HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1902-12-18, Page 7••• Deognnber .1E041 1902 The Molsons Bank Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 1855. Capital $2,5oo,000 Rest 2,250,000 HEAD OFFICE - -MONTREAL. MoIson Macpherson, President. James Elliot, General Manager, Notes discounted. Collectionmade. , Drafts issued. Sterling and .Amere ee/ican Exehauge bought and sold. Interest .allowed en deposits. • , SAVINGS BANK Interest allowed on sums of $1 and up, compounded hall yearly. . FARMERS. Money adva.need to farmers on ,their own notes with one or more en- dorsers. No mortgage required .as security. et H. C. I3REWE,R, Manager, Clinton. G. D.. McTaggart BANKER. A General Banking Business Vans -act- ed. Notes discounted. Drafts issued. Interest allowed on de- posits. Albert street - Clinton. J. SCOTT, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Money to loan. Office -Elliott Block -• Clintcet. I . W. BRYDONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. Notary, Public, Etc. Office -Beaver Block - - • - Clinton. RIDOUT & HALE, Conveyancers, Commissioners, Real Estate and Insurance Agency. Money to loan. C. B. HAI,E JOHN RIDOTJT f B. R. HIGGINS Conveyancer, Fire and Life Insurance, Mortga.ges, Deeds, Etc., drawn for fie each. All work" neatly and cheaply done. BRUCEFIELD, ON. DR .• W. GUNN, R. C. P. and L. R. C. S., Edinburgh. Night calls at iron door of residence on Rattenbury street, opppsite Presbyterian church. Office -Ontario -street - - . Clinton. DR. SHAW, • PHYSICIAN AND Office -Ontario street SURGEON: - - Clinton. TI p MINTON glOWS4tEcialta. • Eczema's Itch Is Torture Mrs. An McDonald, Kingsville, Ont., writes:-" For about terve years I was a dreadful sufferer from elczeraa. At times the patches of raw, &ening flesh Vtould extend from my waist to my neck and from the knees tie the ankles. The intense itching almost drove me crazy and though I tried all the local physicians, they could not even relieve the suffering The flesh would crack open, and I don't believe any. Pee ever suffered more than I did. I was told of Dr. Chase's Ointment but did not believe that it could help me. After the fifth application of this prepara- tion. I began to feel the benefit of its soothing, healing effects, and now attribute a cure to the persistent use of this wonder- ful remedy. Itis truly worth its weight in gold and I never tire of recommending it to other sufferers." /3esides being a thorough cure for eczema and salt rheum, Dr. Chase's °int. anent Domes useful in a hundred ways in every home for every form of skin irritee teen and eruption, chapped skin and ceilbleinse. 60 cents a box, at all dealers. or Felmanson, Bates i Co., Toronto, Dr, Chase's ' Ointment ereeree_ Tlie NeWs-Reeora • has a large and increasing circulation which , makes t a splendid edvertesing medium. It pays to edveetiee in The News -Record. oe_teeeeeeen..._ ATTEND -THE' BEST -IT •PA,YS. &-• feleeei, (ie7/: ` - • • STRATF012D, :ONT. • • , A large, progreeeive • sk heel and one of the best on this confinent.'..This is a strong statement, but. it is ,a -true oue,• nevert' elees. ',the rea• on - our school has a' large attetidance is be- cause it is a wide-awake, hustling, working, res lt-net.fluciegs 'hool, Rec- ent graduates lave accepted. pesitions • at -salaries' raegieg from ,S45a month to Roe pee, anterm. Write for our new catalogue. • .• . • W. J. ELLIOTT, • STRATFORD.' " • • Marriage FOR LESS THAN COST :THEN BelYeil BOASTS WITH BROAD ' SARDONIO SMILE ON HIS FACE, $40,000 PROFIT BY DECEPTION. 1•...1••••••••••• • Soloneonto 'react nutter Show. Up Modern Business Fractgle to the Very Letter -The Needs of the World Wo - Pay Looked at la' the Light of Th10 Verse. Entered according to .k.et of Parliament of our ;Ma, in, the year 1504, y Walaira BMW, ot To- ronto, 0,6 Om Delft. ASTACaabare, 0.1.awa, Chicago, Dee. 3.4.-A plea for a more generous and kindly treatment of employes And friends is made by Rev. k'. be Witt 'Talmage in this sermon on the text Vroverbs XX, 14, "It is naught, it is naught, Smith the buyer, but when he is gone his way then he boasteth." .Do you see that Jerusalem gentle- man wending his way in and out among the crowded. booths and stores? Do • you st•e him stop and pretend to be examining same artiele as though, he were making up his, mind whether or not to buy? He is, M truth, stopping to hear a• waver-, sation which is taking place between. • an old Hebrew merchant and a. young man who has just arrived, per- haps front the far east, with camel's laden with a large assortment of ex.. .pensive :shawls. "Well," says the yottng reari to the old merchant, "how Much will' you give? I have put every cent into this enterprise. 