HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-12-18, Page 8=let'
Five Days More
guoixacaz xvinFomautoono
Christrtias in a Week
. •
Just 5 days before Xmas. Jus• t 5 days in which to do your Xmas shopping.
No matter what you do there wilrbe 5 days of rush, hurry and bustle. Any
, tithe you like td come you will find Mrs a convenient and easy store to shop in,
but if you can manage it, by far the best time to shop will be In the morning.
You will want to make every minute cotint and we have arranged everything
as conveniently as we can for you to see or buy in comfort no matter how big
thp crowd. Dry Ovls giveables are in evidence all over the store. They are
the useful, sensible kind, and a visit to this store will give you many a helpful
hint if you do not know just what to give.
. For the convenience of holiday shoppers the- stare will be open Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday evening of next week; •
Our display forth -0 'holiday season is away aheadof anything ever attempted in Clin-
ton. This or no...Other store here Ewer made gueh 'a display for any occasion. Hundreds of
electric lights, high class Merchandise', artistic decarations,all, tastefOly. arranged, making a
showing that is the talk of the town and well worth coming to see. The lights will be turn-
ed on every evening from i now until Xteas and we heartily invite you to come out and see
this big store in -its holiday _dress. .
• 0 ,e re 0 0 <= > =ea e>000
0,0004 e, ->0r>000.00000,00000000
handkerchiefs •far the holidays are here by the thou'eand. It is hard to find a
little gift that is More acceptable thari a pretty handkerchief. Nowhere here abouts
will you find the assortment to choose from that you can get here, and We are sure
that better values are not to be had anywhere. In plain.linen or fancy embroidered
handerehiefs we are showing a. stOeli that would do credit to a &tote' many times the
• size of this. The best tinae to buy them, though., is early, for the_prettiest patterns al-
ways go:first. These price hints will give you an idea how. we are selling them.
Little .F9lks' Handkercliiefs at 25c '
Fine eeliselity Swiss'enthroideri- •
HalldkerChiefg • , ed Handkerchief'', dozens of •
- new and handsome patterns, •
also very fine qual ty, pure
• Fancy picture Handleerchiefe,
• , Many odd and comical de- linen hem -stitched Hentikete
signs to pleaseethe little folks ' n chiefs, narrow•.heme, invert- = •
2 for Bo id S foe . ed by ourselvee direct from • k
theroakere each 20c and eLU
„ •
Gents' linen : Handkerchiefs,
imported by ourselves direct
bell] the makers., plain or
• 10e, 15,c, 20e, and
••• .
• Ever
gifts: Ea
,• Better .Handkerchieis
l'Eetea•hite eineloidered
triuslin and iinen Handker.
thief', dainey. delleate• de -
•signs, hind or madame guile-
• roideried on the finest of Bri-
•j ens or 'merlins, .many . neve
patterns but not raanY• of
fl any one design. . , 1
„.Z•U -35,c, 506, .7568c 1
10c..C.c 15c Ilandkerehiefs
Fancy embroidered Handker-
chiefs, many different de.
; tigns, kood qualities at
' each ........ ..... , .10c and a
Special at 5C.
Good quality hem -stitched'
• .. Handkerchiefs, full size, also
•°fancy embroidered Handker.
chiefs in good qualieyrnnBn.
• Wit h or vvithout lace edge, /IC
' extra special valeteet, each . sUU
, We are showing hundreds and
hundreds of handkerchiefs to sell at
• this price. We imported the most -of • .
' them direct from the makers in Ireland
nfl mil if We asked 10e• would.nut be ask: -
V ing &bit too•much her lots of . them.
• ••
housekeeper:loyes. prat,- linens and. many 'People buy- them - for holiday
week' we opened up some very'eIimbe piece, bought specially'for the holi-
day trade. If Yalir thoughts are rufiliiiig,iinenwards for holiday . gifts you certainly
ivill,make no mistake if you make' yeueselectiox.) at this store. '
Sideboerd Scarfs, in plain linen
. and damaket; drawn worlc„de-
• e eigns, fringed edge ,,or hem•-
stitch'ed, 25c, 50c, 75c es` 1
- A
s--/ • • •
Pure Linen Table Napkins, fine
bleached trahmerks, • good.,
weighland quality handsome. 5
"••• •
(III Fancy •Tray , Cloth,, oielorite or
IU U shene; frieged with
. • deetevie work Or hem -stitched=
• • ..Datztask, item .patterne, and
" A I values at '
450c, 7 5c, and
00 j
new designs, per.pair 81.to ' • ' •
Feeney Siege Applique Shems.•
fine sentotement'ef _patterns
.eache• .. ... 5Qc to L. U
Fine quality bleached damask
Table Cloths, handsome new
desigee, • heavy weight, all'.
