per $1,25 Stitched -down piec- ed quarter Women's Patent Slippers Strap and buckle Black Suede trim $ 3.95 Men's Gun Met' al Blucher Ox- ford McKay Welt, full round toe, special $ 3.95 Qi'').taric► 44. 44 TRY' OUR NEW SUN WHEAT HEALTH BISCUIT Ask Your Doctor Malted Graham Wafers, pkg 10c $ 2 Cans Sliced Pineapple 35c 2 Cans Campbell's T'm'to Soup 25c Orange Marmalade, (a bargain) 20c Figs 2 lbs . 25c Nu -Jell All Flavors +t� Head Lettuce + Seedless Grape -Fruit. Ice Cream Bricks «� GOODS DELIVERED «T• 4. W. JAS. SIMS, 4 BLYTH, ONT,, 'PHONE 14 0 �wnars�iwor..ar���rior RICH BEAUTY AT LOW COST. Have you seen the `new pattern effects in Congoleum and Linoleum Rugs. We have them on display in all popular sizes. they're entirely difi- 'nt and surprisingly nexpensive. It will pay you to inspect our offerings before buying a floor covering. a CI ELLEW RLL, YT., ONT. ra uaacm_ f