1 must sell those eawls right away, ley creditors are beginning to crowd • me bard.. My men want their pay right away, .Those shawls are the beat. I could get in the east They cost. me $20,000, cash. a have come • a long distance with them, coal you certainly ought to give rne enough to meet niy expenses." , The old Man shrugs his shoulders. He says!. eely • young friend, I ,do not care what those shaWis have cost" you, . They are utterly valueless to Me. I do not went -them at any price._ The their own abilities and capacity for future work, as may father bad when he started, Which youthful depreesion he woe never able to entii•ely over- come. My grandfather and grandmo- ther were old fashioned folks, who brought up their children in the old fashioned way, never -telliiig them anything cheering about themseiveA. The nearest to a' parental compliment my father ever received was when his mother read his graduating 'speech in the little village .paper of Somerville. After she had linisbed reading It .she, turned to iny grandfather and sithl, "David, that - speech of De Witt'e- must' have, sounded 'quite well when Ito spoke it." Discouraging depreciation is often found in the dealings of employers with their einployes. Many men and women who are at the head of large establishments do not like to com- mend their employes. - They say if you praise .a clerk even a little, that clerk will get too good, an opinion of himself • and will ask tor ari increase of salary. Or, if you -praise anem- ploye, som0. rival firm will hear; of the commendation and come and steal - your man away: • Thus some men never speak kindly to. those wh.o aro in their employ. They ehronleal. ly and systematically growl and fint. fault with everybody and .everything( The doctrine Is tlitttwhen an em- ploye is •afraid of losing his Position ire will work harder alai more faith- fully than- -if the Ine•tcl of the Arm commended him for everything be did • Now, such a _comseias that is pot honest or just. -11.e Mile distinctly says that every laborer is worthy . of ids hire. 11 a man is paid What he oueht td Lu paid°. for doing his work, there is 110 need to filar that to will 'not tis good wt rk• with a few words of eommeridation aft with the dekessing efforts of unjtist and SYsle-.- matie Cepreciation. a tell You can - (Holy ene earnestly that chronic fault finding hos the same _ravel. In a; ft,te- luly t r .;"tore.: as tee cold,. (lark, drI4eling daYs -.of N61.01111101" ilttN-C 1111011 the elorul. world, while woree ef . kindness nod' apprecia- tion have the earne,inspi ation upon the flagging energies of the employes (15 the inspiring strains of th-e regi mental bands. had . upon the despair- • moths •have got into Some of them. • 'ing spirits .of the Freeclf- Soldiers For my_ purposesthey are ruined, Be- when they, wort:es:Ohm. the. Alps . for 'sides that,- thee° shande are • all out their great Italian %le tor i During: of style. . They -, 'Would be a .perfect the last • days' -.01 that. awful ecent, . etrig upon the market.W11 I Wish .';‘,"0,11 011'08 Preach Caarara had to • be Worad .leairo. the .shop. et have dt agged up by the Polies held in • el -ie. of business to attend to and -I have eeldiers!. 'bleedieg banes, Napoleon ( %ter, totteeiigh, thank God, most J congregations are not eelfish and are giving their pastors all the eneourt I agenient and financial support that they eau. A oafish cengreg•ation will start in, with a •syStern. of fault finding. It will grind the minister down and down. It will make ' the pulpit it dumping ground for all its carping and contemptible criticism. It will for years keep its minister upon a starVation salary. Then af- ter awhile, when that minister gets, 4 call from a sister church in a neigh- boring city, with an increase of 52,- 000 or $8,000 salary, that congre- gation will act as though bomb had suddenly dropped oxbow thein. They will gather aroenci the minister to