Maple etzes, in' stock, outside
eizee procured:1p a,.
'notice 82.50 to U.
. • .'•'-' . '' ' • . .`' Cloths'and Napkin to match ''''• * -..'," .
• .
We are shjewing some very h tndsonne double datemsk full bleeched table cloths, with dinner
na.pkiesTto match. The ef to e heautifulenewelesigns, comejii good quality and would 'make a
. very hahdsomee.anel acceptable , holiday gift. •' . . , • . .„ • . • .•
• -
• 0 • ":". '''' • ' ''''.• " The Royal Linens . ' . '
Ask to see filef-set of Roeyal-.Linens now on extenieion at this Mire. It is the same exactly a,s'
that proVided ;by the Canadian Pacific Railway for the usetef the Prince and Eitrincees of
Wam les on theif tothoughout•Ortnada. Has the hemleomis Louis 15th. (toket
n, an extra •
-' ,
heavy quality of puee et•iste,
• ...,. ••_ .,.• ••
' #
Ilosanatoir 18* 1904.
The very word Christmas suggests a host of pleasant things.' -not the least of them the pleas,
ure of buying gifts for friends or loved ones, Gift buying is a bit of a puzzle sometimes. We know
that perfectly well, and knowing it, our aim is to make it easy for you. It is for that reason that ev.,
ery one of our departments is a mine from which you can take things appropriate for Christmas
giving and our prices so helpfUlly low, too. Our Christmas stock of Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Ties,
Belts, Ribbons, Linens, Blankets, Furs for women and children, Gauntlets of Fur and Astrachan
Cloth, etc., is very complete and all will make very suitable gifts.
A Picture Handkerchief Will be given every child that comes to the store.
Handkerchiefs at 2 for 5c
500 white hemstitclied half linen Elendkerchiefs, regular 5c, at .05
2 for
Handkerchiefs at 5c •
Thousands of plain hemstitched Handkerchiefs, also lace trimmed .05
ones, at each
Children's Colored Handkerchiefs at 3 for .10
Ladies' Swiss Embroidered Handkerchiefs in the very newest de,
• signs, all very fine qualities for the price we:ask, which is a-
bout 25 per cent less than is charged in. most stores for same
qualities, prices.... 10c, 12c, 15; 20c, 25c, 30e, 35c,
40c, 5.0c, 130c, 75c to •, Is
Lace Trimmed Handkerchiefs
We are showing an elegant essurttnent of jams trimmed handker-
chiefs, all having floe quality of lace alui ineertion, these come. 1.00
in the very newest designs, prices 15e, 25; 40c to
Ladies' All Linen HahdkerChiefs •
All come with very neat hems, are Made of a. fine quality oflinen 0 C
lawn. prices• • _Mee, 15; 20c, and s U
Waistings at 50c, 60c to 85c
In a fine ravine of light and dark shales of pink, blue, old rose,
• red, cream, etc. all are the very newest goods shown for
Evening shades of Mins Veiling, Voiles, etc.
Pink, pale blue, cream; old eose, etc., of NIMS LUstre and
Satin Cloths, all very choice goods 1..qt. evening rorter,;eaxotr: Laid. I .00
ues at per yard.
Cashmeres and Satin Cloths 50c, .60c, 75c, $1
.The fineet line of these goods we have ever had are the ones we
now show for the holiday trade. All are made of extra fine
quality wool and have a yery rich finish. Come in colorand
black. .
Silks for Dresses and Waists
.Black Peau de soie for dresses at 1356 and $1.15, that we guarantee
•not, to cut. .
Lucer flee Silks in all evening shades, will make elegant waists, and
all evert anted not to cut, price per yarce...... .... .... . ...