plead with hint with beseeching tears.. The boords of the church will immediately meet and -vote to raise the minister's -salary $2,000. Reso- lutions will be passed begging the minister not to leave them. If that. ministee is so Valuable to the congre- gation now, why was he not appreci- ated before? If the congregation could pass commendatory resolutions now, why not before? Oh, no; that is not the policy upon which many . a selfish church. and many a businees establishment' is , run, The policy • Which is almost everywhere in vogue • it1/2 that against whiuili . Solomon. is giving the warning. of my text. it Is to say ae few pleasant things as possible, to pay as little. as wo cart to those who' are in our employ alkl then to spend the rest of our time in boasting how much we have Leen able • to get for 'little or for practically noth lug. • Depressing depreciation is annually driving thousands ..and htindretis of thousands of poor men, women and cheldrew into life of •crime. and Mt 0 a euicketep matelt. to a premature grave The public is 'guiley of COM- plie4y in the evil. • It not enly en- courages the employee in his inade- •quate remuneration . of his empleye-r, tut it encites it. . Evet•ywhnin the universal cry is, "Give us .somethiree cheap, cheap, -cheap, •chean!'' anti 1)0 • heads of the large factories and Stores are daily trying to meet this demand, and to meet it- the . salaries of employes' must be cut down. • By the laws of s.ocial economics Rome people must be, figuratively,- shoved- .. to. 'thee well.. It is not the head of • the great dry goods emporium who,, as 0 rule, has to, suffer.' . Oh, no. Ile • will get his percentage of 'profit no mattet• what conies. But it,- the • 'mechanic at the bench, it is the inecer no time to waste." • • D.usallarte colldnande'l his Ilinsi'lans female clerk '-eiho receives a salary.- , . . , 1...* The young inexperienced seller bites • , keel' 6e- 1)1.431eth ie e theee inee'lee• . lose than she can live on. •••It is the his lips until thobloed almost comes ing patriotic • ne elo the eniployme' Poor -gewing giii.who has to Work all TI1011 he thinks of his wife and little werde of mete e neat 100 e 0 it 11s1 in. the, (hey and far into • the •houi.s ..of the .1:licenses babiee, He feels he IS staring ruin in eats of the worker note,.0f • night. .11 is %A hOtt S' rule, the. caP- the 'face. :He knows he' must makaa .sweetest end. most .inspi 1 ;44- mesa', fialb,t.' who has to be..crushed and • - - The grinding end Satanic effecte of 1 erms sinlul depretiation in the business t• World ere the Cause Of 1111111y a trage Germs. edy. Look at that feeerall Who wee that poor ereatUre whose body is be. We hear a great deal about tumble her int' a pine box •und shov- 1 them these. days, and rightly ing taken to potter's field? Yee, . ' theyare th d el her under the ground! Wine cares? t00 ' for e ire. She is nothing but a poor, Working . cause of whooping -cough, girl -yes, nothing but a poor working diphtheria, scarlet fever and - girl --yet her life was just as dear to Other di$ANtses of childhood. her As yours to to you. She had an When any of th =.se are in the neigh - invalid mother and 4, little • babY brother. At .Pight, when she wooed horhoOdorou .should useheir purify Vapo-Cresor • t come home from the store, aim would lune • ' e Lve-ry even0inff . I , sometimes bring a •few faded flowers Sleepingms. roOwith this perfecty safe . and put them in an old broken pit- remedy. It is so easy to 1 revent the cher and say: "Come, mother; let's dieease in. this. way. -.For whooping- - play we were out in the country. cough a"t1 eroup, the doctors say It is • , How I wish we could see thee old ' fore he diede Tired? a pc.srfect specific., 39 farm where Papa lased .to take us be- .tle. - The sto.re IS 80()111101,es0.;114a the ' NaposCre:Mlene is 'sold by Ituggisti e . nieutzsthnifixeldriesoeslitileutoihielliyamai lene, the Vapove it r a ryoberej- must be ue eaely in the morning th ' kiss nee tb°tst.liten ,C;elleilte- • eragglets?g'ilne rittfic' ineled6 vernen As SANTA CLAUS.. e Weie not human At Yapo onsl '‘I'e"to l'it" 4 li'' . le and the scoldiegs of the floorwaleer •' ---e ':--- -e---- ..utte)t, ceesmese co. Rn 1 4- k ulton St., New York, U.S.A. e tin , and a rboeftle not; though w of you and the' •13 . s lee physioan; testimony& free open request, _yi.± el: st,'.4.1."•taill:i .)'rent'ss$NIcigriturtaat6enoollitslefoon'tear" tiseri I think good -night.. You %now I 1 1 Y, , . , - . do not, cut so deep. There, mother, . nee eleeeety will Ina Hoiden* to Won Widows. and Orphans. .-„--- be down to the store on time." Day after dit5: she got weaker ' and ... , .. weaker, . The hours 'were long. The Lon,cion, Dec. 15. -The Associated boxes were heavy to lift. All, she was Deese learns that Queen Alexandia „ •earning bread. She was earning it intends to mark her sympathy for with her life's blood. • A,fter Awhile i the sufferers in the recent South Atli - two iittle red spots •almegteed in her can war by giving a Christmas din- thin,.rale cheeks. 'Her eyes had an tier to .all the 0 widows and chilchen . unnatural brilliancy. • Half the night riont in Lonclen, ot these who fell in she would , toss and toss, unable . to the war. The dinner will be given esleep. The hacking cough neeer seem- .0nDec. 27 at the Alexandra Trust, ed to relieve the awful pain in the Resta.urcieteof whirli the Queenis aching chest. One. day . "No, 87" president, and which was founded • in fainted. When she was being carried Marcie, 1900, by Sir Thoina.s Lipton, to the, cloaltroone an ol(1. lady etts- for the benefit of the poor. • .tomer stopped and looked and wiped In the proclamation announcing her her eyes and seed; "Peer, little thing! . intention, • ..Queen - Alexiendi a invites X wonder- if my little grandchild will all the widows and, children of . the ever have to work like that." TWO Soldiers and sailors belonging to the of her companions took -her home. • Imperial and colonial forces who lost After that she could not do much. their lives in South Afeice, or died ' • Still, a •happy, 'smile would - •alwave," front the effects of the campaign. She . welcome the girls who would beep at • . adds: . • • night after thy left the store end • "Her Majesty deeives •Iii elle coq - bring -her an orange - er • en:. ap pi e , nation year to- express her heartfelt ' bought out Of their scanty earningssympathy with those who have- suf- . That • is all. .She is -dead- DOW. • fered the • cruel' bereavement of war; . Tumble her into, the pine box. Shovel and to evieh that happiness and come her under the ground. She is nettle fort may With • God's, blef,,sing, be ing but a poor Working girl. :Whet theirs in the coming year." ' is the matter?' Ob, nothing, .except • • Her Molester will defray . all- the „ that this .continual 'depreciation •of traveling expenses of her. guests. . the price - of .goods leas itievitably driven seine people to the wall, and she is on of the first to go • • Depreciation, when it is urijust, is , condition of spiritual'. life • in • the • the .body ' of eAndrew Geerge Lister,. on the face of the 'cliff below • the cm. a piece • of, jutting reek hypocrisy, and it ie in a . large mea- , Hanging • sure reeponeible fer the -depressed i • church es .well, as in 'the heine •and ' fear:iele. catri3;laineenZI ydeidsatie)ripleattyred•f-sOunin4e the store. Some people seem to think time •ago. The body was 'frozen stiff, that the religion of the Lord y." - Jesus and it was found that the skull .had • Christ has nothing •to. - do • With -the .heen crushed. it is supposed- • that weekdaThey act ae if they had a ' right to leave' their But I Want to.. tell 'you that Clime:Ca !- teachings are • utterly- -at vete/1110 - on a lion:day morning; . as they would.) pee on or off their weekday, be is not - ae Christian 00 a man is not ,a Christian during ;the with such hyporeitical nopsensethe . If Sunday • clothes'. tin re piety, at. - hOitim f along . the edge 01 the piteipice and moving the body-. It 'was lower- ; in the i•iver and teken to the- Maid.of . , - . 'fell: Great edifIlellitY W45 experienced Lister lost his belarree while walkieg 0(1by Means of ropes Leto a roWboat. Allis• '1.4.teding. Listee's former ' tian in. her dealings with her 'Erb- -, benne was in Toronto, Ontee .: Sunday. :Tf a 'Woman is not a' Chris- • . . , Killed' by a Icick, pedieions, she is' not 'rt, .Christiane et,eteeee.e Alvieston, Dec. 15 -James Hama,. cerynian and butcher, her laakee and when she goes' to church. • A falve-, ton; parrip dealer and .manufactUrer,-. was kielted in the head by a horse seryant ;girl and on her.'ehOpping. ex - hood is Just':as big and ;bled:. when . mOrning arid instantly ; _uttered oeer a steep •douneer•ap. weer: .. - . -': -• hilted: . He leaves re widow and six' the shade:ter of the ;uplifted .' hand • - . . '• e• • • - children. et is 'told 40 church'. It iS as heilions , ' _ . • he wee . preachipg •th Ananies ;and • .