Blankets for. Oiftg
. Nothing makes a more .substantial gift than a pair
•of good blankets, and the.pereon who gets a pair of our
• fine wool blankets win' be very fortunate, the ones we are
• selling.at $p.59,„3.00, 3.50,. 4.00 and 4.50 • are all great
Silks at .50c, 60c and 75c
At thorse prices we can give you a very large range of silks from
which to choose, all are qualities that, are tte good as can be
made for the price ;Japanese Peau•de chene, Taffeta and Or.
ient Silks are the names of tlie ones we are selling so feet.
Tapestry Curtains •
Ingaosossertheocleceoaletresaaclhl fancy designs having fringe ends we show a
TableCor yrsainufeeaehetpoiLlrpe
e anrgtapestry, in assort3ed.2co5lc:r4s .a5nd0seizned,
:all A
05;1.2s, 1.85, 3.35 to
At $1• •
•We can give you a splendidglove in colors of tan, mode, grey,
white and black, all sizes in stock.
At $1.25
Our gloves at $1,25 come in black dressed or undressed, all are
made of 'selected skins, and are the best gloves for the money
hrve ever seen, they are fully guaranteed, all sizes from 52
to n.
our Kid Gloves' at $9c •
Are the hest glove in the county for the money, they are made of
goodquality of eking, and come in assorted colors.
Nothing could he more suitable for a gift than a pretty tie, collar
• or belt, we have them in all the very latest styles. ties of laee, 10K
silk, etc., In dozens of fleet designs, prices, 25'c, 350, 150c to 1.L U
We can give you everything that s new, morrie silk belts, nicely
corded, all having pretty.buckle at 50; 80; 75c and .85
Turn over and Stock Collars
Of fine Swiss Embroidery, all new designs for the Christmas trade, .50
• prices . 15c 25c 40c and
Of taffeta eilk all nicely trimmed, prices each 35c, 50e to .85
Silk and Shetland Shawls. • •
In very pretty desiens all goods that will Make a very nice Christ- 3 60
rnas peesent, prices each 1.00, 1.25,,1. s
50 to
We are telling Cushion Tops by Ulf dozen these days, we have A
, very fine range that we sue eel ng at 50c each, a great many• •
designs to choose from.
• Silk Drapes ••
All nicely worke4. with gold braid, *etc., all trimmed .with ,silk,
fringe, very suttable for a piano', or mantle drape, come in col, 050
ors of old rose, sky, garnet and crown, .price. each .. . . , . L.
Fancy Bags
Suitable ler laundry,ertockiegs, or for many purposes, made cif de- --0K
nim and fancy plurth, priee each-- . .. . . ... : .. s. U
Chenille CUT tains, 3 yar•de long by $0 and 40 inches wide, come in
volors of garnet. green golden brown, all have heavy fringe on A.00
ends and fancy borders, prices.... . . ..... . 3.25, 2.75 and `l•
In elegant designs and colors, it each., ....... . ......
. ..•
Telint smarmy WANT '
Mr. J. Ca.nipbell of Goclerich. Was in‘ ATIBeIRN. • 4 r
People town this week. ,
1V1r. Mannilig of London was 31(eXiLLOP. TOWNS13.1P.
HERE THEY MEI ' • teaemeeting will be, held in• •
' ' the Mr. Le Hagey who was marrieol eel .
town over Sunde Methodigt chdrch..on ChristmassNight en, has moved "-oat°. his farm. on the '
••• • for which' suclr preparatiiinS. are being I,eadbury Line. r
•, OR WHERE' , e
' • • ' ' ,e ow Mr. Itobert Boyce of Mitchell was a Clinton will deliver his ,famous lee- be offered,. -.1.• - " - , '
' W ' lib. ' ° - on Tuesday. buying. Xmas plants :' • ing the eyening Rev. Dr. Gifford of twit sale' when ,feem and stock will
s Mr. John Cunninghaine •
wz.s in London': Made. as will'eneure its success. Bur- Mr. J.. C.' Kinney will have an elec-
. . . - e
visitee at Mr. R.• Welsh's syesterdlyture on " The Mammoth ei.,',V,C of Xeri- Mr. Qeorge Dundas 40 vim on 'a
Mr• E. -J. Canteron was in Zurich oil Mrs. Teter Cantelon and ker guest, . tucky.." ' - '"'` '. - trip to. Toronto, We wish - him a
, Wednesday. . e - Mrs. C.1.1 a. t s of Brampton, were , in •- ' . . , pleasant time and a safe eeturn. -
TT• TOWNSHIP. ee Mr.. Thos.. Yount has bought the
Lillian Miller is visiting friends " Myth on Wen^sdar. • . • - 333ILLE
0 -eelise
Ma'eter Guy. •131itelcall of Hensa.11 was I.