-• trims axoelient reiVENareeer. .aie offense as was that lie told under Sap/Mita neer; .the Jerusalem temple. . Hereon 1 About t� Startle the World.. • whil h the. apestle •Peter raised • •when .... And so, my beothere ef you want, .to •, • Again It *Is Said. ' • , . : and factorP. s, .yOur adverth'ing col- • unins, .Yol r commere you Must also consecrate. your storeq . er inVention, which, he expects, - rux . eouncelrientes • made in, a seine -official • efealifax; N. Se, Dec, 15. -The Im- re . emnpleted, ' : wheeh• •,corntecrate. -your cluirehee to ...God, way that 'Signor Marconi his anotin• . eleeks' salee•ies erel _your draymen's, experiments .a ial buyers; your startle the world.. 1 -Ie. will net form - wages, • . • . - - . : • ' he says, Will he. b:efore the mid of the ' 'ally anociunce it until the wireless *. Begitming. our sermeir with a, , text year, where is nittpr • speoulatien as : selec ted from. the •look Of ,ProverbS, : Pleinesicistee, • The , two indirectlY . nes new invereeeere.• • - to what: eurn' the inventor will next • Marconi 'will make , we Would, end' ivitle. a spirit J i i esPe pleading perevation from 1,11). bottle of -eed, take, leut. Signor • 'teach prattically the earne greateles- ••' . • no• 'statement, •Whateyer. • . concerniag . - ' • e son.of. or duty to,weed our. fellow. • • • merr-eLet, :tie hear the conelusion .61 the whole mattar.'"tFear God end :keep his coirunandments, • for this , is. . tire whdle . ditty -of- man. : Fee .G od• ' . shall .1.ving :every ' Work into judg-• pent, 'With . every sepret ••thing, whee . ther it be geed or ,• Whether it. be • *Vile.' • Are we one and all ready' to 1 obey this: inspired injunction? Are. eve .. • ready •to. poneeerate . to the •Masters' service our dealings with human; W- ings, as' well • as our: dieeet .detiliegs . With,Christ?' Are we eettcly to cense: Orate our whole levee to Christ -not to-inorrote or next- week • or next xnenitli, btit erowe-ejest • eleee? Brothee, ,. sieter, .do you enow env. better mo - relent to promise to ,• live for. Jesus than this . Moment; Which is ' how ready to fly away? .' eee sale right eway, elect, •he will become welch:wile niid e the employes- some- . settee eti. be tii greet: ceowds which' .ISSUED BY J. B. Ru-rnball, Oiintou Cook's Cotton Root ConipOund is successfully used monthly by over 10,000Ladie3. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask your druggist for cook's Cotton Root Com- pound. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and Imitations are dangerous. Price. No. 1, near box ; No. 2,10 degrees stronger, ss per box. No. 1 or ;mailed on receipt of price and two recent tamps. The (look Company Windsor, Ont. Vir•DloS. land 2 sold and recommended by all responsible Druggists in Canada. • e - Nos. e and 2 are sold in Clinton by H. B. Coinbe, R. P. Reekie, E. HovL ' ey and Watts es. Co. -druggists: , Opposite St. Paul's church. • • a bankrupe. • ele,ogain says, "Oant t bees .evat 0111110 1 heir «teepees 10 ewarin around the "bargain count - you give •• •me-. anything -for those merit the aemiee lotion- Which • their -. twee on•a-elonday incieninge. it ie.the shawis?':'• The old merchanee at -hest, eneeloyers ha.ve expressed:, e: • - :mem wIto o b t tt.nsi says nothiuge. • Teen he. answers: But teougb. were's of (Oit1ll)1'fl(itlt101I life ate ..17ein-g tearreeled .bilder the feet "Well, young Man, • you seem to be- may hal e stith beee eyelet •I Le -n.148. in of men a15V1 , who- el e scouring . in hard 'luck.. 7 will gii-e you 11111,-; 'the 0110101 01",, :(1,•1ling .r.itli cipilleY- the etores •to flad gobes which they . .• - 00(1 if Vou want me to take the clams . .es; yet it 1'. 1111. '. 'Settled -poliey . ei t an p u r till a iaiet little above; or. :even • aged . geeds -. off. yeur . hends. ' The '• ititen,y a 10 '.1006') nitin noie only to SUV ..less (bap; co : -.t. it iS. the peor •gi. 1 • tears •began to et•irt-'froio -elm-you/1g ...nothing pleiteant to his eh:Levee, but.' ks .0‘.1, .111.0.0 as.. aiel the yoang Men- whO :on account, -of the. street and stands thee-, • for a goe to 1311;eaVee0 "ritir.