es to*n' this w'eck. •
s I3oston where .she has Emeceptetr a. fos-.• • .gisses Wiseman and Chidley of S. S. .
itic,n as'tra.inecl 'purse. e •Wo. 13"will have a. public examilatioll - ' ••
barn of Mr.' Simpeon which formerly
4 'near Bayfietd: ' • ... # Miss L. Worthington has gone to • . , . . . ,- '. '
, Mr. _Bert, Kemp *attended •const in . 'befonge_d- totheK1yhestate.
atage,..kinbi la grippe,. is ab e
Mr ' Geo e who had a severe at -
McConnell. of Windsor, Wt Mrs. Ithrry Ryan of the 'Nile was the at an increase•in .salary. ' work with their grinding' Milli 'and. „
'The Messrs; .Munn „letee .' fleasig big
le p be around
e # Mr. John Clarridge has returned from on Friday afternoon., --These young
• Goderich list week as a juryma Hamilton and ..will remain at „home ladies have dose "S)6'lentlid 'service *
n• 'until after New Years. ' • ' the school and have been re-engaged,
Mr. Isaac Barr sold his fift%-. acres, Are .turning out feed in large: quylktit,:.
- Ask 'any. lady if she ever hat too. many Kid.(41oves and she will •tell you no.
• That is one reiSoir wby• they always Ynak,e an acceptable holiday gift.. You can hardly .
make a'fnistake selecting them for a lady: You take no chances if you buy them here
We handle the best ki441Oves at ,each , price that moneY4 can buy, Every ' pair we sell
we guarantee;,• All,the.,'neyvest styles and colorings.: now n stock. •
• -,-, , A •
▪ Ladles" Feeneh • Kid eeleies,
blacks •tuidl. all, the, leading
d. • eolorst two Bane fasteners,.
-' sea ; pliahleesklhie, a' peffect• btecits and till. colors, an /rye glove in every way and entr• e', fin. e extra' good glover to wear, I 0
. • 4 ••
• " specjal valneat our price... U • special .per pair - • I
•Ladies' fine Vretich Kid Gloves - Extra Vine Freneh Kid Glotres
nae from choice skins; thin, .
, „ . made richt eheice selected .
• • skint:, one large pearl .er OXi
, !rat and pliable., perfect fitt• elised Medittian fitsteners, one'
of the handsotnest gloees we
.have • ever ; shown,,. eerie, 1 50(
browns and greysepaer-
' •-•••
• ,
FOR THE -.141:04. P9,LA,5 al •
• ,
, - Around the earner in the Taira'sdepartment you will find Many ,an article :that
. .willAnake•a"pleasing and .acceptable -ioriday gift for roa,nror. Noy. Not 'a store in town
!-..;'with the sioek to select from that is here. *any .new lines; many novelties in holiday
...neckwear just arrived this :week. . ' . * s
, , .s „ ., ,
-p,t1r stock of meneegldees imitable for holiday gifts Was never ,hetter. Viatse We show are correct
•in.colorecorreet in shape, pet feet, fitting end good wearing qualley, "roteare perfectly' safe in i tn •
selecting a pair of the lines we sell at, .. . .. :,..... . . . . .... , ...1 . • 75c, $11. 1. "
• I.