‘ ah -la lo unthe iiis, eie, be: 101 co tif• cirettins.tent es coin, tilled • • mares eyee. Ile is. , tee of -the awful etruggie for.a..livelihood; . show 'them, ITe '.mall a saline, as poes•ible uetil he ie whee ie (telly 1.0.0mittg Larder, are -, stet oevitiee: [hi 1)1 into elle: • out-• • • 'while to thint. 'While he is -Lbere tilt 1.1) pa tlienr nio e. -1 am _sot re Le t• t, 1.e:bed 1)1 '1 of' temptiiiion and old • 'Merchant's eyes 'sharplY: foll'oW • -iiiiy, too that thie spirit, of de.P1 oda- Wee e e be: 0)0 1111, »an e, 4e,c.1 Mere '1 ee • 'him.. . There the Young Man cpmes • tient; this. reluctiliae to recogni. e and . ; (1)1 1l,i1 id Wt. their . thin, • pale. 111;s ' Joirk at last and. Say,s: '.'`X - guess . 1 reward meriee ee • eoutetiines •seen 10.• iVr the pellelee, i tteiniuse 1.e11.,0 ous evill take yetir offee. - -That - means I tbe.reletitne -- of ' a • eliureh, to its Mine e k.i'ss .0. bin, ' , . - , . . • .', DR, C. W. THOMPSON • PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. • Special attention given to' diseases oi the Eve, Pear, Nose and Throat. (illiee -gel Residence - Albert street East, Clinton. North of Rattenbery street. DR. O. W. MANNING -SMITH PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Killop Mutual. Fire. . . • • 'Insurance Company • • Farm Oud. Isolated .Town lerbeere • ty Only. Insured. •-OFFICERS • .1. •B. McLean, President, Kippen 0. ; Thos. Fraser; . Vice -President, Brucelield -E. 0. ; T, E. Hay.s, Sec.- ,Treastirer, Seaforth P. • 01 ; W. G. Broadfoot, . Inspector...of Losses; Sea - forth P. 0. . • . • . DIRBCTORS • • ' W. •G; • broedfoet, ..-Seaforth jobn mast: lose all the money I ever -made po ..........:,,.......,,t: jos . , t.... " .,_,.,, ., . .•• ....„. . , vv , )•MI . . . MEM i . .• . ee Jn my life. That means .1 will net "; • " . • ' . . . ---- - • .00"m e ' • . • . .-- ...°11°Y.till'°w aWaY' six *mon th s :'hal"1. l,PiTtittiltlIfillitillffilTIVIitlirttiltiltittlinifIllIttlIYITtiln ..reork,.., b.ut. that now I am, treterly • • - . . . . Tinned.- ., ITarcily Ites the you= men bit• when when Kieg Solomon, for he is . ,...._ • • t he listener, . ere; , the old -ine r *era ...- lat. in to rub tow Vier his • lumbs in • Sr-. efec• ' A breed, s ard on ic 'sin i le • over- re- .0-- sereaces his inereiline face. lIe calls ee- • : to • his partner ' and says: - •- Isitac, Z. -- come her0 and s:?0 these goods. Did; ir.--." _.• you' ever. eee such awatitits? .Why• . _.L.._.• • : thte,5 sha•wls are worth at least .$40,- „,..._tee- . 000 clean profit. •I never eruck • e. a better . bargain. • That , V0u115, ' .111011 Si. . tmply gave teem away to me. Just e."-- •• .. . leek at Lb me , esteac'. • I ' borigh t them raP 810,000; at l'eaSt $1f,i,090 • 10.-s .• , - • .. . ' tht•ti. they cost. I' Must go andtell r.ve wdili • . 1 • ever have -tho.ught that 'young man .. . this nthening..: . Forty ehoiesand dole. • .lars .clear profiel„ Aha; wine would • rege • .= • e .71.1. facts..., sist.- 2.-. 40-• ow- = . , ' . fiebteca how- inueli we .have .• made ...s. • could' be 'such a 'fool?" ' Ts: this not , • • 4 .... • a rational inter wetationiof 'mytee-.1e , 0It is naught it inatghteseith th,1111'011111,K • • • • then be boasteth?" . • • .. • Men's., All -Wo6l. • .buyer, but when' be is gone his WaY ' . . • Office formerly occupied by Dr. Pal- Grieve, Winthrop ; George Dale,. •Sea -- lister on Main street. •• forth.; John Watt, Ilarlocke 'Jobe BAYFIET,D ----- - Ont. Bennewies, Brailhagen -; James Evans,. • ' 13eechwood ; James Connolly, Clinton,. • John. McLean, Menne, .•. ' e • . • '• . ' 'AGENTS. ' • D12. AGNEW, •Robert Smith, Harlock .; Reffiert Me- e DENTIST. • Milian Seaforth e James .1 Cuinmings, 'Will be at Bayfield every Wednesday Egmondville ; J. '' W.. Yee,. Holmes- villei • • • . Office- Parties' desirous tp effect- Iiisuranee .Adjoining Henry's Photo Gallery, • ore transact • ether business. Will be Clinton. promptly attencled• to on application afternoon. DR. G. ERNEST HOLMES. Specialist in Crown and Bridge Work. D. D. S. -Graduate of the Royal Col- lege of Dental Surgeons of Ontar- io. L. D. S. -First class_ honer graduate of Dental Department of Toronto University. Special attention paid to preservation • of children's teeth. Will be at the River Hotel, Bayfield, every Monday from ere a. M. to 6 p.m. DR J. FREEMAN, VETERINARY SURGEON'. A ntember of tbe Veterinary Medical Associations of London and Edin- burgh and Graduate of the Ontar- io Veterinary College. Office -Ontario street - - Clinton pposite St. Paul's church. one 97. DR. BALL VETERINARY SURGEON, GOV- ERNMENT :VETERINARY IN- , • , SPECTOR.- . Office -Isaac etreet- - - - Clinton Residence;Albert street - Clinton!, THOS. BROWN, LICENSED AUCTIONEER,. Sales conducted. in all parts of the 'counties of Huron and Perth, Or - dere left at The News -Record, of- fice, Clinton, or aildressed to Sea - forth P. 0. will receive prompt attention. Satisfaction gearan- teed or no charges. your pat- ronage solicited. „ TRADE Manes DestciNs Coeeteloel7s &e, Anyone sending a sleet RI and deseriptien msy 'quickly aseertain nut opinion free whether an Invention is nrobtibly Patentable, Cortinnunca. thins strieur consdentini. Tiatideook on entente cent free. meet deeney for seeuring_patento. Patents taken through Binntt & Co. reeelvf *pedal notice, without Charge. In the Sciewlifit Jimericatt. 15 hendsomelY illustrefed n'efddir, I,Aretat Ole .oniation of any sderitiflo !tunnel. Terme. ea ar ; four months, $1. soid by an tiotereeteere UNA & Cot ,,3° t'"(1414' N Vont .eraueu tvatimaiazn. D.( , to any of the above officers aedressecl to their respective pestoffices. . . . . . GRAND 'MUNK ficilLWRY SYSTEM TIME TABLE.• • Trains will arriye at and depart frem Cliatoti Station as follows BtIFFALO AND GOT/MICH DIV. Going East Express 7:38 m. 4 t " Mixed 4,15 p. 111. " West "•• .10.15 a. 01. " " Express x2.55 p. " • 7.05 a.' in. 10.27 p. tn. LONDON, HURON AND BRUCE DIV. Going South Express 7,47 a. • i " •' Mixed 4.15 P. 111. 255. •rn. North Express • 10.15 a. rn. " " Mixed 6.55 P. A. O. PATTISON, P. R. IIODGENS, •Agent. •Town Ticket Ag, M. C. DICKSON, District Pass, Ag., Toronto . . SDAIET OUT ••• •OrtIffl11111111m ••••• this conveemat ion takes place tee ' • ' " • In twee 1 the elemitite idd merchant •eme• • ow. ' Fancy. Tweeo. Suits and his pertinr, enethines I can • see . . • ....0 benefit:Li look come 'over the face. • of the disguised ing who is standing • Latest and. most durable patterns', gotten up in'first-claes Style, French facing, • lined with • • • »ear by. . t can' hear, him eree • e•- th e . best 'of karm ors $6.Satin and fit perfect, at s liloquite: " w IToconm teptib° le and sr-- • .00 : despicable J?ii wholesale 'system of - prices reduced'frono $10. and$8 to • , snlndItng Appreviations! . How• de- • . . toilful and damning it was for that • nit rchant, intit embody among se- • • tz-- Men s High Grade Winter Overcoats old •nterehant to despoil that roting etiy iu•overhe for the benefit of all my • • 3008.1qade from.fine imported 1<erseys, , Meltons, •••46 eeto niost universal ned sieful habit." Friezes and 'Beavers plain and. rough effects, • • mottle a .warning agednet Ws ale -ea se ting alone in eis perinea etudy, be e,en..- all.shades, all lengths, equal to custOm . Made a That night, while .the greet eine.. is • fere- . ri- keeeee ee„..,,--,- .•• . .$14.00, $12.50, $8.50 searkling gain to his etteket of sci:....s takes up his pen mid tickle Mit:there eeee,7 • garment at Whiting Jewels. of wisdom. 7 . Weithl 2,-.-- --- Boys 3- a . only In theefemorcharit'S parlance, but tiere os 37Piece,Sp.its ;interpret thelsson of this text II ' enoe mee .,, Pr‘ciations of every walk in iiie, no 7.-._ blue serge and fancy tweeds, sizes from 4 carefully madein the latest styles of all • also in rrence to the wicked de- "'"' matter where the sinful practice inte,V le-- wool ' .5 be found, ^ *-- • to 16, worth $8 and $6,60, for • $4.50 =-1: Now, my friends, as far ith I can o..... • . modll ...se understandf our pocial /fie, the great- al..." • for a, few mop gigantic factories to :___ Also about 60 Boys' 2 -Piece Suits run night • -711 = ei t need othe world to -day is not- ....er tering of scalpi• ng knives and Swords zr_ in. Norfolk and Double Breasted cut, made of •,. ' and clay for the manuface 11"`" -- and daggers and iron tipped clubs or aree . heavy weight tweeds, worth for • •$3.00 -. Ora oomal fir great, kilns. Where beickbats can '"'""•: 5. Long Hair AOCIMINXISIbblatbbiLIOVALIZZOLT "About a year ago my hair was Corning out very fast, so 1 bought _ a bottle, of Ayer's Hair Vigor. -.stopped the falling and made my = hair grow very rapidly, until nOW it _ is 45 inches in length e" -Mrs. A. sf - Boydston, Atchison, Inns. . There's another hunger , than that of the stomach. Hair hunger, for instance. . 