Were going tO snake -Saturday, Dec. C)th. a $5,00 day iii the unantle,department, •
- Whad a mantle business tbat has' Surpassed anything we have'any record of. Such
a business could not help but leave' ts with broken lines and odd.sizes.' These we have,
, gathered together and areg .a ointo clear put'next Saturday a$.00 each, • There id ,
- . noeone in the lot but is worth a good deal more ,
re thEln this price. Some would sell tp '
hjgh as $10.00 in the ordinary way. , t, ,
.• . „
, •
., -15 only ladies witleetnan 00, made of heavers, friezes and cheviots, / le,ngth, semi.fitting, odd
•-..r ones and sizes that are left from lines that sold, at 0.00 to $10.00. 15 people can get. a hate
• I,
gainfor the good otesule Satueday limning at yam, qh(ii60 k FIVE DOLLAR BILL
. •
• •Oe IV. organizer,. ie in .•town."this • eeu"st of her e'ster; Mrs, David COoki
,. A, Rofke. ,' - .
4 Rete Dr. =Meade who hes beeit very ill three Months: visit at the hpme, .
. week. • , . '; . ' Jr.;' the forepart of this week. being east °half .of Jot *4., On t.' e,, 12th iee• "
Mrs. ,Sibley' has elieen (pate ill, ' but Mrs.' Je Ir., Hoover will sing • at the can., to .11Ir; Matthew Bruce. fe'e 53.-.. Mr:
„Mr. Will. eererie *of Mitchell ;as •
'coverieei .• . • , • ,-, church at St. Marys on Sunday and 'move into.Blyth forithe. Present; but
ert, his brother s here for smile weeks; stead hi Hullett. '
Miss Annie Given/tick of"Seaforth has
. giteet. of her daughter, Mee: George ,
, • companied • ,by Miss Reynolds of Mr. C. A. Vatistone, ellemeiller, end
Mrs'. ..Hovey of Mount -Forest is the
,. wriest of the .heieses lItyivorie •on.
' Monday.' , • • .- .
Mr; Arthur 'Welsh ciVtlie.13ayfield Line • husband in. Tormito where they will
is. ,visiting his '• uncle% • Mr, Dated . spei'rel the winter. , • . •
• Welsle of •Sanklaer;,conatiy 'Mich • ' 'Rev. Irre. oulinq Mid Mr, John Rens-
Sr .eitsiroorhii, Jtililligeo 0, ison! 0.f Aubttrn: •
`elereit the guest of her aunt,
Alacillisg wieheek e C4WereT.; °,1!holinelel'i.11" t63awye,
Mies None: Miller has returned,. from
Is eloW, we •aee pleased. to say; re-' opening services of the new Baptist 000 or theeeabouts. Mr. Barr -New 'but in the we# ale fall, bas reterned .
Judge Doyle elves in town cier Manday
;Vrenk Hall,. for the Past few days.
was take* to his horue ie Hensall on Mrs. David Cook and three thildreir
or, his ellevation -to the epasition of- '
Saturday teet. er ' .
Stretforde the• DiVisiote Freight Ag- ...Record .olliee as the most tikely
„Bridge end Buildieg Superintend- e lairy* if the lost- had been found,
ahd reeeh.ed many - eongratulations
Danliwoeds ,by
is the &pee of lerre Mr.. Ilaacke, Jr., Goderich towit.
yesterday. "4 er.
mit, and E. Geese of Twenty, the place • for the • lesets to mace en -
Mid Mrs. Nieleoleone Were 'in town ship,. Were! he . town on Saturdex.
. .
4 • On their' way demo' they found by
eves. Friday- attending a electing of the
. . ferel were el London ini "Thursday and
rice ef th p e t .
a- ' *Monday last to xe-puk.appla in
,left en Saturday last to join her
Mr. W. ..le can -talon, sort of Mr. Date. next,spring.,
MirtO. or 4 re. en
sr,OullatiO:gi6 iirow.
Mr, James Renee el left on Monday to
troit e on Thureeay last after a .
fordwere id London on Thursday and
. towel,' •rhe
Mondey. „. , • • will probably thee a: tem to the •Neerst .
• the roadside a bandbox frill of mil-
let Cantelon, the 'apple kingelefe on
gen al- '' Jim" success,,. Mrs. pen-
oceetalve, of the Synod of Heron. .
enter upon hO netv ditties at Lis -
livery wketh they left it The News -
News -Record wishes the
Brown returned to De-
, . .AAlev,,totowiovr,atvs.,„.4,.....•40‘..."A„Asi.i.y... . . , • ..• ‘At
IT PAYS TO ADVERT•ISE ' •• ' %Nei ree,ret to say, yery iel with' lung
rx nig xgws-R.E0012.8. trouble.