7 Hungry hairneeds food, - needs hair vigor -Ayers. This is why we say that Airer's Hair Vigor always • restores color, and makes . the hair grow long and , - heavy. 41.00 a bottle. your dreggist cermet eepple you, - tend tie orte detiat and we win' expreet _ you it bottle. ne lure arid kiVe tIrb nalha of vett nearest express office. Address, C. ARO. co., /41011, Mass, -15n Pairs of Men's Ali Wool Pants o “ ••••• .0MB ' be hardened out of dirty clay . to •--.40 ' 'threw at °Ur brother. • The great ••••- ' . . . . 1 need Or the world ,is note foa. few ree.7 e -e• - • O es faults and; remiading him of hie ierer see . fee se-__ , chec.lAtsl,l sizes, tailored, in fancy stripes and • wurth $6 and $3.60, now .$4.1 and• $2.50 - a. Microecopes and X ray' magnifying and exposing our broth- le*-• own imperfect:1one. But the greatest • Christlike ., pharmaceutic establish- _At-- - in all sizes, worth $2.50, for • . . rill thon tilt in thoSe hoines every father Fr -- mid inother, ' brother and sister, is---__ Men's TWeecl Caps worth 60c, for . 25e -4 ought to be Inis;y art. the tante trying to compound ohl• fashioned, invigor- 40-- Men's all wool Underwear in all sizes, worth -.4.. ating allopathic doses of gospel ell- ....,se-- . ' $1.00 -1. couragemeet. They should be quick Pee.* $• 1.50,a suit, selling price • . . ..... ......_ Also a.nice line of 1Vien's Ties in Knots, - Four- • ..... to. teteognize and praise one an'other's = tesott Poitts 0,8 Well as their faults. 25e 3 They shOuTd onCOurage .0ach °a tr.-... in -Hands and Bows; worth 50c,ffok • . •••• with Words of inspiring. good cheer '• .•,.....s.j, ..... j ail well as caution them with wet de '''' en 4.4e. en .e. ee .e...nee e. en en .e..e. ee 4444 en en .e. en eedeeenen en eeeen .4•7.16, i of trenchant warning ageinst the 2= • ...op 1 WM:I:sands and Alio hidden spares of :I . ..... ! the encouragements' he needs, for ......, • N.. Jackson Sr.......,_. ....,, ...* , ...4 I I t a inan's Hones do not give him I.= = ........ ..... lire's struggle, surely his enemies r-_, e novrr will. God knowS, an average = .. .4 • .'.1 • man gets enough knocks from his• II.. CLINTON... a enomica-enough blows upon kis •= ......, -...., need of the world is for at least ' Men's Fine Stiff Hats 500,000,000 homes to be turned into • • Tragic Ignd at the Fells. Niagara Falls, N.Y., • Dec. 15. e - • ; :Then Oxon, Old. • ,• nOiange-etetVi, OLf6tnhge eAnl.lare.rsbtiotann, fordshirik, England, are said - eby statistician to have emicleed kbhe age - f Of. 90 ..years. Love Homan and Devine,. The love that, abandoning the • vino, clings to the 'timpani is etili.. IT PAYS. TO ADVERTISE • IN TIM NEWS -RECORD, . • • head and heart-eto make it, abaolufe- ly necessary for at Toast some one to V Inot want Yon!" Isved °nes te St say something pleasant. You do I put in Ma ntui ft, depressed idea. %.st CA 4:-V• Sytitp. So 0 t h.es anct heal• s the' 'sore" throal 'and weak. lungs: After a ,feNir closes the cough is re- lieved, ,the soreness . passes.• .away. • • G.ray's Syrup* curs to stay cured.:;- At Drugglsts 2'C'ts; L..aatat t..i b1,11,1. kilAt 1,611ii 1IliniCbrebbbalte.b.bbltiaii.Oba,..1,4111iLidiabLe,IiI4 ill iii •The Ring.eof Peandes " lesUCteeS ,11:APPY .TI:IOUGHT " prim day has One; past 'When a wise woman will put up with aft inferiOr cooking' apparatus. She has ,heard of The "Ilappy 5 • TholLight" R.agge, do.The Co ,rr :war.e.d Vverl and her iteiklabors tell her what it will . If by chalice yoli do not know the nierig of „The "Happy Thought's you owe it to yoniseit to investigate.' See the Range, .took into the firebox and fines, weigh the covers, "lute the patented' dainners, the ventilated, illuniin hied oventhe corrugitte&I oven plates, • and all the different featurts that inalo this Range so different and no superior. Volt don't know true holioehold 'comfort if you don't know The 14 Ifitopy Thought 0P Range. • Mgt* fhe Newf.: dotes for Ittaittetect cetetorie. ilad. The WM. BUCK STOV1'CO.,4101taktin by p••••••••• liARLAND • BROS& CLIATTON... „ • .1 • V • , 10 t