, . .0 ___...—
,....esl 1 .
... ., .• : A daughter of „Mr; Liike Fortune •is,
• - • =friends at .Wiughani for a couple of
Mrs. Irvine, Jr, has . been 'visiting'
• Gecieee Smith, who has beeik
.. .
vvlier• 'e she ebntriteted di 11- 'Hie oneterse were. loon:tele that stiiti.iie.
- .
therm and wde •for senile I.-iiire M:Isvr441el'it4litlitlatill
. in the= hospital. on recovering she iihttlIvrenIggetteset or If Iers.s‘ allied
ing the fruth of the old seyitige.hat . ',Witlirge.e.1:11(1.innt:1:11::letail: trt9Ifdti-ittiaOttltetnoltillii:
, left for home, but on ,the , stre7t. She well eemartt in the letteet
' tweee, attacked by quinsy, exeitentpirlinfe,..
' " troubles never wine Singly,'" friltitde in Michigan.. 'Mies Chew -
Lent host and •Irostese will visit
' eugs is "a elatightetr of et former resi-
Me. John Smith 'attended the ' Veire'el ' tteriOof Ifullett wlib' has prospered
tors" supper held in Loticiesboto' on in etre West, and i$.1* 0110 of the itieest
Friday night - and peesided over the extensive tartars inSoutheett,Inni-
ingetiivteubryoingrga,wnlieierlsi ptoro:)eit
1t, Iles ler first. VOA = to this
juke and she, threes our tete and.
.•• Strong and Ceupland bf Gorrie sel- twenty:acre fields to garden 'Jetta',
• ..f...t********* ...414464161.44,104W• .“....11* **44.4•41******Als******* , ',• editaroIrtiebY 11;9 AtrYNITICaYtegina * '
. „ , 1 e• Beaten, a WO by Miss Bell and , a •
mouth Ogee seleceient be, Mr, l's,6ng- GODERIOH: '.
d .
" limn, The evening was much enjoyed Aft.. A. MeD, Allan. IlaS returned
• ;by ,the large number tiresent, by from the Old Country *here lie tepee-
. 0 gent.,,,
, Clinto: : none more soeure ianentlian by hfr, sented the IYominion Government at
. Smith, , vi,ho Is ti, yery efttilUeittetie. the exhibitions held at Cork, Ireland,
Itt,etnher of the order/
.. ,,* mid NVoltotgispigtOns R#1110,1t. di ,
yEs. AV- IL' JUL
House Puridshings
Perhaps y.ou wantto tone up yo,ur honie before
(:hristmas with a New Carpet; Axminster. .Art
Squares, , Lace curtains, 'Silk 1.able Covers, Golden
Draperies, etc. If so we are QV; prepared to supply the
demand, and to quote special Kices till after the holidays,
Union Cerpefe, yard will; good More, worth 30e, .for 250.
Heavy,. two ply 'Onion Carpet, yard wide, in a variaty of patterme at .35e,
45c anti 450c .
A'special line of tapestry cat pet, in'kood patterns andcolors, regulitr, We;
• for 60e.
Wool Carpet, yard,witfe, in variety of Attertiti at 6, 75e and 05e.
rt Squares, woven. in one piece in,different !sizes up to 4 yards wide by
' ..4I yards lot*, with border nil Around; will tit an ordinary sized room
• without any matching or sewing and will cost no more than any •oth-
, creppet. We haveethem in three qualities. Aft to‘seethern.
• Lace Ottoins, yt all qualities, ft tun 25e 0 $2.56,
Ait Mitslins and. Ourtain,Scrims, 5, Sc, 10e and 15e.
We ehow it large' stgelt of IWO!! Overcoate for young mon in the Ilett.
Itaglanette etyle Which is now so popular, from $0 to$1U.
MOO' Black and Navy Deaver Oi?ercoats, in ail sizes, from 5650 to 510,
hlett's lleavy Frieze.Disters, high 'storm collar, heavy WACEil lining, at
' 045, $4.50 and 50.
Me,KINNON & 00. • BLY.TH